' C_ ^ JJ ^5 fminiVii 1885 \ til. I I. N" I* Pllll Mil I PHI \. Mnnday. lehruari IK. |<M5 Copc-gw 'Mi •*» Da*« 'rvii, . Student arrested on rape charge Alleged incident occurred at Phi Sigma Kappa \ l'h\sutans tin Social K>>>|MHisihilii\ IIHUIIMI vpeafckwj at Friday'I uMlft-rt IU i Medically speaking Soviets, Americans discuss nuclear war Bi I :IKIMI>PHI K IKIUM-.t and American phynciani ! in a lively ducuuHM on naotaai »JI .11 MM Philadelphia Col leg! M Ph> Mi UUIS ind.iv The conference, whuh attracttd about V») people, was arranged hi Pnydcian lot Social Rcspnnsihiiits. .in .inn mi, leal group in I he I niieil Mates, and us international affiliate International PhytKiani foi ihe Prevention ol Nucleai War lllrcc Soviet phssmans .ind three tanerican physician* partis ipatcd m the panel JiMusMiin Douglas Spencer, a Delaware chaptei Ml Member, said thai one oi ihe Sin, i pity IIC aw CaacaM his appcaramc bccauat he had t<> return to the Soviet I nmn |0 lake , are of the BUMJ Soviet premier I i[K "I the speakers who »j, |0mj In he hero tonight had to return to the Soi let I nion la lak, , art ,t ("hcrnenk.i Spencer said Dr Cham i- his pefional physician He alio look care of Brexhaev l( imlinurd on /mgr 9) Bv I \l K\ MIWS \ I niieisiti siuik-ut wa. arresicd das hours alter he allcgcdlv. raped i K 'sernoni College freshman in his mmi at Phi Sigma kappa traterniti Noaai vkhannn akMOt Hcniamin Maldnnadn. i Chi Sigma Kappa brother was t.i he uraigmd this mnrmng at Philadelphia headquarters at "ih ami Rase SnMi Bail »as i,, he set .n that lime Maldnnadn. -ti has heen temp suspended IriHii ihe 1 iincnus pending an investigation hs , its Md I nuersiti all I > a siatcnvnt mated laM light Pied dent Sheld.'n Hackncv -aid thai Ihe I iiursits i. taking action to ensure that m- involved is treated lair!) I am deepk concerned h\ ihe serums charges that have heen made and Hand 'hat sinh alle -id reprehen sihie ix-haiior might hive iniuired at Hacfcnc) laid I'm ilao •Ullg IMS,ill ed The I liven*) .. thnrnugh internal investigation hi ,mr ludis IJI intuit. \:v. Marl who mil keep out i lit tin) ami Sorot its Mfam ii i irmed the pmi dent coettnucd w, in iTao . .• pcraiinr lulls wiih ihe oagi e inn he the Philadelphia I , the statement, the voaaaa N lay night al \lpha lau I hnega 'trateinil) house mlh Isfco Inemls Ilk ihree women lell the pans a- iservt to Phi Sigma Kappa located at «M* losusi Wall alleged rape- nesurred Iwn .indent. Mr* the woman Liter ihat rimming on I OCBK Walk and took her in IMhli, lid them Of tin* imM'e'e iccord -laleiiK nl Ihe woman vsas taken to Itinmas Jet fertotl \ nuersiti Hospital ^i Crime Prevent S ii Rmh *i i SIH- s»as eiainimd ami I .I.II morning nado i».i' arrested at nootl | I h r. HI g h I to the Philadelphia Police V\ Crimea I rut at I r.iriktnrd ami ( MM Avenue. H. ported ki Philadelphia Police Itu s . i Bd Vnton s.nd la.i light that 'in- trater-ms is taking M i lo hut rehned in elahorak- Idem is the tmirth illegad rage cat in ilk- past three . aihl ill. WCOad i" a tiaternits Bs-tm-en tu, ami tkghl IIK-MIIXI- ot \ 111 i egad -.111> raped female siu dern 'IK- house Oil I, hniaii 17. 1913. T lOM led lo Ihs- ,-ien tual sus|vnsi,.n ol Ilk- tralernili I no .Hhs-r illegad rapei occurred m ihe Quadrangle, inclading an acquaintanct i.l .prme t nisersiti ml, il ii Ik'ld a cpccial meeting nl itu I it i oe dtation t,' dncuu h.m t.> ivapund ii- the incident a Phi Sigma Kappa s ih-im I,ima/inis whonaaprevent at the it ludlslal pi ' last prtaa iheadd iNovi Ihe iw, ideal hamlled qunkls ami latrl) VA ,• hase IH'H |»,S edtll miii h iikire iieonnis thai prevKMN .•iK-s IK-said Ihis IIIIK-ill, 'a. ults is insolsed ami we hive all t* tin- I niseisiii read) to hmdli .ituaiion MIS kUliil ihat sime ilk- n.iiin has del ided lo pie.- ha letphu Path > it also invrtli) i the mallei I m glad that tin- niik- we have the police ,k-paririk-nt involved hceausc it s HIS jrnpon Mluallon eiallliikd lOtall) olli. i.ills ami puhliils mthout pi.iudi.i ,•! Ml) M" Ik -aid iilis .aid ih ihe incident was prevented at the H I ilk- woman '• ported!) it imtmmit im pagr 'I Inside H.imiluiinnit Speaker \ > iid mnmnc. aiilhoi ami ' ! Ximena Bunster resigns as director of Women's Center Correction \ .tun in I -ulai . /«.< iWiiMM Vihite -i si ,n Dona ' ihis ycui . cimuncnccmeni i . .idem -I ||M) ol ai . s| . aker MayH W ilsun ( ,..sl, ! a. ikH made h >' i an) -wlvr km»v\n Rial -hmild mn have ai in pri ipi'lo-.-i/i- tor ihe Students to protest CIA visit Groups to put agency on 'trial' Bs mjn VI.BIQI IRQ! I I wo lampus eroups are plannm piotesi kodM I" mark the arrual -if a Central Intelligence \>:eiki iccnuMi The PlOgnutve Siiklenl Mliafke and Ihe Central \meruan Solularili ICC mil Mold a musk Irial lor alleg i-d CIA .ruik-- at MOH OH ( oilegC II ll t keen Aller the hour lone 'tial prmesieis v* ill inarch in ihe Career Planmnp ami Placement office 4029 Chestnut Street sshs-re tfk-> mil attempt to pre PCM the recruilei ami BB) inters n-vcees irom eatertog The iikkk trial, whkh livuscs on alleged CIA Crimea in Central hjaarica, will iikluile ol reading* ami leaflet dislrihution PSA repi, ' irun Mmoshere ».ud Salurdas that the main purpuse ol Ihe trial is US IRWM siudeni awareness "VA'e'rc gninj! to read oil ihe cniaca Ilk- CIA ha. ii'iiiimlted ami urn- alvi fume lo haml out pamphlets sakl hi jngshcrii. a College senior 'We hope In Creale a lot ol lanlair ami lo make badenrj aware >i »hc the CIA should OP 1 !. .• QukM IRVM INI \X al KIR H . - mil he allimcil lo recruit uri campus Klntgdaarg added thai Ihi- groups are .s-ekinc lo achie-sc two goals through the pnKesi Prinurilv sec want ihe I niscrsits 10 aiiiHHiiki- that the CIA is not welcome on campus." he said "Wc alvi want to make Ihe I nuersirs ,,>mmunils aware -it what ilk- CIA !• dome ami nliKaii Ilk student hull Klmgaberi lead graap "t protesters mil attempt lo present the resruiter irnin i-nii-rine ihe emplowikiit oflke llx-re are smik- ol us lhal are ,! lo y\» .isil disohedieme. he said Ii will large!) Ix in the lorin ol prevcatnkj IIK agent front intcrcirwing sludenls and aaaarMBJ Itk- huildine i do not want to see our tuition dollars suppnrlin)[ their recruitinji But \ssimaii Student I ifc Directot PraaCBN Walker said lasi lu^hl thai she Ix-lieies pieieniin^- the recniiler Irom ititinne is a n.ilali.in ,il I nisersits policy It Ilk- CM lepreseniatise is « ol Imal hussimss then he has the nchl to enter." Walker said The Cnisersin euklelines on open ecpresskin stale that .ludeiit. arc m>t allowed to present s.i meonc Irom enle»-in(t a I nuersiti huil,hue who has made arrangerrk-nts iu Jo so with the ailiiiin;sliatHin lla-nalK. the I nisersils s poaaaM It ontmurd on pagr St Hi II URI N t.tll DBIR1. \imena Bun-i. from her posi as p. UP sk m n > ( , nlei uying stk coukl Milter ihe humiliainiM I h.m heen suh ,! tn In a letter t" V lor I nmi .its I lie laims Hi.rk | I 'ates IK- Iflll I* T "I "k centCI was IkisiiU- ami lint leminisi Ms Merngt and change the image and ilk lease the sisihlits ami siaiu. ,»t ilk- Piin Women . t cntet were mat with sesii, ii-sistami- hi w,'iik-n l.i. the ts'-s .ludi'iii. whsi trcuucnl ih, .eniei 'Iu letti i ataaaa I'l-im Woman i kdvanry Bn.ird rnemhef t arnk-n Corralei .hare* ed last nkinth Ihat Bunster was aim Si iiiitu. raiisi hoiiioplinhu and misnianaeed Hu .enter Presklent Sheldon II mM lh.uii.1. Ihili.h ami Bishnp drafted a i to ihe I niwi.iis i om il preaatag then support lor tlk .iiiiei H i Ikipi- HIS mush that ih- linns .omlude what has h»-en a difficult ami painlul ihapter Inr l)r Itiin.l, the- Wmik-ii > I .iii.i ami Im Ihe mine Piim iniiimuinli tlk- sialeiik-nl nail We have hu" deepK sadslem-d hi what has happctkd duime ihs' last lew week, ami we want t,- i,-iti'iale our avoaaj coaanamM '•• the roanaei of ihe Woaam'i < nan a- place that sup-finrts wnim-M at the Cnisersits ( Pennss Kama But tlx- iniisiiealion into the chatgai against Bunster will continue l>r Itimsier mm tik- taveattgation lo con linue I imhudMiian Barbara lowers sakl sestirdas fhe I niseisits should want it to go ahead and see what we tiifcl Bui there are mher paOgtl "ho diin't want it lo continue I OtMIJ rcluse-d lo idcntilv the in die kiuals who do not want the insesiiea IKKi to sofllinue hut Corrales said last night Ihat she also wants the wsestifa tmn in prikeed as scheduled i rlales |College senior said she IV a ird makini ilk- ceatM in MIII .Ik- added thai ihe rx-lii'i II II ' ' w,mld ikH have resign ed il -hi- tell that ihe invcvligation hi tlk I linhuil.man w.iuld haii' hkiml hei i nan I h Itunsii-i wnuid not have reatgned it shs- thought thai an t hnhodsman s m w.tieaiion could have vmdKatcd her i nrrak rales and iHhsr BMOben ot Ilk n . Mliame catted lor Bunsier . i .iiinn last month W,imen. (inter Assistant ,'i DCMNC I eviMoa nid last night that d ail that all ot tin- .on iiiiseiss has taken place and is relieved that it n nvei Biin-ter could me he rcaxlied I mag la* night hut her resignation letter slates thai she- Il me hninophnhii anli Semitii or rasisi She alsn .tati". lhal she Ihipcs lk-r resignation will stimulate an in ilepth investigation ol the a, in niei ol n . ( ,'iiler arkl "1 its hnslili' mherc which a me icmimsi Hut hnard iik-mhcrs said sesierilas that tlk-s disagree with Bunsiei . as.er tmn that tlx- .enter is me temmisl 'I' Hunsiei . letter «nn to he has eil on s.uik' .i..iuii|eioiis alkHit the Won ' qualils . Rl i.ihilns that do me nutih up wiih our urtain knowledge of meant eienls Vkniik-n lor fqual Opprjrtaaat) al tlk* 1 niselsiti ,-! Piiinsi liania Presi .Liu Vlilaidc iKIIuia s.nd lasi night \s ire uiiiii.l in oui ,ommilnK-nt to the Wonk-n s Center ami we are gratelul to Ihe Prcsnlenl the Proinst and the Vice Pmsos.1 loi their mntinued support \iithrn|>il,,gi kHOCBNC Proless.pr Peggy Samlai a imiiirxi oi Ihe ad nsnrs hnard. said last night that she is surprised that Bunsier ilaimcd thai laculo itk-nil>.-rs nhiiited to her leader ship ol Ihe iciiki "I'm dcepis saddened h\ the letter." s.iikl.n s.nd I III surprised h> her charge Ihat SIHIK* women lacults resisted her ellorls in ihange ihe image nl the OP MMI NX III Ns|| i, Wotnen'i Oentet unce the a.h i .hi- seii'ited was convened oaf) iflei the ch imhlished in the l/'/'l \i ilk --IK nn,-Ime where she prcienlad her mteMMMU i>> linage nl ilk- .eniei we in la,t applaud ed her ellnrt. S.imlas said S led that she i- pleased with th, ) mini. I rat inn s revponac !•• the controvc! ss surriKindine the Wotaea I t .nlet But Regional Science Profeuot lam. e Maddea Mad >eimdi) thai Banaw mat me gisen due proCCH I think lk-r resignatinn umlei ilk-si- i iriumslames itcikes this a ..nl das lor Ihe Wnmen's senlei the women I ."in iniiiiiti lor the I nuersiti ami I" /'• /Xn/i /Vnni/i iii'ii.i'i Madilcn mad Iti.hnp ^ikl Sahirday that dncuuKmi will hegin shonls on the dire.non •! the ,enter and on ilk- se-aiih lor a m w dncitor "III he talking In a nuinher of people r( iinnnutd i>n pagr 41 Wistar officials deny illegal campaigning Bs III IPI VI III 01 I I;I >' I ne olhsials .in denting iiat tiki luie heen ..i ia unlaiils i,II ail unsmiling union lei linn I In an eleslinn this hridas *< wnrker. jwill decide i«n whether to create a new ujuna I asi week Wisiar Institute f mplosiis \.s.malion leader * Peril :Pnimk.sier ami Kenneth I ixas sharged ths Institute mih using ilisgal duction j.MKs ill samp-iii'inng loi Ilk' rki unk«l " W isiar Adminisiralisc Due, I w.iid I odgc said I iklas that the Institute ha. hevn acting laiils W,' ie heen playing it like hoc ksiHHs, said Lodge Ihe factdaaltn ty and Ken made- those Chargea is a sigr. lhal they re running KMad they reali/e that they may me win ihe ckvtion Peandemer said last wixk that he fvlicscs Wistar is illegally soersing the ,s in nee for the mvumon propaaal. "They're going around telling the employees that if they treat Inr the union it may lake m iminths lo a year to renegotiate wages and bcnclitv" vial Pnindeuer. who is WIEA president "Thes re Irving to imply that ll we win tlk- elestion it will he scry dillnull tor I hem to rene-gieute " And Lodge sakl thai he helieses il the iV II A wins, rerkgieialinns mas be link: . -iisuming When urn hegin remgieialing with a new hargaimng unit, everything is m the taMc." l.ndge said " The pr-vesv is usualls a sers slnw and espensisc 0M Most unies. ssnh a new unit the results nl ihe negotiations are worse than they would have hoeri with mi union " I <*lgc also said he helieses ihat the workers should take their gncunn. M die SalKinal I-ahnur Relation. Board "The law pnect. Peris and Ken. and it they think that their lompiainiv are lustilied they should have taken them lo ilk-M KB LatdhaaaM fhey has en t done MI. whish is pront in itsell lhal their .omplaints aren't valid " But Lucas, who tiled a disenniiruiion suit against the Institute after he was tired in Scplemhcr. said yesterday that the cnmplainls have me been taken to the NLRB Because the board may delay the election It we submitted a complaint to the M KB that would hold up our election esenfunhcr." said Lucas Why would (Contouti om mart H) ArenH You Hungry? Oa/Adam Qonlon SI.I KP IT \l.l. IP. Hrres a kid who knows what's good for him. None of that junk food, just some plain old, rujlthv. wholesome lo mein. I iVmias \ngeluc.i eating ( hinese food al the I ni»ersil> MiiMUm's (hinese New Vear crlehration. Sn s|or\ on » V.

Student arrested on rape charge

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Page 1: Student arrested on rape charge

' C_ ^ JJ ^5 fminiVii 1885 \ til. I I. N" I* Pllll Mil I PHI \. Mnnday. lehruari IK. |<M5 Copc-gw 'Mi •*» Da*« 'rvii, .

Student arrested on rape charge Alleged incident occurred at Phi Sigma Kappa

\ l'h\sutans tin Social K>>>|MHisihilii\ IIHUIIMI vpeafckwj at Friday'I

uMlft-rt IU i

Medically speaking

Soviets, Americans discuss nuclear war


and American phynciani

! in a lively ducuuHM on naotaai »JI .11 MM Philadelphia Col leg! M Ph> Mi UUIS ind.iv

The conference, whuh attracttd about V») people, was arranged hi

Pnydcian lot Social Rcspnnsihiiits. .in .inn mi, leal group in I he I niieil Mates, and us international affiliate

International PhytKiani foi ihe Prevention ol Nucleai War

lllrcc Soviet phssmans .ind three

tanerican physician* partis ipatcd m

the panel JiMusMiin Douglas

Spencer, a Delaware chaptei Ml Member, said thai one oi ihe Sin, i

pity IIC aw CaacaM his appcaramc bccauat he had t<> return to the Soviet I nmn |0 lake , are of the BUMJ Soviet

premier I i[K "I the speakers who »j, |0mj

In he hero tonight had to return to the

Soi let I nion la lak, , art ,t ("hcrnenk.i Spencer said Dr

Cham i- his pefional physician He alio look care of Brexhaev

l( imlinurd on /mgr 9)

Bv I \l K\ MIWS \ I niieisiti siuik-ut wa. arresicd

■das hours alter he allcgcdlv. raped i K 'sernoni College freshman in his mmi at Phi Sigma kappa traterniti

Noaai vkhannn akMOt Hcniamin Maldnnadn.

i Chi Sigma Kappa brother was t.i he

uraigmd this mnrmng at Philadelphia headquarters at "ih ami Rase

SnMi Bail »as i,, he set .n that lime Maldnnadn. -ti has heen temp

suspended IriHii ihe 1 iincnus pending an investigation hs , its Md I nuersiti


I > a siatcnvnt mated laM light Pied dent Sheld.'n Hackncv -aid thai Ihe

I iiursits i. taking action to ensure that ■m- involved is treated lair!)

I am deepk concerned h\ ihe

serums charges that have heen made and

■Hand 'hat sinh alle -id reprehen sihie ix-haiior might hive iniuired at

Hacfcnc) laid I'm ilao


IMS,ill ed

The I liven*) .. thnrnugh internal investigation hi ,mr ludis IJI intuit. \:v. Marl who

mil keep out i lit tin) ami Sorot its Mfam ii i irmed the pmi

dent coettnucd w, in iTao . .•■pcraiinr lulls wiih ihe oagi

e inn he the Philadelphia I

, the statement, the ■voaaaa N lay night al \lpha lau I hnega 'trateinil) house

mlh Isfco Inemls Ilk ihree women lell the pans a-

iservt to Phi Sigma Kappa located at «M* losusi Wall alleged

rape- nesurred Iwn .indent. Mr* the woman Liter

ihat rimming on I OCBK Walk and took her in IMhli, lid them

Of tin* imM'e'e iccord -laleiiK nl

Ihe woman vsas taken to Itinmas Jet

fertotl \ nuersiti Hospital ^i Crime

Prevent S ii Rmh *i i SIH- s»as eiainimd ami I

.I.II morning

nado i».i' arrested at nootl ■ | I h r. HI g h I to the

Philadelphia Police V\ Crimea I rut at I r.iriktnrd ami ( MM Avenue. H.

ported ki Philadelphia Police

Itu s . i Bd Vnton s.nd la.i light that 'in- trater-ms is taking

M i lo hut rehned in elahorak-

Idem is the tmirth illegad rage ■cat in ilk- past three

. aihl ill. WCOad i" a tiaternits

Bs-tm-en tu, ami tkghl IIK-MIIXI- ot \ 111 i egad • -.111>■ raped ■ female siu

dern 'IK- house Oil I, hniaii

17. 1913. T lOM led lo Ihs- ,-ien tual sus|vnsi,.n ol Ilk- tralernili I no

.Hhs-r illegad rapei occurred m ihe Quadrangle, inclading an acquaintanct

i.l .prme t nisersiti ml, il ii Ik'ld a

cpccial meeting nl itu I it i oe dtation t,' dncuu h.m t.> ivapund

ii- the incident a Phi Sigma Kappa

s ih-im I,ima/inis whonaaprevent at the

it ludlslal pi ' last

■prtaa iheadd iNovi Ihe iw, ideal hamlled qunkls ami latrl)

VA ,• hase IH'H |»,S edtll miii h iikire iieonnis thai U« prevKMN .•iK-s IK-said Ihis IIIIK-ill, 'a. ults is

insolsed ami we hive all t* tin- I niseisiii read) to hmdli

.ituaiion ■ MIS kUliil ihat sime ilk- n.iiin

has del ided lo pie.- ha letphu Path > it also invrtli) i

the mallei I m glad that tin- niik- we have the

police ,k-paririk-nt involved hceausc it s

HIS jrnpon Mluallon eiallliikd lOtall) olli. i.ills ami

puhliils mthout pi.iudi.i ,•! Ml) M" Ik -aid

iilis .aid ih ihe incident was prevented at the

H I ilk- woman '• ported!)

it imtmmit im pagr 'I

Inside H.imiluiinnit Speaker

\ > iid mnmnc. aiilhoi ami ' !

