Strategic Plan for Manhattan Project National Historical Park New Mexico, Tennessee, and Washington 2017 – 2022 NATIONAL PARK SERVICE • U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR

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Strategic Planfor

Manhattan Project National Historical Park

New Mexico, Tennessee,

and Washington

2017 – 2022


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The strategic plan sets the course for the Manhattan Project National Historical Park by articulating a vision, key goals, and strategies for the next five years. The plan will guide annual work planning and major projects and initiatives in the park. The plan was developed by the Joint Park Management Team with support from the Denver Service Center.


Managed in partnership by the Department of Energy and the National Park Service, Manhattan Project National Historical Park preserves and interprets the nationally significant historic sites, stories, and legacies associated with the top-secret race to develop an atomic weapon during World War II and provides access to these sites consistent with the mission of the Department of Energy.


Manhattan Project National Historical Park inspires people to explore, debate, and reflect upon difficult events associated with the United States’ role in World War II that led to world-changing innovation in science, engineering, and technology.

PARK GOALS 1. Interpret Science and Engineering. Capitalize on the Manhattan Project National Historical Park as a platform to stimulate interest in science and engineering.

2. Collaborate with passionate partners and volunteers. Cultivate and strengthen relationships with partners to support Manhattan Project National Historical Park goals, optimize funding opportunities, and improve capacity with a focus on long-term sustainability.

3. Enhance Visitor Experience and Access and Inspire Personal Connections. Provide excellent, meaningful, and memorable opportunities to personally connect to these places and stories, regardless of how people experience the park.

4. Protect the Heritage. Through consistent dedication to resource protection, park staff will preserve the places and backdrops for the Manhattan Project’s compelling and lasting legacy.

5. Develop the Organization. Complete and formalize a complementary National Park Service and Department of Energy organizational structure.

On the cover (top to bottom): Los Alamos main gate.

Oak Ridge K-25 complex, which produced enriched uranium using the gaseous diffusion method.

Hanford B Reactor complex, the world's first production scale nuclear reactor.


Bronze pin awarded to those who worked on the Manhattan Project.

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Introduction to the Park 3

The Strategic Planning Process 4

Purpose Statement 5

Vision Statement 5

Goals and Strategies 5

Goal 1 Interpret Science and Engineering 6Goal 2 Collaborate with Passionate Partners and Volunteers 8Goal 3 Enhance Visitor Experience and Access and

Inspire Personal Connections 9Goal 4 Protect the Heritage 10Goal 5 Develop the Organization 11

Implementation 12

Plan Contributors & Workshop Participants 13

Department of Energy 13National Park Service 13

Los Alamos V-Site, which was built to support the final design of the plutonium implosion weapon and the assembly of the Trinity Device or "Gadget."

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Established on November 10, 2015, Manhattan Project National Historical Park is managed through a collaborative partnership by the National Park Service (NPS) and the US Department of Energy (DOE) to preserve, interpret, and facilitate access to key historic resources associated with the Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was a massive, top secret national mobilization of scientists, engineers, technicians, and military personnel charged with producing a deployable atomic weapon during World War II. The project began as a multifaceted effort requiring the rapid advancement of nuclear physics and multiple engineering strategies to produce functional weapons designs and critical quantities of fissile materials. The effort produced weapons of unprecedented destructive capacity. The project culminated with the Trinity Test on July 16, 1945, a few weeks before the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.

Coordinated by the US Army, Manhattan Project activities were located in numerous locations across the United States. The park incorporates three of the most significant locations, each of which played an essential role in the Manhattan Project: Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Los Alamos, New Mexico; and Hanford, Washington. As part of the enabling legislation, Congress identified facilities and areas eligible to be included in the park, some of which are currently included in the park, and others which may be included in the future. The secretary of the interior, in consultation with the secretary of energy, determines which of these areas to include in the park.

Oak Ridge X-10 Graphite Reactor, the world's first continuously operating nuclear reactor.

