Storing Power: on the Importance of Market Structure David Andrés-Cerezo 1 and Natalia Fabra 2 1 EUI, 2 UC3M January 27, 2020 D.Andrés-N.Fabra Storing Power: on the Importance of Market Structure January 27, 2020

Storing Power: on the Importance of Market Structure

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Storing Power: on the Importance of Market Structure

David Andrés-Cerezo1 and Natalia Fabra2


January 27, 2020

D.Andrés-N.Fabra Storing Power: on the Importance of Market Structure January 27, 2020

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The “Duck curve”

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Storage should play a key role in the energy transition:By making a more efficient use of existing resources (e.g. excess renewable production).By providing energy when renewables are not available.By reducing the need to invest in (polluting) back-up generation capacity.

Goals:Analyze whether the private and social incentives for investing in storage are aligned.Understand decentralized storage operation and its impact on market outcomes.Asses how this depends on market structure.

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Storage should play a key role in the energy transition:By making a more efficient use of existing resources (e.g. excess renewable production).By providing energy when renewables are not available.By reducing the need to invest in (polluting) back-up generation capacity.

Goals:Analyze whether the private and social incentives for investing in storage are aligned.Understand decentralized storage operation and its impact on market outcomes.Asses how this depends on market structure.

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Storing technologies and market structure

Different types of storage facilities...

Figure: Pumped hydro Figure: Grid-scale batteries Figure: Electric vehicle fleet

...that imply different horizontal and vertical market structures:Competitive vs. strategic storage.Competitive vs. strategic productionDifferent ownership structures ⇒ stand-alone vs. vertically integrated storage firms.

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Storing technologies and market structure

Different types of storage facilities...

Figure: Pumped hydro Figure: Grid-scale batteries Figure: Electric vehicle fleet

...that imply different horizontal and vertical market structures:Competitive vs. strategic storage.Competitive vs. strategic productionDifferent ownership structures ⇒ stand-alone vs. vertically integrated storage firms.

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Relevant questions

1 Investment in storage capacity .Will it be socially optimal?Does it depend on market structure?

2 Productive efficiency and prices.What are the effects of strategic behavior and the ownership structure?

3 Do storage facilities confer market power? Do they mitigate market power in generation?

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Related literature

Storage and commodity speculation.McLaren (1999) Williams& Wright (1991); Mitraille, Thille (2014); etc...

Natural resource extraction.Hotelling (1931); Salant (1976); etc...

Electricity storage.Schmalensee (2019); Ambec&Crampes (2018); Karaduman (2020); Crampes&Trochet(2019); Helm&Mier (2018); García& Stacchetti (2001); etc...

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1 Model set-up

2 First Best

3 Market solutionSecond BestCompetitive storageIndependent storage monopolistVertically integrated firm

4 Welfare comparison

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Modelling set-up

DemandPrice- inelastic demand θ; consumers’ valuation v.θ is distributed according to a symmetric G (θ) in

[θ, θ


θ can be interpreted as demand net of renewables.Known at the production stage → Focus on seasonal variation.

GenerationExisting assets allow to produce with costs C̃(Q) increasing and convex.

StorageStorage capacity K (in MWh); Investment cost C(K) increasing and convex.qB(θ), qS(θ) : quantities bought (B) and sold (S) by the storage facility.

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Modelling set-up

DemandPrice- inelastic demand θ; consumers’ valuation v.θ is distributed according to a symmetric G (θ) in

[θ, θ


θ can be interpreted as demand net of renewables.Known at the production stage → Focus on seasonal variation.

GenerationExisting assets allow to produce with costs C̃(Q) increasing and convex.

StorageStorage capacity K (in MWh); Investment cost C(K) increasing and convex.qB(θ), qS(θ) : quantities bought (B) and sold (S) by the storage facility.

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Modelling set-up

DemandPrice- inelastic demand θ; consumers’ valuation v.θ is distributed according to a symmetric G (θ) in

[θ, θ


θ can be interpreted as demand net of renewables.Known at the production stage → Focus on seasonal variation.