Ximena Bunster resigns as director of Women's Center

Correction \ .tun in I -ulai . /«.<

iWiiMM Vihite -i si ,n Dona '

ihis ycui . cimuncnccmeni i . .idem

-I ||M) ol

ai . s| . aker MayH W ilsun ( ,..sl, ! a. ikH

made h >' • i an) -wlvr km»v\n

Rial -hmild mn have ai in pri ipi'lo-.-i/i- tor ihe

Students to protest CIA visit Groups to put agency on 'trial'

Bs mjn VI.BIQI IRQ! I I wo lampus eroups are plannm

piotesi kodM I" mark the arrual -if a Central Intelligence \>:eiki iccnuMi

The PlOgnutve Siiklenl Mliafke and Ihe Central \meruan Solularili

ICC mil Mold a musk Irial lor alleg

i-d CIA .ruik-- at MOH OH ( oilegC II ll t keen

Aller the hour lone 'tial prmesieis

v* ill inarch in ihe Career Planmnp ami Placement office ■ 4029 Chestnut Street sshs-re tfk-> mil attempt to pre PCM the recruilei ami BB) inters n-vcees

irom eatertog The iikkk trial, whkh livuscs on

alleged CIA Crimea in Central hjaarica, will iikluile ol reading* ami leaflet dislrihution

PSA repi, ' irun Mmoshere ».ud Salurdas that the main purpuse ol Ihe trial is US IRWM siudeni awareness

"VA'e'rc gninj! to read oil ihe cniaca Ilk- CIA ha. ii'iiiimlted ami urn- alvi fume lo haml out pamphlets sakl hi

jngshcrii. a College senior 'We hope In

Creale a lot ol lanlair ami lo make badenrj aware >i »hc the CIA should

OP 1 !.■ .• ■ QukM

IRVM INI \X al KIR H . -

mil he allimcil lo recruit uri campus

Klntgdaarg added thai Ihi- groups are .s-ekinc lo achie-sc two goals through the pnKesi

Prinurilv sec want ihe I niscrsits 10

aiiiHHiiki- that the CIA is not welcome on campus." he said "Wc alvi want to

make Ihe I nuersirs ,,>mmunils aware

-it what ilk- CIA !• dome ami nliKaii Ilk student hull

Klmgaberi lead ■ graap "t protesters mil attempt lo present the resruiter

irnin i-nii-rine ihe emplowikiit oflke llx-re are smik- ol us lhal are

,! lo y\» .isil disohedieme. he said Ii will large!) Ix in the lorin ol

prevcatnkj IIK agent front intcrcirwing sludenls and aaaarMBJ Itk- huildine • i do not want to see our tuition dollars

suppnrlin)[ their recruitinji But \ssimaii Student I ifc Directot

PraaCBN Walker said lasi lu^hl thai she Ix-lieies pieieniin^- the recniiler Irom ititinne is a n.ilali.in ,il I nisersits

policy It Ilk- CM lepreseniatise is ■« ol

Imal hussimss then he has the nchl to enter." Walker said The Cnisersin euklelines on open ecpresskin stale that

.ludeiit. arc m>t allowed to present s.i

meonc Irom enle»-in(t a I nuersiti huil,hue who has made arrangerrk-nts iu

Jo so with the ailiiiin;sliatHin lla-nalK. the I nisersils s poaaaM

It ontmurd on pagr St

Hi II URI N t.tll DBIR1. \imena Bun-i.

from her posi as p. UP sk m n > ( , nlei uying stk coukl

Milter ihe humiliainiM I h.m heen suh ,! tn

In a letter t" V lor I nmi .its I lie laims Hi.rk | I 'ates

IK- Iflll I* T "I "k centCI was

IkisiiU- ami lint leminisi

Ms ■Merngt and change the image and ilk lease the sisihlits ami siaiu. ,»t ilk- Piin Women . t cntet were mat with sesii, ii-sistami- hi w,'iik-n l.i. the ts'-s .ludi'iii.

whsi trcuucnl ih, .eniei 'Iu letti i ataaaa

I'l-im Woman i kdvanry

Bn.ird rnemhef t arnk-n Corralei .hare* ed last nkinth Ihat Bunster was aim Si iiiitu. raiisi hoiiioplinhu and

misnianaeed Hu .enter Presklent Sheldon II mM

lh.uii.1. Ihili.h ami Bishnp drafted a

i to ihe I niwi.iis i om il

preaatag then support lor tlk .iiiiei H i Ikipi- HIS mush that ih-

linns .omlude what has h»-en a difficult ami painlul ihapter Inr l)r Itiin.l,

the- Wmik-ii > I .iii.i ami Im Ihe mine Piim iniiimuinli tlk- sialeiik-nl nail

We have hu" deepK sadslem-d hi

what has happctkd duime ihs' last lew week, ami we want t,- i,-iti'iale our

avoaaj coaanamM '•• the roanaei of ihe Woaam'i < nan a- ■ place that sup-finrts wnim-M at the Cnisersits ■■(

Pennss Kama But tlx- iniisiiealion into the chatgai

against Bunster will continue l>r Itimsier mm tik- taveattgation lo con linue I imhudMiian Barbara lowers

sakl sestirdas fhe I niseisits should want it to go ahead and see what we tiifcl Bui there are mher paOgtl "ho diin't want it lo continue

I OtMIJ rcluse-d lo idcntilv the in die kiuals who do not want the insesiiea IKKi to sofllinue hut Corrales said last night Ihat she also wants the wsestifa

tmn in prikeed as scheduled i rlales |College senior said she IV

a ird • ■• makini ilk- ceatM in MIII .Ik- added thai ihe

rx-lii'i II II ' ' w,mld ikH have resign ed il -hi- tell that ihe invcvligation hi tlk I linhuil.man w.iuld haii' hkiml hei

i nan I h Itunsii-i wnuid not have reatgned

it shs- thought thai an t hnhodsman s m

w.tieaiion could have vmdKatcd her

i nrrak • rales and iHhsr ■BMOben ot Ilk n . Mliame catted lor Bunsier .

i .iiinn last month W,imen. (inter Assistant

,'i DCMNC I eviMoa nid last night that d ail that all ot tin- .on iiiiseiss has taken place and is

relieved that it n nvei Biin-ter could me he rcaxlied I

mag la* night hut her resignation letter

slates thai she- Il me hninophnhii anli Semitii or rasisi She alsn .tati". lhal she

Ihipcs lk-r resignation will stimulate an in ilepth investigation ol the a, in niei ol

n . ( ,'iiler arkl "1 its hnslili' mherc which a me icmimsi

Hut hnard iik-mhcrs said sesierilas

that tlk-s disagree with Bunsiei . as.er tmn that tlx- .enter is me temmisl

'I' Hunsiei . letter «nn to he has eil on s.uik' .i..iuii|eioiis alkHit the Won ' qualils . Rl

i.ihilns that do me nutih up wiih

our urtain knowledge of meant eienls Vkniik-n lor fqual Opprjrtaaat) al tlk* 1 niselsiti ,-! Piiinsi liania Presi

.Liu Vlilaidc iKIIuia s.nd lasi night \s ire uiiiii.l in oui ,ommilnK-nt to

the Wonk-n s Center ami we are gratelul to Ihe Prcsnlenl the Proinst and the Vice Pmsos.1 loi their mntinued

support \iithrn|>il,,gi kHOCBNC Proless.pr

Peggy Samlai a imiiirxi oi Ihe ad nsnrs hnard. said last night that she is surprised that Bunsier ilaimcd thai

laculo itk-nil>.-rs nhiiited to her leader ship ol Ihe iciiki

"I'm dcepis saddened h\ the letter." s.iikl.n s.nd I III surprised h> her

charge Ihat SIHIK* women lacults resisted her ellorls in ihange ihe image nl the

OP •■• MMI NX III Ns|| i,

Wotnen'i Oentet unce the a.h i .hi- seii'ited was convened oaf)

iflei the ch imhlished in the l/'/'l

\i ilk --IK nn,-Ime where she prcienlad her mteMMMU i>>

linage nl ilk- .eniei we in la,t applaud ed her ellnrt. S.imlas said S • led that she i- pleased with th, ■)

mini. I rat inn s revponac !•• the controvc! ss surriKindine the Wotaea I t .nlet

But Regional Science Profeuot lam. e Maddea Mad >eimdi) thai Banaw mat me gisen due proCCH

I think lk-r resignatinn umlei ilk-si-

i iriumslames itcikes this a ..nl das lor

Ihe Wnmen's senlei the women I ."in iniiiiiti lor the I nuersiti ami I" /'•

/Xn/i /Vnni/i iii'ii.i'i Madilcn mad Iti.hnp ^ikl Sahirday that dncuuKmi

will hegin shonls on the dire.non ■•! the

,enter and on ilk- se-aiih lor a m w dncitor

"III he talking In a nuinher of people

r( iinnnutd i>n pagr 41

Wistar officials deny illegal campaigning

Bs III IPI VI III 01 I I;I >' I ■ne olhsials .in denting

iiat tiki luie heen ..i ■ ia unlaiils i,II ail unsmiling union

lei linn I In an eleslinn this hridas *< wnrker.

jwill decide i«n whether to create a new

ujuna I asi week Wisiar Institute

f mplosiis \.s.malion leader * Peril

:Pnimk.sier ami Kenneth I ixas sharged ths Institute mih using ilisgal duction j.MKs ill samp-iii'inng loi Ilk' rki unk«l

" W isiar Adminisiralisc Due, I

w.iid I odgc said I iklas that the Institute ha. hevn acting laiils

W,' ie heen playing it like hoc

ksiHHs, said Lodge Ihe factdaaltn ty and Ken made- those Chargea is a sigr.

lhal they re running KMad they reali/e that they may me win ihe

ckvtion Peandemer said last wixk that he

fvlicscs Wistar is illegally soersing the

,s in nee for the mvumon

propaaal. ■ "They're going around telling the employees that if they treat Inr the union it may lake m iminths lo a year

to renegotiate wages and bcnclitv" vial Pnindeuer. who is WIEA president

"Thes re Irving to imply that ll we win tlk- elestion it will he scry dillnull tor

I hem to rene-gieute " And Lodge sakl thai he helieses il the

iV II A wins, rerkgieialinns mas be link: . -iisuming

When urn hegin remgieialing with a

new hargaimng unit, everything is m

the taMc." l.ndge said " The pr-vesv is usualls a sers slnw and espensisc 0M Most unies. ssnh a new unit the results

nl ihe negotiations are worse than they

would have hoeri with mi union " I <*lgc also said he helieses ihat the

workers should take their gncunn. M die SalKinal I-ahnur Relation. Board

"The law pnect. Peris and Ken. and

it they think that their lompiainiv are

lustilied they should have taken them lo ilk-M KB LatdhaaaM fhey has en t done MI. whish is pront in itsell lhal their .omplaints aren't valid "

But Lucas, who tiled a disenniiruiion

suit against the Institute after he was tired in Scplemhcr. said yesterday that the cnmplainls have me been taken to

the NLRB Because the board may delay the election

It we submitted a complaint to the M KB that would hold up our election esenfunhcr." said Lucas Why would

(Contouti om mart H)

ArenH You Hungry? Oa/Adam Qonlon

SI.I KP IT \l.l. IP. Hrres a kid who knows what's good for him. None of that junk food, just some plain old, rujlthv. wholesome lo

mein. I iVmias \ngeluc.i eating ( hinese food al the I ni»ersil> MiiMUm's (hinese New Vear crlehration. Sn s|or\ on ■■» V.

Page 2: Student arrested on rape charge

r\«-r : llll DAII \ PKNNMI k WI\N Mondai. frbruars 114. I-*S

Off the Wire Today's news compiled from Associated Press dispatches

Briefs International

(iemayel hails Israeli withdrawal ftcni Sidon

III IK I I I ahanoa UtMM navel -i-itcd

la) HHI hatted the Israeli mlMar) puliiNit Imn ii« prat .us M ilk tu-t iicp toward the liberation and M» ' si Hithcrn Lebanon

,,i >'\ Prime Minisi i ".I

lias in their ihc Israeli arm) whuh

li . the da) <>i the s-Hiih II ■ ihc ft ration nl ihc

C ' train) \.i

i I he built wtihotit inno -I ..i ike hi

uMhdrcw it- arm) rroni s iinwnduM .11..i- s.iiur 1

il | I .could

Mitel) Iran Hi IT)

Vietnamese attempt lo break resistance

KHAO SARAPI I lh.nl.iikl : p '

IIK .!•, i. .'I ilk

I Ml II I hai I .mi" •r n mamma

pnekd i tui military inalvsi 'das

all. iK.lv ..ml V. lelll.lllle v,

. MM notlhcm jikl

ielltl.ll .ile.lv along til. hlinlCI III Mush IMa . unnunivi

it non c"inniunivi

' I U'lll

I \ |IU mplcd ihl nuin Mlllkl Rouge' ".!-. Il I'llH."

l.nl week aivl Ilk I ihcraiion I i.ml If.Hllkl l>"

III iik- north Heath • ".i>

.1 southern ni.i.i -ii.i, ii ,.i ih. iroMici a. well m

nounutn-t HI Dung K.ik V llui ••llkcr al Ihc lii'iiiki -akl

Vkinanx-sc ,niiM,'i\ shells rained on i: It.in Kiiui killing

..•in.II .nki iwa children Satut I • i il,,! .. ills ar

\ iio.*-i

l ihcra ;, rrtllas al ikaitn i ► lt,>i

National Reagan Jclends trips in California ranch

s\\l \ H\KII\K \ ' it i Pre* i. lui nun' hi ilk W hMC

vestcnia) artct a huii da) .K.IIIOII n. ft* lech m-iilicd muk

.|ikiu inp. lu his Caliktrnu ■', ,.iu., you in, up an awtul i'iHI,\ sening in ilk • i..ii

nun. . demands "i the

;>,\ .i,,iMii|i.nn htm whercvet Vlkl I l'k»k al ll in another

was at lit) ii'.' ham nuns mm ...II. it MI to iik ranch .»kl caai) : ihc 74-jn pi. -i.i, HI -aid

Vlkl . nio\ nic Kami tempi laturc- iikl -unm 'In. al his niounlaintop spread. Reagan Hc» hack lo w ashinftiai i" prepare hn i mealing WcdncMlai with Itniish Prime MHIISI.I Margaret Ihatslx-i

Burger .isks Congress to create new court

s\ kSHINCrON ("hi. I taaticc .. B let .. stenkr) urgt .i i oa :ie'-- hi . is'alc a new national court lo htttp iik Suoremc Ciajrt cope ssuh us

.n.il.ilkhc ••! • i-scd ans sensible

lllllll .Ml ssh.it Ilk' Suprciik Coillt

should is .i-k. .i Mi .1". sakl U ii, ii.ii I ranking gabje BMI

nin. Supreme Coan taemben Mihougii atmimj ins message

.. Burget I rave tod Mi IK'lioil and n-s*d jn \nkTisan Bar VM-M.III.MI ,,HI.,nihin .is his Inruni

N.MI'IL- ii. hat tried u ohtain ..MHIIS loi'iis .•! is* lie I I nun Ci Mie res Ma iik'i. itun a decade. Barajn mhad

H \ Wl^ iv ll s,. dlllkult li>

:ia-|i ilk- realM) llui |Us| as ssc need

MM'U' ptdfcY Jikl liam SIHIIIV lo ilcal s-s it It alil.Hinaiilv' uallk ihjn ssc dkl 73 ',,ii. .. .l\ loss

■iiiinn.''silcs. ssc need sanncthing iism hi .Is-al ss nh the jsjlaikhs- nl , .ivv v ,,>lli|i".' I" Ilk' Slll'f.'llk' ( .Hill '"

mm i'kl what . .. i, ..'iivi.lv'iin); ivvicalMin

,'l a Mivalk'tl iiHv'i.ii.uit panel ' ihai ssiml.1 iklsl .ass-v vein in it hs the

"Slipivllk* C iHilt

Weather . viinns Uklas ssuh tujihs in

ilk lossei 4iK BthMOtag vlimds

imiiehi li'sss HI Ihc middle Xfcl H anamd »•' Muail) doad) hasajnm »uh high, in 'Ik' lossci tik

Asctte or •

Win n iIn hall i- in.'.inn ihai Ia-i -mi ml) hast- ."in,iiii.ii. invh.H.i ii ..nh areMrar) M.i.ik ihai

sshs Ihiv plain ilnhi I IMIIMI Ilk IIIIIII. vha|H "I Ihi lakh In v plains "ii

Walesa calls on Poles to launch 15-minute strike

Third artificial heart transplant meets with hopes for success

mi isuill h. Worka«wm i amd ajraaow give M

H.is.l.'ii Ihc ss.nId v thud perniansnt M tills ul Ik.i . and cspi, hope ihai ih, •• . , ild mind amwaortct »iM become the (Ira piilil I" nuke a lull ii'i.'H'ii

Ihc heart i v a o r ki>| parfactl) hi. »aal vi^nv are vtahle atki tvarythaif appoan in he in great sha|> vtlura makeanai tut HII in ana Heart Institute

Int.inathiiul Institute ,hjiruun Allan I anvine vaul

Maidiin. sihiisi' own heart via. diamnd

.iixi iwoHta, came thnnieh amai) ssuh IXI vieniti.ant Isleedini! an.1 required rki

Mood Iranstiivii.nv Hiv COM iv M ullent. Laaua| said It »av a MM) -u,, ess lui morning

He said ihs're am lev, | muni >'l COMrollod es.ileineni in the

npnnging raoai dan duriaj ihc bw

iii.m. sshen tkdliam SchraaCW ,.l hi- heart N.is 21-

I In- ssav a mush mofc niulinc Uoa he sakl Whin it vsas all

I'U'I every bod) sakl Man that sscnt well

SurgeT) hegan at J 4" a m I Si aikl «a- i.'ir.piete.i b) ll W. when Havdon ssj- lakin Inmi the .ipcraling room M in ten.ne .are. Vtkinv vaul l>.»t"rv hail predkie.l the uperatmn would IM Ikmrv

'ilkial heart implant, in Bane) Clark oa iv. 2 IW took mm man 7 hours Ichroeda s»as m

. ,-r h hours |)r \s illiain |>c\rie- and his

a--i-tant- IkWatd 1" . la—kal lute niiisii as irks vesnd in ilx plastn .ulls that link the arlilkial heart H the upper .iiaiiiikiv ,t Hi.,i,a > hnari. the .mis portions that si ere not retikiscd IKAne- i- ilk- "ills -iiieeon appl

hs the goveraaam u pertorm the iinpljnt-

K.'hcn lar.ik the hcan - imenioi. said he talked H Ilk- Iannis aller Ihc

-ureers and thes WCTC rOOkiaj NT)

rein .

Hay don toffered from ur- a progreutve ckwrton

ti"n and sssellin." ol ilk' Ik'arl that lell him unahle to eel .Hit "I hc.l tad unahlc

i" lease ilk' hospital lor the past three neekv I letting -aid

Ihe Jamk j arnlinal Ik.iit I im'lal aikl pla.ln .iweiiihls neiehinf Ma

ihird- ol a pound, is possered hy a ""liiternal air compressor the -i/e

nail rcdujeram I.'i the ii-vi ot in- lite Haydon must

uiiiain letheted In that drise ssvteni or I" a smaller batters powered I H pi, v.,.r ihe im ot a camera bag lha .an allow him I" lise a relativel) nnmial life

WARSAW H.'land Solklants ihicl Iceh Walesa sasmg he is run alrjkl to go hi |ail. urged cheering supporlcrc in (idansk sesterdas to launch a

.ountcrottcnsise against the gosern iik'nt hs taking part in a I *• minute strike on N

■nke iv to protest communist goiernment plans lo increase l.«»l pikiv

In a delunl mood one das alter a pro ■M ssarned him that he risks a lue

seal prison senteike lor lontinuevl union Jiltsities. Walc-a .ondemnnl a police

■ dossn on his outlawed free trade union federation

Pie hesi sons ot our land are heing

imprisoned and that is sshi this |thc hch 21 vtnkel has to succeed ssiinesses CjadWd Walesa j> telling more than 1.(100 supporters packing a courtsard

outside St Hrsgida - Church \ ' this tikinx-nt sse HC starting a

vounterollen-oi so let v get reads lor it

in pBtce." Ihcs tamed him a- sasing. Walesa, ssho «a. .Iiai.'i.l Saturdas

ssuh imiting unrest and oigani/ing il Ice.il protest- told the CTOWd he intern!

ed lo report lor -cork this morning at the

I enin Shipyard. Solularil\ s htrthplace. sshi're hi' ssorks as an eleitn, lan.

Regardless ol whether I am arrested

or not. cscriisnc knows what he is sup posed to ik> on Keh 28 II ihc general

| Polish leader den Woicltch

Jaru/eltkil a M ahle lo ensure isrdet in this countrs then we will help hun."

Walesa was also quoted as sasing

Walesa contacted hs. telephone al his ddansk apartment, lonl'trmed witness

as counts of his speech I asked them whether thes knew that Ihe |strike-1 dect

sion was irresikahle and whether thes wanted it. ' he sax) in Ihc telephone in tersicw Thes shouted ses \o I sai.l

thai Ihcs should realize that fn»m f-eh

there will he a resolute lounterodensisc

Aller Walesa limshcd his hnel

speech, the .rowd ihanlcd Lech.

1 eih' and Solidarits'

Karlici Walesa |oined mure than J ("Hi worshipers lor a Mass tor three

promtncnl Solidarils astisisis Adam

Mkhnik of Warsaw, Hogd.ni Lu of ddansk and Wladsslaw hrassntuk ol

Wroclaw arrested in Wcdncsd.o I

raid on a clandestine union uvcciing in (iilansk that was .ailed lo set plans lor the Fob 2H protest

Walesa was summoned lo Ihe Cidansk prose, utors office on Saturday His

lawyer. Jacek laslor said Ihc pro- se, ulor intoriik-d Walesa thai he and

■even union actfviM had been charged with inciting puhln unrest and orgaru/

ing illegal proie-ts It cons uted the . ight face a maximum three sen ..iiten.e under Poland's penal code

Westmoreland drops libel suit against CBS

Budget cuts would dim Aintrak's Jiiture \V kSHINGTON When draharn

( laslor hciaiik' president ot Viniiak Ik-

quick!) ni.kle known his dislike lor ihc lOod on his trains Hudgct .ul. had lot. id Ire-hK piepaie.l enltees m eoe was

to Iro/en dinnets healed in a mtcrowaVc

oien \ i.r -si food would attract

pauenaen, Claytoi praamtf) untuad that iikals again he Ireshls pre|iarcd on

Is .aid aikl even restored linen .hma and silserwaie to souk .lining can

While not Ihs- uki-t mmCMCm de. i sion made hs ( lastoi -ime Ik't.»k oser Ihc nation s pavsengei radioad in \tX2

Ihc new poli.i lelle.icd Amliak > (sush in reient seat-10 impiose veiu.e while

al Ihc sank- lime lacing pre I am to hold down costs

Not mans sears ago Amtrak .iltt.i, ted headlines lor tunning trains that weie

unsanitary, ollen had no heat, and

almost hall the lime dkin't amse IKI

-, he dull'

Much ol that has changed But ihc

railroad which was ,nati-il as a prisale •.iiion hs I ."letcss aikl began

.ipcraling in 1971 m the freight lines could bail out ol the passenger business.

is again lighting lor sursisal IIMTC SO

soiik- supporters -as than at ans link' in

its ho:

I Ik Keagaii adminivtiation announced earlier this month it wantv to eliminate

teckral -uhvidiev lor the railroad, a mosc that ttk-st railroad esperts say wmild loice il out ol business

\intrak which carries XI million passengers a sear between about Aim ,onmiunitics la 4< stales, is gelling SW<4

million Irom Ihe goscrnrucnt this sear

It has asked Congress lot l similar aitksunl lor the lt-ial car that begins ik st tKtohcr

Hut sas- 1 ranvportati. n Se.retary

I li/aheth Dole AI • lime when deficit reduiti.in is our highest national priori ts we can no longer allor.l to provide

railroad subsidies that piunarils benefit

passengers in the middle and upper in- come bracket

I sen without tederal BOM) I0BH

lotin ol passenger rail sersi.e w.Hild be

emactod lo surs iva with state- ot phvmi inscstors likely lo come up with the

IBM) -he -.n.l

The suggestion was mel wuh

widespread -kcpltcism in railroad circle- Kail cepcrls noted the railroads alrcads lound "ike that thes .ouldn t make a profit hauling passcngei-

M w iDRK Retired Gen Wdliam ss.viniorclaikl ,m,! I HS uik s|kcledls

.igieed >e-li-r,l.o 10 lenuin.ite hi- s| 'll million lihi-l action ae.un-i the- ik't woik .i -mo . , lo-i- hi ihe ik'tworks

CMC sakl A on. paragraph aawmeni "a- sign

c.l he the panic- in the CMC Lite se-tci da) that -as- it .la. dl-ini--c,l with pte'iudiic and without co-i lo .mi par

•aid the' source who -poke on the loiklition that he ik.t be idcntilicd hs

name ic'c-tikiil 10 end the case' with

prejudice mean- that Wc-liik'rclaiki mac

no! leltlc the -uit I Ik's lusi iiiikluded thes didn't hase

ins chance ol winning I Iks -imply

diopped llk'ir ,,1-c with.ml ans inoiks 01 an) apology, ilk v.mrcc- said, adding thai it I- sen late lo driip a case like this wilhiHil gelling anslhuie

l.ulier Ihc network quoted inlorm

,'.l ."iii.e- .i- -.icing the .iL'ic'i-inent t"

end the I S District Court trial wa- reaihed hs lawser- rot Nith sides lollowing scser.il das- ol negotiation-

llk- hitler Is week old trial will end lodac wilhout going lo the iury .' IBS

ICponed lale i,-tci,l.is fhc network announced la-l night thai

a ixws conference wimld he held ihi- inorning

We'sltikirelaikl who commanded I S

ground lorces in Vietnam, claimed thjl

tlk- I in; CBS doiumeiiiais. I he I'n- sountcd I ncnis A \ lelnain IVccp- iion libeled him hs assiriing that he

nusrepicsenlcd eik'ins irmip slrenglh ligures to then President l.sndon lohnson lo maintain polilieal -up|sort lor the war

