Five Colleges, Incorporated – Strategic Plan: “Optimizing the Consortial Advantage, 20102020” Progress on Strategic Initiatives as of 5/22/2016 Projects substantially completed 5/22/2016 Page 1 Theme Project Goals Responsible Person and Team Deliverable/deadline Cost/ Source Progress May 2016 Category 1 Academic Excellence More Seamless Experience Library Electronic Resource Seamless Integration Get Recommendations on Improved Management; Provide Broader Access Five College Librarians Council with assistance of consultants R2, LLC Consultants’ report received Nov. 2010 Plan for improvement adopted by FCLC, Spring 2011 Consultant cost: $75,000: Davis Educational Foundation Grant Consultants’ report received; FCLC plan for improvement endorsed by Deans & Board of Directors March 2011. More Seamless Experience Library: Common Discovery Tool Improved (and common) software support for searches of the Five College catalogs and databases and of other resources Five College Librarians Council with assistance of the Discovery Task Force Selection and implementation of a common Discovery Tool /Summer 2011 ~$20K per college/year from library budgets EBSCO’s Discovery Service selected for the four colleges; implemented in Fall 2011. More Seamless Experience Library: Common Subject Guides Improved resources for students and faculty members seeking resources Five College Librarians and their RIO committee working with program steering committees Development of Common subject guides for all Five College programs (departments, majors, certificates) / 20112012 Staff time First guides completed 2012. Development of more library guides continues each year. More Seamless Experience Library: Rapid ILL Improved speed of response for ILL requests for journal articles Five College Librarians Council Likely implementation by all four campuses in 2011 2012 fiscal year Setup cost $18K Sustaining $58K per school All campuses using Rapid ILL by 2012. More Seamless Experience Library: Expand joint holdings through single or joint Five College subscriptions to selected items Make more resources accessible to all by Five College subscriptions to some journals and ebooks Five College Librarians Council Pilot installations of ebooks and single/joint Five College subscriptions on Depository site/ Summer 2011 and Fall 2011 Staff time; low marginal costs Began 1yr eBook pilot Fall 2013; continuing through 2018 with rapid user expansion; concerns about revised publisher pricing. More Seamless Experience Library: Expand joint holdings through negotiated prices with vendors, particularly for databases To provide more access to all students and faculty members to subscriptions Neal Abraham and Five College Librarians Council New negotiated consortium rates that provide subscription access to all five colleges even though initially only 3 or 4 are paying for subscriptions/ Summer 2012 Staff time; possible increment in cost Early successes with Math/Sci Net and Gale Publishing; CMC negotiated with EBSCO to expand five college access to 12 databases at low marginal cost beginning Fall 2013.

Strategic Initiatives action plans and tracking May 22 2016 in ......Mazzocco,!Amy! Wordelman! Stablealternative revenue!streams!of $200,000/year!by! 2023\24! Bridge!funding! from!$800,000

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Page 1: Strategic Initiatives action plans and tracking May 22 2016 in ......Mazzocco,!Amy! Wordelman! Stablealternative revenue!streams!of $200,000/year!by! 2023\24! Bridge!funding! from!$800,000

Five  Colleges,  Incorporated  –  Strategic  Plan:  “Optimizing  the  Consortial  Advantage,  2010-­‐2020”  Progress  on  Strategic  Initiatives  as  of  5/22/2016  


Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page  1    

Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/deadline   Cost/  Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  1  

Academic  Excellence              

             More  Seamless  Experience  

Library  Electronic  Resource  Seamless  Integration  

Get  Recommendations  on  Improved  Management;  Provide  Broader  Access  

Five  College  Librarians  Council  with  assistance  of  consultants    R2,  LLC  

Consultants’  report  received  Nov.  2010  Plan  for  improvement  adopted  by  FCLC,  Spring  2011  

Consultant  cost:  $75,000:  Davis  Educational  Foundation  Grant    

Consultants’  report  received;  FCLC  plan  for  improvement    endorsed  by  Deans  &  Board  of  Directors  March  2011.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

Library:    Common  Discovery  Tool  

Improved  (and  common)  software  support  for  searches  of  the  Five  College  catalogs  and  databases  and  of  other  resources  

Five  College  Librarians  Council  with  assistance  of  the  Discovery  Task  Force  

Selection  and  implementation  of  a  common  Discovery  Tool  /Summer  2011  

~$20K  per  college/year  from  library  budgets  

EBSCO’s  Discovery  Service  selected  for  the  four  colleges;  implemented  in  Fall  2011.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

Library:    Common  Subject  Guides  

Improved  resources  for  students  and  faculty  members  seeking  resources  

Five  College  Librarians  and  their  RIO  committee  working  with  program  steering  committees  

Development  of  Common  subject  guides  for  all  Five  College  programs  (departments,  majors,  certificates)  /  2011-­‐2012  

Staff  time   First  guides  completed  2012.    Development  of  more  library  guides  continues  each  year.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

Library:    Rapid  ILL   Improved  speed  of  response  for  ILL  requests  for  journal  articles  

Five  College  Librarians  Council  

Likely  implementation  by  all  four  campuses  in  2011-­‐2012  fiscal  year  

Set-­‐up  cost  $18K  Sustaining  $5-­‐8K  per  school  

All  campuses  using  Rapid  ILL  by  2012.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

Library:    Expand  joint  holdings  through    single    or  joint  Five  College  subscriptions  to  selected  items  

Make  more  resources  accessible  to  all  by  Five  College  subscriptions  to  some  journals  and  e-­‐books  

Five  College  Librarians  Council  

Pilot  installations  of  e-­‐books  and  single/joint  Five  College  subscriptions  on  Depository  site/  Summer  2011  and  Fall  2011  

Staff  time;  low  marginal  costs  

Began  1-­‐yr  e-­‐Book  pilot  Fall  2013;  continuing  through  2018  with  rapid  user  expansion;  concerns  about  revised  publisher  pricing.      

More  Seamless  Experience  

Library:    Expand  joint  holdings  through  negotiated  prices  with  vendors,  particularly  for  databases  

To  provide  more  access  to  all  students  and  faculty  members  to  subscriptions  

Neal  Abraham  and  Five  College  Librarians  Council  

New  negotiated  consortium  rates  that  provide  subscription  access  to  all  five  colleges  even  though  initially  only  3  or  4  are  paying  for  subscriptions/  Summer  2012  

Staff  time;  possible  increment  in  cost  

Early  successes  with  Math/Sci  Net  and  Gale  Publishing;  CMC  negotiated  with  EBSCO  to  expand  five  college  access  to  12  databases  at  low  marginal  cost  beginning  Fall  2013.  


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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  2  

Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team   Deliverable/deadline   Cost/  Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  1  

Academic  Excellence    Continued  –  page  2  


             More  Seamless  Experience  

Digitized  materials  Intellectual  property  policy  alignment  

Expand  access  from  all  campuses  to  locally  digitized  materials  on  each  campus  

Elisa  Lanzi  (SC),  Kelcy  Shepherd  (AC),  Maria  Toyofuku  and  committee;  consultant  Kenny  Crews  

Improved  and  uniform  policies  by  Spring  2011:    Guidelines  and  Toolkit  

$7,000  FCI  Coordinator’s  Fund  

Guidelines  and  recommendations  circulated.  Task  force  discharged.  Tasks  moved  to  Digital  Asset  Management  group  (see  Category  3).  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Library:  Expand  Shelving  Capacity  for  Five  College  Library  Repository  Collection/Library  Annex  to  also  serve  campus  needs  

To  provide  greater  shelving  capacity  for  coordination  of  retained  infrequently  used  print  materials    

Neal  Abraham,  Barbara  Lucey,    Five  College  Librarians  Council,  PBOs,  David  DeSwert  (SC);  special  working  group  beginning  summer  2013.  

Explore  options  for  expanded  facilities  2012-­‐2013;  Develop  funding  and  construction  proposals  2013-­‐2014;  construction  2016-­‐17  

$12-­‐14  million  from  Smith  and  UMass;  staff  time.  

Feasibility  studies  completed  2011-­‐13;  funding  and  operating  models  approved  May  2014;  site  selected  in  Hadley  2014;  replaced  by  site  in  Hatfield  2016.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Regional  Library  Print  Management  Exploration  

To  provide  shared  print  management  of  monographs  and  journals  for  a  wide  regional  group  of  libraries  

Neal  Abraham  and  Five  College  Librarians  

Explore  Options  and  business  models  for  various  shared  endeavors;  consider  intersection  with  Five  College  Library  Depository  

$63,000  for  planning;  $50,000  Mellon  grant  received;  balance  by  matching  

Regional  conversation  July  2011,  steering  committee  formed  with  12  librarians,  recruited  90  libraries,  kick-­‐off  meeting  with  108  librarians  July  2013,  working  groups  Fall  2013;  summary  meeting  July  2014;  62  committed  libraries  (see  next  entry).  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Eastern  Academic  Scholars  Trust  –  EAST  -­‐-­‐  Regional  Print  Management  Collab.  

For  retention  partners  to  make  commitments  to  hold  their  copies  of  less  frequently  used  materials.  

Neal  Abraham,  Chris  Loring,  Susan  Stearns  (BLC),  Laura  Wood  (Tufts),  John  Unsworth  (Brandeis),  Lizanne  Payne  (consultant)  

Complete  collection  analyses  by  Dec  2015,  develop  retention  agreements  by  2016.  Full  launch  by  2017.  

