Sddhand, Vol. 23, Part 4, August 1998, pp. 393-412. © Printed in India. Stress concentration around irregular holes using complex variable method K R Y SIMHA and S S MOHAPATRA Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India e-mail: [simha,sekhar] @mecheng.iisc.ernet.in MS received 2 April 1998 Abstract. Engineering materials are vulnerable targets for damage by chem- ical agents. This results in various types of irregular cavities which may sub- sequently change their shape under the combined action of loads and chemical attack. Such shape evolutions are subject to certain constraints. This paper explores the evolution in stresses as a result of an evolution in the shape of an isolated irregular hole in an infinite elastic plate subjected to remote uni- form stress. The constraint employed here is a fixed area for the irregular hole with variable perimeter as a result of the evolution. Increase in perimeter im- plies decrease in strain energy on account of increased surface energy. Such phenomena could also occur in polymeric sheets on account of viscoelastic- ity even in the absence of chemical agents. This paper presents the evolution in boundary stresses as the cavity evolves to take different shapes. Complex variable methods are developed to tackle three cases of remote loading: (a) hydrostatic tension, (b) uniaxial tension, and (c) pure shear state. Of the above three cases, the first case of hydrostatic loading leads to a remarkably simple result for the boundary stress as shown in this paper. The last case is obtained by superposing a uniaxial tension and uniaxial compression along orthogonal directions. Keywords. Stress concentration; irregular holes; complex variables; confor- mal mapping. 1. Introduction The complex variable approach gives elegant mathematical relations involving the unknown stresses and displacements. The three basic equations of plane elasticity in complex variables are given by the three Kolosov-Muskhellishvilli relations as follows A list of symbols is given at the end of the paper 393

Stress concentration around irregular holes using complex

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Page 1: Stress concentration around irregular holes using complex

Sddhand, Vol. 23, Part 4, August 1998, pp. 393-412. © Printed in India.

Stress concentration around irregular holes using complex variable method


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India e-mail: [simha,sekhar] @ mecheng.iisc.ernet.in

MS received 2 April 1998

Abstract. Engineering materials are vulnerable targets for damage by chem- ical agents. This results in various types of irregular cavities which may sub- sequently change their shape under the combined action of loads and chemical attack. Such shape evolutions are subject to certain constraints. This paper explores the evolution in stresses as a result of an evolution in the shape of an isolated irregular hole in an infinite elastic plate subjected to remote uni- form stress. The constraint employed here is a fixed area for the irregular hole with variable perimeter as a result of the evolution. Increase in perimeter im- plies decrease in strain energy on account of increased surface energy. Such phenomena could also occur in polymeric sheets on account of viscoelastic- ity even in the absence of chemical agents. This paper presents the evolution in boundary stresses as the cavity evolves to take different shapes. Complex variable methods are developed to tackle three cases of remote loading: (a) hydrostatic tension, (b) uniaxial tension, and (c) pure shear state. Of the above three cases, the first case of hydrostatic loading leads to a remarkably simple result for the boundary stress as shown in this paper. The last case is obtained by superposing a uniaxial tension and uniaxial compression along orthogonal directions.

Keywords. Stress concentration; irregular holes; complex variables; confor- mal mapping.

1. Introduction

The complex variable approach gives elegant mathematical relations involving the unknown stresses and displacements. The three basic equations of plane elasticity in complex variables are given by the three Kolosov-Muskhellishvilli relations as follows

A list of symbols is given at the end of the paper


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394 K R Y S imha and S S Mohapa t ra

(England 1971),

cr x + Cry = 4 R e E I,

Cry - Crx + 2 iaxy = 2[~E." + F ' ] ,

2 G ( u + iv ) = r E - zff~ ~ - fir,

where E, F = complex potentials of the complex variable z = x + iy , and tc = (3 - v ) /

(1 + v) for plane stress and 3 - 4v for plane strain.

2. Conformal mapping

Conformal mapping is an operation in complex mathematics which maps a set of points in one coordinate system to a corresponding set in another, keeping the angle of intersection between two curves constant. This is widely used in solving elasticity problems~

2.1 Introduct ion to conformal mapping

Any mapping of a set of points ( in the plane ~ r/to a set of points z in the plane x y is a correspondence that is defined for each point in the ~ 17 plane and transforms it to distinct points in z, so that each point in z is the image of some point in t . This mapping would be one-to-one if distinct points in t are transformed to distinct points in z. In order that the mapping becomes conformal, it has to be one-to-one and has to preserve the magnitude and orientations of the angles between curves.