GenerationExisting assets allow to produce with costs C̃(Q) increasing and convex.

StorageStorage capacity K (in MWh); Investment cost C(K) increasing and convex.qB(θ), qS(θ) : quantities bought (B) and sold (S) by the storage facility.

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Demand process

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1 Model set-up

2 First Best

3 Market solutionSecond BestCompetitive storageIndependent storage monopolistVertically integrated firm

4 Welfare comparison

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First Best Problem

Welfare is gross consumer surplus minus production and investment costs:


W =

∫ θ

θvθdG (θ)−

∫ θ

θC̃(θ − qS(θ) + qB(θ)

)dG (θ)− C (K)

s.t. (λ) :

∫ θ

θqB(θ)dG (θ) ≥

∫ θ

θqS(θ)dG (θ)

(µ) :

∫ θ

θqB(θ)dG (θ) ≤ K

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First Best


θ θ̄


q(θ), p(θ)

Figure: First Best

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First Best


θ θ̄









q(θ), p(θ)

Figure: First Best

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First Best


θ θ̄








µFBC′(K) =


q(θ), p(θ)

Figure: First Best

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First Best

Optimal storage management:Store when demand is low and release when demand is high.Equalization of marginal costs within storing and releasing regions.Minimization of total costs of production.

Optimal investment in storage:Marginal benefit ⇒ Marginal cost saving from storing one more unit of output.No full marginal cost equalization.

First Best

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1 Model set-up

2 First Best

3 Market solutionSecond BestCompetitive storageIndependent storage monopolistVertically integrated firm

4 Welfare comparison

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Horizontal market structure: Production

Existing assets are owned by:a dominant firm (α share), with costs C̃D(q) = q2

2α ·a competitive fringe (1 − α share) with costs C̃F(q) = q2

2(1−α) ·α ∈ (0, 1)

Fringe produces qF = (1 − α) p(θ),

Dominant firm faces an elastic residual demandD(θ) = θ − qS(θ) + qB − (1 − α) p(θ)(θ).

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Horizontal market structure: Production

Existing assets are owned by:a dominant firm (α share), with costs C̃D(q) = q2

2α ·a competitive fringe (1 − α share) with costs C̃F(q) = q2

2(1−α) ·α ∈ (0, 1)

Fringe produces qF = (1 − α) p(θ),

Dominant firm faces an elastic residual demandD(θ) = θ − qS(θ) + qB − (1 − α) p(θ)(θ).

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Independent storage: Dominant firm

Maximize profits over the residual demand:


πD = p (θ)D(θ)− [D(θ)]2

Optimal prices:

p(θ) = θ − qS(θ) + qB(θ)

1 − α2

Constant mark-up equal to α.Distorted market shares:

Dominant produces α/(1 + α) < α.Fringe produces 1/(1 + α) > 1 − α

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1 Model set-up

2 First Best

3 Market solutionSecond BestCompetitive storageIndependent storage monopolistVertically integrated firm

4 Welfare comparison

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Second Best

Maximize total welfare taking production decisions as given:


W =

∫ θ

θvθdG (θ)−

∫ θ



2α +q2

F2(1 − α)

)dG (θ)− C (K)

subject to the storage constraints and taking as given that:

qD =α

1 + α

[θ − qS(θ) + qB(θ)

]qF =

11 + α

[θ − qS(θ) + qB(θ)


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Second Best

θ θ̄


θSB1 θSB




Figure: Second Best

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Second Best

θ θ̄


θSB1 θSB





Figure: Second Best

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Second Best

θ θ̄



θSB1 θSB


C′(K) = µSB



Figure: Second Best

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Second Best

Optimal storage management:Similar to first best.Equalization of industry (weighted) marginal costs within storing and releasing regions.Weighted marginal cost: sum of the product of each firm’s market share and marginal cost.

