This week we shared news that the uniform is changing, with the introduction of a new blazer. But only for those children in Years 7 and 8! The navy blue blazer, made from the same quality wool with the cyan blue trim and embroidered pocket crest, has been designed to elevate the pupils in these two important senior year groups for the school to a position of responsibility, confidence and maturity. It is hoped that the wearing of a distinguished blazer will herald their arrival into the final, and exciting, two years of their Hazelwood adventure. together with our current Year 7 cohort, will follow in the footsteps of generations before them by representing the school at the highest level. They will be smart, well-turned out, ambassadors for the Hazelwood School community. In essence, and quite literally, they will be trail-blazers, and pioneers! The new blazer will be made available after the October half term. All pupils of Years 7 and 8 will return in it once the move from summer to winter uniform has been made. In addition, the school is phasing out, for these same pupils, the rucksack. It will be replaced by an over-the-shoulder, single-strapped ‘record (or messenger)bag. This too is to signal an era of increased maturity and planning where the volume of books being carried to and from school is less given the pupils’ ability, by this age, to organise themselves, and their daily schedule better. Both sites have been blessed this week with long periods of glorious sunshine. The planting has suddenly burst into life and there is a vibrancy everywhere you look. A family of blue tits has even taken up residence at ground level in a cable trunking pipe, near the Chestnut playground with mum and dad busily flying to and from the nest to feed their young. Through the windows in my office I have a wonderful view of the playtime and curriculum activities going on. Regardless of whether we went to school in the days pre or post computers, pre or post BREXIT or pre or post 4x4 transport, one thing which I am sure we all remember is heading out of the classroom for lessons in the fresh air once the temperatures Equally, it is hoped that the arrival of the new blazer will allow the children to finish their Hazelwood years in a garment whose arms are the right length and whose elbows are not worn through! Looking their best means that the children will feel proud and set the very best example for the rest of the school, who will look up to them, to follow. The school, and pupils are incredibly excited by this initiative. With record numbers entering Year 7 in September 2019, we are confident that they,

strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

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Page 1: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

This week we shared news that the uniform is changing, with the introduction of a new blazer. But only for those children in Years 7 and 8! The navy blue blazer, made from the same quality wool with the cyan blue trim and embroidered pocket crest, has been designed to elevate the pupils in these two important senior year groups for the school to a position of responsibility, confidence and maturity. It is hoped that the wearing of a distinguished blazer will herald their arrival into the final, and exciting, two years of their Hazelwood adventure. together with our current Year 7 cohort, will follow in the footsteps of generations before them by representing the school at the highest level. They will be smart, well-turned out, ambassadors for the Hazelwood School community. In essence, and quite literally, they will be trail-blazers, and pioneers! The new blazer will be made available after the October half term. All pupils of Years 7 and 8 will return in it once the move from summer to winter uniform has been made. In addition, the school is phasing out, for these same pupils, the rucksack. It will be replaced by an over-the-shoulder, single-strapped ‘record (or messenger)’ bag. This too is to signal an era of increased maturity and planning where the volume of books being carried to and from school is less given the pupils’ ability, by this age, to organise themselves, and their daily schedule better. Both sites have been blessed this week with long periods of glorious sunshine. The planting has suddenly burst into life and there is a vibrancy everywhere you look. A family of blue tits has even taken up residence at ground level in a cable trunking pipe, near the Chestnut playground with mum and dad busily flying to and from the nest to feed their young. Through the windows in my office I have a wonderful view of the playtime and curriculum activities going on. Regardless of whether we went to school in the days pre or post computers, pre or post BREXIT or pre or post 4x4 transport, one thing which I am sure we all remember is heading out of the classroom for lessons in the fresh air once the temperatures

Equally, it is hoped that the arrival of the new blazer will allow the children to finish their Hazelwood years in a garment whose arms are the right length and whose elbows are not worn through! Looking their best means that the children will feel proud and set the very best example for the rest of the school, who will look up to them, to follow. The school, and pupils are incredibly excited by this initiative. With record numbers entering Year 7 in September 2019, we are confident that they,