Let us consider the transformation z = m (t) which maps the region R¢ in the imaginary t-Plane to the region Rz in the real z-plane. Let m (t) be single valued so that specification of a certain Re gives the corresponding Rz. Again let m( t ) be the one-to-one and invertible so that we can get the region Re if we know Rz from the equation, t -- m- l ( z ) • To ensure that the basic complex variable formulation is valid, let us also assume that m( t ) is homomorphic in the region Re and m1(t) # 0 at all points.

Suppose L¢ is an arc passing through t0 in the region Re, then as t describes L¢, the corresponding point z will describe an arc Lz in the region R z passing through the point

z0 = m(t0). The relation between a small increment 8t along L¢ at t0 and the corresponding in-

crement 8z along L z is 8z = mt(t0)St (since m ' ( t ) exists at all points in Re). From this, since mr(t0) ~ 0, the mapping is locally one-to-one and inverfible, the inverse relation being

~t = 8 z / m t ( t o ) •

Again, since Idz/dt I -- Ira'(t0)I, the local magnification is Im'(t0)l and is independent of the direction of L¢ at t = t0.


arg [Sz] = arg [m'(t0)] + arg [St].

Hence, the neighbourhood of the point t0 in the t-Plane is transformed by means of a magnification ImP(t0)l and a rigid body rotation through the angle arg[m'(t0)] into the neighbourhood of the point z0 in the z-plane provided m~(t0) ~ 0.

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Stress concentration around irregular holes 395

So if two arcs L~, L~ intersect at ( = (0 with an angle of intersection ~O, then the corre-

sponding arcs L~, L~ in Rz meet at z0 in the same angle 4~ and with the same orientation, which means that the mapping becomes conformal.

Thus, the mapping becomes conformal when m(() is holomorphic in Re and mr(() ~ 0 at all points in Re. These conditions also ensure that the inverse transformtion is conformal. It can be shown that conformal mapping defines a natural coordinate system in the mapped region R z. This theory is dealt with in more detail in many textbooks (Churchill 1960; Carrier et a11966). Kober (1952) has compiled a dictionary of conformal representations.

2.2 Conformal mapping for plane linear elasticity

Conformal mappings are widely used in plane linear elasticity because they help in trans- forming very complicated shapes into much simpler ones and allow the basic complex variable formulation to extend to the transformed problem, thereby making the powerful methods of solutions developed for circular and half-plane regions to be applicable to these problems. While solving boundary value problems, though conformal mapping gives more complex boundary conditions, it is preferred because of the simple shapes it gives. This method has been followed by Savin (1962) and others. Recently, Vandembroucq & Roux (1997) have studied the properties of harmonic and biharmonic fields along rough edges of a semi-infinite boundary under uniaxial tension. Boundary stress perturbations caused by roughness are highlighted through Fourier statistics. Complex variables in conjunction with conformal mapping are employed by them to understand the role of surface roughness on plane boundaries. In this paper, boundary stresses around an irregular hole in a large stressed plate are obtained using complex variables in conjunction with conformal map- ping. Unlike the papers by Vandembroucq & Roux (1997), this paper provides exact results for the tangential stress at along the boundary of irregular holes for prescribed shapes. This prescription is achieved by a Laurent series form for conformally mapping the irregular hole onto a unit circle instead of a Fourier series formulation employed by Vandembroucq & Roux (1997). Consequently, sharp corners in the form of cusps can be directly handled using only a few terms in the present approach. Thus, the results presented in this paper complement the work of Vandembroucq & Roux (1997) to understand the physics and me- chanics of roughness-induced phenomena. Handling roughness effects through numerical methods is generally inconvenient owing to many different scales simultaneously affect- ing the analysis. Such large variations pose overwhelming computational problems; and, it is difficult to interpret the numerical results. In this context, complex variables provide many useful and important information. Complex variables have been widely used in the theory of elasticity to tackle problems with well-defined geometry, but not for irregular complicated shapes such as those considered in this paper.

