Student Industrial Internship Project

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  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    Table of ContentsList of Figures  .............................................................................................................................................. 3

    List of Tables  ............................................................................................................................................... 4

    Acknowledgement  ....................................................................................................................................... 5

    Executive Summary  .................................................................................................................................... 6

    Abstract  ........................................................................................................................................................ 7

    Introduction  ................................................................................................................................................. 8

    Scope of Study  ......................................................................................................................................... 9

    Problem Statement  ................................................................................................................................ 10

    The Relevancy of the Project  ............................................................................................................... 10

    Background and Literature Review  ........................................................................................................ 11

    Feasibility of the Project within the Scope and Time Frame ............................................................ 13

    Methodology  .............................................................................................................................................. 14

    Research Methodology  ......................................................................................................................... 14

    Key Milestones  ...................................................................................................................................... 15

    Results and Discussion  .............................................................................................................................. 16

    Data Analysis  ......................................................................................................................................... 16

    Findings  .................................................................................................................................................. 43

    Project Deliverables  .............................................................................................................................. 44

    Conclusion and Recommendation  ........................................................................................................... 50

    Impact  .................................................................................................................................................... 50

    Suggested Future Work for Expansion and Continuation ................................................................ 50

    Safety Training and Value of the Practical Experience  ........................................................................ 52

    Lessons Learned and Experience Gained  ........................................................................................... 52

    Leadership, teamwork and individual activities  ................................................................................ 57

    Leadership and teamwork   ................................................................................................................... 57

    Individual activities carried out during internship ............................................................................ 58

    Problems and Challenges Faced and Solutions to Overcome Them ................................................ 64

    Appendices  ................................................................................................................................................. 66

    References  .................................................................................................................................................. 69

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    List of FiguresFigure 1: Radial Cutting Torch Contents

    Figure 2: A Perforating Torch Cutter (PTC)

    Figure 3: Electric-line

    Figure 4: Slickline

    Figure 5: Coiled Tubing

    Figure 6: Drill Pipe

    Figure 7: Extension

    Figure 8: Pressure Balance Anchor Assembly

    Figure 9: Thermal Generator

    Figure 10: EMA with retractable arm that will retract when current is passed to tool

    Figure 11: Check Fire Panel

    Figure 12: Fire Panel Filter

    Figure 13: Remote Firing Mechanism (RFM)

    Figure 14: Melted Metal on PBA Body

    Figure 15: Incorrect taping

    Figure 16: Metal chunks from RCT cut

    Figure 17: PTC punch on

    Figure 18: RCT Tool string with EMA

    Figure 19: Drift Gage run

    Figure 20: Multifinger Imaging Tool

    Figure 21: A toolstring with Casing Collar Locator

    Figure 22: Chemical Cutter and Example Cut

    Figure 23: Flare of Jet Cutter

    Figure 24: Different O.D Jet Cutters

    Figure 25: Mechanical Cutter

    Figure 26: Example figure

    Figure 27: Example i-handbook program on Windows OS

    Figure 28: Example output from i-handbook program

    Figure 29: Item code on package

    Figure 30: Manifest Tool Accessories List

    Figure 31: Safety Data Sheet

    Figure 32: Project Organized by Me on Daya Maxflo website

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    List of Tables

    Table 1: Chemical Composition

    Table 2: Cutter Comparison

    Table 3: Pressure Rating

    Table 4: Coil Tubing Selection Chart

    Table 5: Casing Selection Chart

    Table 6: Selection Chart for Drill Pipe

    Table 7: Selection Chart for PTC

    Table 8: Selection Chart for RFM

    Table 9: Selection Chart for EMA

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project



    First and foremost, the internship opportunity I had with Daya Maxflo was a great chance for

    learning and professional development. Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky individualas I was provided with an opportunity to be a part of it. I am also grateful for having a chance to

    meet so many wonderful people and professionals who led me though this internship period.

    Bearing in mind previously, I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and

    special thanks to my supervisor, Mr. Chen TanLin, who in spite of being extraordinarily busy

    with his duties, took time out to hear, and keep me on the correct path by providing valuable

    guidance to carry out any given task which covers a wide range of activities at their esteemed

    organization during my internship project. Apart from that, I express deepest thanks to my office

    manager, Ms. Mazliana Ahmad Jafri, for taking part in useful decision and giving necessary

    advices and motivation. Not forgetting, I choose this moment for everyone that I worked with, to

    acknowledge their contribution gratefully, especially to Ms. Nur Dalila Abdul Aziz and Mr.

    Amir Che Abdul Mutallib for their persistence in teaching me to enable a better absorption of

    knowledge within myself regarding oil and gas industry.

    My deepest sense of gratitude to my UTP supervisor, Professor Mariyamni from Petroleum

    Engineering Department for dedication of time to evaluate this whole process, both theoretically

    and practically. It is also my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regards to my family

    members and friends who never failed in putting faith on me, and also for being inspirational and

     pushed me to move forward without hesitation. An honorable mention goes to Daya Maxflo Sdn.

    Bhd for providing me an opportunity to do my student industrial internship project, as I will

    strive to use these gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way.

    Last but not least, I would like to thank Centre for Student Internship Mobility and AdjunctLectureship (CSIMAL), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS for organizing this internship

     program, and also for keeping us updated about the requirements which helped in organizing the

     project schedule while giving out continuous support as I perceive this as a big milestone in my

    career development.

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    Executive Summary 

    Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) carries out many programs and activities for the

    students to achieve its objective, which is to produce well- rounded graduate. Well roundedgraduates from UTP have great potentials to be creative and innovative leaders, who can

    contribute to industries and nation because they not only possess technical skills but also other

    traits such as good communication and behavioral skills, business acumen, practical aptitude and

    solution synthesis ability, lifetime learning capacity and critical thinking.

    In line with the vision to close the industry gap, UTP has made a compulsory 14-week internship

     project for undergraduate students to ensure UTP graduates to meet employer expectation.

    This report will outline and describe the project undertaken by the author at Daya Maxflo Sdn.

    Bhd. and emphasize on the author’s understanding relating aspects of theoretical knowledge as

    well as industrial application.

    The internship project was carried out under Operation Department of Daya Maxflo, Megan

    Avenue I, Kuala Lumpur. As an intern under Operation Department, author able to learn about

    extensive range of products and services which are globally recognized, approved and utilized by

    the industry throughout Malaysia and Asia to maximize drilling and improve oil production.

    This report also includes lessons learned and experience gained by author including management

    skills, process of planning, constructing and testing, as well as importance of  teamwork,

    leadership traits, technical knowledge and not forgetting, problems and challenges faced along

    the way. Throughout this training, author learned to adapt real working culture and exposed to

    industrial environment to develop soft skills and helps in enhancing working experience in order

    to manage level of expectation and gain a better idea on the real world’s application. 

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project



    The aim of the project is to discuss the working principle, challenges and troubleshooting

    techniques of the non-explosive tubing-severing tool, the MCR’s Radial Cutting Torch (RCT).

    The project is mainly related to well intervention wireline service, which will focus on tubing

    severing. RCT is a patented severing device used to cut tubing, casing, drill pipe and coil tubing.

    This project utilizes qualitative research method by analyzing and explaining about the working

     principle, challenges and troubleshooting techniques of the RCT tool and its accessories. The

     project data sources were collected from real event case studies and report papers from the Host

    Company, Daya Maxflo’s field engineers. Some other parts of the information regarding the

     project were also collected from MCR Oil Tools, the device manufacturer in USA. Throughout

    out the project other RCT tool’s accessories such as Perforating Torch Cutter (PTC), Electro

    Mechanical Anchor (EMA) and Remote Firing Mechanism (RFM) will be also discussed, this

    tools are used together with RCT to overcome the downhole dilemmas.