Page 2: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

rose and the ground dried out. This week, amongst others, it was the turn of the Upper School pupils to enjoy some al fresco learning. Exams may be looming but what better way to feel at ease with algebra or to find that inner rhythm than by turning your attention to matters of the mind and of the soul with Hazelwood’s glorious view as the backdrop to your learning. Miss Keen, and her Year 7 Maths set, went a step further and literally picked up the classroom and took it out onto the Baily terrace. I watched as, head down, they worked with intent throughout their lesson before tables and chairs were picked up and moved back inside again. Fresh air was a fundamental, and founding principle of the school in 1890. Throughout the history of the school, many things have inevitably changed. One thing which remains constant is the view and the sense of space which envelopes the site. Seeing the children basking in this same openness pays tribute to Mr and Mrs Baily’s original vision and intent for the school 129 years on. Lungfuls of fresh air. Lungfuls of inspiration.

Elsewhere, fresh air is under threat. In particular, I mean in the car park and on the approach road into school. We are still experiencing a number of cars waiting with their engines running, pumping noxious gases into the atmosphere with our pupils standing nearby ready to breathe in these unnecessary and excess fumes. Whilst no schools in Tandridge have been invited to join in Surrey CC’s Cleaner Air campaign (whose ambition is to clean up the air in and around schools for the benefit of young people), it would be good if we can subscribe to their call to action and do our bit to safeguard the healthier future of our children. Please can I ask that we all make an effort for the remainder of the school year to turn off our engines and keep the air as pure as we can.

Page 3: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

And finally, I was sent a piece of creative writing from Hannah W in Year 6 which was evocative and full of hope and vulnerability. It oozed maturity way beyond Hannah’s years and demonstrates the levels to which our young writers rise, supported and inspired by the fabulous team in our English department. I wanted to share it with you. Enjoy your half term holiday. Keep away from the sea!

Alone at Sea

I feel so stupid. Everyone thinks I am a laughing stock. The distress is crushing and I am overflowing with all the negative remarks.

At school the bullies domineer my life. At home I am a sponge that my parents use to absorb all their gloom-ridden energy. Social media is the worst; people think they can hide themselves behind their screens.

I need to get away.

I dart over to the beach where the waves are bounding over each other. I do not know what possesses me to hurtle myself into the austere murky waters. I feel vexed. I swim and swim until I can swim no more and realise I am trapped. My legs are so jaded and the current is too strong.

I can feel myself getting nearer and nearer to the towering grey cliffs. The cliffs angle over me as if I were an infant at the feet of giants. The relentless waves devour me in water like a devil’s mouth. The taste of the salty water is so sharp. I am a powerless puppet and the intense current is hauling me from left to right, controlling my every movement.

I keep on seeing inky ill-lit figures lurking bellow me. I dread the worst. I hope that I am just hallucinating, though I have an alarming feeling that I am not. My head is immersed under the water. The crashing and lapping of the waves are taxing my ears, stuffing my head with panic. I feel as weak as a butterfly with only one wing.

In the far distance, I identify a small beach covered in sand. I come to a decision to summon the energy to swim over and to settle down for the night.

I gradually paddle over to safety, a small strip of shoreline no wider than a supermarket trolley. It dawns on me now how much stress I have put on my body. Immediately, I collapse in exhaustion. I dream of home and snuggling up in my soft, smooth bed sheets.

In the morning I wake up, still on the limited sandy beach under the grey looming cliffs. The sun beams are piercing through the azure blue serene silky surface of the water. My nostrils fill with the smell of the refreshing salty air.

Page 4: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

Little did I know that I have come to rest beneath a very popular view point - a beauty spot my mum retreats to following heated arguments with dad. Last night, they had a blazing row when they realised I had gone and quickly blamed each other, before calling out search teams to find me.

The silence is pierced like a balloon being popped when I hear mum shout my name in frantic cries.

I was safe; she would get help.

