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Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay ©2012 Jackdays

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Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay ©2012 Jackdays

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Storm of Chaos Timeline by Jackdays

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Storm of Chaos (SoC) Timeline

Storm of Chaos (SoC) timeline project started originally around the time WFRP2 was published (2005). Games

Workshop had published Storm of Chaos WFB Campaign year before. Any detailed timeline/dates were never given

about the event later, so I started building something up. But I didn't finish it back when the WFRP2 came out. Now,

years later, I started again to gather all the information about the event in a single timeline. Idea is, that this timeline

could be used in any campaing set to this event or use this war as something in the background.

Most of the Battles (the important ones) happened mainly in the Kislev, and in the eastern- and nothern Empire. But

there are many other battles (wars) going on other parts of the world also. Lustria and the Lizardmen temple-cities are

under siege of Dark Elves and Hung marauders; Tomb-Kings are on the move; Greenskins are moving in the Border

Kingdoms, Badlands and also various mountain-ranges; the Beastmen are attacking Athel Loren...etc. These locations

have been marked separately in the timeline.

Problematic is to place events in the months. Different sources give different ideas when various events happen. Some

sources give wrong years, others place some events closer to each other than others...etc. Some (little) details are given

in the Darkness Rising sourcebook (which also has some mistakes), and I'll try to use them as much as possible. Some

of these details are marked on the timeline. Here are some iconic events and thoughts about them:

Volkmar the Grim faces Archaon, and dies in the north during the "Spring Driving" (the vanguard attack), which

happens in 2521. It is mentioned that every one of the Empire forces are slain. But, Elector Count of

Talabecland, Helmut Feuerbach, is also with Volkmar and survives. He is later part of the Conclave of Light.

Luthor Huss meets Valten in 2521 in official Storm of Chaos site/timeline. Details in the Darkness Rising place

event in the winter time (so, this would probably be the end of the year 2521). Even it seems that pair (and their

followers) soon continued to the capital to meet the Emperor, it can't be so. Because also in the Darkness

Rising letters from Stefan Weirde place their arrival to the capital in Sommerzeit (5th month). So, I dont know

where they travel in the spring of 2522, but my quess is that they travel in the southern Empire gathering

followers and support.

Conclave of Light. Official Storm of Chaos site/timeline places the event in 2522 (as all the other sources).

Darkness Rising gives idea that it is very early (and cold) spring during the event. And also happen months

before the Archaons great invasion against the Empire begins. Both Darkness Rising and Tome of Corruption

give idea that Huss and Valten would already be on their way to Altdorf during the conclave, but this can't be so

if conclave happens very early in the year and their arrival in Sommerzeit (see above).

Storm of Chaos. The actual war. Every source seems to place the event first half of the year. Which would be

logical - armies of Archaon probably advance as soon as possible after the winter. Lustria based events during

the SoC place the Siege of Hexoatl (and invasion to Lustria) much earlier date than Archaons advance against

the Empire.

More about the event: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm_of_Chaos_Online_Campaign

Following sources have been used and should be credited:

Origin of the timeline comes from the Games Workshop site dedicated to the SoC event. This site is no longer

available online. Site had daily updates from Gav Thorpe (well, I think they were originally in the SoC site). Mr

Thorpes daily updates provide very detailed information that I use in this document. These sources are not

marked separately. Some, or all, this information has also been published in the White Dwarf magazine articles.

Storm of Chaos Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WFB) sourcebook.

Darkness Rising Warhammer sourcebook.

Various Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WFB) sourcebooks have provided more or less details. Main ones are

probably Lizardmen, Dwarfs, The Empire, Warriors of Chaos, Orcs and Goblins...

I have used various novels (like Gotrek & Felix novels) and sourcebooks (many WFRP2 sourcebooks mention

the event, because they are dated after the war). These sources are marked in the entries.

Also I have used some ideas given by various other fans about the dates. Especially thanks to Andy Law. He

has done interesting and huge job making detailed timeline for his campaings. I use his year 2521 here, but with

some modifications.

Finally - Special thanks to Dave Graffam (and any help he might had) for creating Calenders of the Empire.

Calender(s) have provided much help, when doing this project.

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2521 (Bretonnian Year 1543, Kislev Year 997, Dwarf Year 5521)

Other linked Events: Bretonnia: Norse raid the northern coast of Bretonnia sacking isolated villages within dukedoms of L'Anguille

and Couronne.

The Empire: Norse reavers also attack northern imperial coastline attacking Neues Emskrank area. Omens of

War (WFRP3)

Sea of Claws: There are rumours of Dark Elf corsairs in the Sea of Claws. Witch's Song (WFRP3)

The Empire: Respected and affluent professor Ehrwig von Dankien, from the Arcane History of Altdorf

University, publishes infamous study about the origins of magic. This book is titled The Inconvenient Truths and

tells his finding from this journey to Lustria in 2519. Publication is met with mixed feelings and reviews - Sneers

and open mocking by some, revulsion and condemnation by others. Regardless, this seemingly innocuous

tratise sents shockwaves through both the academic and arcane communities. The Colleges of Magic soon

start destroying the copies of the book. Winds of Magic (WFRP3)

The Empire: Magister Patriarch of Gold Order Christa Feldmann disappears suddenly. Supreme Patriarch

Balthasar Gelt (Gold Order) becomes also Patriarch of the Gold Order. Realms of Sorcery (WFRP2)

Chaos Wastes: Rise of Archaon, Lord of the End Times (the Everchosen). Former Templar of Sigmar finally

ends his quest (that started over a century ago) for six Treasures of Chaos. Archaon gathers the "Four" from the

Norsca: Haargoth (Khorne), Feytor (Nurgle), Styrkaar (Slaanesh), Melekh and his son Cyspeth (Tzeentch).

Chaos Wastes: Crom the Conqueror (Vardek Crom), the Herald of Archaon, returns among the Kurgan and

regains control of his own tribe (Kul) and after that all the Kurgan tribes one by one. Legendary warrior starts to

plan eastern attack to the Empire.

Albion: Sacred mists of Albion are restored by the Lizardmen Slann. In 2520 the Gates of the Old Ones are

opened to the island. Scar-Leader Kroq-Gar leads the first war parties to cleanse the isle of warm-bloods. Under

the manipulations of Lord Mazdamundi, the climate of the isle is altered.

The Ogre Kingdoms/Mountains of Mourn: The Ogres, having grown even more numerous and wealthy under

the rule of Greasus Goldtooth, find their population is becoming too large for the Mountains of Mourn. Greasus

orders the conquering of new lands - A New Migration starts.

Naggaroth/Dark Elves: Morathi reaffirms her ancient pact with Slaanesh. Seeking power and a way to dominate

the Druchii nation of Naggaroth, Morathi - The Hag Queen, travels far to the north accompanied by many of her

favoured Sorceresses. They use Dark Pegasus to travel far north into the lands of Hung marauders. In the

Chaos Wastes, Morathi reaffirms her ancient pact with Slaanesh, and with the power of her Daemonic patron,

takes over a tribe of marauders known as the Hung. Morathi summons sixty troupes of six Daemonettes and

makes them attack the Hung tribe's main Kurgan rivals. Hung believe that Morathi is the chosen of Slaanesh.

She becomes known as the Consort-Queen of Shaarnor (name the Hung use from Slaanesh). Morathi takes

her new force south towards Lustria, to seek ancient artifacts of power from the temples of the Old Ones. The

Hung are lead by warlord Vashnaar the Tormentor.

World Edge Mountains: Waaagh! Grimgor horde is now in the High Pass after battles against the Skaven in the

Hell Pit. His horde is attacking against the invading Kurgan and the Norse war-bands, which are moving through

the Pass to join the Archaon's horde.

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Storm of Chaos Events: 5th Jahrdrung (2nd month)

Norsca & Troll Country: Several enormous hordes of Chaos (mostly Kurgan with Norse) drive southwards towards

Kislev, the largest led by the Archaon Everchosen,and his warlords High Zar Surtha Lenk and High Zar Aelric Cyenwulf.

Across the world seers and prophets go insane as visions churn through their minds. The Spring Driving begins.

9th Jahrdrung (2nd month)

The Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim decides to face Archaon, believing himself to be a long prophesised Champion

who will fell the Everchosen.

10th Jahrdrung (2nd month)

The Emperor Karl Franz refuses the Grand Theogonist access to the armies of the Reikland, claiming the war in Albion

(Neuland) has drained his resources, and he has no men to spare.

12th Jahrdrung (2nd month)

The Grand Theogonist approaches many parties, looking for men to form an army. Some help, some do not. Sigmar

army is formed.

18th Jahrdrung (2nd month)

Full Moon(s).

The Twin-Tailed Comet in the bright night sky. Especially in the Altdorf thousands of people throng the streets, driven to

hysteria by the rumours and the comet. Grand Theogonist Volkmar appears daily on the steps of the temple of Sigmar in

Altdorf. There are many rumours about the war in the north. Streets are full of doomsayers, flagellants, curates, students,

scholars, fishwives, pickpockets, preachers, riots...etc. There are also rumours about the Champion of Light, who would

arise to face the Everchosen. Darkness Rising: The Sign of Sigmar

Luthor Huss, a self-styled prophet of Sigmar, has started to challenge the hierarchy of the church of Sigmar. Huss claims

that the priests had become corrupt and decadent, ignoring the teachings of Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim and

abandoning Sigmar's mission. He makes many enemies, these including Johann Esmer. His arguments started from the

Sigmarite Council in Altdorf, after Arch-Lector Kurt Mannfeld of Nuln disappeared during his crusade against the north in

2515. Even then Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim was absent from the the council spending more and more time in

the high pinnacle at the top of the Temple of Sigmar. Malign rumours circulated in the council and doubt Volkmar's sanity

because of the many hours he has spent reading unholy grimoires to find answere to the dark menace gathering in the

far north. The Empire 6th Edition: Luthor Huss (WFB)

Church of Sigmar Electors:

Beginning of 2521

Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim

Arch-Lector Johann Esmer III (Talabheim)

Arch-Lector Kasmir XI (Nuln; since 2515 after disappearance of Kurt Mannfeld)

Beginning of 2522

Grand Theogonist Johann Esmer III

Arch-Lector Thorgrad IV (Talabheim)

Arch-Lector Kasmir XI (Nuln)

Beginning of 2523

Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim (resurrected during the Storm of Chaos; takes over his position as

Grand Theogonist from Johann Esmer who escapes to Marienburg)

Arch-Lector Thorgrad IV (Talabheim)

Arch-Lector Kasmir XI (Nuln)

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25th Jahrdrung (2nd month)

The Grand theogonist and Elector Count of Talabecland, Helmut Feuerbach, head for Talabheim at the head of a large

army, eventually aiming to head towards Kislev. Chaos army is moving against the Erengrad and the Praag, also

threatening the capital Kislev. Darkness Rising: The Fall of Volkmar

3rd Sigmarzeit (4th month)

The Grand Theogonist arrives in Talabecland and the army of Talabecland joins the Sigmar army.

5th Sigmarzeit (4th month)

The combined armies of Sigmar and Talabecland head for Kislev to confront Archaon.

16th Sommerzeit (5th month)

High Zar Surtha Lenk’s armies pass into the Empire. First they face the armies of Ostland leaded by Elector Count

Valmir von Raukov.

31st Sommerzeit (5th month) [Siege of Wolfenburg 1st day]

New moon(s).

High Zar Surtha Lenk’s armies arrive to Wolfenburg during the darkness of new moon(s). Siege of Wolfenburg starts.

Geheimnistag - Day of Mystery [Siege of Wolfenburg 37th day]

This dreadfull day (and especially night) is full of dark magic all over the Empire and Kislev. During the Siege of

Wolfenburg sorcerers of Surtha Lenk's army perform dreadfull summoning rituals.

The Twin-Tailed Comet:

The twin-tailed comet mentioned in the Darkness Rising book is seen as important event. Some believe it heralds

the destruction, others the hope in the form of Sigmar Reborn. Saga of Sigmar itself mentiones that comet heralded

the coming of Sigmar Heldenhammer when the lands were overrun with darkness. Yet, many also remember the

fate of the dark city of Mordheim, destroyed by a twin-tailed comet. Also comet was sighted during the Great War

Against Chaos.

The honoured Heironymous of Nuln also states: "Every time that the wings of fire have appeared in the sky, they

have heralded the coming of great things."

That is for sure, that Volkmar the Grim believed that the twin-tailed comet was sign from the Sigmar to him. That

Volkmar would be the Champion of Light and must face Archaon. But truth is not really said anywhere. Also no

actual date is given to this very important event?! So, I'm tryin to build some ideas here:

This date is the 17th birthday of Valten - and some sort of coming of age. Valten that is the exalted of

Sigmar and will be the true Champion of Light. Maybe this marks that Valten is ready (at the end of the

year he saves his village and meets with Luthor Huss).

It could be that during the Spring Driving Archaon consults his Chaos Sorcerers from all the Dark Gods and

makes an unholy ritual. Maybe comet could be warning from the Gods, that Archaon has left behind, that

they are ready for his (and his Dark Gods) challenge.

Comet could also be warning that the end times have started.

For the actual date I use the date when Moon(s) are full. Just to bring little more mysticism to the event.

Also I choose same lunar date for the meeting of Luthor Huss and Valten later this year.

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6th Nachgeheim (7th month) [Siege of Wolfenburg 43rd day]

Siege of Wolfenburg ends. Wolfenburg, capital of Ostland, is sacked by the armies of High Zar Surtha Lenk.

23rd Nachgeheim (7th month)

Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim and Elector Count Helmut Feuerbach meet Archaon in a blasted wasteland in the

Troll Country north of Kislev. The two armies battle long time. Volkmar is killed by Archaon, but Feuerbach survives. The

Empire army is crushed. Volkmar's body is left amongst the many others on the unnamed battlefield.

29th Nachgeheim (7th month)

Chaos horde retreats finally under the pressure on all sides. Armies of Ostland, Hochland, Ostermark and Kislev attack

them. High Zar Surtha Lenk's returning forces slam into the remains of the Empire army that had faced Archaon. Almost

everyone is killed.

1st Erntezeit (8th month)

High Zar Surtha Lenk's army is finally broken at Mazhorod by Boyarin Kurkosk. Surtha Lenk is killed. Realm of the Ice

Queen (WFRP2)

5h Erntezeit (8th month)

Emperor Karl Franz sends word to all his allies, requesting aid, and details his plans to meet the following year to discuss

the incoming threats. Realm of the Ice Queen (WFRP2)

8th Erntezeit (8th month)

High Zar Okkodai Tarsus large army is shattered by compined forces of Kislevites and Imperial forces at Krasicyno.

Remaining Chaos forces are driven to the Troll Country. Realm of the Ice Queen (WFRP2)

12th Erntezeit (8th month)

High Zar Aelric Cyenwulf's army accompanied by a Dragon Ogre is finally broken at Urszebya, Ursun's Teeth, by the

compined army of the Empire, the Ice Queen and Tilean soldiers. High Zar Aelric Cyenwulf is killed. Victory is very

bloody and most of the army is also killed. Realm of the Ice Queen (WFRP2)

20th Erntezeit (8th month)

Norsca & Troll Country: Remains of Archaon’s horde retreat to north into the Norsca with Archaon. Many believe and say

that the Chaos Horde was been defeated. But some, like the Emperor Karl Franz, also fear new attack in the spring. Yet

nobody really knows that this was just vanguard of much immense force.

31st Brauzeit (9th month)

News of Grand Theogonist Volkmar’s demise reaches Altdorf. The Lectors are immediately summoned.

15th Kaldezeit (10th month)

Arch-Lector Esmer III is elected by the Lectors as the next Grand Theogonist.

17th Kaldezeit (10th month)

Countess Emmanuelle of Wissenland commissions 7 swords for the seven colonels she intends to send north to aid in

the wars against the coming hordes. Paths of the Damned 3: Forges of Nuln (WFRP2)

3rd Vorhexen (12th month)

Luthor Huss leaves Nuln, after making a protest at the great Sigmarite cathedral. He heads towards Reikland and

Übersreik. Warrior Priest Luthor Huss has traveled around the Empire to find servants of the Chaos. He is also

particularly enraged by Grand Theogonist Esmer new politics and denounced by the Grand Theogonist for speaking out

against him. Esmer, who controls most of the Sigmar Witch Hunters, keeps close tabs on Huss' movements. Esmer is

afraid to act against the Warrior Priest, who is attracting more and more Flagellants and converst around him. Storm of

Chaos: Defenders of the Empire (WFB)

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6th Vorhexen (12th month)

Luthor Huss suddenly learns about remarkable feat in the south Reikland. He hears about a boy, no more than eighteen

summers old, who had single-handedly bested a Beastmen warband attacking his village of Lachenbad. Luthor Huss

heads towards this village. Storm of Chaos: Defenders of the Empire (WFB)

9th Vorhexen (12th month)

Full Moon(s).

Warrior Priest Luthor Huss believes that he has found Sigmar reborn, Valten the Blacksmith’s son, in a Reikland village

of Lachenbad. This boy has birth-mark of Twin Taled comet. Also Huss sees aura of power that surrounds the boy.

Valten's village, Lachenbad, has been attacked by the Beastman horde leaded by a powerful Beastlord named Rargarth.

Valten took twin hammers from his father's smithy and attacked the Beastmen. Eventually he was joined by other

villagers who fought off the Beastmen. Both Luthor Huss and Valten save the life of Stefan Weirde of Altdorf. Darkness

Rising: Letters from Lachenbad

Hexenstag - Witching Day

On the Hexentstag 2522, the eve of the New Year, the Brotherhood of Untold Aeons is going to summon Changer of

Ways in Nuln at the Baron Rundsted mansion. But brotherhood's secrecy is been compromised and Witch Hunters

leaded by Witch Hunter Markus Reiner raid the mansion just in time. Mysterious magus, called Arch-heretic Veneficus,

disappears/escapes. Tome of Blessing (WFRP3)

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2522 (Bretonnian Year 1544, Kislev Year 998, Dwarf Year 5522) Other linked Events:

The Empire: After the events in the village of Lachenbad, Luthor Huss brings youngster Valten forward as

"Sigmar Reborn" and is soon branded heretic by some sigmarite priests, these including Grand Theogonist

Esmer III. Huss and Valten attract also more and more followers. With them are the survivors of Lachenbad,

Flagellants and even other warrior priests. Huss will camp worst of the winter and after that campaign around

the southern provinces before heading to the north to the capital with large force of followers.

The Empire: Grand Theogonist Johann Esmer III creates a band of extremist Templars and Witch Hunters. He

is using them almost like a secret policy hunting possible cultists and other servants of the ruinous powers.

They are lead by Witch Hunter Wilhelm Steinberg, who ruthlessly burns many men and women during the war-

time in Altdorf while hunting cultists of the Dark Gods and mutants.

Ulthuan: The Phoenix King recognises the Chaos Incursion threat. The High Elves and Lord Aislinn gather their

fleets to patrol the Great Ocean and the Sea of Claws. Lord Aislinn uses Norse strategy and strikes Norscan

coastline raiding their settlements using the Sea Rangers and the Sea Guard.

Skaven Under-Empire: Deep within the Skaven stronghold of Hell Pit, and in the caves beneath Middenheim,

another race is stirring again. The ratmen are on the move once more, looking for any opportunity to further

their own schemes. Deathmaster Snikch of Clan Eshin returns to the Old World from the Far East, a the

command of the Council of Thirteen.

Old World: Chaos cults serve their wicked Gods and cause sabotage all over the Empire, Beatsmen herds roam

in large numbers in the forests, harvest is poor and the winter is savage.

The Empire: In Middenheim strange things happen. The time-worn defences are mysteriously being dismantled,

watchmen and wardens disappearing, rumours about man-sized rats in the sewers and crypts (usually laughed

by most), tales about scratching noises in the dead of the night.

Old World: The Aethyr flows stronger than ever from the north. This can be sensed by Imperial Magisters and

other magic-users sensitive to Winds of Magic (witchsight). Many mystical and strage events occur around the

Old World (especially in the Empire and Kislev) during the year. Realms of Sorcery (WFRP2)

Storm of Chaos Events: 13th Jahrdrung (1st month)

New Moon(s).

17th Jahrdrung (1st month)

First Day of Spring

25th Jahrdrung (1st month)

Full Moon(s).

4th Jahrdrung (2nd month) [Conclave of Light 1st Day]

Conclave of Light. Emperor Karl Franz hosts a grand Conclave of Light at his capital of Atldorf and invites heads of state

from across the Old World to a conference where he explains the situation of Archaon’s invasion and asks for aid. The

Conclave will take 30 days until finally the High Elves will arrive.

6th Jahrdrung (2nd month) [Conclave of Light 3rd Day]

New Moon(s).

18th Jahrdrung (2nd month) [Conclave of Light 15th Day]

Full Moon(s).

Conclave of Light. Snorri Thungrimsson, envoy of the Dwarf High King Ungrim Ironfist arrives to Altdorf's East Gate in

the early konistag morning. After this they head directly to the Conclave. Darkness Rising: News and Tidings

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The Dignitaries Present at the Conclave of Light:

The Emperor and the Elector Counts:

Karl Franz of Reikland, the Emperor and Grand Prince of the Reikland.

Emissaries of Averland, delegation from the province of Averland (includes both Leitdorfs and


Aldebrand Ludenhof, Elector Count of Hochland.

Boris Todbringer, Elector Count of Middenland.

Hisme Stoutheart, Eldar of the Moot and Elector.

Theoderic Gausser, Elector Count of Nordland.

Wolfram Hertwig, Elector Count of Ostermark.

Valmir von Raukov, Elector Count of Ostland.

Alberich Haupt-Anderssen, Elector Count of Stirland.

Helmut Feuerbach, Elector Count of Talabecland.

Emmanuel von Liebwitz, Elector Count of Wissenland.


Johann Esmer III, the newly appointed Grand Theogonist of Sigmar and Elector.

Kasmir XI, Arch-Lector of Sigmar and Elector.

Thorgrad IV, Arch-Lector of Sigmar and Elector.

Emil Valgeir, Ar-Ulric and the High Priest of the Ulrican Cult of Middenheim and Elector.


Balthasar Gelt, Magister Patriarch of the Gold Order and Supreme Patriarch of the Colleges of Magic.

Verspasian Kant, Magister Patriarch of the Light Order.

Arburg "Jade Mother", Magister Matriarch of the Jade Order.

Reiner Starke, Magister Patriarch of the Grey Order.

Stern Glanzend, Magister Patriarch of the Celestial Order.

Viggo Hexensohn, Magister Patriarch of the Amethyst Order.

Thyrus Gormann, Magister Patriarch of the Bright Order.