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project



    Daya Maxflo Sdn. Bhd. (DMSB) is a specialized oilfield service company for drilling, well

    intervention, enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and production enhancement. One of Daya Maxflo’smain services is non-explosive pipe severing. As an intern under operation department of

    DMSB, I had the opportunity to understand the pipe severing operation and the selection of

    appropriate pipe severing tool that suites the well condition. Pipe severing is an important

    operation during salvage operations, fishing operations, certain production operation and drilling

    operation. Swift action to expedite the operation is very important for the clients because in some

    situation, these operations might jeopardize the production. As acknowledged, RCT is one of the

    competitive devices available to overcome this situation, as RCT is a non-explosive tubing,

    casing, drill pipe and coil tubing severing device. The RCT is more preferred than other tubing

    severing tools by most of the Oil and Gas companies because of its non-explosive properties and

    fast deployment time. The tool transportation time is greatly reduced because the tool does not

    contain any explosive material and the packaging is compact. Different pressure rated and sizes

    of RCTs are available for different pressure range and tubing sizes and hence, the suitable RCT

    is chose based on the well condition. The appropriately selected tool can be lowered into well on

    electric wireline, slickline or coil tubing to the desired depth. The mixture iron oxide, aluminum

    and magnesium inside the RCT give out controlled thermal event, which is the plasma with very

    high temperature and pressure. The high temperature and velocity plasma effectively erodes the

    target material. Clean severing are made without making severe damage to well completion, this

    is an advantage that other severing tools does not have. Last but not least, the after using the tool

    it can be disposed as scrap metal which does not require any special disposal method.

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    Scope of Study

    The scope of study involves the working principle of the non-explosive tubing-severing device,

    RCT. Also, it covers about the non-explosive contents of e device and how greatly it helps to

    reduce the transportation time. It also discusses about the compatibility of the device with the

    well design and condition and the usage of external accessories to overcome dilemmas and its

    compatibility. Other than that, the type of challenges while severing the tubing and process to

    overcome the challenge was also emphasized along with the tool string assembly describing

    where the RCT is assembled. In the scope, the RCT will be compared with other tubing-severing

    tool currently being used and available in the market, hence, the advantages of the RCT will be

    discussed by comparing with other tools. Besides that, the project includes the troubleshooting

    method, situation that caused the trouble by preventing the RCT from functioning normal and

    how to overcome this situation in future as a way to determine the beforehand solution. Last but

    not least, the compatibility of the RCT (operational selection chart) to with available standard

    tubing sizes will also be discussed briefly in few tables.

    Other than that, this project also enable clients to select a tool works with energy efficiency and

    tolerate other factors such as time and effort. As acknowledged, in engineering, incorporating

    sustainability into products, processes, and technology systems integrates economic and social

    factors in the evaluation of designs. Hence, converting these concepts into the quantitative design

    tools and performance metrics is a must. In that way, the tool that had been discussed for this

     project which is the Radial Cutting Torch (RCT) and the operational selection chart is created to

    supply clients with adequate information on the availability of appropriate type of tool depending

    on their well condition. This acts as a medium to provide clients with deeper insights on the

    advantages and content of the tool which is indirectly sustainable compared to other existing

    tools with same functions.

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    Problem Statement

    The problem statement of the project is to provide the clients with a deeper understanding on the

    working principle of non-explosive tubing severing tool RCT. This project was conducted inorder to provide a platform for clients to gain a better access for tool selection and also to

    indirectly create a medium for clients to understand the advantages of the non-explosive tubing

    severing tool to determine what type of RCT tools are suitable for certain type well condition.

    The information for the project was gathered from tubing severing projects accomplished by

    Daya Maxflo. Few relevant projects were selected and the quality review and job report were

    studied thoroughly. The well completion and design depends on the formation and the reservoir

    characteristics. Moreover, selecting the appropriate RCT type for the well condition and design

    is an essential part of the tubing severing operation. Appropriate tool selection will greatly affect

    the rate of successful tubing severing. In this kind of situation, the well design and completion

    might prevent the RCT from functioning in downhole. It is important to resolve the changes

    imposed by well design and completion and find out how challenges while using RCT in

    downhole can be overcome for a better result. Lastly, identification of the types of external tools

    to be used to overcome the challenges is essential in determining the successful accomplishment

    of the operation.

    The Relevancy of the Project

    As a Petroleum Engineering Student from Universiti Teknologi Petronas, not forgetting to

    mention, as an intern of Daya Maxflo, which is an oilfield service company, the project is closely

    relevant and related to my discipline and the host company. The results of the project will

    contribute in giving an easy yet broad understanding for future employees and clients of DayaMaxflo about the tubing severing and also, this project will be playing a major role as a good

    solution and alternative for Daya Maxflo to provide to their clients as a helpful reference. Along

    the time taken, all my engineering knowledge was acquired especially in discussion relating well

    completion and design, material science and drilling engineering as it contributed mainly to

    accomplish the role of this project. By undertaking this project, I had the opportunity to apply the

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    knowledge that was learned from the university, which helps me to gain better understanding and

     boost my level of adaptation in synchronizing my knowledge with the application of real

    working world.

    Background and Literature Review

    The oil and gas industry is a one of the world’s largest industry with trillion dollar revenues

    worldwide. Usually the oil and gas industry is divided into three different major sectors,

    upstream, midstream and downstream. The crude oil will go through many processes before it

    reach to the consumer in a consumable form. The upstream or exploration and production sector,

    which includes searching and developing facilities to produce the potential underground

    resource. The upstream sector can be considered as the most important part in oil and gas.

    Moreover, the upstream sector made up of forty percent of the total investment of a company.

    Year by year due to high demand of oil and gas, the improvement upstream production

    technology always been an important concern to all oil and gas companies.

    The well which is the conduit for the crude oil to flow to the surface facility or sometimes in the

     process of increasing production, the well is also serves as an injector. In the oil and gas

    upstream production phase the process of making the well ready for production or injection is an

    essential process.  A well completion is very important for an efficient, safe and reliable

     production or injection as it is defined as designing, selecting and installing any tubular, tools

    and equipment in the purpose conveying, pumping and controlling production fluid. The well

    completion design depends on few factor such the formation strength, reservoir characteristic

    and reservoir management. Any event that preventing the well completion from functioning

    normally will also prevent any ongoing production or injection from continuing. To overcome

    such dilemma, the workover process, which is pulling and replacing any completion, will be

    carried out. In some situation, the pulling and replacing process requires severing process. The

    most common practice by oil and gas industries for severing is either explosive or chemical

    cutting method.

    However, the cutter comes with number of cons in safety, operational, temperature, pressure and

    fluid aspects. Hence, a patented severing device, Radial Cutting Torch (RCT) was introduced in

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    the market. Compared to other cutter the RCT comes without any of the cons that other cutters

    have. The RCTs are also used in salvage operations fishing operations, certain production

    operations and drilling operations. The mixture of powdered metals inside the RCT gives out

    controlled thermal event, which is the plasma with very high temperature and pressure. The high

    temperature and velocity plasma effectively erodes the target material. Clean severing are made

    without making severe damage to well completion, which is a major advantage that other

    severing tools does not have. The notable important advantage of the cut is no flaring left in

    severed material. For other cutters, post-milling process is required to remove the flaring,

     because it might lead to severe future damages. But it is not necessary for RCT because cuts

    made with RCT does not produce flaring, due to this great amount of time and cost can be saved.

    Only the MCR Oil Tool’s license holders are authorized to perform any RCT jobs. Proper

    training is required in order to obtain the license from the tool manufacturer MCR Oil Tool.

    Daya Maxflo is one of the license holders to perform RCT jobs in Asia Pacific and Australasia.

    This project will deeply discuss the working principle mainly the compatibility of the RCT tool

    with tubular, the challenges faced while performance in well which will focus on the cause and

    the troubleshooting methods to remedy the problem and develop better alternatives and


  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project



    Feasibility of the Project within the Scope and Time Frame

    The project was feasible to be accomplished within the scope and in given time frame. As

     previously, my host company’s COO Mr. Arthur Sam delegated the project and followed by

    supervisor, Mr. Chen that acts as an advisor of this project and never failed to give me essential

    guidance along the way. On the other hand, colleague Ms. Dalila assisted in gathering the

    sources for the project by helping in gaining a better understanding on the scope of this project.

