Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2012, Article ID 290461, 14 pages doi:10.1155/2012/290461 Research Article Structural-Electrical-Coupled Formulation for the Free Vibration of a Piezoelectric-Laminated Plate Using the Analytical Arbitrary Quadrilateral p Element Y. Y. Lee, A. Y. T. Leung, and B. Zhu Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Correspondence should be addressed to Y. Y. Lee, [email protected] Received 7 November 2011; Revised 13 February 2012; Accepted 14 February 2012 Academic Editor: Svatoslav Stanˇ ek Copyright q 2012 Y. Y. Leeet al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. An analytical quadrilateral p element is developed for solving the free vibrations of piezoelectric- laminated plates. The formulations of the displacement and strain fields are based on first-order shear deformation plate theory. The coupling eect between the electrical and stress fields is also considered. The Legendre orthogonal polynomials are used as the element interpolation functions, and the analytical integration technique is adopted. It is found that the present p element method gives high numerical precision results, fast and monotonic convergence rate. In the numerical cases, the eects of the number of hierarchical terms and mesh size on the convergence rate are investigated. Examples of square plates with dierent displacement and potential boundary conditions are studied. In the comparisons, the solutions of the present element are in good agreement with those obtained from other classical and finite element methods. 1. Introduction Various beam/plate problems have been hot research topics for decades e.g., 115, and many of them are solved using the finite element method e.g., 1621. Beams/plates embedded with piezoelectric materials are widely used in various intelligent material systems for active control because of the electromechanical-coupling properties. For cases of simple geometric shapes, the two-dimensional 2D and three-dimensional 3D analytical methods that were developed by Benjeddou and De ¨ u 22, Correia et al. 23, Heyliger and Saravanos 24, and Ding and Chen 25 are eective in analyzing the free vibrations of piezoelectric-laminated plates and provide clear physical meanings in the analytical and symbolical formulations. For cases of complex geometries, boundary conditions, and

Structural-Electrical-Coupled Formulation for the Free …Structural-Electrical-Coupled Formulation for the Free Vibration of a Piezoelectric-Laminated Plate Using the Analytical Arbitrary

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Page 1: Structural-Electrical-Coupled Formulation for the Free …Structural-Electrical-Coupled Formulation for the Free Vibration of a Piezoelectric-Laminated Plate Using the Analytical Arbitrary

Hindawi Publishing CorporationAbstract and Applied AnalysisVolume 2012, Article ID 290461, 14 pagesdoi:10.1155/2012/290461

Research ArticleStructural-Electrical-Coupled Formulation forthe Free Vibration of a Piezoelectric-LaminatedPlate Using the Analytical ArbitraryQuadrilateral p Element

Y. Y. Lee, A. Y. T. Leung, and B. Zhu

Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Correspondence should be addressed to Y. Y. Lee, [email protected]

Received 7 November 2011; Revised 13 February 2012; Accepted 14 February 2012

Academic Editor: Svatoslav Stanek

Copyright q 2012 Y. Y. Lee et al. This is an open access article distributed under the CreativeCommons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction inany medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

An analytical quadrilateral p element is developed for solving the free vibrations of piezoelectric-laminated plates. The formulations of the displacement and strain fields are based on first-ordershear deformation plate theory. The coupling effect between the electrical and stress fields is alsoconsidered. The Legendre orthogonal polynomials are used as the element interpolation functions,and the analytical integration technique is adopted. It is found that the present p element methodgives high numerical precision results, fast and monotonic convergence rate. In the numericalcases, the effects of the number of hierarchical terms and mesh size on the convergence rateare investigated. Examples of square plates with different displacement and potential boundaryconditions are studied. In the comparisons, the solutions of the present element are in goodagreement with those obtained from other classical and finite element methods.