Setanta Lobas "Wild Father", Magister Patriarch of the Amber Order.

Luther Flamestrike, Wizard Lord of the Bright Order.

Methuselis, Wizard Lord of the Celestial Order.


Teclis, supreme elf mage, Archmage, High Loremaster and founder of the Eight Colleges of Magic.

Kurt Helborg, Reiksmarshall and general of the Emperor's armies and military advisor to Karl Franz.

Snorri Thungrimsson, envoy of the Dwarf High King Ungrim Ironfist.

Aric Grebersson, and advisor to Graf Boris Todbringer.

Thurk van Hasteroy, part of delegation of emissaries from Marienburg.

Mickelbach, tactician and Chief Advisor of Karl Franz.

Piotr Kropotkin & Vassily Ilyenskja, The emissaries of Tsarina Kattarin.

Louis Rochelle, court diplomat and ambassador of the King Louen Leoncoeur of Bretonnia.

Frederich "Old" Weirde, scholar and researcher of Altdorf, collector of histories and chronicler of the past.

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20th Jahrdrung (2nd month) [Conclave of Light 17th Day]

Conclave of Light. The Dwarfs pledge their aid to the Kislev. Darkness Rising: Transcripts from the Conclave

28th Jahrdrung (2nd month) [Conclave of Light 25th Day]

Norsca & Troll Country: Archaon fresh back-up forces enter Kislev. They come from the Black Blood Pass and Aesir

Pass and then crossing the Troll Country. They group with remaining Archaon forces. His army is now bolstered by over

a hundred Norse tribes.

30th Jahrdrung (2nd month) [Conclave of Light 27th Day]

Urged by the Fay Enchantress, messenger of the Lady of the Lake, King Leoncoeur of Bretonnia declares a new Errantry

War. Knights from all across the dukedoms are gathering for the march, eager to prove their worth. Many Grail Knights

had dreams and are all ready march to the gathering at Monfort. But this mustering will take months.

31st Jahrdrung (2nd month) [Conclave of Light 28th Day]

New Moon(s).

33rd Jahrdrung (2nd month) [Conclave of Light 30th Day]

Conclave of Light. It is cold spring morning. The High Elves arrive to Altdorf. The High Elves pledge to assist the Empire

in its time of need, as do many others, such as the Tzarina of Kislev. At this Conclave of Light, plans for the defence of

the Empire are laid out, and ancient alliances are renewed. With the High Elf delegation is mighty and legendary Teclis.

Darkness Rising: News and Tidings

Teclis assures the gathered Patriarchs of the Colleges of Magic that now, as their ancestors had done before, the

Magisters of the Orders of Magic would have to mobilise to resist this greatest of all threats. Realms of Magic (WFRP2)

Mitterfruhl - Start Growth (Spring Equinox)

Holy day for those who worship Manaan, Taal and Ulric. Also Old Faith Druids celebrate this date, Dwarfs honor their

Ancestor Gods (especially Valaya) and Halflings honor their Gods (especially Esmeralda). Celebrations are quiet and

small. Most people pray for the Gods for better year.

9th Pflugzeit (3rd month)

Full Moon(s).

22nd Pflugzeit (3rd month)

New Moon(s).

26th Pflugzeit (3rd month)

Lustria: Army of Vashnaar the Tormentor, riding a Black Dragon, crosses the Serpent's Tongue River. Hexoatl's Master

of Skies, a Skink Chief leader Tiktaq'to sights the invaders and rides his Terradon to warn the Temple-City of Hexoatl. He

soon sends his fastest riders to find the Slann Lord Maxdamundi and to bring back reinforcements. Also he prepares the

city's defences and starts three days of of hit and run attacks against the closing Chaos horde.

29th Pflugzeit (3rd month)

Lustria: Hexoatl's Master of Skies, Tiktaq'to, lures the vanguard of the Chaos army, some five hundred Marauder

horsemen, into the Bloodleech swamps where they are cut down in carefully prepared ambushes and their advance

blocked by two-scores of powerful Kroxigor.

32nd Pflugzeit (3rd month)

Lustria: Siege of Hexoatl starts. Vashnaar the Tormentor arrives at the gates of the temple-city of Hexoatl. Vashnaar has

brought the Hellcannos of Chaos. Hexoatl's Master of Skies, Tiktaq'to, directs his Terradons against the lumbering

Chaos war machines. They rain boulders upon the daemonic artillery, shattering the iron frames of every one of the

twisted machines.

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33rd Pflugzeit (3rd month)

First Quaff. This is the first Dwarf celebration of the year. This is the time when the first of the new beer is tasted. This

year celebration is very small and quiet in the holds - Dwarfs wait for the news of war in the north and pray for their

Ancestor Gods.

2nd Sigmarzeit (4th month)

Full Moon(s).

7th Sigmarzeit (4th month)

As Archaon's horde closes Erengrad and the incursion is ready to start Vignar, Champion of Khorne from the Aesling

tribe of Norsca, leads his band of Chaos marauders to join the incursion. In the Crags of Shargun they are lured to

strange cavern pulsing dark magic (Dhar). The Thousand Thrones, Chapter IX: Womb of the Black Witch (WFRP2)

8th Sigmarzeit (4th month) [Siege of Erengrad 1st Day]

Siege of Erengrad starts (lasts seven days). Archaon's forces lay siege against the Erengrad using Hellcannons. Same

time an army commanded by D'aggorn the Exalted moves south towards the capital Kislev.

The Border Princes & Black Mountains: Last refugees all around the Border Kingdoms and Badlands come to Barak Varr

with huge Greenskin army following them. Siege of Barak Varr starts. Karak-Hirn is taken by the huge force of Orcs. King

Alrik Ranulfsson of Karak-Hirn was commanded by the High King Thorgrim to defend and to clear the Silver Road of

Greenskins and then attack Mount Gunbad. Now that King Alrik is away with the main army of Karak-Hirn, it is left for the

prince Hamnir to defend the hold, but Prince Hamnir has left Karak-Hirn weeks before and traveled to Barak Varr for

trading mission. Orcslayer (novel)

13th Sigmarzeit (4th month) [Siege of Erengrad 6th Day]

The Dark Lands: Crom the Conqueror (Vardek Crom), self-titled Herald of Archaon, arrives from the East. He leads

massive army of Marauders (Kurgan) out of the Chaos Wastes across the Dark Lands toward the Empire heading Peak

Pass, only to find his path halted by Grimgor Ironhide and his Black Orc army outside High Pass. Battle lasts from

sunrise to sunset. Battlefield is mix of blood, snow and mud. Orcs are defeated during the battle. Grimgor battles Crom,

but abandons the battlefield vowing revenge when his remaining forces flee to the High Pass. Grimgor starts calling his

elite Orcs as 'Ardboyz. When Gobbos broke and fled the great standard of the horde fell beneath the enemies' charge.

Black Orc Taugrek the Throttler saves the standard and from that day becomes the standard bearer.

14th Sigmarzeit (4th month) [Siege of Erengrad 7th Day]

New Moon(s).

Erengrad falls. Norse ships attack from the Sea of Claws. Archaon's forces divide and continue soon towards the Empire


18th Sigmarzeit (4th month)

First Day of Summer

Holy day for those that worship Sigmar. On this day Sigmar was said to have ascended to the Heavens as a God. There

isn't really any feasting or celebration, but all pray for Sigmar's help as darkness advances further from the north.

Mysterious uncompromising Ice Witch comes to sacked Eregrad. There are rumours that this witch is legendary noble-

born Kazahaila Yevschenko, who disappeared in the Oblast over twenty years ago. Yevschenko maintained Frosthome

for fifty years before her disappearance. Realm of the Ice Queen (WFRP2)

The Land of the Dead: In the Land of the Dead, The Tomb Kings are moving. The mighty undead armies of Settra the

Imperishable march north from the Khemri to numas and from there to claim ancient tombs around the Marshes of

Madness & Badlands, and towards the Sour Sea. These lands are known in the tongue of Khemri (Nehekhara) as Anah-

Kehzzar. The Conquest of Anah-Kehzzar has begun.

Lustria: This is 20th day of the Siege of Hexoatl.

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20th Sigmarzeit (4th month)

Famous mercenary unit known as Star of Victory arrives to Wolfenburg. Unit is lead by Captain Bruno Hauptleiter,

originally from the city of Wolfenburg. Mercenaries are hired by Elector Count von Raukov to defend the city sacked year

before by the armies of Surtha Lenk. Sigmar's Heirs (WFRP2)

23rd Sigmarzeit (4th month) [Day 1]

Archaon's forces pass into the Empire. Many mark this as the beginning point of the Storm of Chaos (when Chaos

invades the Empire lands). Archaon's forces cross into the Empire and divide into five different armies.

Wolfenburg (shattered walls of Wolfenburg), Ferlangen, Zundap and Bohsenfels fight fiercely against the Chaos hordes.

In Kurst, the presence of the malfunctioning, but mobile Steam Tank Von Zeppel has been instrumental in keeping the

Chaos hordes at bay. But disturbing rumours tell that monstrous hellcannons are being brought to the village to deal with

the mechanical beast.

It seems almost mircale when Slaaneshi army that sacks Boven bypasses Wurzen on the way to Zundap. But many

mark this as the testament to the Baron von Wallestein, of Wurzen, skills of organisation and strategy. Truth is something

different - Baron von Wallenstein is agent of the Lord of Pleasure. Von Wallenstein betrays the defences at Zundap as a

sign of "good faith". Sigmar's Heirs (WFRP2)

Chaos Strategy:

Archaon's forces have following strategy. His army bolsters over a hundred Norse tribes and they cross the Lynsk

and advance into Ostland. In the Forest of Shadows, the Chaos horde splits into five hosts. One lead by Archaon

himself and others by his trusted lieutenants (Champions):

Archaon himself plans to move straight for Middenheim leading the elite Swords of Chaos westwards

along the Old Forest Road. He plans to raid Ferlangen.

Haargroth, takes his Khorne host past Wolfenburg and towards Krudenwald to meet Archaon sacking

Breder on the way.

Melekh, plans to lead his Tzeentch horde against Bohsenfels and there into the Middle Mountains and to

the Brass Keep. He is helped by Cyspeth.

Feytor takes his diseased Nurgle host south across Hochland planning to attack Esk, Castle Lenkster and

Fort Schippel, joining the Archaon in the Old Forest Road.

Styrkaar was despatched with his Slaanesh host to hold the Forest Road against armies from the state

capitals of Hergig and Talabheim. His plan is to raid Kurst and Zundap and move there to Hergig.

Also there is additional help:

Beastlord Khazrak One-eye attacks from the forests against the Empire forces and Untergard.

Champion D'Aggorn the Exalted is left with additional horde to besiege the capital of Kislev.

Herald of Archaon Vardek Crom attacks from the Dark Lands through the Peak Pass tryin to reach the

eastern Empire with the Kurgan horde (and cause even more chaos among the defenders and divide their


Huge Norse fleet is patrolling the Sea of Claws and attacks Erengrad with the Archaon's horde and then

the Imperial coastline.

Other Chaos forces include:

Warlord Vashnaar the Tormentor has lead Hung marauders to the Lustria with the Dark Elves.

Daemon Be'lakor has summoned his Daemonic host which follows Archaon's horde fast.

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24th Sigmarzeit (4th month) [Day 2]

Bretonnian King Louen Leoncoeur armies, vanguard lead by Duke Bohemond the Beast-Slayer, leave finally from the

Monfort, through Axe-Bite Pass to the Empire, and after this to the north.

26th Sigmarzeit (4th month) [Day 4]

Full Moon(s).

Nordland and Ostland are in flames as the forces of Archaon burn and pillage their way forward Middenheim. In Zundap,

the soldiers of Count von Raukov have been pushed back to the west, their fortified positions on the old steam mill

having been overrun by mighty Dragon Ogres and mutated Giants. Slowly, the cultists, marauders and warriors of the

Dark Gods are pushing their way through the ruins of Wolfenburg, every inch of their advance paid for in blood.

The keep at Bohsenfels is holding strong. Having retained possession of the catacombs that stretch up to the castle's

foundations, the defenders now hold the walls against the vicious assaults of the enemy.

At Ferlangen the initial successes of the defenders are beginning to fade into memory as the hunters of Nordland are

driven back towards their homes, while some have even retreated to lodges in the mountains, expecting the settlement

to soon fall.

In Kurst the detonation in the boiler of the von Zeppel steam tank rendered the war machine immobile, allowing the

Chaos forces attacking Kurst to pour forwards in great numbers, overwhelming the defenders. Kurst is now reduced to a

shattered, burning husk as the weight of the Chaos attack crushed those foolish enough to stand in its path.

Dwarf Garagrim Ironfist, War-mourner of Karak Kadrin, and his host of Slayers cross the Lynsk and are fighting hard

against the Chaos warbands and beasts pouring south in the wake of Archaon's advance.

27th Sigmarzeit (4th month) [Day 5]

Fighting continues within the blasted walls of Wolfenburg as bands of brave troops roam the streets, attacking from

cellars and ruined buildings before disappearing again. These hit and run attacks have stalled the Chaos advance

considerably, buying valuable time for those defenders further west.

At Castle Bohsenfels, a strange quiet has descended, with intermittent forays from the forests against the keep, as

Melekh the Changer marshals his forces for an overwhelming attack. The screams of those sacrificed to Tzeentch echo

from the forests through the night, as the sorcerous Melekh gathers more magical power with which to assault the defiant

troops within the castle. It is unlikely that the defenders could withstand a solid surge from the Chaos troops.

Ferlangen is weakening, and the Empire's generals must decide whether to send fresh troops to bolster its defence,

weakening their forces in other areas, or to surrender the town (and quite possibly Bohsenfels) to the invaders, retreating

to hold the paths into the mountains.

In Zundap fighting continues. The town has changed hands three times over the last couple of days. As with other

battlefields, a concerted effort by the followers of Styrkaar could crush the last remaining vestiges of resistance.

28th Sigmarzeit (4th month) [Day 6]

The Chaos forces numbers begin to grow ever stronger. At Wolfenburg, ever-increasing numbers of warriors are pouring

into the ruined city, while the Castle at Bohsenfels is now cut off from aid and it is only a question of time before it falls.

Athel Loren: Increased attacks of the Beastmen into the Athel Loren forest have been met with a storm of ambushes and

traps. Beastmen are killed in droves by the arrows and blades of the Wood Elves. Ariel believes that Beastman

Cyanathair (Morghur, Master of Skulls) is ralling for yet another greater assault upon Athel Loren. Orion is mustering his

followers into an army to smash the invaders and drive them from his sacred realm.

Marshes of Madness & Badlands: In the Marshes of Madness & Badlands the Tomb King armies of Settra the

Imperishable are fighting hard against the Greenskins. The Greenskin resistance is growing as the undead army

advance north and eastwards. Goblins from around Red Cloud Mountain have met the Undead in the foothills of the

World's Edge Mountains whilst Orcs and Beasts from the inner Badlands fall back before their glittering hosts.

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Lustria: In the dank jungles of Lustria, the Dark Elves and their barbaric Hung allies have pushed south past Tlaxtlan,

fighting running battles with Skink ambushers, mighty reptilian beasts and the jungle itself. The Slann are rousing

themselves to this latest intrusion slowly – until then, every temple looted and shrine desecrated aids the Dark Elves'


29th Sigmarzeit (4th month) [Day 7]

After hard fighting for seven days, Count von Raukov has passes word to the bands of fighters in Wolfenburg to withdraw

from the Ostland capital. A few brave souls are remaining behind to continue to harass the combined forces of Archaon,

Feytor and Haargroth, laying traps and ambushes as more and more twisted followers of the Dark Gods pour into the

ruins of the city. Von Raukov is building a more stable defence at Castle Lenkster and bridge it protects. Already well-

barricaded and reinforced, the extra time bought at Wolfenburg means this new position will be all the harder to take. But

if Zundap were to fall soon, then the hastily-thrown together defences of Struhelspan are unlikely to keep the tide of

Chaos at bay for long, allowing the forces of Chaos into the heart of Middenland and the capital of Hochland, Hergig.

Surrounded and assailed from outside and below, Bohsenfels is falling. Arcane magic unleashed by Melekh the Changer

has begun to take effect, corrupting and mutating those defiant men guarding the northern approaches to the Middle


30th Sigmarzeit (4th month) [Day 8] Bohsenfels commanders debate whether to withdraw their forces to Ferlangen.

Zundap is now little more than a shattered ruin, the skeletal remains of the steam mill a grim testimony to the ferocity of

the fighting.

Archaon's forces make a deal with Skaven Throt the Unclean. A marauder tribe that displeased Archaon is given to Throt

the Unclean as test subjects for the Skaven's unclean experiments in creating new and foul forms of life. In return,

Archaon's forces are bolstered by some of Throt's creations. From this unholy pact, the Flayerkin join the Chaos hordes.

The Border Princes & Black Mountains: Barak Varr is under a siege of Greenskins. Hamnir, the prince of Karak-Hirn,

learns that hold has fallen to the Orc's during his trading mission to Barak Varr. Orcslayer (novel)

33rd Sigmarzeit (4th month) [Day 11] The walls of Bohsenfels have been strongly contested these last few days. Such has been the carnage that the

defenders are now numbered only in their dozens.

In Zundap, the continuing pressure of repeated Chaos attacks is beginning to take a heavy toll of the Imperial soldiers.

Suddenly also Grimgor Ironhide and his ‘Ardboyz arrive in the area.

The soldiers of Count von Raukov have weathered the first attacks on Castle Lenkster with minimal casualties.

Ferlangen is now hard-pressed by a relentless assault.

The Border Princes & Black Mountains: Barak Varr is under a siege of Greenskins. Hamnir, the prince of Karak-Hirn, is

gathering an army to free the lost hold of Karak-Hirn. Rumours also tell that infamous Felix Jaeger and Slayer Gotrek

Gurnisson have arrived back to the Old World with Bretonnian ship and to the Barak Varr through the siege. Orcslayer


1st Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 12]

The town of Ferlangen falls in the hands of Kordel Shorgaar, standard bearer of the Lord of the End Times. The northern

host has paused in its advance, awaiting news from Bohsenfels. Archaon is exceptionally displeased with Melekh's lack

of success thus far. There is even the possibility that Archaon himself will head to the north to personally deal with


In the south, the steam mill of Zundap has been turned into a torture palace for the delights of Styrkaar, beloved of

Slaanesh. While Imperial forces regroup at Struhelspan, the follower of the Dark Prince indulges his unnatural passions

with those captured in the fighting.

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In the capital Altdorf messages (brought by birds and messengers) start to flow like a flood. Soon the city knows that the

Wolfenburg has been abandoned and taken by the enemy. Also that Nordland and Ostland are burning. And even about

the lost steam tank Von Zeppel.

Famous mercenary unit known as Star of Victory is almost totally been killed in the fighting on Wolfenburg. Captain

Bruno Hauptleiter still lives and leads few men tryin to help survivors of the city. Sigmar's Heirs (WFRP2)

Warrior Priest Luthor Huss, self-styled Prophet of Sigmar, arrives to Altdorf with "Sigmar Reborn" Valten. With them is a

great rabble, thousands-strong, of preachers, warrior priests, flagellants and fanatics. This zealous mob follows Valten.

Upon arriving at the capital, Huss and Valten find the gates barred to them. Huss demands entrance and treatens the

Reiksguard captains. The court gathers with the Emperor Karl Franz and Grand Theogonist Esmer. Three days they

debate what to do. Some support Huss and believe in Valten, others say he is heretic (Grand Theogonis included).

Darkness Rising: Correspondance with the Boy, Luthor Huss Announces Valten; Storm of Chaos: Defenders of the

Empire (WFB)

2nd Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 13]

Archaon arrives in the twilight hours outside the besieged castle of Bohsenfels, and with him the dread riders of the

Sword of Chaos. Fighting stops as he summones the warriors of Melekh to pull back from the walls and hear his words.

There are jeers from the defenders, loudest amongst them from the mercenaries that had initially been paid to hold the

castle and yet now fight merely to survive. Archaon brought the curses of the gods upon the followers of Tzeentch for

failing to take the castle, and as an example, five hundred warriors are slain by the Swords of Chaos. As the heads of the

dead Tzeentch followers are piled onto a great pyre, Archaon confronted Melekh himself. Archaon severes Melekh's

head in a one blow with his sword, Slayer of the Kings. A grim silence descents as Archaon commans Melekh's son, the

mutated Cyspeth, to leave only a holding force and advance through Ferlangen to the Nordbergbruche. There is no need

to warn of what would befall his new champion should Cyspeth fail as his father did.

With the fall of Zundap, Imperial forces were pulled back to the eastern end of the bridge at Struhelspan. The excesses

that Styrkaar and his Slaaneshi host indulged allowed a little time for these retreating forces to gather themselves again

and join with the garrison at Struhelspan. When Styrkaar's demented warriors fell upon the defenders of the bridge, they

found their initial assaults blunted with devastating cannon and handgun fire, and have been pushed back into the forests

for the moment.

Chaos warriors, bolstered by Beastmen from the Middle Mountains, march speedily along the pass from Ferlangen to the

Nordbergbruche, the glimmering sides of the Nordberg stretching above them. The scattered hunters and Imperial troops

slowed the advance for a few hours. In particular, the defenders of the Empire found themselves outflanked and waylaid

by a force of Skaven that had been pivotal in the fall of Ferlangen, led by a Grey Seer named Skoll. It looked as if the

Nordbergbruche might fall quickly, but suddenly contingent of Dwarfs, gathered from the small mines and holds of the

Middle Mountains, gather at the bridge.

At Castle Lenkster, the brave efforts of Lord Jared von Strudt hold an assault intended to cross the river upstream. Under

a covering bombardment from the von Brunel, Lord Jared, amongst others, fights a valiant defence until a sortie from the

castle garrison pushed back the invaders. His position is reinforced with the soldiers of Captain Kaufmann. Lord Jared

then makes a counter-attack that droves the attackers from northern castle wall. Von Raukov remains in overall

command of the castle, and for the time being it seems as if the Lenkster bridge is secure.

Badlands: The undead Tomb King armies of Settra continue wage war against the Greenskins and scattered human

communities of the Badlands. Though slow to react at first to the threat, tribes from the Dragonback Mountains and small

armies of Marsh Goblins have begun to gather, halting the advance of the Tomb Kings across the open wilderness.

Settra continues to push his army north and east, towards the Sour Sea.

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3rd Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 14]

Deep in the Middle mountains, at the Nordbergbruche, Chaos forces move forward with the help of Skaven allies using

hidden paths and tunnels to outmanouvre the defenders of the bridge. Still the Dwarfs and imperial mortars hold the

bridge tightly.