    Overall fourteen weeks were allocated by UTP for internship students to complete their Student

    Industrial Internship Project, and as the project was assigned to me in first week of Student

    Industrial Internship Project, I was completely able to manage the findings and complete the

     project within the given time frame. Not forgetting to mention the teamwork and other’s

    cooperation played an important role in this accomplishment of completing the project as

     planned throughout all the challenges faced.

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project



    Research Methodology

    The scope of the project will cover the working principle of the Radial Cutting Torch (RCT),

    challenges to complete a successful cut in downhole and the troubleshooting methods when the

    RCT device does not function properly. This project was carried out using qualitative research

    method as it provides insights into the problems and helps to develop accurate alternatives to

    gain a better understanding of underlying reasons.

    Qualitative Research Method

    The Daya Maxflo’s Job Report and Performance quality review were collected and perused to

    understand the application and challenges faced in wellsite while running RCT. A qualitative

    research interview has been done in the form of data collection using group discussions to gather

    information from other colleagues. For further understanding the contents of the RCT, MCR Oil

    Tool was contacted under telephone survey method to gather information and gain a closer

    insight into the RCT contents. Other than that, online research was also done to observe the

    various official documents, pictures and other materials as a source to gather better information

    and case studies related to RCT.

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    Key Milestones

    In order to mark key dates along the way, Gantt Chart were used to determine the progress of the

     project within the scheduled time frame. Please refer to the Gantt Chart that is provided at the

    appendices section to get an accurate view on the milestone of this project. As the project’s main

    goal, the end result of this project, will act as an extra reference material for Daya Maxflo to

    understand the contents of RCT and also to develop solutions beforehand. Also, the results of

    this project will be a quick and easy reference material to be provided to Daya Maxflo’s clients. 

    The selection of RCT tool type will takes place accurately when the Host Company use the

    solution provided in the end of this project.

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    Results and Discussion

    Data Analysis

    The Radial Cutting Torch (RCT) is a tubing-severing device, that available in different sizes and

     pressure rating. The mixture of powdered metals inside the RCT, which is the pyrotechnic

    composition, gives out a very high temperature pyrotechnic heat source. A pyrotechnic

    composition is homogenized mixture of powdered fuels and oxidizers. The pyrotechnic

    composition of RCT can be categorized as below:

    Substance Function

    Aluminium FuelsMagnesium

    Iron (III) Oxide Oxidizer and Catalyst

    Polytetraflouroethylene (PTFE) Oxidizer

    Table 1: Chemical Composition

    As a result of non-explosive and self-sustaining reaction, the mixture gives out controlled

    thermal event, which is the plasma with very high temperature and pressure. The high

    temperature and velocity plasma effectively erodes the target material.

    Figure 1: Radial Cutting Torch Contents

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    On the other hand, another tool punching tool called Perforating Torch Cutter (PTC) is also used

    in certain situations in the RCT operation to punch the tubing if there is any restriction, plug,

    collapse or obstruction near below to severing target spot of RCT. The radial force produced by

    the plasma of the RCT cause tool to move upward and miss the target or sometime the molten

    fuel from the RCT will move upward and cause the tool to stick with tubing wall. Even worse,

    severing without punching in such situation will cause increase in pressure and temperature in

    the stagnation point of the tool and causes the tool to burn out, even losing the anchor part in the

    hole. The RCT and PTC are manufactured with the same principle except the nozzle are oriented

    in vertical plane so that it can punch the tubing wall.

    Figure 2: A Perforating Torch Cutter (PTC)

    The RCT and PTC are designed to operate under challenging well conditions. The RCT and PTC

    are pressure dependent tools. The performance of the tools are greatly affected by the pressure

    regardless the temperature. However, due to the capability of the O-ring of the RCT and PTC the

    usage temperature range is limited by maximum 500 F. But, every well has unique well pressure

    depend on depth and formation properties. When challenging wells with high pressure ranging

    from 10,000 psi to 15,000 psi and Ultra high pressure ranging from 15,001 psi to 20,000-psi

    demand for unique solution the tools must solve the dilemmas arise. The solution will be

    utilizing high-pressure range RCT and PTC tools in such well conditions. This is done by adding

    more fuel power to the tools and extensions does this. A dimensionless unit ranging from three to

    four digits is used to indicate the power of fuel in each tools and extensions. The higher value

    digit indicates more energy level meanwhile the low value indicates low energy level.

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    The Radial Cutting Torch (RCT) is a tubing-severing device that can be deployed with the

    electric-line, slickline, drill pipe and coiled tubing. The electric-line is a multiple strand wire

    armor cable around single insulated electrical conductor wire used to deploy a downhole tool

    into well. The slickline is a single strand nonelectrical cable to deploy a downhole tool into well.

    Usually, the size of slickline cable range from 0.072 in. to 0.125 in. The drill pipe is a connection

    of a series of tubular steel with threaded end to connect the rig to the drill bit, the drill pipe also

    serves as conduit to pump drilling fluid and to hold bottomhole assemblies. The coiled tubing is

    metal tubular with outside diameter of 1 in. to 3.5 in., sometimes used to deploy wireline tool

    into the borehole.

    Figure 3: Electric-line

    Figure 4: Slickline

    Figure 5: Coiled Tubing

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    Figure 6: Drill Pipe

    The RCT tool usually comes with extension (EXT), Pressure Balance Anchor (PBA), isolation

    sub and thermal generator. In order to run the severing operation successfully, correct use of

    these accessories is very important. The accessories also play important role in the severing


    Figure 7: Extension

    The extension, which contains the same fuel pallets as the main body RCT. The extension is used

    to increase the load capacity of RCT. The extension is added when there is a need for higher

    degree cut or higher pressure well. However, the RCT also can be used without extension.

    Depending on degree of cut to be made and the well pressure. Each extension comes with a

    dimensionless digit units to indicate the energy level of the extension. The higher value digit

    indicates more energy level meanwhile the low value indicates low energy level. The extensions

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    are also comes in different length and diameter depend on the energy level and size of the RCT

    or PCT to be used with it. The extension and the RCT or PTC must be same in diameter to use

    with designated tubular size.

    The PBA is an anchor system used with RCT, which have approximately same diameter as theRCT. An anchor system for RCT is very important because extreme velocity of flowing fluid and

     pressure increase in the well will cause up thrust in the RCT and this might cause miss firing the

    targeted spot. The PBA harness on the tubing wall to prevent the forces. The larger version RCTs

    need bow spring centralizer to be used with PBA for centralizing.

    Figure 8: Pressure Balance Anchor Assembly 

    The thermal generator is the initiator of the RCT tool. Thermal generator will trigger the RCT

    tool so that it can release plasma to cut the tubing. There are two type of thermal generators

     produced to be used with RCT, a resistorized version and ceramic heater version. The

    resistorized version is only can be used once, else, the ceramic can be used many times.

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    Figure 9: Thermal Generator

    The Electro Mechanical Anchor (EMA) in electric line deployed anchoring tool. The EMA is

    utilized when it is predicted the RCT will produce excessive upward force, such situation arise

    when there is restriction, plug, collapse or obstruction near below to severing target spot of RCT.

    When the PBA alone is could not withstand the force produced by RCT. So, the EMA is utilized

    in the tool string prevent the movement of RCT by harnessing its retractable arms in the nipple.

    Figure 10: EMA with retractable arm that will retract when current is passed to tool

    In order to reduce the events, another RCT supporting accessory tool is produced by MCR,

    which is the Checkfire Panel (CFP). The main function of the CFP is to test the competency ofthe power supplied to the RCT. The CFP have LED indicators to indicate whether the DC

    voltage of the wireline able to energize the thermal generator. The indicator in CFP will indicate

    if the voltage and current threshold of the wireline is sufficient. The CFP is also can be used as a

    training tool to understand the competency of power supply to different thermal generator will

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    different voltage and current requirement. By using CFP the service provider can avoid

    unpredictable circumstances, which will jeopardize the severing operation.

