. * " 'MM vjS^Wi CS.J»>A-; !'•*, Hr, fit. mm gunfltfttef of the I w York 8tat»0mfc , - •"?» ; .. »i-r>-.. , In the proportion between the Sexes In this State in tbe fear 1855, there was an excesii oi' Femsteatotbe Counties of Albany, Ooldm* JbiailJttlehess, Kings and New York. There '-was so excess of Males in—eighteen of lliff counties; {we maliciously omit itojgfcwymg^ and in fifteen the proportion was nearly equal. ,,. [Weare obliged not to name these, in order topreserve the secret ot the others] %^' to change between different ages. Under 20. "1 to evet? <Nndred men,, there were one hun- dred women, aW Btee-^othrof #%omaoi. to pot a fine point upon it, and not with a *&-'?&> vu 'S ar iraetion, 'but with a decimal, there ir*J* vg. were trio«.hundred an* ei|fity three than*/ ^sanathaprawenfan, pine ntfe hundred wo- ~ igjjof^a^ -an<tthreep -••test SS* under 40, mere were one hundred and seven 'nundred,a«S sixti-fbree, one thaw * sanilths, tqeTejydnehnndred'meb. Between "40 and 60 was a trylngTiinje, and this soperi- ority of the proportion was lost in death. There were-tutiinety-twdfeomaaoahii about- < eight-tenths of a woman, to the hundred of men. Between 60 and under 89 the vitality 't'H'i) - •, B^ff^- ...«•>*•>»>.-, RO m FROM Jf The steamer Arabia, from Liverpool, Oct. 31st, art iving this morning. Delhi has beerr>ston»ea and. has capitulat- I i: among Che females came up ag^in, and went as high as siitynhree, fiohdretlra woman above >*the pat?, of proportion.. Between 80 and untie* lQfttheapllfip|;,bec,aMt?gthe toRgh, er.' "yhere were, one hundred*.,and nine wo- men and two hundred and sixteen" thousand/ fractional parts of a 1 ' woman, to e'very hun- dred males in this 'grate In IS-55. It is a . well established tact that more boys a»e burn into this world than 1 girls*! In- Eord"pe the ratio ieSHntbenOO.- <-f *' •' ' The births iothis Census, were necessari- ly those ©lithe year, preceding the taking ol it The returns of these are. sjgnlesaedjy imper- fect, and wiH he till there;!»,» system ot cora- polsory record. CM* malf-babies, 50,440 were born in 1854* and of iemales, 50,082—rever- sing the proportion of the sexes just stated above. The census of tbe Ttfinsin the" S'tkfe was accidental. Ot the pairs" >onder twenty years old, both maies r there were'2,388 in tbe year,1855. Ot pairs pj females noder.twenty, there were eight less—2,380. Of pairs, ibe one male and ibe other lemale,. there were t l,548. The enumeration of TribTetsf which was also accidental, mattes bat little show in the Census. There were but fotfr Bets ot them—all girts. |: The wealth of population which coosti- totes a part of our title to the name of the •Empire State,' was verey small- compared with tbe standing and working room we pos- sess. T i e Total number ol inhabitants was 3,446,212 Oi these i^O^STa were males Womeh hot being rauCh green'to California, sealarinfs, or Emigratjjpn' to' the!. W e s t , got the upper* h i n d of th'e''' 'lords of creation'in 1855—by enumeration. There were 1,714,- 653 of them in this State. Ot citizens (in spite of tbe infamous Dred Scott decision) of African descent, there were 45,286. Ot these, 9,200 • paid taxes and had the 'property qualification'—a remarkable large number. Of'Aliens''there were 932,- 746. * • 3& Ol Voters there were 652;322, (we would have been greatly obliged to t'hem if they had all gone to the polls this fall,) divided, by the Census, into 'Native' and 'Naiuaraliseri.' Ot the lojrmer there' were- 516,745. Ot the latter there were. 136j&T7. There'were 1,253,015 Married persons in the State—2,082,(518 Single ones—95,182 Widowi-and 35,397 Widowers, Ot Families, there were 663,121—n fact fall of significance to the statesman and the moralistf The nprnber of the owneis of Land was 361,013-4-another precious political tact. Of those who could read, but not write, we are sorry to say that the number was 46,075. The number wbo could, neither read nor write, whs dis'creditablv k ave, and alarming- ly larger They were 96,489. This army of ignorance was recruited mainly from Eu- rope. Tfbere were 75,694 ibrei?n-boFn in it. Of natives there were but 20,795 in its ranks. That it shall long exist in the midst ol the Educational influences which distinguish New Ydrk. can not be possible. For it is en- filaded within a perfect net-work of School Houses. Of these blessed and best speeimin of Republican Achitecture, there were II 137 in the State of New York, in the year '55. They ware ot five kinds, varying according to the wealth ot the districts and the relative abundance e,nd cheapness of materials. Of Briclt School Houses, there iwere '601—of Stone, 738-^oi Framed, 9,238—of Logs, 313— ol P l a n k , ^ . Their aggregate (thanks to the Pubjic Instruction Laws!) exceed that of the seminaries ot crime and pauperism — the Groceries. Ot these institutions, there were 10\436.