South of the mountains, protecting the southern route to the Nordbergbruche, the Men, Elves and Dwarfs at Castle

Lenkster are continually being pressed by successive Chaos attacks. Archaon is personally moving towards the


At Struhelspan, Grey Seer Verminous Fang has begun putting into action a devious plan to tunnel under the river itself

and assault the enemy from behind. Initial attacks on the bridge fortifications themselves were lacklustre and the men of

Ostland and Middenland have been able to strengthen their defences. Also Slaanesh Champion Styrkaar is now finally

marching from the ruins of Zundap to the Struhelspan with his army.

Valten and Karl Franz meet. Captain of the Reiksguard, filled with religious fear of Huss' declaration, disobey his orders

and the gates are finally opened. Huss and Valten, including their entourage, soon reach the Emperor's Palace and meet

Karl Franz. People gather by the thousands in Coronation Square. Many believe the word of Huss and think he is truly

the prophet of Sigmar and that the Valten is the chosen one. These even include Electors (southern pro-sigmar

Provinces). Threatened by the appearance Valten, who Huss and many others believe to be the living reincarnation of

Sigmar, Karl Franz has a difficult decision to make. To spurn the young man would be to invite disaster from those who

believed. To accept him would be to splinter the Empire when strong leadership was needed most. The Emperor comes

up with a compromise that satisfies all parties and gives the hammer of Ghal Maraz to the young blacksmith without

surrendering control of the Empire. Karl Franz declares Valten as the spiritual leader of the Empire. United, the two

leaders now turn their attention toward the threat of Archaon. As prince of Altdorf, Karl Franz takes up the Reikland

Runefang, and vowes to lead the armies of the Empire by Valten's side. Darkness Rising: Correspondance with the Boy,

Luthor Huss Announces Valten; Storm of Chaos: Defenders of the Empire (WFB)

Bogolav Tammas, a warrior of Khorne, fighting now in the Bohsenfels, feels something calling to him from the Forest of

Shadows. Leaving the army, he wanders south into the woods until he founds the Blood Fane, ancient tainted stone

dedicated to the Khorne, and its old Beastman keeper. Tammas hacks Beastmans head off and adds it to the pile of

skulls for the Khorne. Now Bogolav Tammas becomes the new keeper of the Blood Fane. He gathers soon group of loyal

Beastmen to aid him. Sigmar's Heirs (WFRP2)

World Edge Mountains: Crom the Conqueror (Vardek Crom), self-titled Herald of Archaon, army of Kurgan arrives from

the northen Dark Lands to the Peak Pass. His army overruns two defensive positions created by the Dwarfs of Karak

Kadrin. Vardek Crom's army is supported by the arcane war machines and Daemonically-possessed machineries of

destruction created by the Dark Dwarfs (Dawri-Zharr). The Battle of Peak Pass starts.

Athel Loren: Athel Loren has been attacked by thousands of Beastmen leaded by Beastman Cyanathair. The Wood

Elves have responded to this invasion with speed and ferocity, slaying dozens of misshapen beasts with every swift

ambush. Horns of Orion sounds out amongst the boles of the ancient trees as he gathers the Wild Hunt to sweep away

the intruders.

The Border Princes & Black Mountains: Karak-Hirn has been taken by the huge force of Orcs. Barak Varr is under a

siege of Greenskins. In Barak Varr small army of Dwarfs leaded by Hamnir, the prince of Karak-Hirn, is ready to march to

free the lost hold. Rumours tell that also infamous Felix Jaeger and Slayer Gotrek Gurnisson are involved. Orcslayer


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4th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 15]

The Middle Mountains Kordel Shorngaar awaits the arrival of Cyspeth and his Tzeentchian army, while the Skaven that

have come forth to exploit the peril of the Empire continue to fight in the valleys around the pass.

At Lenkster, the arrival of the School of Engineers' expeditionary force has stemmed the recent attacks, while Count von

Raukov continues to exhort the defenders of the castle to repel the latest assault. A dread rumour has begun to spread

through the Imperial camp, that Archaon himself marches for Lenkster with his Hellcannons. The walls of Castle Lenkster

will not stand long against such devastating arcane machines.

Styrkaar, favoured of Slaanesh, arrives with his army to Struhelspan. He has spoken to his warriors of the villages and

towns that lie beyond the river, and has promised his warriors free reign to do as they will if they can break through within

5 days. Such promises of looting and wanton debauchery have driven the devoted of Slaanesh into a ardent frenzy.

Lustria: In the jungles of Lustria Morathi's allied marauders (Hung) have made a great incursion towards the ruins of

Xhotl, whilst her Slaaneshi cultists remain embattled in the outlying temples of Tlanxla. In the pools beneath the mighty

edifices of the Slann, new spawnings of stronger, deadlier Saurus warriors are emerging.

5th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 16]

World Edge Mountains: Crom the Conquerors (Vardek Crom) army reaches the battle line prepared by Slayer King

Ungrim Ironfist in the Peak Pass.

Lustria: This is 40th day of the Siege of Hexoatl.

6th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 17]

New Moon(s).

7th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 18] Warlord Grimgor Ironhide is fighting his way to Castle Lenkster, picking up odds and ends of tribes and warbands along

the way, in his efforts to prove himself mightier than Archaon by reaching Middenheim first. Orc and Goblin tribes from

the woods and mountains join Waaagh! Grimgor and attack Archaon's forces.

Fighting at Bohsenfels has degenerated into smaller skirmishes and forays by the mercenaries holding the walls into the

catacombs below. With Cyspeth now turning the attention of his Tzeentchian warbands towards Nordbergbruche, it

appears that the few survivors of the early onslaughts might possibly live to see the end of the Storm of Chaos.

Supported by scattered bands of Elves and Dwarfs, the Empire's soldiers at Struhelspan have forced back numerous

attacks led by Styrkaar, the devoted servant of Slaanesh. His depraved warriors appear to be tiring of the war, as the

ceaseless battling fails to excite their over-developed senses and keeps them from other, more pleasurable, pursuits.

Feytor, The thrice-blessed of Nurgle, has not been seen since the fall of Kurst, though many of his warriors now assault

Castle Lenkster.

And far to the north, in the wild tundra of Kislev, the armies of the Tzarina now battle against the hordes of D'Aggorn the

Exalted, as the forces of the Chaos Champion press ever closer to the capital. Messengers have been sent far and wide,

searching for the Slayer army of Garagrim to come to their aid, for surely the chance to earn honourable death against

the twisted, mutated creatures assailing the Ice Queen's city will bring the orange-haired death-seekers to battle.

8th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 19]

The bombardment of Castle Lenkster begins just after dawn. The air itself is torn by tortured screaming as the first

arcane blasts from the Hellcannons screeched through the air, and impacted upon the keep’s walls, shattering stone and

flesh in equal measure. For half a day the infernal cannonade continues, and parts of the east tower are in ruins, while

the northern wall is breached in several places. Yet despite this damage, Archaon holds back his forces, waiting perhaps

for some signal, some sign from the gods, that it is time to launch the final assault.

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In the depths of the Middle Mountains, Skaven and marauders are almost upon the span of the Nordbergbruche.

Desperate fighting by men and Dwarfs alike keeps them from the bridge, but without the support of the Middenland

mortars, which are running low on ammunition and cannot be supplied due to Skaven infiltrators, it seems that the bridge

will hold for only a few more days.

At Struhelspan, the fighting has been somewhat tame, as the defenders are content to stem the tide of warriors

advancing upon them, whilst Styrkaar appears to idle away the hours in other pursuits, distracted from the fighting.

Athel Loren: In Athel Loren, Orion’s horn calls echo through the trees as the Wood Elves continue the slaughter of the

foul Beastmen corrupting their lands.

Lustria: The Slann have stirred from their contemplation as brutal marauders and pale-skinned Druchii sack the ruins of

the temples surrounding Tlanxla and Quetza. Disturbed from their efforts by these distractions, the Realm of Chaos has

grown further, and occurrences of Daemonic intrusions are increasing.

9th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 20]

When darkness fells the Hellcannons start to fire the Castle Lenkster. Soon soldiers fell to their knees gasping breath

and spewing the contents of their guts over the castle walls. Even the doughty Dwarfs that had raised their axes in

defence of Castle Lenkster are afflicted by the strange malaise, their legendary constitutions no safeguard against the

unnatural disease. The Imperial Engineers and their gunboats hold the bridge as the Hellcannons fire. This allows the

Count von Raukov to muster some semblance of a retreat from the rout that has threatened. The Elector's brave words

had been for nought, as he fell back towards Breder in Middenland.

A small force of Bretonnians has been seen heading north to Middle Mountains, directed by their Lady to defend the

Nordbergbruche. They are met by the warriors of the Tzeentch warlord Asil Yarp, who unleashed the horror of a

Hellcannon upon them for the first time, scattering the brave knights to the wind. With this counter-attack foiled, it seems

inevitable that Cyspeth and his Skaven allies will cross the bridge within hours.

The river under the Struhelspan is quickly filling with bodies as a new offensive is launched by Styrkaar's followers.

Promises of glory and indulgence, the maddened warriors of Slaanesh have repeatedly hurled themselves at the

defenders, whose strength has been weakened by requests for more troops at Lenkster. However, the bridge is held.

Darkness comes to the Kislev Oblast. People have horrible dreams and dark visions of future. Dhar flows extremely

strong and strange Daemonic Incursion happen. The Daemonic Horde has come. Be’lakor visits the battlefield where

Archaon defeated Volkmar the Grim and brings Volkmar back to life. After that Volkmar is chained to the battle standard

of his legion.

10th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 21]

Middenlanders and the White Wolves of Count Todbringer march forward to reinforce the defences at Esk. Count von

Raukov, driven from his homeland, makes Breder a new headquarters. Von Raukov gatheres together his men and is

determined to assault and reclaim the castle at Lenkster. But forces of Archaon and Feytor had crossed the river in

considerable numbers during the night, and dawn saw them advancing rapidly on Breder. Caught unprepared, the

soldiers of Breder are hard-pressed to hold back the avalanche of howling warriors and roaring monsters that descended

on their town, and Archaon, sensing victory, urges his warriors to press home whilst they hold the advantage.

A small force despatched by Feytor hold ground near Esk, and early fighting has broken out along the road and paths

leading to the village.

The Nordbergbruche falls.

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Suddenly assailed from the far end by Skaven that had tunnelled around their defences, the dwarfs and men holding the

bridge are caught in a vicious trap. The magic of Tzeentch fills the valley as Cyspeth and his coven of sorcerous allies

unleashed the raw power of change upon the foe, rending their enemies with glittering bolts of energy and mutating them

into twisted, mewling wrecks. The sheer ferocity and speed of the onslaught sweeps away all resistance, and within an

hour the bridge is taken. The victory celebrations are muted however, for the warriors of Tzeentch know that they have

done only a little to rebuild their reputation in the eyes of their master, and also ahead lays one of the greatest challenges

- Brass Keep.

Thinly defended bridge at Struhelspan holds. What should have proven to be little more than a minor delay in the

advance of Styrkaar has been turned into the last bastion of the defence of the south by the indolent nature of the

Slaaneshi champion’s attacks. Valuable time has been wasted, time that would be preciously needed if the forces were

to take the bridge and assault the much stronger positions at Hergig and Fort Schippel.

11th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 22] A province-wide counter-offensive, led by Boris Todbringer and Count von Raukov, has stemmed the advancing Chaos

host, from Esk in the south, at Breder, to the Brass Keep in the Middle Mountains. Count of Middenland rides forth with a

contingent of White Wolves and Teutogen Guard, blessed by ar-Ulric. At Brass Keep, a sortie by the Knights Panther

smashes the vanguard of Cyspeth as it marched through the mountains from the Nordbergbruche. Reinforcements to the

growing battle are slow, from both sides, as the winding columns of troops negotiate the harsh terrain of the Middle


In the south, Styrkaar strikes. Frustrated by the lack of mettle shown by his warriors, he leads the next attack personally,

in a demonstration of his personal power and favour by Slaanesh. The fighting is bitter yet brief, as the deadly Champion

of Slaanesh cuts down all who would oppose him. When more and more Imperial troops rush to the west end of the

bridge a large part of the ground gives away beneath them, plunging dozens of soldiers into a great tunnel beneath. Here

they were set upon by vicious Skaven, who attack forth from the pit in a great tide. These are Clanrats and Stormvermin

of Verminous Fang. Struhelspan falls.

In Breder, the initial assaults of Archaon and Haargroth push back the forces of von Raukov. As the sun climbs to Noon,

something glitters in the north, moving towards Breder. These are force of Elves led by Talaananthes Silverfall. The

Elves immediately attack, engaging a force of Khornate thugs and warriors. With these unexpected reinforcements, the

defenders took heart and the forces of Chaos are been pushed back to the edges of the town once more.

Pushed further and further west, the forces of Dwarfs, men and Elves defending Middenheim are been stretched to

breaking point. However, as their own supply lines shorten and the veterans of previous battles join those waiting at the

next line of defence, their resistance is stiffening once again.

Esk, a potentially weak spot in the battleline, A small village with barely a defensible wall, is now garrisoned by a force

several thousand strong. Beyond lie the rich pickings of central Middenland, and ultimately Middenheim itself. Intent on

claiming this prize for themselves, the initial attacks at Esk have been fought not by the warriors of the Dark gods, but by

the vile ratmen of Chaos, in the form of Clan Deathbite under the leadership of Chieftain Skritchskritch. Combined with

the success of Verminous Fang at Struhelspan.

12th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 23] Day of hope in the city of Altdorf. There is much of fanfare and hubbub and also gtreat parade where both Karl Franz and

Valten ride side by side. Valten is carrying magnificent Ghal Maraz and Imperial plate armour. Reikland armies are now

marching to the war. With the main army rides also Grand Mashall Kurt Helborg and the Emperor's personal champion

Ludwig Swartzhelm. Festivities in the Altdorf are shadowed by the news from the north (some little late). Reikland army is

joined by the forces of Wissenland. After long negotiations with the rulers of the Stirland and Averland, their provinces

finally agree to send forces that should join the main army in Talabheim. Messages from the Slayer King Ungrim Ironfist,

that he vowes to hold the Peak Pass against the Crom's horde, helps in the negotiations. Talabecland is also mustering

as the remaining forces of Surtha Lenk's horde still harash Ostland and Talabecland. Main army (and also Luthor Huss

zealots) heads now to the Talabheim. Army will face many Beastmen raids and skirmishes along the way. Darkness

Rising: The Light Shines Forth; Storm of Chaos: Defenders of the Empire (WFB)

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A lesser Sigmarite Order of Sisters of Faith and Chastity, march to the war from Altdorf at Valten's side. Half their

numbers join the war-effort. Tome of Salvation (WFRP2)

Magister Patriarch of Celestial Order Stern Glanzend names Lord Magister Raphael Julevno the next Patriarch of Order

before leaves to war in Middenheim. During the war Stern Glanzend dies. Magister Matriarch (Jade Mother) of the Jade

College Arburg also marches to war - She will also be killed. Lord Magister Druid Tochter Grunfeld is chosen to be next

Matriarch. Realms of Sorcery (WFRP2)

The templar Order of the Fiery Heart marches to the war with their Grandmaster Baron Orenstihl. They leave old templar

and librarian sir Theobalt von Dreschler and his squire Ortwin Wielhaler to Altdorf. Orders regalia consists two pieces,

The Banner of Baldemar and the Sword of Righteous Flame. Regalia is taken to the war. Order rides directly to the

Middenheim. Most of the order will die in Middenheim and the rest will be missing in action after the siege, including the

Grandmaster. Shamanslayer (novel)

Graf Falken Reiklander, cousin of Karl Franz and the commander of the Castle Reiksguard, marches to the war with his

men. He is gravely wounded after the war. Zombieslayer (novel)

14th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 25]

From the depths of the Drakwald, the one-eyed Beastlord Khazrak attacks at the Imperial lines of defence. In the darkest

hours of the night, his force comprising of many warbands, attack the walls of Untergard. The defenders are unable to

stop the rampaging Gors, Ungors and Minotaurs, and their efforts to repulse the attack are crushed by the appearance of

two mighty Dragon Ogre Shaggoths. When Khazrak has fought his way to the bridge he then awaits the arrival of other

warbands to help him cross the river and complete the sacking of Untergard.

Rumours tell that Boris Todbringer has already ordered his men to start withdrawing from Breder, although Count von

Raukov has insisted on staying to defend the town. With supplies low, having been lost to an attack several days ago, it

is doubtful whether the Ostlanders can hold on unaided.

Archaon leaves Esk where Feytor succesfully reach the village itself. Archaon also leaves the fate of Breder in the hands

of the murderous Haargoth, Blooded One of Khorne.

Brass Keep stands defiant against the hordes of Cyspeth, despite advances made by the Tzeentchian horde and their

Skaven allies.

At Fort Schippel, the advancing warriors of Slaanesh made small gains, facing a network of well-constructed barricades

and emplaced cannons and mortars. Aided by Dwarfs from other areas of the Empire, the defenders of Fort Schippel sit

confidently behind their Dwarf-cuilt walls and redoubts. Just as daunting is the great wall of Hergig, capital of Hochland,

where Styrkaar is now preparing his next assault, no doubt filled with visions of the hedonistic pleasures he can enjoy

with the thousands of people trapped inside the city by the fighting.

Alexi Makarev, son of a now-dead Boyar of Erengrad and a dispossessed noble, has issued a call to arms to all men of

Kislev. As the armies of D'Aggorn the Exalted press closer to Kislev itself, while Praag itself is almost besieged once

more, it is a time for the people of Kislev to once again rise against adversity and protect their homes, as they have done

for countless years.

The main army of Karl Franz, Valten and Zealots of Luthor Huss are attacked by Beastman raiders on their way from

Altdorf to Talabheim. Storm of Chaos: Defenders of the Empire (WFB)

Marshes of Madness & Badlands: The purpose of Settra's advance becomes clearer, as the Tomb Kings continue to

press north and eastwards across the Badlands. The ruins of several ancient settlements have already been reclaimed,

and yet the Eagle of the Desert continues advancing, his army now within sight of the Sour Sea. Beyond lays the

ancient, terrible citadel of Nagashizzar.

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Lustria: In the amongst the mangroves and swamps of Lustria, the Khaine-worshippers of Morathi are beginning to feel

the debilitating effect of the Lizardmen's realm. Attacks by Skink scouts and now a more coherent defence by columns of

Saurus warriors have stopped the Druchii just northeast of Quezta. Also Hag Queen's barbaric allies, the Hung, suffer

losses to disease, predators and the Lizardmen attacks.

Athel Loren: The Wild Hunt is in full force in Athel Loren, as Orion inflicts a bloody cull on the Beastmen hiding under the

eaves of the immense forest. Aided by the twisting, shifting wood itself, the Wood Elves have broken apart many

beastmen warbands and destroyed them at their leisure, and it appears the mutated kin of Chaos are powerless to form

any semblance of an army to threaten their foes.

15th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 26; Battle of Unterguard Bridge 1st Day]

The withdrawal from Breder by Count Todbringer has left the men of von Raukov in a tight spot. The Chaos forces are

pressing hard, and the Count of Ostland is mustering his men for a speedy march to Esk. It is likely that there will be little

respite at the village, as it seems that Boris Todbringer is intent not on defending the small villages in the east of

Middenland, and his forces are even now continuing to move westward along the Old Forest Road. The warlord Leth-

Dar, emmissary of Cyspeth the Gifted, has gathered an army to the north of the town.

Attacks against the Brass Keep is testing the defenders. One initial foray is met by the Dwarfen warriors of Ragargrim

Skund, his Thunderers and war machines taking a heavy toll and even destroying a Greater Daemon that had

manifested from the strengthening magical field surrounding the Tzeentchian host.

Recovering quickly from the shock of Khazrak's surprise attack, forces around Untergard have moved into the town and

assaulted the area around the bridge in an attempt to dislodge the many Beastmen now lurking within the half-ruined

storehouses and the sprawling coaching station that dominates the end of the bridge itself. An assault along the bridge

itself was repulsed by a counter-attack from the mutated beasts of the Dark Gods. Battle of Unterguard Bridge begins

(lasts 9 days).

With Count Ludenhof now in residence, the defence of Hergig continues. Not entirely at home in the ongoing siege.

Ludenhof is said to be planning a sally forth with the Jaegerkorp, in an attempt to break out through the attackers' lines

and start battling against the foes that are even now marching to the Hochland capital.

Fort Schippel is still a formidable bastion standing in the way of the twisted legion of Styrkaar. Knowing full well the fate

that will befall them should they be captured by the followers of Slaanesh, the defenders of the castle have vowed to die

fighting. The devoted of the dark Prince launch several assaults in quick succession, including attacks through the night.

Siege of Praag begins.

16th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 27; Battle of Unterguard Bridge 2nd Day]

Defences at Breder have been overrun by the forces of Haargoth the Blooded One. Bestial, rage-driven warriors pour

into the streets, slaughtering all in their path. The disorganised remnants of the defending army are now been pushed

back to Esk, with the frenzied fighters of the Lord of Skulls close behind.

Brass Keep has seen an escalation in the fighting, as more forces from both sides pour into the Middle Mountains; the

army of Cyspeth on the one hand desperate to win a quick advantage, the defenders knowing that behind them stands

an almost open road to Middenheim itself.

The panic and confusion at Esk, caused by von Raukov's rapid retreat, has enabled Feytor and his foetid minions to

make gains against the defenders, destroying several outlying buildings and moving into the village itself.

The foray by Count Ludenhof from Hergig has been put on hold, as Chaos forces threaten to overwhelm the north gate

of the city. Every man, elf and dwarf is needed for the walls, and the Count has listened to the impassioned advice of his

war council and decided to remain within his capital.

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The attacks at Fort Schippel continue. With troops now freed from the fighting at Breder, the Kommandant of the Fort,

Kristophe Gohlinghost looks warily to the north to see whether fresh enemies will arrive at his gate, or press on to the

much weaker defences as Esk.

Khazrak one-eye push his bestial warriors onto the bridge at Untergard, and break out into the remainder of the town.

With the river held, the divided forces of the Beastlord capture supplies intended for Middenheim, and are now armed

with weapons stolen from the barges intended for Boris Todbringer's host.

17th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 28; Battle of Unterguard Bridge 3rd Day]

In the mid-morning, the brassy clarion calls of many trumpets could be heard echoing along the forest roads of

Middenland. Soon outriders and scouts reported a great host moving from the southeast; an army of knights thousands-

strong, bedecked in the full panoply of war and bearing the heraldry of the Bretonnian Dukes. At their head rides Duke

Bohemond, the Beast-slayer, commander of King Loencoeur’s vanguard.