Hanford Allard Pump House, which supported large-scale farming and orchards in the Priest Rapids Valley prior to the Manhattan Project.

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Albert Einstein with J. Robert Oppenheimer, head of the Los Alamos Laboratory during the Manhattan Project.

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This new park represents a unique collaboration between the National Park Service and the Department of Energy. In 2015, a foundation planning process was initiated. The purpose of the foundation document is to identify fundamental resources and values and determine planning and data needs for the future. The strategic plan serves to harness the energy and ideas of the Joint Park Management Team and to focus priorities and activities as they work to create a shared vision and organization, which plays on the strengths of each agency, to stand-up this new park. The plan will guide annual work planning and major projects.

This strategic plan was created with the input from the Manhattan Project Joint Park Management Team. The planning process began with a web-based survey sent to all members of the team. The survey identified the stakeholders, expectations, opportunities, challenges, and visions of Manhattan Project National Historical Park.

A one-day strategic planning workshop was held in August 2016 in Lakewood, Colorado, with the Joint Park Management Team. During the workshop, participants reviewed the purpose statement vetted through the foundation process and developed a vision statement, goals, and strategies to guide the park over the next five years. Discussion and refinement of participant input was a key component to prioritizing strategies and building consensus around each element of the plan. The facilitated sessions began with a stakeholder analysis exercise and were structured to encourage participants to think about the current and future contributions of the Manhattan Project National Historical Park to the local communities, as well as around the country and the world. The opportunity for staff from different locations, divisions, and agencies to work together was an important element of the workshop. More than 20 employees participated in the workshop, along with facilitators from the NPS Denver Service Center Planning Division, regional representatives, park planning leadership, and DOE staff and leadership.

Following the workshop, the plan vision and goal statements were refined, and strategies were more fully developed to align with the five goal areas identified by participants in the workshop. The draft strategic plan was shared with the Joint Park Management Team for further input. Future work will include developing action items to support the priorities for each goal area and to guide the development of annual work plans.

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The purpose statement identifies the specific reason(s) for establishment of a park and outlines the core mission of the park managers and staff. The following purpose statement lays the foundation for understanding what is most important about Manhattan Project National Historical Park:

Managed in partnership by the Department of Energy and the National Park Service, Manhattan Project National Historical Park preserves and interprets the nationally significant historic sites, stories, and legacies associated with the top-secret race to develop an atomic weapon during World War II and provides access to these sites consistent with the mission of the Department of Energy.


The vision statement articulates an ideal description of the park into the future. It provides an inspiring overall goal to guide all decisions in the park.

Manhattan Project National Historical Park inspires people to explore, debate, and reflect upon difficult events associated with the United States’ role in World War II that led to world-changing innovation in science, engineering, and technology.


This section details the key goals and strategies for the park for the next five years. Under each goal is a list of strategies that will aid in accomplishing the goal (please note that the goals and strategies are not listed in order of importance). The goals and strategies presented in this plan were developed during the August workshop in Lakewood and then refined by the Joint Park Management Team during September and October 2016. Staff at the workshop from the Department of Energy and the National Park Service first worked in small groups to develop the goal statements and then moved between goals to draft and prioritize the strategies. Many of the strategies developed at the workshop are focused and intended for individual park sites. During the workshop, participants had an opportunity to prioritize the strategies by selecting their highest priority per goal. To develop a strategic plan that was applicable to all three sites, the strategies were then lumped into similar categories, sorted by time frame and highest priority, and then refined into specific actions. Much of the original work from the August workshop remains in this strategic plan.

Each goal is a long-term target. The goals broadly describe what the park wants to accomplish and become over the next five years. The goals provide the basis for decisions about the nature, scope, and relative importance of all projects and activities.