    Figure 11: Check Fire Panel

    In some of the platform the power supply will be in AC form. The AC is converted to DC by

    rectifying the AC. However, most of the times the rectification of AC gives out “dirty” or

    unstable DC power supply to wireline tools, this might cause failure of tools and stop the whole

    operation. In order to avoid such failures, fire panel filter (FPF) is used in conjunction with the

    RCT thermal generator to test the power supply competency. The FPF is developed to filter DC

    negative and positive to give out a stable or “Clean” DC power supply for the RCT deployment. 

    Figure 12: Fire Panel Filter

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    Last but not least, one of important supporting tool for RCT is the Remote Firing Mechanism

    (RFM). RFM gives opportunity to remotely trigger the RCT at preset temperature, pressure,

    acceleration or time. The RCT or PTC initially designed to be deployed on electric wireline. Dueto different clients’ requirement RFM is developed. The RFM consist of a pressure housing with

     board housing, transducer subs, batteries and RFM computer module. In the beginning the RFM

    can be run to log the downhole pressure and temperature. The RFM is programmable at wellsite

    where it can accommodate the well condition. Then the temperature, pressure, acceleration and

    time log can be download to the RFM computer and engineer can defined at which point the

    RCT or PTC can be activated. After done with the presetting process the RCT or PTC tool with

    RFM can be run remotely on slickline, coil tubing or drillpipe. The tool will be activated at

    selected condition remotely.

    Figure 13: Remote Firing Mechanism (RFM)

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    Due to the unpredictable well condition or faulty wireline parts challenging situation arise which

    might cause operation failures. The operation failure could lead to loss of money and time.

    Although, such situations are unpredictable still it could prevent by taking some precaution

    measurements. In this section the challenges might arise while will be explained.

    Tool Sticking

    One of common challenge faced by the field service engineers is tool stuck inside the well. This

    will mostly occurs because of the melted metal upward migration, which will cause a bond

     between the RCT or PTC tool body or the PBA tool body and tubular wall. It will cause the tool

    string to stick in the stagnation point of the tool.

    Figure 14: Melted Metal on PBA Body

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    Nozzle Damage

     Nozzle damage is one of the challenges faced by engineers while running a RCT operation. The

    nozzle damage occurs because of the damage of the O-ring at the nozzle. “Spudding” is one

    main reason for nozzle damage. Spudding is action of repeatedly running a wireline tool at high

    speed in a well bore to pass an obstruction. In some situation, the O-ring damage might cause

    auto ignition of the tools, which will damage the whole completion. Else, the nozzle damage also

    can let the wellbore fluid to enter into the RCT tool; this will cause the tool to become inert.

    Cutting in plugged, restricted or collapsed tubing also can cause nozzle damage in RCT. When

    tool is operating near to plug, restriction or collapsed tubing the pressure and temperature in

    nozzle exceed the recommended pressure and temperature.

    Thermal Generator Failure 

    The thermal generator failure can cause failure of the whole RCT operation. The thermal

    generator failure normally caused by manufacturing defect. Improper assemble of cable head of

    the tool string also could cause ignition failure of thermal generator downhole. One of the

    example is, incorrect tapping or insulation, which cause electric leak, will fail to energize the

    thermal generator.

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    Figure 15: Incorrect taping

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    Presence of heavy fluid in wellbore

    RCT or PTC are designed to operate in any kind of fluid but presence of heavy fluid above the

    cutter head or near below the RCT nozzle will be an obstacle for the tool to operate normally. If

    the fluid level is above the tool head, due to the fluid’s hydrostatic pressure during the severing

     process, the pressure of the tool increase and cause an upward thrust in the tool. This will cause

    the tool to misfire the target spot.

    Power Supply Problem

    Electric wireline is the preferred wireline tool deployment method by field engineers because of

    the real time action to activate and deactivate. However, in most of the platforms the electric

    wireline would not be readily available, because slickline is the mostly used during production

     phase. Due to its strength slickline is mostly used for pull out of hole operations (POOH).

    Dry Pipe Cutting

    Cutting a dry pipe also can be challenging condition to operate under because of dry pipe allow

    the plasma from the RCT to flow unrestricted throughout the tubing. Due to absence of

    hydrostatic pressure the plasma flame expand and the plasma velocity loss occurs. So, the

    magnitude of erosion will decrease and the temperature in the nozzle will also increase.

    Running through restriction, obstruction and scales

    The wellbore environment change time to time depends on the presence of H2S, sand and CO2 

     production. Due to unavailability of clear picture of downhole it is hard to identify the presence

    of some obstruction and scale build-ups. This might prevent the RCT or PTC from reach to the

    target spot in the wellbore. Sometimes a casing color also could hinder the RCT or PTC

    operation. As mention above spudding to pass this obstruction is a method practiced by

    engineers but it is stricly restricted when using PCT and RCT

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    Leaving behind melted metal traces

    In some situation, the RCT or PTC might leave behind some consolidated metals traces after the

    cut because the main fuel used in RCT and PCT are powdered metals to sever the tubing. After

    some time the fuel can change into metal chunk form. Although, this is not big concern,sometimes this metal chunks might cause problem in the production facilities such as the

    Subsurface Safety Valve (SSSV).

    Figure 16: Metal chunks from RCT cut

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


      Troubleshooting and Overcoming Challenges 

    Tool Sticking

    As mentioned above, tool sticking is one of common challenge faced by the field service

    engineers. Where the tool stuck inside the well. This will mostly occurs because of the melted

    metal upward migration. The common practice to prevent this from happening is by perforating

    the tubing below target spot. This will give sufficient flow area below the cutter to operate. This

    sufficient amount of flow area will stabilize the RCT plasma and let it escape by stabilizing the

     pressure and temperature at the nozzle. If the elective wireline facility is available the engineer

    also can deploy the EMA with the RCT to prevent the up thrust effectively. The combination of

    RCT, PTC and EMA would be most effective solution to sever a tubing if the engineers are

    suspicious of the tool sticking.

    Figure 18: RCT Tool string with EMA

    Figure 17: PTC punch on

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    Nozzle Damage 

    As stated earlier, nozzle damage is one of the challenges faced by engineers and the nozzle

    damage occurs because of the damage of the O-ring at the nozzle. “Spudding” is one of the main

    reason for nozzle damage. So, by avoiding Spudding nozzle damage can be avoided most the

    times. In order to avoid spudding a Multifinger Imaging Tool or drift gage must be run prior to

    RCT or PCT run. This will ensure whether there is any obstruction in the tubing that could

    hinder the RCT or PTC deployment.

    Figure 19: Drift Gage run

    Figure 20: Multifinger Imaging Tool

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    Thermal Generator Failure

    The thermal generator failure is one challenge faced by engineers. The thermal generator failure

    normally caused by manufacturing defect or improper assemble of cable head of the tool string

    also could cause ignition failure of thermal generator. Testing the thermal generator with

    galvanometer would detect if there is any defect with thermal generator. On the other hand, the

    engineers must sure the insulation or taping of any wires or any conductor can transfer electric is

    done properly.

    Presence of heavy fluid in wellbore

    Heavy fluid above the cutter head or near below the RCT nozzle will be an obstacle for the tool

    to operate normally because of its hydrostatic pressure. To remedy this the engineers must pump

    out the fluid from well the well at least 100 ft. below cutter head. Keeping in mind that pumping

    while severing is restricted because the pumping fluid might enter into the cutter and make it


    Power Supply Problem

    Electric wireline is the preferred wireline tool deployment method by field engineers because of

    the real time action to activate and deactivate. However, in most of the platforms the electric

    wireline would not be readily available. To overcome this dilemma the engineers can deploy the

    Remote Firing Mechanism (RFM) with the RCT or PTC. The engineers can select their desired

    elapsed time, pressure and temperature for RCT or PTC to be activated.

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    Dry Pipe Cutting

    Cutting a dry pipe also can be challenging because of the unrestricted flow of the plasma from

    the RCT tubing due to the plasma flame expand and the plasma velocity loss. To overcome this

     problem engineer must utilize extra extension to the RCT or PTC to add extra energy. The rateand time of erosion increases by adding extension, as result, successful cut is made.