Rescue was in sight and soon I’d have my arms wrapped around her waist. There was nothing we couldn’t work out together. I had a feeling that today would be different – we would rescue each other and mend our family.

For a list of communications hosted on the Parent Information Portal (PiP) each week please see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell.

News from The Nursery & Early Years

The final week of this half term has come to a busy end. There has been much excitement this week on site with the children continuing to explore the environment around them. On Wednesday morning, we had our first Lockdown Procedure here at HNEY. The children and staff did a brilliant job. All remained calm and went to their designated safe space without panic. The weather on Thursday was perfect for the annual school photographs, it was lovely to see so many smiling faces for individual, sibling and class photographs. I am very much looking forward to the second half of the Summer Term and seeing many of you at the special events over the coming weeks. Fledglings 1 have enjoyed spending time outside in the sunshine, playing in the sand and creating masterpieces with paint on the easel. They have also enjoyed exploring different textures in the pasta play and playing with farm animals in the cereal. We have been singing lots of songs and the children have all enjoyed joining in and doing the actions with ‘Old McDonald’ being a firm favourite.

We have continued looking at Weather this week in Fledglings 2. The children have made windy sticks using a tube and different coloured tissue paper, then flown them outside in the garden. They have made suns using forks and yellow paint then raindrops to finish their mobiles. We used salt on paint to make rainy pictures and blew bubbles mixed with yellow and grey paint to make weather lolly pops.

Page 5: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

This week Lower Robins have been focusing on Pirates and their adventures. The children have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The children have shown their creative side by making eye patches and pretending to be pirates as well as building ships to sail the seven seas on. We have also read lots of pirate stories and talked about our favourite characters.

Page 6: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

This week in Upper Robins we have been making the most of the warm weather and built a Pirate boat using crates and building blocks. The children have been colouring in some wonderful pirate pictures. We have had great pirate role play in the home corner and used props to support our role play by using different materials to dress up as pirates. We have been doing some brilliant pirate counting and using our best tripod grips to trace around different pirate objects.

Last Friday, the Skylarks were lucky enough to meet miniature donkeys, KuneKune piglets, rabbits and even Slash the giant Brahma chicken all the way from Miller’s Ark Animals. The children enjoyed the hands on experience, petting all the different creatures. The fun didn’t stop there! With a piggy party, picnic and then ‘build your own house’ workshop, a lot of the group didn’t want to leave!

This week, we have moved onto The Very Hungry Caterpillar – making our own ‘patternpillars’, discovering different insects on bug hunts around the garden and having a go at phonetically sounding out the names of fruits from the story. Some of the children have helped to replace our withering daffodil bulbs with growing strawberry plants, the children are hoping to achieve a good crop for the summer!

Page 7: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

Oak have continued to explore African animals including more unusual ones such as a Bush Baby and a Rhinoceros Beetle. Using their observation skills, the children have also painted animals. The children have enjoyed testing their boat designs, predicting first whether they would float or sink.

The highlight of the week was the Creative Morning with Year One and Year Two. Lots of fun was had and the children are excited to begin their Chestnut adventure!


Please ensure that your child has a sun hat in school and that you have applied sun cream before arrival at nursery. The room staff will re-apply in the afternoon as necessary. Please can parents refrain from sending their children in with food at breakfast time. We had a child this week arrive with their own cereal which contained nuts. We are a nut free site and your help in this matter would be much appreciated.

For more information on the Early Years Foundation Stage, please visit www.foundationyears.org.uk

Page 8: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

Tickets are now on sale now

https://www.tickettailor.com/events/hpa/256611 (password is: Astro).

Keep in touch with the HPA and other school parents via Facebook and Instagram https://www.facebook.com/hazelwoodparentsassociation/ https://www.instagram.com/hazelwoodparentsassociation/


FRIDAY 7TH JUNE Tickets cannot be bought on

the door.