$1,400,000  for  two  years  for  staff  hires  and  consultants  from  Mellon  and  Davis  Ed  Foundation  

Davis  Ed  grant  $400K.  Mellon  award  $1  million.  Now  operated  by  Boston  Library  Consortium  with  full  staff  and  paying  members.  



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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  3  


Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/deadline   Cost/  Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  1  

Academic  Excellence    Continued  –  page  3  


             Sustainability   Five  College  

Sustainability    Certificate  

New  Interdisciplinary  certificate  program  

Five  College  Sustainability  Certificate  committee    

Proposal  submitted  to  the  FC  Deans  for  review  in  late  Fall  2010  

$2,000  program  funding  

Program  launched  2012  open  to  students  from  AC,  HC,  MHC.    Environmental  Leadership    

Sustainability   Sustainability  program  resources  

Create  shared  resources  in  targeted  listservs;  lists  of  courses,  faculty  members,  programs;  seminar/speaker  series  

Initially  Beth  Hooker;  now  Sarah  Lince  and  Five  College  Sustainability  Coordinating  Committee  (As  of  FY  13),    

Sustainability  website,  listserv  Fall  2010;  online  course  listings  beginning  fall  2012  

Time;  minor  program  expense  

Listserv,  speaker  series  2010-­‐12;  website  2011;  course  list  since  Spring  2013.  Sustainability  Coordinating  Committee  formed  2013.  

Sustainability   Joint  Programming   Environmental  Leadership  Workshop  

Jan  Dizard  (AC),  Drew  Guswa  (SC)  

  $10K/yr  Thoreau  Fndtn,  FCI  Deans  

Workshops  held  January  2012,  13,  14.      

Sustainability   Coordinate  use  of  field  station  resources  

Inventory  separate  campus  and  Five  College  (Hawley  Bog)  field  station  resources  and  develop  strategies  for  shared  use  

FCI  staff  members   Committee  to  be  formed  in  2011-­‐2012;  list  of  resources  developed;  policies  for  shared  use  developed  by  Summer  2012.  

Time;  Hawley  Bog  boardwalk  improvement  cost  $18,000  from  FCI  Coordinator’s  Fund  

Committee  formed;  sharing  policies  under  development;  Hawley  Bog  boardwalk  upgraded  summer  2012  for  improved  access.  

Sustainability;  More  

Seamless  Experience  

Implement  rideshare  program  for  local  and  long  distant  driving  

Provide  students  an  alternative  to  buses  which  may  promote  more  cross-­‐registration;  may  also  serve  employees,  social  travel  and  rides  to  major  cities  &  homes.  

Kevin  Kennedy,  Barbara  Lucey  

Spring  2013   $2,500  set-­‐up  fee;  $7,500  annual  fee  for  3  years;  perhaps  paid  by  SGAs  

Explored  SGA-­‐funded  (FCI  subsidized)  student  rideshare  in  2013;  SGA’s  felt  expense  was  not  worth  the  cost.  

Thoughtful  Academic  


Sustainable  future  for  less  commonly  taught  languages  in  mentored  and  tutored  formats  

Wean  the  Center  for  the  Study  of  World  Languages  from  dependence  on  external  grants  to  support  core  staff  members  and  operations  

Neal  Abraham,  Elizabeth  Mazzocco,  Amy  Wordelman  

Stable  alternative  revenue  streams  of  $200,000/year  by  2023-­‐24  

Bridge  funding  from  $800,000  Mellon  grant  for  2013-­‐17;  second  bridge  2017-­‐2013  plus  endowment  challenge  

Business  model  developed  fall  2012;  proposal  submitted;  first  program  offerings  2012-­‐13  and  Summers  2013,  2014,  2015  with  PAGE  @  MHC;  alternative  staffing  model  successful  with  less  administrative  cost.  Endowment  match  to  raise.  


Page 4: Strategic Initiatives action plans and tracking May 22 2016 in ......Mazzocco,!Amy! Wordelman! Stablealternative revenue!streams!of $200,000/year!by! 2023\24! Bridge!funding! from!$800,000

Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  4  

Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/deadline   Cost/  Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  1  

Academic  Excellence    Continued  –  page  4  


                Enhance  ADA  

Accessibility  (see  category  2)  

Improved  databases  for  resources  and  software  with  cross-­‐campus  compatibility;  improved  accessibility  of  electronic  resources  (websites,  databases,  etc.)  


Thoughtful  Academic  


Bridge  liberal  arts  and  graduate/professional  programs  

Increase  connections  and  pathways  between  programs;  share  pedagogies  

Nate  Therien;  Sarah  Lince   Build  at  least  4  bridging  partnerships  by  2015  

$700,000  Mellon  grant  

Partnerships  in  Public  Policy;  Architectural  studies;  sustainability  studies.  

Thoughtful  Academic  


Blended  Learning     Encourage  more  course  development  for  student  blended  learning  

Neal  Abraham,  Nate  Therien;  Maria  Toyofuku;  Rogelio  Minana  (MHC)  project  director  

Support    blended  learning  projects;  showcase  activities;  make  at  least  24  awards.  

$1,000,000  Mellon  grant;  Teagle  grant  $280,000.  

Community  consultations  in  summer  2013;  project  awards  in  Spring  2014  and  Spring  2015.  

Thoughtful  Academic  


Cultivate  and  support  Five  College  merged  language  programs  with  joint  faculty  members  and  merged  curricula  

Encourage  more  sharing  of  curriculum  design  and  schedule  planning  to  support  small  language  programs  through  joint  offerings,  video-­‐conference-­‐connected  classrooms  

Neal  Abraham,  Mohamed  El-­‐Sawi  Hassan  (Arabic),  Joanna  Caravita  (Hebrew),  Suk  Massey  and  Chan  Young  Park  (Korean),  Evgeny  Dengub  and  Susana  Nazarova  (Russian)  

Support  additional  positions  in  these  languages  where  needed  and  programming  expenses.  

From  $2  million  Mellon  Grant  for  2015-­‐2020.  

Strengthened  joint  Arabic  program.    Launched  joint  Russian  program  in  2015.  Launched  joint  Hebrew  program  in  2016;  strengthened  joint  Korean  in  2016.  

Thoughtful  Academic  


Encourage  innovative  language  pedagogy  

Recruit  more  language  faculty  members  to  work  together  on  developing  improved  language  pedagogy  and  learning  opportunities  to  encourage  more  students  to  study  more  languages  at  greater  depth  

Neal  Abraham,  Amy  Wordelman,  Mark  Lauer  (faculty  coordinator)  

Support  course  development  grants,  project  grants,  and  various  collaborations  

From  $2  million  Mellon  Grant  for  2015-­‐2020.  

12  course  development  grants  in  2015-­‐16;  10  programs  grants.  


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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  5  


Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  


Cost/  Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  1  

Academic  Excellence    Continued  –  page  5  


                Joint  Appointments   Establish  MOU  for  

appointments  based  at  Hampshire  College  that  allow  for  Five  College  input  in  reviews  comparable  to  positions  based  elsewhere  

Nate  Therien,  Neal  Abraham  

Spring  2013   No  cost   Completed  Summer  2013.    

  Stabilize  and  regularize  funding  for  Five  College  opera  

Build  richer  connection  to  curricula  

Nate  Therien,  Sue  Dickman  

2013-­‐14   $15-­‐20K  every  3  years  from  FC  endowment  

Production  successful  in  February  2014;  complemented  by  three  pre-­‐production  events.  

  FC  Program  Review  Schedule  

System  of  periodic  self  studies,  external  reviews  and  strategic  plans  for  improvement  

Neal  Abraham,  Nate  Therien  

Review  schedule/  Oct.  2010;  form  external  Advisory  committees  as  needed  (for  departments,  centers,  majors)  

Modest  cost  for  external  reviewers/  FC  Coordinator’s  Fund  

Review  schedule  established.    2010-­‐11:  FCAD,  NAIS,  EWC.    2011-­‐12:    CMS,  FCWSRC,  FCCSWL.  2012-­‐13:  Mass  Review,  IR,  MES,  CHS.  2013-­‐14:  FCCEAS,  Film  Studies,  African  Studies,  APA,  REEES,  Music.  2014-­‐15:  Geology,  CBL,  Schools  Partnership,  Buddhist,  Theater,  Multicultural  Theater.  2015-­‐16:  Anthro,  LACS,  Adv.  Art    Seminar,  Ethnomusicology,  NAIS,  Statistics,  Sustainability,  Early  Music.  

  Integrated  list  of  campus  program  reviews    

Coordinated  studies  of  programs;  more  systematic  descriptions  of  FC  resources  for  programs  under  review;  sharing  of  outcomes  

Neal  Abraham,  Nate  Therien;  Five  College  Deans  

2010-­‐2011  coordination  plan  by  mid  Fall    

No  cost   Coordinated  UMass  Astronomy  AQAD  and  FCAD  review  in  Spring  2011;  strategic  planning  2011-­‐Fall  2012.  

  Inaugurate  program  of  FC  residencies  and  FC  visiting  faculty  positions  

Establish  stronger  Five  College  visitor  programs  for  guest  teaching  and  residencies  

Nate  Therien  and  Five  College  Deans  

Multicultural  theater  Spring  2011;  others  begin  in  Spring  2011  and  2011-­‐2012  

Use  banked  endowment  income    

Residencies  for  2011,  2012,  2013,  2014,  2015  (Deans)  including  International  Environmental  Policy,  Women’s  Studies  Research,  Opera,  Multicultural  Theater,  Childhood  Studies,  Latino  studies,  Public  Policy,  Dance  Community  Outreach,  global  climate  change  and  diplomacy;  screenwriting;  digital  curation.  