2.3 Mapping procedure

Here, we will be concerned with regions surrounding irregular holes which map confor- mally onto the exterior of the circle l( t = a in the complex plane. It can be shown that the infinite plane containing a single hole bounded by a contour C can be mapped onto the region I(I --- a (outside of a circle of radius a) in such a way that rot(() ~ 0 for I(I -> a if

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396 K R Y Simha and S S Mohapatra

C has a continuous curvature. This mapping equation is given by

bl b2 bn z = m ( ~ ) = a l ~ + ao + ~- + ~--~ + • • • + ~-~ + • • •. (1)

Here it can be verified that m(( ) is holomorphic in R¢. We can now, by a suitable choice of the axes, arrange that ao = 0 and al = real to give

_bl + b2 __bn z=m(~)=R¢ + ~ ~ + . . . + ¢ . +. . . . (2)

Truncating the above series to n terms provides an approximation to the mapping func- tion and gives a region R z which is nearly of the same shape as the original region Rz. It can be shown that the solution of boundary value problems in elasticity for the region Rz tends to the correct solution for the region R z as n ---> oo. So we have to take a value of n which will give a good approximation to the actual problem. Here, we have truncated the series up to 9 negative power terms. Hence,

bl b9 z = m(~) = R~ + -~- + - - . + ~-6" (3)

Usually it is convenient to map onto the exterior of the unit circle I(I - 1 and this procedure is adopted here. From (3), we can write

( __ml m_~) z = m ( ~ ) = R ~ + ~ + . . . + .

Since R affects only the size and not the shape of the curve (hence curvature), it is not going to affect the stress distribution. Hence we can take R = 1. Thus,

ml m9 z = m(() = ~ + T + " " + -(-9" (4)

2.4 Examples

(1) The exterior of a unit circle can be mapped onto the exterior of an ellipse by the mapping equation

ml z = m(() = ( + - - ,

where Imll < 1 to ensure that m' ( ( ) ~ 0 for I¢1 - 1 (figure 1).


Figure 1.


Conformal mapping. (a) z-plane ellipse, (b) complex plane circle.

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Stress concentration around irregular holes 397




n=2 Curvi l inear Triangle

0 1

Figure 2.







'ii t n=3, Curviline, ar Square


-1 0 1

Hypotrochoidal shapes.

:[ 1







\ \

/ /


m=O.7, n=2

Curvi l inear Tr iangle I I

0 1

2t 1



-2 m=0.5, n=3

Curvi l inear Square ~ ' ,

- 0 1

Figure 3. Looping in hypotrochoids.

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398 K R Y Simha and S S Mohapatra

Since ( = e iO for a unit circle, z = e iO q - ml e-iO,

x = (1 + m l ) c o s S ,

y = (1 -- ml ) sin0.

The ellipse has semi-axes (1 + ml) and (1 - ml) . In the two limiting cases, when

m 1 = 0, the ellipse becomes a unit circle and when m I = 1, it becomes a crack of length -- 4 units.

(2) Hypotrochoids are loci of a point fixed relative to a moving circle which rolls without slipping upon the exterior of a fixed circle. The exterior of a unit circle can be mapped

[ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]

-1 0 1 Shape 1





[100 0 0-15 0 0 0-7 0 O] Z

0 Shape 4

[100 5010 0 O0 0 0 0 O] 2 . . . . . . . . . . ~ .............

1 . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . .


-1 . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . .

o 2 . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . .

0 Shape 7

: 1 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 3 3

0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


0 Shape 2

[100 0 -2000 -10 0 0 0 O]




0 Shape 5

[ 1 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]

10 ~ 2 ........... ~" ...........

0 Shape 8

Figure 4. Selected shapes.

[100 0-20-10 0 0 0 0 0 O]


-0 .


0 Shape 3

[ 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] 2




-2 0

Shape 6


[100 0 -10 0 -15 2 -5 -5 2 -5]

0 Shape 9

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Stress concentrat ion around irregular holes 399

Table 1. The shapes in ascending order of perimeter.

Classification Perimeter

[100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] 6.2832 [ 1 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 3 0 3 ] 6.7640 [100 0 - 20 - 10 0 0 0 0 0 0] 7.0870 [10000 - 1 5 0 0 0 - 7 0 0 ] 7.3030 [100 0 - 20 0 0 - 10 0 0 0 0] 7.3794 [100 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 7.7164 [100 50 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] 7.9018 [100 50 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0] 8.1352 [1000 - 1 0 0 - 1 5 2 - 5 - 5 2 -5 ] 8.2134

onto the exterior of a hypotrochoid by

z = m ( ( ) = ( + ( m n / ( n ) ,

where n is a positive integer. Putting ( = e iO, we get the parametric equation of the hypotrochoid as

z : e iO + mn e-inO.