Page 9: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

News from Hazelwood

Golden Boot Challenge This summer Hazelwood will be taking part in the Golden Boot Challenge. Around 250 schools take part in the Golden Boot Challenge. It promotes healthy and sustainable travel and is run in a way that makes it possible for everyone to take part. Between the dates of the 17th and 21st of June teachers will be logging the way their form travels to school. A form gets a point for each pupil who walked, scooted, cycled, or travelled by public transport to school. We don't forget pupils who have no alternative to the car and each pupil who used car share or park 'n' stride. Classes compete against each other to win the coveted Golden Boot Trophy. This is a fantastic opportunity to be outside but also to develop vital road safety skills, making them less vulnerable when travelling independently to secondary school. It also allows them to learn more about their local area and spend quality time with friends and family. The Golden Boot Challenge is the perfect opportunity to encourage pupils, parents and staff to choose a healthier, sustainable and more enjoyable means of travel on the school journey.

Hazelwords: Calling all submissions Hazelwood’s Head Girl, Alice Lewis would like your help in putting together the first edition of Hazelwords. This was a promise she made all those months ago in the Head Girl hustings when she was (successfully) canvassing for votes.

Page 10: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

Hazelwords is hoping to be a collection of writings, not necessarily about school life, but of particular interest those within the school community. This could be a word of the week, funny joke, poem, book review, match report, school trips or events that you enjoyed. By the first week of the final half term (Friday 7th June) Alice would like as many pupils as possible to send Mr Tappin an entry? The best pieces will be selected for the collection which will be given to the whole school, and possibly made available to prospective families. Housepoints are up for grabs for those children whose submission is selected for inclusion in the first issue of Hazelwords. Entries should be sent to [email protected] The selection panel’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into! Submissions should be typed. No hand written entries can be accepted. Children from Years 3-8 are being invited to send in their best submission. However, if you are in Years 1 or and have a wonderful word or thought to share, we would love to hear from you to. Good luck everyone and get writing.

Mr Lloyd’s Year 7 Elective group rounded off a half term studying Outdoor Skills by heading off down into the School’s Forest Schools Camp. Having mastered den building, plant and animal life identification, they celebrated by building the perfect bonfire. Having successfully lit the fire, the children rewarded themselves with a toasted marshmallow or two. Sadly, their cooking skills were not quite so perfect; more char-grilled than char-thrilled. Job well done Year 7.

“Hello Parents I work on the Hazelwood Nursery and Early Years site and in my spare time I am a trustee of a small local charity, Champion Chanzige, supporting primary schools in southern Tanzania. Last year we ran a very successful football workshop and mini league for primary school boys and this year we intend to run the workshop again for the girls. As you can imagine the children have no football boots so I would be extremely grateful if anyone has any ASTRO turf boots sizes 34 to 43 that they would like to donate. I will be happy to collect and my email address is [email protected] Alternatively, you can drop boots off to the school offices on the Hazelwood and Early Years site. Thank you so much Caroline Simons”

Page 11: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

My Secret Passion Barn Owls by Oliver MS Barn Owls are beautiful! In England you need a licence to handle a barn owl. I was lucky enough to see and hold a baby one under the supervision of the Waverly Bird Club. Whilst in my hand they ringed it and I felt so privileged. It was amazing and a great experience. The Waverly Bird Club is a great organisation that arrange walks and events to get people interested in birds. I have also made barn owl boxes which are triangular-shaped and are nearly as tall as me! I helped sight these boxes in large oak trees, and now monitor them for activity regularly. Barn Owls are one of my favourite birds and my favourite bit about them is their pellets. These pellets are regurgitated and when you dissect them you find bones of little mammals such as voles and mice. I wrote my ’What’s inside’ TED about the contents of owl pellets, it was really interesting to do. Barn Owls are amazing… you too could share my experience.

Under 10's Six a side at Sutton Valence The team were in a pool of five teams, we had convincing wins over Yardley Court, DCPS and St. Michael’s and a one loss against Holmesdale where we lost 4 wickets in one over!!