1. Introduction

Various beam/plate problems have been hot research topics for decades (e.g., [1–15]), andmany of them are solved using the finite element method (e.g., [16–21]). Beams/platesembedded with piezoelectric materials are widely used in various intelligent materialsystems for active control because of the electromechanical-coupling properties. For cases ofsimple geometric shapes, the two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) analyticalmethods that were developed by Benjeddou and Deu [22], Correia et al. [23], Heyligerand Saravanos [24], and Ding and Chen [25] are effective in analyzing the free vibrationsof piezoelectric-laminated plates and provide clear physical meanings in the analyticaland symbolical formulations. For cases of complex geometries, boundary conditions, and

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loadings, the finite element method (FEM) is more powerful and versatile than classicalsolutions. Most of the classical continuum solutions of plates have been limited to single-or two-mode approximations. This is due to the difficulties in obtaining the general multiplemode governing equations using Galerkin’s approach, especially for plates with complexboundary conditions. Hence, Saravanos et al., Lam et al., He et al., and Loja et al. [26–30] developed the finite-element and finite-strip methods for complicated piezoelectric-laminated plates. There are two main kinds of theories used for finite-element formulations.One is the classical plate theory (CPT), and the other one is the shear deformation theory,which branches out into first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and higher order sheardeformation theory (HSDT). In general, theories that consider the shear deformation effectare more accurate for the analysis of piezoelectric-laminated plates. Thus, one such theoryis used in this paper. The performance of an FEM model can be improved by a finer mesh(h-version) or refined integrated piezoelectric sensor and actuator interpolation (p-version).Zienkiewicz and Taylor [31] mentioned that the convergence rates of p-version elementswould be more rapid than those of h-version elements for the same degrees of freedom(DOFs). The p-version elements that were developed by Houmat [32] and Woo et al. [33]were demonstrated to have fast monotonic convergence for cases of triangular plates andthick skew plates. According to the free-vibration analysis of skewMindlin plates that Leungand Zhu [34] conducted, if the p-version approach is employed, then analytical integration ispreferred in the procedures of setting up the element formulation; otherwise, the numericalintegration errors may adversely affect the accuracy, and monotonic convergence of thenatural frequencies cannot be guaranteed. In the axial free vibration analyses of beams, Leungand Chan [35] adopted trigonometric interpolation functions and the analytical integrationtechnique to improve the accuracy. The analytical p element approach has been furtherapplied to various vibrating plate problems [36–39] such as membrane vibration and thickplates and laminated plates. Although this kind of element can be applied to the analysisof plates with triangular and other complicated shapes, it is tedious to set up the mesh andassemble the elements when compared with quadrilateral elements.

Based on FSDT, the quadrilateral hierarchical element is developed for the freevibrations of piezoelectric-laminated plates in this paper. Legendre orthogonal polynomialsare adopted in the interpolation functions to improve the accuracy. Comparisons withpublished results and case studies show the good accuracy and efficiency of the presentquadrilateral p element.

2. Theoretical Formulation

2.1. Analytical Model

Figure 1 shows a laminated plate and the coordinate system defined at the midplane. Thefiber direction is indicated by an angle θ, which is the positive-rotation angle of the principalmaterial axes from the arbitrary xy axes. The elasticity modulus for a layer parallel to thefibers is E11, and perpendicular to the fibers is E22. The layers can be piezoelectric or ofcomposite materials. It is assumed that the potential of the piezoelectric layer varies linearlythrough its thickness.

2.2. Displacements and Strains

According to FSDT [40], the displacement fields of the plate are expressed as:

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Layer n

Layer 1







Figure 1: The configuration of a laminated composite plate.

u(x, y, z

)= u(x, y

)+ zψx

(x, y


v(x, y, z

)= v(x, y

)+ zψy

(x, y


w(x, y, z

)= w

(x, y



where u, v, and w are the displacement components along the x, y, and z axes, respectively,u, v, and w are the associated midplane displacements, and ψx, ψy are the normal rotationsabout the y and x axes, respectively.

The linear strain-displacement relations are given by

εx =∂u

∂x+ z



εy =∂v

∂y+ z



γxy =∂u


∂x+ z


+ z∂ψy


γyz =∂w

∂y+ ψy,

γxz =∂w

∂x+ ψx.


The electrical potential is assumed to be linear through the thickness in eachpiezoelectric layer. Hence, the potential of the kth layer φ can be expressed as

φ(x, y, z


hk+1 − zhk+1 − hk φk

(x, y


z − hkhk+1 − hk φk+1

(x, y

), (2.3)

where φk, φk+1 are the electrical potentials of the bottom and top surfaces of the kth layer,respectively, and hk and hk+1 are the z-coordinates corresponding to the bottom and topsurfaces.