    Running through restriction, obstruction and scales

    Due to unavailability of clear picture of downhole it is hard to identify the presence of any

    obstruction such as scale build up or even a casing collar. It better to run a same O.D mocking

    tool or drift gage with Casing Collar Locator or a Multifinger Imaging Tool with Casing Collar

    Locater prior to the RCT or PTC run, to identify any hindrance to run the RCT or PCT.

    Figure 21: A toolstring with Casing Collar Locator

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    Leaving behind melted metal traces

    In some situation, the RCT or PTC might leave behind some consolidated metals traces after the

    cut because the main fuel used in RCT and PCT are powdered metals to sever the tubing. After

    some time the fuel can change into metal chunk form. But this problem would not arise in most

    of the situation because the debris from the RCT or PTC normally can displaced by the

    turbulence when the well start producing. The problem only occurs when there insufficient flow

    are for the plasma to escape. Normally a post fishing with junk basket would rectify this


  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    Other Cutters Available in the Market

    Chemical Cutter

    Chemical cutter is a one of the wireline deployed tubing severing tool. The chemical cutter

    utilizes a propellant to generate pressure forcing the chemical to erode the tubing wall, usually

    Bromine Trifluoride is used as the chemical in the chemical cutter. As result of propellant

    generation chemical reaction is expelled through the severing head of the cutter at a high

    temperature and pressure, which cuts the wall of the tubing.


      Provides instant flare free cut

      Will not damage adjacent tubing


      Limited use with only certain type of tubing grade, O.D, weight and well condition to

    operate under.


    Hazardous to operate,

      Temperature and pressure limitation.

      Well fluid limitation.

      Limited capability to cut large pipe

    Figure 22: Chemical Cutter and Example Cut

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    Jet Cutter

    Jet cutters is an explosive cutter which uses circular-shaped charge for the cutting action. Jet

    cutters are capable to cut tubing regardless of the significant downhole pressure. This makes

    them as a preferred option for extremely deep wells, greater than 20,000 ft. depth. But, the jetcutter typically leave a flare on the severed pipe string. Usually, post milling and dressing

    required to remove the flare, before further continuation operation.


      Provide instantaneous cut.


      Flared cut is produced

      Hazardous to transport

      May damage the adjacent pipe

      Limited capability to pass through restriction and cutting large pipe below restriction.

      Cut require post milling and dressing before it can be finish

    Figure 23: Flare of Jet Cutter

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project



    Figure 24: Different O.D Jet Cutters

    Mechanical Cutter

    Mechanical cutters design is closely similar like mill device. The mechanical cutter have an

    extended cutter arm or blade. The cutter is rotated by tubing or downhole motors are often slow

    in cutting heavy wall or high alloy pipe. The tubing cutting time is depends on the tubing size,

    weight, grade and depth of cut. These cutters are considerably slower than the chemical or

    explosive cutters. The mechanical cutters are best used on softer, lower alloy pipes with a thinner

    wall. High alloy pipes and very thick pipes are more difficult to cut with a mechanical cutter.


       No hazardous material. 

      Capable of cut under any type of fluid 

      Capable of cut under any well condition. 

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      Slow cutting. 


    Leave large cutting behind in wellbore. 

      Only capable of cut few type of tubing. 

    Figure 25: Mechanical Cutter

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    Comparison with RCT

    Radial Cutting Torch  Chemical Cutter   Jet Cutter  Mechanical Cutter 


    Not an explosive or

    dangerous chemical 

    Bromine Triflouride



    Contains explosive

    material that can cause

    fatal injuries(extremely


    Not an explosive or

    dangerous chemical 

    There is no detonator  Explosive detonator  Explosive detonator  There is no detonator 

    Non-hazardous Explosive and


    Explosive  Non-hazardous

    No special storage,

    handling or disposal


    Special storage,

    handling and disposal

    required under

    UN_1746, Class 5.1


    Special handling

    required as stated under

     API Recommended

    Practice 67 (RP67)

    before assembling or


    No special storage,

    handling or disposal


    No safety training

    required to operate 

    Training required for

     Acid burns, Inhalationhazard, explosives 

    Training required for

    handling oilfieldexplosives 

    No safety training

    required to operate 

    No special protective

    clothing to handle or 


    Full rubber suit,

    rubber gloves and full

    face respirator 

    Protective gloves,

    protective clothing, eye

    protection, face

    protection is a must

     when handling oilfield


    No special protective

    clothing to handle or 


    Shipped on

    commercial aircraft 

    Not allowed in

    commercial aircraft 

    Not allowed in

    commercial aircraft 

    Shipped on

    commercial aircraft 

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project



    Cuts all Chrome,

    stainless steel,


    Monel, Inconel and

    plastic coated pipe 

     Will not cut Chrome,

    stainless steel,

    Hasteloy, Monel,

    Inconel and plastic

    coated pipe. 

    Cuts all Chrome,

    stainless steel, Hasteloy,

    Monel, Inconel and

    plastic coated pipe 

    Only selected type of

    pipe can be cut.

    Cannot cut high alloy

    and thick pipe. 

    Small O.D is easier to

    deploy in all cases 

    Full O.D tool harder

    to deploy  

    Can be run through

    restriction and cut

    larger I.D 

     Very sensitive to

    distance to target

    needs full O.D tool 

    Cannot be run through

    restriction and cut

    larger I.D. 

    Cannot be run through

    restriction and cut

    larger I.D. 

    Can be conveyed on

    coil tubing or pipe

     with pressure Remote

    Firing Mechanism

    Cannot use tubing to

    convey chemical


    Can be conveyed on coil

    tubing or pipe 

    Can be conveyed on

    coil tubing or pipe 

    Proven to cut in close

    contact pipe without

    damaging the outer


    May damage adjacent


    Possible to cut in close

    contact pipe without

    damaging the outer


    Temperature All components rated

    to 500 o F with no

    time limit 

    Restricted to 275 o F

    for 1 hour 

    Restricted 400 o F with 1

    hour time limit 

     All components rated

    to 500 o F with no time




    Can operate up until

    20,000 psi

    Small Chem Cutter

    5,000 psi 

    Small Jet cutter can

    operate up 12,500 psi 

    Can operate up until

    20,000 psi 

    Large O.D Chem

    Cutter 6,000 psi 

    Large Jet cutter can

    operate up until 20,00



    Can be run in all

    fluids or drilling mud 

     Water preferred,


    decreases with fluid

    density, does not

     work in heavy mud 

    Can be run in all fluids

    or drilling mud 

    Can be run in all fluids

    or drilling mud 

    Can be run in air or

    dry gas 

    Must have fluid, does

    not work well in

    bromide fluids 

    Can be run in air or dry


    Can be run in air or

    dry gas 

    Table 2: Cutter Comparison

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    Free Point and Back off Operation

    The meaning of free point is used to indicate the depth between the stuck pipe and the free pipe

    in a pipe string. This means every joint of pipe above the free point is free to rotate freely and

    can be moved in and out of the hole. The tubing string must be cut above this point to free it

    from borehole. This point is very important know when we want to retrieve the tubing by cutting.

    In our case, to deploy RCT and PTC it is important to know the free point. There are two

    methods to determine the free point:

      The pipe stretch method using surface observation.

      Using free point indicator

    The first method involve some measurement at the rig floor and using the measurement to

    calculate the point of the pipe stuck. The procedure to calculate the point:

    1.  Pull the pipe using normal hook load, F1 and mark as the first reference point X1 on the


    2.  Pull additional 20,000 to 40,000 lbf, F2 keeping in mind the pull should not exceed the

    yield strength of the pipe, the portion of pipe stretched to new position is marked as X2.3.  Use the values collect from previous procedures to substitute in the following formula.

    F = F2 –  F1

    Lst = 735,294 (2−1)


    Lst = depth of stuck point

    W p = weight of pipe

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    The freepoint tool is an electromechanical tool that is designed to measure the amount of torque

    or stretch is made in given length of tubing, drill pipe, or casing. The freepoint tool uses either

     bow springs or magnets to anchor itself in the wall of the pipe. After obtaining an estimate of the

    free point by using the pipe stretch estimate technique, the freepoint tool is run in the hole to

    1000 feet above the calculation estimated stuck point. Then the freepoint tool is anchored in

     place. The stretch and or torque is then applied to the pipe. This will give the pipe recovery

    engineer a baseline reading of the free pipe. This will give him a starting point to compare his

    later freepoint readings too. The tool is then run roughly 500 feet past the predicted stuck point.