The condition 0 < mn < ( i / n ) ensures that the hypotrochoid does not have loops (hypotrochoids are loci of a point fixed relative to a moving circle which rolls without slipping upon the exterior of a fixed circle).

For n = 2, the mapping gives a curvilinear triangle and for n = 3, a curvilinear square (figure 2). Loops result when m > 1 for the triangle and when m > ½ for curvilinear square as shown (figure 3).

(3) Taking terms up to m9, we can get different complex shapes which are symmetric about the x-axis. Here m's can be positive or negative and we can have 9C1 + 9C2 + 9C3 + 9C4 + 9C5 + 9C6 + 9C7 + 9C8 + 9C9 = 1022 number of combinations. Some typical shapes are considered in figure 4. The corresponding values of m are listed in table 1 in increasing order of perimeter. The first shape considered is a circle o f unit radius. According to this order of increasing perimeter but fixed area, an ellipse is the 6th shape. Other shapes considered are quite complicated, but the powerful technique of conformal mapping renders the problem tractable.

The code which has been followed here for a curve,

ml m9 z = ( + - - + . . . + - - ( ( 9 '

is that the curve has been indicated by the code [100, 100ml, 100m2 . . . . . 10Ore9]. For example, the code [100, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, O, 0, 3] indicates

0.3 0.03 z=t+T+ 7

3. Hydrostatic loading

We will be concerned in this section with hydrostatic tension of a large elastic plate with a small irregular hole. This is a special case of biaxial loading with equal principal stresses

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400 K R Y Simha and S S Mohapatra

(O" 1 : 0 2 ) . Since there is no traction applied at the boundary of the inner hole (free edge), the normal stress is zero at the points along the hole. A large number of practical problems fall in this category. Spherical pressure vessels, the centre of a rotating disk, and the state of stress on the crack line under mode 1 loading, are some examples. The presence of irregular cavities or microvoids induce large stress concentrations.

3.1 Curvilinear regular polygonal holes

As discussed in the previous chapter, the conformal mapping for curvilinear regular poly- gons or hypotrochoids is z = ( + ( m n / ( n ) where n is a positive integer.

Since here only one m term exists, we drop the subscript for convenience. As discussed previously, the condition for non-looping of the curve is mn < 1. Now the tangential stress distribution around this shaped hole for unit hydrostatic tension

applied remotely is well known and given by (Givoli & Elishakoff 1992)

2(1 - m2n 2)

at = 1 + m2n 2 - 2ran cos(n + 1)8' (5)

where 0 = angle in the (-plane; and ( = e iO ---- cos 0 q- i sin 8. We can get results for special cases from this general equation. For the case of the ellipse, n = 1 and m can be obtained in terms of the semi axes a, b

as follows

m = (a - b ) / (a + b).

Let the ratio of axes be 3 : 1 i.e., a = 3b (m = 1/2). Table 2 gives the at variation for a 3 : 1 ellipse based on (5) as 6/(5 - 4 cos 28).

3.2 General formula for arbitrary holes

By taking more terms in the conformal mapping equation, we can get different curves, which can be of any shape but are symmetric about the x-axis. The analysis for stress distribution around these holes will be done here.

The sum of the orthogonal stresses (ax + ay) or (at + an) at any point of the elastic body under equilibrium is given by

ax + Cry = at + an = 4 R e ( d E / d z ) . (6)

Table 2. Tangential stress around the ellipse.

Angle 0 in Tangential stress complex plane at

0 6 zr/6 2 7r/4 1.2 zr/2 2/3

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Stress concentration around irregular holes 401

Now, the first complex potential corresponding to a hypotrochoidal hole (z = ff + (mien), I~1 - 1) in an infinite solid inflated by a uniform pressure p with zero stress and rotation at infinity is (England 1971)

E = - p m / ~ n. (7)

For a hypotrochoidal hole,


dE fit -~- ~n • 4Re


( d E / dz ~ ( p m n ) / ( ~ n+l) = 4Re \-d-(l~J = 4Re 1 - (mn/~n+l) '

cr t -q- cr n ( m n ) / ( ( n + l ) - - - - Re

4p 1 - (mn / (n+l ) "

Now for an irregular hole, z = ( + ~(mn/(n), E will be ~ - p ( m n / ( n ) . Thus for this case, ( d E / d ( ) = p Y~(nmn/ (n+l ) = p(1 - (dz /d ( ) ) since, (dz /d ( ) = m( ( ) = 1 - Y].(nmn/(n+l) . Therefore,

crt + ~rn 1 - m'(~) - - - Re

4 p m1(ff)

To derive the result under hydrostatic tension (HT), we use superposition.