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Therefore, the electric field in the kth layer can be written as:

Ek = −∇φ = − 1hk+1 − hk


(hk+1 − z) ∂


(z − hk) ∂

∂x(hk+1 − z) ∂


(z − hk) ∂

∂y−1 1





. (2.4)

In two-dimensional problems, the transverse displacement w can be interpolatedusing the following equation (2.5):

w(ξ, η)=






(ξ, η), (2.5)

where Nk,l(ξ, η) = fk(ξ)fl(η); fk(ξ) and fl(η) are C0 Legendre orthogonal polynomials [40](which are also used in the interpolations of displacements u, v, ψx, ψy).

When k, l = 1 and 2, (2.5) represents a typical FEM interpolation. The hierarchicalshape functions, when k or l > 2, lead to zero displacement at the corner nodes. AdditionalDOFs appear along the four edges and in the interior of the element. The DOFs at thefour corner nodes are represented by k and l ≤ 2, and the DOFs along the four edges arerepresented by k or l > 2. Finally, the DOFs in the interior are represented by k and l > 2.

2.3. Constitutive Relationships

The constitutive relationships for the lamina-oriented arbitrarily, taking into account thepiezoelectric effects are given as follows [25]:

σ = Qε − eTE,

D = eε + pE,(2.6)

where σ is the stress matrix, ε is the strain vector, D is the electrical displacement vector,E is the electric field vector, Q is the transformed elastic stiffness coefficient matrix, thecoefficients of which are explicitly given by Reddy [41], p is the permittivity matrix, ande is the transformed piezoelectric stress coefficient matrix, which is given by

e31 = e31cos2θ + e32sin2θ,

e32 = e31sin2θ + e32cos2θ,

e14 = (e15 − e24) sin θ cos θ,

e15 = e15cos2θ + e24sin2θ,

e24 = e24cos2θ + e15sin2θ,

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x(0, 0)

(x4, y4)

(x2, y2)

(x3, y3)






1 2



(1, 1)




Figure 2: The coordinate transformation of a quadrilateral element.

e25 = (e15 − e24) sin θ cos θ,e36 = (e31 − e32) sin θ cos θ,


where eij are the piezoelectric stress coefficients in the directions parallel and perpendicularto the fibers, and θ is the fiber direction.

2.4. Finite Element Model

The coordinate systems that are used to define an arbitrary quadrilateral plate element areshown in Figures 1 and 2 depict the Cartesian plane coordinate system of the element and themapped ξ − η square plane region. The Jacobian matrix is expressed in terms of the Cartesiancoordinates at the four corner nodes:

J =









⎥⎥⎦ =

[a + bη d + eη

c + bξ f + eξ


, (2.8)

where a = 0.25(x2+x3−x4), b = 0.25(−x2+x3−x4), c = 0.25(−x2+x3+x4), d = 0.25(y2+y3−y4),e = 0.25(−y2 + y3 − y4), and f = 0.25(−y2 + y3 + y4).

The determinant of the Jacobian matrix is |J| = (ae − bd)ξ + (bf − ce)η + af − cd, and

J−1 =1|J|

[f + eξ −(d + eη


−(c + bξ) a + bη


. (2.9)

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The displacement fields u, v, w, ψx, and ψy and the electric potential φk areinterpolated using the C0 Legendre orthogonal polynomials as

u =










=[N1,1I,N1,2I, . . . ,N1,q+2I,N2,1I, . . . ,Np+2,q+2I

]δe = Nu · δe,

φk =[N1,1,N1,2, . . . ,N1,q+2,N2,1, . . . ,Np+2,q+2

]φek = Nφ · φek,


where δe is the vector of generalized DOFs, φke is the nodal electric potential in the bottomsurface of the kth layer, and I is the 5 × 5 identity matrix. Substituting the expressions of thedisplacement fields into (2.2) and (2.4) gives