/'/. \lii\hiiivinn Pint in lodas s ,',|i

lions, -aid thai ICCording (0 v.Hircc'- e lo-e lo I he case some ol s\, vimorelarxl - Iriend- .ittormss and

linjtkial backen -iiggc-tcd thai he Jtop ilk ease- lollowing lesiimony la-t week Irian retired Anns t ol dams Hawkins,

who was the chad ol Ihe Oidei ol Bailie, .i lo-ter ol enemy ttisip c--tiu-..ites in

V lelnain

Hawkins tc'slilied that in IVn7 We-stnioreland had called higher enenn

I r o o p e s 11 m a t e s p o I 111 c a 11 s


kccording 10 / 'r < I'<• \ t. Weslinorelaikl - deci-ion hi wnh.lr.iw.

which CBS is espcited to ilaiin a- a ma- tor siclory. ii-piirte'dls insolses tki a|k>logs bs CBS iiiixerning ihc broad- east and mi agreement llial tlie iklwork pas sctllciiK'nt cost- or altorrx-ss lees '

Ihcsc source- said Westmoreland s lawsers pcrsu.kled CBS to .icree ikK M

.ue Westmoreland lor ihc network s legal costs." the' /'o*/ -tors said

Ivy Towers Compiled trom the Nation's collegiate press

Rutgers U. to diVest S. African holdings M ss His i NSW Ilk \ i

Rutgers I nis.-isits - goseiiiing lsi.nd- .iKcel e.llllll tills IlkHltll |0 s|ip|S.|l .1 |S>lki ol partial discslilute ol the school v holdmgv in liniiv with opera tlOlls III SeHllll Ml Iv .1

Ilk- action taken by Ilk- B.cirel ot

dosiinori and ihc Hiurd ol I rusiecs

came aller long mix- ■dmaaMmttoa wi.iiighug eisei the inse-iuknt tssuc Hui align/ student interest group- have sowed to -ust.nn pressure until Kiitget- polks ii'lliit- llk-u new

Ilk' boards upheld reiiHiiuk-ndaliotis

mads- by Ihc Joint Inscsimcnl Commit tec lodise-t snuriiic- Iroui I S lirm- .loing business in South Africa whkh

ue not aitoe in pnaaurtaj ithmn m in, iav tally segti-gaiid cmints I he ik'W (soils > will also gunk lutute Kni-,1- insc-stiik-nls

In then dci ivion the goicrnorv .IIKI

liusicv- rc>ctesl -luderil .itxl laciilly |skas and a I ius,-isits Senate MBOat

iik'txlalion lot total elisesiiik-nt Wuh Ihe polns olliiialls uu

plciiktitcd. the I nnersits will begin a \1 iikvnlh prikess ol wuhdiawi- million in securities Irom vesen

American cumpank,-s Kulgeis tkiw has SI 1 I million inscsicd in T I S linns

vstiic h conduct busirx-ss in SoHM Mile.I

s.uilord Jalle a itkiiihci ol lb. Bond i loii-nxiis -jkJ he supported the

ir.oe. tor Isvth iiksral and practical L.t-'ll-

Ihcre is mi qucslkin about apar iliciel Ik' s.iul It . a moral

natraj South Afrm in Ihc long iur is mK

a gikki business insesinx'nt 'he added I he future tor liability in that i.Hinlry

is not bright We can get nut ol South

\liiea without signilicant hann lo I invent!) inscstiik-nts

s Sew Jer.ec avvc-mblsnun warned Kulgcrs tha -tale appropriation lesels

could be afNKtod il Ihc Inner-its Jtx-s not completely withdraw iti in-

vcsiiik-nis in lirms operating in the i.uialls -egiegated coumn ol South


Bui Rutgers l.nicersits Pievident Ld

...ltd Hlinistein vaid that withdrawing eoniplctels liotn 1 S. linns opcraling

in South Africa would he pmishing thine eumpmm thai arc aslualls work me lor ihe good ol South Alrxa s

black- — Ihr Ikiih largum

Colorado students keep McDtxiakl's away

Itol I 1)1 R COW Students al Ihe

I msersits ot ('idorado al Boulder have ■MM a light with Ihc administration to

kOCB .i McOoaaJM ■ restaurant oil their , .lllipus

Ij-t tall sjudents soled against a

referendum whuh would allow a

McDonald's lo he part of the untsersits student ccniei

Bui Ihe .klnunisiration went ahead

with a proposal lo gtse the- last loo,I icstauraiH a Iranchise as part ol a plann- ed S< million tenosalion ol ihc f niser • ue Meiikirial C enter

Students responded by picketing ad ministration officM

I nisersiis regents then insiructcd Ihc administration to trs lo work out a com-

promise wuh the students fhc resulltng agreement .all- lor an

iik tease in siudeni lees to help pas lor the icnosalion ol Ihc dining taeililies

anil eliminate- the McDonald - Iran

. hi-e I he regent. are scheduled lo sole on ilk* plan this month - The Chnmiclt of Hig.hrr MMMBM

Framingham college haas alcohol in dorms

Ik \MI\dHs\t Stas- Irani ingham Slalc ( ollege in Massaehusetls' has banned al.o-holii beserages Irom

all dormilorics on the- campus, in ■Tef- lon to mitigate towdines- and other. problems thai ollmal- -ay are the result • •I aNisise drinking

\ise President lor Student Ser\xe<, Wends Noses said ihai the administra- tion is irying to make Ihc lismg quarters

more condusisc to studying

"We wanted lo improve the at- mosphere in the residence halls in

make il academic as well as residential and alchohol use and the' lorrespon

ding abuse were undermining that- goal S.oycs said

Ihc seven dormitories on Ihc sampus

hou-e about hall ol ihe college - 1200 full time students

Soses said thai siall member- Irom her otiiee were meeting with residence

hall staff members regularly to monitor the atmosphere" in the-

dorms — The Chronicle of Higher Education

Page 3: Student arrested on rape charge

Mil Dili \ PINNSM \ \M\N M..M.I... I, I,,,,..,, IN, |Mh« I'M.I '

Focus Stress Wars: U. aids students in battle


.tnH k\lll ROKS •I

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THIS SPRING BREAK Hiking/Skiing in:


Hiking in Shenandoah NATIONAL PARK, VIRGINIA

with THE OUTING CLUB Call Dave Reed - 386-9479


resume referral

service for summer

career-related work

opportunities Attendance at Sumtw Jabs/j>tt*r*fofS- VMsbcp ji^MJr^ frtfT to fWi*triCt«r»v Information and Workshop sign-up in


2nd) Floor Houston Hall

Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity w ould like to th ank

Th e follow inq sponsors and dancers for hel pin g us raise $30 ,000 to ben efit Multiple S clerosis

Sponsors The Barclay Hotel Dean Marlinelli Shen Kapel Robert Brooks

The Roost Lisa Morren Andy Potash Julie Crowe

The Gallery Carney s Michael Browning Kathy Smith John Chiu

WTAF TV The Riverfront Dinner Theatr r Trudi Swam George Rudawsky Mitji Puckett

H06-WZGO City Line Dinner Theatre Jacques Bendzynski Stephanie Solomon Bruce Charles

V 1 P Travel 20th Street Cale Monica Ford Eric Neslow Carol Turner .

Mont Bl»nc Ski Lodge J B Winberne Richard Damon Arlene Daley Barry Hauseman

Condado Holiday Inn Retorl Margarita s Oebra DeFelippes Joy Berger Parthev Sangam

le Bee Fin La Famigha Mary Pat Henry Susan Powell Francois Alberola

Monle Carlo Living Room Amoroso s Eileen Donnelly Oaniel FarreM Helene Pmsky

Wild Flowers Janice Filts Elizabeth Marengo Don Striker

Chic* ■ * Mary Ann Ricciardi Joseph Anthony Dupon Lisa Barkin

Chicken George Inc Dancers tern Ann Fallen Kelli Anne Logan Neil Tuch

WAWA Food Markets Mary Christine Derby •hire Elizabeth Pullro Ten Franklin

Sports Impressions Hochelle Bright Crystal Oawn Kearns Kathleen Lawson Stephen McAhstar

Gameworld froy Simon Caryn Cannova Raeleen Geeslm Ellen Shulman

Deck the Walls Richard Bolnick Zane Brown Victoria Pena Marly Burger

Original Cook.e Company Robin Goldberg Valerie Fnck Jocelyn Rentes Robin Simon

Allections Mimi Ang Tern Clopp Maureen McGmley Alan Shotkm

Richard Buick Volvo Inc Andrew Jacobs Sue Gamble Annette Marabilo Laura Mazzerella

Fleekop S Provision Company Lenord Thomas Wanda Cummings Randi Rosen E'in Koish

Barry s Bagels Mane Oguniobi Heidi Jamieson Steven Soler Joanne Rosenberg

Nelson Natalie Sneidman Richard Mesch Judy Landgreen Kenneth Silver

A Weinteld and Son Barry Ounayer Cathy Love Beth Ann Saleski Valancia Mill*r

Franks Beverage* Grace Lee Ken Hymes Maryann Ford Robin Bryant

Lee s Hoagie House Mark Soler Jeanette Hughes Grace Ford Steve Brown

Got! s Suds and Soda Kimberly McCabe Thorns*) Schmidt Jodi Zytoerdrut Volanda Martinez

Sounds ol Upper Darby Joseph Nicoletto Debbie Kacimarck Keith Broder Maria Ybarra

The Fiddler Eileen Donlin Shawn Garrabrant isau Valbuena Michael Walsh

O Hara s Saloon Adele Gralteo Can/n Cohen Antonio DeJesus Yvette Barkin

0 Haras Fish House Audi Fleischker Michael Fleischer Debbie Peck Lisa James

Seledalley Dennis Deputy Ann* McCormick Karen OeBettadetU Curtis Tucker

Abner s Linda Houser Joseph Henderson S Kaplan Kathy Butler

Casa Maria Paul Comber Steven Slutsky 0 Gottlieb Dan Staler

The Original Bookbinder s Marianne Fogarty Abby Goldstein Yvette Lawlon Ion Boverman j

The Rusty Scupper Alan Waiman Roseanne Frain Cora Copeland Laurie Sears

Chestnut Street Bar and Grill Kitty Goslin Joyce Callmin Dotty Collaio Christina Albert

Eden Restaurant and Bar Mary Eden Marci Alboher Denis* Minrwck Jinine Adams

Le Bus Lore Weliky Morty Ferlel Regma Romam Dane Adams

Smokey Joe B Shawn Townsend Lisa Fegraus Philip Romam Maureen Durning

Kress E1press Kathy Lellar Thomas Butler Adreda Benson T*fi Durning


Page 4: Student arrested on rape charge

I'M.I 4 I lit l»\ll t I'rNNsM \ \M\N Motada.. rrbrtaart II. IW5

Campus Events A listing of University news and events

TODAY A . MM MASS Ion** « M(» wftf t«m ->«t loom Co«l vacate me E..crser*r Seoneored t» Run Heartem

All PERFOKMERS H HWJ «< uttov^ lo> Spring FVig enaer Ufcrsrnera enoiaU sajn .» on Fed '• or IS r, MeOerlarW MM 12-8 p m

Come 10*1 •> •<• tiev

A NEW BEGINNING' P«n- NMnvr now Otters you Itlree Osey "iim '30 ■" '? noon and 4 pm Cow c«Ho»m tw eucwenei are*.« al S'TO Cnaatnol Si

S WRITERS Poete tiaae you> coKnouaon lo FaSoul Journal o> aeamce acton and 'anteey Caa Crvie ai oW MM» «•>• urn aona at van Pan Coeeoe Mouaa Bo> P'O

AUDITION FOR Sprig FVng E nler lemmerst' Songpt «-* be Fetyuary

•8 4 !» McOauand HM IM P m Aa pertormers *a*coma'

BrSlE STUDY maan tfH and ever, mondai al ' X p m Perm Nawman 3770 Cnesinut Street Ma* nvemoers aiMays eetcorne

IM AMERICA S. Ahanca «r* noM a •neetig wrvoM Houalon HM room 303 Al aetcome T 30 p T

COllEGE REPUBl-CANS *'• ha».ng a meet "fl M

| Fetyuery i| al 7 p m ,n Room 230 tWnp aVhee HouUon HM

j CCXrRSE GUIDE t recriatavj -see i memoers interested *> ptng a

dynarrK and arvporlarvt jrwvereey ; putjecaten We naad rowr tseaj'

Can now MS ?< '8 •» oetaea

GRADUATE STUOEMS Interne . tenet Buaessaa C«ri Monday

Feoruery <• 4 JO* 00 p m Ban - ti HouaKm HM

Hag ai-ai'on ail 'SJ0

• ta'-aanmania P'ovdeO' Carnai Piarvsng and Placement ano tne in wnatDnai Raiakona Aaacoetaon

IMMORTALIZE »OuRSI . atone' Deeon i"* '»»* ■»> aaona I2i pnn Deta-n aveaeoie « ma office o> student i-ia or CM Ma-y

-0 OearJ.ne Marcn is

jewsx foam n «w- Hacaw Laavaawa r> Ea »ts.' Ban

- University 4pm Foeilore • Lounga logan HM iMaXSe E«»l

; Caniar Oriental Studies and i Fcauora Dap) i

PfjNts] WOMt N 'sOee aaarn it looting lor piayara1 Do you Ma to run o> ifi'ow a iineee' CM Rooa-la 386 •>*' I o- Mary

I 222 1870

THE NEW nee' praaanta A ragni Ai IM Comedy Factory Oueet- Salurday not* Fab 73 Son up al Maaw By Fat IS Discount lor

| THERE Will o» a Biaca Sludani I laagua maaang on Fabruary is

Monday ai 7 00 aa ma MutajurpoM -w Ftee Norm A«

STRV »..ng Spring Bia*>

and N car nova iprom-aar Houalon

HM -m 104 8pm Bring a Irani)

TOMORROW ;OUMONAi (etetyaton dorm a ai na uf i Tuat Fan 8 ' i

Sponsored by Pervn Nawman

.loll WOTS' Than |o>n ue tor an nlormai

vymainra coaaa nou* Tues . m al

•*a« For nlo or ouaauona cM M.H. 38' 1034

ALArON >4i maai 'jaaday p« IN Cnnatar aaann JSan and Waanui 2nd Saa> I Bags ■iKomi

ARTISTS anaara adaom Fi Pann t ac*anca iiction/faniaav macja/ia naada you' Oomn ronaJ maaiig — T 30 Fabruary 1S«n Houaaon HM rm 310 Bnng rour*a> and your wort

» *•. WHARTON narorjuctory maaang Opan lo M T jaaday Fatyuary is Dawxn I0S) 4M pm Coma cnaca a our Quaaaoni cad JormBulSS-TSII

COWCS COLLECTORS rnaatmg ry ma Cornea Coaaclora ry Unrvar

. HM Roonop lounga HRN 9 14 Tuaaday Fabruary 19 1SSS For naorrrwanon ca-Kanj 3S743S6

COURSE OUIDE organuMtonai maaiig lor moaa iraaiaaaad i »>n

•• naacoma1 at Mcaanann, Baaaamani iSBTi t Hanwaon Waa Outaoa comar oi ma Quad' TaM

. 100

FiRESlOE CHAT Sanaa cor*nua* Tuaaday fa) D i' i- . iiaian O Barmon Sanor Vca Prat. dam Jom i»r .n datuaaon oi «- •uancaa « nar »anad cavaar Houalon HM

JAPANESE CONVERSATIOnl Hour aponoawad by Eaal AM Houta and Japan cuHura club Tua S 00 p m H<gn Rraa Soum ?no rtoo-

lounga Aa aalcoma

NUCLEAR ARMS Control - Parm Coaaaon lor Paaca Maabng Tuaa

■to IS ai ma Ctinalian Aaaooaton Sacond Floor 4 X

-»"M»CM Robert S^gai

al JB6-88V.

• A'»:»«ES IN JUDAISM taaim ng Raet> Hannwy of Snapaaa Tuaaday Faoruar. i»m 8 00pm

. 2nd lloor lounga Rar-aanmanta aarvad

. JMON COUCH a Ganarai Maaliga ara a«ary Tuaaday ai 4

lien Franaan Room Mouaaon

HM New membert are waacoma' Heap plan entertainment

RABBI DAVID Ebnai oi Brovander i aa Da apeea»ng al Haw Tuetday February IS on

Meaaan.am M i la' am 4 M*»monoaa ' 4 30pm

•j-Fu ctaaa lor woman Free demonatrelon and

■Hrtngon Tuaaday 2 19rS4al 7 00 p m Uppa- Eau lounge Ha Mouaa 898-3SSS Patei

SOUTHERN AFRICA SoMI'', Ajruanca meeting n room 303 Houston HM Tuaaday me i9tn FoHowmg mealing s Wednaadai

Marcn 13

THE AMA "vie* you K> anend racruamg on campua A Maraai "mr--* im Tuaaday Fee '9 4 30 pm DH 103

THE ISLAMIC WORLD aer«*. Man and Nature and

Normad and me Cay 4 4 14 p m 4m lloor Lounga Waujma Middta Eaai Centa"Soutn Aaa Faagnnai

■• LECTURES Maruj Ad*. Maqainaea Bioccnm. Contem porary Bra/4ujn Art Tuaaday Fab

I p m Houalon MM Room

•1SITV CITY PlMa NOW jjenerai meeting at the Spruce Ha

- .nity Center ' X o m Tgea day February 19 1SS5 Thar* ■» a

. 3rd ' resdsi

WATER POLO CLUB meela Tuaa day and Wadneadav n.o»ta at 8 44 at Q«no*t New membara aiwa» watcnm* it oiaraaiea can Jon

AJVrONC arTERf STUD »> *un a data and pnna Try uTVa new ajrnpy enow The Daang Comae ton CM Kyle 3S6S040 Kanm 3S*OSaO Karen 3SB-337S

SUMMER Far-ID Programa «i England - Ireland - School o* Art* t Sciencee - Saraata, CA Study hatory cuaura erweonmeni

Ma.cn SS Daaaea - CPPS Few

— AED PRE MfD Horayr Scoety Sotaa awdPaannaaa in , Su« day Faeruary 2*r McNea !*/> Rahaanmann w* be aarvad

ATTENTION PROSPECTIVE Stoutereee' Come meal SaouHar reaoenta and atari on Fee ISallor wne and cneeae A«*c*aoria avadatae " Sajutlar o"ea For more avlormaaon CM 888-8S2'

BlRTM CONTROL nlormal»>n

wo-aanope 75 fn aaaacma Slu dent haaaaTrVgyn CM lor appt Mon

30-1 pm or >* 30 pm SS? 2*74/74 Spec', lemele onty mat* only or co-ed groupa

GROUP - Cwcagn - Summer CCJporturvty n Adunat Oept Junora Sanora gomg to Grad Scnoo" Mai* i» Actu-ay cagd rteau"" «• I' .<•"-« CPPS b, F-oa, fm .

CC"A*»*mEE c* Prvaa - Summer Reaee-ch •»». lona Eipoaure to mapr rnunca)*) government MjU have eiceaent wnang ata* creakve 'eeaarcri aaaa Daadkne March 14 Oeukta


CON EDiSON - Summer Accoun- Ing andror Econrtajmi intama - NYC Spec** proatcta ACCI Dec* Corporate H*adguartara junora

"wgacct bacaground Sut» ma leaume to B Coana - CPPS

by Fee 24

ENGINEERING COMPUTER Seance aummer aajdent ranee Crty oi Ptvta Water Dapl mtarna m votved w*h eonalructon nipec ton plant operaaona computer Operat'Ona Soph'JuniOra Daadkna March 14 Deuata CPPS Fan

TY COCKTAIL Racepton hoaied ti, p..ide-i Snemon Macaney al ma Metal Foundebon Monday Fat> iS4«pm Mare welcome RSVP En 73*i

FRESHMEN CHECK your maeooaaa •a an mntaton to a Career Piarvrvng and Piacamem oremation which win be coming toon

INTERESTED IN galling oil the Dinge/ovet marry go-.oundi UCS .a

ottaring a group lor compuit've eale^iovatara CM 898-7021

NATIONAL HONOR Srxery m Ptycnology - P* Ch. - Currently accenting appKationa PtyCvSBB maiorvminora welcome AppKa lona ava4er*e «l Paych OtVe Bug Due February 11

PRE-LAW PANELS Panel Oacu* aona with pradeng Attorney*,

legal Careen Outso* o< So* T.adaona) law F<m WedneMa. February 20lh Ben»»m.n f ■•-• Room Houalon HM 4 X p m to 600pm CPPS

SENIORS IN M Schools Raewmes due tor Whanon undergraduaie

. aneuruji Club t Relume Booa iDratnbuted lo arnal/emerg nq bua>neaaea . Thursday

February 2isi by 4 00 pm to Jeanne DeVme CPPS 2nd noor Houston HM


a resume reterre) service lor sum- mer career — related work oppor tunrivM Aitandancn at summer tobs/internahoa workshop recaarad pror to 'egeyjrahon Data's CPPS Ottca — 2nd itoor Houston HM

STUOY IN Pare . Haav Penn-Coturnbuj program naor rnaann "leeKig Tuaaday Fab •* at 3pm am aoo- ounga waaama tiM C*8 SySSVASS' tor more

FUTURE • aocot,

Sooa* end atajiiaiig maaang Sun de> Fasruan, 24m 7 30 pm o McNe- /84 rtaheenmaraa era be aarvad

ASM WEDNCSDAV maaaea at Penri Nawman ara 1 p m S p m and 7 X p m on February 20 Prepare now to* me Lenten and

COMMUNION CELEBRATION B"e* ntormai corrn-iamoraton o1

me leeet c' Dread and wne Chapei

A*aocuy«on 3SX)i locust Wee 14 p m


day < - K; 784 McNe' Featuring al computer etecvon* prmters protaaaonai graprws anptay Sponsored by

mpuier Seryrcea mao En 1780

LECTURE SER*Saii«*V4l-*ajn up tor Vubacrot'On of 3 kKlu'ea and dmners By Fab 22 F/st aniuny iy Fab 24 Dvacouni iry membert

n ot| jeamh Foauore n Modem Hebrew laaraiu.* by E« Ysaat February , 18 4« p m Fowcr lounge 401 ' logan Maya co-sponsored DF DOS '

NUCit- Coawcn aor Peace Free 'am

lay Fan 28 Creese Bu*>- and Cnaasnut 3 44 p m 0* Helen Catocor

4 Picyac Chaver preaent Denny Sogaa How lo be a Men sen Deep** rom Coaege Educaion Wednrvu, Fee 20 430pm al Hakai

meeting Wednesday Fetxauary 20 3 00 p m vvest lounga *m HOOT

Weaems Ha*

sociaj. csu res oil Turkiah Ter-or-sti D> Dogu Eiga I

i Unnrararly 12pm Bm floor lounge W«iemt HM Brown j Bagaenee Middle East Center

UNIVERSITY WIND ensembWr \ presents muauc eotti m* Golden Age oi b'aas Wednesday February 20 8 no r m in the BOOM lounge - Houston HM Free

WOMEN StNGtnS mus**ns \ poets wanted <v Women a Col i leenouse Leave name phone nurnber in VvOrnena Aftatnce Cot ■aahouse boa n the 4>nt*r cro Mrjaarv Han

NOTICE CAMPjS EVENTS at* aaa*a da*.

aa a pad pusac aaawc* si me LSI asti'. ' ■'•• ■■ -.i"a * ; *■< adminiatt'ed lo' in* Unrr*r*«y by Trie Oary Ptnntytrtrutn Ttiere i* no charge to authonMd university

attVaated group* to. Mtnga of FREE events listing* may o* maaao or ptacen rfi parson at The Dan/ P*or\ svrVanavi Buaunesa Ottca 4014 Walnut Street from Sam an 4 p m Monday through Frday Campus Events w» not B* accepted By > phone 24 word MM Th» D**y Pavanaytyaman reserves me r^jM t0

ecM Campus Events arxordmg to space km.uio»-s

Annual Used Rug Sale^

USED RUGS • Kxcellent Quality • All Sizes & Color • All Rugs Cleaned • Large selection while they last

Bring in your room size Daily 9-5, Sat. 10-5

Open til 7 Wed. eve.