(fit + Crn)HT = (at q- O'n)IP q- 2p,

where the suffix IP denotes internal pressure. For unit internal pressure, p = 1. Hence

1 - m f ( f f ) 1 (at + Crn)HT = 4Re + 2 = 4Re - 2.

m'(~) m'(~)

Since there is no normal force on the hole boundary, an = 0. So,

1 at = 4Re - 2. (8)


In summary, the boundary stress variation around small irregular holes in a large plate under hydrostatic tension is determined directly from the conformal mapping equation.

4 . U n i a x i a l l o a d i n g

4.1 General irregular hole

The tangential stress distribution around a hole of any shape under uniaxial loading is given by

crt = 4 R e ( E ' /m ' ) . (9)

As an example, let

m3 m7 z = m(~) = ~ + -~- + -~- (10)

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402 K R Y Simha and S S Mohapatra


ty( 0t 1 Ot 2 ot 7 E = -~-- + --~- + ~-~ + . . . + ~--~. (11)

To determine oq, ot2 . . . . . or7 in E, we equate like powers of ( (only for negative powers) in the following equation developed using complex analysis for the plane elastic problems (Timoshenko & Goodier 1970; England 1971).

ere 2i°tL cr M Eo - (2M(071 + 20?2( + - . . + 70?7(6) - - - (12)

2( 4 '

where Eo =(Ot l / ( ) + (or2/(2) + . . . + (ot7/(7); M = (m3/(3) + (m7/(7) and OtL is the loading direction with respect to the x-axis. Substituting for Eo and M,

a l + or2 or7 ( ? m_~) ~-~ + " " + ~ - + (071 + 20?2( + 30?3( 2 + " " -'[- 70?7(6)

--ae2ia------~L 2( [a ( ? + ~ - ~ ) / 4 ] . (13)

Now equating coefficients of like powers of ( (only for negative powers), we get

~ - 1 . Otl -- 071m3 -- 5075m7 ---- creZi°tL/2, ( - 2 . ot 2 _ 4074m7 = O,

( - 3 . Ot 3 _ 3073m7 = --~rm3/4, ( - 4 . ot 4 _ 2072m7 = 0,

( - 5 : ot 5 _ 0 7 1 m 7 = 0 ,

( - 6 . Ot 6 ---- O,

F - V : Ot 7 = --crm7/4.


Ot 6 = O r 4 =Or 2 = 0 ; orm7.

0 t7 - - 4

or5 = 0?1m7, 0?5 = otm7; fire3

Or3 =- 07 3 = 4(1 - 3m7)"

From the ( -1 equation,

Otl(1 - 5m 2) - 071m3 = lcre2i~L.

Equating real and imaginary parts of or1 = CqR + ioqc,

OtlR(1 -- 5m 2 -- m3) = lcr cos 2OtL,

otlC(1 -- 5m 2 + m3) = l~r sin2otL.

Knowing Otl, ot 2 . . . . . or7, at is determined.

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Stress concentration around irregular holes 403

4.2 Special cases

4.2a Ellipse: z = m(ff) = ff + (ml/ff) . Here

E = (rrff/4) + (oq/ff).


Eo - ~2M(o71) = (cre2iaL/2~) -- ((rM/4),

where Eo = (c~1/~) and M = (ml /~) . Hence,



rT e2iC~ L Otl ~ 2 m l _ r r m l

~ T {~1- 2-~ 4ff '

(7 e 2ic~ L (T m l

{ ~ l - - - - - - 7

2 4 rTe 2ic~L r Y m l

E = ~ 4 2~ 4~ '

E ' - - rTe2iC~L r T m l cr (7 2~ "----T- + 4~ 2 -- 4 + ~- (ml - 2e2i°tL)~ "-2.

[4 o- / ( ml)] at = 4Re + ~-(ml - 2e2iaL)~ -2 1 - -~- .

This agrees with that given by England (1971 ).