Optimal investment in storage:Marginal benefit ⇒ Marginal cost saving from adding one unit of storage.Market power amplifies differences in industry marginal costs.

Second Best

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1 Model set-up

2 First Best

3 Market solutionSecond BestCompetitive storageIndependent storage monopolistVertically integrated firm

4 Welfare comparison

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Problem of competitive storage firms

Perfect competition:1 Large set of small owners (e.g. electric cars).2 Take generation prices as given.3 Free entry in the market ⇒ zero-profit condition.

Storage firms maximize:


ΠS =

∫ θ

θp (θ)

[qS(θ)− qB(θ)

]g (θ) dθ − C(K)

subject to the storage constraints and the zero-profit condition.

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Competitive storage


θ θ̄θC2θC



q(θ), p(θ)

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Competitive storage


θ θ̄θC2θC




q(θ), p(θ)

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Competitive storage


θ θ̄θC2θC



C(K)/K = µC


q(θ), p(θ)

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Competitive storage

Optimal storage management:Storage operators exploit arbitrage opportunities.Prices (not marginal costs) equalized within storage and releasing regions.

Equilibrium investment in storage:Marginal value of storage capacity equals price differential that an extra unit of capacityallows to arbitrage.Market power in the product market amplifies arbitrage profits.


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First Best vs. Second Best vs. Competitive

θ θ̄


θ1 θ2








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First Best vs. Second Best vs. Competitive

Under competitive storage with free-entry in the market, there is over-investment andover-utilization of storage ⇒ KC > KSB > KFB.

Price differential higher than marginal cost savings.

θ2 − θ11 − α2︸ ︷︷ ︸


>(θ2 − θ1)(1 + α− α2)

(1 − α2)(1 + α)︸ ︷︷ ︸µSB

> θ2 − θ1︸ ︷︷ ︸µFB

Cost convexity → Higher infra-marginal profits → C(K)/K < C′(K)

KSB > KFB → Storage mitigates market power by reducing residual demand at highdemand levels.

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First Best vs. Second Best vs. Competitive

Under competitive storage with free-entry in the market, there is over-investment andover-utilization of storage ⇒ KC > KSB > KFB.

Price differential higher than marginal cost savings.

θ2 − θ11 − α2︸ ︷︷ ︸


>(θ2 − θ1)(1 + α− α2)

(1 − α2)(1 + α)︸ ︷︷ ︸µSB

> θ2 − θ1︸ ︷︷ ︸µFB

Cost convexity → Higher infra-marginal profits → C(K)/K < C′(K)

KSB > KFB → Storage mitigates market power by reducing residual demand at highdemand levels.

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1 Model set-up

2 First Best

3 Market solutionSecond BestCompetitive storageIndependent storage monopolistVertically integrated firm

4 Welfare comparison

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Storage Monopolist

The storage monopolist internalizes the effects of its decisions on market prices:


ΠS =

∫ θ


θ − qS(θ) + qB(θ)

1 − α2[qS(θ)− qB(θ)

]g (θ) dθ − C(K)

subject to the storage constraints.

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Storage monopolist

θ θ̄



θM1 θM



q(θ), p(θ)

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Storage monopolist

θ θ̄



θM1 θM




q(θ), p(θ)

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Storage monopolist

θ θ̄



θM1 θM




MCSC′(K) = µM


q(θ), p(θ)

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Storage monopolist

Optimal storage management:Less production smoothing ⇒ Storage monopolist avoids a strong price increase (decrease)when it buys (sells).

Storage monopolist equalizes marginal revenues (costs) when selling (buying).No price-equalization.

Optimal investment in storage:Marginal value of storage capacity equals the difference between MR and MC that anextra unit of capacity allows to arbitrage.Increasing in α


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Infra-utilization of storage capacity

θ θ̄E(θ)




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Infra-utilization of storage capacity

θ θ̄E(θ)







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Infra-utilization of storage capacity

θ θ̄E(θ)






KM qM(θ)



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Second Best & Second Best vs. Storage monopolist

Second Best: The storage monopolist under-invests → KM < KSB.1 Market power in storage ⇒ lower storage utilization.