We were joint top of the group with Yardley Court and Holmesdale and had scored the most runs in the group but because of our disappointing batting display against Holmesdale we did not qualify for the semi-finals and had to watch Yardley Court go through......ugh ......totally gutted... The batting was led well by Hugo de VH and Harry R, who hit 3 sixes over the day, and they were backed up well by some great bowling from George A, Leo B, and Pablo P. Harry E did really well behind the stumps to cap a great all round performance by the team.

Page 12: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

Interhouse Music Competition: Years 3 and 4 On Wednesday the Year 3s and 4s filled the Bawtree Hall to experience a spectacular display of musicianship from a select group of finalists for the Music Inter House. It was a fantastically varied programme, with singers, pianists, violinists, trumpeters and recorder players all gracing the stage. Each child showcased wonderful musical ability and highlighted just how rich our depth of musicians at Hazelwood is. The decision was tough and one made with much deliberation, but congratulations to Elise Thorpe and Dowling for finishing victorious.

Gold Award Congratulations this week go to Sam L, Ruben S, Henry D, Ollie A, Leonardo BG, Grace G, Evie R, Eva M, Joe V, Alex B, Liam McE and Fergus F. They will all soon be enjoying their favourite pizza at Pizza Express with Mrs Louw. Biggest Well done to Alice S who claimed her DIAMOND AWARD. Special reward on its way!

“Thank you very much for the pizza treat last night! My daughter was completely thrilled to be part of it all, and had a wonderful time”.

Page 13: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

Intergalactic date for your diary!

Page 14: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

This week Y6 pupils enjoyed designing and creating their own Maths game in small groups using only the materials we had in the classroom. I was very impressed with their teamwork and efforts and the results were fantastic. Pupils then had the opportunity to test out each other’s games and the feedback was really positive. A great activity, enjoyed by all! Miss Keen

Flo B, Year 3 is one in a million! It was with great pleasure that we awarded Flo with her Platinum Certificate and trophy for earning 1,000 000 coins in ttrockstars. Only the 3rd person to achieve the accolade this year, only the 5th pupil at Hazelwood ever to achieve this award, and the 1st pupil outside Years 6-7, Flo has answered at least 100 000 times tables questions correctly since last September. Well done Flo! Don't forget, if you have a quiet moment in half term and can't think what to do, ttrockstars is there for you!! Earn some come coins towards your first award or your next award. Mrs Phillimore

The UKMT Mathematical Challenges aim to stimulate mathematical problem solving. The Junior Challenge is aimed principally at Year 8 pupils, although lower years are welcome. According to the UKMT ‘It is the UK's most popular mathematics competition with over 300 000 students taking part each year’, from more than 3 700 schools. Of these, only the top 40% are recognised with an award. A multiple choice paper, it can be difficult to split the correct answer from a selection that are almost right. Add to that, the knowledge an incorrect answer can lead to a reduction in marks, makes success all the more tricky. Interest in these national challenges continues to grow at Hazelwood, with almost 100 enthusiastic pupils taking the challenge in April, up from 35 in 2016! Once again, we invited some the Year 5’s to join us and once again they have taken on this upper school challenge superbly. Results have arrived and were are delighted that the following have been honoured with an award: (certificates should be posted to us shortly for presentation after half term) Gold Dylan M, Max E, Callum M and Camilla S Silver Thomas H, Hannah Rh, Hannah B, James S, Oliver H, Oscar N, Isla M,

Breya MS, Seb L, Jake C, Jennifer M and Michael K Bronze Harry E, Camilla E, Will DVH, Ed J, Sofia B, Lila D, Hugo CF, Fergus F,

Sierk E, Matthew I, Harry W, Jake D and Isla H.

It all adds up to whole lot of mathematical fun!