Free Delivery and Throw Rug

with order S100.00 or more

386-4345 42nd & Chestnut Streets. Lay-away Annual Used Rug Sale

OPEN YOUR DOORS To over 10,000 undercjraclu.ilr graduate and professional University of r'ennsylvania students seeking off- campus housing for next year.

The 1985 Apartment and House-Hunting Guide only in The Daily Pennsylvanian

Tuesday, February 26, 1985 Ad Deadline:

Tuesday. February 19. 1985

contact your sales representative or the advertising office

4015 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104

(215)898 6581


Faculty reacts favorably to proposed salary increases

fit ( H\l(. I i Mil'l ksMIIH

I -Kuln nvcinrx'ix vuul thc\ arc pkavcO

»ith the live pcncM ,j|jr> itKtcavc pro

pined in not ycaf » hud gel

The ruse. v»huh >.>mc» t" more than

Sill mtllHvn dullard. >»a» anmxjrKcd la

the lj>ult\ during a Inrum •« PlMS)

-i.km Shcld.m Hacknc\

rVoWDal IBMSMS fhrli.h Hud|[cl DSM

MM <ilcn Sun.- and vanOM dcrurtnkrnt


In N.nctuhcr ihc PsCSa*) Senate

.•\ctvkTK-liiungK jppri'ved j rvconSTMSl

datimi v jllin^' foe saiaV) hifcc ^ itl at least

I pel,cut 10 CsaeaOSBSSH '"t inllatiiHi

rcysM purifUMiiy poertt lost darasj the

KI kaxp »jlarie> CoatpM

thine ••! pcet »f»»'l<

I he hudgct UHIfHall hi J vjlat\

icn'iic lund *hivh n designed M

decrcsBC SBSOJMNCS bswsM BBaftti m

the I ntsrcrtal) a 1^ M.htk'W

FacHh ''airnun J*i* A he I

called the : iacnsM CIX i «J

I he in the

nj the real awonat

.•I the l*ult\ jtkl firlaaj the DOBMW

t.' reaaDve awojasMs »heie th»-\ sre

iiHind jnd in • leace aratn *

iv liKirvl Abel vaal Pnds)

MVI VJK! the I atvenii) aa

i irabis t" pan achooh m

-»i ta>uit\

\<HI re attempting ti' have the1

pic if s jlwavv a seller'".

im nutlet »hat Bet eintn'inu

hue the

II \IHI re mH com

pclHlvc in term- cal I arj t Hue

Ilk a«r) 'v.i peopk tune multiple

■tilers from tartou univt

haveioo live wadi latanes. and

it ilv sank- INI I I v»anl 10 foot

:\ \IHI have he Sddad

>.HI van t iu-t pa) people imiiaiii and

iflei tik'\ -i-itt


\rx-i s.1,1 iii, puipuaad lalarj m

will help tfK- laeullv I

real income »e IcM OVSt tlk' last III


i .■ii'.tvii-jiii'ti. oi heuej

ia!Ktanlial hut it

ultimatelv d»c\n I hu) ntush at ihc

Mirtrrmarkcl. he VJKI VIHI -an Inn il

hut >nu vitll hase to hrtng h<nne the


I a, uli- Senate C'hairrrLan I Ic-t An

irtntu Toma/iniv vaid ihjt h>Kh Ihe

-alars irkrcase and the reserve fund are

a rsnitise -tep

I agree totlh Ihc prn\mt trutt it i- ah

M>lutel> imperact\c lur Ihe I nucr-it- 10

pav atterrti.in t.- laxullt salar\ i--

i/ini- asld I hi- i- a numher i>ne

iv-ue I m c'*l pruM-ionv were made

lut ihe appropriate nan

I heltetc thai Ihe \lrongcst lnunda

I ion ol a uni-er-itv i- the -iualil\ oi il-

• JKUIIS he a.lde,l Bui thi- i- a act)

.ompetiine lield and the l.i-ult\ salaries

become eerj aapi

■mis aslded that IK- Icels Ihe

laxullv salars reverse as ill mimini/e

JisparilR's in sjlars

\s have baea wfkruej ihroughthe

. -u. h

. hooli im

II ,K>k-i icaoob

llk-t. i- noss ihe inacratiofl to n


In the final anal>-i- t*C will tu-elo

wan io pan radcmeM until Jul>

though romaiti

M i Uin I a. ull- Viule

< omimStcc on tlk- I -unomis Status ol the

is ("hairnun said the prOBOSBd

i oait) artliii r wo pans of the

ihiee tn-n-.l pioposal loi salaries the

-onimiltee approved in Sovcmher

I am pleased thai the annouixc-d

taaat meets our tirst |W0 obetctlsSI |an

itxrcave ol at least 4 4 pct-cnl H keep

pace with tnllation and an additional I H

peisent increase to hring Ihe purchasing

pvajaj "i saianes baea lo i I

levelsl Madden said sesterdav But

with respc-t ■ Hjr lins relative to Qa«

,n the last three veais it docs n.«

meei il

I am hopelul lhal our raise ssill he as

a- our peers al other uniset-itie-

she aMad h 'he extern th<*igh thjt

salaries al Penn are lossei than al other

schools the gualitv ol the I nivetsiiv


I hih.h sjid Itidas thai a-ademi-- are

a prink' -oikern ol the budgcl

goal |ot the hudgel| is to pr,i

- i.ls- gtovsth in lasUlts tlKOBM '»• -aul

\ikl sse sh.ml.l have tea1 -'r.ivsth n

ta.ulls sjlarie- pafUCUUrl) HI I

where we ic hehiikl our compclaors

I am .rptimisti- !h g

acarlemat prioniati lust, he

Haskm-s Had .tiler ihe rtSruaT that he

bcfatVCi the hudgei -hows the I niser

-it- s cornaniimeM lo the la-uit-

\v nope ihi. will iikre.ise the learn

ing power ol the lavults and rtlCTCajc o*il

.ompctitivcne.. --pe-ullv in Ilk- attS

indtcancej Hackney -.ml ihe live

perceal ratal svea ix-at- iaflatmi

little I'ropcrh satitJfMOOd the faa

should he pleased w ith Ihe raise

Bunster resignation

Wednesday Page Two

Reporter's Notebook

l( I'lilinurd Irt'tn pagr I)

ovei tlk- nest leveral days Hi-hop

and I "I aaddeaed hv all event- that

laws taken pla-e Ainonc with .omp.is

sum will he .addend hv vvh.it Hi

Hunstet has BOM through

Bishop .kldeil that although the -enlei

u.i^ undergone a irauns. he n confident

that its will COMnBM to lullill Us tole on

carnpua Hi..ins laid last night .illhoui'h the

loniioveisv -iiiioiiikline Bunster did mH

help ihe Women aCensei hincttoneffet

livelv Ik- heliev.s that it will regain its

formal tfasor* I in- has been ■ v,t> painful p

loi ilk' Wotikii . ( inlet H.i-knev

.aid It s not going lo help in the

Beard) lot a new Jitevlor hut in lime

aiki with can ii -.in reeovei It is an im-

porUM office with an itii|vott.uit lulk

tion Ihe administration and ihe

women s .oniniunilv ne-ed lo work

together 10 uikleist.irkl what the eenlei -

mission is

Womea's Alliaikc nicnilxi \i.ki

Elemsiein said yesterds) ihat she leeK

that the Women - .enlet ,.m lestinc

tlk" -enter as place 'or women - .t-l

.iikl .nil. i/ed Hun-lei - anei

lion that the CCntCI IS SMI leminist

It was sleai lo main people that the

Women's CcfltCI -inild noi he su-sevslul

under her leailerslup Hetn-tein lasd

I don't know what l)r Minister's

delinilion o| leminism is. hut the

Women -entet III the past has been w atte

lv lauded in the -ommuniiv loi aemcc

10 women on ..imptis. arkl il lhal I not

Iciiunism. I don't know what h

Bernstein Had she teeis the future ol

the Women'v ("enter is hnghl hajl sdded

that lalks on Ihe direilion ol the -enlet

and a rcplascmcnt lot Hunsiet iinisi

begIS shortlv

"ll'v tin under.landine. lhal I >r

Bivhop wants 10 engage in .onsull.t

tion. the Wh.ulon -eniot -aid We

have an opportunity, to sttengihcn the

Women s (\nl. i ilitough a vartetv of

discussions, hut II is impoitant lh.it we

gel a ik-w direelor soon



DATE: February 18 thru February 21. 1985 TIME. 12 Noon - 4:00 PM i'LACE Hutchinson Gym PHONE: 898-8387


Swim Exercise

*Aerobics Ballet )azz Modern

Aikido Tennis Yoga Self-Defense Gymnastics Squash (Saturday and Evenings only)

Cost: Student: $10.00 Fac/Statf 20.00 Alumni 20.00 Community 30.00 •Additional 5.00

Must register in person and have validated I.D. tor priees above.

For more information: Gin.-be! 898-6101 Hutchinson 898-8387


Page 5: Student arrested on rape charge

Mil IMII ^ IINN^I N \M\N M.mdji. frbfuan IH. I"«< I'M.I J

Wideman to speak at Baccalaureate College alumnus is award winning author

ii. ii ii KM (.01 urn KI. \»,iid winninj; juih-.f l..hn MSM

*«k-iiun will vklnct this yoar'l B*

OBlaufaalC VUIrcNs

The Ma) I" (Batca »ill hi M

llmv COOMMCCMMI iclaled ■yftfhf*

^hk'tiun J I1**.1 ( iillcyc grulualc

»jv j Rh.«ks Scholai jrid Cipum nl ihc

hj\kt*lhjll Ii-.irt. ( HK ol iht" liTCITV'xI

■KBOn in the muiMr> lada) \* Kit-nun 1 c. 11 w .1 ihc p 19 % 11 g 1 PI N Faatknci \*ard fen hiN novel

v v \ rncan I acraoiN I ■i JI the I nivi-i.iiv ill W

WntewM raxal jn«i |«^»i ..11 IK. 11. >>>

wi.rk H' I - He JIN*'

tauyhl in Ihc I ni\.

N I \ > 1 hro«c writing in inc


* kkmjn AS j Incurs jiiixi »uh

»lx>m jn> icjikf »h.. jdimrcN anj

NII.HIN lulion iiiusi MM .>i Ijlcr

raduai laH Sheldon H* kiK\ XJKI

«CaMfaB) ihjl Itc IN plcjvcil llul

^ klcnun • . |ivc

hntanM vJaVaai

I 111 jhwlmclt .IrliKhtcti H*kno

'.ml He N iHX" >'l tHIf rt>1»Nl llluvllliius

alumni ami hjN acfcMVad j frcjl Jv.il He

■. intpiring pieM'iwe in tnjr

I n^lish De|ui1iiK-ni

V-. ieur\ ol the I aivtfiM) M

I) llul «h. a Ihnlle.l

1h.1i hi' IUN acvcpa it 1*»n

tei.m artul

r dMUtCtHM Ml>»n .kkk\l

• MU mi Iv reached i"i

-iMiiiik-nl hM nithl

I .i*i ytM Hu*-- ni jnd

ph\ * '.HIUI

ed BgM Ihc hVkvjIjuicilc jj.li.

the- \«>iict ■PVafaaaaM *»mlj nm let hun

• ml ..I Ihc ,tmnli\ KepreMiiljIncs IN

MdMBft aoOaBaal ihc Jcprrv in his

alM Vnk>r CiMB I'rcNklcnt lOC (ulli NJK!

tiaMllltJ Ihjl he IN plcurd «ilh

V^ idenun \ wlcilion

I in vcr) fftClMd ibaul WnJcnun

Gatliaud He % j ticnkikl.HiN »rnei

Galli «jkl ilui W idenun • i>«»kN fa in

.•11 riCC u-l.il. • I him j pji

iinilaft) food dmcc for the I mn-i.ii.

\k uh jll ihc Ihiiif.'- nappnuaa, .m ihi\

, jinpuN 11 IN jprri-i MJ him

hv said HIN boul I.RINMI

i»hi«h IUN j l.i .•! relojike I" ihi.


H.kkik-N JIN.' Njkl tfie Bjujljuicitc

■jcncriH) focmct <HI cthK.il


Ihc It ippn.pii.iie

• k^JNIiin IO Ulk jlkKll llktf jl VJIUCN

thjl \ v%hjl H' ' ■ ' . IN

jh.Hit he Njid He add Mcim • •I ran rdauoai m iix-1 mud Sum -ind in Ihc m.nld

I nile.l M CnUDCll ('hjunun

V« ilium MokflC Mid lM iii(;hi thji lie

hcllCVCA tfM V\ kk'iiun IN .in ex

Itltel '"ik

HIN IckClNMI is Ilk.Nl *ek. •

Ilk* I11IIH.Ills t .'UllHIIIr' .

lag* MMM I .1111 ,ert.iin Ihjl his

■ddma will reflect hit wide 1 pencils cs A :, ., „U|,

aware >.l Ins s-ullural h.k keT,*und

\s man »h.> waa alao .1 I h.^.r.>-

fellow 41 Oifiird u ihs- juih..( .'i I I lh,

'x-i ..I the g

ConstdcrttiQ law school ,uul .1 /«■</.!/ < jrcci '


Cec\ci\ Careers Outside Of Jhe

DradiHoiuil Confirm WEDNESDAY

rebruary 20th 1985 *:50 6:00 PM

ISi-n I i.inKlin Koom Houston II.ill

CP'S BACKSTREET '""1 CAFE 39th Sansom

Professor speaks on sexual relationships Hs |\\lrs l \k I I k

Id.. I "i Ihc

lean ijmils I.INI ihnt-djs s»nh j

speet h diN. H i" NCNUJI

and ik>II sexujl iclah'.n I


■•iiiioii ..i ilk- word I'.sei SNJN

I|NVU-V\MN1 .111

• nullel gfUipt ilk .in

SO -ludeill- aikl Ijeult.s


i i. ins tx-.i friend ssiih lusi .n in IH- N.IH! He sseni pfl i.»

lusi Ihc- initial attr.klh.n 10

|k'.ple in a NCVU.I' aikl I

that il IN the main initial impetus UM

pairing up .>i loven IHiiniv' ths luNt kiage vhe s *i

il mjNk and I in .. lose lomethinf a> a rcwh he aajd

\- sse in io develop a friendship we dh>p Ihe mask .iikl we ' IT* id ihe difference* sse ignored during ihc in llljl llisl

v less indi.kiualN from ihe audience ■JVC llh-H ii.klu.ilN 1,1

situation! dealng with ii".> inunieates with a Ixst Inen.l and ssnh ,i

latKini ti> make

nt s».hile itk-n icikl ti> dis^w.N

:fk-s plan l<- do sshile ielatin|- ssilh

.1. ■oajun ,m- iik.re likels I

preNN ihcir fcclntgl HIIN .an rcNult m

hun fedmgt htcauac ol diffcrwg a Km

:i in dealini; ssith nata JI\:

leatitic-i into .slide iik-n ssanl U islam then kkntiiic-

,iv ilk-s hasc hcen hriHijrht up 10 di> in ihs-

I IK- ...II

Mist arising mu.h proainM) ng I want mj I"

•y more lika ilk- N«irt »>t e\pi\t.i

Hoas IK- S»JN dunking ol George uud. Ms cOMceea .d love IN ihai ms pan

net "ill alssas- hasc dinnci ssith IIK-

.IIK! d she d«»cNii 11 suit icel renxtion Hallowing the .n minute lecture IIK-

•udieace Nphi up int.. three I.H?IS

discussion groups To Ik i Heller I ...i i Post I iherMMMi Hi". ■ .nki

Me .ilkl I N

\'iik- rmuuca IIO« I'll II ..iikli.lale Be-tte Kaullman

nii/e.l thiN seal *

• ai ihc nKirc positive »as. in wh pie in .. -,

dealt ssith i.i,i.in let ism and phobia

Mimrlhing a little diflerern sshi.h is io 'i the »JI. that people arc

esiahlishin.: relationships in Ih %hc ..nd It i* lime t»' assume thai ths-rc

i . ampus '-

pionag ssasv M have reuMionahipa in sshi.h scs is iktt central


ssnhikjl the implkati.-nN nl -es NIK-


• tcin I..

Student ! iaid tii.it she -

the pvpi ..UN.I .11 !

I he..- i.>u. i I', parttN



.1.111. ' ■ .. I- ...

■aaaaaorad hs -

v\ hai . Happi ■■ ng •.. ih

-. ' aikl la-t Ictturt in Ihs'


'. It

still '•> ' ii the Men

I t.mkliti K H iton HJII

Spaghetti Night Mondays

5-8 p.m.

L. -.'■'..'3


$100A PLATE! ■ with this ad |! S Eapiraa 2'1Sf85 |

\ll( \Du .mi 1 too short on

You rna> !>■' .1.1 (>ii experiem <■ Welf ome Nhort physit ally bul in .) MMI board.

The Daily Pennsylvanian wishes ID thank


for her I1.11 11 work

and dedication.

The Undergraduate Course Guide

is holding an

Introductory /HeetliiQ For students interested in reviving

the Course Guide

All we I com el

Tuesday - 8:00 46 Mcllhenny Basement

(Corner 36th & Hamilton Walk, at the

far outside corner of the Quad)

Call 386-21 18 for further details

Greyhound gives the Quakers

a break on Spring Break.




(next to Steves) 386-5679

40th & Locust (Suite 6) 386-3100

AT kinko's

Round trip. Anywhere Greyhound goes. This spring break, if y< w and y< >ur friends are

thinking .il* Kit heauWii > the sl< ipes, the beadi < >r jast h< »iiK- f« >r a visit, (ir«.Mu wild am lake y< )U Hurt. !<«•<uiK $99«xless, nHJIKItrip.

Starting I vbniarv I ."•». all vou d<) is sin IW US your D >lk'^'e stuck-nt ID. can! when yi HI [Hinhast.- M mr ticket. Y< Hir ticket will then he $KKI f« >r travel f( >r

15 ila\s En »m the dale«»f purdaae. So this spring break, eel a real break. (i< > any-

wfiere< ireyh(HIIKIJ^I>es7<»r$!»•. 1 (»rkss For more information, caf Greyhound

\WINJ|«t-N«nl .1 ijhil 1'4k~L^-JuiK-nl I I' <.irili^*.i|iijfitviN. \*M4tkf ik>.• wnlN

45A UI«1N.»< i.inlr.inNhf J* jnd^i.illKtrjwHiailm->fkunill■>«>.In

.«»J 1 *»•»|UI1IIifulni;..rrn-tN (.iflann-JriilxiN^^A I I«HI)V.IM

2- I.SAS ' ■HIT l«n*il V * i-jkl m i. JIULI

GO GREYHOUND And leave the driving to us.


Page 6: Student arrested on rape charge

m t utnum I lit Independent \ewspaptr/ff the I niversitx of Pennsylvania

I ii I'M Mgar oj Fubfn*1inn

I'M.I IS M...Mti>. i,i.i,,..i. in. ms

A Price Too High I IK- I nuiiMii v tun ion II.IN lopped the S 10.000

m.ifk .iixi MIMICIM leaders m applauding PtIIVIFM I h.irn.iv Ihrlivh announced IhiitMl.iv ih.il

Uulion would rise hv St » percent l>C«l sear, pushing the mmnl figure rroni S'tram io about Si" MO lit.- pnmar) reason given ft* the inerene i- dial -■ = •' Ihe inil.iii.'ii me h.iv only grown slightly, ihc I ruvet MU » , usis have men sharply

\n, i .( forum during uhuh admintsiratot -. (plained Ihc University - fiscal year l°M budget

ksscmbly ( h.iirnun Bnmlu Harm tan h. i- phased thai IIK- .union tan I increasing as ia--i as in ttu- p.ivi I \ memhci Bruce Etilcsou *vhu m liMiiulvil H.ili Increased I iiilinn two \.JI> .iff. alsoe*

.i stMislaclion with ihc K « percent in* i \s ,nt J minute kaJminixiralors .1:1.1 student leaden teem 10 have

nen me vcr) inipurtaM point Ihc i nivcfMt) i ,..vts MI.i\ havi increased significant!) hut thai ducsn i iiiv.ui ih.ii ijiniliiv income* have In fact financing an \w K-.I'.'IK education mil iv even mure difficult f«u nwny iaiiiilics cnnnidenng the rccvM prnpiised cut* in i.dci.il iui.iiKi.il .ml .HKI student limn mono

l vcryane is happy t.' point <KII how ihi\ mone) will pu) i.M thai N.'NI hui n.• one iv l<n>king .it thx- overall picture Harris -JS» he is c'*i thai tuaioa iv not iacraai

List as when inflation was in the double digits and rcdend mone) i" higher educalKM h.hin t baan ilaatod in cuurac it i%n'i hm an I < percent incrcaic over SM6UU n> likel) to have as much impact m aa 11 percent

(4001) Peimle are current!) weighing ifw ccat-aflcctivcnesi

del , .liiv.ition mote scnou- •• coding thai .1 private education isn i mirth IIK- extra price ovet .i puhii> HOC S..HK are deciding that ediK-iiHw m

i.ii isn i »..ith IIK- price Someone has lodravv the line lot him much students

should he expected t" pa) lor an education it the I nivcrxit) >>i Pennsylvania I he mone) i" halari I niversit) v budget must come front sutna where hut studeMs can i always K . (.peeled lo I.SH the hill Ihe adminisiratinn sh.iil.1 entet the budgeting process vsnh

re lot how itiiK h tuition should income and ihen balance the bw!

Otherwise ihc l nivcrsu") can cancel t -. muvh more Hi.in dollars


■R^naH and the DacndCbWK

Quotation ot the D.iy

■ •Hi a

K..VIIM..III ( oNtfl I'M-..kin II..1.MI11 Kiuun >m Ihc alleceil ra|* il a K.-. in..HI .hui. nt Ihiv unkind

Bunster Resignation Women's (cuter Director Leaves University Post

IK.il l>l Hi-I...|<

I .mi vi.iuKi.iiii\ resigning mv ,VMH..II ... .in..i i IIK Women's . i >i uiday i S I chnian

■ •- Ah,i. i have been .ivk.-.i M

nurn people I led I can no sullet ih. i)iiiniii.iii..M I h.i\v

'•vui .I.I>K, , mbers >.i iii. .i.ti.uin «..iii.n . groups is.ih laeulu nki siudeMs ..in. have

ilessli .in.i.kv.i in, penonall) .. *dl a- "'■ I .la.h f>aviv I

lecided iii.it I shall n.. lonaei hen hostik hehavin because

i \\ iviKath ins dlgnit) li saddens m. lo iiunk thai I came

«llh |.'l llkl hapO l>l [Hlltllll! .iv |M.< ipeitise ai the ver ... ..i id. iViin Women - ( cniei I

ivtt IIK |I* ... JinxtiM had .^■i.niisjir^Mv vivi.tn «i i.iv l<in.i,lii.i.,,l ..| av |>. HI, In,I, .

i ..n . .uii|Hiv I .iiv,. named '"

lei elop a i. iiiniivi netw . ,lv inl mi,■•.

: H i • ,i in. jltenipts I..