Brass Keep defenders still hold the army of Tzeentch, leaded by Cyspeth, and their the Skaven allies. Brass Keep

commander is Grand Master Kohlspier, leader of the Knights Panther.

Boris Todbringer continues to head westward to confront Khazrak One-eye.

A force of Knights of the White Wolf, led by the Grand Master, have turned back and make a valiant stand on the

outskirts of Esk. The heroic efforts by these ferocious knights has allowed the rout from Breder to be slowed to an orderly

retreat, as Empire forces disengage from the enemy now circumnavigating the village to attack their rear lines.

Fort Schippel and its human and Dwarf defenders continue hold against the inhuman forces assailing its walls. Several

assaults have been launched, most of them beaten back before their ladders are raised and their siege engines are

closing the castle.

In Hergig an inhuman assailant, later described by the Count Ludenhof’s as a vermin-creature the height of a man,

enters the count’s chamber as he read reports of the fighting. A keen hunter, the Count was kept alive only by his iron

nerve and the finely crafted hunting rifle always kept by his side. The attacker is wounded but fled and avoided capture.

Khazrak continues to fight fiercely for possession of the bridge in Untergard, despite an near-overwhelming number of

troops being sent to the town to prevent his escape. The timing of Khazrak’s attack, launched to coincide with a fresh

offensive at Breder and Esk, can not be pure coincidence, and though Boris Todbringer is reminding his officers and men

of the reward for Khazrak’s death, commanders in Untergard are cautious and wary of allowing themselves to be caught

by surprise again.

The main army of Karl Franz, Valten and Zealots of Luthor Huss find destroyed Beastmen camp and Beastmen bodies

killed by mysterious Elven like arrows. Storm of Chaos: Defenders of the Empire (WFB)

18th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 29; Battle of Unterguard Bridge 4th Day]

Full Moon(s).

The rearguard by Knights of the White Wolf held at Esk, but for barely long enough to allow their comrades to retreat

westwards towards Krudenwald. However, as the troops fell back to their next defences, they are struck from the north

by a green thunderbolt – Grimgor Ironhide. Attacking from the foothills of the Middle Mountains, the Orc warlord set upon

the marching army in a furious assault. Count von Raukov is wounded in the fighting but fights his way clear, and now

the route to Krudenwald is wide open. Grimgor appears to have a head start over Haargoth, and undoubtedly the two

bloodthirsty warriors will be eager to outdo the other in their assaults on Krudenwald.

A coordinated attack at Untergard has succeeded in pushing the forces of Kharak One-eye away from the bridge,

allowing more troops to be brought up the river. The fighting has broken down into vicious street-to-street battling, as the

roaming bands of Beastmen waylay their foes before seeking safety in the ruined buildings of the war-torn town.

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Both Brass Keep and Fort Schippel continue to hold back their attackers from the walls.

Unshaken by the attempt on his life, Count Ludenhof of Hochland rallies his men at the walls of Hergig, staving off

successive assaults from the north and east. These attacks have been haphazard and short-lived, and it seems that

Styrkaar is wary of making an all-out attack.

19th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 30; Battle of Unterguard Bridge 5th Day] The main army of Karl Franz, Valten and Zealots of Luthor Huss are attacked by Beastman raiders on their way from

Altdorf to Talabheim. Storm of Chaos: Defenders of the Empire (WFB)

20th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 31; Battle of Unterguard Bridge 6th Day]

The main army of Karl Franz, Valten and Zealots of Luthor Huss are attacked by Beastman raiders on their way from

Altdorf to Talabheim. Storm of Chaos: Defenders of the Empire (WFB)

21st Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 32; Battle of Unterguard Bridge 7th Day]

Be'Lakor! A name that has spread across the northern Empire in recent times, spoken in terrified whispers. Now the

nightmare hinted at by the doomsayers has become a reality. The magical winds have been increasing in strength for

many days now, and omens of evil have been plaguing Middenheim and the surrounding area. At Krudenwald, a great

magical storm enveloped the town for several hours, culminating in the sky splitting asunder and pouring forth a tide of

daemonic beasts spawned from the twisted imaginings of a madman. At their head soared the Dark Master, a palpable

wave of terror spreading out before him. Now the town is set upon by three beings intent on its destruction – Be'Lakor,

Grimgor Ironhide and Haargoth the Blooded One. Von Raukov sents messengers to King Leoncoeur of Bretonnia to

request his intervention at the beleaguered town. The Battle of the Three Armies begins.

Sensing the change in the winds of magic, the Shamans of Khazrak urge the leader to strengthen his efforts to hold

Untergard, advising that soon his uneasy allies will break through to him. The renewed fighting has seen the Beastlord

push back towards the town's bridge, although resistance is growing steadily each day.

Brass Keep (Knights Panther, State Troops and Dwarfs) stands defiant against the Skaven and Tzeentchian warriors

besieging it.

Though progress has been slow, the forces attacking Fort Schippel make their first assault against the walls. Under

cover of newly constructed siege towers, baying warriors and twisted mutants reached the south wall, and although

several hundred managed to storm the parapet they are driven back after vicious fighting. Several siege towers are

destroyed in the attack.

Meanwhile, the capital of Hochland, Hergig, continues to hold strong against the depraved warriors of Slaanesh. Count

Ludenhof leads the Jaegerkorps on a daring sally forth to destroy several war machines under construction outside the

range of the city's cannons. This set back tests the patience of Styrkaar to the limit.

The fighting at Bohsenfels continues to a limited degree, as occasional forays into the catacombs or counter-attacks by

the defenders spill more blood on the already crimson ground.

Athel Loren: Smoke has been seen rising from the canopy of Athel Loren, as the pyres of burning Beastmen continue to

grow ever larger. The taint of Chaos has so far been prevented from spreading to the inner glades, while Orion continues

to reap a bloody harvest of the bestial warriors flooding into his realm.

Lustria: A counter-attack against the Khaine-worshippers of Morathi is been stemmed, as her Dark Elf warriors held

ground and await the armies of the Lizardmen. Having weathered this assault, they are once more advancing on the

temple cities of Lustria.

Marshes of Madness & Badlands: While legions of skeletal warriors continue to battle against the greenskins of the

Badlands, a new foe emerges to stop the advance of Settra and the army of the Tomb Kings. On the shores of the Sour

Sea, an undead host led by fell vampires encircled the greatest of Tomb Kings. Pressing on towards Nagahshizzar,

Settra and his unliving warriors fight their way through the shambling defenders, but progress is slowed as more and

more undead minions of the ancient evil dwelling in Cripple Peak stand in their path.

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22nd Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 33; Battle of Unterguard Bridge 8th Day]

While the Count Ludenhof of Hochland sallied forth successfully to destroy battering rams and siege towers being

constructed by the warriors of Styrkaar, a more sinister threat is growing within the forests. The vile rat-men allies of the

Slaanesh worshippers unleash their arcane machineries at the walls of Hergig, slaying many of the defenders and also

try to kill Count again. The wall yet stands intact, while soldiers desperately fight against maddened, frothing-mouthed


Having given up on reclaiming the bridge at Untergard, Khazrak has led his forces northwards, his two mighty Dragon

Ogre Shaggoths at the forefront of his attempted breakout. He heads towards Immelscheld where Boris Todbringer is

inspecting the defences currently.

In Krudenwald, the massive assault by Orcs, Daemons and the mortal followers of the Dark Gods threatens to sweep

away all resistance. Von Raukov defends the town valiantly.

Brass Keep has become a slaughter field, as thousands of human and inhuman attackers throw themselves at its

impervious walls in the hope of gaining some purchase that can be later exploited. Cyspeth’s Skaven allies plan

something new also.

Unlike the poor unfortunates that died at Castle Lenkster, the defenders of Fort Schippel have so far been free from the

unnatural poxes and diseases unleashed by Feytor, beloved of Nurgle. With three wells and a sizeable storehouse, the

defenders are yet to feel the true deprivation of a siege, and the desultory attacks by Feytor’s men have caused little

casualties. If the Champion of decay was looking for his god to lay low the defenders, he seems to have been mistaken,

and should remember that the gods look to those who look after themselves.

The main army of Karl Franz, Valten and Zealots of Luthor Huss find another destroyed Beastmen camp and Beastmen

bodies killed by mysterious Elven like arrows. Storm of Chaos: Defenders of the Empire (WFB)

World Edge Mountains: The forces of Crom the Conqueror attacks one of the outlying bastions of Karak Kadrin, less than

ten leagues from the Dwarf hold. Aided by the slave-trains from Zharr-Naggrund and the enormous war machines that

they have brought, Vardek Crom sents his warriors forth into the breached walls, but found the stubborn resistance of the

Dwarfs too much for them to overcome and, as night fells, Crom and his army are pushed back into the vale and

withdrew out of range of the grudgethrowers and cannons of the half-shattered bastion. More and more arcana from the

east are dragged into position.

23rd Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 34; Battle of Unterguard Bridge 9th Day]

Ferocious fighting has beset the walls of Brass keep, as the Knights Panther and their comrades were finally forced to

fight hand-to-hand against their foes by a determined assault led by Cyspeth himself. The eastern drawbridge is

destroyed in the fighting, but the gap has been filled with the bodies of the dead as the warriors of Tzeentch push

forwards to gain a foothold on the walls. They are eventually driven back.

In Hergig, fighting breaks over the walls in several places, with a renewed determination from Styrkaar and his followers

after the success of his Skaven allies' attack. As yet only small bands of Slaanesh warriors and ratmen skirmishers break

into the city.

At Krudenwald, the appearance of the Dark Master has dramatically swung the tide against the defenders. Disheartened

by the apparition of a screaming, tormented Volkmar writhing upon the Daemon prince's banner has disheartened the

men of the Empire, sapping their resolve.

Khazrak ransacks and burns much of Untergard during his breakout, and it looks as if he may yet elude capture. The

bridge itself is badly damaged in the fighting, stemming the number of reinforcements crossing from the west to join the

fighting around Hergig and Fort Schippel. Battle of Unterguard Bridge ends.

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24th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 35]

Hergig is suffering badly during renewed assaults led by the nefarious Skaven and their infernal war machines. Fighting

on the western wall starts out during the day and continues into the night, and fires have been seen burning in the centre

of the city, set by unknown and unseen assailants.

At Brass Keep another monstrous assault by Cyspeth and his host has seen another vicious battle taking place around

the castle. Weary and bloodied, the defenders staved off the attack, but have been severely weakened.

At the moment of triumph, it seems that the forces of Grimgor, the Dark Master and Haargoth have conceded victory to

each other, with no one inhuman attacker able to complete the final assault on the town. Certainly the defiance of Valmir

von Raukov has held the attackers in check for the last few days, but dissent amongst those vying for the glory of being

Krudenwald’s doom has gifted the Elector of Ostland with valuable time to shore up his defences and prepare a retreat.

Khazrak is still at large in the forests around Untergard, and has waylaid several caravans of black powder and food

destined for Imperial troops and their Dwarf allies defending the town. The hunt for the Beastlord is drawing away troops

that some would say are better used to the east; these nay-sayers claiming that Khazrak’s army is now a spent force and

poses little threat. Count Todbringer, on the other hand, knows from bitter experience not to underestimate the One-eye,

and has ordered his capture or death at any cost.

The main army of Karl Franz, Valten and Zealots of Luthor Huss find another destroyed Beastmen camp and Beastmen

bodies killed by mysterious Elven like arrows. Storm of Chaos: Defenders of the Empire (WFB)

The Border Princes & Black Mountains: Battle of the Karak-Hirn. Small army of Dwarfs leaded by Hamnir, the prince of

Karak-Hirn, attack the hold that has been taken over by huge force of Orcs. Rumours tell that also infamous Felix Jaeger

and Slayer Gotrek Gurnisson are involved. Orcslayer (novel)

25th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 36]

The continued fighting in and around Untergard has taken a heavy toll of defenders in the area, with Khazrak and his

beastherds leading the men of the Empire into all manner of ambushes and traps, whilst continually eluding the patrols

and huntsmen sent out to find him. In a daring act, he doubled-backs on the town and launches a surprise raid on the

bridge from down stream, destroying the crossing and preventing more troops from coming across the river from the

west. His task completed the One-eye vanishes back into the forests and with the bridge gone Boris Todbringer has

begun to recall his troops to Immelscheld to bolster the defence there. The bodies of hundreds of Beastmen, Men,

Dwarfs and others litter the streets of the half-ruined town and the surrounding woods, a testament to the long and

bloody fighting for possession of its vital crossing.

The walls of Hergig are been sorely tested by the devastating warpstone-powered machines of the Skaven, and Styrkaar

of Slaanesh leads another successful assault, this time against the northern gate towers. Its supplies mysteriously fouled

and officers being killed in their beds, the army of Count Ludenhof is beginning to disintegrate as weary men fall back

from the walls under the now relentless assault.

The outer wall of Brass Keep has been taken by a determined attack, aided by a mine being collapsed by Skaven under

the southern ramparts. The defenders, sensing the impending attack, pull back quickly from the assault, surrendering

wall with few casualties and barricad themselves inside the keep itself.

Fluctuating magical energies around Krudenwald have seen the appearance and disappearance of daemonic warriors in

many places, while the shadow of Be'lakor still lies over the town. Grimgor Ironhide has slain dozens of foes himself over

the days of fighting and still seems determined to single-handedly storm the defences before any other warrior. Haargoth

has not been seen for several days.

As yet the tainted champion Feytor has not made a significant move at Fort Schippel, though noxious fumes and strange

noises have begun emanating from the woods around the citadel.

In the cold north, the dispossessed Boyar Alexi Makarev is said to be leading his forces south to link up with the Gryphon

Legion Makarevat Bohsenfels. Aided by other forces of the North Kislev Alliance, Makaver is planning a series of raids

on the attackers, if he can break through the thin cordon at Bohsenfels.

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The Slayers following Garagrim Ironfist fight a large battle in the foothill of the Worlds Edge Mountains near to High Pass.

Garagrim is wounded by a vicious bear-like mutant (Ulfwerenar), but is recovering from the injury, much to his


Sylvania: Strange lights have been reported from the area around Drakenhof Castle in Sylvania. What this might bode is

not known, but few believe it to be a good omen for the men of the Empire and their allies.

Lustria: This is 60th day of the Siege of Hexoatl.

26th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 37] Ten leagues from Talabheim, the main army of Karl Franz, Valten and Zealots of Luthor Huss, are attacked by a great

force. Beastmen pour from the woods, sounding their horns to call their twisted kin to the battle. Arrayed across the road

to Talabheim is and outlandish army of northmen, dressed in patterned furs, with brightly dyed skins and hair, and tall

crests on their helms. These worshippers of Slaanesh have crossed the Talabec south of Talabheim and awaited the

arrival of the Empire force. The battle lasts until sunset. Remaining Chaos forces slip back into the dark woods. The

screams of their captives haunt Karl Franz for the rest of the journey. Storm of Chaos: Defenders of the Empire (WFB)

27th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 38]

Engineers of Altdorf and Nuln design new steam tanks and organ guns. In Nuln plans for greatest gun ever are started

by Marshall Lord Randolf Vogt. This gun will be called the Magus. Forges of Nuln (WFRP2)

28th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 39] Krudenwald falls to the combined attacks of Haargoth, Be'lakor and Grimgor. This monstrous host has swept onwards to

Immelscheld, and the line of troops assembled by Boris Todbringer. Though the army of Middenland stands ready, the

ground is unfavourable and Immelscheld provides little in the way of defences. Confident of victory here, Archaon leaves

the host and moves northwards to the Middle Mountains. The Battle of the Three Armies ends.

In a final devastating assault, backed up by the arcane war engines of the Skaven, Styrkaar breaks through the wall of

Hergig, forcing the defenders to retreat. With the city in the hands of the Slaanesh lord, and Count Leutendorf retreating

towards Talabheim, the southern force is now free to turn westwards and continue the march on Middenheim.

With the fall of Untergard, Imperial troops have been fighting all over Middenland, against pockets of Beastmen as well

as warbands that have forayed westwards ahead of the larger armies. The fiercest fighting is around Grimminhagen, as

warped creatures and demented warriors assault the town in the hopes of cutting off Count Todbringer's retreat to


At Brass Keep, the relentless attacks have now secured the courtyard around the citadel and battering rams are been

brought up from the valley below. Though the defenders pour bolt and bullet into the attackers, filling the courtyard with

piles of the dead, Cyspeth urges his warriors on to greater acts.

Lustria: 63rd day of the Siege of Hexoatl. As the sun rises above the treeline, a blood-chilling, saurian roar penetrates the

mist-wreathed jungles. The servants of Chaos rise from their camp. Then the earth shooks and there is a second roar in

the morning air. Ancient Scar-Leader Kroq-Gar of Xhotl returns with a mighty Carnosaur and with his mighty host of

Saurus Cold One cavalry. With Kroq-Gar is also Slann Lord Mazdamundi riding mighty Stegadon. Defenders of Hexoatl

join the fight. Chaos forces gather with Vashnaar and his Dragon and the battle is largest the Lizardmen have fought in a

thousand years. Kroq-gar and Vashnaar finally meet and become locked in battle. As dusk comes Vashnaar the

Tormentor's severed head hung from Kroq-Gar's saddle as a grim trophy and Marauders are destroyed. The Siege of

Hexoatl ends.

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29th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 40]

Count von Raukov falls back with his forces to Grimminhagen under cover of Boris Todbringer's army protecting

Immelscheld. This sudden influx of soldiers drives out the Beastmen that were attempting to seize control of the town's


At Immelscheld, the initial assaults were easily repulsed as twisted warriors and their inhuman allies quickly marched to

the attack, but were defeated. Scattered Orc attacks, against both the defenders and the attackers, have proved similarly


The Hellcannons arrive at Fort Denkh and inspire fear in the defenders, yet though the bombardment has been effective,

the Chaos Dwarfs crewing the weapons lack the numbers required to carry the battle to those inside the castle.

Perhaps spent by their efforts over the previous days, the attackers at Brass Keep have relented slightly in their assault,

giving the defenders valuable time to shore up battered obstacles and tend to their wounded.

Fighting continues to move back and forth at Fort Schippel, as Feytor seems to have settled in, content with a lengthier


At Bohsenfels, the North Kislev Alliance led by Alexi Makarev brokes through the few attackers remaining at the castle.

His attack is aided by the arrival of the Gryphon Legion from the west, and support by cannons sent from the city of

Kislev. Forged from the bells of the city's cathedrals, these cannons are believed to be blessed by the gods, although the

frail brass of the cannons is liable to crack and break under intense firing.

Main army of the Empire leaded by Karl Franz, Valten and Zealots leaded by Luthor Huss, arrive finally to Talabheim.

Outside the great city state is camped the army of Talabecland. The army rises and cheers as their leaders Karl Franz

and Valten ride to them. Also two smaller forces wait them: Contingent of Dwarfs and five hundred High Elves. With the

High Elves is the mighty Teclis himself. Teclis presents the young Valten a gift - Elven steed Althandin, sired by

Malhandir, steed of Prince Tyrion. Also the ambassador of High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer of Dwarfs, Barak Grimjaw,

presents a gift to Sigmar-reborn. Dwarfs give him the finest suit of gromril armour forged originally to Sigmar himself, but

never been claimed. Armour is protected with rune magic. Valten strips himself of the Imperial plate armour right there an

changes to the gromril armour. After that he leaps into the saddle of Althandin and rises the Hammer of Sigmar above

his head. A rousing cheer shooks the camp, joined with Elven and Dwarfen voices. "To Middenheim!" Storm of Chaos:

Defenders of the Empire (WFB)

In the evening Valten meets Wolfmar von Krutz, High Priest of Ulric in Talabheim. Wolfmar von Krutz has not believed in

the divinity of Sigmar and has stubbornly argued with every tutor until he arrived at his conculsion that Sigmar was not a

God. No-one knows what passed between the Valten and von Krutz, but von Krutz chose not to ride north to

Middenheim, which had been his original plan. Instead, he returned to his temple, feverishly claiming that Sigmar had

been reborn, and that all Ulricans should watch for the "Mark of Unification." Tome of Salvation (WFRP2)

30th Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 41]

Grimminhagen is under a strong assault, as the forces of darkness attempt to break through the town and on to

Middenheim itself. Should the defences of the town fall, the attackers will be at the walls within hours. Boris Todbringer,

fearing that Grimminhagen may fall and cut off his retreat, starts to pull his forces out of Immelscheld. If allowed to

withdraw intact, he will be able to link up with von Raukov in Grimminhagen, under the cover of a Knights of the White

Wolf rearguard as before.

The bombardment of Fort Denkh continues as the terrified defenders await the assault that could easily sweep them

away. The chanting of Hashut worshippers drones constantly alongside the daemonic screaming of the Hellcannons.

At Brass Keep first Chaos troops attack the walls of the inner citadels. Despite rocks and hot oil dropped by the

defenders, battering rams are pushed forwards and attack the gatehouse of the keep. The attack is eventually driven

back, and in the quiet that descended, ominous scratching and rumbling noises could be heard from below the ground.

The commandant of Brass Keep orders that no one drink from the wells, fearing sabotage by hidden assailants.

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A burst of vigour by Feytor has seen gains made in the attack on Fort Schippel. Joined by attackers moving west from

Hergig, the Champion of Nurgle unleashes his sorcerers against the defenders of the south wall. Men, Dwarfs and Elves

suffer from the unholy contagion, and even the stones themselves start to crumble and crack under the withering magical


31st Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 42]

New Moon(s).

The retreat from Immelscheld continues, while attacks from Grimgor Ironhide threaten the north of the village. Fighting

between the Orcs and Haargoth's Khorne warriors stalled the assault, during which the Dark Master Be'lakor made a

foray into the town, but was repulsed by a contingent of Dwarfs alongside Teutogen Guard and numerous warrior-priests

of Ulric. As troops from Immelscheld arrive in the area around Grimminhagen, fighting has intensified. Sensing that the

opportunity to break through quickly to Middenheim may be passing, Khazrak One-eye has attacked out of the forest,

leading a force of Beastmen and Chaos Warriors. Attempts to waylay the columns pulling back to the town have so far

proved relatively unsuccessful though.

A valiant sally from Fort Denkh destroys one of the Hellcannons raining daemonic fire onto the castle. Knights of

Sigmar's Blood, along with woodsmen of Middenland, attack under the cover of darkness, scattering the crew of the

infernal machine. The machine breaks loose from its chains and attacks the knights before rampaging along the Chaos

Dwarf lines eventually detonating in an explosion of magical energy.

