STRATUS FINAL REPORT Ryan Rasmussen & Brett Mahnke (Presenting) Caleb Fangmeier Maggie Krause Jiajung Yang December 10, 2012

Stratus Final Report

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Ryan Rasmussen & Brett Mahnke (Presenting) Caleb Fangmeier Maggie Krause Jiajung Yang December 10, 2012. Stratus Final Report. Project Overview. Assembly and programming of an open-source UAV and mobile app - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Stratus Final Report


Ryan Rasmussen & Brett Mahnke (Presenting)Caleb FangmeierMaggie KrauseJiajung Yang

December 10, 2012

Page 2: Stratus Final Report

Project Overview

Resources: Websites for building open source drones, open source simulators and software

Tools, parts, and technical expertise provided by NIMBUS labs

Log of progress made on project over time

Comparison table of possible communication methods between drone and mobile device

Constraints: -Time-Hardware

Test data, real-time testing, case studies, video


iOS/AndroidArduCopter and software

Radio control

Assembly and programming of an open-source UAV and mobile appThe process of drone assembly will be documented and an optimal mode of communication with the mobile device selected. The mobile device will have the ability to issue simple commands to the drone. Results aim to broaden research options for NIMBUS labs and provide expanded utility of UAVs.

Communication interface

Companion document to assembly instructions noting required skills, pitfalls, successes

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Scope of Work Project was divided into 2 phases

Phase 1 – First Semester Assembly of ArduCopter Testing/Understanding built-in functionality of APM (ArduPilot Mega) Create detailed assembly instructions document Create communication options document for sponsors to choose from

Phase 2 – Second Semester Implement/test communication hardware Develop interface with NIMBUS existing system Develop phone application

December 10, 2012

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Stratus Final Report

Phase 1 – Mechanical/Electrical Assembly

Available instructions were vague Browsed ArduCopter forums for missing details Comprehensive assembly instructions were created and will be delivered to

sponsors this week

December 10, 2012

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Stratus Final Report

Phase 1 – APM Configuration “Mission Planner” allows for easy updating of firmware and calibration of

radio and sensors Plot way-points on a Google map to create “missions” Review detailed mission logs

December 10, 2012

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Stratus Final Report

Phase 1 – Manual Flight Tests Tests described in requirements document

Ability to safely takeoff, land without damage, switch between manual and automated flight modes These tests have all been verified

Some tests involve measuring speeds and deviation from a desired path These tests appear successful to the naked eye Will have to be verified using the NIMBUS lab 3D camera system

December 10, 2012

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Stratus Final Report

Phase 1 – Safety Concerns Crash into NIMBUS lab ceiling

Forgot to detach battery while updating firmware

Near misses Motors engage when radio transmitter is turned off Almost hit in face by spinning propeller

On campus testing People walking around while flying

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Stratus Final Report

Phase 1 – First Successful Automated Flight Initial automated flight test resulted in crash

No foam covering over barometer (poor assembly instructions) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjsFJ46skPU

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Stratus Final Report

Phase 1 – Phone Communication Options

Document outlining three options for sponsors to choose from was delivered last week 3DR Radio – requires attachment for phone (Android only) Bluetooth – very short range Wi-Fi – connection not always reliable

Fairly sure they will choose Wi-Fi option RN-XV wi-fi module based around “WiFly” RN-171 chip Matches footprint of radio Xbee’s used by NIMBUS lab Configurable for Access Point mode so a PC, iPhone, or Android can

connect without additional hardware

December 10, 2012

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Stratus Final Report

Phase II (next semester) Developing phone app is the primary goal

Six basic commands Due to frequent updates to APM firmware, the phone app will

programmed to do all calculations○ Determine ArduCopter status and state based on telemetry data○ Calculate GPS coordinates when in ‘follow me’, the coordinate need to be

offset by 2-3 meters so the copter follow behind rather than on top of the user

December 10, 2012

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Stratus Final Report

Phase II – Implementing MAVlink MAVlink is the communication protocol used by the APM

Commands sent to the APM must be formatted using MAVlink for the APM to understand them

Telemetry information sent from the APM must be decoded from MAVlink in the phone app to be displayed to the user

Integration with the NIMBUS system will involve developing a node that translates ROS into MAVlink and vice-versa

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Stratus Final Report

Phase II – Integration with NIMBUS Framework Node will handle translation between ROS and MAVlink and

communication through chosen option

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Stratus Final Report

Phase II – Finite State Machine FSM will be used to determine valid commands that can be

sent from the phone to the APM Transitions in the FSM represent the six commands

When the ArduCopter is in a given state, buttons on the user interface will be enabled and disabled based on the possible transitions from that state

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Stratus Final Report

Phase II – Phone Application If Wi-Fi or Bluetooth is the chosen option, we will develop

both an Android and iPhone application

Major functionality Use onboard GPS Send and receive information using selected option Use MAVlink libraries to encode/decode APM communications

○ Display status information○ Send commands

Simulate Finite State Machine○ Will use telemetry information to determine state of ArduCopter○ Enables and disables buttons accordingly

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Stratus Final Report

Phase II – Phone Application

December 10, 2012

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Stratus Final Report

Issues and Risks Broken parts

Have already broken several props and 2 motors Shipping Delays

Have been delayed twice due to shipping needed parts Unexpected behavior

Crash into ceiling Crashes in auto mode

Injury Close calls, people walking around while testing outside

Outdoor testing May be hard during winter months

GPS accuracy Essential for safety while in ‘follow me’ mode

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Stratus Final Report

Unexpected Behavior

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Stratus Final Report

Unexpected Behavior First autonomous flight test

Did not maintain altitude at all, later discovered barometer needed to be covered by foam


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Stratus Final Report


December 10, 2012