4.2b Curvitinear square: z = ~" + (m3/~3). Here

E = rrff Otl o~2 ot3 •

Let m3 = 1/4. To get oq, or2, or3 we equate

Eo - ~2M(dl + 2d2ff + 3d3ff 2) - (Te2i~L a M 2~ 4 '

where Eo = (Otl/ff) + (c~2/ff 2) + (ot3/~ 3) a n d ( M = m 3 / ~ "3) - - (1/4ff3). Equating the coefficients of like powers of if, we get

ot 1 - - m 3 o ? l = lcre2iC~L '

or2 = 0,

or3 = - r r /16 ,


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404 K R Y Simha and S S Mohapatra

Table 3. Tangential stress around curvilinear square.

Point 0 E' m' at

A 0 11 1 11 48 ~ --3-

1 7 1 B rr/4 16 -I- ~i ~ 7 C zr/2 53 t 53

4-8 4 "3-

Suppose, a unit uniaxial load is applied at an angle 0 °, i.e., a = 1 and uL = 0. Then

oq = 2/3; or2 = 0, or3 = - 1 / 1 6 and E = (~/4) + (2/3ff) - (1/16ff3).

Since m ' = 1 - (3/4~4), we can get the values for the at variation as in table 3. I f we

apply load at 90 ° to the x-axis, the total tangential stress at A, B, C due to the two forces are

a " o't = - ~ + ~ = 14, l 2

B " c r t = + 7 - 7 ,

C : ~rt -- 53 it 14. 3 3 --

The above result can also be obtained directly using the results f rom the previous section

which is

at = 4 R e ( 1 / m ' ) - 2.

2 4 2 4


5 .. . . . . . . i ........

0 0 2

'° I

0 2 4 2 4

15 2 0 ~

0 0 0 2 4 0

4 I

2 ~ ~ '


-2 0

Figure 5. Stress distribution for hydrostatic loading.

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Stress concentration around irregular holes 405


atA, 0 = 0 °,

at B, 0 = 45 °,

at C, 0 = 90 °,

at = 4(1/¼) - 2 = 14,

a t = 4 ( 1 / 4 7 - ) - 2 = 2,

at = 4(1/¼) - 2 = 14.

4.3 General case with 9 m terms

Let the hole be given by the conformal mapping

Z = m(() = ( + (ml / ( ) + . - . + (m9/(9).

The complex potential E is

E = a ( ot 1 ol 2 o~ 9 4 + -(- + (-2 + " " " + (--9"




4m6 5m7 6m8 4m7 5m8 6m9 4m8 5m9 0 4m9 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

m l -- 2e 2iuL

m 2


m 4

m 5

m 6



m 9

7m9 0 0 a l l 0 0 0 o72 0 0 0 073 0 0 0 d 4 o o o a5 0 0 0 076 o o o o77 0 0 0 o78 0 0 0 d9

-m3 2m4 3m5 m4 2m5 3m6 m5 2m6 3m7 m6 2m7 3m8 m7 2m8 3m9 m8 2m9 0 m9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 °']

if2 if3

if4 I a = ~5 +~


~ 8

_ i f 9

o'e 2ic~L a M Eo - ( 2 M ( d l + 2d2( + 3d3( 2 + . . . + 9ff9(8) -- (18)

2( 4 '

where Eo = ( a l / ( ) + (a2/(2) + . - . + (~7/(7) and M = ( m l / ( ) + . . . + (m9/(9). Substituting for Eo and M,

Oil or9 ( m3 m_~) - - + . . . + -- m l ( + m 2 + + . . . + (ff1+2o72(+. . .+9079(8)

ffe2i L ff( _ - - 2 ( 4 + ' " + "

Equating the coefficients of like powers of ( (only for negative powers),

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406 K R Y Simha and S S Mohapatra



0 - ' - - ' - - ~

-50 2 4 2 4





1° t 0 5 ~

-5 2 4 2 4

20= ) ic

-1C 2 4


-20 2 4 0 2 4

Figure 6. Stress distribution for uniaxial loading at 90 degrees.

