The Investigatory Powers Act 2016 HNC in Computing and Systems Development Unit Number and Name Lecturer Name: Tim Jackson Date of Presentation: 28/11/2016 Brandon Skerritt (J893694) Ashleigh Bhandari (J893691) Francesca Beddingfield (J893950)

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The Investigatory Powers Act 2016HNC in Computing and Systems DevelopmentUnit Number and NameLecturer Name: Tim JacksonDate of Presentation: 28/11/2016

Brandon Skerritt (J893694)Ashleigh Bhandari (J893691)Francesca Beddingfield (J893950)

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Contents• Introduction• What is it?• How business should be preparing• Key Impacts on E-commerce• Privacy is so 2016• How can businesses fight back?• Who cares?• Conclusion• Bibliography

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IntroductionOn The Investigatory Powers Act of 2016 and its affect on E-commerce

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What is it?The Investigatory powers bill, dubbed snoopers charter, will allow the government to obtain all communication, digital or not.

The three main facts are:•All communication is monitored•It’s harder to get a warrant to an interception warrant•Ensure the government Is fit for the digital age(“Investigatory Powers Bill – Gov.uk”)

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How business should be preparing

• A complete review of every use of encrypted• Having procedures in place for dealing with enquiries• Training their employees on how to react to a encryption key request• Reviewing their third party contacts and make sure they aren’t in

breach.• Analysing how easy it will be to comply with the regulators request. • Considering how the regulators may use the encryption data

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• It forces internet and communication companies to retain any of their customers browser history for up to a year.(Roi Perez, 2016)

• Weakening the encryption and storing costumers information could affect any e-commerce if they have a data breach.

• Companies should prepare to put IP in place otherwise they can face serious conscious.

• Companies can be asked to decrypt data on demand.(Roi Perez, 2016)

• The government must be notify when any new security feature in a product are added before lunching(Roi Perez, 2016)

Key impacts on e-commerce

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Privacy is so 2016

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How can businesses fight back?

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Who cares?

(Roger Gale MP, 2016)

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Any Questions?

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BibliographyWeb sites - citations Services.parliament.uk. (2016). Investigatory Powers Act 2016 — UK Parliament . [online] Available at: http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2015-16/investigatorypowers.html [Accessed 4 Dec. 2016].

Computerweekly(June 2000 ) Regulation of Investigatory Powers Bill: the story so far: http://www.computerweekly.com/feature/Regulation-of-Investigatory-Powers-Bill-the-story-so-far (01/12/2016).

Roi Perez, C. (2016). The Investigatory Powers Bill is now set to become law. [online] SC Magazine UK. Available at: http://www.scmagazineuk.com/the-investigatory-powers-bill-is-now-set-to-become-law/article/573616/ [Accessed 1 Dec. 2016].ComputerWeekly. (2016). Regulation of Investigatory Powers Bill: the story so far. [online] Available at: http://www.computerweekly.com/feature/Regulation-of-Investigatory-Powers-Bill-the-story-so-far [Accessed 1 Dec. 2016].

McGoogan, C. (2016). What is the Investigatory Powers Bill and what does it mean for my privacy?. [online] The Telegraph. Available at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2016/11/29/investigatory-powers-bill-does-mean-privacy/ [Accessed 1 Dec. 2016].