    Stretch and torque are applied, and readings are taken. If the tool indicates that the pipe is stuck

    at that point the tool is pulled uphole and readings are taken again. By applying the bracketing

    technique, the pipe recovery engineer is quickly able to identify the depth of exact point that the

     pipe is free.

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    Real life solution by calculation

    While tripping out of hole to 6,850’MD, observe over pull 40,000 lb over pick up weight. Stop

    tripping out and attempt to go down no issue. Attempt to rotate, pipe is able to rotate at 30,000 ft-

    lb torque. Attempt to circulate, observe restricted flow. 

    Figure 26: Example figure

    Pull the stuck string to 300,000 lbf and the stretch measurement is 29.4 inch from the neutral


    Pull the stuck string to 350,000 lbf and the stretch measurement is 49.2 inch from the neutral



    Differential pull = 350,000 –  300,000 = 50,000 lbf

    Drill Pipe Weight = 23.52 lb/ft

    Lst = 735,294 (49.2−29.4)23.52


    =6,784 ft

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project



    After the prediction of stuck point the backoff operation is commenced. The back off operation is

    involve parting the pipe above stuck point and recovering the free pipe. Finally, fishing attemps

    are done to recover the remaining stuck pipe. If it is an open hole and the fish operation is notsuccessful, the hole is plugged and sidetracked. If it is a cased hole milling tools are deployed to

    mill the remaining fish.


    As mentioned above the RCT and PTC are produced in different O.D. and operational pressure

    range. Also, there are four type of conveyance method for the RCT and PTC which are slickline,

    electric wireline, coil tubing and drill pipe. The method depend on clients’ ongoing operation and 

    available facilities. The RCT tool available in ¾ in. O.D to 7 in. O.D. Also, the pressure range of

    the tool depends on the type of the tool, which can be categorized into:

    Table 3: Pressure Rating

    However, each tools have its own limitation to be unsuitable for certain condition. For an

    example certain size tools are unavailable to be conveyed on coil tubing. On the other hand

    certain size tool unavailable for ultra-high pressure application. The suitable tool for the well

    condition must be carefully selected in order to avoid failures.

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    Project Deliverables

    In some situation the client seek for Daya Maxflo’s advice on tool selection to sever their tubing.

    In order to give clients a clear tool selection chart. The Daya Maxflo Tool Selection Brochure

    with simple design and all type of tubing are included in the table.

    In order to rectify the tool selection problem, the tool selection chart for different type of tubing

    is created. The recommended tool is matched with API tubing standards and wellbore pressure.

    The selection chart included O.D of tubing with the weight range, conveyance method and

     pressure range. The selection chart can be provided to client, so that they will for which type

    tubing they can get immediate tubing severing service.

    Coil Tubing Selection Chart






    0 to

    4000 psi 

    4001 to

    10,000 psi 

    10,001 to

    12,000 psi 

    12,001 to

    15,000 psi 

    15,001 to

    17,000 psi 

    20,000 to

    25,000psi DP  CT  E/LINE  S/LINE 

    Up To

    1-1/2" OD  All  i  i  ×  × 

    1-1/2” to

    1- 3/4” OD All  i  i  ×  × 

    1- 3/4” to

    2” OD  All  i  i  ×  × 

    2-1/16” &

    2- 3/8” OD 4.7-5.95  i  i  ×  × 

    Table 4: Coil Tubing Selection Chart

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    Casing Selection Chart


    Tubing and




    0 to 4000


    4001 to

    10,000 psi

    10,001 to

    12,000 psi

    12,001 to

    15,000 psi

    15,001 to

    17,000 psi

    20,000 to

    25,000psiDP CT E/LINE S/LINE

    2-1/16” &

    2-3/8”4.7 - 5.95 i  i  × ×

    2-7/8"  6.5 - 8.7 i  i  ×

    2-7/8"  9.7 i  i  i  i  ×

    2-7/8"  10.4 - 11.7 i  i  i  i  ×

    3-1/2" 9.3 - 12.95 i  i 

    3-1/2" 13.30 -

    15.50 i  i 

    4"  9.50-14 i  i 

    4-1/2"  9.5-15.5 i  i 

    4-1/2"  16.60-19.2 i  i 

    5"  11.0-19.5

    5-1/2"  14.0-23.0 i 

    5-7/8"  23.4 i  i 

    6-5/8"  20.0-32.0 i  i 

    7"  17-32.0 i  i  i  i 

    7-5/8"  24.0-42.0 i  i  i  i 

    7-3/4"  37 i  i  i  i 

    8-5/8"  24.0-40.0 i  i  i  i 

    9-5/8"  32.8-53.5 i  i  i  i 

    9-7/8"  62.8 i  i  i  i 

    Table 5: Casing Selection Chart

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    Selection Chart for Drill Pipe



    Drill Pipe- 

    Tube/Body   Weight lb/ft 0 to 4000 psi 

    4001 to

    10,000 psi 

    10,001 to

    12,000 psi 

    12,001 to

    15,000 psi 

    15,001 to

    17,000 psi 

    20,000 to

    25,000psi E/LINE  S/LINE 

    3 1/2" NC 38  13.3-15.5  i  i 

    3 1/2" NC 38  13.3-15.6  i  i 

    4" XT38  9.5-14  i  i 

    4" DS38 


      i  i 

    4" XT39  9.5-14  i  i 

    4" HT40  9.5-14  i  i 

    4 1/2" TT458  9.5-19.2  i  i 

    4 1/2" XTM40  9.5-19.2  i  i 

    4 1/2" XTM46  9.5-19.2  i  i 

    5" XT50  11-19.5 

    5" NC50  11-19.5 

    5 1/2" HT55  14-21.9  i  i 

    5 1/2" DSTJ 14-21.9  i  i 

    5 1/2" FH DSTJ  14-21.9  i  i 

    5 7/8" XT57  23.4  i  i 

    5 7/8" VX 57  23.4  i  i 

    6 5/8  20-32  i  i 

    Table 6: Selection Chart for Drill Pipe

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    Selection Chart for PTC


    Pipe  Weightlb/ft 

    SP 0 to4000 psi 

    SP 4001 to10,000 psi 

    HP 10,001 to12,000 psi 

    HP 12,001 to15,000 psi 

    UHP 15,001to 17,000 psi 

    UHP 17,001to 20,000 psi 

    MHP 20,001to 25,000psi 

    Hole Size (in2) DP 




    CT Up To

    1-1/2" OD N/A   i  i  i  0.38-0.42  ×  × 

    CT 1-1/2”

    to 1-3/4”


    N/A   i  i  i  0.42-0.47  ×  × 

    CT 1-3/4”


    2” OD 

    N/A   i  i  i  0.6  ×  × 

    CT 2" & 2-

    1/16” &

    2-3/8” OD 

    3.25  i  i  i  0.6  ×  × 

    2-3/8"  4.7-5.95  i  i  i  i  i  1.1  × 

    2-7/8"  6.5-8.7  i  1.2-0.9 to 0.6-

    0.8 × 

    2-7/8"  9.3-11.7  i  i  i  i  i  i  × 

    3-1/2"  9.3-10.2  i  1.35-0.5 to 0.5-


    4"  9.50-14  i  i  i  i  i  i  i  i 

    4-1/2"  9.5-15.5  i  2.25-1.1 to 0.6-


    5"  11.5-20.3  i  1.1 

    5-1/2"  14.0-23.0  i  7.55-1.1 to 1.1 

    5-7/8"  23.4  i  i  i  i  i  i  i  i 

    6-5/8"  20.0-32.0 

    i  i  i  i  i  i  i  i 

    7"  17-32.0  i  i  i  i  i  i  i  i 

    7-5/8"  24.0-42.0  i  i  i  i  i  i  i  i 

    8-5/8"  32.3-53.5  i  i  i  i  i  i  i  i 

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    8-5/8"  i 

    9-5/8"  i 

    9-7/8"  i 

    Table 8: Selection Chart for RFM

    Selection Chart for EMA


    Pipe I.D Range (in.)0 - 10,000 psi


    2-3/8" 1.815-2.041 × × i 

    2-7/8"  2.151-2.441 × × i 

    3-1/2"  2.480-3.068 × × i 

    4"  3.340-3.548 × × i 

    4-1/2"  3.640-4.090 × × i 

    5"  4.151-4.545 × × i 

    5-1/2"  4.545-4.950 × ×

    Table 9: Selection Chart for EMA

    indicates that the tool for the O.D, weight and pressure is readily available

    X indicates that the tool for the O.D, weight and pressure is not available

    i indicates that further information and testing required and the tool is not readily available.