: ,• and , v ivihiiu\ and status .i ihe

r, in. VA < , i v* ith

-ilk w.mwn '...iill\ aikl h\ Hi, lev. students »h.. '.,.in, nt Ilk .

hi lk»f ..nil vcimlu M. I, .1, hin|! and

i iliai I h..v.

ttercotypet 111,1 preiiklKVs i.'i th, i..vi •

icars I h.ii vh.Hii,! -

v. nn leaving »i» siunu HI ,lv-|»tti investigalKHi «•' if.. 10 in, v ,.t 11 1 cmci

■iki ,»i itv hostile atiik.vpiK 1, which iv minisl I alv.. h..|\ Ils.it the

ttomen tavuiiv .nvi students wh.» have v.. unt.ini. attacked mc will have ihc ehann Hi probe into the causes thai led Ibem la a. 1 m ihc nunnci the) vhovc In ih, process ihev nia) perhaps educate themselves iiki arrive .11 .1 consensus ihat ihc mmnen's ceiaci vikmi.i rrasvc In 1 .III,.I: i i(\ III IVnna<rK ania

\lllll ll.l llllllvl, I

\\..iiitn'v ( nil. 1 Din. lot

To the Campus Community: I>I Xanana Hun»ici hav vohaaari

Is lendercd hei rraianauoa av Dim 1 ihe Women 1 Center, effective I, hin.irv is |gx5 \ m Provcal iiivh..p hav accepted her resignation, ....I w, hope vcis. much that meae a*

.IKIII.IC what hav Nvn a ,lil II. nil aikl nainlul , liai'Ki lur Dr

iiuii-M 1..1 IIK- Women's Center. iikl lur the entire I'cnn ...niniunits

vie have hew daapb vaddened h% what hav happtaad Jlinng Ihc last I, w wickv an.1 M) wjnl to reiterate .•ur MOng v.iiiiinitiiK-nt in Ilk- ...11

linuati.ni .'I IIK- Women's (enter a» a

t..i clipports a,MUCH al the 1 in,,1.11 .i rVnnsvlvama ^ ice I'LIV.-VI Bishop will miii.itc .iivviiv ....itv v.k... .Mill mam iii.'inhv'rv ..|

.itninin 11 v i.< addiess ihe steps *i, iii. .nvi,., lh.il tlK' VS..ilkii v t',11, . Inlllllv itv ini|k.|

1 mi 1..1, ..n mis , ampu*

shilil.m 11... km . Pnahhnal

1 ii..ma- > in ii. ii Prosiisi

Jaiiu-v Htshop

\»tr Pravaal

BEFORE I SLEEP/ Adrian Goldszmidt

Ihe \Jin.wi.inv Office hav rMM

■gall turned in an nnprewne livt ,.| vl.ltlvtK v

•The Ujrgaal applicant p.«v| cvei • The bbmaU percentage irk reave

in the Ivy, League •Mon applivantv tnmi C jlilnrnu

I l.-iida an,l the Midwest. • \ whopping " percent iump in

IIK- numhv-r .il tmeign viudentv who

applied • \ .' parcaal Jr.^i in Ihc numher ot

ntinontv applivantv. invludini: Id

percent amone hiackl and 14 percent

among OMeanoi

Ilk I niveiviiv iuvi ivn'i HI hi iniiiMiiv students \,iii.iv ■■ . ■ iK .0 \ikl ihv v re nthi

li.-l Puk up .IIIV colic ', |!Ullk lol

r, nn consistent!), ranks .1 01 ik-... nn- hMinm

Ii v ik. woikkr ihn .. he ot ,11 1 wail hi leave .KKC

1 Ii. .. niakniL' Hi, 11 .minion ..il, Iwiv. 1h.1i lor «

• A hi|! raaarM there are v,i lew

resources lor hla.ks is that there arc M> lew hla»ks and Pcnn is still a fair-

Is segregated place There arc no

physical hamen, hut then- are a let ,.| V.MJI and pvvcholocivjl OMM

Ihe .anipuv v.kial life iv viill

doiinnaled hv ihe Iraternitv wvt,-m

whi.h iv larger) all while and all male Blaskv Jo have tralermties. hui none ot them are residential and on

iv 1*0 ..1 :hcni .ire in ihe .ill povaerful IK' I here arc few hlavkv al while frmermt) parUm, and fearer imaei ■ i-iavk ones

IIK 1 mfergraduaM kuemM) cui rettl) ...mains onlv one hla.k lor more ihaii a svinevicr lavi w.ir there were rki hlavkv .11 all

\ikl ihe I nivcisiiv's residence

-vvieni ivn t muvh helter fkl usual, hlavkv lend lo Uriel with hlavkv ..ikl whitcv with whiiev When residential living imposcv .|v will on Ihe vitua

lion it onlv cetv worse Mv Irevhniaii vear in Inch rise,

three whites ami one black lived 111

ihe room next aOM 1 Irk- ol their original gaab was to make the hiavk itkive .ml arkl unlortiinatelv lor them. Ihev didn't mCCCCd Hut the>

.lid manage lo make hie mivv-rahle lor her lor a while

I avi war there was onlv one hla.k on my Kraal she moved out

alter ahout a month V\ here d she

go ' I hiltoiv House I he I nivcrviiv v collcvie bOUH lor

Ihoac inicrevtcd in Alro American , ulture hav turned into an exvluvivcly hlavk dormilory The tkillom two tl.k.rv are .svupicvl hv IXiHviiv. and iru lop Iwo are alwavv the lavt to go

in raomdran In short, tvhiteigoout .1 their wav 10 avoid Dultoiv and the

college house in vpiie ol Hv mien ions ad.lv 10 the vcereiution on

tampui Kevi.lenlial Advisers are ollen

tasking in hvith prograinttung and ...lull..11- when metal piohleniv n

cur Ihvv .ir,- required lo attend

raciam and Mtaiam awaraaeai w,.rkvh..pv hui are rarely ariHind lo dlucinaiaM anv ot their new I.Hind

undentaaduaj \ 1.1 oi RA's (MM!

ihcs van he prettv scarce in high rivet w.Hild lather Igaon a prohlem than deal wiih it arkl uvuallv ,lo

Dinine Serviws valeienas. par-

n.iiiariv Claa oi I^'II Comment, are also segregated informally hy tattle Nludcntv oitcn ernaa the entire ...miiionv Irom one pi! IO the olhcr 10

-it at Ihe neht lahlc Look around av

y.ui eal tonight an.1 you'll notK'C il

The War in El Salvador rty Elizabeth Fachler

In l'l'>» Ih. S.iiklinivu i.hels over III.VV \l,.ll.l HI- I'uvi.l.nl Vn.ivl.,vio

s.-ino/.i I hv' .--i,.ii iii.iiontv ii| ihc \i..u.i.juaii ikopi, rejoiced nvei the s.iiklin.si.1 v .„IOIV They acre lire!) ol IIK aNivc arkl ...miption >»l Soiiki/a'v

.iKlaloivhip llvv wanted atMBg other , li.-.\l,.in i.» ,h.k*\e ths'ii leaders

vonk'thinc ilk s.iiklinivi.i niheU hjd s-v 11 ollciin • I.M veils Mi, 1 Ilk I''"1'

K. voliiliiHI III. S.llklllllvl..v loll-KsJ j

1,. .....in Mtcananu Damd 1 ilk h, kl ol IIK- tiitn.i pioiniscd,

,• oi.:.uii/c cU.iM.iis live scars after a 11.lv Mc.in.vliil,' IIK S.iiktimsias

, ,..i..i to rdaukl ihv- ikamoav ihaa: m \ win.h rvmaiacsl allot ihv-

■ l.«slv \'l~'l invi.iH.lion ...ic i.v.iiK'.l .-lc, iionv were

..IK.Inlcd lo. V.vcintscr 4 l«»H4 I he saikliuisias. wrio ,OIISKICI IlK'inselscs \lal\ivl I cnnnvlv h.nlcvl tlK pi.k.v. .1.

I..siatu oik Hut the Saiklinisias ivivcoc JciikM.kv diller.nilv than the

\1.ki1, .111 people .k. In ilk' I mtv'.l Mates iv.spi, .v.iii to IIK rs«lls on \..vcmtvi r» ciM to vivsiv.' ilk- leaders

• I 11K v. Hinti Ii S.v.ira n.i IIIIV wav ** in rx- Ilk ,.o. .I.kl I I.IIKICI

'i .,1 fvvn , lc.11 .INHII II

I v.,1 ,i..v. Is..1, the elc.lioiiv in h|v

.SIIIIIV IK- r.poitcdlx declared Ihs k ngnaaai ot < presaleM ibis SIUKI.IV

,.ii ikt chaapc ihc eovvinnKiii.il sina IHC ilut has existed in s . , :..i ihs-

iv..1 IOV years hccise ihe KSLN

:, SaadianM de Laheraetna Ma ill will ...III.IHIV' to vlivl.ilc ifK' nil

isunaM .KIIIIIIIIVII.IIHC poli.i.- \ .kilksrali, pr.scvs j, uikkr\l.«id in

IK I lined bates ic'samei ihc etanmce •I ...iklilionv .iivh as Ircesloni ..| , xprev

-i.Hi. lrcvsJ.HH ot asMKijiioii resrxvt to Hinun .lienilv aad the lormaiinn ol an .in.cpc" lent electoral and) •»

\i, .n.i.n.i ilk v. condmons arc non ,xivi.'iu IIK following an > fca et ample* ot ihv' prevailing situamm m Nicaragua

Ntcaragaa » only independent ik-wvpapcr /.. Phnuu Is .onvtjiiilv ..tivorci hv the Saadinista jtovcmmeai liv director. Pedro kwcjuia Chamorro I-.-1 a Nicaragua as a proa a agauM ■ regane that does not porma an) iilivisin ol its p..|incv Ii iv said thai

ihis is rent ol Ilk- .lev laiat 1. MI < I1.1111..111. rave in IIK- 111tc1n.1i1011.il press |\i

'vtit,' to icpoll .HkI lo .'iv, mv ivpillkHl loi |kihli,.iii,..i 1h.1l is nn piolv'vsi.m

I..1 alllkisl thr,. sedrs I h.iv.- Ik't Ix'.'il

iM» 10 exercise these riehiv hecauac •• ,n.iiiincni wiis,.r ,i,iiiv decides what

,.111 he published and wh.n , .mika I

have isitienilv suhntNted mvsell hi their 1 s.iiklinivt.iv| >.ipii,i.Hiv dictates hw all

this tiiiK" hut mv paticrKc is cikl. ','vl that our |.»h av inlorm.ii.v,- UK-.II.I IV

II,, lively iknii.ili/,',1 hv IIK- iin.iein.i ■ >r ihs" wiiiin oi .1,,'iiv..1 in ever)

pinion ol a ,ili/en the vviiv... IVIWIve-

in offense ae.inisi Ihv UMUUpiacM aikl >.t |vicvv-nl v.-.uiiiv ,<t ih, .t.ii.

I IK-re is n.» Irv-edom id pecss in S.m

iniivia Nicaragua This is not a rK-w i>lKik..ik-ikin 10 Ihv Sivaraguanv I mlci IIK- S«»nki//a reeaiK- l*i Preu\<i was .on

■ g a eoxciniiK-m VIK-IHV li-,lin,

ha al the link- IV.Ir,. loac|iiin ("haiik.rro •vinor wav a.v.ivvinatcd hy ihs- (.u.iidia S..in.sista in silvrkv his viiiivivin Mr

1 h.MM..no IK-V.-I lived 10 svv how ihe Saikliiiivtav wlk.in Ik' had Icrvcnlly vup pnned W.HII.I treat Ihe iiK-dia But

...my w..r.|v .ire still in the minds

.1 ..II those who l.mchi in the IvTN

K. volution lor thv' sake ol li.v.loin aikl ik.w led hcti.ivc.l hv Ihv Saiklinista

icciiik' Th..sc who tall alsHit fieedom kMe vxcrvi-inj 1 h.irh.ir,. censorship

. ill, iik'.li.. 1 lvin.Mi.li.il 1 lack ol

naann uncm In S.invtinisi.i Nicaragua ilk

IIOIIIIIK'SOI Mousienor tttxaikl. , llijvo

ilk' Archobishopol Manaeu.i i.- , lolv iworded in .kiv.Hkv i,>r thv , .voivhip .iii,,- Kclieioi.v freedomcanmeesnt in

. v.Hinirv whc'ie thv- government censon I, what should or sh.Hil.1 ik* tx , x

pressed m a, bureji IIK* opposinon leaderv ,,: Nicaragua

II ii,-,|iienllv ma allowed to leave the vi, in ur I hex arc under ■jovcrnment

BLOOM COUNTY/ Berke Breathed

vigilance and IIKH activates arc rcunctcd since th.v .1. generall) classified av enemies ol ihv rcvohjlMin

Ihs' Saikliiiivtav do s—i rcvpcvt diplomativ law ,HIKT I.V, Manuel I r hina f ara a Nicaraguan wh.. h.Kl tx-en gramad polanal asyhan hy the govern IIKIII ot aetahhormg Corn* Rica wav lotwil hv voklicrv o| IIK- S.iiklinivi.i \i

mv 10 leave lb. ( issla Kiv.111 I mhasss on Dcvcmhsr ;i i^na iin. actlna

. loi.iu'.i IIK- Vienna Convcmaai on Dipl.Mn.ni, Rotation* a., thv- In 1, i.iiiKii.,111 t ,.|iv.-nlioii l«l I'olm.al

\sVllllll Ol l'"l

I !k' ahlH't gives .. ■.'lillipsA' ol Nicaragua mday I he., examples .'.iih.nslr.it,' wiiv .h. ,-le.ti.Mis hx-ld in

\ -.i..,,i ,k-iikM.itiv m ih, Western v.n> IIK examples also ,\plaui why ilk' ivpposllioil parties ill V.

1,...1 n( whivh imeraM m e\dc decided ikH 10 p.inkip.iiv in 1 hiisc so called vie,


. '/1 hi. Ill, 1 i> .. Uluiiliii "Hill


University Must Address Minority Needs I'cnn must become 11101c ,011

ducivc 10 minoiiiv interests wiui .

I w in, rcascd support v.'rv n.-.

pioiew.on.ii .nki peei advihing

K.i, I-III awareness workshopi should hecome part ..1 freshman week av w.ii av mandatory rot all faculty members Ms,, needed arc inoic hl.i. k lav.illy members, and

minorities m administrative roles Also nve.le.l .ire more black

students The Admissions Office must gel more minority students to

apply here and actually enroll here Only 37 percent ol hlavks asvopted to Penn matriculate

"The Admissions Office rjoam't

make Penn attractive to students.' an Admissions official said last week Hull

The numher ol hlaek applivantv can increase it ihc Admissions (lltiee markets I'cnn properly Pcnn must show ihat it is making a real clton 10 rev run minorities, and an even helter

clton to make them happy here lor sianers. the I'nuersity should

waive Us application fee fot minority vtudenlv Ihe OS ivnl all Ihat muvh

hui waiving it saw that I'cnn is trying to draw more minorities It applying

means little more lhan sitting at a typewriter lor I NN hourv rehashing

Princeton eaaayi more minority students will apply, and perhaps more will end up hetc

And perhaps irkreasing minority

praaanea on vampuv will dacraaac wgragauoa •><> vampuv .m,t acmall) make hlavkv leel a little more ,11111

lortahlo here And who knowv. they mav even viav lour vcarv

taVnm GVintemtaY, .1 Collet* hadM iv aaanagatg naUna1 e/The Daily Pen n-vivaniaii Before I Sleep appear* nllrrnulr MumUiw

Send Us Mail il - l\nh l'i iiiiwUiini.in welvoiik-v comnk-nt Irom Ihe I'mversitx .ommumtv

in Ihe lorni ol ..ilumiiv ami Ivtiviv lo the edilor Material mav hv on any KMMC .it_ nati.Mi.il I nivervity or pers.mal inlerest »

I etterv muvt hv- tvped. vl.Hihle macad and contain the* author v name, phone iHimhor and I niveiviiv affiliation Insigncd material will not he primed Plcas^ limit lelleis to Iwo lypewinieii pages Ih, DP reserves the right to ...ndense all letters

Send all material Ki Unhurt Mamnaat rrtnorial l*ani 1'ilwiw Ih, OaaYyrVa infiiiiiliiii 1011 Tfalma Itiaiii 1'hiia.ieiphi.i P-\ IUUM

tm BACK.

iv mv ucnKf mtm mite 9*m » umib TMS iAM.rr enmtmoocme mncAN cams'

I Pip


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w-^-L. v ^p

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nsmisxP ON ft OH, I •MMM P0UHI

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l/)/V/l\ I.Uins/MIDI I'M III I HI HMH II.


IN// I rVI(,//ll l\ s, 1 w v I 1.111 at

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ti 1 us timiK\ii\ UlH Si Kl I 1 I mn*

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Hi'HI HI CHASkS ■■■ M '■ v..I H

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1 IIXI tin Ink M \N VI.ISI, I lilh*


MTimtAI I* via I Inn*

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sin \su KKASNCm sis am 11.110*


. Il Ml Kl l-IHIHf

1/11W OOHDOft PHOIIK.K viin I niinK

IH Mill WtSt Sri 1 1 vi I': I - -I TOM

JtffM > Ml HUI ' ("KI IM 1 St xs vi.1 n

niRHIt silllKSHS St VKCI ll\.. DlKII K*

tll/WIH IMIHIKI) Pautxrfins Stxs v.,1 H

W.t/ti / If IC.RiHI S SssiK V4tH SIKI I 1 Kliiina

. js. IM is» DM, P»»»ni)kia>saw wvt Mr. pan *m*ot mm, t>» r*«raducaa <« a^ s>m «. ••vnw o* « parl •ima m» «•«%•«. css*«ri ol us* •WwsniUanafK

r rs» Board oiHanagt^si nw 0»*> rswwi^* •van -«* tola «ak>«| ov» mO lv« ••vw«»i,

snr wonwwmoHht in up mi No oav* parf^t ■raj .a, laspoman Sy as* loaiara oi mm

tmmtempm and H .aaaiian corcafnavg aval 'omani asouid oa duaclaa ks ma Board of

rs# 0*% ffawwai.fra.Haii « p.aaalwwl afondaf "vouga «'«a, al Frmaimaliia •» du"si ma r*> «1 IOr«sg iiiwaan X aivd ..■■!<! Ovmq t^mmm ana^wa *«caoi Ow"*} mwinaw and « Da*«da r*s«d cfeass poara _ Panaaatoaika lfioa

VAacroona asa, oa onarad S> «» 00 pa- rill . (aar al aOIS Wamui Sinai rs-iaaaai- pkva PA 1)104 Osapia, and daaaasad aosan««9 mav pa piacaa M m* %*mt , .TltlBMIUH Skvwv mm

Page 7: Student arrested on rape charge

lilt IIVII \ Pr-WSM \ \\|\\ Mmida.. rrhraar* Id. I«W5 r*U.r -

Letters to the Editor Pro-Life and Pro-Choice

Abortion Debate Must Center On Viability Issue

V l.lllol

\iklri-j nUMCOVt'l MtICk I fir l)uit\ Prnn\\hiint<in Monilji I chrujr\ II I1K<| »i. si-ruinl\ in

fiHWIIH HC-HICS tirklmp nut irut Mi\\ Pkisciiwc •> rntKhcr .nmrurcs |IVHI| hmh w ukinj.' J .up I rilO

discovered ihji mcnsirujiinn is mur.lcr Md "ulc nusiurhjiinn s"n

tlituteft J mini hnlisjust \Mvn nyi laa'i learn aaything M P.-nn'

.111111 \llss

■ • l.i klfKaM) uhili

i ill' Jusl l.u ..HII inlnrnu

.in-M viahk means capable ni imn|i

.cl"f ,ih"iii hunijiu ur

. .11. MIK. tin- i> »*cri ii all i'. it means hating aliribi

npluhmcni With tins HI initkl J funk lew* is

i dcvdnpoNj n human i.liiii and n ra»

.■(tributes rctfuirctl i"i pcrfi>miancc

i» .1 human 0 ell is Inrmcd ii.'iu Ilk- sperm and the .IMIIII II is

. ipahk "i prtra ing and •> i.ii'i,

h ii corrcci i" ritrniMK .i viable Ictus .li-pcmk'nl M ih»- MMNHVfof >ullisunl nnurishmcnl. MinpU

BORTlj rxsjusc il dunks I he »miun'\

dotlfl) ' Is tlut IKK <i sumr-whai «eitisn .iiiiiuik-' \i ihe expense ■' ihe Mjhli- teluv ihe woman hjse\ axled j pi"hlem jrvl .ontinued I'nwjrd in

lullil! her desimx I w i hcaf J

hut Mm Plo»co*i ih.il w.»nien hj>. ,'H 10

I nvihU .h>.■ IIHJ it

ihvx Mill IXii'llK' IIKXh, '■ .Ilk!

usl .i little ''ii kai iiHK h

loi in. Responsible choosing .' ii» have jn jls'fii.'ii i. n.K

a next semi ' sl.l\ i"'i -'''IK l.'ill.'Ili'w

(Juoting Miu Ptosiinw »"ii»n -

i HVCI llkir N«IK> and lo tv delcndcd

a ihe rsslil* m\ j' ami inusl >i'iiliniK- I" he

iii. prunan inaction I.H Jelernuning

ihe moralilx M ahorti euursc women hate the ii. ' I ihen

-■.in- tnii when then Nsi» I.

phwKjIk linked jrvl fsxerMul t" the i table 11-111 ' . HIS i\

JepenocM nn ihe wnnun I M i'

and -»• '.ili/jlmn- .II, tin i/lllt: Jllsl I Mi'lklel il (X.'pk

\ - mduncd hes auxe ■•

Jivsa I think its IIK- ni'lit IIIIK- I"

lloll t faaM MIS

(..ii... u

Woman's Abortion Tale Was Courageous 1 .' the I .l::ni

\ i H Harpci loi having tin i' . inling IIK i.'i'u i'i .iht'iiii'ii

0 P Weun i> I ii i-.iisHittniKth.il nnvlilcrs such as Oovn tuhmnaion

Kcnaival «'t Kiuv IN Iniiii'.i /'/' Mcslnesda) I ,1'iii.m | ■• ili/e th.il Ihcs -UHl ni'i «omefl who

dc In have .in abortion t*hn arc being simple nun .^ I.' pro lifer* such .^ M I .lni.insi.ni eominuc in

lubbomh hold in ihe auaunniHin thai ill mmen »ho . in have .in .inN»rti»iii MIU. i nn niviii.ii .iii'jui\ii OVCI

.i.'.iNinn' I ik, M. Harpei I .tcepu resent the pro

i nn.in Mho has an annnion as a cruel

UKI heartless murdcrci Ii one nwrc hi believe ihi- victt ■II. ivould think iii.H uoinen derive MUIIC «un "i sadistH

rdcasure from lermuwiiM •> nrcgnancv l hopv thai ^i. Harpci « artick makes clew in all iiut having an abortion - perhaps oa> ol ihe mosi Mrcssiul :\pencnccs thai •■

an can undergo \n.l i. M- ll nested this n,l. .il is i>nl\ In-

PI.' liters

I ean add onlv ooe mure comment u> M n pcrssiaK

-ti.it pro liter• Nhouki • Itk jhnul Ih .isi results ••! iIK*11 actions I tun) i mirMc iti.ii MH N ,'. p \li l .inuuiNtiii ^ii" uphold Ihe bclt-cl that Ihe murdei

ol .in miKveni person canraa he hderuied undct .m. en

kuntstaacc levl abuikMeh no ouira nans ii in.- haaih ol a bail I taondet

many of those morallv uprighl pro hie women can

iii.'i.i in have mailers ■ Jmuld the) II.o.' an unwdiii..! prenanc) inn her own NHI\ .Imul.l n-i he r>jNed upon ahllit) i

I hriNiin.i I .. in.oino

I ..Ike. tS

Pro-Liters Do Not Mtempt to Limit Women's Freedom roihc i dim

I Indi i c '...• - auertion in / . " i ..- i .