—-Albany Eve Jour. ce markets all stagnnted. Prices are much lower/ •Cotton 4»| lower. .Fidor9sa> 3s lower Wheat declined 4da6d. Cora dolt at 6d. -' J The Arabia brings $1,000,000 in specie ThrMi^t^Wdarrrveri: TWBrltish. aasauifed i ^ e p t B t ^ , 1 ^ 6 f p > t . , effec ted lodgments; and* alter sjK day** obstinate resistance, took oossessforpf the erttrre city- JN orneroffi <jmntf&h^®0l^*maBg ! them the, King oL&fMnti&ixa -ten*. Briu ! ish loss—killed^iod wounded, up to the 16th, 600, including £& ofheers. Qen. Wilson or- derded jiofloarler, but wotriaa: and children we».snafea•,• , ' " •-• -'• •••"• •« ••>'t-•<•'•- Ontram reinlorced HavelWk at Cawnpore. Toe la«>'iF"8t»«edittf-|iUaka8w» Mwhich f lace the garrtsott gallantly"lield 'oot;" Feats'of a new outbreak at Assam were entertained. . "^ * >. , The^'BBoAay teslderitosaTrerfavBriiBle, al- though, a few cases of disaffection had oc- COredi' : ' " , « ' - " . A plot had.been discovered lo murder Eu> ropeans at Kurracbee, but it was thwarted. Considerable jreinlorceujente werp received ai Calcutta. ; The Borough Bank at Liverpool i a d su» pended. Deposits estimated at a. million and ft half sterling-tally secured. Liabilities one million Sterling:. Several Liverpool firms had suspended: Other failures comprise Thornton, Huggins, Ward & Co., Manchester, liabilities 'one million. Tile American hcraes Pryoress' and Baby Ion were badly beaten at the Cambridgeshire stakes. SPAIN. The Spanish ministry has resigned. The Prince of Prussia had undertaken to conduct public affairs. Tbe king's health Is bad. '• . ' The Swiss elections largely favored the lib-' erals. life YiNSEB LABORERS AT FJPTV CENTS PER DAT —JT/t« Hartford Time* of Nov. D, prints the following: •It ha|s been, found necessary by ihe officers ' at the railroad depot in Asylum street to re- dace the pay ot the workmen on the' wood trains 20 per cent, and tb.e laborers were of- fered yesterday 50 cents per day. A large force rf them—Irishmen','all—were ready to go to work at the old^rates, bnt they, c refused; to submit tcMhe 20 per-cent,,,ofJ, and the re- sult was that, the'wood..trains'jesietda.y were manned chiefiy.by Yankees, who'were will- ing to earn hali'a dollar, rather than, lie. idle and earn nothing. T6-day the wood train was made op entirely] of Americans, most of them mechanics of Various trades, who have the good sense to take a job at half a dollar, rather! than do nothing;' E5M !«St ^t»» u&* A BETUP I CORL AND A Kiss.—There has been much'excitemenl among the politicians during the canvass of the late State election, and many a strange bet made on its. result. A rather singular wager was paid Wednes- day last by a young and beadtifol lady of this city. The fair, one is the owner ot'af' be'ami- inl lot ot shining ringlets, and one of these and a kiss were bet with a young matt who resides in tnjs vicinity that Gardner would- be tbe neXfeGovernor'. Ol course she fost, and the yoiihg genilfemanrgallantly refusing . to claim the wager^she, with' true woman's grit, took theahearsjcjipped t^e cur|. irqm among Ha? mates, placed it in hts .hands, and,., throwing hir.artns'aica>nd his neck, galla'tn* ly paid the forieft.' We need ndt add (bat the young man will treasure that curl. We soould.-rZijron Reporter. Five Hnndnd Soldien Masaapred by Indituu. CHICAGO, Tu||,caj!^Nov. l O ^ 57 - Mr. WilliamsoD, iheVcorrespondenf of the St Batrf TSiiseV writing from P-ayotznc on the 26th alt., »ay» that a report ttsjd reached tber-' that Bw .St. S; troops^ supposed to a deiatehmepi ? ot ffle THah einedition, nad been atyicfed indUPflMft aTarge^party of TeehS' fndiitts.^af iW.*«ta*M(ri Riv r er. Mr. WfUianiaon believes the-report. ^4, Capture ^'JpttQtL '' •• ,.. trt -,JS«w. YPBK„JMOV. 13. Theidates by the,Indian mail are Calcutta 25th September„and Bombay 3d October. Tbe assault on JPelhi was commenced on th,e morning ot the 14th of September,. The siege train having, previously reduced the bastion and curtain against which itsfirewas direcied, the attactr was made on four col- umns, ot which one composed of the Gash- mere.conlingents, was repuffied— the others wertfluccessful. An entrance was effected at the Cashmere gate to the-north ol the citv, and an advance was made along tbe ramparts to tbe Cabul gale, where an obstinate resistance was made by the mutineers. Tne next day the British emmeoced firing on tbe oiagazioes, and stormed that position dn the 16th, capturing with it 125 pieces gl •camion: The official despatches end at this point,' but intelligence on which toll reliance was placed bad been received to the effect that alter three more day's fighting, the British Ujoops look poss ssion ot the city. 