Made By: Anita Sharma Deepali Jain Sakshi Arora

Strategic monitoring-system

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Page 1: Strategic monitoring-system

Made By: Anita Sharma

Deepali JainSakshi Arora

Page 2: Strategic monitoring-system

• Definition• Purpose of Strategic Monitoring System• Aspects of Strategic Monitoring System

• Identify key variables• Tracking and Monitoring• Strategy reassessment

• Benefits of Strategic Monitoring System

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• Strategic: A plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.

• Monitoring: Observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a

period of time; keep under systematic review.

• System: A set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network.

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• Strategic Monitoring System is a system to measure progress in regular intervals.

• It is the process of regular observing and recording of activities that takes place in a project.

• It also involves giving feedback about the progress of the project.

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• It helps to assure that you're actually performing the action, according to plan. That you're "on track."

• Got to be sure on the results achieve whether they align with objectives intended to accomplish.

• It helps to take corrective action, not only on Strategies but also on Planning.

• It provides the essential link between the written plan and the day-to-day operation of your business.

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• What changes in the environment have negatively affected the current strategy (e.g. interest rates, govt. controls, or price changes in substitute products)?

• What changes have major competitors made in their objectives & strategies?

• What changes have occurred in the industry in such attributes as capacity, entry barriers, substitute products?

• What new opportunities or threats have derived from changes in the environment, competitors strategies, or the nature of the industry?

• What changes have occurred in the industry’s key success factors?

• To what extent is the firms current strategy consistent with the preceding changes?

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• Identify key variable

• Tracking and Monitoring

• Strategy reassessment

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The key variables are of 2 types:

1.Those concerned with external forces.

2.Those concerned with the effects of certain action taken by the firm to implement the strategy.

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• The next step is to identify what information or measures are needed on each of the key Variables to determine whether the implementation of strategic plan is on schedule-and If not, why not.

• The firm can use the plan as an early warning system as well as diagnostic tool.

• In any event the firm must closely examine the relevancy, accuracy, and cost of obtaining the needed measures.

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• This can take place at periodic intervals- for example, quarterly and annually when the firm evaluates its performance to date along with major changes in the external environment.

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• It helps to check that actions were implemented as planned.

• It helps to check whether assumptions made during identification of the problem and its context were correct.

• It helps to check whether the actions have resulted in risk reductions.

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