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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  6  

Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/deadline   Cost/  Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  1  

Academic  Excellence    Continued  –  page  6  


             Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Museum  Collection  Management  Website  Design  

To  ease  and  improve  access  to  collection  databases  for  students  and  faculty  members  

Museums10  and  6  museum  directors;  Maria  Toyofuku  

Fall  2011   $1,500  /  Five  College  Coordinator’s  Fund  

New  website  went  live  in  Fall  2011;  improvements  created  in-­‐house  in  2012,  2013,  and  2014.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Museum  Collection  Management  new  system  

To  improve  recordkeeping  and  standardize  metadata  for  collection  objects  

Museums10  and  6  museum  directors;  Maria  Toyofuku  

Fall  2016   $50,000  transition  cost  

Explorations  began  2013;  shared  discussions  with  Library  digital  resource  management  on  new  architectures.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

Create  Five  College  Academic  Programs    

To  broaden  curricular  opportunities  for  all  students  

Deans,  faculty  governance  groups,  faculty  interest  groups  

2011-­‐2013     New  Architectural  Studies  major  2012;  new  certificate  in  Queer  and  Sexuality  Studies  2012;  Five  College  Arabic  Language  Initiative;  Korean  Initiative;  Sustainability  Council;  Five  College  Russian  Spring  2013;  Reproductive  Rights  and  Justice  certificate  in  2015.  Bio-­‐Math  certificate  in  2016.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Expand  and  coordinate  faculty  development  efforts    

Meet  needs  for  professional  development  workshops,  mentoring,  create  cohorts  of  new  faculty  members  

Nate  Therien,  Sarah  Lince,  Sue  Dickman  and  Faculty  development  and  teaching  and  learning  center  coordinators,  esp.  Mary  Deane  Sorcinelli  

Develop  specific  program  plan  beyond  summer  writing  workshop/Fall  2010  –  Publication  workshops,  etc.  

$5,000/yr   Faculty  Development  directors  now  coordinate  program  information  and  events;  events  2011,  2012;  Science  Teaching  Workshop  2013;  Jose  Bowen,  Kerry  Ann  Rockquemore  visits  and  workshops;  Bok  Players  in  2015;  Tina  Gunsalus  in  2016.  

Thoughtful  Academic  Convergence  

Coordinate  efforts  in  digital  humanities  

Support  innovative  uses  of  digital  humanities  in  teaching  and  student  projects;  foster  consortium-­‐wide  dh  group  

Nate  Therien,  Dana  Leibsohn  (2012-­‐2013),  Marissa  Parham  (2014-­‐16);  Five  College  Deans  

Garner  funding;  provide  incentives  through  grants;  hold  public  events  

$1,000,000  over  4  years  2011-­‐2015/  Mellon  grant  for  $800,000  plus  matching  

Mellon  grant  awarded;  matching  promised;  four  rounds  of  grants  awarded  2012-­‐2014.    Postdoctoral  fellowship  filled  for  2013&2014;  Post-­‐baccalaureate  position  filled  for  2013-­‐14.  New  Director  appointed  Fall  2013;  showcase  May  2014.  



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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  7  


Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/deadline   Cost/  Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  1  

Academic  Excellence    Continued  –  page  7  


             More  Seamless  Experience  

Streamline  cross  registration  

To  make  it  more  convenient  and  responsive  to  student  requests  

Neal  Abraham,  Nate  Therien,  Maria  Toyofuku,  Registrars  

Registrars  to  identify  possible  improvements,  costs,  and  timelines      Spring  2011  (Done)  

No  Cost  for  the  study  

Registrars  discussed  40+  “potholes”  with  IT  directors  in  Summer  2011;  projects  adopted  for  2012,  2013,  2014.    New  FC  course  guide  launched  2012;  2013-­‐14  improvements  added  connections  from  FCI  course  guide  to  more  detail  in  campus  course  listings.    Working  on  discipline  linkages;  better  search.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

Streamline  cross  registration  

Coordinate  administrative  academic  honesty  policies  

Nate  Therien;  student  integrity  officers  

Share/improve  policies;  review  advising  guidelines  

No  cost   Policies  shared  spring  2013;  Advising  guidelines  under  review  2013-­‐14.  

Thoughtful  Academic  Convergence  

Inauguration  of  5-­‐yr  BA/MA  programs  “Accelerated  MA”  

Intercalated  BA/MA  course  work    in  3rd,  4th,  and  5th  years  

Nigar  Khan  &  Bryan  Harvey  (UMass)  Danielle  Carr  (Smith)  

10-­‐20  programs  phased  in  over  2  years;  develop  college  liaisons  and  marketing  

  Template  approved;    10  programs  approved  at  UMass  open  to  college  student  early  enrollment.  

Thoughtful  Academic  Convergence  

Acquire  Earthquake  monitoring  system  

Share  expenses  for  a  Five  College  seismographic  station  as  part  of  the  national  array  called  Earth  Scope  

Nate  Therien  and  Geology  chairs  

Develop  funding  model  for  acquisition  and  maintenance;  locate  suitable  site  

$30,000  purchase,  $6000  annual  costs  /  from  deans  and  departments  

Funding  approved;  installed  and  sited  at  Smith  Environmental  Center  in  Whately;  operating  since  Fall  2013.  

Thoughtful  Academic  Convergence  

Critical  Ethnic  Studies   Collaborate  and  coordinate  teaching  about  inter  disciplinary  critical  ethnic  studies  

Asian/Pacific/American  Studies  Committee  

Launch  discussions;  develop  enhanced  pedagogies  

$6700  FCI  program  initiative  budgets  

Conference  at  MHC  April  2014.  

Thoughtful  Academic  Convergence  

Latino  Studies   Develop  Five  College  major  or  certificate  

Campus  leaders  of  area  studies  

Workshop  leading  to  planning  and  proposal  

$2500  FCI  program  funds  

Workshop  planning;  information  gathering.  

Thoughtful  Academic  Convergence  

Geographic  Information  Systems  

GIS  coordination  of  programs;  explore  accelerated  masters  

Charlie  Schweik   Reports  from  workshops;  inventory  courses  using  GIS  

$2500  concept  paper  

Faculty  workshops  held;  inventory  of  courses  and  programs  in  2013-­‐14.  

Thoughtful  Academic  Convergence  

Curatorial  Studies   Develop  summer  program  and  curriculum  in  curatorial  studies  

Karen  Kohler   Report  on  two  digital  humanities  workshops  

$50,000  from  digital  humanities  funds  

Two  faculty  workshops  completed  in  2013-­‐14;  summer  program  for  2014,  2015  and  2016.  

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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  8  


Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/deadline   Cost/  Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  1  

Academic  Excellence    Continued  –  page  8  


             Academic  Excellence  

Massachusetts  Review  

Improve  journal  strength  and  curricular  connections  

Editorial  Board;  Deans   Program  review;  reinvestment  2013  

$15,000/year  NEA  $10,000  

Review  completed;  Deans  approve  increased  investment  in  Managing  Editor;  improved  financial  stability;  external  grants;  local  fundraisers.  

Thoughtful  Academic  Convergence  

Intergroup  Dialogue  in  the  classroom  

Strengthen  use  and  application  of  IGD  

Ximena  Zuniga;  Karen  Sanchez-­‐Eppler;  Jaime  Davila  

Report  on  seven  faculty  meeting  groups  

$2500  Concept  paper  

Report  in  May  2014;  further  programming  placed  on  hold.  

Thoughtful  Academic  Convergence  

Trans-­‐American  Photography  Review  

Support  a  refereed,  open-­‐access  journal  based  at  Hampshire  College  

Sandra  Matthews   Expanded  collaborations  in  Asian  Studies  

$600  Concept  paper  

Issues  published  2013-­‐15;  report  in  Spring  2014.    Deans  and  FCI  approved  funding  through  FY18.  

Thoughtful  Academic  Convergence  

Community  Based  Learning  –  training  and  orientation  

Develop  intentional  thematic  focus  for  each  Holyoke  Bound  

Maria  Cartegena   Events  planned  this  way  held  in  fall  and  spring  since  fall  2012  

$3000   Training  events  planned  and  completed;  planning  for  future  events  continuing.    HB  integrated  Holyoke  Early  Literacy  initiative  training  in  Spring  2015.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

ADA  and  Assistive  Technologies  (see  category  2)  

To  make  electronic  resources  accessible  for  all  students  


Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Digital  Library  Resources  

Create  a  Digital  Library  structure  for  storage  and  access  to  born  digital  objects  for  Smith,  Mount  Holyoke  and  Hampshire  with  options  for  others  to  join  later  

Bob  Crowley  (HC);  Jennifer  Gunter  King  (HC);  Alex  Wirth-­‐Cauchon  (MHC);  Chris  Loring  (SC);  Elisa  Lanzi  (SC).  

Create  and  test  new  model  

$250,000  for  first  3  years,  funded  by  3  colleges.  

Exploration  of  pilot  designs  in  2015-­‐16;  implementation  begins  in  summer  2016.  