'The lo'ss'ot the British in Killed and woun- ded is stsVd at600 men, including50 officers'. The^slBugbter among the mutineers is be- lieved to have been large, but no estimate is given. The English cavalry moved foward to in- tercept the lugitives. The Siamese Embassy bad arrived in England and were attracting much attention. ! SeVeral'shiprecks bad occurred on the east- ern coast of England. The question of suspension of tbe Bank ot France was ondertliscussion, but tbe govern- ment determined noi'to sanclion it. Thd house ot Bala bee & Co., Milan, bad (ailed wilb liabilities £300,000. Heavy rains bad caused soriqpa. floods in various parts of Italy. PORTUGAL. -The lever at Lisbon was de- clining. SWSDSNI—The King's health is critical. . Tbe cholera was declining, it is stated to have carried 5,000 persons since its invasion. f Iiif'..«' i Vs| r -i I'M! SiA'' t£i|@*?i3«fl Sotntr^frigW Tblnktipon. «., In Prof, tlitchuock-'s lalerworl^ on Geology, tlie hMtflbipter upon •TheT^fcgraph Sy*u tem of ^fniyers^to which tefrmnm . the remarkablet theory? «hitt*otft* words; dut- actions, eiren'our fhau'ghfs'made an indelible im|Ses«ion^ipOn-the-iintverse.''. TJtis propo- aitiQah*endsaxo*B to snstairiiiby an apjjeal (o weft wtaWishi* r)rfni?ipli!|s'.#4eience ss ,/irXe show».by.ihfin^trtne.MwWh^M>t^ lia wot.dsfot^.mqvllfleiilssupoq ibe a%, the water, of%e«ipr|Tearin,' will produce I series ot^angeSr|*^fe of those'elemehrs whfeh wBl never'enailgsoya word has ever esea^i'lJonr^ntibrtaV llp^ewiegntehds-,fm"t it * iafggistefed indelibly op&f •lHi|stmosphere V , w^reatfri. Affd%oi^^m»nt:^on%|nd the 1 mathemalfci 6fsdpeiioisi^Ktti,^etp5f»if{. cle of airihual^i,ir|»otl8n coilld tie xtmit. trrongh all its «!^|M#ffef^lj?aj|Vmu.cli pre-t jKisionj»»Jhe astronbmeKcan point out* the pathToTtlie^e^eai^eiiltSri. to iike manner," fttfiepiiefttttli ol everyv c*eMW<Wrce propagate them«4»estithrou^hfeieacu"rjn«oi flight w' the substances on whitihiii impinges. s j„ ? Tie U-8. T^pa.wider Arms at tha ; Q * Monday, 1 ^^$iM%'As»istasfe,Tren^ tsrer^p| v lt(e Sab^r^anrjt,. telegiaphedt* t& OFFICIAL -iJlatetWipt-in "rfe* •••'- 1 " " iplioller, ieyi*»s|»ri».t;' 'ori;€etni«slrf'' VA:*. >";{%. .-- inlTrSecre^; .of; J*Wifeaiarerti.' Ai- iiohe^«p«|)fcjor .of STATiinatT ,Sta# v it>risx#*1 .-.ScoWicfri,; Jd^^^o.^ ConitofAppeals, and for Justice of tlie %e^fen#^^f^ Cottnty of$&UJti^w$i>*h0siDfc pjet «t ; tha oJHce•••ot-ihii Cltik <%wir' Connty, on (true Canvass -ambfjs^imnte?^ ^ vote*, ,g?^f in- the several ja^sctjtiO D ^ C t e ojn»Md.Wrin fc n>; T;l|e Bo*rd- ol Gmm^G§^\ wqMRt* ~ E C-ramyat- L«^i|r»e.VbavinssJmeT7r,| Office, of tlK> Cleit oFssid Criity oo - iffth. day *f|ro|%feb«'rfl857i M <?««• and esticuftl* the yoteafcvenjnc*ber»e ' it!i^.esA'b|^^»ieL, , tb§tMr4myiof mvrfPi •oet-ja '^ba w a r Mfyt^ifciaetttlfydtfor* *i^s*BdHNt#r^'Xt?'foi!o*^'^ fybatA ft, appear^•.: <«». - pnch estimite r mKirs^A«8jpa#y3|^rj« ,0t«tn7 Districu J8Js«tifliJ|i( ty«Was i\^$btiifaoafiifir.(M ' hob<Ireil jpttut From Eanaaa. Coneipondont of The 6t, Lonli Semoerit ' """Oov 1 . Walker left here some days ago, ooro" tnslly fortiawrence*,tuit,, a s 1 affirmed, en route lor Washington, a la Geary. Yon will recollect "that, When that genileman left the Territory ht> 'represented to bis iriend* thatbe was also going to Lawrence, bnt when he reached that town.he put Out for Leaven- worth and thence to St. Louis, andfinally.for the capilol. Gov. Walker.il fs* said by E^erslavery men who aid in the 8 ecreiof'the Qovernm^nt, has, by his honest - conduct in throwing ant the, Johnson,County votes, broughtdown the vengeance s pt the .President and bis Cabinet 1 upon his head. He is said-ta have recently received orders* to repair to Washington, there, to receive; punishment tor tbe only meritori- ous act lie has performed while acting as Gov- ernor of Kansas. 1 have reliable a'ufhority~'for'stating that Waikerfsdecision.upon the fraudulent vote of Oxford precinct has been denounced by the P.rejideHt,and-.M» .CaJHne!,,a«.i0«, diwfii.con- iradiction to i»js Instructions, and the express understanding with the South Walker has thus become a doomed man—a price is upon hjs head, and i doubt .whether he Is personal- ly.safe in Kansas. Ytiornay expect him in. S,t.Xouis in a 'day or two." 'There is a wheel within a wheel, and Geo.' Sanders, of diplomatic notoriety ,is now in the' Territory!'' What does it''mean 1 Is be to succeed Walker 1 THS INDIANS OP ARIZONA.