Monda) I rbruarv 11. I-MS| ihjt thc viewi nt those wl ••"ftii'ii

arc emoHonalm icll ngbuoui PHt.nii.m- ..i th»- jnti abortion

camp lie-- Hut ill jnli jtsTiinniNi. jr.' male '>i JI htatl

i ... jn\ argu

••'ii disregt ■ hmcc

''r.'lln.lN -mil .1-

Falvnrll UIKI to denigrate •AiMivn hut \h.Hild iififsi\iti..n ti> hi\

. onsen iti* c » M ■ lefiniiulii'ii .'I

life1 I ike il i'i i»»M h\ lutiirc s

children theri;! iplc *t '

nsihilit*. I.'

ui«'n fthethci 'i not ••.■ chooac to

i' nee lift rus rx'en conceived uicietv has

tccl 'hjl I'I \

».Hlld tsitn ii ever) n-orrutn m\ chihircfl N..H.

hurt- MK" argue> that i the i hecauvc -he

■ . hei o»ri .'imikl

ii..!. ••. Iht -.m« ii'l.n Ihji drug v»«iil.l also hjv. .-.ci\ nghi to

list ill. ITi.slltUlli.il w.mkl

h. i.e.il .OKI in effcel .ii ij»»> would •

.mi :. king I I hen ■ * believe thai. u

i child i" lenn is j tsslih III


Knyhod) "■■' sh.mli!

tlK'lll i '■ "l"ll IS

n-H j ,. I.'i ih..se i IJIIS

i 'iiK*n jn edtl ii.il stjius I ■i.l.Tsi.in.line

women are i npecti in men nKiudine ih.- protection "t life in jll loiitis

N HHIIH- Hmlneii./ I nlkcr HH

IIUJL ■at rn

HHGTJTDQE BEQD11B irnirmKtPfATninire1 nn.Mnr.cini^na

(TCT rrnnTrKcxr dTnim'nK] • umaav in M laati liiai itaaiMm

Hiiim Jiaita inei mta-s KIMISIIIII

a MB, a iiaiiaitu*. •• ••in,'

• \II-O»'» •"•»•(•. i ' riiniii 'i uocs*- "IUI-I

• l- ■! IHI. • il il i ta IIMIHIII-

• immm.mmcmu a* HMrtaiKiMUiawi "iai UKLNI inaii at taa iniat -■■




■ a



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Page 8: Student arrested on rape charge

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5000 apply to Medical School R» ( misTonm IM»«M .

• • aadeata applied ha 133 plascs in the Medkal Sehool this ss'ar

tdnstssicea 11 Susan Croll said lasl week thji I ion liir spots in the tost sear Medical s\h<»l CUM ■ alwass intense and thi\ sear is no dittcrcnt

I his w.ii *,■ received 3330 apples lagan in lill .i >|j>s ..t 133 students, (roll SJI.1 V' I think sou *M Ihcrc ihc

• t the mystery ladnnssiiins proa

Croll s .i i ,1 that I n i e c r s 11 s unelcreraeluaics ant ccncralle successful in the ednussioea process

This real DMrt - plicaati from ihc I ii Pcnnsylvaaan.

i\ us ike cent thai Peaa is ihc andcrgradaaai MI»«II most high!) n | la the unsleri:ia.luatc

I Ins is mil favoriUatn hul is i testament in the large number of qualified applicaali from the I ni\, •

added that there are h»o eondt nuns which olfei -indents .1 slight a-i

phis - there are teeo dill polk s


highl) uu.ili'

nempti to in 'ho enrollment ill mmorils

' under ■nation »>t certain mmonts

gicaaga in the medical profession." \hc a.ielc.1

■ said she help* students unders land sshat enfesna the admissions sum miticc takes into avsnum when Jeter iiiining the I niscrsiis s tirsi srar

'u-il 1 lass

10 .k-fiiK sshai ih, I is looking fai are indteiduals who

aoald he a foad match lor the Penn •he said

li a program where -tudcni- fuse a treat deal ..I flcsihilits in nunae? inj; then **lni.i, prom, she add

A large number ol opportune isl in rescar>h and spcsial i-dusatHmal isperk-nses so ,• .. Is)- ,,„ lnt.


»h" I take lull uliajoaa ■M*hl . ihai hiKh

.1 lnt I niu-rsiu

I il said Ihsr.- . mi ingle .'HerK-n MUh »hlih In IlklgC appluanl\ hul |»Hennal sandidales are iml^ed j^ainsi then |S

liui ~ aariwed •he said fix lusi pan of the process is

rMnparc ihi-s<- applkJlmns 10 cash other, lodttriniiM ihc mosi qualified and »h<- among ihcm

heal Mulshed lur ihis icho ml pio^raiii

II said 1h.1i ih<- commKiee u am .isslul in jtlii!ii!ine a diverse- student

hod) from J watt) "i untkrgraduatc has krim nds

I he-re is iiwhins; in Ihs admissions

polis> thai vmuld lasur ..nc kind .'I asadcnii. nun" over another 1 sa»l In last .iur inslnislions to ap plkanis Raggaal thai il ■ ID their adsan

hm laken a broad asaslenik pio graal KM adnuwHei into the school ol medk ine

We adnm peopk v»ho hasc n in IUSI about ever) undertradualc nuk't frooj l-njilish and phiiosophv 10 engineering ami fiusinc-ss shs- »aid

1 'I COarM »e admit more siudenis vsho tad in the natural SSICIKCS. hul

lhat - IUSI he.ausc v»c stcC more ap [»li. j:iis trnm those tnaiois

halaare between ■caanaM • ■• a . ur'kular ae

nsiik-s is importarM t roll said Mans ol IIK applisanls have evscllcd in .hallene

ipplkanls. it seems ha- ■1 "i activates bat have not done

imkh with ihcm ( roll sakl I hen ihere a pplscants who it a

themselses 10 lontcdi

Bg and I'lascmeni Ceatei Health ^flairs Mvnm 1

IHijran said there .in- NO >et , nleti.i «•!

» since ih people applying ihan there an spot1

people are loohmg lor a list ol things lhat us ill gel llK-111 in she -.n.l

I tsaarc students that the hl.kxl - sluh is ih. betier ihan the I'enn

Political t nion she added

Wistar denies unfair campaigning if eaahNMMl l"im pogr It

lilt iiui when a Ivasc this issue resolved

lur |wu I ik as addad thai il the Vi || \ arm the

i a .omplaini agamst

.Hess il we win or lose- we can sun plaini he sji.i \\ 1 inn t.i let ihs- administration know ihai

sse understand "hat tht -aid II1.1' lie li-el- that it the

\S|| \ loses Wlltai Mil treat Ihc il.inls

will But Iteal evt is.uie 'ail '' I the

employees 1 le hoard increase ■. ;ii ahoa favoritism la certain


10 sit around .mei i.ite for siv rnunths, 1 acai addad

W< know what we want and di- .iikl . alter 11 lirinli I

tianona should take no longer than three months

' 1- campaigi lively lor the- nil union proposal

We've In 1 .-.11011- md we jis convinced thai ao union

is ihe be-si option tor ihe ernptoyecs he -.net v»e vc K'e-n holding vontmary meetings in ssiiuh see ansvrci questions .inel diseliss the 11. ■ union aell .llll.llle-

"Thc law prohibits HK- from making ans promises or threats 10 the einploiees I ndge idded

I ndge i1-' -.nil ik- i- not allowed to discuss issues ol benefits and wane- with the employees

I am prohibited under la» todascusa .me issues that ccmei on wages 01 the actual negotiation beoefttt IK- aad

Il see did make promises that e. HI lei

retult m thi-m trying to loss .»ui Friday - eleMlon

In Dccemhei ■in their former union I.N.II4"' ihe Inlernational Hiotherh.kid I .nut Oiler- but failed lo dr.tse i IOIIIS sote between the w\\ \ tad the no union proposal Ihc ncxl eleetion will he i run oil sote between ihe two options

I ast month the WII V charged the In stiiute with reneging on ■ p.i> inct negotiated between I .K.II i"1 aad the Instituw in lime I9W Ihe- w li \

from I .k.ii 11' m December, began as eflbrts lit

In oreler fot the \s II \ 10 win representation rights tor the employees, it must capture ■ majority ol new » ballot

Students to protest CIA recruiting K iwanaard /r..m pagr li

on ihis is that ih, guidelines on open «\ ion s* ill protect the- students up lo

the |s>int where they choost annthei p.n\.

i \\ i PaMo I aiii.ii' i vesterda) thai both

i I \ -

involvement in Central Vmet

W ery preoccupied mill the i i \ • roh in Ntcaragua aad 11 Salsa d I hi t I \ »as

-ibie lot ihe organuation ol the i- in Skatatua atkl in II

S .loi the-s pumped a lortunc into ire ihai Duane acai ihc


Menilvis ol beilh groaps IIK-I lasi night to linali/e piotest plans I aui.it"

and plans for Isltkkkinsc ihc revruilei s entrance arc null kaaauvc

V. -tilt not Stirc hose see ' t" irgaauc iii.it pan .it the demonatra li MI Ik- s.n.l I Ik'te seill probable he-

three M lew people ano »iii IHH allow •i to entci .uki ssiki will also

lllow the- mieisieseee- 10 entei II the- recruaci is already in IIH- buileimc tlkn Ihes will noi lei him leave until Ihe buildine . loses ,u S Kl p m

\s. believe that breaking ■ small law is necessary in ptcveaung i ete.uei es il he- added

I antaro also aaad he- feels the- motiva hon tor the piiMcsi comes from aadeiM ignorance about CIA activHKs

W« are appalled a) the estein .'t iii noraacc on thai raaipai, be said Wt

fell lh.it we had b) raise student son -. loustiess to these- issues

( ateei Planning and Placemen! Dneetoi Patncu Rose saiel last nieiht that she ice-is the CIA repreaentativc shiHild be allowed to enlcr

I iklet the I nisersits s polks on open expression these people hase the right to conduct then bussmess oa oat campus." Roac said Ihe rtadenb hase the right lo protest, hut I do not he-liese Ihes hase ihc rijiht to phssualK prevent ihc recruhei from cahtriag out ottkes

I wimid hope lhat ihe Ipi.iniieii ptesenlion ol ihe tesruilei s enlraikel wi»iid hase i\" effect." she- added

Ihe protest lollows in the seal similar demonstrations at I nits Brow* and Harvard i niversities

U. student arrested after alleged rape <( •inlmurd fnirn pagr I)

aske-d IO eniei ihe fraternity and have i .oneeis.ition before she s»as .illektedls raped

Sim aiteikiine the awcttaa aerc Hackney, Provcai MHUIUS Btriich, Viet I'roeost lor 1 nisersits I ile l.ime-

Hishop Faculty SanatC Chairman laeoh \be-l Vmor Vic» PreskUnt Helen O'Baaaoa \s.i-tani Oaattaj Ooaaaaj Veil Hambuie: I nuetsii\ Kelaiions

Direetor \IIIK IVillield Craduaie and

Professional students Association I h .i i r m a n \ in s I s tn a n and I tkleteiaduau \ssemhls Chjnmian Hi .... Harris

Kose-moni College Presklent IXnoths

Brown said last nieihi ihai sik- is deeply disiurhcd hs the meideni

I .mi so apact about it lhat I would rather mil talk abemt it. she said

Penn V.onsen s ('enter Vssisiaiil Dneetoi IXrhbie LeviOSOO said last nijihl

thai slk- is seornce! al>Hit ihe elleets ol the incielcnt on beHh ihe- Victim and the I nisersits >ommuml\

"I'm WH) soikcrik-d about Ihis atkl sers sevrrs lor ihe- ss.Huan insolsed."

she said I in slad Ihe admini-siralioii has taken the- aslion thai it has It s srueial that the ssoiik-n ein this eampus

fed sale atkl supi»oricd She added lhat it is eurrentls unclear

nteresting in exploring...



HANS KOEHLER, Director of Ihe Philadelphia Export Network

GILLIAN McKEITH, Assistant Product Manager. Alfred Angelo Inc

A representative from KANSAS PACKING CO., an International Ship Chandlers Firm

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18th 4 30 to 6 00 PM Ben Franklin Room. Houston Hall

(nil tM-TSMm hjpj up KFUfhSHUl \ /s ,<>-\ptin\orrdby The Inlrrnatinnal Kilalion\ ln/i.


whether other members ol the Iralermu will be held responsible lot the ine nlcni Ihe- t nisersits s tralernns re-eoj.milion policy unhides. ■ "collective renpoa- siblits" clause Hating thai an entire tralermts mas he- held responsible lor I'K .i.tions ol .ms ol its members

Harris said last nieiht lti.it he approves Of the administration s raapoaaC to the- uk ident

Tin lairls salislied that see re pro ceediag m itx- right directioa." he said ' ("onsidcration is being cisen lo both the alleceel sietim and ihe' alleecJ |X'tpel:

Hishe>p and l-ialertnts .iikl Sorority Vllaiis |)ire-elor Rebeeea Keulinc heMh

dee lined lo soinmeiil sesietelas Inter fraternal) COUIKII President Mike Shcin also reluscd lo eomineni

laanl Cmro ,m./ i/./'\ Blra Ooadry • ••nirihulrtl u< ihi> iron

RESEARCH SenO S2 tor catalog ol over 16.000 topics to assist ,oe,' ••saarch at torts For into ca" ton tree 1«»€2'V«' imoiscan }12 922OX0I

• . ..... ■• ■ sues ■ • ... ., ■.».

1 1 / .



■M ■•*•* S^ai-ai l(arha4lMnbv(4M.tMw.«sM. J*.-««-


2nd Floor Lounrja

rut itiKtsHMtuts

Page 9: Student arrested on rape charge

lilt IIVIIY I'tSSsYI N \S|\\ M.wvtav Ithrimv IK. I*a« l-Xl.l •*

Celebration held for Chinese New Year B> MM W I II

and IM)N\I HOGAN l«*ii. 1973, IMS The Year ol the <)> nn upim

\nd 10 MbOMi the vear whose • annual represents lerltltiv. sprinj!

md Ihe enduring human -pint the

I nivcrsiiv Mu-euni held j dav |OM

lltbfaliOl "I Ihc Chinese So* KJI

*hkh officMH) bvgMM Pabraar) -inh \ ha/oar held in the museum -

(hinese rntumla opened Ihe jlljir «nh

DaatmaMi oi (rarteai traditional < 'hinese crafts, including orrunverMal

•vtnj: seals ch..ps

nl sionc and arrMMaj in Chuioc illic'jphs

Sara PMaj Hong J gtadeMc KCOM Indent .cl Dread l tmetsitv

nncd intricate paper designs .1.

phneaian dnyoM and atadniau ..enes Hone created in. detie.ni r-v

pk Hue onto colored piper md then suiting JI the llusirjiii'ii

\ lesson in Chinese coolillH attracted than lim MHBM to the MooOM

i lallcrv where Paul 1 KM .I

Klein .>( International Cl—10001 demonsiraied h>>» to prepare Chinese ilumpl

kaaj Chinese toot k .realise BMft I KM told his audience Inftc dients sush js finfet MM or ran

Kirtseeue sauce , in he added BCCBWllB| in taste

Ml nude d«U|ch lot the dumpling -kins Hum fl.Hii and waler 1 KM asked Ml volunteers It.im ihe audienxc B .issist him in assembling the finished

pRMMd stutled dumplings • .mied Killed 01 tried

I HHI said thai dumplings are Ihe tradt N A Yeal - Eve dish ot the nor

tK-rn Chinese while the s.mihern Chinese ptetei tang vuan sweet

sticks rue halls made with sugar and sesame Ht added that IIM> lll| dinnpl tngs is mote than IUSI ktioking it - a ijimK ■cavil)

Making dumplings is an ..pporluniH i" strengthen t.innlv tie> he Mr I

Up activitv it give* tjmilv IIMIIMUI a chance 10 sit down talk ami

.i probkua I atei Msii.ifs crovfded inui Harrison

VIMIHOIIUIII la j series ■•! jets ranging trom instrumental ID dance Ihe perlor marwes hegan with sinrs, telling hv I ilv Y«k .'I the Philadelphi.i I \n Yeh reo-unled several legends explain ing iwigins HI Chinese Sew Year caMBtaboa rituals and custom-

Ihe ('hinese hclicve thev are the . ivlanls ot Ihe dragon Y eh -aid

I hu- lo 11\. o in ha r mom with nature is

one ol their nuin goals in hie an.' *av is ■ otaanra the change "l seasons with rituals

Ihe mosi important ol these is the new |MM Yeh added In n .- nines pre|varjlions lor ihc Ness Year

• elehrati'Hi ha»e heen simplilieel hut the two nw»si nn(s»rt.iiii renuin inlast

paving rcapecu lo aaocnon an.1 HMM ding lime v»ilh the IjmiK

'iislrjlion ot uudll ' shade's* orirK-d r>\ V.en I ong

U Vn inslru>toi ol l.u ,hi loi

matt lhan ' s in rvgan pr.Kti> ing lh«' martial art in Ijm.in I he art

itsel! has changed little over iis MO i'iio •> u i iMera . s ,. ud h has jlisass emphasized lh>- -I,milieu

nig JII.1 developnirni ol ihe internal organs such j- ilx- heart and xioniaxh

S Ml^ part lai ^hi sequcrKe Man ed lo he more 'I a darxe lhan the irodi norul idea ol j martial art uigfctli v» ith

its graselul and llukl BMMJoai Itul Sjn said thai Ihe r e senthla.ni e is CONK i.knlal

I I ai ,hi| ha- no relationship lo darxe

at "I [he movement, resemble daike IK- -aid

\ I ion l)an-e perforated I'v iiK-mher. ol ihe H j N v s lalion j I •

>hant- anpaauoa MMM ih<- aaaa Vudarve aamben folio—ed a hnghiiv

•ui ot ihe .ludiiotium I trgaru/er- ol ■■ \. , > . .,: .

iclehralion -aid IIK-V were pleawd with

'all re-ult-

Chartotte C'onrn) vodire-lor ol In ttttialioful ( la--rt-Mtt jlkl .i CO -|-oti-of ol ihe -elchr.ition e^preut -jli-la-liiii with the .illelklaike

I v«as vet this was

ve had lor ihis kind ol , ullural e i

-I lo have .i . lurk- with ihe- !c-iivines

llll TINKER LECTURES present a talk



School ol Fine Arts

Federal University of Bahia. Salvador-Ba-Brazil


4:00 p.m. Houston Hall. Room 305

American and Soviet doctors speak on nuclear ban i< ■mtirwfd (mm /vigr /(

Y>\ici Oncological Insiiiuie IX*puu

Director Nikolai rrapaimkoi -.nd thai ie knows no details ol ihe condition ol

■ el leader

I in not hi- phv-ici.m he -aid I

Unveled ia yoai couatr) ht a ind all the news I know i- trom vour tew-papers

\ i-hensk> Institute of Surfer) Direc

Mikhail Ku/in said he believes lhal

•ne debate beiaaea Soviet and Kmencaa doctiirs ma) strengthen the lighl against


V.e have COflM here to MUMtdl hiitnan .iikl profestionaJ -on Ku/in s.nd In knowing each

'liter bettet we will he jhle I" -Iretiglhen

out moveiwei to tighi agjm-i aackM lllll-

hu/in compared the coii-eyuenscs ol mjclcaf war with his own experience- .1- .1 itnlitarv surgeon on Ilk- ".esterri Ironi

luring Vint Id "..it II Ihere were --ore- ol d-iv- when we

•could treat ocer 1000 people. Opel lor over ^tl hours in -ucce'--ion Ik* -.nd through hi- interpreier "This 1-

ikHhing compared 10 what condNiom would he like in Ihe event ol .1 nuclear war

Are 1- phv sic tans stand h\ and wait lor the d.iv when we will he unahlc lo 10 treat Ihe -ullering ol .ill HM p.i items ' ku/in .1.1

Ku/in said lhat regardless ol their political allilialions the phv-1,

united in their .ause hoth .is proie- -tonal- and a- con—tenltous humans

Ik-pile .Hjr |si)iiical dtllererxe- Ihe panici|vani-oi out movcmeM in in lavoring more vigorou- actl

*/e -one alter native lo .vthcr or to die together

ii'i'Sss memberi -.nd da eovetnmenl ha- noi Milled their

'■iit.pokeiie-. iddlOf lhal he led- lhal this is hecau- I the S

eovernment jikl his org.ini/alion trc similar

lh, po-iiion Ol ll'CSV. dtlter- verv

little Irom the poutiofl ol lh.

(lovernment because Ihc Soviet menl pledged no Itr-I use- reducing the numher ol delivers svvtems in 1

. I -v .irs

*>arvoti- ihe poaaion "I Sonet phvskian- jtkl tftv II' I'NVi are verv -intilar to rrh'sc- ol Ilk'

riiiktii YNe will not trv and

[Htrsuade ihrfU to do othenaisc

Kuhard Stienman Philadelphia hunch PSK rik-mher sakl lhal Ihe grikip

will concentrate its et! Kfop

•itprerH-n-ive test halt

Our Wail iMiyiag vl everv arm- hill hui


In ihc- next several months ellon- lo push lor .1 -' han will

he increased In effect, ihi- law w<>uid elimiiule Ihe pnssthilitv ol ilx ,le llknt ol Mat Vi at. w Jckl

• . v-in t huikl we.i|>m- 11 cm

,att 1 tesi them Stienman -aid the PSK h.i- ;

nuclear le-I Km as it- Itt-t -lep to a

nuclear ltee/> Ihe rea-on we have decided on Ihe . ar lest han as an important 1-


S -let phv sic tans ended the da) with .1 lout ol Pit 11 ide I pin 1

•t the I nisei Penmslsami and ChikJret

II VNKI II k 1 |s\ 1 Yl 1 s N|o|il 1 dllol -

HUH Kl Kl'l K I opi 1 lllt'U

KMMY \MlKls Ml KYI III WINKS I'hoi.i SlgM 1 Man

mi 1 \ wt.i 1 isi \ \tlv. rii-1111: 1 .ic out 1 data

Introducing The Wharton Undergraduate

Entrepreneurial Club's Resume Book

To Be Distributed To Small & Emerging Businesses

Senlon from Ihc School of trfa ind Scieacct, Engineering, .md Wharton ihould Miinmi I heir resumcf t»:

Ms. Jeanne DeVine Career Planning & Placement Services

2nd Floor - Houston Hall

Before 4:00 PM. February 21st (Thursday)

Sponsored B> The Wharton Small Business

Developmetal Center

The Wharton Undergradiuitc Entrepreneurial l iub





Al aaatate ra*aaaw-vaKl: SB-Students, Faculty S Staff: S4

Page 10: Student arrested on rape charge

I'M. I II) I llf IMIl.t P*\\XM\\M\N Miwdii. f.heuars II. |W5


FINANCIAL AID AND CREDITS TRANSFERABLE Information Meeting: Tuesday. February 19 at 3 p.m.

4th Floor Lounge. Williams Hall ( .HKIKI.II.-V • h .,!,■ eligible

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iiiril«'t information

l ii Bennett H.ii: 896-4661

Kappa Delta Sorority Welcomes Its New Pledges:

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pmp Pvtr 1 "l.iin'lli

Pennin-Cordoba (Argentina)

July 1 - August «» I n foi in.it ion meeting

Tuesday, February 19. 11:00 A.M. "

Williams Mall. room S i (>

PenninSalamanca (Spain)

July 2 - August 9 Information meeting

Thursday, February 21, I 1:00 A.M.

Williams Hall. room 517

// tTfiteresfed hul can 7 attend

Call Elizabeth Sachs at 898-5738

Athletes in action are the key in Penn victories l( imtlituti from hu. k pagr)

K0H Penn 71, laic hr.

rnd I.Mai fat weekend I . I •

ikpage * tirst road -weep .'I Hiovtn arkl

'iivc he.miung Penn- ,,iash j

n-l Ivy La -the

ken undrsputcd r- • fira

ii ihc hallwav mark M |vj WIUHI

li'i tfk first lime m Iwo .

MhliiK abilnv ■ s.Mticthing that wc

think is war) MPMM I" Ihis haskcthall

team I mlrpagc said V>

jml efuivkncs- mm peOftf like Phil ami

. [Broancfll Bui ike) HI ai*. JMC

iii the Jelcnsivc hnar.l- Bad eel ihc

Kill up where nm-t platers whn jrr-

gitled .is the

Bi.'wn and 1 ale hnw nils

well -tneked wilh plaset- wl*. despite

being ic.« |ined athletically an- anung

Ihc mod effective rcrtmindct- in ill,

BTOIM k-0 hv Ihc ft I I -v \1 . t, ^

rtmk i .in.i 6 11

iMilrcrskind Iheir .»p

prnxnls hs ,TIK-

I IK H ' hell

Bt M K ■ • ' Bi - I rupMn, k

■ HI Chris Ihidlcv MjlrcrsMjrx!