Page 15: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

Approximately 2.5% of the top performers are invited to take part in the Junior Kangaroo, a follow up round consisting of interesting problems at an even higher level. Having qualified as a Kangaroo, Dylan M is maintaining a fine Hazelwood tradition of taking the challenge in a supply tent/exam hall whilst in Dorset, enjoying the Year 8 residential. Who will it be next year??? If you enjoy problem solving or want to find access to questions to help you improve, past questions are available on the UKMT website: https://www.ukmt.org.uk

Year 1’s Sunshine Safari Adventure

Year 1 were blessed with wall-to-wall sunshine when they headed off to Chessington to go on safari. The children have been learning all about Africa this half term, so the visit was the ideal chance to see everything they have learned, for real. After a ride on the safari train, there

Was just enough time for some well-deserved R&R on the nearby carousel. All the children identified a favourite animal and wrote about it on their return to Hazelwood Base Camp. There was a lot of love for the lions!

Page 16: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

Something fishy going on in Year 4 This week Year 4 visited the Early Years site to go pond dipping in their forest school area. Our topic in science is Living things so this gave us a chance to explore a new habitat and hopefully find some living things. The children had a fantastic time and spotted a number of species, with the most exciting being a large amount of newts, including three great crested newts which are a very rare discovery!

Many thanks to the Early Years for having us and Gary who accompanied us on the trip.

The U8 A/B team had a fantastic match against Russell House on Thursday. The girls won by 266-249 runs. They all played fantastically and really encouraged each other. Special mention to Kate K (pictured) for her great bowling, Evie R for being named girl of the match and Erin P and Florence for both scoring 4's! Uniform Shop closed Wednesday 15th June Please note that the Uniform Shop will be closed on Wednesday 15th June. This is to allow our new families joining Y3 in September to access the shop. Do please dig out any good quality, no-longer wanted uniform over the half term and bring it in to the shop. There is strong demand for all uniform garments. Thank you.

Page 17: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

Singing for their supper Well done to some of the school’s singers who took part recently in the Reigate Music Festival. All did themselves credit, winning classes and being awarded Honours and Merit Stars. All found it to be a useful and fun experience performing in front of independent adjudicators and an audience. They have all returned to Hazelwood with renewed confidence. Well done to all! The school’s Festival performers were Camilla S, Grace H, Emilia H, Louis B (all pictured), Hope A and Trinny A.

Congratulations to Miss Woolger, Bursar’s PA who married Tom last weekend at an intimate ceremony in beautiful Devon. Liz returns to her desk for the start of next half term having recharged batteries on her idyllic honeymoon. We wish them both a very happy future together.

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This year’s Talent Show raised the curtain, and the bar, on the very best of Hazelwood entertainment with an evening of dance, song, comedy and acrobatics. The children put on quite a show with every detail of the performance managed and directed by them. It was slick. It was entertaining. It was full of variety. It was a testament to their spirit of invention, their confidence and their drive to do their very best. All in all, another great night which raised the theatre roof with the audience’s appreciative applause. Well done to all the performers with special congratulations to those acts who scooped the awards.

A Stage-full of Talent!

Page 19: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

Cupcake calculations Yesterday Miss Parr's Maths group were given a challenge. They had to half a recipe and weigh out the ingredients in pairs. Today we then followed a set of instructions to make our cupcakes! We worked so hard this half term it was a fantastic, and delicious way to finish the half term!

Page 20: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

Further details on how you can support the children, and these four very worthy causes, will be coming out soon. This is a massive undertaking for the children and staff of Y8.

Any support you can give will be hugely appreciated.

Page 21: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

Oak, Years 1 and 2 joined forces earlier this week to enjoy their special Creative Arts morning. The children undertook a series of activities designed to be fun and to introduce the Oak children to the Chestnut Building ahead of their transition in September. The teachers each championed an activity to provide variety and expertise across the creative arts spectrum. There was Forest Art, Drama, Big BOX Art and Music. It was wonderful to see the three years of children working well together with some younger siblings clearly loving being reunited with their older brother and sister.

Oak, Year 1 and Year 2 Creative Arts Morning

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The sun brought out the best in girls’ cricket with the staging of the first ever senior Interhouse competition. It was cause for celebration too for the U10s who secured a well-deserved win against Lingfield College. Cricket is proving popular with the girls who are looking forward to giving the boys a few runs, fours and sixes for their money!