—The following is an extract from a letteweceiyed by Lieut. Mowry.lrom an officer ofttle army, stationed at Fori Yuma, Cal, .describing the late figh' between several allied tribes occupying a portion of Arizona; FOBT YOMA, SEPT 16,1857. 'The Yumas have beeti most dreadfully bearen by the Maricopas, Fimos, and others. They have, lost no less than two hundred of the flower ol their chivalry. The opposing parties were; on one side, tbe Yumas. Mohaoes, Yamnais. and Tontd Apaches, and one or two Dieganojuon the other, tbe Maricopas. Pimos and Papages, •The former parijr'comujenced the' attack by botnisg some wigwams, and killing wo- men and children belonging to tbe Maricopas ^Jif.grand bailie #a« fonghi near 7 tjje Mali- cdfla miUaTAboiH 160 miles above ite rnottth of the Gila] . ThefS were prtbabir *w(A 1,500 engaged oh each side. TbeYinnas and allies were corhpteled routed. .- • ••'" ' •_ 'We have not beard lull accounts', and know nothing of the lassBs-„blany tribe except the Yumas* Scanje.oneof the^leit-towjj^ ;^i3P},in!fac,t,lier^ they kpew,Aothi,n||j«}f the wbote'Ourobjef-^SWte^^iYen, fo^ SePt refary Qf*S»te» ww:,.eigb^ ibmsajD^,. and thirty foixe, of ^Mltriojft J& Gmp-fr.- eeivedfiv^.thojfiHBia.;sftviert ,hajagr«P;-:an4 8evePt J*-,, it'.,:.,- -,w ; ; * y -•••••, ••'*• Oideom* Tncfer^ received, ,tw^ thou- sand two |tB^dj;R|san4^6iE«!e. ,4i ,. -,-''• ' Jomes O^ ea%k*t4itectsiv*4otia bt^drpd: and jjevprir^'eR, r..'.;.''" •- , > : •»,;. * temmMpQanSMli|>received«tveji» -, Thaft thn 5vfaple> emtOlPt^ "> W ^ e a wS ComptroUerr,w.»>eighB thousand and twen- ty ais-rrof Wbicttt iiBlo.hert Dentaii^po re- ceivetl'five,thousand- s§yer* !,lnindr,*d vad;> four. ' * '• ' . i *': '; SanfordTE. Ghnrch received Jtwo thou sand; t w o n n n d r e i and. on,e« . < N a t h a n i e l ' s Jfjenwinvrjeceived o^e han- dredand.twel ve-. .••-••,' . I^ew's Tappen rece.it.ved sjven. , ; . <,JJol,N-S- Benton:received one. ,-,. |f„S, Bedton received one. ; , , That the: whole nnmber of votes given for State Treasurer was eight, thousand and tfWenJty seyen, ef which. John % jaoge- boom received fiy<} S t!h«u»aftd seven nnri- dred and thjree—^ • . Isaac V - VandexpdieJ. received BrTfl thoo. sand two hundred. ' .' Lyman Odell- receilved one hundred and sis- . C. D.Bi. Mills received-aeiven, Henry H. Rossjipceived eleven. That the-whole^iuimber of votes given for Attorney fieaerai was eight thousand and twenty, five,, of which, William Curtis Noyea received five* thousand seven hun- dred, and stwo- ,. LvmnnuTremaiu (received two ihoosund two hundred and twt). ~ •" *&~' Henry H- Ross received one hundred and two. George B;. Bashon received aev^tn. J. C. Sprague received one. Lyman Odell received eleven, Thar, tho whole number «f votes given fur State Engineer and Surveypr was eight thousand anil twenty five, of which George Geddes rtjpeived five thousand seven hun- dred and two. t?an Rensselaer JUymond received two thousand two hundred and three. Rosnell Graves received one hundred and IWO- E. Porter received seven. G. Denoiston received eleven. That the whole number of votes .given foe Canal Commissiloner was, eight lion- sand qtid twenty fojur, of which Anel, 8. Tbursum received .five, thousand seven hundred nnd three- - John AI. Jaycox received two thopsand. two hundred and four. Goldsmith Denniaton received ninety-' v. h eight. J. C. Harrington received seveo. G. Denison received one- - Russell Gr&ves'rcceived eleven*, That tbe whole number of votes given for Inspector of State Prisons was eight. thousand and twenty rive, of which Thom- as Kirkpauick received; five thousand seven hundred and seven. Wijliam 0. Rhodes receivedtwo thou- sand one hundred aiqd ninety nine. John M. Stevensi received one handred and twelve. J. C. Delony received seven. That the whole- number of votes, given for Senator was seven.thousand' nine hun- dred, and seventy, six of which' William A- Wheeler received flv^tbo«»»ntfaevefftirih dretli and one ! __^__^^ i ., - "CotaH received" two thoar stilts m That ihe^hole onn>uar.rtit,vt>t«.-«''.g{t<>ii>' AaeerriWy-JDi^rjfet/nt'^^rCq^pt^^ tbot&aWWiven 1fandre«i;:«%rity ,'JiuBvte, pf ,jvKiert.Wii«tniBriggs^ r*cej^etl 'one tj'o'dij J orFrtBtfiti3uC~coi«|rWns i «Uaolor» tha<i»idi- .'twj. s3iJS^(rolE»»TslJ»tV«mJ«6,.*e..'' ' /'''', oorlpUoBt:rorthl»i>»i>«r. .;, •,'^.- : _', ^ v ; itu« %r it. th»t «*• 4 ;l*f,we*htiihei«< r1lJuM«r.. elUriiMttiMf.' TMtr*ntmm. tb» .murtfActoir ?t H. D- V>i sand nin^ hundred iti*tyJiyel' ! r<j' ' ','"', "• >^lli«rh;H'r WftlfBwr'e^ivetf Kv«i' fem T " .d>d'niHflfi!(en;f-; •-•?;•- ? 