ε =












∂x0 0




∂y0 0









0 0∂

∂x1 0

0 0∂

∂y0 1


u = Bu · δe,

Ek =







⎪⎪⎭= − 1

hk+1 − hk


(hk+1 − z) ∂


(z − hk) ∂

∂x(hk+1 − z) ∂


(z − hk) ∂

∂y−1 1





= −Bφ ·Φe,


where Φe = [φe1, . . . , φek, φ

ek+1, . . . , φ


T, n is the total number of layers.The potential energies of the element include the elastic strain energy, the piezoelectric

energy, and the electrical energy, which are given as

H =12





[∫∫(εTQε − 2εTeTE − ETpE

)dx dy







[∫∫BTuQBudx dy

]dz · δe

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+ δeTn∑





TBφdx dy]dz ·Φe

− 12ΦeT





[∫∫BTφpBφdx dy

]dz ·Φe.


The kinetic energy of the element is given by

Te =12





{∫∫[ρ(u2 + v2 + w2

)+ z2ρ

(ψ2x + ψ


)]dx dy

}dz. (2.13)

The Hamilton principle is adopted in the derivation of the equation of the eigenvalueproblem, which is as follows:

([Kuu Kuφ

Kφu Kφφ



[Muu 0

0 0




= 0, (2.14)


Kuu =∑


Keuu , Kuφ =


Keuφ , Muu =


Meuu, Kφu = KT

uφ, (2.15)

Keuu =





∫∫BTuQBudx dy dz =








−1BTuQBu · |J|dξ dη dz,

Keuφ =






TBφdx dy dz =n∑








TBφ · |J|dξ dη dz,

Keφφ =





∫∫BTφpBφdx dy dz =








−1BTφpBφ · |J|dξ dη dz,

Meuu =





∫∫ρ ·NT diag

[1, 1, 1, z2, z2

]Ndx dy dz,








−1ρ ·NT diag

[1, 1, 1, z2, z2

]N · |J|dξ dη dz.


In the procedure of coordinate mapping, the derivative in Bu and Bφ should be replaced by






⎪⎪⎭= J−1






⎪⎪⎭. (2.17)

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0.6a 0.4a


0.6a 0.4a




Figure 3: The 3 meshes adopted for the square plate.

Table 1: Elastic, piezoelectric, and dielectric properties of the materials.

Property G-1195N Ti-6A1-4V PZT-4 Aluminum G/E Property PZT-5H

E1 (Gpa) 63 105.7 81.3 68.3 132.38 cE11 (GPa) 126

E2 63 105.7 81.3 68.3 10.756 cE33 117

v12 0.3 0.2981 0.329 0.3 0.24 cE44 230

G23 24.23 40.71 25.6 3.606 cE66 23.5

G31 24.23 40.71 25.6 5.6537 cE12 79.5

G12 24.23 40.71 30.6 5.6537 cE13 84.1

e24 (C/m2) 12.72εs33/ε0(C/m2)


e31 22.86 −5.20 εs11//ε0 1400

e32 22.86 −5.20 e31 (F/m2) −6.55p11/p0 1695 1475 3.5 e33 23.3

p22/p0 1695 1475 3.0 e15 17

p33/p0 1695 1300 3.0

ρ (kg/m3) 7600 4429 7600 2698 1578 ρ (kg/m3) 7500

Note that analytic integration is adopted in (2.16). Hence, the analytic integrations of thestiffness and mass matrices are in the form of ξiηj/(Aξ + Bη + C), where A, B, and C areconstants.

3. Numerical Results and Discussions

In this section, case studies are carried out to show the performance of the quadrilateral pelement. The elastic, piezoelectric, and dielectric material properties that are adopted in thecase studies are given in Table 1. There are two sets of electric boundary conditions for theouter surface of the piezoelectric layers: a closed circuit condition Φ = 0, (i.e., the potential isgrounded) and an open circuit condition Dz = 0, (i.e., the electric displacement is zero). Un-less otherwise stated, the number of the hierarchical term p is 4, and the mesh in Figure 3(c)is used.