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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  9  

Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/deadline   Cost/  Source  

Progress    May  2016  

                Category  2  

Administrative  Convergence  


             Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Compliance  Management  

Create  a  shared  resource  of  staff  and  services  to  guide  each  college  campus’s  compliance  oversight  and  management  

Business  Officers,  Comptrollers,  Beth  Carmichael,  Barbara  Lucey  

Design  and  create  a  plan  for  compliance  management  on  the  four  campuses;  Drupal  based  compliance  database  of  regulations,  policies  and  responsible  persons  at  each  college  campus  to  go  live  Spring  2012;  compliance  committees  to  be  fully  activated  at  each  of  the  four  campuses  by  end  of  Spring  2012  

$110,000/yr  Reduced  budget  for  FY17  

After  FY11-­‐FY16  compliance  expansion,  in  Spring  2016  PBOs  decided  to  wait  and  see  with  2  FTE  staff  members.  Campuses  have  assumed  more  of  the  compliance  work.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence;    More  Seamless  Experience  

One-­‐card   Explore  possible  collaborations  in  vendor  or  interoperability  that  might  facilitate  such  things  as  library  services  or  dining  services;  or  debit  card  use  with  external  vendors    

One  card  committee  on  technical  issues;    Barbara  Lucey  working  with  campus  representatives  

Discuss  technical  issues  on  interoperability  and  usage  of  ID  numbers  and  magnetic  stripe  sections;  explore  issues  of  common  vendor  services  

  UMass  chose  CBord  in  Fall  2011,  in  consultation  with  FCI  and  Five  College  IT  representative,  bid  includes  cooperative  opportunities  with  vendor  for  other  colleges;  Reviews  elsewhere  on  hold.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Print/Mail  Services  

Identify  and  implement  sharing  of  excess  capacity  for  greater  efficiency  and  cost  savings  

Barbara  Lucey,  Principal  Business  Officers,  Print/Mail  managers  

Environmental  Scan  and  consultant’s  report  to  be  completed  in  2010-­‐2011;  options  reviewed  by  Principal  Business  officers  in  2010-­‐2011;  possible  sharing  to  begin  thereafter.  

  Consultant  Study  completed  spring  2011;  Hampshire  using  UMass  for  mail  services;  Smith  selectively  using  UMass  mail  and  print  services  since  spring  2011.  Vendor  for  multi-­‐function  devices  proposed  cost  savings  in  Fall  2013.    Smith  piloting  vendor  recommended  techniques  for  reducing  print  and  printer  load  and  costs.    

Sustainability;  Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Electricity  purchase  from  renewable  sources  

Identify  providers/generators  of  electricity  from  renewable  sources  for  attractive  purchase  –  demonstrate  environmental  leadership  and  cost  savings.  

Jonathan  Lash;  Neal  Abraham;  campus  facilities  and  VP  Finance  staff  members:  now  led  by  Mike  Howard  and  Dano  Weisbord  from  Smith.  

Explorations  launched  Fall  2013.    Renewed  explorations  Spring/  Summer  2015  

$50,000  campus  contributions  for  consultants  

Exploration  with  FirstWind  in  Fall  2013  unsuccessful.    Renewed  campus  interest  in  Spring  2015.    Isenberg  MBA  course  report  April  2015.    New  launch  with  Williams  as  a  sixth  partner  for  explorations  and  RFP  in  2015-­‐16.  


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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  10  


Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/deadline   Cost/  Source   Progress  May  2016  

                Category  2  

Administrative  Convergence  –  page  2  


             Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Projects  under  investigation:        Non-­‐res  alien  svcs        Accounts  Rec/Pay        Payroll        Fleet  management  Internal  audit            Grant  accounting  

Budget  Coordination  

Identify  and  implement  administrative  collaborations  and  consolidations  that  achieve  economies  at  same  or  better  service  

Barbara  Lucey  and  Principal  Business  Officers;  Controllers  

Specific  collaborative  projects  to  pursue  identified  Fall  2010;  Fall  2011    Investigation  of  specific  opportunities/  Spring  2011  and  continuing  

Transition  costs  to  be  funded  by  return  on  investment  

ADP  review  of  potential  for  savings  in  Accounts  Rec/Pay  completed  summer  2011;  UMass  HR  coordinating  periodic  update  on  non-­‐resident  alien  compliance  practices;  AC/MHC  share  grant  accountant;  AC  re-­‐examining  campus  notes  on  best  practices  in  Fall  2013.    5-­‐campus  budget  coordinators  met  April,  2013  and  semi-­‐annually  thereafter  to  share  best  practices  and  reduce  redundancy  in  aligning  FCI  budget  assessments  with  campus  budgets  (particularly  joint  faculty  appointments).    PBOs  reopened  these  conversations  in  summer  2015.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

ADA  and  Assistive  Technologies                    

Improved  services  for  students  needing  learning  assessments  and/or  assistive  technologies.  Explore  accessibility  software  for  conversion,  SensuAccess  –  Robo  Braille  

Neal  Abraham  and  Principal  Student  Affairs  Officers  and  ADA  Academic  Disability  Services  Directors  

Draft  RFP  and  hire  consultant  to  advise/Spring  2011;  plan  for  improved  assessment  process  and  shared  equipment  and  software  

Cost  shared  among  student  affairs  offices  and  FCI.  Two-­‐year  pilot  funded  from  $10K  campus  assessments  in  FY14  and  FY15.    

Consultant  visit;  report  April  2011.  Service  planning  ongoing;  shared  services,  including  text-­‐to-­‐braille  software  and  resource  database  for  2013-­‐14  in  phased  rollout,  first  at  HC.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

ADA  and  Assistive  Technologies  

To  make  electronic  resources  accessible  for  all  students  

New  ADA  Accessible  Technologies  Coordinator    

Complete  Audit  by  Dec  2015.  Begin  corrections  in  2016  

$110,000/yr.  from  four  colleges;  offset  by  $180,000  from  Davis  Ed  Fdtn  

Hired  early  fall  2015;  review  of  campus  needs  completed  by  spring  2016;  work  accelerated  to  improve  accessibility.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Patent  assessment  and  tech  transfer  

Expand  invention/patent  assessment  and  filing  and  tech  transfer  licensing    

Five  College  Deans  and  Board  of  Directors  

Exploratory  discussions  with  outside  vendor  and  with  UMass  Vice  Chancellor  Mike  Malone  2011  

Per  service  basis   Smith  has  engaged  the  UMass  Outreach  Office  to  handle  a  patent  case,  Fall  2011.  

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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  11  


Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  


Cost/  Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  2  

Administrative  Convergence  –  page  3  


             Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Federated  Procurement      

Multi-­‐institutional  federated  on-­‐line  procurement  for  choice  and  deeper  discounts  through  committed  volume  

Barbara  Lucey  &  PBOs    working  w/  The  Boston  Consortium  (Tufts  lead)  and  meta-­‐consortium  group;  Christopher  Rust  of  Mount  Holyoke  and  Marge  Dunehew  of  Hampshire  

Purchasing  portals  (at  MHC  and  HC)  and  travel  and/or  new  joint  purchasing  projects  

Source:    savings   MHC  and  HC  contracted  with  ESM  (tied  to  E&I  contracts)  for  replacement  joint  marketplace  model,  continuing  from  2013-­‐14  with  good  ROI  on  initial  rollout.    AC  considering  hiring  of  purchasing  professional.    Purchasing  group  considered  adding  revenue  sharing  from  providing  a  list  of  hotels  on  “Planning  your  Visit”  portion  of  campus  website.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Health  Management  Initiative    

Negotiate  with  insurance  providers  for  deeper    discounts  if  employees  provide  lifestyle  information  for  targeted  interventions  

Barbara  Lucey  and  PBOs  working  with  The  Boston  Consortium  and  other  meta-­‐consortium  group  

Monitor  Trial  at  The  Boston  Consortium;  TBC  interest  in  partner  schools  de-­‐emphasized  

  Observation  of  pilot  continues;  will  be  integrated  with  health  insurance  captive.    

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

CoHIP  Cooperative  Health  Insurance  Program:  CEVoNE,  Collaborative  Education  Ventures  of  New  England;  EdHealth  (Vermont  Insurance  captive)    

Cooperative  insurance  of  health  cost  risks  

Barbara  Lucey  and  PBOs  working  with  The  Boston  Consortium  and  meta-­‐consortium  group;  Kevin  Kerwood;  Ernest  LeBlanc;  Beth  Carmichael  

As  CEVoNE  members,  any  of  4  colleges  can  sign  up  as  an  EdHealth  captive  member.    Continue  to  monitor  program’s  success  vs.  direct  rates  available.  

$50K  for  board  seat  may  be  repaid  from  savings  –  now  repaid  spring  2016;  $20K  per  school;  additional  $20,000  then  $33,000  (latter  refused)  

3  Colleges  signed  on  with  Smith  as  Founding  Member,  with  Board  seat  Summer  2011;  providers  chosen:    Tufts  and  Harvard  Pilgrim  Fall  2011;  Services  launched  for  selected  schools  July  2013;  Smith  not  participating  until  2015;  Insurance  providers  have  since  offered  competitive  (reduced!)  rates  to  campuses.    February  2015  presentation  by  Kevin  Kerwood  to  AC,  HC,  and  MHC  PBOs  and  HR  Directors,  for  consideration  of  enrollment.    Only  Hampshire  may  be  at  a  good  point,  depending  on  renewal  rates  proposed  through  broker  first.  