'V/ - / f ;•*.;•"; littthariCftryrcltrfvfjdWoi.BlinSo'^ ^ >•% K A 1 « ) R E W S , Chairman. „" , * CJoiirity CJerfeaittl Secreijiry.'•' Ic^rW* v tW ; . above td.bea* tr,n«\ copy ftopa the Hwf}pi^in,WtVV§ffleeV ' ' * ''• 'Datetilt6Veniryer £ l5rU85 , f«"' .'" ''r B.*,fi, BALBWlN.'Cry. Clerk:'' That |Be .virfiojie nu'raM/^f fdiea""; g^eil for.fchool Cattitnissionerin, the jftlfsjs:'A»t semuly Bislribt of said Connty sveui't^o thonsdrril six nnodred eighty Fdurvtjf which Allen Wight! , received qno. tb'pnsand eight hnfljired and one. * " * * , ' "" Praricis R. Btirt received,e}ght hundred eipbty t'iyo. ' E. A/darpenler, one, That tEo wBole MmTftr^l^vrftfcargtv^rV for School Commissioner ip the- Second Assembly D^tnct of amd Cbuiify w"as two fhnusantl"seven imnd'red and,thirW four, of wTi|cfi Calyin'C. Chn^ifeclW- ed one'tT)phs'nnd oight hundredf nine.feW ' Hiram'J. Cook received nine hiindre'd and thirteen. / ,.*"/" Blank,^two. - * . Thattbewbolo number of votes* oivpn for Schtfol Coratnisialoner in tbe Tbml Assembly D'alrTct of aftid Codnty -wajj iwo thnasandf foaf hundred- eighty three, of which TtrtaH. Ferris received one thou-" $and nine tdndreil eighty 'seVen. < WilHamfij.Baily received 'four lion-; dred and ninety six. ; . '"• Bated the 11th .lay of November, t8»7.' G: B. A N D R E W 8 , Chairman. B. G. BAXJ>WIB." '* County Clerk and Secretary. I ceriify the above to be a trne etipy from tbe Redotds ip wy office. Dated November 13.1857. ft G. BALJDWIN. Co, Cletk.- OXBTinOATB Of THE *r»OMOH 6rbOlJ»TT •orricusBS* 3 • The Board oi County Canvasser* of tbe County of St. Lawrence hiving CinviM- ed and estimated the- votes given in the several Election District in each of ther Assembly Districts of said County at a General Election held on tha third day of November, 1857, do certify determine and declare that Harvey. N, Redway by the greatest nnmher. of votes waa-' duly elected Connty Tieogurer in and forsaid Coonty. ThotJSdward Grary by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Special Coontv.Jutlga-in and forsaid County. ^ h a t Ephraim- Whlt»w^by tto-rir«j»t*«r. nrimBerorvofes wa» duly elected ^Coroner ^,-ia.lt qmiiie told ihfto. il8%ftie i T'Sxro1nailf E,art|; Ail the* Yarnaa are rtMrnoorniogS. * *^' '"- ' '' ' 'AnatMgeirtiStiern s a y s •f' The Yomas and .Mohave* suffered severely. Ousotd friend, Soii-, Pra,Bclsoo, vwlto atted as our^ageni In serening Qli8eiA'Oiton 6 ji Qro% ihe J^phaves S yie8r«ince< was killed.. Got ol about one nndteisYatn^s wb> ,'wekto battle, onto,, jsonieslx or seven returned. >. ^, -«*; rTOfiJtimos have iHVariably, beaten'their enenJT^riyatUel' 1 T # e r a r e - ' t l l ^ a ? 5 otVtlve WiHTanTTX sand two hundred and seventy three. Harrey N- Redw«y received one. J. S. Russell received one. That tho whole number of yotes given for Jodge of the Court of Appeals w«» seven thousand nine hundred atnd eighty nine, of which-. Timothy Jenkins received five thousand six hundred «nd sixty three- - Hiram P.enio received two thousand two hundred am) fifty eix. Hiram Ketchnnn received swty three. Berah Green .receive^ seven. . That the whol« ..numberof votes given for Justice of. the Supreme Court was sen- en thousand nine Iknndred and seventy, of which Piatt Pptter received five thousand six hundred and- atxty nine, j ' Alonza,,G||Paigie received two thousand and three hundred. Srederi c k ,W- Hnhbard r<-i!eive4 one. Dared Np^pmNriHt&« 1957* * G. B. AN(E,Rfii i Wd,sChairinan, J B. G. BALPWIM, Connlty Ciejrk and Secretary I certify tbe alboyei to be a true •copy from the Records, in, my*qffice. Dated-November J.3, 1857. B.G.BALDWIN. Cotmty Clerk. BTATEHEKIHH BBLATIOK TQQOTPfTX Ofll; The Bpard t of Gjonty QanVw^Ira of the' County oYSt!. L,a*r«nce' having met at the office'of the Clerk o f saiol CoWTty 'fln» the ten A day'itff NoVethbdr 1 ," 1(357, |o Canvass' and estimate' the" votes given in the several Election DistrKmoi eaidCoap- ty at^he General Election hsld^jn the, 3rd day of No\ember in tbe.yettr aforesfti'd do certify as foVbws, to wit: "Bhat it appears on such eslirr?Hte_ and Canvass thaf the whole number of votes given tor County Treasurer Was seived thousand nine' hundred and seventy six>of which Harvey N. Red- way received five t&rjaeand six hundred arid sevelity" six,. / '" ' 3ohn Leslie Rusaell received two thou- sand two' hdndred and* ninety 'six. '• .- J a s . %t- K-assffi'U received one; " *' * ' ' .Brazillai''HcKilaktrj'received , pne- liMt^i J; mm received m "*; ' * Isase Jgimjm f«ceiv?4'brli. . ; That tha whjfsle nurrib^r. ,of vdtea given for" trorpnejr *?a» siven J&httandnJne bdri- dred and, seventyfonr. of "which Ephraim WhitneyVeceEvedt'avjstho'rairtid ^venh'dri^ '^8d^«tfv>" •: ' '•* E «?»