Strategies and Tools for Promoting a Grant Seeking Culture in the Arts and Humanities Barbara Endemaño Walker, University of California Santa Barbara Holly Unruh, California State University, Monterey Bay Paige Belisle, Harvard University Jim Izat, Texas A&M University Anne Pascucci, Christopher Newport University Stefanie Walker, National Endowment for the Humanities May 7-9 I Arlington, VA I #NORDP2018

Strategies and Tools for Promoting a Grant Seeking …...Strategies and Tools for Promoting a Grant Seeking Culture in the Arts and Humanities Barbara Endemaño Walker, University

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Page 1: Strategies and Tools for Promoting a Grant Seeking …...Strategies and Tools for Promoting a Grant Seeking Culture in the Arts and Humanities Barbara Endemaño Walker, University

Strategies and Tools for Promoting a Grant Seeking

Culture in the Arts and Humanities

Barbara Endemaño Walker, University of California Santa BarbaraHolly Unruh, California State University, Monterey BayPaige Belisle, Harvard UniversityJim Izat, Texas A&M UniversityAnne Pascucci, Christopher Newport UniversityStefanie Walker, National Endowment for the Humanities

May7-9I Arlington,VAI #NORDP2018

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We Will Discuss:

• Outreach to Arts and Humanities Faculty New to Pursuing Funding –Paige Belisle, Harvard University

• Making Connections with Arts and Humanities Faculty at a PUI –Anne Pascucci, Christopher Newport University

• Institutional Support for the Arts and Humanities – Jim Izat, Texas A&M University

• Extramural Support & Proposal Writing for Humanists – Holly Unruh, California State University Monterey Bay & Barbara EndemañoWalker, University of California Santa Barbara

• Strategies and Tips for NEH Grants – Stefanie Walker, National Endowment for the Humanities

• Your questions!

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Outreach to Arts and Humanities Faculty New to Pursuing Funding

Paige BelisleResearch Development OfficerFaculty of Arts and SciencesHarvard [email protected]

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Introducing Your Services to the Faculty

• Present at an existing new faculty orientation program

• Review services at department administrator & faculty meetings

• Create a “one pager” handout or newsletter resource

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Meeting with Faculty & Building a Relationship

• Partner with sponsored research administrator

• Prepare by reviewing faculty member’s scholarship/art

• Ask the “right” questions

• Establish clear next steps and a timeline

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Find & Share Funding Opportunities

• Use databases and records to perform an initial search

• Gather information, including notes on eligibility and previous awards

• Present the funding opportunities in a clear, concise way

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Sample Funding Search Document

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Sample Funding Search Document (cont’d.)

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Archives: https://research.fas.harvard.edu/funding-spotlightCreated via Constant Contact subscription




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Archives: https://research.fas.harvard.edu/funding-spotlightCreated via Constant Contact subscription



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Funding Newsletter (cont’d.)

Archives: https://research.fas.harvard.edu/funding-spotlightCreated via Constant Contact subscription

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• Predominantly Undergraduate Institutions are very similar to Departments just with a VERY wide variety of disciplines

• Reaching each department has its own “soft-spot” that will engage faculty

• Jean Feldman, NSF – Physics, Biology, Chemistry…the usual suspects

• Deputy Director of National Endowment for the Arts…Hmm Arts?

• VA Foundation for the Humanities – You’d think the Humanities wouldn’t ya?

o PUI’s have a hard time making the connections with Arts and Humanities because they always feel left out even though we don’t

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• We ask to be invited to all department meetings. This year was a banner

• We ask faculty to complete our Faculty Interest Card while at the Dept. meeting

• We find that we get more responses

Please complete and return to the CNU Office of Sponsored Programs, Forbes 2040.


Department: ________________________________

Please describe your research in layman’s terms ________________________________________________________________________________________

What is the ultimate goal of your research?________________________________________________________________________________________What keywords are associated with your research?


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• Responses allow for more targeted sourcing of funding opportunities, articles, LinkedIn Profiles, etc.