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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  12  


Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/deadline   Cost/  Source  

Progress    May  2016  

                Category  2  

Administrative  Convergence  –  page  4  


             Sustainability;  Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Sustainability  (Energy  management,  recycling  management,  other)  

Find  and  share  best  practices;  and  share  management  services  where  appropriate  

Barbara  Lucey;  Principal  Business  Officers;  Facility  Directors  

Following  resignation  of  shared  energy  manager  and  recycling  manager,  new  proposals  and  ideas  solicited  from  campus  communities  in  spring  2012  

  Facilities  Directors  continue  to  explore  joint  alternatives  to  solid  waste  disposal  as  local  landfills  close.    

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Multi-­‐College  Consortium  larger  than  the  five  colleges  

New  peer  groups  for  sharing  business  services  

Carol  Christ;  Neal  Abraham  

Exploratory  NE  regional  meeting  Fall  2010  with  Accenture;  Spring  2011;  Summit  meetings  of  leaders  of  14  Pioneer  Valley  higher  education  colleges  to  explore  collaboration;  meetings  with  school  superintendents  and  senior  staff  in  2011-­‐2012  

No  cost   Accenture  meeting  in  Hartford  March  2011;  three  summit  meetings  of  leaders  of  the  14  PV  campuses  identified  priorities;  Newsbank  subscriptions  for  300  Western  Mass  libraries  Fall  2013;  EAST  regional  print  management  for  libraries  2015;  explorations  continue  on  library  depositories.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

*Library  Electronic  Resources  project  (see  Category  1)  


Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Library  cataloging  and  acquisition  processing  

Unified  work  stream  for  cataloguing  and  processing  non  YBP  books  and  gifts  

Alex  Wirth-­‐Cauchon  (MHC),  Jay  Schafer  (UMass)  

Trial  operation  at  UMass  to  provide  services  to  MHC  for  2010-­‐2011  

  Trial  satisfactory;  renewed  for  2011-­‐2015.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Coordinated  Emergency  Response  and  Management  

Establish  new  and  refined  plans  and  procedures  for  mutual  assistance  and  coordinated  emergency  response.  

Emergency  Response/  Management  Committee  

Revised  protocols  and  MOU  2012;  improved  communication  procedures  2012;  appropriate  training  and  rehearsals  2012-­‐2015  

$10-­‐100K  training  expense;  grants  and  local  funds  

MOU  approved  2013;  communications  plans  revamped  and  tested  regularly  2012,  2013;  training  exercises  held  June  2013.    

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Coordinated  Emergency  Response  and  Management  

Coordinate  regional  cooperation  for  health  and  safety  emergencies  

Emergency  Response/  Management  Committee  and  local  agencies  

Obtain  support  and  lead  or  guide  planning  activities  for  regional  response  

Time;  funding  for  exercises  

Training  exercise  April  2014.  $100K  grant  to  UMass  for  2015  “active  shooter”  regional  training  completed  March  2015.  


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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  13  

Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/deadline   Cost/  Source  

Progress    May  2016  

                Category  2  

Administrative  Convergence  –  page  5  


             Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Coordinated  Emergency  Response  and  Management  

Establish  new  and  refined  plans  and  procedures  for  mutual  assistance  and  coordinated  emergency  response  

Emergency  Response/  Management  Committee  

Increase  sheltering  supplies  for  colleges  and  surrounding  towns  

$80,000  grant  to  UMass  for  800  cots  

4  trailers  strategically  located,  200  cots  each;  considered  regional  resource.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Coordinated  Emergency  Response  and  Management  

Coordinate  emergency  notifications  

Campus  IT;  Emergency  Response  Committee;  Maria  Toyofuku,  Kevin  Kennedy  

Create  automatic  (RSS)  feeds  of  each  campus’s  emergency  announcements  (weather  emergencies,  public  health,  safety)  to  headlines  on  Five  College  homepage  

Staff  time   RSS  feeds  of  emergency  announcements  for  4  of  5  campuses  now  automatically  posted  to  FCI  homepage  (spring  2014).    5th  promised  for  Fall  2015.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Coordinated  Emergency  Response  and  Management  

Increase  training  for  students   Emergency  Response  /  Management    Committee  

Create  peer-­‐education  tools  for  training  students  in    small  group  settings  

Grant  funding;  peer  educator  time  

Grant  received.    Pilot  sessions  Spring  2014.  Completed  and  sent  to  campuses,  Fall  2015.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Coordinated  Emergency  Response  and  Management  

Emergency  Dispensing  Site  (EDS)  

Emergency  Response/  Management  Committee  

Agreements  on  protocols  among  campuses  and    the  Commonwealth.  

Staff  time   UMass  completed  and  has  provided  templates  for  colleges  to  complete  2  tabletops  held  around  EDS  procedures.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

New  Sustainability  Projects:  Blue  Sky  Brainstorm  

Find  good  opportunities  for  collaborative  effort  to  reduce  climate  impact,  save  money,  and  offer  student  learning  experiences  

Neal  Abraham,  Jonathan  Lash,  Beth  Hooker  

Blue  Sky  Brainstorm  Initiative  2011-­‐2013;  project  selection  by  Spring  2013  

$50,000  allocated  by  campus  CEOs.  

500  Ideas  proposed,  and  vetted.    Focus  on  sustainable  and  local  food.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Five  College  Library  Print  Depository/  Annex  Expansion  (see  category  1)  

        Expanded  Affiliates  to  over  180  other  libraries.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Additional  space  for  collaboration  

Explore  adding  meeting  rooms  and  staff  space  in  Annex  administrative  zone  

Neal  Abraham,  Barbara  Lucey  

Funded  by  Five  College  sources  and  Smith  rent;  open  August  2019.  

$250,000  Proposal  to  Gladys  Brooks  Foundation  declined  

Space  to  be  constructed  as  part  of  the  FC  Library  Annex  and  available  after  temporary  Smith  rental.  

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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  14  


Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/deadline   Cost/  Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  2  

Administrative  Convergence  –  page  6  


             Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Coordinated  Title  IX  Policies  and  Procedures  

Review  policies  and  procedures  for  Title  IX  incidents  and  handling  of  cross-­‐campus  events  

Title  IX  coordinators;  Beth  Carmichael  

Audit  of  changing  policies  and  procedures  for  gaps  and  possible  better  alignment  

$25,000  from  campuses  and  FCI  

Beth  Carmichael  convened  coordinators  in  2012;  coordinated  sexual  harassment  prevention  training  provided  in  2012-­‐13  and  continuing;  Outside  investigators  identified  and  utilized  on  a  regular  basis  by  the  Colleges.    Audit  commissioned  2013.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Diversity  Recruitment  and  Retention  

Improve  diversity  in  candidate  pools  for  mid-­‐level  exempt  staff  positions;  improve  diversity  of  employees;  improve  retention  

HR  Directors;  Diversity  Directors;  Neal  Abraham;  Barbara  Lucey  

Create  a  pipeline  for  diverse  candidates  with  the  outcome  of  a  long-­‐term  improvement  in  five  colleges  as  welcoming  and  supportive  environment  for  diverse  staff  members.  

Diversity  directors’  and  HR  directors’  annual  contributions  

Pat  Romney  Associates  provided  reports  to  all  five  campuses  and  FCI.    FCI  report  received  in  FY15  and  shared  with  employees.    Diversity  and  inclusion  training  for  all  staff.    New  supervisor  training  series  begun  in  spring  2016  along  with  new  Employee  Handbook  project  for  major  revisions.    Non-­‐Harassment  training  via  UE  website;  and  early  discussion  about  revising  new  employee  procedures.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Export  Control   Compliance  with  complex  US  laws  and  regulations  related  to  export  of  software  and  technology  

Beth  Carmichael  and  FC  risk  management  committee  

Visual  Compliance  software  shared  solution  at  discount  with  annual  subscription  

$14,000  annually/  from  assessments  

To  be  funded  by  campus  contributions  to  outside  consultant.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Explore  Affordable  Care  Act  implications  for  college  (employer)  provided  benefits  and  college-­‐provided  student  health  insurance  programs  

Explore  responsibilities  and  costs  related  to  ACA;  plan  and  budget  accordingly  

HR  Directors,  Barbara  Lucey  

Follow  how  others  are  implementing  the  law  (until  specific  precedents  or  regulations  are  approved)  and  review  current  employment  classifications;  and  monitor  student  and  family  usage  patterns  of  expanded  coverage.  

$14,000  from  assessments  

Fall  2013,  engaged  consultant/attorney  to  review  legal  and  economic  implications  of  new  laws  and  practices  related  to  definitions  of  full-­‐time  employees  and  student  health.  Free  consultants  continue  to  provide  updates  in  FY15.  