Brass Keep falls to a deadly combined attack overland, underground and even from the air. Whilst the warriors of

Cyspeth assailed the citadel gate, Skaven tunnellers of Clan Deathbite erupted from the storage cellars beneath the

castle. As the defenders fell back from the walls to combat this threat, a group of strange warpstone-powered aircraft

made from crashed Dwarfen Gyrocopters raked the walls with ratling gun fire. Though all of these flying machines

eventually crashed or were destroyed, the aerial assault planned by Verminous Fang certainly contributed to the castle's

fall. However, upon entering the keep it was found that many of the defenders had already evacuated along a hidden

tunnel that the Skaven had missed, and were already regrouping in Sokh. Cyspeth's forces must gather their strength

and then push on quickly if they are to meet their rendezvous with destiny at Middenheim.

At Fort Schippel, an attack is led against the castle by one of Feytor's champions name Putrious. As diseased warriors

and hideous daemons assaulted the walls a valiant defence, led by Captain Heisner, succeed on holding the rampart

against the tide of foulness.

Marshes of Madness & Badlands: In the south, as almighty Settra pushes on towards Nagashizzar, the armies of Amun

II, of the Third Glorious Dynasty of Khemri, and King Ximhotep have push north and west towards Mount Bloodhorn.

Both armies have met stiffening resistance in the form of Black Orc Warboss Uzgor Scabgrit, who has so far fought the

advancing Undead to a standstill.

32nd Sommerzeit (5th month) [Day 43]

The Imperial line between Immelscheld and Grimminhagen has been sorely tested as more troops moved westwards

towards Middenheim. Boris Todbringer has not been seen since the retreat began and because he is in the woods

around Grimminhagen, leading the search for his arch-foe Khazrak. The differences between Todbringer and von

Raukov have been resolved, and the Elector of Ostland is sending messengers to coordinate the defence of both


Dark magic is unleashed on the poor settlement of Sokh. An incantation from the overly-titled Lightbringer, Lord of the

Black Star, Chosen of Tzeentch and Champion of the Chamber, has corrupted the woods around the village, turning

them into a dark, writhing place where Empire soldiers disappear and retreat to Middenheim will be highly risky.

The fighting continues at Fort Denkh and the Middenstag while a force known as the Scions of Darkness have struck

hard at Fort Schippel, with a series of attacks starting at the darkest part of the night and continuing into the day. One of

the dreaded Hellcannon arrive to assist their efforts, along with Skaven from Clan Pestilens, in an effort to bring the

defenders to their knees... and if that fails, to allow the diseases of Clan Pestilens and Nurgle to corrupt the defenders

from within.

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Several Hellcannon arrive at Emperor's Hammer, along with a regiment of Chaos Dwarfs. Bombardment starts on the

fortified inn, but as the screaming inferno descended on the inn, a rousing chorus could be heard from the walls:

“Men of Ulric stop your dreaming

Can't you see their spear points gleaming?

See their warrior pennants streaming

To this battlefield.

Men of Ulric stand ye steady

It cannot be ever said ye

For the battle we're not ready

Stand and Never Yield!

Off the hills rebounding

Let this song be sounding

Summon all to Ulric's call

The mighty force surrounding

Men of Ulric onto Glory

This will ever be your story

Keep these fighting words before ye

Middenland Never Yields!”

Lustria: The settlement of Port Reaver is visited by emissaries of the Slann. Hooded and cloaked, the messengers of the

temple-cities bring gold and gems in an attempt to hire mercenaries to intercept Marauder longships that are now

approaching the east coast, and the poorly defended shoreline near the ruins of Xahutec.

Sonnstill - Sun Still (Summer Solstice) [Day 45]

The longest day of the year. Even there isn't time for huge festivals or celebration, still some rituals are made - Priests of

Taal & Rhya, and also Druids, pray for divine power and make their rituals everywhere in the Old World to help the war

efforts. Dwarfs honor their Ancestor Gods (day is called Zhomerstikul). Also Elves and Halflings honor their Gods. Signs

of Faith (WFRP3), Tome of Salvation (WFRP2), Dwarfs:Stone and Steel (WFRP1)

1st Vorgeheim (6th month) [Day 46]

With news that Karl Franz and Valten have arrived at Talabheim, Boris Todrbinger gives the order to withdraw to the

outer defences of Middenheim as men, Dwarfs and Elves pulled back from Grimminhagen. A solid charge led by King

Louen Leoncoeur of Bretonnia scatter the pursuing Chaos forces. In the melee that follow, the Bretonnian King and his

knights engaged the Daemonic host of Be'lakor. As Louen battled bravely against the Dark Master, an anguished cry

was heard over the battlefield. Filled with inhuman strength, Volkmar the Grim ripped free of the chains binding him to

Be'lakor's army standard and laid about the daemons with those self-same enchanted chains. Bloodied but unbowed,

Volkmar is carried free upon the back of the King's hippogryph and taken to the temple of Shallya in Middenheim.

Priests of Sigmar and Ulric call upon their gods to lift the dark curse upon the woods around Sokh, the sorceries of

Tzeentch eventually dispelled by their efforts, though four of their number lost their lives in the ritual. With this binding

magic gone, the defenders of Sokh are able to withdraw to safety before the attackers realise that their foes have

escaped them.

Meanwhile, there has been double cause for celebration at the Emperor's Hammer. The Chaos Dwarfs artillery that had

been bombarding the coaching inn has been moved on towards Middenheim itself, and the army that accompanied the

Hellcannons has passed by, leaving the fortified tavern still standing. Not only that, but a group of Dwarfs moving along

the Old Forest Road towards the City of the White Wolf have, in an act of unparalleled generosity, gifted the brave

defenders with three barrels of Bugman's Owd Bearbaiter. Prince Saneth of Ulthuan, commander of a small contingent of

Elves that had been passing through the inn's locale when it had been attacked, kindly passed their rations on to the

other defenders.

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As the armies of Archaon and his Lieutenants begin to close on the city of Middenheim, cannons mounted on the walls,

along with mortars and other war machines, have begin to pound the approaching attackers. Every few hours, the

ground trembles and the sky reverberates with a monstrous roaring as the gigantic Ulric's Thunder fires its house-sized

balls at the foe. The cannon's Giant loader, affectionately known to locals as Thunderball, has been working hard since

the siege began, although at such distances it is hard for the engineers to target accurately.

World Edge Mountains: Another assault against the barricades thrown up by the Dwarfs of King Ungrim Ironfist is

bloodily repulsed, but not before several hundred mounted warriors broke through the Dwarf line.

Sylvania: As Kurgan raiders ride down through Peak Pass into the Empire, they are met by an unexpected foe – the

masters of Sylvania. After a brief battle, the Kurgan riders suffered the same fate as those that had gone before them,

and the ranks of the von Carsteins have been swelled by the reanimated bodies of several thousand marauders. This

army of the dead is last seen turning westwards, towards Middenheim.

Athel Loren: Several villages near to the Forest of Loren are been saved by mysterious guardians. With their knights and

men-at-arms away in the north, these villages were ripe for plundering by Orcs and Beastmen. However, stories have

begun to spread of how villagers have awoken in the morning to find mounds of dead creatures not far from their

settlements, while other tales repeat the story of a long hornblast being heard in the depths of the night, all across the

Dukedom of Quenelles.

Marshes of Madness & Badlands: In the Badlands, Settra's advance has been halted as ghoulish creatures and undead

have pushed out of Nagashizzar and fought the legion of the King of Khemri to a standstill in a large battle on the shores

of the Sour Sea.

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Defenders of Middenheim:

Rulers & High Command:

Boris Todbringer, Elector Count of Middenland and Graf of Middenheim.

Katarina Todbringer, Baroness and "Princes" of Middenheim. Boris daughter. Safely in Carroburg.

Heinrich Todbringer, Baron and "Prince" of Middenheim. Boris legitimate son.

Maximillian “the Minotaur” von Gensher, Marshall and one of the three Midden Marshals.

Johann Schwermutt, General and one of the three Midden Marshals.

Ulrich Schutzmann, Commander of the Watch and one of the three Midden Marshals.

Aric Grebersson, and advisor to Graf Boris Todbringer.

Rein Volkhard, Grandmaster of the White Wolves.

Eberhard Richter, one of the three Law Lords.

Erick Kalzbad, one of the three Law Lords.

Hannes Brucker, one of the three Law Lords.

Commander of the Knights Panther. Commander of Middenheim chapter house and Graf's personal



Emil Valgeir, Ar-Ulric and the High Priest of the Ulrican Cult of Middenheim and Elector.

Claus Liebnitz, Deputy High Priest ("Denfather") of Ulric.

Hrolfgar, High Priest of Ulric.

Werner Stolz, High Capitular of Sigmar in Middenheim.

Evina Klug, High Priestess of Verena in Middenheim.


Albrecht Helseher, Wizard Lord and the High Wizard of Middenheim Guild of Wizards and Alchemists.

Janna Eberhauer, Wizard Lord and Deputy High Wizard of Middenheim Guild of Wizards and Alchemists.


Ulric von Kelp, White Wolf templar ("Brother-Templar") and the captain of the White Company.

Keiner Reinzfeld, White Wolf templar ("Brother-Templar") and the captain of the Red Company.

Vorn Thugenheim, Standard Bearer of Middenheim and member of the Teutegon Guard ("Brother-


Erik Boksson, White Wolf templar ("Brother-Templar") and a hero.

Bruno Keisler, one of the City's Watch Captains.

Jospeh Dreschler, one of the City's Watch Captains.

Walter Stekel, one of the City's Watch Captains.

Hermann Kammerer, one of the City's Watch Captains.

Thunderball, Giant who is handling/loading gigantic Ulric's Thunder - Cannon that fires house-sized balls.

Graf's Champion

Knight Eternal

Above information gathered: Paths of the Damned 1: Ashes of Middenheim (WFRP2), Black Industry Career

Pamphlet: Watchmen (WFRP2), Tome of Salvation (WFRP2), Middenheim: City of Chaos (WFRP1)

People mentioned above are native Middenheimers'. When Siege of Middenheim starts there is also large number

of other folk in the city. There are Elector Counts (Valmir von Raukov), generals and commanders from various

armies. There are different Imperial units (or their remains), Elven Troops, Dwarf warriors and Slayers, mercenary

groups, Ogre warriors, Imperial Magisters, priests, various Knight/Templar orders, adventurers...etc.

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2nd Vorgeheim (6th month) [Day 47; Siege of Middenheim 1st Day]

Siege of Middenheim starts (lasts 15 days). After the first day of the siege, the defenders have rallied under Boris

Todbringer and Valmir von Raukov. Von Raukov has been overseeing two counter-attacks made against the Chaos

armies and Skaven swinging in from the northeast, while a stern defence of the northern causeway has held the outer

gatehouse, forcing Haargroth to fall back out of cannon range to gather his scattered forces.

As Archaon led the attack against the eastern causeway, the ancient magiks bound within the stones of the bridge were

unleashed. Each of the causeways is enchanted to collapse when the ritual was performed, to prevent an attack

reaching the city itself. As the priests of Ulric prayed and the wizards of the Elector made their incantations, the ancient

Dwarf-hewn stones began to crumble. Cracks appeared along the roadway and blocks began to shear from its sides,

plummeting hundreds of feet into the Chaos army below. Siege towers and battering rams were flung from the causeway

as it began to shatter under the spell, but it was then that Archaon's sorcerers responded to the hex. Summoning the

vast magiks of Chaos, unearthly vines of metal barbed with stone thorns erupted from the ground, binding the shattering

causeway together. However, despite the efforts of his shamans, Archaon was forced to retreat to the foot of the

causeway as debris rained down to the ground and his arcane war machines were cast aside. The magical battle still

continues for control of the causeway and so Archaon has now started a bombardment with the Hellcannons, his first

assault having been repulsed. As the magical screaming bolts of the Chaos Dwarfs' machineries batter the walls,

thousands of Flayerkin have been gathered in the rear of the Chaos lines, preparing for the next attack.

At first the south-eastern wall and southern causeway looked to have been breached as the horde of Kordel Shorgaar

dared the cannon and mortar fire to approach hidden entrances to the catacombs. Things looked dire indeed when an

Orc force led by Grimgor Ironhide seemed to join the attack. Two mighty war machines, Da Godz, were pushed towards

Middenheim by hundreds of Trolls, as the air crackled with Waaagh! power around the Idol of Gork. As Kordel neared his

goal, Grimgor turned northwards, driving his army like a spear into the side of Kordel's advance. The Black Orc Warlord

believed that Kordel, bearing the banner of Archaon, would be near his master. His disappointment to find only another

of the Lord of the End Times' lackeys was vented in a murderous rage that saw Grimgor slaying everything in his path.

Faced with the green behemoth, Kordel was left no option but to retreat and allowed the Orcs to set up camp at the base

of the causeway into the city. Delayed to the east, Styrkaar of Slaanesh is only now arriving at Middenheim, but the

arrival of his forces in the south will surely bolster the Chaos attack.

To the west, Khazrak and the Dark Master have launched their attacks, alongside Feytor of Nurgle. These three unholy

terrors have made significant advances towards the city, but both Feytor and Be'lakor have been stalled in their efforts by

valiant attacks. Continuing the battle he began previously, King Leoncoeur of Bretonnia has once more faced the Dark

Master and lived. Protected from the evil Chaos sorceries of the Daemon Prince by enchantments of the Lady, King

Louen led a charge of dozens of Pegasus Knights against the Dark Master and his vile followers. Though Be'lakor

himself remains unharmed, he was forced to expend much power maintaining the breach into the Realm of Chaos that

allows his legion to exist. Meanwhile, the arrival of Boyar Makarev and his North Kislev Alliance provided timely

reinforcements to hold back Khazrak's Shaggoths.

There are many Dwarfen Slayers in the Middenheim as the Siege starts ready to face all the Daemons and Chaos

Champions, maybe even Archaon himself. Amongst these Slayers is also old and legendary Snorri Nosebiter, who is

also called by the younger Slayers as "Father Rustskull". Shamanslayer (novel)

The templar Order of the Fiery Heart is also in the Middenheim with their Grandmaster Baron Orenstihl ready to join the

battle. Most of the order will die in Middenheim and the rest will be missing in action after the siege, including the

Grandmaster. Shamanslayer (novel)

World Edge Mountains: In the east, beyond the dark lands of Sylvania, Greenskin warriors have been pouring from the

mountains in their hundreds, drawn by exciting news. Some thought that Grom the Paunch had returned after his

expedition to give the Elves a good kicking, but soon realised that they had misheard. It wasn't Grom, it was Crom, the

spiky northman that had given Grimgor such a hard time. As word spread from tribe to tribe, many warlords began

sharpening their choppas, knowing that if they could beat Crom, the Godz would see that they were even harder than


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3rd Vorgeheim (6th month) [Day 48; Siege of Middenheim 2nd Day]

The last desperate hours have seen mixed success for the defenders of Middenheim. Following the partial destruction of

the eastern causeway, a contingent of White Wolves led by Boris Todbringer pushed into the scattered army of Archaon.

Despite Archaon rallying his scattered followers, the eastern approaches to the city appear safe once more. The same

cannot be said for the south and west, were numerous foes are closing on the city. Under the cover of a seething dark

mist raised by the Champion of Tzeentch called the Lightbringer, the armies of the Lord of Magic have marched forwards

and into the shelter of the North West cliff. Protected against the artillery on the walls above by the overhanging rocks,

Cyspeth and his horde are now searching for a route into the catacombs beneath the city.

Further trouble has beset the desparate defenders of the western causeway, as Kislevites, Bretonnians, Dwarfs and the

men of Middenheim muster their courage to confront the Daemonic Host of Be'lakor. This army of malevolence incarnate

has been further bolstered by further daemonic intrusions, led by a Daemon Prince the defenders have started calling

Shadowstalker, a darkly angelic being that has already killed dozens of foes.

Khazrak One-eye has moved his army against the cliffs to the south west of Middenheim, awaiting the arrival of Feytor.

Given the Beastlord's experience and knowledge of his greatest foe's city, it is likely that he knows of some secret path of

passage that will take him into the city.

Meanwhile, Archaon's woes have increased with an unorthodox attack by the Orcs of Grimjaw Ironfang and other nearby

tribes. Cannons scavenged from the ruins of Brass Keep have been put into action by the Greenskins. Many of the

stolen artillery pieces have exploded, others have been significantly ‘Orcified' so that they fire explosively flatulent

Squigs, while one or two actually rain down cannon balls onto the warriors following the Lord of the End Times.

4th Vorgeheim (6th month) [Day 49; Siege of Middenheim 3rd Day]

Ulric's Thunder silenced. Despite the valiant efforts of Enthardon, Prince of Nagarythe, and his bands of Shadow

Warriors, shadowy assailants (Skaven) struck from the depths of the Fauschlag (Ulricsberg) catacombs. In the darkest

hour of the night, the stealthy saboteurs crept into the massive warehouse that serves as bedchamber to the Giant

Thunderball. As the gently behemoth slept, warpstone-laced cursestones were placed upon his gigantic form. The city

was awoken before dawn by enraged bellowing and the cacophony of splintering wood and stone. The warpstone had

mutated Thunderball, his body becoming a writhing mass of pustules and tentacles, his small mind broken by the

corrupting influence of the raw stuff of Chaos. As Thunderball rampaged through the streets, he was attacked by gunners

from Boris Todbringer's household, but was eventually felled by the intervention of Valmir von Raukov, who shot the

Giant through the eye with his Dragon Bow, felling him. Without Thunderball, Ulric's Thunder cannot be loaded, for the

mechanism was broken up to construct other defences.

Angered by the attack of the Orcs against his forces around the southern causeway, Archaon has ordered Styrkaar to

launch an all-out attack, despite the fact that the army of Slaanesh has only recently arrived from its forced march.

Fearful of Archaon's gaze should he fail, Styrkaar leads the attack himself, cutting down not only Greenskins, but

breaking through to attack the Empire lines that lay beyond. However, Grimgor and his Orcish allies were not idle and a

counter-attack by the Greenskins drove back Styrkaar's army so that much of the day's gains were lost.

A fierce cannonade, from the walls of the city, drive back the attacking forces assembling near the western causeway.

Under cover of this bombardment, Priests of Sigmar, Ulric and Shallya have begun preparations for a ritual that will break

some of the power currently sustaining the Daemonic legions of Be'lakor and the Shadowstalker.

Further to the south, a rival to Khazrak has emerged from the forests. Allied to the rat-men of Plaguelord Nilax, Braylord

Morurghur was successful in summoning a Great Unclean One to break the army defending the south west cliff. The

Greater Daemon of Nurgle caused horrendous damage, breaking through the Imperial line and enabling the Braylord to

push closer to the city, before eventually being banished back to the Realm of Chaos.

In Kislev, Garagrim Ironfist faces a gigantic troll-beast from the Northern Wastes, and unfortunately has lived to tell the

tale. Though the gigantic creature, ten times the height of a Dwarf, slew scores of Slayers, the War-mourners' axes were

to prove its bane and the creature was felled, its legs shorn in two beneath its knees. Garagrim has now turned

westwards towards Praag, looking for a foe that can best him.

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The Sea of Claws has also been the site of a great battle, as several Norse tribes combined their fleets to launch an

attack against the cost of Nordland. However, the flotilla was surrounded by a glittering mist several miles from the shore

and was set upon by the Hawkships of Lord Aislinn. Confused by the magical fog, the Norsemen were unable to close

with their more maneuverable foes and were eventually sunk or driven back to the north by several hours of merciless

bolt thrower volleys.

Lustria: Across the Great Ocean, the war of the temples of the Old Ones has moved back and forth as the Mage-Priests

awaken from their slumbers to turn their might against the raiding Dark Elves and their Hung allies. Mercenaries from

Port Reaver have also aided the fight in return for Lizardmen gold, and the Saurus armies of Hexoatl have crushed a

large force of Morathi's Devotees of Slaanesh near the Macu Peaks, and now threaten to cut off the Dark Elves' route

back to Naggaroth.

5th Vorgeheim (6th month) [Day 50; Siege of Middenheim 4th Day]

Unimpressed by the challenge posed by Styrkaar and his horde of Slaanesh, Grimgor has quickly tired of his fighting at

the southern causeway. Turning to the east, he has once more assaulted the army of Kordel Shorgaar in an attempt to

break through to the east and a chance at confronting Archaon himself. As yet, it appears the Lord of the End Times is

content to allow his lieutenants the opportunity to defeat the troublesome Greenskins, though if they are unsuccessful, he

may be forced to turn his attention away from Middenheim to deal with this savage threat.

Unsure as to the intentions of their Orc ‘allies' the Men of Middenheim and a large contingent of Dwarfs from the Middle

Mountains have been biding their time at the walls. With the Greenskins now moving on, this force has pushed forward

again to occupy the gate towers at the foot of the causeway. A swift attack by Styrkaar may well catch them unprepared

as they try to make defensive positions from the ruins left by Grimgor and his horde.

At the western causeway, an attack led by Baron-General Adelbert Wessbecker has succeeded in outflanking the legion

of the Daemon Prince Shadowstalker. Unknown to the Imperial commander, his attack was aided by a dark ally,

emerging from the catacombs of Fauschlag (Ulricsberg). Clan Virulus, pursuing their own agenda, cut through the

daemonic forces surrounding the western causeway and battled their way through the beasts attacking the cliffs to the

south west. Though his ultimate goal is unclear, it appears that Grey Seer Skritchit thinks it is in the interests of Clan

Virulus that the Chaos attack fails.

The counter-attack had fallen to Wessbecker due to a disturbing event the previous night, involving Count von Raukov.

One of his closest aides, Jeffrey Tier, was revealed to have been tainted by Chaos, and was used as a vessel by

daemonic forces to attack the priests currently creating a ritual to banish the daemonic horde. Several priests were slain

or wounded before the dragonbone-tipped arrows of the Elector Count slew the possessed man.

While Clan Virulus is heading southwards, another Skaven force has moved to the southwest and has launched several

raids on the camps of the Kislevites and Bretonnians guarding the approaches to the city. Verminous Fang has been

busy creating an alliance with the Prophet of Hashut Helna Blackhand, as well as collaborating with the Chaos Dwarf

Sorcerer Vhaark.

The woes of Alexi Makerev, architect of the North Kislev Alliance, have been furthered increased by the arrival of High

Zar Dahn Chytzen and his Iron Wolves. The Champion of Chaos has vowed revenge on the Boyar after his Kislevites

and their allies broke Chytzen's force at the relief of Bohsenfels.

8th Vorgeheim (6th month) [Day 53; Siege of Middenheim 7th Day]

The walls of Middenheim still stand proud, though they bear the scars of much fighting. At the northern wall, a steady

push from Ostlanders that retreated back to the city has forced Haargoth and his blood-crazed warriors almost to the

forest's edge, while attacks against the northern causeway have been weathered and now the forces of Boris Todbringer

and retaking the bastions at the foot of the great ramp.