Thus we can get or8 and ~9 directly. Since oq . . . . . ot 7 are complex, we have to resolve the equations into real and imaginary parts to get [C][a] = [U], where C = [[CR][Cc]]; and,

CR =

1 - m3 -2m4 -3m5 -4m6 -5m7 -6m8 -7m9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

- m 4 1 - 2m3 -3m6 -4m7 -5m8 -6m9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

- m s -2m6 1 - 3m7 -4m8 -5m9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

- m 6 -2m7 -3m8 1 - 4m9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-m7 -2m8 -3m9 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-m8 -2m9 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

- m 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Page 15: Stress concentration around irregular holes using complex

Stress concentration around irregular holes 407

0 1 + m 3

0 m4

0 m5

0 Cc =

m6 0

m 7


m 8



(' OtlR "~






Ot7R O l ~ ,t







~ o t 7 c /

0 0 0 0 0 2m4 3m5 5m7 6m8 7m9

0 0 0 0 0 1 + 2m5 3m6 5m8 6m9 0

0 0 0 0 0 2m6 1 + 3m7 5m9 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 2m7 3m8 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 2m8 3m9 1 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 2m9 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

cos 2aL

U =

0 4m6

0 4m7

0 4m8

0 1 + 4m9

0 0 0 0 0 0

aml 4

a sin 2aL 2 ~rm 2


0 (rm 3


0 am4


0 ~Tm 5


0 ~rm 6


0 fin7



We can solve this system of equations and get the matrix a.

5. Pure shear loading

The pure shear state can be obtained by the superposition of equal and opposite stresses a and - a at C~L = (zr/4) and OtL= (3zr/4), respectively.

For the two cases of loading, we will get different variations of tangential stress and we can superimpose the two variations to get the result for pure shear.

6. Results and discussion

Using the results obtained in the previous sections, the boundary stress variation is plotted in figures 5 to 9 for hydrostatic loading, uniaxial loading, and pure shear. The boundary

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408 K R Y Simha and S S Mohapatra

i . . . . . . . . .

-2 0 2 4


0 . ~ .

" " i




-5 t 2





. . . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . .

0 ! ..

-5 0 2 4 0 2 4

Figure 7.

'I ....... • ..........

0 2





Stress distribution for uniaxial loading at 0 degrees.

stress is plotted as a function of the perimetric distance from 0 = 0 in the counterclockwise direction. For hydrostatic loading, at is plotted only up to 0 = Jr due to symmetry (figure 5). In figure 6, the loading angle aL = rr/2 and in figure 7, the loading angle is 0. Again in the above two cases, the stress variation is symmetric about the x-axis. In a general case, for oil ~ 0, rr/2, the boundary stress variation does not exhibit symmetry as in figure 8 which shows the boundary stress variation for aL = ;,r/6. Finally, figure 9 shows the results for pure shear loading.

Different scales are necessary to plot the boundary stress variation for different shapes. Particularly, when the shapes have sharp comers, at shoots up rapidly. For instance, for shape 2, at > 50 at 0 = 0 (figure 5). Similar peaks are also evident for other shapes in figures 5 through 9. All the plots are arranged in the order of increasing perimeter following the same sequence as given in figure 4 and listed in table 1.

Two useful characteristics of the boundary stress variation along the perimeter are the mean values of at and trt(rms) defined as

O,m=(f<,,<'71f<',); These mean values are tabulated in tables 4 through 8. The first quantity O'tm gives an

idea of the average perturbation in the boundary stress on account of the shape evolution.

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Stress concentration around irregular holes 409


0 5 10 5 10


10 0 5 t0

t . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . .

0 5 10 2 5 10 0 5 10

, .

10 : 50

0 5 ~ 0 5 ........ i ........../tt

- ' -50 0 5 10 0 0 5 10 5 10

Figure 8. Stress distribution for uniaxial loading at 30 degrees.

For a circular hole in a plate tYtm equals 2, 1, and 0 for hydrostatic loading, uniaxial loading and shear loading, respectively. The second quantity trt (rms) gives a qualitative measure of the perturbation in strain energy along the boundary of the irregular holes owing to shape distortion. For a circular hole, trt(rms) is equal to 2, V~, 2"v/2 for hydrostatic loading, uniaxial loading and shear loading respectively.

For hydrostatic loading, it is interesting to note that trt,n generally decreases with in- creasing perimeter,-whereas trt (rms) does not show much variation except for shape 9. For uniaxial loading, trtm again exhibits a decreasing trend as shown in table 5, for o tL= zr/2. However, when ot/~ = 0 (table 6), or Jr/6 (table 7), there is no general trend for trim. On the other hand, trt(rms) appears to remain close to ~/~, which represents the case of a circular hole (shape 1).