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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  15  

Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/deadline   Cost/Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  3  

Identity  and  Community  


             More  Seamless  Experience  

Shibboleth  Federated    Identity  Authentication  

Efficient  recognition  of  members  of  the  five  college  communities  for  access  to  on-­‐line  resources  

Maria  Toyofuku  and  teams  from  each  campus  

Amherst  &  UMass  pilot  in  Fall  2010;  all  other  campuses  before  Fall  2011  

Davis  Educational  Foundation  Grant  proposal  funded  

All  campuses  now  operational  and  in  production  mode.    All  campuses  joined  In  Common  by  2012;  UM,  AC,  SC  now  in  EduRoam.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

Shibboleth  production:  UMass  Microsoft  Licensing  

  Campus  Team   Implement  for  Fall  2010   In-­‐house  UMass  staff  members  


More  Seamless  Experience  

Shibboleth  production:    Amherst  Account  Provisioning  

  Maria  Toyofuku  and  Amherst  Team  

Implement  for  Fall  2011   Amherst  and  partner  IT  staff  time  


More  Seamless  Experience  

Shibboleth  production:    Hampshire  Moodle  Hampshire  authorization;  multiple  services  

  Maria  Toyofuku  and  teams  from  each  campus  

Implement  for  Fall  2011   Hampshire  and  partner  IT  staff  time  


More  Seamless  Experience  

Shibboleth  production:  to  provide  library  resources    

Develop  more  straightforward  access  to  library  services  such  as  catalog;  e-­‐books;  and  discovery  service  

Maria  Toyofuku  and  teams  from  each  campus;  Steve  Bischof  

Develop  first  instance,  probably  for  the  EBSCO  discovery  service  shared  by  4  colleges  by  Fall  2012  

Staff  time;  subscriptions  for  all  to  In-­‐Common  $5,000  each  


More  Seamless  Experience  

Shibboleth  production;  expand  services  

Continue  to  adapt  more  local  campus  software  services  to  Shibboleth  for  ease  of  use  by  those  with  other  campus  credentials  

Maria  Toyofuku  and  campus  IT-­‐Shibboleth  teams  

Identify  new  projects  and  develop  Shibboleth-­‐compatible  interfaces  

Staff  time.    

  FC  Image  study  with  consultant    

Clearer  statement  of  Five  College  value  for  students,  faculty  members,  other  employees  

Kevin  Kennedy;  and  Five  College  Communication  Directors;  broadened  committee  to  include  admission,  advancement,  faculty  &  student  input  

RFP  developed/summer  2010;  consider  consultant/  fall  2010  

$50K  -­‐  $100K   FC  Directors:  pursue  in  separate  campus  communication  assessments  and  student  surveys.  



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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  16  


Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/deadline   Cost/Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  3  

Identity  and  Community-­‐-­‐page  2  


                Expanded  FC  sub-­‐

community  resources  

Support  all  FC  sub-­‐communities  with  listservs,  websites,  course  lists  and  support  staff  as  needed  

Maria  Toyofuku,  Nate  Therien,  Sarah  Lince  

Create  directory  and  all  listservs/Spring  2011  

FCI  staff  member  

Provided  since  2013.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

FC  integrated  directory  of  faculty  members    

Integrated  faculty  directory  with  information  on  interests  and  specialties  

Maria  Toyofuku   Automatically  populated  directory;  More  automated  update  of  directory  entries.    Enhanced  system  2015-­‐16.  

FCI  staff;  campus  output  generation  

Information  sharing  okayed;  Prototypes  launched  Spring  2015.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

Restore  Calendar  alignment    

Restore  alignment  of  campus  calendars,  particularly  starting  of  classes  in  second  semester  

Campus  Registrars;  Deans;  Board  of  Directors  

Complete  calendar  approval  through  2016-­‐17/  Fall  2010  

  Closer  spring  start  dates  adopted  Fall  2010  for  coming  five  years;  Revised  calendar  alignment  and  planning  policy  approved  2013;  adopted  at  UMass  spring  2014.  Spring  2015  begins  greater  divergence  of  Spring  start  dates.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

Transportation  and  Class  scheduling  improvement  

Launch  trials  with  express  buses  between  Mt.  Holyoke  and  Smith  

Neal  Abraham  and  Nate  Therien  

Express  buses  for  high  demand  interchange  Fall  and  Spring  2010/2011;  add  more  for  2011-­‐2012.  Fund  from  campus  assessments  as  ridership  supports  new  bus  schedule.  

$70,000  in  FY11-­‐13;  FY14:  $36,000/year  added  assessment;  $35K  from  Transportation  Reserves  

Private  express  buses  added,  2010-­‐11;  replaced  by  expanded  PVTA  service  2011-­‐14  bus  39E  with  9  express  runs  each  way  each  day  M-­‐F.  Ridership  up  50%  Fall  11  to  Fall  12.State  support  given  to  PVTA  plans  to  expand  routes  on  Rt.  116  in  summer  and  connecting  to  Holyoke.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

Transportation  and  Scheduling  Study  and  comprehensive  improvement  

Study  transportation  needs  and  how  best  to  match  them  to  class  schedules,  and  bus  service  

Neal  Abraham  and  Nate  Therien  

Analyze  data  for  current  interchange  and  bus  needs  in  Spring  2011/  Negotiate  changes  with  PVTA  &  Seemo,  

No  cost      

Improved  Five  College  schedules  on  Bus  38  from  UMass  to  MHC  and  39  for  SC  to  HC;  launched  Fall  2011  (shorter  total  trip  by  10  min.,  never  more  than  one  class  period).  Total  Five  College  Bus  ridership  up  5%  FY13.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Student  Brochure  on  Five  College  Opportunities  

Create  a  better  promotional  tool  describing  Five  College  opportunities  for  students  

Kevin  Kennedy;  Five  College  Admission  Directors  

New  Brochure:    The  Power  of  Five/Spring  2011  

Shared   New  Brochure  “Power  of  Five”  published  May  2011;  revised  summer  2014.  



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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  17  


Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/deadline   Cost/Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  3  

Identity  and  Community-­‐-­‐page  3  


                Five  College  Aspects  

to  New  Student  Orientation  

Create  programs  within  each  campus’s  new  student  orientation  for  presentation  of  Five  College  opportunities;  midyear  event  as  well  

Kevin  Kennedy;  Five  College  Student  Coordinating  Board;  Five  College  Orientation  Directors  

Five  College  new  student  orientation  event  /  Fall  2011;  Five  College  all  student  event  January  2012  

Shared     FC  Student  Coordinating  Board  organized  socials  in  January  2012,  13,  14,  15,  16;  FC  Student  government  teas  2011,  12,  13,  15.  

  Five  College  Faculty  Advisory  Council  

Create  a  new  forum  for  faculty  feedback  to  consortium  administrators  about  Five  College  programs  already  in  place  and  about  ideas  for  new  programs    

Neal  Abraham  and  Nate  Therien  

Form  a  Five  College  Faculty  Advisory  Council  with  5-­‐6  members  from  each  of  the  five  campuses  by  Fall  2010  and  convene  meetings  at  least  annually  thereafter  

Meal  for  25  once  or  twice  a  year  /  Coordinator’s  Fund  

First  meeting  of  the  Five  College  Faculty  Advisory  Council  in  Nov.  2011;  compilation  and  discussion  of  ideas  for  improvements  and  new  initiatives;  second  meeting  April  2012;  third  meeting  December  2012.  Dormant  since  2015.  

Sustainability;  Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

New  Sustainability  Projects:    Blue  Sky  Brainstorm  

Engage  all  members  of  campus  and  neighboring  communities  in  proposing  possible  sustainability  initiatives  

Jonathan  Lash,  Neal  Abraham,  Beth  Hooker  

Solicit  proposals  2012;  winnow  and  refine  proposals  2012-­‐13;  select  best  opportunities  for  reduced  climate  impact,  savings,  and  student  learning  

Depends  on  selected  project;  $50,000  for  planning  and  early  initiatives  

500  proposals  received;  narrowed  to  18;  study  groups  continuing  work.  Recommendations  from  steering  committee  to  Directors  Spring  2013;  plan  for  2013-­‐14.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

Improve  Cross-­‐Registration    

See  above  (category  1:  Academic  Excellence).  


More  Seamless  Experience  

Rideshare   See  above  (category  1:  Academic  Excellence)  


More  Seamless  Experience  

Directory  of  employees  

Provide  aggregated  employee  directory  to  allow  finding  of  peers  by  subgroup  interests  

Maria  Toyofuku   Arrange  automatic  campus  directory  information  feeds;  allow  individuals  to  update  their  profiles;  Fall  2014  

Staff  time   Campus  directory  feeds  established;  prototype  directory  launched.  


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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  18  

Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/deadline   Cost/  Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  4  

Information  Technology  


  FC  IT  inventory  and  assessment  

Update  records  of  projects  and  services  on  each  campus  

Maria  Toyofuku  and  FC  IT  Directors  

Complete  inventory/Fall  2010  

  Completed  Spring  2011;  to  be  continued  annually.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

FC  IT  planning  review  and  consultant  

Gain  external  perspective  on  collaboration  opportunities  and  IT  trends  

Neal  Abraham,  Maria  Toyofuku,  FC  IT  Directors  

Complete  RFP/Summer  2010;  Study/Fall  2010  

Consultant  cost:    $38,000//  Mellon  Presidential  Grant;  Coordinator’s  Fund  

Completed  January  2011;  IT  Directors’  plan  endorsed  by  Deans,  Directors  and  PBOs  in  May  2011,  for  2011-­‐2012.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

Integrated  KeyServer  Implementation  

Improved  possibilities  for  shared  software  licenses  

Maria  Toyofuku  and  campus  team  leaders  

Standardize  implementations/  Spring  2011  

Davis  Ed  funding;  standardizing  configurations  of  instances  for  data  collection  on  usage.  

Summer  workshop  2011;  Project  parked  until  it  becomes  more  feasible  under  licenses.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

Virtual  Computer  Laboratory  (VCL)  Implementation  

Improved  possibilities  for  sharing  desktop  computer  images  and  associated  licenses  

Maria  Toyofuku  and  campus  team  leaders  

Implementation  of  VCL/  Spring  2011  

Davis  Ed  funding   Implemented  at  AC  and  HC,  Fall  2011;  expanding  to  UM.  Now  in  individual  campus  workflows  and  project  lists  –  disaster  recovery  under  development..  