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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2









LD2Fourier p









3.22.8 2.9 3 3.12.7


EDZ3Fourier p










−20 −10 0 10 20σxx

EDZ3Fourier p


Figure 4: The comparisons between (a) the transverse normal stress, (b) transverse displacement, and (c)in-plane stress results of a sensor plate from the proposed method and [8].

Table 2: Fundamental frequency parameter λ(= ωa2ρ1/2/2000πh) of a simply supported sandwich squareplate (Φ = 0, a/h = 10, ρ = ρihi/h).

Mesh 1 rectangular 2 quadrilateral 4 quadrilateralp = 1 230.930 228.647 224.015p = 2 224.341 220.846 217.495p = 3 217.327 217.333 217.294p = 4 217.301 217.298 217.291p = 5 217.291 217.291 217.291

2D solution [22] 216.6023D solution [42] 214.933

3.1. Convergence Study of a Square Plate

The free vibration of a simply supported hybrid sandwich square plate is investigated here.The accuracy of the present element can be seen in this convergence study. The lamina

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Table 3: Natural frequencies (Hz) of a three-ply square plate (a = 0.4m, Φ = 0).


Reference[28] This paper Reference

[28] This paper Reference[28] This paper

1 144.25 142.05 262.53 258.16 25.78 24.562 359.00 354.91 533.83 526.10 62.75 60.183 359.00 354.92 533.83 526.14 157.20 150.544 564.10 567.39 774.20 774.55 200.19 192.235 717.80 710.20 957.32 948.70 228.22 218.806 717.80 710.67 963.04 952.89 397.58 382.637 908.25 922.13 1172.70 1183.11 452.26 433.068 908.25 923.67 1172.70 1188.36 472.76 454.129 1223.14 1208.09 1535.81 1522.02 522.91 501.6710 1223.14 1216.77 1535.81 1530.89 677.28 657.42

Table 4:Nondimensional frequencies (ωa2ρ1/2/2000πh) of a simple supported square plate with differentpotential boundary conditions.

Mode No. Dz = 0 Φ = 0Reference [22] This paper Reference [22] This paper

1 246.07 236.96 246.07 234.972 559.62 536.14 559.62 530.743 693.61 678.30 693.60 674.104 967.16 938.32 967.14 930.605 1091.5 1051.69 1091.46 1040.93

configuration is PZT-4/GE/PZT-4. The thicknesses of the layers are 0.1 h, 0.8 h, 0.1 h,respectively. The close circuit condition is considered. The plate is meshed into one, two,or four quadrilateral elements, as shown in Figure 3. The fundamental frequency parameteris shown in Table 2 for different numbers of hierarchical terms. It can be observed that themonotonic convergence rate is very fast with respect to the number of hierarchical terms, andthe results are in good agreement with those obtained from the 2D analytical method [22] andthe 3D state space method [42]. It should be noted that the electrical potentials in [22, 42] areassumed to be quadratic through the plate thickness, whereas they are linear in the presentmethod. Thus, there is a small difference between the results.

3.2. Square Plates with Different Displacement Boundary Conditions

The first ten frequencies of a three-ply piezoelectric-laminated square plate (G-1195N/Ti-6A1-4V/G-1195N, 0.1mm/0.48mm/0.1mm) are computed for three boundary conditions:simply supported (SSSS), fully clamped (CCCC), and cantilevered (CFFF). The electricboundary condition is a closed circuit. He et al. [28] derived finite element solutions using atraditional laminated plate element and CPT. A comparison of the results of our element andthose of the traditional elements is shown in Table 3. Besides, a comparison for a static case isshown in Figure 4. The transverse normal stress, transverse displacement, and in-plane stressresults of the sensor plate from the proposed method reasonably agree with those from [8].

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Table 5: Natural frequencies (Hz) of the aluminum trapezoidal plates with a top and a bottom PZT-5Hlayers.