Page 23: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

Need a babysitter?

Contact details Mobile: 07931976519

Email: [email protected]

About me H! I’m Miranda, I’m 18-years-old and currently

taking my A-Levels. I have been babysitting for

years now, starting with my little sister. I am

more than happy to provide references as I have

babysat for numerous families in Oxted. I have

my driver’s licence so doing any pick-ups is not a

problem. I’m leaving for university this summer,

but I am just trying to earn a little more money

before I head off.

I am finished school and on study leave, so apart

from when I have exams, I am available all day,

every day.

Availability/Pricing Weekdays (Mon-Fri): All day

Weekends: All day

I charge £8/hour.

Additional Information First Aid Certified

DBS checked

Full driver’s licence

Dog walking and babysitting

My name is Caitlin Lefevre (a former Caterham School pupil) and I have just finished my first

year of Sports Performance at the University of Bath. I am around over the summer from

June 7th until the middle of September and am available for Babysitting and Dog walking.

I have worked at Hazelwood during the last few years after my GCSE and A Levels, helping

out in the Games/Swimming departments so many of the children know me. I have a clean

driving license and a DBS check. If I can be if any help to you then please contact me either

via my email address which is [email protected] or via WhatsApp or mobile with

the number 07980 576100.


Page 24: strapped ‘record (or messenger › lib › nutshell... · have enjoyed playing different maths games, they particularly enjoyed the treasure chest and walking the plank games. The

Mindfulness Workshop: 14th June Heard all about the benefits of mindfulness, but aren’t sure what it is or if it’s for you? Or perhaps you've had a break and want to get back into it? Or simply want to come and practice with others? Come along to this one-off workshop where all are welcome; from total beginners to more experienced practitioners. When: 14th June, 1-3pm

Where: Ingeldale Centre, Tanhouse Rd, Oxted. RH8 9PE

Cost: £20. Bring a friend and get 50% off.

Contact [email protected] or 07429062930 for more info/booking.


Communication sent home this week

Dear Parents, The following communications have been uploaded to the Parent Information Portal and are now available to view if relevant to you or your child/children: PIP (Parent Information Portal) Access Link https://3sys.hazelwoodschool.com/schoolPORTAL

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COMMUNICATIONS: Year 8 – Leavers’ Chapel & Dinner Leavers’ Programme, including Residential, Information Charity Bake Off Charity Walk Residential Consent Form Residential Kit List Year 6 – Hampton Court Trip Year 5- Year 5-6 Transition Week & Parent Information Meeting (on PIP shortly) Year 1 – Fantastic Flowers Curriculum Day Oak-Year 8 – Open Morning, Prize Giving & Sports Day Year 3-7 Leavers – Leavers’ Chapel & Drinks Reception Various - Joe Broughton Folk & Rock Workshop (to individuals) Various – Picnic Concert (Chapel/Training/Junior Choirs & Orchestra, Wind Band, String Band, Sextet, Flute, Jazz, Percussion & Piano music groups) Various – Junior Dance Show Various – Senior Dance Show Year 5 – I pad Agreement to be signed and returned by Friday 14th June REMINDERS/NOTICES Year 6 - Year 7 - Barcelona Trip. All those that expressed interest will be communicated by email shortly to confirm trip details

Chapel Choir – Today, 23 May, is the last day for ordering Young Bohemia Photobooks Cup Return – Any cups awarded at last year’s Prize Giving (progress & subject cups) or summer term Final Assembly (cricket, rounders, gymnastics & dance) should please be returned to Mrs Greenwood’s office by Friday, 7th June Easter TED Project “Global Warming” – projects should be completed and returned to Form Tutors on Monday, 3rd June (Years 1-6 and optional for Year 7) Year 2 Play – a reminder that bookings close at 9 am on Monday, 3rd June for “Dragon Days”

Bookworms from Year 5 will find anywhere to relax and read even if that means causing a trip hazard in the corridor!