The eastern causeway has seen much fighting, with Archaon pushing forward with all the warriors he can bring to bear,

though he has yet to unleash his Flayerkin. However, after two days of near-constant assault, the horde was spent and

the ground they had gained was taken by a swift combined charge from the Knights of the White Wolf and the Knights


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On the south eastern wall Kordel Shorgaar was forced to retreat from the attacks of Grimgor Ironhide, whilst being

bombarded by artillery from Middenheim's walls late in the second day. The standard bearer of Archaon launched a new

attack that drove the Greenskins back to the foot of the wall, but this renewed attack was crushed by the Goblin warlord

Gobhead Shankhammer and his Elf Munchers. The surprise use of a captured wagon filled with Night Goblin Fanatics

and explosives-rigged sides crushed Kordel's mounted warriors at their moment of victory.

The southern causeway looked as if it might be taken, as Middenland troops were subjected to a lightning-fast assault by

Styrkaar of Slaanesh. Still mustering the defences after the eastward movement of Grimgor, the defenders of

Middenheim bravely held on and then counter-attacked, forcing Styrkaar into the Drakwald.

At the south west cliff the bestial Daemon Khar'Phaos launched an assault in an effort to outshine Khazrak One-eye.

Daemonic Furies bearing rocks attacked the walls above while the Beastmen attempted to force their way into the caves

not far from the feet of the Fauschlag (Ulricsberg). However, on entering the catacombs, the intruders found themselves

assailed by the rat-like denizens that had recently made the Fauschlag (Ulricsberg) their lair and were repulsed with

heavy losses.

Celerioth Quelleri, High Elven lord, launched a devastating charge against the Daemonic Legions threatening the

western causeway. Confronted by the glittering Elven host the Daemons were driven far back, the kin of Ulthuan bathed

in the shining light of their magic. As the host was disassembling, rents back to the Realm of Chaos tearing the skies, the

Dark Master responded, clouding the battlefield in blackness. Dismayed, the Elves faltered and eventually the Dark

Master himself appeared, driving the Elven contingent back to the causeway, neither side having made any gains.

The first confrontation has occurred between the army of High Zar Dahn Chytzen, and the forces of the man the Chaos

Champion has sworn to seek out and destroy – the Kislev Boyar Alexi Makarev. Though Makarev himself was not at the

battle, a countryman named Namo bore the Boyar's flag aloft as the Kislevite noble's champion. The Winged Lancers

proved devastating against the northmen, and some rumours claim that Namo himself captured Dahn Chytzen's

standard during the fighting.

The fighting at the north west cliff has waxed and waved in favour of both sides. After initial successes, the Bretonnians

under Louen Leoncoer pushed back their foes from the cliff face, allowing Imperial mortars from above to rain death

down onto the attackers. However, an ambush by Beastlord Kilama'garr on a force of Knights from Lyonesse sowed fear

and confusion through the defender's ranks and they pulled back, losing much of the ground they had lost.

9th Vorgeheim (6th month) [Day 54; Siege of Middenheim 8th Day]

Full Moon(s).

From all across the city, a massive bombardment of cannon and mortar fire preceded the counter-attack, followed by

drumbeats and horn blasts. Bretonnians charged alongside the Gryphon Legion of Kislev, while white-shafted arrows

from Elven archers punched through armour and Dwarfen bullets penetrated flesh. All the while the blue and white of

Middenland flew proudly from banners poles all around the city.

Ar-Ulric has finally emerged from the great temple of Ulric, a wild light in his eyes. He has taken command of the

southern gates, guarding the causeway, facing the army of Styrkaar. The Slaaneshi champion has recently been joined

by another devotee of Slaanesh, a Dark Elf known as Kouran Hex.

Styrkaar commands the Jade Sceptre cult inside the city of Middenheim to rise up within the city. From their base in and

Eastgate den of vice known as the Templar's Downfall, they summon a handful of Daemonettes, with the idea of

attacking the South Gate within. However, the cult priests proved too weak and unskilled to control the Daemonettes,

who ran wild through the streets of the Eastgate district. They are soon cut down by wizards and priests. The surviving

cultists are rounded up and executed, and the Templar's Downfall is razed to the ground. Paths of the Damned 1: Ashes

of Middenheim (WFRP2)

In response to the renewed attacks from the south, Grimgor has entrusted Borgut Facebeater with the task of clearing a

path up the south causeway, while he deals with Archaon. When he has beaten the Everchosen, the warlord plans to

hang his body from the south gate as proof that he was the first to make it to the impregnable city. Borgut knows better

than to fail the Ironhide and so is currently scrounging every ‘Ard Boy he can find in a bid to beat Styrkaar to the city.

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To the east, Boris Todbringer has declared that Archaon shall not set foot in his city whilst the Elector still draws breath.

News of the speech has reached the ears of Khazrak One-eye, who is now moving eastwards to help fulfil the Count's

condition. Archaon has sent forward his Flayerkin, thousands of maddened warpstone-enhanced warriors' intent on

scaling the walls of the city and slaying everything inside.

At the north causeway, a combined force of Elves and Dwarfs stand ready for the attack. Uneasy allies, will the unquiet

truce that exists between the two races last long enough to siege them through the danger.

Sensing Archaon's new attack in the east, Be'lakor has mustered all of his power and commanded the Shadowstalker to

begin a fresh assault on the west causeway. Von Raukov, Count of Ostland, leads the defence here, aided by a

contingent of High Elf Mages to ward away the vile magic of the daemonic legions.

At the eastern causeway, a lone Orc warlord made an attempt to break into the city. Leading a force of Orcs on boars

and Goblin Wolf Riders, he charged headlong up the causeway towards the defenders. Unbeknownst to Da Demolisher,

the causeway is still pitted with holes and cracks after its near-destruction by the priests of Middenheim. His trusty

charger, Warpork, was more aware and the boar saved itself from plunging down such a hole to the forest floor half a

mile below. Da Demolisher was not so lucky, though some of his Boyz claim that he's had worst falls in the past and that

he'll be back...

In a twist to the growing enmity between the Tzeentchian warhost of High Zar Dahn Chytzen and the leader of the North

Kislev Alliance, Alexi Makarev, the High Zar has bought the services of the Skaven leader Verminous Fang. It is probably

not a coincidence that last night mysterious attackers raided the corrals containing the Kislevite's horses, killing or

wounding many of them, before being chased off by their Kossars guarding them. It is not known whether Makarev's

horse was among those slain, or the steed belonging to his self-appointed champion, Narmo.

10th Vorgeheim (6th month) [Day 55; Siege of Middenheim 9th Day]

With Flayerkin swarming along the shattered east causeway, the defenders of Middenheim were hard-pressed to hold

the ground they had retaken from Archaon's horde. Unimpeded by the defences erected across the gigantic causeway,

the Flayerkin punched a hole through the Middenheimers' lines, forcing them to retreat. However, as the warriors of

Archaon advanced in the wake of this attack, the Flayerkin found themselves fighting a new foe – the hardened warriors

of the Teutogen Guard. With the blessings of Ulric ringing in their ears, the veteran White Wolves countercharged the

main body of Flayerkin, their hammers exacting a bloody toll. The offensive halted, State troops began to reinforce the

position and have now driven the Flayerkin off the causeway again.

In the south, the causeway has been the scene of some of the bloodiest fighting since the siege began. Orcs, Slaaneshi

worshippers, Dark Elves and Skaven have all made attacks against the south causeway and the surrounding parts of the

Fauschlag (Ulricsberg). At the heart of the fighting, Styrkaar has slain several captains of the Middenland army and

added their flayed skins to his banner to enthuse his followers. Following the success of the attack, more warriors are

returning to the fighting, once more sensing that glory can be achieved.

In the west, the Dark Master's legion has swept aside the prayers and incantations of the defenders, hacking a bloody

path through the defenders to reach the west causeway. With the fighting growing in intensity the bloodshed has

provided Be'lakor with much power and his legion has once again swelled to the size it was when he first appeared, their

losses over the weeks having counted for naught against the immaterial host.

Elsewhere the Chaos army is in retreat. Warbands are turning on their leaders and fighting amongst themselves, while

many Champions have abandoned the attack, seeking easier spoils elsewhere before the arrival of the second Imperial


As he witnesses his army disintegrating, with his goal within his sight atop the great spire of the Fauschlag (Ulricsberg),

Archaon has sent forth his Swords of Chaos with a declaration: "The gods eyes are upon us. In this place of fire and

death, their gaze lingers on the deeds of the brave and passes over their folly of cowards. In this time, unknown to mortal

man before, the gods have granted you the chance to win the ultimate prize. Not for glory do we fight, nor for plunder, for

these things all wane in time. Before us now is the ultimate gift, that none but the gods can bestow – immortality! Fight

hard and fight well, and the gods shall recognise you and elevate you to their glorious realm. What place is their for

despair amongst such favoured warriors? Onwards to slay the White Wolf, and never let your blade be free of blood!"

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North of the Middle Mountains, a battle has been raging for possession of the town of Frote. Controlling a route into the

mountains from Nordland, Frote has seen a titanic conflict between the Grand Alliance and the Hordes of Darkness over

the past weeks. Now the fate of the town, and possibly the Middle Mountains themselves, has been decided.

In Kislev Garagrim is fighting with his fellow slayers at Praag, which has been under sporadic attacks for several months.

Despite gathering numbers of Trolls, Dragon Ogres, minotaurs and other monstrosities the War-mourner is still in the

best of health and mightily disappointed by the lack of character shown by his adversaries.

Rumours from Stirland speak of a dark cloud spreading across the province, obscuring the sun and bathing the lands in

a biting chill. Tales have begun to spread of a great army of the dead marching under the dark storm, their fell voices

carried on unnatural winds. Day and night, the army is marching, its untiring warriors barely three days behind Karl

Franz's army.

Lustria: Though a few smaller temples have given up their prizes to Morathi's Cult of Slaanesh, the great temple-cities

have held back the Dark Elves' attacks. With armies from Hexoatl now controlling the northern jungles of Lustria, and

fearing that her warriors may become surrounded, Morathi as ordered her generals to the western coast where the Black

Arks Tower of Bloodied Enlightenment and Palace of Defilement await the cultists. Small bands of Dark Elves escape to

the north, some of them carrying chests of gold and gems, but few of the sacred artefacts of the Old Ones. The Slann,

relieved of the burden of protecting these incalculably important heirlooms, can now once more turn their minds to the

fallen gateway in the north and the flood of raw Chaos that is polluting the world. This ends the Dark Elf invasion to


World Edge Mountains: At Peak Pass, Vardek Crom has broken another Dwarf army opposing him, in a battle that saw

Ungrim Ironfist wounded in the fighting. Though he has vowed to fight on, the Slayer King is temporarily indisposed and

the forces of Crom have exploited his absence and pushed further westwards.

Marshes of Madness & Badlands: The Tomb Kings have stopped in their advance as the Liche Priests open up many of

the tombs and necropolises ‘liberated' from the Greenskins tribes. Settra himself has paused a few miles from

Nagashizzar and issued a challenge to whoever may be within the shadow-shrouded citadel. He has spoken of the

powers surging within the Black Pyramid in Khemri and demands restitution for the woes that have befallen his people.

11th Vorgeheim (6th month) [Day 56; Siege of Middenheim 10th Day]

His Flayerkin having expended their fury the day before, Archaon paused in his assault on the east causeway, allowing

the defenders vital time to reinforce their barricades and emplacements.

The south causeway has again been the site of great slaughter, with Men, Orcs and followers of the Dark Gods all

throwing themselves into the maelstrom of battle. With the orcs under Borgut Facebeater and the army Styrkaar pitted

against each other as well as the defenders, the Men of Middenheim have reclaimed some of the territory lost on the

previous day's assaults. As well as this, the horde of the warlord Gitsnik Blacktooth has joined the fighting, perhaps in a

bid to oust Borgut as Grimgor's favoured second-in-command.

Bolstered by the appearance of a haggard but defiant Volkmar, the defenders of the western causeway had repelled the

assault by the Dark Master and his Daemonic minions. With prayers to Sigmar and Ulric resounding off the city walls, the

brave defenders assailed the unholy host and forced them back, though many of them were horribly slain in the fighting.

As night closed in, however, the darkness brought with it a fresh chill as Be'lakor once more sought to spread terror and

disorder before a fresh attack.

With the west causeway reclaimed, troops including Knights Panther and Knights of Sigmar's Blood launched a new

counter-attack against the besiegers below the North West cliffs, securing fallen barricades and recapturing supply

dumps and artillery positions.

Only at the north wall have the attackers succeeded in closing on the city. Having mustered a semblance of a force from

his scattered followers, Haargoth has embarked on another furious assault, declaring that he will not rest in taking skulls

for Khorne until he himself is sent to meet his master.

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There is fighting in the dark tunnels of the Fauschlag (Ulricsberg). There appears to be a gathering number of Skaven in

the depths, converging on a single location deep within the catacombs. While the hosts of Men, Elves, Dwarfs, and

Daemons battled for Middenland the Skaven hatched a diabolical plot. Known as Project Supremacy, the Thirteen Lords

of Decay gathered their strongest warrior clans, while the greater clans put aside their animosity for a short while to

cooperate on the devious scheme. Clan Skryre constructed the Doom Hemisphere, a warpstone-powered device that

was, the Warlock Engineers assured the Council, capable of destroying the Fauschlag (Ulricsberg) and the city that sat

atop the mountain. Unbeknownst to the commanders of the armies that marched across Ostland and Middenland, the

Skaven were expanding their Under-Empire in the wake of the attacks. At Zundap, they occupied the abandoned steam

mill, while at Middenheim, the bloody fighting provided the ideal cover for them to infiltrate the Fauschlag (Ulricsberg)

with the Doom Hemisphere. Paths of the Damned 1: Ashes of Middenheim (WFRP2), Storm of Chaos Official site

12th Vorgeheim (6th month) [Day 57; Siege of Middenheim 11th Day]

On the eastern causeway, the Flayerkin have once more launched a blood assault on the defenders of the city,

swarming over recently reoccupied defences and killing everything in their path. In the wake of this fresh attack, Archaon

has moved forward with his Hellcannons and other machineries of destruction, awaiting a chance to deliver a decisive


By far the fiercest fighting has again taken place at the southern causeway, as troops from across the city have been

marshalled to stem the advances made by the foe and to reclaim the outer gatehouses from the forces Styrkaar. Weary

but victorious the fighters here have taken heart from the news that Karl Franz is only a matter of days away, and

perhaps they must face only one more determined assault.

At the north wall, a large number of defenders were caught up in an unexpected landslide. New tunnelling through the

Fauschlag (Ulricsberg) - believed by some to be the result of some gigantic, mutant animal in the catacombs - has

caused part of the wall to collapse, showering masonry onto the battling legions below.

At the north causeway, a Hellcannon was moved forward in front of the Chaos lines and was preparing to bombard the

gates directly when a contingent of knights sallie forth. The subsequent daemonic blast pulverised and scattered the

templars, allowing the Chaos Dwarfs to push forward from this unexpected success, supporting the charge of Haargoth.

Filled with righteous fury, and led by Volkmar the Grim, the armies at the western causeway have pushed deep into the

enemy, banishing daemons and crushing the beastmen warbands skulking in the woods outside the city. Volkmar is said

to be intent on facing the Dark Master, to repay the months of agony he suffered at the hands of the first Daemon Prince.

The long-awaited confrontation between Kislev Boyar Alexi Makarev and the Tzeentch Champion Dahn Chytzen has

taken place in sight of the south west cliffs. As the sun set, the two forces had fought each other to a bloody standstill,

though the onset of darkness prevented a possibly victorious flanking manouevre by the Kislevites following Makarev. As

the dying rays of the sun bathed the battlefield in a ruddy glow, the Boyar and the Sorcerer met in single combat. The

fight was fierce, Makarev scoring early wounds against his foe, but the brave Boyar eventually succumbed to the might of

the Champion of the Dark Gods. Before the killing blow could be struck, the Boyar's faithful retainers dragged their

master from the fray and Chytzen's revenge was incomplete.

Noises and strange glows emanating from the catacombs of the Fauschlag (Ulricsberg) herald the near-completion of the

Skaven's dark plot. Unheard of activity fill the tunnels, and numerous forays into the depths by heavily armed sewer jacks

and watch patrols have met with grisly, mysterious ends. Paths of the Damned 1: Ashes of Middenheim (WFRP2)

The Kislev city of Praag there is both good news and bad. For the defenders it is bad news, for they have lost a great

many warriors defending their walls. For Garagrim Ironfist, his goal has been fulfilled. A three-headed giant fell on the

War-mourner after the Slayer had chopped of one of its heads, crushing the Dwarf utterly. His fellow Slayers have

grudgingly accepted Garagrim's fate, and numerous tests have now proven that he is, assuredly, dead. This lifts the oath

of the Slayer from the shoulders of his father, who even now fights against the horde of Vardek Crom far to the south of

his son's deathplace.

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16th Vorgeheim (6th month) [Day 61; Siege of Middenheim 15th Day]

Despite the courageous efforts of the bravest and most foolhardy warriors, and the exhortations of Archaon, the walls of

Middenheim still stand proud. Battered and bloodied, but unbroken, the defenders have rallied to the calls of their leaders

and poured forth from the city to pursue the ravaged, scattered warbands assailing the city. This is the last day of the

Siege of Middenheim.

With victory slipping from their grasp, it has been the ordeal of each and every champion, beastlord, Daemon Prince and

Skaven warlord to choose between one final push for glory or to live and fight another day.

On the East Causeway there was one last desperate assault by Archaon and his Flayerkin. The mutated warriors scaled

the elevated road, clambering up the thousands of chains that hung for the bodies of the dead still gripping the wall in

death. Volleys of handgun fire, lethal storms of Elven arrows and crossbow bolts greeted the attackers. Archaon himself

rode onto the causeway, slaughtering many of his foes with the unleashed fury of the Slayer of Kings, but even the Lord

of the End Times was unable to break the virtuous defenders.

While three Chaos Dragons assaulted the towers, the brave defenders poured cannon and mortar fire into the seething

horde at the foot of the Fauschlag (Ulricsberg). Bretonnian Knights and Kislev cavalry scour the forest roads, picking off

isolated warbands and warriors, driving Beastmen and Chaos Warriors into the woods.

One Chaos Dragon is brought down to the Ulricsmund District by bolt throwers stationed in the Great Park, and the

wounded beast wrought havoc for a few minutes before defenders could arrive to dispatch it. Paths of the Damned 1:

Ashes of Middenheim (WFRP2)

Grimgor Ironhide and his fellow Orc Warlords have left the Effigy of Gork by the gatehouse of the Southern Causeway,

as reminder to all who see it that the might of the Orcs is not to be questioned. The Black Orc Warlord continues to press

eastward in search of Archaon and a reckoning that perhaps neither will survive.

From the east and south, the armies of Karl Franz and Valten march towards Middenheim, while Archaon and his

lieutenants attempt to muster some form of resistance to this new threat. A steady stream of twisted, demented warriors

is retreating from the siege, heading towards the ruins of Brass Keep in the Middle Mountains. Archaon has sworn to slay

the upstart Valten – though the Flame of Ulric lies beyond his reach, he is determined to deal a blow to the misguided

worshippers of the Old World's gods.

And deep in the Fauschlag (Ulricsberg), guarded by chittering Skaven warriors and mutant beasts, the Doom

Hemisphere is being readied for action. Project Supremacy is almost complete. Paths of the Damned 1: Ashes of

Middenheim (WFRP2)

World Edge Mountains: Though the cannons, organ guns, flame cannons and bolt throwers of Karak Kadrin reaved a

bloody toll of the onrushing horde, the marauders of the north reached the dwarf line in their thousands. Though confined

by the walls of the pass itself, their numbers began to tell, pushing the Dwarfs back. As the pass widened, mounted

warriors pushed around the flanks of the Dwarf army and attacked the supporting war machines. With their route back to

Karak Kadrin rapidly being closed, King Ironfist was forced to pull back from the fighting. Interested only in breaking

through to the Empire, Vardek Crom ignored the Dwarfs as they pulled back northwards and pressed on into the foothill

at the end of Peak Pass. Beyond lay the quiet lands of Sylvania, unknown to the men of the north, thought by most to be

a realm rich with plunder.

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17th Vorgeheim (6th month) [Day 62; First Day - Karl Franz Attacks]

On the 62nd day after the forces of Archaon crossed into the Empire, the armies of Karl Franz and Valten arrived at

Middenheim, and the battle proper begins.

With Karl Franz rode two of the greatest warriors of the Empire – the Grand Marshal of the Reiksguard Kurt Helborg and

the Emperor’s personal Champion Ludwig Schwartzhelm. Helborg advised engaging Archaon’s army as swiftly as

possible while it still reeled from the counterattack of the Middenheim defenders. The Grand Marshal feared that Archaon

would withdraw further to the north and east and possibly even reach Brass Keep. If such a move was allowed, the

Everchosen could fortify the castle and create a place from which to launch further attacks into the Empire. Karl Franz

concurred with this view and charged Helborg to lead the army to victory that same day.

Archaon had withdrawn from cannon range of the city. Near the village of Sokh, he waited for the attack of his enemies.

He knew that Valten and his righteous army of Flagellants and Priests was not far to the east and resolved to destroy the

two main forces opposing him one after the other. If they were allowed to unite, then he would be outnumbered and


The Battle for Sokh starts. Early hours of the afternoon, the Reiksguard led the first charge against the army of Archaon.

Supported by cannon fire, they braved the magical bombardment of the Chaos Dwarf Hellcannons outside Sokh and

drove deep into the warbands of Styrkaar. Seeing the threat, Archaon counter-attacked, assaulting not the Reiksguard

but the infantry regiments that were following up in support. While the Lord of the End Times slew the soldiers in their

hundreds, Haargroth the Blooded One cut off the retreat of the Reiksguard. Helborg, his tactical mind as keen as ever,

saw the closing trap, pressed the attack, broke through Styrkaar’s horde, and headed north, away from the fighting.

Archaon was content to allow the Empire army to withdraw and knew that his enemies would be disheartened to have

experienced such defiance from a supposedly broken foe. Tomorrow, he would turn eastward and attack Valten on the


18th Vorgeheim (6th month) [Day 63; Second Day - The Arrival of Valten]

Believing Archaon to be camped near Sokh, Valten and Luthor Huss roused their army for the march westward.

However, it was not long after first light, when the thousands-strong force was still gathering along the road, that Archaon

struck. Magical powers unleashed by Cyspeth and his sorcerous cabal ripped along the Old Forest Road. A wall of

multicoloured fire burned and changed everything in its path. Horses and men became fused together, while trees and

rocks were uprooted and sent spinning into the army of Sigmar in deadly rainbows of fire.