•--• , ."^ • !'"- " WiUiam fioyd r-e^iM'iwci ikfytift |wi> brjodwd agd iixt|fl^e;':• * ' ', Edwin B3E, Holhrook''fe&lM'ftdfc'* '"* foe Suponhten dent of t p Poor* was Wfen thodiahd niho ftaridiw'-ifiid^ati^'^/^ sand «evpa Mildred »6uT ; t#Wty' nini l,or« mzo Cha'tttberTain received five thod- :>r,,l ^Un Kr,r.',t»o,t «Vi(t'fi„V -^'f '' ' in and for said County. •''*>,'OJtpi-tBB- -.->.»• ei'W - . i.j.'.ivi.- ••-»». '.-•..• • ; t, A *aJcbt»*PMA°r onrfl»o«n<JoDO«pa Almlgbty Oofl 4kMmm*m**> •njti^*s>4«rlt^cfiu? ptofr' ' #r At : thif Vio, toT*tara,o.ai;"|luu^tot&jri^GiTer' dftljf'ioMftrscolber^iirof tiWpUooi birTWfU tua* - t*Mndttslth. m* p'r9mUethitt stal'tisit-aj^lut^ : Bffi^i|ijn dw»lt arlthjjjour Jwrier*., Irjor th*ie p»- ' c'to4»s^s»t^ti4V?tM orth«pow?r.«odr>o^i«or|^ tjfciilfylMprijwfoQt ttklt«tt>ii»»jiB4r'' : tW- -tint-ai'«r)jaii(i»ND 'Mrjnutwjj?' trtmttt «>i'«y$tf . ^ i t t a ^ m t h s ^ jr*«3c t%snawj»i«uaaj t$$nqm&-r1£4 •-• ((vJiUrttjifWAjfJ «(;ii)sjtmBfaMsj»a^atrax.. ,To }b*t en^ by di^ratU «ad splint'^TJMbiTiUit'rWIKIT •rtlara^jrjMiviKoi Ao^i.ajrtiw.to indxntr.Goa cw.H»«r«oly F»th«rt *xa'InyitHUl to "dW'lliv tq r^t.«^rlibtju^'»e^0T'.l»<I|ra»nt(rfhl| jww«r and . ioo^oMf, end of our own hefpIeHntw. , .' *' i •' In i r t u i ^ •wli»r*or,Ih»WtiiH , ennto tigWunynAtne -"' *'aa4s*x«tl»rtTjri|Nil«M^'B»t».*t * :i.8'4 ttwoitr-Ot'aaiumi. tWi'«rr*t«atli d*y •v < -. •ot Oatobw. t» tb« y.€«J Afr-Ottr pnipn* . thqtfuuvl *l»l"t}iuKli»4jaia firty-MTjuij, . •••'-; ***fi^-'^^'. That LnkcBsldwin and Lorenzo Cbam< berlin by ther greatest number of votes were doly elected Snperintendenta of tbe Poor in and forsatd County^ •»'"• That Harlow Godard and Joseph Barnes by tbe, greateat number of yStea were duly elected Justices of Sessions in and for said County. . . Dated the 11th day of November. 1857. G.> B. ANDREWS, Chairman. " B. G, BA'iDwin, -*.; CoonlpClerJi and Secretary. 1 certify thff (fbove" to b% a true copy from the Records in my office. ,B„ G. BAliDWLN 1 . Co. Clerk. CXSXITIO&XX or inxEUCOTIOH OT MXUBEXS Oir A88XIIIBLT. The .Board of County Canrawersof the Coonty ofSL Lawrence having cannu-siV and estimated the vote* given In the several Election D'tftrfc'tt, fneaeb pltue Assefthly Dlstrtcui of *aid comity,sft&Grenertl 'ElMc-' itfon halfton the thlrdday orNttyem1>er i 1857. •nd dp ceriily, determine end declare, that Harlow Godird.by (he greatest onmber.ot vole* waa dulv elected member^Alw.mbly In and for the Pint As»e*mbiy tXT '^\,|ald coonty, |. |r, That,William Briggs by the gl .^^rjlnra- bef of votes was dnly fleeted membeTof A»» sembly in and lor the' Second Assembly Dis- trict in said eonnty. That Oscar p. fcihepard t%-tbe. greatest number ol votes was" duly elected Member ol Assembly in and tor^the Third Assembly; District of said county.—Dated the 11th day of November;^! fa, ',#. (U rl B. ANDREW8, Chairman. ' B. G. BipwiN. " ' O " •t County Clerk and r Sec'reiary. 1 certify the above 10 be a true copy frorjj ibe Records In my Office.—Daied November 13th, 1857. B^Cb BALD WIN, Co. Clerk. OE^IOA^E O F ^ ^ r ^ ^ * Mfef^ •i'hf Board of County ,CanyaMe»T>pihe. County of 8t, £»'wrence| haying MovM^d and ertimatedlHe votes my& in the aeveral Electron Dl»(rlci«, in each ol the'^mbW Districts dtiiaid Coueiy at a General Elerji Uon bpldion the thirdday'dtiWisivember, ttJ5», d^eriify, determine and declare that Ailed iVTIght by the. gtxfritttl. npmber' of rote* w»» fjUjrflfCte,4 School CommjMorif r l.k »h4 ^'XJSHBM tM. -Slavery, The elections iharSrereTilJeiy tohave been stTectedbythe po)icy of the pdmipistra^ion toward Kansas, ha/e passed,apd thai policy nc-w oeginsxob*more distinctly developed. If tbe-Sbaraoeracycan ntake Kansas a Slave State, it Is td^be'orie. Free Minnesota is to be balanced by Slave Kansas. This is what the South deniitods, and this is what Bucn- awn-l»*Tnrtrpared*to yield. In .hlsntettej to tbe Connecticut Clergymen, he dcclaied ll)a> -Statery already existed in Kansas nnder the .'Constitotionof the United States, and lie ex- pressed bis surprise (hat any body should ev- er have thought otherwise. He declared that wherever theitJnion' beca me posxeased of a Territory bylthe expeodiwre of ihecojnmon blood «nd ireasars; it became common..,prO' perry, and every clttonxif tne tTniled Stater has* Vjght to -take Kiit" property there, of vsUtiqtr kuutit DWjfbs.' JUdg^ Bronsow did not think »o In 1848, wnen he'was resisting the Wilmot Proviso which ^lr. pochanan was auxtous Jo. extend to the Pacific. Since then* change has come over the spirit oi Mr. Buchanan, who has renounced his doc- trines of 1848, and declares tta mystery, that be etrerenierjiined theuVHo* JhVcbaoge was effected U, however, nojnystery to bis conn- try men, Sootbern rotes were necessary, both to his election to the Presidency, and to bis comfort after bis election. Sinking bis per- sonal Identity in the Cincinnati Platform, he was jhereafu>r, bnt a mere puppet in' the hand oi the Pro-Slavery parly, whoie betjeWs; hi'^M bound toobfgf, ; >t the'e/p(fnse yttiii O.