First Best: The storage monopolist under-invests (over-invest) if α < α̂ (α < α̂), withα ∈ (0, 1) → KM ⋛ KSB.

1 Market power in storage ⇒ lower storage utilization.2 Market power in generation ⇒ arbitrage profits higher than at the first best.

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Second Best & Second Best vs. Storage monopolist

Second Best: The storage monopolist under-invests → KM < KSB.1 Market power in storage ⇒ lower storage utilization.

First Best: The storage monopolist under-invests (over-invest) if α < α̂ (α < α̂), withα ∈ (0, 1) → KM ⋛ KSB.

1 Market power in storage ⇒ lower storage utilization.2 Market power in generation ⇒ arbitrage profits higher than at the first best.

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1 Model set-up

2 First Best

3 Market solutionSecond BestCompetitive storageIndependent storage monopolistVertically integrated firm

4 Welfare comparison

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Vertically Integrated Firm

Dominant firm vertically integrated with storage monopolist.


πS =

∫ θ̄


[p(θ)D (p; θ)− [D (p; θ)− qS(θ) + qB(θ)]2

]g (θ) dθ,

subject to the storage constraints.

Higher residual demand (firm controls storage) → D (p; θ) = θ − (1 − α)p(θ).

Storage facilities ⇒ Help the dominant producer smooth its production over time.

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Vertically integrated firm

θ θ̄



θI1 θI



q(θ), p(θ)

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Vertically integrated firm

θ θ̄



θI1 θI




q(θ), p(θ)

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Vertically integrated firm

θ θ̄



θI1 θI





q(θ), p(θ)

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Vertically integrated firm

θ θ̄



θI1 θI




C′(K) = µI


q(θ), p(θ)

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Vertically integrated firm

Optimal storage management:Vertically integrated firm uses storage to smooth own production.Under-utilization of given storage capacity with respect to first best.

Optimal investment in storage:Marginal value of storage capacity equals own marginal cost savings.Investment decreases in α.


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First Best vs. Vertically integrated firm

In a market with a vertically integrated dominant firm, there is under-investment instorage, KI < KFB < KSB.

In contrast to previous cases, KI is decreasing in α.Efficiency gains from higher α dominate larger arbitrage opportunities

The under-investment problem is aggravated with respect to the case of an independentmonopolist, KI < KM

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1 Model set-up

2 First Best

3 Market solutionSecond BestCompetitive storageIndependent storage monopolistVertically integrated firm

4 Welfare comparison

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Consumer’s surplus

Consumer’s surplus only depends on the price profile (i.e. weighted average price)

CS = vθ −∫ θ̄


Market power in generation increases the price level.Market power in storage increases the variance of the market price.

The ranking of consumer surplus across market structures is


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Consumer’s surplus

Consumer’s surplus only depends on the price profile (i.e. weighted average price)

CS = vθ −∫ θ̄


Market power in generation increases the price level.Market power in storage increases the variance of the market price.The ranking of consumer surplus across market structures is


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Price profile: no capacity restrictions



E(θ) pFB(θ)








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Total welfare

Total welfare is just a function of the total costs of production.Market power creates static & dynamic productive inefficiencies:

Generation (static) ⇒ Distorted market shares.Storage (dynamic) ⇒ Lower storage usage, production not flatenned.Aggravated with vertical integration ⇒ Fringe absorbs demand variations.

The ranking of total welfare across market structures is


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Total welfare

Total welfare is just a function of the total costs of production.Market power creates static & dynamic productive inefficiencies:

Generation (static) ⇒ Distorted market shares.Storage (dynamic) ⇒ Lower storage usage, production not flatenned.Aggravated with vertical integration ⇒ Fringe absorbs demand variations.