  Marketing  dark  fiber  of  FCN  

Use  excess  capacity;  spread  maintenance  costs  over  more  users  

Maria  Toyofuku,  Barbara  Lucey,  Neal  Abraham  

Retail  leases  of  fiber/  Spring  2011;  rfp  for  wholesale  lease  2012-­‐2013.  

$50,000  upfront  investment/FCN  budget  assessments  

Marketing  contractor  discharged  2010;  CDH  10-­‐year  lease  for  gross  $75K/yr.,  net  $60K/yr,  signed  January  2013.  Buildout  completed;  CDH  services  expanded  in  2015  to  include  connections  to  Hadley,  Atwood  and  Visiting  Nurses.  Crocker-­‐Chicopee  HS  lease  approved  March  2013  for  $5000/yr;  Expanded  services  to  towns  of  Amherst  and  Northampton  2015-­‐16.  


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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  19  

Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/deadline   Cost/  Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  4  

Information  Technology–page  2  


             Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

FCN  –  network  equipment  upgrade  

Replace  and  upgrade  obsolete  optical  and  electronic  equipment  on  the  shared  high  speed  fiber  optic  network;  raise  bandwidth  to  10  Gb/s  

Barbara  Lucey,  Maria  Toyofuku,  IT  Directors  

Purchase  Feb  2013;  purchase  by  March  2013;  install  by  August  2013  

$1,300,000  to  $1,700,000;  staff  time  for  installation  

Purchase  approved  March  2012;  cost  contracted  at  $850,000;  with  bundled  maintenance;  completed  May  2014.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Common  and  interoperable  Videoconferencing  equipment  

Investigate  replacing  obsolete  equipment  jointly  installed  10  years  ago;  ensure  maximum  interoperability  

Maria  Toyofuku;  IT  Directors;  appointed  task  force  

Recs.  by  spring  2012,  pilot  purchases  in  summer  and  fall  2012;  shared  testing  2012-­‐13  

$50K  -­‐  $100K  per  campus  

Studies  2012;  standards  approved;  Mount  Holyoke  and  Smith  purchased  and  installed  pilot  systems  for  2012-­‐13;  expanded  2013-­‐14;  compatible  systems  at  Amherst  and  UMass.  

  On-­‐line  paperless  application    management  tool  for  FC  searches  

Streamline  application  processes;  share  application  materials  with  committees  

Maria  Toyofuku  and  Barbara  Lucey;  Smith  HR  department  

Transition  for  staff  searches  complete,  Fall  2011  

  Temp  solution  for  Spring  2011;  Implementation  through  Smith  HR  services  began  2011;  adopted  Smith  faculty  search  software  for  FC  fellowships,  fall,  2012.  Use  of  Interfolio,  Spring  2013;  use  of  HireTouch  implemented  Fall  2014.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

Shibboleth  Federated    Identity  Authentication  

See  above  (category  3  entries)  Implementation  and  production  items  

Maria  Toyofuku  and  campus  team  leaders  

Move  to  applications:    HC-­‐CMS;  AC-­‐CMS;  explore  library  catalog  needs  

  Phase  1  implemented  at  all  five  campuses  for  many  new  web-­‐based  e-­‐services.  Phase  2  underway.  

  Digital  Humanities  (see  entry  in  Category  1:  Academic  Excellence)  


More  Seamless    Experience  

FC  Drupal  UG           Exchange  ideas,  news,  expertise  

Maria  Toyofuku         First  group  meeting  in  Oct,  2011;  FC  group  meeting  regularly;  align  with  regional  group.    



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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  20  

Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/deadline   Cost/  Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  4  

Information  Technology–page  3  


             More  Seamless  Experience  

Align  intellectual  property  polices  for    digitized  materials  (see  Category  1)          

  Maria  Toyofuku  and  FC  Library  Taskforce  –  Five  College  Librarians  Council  

    Guidelines  developed  and  shared.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Digital  Materials  Preservation/  Digital  Asset  Management  

Explore  best  practices  and  develop  shared  services  for  preservation  of  digital  materials  (artifacts,  docs,  art,  photographs)  

Digital  Asset  Management  Force  appointed  by  the  Five  College  Library  Directors  with  liaisons  to  the  Five  College  IT  Directors  

Preliminary  Assessment  and  next  step  proposals  by  December  2013  

Staff  time   Task  force  formed  late  fall  2012;  aligning  with  library  and  museums  interests  in  Fedora.  Discussions  continue.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

Share/Hosted  Data  Centers          

  Maria  Toyofuku  and  campus  team  leaders  

    Exploring  costing  models  and  space  in  new  UMass  Science  buildings;  other  mutual  sharing  possible.    UMass  option  parked  for  space  and  cost  reasons;  alternatives  to  be  explored.    Hampshire  and  Mount  Holyoke  now  sharing  mutually.      Discussions  with  UMass  reopened  summer  2016.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

Local  Moodle  UG           Exchange  ideas,  news,  expertise  

Maria  Toyofuku         Joined  the  start-­‐up  of  local  Pioneer  Valley  Moodle  group.  Extends  to  other  area  colleges;  met  April  2012.  Federation  on  hold  for  streamlining  of  campus  processes.  

More  Seamless  Experience  

Moodle  –  Federated  FC  view  for  students          

Preliminary  exploration   Academic  Deans,  FC  IT  Directors  

  College  and  FCI  staff  time  

Preliminary  exploration.  (See  above.)  


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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  21  


Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/deadline   Cost/  Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  5  

Local  and  Regional  Engagement  



engagement  activities  and  partners  

Identify  opportunities  and  gaps  

FC  CBL;  Teacher  education;  FC  College/Schools  Partnership  

Draft  comprehensive  list/Fall  2010  

  List  of  14  college  tutoring  programs,  Fall  2012.  FC-­‐CBL  committee  developed  tracking  system  (spring/fall  2013).  FC-­‐CBL  and  FC  Partnerships  Director  meet  regularly  to  coordinate,  beginning  Fall  2013.    Updated  version  of  placements  in  preparation.    

  Coordinate  tutoring  initiatives  

Explore  tutoring  best  practices  and  training  

Marla  Solomon,  Partnership  Advisory  Council,  FC-­‐CBL  tutors,  campus  tutors  

Develop  best  practices  lists;  coordinate  and/or  share  tutor  training;  coordinate  locations  served  

Staff  time  for  coordination  

FC  Partnership  Advisory  Council  completed  an  inventory  of  tutor  preparation  strategies  Spring  2014.    Also  shared  best  practices  and  on-­‐line  resources  for  tutors.    Partnership  Director  representing  the  colleges  for  Holyoke  Early  Literacy  Initiative.  

  Open  Five  College    Presence  with  UMass  in  Springfield    

Begin  to  apply  Holyoke  Compact  ideas  to  Springfield  community  service  efforts  from  a  base  office  in  Springfield  

Coordinate  with  John  Mullin  and  Maryann  Lombardi;  Nate  Therien  and  FC  CBL  committee  

Support  nascent  Springfield  Bound  program.    Identify  location  and  staffing/Fall  2010  

Staff  costs;  Holyoke  office  costs;  programming  costs.  

Regularized  Springfield  Bound.    Five  College  coordinator  to  work  in  Holyoke  and  Springfield;  designated  space  too  expensive  as  of  2011-­‐2012.    

  Support  new  routes  to  teacher  preparation  

Aid  paraprofessional  staff  members  in  Amherst  and  Holyoke  to  gain  teaching  licenses  

Marla  Solomon,  Partnership  Advisory  Council;  HCC;  Beverly  Bell  MHC  teacher  education;  Holyoke  PS  and  Amherst-­‐Pelham  PS  HR  directors;  UMass  UWW    

Determine  interest  among  para-­‐  professionals  and  their  initial  credentials;  design  subsequent  program  needs  

Staff  costs;  tuition  support  

Completed  survey  of  interest  in  Amherst-­‐Pelham  and  Holyoke  Public  Schools.    Designed  BA  completion  route  with  HCC  and  colleges  or  UMass  UWW.  Designed  pathway  to  licensure  through  coordinated  enrollment  in  new  MHC  MAT.  Created  Diverse  Teacher  Workforce  Coalition  to  support  new  pathways  for  teachers  of  color  Spring  2016.  

  Open  Five  College  presence  with  HCC  in  Holyoke    

Provide  hosting  and  staffing  for  Holyoke  Compact  in  Holyoke  

Coordinate  with  Jeff  Hayden,  HCC;  Nate  Therien  and  FC  CBL  committee.  

Identify  location  and  staffing/Fall  2010  

$31,000/  FC  reserves  moving  to  assessments  

FCCBL  space  at  the  Holyoke  Transportation  Center  in  Fall  2011;  coordinator  added  Fall  2011.    Exploration  of  Holyoke  Design  Ctr.  Spring/Fall  2013.  


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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  22  

Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/  deadline  

Cost/  Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  5  

Local  and    Regional  Engagement-­‐-­‐page  2  


                Develop  options  for  

coordinated  express  transportation  to  and  from  Holyoke    

Improved  employee  and  student  transportation;  improved  access  for  community  service;  economy  

Neal  Abraham,  CBL  committee;  PVTA  

Proposed  trial  routes/fall  2010;  implement  Fall  2011  

PVTA:  $60,000/  FC  Transportation  reserves;  $19,000  move  to  assessments  of  AC,  HC,  MHC,  and  UM  in  2013-­‐14  

New  PVTA  bus  routes  to  serve  HTC  2011-­‐2012  unsuccessful;  replaced  by  UMass  field  trip  buses  2012-­‐2014:  revised  routes  successful.  