^hcouiUicricy, «nd th« dictates, of hI*„bF t U tej jnd^gnjeot- Jndga Bronson. declared the trut doctrine at the before alluded to-~buthe wsiasmorh opposed'to MrC Buchanan's posi- tiorf then, »i'bfir'letler IsWBlr. Bdcbanan's doctrtnej now, Mr. Btipbanan was ready W exteito the Pr9yi.lv to the Pacific—Jucjge that the %htot; profier|£ip , hefore and higher aft olt|^r^lB^^isipBni " nao> *oe^nt l^r. jaSiTe ^tr^-iptaMaguWol dge Brop^thbnpir v 'positive )4w |p opholfl•;&••'•'• JBot ffcf *aUea»t-.tfirne ^eay«;older, and:'iahfw':'|i|l»t.-,i ^]aa*^r4^t»'i^^^^pjs^|;roveJJi'nfcfuis, , iti.etanf; ,ifci*'%ir discovered, ntider ,ibe" i e w ligh|^-ihfe|wrjtti<m» of Buchanan, thaj M0.-^tm^^,mWtfi, : ?a«r to uphold jt^,. ;and that the existeuce of aJa^iy'l»to'.'boi.as«" : : '^^^i^^^t^^^-j^tfosl'iiw-p: law at- ianinig the; ^l%\eackpipK^iR^aa^jao^ ;that wKwev^socn'ia'w^a fo^'nrjto ekfsi.iHsf' unconsiitotiona|, » n | i | ^ » Jf>M the Kansas" emD^^li^viP^s^^^iiit^e preamble, deelare^-4^riawbfy : Biv^«o S^airery^ftir^ravtR^-'is before and higher Uun any '•(MUi^iiti.toitikii: We con- less, we Ajietibt an|grised. at this. U is the logical cbnsegtienc^6jj^.^pejiiairaa's letter to the CJ^gy.meh'^htcMi»4oceyevery 81a ie in the ^PonJto.Lmel|p^d^ der;lare*lihat the P p^'|i^.^i^;j|ajs. cannot, «tw» tu' adapting J*; &>>ulUtiihfy Hotm their domestic, ittsfUgyo^ln »hl?ir o^njvay , r-and ' proves thaMiey^tenee that they, might' •was deceptive and !al«e, and that jme doc-' trine of".:p^i;lip|ojr^]^^ ',M >/^*>* (ied ! " the Kansas bill and Cincinnati Platform was ^oid of vitelitxVantT^s^o|ly;\hd%or« ol the siren which pubs «n^'ce^pea'ce^ whSle, she riveted the, chsins of ila'vrry ppon the limbs «tf a deiudtrd peppteV*%LX we'^aiire'freqnently observed before, when ipealtThg oi the Dred Scot,t decision, and Buthanan'sietwrti) the Clerr^met^weJ^. not see any other legitim- ate conclusion—the people ttl Kansas cannot gei rid ofSlaveiy^ by a Qorn»titmionj--for the- State Conftltuilon'fSVuho^ipafe'-to the Pede ' ral Constitution,, and ftaTt\,Mjr. Buchanan says, gives existence to Slavery-ln' Kansas. It is now to he seen,' whether ttds beautifpl «ode of ethica^M4conj»liiftiionaiilaw^.Will be submitted To the riople ol-Kansas. If Bu- chanan,' a.nd this.peramble be.right we do not see as it makes atiy difier.ep.ee,,-so tar as alayery isconcerh^whMher it lsor-rot,—' DorThow t b e . . r ^ p ^ ' ^ ? r f j ^ t e ^ ° A * l ~ ,or slavery being a fixe^ co'^Unij^n.al fact, be- yond the reach ofjOuB^litevJDonstitution, an the re«^f|»erel^ 1 re^^i.^ B b u C will they date-1«> go throQgb "th*" rm °* taking 1 he tens? ol the people of Kansas on the subject. We venture the. ^redfclipp," they wHirnot— but that it will be senf 4irectly toPongre^s, and that the nrjVrjiniBlrafibri party, With Mr. *^KI--J_'» •v--B5.^"9<y-" 1 Waf 8rts ceriaintv .epjriecred,a;l>e4e$i imVis cumrv secaml in **?» | n,lel :'? d ? -pgwrniewn In similar * - 4*# *TT yeeelverliere concernlpg/ihe p*ogr*»V «fl Mi a t, s JJ&"w»iL J .^__ »^_" L* LWfanttevtihec«mel «jgfl|aj|t - J ^ ve|flpt3ll»|l«.'h v -. i, , y r»pe; onMpr? l fiqn,tptl''' confitm the hitt&ist " M , ^^ V;F,>, - llte ;;i ?, hW*nii re lanaeaTaf th< MUM of 1**. s twhis lh6 ^rji^^« 0t A a ; f "••'•"**'*»':*mint succe»»ron« 1 ,i. i ,M,.l thr ^xptfrjeoce ww - been with [hem if^Bensts n't lnwden has be&i tk. auch that all sjfttteemeit iitifeif: management^ 8 •«*.---•• •* -•-.- Nqniremems of oarigre.al wesktf, p.a»hs a* well as those of r>3S i^ A Aftictt- Jit pej-5ev«-,ir,a toobtain J^"P n ^^^-' ft Xfli^^*-4iWirin^»hW ZSurtang Xdniment. nront^btjpxlcoluus ioDg b^eB. lukown |XtoeU*.|r||aemu, sootrung, healing. most tra.veied. ruujiga^^j.he. Eas|. By ""•"" "BMW ' " «i? this lime pext yeaTjirj»Vr W^ diii^ilesaJbf&imnnr. *"" '"' *l|igj|ai North" Ame'ri; '.MimiaJ advantages «rM ; s§P* e,a «y Davis ^at h a^ufee^^gttless fliit: a ihing-iviJ^o^ArMtf^^ c ^ t ?' 8 lt#^i^m|^«IPace.».m.»re a<linirer4^|i^;|'^||f^ by citizens crossing t 1 ean desei 1. As yelttjS to result from thijg|ijj| are tiOt to c.a]cula|ed.-^ urative pt^BWUe»,*ii(l bat been eicluslvelj aged 0 ii!t|c» Wljhs^iiiittsm. SttlTnesB ol Umbo, WCBj»,»srM^«9und»,aoa all Undaof Palm . :»i^$if#|i,orBe»t. M..U«a«T,*W«Stbur 3 ,V-_.Oener»l AgeoU O. W.PH1I.BBOOK, . Agent, ygacnsbuish -9ci ...JUefe e e e r y tsnl&cer >t»y. Bliss" Dispeptie Semedy in tlwt stubborn ana Uraost taaarable dls. essB t phjtonIg,i>latih&ss. «S»n.