    Please refer appendices to view the full list of project brochure.

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project



    Conclusion and Recommendation


    The implementation of this project solution is to be able to help Daya Maxflo to feed their clients

    curiosity and willingness to understand further and gain thorough information regarding the RCT

    and PCT pipe severing solution. A brochure with company background and detailed information

    about the cutter is created so, the clients would be able to know accurately about the available

    tool sizes, operational pressure and conveyance method of each tools. I hope this project will bea big contribution for the company in term of technical and business development to ensure a

     better developing future for the company.

    Suggested Future Work for Expansion and Continuation

    For further development on this project, as a part of Research and Development, an i-handbook

    can be created which involve C and C++ computer programming language as this program can

    work efficiently to show the availability of tool and size of the tool available for client when the

    client input their tubing size, pressure and conveyance method and this method can increase the

    effectiveness of their choice.

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project



    Figure 27: Example i-handbook program on Windows OS

    Figure 28: Example output from i-handbook program

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project



    Safety Training and Value of the Practical Experience

    Lessons Learned and Experience GainedThe internship position in Daya Maflo was a very good platform and golden opportunity for me

     because I managed to learn many useful lessons and earn good guidance and also at the same

    time, gained valuable experiences while working in this company. Throughout the 28 weeks

    working with Daya Maxflo Sdn Bhd. (DMSB), I have gained so much valuable knowledge in

    terms of technical and management. I have been exposed to various projects and tasks, which

    have helped me to improve my skills, and been as a great source of motivation for me to strive

    hard to excel. Therefore, I manage to achieve my internship objective by improving my technical

    and interpersonal skills while contributing to this company.

    I also manage to achieve all the internship objectives that are aimed by Universiti Teknologi

    PETRONAS by getting involved in real industry projects and assignments and improve my

    leadership abilities, teamwork and communication skills. It was a very good feeling and

    exposure in experiencing the working atmosphere for the very first time. Working in DMSB hadtaught me so much about oil and gas industry. With all the knowledge and experiences that I

    gained in DMSB throughout the 28 weeks of internship, I feel more confident and very much

     prepared to face the real working life in oil and gas industry in future.

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project



    Lessons Learned


    a)  Learned how to do equipment technical comparison

    As an intern under operation department, I held the responsibility to prepare purchase order for

    company job purpose. Understanding the technical criteria to purchase correct equipment as

    ordered by upper management is an important process of my responsibility. Understanding the

    technical specifications of the equipment to match with current job is very essential and it

    contributed to my learning environment.

    b) Learned how to use and handle Daya Maxflo inventory

    The inventory of Daya Maxflo is a recording system that encompasses of the data of all

    equipment and stocks that is being used by Daya Maxflo for operation and maintenance purpose

    and throughout my internship, I learned the maximized uses of it.

    c) Learned how to monitor Tool going to offshore job and return from job.

    Preparing the tools in warehouse as per client requirement is very important because any

    wrongly mobilized tools from warehouse would cause wastage of time and money. So, it is very

    important to keep an eye and track the operation progress of Daya Maxflo. This can ensure Daya

    Maxflo to maintain their high quality operation service.

    d) Learned on how to find solution for a problem economically

    Prepare price compilation list of each equipment or services to find economical decision and

    solution. Finding an economical solution for a problem can help the company’s aim to be cost


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    e) Learned how to apply theoretical knowledge in practice

    Applied theoretical knowledge in terms of Well Completion and Design, Facilities Engineering

    and Drilling Engineering in order to develop internship project.

    Kemaman Supply Base (KSB) 

    a)  Learned how wireline tool string equipment is done

      Learned correct technique of deploying equipment and onsite maintenance to rectify any

     problem, also, the possible cause of the problem.


    Assist the senior and newly joined field engineers in carrying out the maintenance

    activity such as repairing damaged equipment.

      Analysed whether the Radial Cutting Torch of inventory match with our KL office

    inventory and report to update KL team about the latest list of available and missing

    equipment in Kemaman Supply Base.

    b) Learned about the importance of Health Safety and Environment (HSE)

      Always wear complete Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when before carrying out

    any task or job in base to avoid any accidents and potential hazards.

      Practice all HSE rules, regulations and procedures while carrying out a task.

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    Experience Gained

    a)  Perform stock check in Kemaman Supply Base and Asian Supply Base


    Gained opportunity to go Kemaman Supply Base (KSB) which is located in Kemaman to

    carry out stock check. Few responsibilities were given by supervisor to carry sorting the

    equipments, straightening or arranging the equipments according to their item codes,

    sweeping or cleaning the equipment, standardizing and sustaining the practice. While

    learning arrangement of the tool according to their categories.

    Figure 29: Item code on package

    b) Working with experienced senior and newly joined field engineers


    Able to gain much valuable technical and management knowledge by interacting with

    experienced engineers and warehouse keepers about current operation progress, project

    and given task

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    c) Prepare manifest list of the tools and its accessories to be sent to operation

      Able to create manifest of tools and its accessories using Microsoft Excel

      Able to increase knowledge by knowing more on what equipment to be mobilized and

    how to face challenges when delays occurs in mobilizing tool.

    d) Compilation and storing offshore job documents

      By compiling the document sent by Daya Maxflo such tenders document. I was able to

    learn many technical specifications of different types of equipment used in well

    intervention operation.

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    Leadership, teamwork and individual activities

    Leadership and teamwork

    From this internship, I learned that leadership values and teamwork is very important in ensuring

    a per son’s ability to strengthen their personality and interpersonal skills. In order to create an

    effective and efficient working environment, Daya Maxflo always encourage their staffs to

    complete any given task accurately in a very short dateline. This positive task enforcement

    causes us to be more discipline to carry out any projects or assignment given with full

    responsibility as a team. Having a leader in a team is important to have a proper organization to

    do a task. In Daya Maxflo, although I will have to follow instructions and do task given by the

    superiors, I learned that each of us could be a leader. This is because the company gave me

    opportunity to voice out my opinions and ideas in solving problems either technically or

    theoretically. Besides that, I was also told to express my concern and provide suggestions if I

    found out something is wrong or can be done in a better way.

    Teamwork plays a major role here in this company where we will help and cooperate with each

    other to complete the projects by being focus and carry out the task assigned to us efficiently.

    When I was chosen to be a trainee in Operation department, together with me we were two

    trainees from same courses joined the department as well. As both of us from Petroleum

    Engineering programme, we always keen to help each other because basically both us have same

    knowledge background. I view this offer to hold responsibility in Operation department is a very

    good opportunity for me to train myself on how to practice the value of teamwork when we carry

    out any team projects and assignments. When we carry out team projects, I realize that value of

    teamwork is very important while working in a team, as we need to cooperate and tolerate in

    order to produce an excellent project outcome and problem solutions.

    One of the major plus point that I gained by being in this department is that regardless from what

     backgrounds are we from we are able to respect and appreciate each other’s ideas and views as

    we can increase our knowledge of what we learned back in our university courses. We also

    realized that by absorbing this experience, where we will be able to be applying in future projects

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    during real working life. The value of teamwork actually indirectly helps to improve my

    leadership skills as I feel much more confident in conveying my ideas, communicating and

    interact with people.