  Expand  community  service  in  Springfield  

Improved  access  and  planning  for  community  service;  via  transportation,  information  and  training.  

Neal  Abraham,  CBL  Committee;  PV14  group  

Explore  possible  routes;  explore  possible  coordination;  implement  strategies  in  2014  

Expensive  to  add  buses;  other  more  modest  projects  take  conversation  and  staff  time  

Regularized  Springfield  Bound;  providing  targeted  joint  funding  for  shuttles  as  needed;  exploring  use  of  Springfield  College  CBL  center.  

  Provide  internet  support  to  UMass  &  Five  College  spaces  in  Springfield  

  Maria  Toyofuku  (FCI);  Dan  Blanchard  (UMass);  Chris  Misra  (UMass)  

    PARKED.    Alternative  solutions  found  and  implemented  by  UMass  Amherst.  

Sustainability   Joint  community-­‐campus  Sustainability  Projects:  Blue  Sky  Brainstorm  

Recruit  community  members  for  ideas  and  participation  in  new  sustainability  initiatives  See  entry  under  Category  2  and  Category  3:  


Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Build  networks  to  support  regional  math-­‐science  K-­‐12  partnerships    

  George  Avrunin,  Sue  Thrasher  (FCI)  now  Marla  Solomon;  Farshid  Hajir;  Harriet  Pollatsek;  school  colleague  PIs  

  NSF  funding;  Five  College  matching  funds;  school  district  funds.  

NSF  $300,000  for  2-­‐yrs  of  Western  Mass  Math  Partnership  April  2011;  week-­‐long  workshops  in  June  2011,  2012;  $7M  NSF  grant  proposal  Dec  2012;  not  funded  June  2013;  continued  with  Five  College  matching  funds;  new  $7.5  million  proposal  submitted  March  2014  –  not  funded.    New  Foundation  proposals  in  preparation  Spring  2015,  2016.  

  Assist  in  connection  to  the  MBI  network  and  its  middle  mile  program  

  Maria  Toyofuku  (FCI);  Donna  Baron  (MBI)    

    Discussions  continuing  2010-­‐13  with  MBI  staff  and  network  operator.    PARKED.    Not  available  model  or  opportunity.  

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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  23  


Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  


Cost/  Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  5  

Local  and    Regional  Engagement–page  3  


                Work  on  outreach  

and  planning  for  the  Holyoke  High  Performance  Computing  Center  

  Maria  Toyofuku,  Neal  Abraham,  Rick  Adrion,  Marla  Solomon  

    Discussions  continue  for  Holyoke  Innovation  District.  Five  College  representative  now  on  Executive  Committee  of  the  PV  STEMNET.  Exploring  connection  options  for  college  projects.  

  Help  to  place  visiting  writers,  artists,  musicians  in  school  activities  

Share  the  intellectual  and  artistic  talent  coming  to  the  Five  Colleges  to  strengthen  regional  schools  

Nate  Therien;  Sue  Thrasher  then  Marla  Solomon  

  Use  of  FC  Lecture  funds;  $65K  in  Taiwan  foundation  grant  

Pete  Tridish  –  Community  Media  workshops  (Public  Policy  Residency  Fall  2013);  DuBois  in  our  Time,  Fall  2013.  Barbara  Fields  lecture  (ISP)  for  teachers  Spring  2014.    Spotlight  Taiwan  funding  enabled  visits  to  K-­‐12  by  three  successive  major  visitors.  Support  FC  History  at  UMass;  lecture  program  includes  K-­‐12  outreach.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Coordinate  Museum  programming  such  as  “Table  for  10”  

Joint  marketing  identity  Cultural  identity  for  Western  Massachusetts  

Melissa  Breor  then  Taliesin  Nyala,  Kevin  Kennedy  

Coordinated  advertising,  publicity,  and  marketing    

$40,000  Grant  funded  by  MCC  

Project  completed  January  2011.  Working  with  area  hotels  and  restaurants  via  HCRTC  to  create  Museums  month  in  Feb  2015;  no  event  in  2015,  perhaps  in  2016.  

Thoughtful  Administrative  Convergence  

Five  College  Collaboration  with  groups  to  promote  regional  tourism  

Build  on  initiatives  of  Museums10  for  similar  regional  partnerships  

Kevin  Kennedy,  with  other  regional  groups  (Chambers  of  Commerce,  etc.)  

Formation  of  a  Regional  Tourism  Council  /  Spring  2011  

None   New  HCRTC  formed;  joint  Museums10  and  HCRTC  FCI  employee  hired,  Jan  2013.  KK  served  on  HCRTC  board  2010-­‐13.    He  is  serving  in  an  advisory  role  to  both  HCRTC  and  regional  chamber  initiative.  

  Civil  War  Centennial  program  for  the  Pioneer  Valley  by  “Five  College  Learning  in  Retirement”  

Provoke  thoughts  on  civil  conflict  and  the  causes/consequences  of  US  Civil  War  

5CLIR  –    Chuck  Gillies  Sue  Thrasher;  Nancy  Goff  

Programming  planned  for  Fall  2011  

Grant  funding,  LIR  funding,  modest  FCI  Coordinator’s  Fund  

MCC  and  other  funding  received;  program  successfully  completed  in  October  2011  with  Spring  2012  reprise.  

  Education  Dialogues   Encourage  community  and  campus  conversations  on  education  topics  

Marla  Solomon   Major  conversations  with  school  teachers  and  administrators  and  campus  staff  

$5000/yr   Major  event  each  spring  2015  and  2016.    Large  community  attendance.  


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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  24  

Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/  deadline  

Cost/  Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  5  

Local  and    Regional  Engagement  –page  4  


             Thoughtful  Administrative    Convergence  

Develop  coordinated  services  to  support      K-­‐12  Education  in  Pioneer  Valley  

Work  with  superintendents  to  identify  their  needs  and  ways  the  colleges  can  better  coordinate  offering  services;  coordinate  with  regional  14  colleges  and  universities  as  possible  partners  

Neal  Abraham,  Sue  Thrasher/  Marla  Solomon,  Five  College  CBL  committee  

Complete  preliminary  discussions  in  Fall  2011;  develop  specific  initiatives  in  Spring  2012  

Coordination  is  low  cost;  seek  funding  once  initiatives  are  selected  

Meetings  with  Holyoke  and  Springfield  Public  School  leadership  groups  by  January  2012;  meetings  with  rural  superintendents  in  2011-­‐2012;  survey  of  superintendents  Spring  2013;  met  new  Holyoke  superintendent  Sept.  2013.  FC  Schools  Partnership  Restructures  with  strong  advisory  committee.  

  Plan  strengthened  support  for  local  community  schools  

Inventory  needs  and  ensure  coordinated  support  for  local  school  systems  

Sue  Thrasher/Marla  Solomon  and  School  district  representatives  

Plan  for  support  of  Amherst  school  needs/fall  2010;  plans  for  other  local  schools/spring  2011  

None   Supporting  Amherst  Schools  superintendent  advisory  group;  Five  College  support  for  Minority  Student  Achievement  Network  meeting  Fall  2013.  Supported  grant  proposal  for  new  ARPS  Family  Center  Spring  2014.    Helped  ARPS  gain  access  to  Museums10  educators.    

Sustainability   Riverscaping  Project   Work  with  the  community  to  identify  best  practices  in  community  and  government  for  protecting  watershed    

Nate  Therien,  Karen  Kohler,  Thom  Long    

Greater  community  engagement;  new  partnerships;  regional  planning  

$200,000/  EU  grant  

Project  funded  by  US  rep  of  EU;  project  completed  with  two  exchanges  and  international  conference;  four  local  built  projects.  

Sustainability   Local  food  sourcing   Support  local  farms  and  food  producers,  including  from  on-­‐campus  sources.    Provide  fresher  food.  

Dining  Services  Directors  

Collect  statistics  to  document  current  use  and  use  that  to  improve.  

As  part  of  colleges‘  dining  services  budgets;  Kendall  Foundation  grants  

AC  farm;  UM  natural  food  dining;  HC  farm-­‐dining  connection.  

Sustainability   Sustainability  Bridging  

Strengthen  connections  between  undergraduate  and  graduate  programs  

Sustainability  faculty  members;  Nate  Therien;  Sarah  Lince  

Develop  new  courses  and  connections  between  graduate  and  undergraduate  curricula  

$30,000  from  Mellon  Bridging  Grant  

New  courses  developed  and  team-­‐taught.  

  Establish  ways  for  community  members  to  access  FCI  services  

Improve  engagement  of  community  members  with  Five  College  working  groups    

Maria  Toyofuku  and  FC  IT  staff  members  

Create  Open  ID  for  links  to  IT  services  by  2013    

Staff  time.   Implemented.  

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Projects  substantially  completed  5/22/2016   Page  25  

Theme   Project   Goals   Responsible  Person  and  Team  

Deliverable/  deadline  

Cost/  Source   Progress    May  2016  

                Category  5  

Local  and    Regional  Engagement  –page  5  


             Community  Engagement  

Doors  to  the  World  for  children’s  literacy  

Create  new  pathways  for  you  school  children  to  engage  with  language  arts  curriculum  

Marla  Solomon   New  on-­‐line  curricula  linked  to  global  children’s  literacy  

Longwood  foundation  grant  

Website  prepared  for  launch  late  summer  2016.    Teacher  curriculum  grants  in  2015  and  2016.