IIHHI hv an


' | ■ - lK.il is insim,

live ili p between


like hi run nuix!- •'• I I the


hard in the offensive hnanh Ii *>

muvh rtllVUI

MfCd tfl. - ; • 1(1

planatmn . ■ ihilits in in'

lirsi I.

third ilraiel

W 15 33 left in ih» .

ink hv Muldct . nppe.l the rails

that extended the Htuir i 'iime

lead In 41 >] In that puini in the se

..md hall Hrnwn had grahncd lite re

r»wnds nine Mlnnf] ami made .11 (4

eight shiMs (riMn the field while Penn had

pulled dnwn |ust two rerktunds «.*r..

Icn.ivei and , nnnc.tcd .Ml oaf) 0M of

i-Id goaf attempis

Hrnwn respiMided In three straight

Penn haskets with another shun spun

an.1 led 4" 4." with II :>* remaining

\tter a ~ ^ run hv the t^uakcr- Cingiser

,ailed a timciMit H settle his lea", d'wn

and instru.t them In lake higher per.cn

•us instrusii.Mis ht

.•Mivcmng a M plat Inn MM a

lhal mads 1' I M Inllnw

Mulder s lasup h> lconO| In at trk'

pnint. imludKi.

1 Hi 14 in .1 i..w

V.. -. ■ fun

>.'l said > IHI ijn . v.-. nls* \iHir

a.. .■" hut when

it s nr.w l.n a hre.ik tn 0CCWI ami the

hall > hs-lw,

emne l.i eet ilx- hall ever) lime

II .>w n . .■['(s.riunii. ■

•rhea Rick

Mjhifi with


\'V W.Hlhl '

M h-Hind Hut Pills aMd hi- .II|V

"iii.'ii his gjpermr lumping ahiht\

r qui, ker than his up

:i I s an.1 his s II p e I

alhlelk haskelhal I(K-

hall down and thvii ..MH.II .11 .1 tur

narnuixl iinnf



that rcNHind Pitts ^«M BV

splii se.iMkl ihinj: (Kir fu\

I'K-nlal misiaie and is a little hit rioa HI

h..\ .ml Pills gels inskle arvl

hall Wilh us wc wnuld have nisi aOBM

Mir hand .MI the hall

Vie haic H raise Ihe- le-el "I plavcr

in where Ihev .an pass and .al.h well

en«Mjgh Cingucr addesl Kul that . a

res rutting thing It » n.M as .1 wc hasen 1

iried In rcsruii plascrs like thai It s iust

•laicn 1 beta su..

•ing ilk haskil ..



-silmg .


I nli»,

1 fuiline

■ uhle .i.nir.ill

me a pi.1.,1 ,.i Bnamtell • calikei hut

.I.MI t haie pinhleniv with havl

skills like passing iad .at.hing In lait

in his tWO and a 'I

HI.IIIUII has laid the hjtiadalHMI

team thai could dnimnalc Ilk' I.


• 11 mine 1 \t ■

lilst n.ill |kinitv Saiiiul.

r I

with a team thai si'Hs t.kir Ircshmen

Kfl ai least the lime hcinj. Ihe

Qaakan have t greater number nl

■am wh.i are ahle M ellc.lisch ..mi

hine iheir .Hitstarklmg alhletk skill, with

their .Mitslanding haskclhall skills

parikularls M ihc guard and small Inr

ward p..situMI.

V»e hasc gu>> wh.i .km t plas wh.i

•«Her athletes than ~MIX- of Ihe gus .

whn stan lor .Mher teams in the league

\nihnn\ Arrkilk- said

plC a,..ir,ling tn I itllcpage.

V.Mt Mas. mil 1 seld«im used senn»r 1 i. ifct la.test player we hasc

•ins nl straight ahead v|»

I hi. deplh a r»n .Mils a prmlikt nl lhe

.-nt hlen.1 nl i.HjIh cipcrierkc arkl

■ ihat th»- Quaken poaacaa this ymi hui als.i at I ittlepage s ahilils in sia\ a

-lep atk.kl nl the '.ague in anlu ipatiaf

,: ... 1. IriMn

. ss ukihile haskethall plasers iwhn Ivy teams hasc difficulty re.ruiting MI,

' ills answj\ 1 inward in •

kei more itnanfc athletes

it. vary mipnnaai t.. he able i.

. the lalenl aikl progW e4 siHir

leim as well the league and region S.MJ

Ik line HI I iltlepage said

leli as ihiHigh ,nir lasi iw..

img clauei pu' u> m J silualmn

I.KI einHigh qualili hig gus.

w, leli we were Ihin wai

wilh the |uyi with ipeed aikl quukiks.

wh«i .an als.i (kisi up and ^o hi Ihe

I nier Put. .uv.1 Hmmwell IliMh (use

1 raaudrraMc diflermce in I'eiin . rk-rlnrm.iike this season Hmh

have helpvtl tn.ie.ite a dimciisinn thai

IIK- Ivy l.,ieue~ wkeduliog

ss stern whi.h .alls Int team- M pl.r.

in 111.1 OVC1 -4 hoiin aikl 10

irjvcl up In l.nii hnurs between game

site, may make ihe difference lot the

i.'u.iker. as race Inr the- In . h.impinn

ship ■

Quakers move into Ivy lead with two road wins ft ••niinurtt 1'um ba,k /»!;■■ 1

Inn lurik kct hig iiK-n

.aiik 10 the 1

I • en potab 'ii ih.s

^ 11.1 IV1111

halt'. within rwil putnli .11

well IIK-II

ID with a la) up ovet

Umwn guai.i Mark Dal) \IKI wuh ih»-

. ihen In,I at J3-53 Mmuiwell |Mil

10 sl.il with jn

lumper that ranked

. lean thrmigh Ih,

lh. BrBUM ^hnhadiusi ielirk|uish

.d I.' straight |kiints and then lead dur

lise minute .Irs spell rM n

IMO hihen -. n pre) , .1

nn ih, '' ■ .id ik'iik'si. tree thr.iw


' Pean - 1, 11 wa, "

'h. .Il.ilitv slfijk

Missing five Iree ihmw, includ

iik' limn rmb nt !>•

B ...llt.-I Vlilh II Ml nn Ihc Clock aikl

P. nn ahead 73 61 ilk Quaker*

.-nipln\ed a i.Mif comers nlTenvc 10

thwart ihe Hruin- with their nuivkne--

I11 ih. \ ItollC IIIMII .lut.h tree

ihinwsi and Ka. in 11.

ion inr ihe Qaaken Ilk ana marked

ihe lirsi tune in three yean thai Penn left

Man.! Cjyrn mi all 11ptv.1i

I u


nl two minute-

link- Vi, -1.111..I out ilk -e.ntkl lull

-isels minded aikl thai put us m I

little hnle Hut w-; JHII the hig guv- in

• It ss 1 Teak inr the- Quaken,

whn liMjikl Ihem-elie- in lotc pns-essinu

,i| lirst pla.e in Ihe league ilandlftgl

■ftet (niik-ll ivalloped Harvard M 43,

in Ithaea Penn retained ii- tnp poatnon

with a 72 hei i i.tms n i.tas

night ai Payne NMuiik's (isnuusiuin

fhe 1.) •

rive minute* into ahea

rale IIO-II, ' r. |va»l Called tnneiMit

Whatevet wa. dncuued in the I

huddle 111,lent'', wiirked as>aleMui.k

I) Inughl hi ■ 1 'mutt

-i.iikkkii Brian I rupali • con •CCIHI 'empl- to thtust

Itiilldngs into a sh.it lived lead.

' Hut it wa. \ .t the

..•niest a- Penn men tcampeicd ahead in

■ run ovcl Ihe nevl IIHII niinu'e- nl

a dl) ,ailed a

mush needed limenut. tin Quaken were

well out nt reach 41 27

Well almnst \lter nearK Ml inuiule-

W. Squash wins a pair K onlmurd /mm ho, i pmifr)

llkthndls.llls , li.wed up III, Hill. I.is -

winning all niik mat.he- and In-mg only

' .Mine- V\ ith tlkii lk'\l .Msp..

i.III Cornell .1- w..i» a- jnhn-

• mapd lu-t when things teem

IKlrfl I'. 1111 was

nn with .1 .1.

Vihat ensikd was one nl lhe clinevt

mat. tk-s ,.| the seasnn I he Quaken and

I until were even .11 4 4 with Ihe ninlh

and deciding match between Penn s

ll.iwn 1-nedK and (nrnell - Maltha

i.khar.i lied .ii iw,. .aiik-- each

l-.khard area Ihe luul game 15-12. and

I mikll ha.1 -eeiinngls rnill.-d nil i stun

nine J 4 aga

I won the lust two gaiiks with my

hands lied behind It!) ha.k I tieslK

said I got inn nvei.nnlidenl

lusl Ihen. the- yuakers got help Irnm

an unusual Murcc a contractual daaaa

In wiMikrn s squash, a sshiml ean ihuu.,

In plas its inai.tkv in seven nr nirk-

pia.es wuh ..,,n pla.es being used in

the eveat of a conflict Ih, Quaken pla)

In nine pla-e- Howevei the Big Ked

■ni> tn teven rkereforc uacc ihe

iiiimrk-r eight and nine mat.Ik-s weie

*nn h\ Comefl. the enntra.tual .lause-

turtk-d aS-4 Penn Ins- uitn | 4 i (Quaker


It wa- ubvtou&l) a very confuving

-iiualinn \V. i/el -aid "I here is gmne

tn he a nalmn.il rnceting alter this -.a-nn

to make the -ituatmn more iiinlnini

i in s.iiuf.l.ii the Quaken hoMed a

mund mhin murnameni al Ringe

I'.Miris ic»taJ) twn play en from eight

-.h.kils took pan in Ihe annual

le-tisities V. el/el viewed the inurna

iiwnl as a vhaike tn get mnie evpenerke

Inr individual plasei-

I .linp|vd people dnwn in lhe lineup

in nrder tn make thing- uiwe .nm

rxtitive she said

Mac* WcueJ ■aurkfkad a rJaaa leal" hvMkirs in nrder In make Penn -

nui.ik's uk-r, .nm|vntive ihe- Quaken

.ikild uunage lint) a Ihird plave Imish in


printing . • typesetting • xerox

at its best

HAS IT ALL!! Recommended tot Qutlily

nl invinsihle ,l.ten-e -p. II

Neil B. iii-leiii "ii Bululne ,...). r I

Du.llev aikl Pitta on I it/patti,k lhe

MO la/ilk-- . ivei a

-is minule penod Vale -puite.t 10 I

I s 4 run arkl put

nailing hv ii,l foul points M 6

II own downfall

hv lurningtht ballovet numeroustunet

llk-v had M liirnnvers nn Ihc ev.>

i rattled a mi Put- i*

pnints seven rehiMinds. three eausb.

.UK- hl.kk ami ihiee Meal* -aid

ue penod ol a gam. where v.MI

iltle mental hre.ikdnwn- Hul we

-ii-taiik'd tlk'ii -urge arkl pulled II nut

We relaxed Mtkert *i got into Ihen tempo RacUM explained vs.

needed tn slnw down - e OM

latter* Perm raaeout| and u-ed the hnu

, nrner-In .Mir advantage [When we u-e

the I.nil ,nrnei-| there - I lm nt

uuK'kncvi out there .nki no tax in the . all hilkh Us

With three minutei leli in lhe game

IIK- Quaken "IK^- again broke nut then

uninu.hdhic lout corncn offentc

Ka. inc. Bnimwell \rnnlie aikl Jnhn

WllkOft appinprialelv stalled the game

while ilk frustrated Bulldog) devca

K tried tn foul But tin fierce defense "I

ilk- Quaken prevented i ale from moan

inv ton nt ,

,i sputter sunk- oflcnsivel)

I ittlepage -aid Hul we .lid a g.nvil |nh

wilh out exe.ulinn overall lhu .nn

.inuallv ,hanging .Iclcnse. kepi Ihein

.•ii balance pisi eamuth In ihc flrti hall

.•in backcoun worked mi the Vale

i \ them inmate Iheir .i|

ten-e IW.IV Ir.-II :1K basket 'Kir :tun

defense did a g.Mid |nh nn I'll/patlk k in

the fitsi hall and nil Iludlev in tin

coad hall

Bs'i.ne did a great I.M- tn keep

Dudlev whn is nne nl Ihe IkMtest

play-en in the Ivies withmit a held

' i ilk- lirsi 2u minutes It t a credit

ue Ami Pitts did .<n . v.ellenl |.M>

ln/paln.k He g.M the unpniiant

hu.kei- and impnnanl teh.Kitkls when

we struggli-d Phil didn t plav like i

Fran I had In pi.k up a little nn nllcnsc

Pitts said I needed tn pick up smiR- nl

the slavk. MI I I - • Ml than I

usualh would I ,lidn t leel ik'ivnu- al

all alter a while v.HI get used l" :

ing And plaving with cvpcrk'nccd

plaser- helps v.HI IHJI

liver the- weekend, all the l^uakers

helped cash nthet IHJI learn nlleu-e

team ds'lensc team And the usult-

were mirth the effort Ilk- env ihle and

iilialgu.lhle lop p..-itinn in the' Is \

■ ent nn this team.

Racine arid iftei the Vale contest

there ai natedscoren (*hn-

i there Perrv was m Mil trouble

Hut everyone picked up ihe -la. k

I h, i, lire i I !U) - lUI Ni, learn whn

s».nil tn plav \ikl when ihev

, h.iike ilkv pl.n h,u,l_

Penn 79. Brown 72


Mm FG-A FT* " 1 t flv S 23 00 ! 1 1 4

25 3-4 04) i 1 ) • BrnutMi ?4 • « 11 ! 0 3 2 h ••- 15 n 19 0 1 2 2 2 22 Racin* Jt 6-'6 4 - 4 1 ! II Uanxw, 30 511 2* 5 3 2 11 LtOlXWJ It 4-5 «« 1 0 1 II W««m t 04} 00 0 c 0 0 *mt» « 0-2 54 ' 1 9 s Conan 1 04) 04) 0 0 0 0

'dial, MO 324J4 14-2S X ■3 '? k) | '• A'i

U«i F0A FT-A « A p ha UukMr 4-10 4« i 3 5 •7

n 1 7 04) 7 0 2 2 -ang. 31 514 IVO 0 i N B«jr» X »18 04) 0 1 4 It

• 36 i It 44 2 ' 1 ■1 K 04) 1 0 2 ■

• ."„■ , 9 23 0-0 5 0 2 4 0*v i 27 1 1 1 4 6—at > 1 l 0 1 2 4 BM I i 1 0-0 1 0 l 2 lime" ■ 00 *0 0 0 0 0

'M4M 200 3070 12 14 34 13 I!

HHIIime Brow! 2»28 Ia"iOv«r» Brown <r P*™i 14 Stocuffl Snoii Pi

Penn 72. Vale 66


UKI FG-A FT-A a a a Pit X 34} 24 s .' i < •"-, X 6-10 34 • i 2 «,

Hr'\»- 2t \i 0« ) 3 - ** H- ana* 71 45 2' 2 2 4 \> n*c«t 3t Mi 54 5 4 2 if uaonr. 15 M 04) 1 ' 4

waton 11 0-4 22 0 J 0 •2. Arnokt 15 1-2 04) l 2 3 Borrao 1 04) 04) 0 0 0 sr UlXd i 04) 04) 0 0 C Jf

Toua 200 79-53 14-24 < 20 .1 > .All i MM FG-A FT-A n » '

.•.">-»v- 3-5 12 0 0 ! /• «a»6* 30 34) 11 4 1 4 ■r DsiOW, 27 3-7 0-5 ■; 2 3 < FilXP4«i<« 21 5-i 74 5 : 1 f. Wk«» 40 3-10 12 7 4 4

>' WhMUr 23 2a 3- l 1 3 akoM V 441 5* 2 0 1 t4* B « :-; 5 0-2 04) 2 0 1 %„ Canon - M 1 3 : • i

-a- raM 200 2353 20-35 34 12 23 <

HiUkm* »t""42 3i IM*I Perm 31 'aV* 20 Bncxa Snon ■ m 6 P*RX I

The Aweaoma Xtroi 9900 -

w variable reduction

Self Service Xerox -

(Mew Machine*)

Same Day Printing


Offaet Printing

Binding (Velo 4t GBC)


Collating k Folding

Whila-U-Wail Service

Film Processing



university plaza 386-6114

3907 walnut street next to h.iskin robbins


l*»4TVt»SIT> (Jf fVaVi>..l\SiA ODPtatrTXalN r < •

C Utiiv'cnjim'

Chscmble Jnusic c^ ^k' f musK diwcios

yfcdnafa). JsimmruzoM1). Swp.m. 'BoM Jjwgc. Houston %£'



Page 11: Student arrested on rape charge

im l)*ll * ttWstl V WIW MnmUt. trtsneart II. I«**- fU.t II

M. Swimmers torpedoed by Army B» JON M ||U XKI/MVN

Ha*l J /h ih sk-tcai CK8JIK ans earlier

IK MM II would hate Npcllcil

M lot the Pcnn men > twaaaaaata

.mi 11 MM inviij.1 when Ac Qaakeri

-I bs that m.i/cin In Anns nn Salurdas

I meant MKCCV

Penn JKI n« ,ippiM*h the IM „,„

I .ih«iui IIK- OMBOM mack ■okinc Im J Victor) -\itin I* oast ,,| ihc

a I cafM Quafccn a*tn i was

is jv nan) »wi—HI .IN pimiMc

pet EMm In this I.|V,I Pcnn

.1 Ma expcctaboni

*V« .K-liniUK MCCTrtod

Hjrrctt -.ii.l I he

•kale purpo-. v.jv i,, r pga

' "i. \s . Iijn ! hau-

Mr puaw lineups in there V., went in

a llh J posltis, altitude hl.l II waslrl j

ihnuch ii svaaa'i .i MrriMj HI ■

.Hurts hi M ny-inhcrs I he bM

■ .i came inmi !.• i.ipuin I,MI

n. who mm the- M style

IK-I 2M .ir.l. ,,| ih.

i^uiie dote, hul ihen Oltcn suddcnls

pulk'il awas ■MMHdj laMiicialinc his

■ TpiniiHtn in in.- latter hjll of ihc cscni

Ofckta swam ihv lest III' sards in Vi

sconds whkh alter iwnnmiiMj JJ«I

lu**J sards IN j slriBM 1'iiiishinc linic

IVnn JIU-I lljiul 1 OBM ' shed te-

rn Ihc one meter OsVaaJ ,>cni and

won the ihrcc im-u-r cscni later in ihc

kk1*re>ai> Cooper **SJB'I ark* bo* bathe JKI

k«»prrfm—H dweaayaal *"> laciaaaaai >onsistcry s

i Qtakcrt .IIMI uaaliraal foi

•n- Itn- »ji ihc ajkuaj important

■mil • ihc meet IHyn

i read) ejaaHlfcal m the rher ia the apaaoa

Uaed atiis tlneaf .how in.; in ihc

■r.i-iik' in qualils in ihai

I I- well Barren kntcd wnpncmve HiialiKinj: in hnih Ihc 40 I in

Jlyl Ihv

S I ; Kruilcl

I ■ : "-.KtNlrokc I .INI scar tin '^uakiTN ias1) manacvil

lo UjeVatlf) .ii people lot indisulual

,1,111s and Un i»thcr NISIIIIIIICI > Im

/,l.i»s In contrast ihis ssraaofl Pcnn

■each asm M-IKI fa) in.-1 aaMno

IIK VUJICIN haic alrcadt guAliticd len

li-am mcinhcrs foe individual cscnts

I urthcrmorr aach has ejualiticd in

■anaral evaati caaaaaiaai Pee* iKoraaf possibilities

-Xpainsi Hanaid BM »CIIHTKI Pcnn

hufn-v In qualili «*->crjl nlhci N»IIH

IIR- i-i|thi Qaahan »!*• ha»i- .ii

iii Njualiii arc v* *." 11 ** iihm u-a*h ill ihc

mgel NiandaiilN Hul evM il IIK- <Jujlii.-r\

iad) aaeaaaa i" aJ»i a ic» twiicanen la

iTK-ir Eatferw loater, ii »iii rapraaaai

ihc aanjM Neai eoaMajeai ia lavaa


In |naNlKi-ihiN »CC| IIK- tj.iak.ci-> »ill

ctMuata ID *"tk in I«.I inaapi ihc-

IUNI tin up MijiU- up "i rtasac »h.i

- vi-i gaalil I -ii raa

will ciMMinuc Iii IUI down ilk-ii lOtal >ai

and .nn>cnlijl,

Nliittic n>tli>Kliial Nl»ii>»ini;> .IC.II">' 1\J<

>afd In cam ihcm a he nh in Ihc

I .iNlcrn. IIK ^.-vi-ivl jtnmp COB

Nixiini: HI ihusc >»hn have alrcad)

ijualilicd anil wnfi naiil

K • • . . p ■•'.'>.[>- i id Mill

hetta i - H ..'aNh k.ilh. I .i*l,i, Cilhcil vcill Nhulllc

ihc iinc-up vi iiv tecoad tjraap ol i»an

'iHi> .an p.i>.iln> qualil\ in acldmnnal


Ihc prrfian—L> "i Naa raaq awaa

»iii he en i-h.i.i/cd JI ihc Baateraa a.

aaaa) pcaati an >n ihc line- m ihcsc

CVtab Ih»- K-ain thai lak.CN lirsl in a

lahq earn i" poaab whale all mher IcaniN II; | j |,j,

' lhal

\<»k Iron the usual 4\|im nkliMclual

nid 4(100 IICCNUIC ICI.HN. Ihcic

•id abo iy i . i

ihiN rcia>. iii, ateaaheri "i ihc 4a 100

IICCNUIC H-;.I. lean "IUNI aat untl in

taftimniag Jmiiiic then a«ual ilniawc

IUNI Ihc- Njny IVnn Nhmild ly- ahk Ml

r -inii ,i( .ni ihrcc rela) >

,-i oa iha rctajri

>i>>aptain and '. '.i\ aiKliiTiiiaii I "in

' .ml lhal WC

■ -! rda) • I ho war

»i luic ihrcc itfU> - ihai iu>. .i realniK

-h.nKi i I i>i leu Me rcall)

• >nl\ had nac lhi> teal «•> ikhnilcK



48 HOUR SERVICE ■ • . ■ ■ ■ i

OOU UxJwO npTionpL nuumt /CRVICC

S E Comer 45th & Walnut Sts Umveruty City

W. Cagers lose to Brown and Yale It nnlmurd from hack pagcl

SaMrdaj nijihi afanaal Vale ihc

ken Imind lhal this kind oi >car

aaaa wti FoUoaruaj ihc aalid per

m, c agaiaai ihc Braiaa Paaw

: . -l.uii.inl pmc .icain-l ihc

f| II Iii I r. I.

! h, Qualrrn commined u penonal I in Ihc tint haH Vale tailed 10

..ipit.ili/c tin Ihc Pcnn IIHIIN coarvCfftUM , hi >t i '• (61.3 perccMl free

m IVnn oftaet M foulin| klaameaa nootitaj well Iron the iidd 48 i CM(13 Oi -"> as the lir.l hall ended

., Hi >lltie

Hul. Ihc Hulldi'iiN vhipped J>*a>. at the

(Juakcri in the ICCOMJ halt ai ihe\ huilt a

•I pmnl lead. 4>> 4' halt>»,i\

Ugh the linal periinl Vale N ihooteri

allVC in Ihc period, hiliinjt J3 '

percent i Ih ol l''■ aflat aaoating a mere

percent 111 of J3) in the npenin(!