Each strategy is a measureable target that must be met on the way to attaining a goal. The strategies help to “operationalize” the goals and act as benchmarks for measuring progress. The strategies listed in this section represent key strategies—they articulate those areas where energy and resources should be focused to affect positive change.

Note: Indicates Highest Priority Strategy

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GOAL 1 Interpret Science and Engineering Capitalize on the Manhattan Project National Historical Park as a platform to stimulate interest in science and engineering.

Strategies for 20171

• Use a variety of partnerships to integrate technology and education to help people connect to the park through curriculum, programs, and other products

- Work with universities and colleges to create products for Manhattan Project National Historical Park

- Integrate NPS interpretation and DOE technology

- Connect to science and engineering professional organizational associations

- Cultivate strong partnerships with American Museum of Science and Energy activities at Oak Ridge, Bradbury Museum at Los Alamos, and the REACH Center at Hanford

• Build on existing educational programming to reach new audiences and students in nearby communities

- Recruit retirees, volunteers, and partners to conduct education for the park

- Connect youth educational opportunities to programs already in place; for example, Washington state history, 4th grade class

- Implement Teacher-Ranger-Teacher Program at Oak Ridge

- Pursue scholarship pathways

- Offer internship opportunities

- Expand science, technology, engineering, and math education to visiting Girl and Boy Scout troops

- Promote science, technology, engineering, and math engagement with high school students

- Recruit students for science, technology, engineering, and math programs

- Offer online classroom lessons for grades 2–8

- Initiate “Parks in Focus” at all three sites

- Encourage rangers to visit area schools at Oak Ridge

1 These time frames indicate the fiscal year in which priorities are expected to start. The year is included as a general reference. Some priorities may start sooner or later depending on funding, staffing, and other opportunities.

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Internal view of the Oak Ridge X-10 Graphite Reactor, the world's first continuously operating nuclear reactor.

External view of the Oak Ridge X-10 Graphite Reactor, the world's first continuously operating nuclear reactor.

Los Alamos Slotin Building, site of criticality research.

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Interpret Science and Engineering Capitalize on the Manhattan Project National Historical Park as a platform to stimulate interest in science and engineering.

Strategies for 2018–2019

• Expand interpretation and education opportunities at all sites

- Partner with local school districts on curriculum, fieldtrips, etc.

- Offer school tours at Oak Ridge

- Encourage rangers to visit area schools at Los Alamos and Hanford

- Implement Teacher-Ranger-Teacher Program at Hanford and Los Alamos

• Use new technology to engage diverse park visitors

- Use current technology to connect Gen Y and Millennials visitors to the park

- Seek donations from interested parties to contribute to technology education

Strategies for 2020–2022

• Connect visitors to the park and its legacy and stimulate interest in STEM by providing opportunities to explore active science and technology occurring at the park

- Develop hands-on interactive exhibits using relevant technology to provide learning opportunities

- Showcase DOE technology at all three sites

- Continue to expand interpretation and education opportunities parkwide

- Provide school tours at Los Alamos

Left: Park ranger with Girl Scout.

Right: A young park visitor.

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GOAL 2 Collaborate with Passionate Partners and Volunteers Cultivate and strengthen relationships with partners to support Manhattan Project National Historical Park goals, optimize funding opportunities, and improve capacity with a focus on long-term sustainability.

Strategies for 2017

• Initiate partnership action strategy

- Analyze existing partners current involvement, capacity, and potential contributions

- Develop active volunteer recruitment and training program at all sites (ongoing at Oak Ridge, FY 17 for Los Alamos and Hanford)

- Define “Top 10 partners”

- Align partners with strategic support opportunities

- Explore opportunities for park contact station and workspace at Oak Ridge American Museum of Science and Energy

- Build on existing support until other partnership strategies are approved and introduced

- Continue partnerships to engage audiences at each location, such as Oak Ridge Symphony Orchestra

- Connect with local museums and local schools to help design materials

- Continue collaboration to support Parks in Focus programs with Udall Foundation

- Explore options at Children’s Museum of Oak Ridge for park exhibit space

• Explore national partnership opportunities to support the park

- Collaborate with National Park Foundation for support options

- Develop donor recognition plan and build awareness through public information

- Pursue bookstore support; for example, Eastern National at Oak Ridge

Strategies for 2018-2019

• Continue developing active volunteer recruitment and training program parkwide

Strategies for 2020–2022

• Partner with existing contractors and interested parties

• Monitor effects of strategic actions as park becomes established in each of the communities

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Hospital nurses at Oak Ridge.