• Make sure you engage and ask questions. So my Theater and Dance Dept accepted my invitation to their Departmental meeting…I happen to be located in a great spot. Ella Fitzgerald and William Styron were born in Newport News. Interesting, yes, but important to let your faculty know that you are and want to be connected

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• Connecting the dots for leadership is imperative at a PUI

• Teaching loads, coupled with extravagant advising responsibilities leaves little time for composition and compilation of a decent proposal

• Couple the up-front time investment with the resistance of a “teaching first or teaching priority” school that often frown upon release time and you got an environment generally not encouraging for anyone to enter the proposal development pond

What to Do?

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• Not the usual sales pitch for RD

• While not formally my role, often explaining the no so obvious positives of externally funded research can help to alter institutional philosophy around research development

• Sad but true, a course release plus the indirect costs associated with it are substantially more than the cost of an adjunct to replace the released faculty

• Investing in TIME for proposal development easily leads to prestige, external funding, research impact starting with your institution, collaboration, mentoring and the list goes on…

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• The “recent” trend for PUI’s to grow their research enterprise puts stress on OSP’s to produce

• It is imperative that leadership invest in the culture of the institution that matches its desire to grow the research enterprise

• Teaching loads and other faculty responsibilities need to be analyzed with regards to work flow…how much time does it really take to do that job well

• Prepare a realistic analysis of the time required to prepare a fundable proposal

• Make the decision how the institution wants to address the 25 hour a day issue posed by these two scenarios

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• Making sure that all faculty know that we care is important-some good means are:

• Attending performances, celebrating installations, showcasing research

• Making all connections with sponsors and resources – some good ones are:

• Local or regional foundation for humanities or humanities council

• Local or regional arts council• Program Officers from NEA, NEH, Private Foundations• LinkIn with the right folks for collaboration, mentoring, or

just conversations…invitations to campus if possible

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Institutional Supportfor the

Arts& HumanitiesJim Izat,Ph.D.


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Stepstoa solution•First,IbegantalkingwithArts&HumanitiesFacultyandaskedloadsofquestions.

• Howmuchfundingdoyouneedforatypicalproject?• Whatisthetimelinefromstarttocompletionforatypicalproject?

• Whatsortoffundingopportunity,shouldyoubesuccessful,willlookbestonyourCV?

• Whatsortoffundingopportunity,shouldyoubesuccessful,willenhanceyourcompetitivenessmostatthenextlevel?

• Whatisthatnextfundinglevelforyou?• Whatprojectdoyouwishyoucouldpursueifyouonlyhadavailablefunding?

• (Fortenuredandtenure- trackfaculty)Whatimpactwouldinternalfundinghaveonyourchancesfortenureand/orpromotion?

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Ithen organizedthefaculty responses…

IcreatedsummariesoftheresponsesI receivedfromfacultydisaggregatedby:

• College• Department• Title(Professor,AssociateProfessor,andAssistantProfessor)

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• FeedbackandadvicetheDepartmentHeadshadconcerningthebestwayforward.

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ResearchDeans!• WhenI’dhadalltheconversationsIfeltwereusefulwithbothfacultyandtheirdepartmentheadsIthenputtogetheraonepageroutliningmyvisionfortheTexasA&MUniversityArts&HumanitiesFellowsProgram.

• AtthispointcommonsensedictatedthatIshouldhavealongconversationwithmysupervisorandsellherontheideasothatshecouldmovetheideaupthroughleadership.

• However,Ididn’tdothat….

• Itookmyonepagerandmadeappointmentswiththeresearchdeanswhosefacultyweremostlikelytobecomeinvolved.

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ThePitch!• IsatdownwiththeExecutiveAssociateDeanoftheCollegeofArchitecture,theAssociateDeanforResearchoftheCollegeofLiberalArtsandtheheadoftheMedicalHumanitiesProgramtomakemypitchwhichcontainedthefollowingmainelements.

• Goaloftheprogram• Durationoftheprogram• Fundingoftheprogram• Benefitsforfaculty

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TheFinalStep…• WhenIhadagreementsinprincipalwiththeDeansofthetwoinitiallyparticipatingcolleges(therearemorenow!)Ithentookthelaststep:

• IrewrotetheonepagertoincludethecommitmentsfromtheArchitectureandLiberalArtsColleges.

• IexplainedmyvisionforhowtheprogramwouldworktomyExecutiveDirector.

• Idescribedthelogisticalsupportnecessaryfortheprogram.

• IoutlinedthebenefitstoboththeTAMUArts&HumanitiesfacultyandtheDivisionofResearch.