.l|' 'ninules

In addition. Penn was unahlc t" ,"ii

u-n itv Iree ihrov.> Ihc Quakers pro

hahlc should hju' ntu-cd the tree

ihro»s and sunpK reoanled poaaniina

ot the ball alls' touls III the iiainc. Penn

'vticr trom the Meld 16 percent

: M> than Irom Ihc Iree throw

line, vshere the Quakgn ,on\ened on

IUNI 42" pericni >«a >>r J11 nl their

anenptt thai statist], vsas produsi-d b)

vchiih. onls 24 himis cjrlier had heen

Iron the toul line

B Pcnn hil all Ih ,i| UN Iree


lhal ser\ .nmparisun cvcinpliMcs the

last." m the Qtaakcn .!il

Miuiiics this naina Jaconaaeac)

k lidat I pla\ 411 siilul minutes

Irci i 12 potnU Niscn rehourylsi said

It s ihc ream »c kaa ntoai oi mn tamet The onl) tamea »c ve played 40 niinulcs this >casnn have hc-en against

onljndSi Im's |vchn heat Pcnn

M 60| I don I know whs it happens

tin I do know one Ikwaj il »,- don i

,"iie,i it we <<• not going to win ans

more caim's

IIK la> k ol cottolfttenc) ohs UKINK was

COMagMWf Ihc otlisials ihou|ih in

doiiliialK ,1'iiNtsicni thnniiihout the-

game were not .unsisiem with each

othei I lik- offic lal sailed a tight f.i

Ihc othei wa> ■ i' Fret said

Ihcs wcrcn I good tos;cthci Vih.il was

being called at oaa end ama*i hems;

called at the other V»e were sailed lor

more tools, hut Yale was dcfinitel)

. ••-li-

lt was Penn s lay k ,.i aggreuivcncu.

parlyularls on delcnse aivl -m Ihc

lysards-which MM the tjuakcis naahag

Ik-Npnc the Ijsl thai Pcnn plascd an c«

hauslinj; jianw ajiainst Blown the cscn

tag hctorc the (Jiiakeis diss.niniccl the

taiiyuc factor

*a> as lued a- u> Itcshiiian

Inrwaid Shan htoon 'II pointsi said

Ihcs plascd Princeton last aajfcl I' "

das | Vic nisi ,lijn I lal I -iisls

crunieh Ihcs were inu>h hcttei than

lhc\ wen be W« wcrcn t

up t"i ^ ale I he inash sircssed thai we

had lo plas tw,- gatMl hut we kesed on

V>e 'i ,,insiN

Maow added "•■ placed at i ilht wc IUNI due inirscMcs .1

bej h.-ic




KOKKKI kUMOVVII/ O rft> VVo^ingiOfl I nil-ITSII\

ANDREW HKASl.rY. Medical I Pkniu) Ivanla

PUD MJBC, I'nuiTsin ni Ptmniylvanla


Ben Franklin Room, Houston Hall 8:00 to 9:30 PM

Wrestlers lose matches i< ■inlinutil from ha, IL fax"

i hit overall problem I aachle son

unucd was thai wc were aeak m the

tnsi limr wcyhls Thai and a lack ol ex

pencace nail) hurt us

\galM lasl Mnnklshuri: (ojiyla >

istors was BM I r\ I '! • lew

hiehlichts nude trom ties m the

I "pound aiyl heavywtteta disisums.

.•Maker, List the rest ol 'he matches

I dkl a Im hctlci in ms sound

nMCk (iranda said I di.ln I jiiu-up

and I didn t make an> ,runal mistakes

lhal nail) made .1 dittereiKe

II was nut .1 gnal das tor ,mr

•rev s\ e looked

all rich! hut we were miMing a Im ol


lau,hle LOnlowtl that although he

was nm happs with the results he was

,ils«i nm surprised

It »i I ha.1 l«[v

I au, hie said We hail sum,- good nul

,hc> jnd KMHC h.Kl mate hi > and (hat s

c«astls what hurt u- incomiMenc)

I 'is-s weic two Inajh learns.

Ion Ihcs ie prohjhlv

gong In win the- laagJM so it was timch

lot Us 10 expect much

Stall Positions Available in

the Living-Learning Programs ' N*w Program Latin American Living Looming Program (LALLP)

Director Aa t>« naDoreCae to* c's.^vsg ('

'nacnrteo ctyii1 '

Spocm m*s or 8<pe»ierxci letov.i- •

preraquami ComoernolioA f mrvwiod cmn.pg^QQ,,-, opum-

Amencon IkP w* Do located . • • sotMouioo-

nouM 34 revdentt wrso o>» inh

•■wi a re*cJenhoi conv -.

Other positions available for Acaaemc Year 1985-86

Director International Program [<A - Eas' Asia Program (1 position)

RA - Arts House (unaeterminea number)

Applications & more information available from the West Campus Resiaence Office (HRE). 3820 Locust Walk X6663 or the College House Program Office (HRN). 3901 Locust Walk X5551

Classified Ads FORSALE

APARTMENTS APARTMCNTS All tin, Unlu nanM P«nn/Dr«>(M tin Moxini, •«•* CW 349 9429

ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS am nouns on campus — Eastarr •>uias R««ly 3864922

EFFIC*NCV M eioMtsnl con* ion naar campus avaaaDIa im- ■numtv Cat 506-1712

FOR RENT 39in ana 4«n Locust ■laiMTsort ana Cnaslnut Sis

• t-aoroom nousas Also e* ■ Hi DcWoom apts

staonan w Harman Inc 4009 Cnasmut Si'aat 222-5600

STUOENT EFFICaiNCIES 44tn and 45in Osaga 1260 00-4280 00 Wus utiMos 2 montns aacurny Can M7-240J

J9TM CHMTNOT Housa 9 t» 5 uaths 4 Kiicnans waarvovy June i Ca* altar Ham 3S7 1594

HUGE ROOM on campus lor ian! now Ca* 386-9706 222-1948

ON PENN CAMPUS amcaanoat ' 2 3 and 4 badroom apartmants

NawMv dacoraiad Convamani public transponalon Wsaawhai P'opariias 388-2380 UoninruSal 4 to 4

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AtTOPTION WE v* a young •aaponsoia and napp*i marr«d coupst ^\a want to sttara aajv tov* •stft a nawben Our larnay can giva

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•aM7?8 Jamss4Cnnatna

AOOPTION 'oinn aducstad a/vl ftappay mar'an £■«*•> •« mo n tova and sa/.urty v> gna oasvas to adopt Mar' Contdan-a Can ren lact avana-ga and xaria w>

FRCE aOOO trim dKT*n1*H-a aacs ifu I- laspi it 'aa.a ■rvasaaga Ai~» tots '96 5717

GOSHG ABR0A0 'al US' A/o*J ftasatas rarn now' Large J eR L R K

l aaaa Jancavy 86Sapt»moa' 86 Caa 3464664 9 i" lo I am

OOCTORS LAWYERS ancanaars. araxun*ants. avaars ac lo's hslo/isn-. aconomisis nursa* •ac'm-ians - You \mmt"^ ad you/ paca ol Pann' Your etas* nng ty, j,**an* Bontio'a i 5 Mon lt»u F'rtay

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itant Eipmsa* p*»d Caa ri6257i8u3

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ADOPTION loving and rasancasy secure couple sasatite to neve civadren men to gn* a nemtjorn a aonoartji ftom* We can ftelp you itwougn at* daVuii lane Legal end contntoneal Caa cosed aeesdeys aflev 4 pm and aeeaenot 203

972 3430

ADOPTION Mepp/iy me//ied hrsancstly eeeure cnaaiaal couple enen muca tova end aeyrmr *n> ■Matty assftee anee 'saaoorn wa cava oc chad Mi baal Pieaaa n**p tuta our dream Eipanee* psad LegetConAoenta" Caa col iectelV*z6pm el 516 3319422

AOOPTKJN - We an a "atipa, /reamed •aa-educeied couple ono want u snare oi» «xe aah an •>- lew Husband > a Wnarton grad Wa can g/ve * cned a beeusem noma end ma beat evngs as Me We can nee? make tM (**Acua wne eassav lor you Pleeee grva vwxtee your baby and us a lepper tutar* Caa as coaect ariytana (4i4i 781-0*68

ARCH ENO STUDENTS 'ilagneaca Ftap-oOucton Sarwcee oNea you gueMy porttoso aort a*Kn baa pnoss and no setup charge KC-5 Dvjro Mytar CMC* cooy 261-283 Soum 22nd Street 73*4515

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- eve*.

FEEiaeGGOOU -i*>s noanvm «>g You as* - . J pun icptes arn tt.at asciuiVsg ver, lacteal tools *or ova.com.ng p.o

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NEED RESUMES' l* Graphes ** provsde . aaekty phototypaeet resume mecnarvcai Can 8*8-1111

PERSONAL PROSnEMS' V«ed •seep now evsAsbi* An eitansn* personal consuitatan and aitorme ton/iaadbacii on you' concerns «. eva*abM el no charge Seneaive netp nan 'eie*onsh«p problems study drftcuMe lonekness sewai p/obtoms settaipeyei«n and par tonal grosvtn aauas Flaieiea car <ng aimosphsre Haaen astu/ance accepted For asto/malon or a pnvate coneuseton tU 726-348? Lau/anca Mast*/ Ph D Kaneed paytholognV

RIGHT HERE i lawa'say and C aaneoriei and Lanoscacasg sannos* The a—nr<9 and bees* lyetg lungs Caa us el i?i->, '46 1760 or 457 2361

LARGE ONE Bad'oom apt eveaatae June itau August *om and Spnace 6370 monen Cat 387 5854

SAVE 444 on *>ma*»e and avt*. naoonai wto* bckats Caa our Tctai Eip/eas semoa tor beet oaais internal onei r-av change 3322***

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SKI VAJL asth the Penn Ski Ckab March*11 0«y 4*»»l» *> round esp aatar* nosei end Ml tckeet For irsor* assarmakon caa Peg 222 1148 or JorvAlen 347 1950

SPraaeO BREAK M VAA JO* me Penn Ski Cab trom March » it ** s «ae* ot sk«ng and partying m Oudss Aatare wt kckeM and hotel •or only 4*99 Ca* Jon/Aien 387 I960 or Peg 387 36*1 tor more


u PCNN goes to Fort Laudaroe*> from f 169 Don t be «at •> the cold Obntact Lynn 3*7 *2a7

ATTfJfTION PRCSTIGC TY»1NG and Word Processing Speoatsts ia Thesea Disse/ialont Menuec/pa Fonagn Languages Mectcai Slakesca' nepMI.I Let tars rvsaumee Cuirplaia Word P/ocassmg service Campus stusaeniea.a. 476 7180 daayand

PUBLIC 4TENOORAPME8 Spec'*i-« ng dissertations

Flora Cartel 2742211

TV*>aaO SCRVICC Work done 1 days a aea* Campus pc*up and aewavy Bob 76J7310

TVPSJT Specie**! - dllirta tone meysuaenpss aaneonpsons E ice lent protaaecnat/acade/iK ia*arencaa Dana 4BS43774

ACTTVC rn*Ont«a3NAL vsotnea

skadaras Cat 727-*tsa aaemont


Page 12: Student arrested on rape charge

SPORTS Page 12

The Daily Pennsylvanlan Monday. February 18. 1985

First place ain't the worst place Athletes in action key Penn wins


• ■ .in athletes

there IN the Pcnn taea'i basket hall leant .i group i'l basketball playing athlctci who arc aba ethkttK

• ibjii pttyen B^h to nan ilunoanl)

I.IV I'I, better aMi H • Brown M • I tnguet said athletes

who are basketball placers jtvl basket Kill players *h.' ire athlete- On our

IIIIIII.T ear-its | here »i- haec ^-u>s »ho Mt athlete- but n«K haekcthill I'

.ifkl i»n our v arsits we have j;iiv\ wh • iKiii playen hut i»x athletes

1 arls in the -ccond halt .»l Krujj\

instil * ganc at Brown'i Marvel Gym

At Courtside Steve Berkowitz

ii.iMiini the Bruin basketball pi fu i.i .i III poini advantage tivci 'he

leu man - to meh Brown ■ m Hun pointi I he Hnii— then

itt then margin io teven Ju-t under three minute- latei it was h.K» M two

miiHiii- iftei th.ii in

were ahead be i-i^tn and coasting to .» »m »hkh -aim- without mrwaid

Chm I i/o who limped to me Mdelincs p tied ankle carl) in the-ontcst

I he in-xt night »JMI t mush .lillcn-nt

PeiaVi overall ciuickncss gave M

iroubk .it both ends of the floor, > ale

..'.uii rom Brennan %aid 'Ihcs Iceea Lin like I i/o .HKI they bring la .■ em

| freshman forward ltui| I'm- It dafn t look like- iiui-h ol a loss to IM

Mu Quaker- Issnteaed YakI'I km

penenced forward IkM mm nwmraM tiraoven while bttlMkraj .i io point

ll.illtiiiK' lead Salurdac nighl .it I'.icne WhiUKs Gym—wan IVnn then turned

it* attention to hounding the Bulldogs hacks ojn stealing and fasthrcaking its

cis io J IS point bulge that held up.iui

the game** final II minuto F-inal

It iinimuiit nn page Wt

Brown, Yale fall to Ivy-leading Quakers

By MU- -k.su KKVsSim M W HAVI S ( ..nn Withawcll

'ilcd ultcnsc a line tuned defame -ind ...iiK- smo*h running all around ,

■he Pcnn men N basketball MM casdv isasscd ilk first I'JMX lev r.»ad inspection this weekend

the Quaker Machine notched ini preaene »» heating Bro»n n "- and "tale T2 «• I IKTI aeN lew breakdowns tor I'enn it In hi i dunng the middi ind swing. and when the Quakers Ji,l Mall, a simple

recharging ol the halters was all that was needed

I IK- engine that powered the R Blue tn their lilth COMaeattve In win

. >>ulil luse ground 10 an abrupt halt Iri da> night in Prosidcnie when soph.mi.ne lor«.ir,l ( hris I I/, \ .1 * ital


PENN 6-1 9-10 Harvard 6-2 14-4 Cornell 6-2 12-8 Columbia 4 4 8-12 Princeton 3-4 7-12 Yale 3-6 10-11 Brown 3-6 7-18 Dartmouth 2-8 3-18

C# J Siuj-i OcktMi'

I'ltin's IVrri llriniiuill .ind ltrnwn\ liKtd Mtildi-r cimli-sl .1 iclxiiinil iliinni: ^ rnlu> nielli's punt

sog in the Pcnn mashineni went out ot the Brown game three minutes into the inlllesl

On the Ouaker rx-mh. IVnn u.iinei

(1.11 \ Shiekls hurneil to tape- up H/o s right ankle Bias) re entered the game

li\e minutes Liter hut he was Inactive during his minutes on the hOM lor the rest ot the game. I !/ev sat on the hensh

holding a pair 04 irutsbes and wincing in pain

Vke think it DM) he a slight I1.1,

ture ' Penn coach (raig Ltttlepage saul alter the Brown game "Chris >aim-

down on his ankle gOUtf, loi .111 ofTmlv* ic-Nnind We thought it was a sprain V»r thought he'd shake it oil hut he

didn't We're taking htm to was now The \ iass were negative But I i/c\ s

spiain was serious enough to present

hi'ii from pi-ismt 111 Sanndaj s game

wHh Vale \kith the - lent pi rfbrmer

nMol ken 1 'Hjld (use thrown in the towel Instead Penn

■pad an.1 lound ita -'length '

..ihs-i v Malones reluming to KtiM l"r the

trr«( lime in tic 1 . Mil - Hal

place Md 1 hitting some unsh 11 long range cornel

dots Btu.e I etVowit/ who I 11

llepagC look OH) ol the starting lim-up as discipline fat emotional oulhuists

I efltoa u rnlc tthted m PCM'I | with Cornell last WCCkCOd iedr. his energies atKi powered his wa> in the

paJH 10 estahlish hunsell a- .1 legitimate lltlidc svorjng lhic.it lor the' Ouakcrs \nd rmhtnan Phil Pitts who started Kith gatiK-s this weekend was ■ hxak

[ace ol intenatt) •. 'ntnhuting Minted rehoundtng JIK! delensc in a less than

Ireshman appearark c \ml there «ai more Highls t.mted

guard Pern Bromwell pitched m a game high 2. points ill ol 14

ihooting) And. as always ..iin.iin Karl

Racine was a Mead) force directkkg the Ouakers when tho battled ha>k troin a

ten poini see ond hall deficit "It |Ust shows we pull together.

I etVowit/ s.11,1 Vke had a huge hole in

our lineup Vke nisi h.nl la dig down

deeper without Chrti la there 'We have too man) waapona.

Racine added "When thing- are going

M don 1 IUSI rei) OB "lie or two

people \llei .1 lull hall ot trasling haskets.

Brown C l< 1-6 Isicsi entered the cc

SOIKI stan/a with I klllD ."'' U lead Penn -tarted oil the hall in a defensive minded ollcnse with a lour guard little

man attack iKactne. Bromwell. Pitts and Anlhons Arnoliei But a 10-1 Bruin run

sparked h> the tcbounding and tur-

ramitgl bank shots ol fi I I Stark I angs

aukU} reversed Ike Qtiaken' plans ol quick delensc Penn now behind b> a W 29 margin needed some quick ollcnse And 10 counteract the skcscraper Bruin lineup 1 Langs. 6-6 II Kid Mi. .ild Murrav and

It nnlinued nn pagr 10)

Scoreboard M. BASKETBALL

Penn 79, Brown 72 Penn 72. Yale 6fi

W. BASKETBALL Brown 81. Penn 78 Yale 72, Penn 67

WRESTLING Princeton 34, Penn 12

East Stroudsburg 37. Penn 7

M. SWIMMING Army 76, Penn 36

W.SQUASH Penn 7, Johns Hopkins 0

Penn 4, Cornell 3

IVY BASKETBALL Cornell 64. Harvard 43 Yale 46. Princeton 46

Columbia 67, Dartmouth 63 Cornell 75. Dartmouth 54 Harvard 59. Columbia 56 Princeton 74. Brown 54

W. Cagers drop a pair Quakers lose Ivy games to Brown and Yale

B> I llu\l V- llll I It ciHild hacc been a great weekend Im

the Pcnn women - basketball team All the Ouakcts had to do wac upset

Ice league leader Brown on l-tidae night and lollow thai up be defeating

> sic on siiiir.i.n wnh that ■cccmntlati Pnn-eton win ocer Brown on

Saturday night would rocket Penn to within a hall BBM ol lust place in the Icies

But it didn't happen that wa> Instead the Oujkcrc (6-1'. ^-4 hriesl

let the- tantass weekend slip awa> . drop ping two games in which thc\ had numerous .ipportumtics to win Pcnn

lost in Brown X I 1%, and then to Vale.

7J 61 The Bruin cicton. \aiiK- a* the

toughest blow to Penn La-i ccar. the

Ouakcrs had a shot al the Ice Mile, but thee were beaten b\ Brown on the fatal weekend ol last season

Thet>iakers were hea»> underdogs m

this cear s eoajkM against the defending champion Bruins who antn

undeteated in les plac entering the

cairn- But Penn controlled the game s tempo and stased cloce to the powerful Brown team

K\ the- hall, the Ouskers who had

led bfkafl) dunng the first .11 minute- trailed be f"i\c points. i2 17 V- usual.

I'enn sullercd Ironi a -ecere height

disadcantage But the> ocereame the disadvantage b> shomng 4" ] percent ■ I " "t Un tiom the field during the

opening hall During the first lisc minutes ol the sc

cond hall, the Ouakcrs shotting went cold and the Bruins nulled M I V-4'

lead Al lhat point. Penn loddealy came alive, ssoring 11 eonsecutne points in under three minutes And with 8 II* to

pla> senior captain Fran l-rci who iinished the game with lu points and scecn rebounds sank two tree throws

to tic the- aeon at <H-58 The Quakers surge continued as the*,

hit tree throws and controlled the

board) \s a result. Pcnn stormed to a 71 M lead »nh three minutes lelt to plac

But lust \~ seconds later Michelle

Siniili Brown - »> I junior lorward got knee on a hrcakawae. Penn s Cindc

K.uikin attem|<led Io chase tier down and hl.uk the shot, but in-lead she made a downheld tackle on Smith, whose shot

lell anyway Smith hit her Iree throw at tempt completing the three point plac. and ihe Bruins had a 73-7J lead The teams then traded baskets lor the next lew possessions hut with I" seconds to

pla>. |unior guard June Stanibaugh 119 points) missed a Id loot jumper and the Ouakcrs laN was sealed

VV e had them but then I tried to mug that girl ' Rankin said "It s disappoin- ting to plac that hard and lose

Penn coach I "is Ashlec obciousls

upset be, the loss, had nothing but praise tor the Ouakers

We played a hell ol a game. Vshlec -aid We had our best shooter ISiambaughl taking her best shot al the end Just look al the sue ol ihat team |Brown| Cheek the rebounds |Pennoul rebounded Brown 44 41 | It - |usl been

that kind ol sear fCnnrmurd tm page III

09 0 aa »'t>ai*- Koliui toils, h tries to iiilMiiind a |>uss againal V .ill-

W. Squash sneaks past Cornell, 4-3 Quakers survive 11 Big Red scare

n> MIKf t.KI MH-I

it was aapaoaed at he eat] lor the Pcnn women - squash team lhi> weekend The> weie placing at home ig. I J.chns llipkins and Cornell lar Ironi powerhouse teams Both were

seeded an entire divisHin below the t.hiakers at the Howe Cup tournament in si .1 week

IK- tad thit Pcnn heat lichns Hopkins and Cornell on I ndac wasn t surprisme But the wa> that the Qraaken did n was

I el - iusi sac it was a strange w«\ to win Ouaker ,.i*h Ann Wet/cl said

l\nn i^vnol it- weekend wnh a con c tncing shut on CKIOO ocer Johns Hopkins even without lop seeded rs.ucn Kclso e>no was |' lour

ikiiiK-nt The Ouakcrs t5 ' 0 4 Meal

il nmtmunl tm pmgt 101

Wrestlers beaten by Tigers and Warriors

nn »ii siiino learn lost a pair of matthi-s to I'rincelon and K.isi Mroiiilshurg this urektiid

B. SHI V\HNBKK(.I-R It- a Irustralmg lecling when a team

searches tor a cietorc and nothing gOM its was

The Penn wrestling team is preseniK in such a situation, alter losing Us tilth and suth straight matches this past

w eckend Struggling thr.Kigh their third -on

sc-cunec loafcag weekend, the Quakers tell victim Io Ice I eagiK- leading Princeticn. V4 I., and Last Stroudsburg.

Jr»7, at HutchinvKi (ienma-iuiu on Saturday

The Ouakcrs laced (he strong Tiger team HI Ihe meet s lirn match They

were hoping lo avoid falling behind car- le as the) had done the week hctore against Brown and Delaware Slate

What we need to do.' Penn coach l.arr> ljuchle said last week before the match, is win at least two .it ihe lirsi

tour weight divisions Well at least it was a good idea The Quakers not onlv tailed to win

two ol ihe lust l.Hir weight ..lasses, hut

Ihec lailcd lo win am as Princeton lumped to an earl. J4 II lead on lour pins

I thought we had a chance." Lauchle sanl 'Joe (iranda had the best -Iiot in ihe I >4 pound dicision. but he

got -aught early and was taken down

I had a poor day." explained (iran da. who later won his sc-sond match.

and I made a lot ol mental mistakes "

Vndc laitel notched Pcnn s (irst win with a pin in the 167 pound dicision After a loss in the 177-pound class, the Qaejntn came back wnh a w m b> Shaun

Sholder in the I'd pound mai-h j4-< dccisH-n Captain Cars tiiegernh added three team points with a decision in the heav\wcight division

Ihat last malch.' Lauchle explain ed was not important lor uv because we were alrcade out ol H It onlv mat-

tered lor Oar) and his individual record

ICoHrinurd on pagr III