Housing at Oak Ridge, 1944.

Alpha calutron at Oak Ridge, which separated uranium isotopes with electromagnets.

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GOAL 3 Enhance Visitor Experience and Access and Inspire Personal Connections Provide excellent, meaningful, and memorable opportunities to personally connect to these places and stories, regardless of how people experience the park.

Strategies for 2017

• Initiate a long-range interpretive plan

- Include oral history strategy to integrate personal and community stories into the long-range interpretive plan

• Initiate a Visitor Access Plan

• Integrate virtual media into interpretive planning to enhance all visitor experience at all sites, including those that are currently inaccessible

- Develop virtual tours and international virtual media to provide access to park stories

• Determine where it is appropriate to provide visitor access

- Identify site specific health and safety and other concerns that may limit access

• Focus on recruitment of volunteers connected to the sites

- Engage new volunteers, including retirees, as docents to integrate institutional knowledge into interpretation

- Continue to grow volunteer opportunities

Strategies for 2018–2019

• Expand virtual media to all three sites to improve relevancy

• Provide vehicle access to the B Reactor at Hanford

• Develop interpretive content from historical documents to support the long-range interpretive plan

Strategies for 2020–2022

• Explore new opportunities to provide access, including alternative forms of transportation or partnerships, to all visitors and to more sites

- Provide Architectural Barriers Act access to facilities

- Explore access opportunities to Building 9731 at Oak Ridge

• Implement the long-range interpretive plan

- Explore the role of partnerships to tell the compelling Manhattan Project National Historical Park story, for example, “LUCAS” Studios

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Kids at B Reactor.

Kids inside B Reactor.

B Reactor control panel.

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GOAL 4 Protect the Heritage Through consistent dedication to resource protection, park staff will preserve the places and backdrops for the Manhattan Project’s compelling and lasting legacy.

Strategies for 2017

• Identify priorities for research topics to inform the long-range interpretive plan

- Collect oral histories of diverse communities involved with the Manhattan Project for all sites

- Integrate American Indian histories into interpretation at all sites

- Involve displaced communities in protecting their heritage

• Develop scope of collections statement

• Develop funding strategy to prioritize immediate needs, repairs, and maintenance

- Prioritize immediate asset protection, repairs, and maintenance at each site, i.e. replace roof on B Reactor

Strategies for 2018–2019

• Initiate collections management strategy

- Inventory collections at all locations

• Inventory eligible, associated, and contributing properties for each location

- Consult as required by the National Historic Preservation Act

• Initiate Building Condition Assessment to identify deficiencies that need maintenance

- Conduct envelope assessments for all buildings

• Translate Civil Rights initiative outcomes to interpretive materials

Strategies for 2020–2022

• Initiate historic structure and cultural landscape reports to identify and recommend treatments for buildings and landscapes

- National Park Service conducts historic structures reports and cultural landscape reports to guide future facility management

- Stabilize and preserve signature facilities at all sites

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Oak Ridge K-25 complex, which produced enriched uranium using the gaseous diffusion method.

Hanford High School building, vacated when the town of Hanford was condemned because of the Manhattan Project.

Los Alamos Pond Cabin, which predates the Manhattan Project and was used by Emilio Segrè for plutonium criticality research.

Los Alamos battleship bunker, which was used for protection during implosion testing.