• Iaskedifshewouldtaketheprogramupthechainforreviewand(hopefully!)approval.

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ThenSerendipityStepped In…• ThedayafterIsubmittedtheprogramforreview,Imetthe


• Isharedwithhimthattherewasoneonthewaytohimatthatmoment.WhenI’dfinisheddescribingtheprogramhetoldmethatitwasexactlywhathe’dwantedandheseemedabitsurprisedthatthecollegeshadagreedtoacooperativefundingagreement.

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Success!• IsubmittedtheprogramforreviewandapprovalonSeptember14, 2014.

• TheprogramwasapprovedforrollouttofacultyonSeptember29, 2014.

• ThefirstArts&HumanitiesRFPwaspostedtotheprogramwebpageonscheduleonOctober1, 2014.

• TheonlychangetotheprogrammandatedbytheVPRwasthename.IhadinitiallynamedittheTexasA&MUniversityHumanities&ArtsFellowsProgram.HechangedthenametotheTexasA&MUniversityArts&HumanitiesFellowsProgram.WishI’dhavethoughtof that!

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Lessons Learned….1) It’sallaboutthe faculty.

2) Newprogramsarebestbuiltfromthegrassroots up.

3) Don’tconcentrateonwhatmightnotwork,orwhatmightgowrong.Focusonwhatcango right.

4) Getbuy-infromevery level.

5) Document,document, document.

6) Concentrateyourpitchesonwhatwillbenefittheaudienceyouarecurrentlytryingto persuade.

7) Bepreparedfor success!!!

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Dr. Jim Izat

Senior Research Development Officer Research [email protected]

rvices Division of Research

Texas A&M University - College Station, Texas

Jim IzatSeniorResearchDevelopmentOfficer

ResearchDevelopmentServicesDivisionof Research

TexasA&MUniversity- CollegeStation, Texas

[email protected]

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Holly Unruh, Associate Director, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center, CSUMB

Barbara Endemaño Walker, Director, Research Development, Office of Research, UCSB

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• Postdoctoral Fellowships

• Seed grants

• Residential Fellowships

• Mid Career Awards

• Collaborative Grants

• Public Scholarship

• Established Career Fellowships

• Prizes

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UCIRAUniversity of California Institute for Research in the Arts

University of California institute for Research in the Arts: [a funder’s perspective]

� Major Grants of $10,000 with follow up support for: � materials/equipment (up to $2,500)� travel to present the project (up to $5,000) � opportunity funds (up to $500)

� Planning and implementation grants related to our current areas of interest: Art+California, Art+Exchange, and Art+Science (to $25,000)

� Open Classroom Challenge ($5,000 teaching grant)� Mini-grants ($1,000 to complete work)�Visiting Artist Grants ($1,000+)

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Sample Project: Who’s Hungry? West Hollywood/Santa Monica

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Sample Project: Who’s Hungry? West Hollywood/Santa Monica

This project was funded with support from:

� UCIRA Performance Practice and Research Grant � The National Endowment for the Arts� Los Angeles County Arts Commission� UCLA Center for Community Partnership, Southwest Oral History Association� MAP Fund, a program of Creative Capital supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation� Music scores were commissioned by Meet The Composer’s Commissioning Music/USA program � An additional $3,300 was raised through United States Artists projects (110% of their original goal) for final costs

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Sample Project:Jennifer Muller @ UCSB

This project, which included a multi-part artist residency, rehearsal and presentation of Muller’s work, a scholarly conference, and photographic exhibit, was supported by:

� A Humanities Center Collaborative Research Grant� UCSB College of Letters and Science funds� UCSB Office of Research funds� NEA American Masterpieces Dance award� private donations leveraged based on the above

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• NOT “bootcamp” or “training”

• They know how to write!

• Explaining things about proposals that may be obvious to social scientists and STEM scientists because of the scientific method

• “Threshold concepts”

• Proposal writing a genre unto itself

• Teaching them how to make tacit knowledge explicit

• Homework

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• Writers Block

• Free writing (Elbow)

• Productive Writing

• Daily Writing (Boice)

• Find your (guilt free) writing style (Sword)

• Writing Groups

• Peer Review

• Write on Site

• With coffee in the RD seminar room every Friday

Community Building

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• Mapping their work to the RFP and a proposal format




plan of work

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1. Introduction


2. Theoretical or scholarly significance

• Contribution to the field

3. Plan of Work

• Systematic methodology

Common Knowledge / Disruptor

“In history, we don’t do theory

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• How to systematically explain interpretive research

• Close reading

• Visiting the archives

• Ethnography

• Discourse analysis

• Interviews

• Humanistic social sciences


do you do?