The ranking of total welfare across market structures is


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The market does not provide adequate investment incentives in storage capacity.Market power in generation leads to over-investment.Market power in storage to under-investment.

Vertical integration between storage and generation yields the most inefficient outcome.Texas regulator: utilities are not permitted to use storage.

Storage reduces the ability to exercise market power in generation, conditional on beingindependently owned.

Storage capacity auctions.Solve investment problem, although inefficient storage operation.

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Ways forward

Introduce other cases (e.g. load-owned storage).

Introduce stochastic demand and/or production.

Empirical simulation for the Spanish market.

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First Best (cont)

Optimal storage management:For given K, storage decisions are

qFBB (θ) = max


1 − θ, 0}

and qFBS (θ) = max

{θ − θFB

2 , 0}


1 = E [θ]− µ

2 ≤ θFB2 = E [θ] +


2 ,

and µ = µFB(K) is the unique solution to∫ θFB1 (µ)



1 (µ)− θ]

g(θ)dθ = K.

Optimal investment in storage:∂W∂K = 0 ⇒ µ


)= C′


)⇒ θFB

2 − θFB1 = C′


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Second Best (cont)

Optimal storage management:For given K, storage decisions are

qSBB (θ) = max


1 − θ, 0}

and qSBS (θ) = max

{θ − θSB

2 , 0}


1 = E [θ]− µ

2(1 − α2)(1 + α)

1 + α− α2 ≤ θSB2 = E [θ] +


2(1 − α2)(1 + α)

1 + α− α2 ,

and µ = µFB(K) is the unique solution to∫ θSB1 (µ)



1 (µ)− θ]

g(θ)dθ = K.

Optimal investment in storage: Back

∂W∂K = 0 ⇒ µ


)= C′


)⇒ (θSB

2 − θSB1 )

1 + α− α2

(1 − α2)(1 + α)= C′


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Competitive storage (cont)

Optimal storage management:For given K, the equilibrium storage decisions are

qCB(θ) = max


1 − θ, 0}

and qCS(θ) = max

{θ − θC

2 , 0}


1 = E [θ]−µ(1 − α2)

2 ≤ θC2 = E [θ] +

µ(1 − α2)

2 ,

with µ = µC(K) implicitly defined by:∫ θC1 (µ)



1 (µ)− θ]

g(θ)dθ = K.

Investment in storage:

µC(K) = (θC2 − θC

1 )/(1 − α2) = C (K) /K < C′(K).

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Storage Monopolist (cont)

Optimal storage management:For given K, the equilibrium storage decisions are

qMB (θ) = max {(θ1 − θ) /2, 0} and qM

S (θ) = max {(θ − θ2) /2, 0} ,


1 = E [θ]− µ(1 − α2)/2 ≤ θM2 = E [θ] + µ(1 − α2)/2,

with µ = µM(K) is the unique solution to∫ θM

1 (µ)θ

θM1 (µ)−θ

2 g(θ)dθ = KOptimal investment in storage:

C′(K) = µM(K) = (θM2 − θM

1 )/(1 − α2)


D.Andrés-N.Fabra Storing Power: on the Importance of Market Structure January 27, 2020

Page 70: Storing Power: on the Importance of Market Structure

Vertically Integrated Firm (cont)

Optimal storage management:For given K, the equilibrium storage decisions are

qIB(θ) = max


1 − θ)/2, 0

}and qI

S(θ) = max{(

θ − θI2

)/2, 0



1 = E [θ]− µ(1 + α)/2 ≤ θI2 = E [θ] + µ(1 + α)/2,

with µ = µI(K) is the unique solution to∫ θI1(µ)


θI1 (µ)− θ

2 g(θ)dθ = K.

Optimal investment in storage:

C′(K) = µI(K) = (θI2 − θI

1)/ (1 + α) .

BackD.Andrés-N.Fabra Storing Power: on the Importance of Market Structure January 27, 2020