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GOAL 5 Develop the Organization Complete and formalize a complementary National Park Service and Department of Energy organizational structure.

Strategies for 2017

• Identify staffing needs and determine hiring practices

- Prioritize and hire NPS site managers as funding permits

- Develop administrative support position for the superintendent and all three units as funding permits

• Develop a friends group to partner with the park; consider friends group for each site and an overall friends group

• Manage local community expectations to allow for sustainable park growth

• Identify operator for bookstore at each site

• Continue to provide free park brochure to visitors at all locations

• Refine joint operational approach and determine a collaborative planning framework

- Integrate new structure into NPS and DOE existing organizational structures

- Create HQ DOE organizational chart for park

- Identify and reconcile impediments to developing complimentary organizational structures

- Continue Joint Park Management Team calls

- Integrate park activities into Department of Energy JOP annual plans

- Strengthen the Department of Energy and National Park Service commitment

- Expand collaborative network between National Park Service and Department of Energy

Strategies for 2018-2019

• Enhance staffing as budget permits

Strategies for 2020-2022

• Focus on interpretation and historic preservation to bolster unique Manhattan Project National Historical Park identity

- Consolidate Department of Energy structure to support unified Manhattan Project National Historical Park services and activities

- Create a park identity separate from existing Department of Energy operational requirements and historic labor agreements

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Los Alamos visitor center.

B Reactor bike ride.

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• The goals and strategies will guide the creation of annual work plans for park staff beginning in 2017. As appropriate, the Joint Park Management Team, park managers, and staff will collaborate as the goals and strategies are translated into the action level. The sequencing of strategies may be adjusted over time to align with opportunities.

• Champions for specific projects and initiatives will develop specific actions and work plans related to their respective strategies. These actions will be used in the annual work planning cycle for the park.

• The Joint Park Management Team will periodically review the strategic plan to determine and record progress, as well as identify next priorities.

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Los Alamos Gun Site supported the development and assembly of uranium gun-type bombs.

Workers at Oak Ridge operate calutrons to produce enriched uranium.

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Tracy Atkins, Manhattan Project National Historical Park Principal Representative, Office of Legacy Management (Former NPS Denver Service Center Project Manger, Former MAPR Interim Superintendent)

Padraic Benson, Program Analyst, Office of Legacy Management

Eric Boyle, Chief Historian

Colin Colverson, Oak Ridge Site Representative

Russel Edge, Team Leader, Office of Legacy Management

Colleen French, Hanford Site Representative

April Gil, Geologist, Office of Legacy Management, Grand Junction

Vicki Loucks, Los Alamos Site Representative

Laurie Morman, Chief of Staff, Office of Management, Principal Representative

C. Johnathan Sitzlar, Director of Facilities, Information, and Reservation Management Division

Scott Whiteford, Office of Asset Management


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Mindy Burke, Contract Editor, Denver Service Center

Christopher Derman, Chief of Interpretation & Education, Big South Fork National River & Recreation Area, and Obed Wild & Scenic River

Hank Florence, Historical Architect, Pacific West Region

Art Hutchinson, Chief of Planning, Intermountain Region

Kris Kirby, Superintendent, Manhattan Project National Historical Park

Richard Kohen, Park Ranger (Interpretive Specialist), Intermountain Region

Niki Stephanie Nicholas, Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area and Obed Wild and Scenic River Superintendent

Charles Notzon, Economist, Denver Service Center

Aleksandra Pitt, Project Specialist, Denver Service Center

Kim Shafer, Project Manager, Denver Service Center

Charlie Strickfaden, Superintendent, Fort Union National Monument (Former Manhattan Project National Historical Park Interim Superintendent)

Philip Viray, Publications Chief, Denver Service Center

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The Hiroshima Peace Memorial, which memorializes the victims of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.


Strategic PlanManhattan Project National Historical Park

New Mexico, Tennessee, and Washington

2017 – 2022