His army in disarray, Valten did the only thing he could think of – he attacked.

Protected by his gromril armour and the enchantments of Teclis, Valten braved the perilous spell and charged straight for

the centre of Archaon’s host. In his wake, Huss and the priests who were still alive began to battle against the arcane

sorceries let loose by the Champions of Tzeentch.

At first, it seemed as though Valten was doomed, for he faced an army alone. With neither a thought of retreat nor a

moment’s doubt, he rode into the heart of the Chaos army, Ghal Maraz blazing in his hands. Archaon’s own warband,

the Swords of Chaos, moved to intercept the furious Exalted of Sigmar but were felled by the Hammer of Sigmar and


In the wake of Valten’s rash assault, the raving hordes of demented Flagellants surged forth, ignoring the blasts of magic

that tore through their ranks. Priests of Sigmar battled against howling followers of Khorne and putrid warriors of Nurgle.

The flickering pulses of battle prayers smote the unholy masses with burning energies of righteousness. Foul Chaos

magic caused the ground itself to spit up great mounds of flesh-eating worms, while the sky rained with burning blood

that seared the flesh.

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Amid the carnage and the magical firestorm, Valten battered his way forward and searched for Archaon. Valten was to

be disappointed, for he did not find the Everchosen leading the army but instead Kordel Shorgaar, the bearer of

Archaon’s personal banner. Valten made to strike off the Chaos Champion’s head with Ghal Maraz, but the favoured of

the gods used the standard of the Swords of Chaos to block the blow. The dark magic woven into the banner absorbed

the power of the Hammer of Sigmar. As the fighting flowed around them, Valten was unable to press home his attack,

and Shorgaar withdrew from the melee to return to his master.

By nightfall, the Old Forest Road had been cleared to within sight of Sokh, and thousands of Chaos worshippers were

dead along the roadside, their numbers rivaled those of the slain men who had fought beside Valten. In the darkness, the

flickers of campfires from the three armies could clearly be seen by each other. To Karl Franz, the camp of Archaon

seemed much smaller than that of the Empire host.

19th Vorgeheim (6th month) [Day 64; Third Day - Dark Warriors]

Eager to see the battle finished, Karl Franz ordered his generals to march forth just after first light, toward the much

diminished host of Archaon. As they advanced, once more, the Hellcannons roared forth their magical blasts. However,

under the watchful eye of the Emperor, the army marched on.

From the east, Valten and his warriors, now numbering only a few hundred, advanced as well. The Champion of Sigmar,

with Luthor Huss by his side, led the column of march. Seeing this force, Archaon ordered the Hellcannons turned on

Valten, and a fierce bombardment commenced, ripping up the ground and staining the sky with magic-tinged smoke. In

the thick of the barrage, Valten was struck by a hellish burst of power, and his noble Elven steed was torn apart as

Valten was flung through the air. His face burned with flecks of molten gromril, and his hair blackened. Valten rose from

the smoking crater and marched onward on foot.

To the west, the air shimmered with unnatural power, and the skies themselves bucked and whirled as if tortured by an

unseen hand. A shadow began to gather in the forests and stretched toward Middenheim. From this great lake of

darkness, chittering screeches and monstrous bellows could be heard. Eyes glinted in the shadowy veil, and cruel laughs

and nightmarish curses flowed upon a hot wind. A shimmer of terror spread through the ranks of Karl Franz’s army as

the Daemonic host approached, and a shadowy winged figure rose into the air above the unnatural legion. His wings

were spread wide, and his clawed hand stretched out toward the Emperor. Be’lakor ordered his legion forward, cutting off

Karl Franz from Archaon and leaving Valten’s massively outnumbered force to fight against the Everchosen.

As if the woes of the Exalted of Sigmar were not enough, a new foe beset his few hundred devotees. Greenskin warriors

charged from the forests to the south and attacked Valten’s army. At their head, Grimgor Ironhide slew dozens of men

with every blow. Ignoring this new threat, Valten and Huss mustered a handful of warriors and fought on, pressing deep

into the army of Archaon in a bid to bring the Everchosen to combat.

As the shadow of the Daemonic Legion engulfed Karl Franz’s armor, a splash of white broke the tide of darkness. The

shining blades of three hundred Swordmasters of Hoeth rose and fell in glittering arcs, tore through immaterial forms,

and carved apart the incorporeal bodies of their unholy adversaries. Though the Elves fought with unparalleled skill, they

were few, and every one that fell was overwhelmed by unending waves of Daemonic claws, talons, and blades. At the

centre of the Elven force, in a circle formed by his loyal warriors, stood Teclis. Drinking deep from a shining phial, he

unleashed his power. Flames of white energy leapt from the ground and formed a half sphere around the High Elf Mage.

Blinding in its intensity, the magical fire expanded out and into the air and pushed further away from Teclis. The

screeches of Daemons filled the air, as the cleansing flames banished them back to the Realm of Chaos. For a moment,

a dark shadow lingered on after the flames had gone, a vague patch of darkness in the air, until even that flittered away

and was lost. No Daemon remained on the field.

With his army fighting against the Orcs, Valten, seeking Archaon, once again drove into the Swords of Chaos. This time,

his foe was there, mounted on the Steed of the Apocalypse and towering over his warriors. The warband of Archaon

parted to allow Valten to approach the Lord of the End Times. With a roar, Valten charged, Ghal Maraz swinging toward

his foe. The hammer smashed through the magical form of Archaon’s Daemonic mount. The steed exploded in flames

and smoke, and Archaon was hurled to the ground.

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Valten lunged forward to press home his advantage and raised the Hammer of Sigmar above his head to strike the killing

blow. A screech filled the air as Archaon struck out with the Slayer of Kings and unleashed the power of U’zuhl. The

blade bit through the gromril armour of Valten and drove deep into his gut. Slowed but not stopped, Valten continued with

his strike. The head of Ghal Maraz fell wide of the mark and tore a shoulder plate from Archaon’s armour.

Pushing himself to his feet, the Lord of the End Times ripped the Slayer of Kings free, struck again, split the comet-

emblazoned breastplate of Valten, and sent him onto his back. Through the blood of the grievous wound, the birthmark

across Valten’s chest could be clearly seen. As if stunned by the twin-tailed comet etched into Valten’s flesh, Archaon

took a step back with the Slayer of Kings held to one side. Luthor Huss launched himself at the Everchosen. His hammer

sent up a shower of sparks from the impact with Archaon’s Chaos armour. A mighty blow to the side of the head caused

Archaon to lose his footing and sent him down to one knee.

The next blow did not land, as the Lord of the End Times raised his shield to block it and jarred the hammer from Huss’s

fingers. With a howl, the Chaos Champion batted Huss aside and shattered bones as he flung the Prophet of Sigmar

through the air. The sounds of guttural war cries resounded around the Lord of the End Times, along with the shouts of

his warriors. Regaining his feet, Archaon turned as another figure appeared in front of him.

A green-skinned forehead slammed into Archaon’s helmeted face as Grimgor made his presence felt. Behind him, his

’Ardboyz fought against the heavily armoured warriors of the Swords of Chaos. The Orcs had fought their way through

Valten’s followers to reach the Everchosen. With Middenheim beyond anyone’s grasp now, there was only one way left

for Grimgor to prove himself to Gork. Grimgor hefted Gitsnik in both hands, swung it in a wide arc, sheared the bottom

from Archaon’s shield, and sent the Everchosen sprawling backward.

Once more, the Slayer of Kings flicked out, but Grimgor had expected the counter-attack and parried with the hilt of his

magical axe. The Black Orc Warlord brought his booted foot down hard onto the arm of Archaon and knocked the

Daemonic blade from his grasp. Using the flat of Gitsnik, Grimgor battered Archaon across the head twice and then

placed the tip of the blade on the Everchosen’s throat. The Black Orc pulled back his head and roared into the leaden

sky. “Grimgor izz da best!”

A great cheer went up from the Orcs, a deafening chant of Grimgor’s name that echoed over the clash of fighting.

Grimgor raised Gitsnik above his head, roared again, and pumped his fist in the air. Having proven his point, the warlord

turned south with his barbaric horde. Their cheers of victory were heard long after they disappeared from sight.

Luthor Huss recovered his senses and regained his horse. Dragging Valten across his lap, the Prophet rode from the

melee, carrying the still form of his master free of the fighting. He rode hard to Middenheim and took Valten to the shrine

of Shallya. Though Huss’s own wounds were grievious, he would have no one tend to them until Valten had been seen.

Only when the Abbess gave word that Valten still lived did Huss allow himself to collapse. His body was carried to the

main shrine by Volkmar, who had roused himself from his own sickbed shortly after Huss’s arrival.

Outside, the battered forces of Archaon withdrew into Sokh. They abandoned the Hellcannons and awaited the grim

battle that would surely commence the next day.

Southern Empire: Spirit of Grungni, Dwarfen airship build by Slayer-engineer Malakai Makaisson, leaves from Nuln. It

carries huge cannons that are meant for the defence of Middenheim. Malakai has agreed to carry these in behalf of the

Engineer's Guild. Malakai and his crew do not know that the war is ending when they leave. During the flight there is

sabotage done by cultist of the Dark Gods. Spirit of Grungni is destroyed and falls to the ground in Reikland close to

Altdorf. Stories tell later, that infamous Felix Jaeger and Slayer Gotrek Gurnisson were in the ship. Manslayer (novel)

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20th Vorgeheim (6th month) [Day 65; Fourth Day - The von Carsteins Strike]

Of the daunting host of Archaon, a few thousand warriors still remained, though their numbers had been reinforced by

hundreds more warriors coming south from Frote. At the forefront of the army stood Haargroth and his blood-crazed

Khornate warriors. The berserk Champion stood and bellowed abuse at the approaching foe as Karl Franz ordered his

army forward. Though the Empire army outnumbered Archaon’s by several thousand soldiers, Kurt Helborg had warned

that no easy victory would be won this day. His forces faced the veterans of the campaign: the most hardened soldiers,

the most brutal beasts, and the most terrifying monsters.

The Imperial artillery began its bombardment of Sokh a little before noon and rained down cannon and mortar shells onto

the village. Karl Franz had already promised to compensate the villagers who stood and watched their homes smashed

asunder, though many had to be forcibly restrained from haranguing the gun captains as they did their duty.

After nearly an hour, the guns fell silent, which was not part of the Empire’s plan. Having eluded Boris Todbringer,

Khazrak One-Eye had doubled back to Middenheim and fallen upon the artillery from the forest’s edge. Now, there was

desperate fighting around the emplacements. The roar of volleys guns and the horrifying bellows of Shaggoths echoed

out across the battlefield. Knowing that his Knights would be little use in the confined streets of Sokh, Karl Franz ordered

them to turn around to support the artillery, while the infantry moved forward.

Ar-Ulric and a contingent of Teutogen Guard led the attack and were the first into Sokh. Calling upon Ulric for guidance,

Ar-Ulric laid about to the left and right with the Hammer-Axe of Skoll. Haargroth plowed into the Teutogen Guard and left

a trail of dismembered bodies and severed heads. His axe crushed armour and chewed through flesh and bone. Three

dozen skulls were given to Khorne before Ar-Ulric Valgeir stepped forward, drove the hammer head of his blessed

weapon into Haargroth’s helm, and then raked the blade across the Khorne Champion’s chest. With the name of his god

upon his lips, Ar-Ulric drove the Hammer-Axe of Skoll into Haargroth’s head, and the Blooded One was no more.

The fighting was particularly fierce in the streets of Sokh, where the numbers and organisation of the Empire army

counted for little against the raw skill and ferocity of the northmen they faced. By mid afternoon, bloodied and

demoralised, regiments were pulling back from the fighting, unable to gain any kind of ground in the village. More men

joined the retreat as the sky darkened overhead and filled with unnatural thunderheads. Lightning flashed between the

black clouds. No doubt some foul sorcery was at work.

In the pitch black, noises could be heard from the east, and in the flashes of lightning, there were brief illuminations of

metal and polished bone. A red glow filled the air. As it spread, it revealed the assembled ranks of the army of Sylvania.

Tattered banners fluttered in the unnatural breeze, while ranks of immobile warriors stood in the twilight. At their head,

astride a skeletal steed with burning eyes, sat Mannfred von Carstein. Around him were a gaggle of lesser Vampires and

necromantic underlings.

Dismounting, the undead ruler of Sylvania took several paces to the front of the army and raised his arms in the air. As

he conjured his spell, the air above him began to swirl, and the susurrant chanting of his minions grew in volume. With a

final incantation, Mannfred brought his hands together, accompanied by a deafening clap of thunder. Lightning rained

down upon the battlefield, and where it struck, a glowing nimbus of energy remained for a moment. Slowly, the

thousands of slain from four days of fighting began to pull themselves to their feet. Undead Warriors of Chaos once more

hefted brutal axes and maces, and dead Imperial Halberdiers gripped the hafts of their weapons.

Further swelled by the invocation, the army of the dead swept into Sokh and slaughtered everything in their path. Faced

with such unnatural terrors, the army of Archaon finally broke, and those who survived fled north. With Middenheim safe

and Valten beyond his grasp, Archaon knew that he had failed. It is not known at which point he departed during the

fighting, but it is believed that he headed into the Middle Mountains, perhaps to the ruins of Brass Keep.

With the army of Chaos crushed, Mannfred turned his host toward Middenheim. As the frightened army of Karl Franz

drew up at the foot of the eastern causeway, a single figure rode out from the undead lines. It was Mannfred himself, who

slowly came forward on his steed and stopped a few dozen paces from where Karl Franz sat on Deathclaw, flanked by

Kurt Helborg and Ludwig Schwartzhelm. The Vampire’s voice rose above the tumult of the storm. "As my sire once

called upon your ancestor, I shall call upon you. Surrender the city to me, and you shall be spared. Resist - and you shall

all die."

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A solitary figure walked out from the Empire regiments and confronted Mannfred. His bald head glistened in the light of

the raging storm, his long moustache whipped across his cheeks in the howling wind. Arms crossed, a frown on his face,

Volkmar the Grim stared into the eyes of the Vampire Lord. "Nearly five hundred years ago, a man like me killed a

monster like you. It can be done again.”

Mannfred considered his options and looked at the stern-faced Theogonist. The Vampire remembered well the sight of

Grand Theogonist Wilhelm throwing himself off the walls of Altdorf with Vlad von Carstein and impaling both of them on

the stakes below. Mannfred thought also of his lands and the encroaching army of Vardek Crom. With a snarl, Mannfred

turned his nightmarish steed around and rode east, his deathly army following in his wake.

As night fell, the fields and forests around Middenheim were quiet, almost silent. For the first time in nearly three months,

the sound of war could not be heard. The Battle of Middenheim had been won.

Storm of Chaos ends...

21st Vorgeheim (6th month)

Middenheim itself had been scarred by the Hellcannons of the Everchosen, and its causeways were choked with the

dead. Deep in the Fauschlag (Ulricsberg), the Doom Hemisphere of the Skaven emitted light an energy as it gathered

power for detonation. But traitors among the Skaven ranks have passed word to the dwellers above the the doom that

awaits them. A team of bold human, elf, dwarf, halfling and ogre adventurers and sell-swords are even now venturing

into the catacombs in the hopes of stopping the cunning Skaven plan. The tunnels and corridors were teeming with

Skaven as they fled the coming blast. Skirmishes erupted between them and the adventurers and sewer jacks who had

ventured into the depths after hearing tales of a doomsday device within the catacombs. With a blast of greenish light,

the Doom Hemisphere exploded, flooding the tunnels with waves of mutating energy, though the intricate device did not

fully explode. Men and Skaven were twisted inside out. Their bodies melted, and their skin was blistered by the baleful

energies. The rocks themselves melted and ran, opening up new chambers and sealing old tunnels. Though its power

had been unleashed, the Doom Hemisphere had not detonated fully and now sits dormant, awaiting activation once

again, somewhere deep in the twisted maze of new tunnels.

Even as the threat of devastation at the hands of Archaon’s followers passed, a new danger rose up within the Empire –

schism. With Valten lying comatose in the temple of Shallya and Huss maintaining a vigil by his side, the Grand

Theogonist Johannes Esmer III came to Middenheim. With Volkmar returned, but possibly cursed by the taint of Chaos

that had been the source of his rebirth, there were calls for Esmer to stand down. However, the current Grand

Theogonist’s supporters called for Volkmar to bless Esmer’s appointment.

The few survivors of Valten’s army - crazed Flagellants and battle-hungry Warrior Priests – began to stir up trouble

around Middenheim and called for Esmer to leave. In the midst of this confusion, there was a growing voice among the

priests of Ulric for there to be reforms in the Electors, the ancient arguments resurfacing in the wake of the conflict.

And at the heart of it all, there was growing strife over Valten. There were calls for him to be named Emperor once he

recovered. Others maintained that Huss’s claim was false and pointed to Valten’s grievous wound at the hand of

Archaon as proof that the blacksmith’s son was not divine. With the Empire still in disarray and his armies much reduced,

Karl Franz knew that law and order needed to be restored as quickly as possible. Looting, lynch mobs, and dark cults

were beginning to spread across Middenland. If lawlessness were allowed to continue, the Empire could be lost to


So it was that the Emperor consulted with his counselors, among them Volkmar and Esmer, regarding what to do with

Valten. Still bound by his duty to the Empire to maintain the rule he had inherited, Karl Franz was loath to give up his

office to Valten. However, keeping his office was tantamount to declaring Huss a liar. Who would not see Sigmar reborn

as the new Emperor?

Esmer and Boris Todbringer asked for three days to find a solution. Emperor Franz told them that anything they could do

to halt the impending internecine conflict would be welcome.

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22nd Vorgeheim (6th month)

New Moon(s).

During the night Skaven Deathmaster Sniktch sneaks into the Shallyan temple and murders Valten.

On the second day, Karl Franz had a visitor. It was Luthor Huss in tears. He cradled the Hammer of Sigmar in his hands.

When the Emperor asked what had happened, Huss told him, his voice torn with anguish. Valten had been murdered.

When Huss had visited this morning, he had found the Exalted of Sigmar on his bed, transfixed by a glowing green


Shocked and unsure, Karl Franz made his way to the Temple of Shallya to see for himself what had occurred. Teutogen

Guard barred the entrances but allowed him to pass into the chamber where Valten had slept. There was no sign of him.

There was blood on the bed and floor. On the walls, in crimson, was scratched a rough triangle with a slash through it.

Huss asked what he should do. The Emperor, taking Ghal Maraz from Huss’s grasp, surveyed the scene once more and

then turned to Luther. “You shall go forth among the people and say that Sigmar has left us, as he did so many centuries

ago. Give them hope in these dark times. Do not betray their faith. Tell them that he has left his hammer to me, as a sign

of his trust, and tell them that you are still his prophet and shall look for his return again when we most need him.”

24th Vorgeheim (6th month)

Riders are dispatched to take message of victory all over the Empire. Remaining forces are regrouping in Middenheim.

Some regiments (or their remains) return to their homes. Graf Boris sends help to some communities (Food-Train)

ravaged by war – including brave village of Untergard.

25th Vorgeheim (6th month)

Armies leave again from Middenheim to hunt down the remaining forces of Chaos in the north. Northern army, leaded by

Graf Boris, Prince Heinrich, Ar-Ulric Emil Valgeir and Midden-Marshalls (except the Watch Commander), remains in the

area of Middle-Mountains. Paths of the Damned 1: Ashes of Middenheim (WFRP2)

Emperor Karl Franz and Elector count Von Raukov lead the Imperial armies through the Drakwald inspecting some of the

battle-sites (like Grimminhagen). Part of the army departs to the Ostland with Count von Raukov and rest to Talabheim

ready to meet Vardek Crom's marauders (Kurgan) or any attack from Sylvania. Also Warrior-Priest Luthor Huss rides

away searching for the remaining Chaos forces and preaching about Sigmar-reborn. WFRP2 Core Rulebook, Chapter

XII: Through the Drakwald -adventure (WFRP2)

Al-Ulric Valgeir leaves Deputy High Priest Claus Liebnitz to lead the Temple of Ulric. Paths of the Damned 1: Ashes of

Middenheim (WFRP2)

Grand Theogonist Johann Esmer III returns to Altdorf. He fears that Volkmar will take his position and tries to speak

against the Volkmar. After his defiance of Be'lakor, Volkmar the Grim is once more in the care of the priestesses of

Shallya. His exertions on the battlefield have taken a toll on his near-crippled body, while his mind wanders between the

real and the unreal, tortured by the suffering he has endured these past months. The taint of Chaos is still strong and a

constant guard now stands at the Shallyan temple – ostensibly this is to protect Volkmar from any danger while he drifts

in and out of a fevered sleep, but the people of Middenheim know the truth behind their watchfulness.

30th Vorgeheim (6th month)

Graf Boris help (and message of victory) arrives to Untergard. WFRP2 Core Rulebook, Chapter XII: Through the

Drakwald -adventure (WFRP2)

33rd Vorgeheim (6th month)

Saga. The second Dwarf celebration is given over to tales of Slayers, epic battle and the wisdom of the Ancestor Gods.

Even many have died in the recent war there are huge celebrations for victory.

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The Aftermath: The Empire:

Grand Theogonist Johann Esmer III flees to Marienburg before Volkmar the Grim returns to Altdorf. There isn't

much support to Esmer, but he is still saying that he is the rightfull Theogonist and speaking against the

Volkmar. When Volkmar returns he takes over the Templars of Sigmar (force of witch-hunters and templars

created by Esmer). Volkmar gives them even more rights to find the servants of the Dark Gods.

Archaon’s Horde had spread misery and death across Ostland, Hochland, and Middenland. Tens of thousands

were homeless and starving. Their fields had been burned, and their homes were left in ruins. Confronted by the

full horror of Chaos, many were the folk who had been driven insane through terror and misery. The forests

were crawling with soldiers and peasants who had abandoned their gods and bartered their souls to the all-

conquering power of the Dark Gods. Though Middenheim had been defended to the last and Archaon’s horde

was shattered, the remnants of warbands and Beast Herds still lurked throughout the northern Empire. Zundap

was overrun with verminous Skaven, who had turned the old steam mill into an unholy hive of rat creatures.

Brass Keep was just an empty shell. Its dark corners were home to strange beasts and twisted spawn, and the

warriors of the Dark Gods gathered in its ruined towers and cellars.

It is little surprise that Boris Todbringer has led the White Wolves and the remnants of the forces of Middenland

into the south and west, seeking a sign of Khazrak's whereabouts. His search is cautious, though, for he knows

well the dangers of fighting in the Drakwald.