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• Timeline

• Qualifications

• Budgets

• Letters of recommendation

• Citations and bibliography


• Contacting program officers

• Book completion proposal

• Archiving and sharing materials

• Collaboration

• Public scholarship

• Crowdfunding

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Strategies and Tips for NEH Grants


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Disclaimer: The following slides are intended to supplement a public oral presentation for potential NEH applicants. They are not intended to provide complete information about the NEH’sprograms and they do not constitute an official statement of NEH policy. For current information about NEH programs, including eligibility requirements and the dates of deadlines, please consult the guidelines posted on the NEH website at neh.gov.

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As defined in our 1965 legislation:


Literature and language

History and theory of the arts

Philosophy and ethics


Comparative religion


Social sciences employing humanistic methods

What are the Humanities?

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NEH: $120 Million in grants, 2017

Six Divisions and OfficesDivision of Education Programs l Division of Public Programs

Division of Research l Division of Preservation & Access Office of Digital Humanities l Federal/State Partnership

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Strengthen teaching and learning

Facilitate research and original scholarship

Provide opportunities for lifelong learning

Preserve and provide access to cultural and educational resources

Strengthen humanities institutions

Nurture new ways to conduct and disseminate scholarship

Support state and local humanities engagement

The Work of NEH/ Education

/ Research

/ Public

/ Preservation & Access

/ Challenge Grants

/ Digital Humanities

/ Federal-State Partnership

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Humanities Texas, Byrne-Reed House

Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge GrantsGrantsstrengthentheinstitutionalbaseofthehumanitiesbyenablinginfrastructuredevelopmentandcapacitybuilding.


Deadline: MarchGenerally up to $500,000NEH funds must be matched by recipient

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DEADLINE: APRILAwards are made for periods from 6 to 12 months.Awards are $5,000/month. The minimum award is $30,000; the maximum is $60,000.Award periods must be continuous and full-time.

NEH-Mellon Fellowships for Digital PublicationDIVISION OF RESEARCH PROGRAMS

The NEH-Mellon Fellowships support high-quality “born digital” research and publication in the humanities.

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DEADLINE: FEBRUARYSupportswell-researchedbooksinthehumanitieswrittenforabroadaudienceofgeneralreaders.

6 to 12 months$5000 per month, up to $60,000A combination of full and/or part-time work is allowed



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Office of Digital Humanities

Offers grant programs that address cultural changes brought about by the introduction and spread of digital technology. This includes projects that explore how to harness new technology for humanities research as well as those that study digital culture from a humanistic perspective.

ApplicantsUS colleges and universitiesmuseums, libraries, historical societies, and other non-profit organizations

McBee edge-notched punchcard for a grant to support “An Experiment in Computer Based Education Using Hypertext,” 1974.

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Digital Humanities Deadlines: January and JuneAdvancement Grants Level I Funding: Up to $40,000 for Level ILevel II Funding: Up to $75,000 for Level IILevel III Funding: Up to $325,000 for Level III

Institutes for Advanced Topics Deadline: March in the Digital Humanities Funding: Up to $250,000

Selected Deadlines and Funding Levels

Office of Digital Humanities

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Basic Tips

Begin early

Study and follow the program guidelines


Submit a draft for staff comment (if allowed)

Write the application to address the evaluation criteria

Request feedback


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Application information

Grant database

Match your project to a



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Answer questions about grant programs

Offer advice on preparing applications

Read and offer feedback on draft proposals for many programs

Program Officers


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Award notification

Chairman’s decision

National Council review

Staff recommendations

Review panels

Panel sort

The life of your application

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Stefanie WalkerProgram Officer, Division of Research [email protected] (202) [email protected] (202)606-8200

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Our Contact Info:Barbara Endemaño Walker: [email protected] Unruh: [email protected] Belisle: [email protected] Izat: [email protected] Pascucci: [email protected] Walker: [email protected]