Finally for pure shear loading, at is nearly 0 whereas trt(rms) increases slightly from 2V~ corresponding to the circle.

It should be borne in mind that evaluating crt alone cannot be used to predict the me- chanics of shape evolutions. A complete analysis of the stress field trx, try, and t'xy is necessary to discuss the global changes in strain energy. This requires the determination of the second complex potential F. Consequently, this paper provides only a partial analysis of the more general problem.

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410 K R Y Simha and S S Mohapatra

"t 20





0 i ....

-20 5 10 0 5 10

1° t 0 :: ......

-t0 t ,: O . i ......

-20 -10 0 5 10 0 5 10 5 10

. . . . . .

-10 5 10

Figure 9.



5 t0


-50 0 5 10

Stress distribution for pure shear loading.

7. Conclus ions

Tangential stress variation along the boundary of isolated irregular holes in large plates under uniform loading was obtained using complex variables in conjunction with con- formal mapping. Nine different shapes were considered including a circle and an ellipse for reference. All the 9 shapes considered had the same area but different perimeters ranging from 2zr for the circle to about 8.2 for shape 9 in figure 4. The main theme in this paper was to understand the perturbations in the mean boundary stress (Ttm and its root mean square value (Tt(rms). Significant perturbations were noted for atra, but not for (Tt(rms). Qualitatively, it can be concluded from the results in this paper that irreg- ular holes may change their shape if not their size by exchanging surface energy with strain energy. However, for more complete and quantitative analysis of this problem, a global stress analysis is necessary. A linear elastic analysis followed in this paper may not support the physics of change in shapes, but extending the ideas to a linear viscoelas- tic material is possible. Further work is necessary to understand the growth and evolu- tion of cavities in stretched sheets to understand degradation phenomena such as stress corrosion.

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Stress concentration around irregular holes 411

Table 4. tTtm andtTt(rms) for hy- drostatic loading.

Table 5. O'tm and tTt(rms) for uniaxial loading at 90 degrees.

tTt rn tTt [ r ms ) tTt m 17t (rms )

2.0000 2.0000 1.0000 1.7321 1.5412 1.9803 0.6354 1.4520 1.5051 2.0003 0.7703 1.7272 1.2839 2.0509 0.6556 1.6871 1.3189 2.0412 0.6749 1.7397 1.5136 2.0000 0.2705 1.9797 1.4282 1.9970 0.2188 1.9528 1.2047 1.9597 --0.0488 2.0136 0.7396 2.1911 0.1806 1.8390

Table 6. ~t,~ and (Tt(rrns) for Table 7. ¢7t,, and ~t(r,~,) for Table 8. ~,m and ¢Tt(r,,s) for uniaxial loading at 0 degrees, uniaxial loading at 30 degrees, pure shear loading.

t:rtrn tTt (rms ) tYt m Ot (rms ) tTt m ¢Tt (rms )

1.0000 1.7321 1.0000 1.7321 0.0000 2.8284 0.8886 1.7215 0.8292 1.7225 -0.1251 2.8490 0.7402 1.7168 0.7495 1.7539 -0.0011 2.8894 0.6556 1.6871 0.6556 1.7673 0.0000 2.9648 0.6671 1.7367 0.6695 1.7367 0.0000 2.8312 1.2432 1.4046 1.0079 1.6074 0.0182 2.8918 1.2042 1.4051 0.9677 1.6183 0.0195 2.9234 1.2223 1.4156 0.9174 1.6298 0.0297 2.9620 0.6156 1.7952 0.5123 1.8075 -0.1596 3.0211

List of symbols

O'x, O'y trxy trt


~ m t r t ( r m s )

E , F


¢ 0 m


P s


U , V


~ L

normal stress in x- and y-directions respectively; shear stress on x-plane in y-direction; tangential stress; normal stress; mean value of tangential stress around the hole; root mean square value of tangential stress around the hole; Kolosov-Muskhellishvilli first and second complex potentials respectively; point on physical plane;

point on complex plane; angle in complex plane;

coefficients of t - terms in mapping equation;

powers of i - terms in mapping equation; internal pressure applied;

distance along the hole boundary;

shear modulus; Poisson's ratio;

displacements along the x- and y-directions respectively; coefficients of if-terms in the expressions for E; angle of load application for uniaxial loading.

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