Lc/La Lb/La β degree Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 Mode 5CFFF

0.4 10 973.25 3453.32 5008.23 8766.12 12533.2

16.70∗ 1012.18 3593.01 5054.03 9450.83 12505.730 977.83 3471.64 5015.1 8848.56 12546.9

0.4 20 254.19 1305.3 1603 3402.94 4021.24

8.53∗ 258.77 1335.07 1586.97 3499.12 3991.4730 2285.42 1149.58 1605.29 2970.13 4028.11

0.6 10 897.68 2764.03 4863.96 7820.35 10630.2

11.31∗ 916 2805.25 4907.47 8118.05 10327.930 856.46 2670.14 4742.59 7284.49 11111.1

0.6 20 229 1218.28 1300.72 3295.31 3528.89

5.71∗ 231.29 1238.89 1289.27 3389.2 3460.1930 199.23 1028.21 1314.46 2697.62 3588.43

FFFF (exclude rigid body)

0.4 10 3751.02 5081.51 7227.24 8855.43 12778.2

16.70∗ 4451.76 4829.61 6826.49 9817.23 12464.530 3817.43 5072.35 7192.89 8949.32 12759.9

0.4 20 1232.02 2244.2 3311.34 4476.95 6100.56

8.53∗ 1264.08 2241.91 3412.1 4483.82 6086.8230 1046.53 2225.88 2814.41 4341.84 5257.84

0.6 10 3531.18 4795.26 6657.03 8273.77 11532.4

11.31∗ 3757.89 4763.2 6469.25 8660.78 11502.730 3137.3 4788.39 6705.12 7939.43 11502.7

0.6 20 1229.73 1884.67 3329.66 3938.8 5896.75

5.71∗ 1245.76 1880.09 3396.07 3915.9 5860.1130 973.25 1921.31 2571.67 3959.41 4738.01


0.4 10 11972.1 18409.3 23380.9 26724.3 31304.3

16.70∗ 11527.9 18338.3 22439.7 27022 30731.830 11908 18391 23266.4 26747.2 31258.5

0.4 20 8440.94 11415.7 14477.4 17653.6 18326.9

8.53∗ 8326.44 11312.6 14397.2 17678.8 17994.830 9247.02 12159.9 15084.2 17999.4 20069.6

0.6 10 9867.61 16105.6 20005.4 24434.3 26701.4

11.31∗ 9695.86 16169.7 19492.5 25235.8 25762.530 10309.6 16075.8 21104.6 23884.7 27731.9

0.6 20 7346.32 9395.87 11756.9 14912.5 16565.9

5.71∗ 7295.94 9350.07 11731.7 14930.8 16444.530 8418.04 10405.8 12455.3 14958.3 17976.5

∗Symmetric trapezoidal plates.

3.3. Square and Trapezoidal Plates withDifferent Potential Boundary Conditions

To study the validity of the present element for different potential boundary conditions,a five-ply simply supported plate, which is made of three plies of G/E with the laminatesequence (0◦, 90◦, 0◦)and two surface-bonded PZT-4 piezoelectric layers, is considered. The

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La/3 La/3 La/3












Figure 5: The 3 meshes adopted for the 10mm aluminum trapezoidal plates with 1mm PZT-5H layersperfectly bonded on both the upper and lower surfaces having various boundary conditions (the numberof Fourier terms: p = q = 5, La = 0.1m).

thickness of both piezoelectric layers is 0.1 h, and all G/E layers have the same thickness.The unit density is adopted for fair comparison. The solutions of the present method arepresented in Table 4 and are comparedwith the 3D exact solution. Besides, Figure 5 shows thetrapezoidal plates with PZT-5H layers perfectly bonded on both the upper and lower surfaceshaving various boundary conditions (the number of Fourier terms used are p = q = 5). Thethicknesses of the trapezoidal plates and PZT-5H layers are 10mm and 1mm, respectively.Table 5 shows the natural frequencies of the aluminum trapezoidal plates with PZT-5Hlayers.

4. Conclusion

A quadrilateral p element with analytical integration for the free vibration of piezoelectric-laminated composite plates is presented. The Legendre orthogonal polynomials are used asthe element interpolation functions, and the analytical integration technique is adopted. Themonotonic convergence rate of the present element is very fast with respect to the numberof hierarchical terms. Comparisons between the solutions that are obtained from our methodand those of other methods show that the element is accurate and efficient for free-vibrationanalyses of piezoelectric-laminated plates.


The research described herein was supported by Grant number CityU SRG7008100.


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