Helmut Feuerbach, Elector Count of Talabecland, survived the failed attack against Archaon in 2521, with

Volkmar the Grim. But he has not returned from the Storm of Chaos and is feared dead. With him also

disappeared the Knights of the Red Shield (Elector Counts personal bodyguards). Sigmars Heirs (WFRP2),

Terror in Talabheim (WFRP2)

Vampires from all the blood-lines have suddenly "awaken". Many among their ranks believe that the legendary

time of The Thousand Thrones is near. The Thousand Thrones (WFRP2)

Two powerful Beastman arise among the scattered tribes of Drakwald - Shaman Urslak Cripplehorn and

Gargorath the God-Touched. Shaman Urslak plan is to cast mighty ritual that will transform everyone living in

the forests of the Empire into Beastmen using enchanted menhir. Gargorath's herd will be huge in the end of

year, when he moves them agains the Empire forces. Shamanslayer (novel)

Dreaded necromancer Heinrich Kemmler has returned to the Empire. He remains unseen and disquised until

the end of the year when he will finally strikes. Zombieslayer (novel)


Boyar Alexi Makarev, having fought valiantly in the defence of Middenheim, rides with all speed to his homeland

to assist in the reclamation of Erengrad, and on to the fighting still raging at Praag. Having disobeyed the

wishes of the Ice Queen and ridden south to the Empire, it remains to see what reception he will receive from

the Tzarina.

Dark Elves:

Dark Elf Lokhir Fellheart loots the sunken ruins of the Lizardmen city of Chypayotl and finds the Helm of the


Morathi has heard rumour that Hellebron has moved against the temple of Slaanesh that is now found in

Naggarond, and is returning to the capital of Naggaroth to see off the Witch Queen's challenge. It is likely that

the encounter will be bloody, as followers of both sects seek to dispose of their rivals. A potential civil war could

erupt if the situation is not brought back under control.

Sea of Claws & Norsca:

For many generations the Norse will tell of the White Ghost, the Sea Spectre, the Mist with Fangs. Lord Aislinn

and his warriors of Lothern have been ruthless sin their patrols of the Sea of Claws, slaying thousands of

warriors destined for the coasts of Nordland and Kislev. It is unsure whether Aislinn and his fleet have returned

to Ulthuan, where they are needed to support the war against the Druchii (Dark Elves) – the terror amongst the

Norse tribes that he is still prowling the waves is enough now for the seas to be free of their longships. How long

the fear remains cannot be judged, and perhaps as soon as the next summer, the Dragonships and Hawkships

of Ulthuan will be sorely missed.

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Even as Slayer King Ungrim heard the great gates of Karak Kadrin slamming shut once more, he was brought

news of the death of his son, Garagrim. It was too much to bear, and through the ancestral debt to his people

had been lifted, Ungrim once more renewed his Slayer oath, to avenge his fallen son and to atone for his

defeat. It was a bitter king that brooded upon the dragonbone throne of Karak Kadrin that night.

Wood Elves:

As the winds grow chill and the first fingers of autumn grip parts of Athel Loren, Orion begins to weary of the

hunt. He has retreated to the Great Hall to feast and celebrate his great victories of the summer, his exploits

now retold in the songs and dances of his subjects. Winter comes soon and the Time of Dying, and before the

cold touch of snow falls upon the mystical forest of Athel Loren, Ariel bends her will to healing the lands

despoiled by the Beastmen. The forest itself has claimed many victims, the blood and flesh of fallen mutants

nourishing the magically-charged soil of Athel Loren. The haunting melodies of the Dryads and the bass

rumblings of the Treemen echo through the boles of the trees, singing of the long depredations suffered at the

hands of the kin of Morghur and the joy of victory.

But in the shadows, a few twisted beasts still lurk, fearful of the woods and the shadowy warriors within, but with

ancient hatred burning in their hearts. Vanquished, cowed by the fury of the Wood Elves, they slink through the

guardian stones, taking out their petty anger on villagers and livestock, retreating back to the Vaults and the

Forest of Chalons. It will be a while before the fires burn bright at the herdstones again, for there are hundreds

of warbands that will no longer fight, dozens of shamans who will no longer bring the blessings of the gods. But

Morghur still remains, and while he lives, the Beasts will forever turn their jealous eye towards the enchanted

realm of Athel Loren.

Tomb Kings:

For many leagues north of the Mortis River, the Tomb Kings have laid claim to lost lands. Legions hundreds

strong stand ready at the old ruins of the Nehekharan outposts, while the vultures and wolves feed upon the

dead Orcs and the other usurpers of the Badlands. These lands, known in the tongue of Khemri as Anah-

Kehzzar, are but shattered shells of their former glory. Most tombs lie empty or those interred within do not stir

to the call of the Liche Priests. Lying beyond the ancient boundaries of Nehekhara, the kings and princes buried

in Anah-Kehzzar were mostly unaffected by the great spell unleashed by Nagash and still slumber in death's

embrace. His challenge unanswered, Settra has withdrawn from Nagashizzar, conscious of the forces gathering

on the shores of the Sour Sea. A guard has been set on the ancient citadel, to keep watch for any sign that its

dark inhabitants are readying once more to unleash their evil upon the world.


Skaven are allready plotting new attacks against the weakened Empire. Terror in Talabheim (WFRP2)

The Fall of Miragliano. A massive Skaven force from the Blighted Marshes crushes the defending mercenary

army and sacks the city of Miragliano. The disgraced former Imperial Count Leopold von Stroheim - once an

aspirant to the lordship of the fledgling province of Neuland on the island of Albion - led the remnants of the

defeated force through the Blighted Marshes until cornered and destroyed by a force led by Warlord Quickpaw

and Grey Seer Squelch. White Dwarf Magazine

Orcs & Goblins:

Greenskin hordes are on the move. Many tribes from the World Edge Mountains and in the Border Kingdoms &

Badlands will cause much trouble in the near future attacking southern and eastern provinces of the Empire,

Dwarf Holds and Border Kingdoms.

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Some Major and Minor Characters/Protagonists during the Storm:


Khazrak the One-eye. Khazrak is the most cunning beast lord to have ever lived and is the biggest living threat

to the empire. His eye was taken by Boris Todbringer and he also took counts eye.

Kilama'garr, Beastlord and part of the Beastman armies attacking Middenheim.

Morghur (Cyanathair), the Corruptor, Master of Skulls, Gor-Dum (Dwarf name). Mighty, almost immortal,

Beastman shaman and the arch-enemy of the Wood Elves of Athel Loren.

Morurghur, Braylord and shaman of Nurgle (Pestigor). Part of Kharzar armies. Summons a Great Unclean One

during the Siege of Middenheim.


Bohemond the Beast-Slayer, a Duke and the commander of the Bretonnian vanguard.

Louen Leoncoeur, King of the Bretonnia.

Louis Rochelle, court diplomat and ambassador of the King Louen Leoncoeur of Bretonnia in the Empire.

Chaos Dwarfs:

Helna Blackhand, Prophet of Hashut and the commander of the Dark Dwarf forces in the Archaon's armies.

Grey Seer Verminous Fang is tasked to forge alliance with her.

Vhaark. Powerful Dark Dwarf Sorcerer in the Archaon's armies.

Daemons of Chaos (Daemonic Host):

Be'lakor, the Dark Master, He That Is the Harbringer, the Shadowlord, the Messenger of the Great Undivided.

A Daemonic power that had been punished by the Chaos Gods for thinking he was their equal. Be'lakor was

finally released from his prison to perform the coronation of Archaon as the Everchosen of the Ruinous Powers,

a position he himself coveted. He leads the Daemonic Host and also resurrects Volkmar the Grim.

Khar'Phaos, bestial Daemon and leaders of the Daemonic Host.

Shadowstalker, a Daemon Prince. Dark angelic being that leads the Daemonic Host with Be'lakor.

Dark Elves:

Kouran Hex, Dark Elf servant of Slaanesh joining the battle against Middenheim with the Chaos horde.

Morathi, the Hag Queen of the Dark Elves. Morathi once more swore her loyalty to Slaanesh, the Prince of

Chaos, and led the Dark Elf Cult of Slaanesh forces in an invasion of the Lizardmen city-states of Lustria.


Barak Grimjaw, ambassador of High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer.

Garagrim Ironfist, War-mourner of Karak Kadrin. The son of Ungrim Ironfist, Garagrim had devised a plan to

rid his family line of its dishonour. By dying in combat as his father's champion, Garagrim believed he would

prove the worthiness of the bloodline. He was killed when a chaos giant fell on him as it died, thus fulfilling his

slayer vow.

Gotrek Gurnisson, most (in)famous Slayer ever. Returns to Old World during the Storm of Chaos. Companion

of Felix Jaeger.

Malakai Makaisson, Slayer-engineer hired by the Imperial Engineers Guild with his airship.

Hamnir, Prince of Karak-Hirn. Huge orc force takes over Karak-Hirn during the absence of the King Alrik

Ranulfsson, when Prince Hamnir should have been in charge. Prince Hamnir just happened to be in Barak Varr

during the invasion and later needs to gather army to reclaim the lost hold.

Ragargrim Skund, commander of Dwarfen warriors and thunderers in the Brass Keep.

Snorri Nosebiter, "Father Rustskull", legendary old slayer. Joins other slayers in Middenheim before the siege.

Snorri Thungrimsson, envoy of the Dwarf High King Ungrim Ironfist at the Conclave of Light.

Ungrim Ironfist, "the Slayer King", or more properly, the King of the Dwarfhold of Karak Kadrin.

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High Elves:

Aislinn, Sea Lord and admiral of the High Elven fleet deployed from Ulthuan to aid the Empire against Chaos.

Attacks Norse fleets and raids their settlements.

Celerioth Quelleri, High Elven Lord who is among the Elven forces which move to Middenheim before the


Enthardon, Prince of Nagarythe and leader of Shadow Warriors. Their force moves to Middenheim before the

siege and is used to guard the city catacombs and walls during the attack.

Saneth, Ulthuan Prince and a commander of a small Elven contingent.

Talaananthes Silverfall, commander of Elven unit that goes to help Breder against Khorne host.

Teclis, High Loremaster of the White Tower. The greatest of the Elven High Mages and the twin brother to the

famous High Elf warrior prince Tyrion. Teclis had always worried about the place of Mankind in the struggle

between Chaos and Order because of humanity's easy susceptibility to corruption, and was therefore eager to

once again help the human Empire in battle. It was Teclis who presented Valten with the magical steed

Althandir, and banished Be'lakor's daemonic legion back to the Warp at the Battle of Middenheim.


Alexi Makarev, Boyar and the leader of the Kislev forces that come to help the Empire during the Storm.

Katarin, Tzarina, the "Ice Queen". Ruler of Kislev.

Kurkosk, Boyar and the one that finally brokes High Zar Surtha Lenk's army at Mazhorod in 2521.

Namo, Boyar Alexi Makarev champion and hero.

Piotr Kropotkin, emissary of Tsarina Kattarin at the Conclave of Light.

Vassily Ilyenskja, emissary of Tsarina Kattarin at the Conclave of Light.


Kroq-Gar, Ancient Scar-Leader. Kroq-Gar kills Vashnaar the Tormentor.

Mazdamundi, Mighty Slann Lord.

Tiktaq'to, Hexoatl's Master of Skies. A Skink Chief leader.

Marienburg (Wasteland):

Thurk van Hasteroy, part of delegation of emissaries from Marienburg at the Conclave of Light.

Orcs & Goblins:

Borgut Facebeater, An Orc Nob and Grimgor Ironhide's second-in-command.

Gitsnik Blacktooth, Orc warlord who wants' to be Grimgor Ironhides second-in-command.

Gobhead Shankhammer, Night Goblin warlord and the leader of Elf Munchers. Night Goblins from the Middle

Mountain & Drakwald area. Joins Waaagh! Grimgor.

Grimgor Ironhide, The greatest living Black Orc warboss suffered defeat at the hands of Crom the Conqueror

a couple of months before Archaon's Chaos horde attacked the Empire. Shamed and now in a risky position,

Grimgor kept control over his Orcs by claiming that the Orc god Gork had given him a religious vision. Guided

by this vision he ordered the massacre of all the Goblins in his army. He later managed to defeat Archaon in

single combat before the gates of Middenheim, effectively ending the Storm of Chaos. Thus satisfied, the Orc

quit the field.

Grimjaw Ironfang, Orc boss and leader of the tribes in the Middle Mountain & Drakwald area. Joins Waaagh!


Taugrek the Throttler, Black Orc and one of the Grimgor's Boyz that saved the standard during the battle

against the hordes of Crom. Since that time standard bearer.

Uzgor Scabgrit, Black Orc warboss in the Badlands. Leads Greenskin armies against advancing Tomb Kings.

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Nilax, Plaguelord who leads Skaven against the Middenheim.

Sniktch, Deathmaster. The most skillful Skaven assassin in the world. Thought to have been Valten's assassin.

Skritchit, one of the Grey Seers among the Skaven forces during the Storm of Chaos. Commander of the Clan

Virules in Middenheim.

Skritchskritch, chieftain of the Clan Deathbite.

Skoll, one of the Grey Seers among the Skaven forces during the Storm of Chaos.

Throt Unclean, is one of the most powerful Master Mutators within Clan Moulder.

Verminous Fang, one of the Grey Seers among the Skaven forces during the Storm of Chaos. Tasked to forge

alliance with the Chaos Dwarf forces.

The Empire:

Adelbert Wessbecker, Baron-General. Commander of the western causeway forces during the Siege of


Aldebrand Ludenhof, Elector Count of Hochland.

Alberich Haupt-Anderssen, Elector Count of Stirland.

Albrecht Helseher, Wizard Lord and the High Wizard of Middenheim Guild of Wizards and Alchemists.

Arburg "Jade Mother", Magister Matriarch of the Jade Order.

Aric Grebersson, and advisor to Graf Boris Todbringer.

Balthasar Gelt, Magister Patriarch of the Gold Order and Supreme Patriarch of the Colleges of Magic.

Boris Todbringer, Elector Count of Middenland.

Bruno Hauptleiter, mercenary captain and the leader of the famous Star of Victory unit. Joins the war in


Claus Liebnitz, Deputy High Priest ("Denfather") of Ulric.

Emmanuel von Liebwitz, Elector Countess of Wissenland.

Emil Valgeir, Ar-Ulric, the High Priest of Ulric.

Erik Boksson, White Wolf templar ("Brother-Templar") and a hero.

Evina Klug, High Priestess of Verena in Middenheim.

Falken Reiklander, Graf and the cousin of Karl Franz. Also commander of the Castle Reiksguard. Marches to

the war with his men in 2522. He is gravely wounded after the war.

Felix Jaeger. (In)famous adventurer, storyteller and vagabond. Returns to Old World during the Storm of

Chaos. Companion of Slayer Gotrek Gurnisson and also his Rememberer.

Frederich "Old" Weirde, scholar and researcher of Altdorf, collector of histories and chronicler of the past.

Heinrich Todbringer, Baron and "Prince" of Middenheim. Boris legitimate son.

Helmut Feuerbach, Elector Count of Talabecland. Joins Volkmar the Grim during his crusade against Archaon

in 2521.

Hisme Stoutheart, Eldar of the Moot and Elector.

Hrolfgar, High Priest of Ulric.

Janna Eberhauer, Wizard Lord and Deputy High Wizard of Middenheim Guild of Wizards and Alchemists.

Jared von Strudt, Lord at the Castle Lenkster.

Jeffrey Tier, close aide of Count von Raukov and also secretly agent of the Dark Gods.

Johann Esmer III. The weak-willed Grand Theogonist of Sigmar after death of Volkmar the Grim. Hates warrior

priest Luthor Huss.

Johann Schwermutt, General and one of the three Midden Marshals.

Karl Franz, or more properly: "His most Imperial Highness, Emperor Karl Franz Holswig-Schliestein, Grand

Prince of Altdorf, Count of the Reikland, Protector of the Empire".

Kasmir XI, Arch-Lector of Sigmar and Elector.

Kaufmann, captain at the Castle Lenkster.

Keiner Reinzfeld, White Wolf templar ("Brother-Templar") and the captain of the Red Company.

Kristophe Gohlinghost, kommander of the Fort Schippel.

Kurt Helborg, Reiksmarshall and general of the Emperor's armies and military advisor to Karl Franz.

Ludwig Schwartzhelm, the Emperor’s personal.

Luther Flamestrike, Wizard Lord of the Bright Order.

Luthor Huss, Warrior Priest and the self-styled "Prophet of Sigmar" who spoke up against the corruption and

complacency that was rampant among the Sigmarite priesthood before the Storm of Chaos. Enemy of Johann


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Maximillian “the Minotaur” von Gensher, Marshall and one of the three Midden Marshals.

Methuselis, Wizard Lord of the Celestial Order.

Mickelbach, tactician and Chief Advisor of Karl Franz.

Orenstihl, Baron and the Grandmaster of the templar Order of Fiery Hearts. Takes his order to the Middenheim

before the siege.

Rein Volkhard, Grandmaster of the White Wolves.

Reiner Starke, Magister Patriarch of the Grey Order.

Setanta Lobas "Wild Father", Magister Patriarch of the Amber Order.

Stern Glanzend, Magister Patriarch of the Celestial Order.

Theoderic Gausser, Elector Count of Nordland.

Thorgrad IV, Arch-Lector of Sigmar and Elector.

Thunderball, Giant who is handling/loading gigantic Ulric's Thunder - Cannon that fires house-sized balls.

Thyrus Gormann, Magister Patriarch of the Bright Order.

Ulric von Kelp, White Wolf templar ("Brother-Templar") and the captain of the White Company.

Ulrich Schutzmann, Commander of the Watch and one of the three Midden Marshals.

Valten - Exalted of Sigmar, Champion of Light, "Sigmar reborn", "God-child". Valten was the young man who

Luthor Huss claimed was the reincarnation of the warrior-god Sigmar. He was defeated by Archaon in battle

before the walls of Middenheim and was later assassinated by the Skaven assassin, Deathmaster Sniktch.

Valmir von Raukov, Elector Count of Ostland.

Verspasian Kant, Magister Patriarch of the Light Order.

Viggo Hexensohn, Magister Patriarch of the Amethyst Order.

Volkmar "the Grim" von Hindenstern. The resurrected former Grand Theogonist of Sigmar whose death at

the hands of Archaon had marked the start of the Swords of Chaos' invasion of the Empire. Retakes his position

as Grand Theogonist after the war.

Von Brunel, commander of the Castle Lenkster artillerists.

Von Wallestein, Baron of Wurtzen. Baron is agent and a cultist of Slaanesh.

Vorn Thugenheim, Standard Bearer of Middenheim and member of the Teutegon Guard ("Brother-Templar").

Werner Stolz, High Capitular of Sigmar in Middenheim.

Wilhelm Steinberg, extremist witch hunter and named to lead witch hunter & templars of Sigmar by Grand

Theogonist Esmer. He, and his men, hunt down and burn hundreds of mutants, cultists, hedge wizards and

many others during the war.

Wolfram Hertwig, Elector Count of Ostermark.

Tomb Kings:

Amun II, Tomb King of the Third Glorious Dynasty of Khemri. Settra's generals. Advances to the north in


Settra the Imperishable, the first king of the first Dynasty of the Tomb Kings of Khemri and the ancient land of


Ximhotep, Tomb King and Settra's generals. Advances to the north in Badlands.

Vampire Counts:

Mannfred von Carstein, the ruler of Sylvania and a powerful Vampire lord who used the instability caused by

Archaon's invasion of the Empire to launch his own invasion of the Empire with a massive army of Undead in a

bid to become its new master like the von Carsteins before him.

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Warriors of Chaos:

Aelric Cyenwulf, one of the Archaon's vanguard warlords that attack Kislev and the Empire in 2521. Killed

during the fighting in the 2521.

Archaon - the Everchosen, the Lord of the End Times, Champion of Chaos Undivided and leader of the

Swords of Chaos warband.

Asil Yarp. Tzeentch warlord in the Archaon's army.

Bogolav Tammas, a warrior of Khorne and a part of host fighting in the Bohsenfels. Becomes the new keeper

of the Blood Fane stone dedicated to the Khorne in 2522.

Cyspeth the Gifted, one of Archaon's four lieutenants and a Chaos Lord devoted to Tzeentch, the Changer of

Ways. Son of Melekh the Changer, and after his father's death commander of the Tzeentch host.

D'aggorn the Exalted, one of the Archaon's warlords. Leads attack against Kislev in 2522.

Dahn Chytzen, one of the Archaon's lieutenants, Chaos Sorcerer and the commander of the Iron Wolves.

Nemesis of Boyar Alexi Makarev in the end of the Storm.

Feytor the Tainted, one of Archaon's four lieutenants. A Chaos Lord devoted to the Plague Lord Nurgle.

Haargroth the Blooded One, one of Archaon's four lieutenants. A Chaos Lord devoted to the Blood God

Khorne. He was slain by Ar-Ulric Valgeir during the Battle of Middenheim.

Kordel Shorgaar, one of Archaon's lieutenants and the standard bearer of the Swords of Chaos.

Leth-Dar, warlord and the emmissary of Cyspeth the Gifted.

Lightbringer, Lord of the Black Star, Chosen of Tzeentch and Champion of the Chamber. Tzeentch Sorcerer in

the Archaon's army.

Melekh the Changer, one of Archaon's four lieutenants and a Chaos Lord devoted to Tzeentch, the Changer of

Ways. He was executed by Archaon.

Okkodai Tarsus, one of the Archaons vanguard warlords that attack Kislev and the Empire in 2521. Killed

during the fighting in the 2521.

Styrkaar, one of Archaon's four lieutenants. A Chaos Lord devoted to the Prince of Chaos, Slaanesh.

Surtha Lenk, one of the Archaon's vanguard warlords that attack Kislev and the Empire in 2521. Killed during

the fighting in the 2521.

Vardek Crom, the Conqueror, Herald of Archaon. A Chaos Lord who was Archaon's second-in-command of the

Swords of Chaos warband. During the Storm of Chaos, Vardek Crom was supposed to maneuver his troops so

that they could attack the Empire's frontiers from the east. Vardek Crom defeated the Orc Warlord Grimgor

Ironhide in single combat, leading to the Orc’s shaming and his determination to find redemption at the Battle of

Middenheim where he defeated Archaon in personal combat. At the end of the campaign, he is presumed to

have died, leading an army of Chaos-loyal Kurgan through Sylvania, Count Mannfred Von Carstein’s cursed


Vashnaar the Tormentor. Mighty Hung warlord and the commander of the Hung armies brought to Lustria by

Morathi. Dies at the end of the siege of Hexoatl.

Wood Elves:

Orion, King of the Woods. The immortal Consort King of Athel Loren.