    While I was in Kemaman Supply Base, I learned on how the concept of leadership and teamworkwas applied in the base especially during the field engineers training. As senior field engineers

    conduct the training, all other field engineers were fully committed to absorb and understand the

    knowledge delivered by the senior field engineer. After they completed training assigned to

    them, they approached their colleagues to help them to understand the hand on part. The

    consistency of effective and efficient teamwork and execution of organized training by the field

    engineers created a cheerful and fun training environment. From this observation, I learned that

    teamwork and leadership is very important while executing a task in order to ensure the get a

    successful result.

    Individual activities carried out during internship

    a) Prepare tools mobilization documents

    Tool mobilization documents are released by operation department to give information to clients,

    government authorities such as Customs Department, shipment crews and field engineers on the

    list of equipment and information of the equipment. To on how to handle equipment and what

    equipment is brought for operation.

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    Figure 30: Manifest Tool Accessories List

    Figure 31: Safety Data Sheet

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    b) Track mobilization progress report

    I was required to track the mobilization progress of the tools sent to offshore by phone

    conversation or email and update the field engineers and operations manager in KL headquarters

    on current tool mobilization progress and what are the problems encountered while mobilizing

    the tool to offshore and solutions taken to solve the problems.

    c) Interpret and analyze Tools Packaging List

    Tools packaging list is issued by the tools manufacturer if there is tool shipment to Supply base

    or office. Analyzing packing list can help us to identify what type of tool is ship, we can also

    identify all the accessories of the contents inside the package. Each package have its unique

     packaging I.D for identification purpose. By noting the packaging I.D when can mobilize the

    correct tool when the engineers request.

    d) Practice Health Safety and Environment (HSE) value in my daily work

    Working in Oil and Gas industry is very dangerous because accidents can happened any time

    especially when it happens due to carelessness, ignoring safety rules and regulations and not

     being aware of our surrounding when carrying out our job. When I was in Kemaman Supply

    Base, I always make sure that I wear my Personal Protective Equipments before I start doing my

     job. I also will always make sure that I follow required procedures, rules and regulations while

    executing my job to avoid any accidents and injuries to occur. I learned that following carefully

    HSE rules and regulations can ensure our safety and minimize the number of accidents in Oil and

    Gas Industry.

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    Business Values, Ethics and Management Skills 

    “We Care, We Deliver” is the main motto that encourages Daya to play a leading role in shaping

    its future of its industries globally. Currently, Daya has its operations in 10 countries with a

    global workforce of 560 employees of various nationalities. This company Daya Maxflo

    implements this motto to strengthen their business foundation by inspiring vibrant ideas,

    nurturing potentials and delivers excellence in everything it does. Daya Maxflo Sdn Bhd

    (DMSB), as a company under Daya Group and one of Petronas-Licensed Hydraulic supplier and

    service provider in Malaysia, Daya Maxflo is able to expand its business in international level.

    As up to date, Daya Maxflo had carried many well intervention operations in Malaysia itself and

    in other countries such as Japan, Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand,Mynmar and Vietnam.

    Daya believes in four core values which are:

    a) Resolute

    Daya encourages us to be energetic and implement an open-minded approach in finding newideas which can inspire fresh solutions for Daya partners and their businesses.

    b) Accountable 

    Daya encourage us to put continual efforts in building trusted relationships and emphasize

    integrity, which can results in high quality products and services. Daya led us with bold ideas

    that shape the future of our industries in order to be an accountable business in national and

    international level.

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    c) Committed 

    We should be committed in giving full commitment to our customers and partners as well as

    community to strive excellence in all of our undertakings.

    d) Ethical

    Work ethics is an important ethic that we follow while working here as this ethic is able to create

    our image as a trustworthy and responsible employee. We ensure that we follow all the rules and

    regulations that is laid out by the company in order to the high quality service that is provided by

    UMW, standard of procedures and manuals are always used when carrying out a task although

    employee may have experience in carrying out the task before.

    I also learn many management skills while working in Daya Maxflo such as:

    a) Time management

    I need to get task given to done in time or else it could cost ultimately to the company. Time

    management in this company encompasses a wide scope of activities such as planning,allocating, setting goals, delegating, analysis time spent, monitoring, organizing, scheduling and

     priotizing. Besides that, this company emphasizes time management heavily because good time

    management can create an environment that is conducive to carry out task efficiently.

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    b) Communication

    I learn effective communication skills in the company by interacting with engineers and

    managers in order to gain more knowledge regarding a subject and experiences. Daya Maxflo

    always encourages us to communicate and update each other of any project or operation progress

    so that miscommunication issue can be avoided.

    c) Project Management

    I learn project management skills in this company as when a project is being developed, I need to

    know what needs to be done by what deadline, prepare a specific timeline and sequences of

    activities and consider a variety of cost alternative.

    Figure 32: Project Organized by Me on Daya Maxflo website

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    Problems and Challenges Faced and Solutions to Overcome Them

    Time Management

    Helping my department engineers in carry out their task and at the same time carrying out my

    internship project teaches me on how to manage time properly. I have to make sure that I am

    able to execute task given by my supervisor on time and also ensure that I am able to learn and

    understand the technical terms that is needed in order to develop my project. I also should make

    sure that I complete my project reports, log book which to be submitted to my supervisor every

    two weeks and my presentation slides. Besides finding time to complete my internship project, I

    also should make sure that I have enough rest for myself every day and find time for me to

    exercise and entertainment to keep myself in healthy condition and energetic.

    Being Independent

    When I was sent to Kemaman Supply Base for few days, there were no supervisors there to

    supervise me. Early, I had difficulties in executing my task because being skeptical whether am I

    doing the task correctly and they were no one for me to refer to if I need to understand some

    technical terms. However, I overcome the situation in a very short period of time, as I decided to

    seek assistance from the field engineers in the base if I have any inquiries about technical

    specifications of equipments and to share ideas and views with them. I learned that although

    there were no supervisor in the base to supervise me, self-discipline plays a major role in order

    for me to be independent to learn as much as possible about what the company does, equipmentfunctions and carry out my task with full responsibility.

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    Dangerous working place

    Oil and gas industry is dangerous and hazardous industry. It is undeniable that there will be high

    risks for accidents to occur during working hours. In order to avoid accidents to occur, I will try

    to eliminate unsafe conditions by following closely HSE rules and regulations. I will always

    make sure I wear complete Personal Protective Equipment before carrying out my job, be alert

    with environment surrounding to avoid potential hazards to occur. Besides that Daya Maxflo

    always encourage us to implement good safety practice, think and plan our task before start

    working and identify hazards and report immediately to our superior if there are any hazards


    High Work Demand

    In Operation department, I have to increase my learning capability and be energetic in order to

    catch up with others in order to execute job in a given dateline. I must always upgrade my

    technical and management skills as the task given to me is becoming more and more challenging

    and requires detailed solutions. Since Operation department ensures the tools that is involved in

    well intervention operation is well kept without leaving behind in any operation and functions

    efficiently, I have to be proactive by asking a lots of question, do a lot of readings in order to

    understand equipment functions especially equipments that is involved in my project. When I

    was in the base, I realized that I need to be strong mentally and physically when working as we

    are dealing with a lot of heavy equipments. I will have to increase my physical strength by

    exercising so that I can adapt myself to work in a place with extreme workload.

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    Gantt Chart



    Week Number

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28


    Project Title

    Choose and

    submit project title



    Draw out

     plans on how

    to carry out

    the project

    Carrying out project

    Prepare tool






    of report to


    Data Analysis

    Collect data

    and analyze

    them todiscuss in the


    Preparationof Final


    Finalize final

    report and

     prepare the

    technical partto be


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    Non Explosive Pipe Recovery 

    Operational Selection Chart 

     Asia Pacific | Australasia 

    The 24 Hours Pipe Recovery Exp

  • 8/18/2019 Student Industrial Internship Project


    [email protected] | Hotline: +603 2171 1841


    Coil Tubing


    Drill Pipe 


    Perforating Torch Cutter 







     Available From

    Daya Maxo 

    Tubing & Casing


    Cut to Release Packers