|)r«;-^s , »avo«lse- aent upon that disease. H^ve'y JSfijiiy shoufd have IHflteS^**** & bqttle The imatten 0WI4 will i*?9s?¥ 6 i- ,a ' 1 -* "tifer fliJV, PHU^BQOK, comedo PorUiandlitbellaS'iroeta lit 4 Be,ware f 'of Quack Nostrums and Quack Jjootor^,—Jfse Hetabold'aJBlghly Concentrated Ex tr»6tBuchafqrandtBettae» of the Bladder, Kidney, and Sexual Or«ans. JieaS the Advertisement '•Holm- bold'setenutoe Proparstlon." 14-2-Iy. ^BE,<P^BHlol*a^K^Everyhody taken Jhe MeVlte««| ^xan^Le'^epliaty' thrae troubled ,corDer,or J^f>id &n< 21 &^=>r--H ! # - fllafbifigtoh fqt adtfeorMlo tMilTe: GoVeht^ meatjioo|»,0tt Go¥erbWsX;tel8ha\ Atir| t8#- maj|ni*,p:te.Navy,Yajrt. ift; cas^. ^otant demonstration of the. working men—one of tl eir speakers ta^t weea* issertiog that there <\ere 830,000,000 in specie in the banks aad Tieasury, to which they were entitled. In reply to tbis.early. this morning 52 of ihe Qbveroment tfodna, atjder lit* eomoiand of non-commissioned officers, and 53 .marine*,! under command of two officers, tnade tie it appearance,, marched ap to .the Costotii- House, and took their quarters on the gronttd floors. Tbfttf anna.. were then,, slacked, a$d•. sentinels posted to keep oat the crowd J ,One of the oBicers remarked ttott they did not find ^nache^lut genernliy ffiea'dlf *5'the Melf- CAbaa^d^raeriigani, Occapyttg*be"8ftft»| arid: fertile ppStod*. of the valley of the'fiita^ rtvej,jthjey livAijiflj|»gei, cultltatt Iar|ft* crop^ors#heat, irjorife cotton, milieu m# •qns an* pspsRkJ»S-..arAey__grind tfielr corrfi lata ^il? n ym&' bread>raa«ufacture .ihftir -C9i^td.t»jUftnlrtfia;«t-f(^%eabtirw.ijabH(C™ - i t ^hottajm3» .of eoiiglifnia''have, refieivaa Jbeif loBptiialttjf^vm* testored.:tb«Hr, --tjlfbfc--- ^Af? snimalffrrjm «# grtntliiiloVtha Pimrji.v-y '•••.'.?.'.\u-i--:.,.;•,. P ' T A. ,-'-", /J», 'The^verepnaishmehttheyhaWefnflicMd apOT-the uibes wbo. attacked them Will be regretted by no one who has traveled through Ariiona, or who.^ierstajida the Indian car- 'iBcttjr""' "" .*•"' " *-x ¥" ' '**. . *The letter* .jroM'IrhhihJt ht^ve tty&£:?tid- above extracts anbnnce the disedvery of tUvefrtjeae thcaQiia «jt*v copperniin^iijnsv above Fort Yuma ; and alxb great deposits of rici copper mines: on the Colorado tortr miles itbov* vaa mouth of the Gila. There. r#no •ndtothemlnerai wealth of the new Terci- Bronson dftelar«kitDn,r)ecesjar¥, anjds as a reason. . " . *-^ 'Slavery cannot exist inhete- there is nqjtos& •UvciaiaMXipAcild.U. JQzs,nol?ieceaxTytAat it sknUdbc-forbidim U^s.;f>toftghr that it is not eitttorpfjidj ,.*lfMe triwttrofmvts rmovt.tpitb 0r"tmdt ikap ilia my <^Wr#,' Siaie or Terri- tory, where ISlavery tfcaWpt zifyfby law, IM/ Kill fran thai manient becomefrjse «ien, and will nave a^goddja rfgbt HbcOmmandHhe" ma»trr as-he will have tocornrn'and lhem.;State laws have noextra autUor'tjr aocVa law ot Virgin': la which makes a man a slave there, cannot make a man a slave in New-York, nor be- yond wsJRoeJryJ^oantains. j . . t IJOWAIMR: -BucharJif,^ 4t*ytih* .jmoet.oX Cpngfresato p g i s * pr$irl8bf : probibitioBtSlave- ryjrt tke territories, and says it exUut'urider Buchanan at the. Mid *ii!l-enaeavrfur to se- cure the approval of ,'thaI,bpdy, rpgardlei-s of ihe deliberate jexpression^f tbe people at the elctflkmof delegate-?pd legislature. They will have the oppottanJjy4o, : pat ,|heir popu- lar Boverlgoty profesBionS^U) a practical test, but the\ will avoid tjie'fssnei and the suppor- ters ol 'the admin1&wk' o ri' wilj.cry Ainen ; and shield themselves, behind the-, acls.of ihe boguB Convention; -• •'••'*.-•• B^^m^s&i^s^mi i#y»itve/to weU as t l » * f e j « W j M J ^ ^ gentlemen, rcnder^h»tevM|!a»pa»ppSlprt, to {he iMtdegree reliable. a^iif.\.af lMm%^1etted personally, the hair prspsaWiji we, *^'owf|l&klni of, and testtrjr to lis amazlo'^efflcapT ln-ttio trioi^ ppb- Uo manner poHlblo. JTboi^ryticst^^sn tii »Son «t the .Proprietor's Depot, Sizflrjaavajrj^ew To^k,«nd onco seen and properly apprcclttt'^a, W h o r e no' he»i- Utior^in saying that they wtlllmpress "conTlotlon UP' ontbajmostitoptltalirupd/ Wo^dri-HjUfeEcitoriiirc is doubtlcwv.lliptei* article of Its iljld.OTer yet pro- ilelmbohi'* .ftgWy fetmcentrnted Ex- tract xtf Baehni^^lbpare^itealEly iecpiding to the rules'bj^hannady'ana Chemutry, and 1« trie nest and most active preparation which can be made for tbe ooro of iltsealies of the bladder, Juan^y'i, Gravel, Drops^j^WeaknesseB^&Ci B^ae-the advertisement in anotUereolau)ii,,rieaQoil.' , Heiro6old;s Genuine Prep- aration.,. ; ,'.,;. »'<)! i . \. ' . 2 -*y- ' OONBUMP TION, '•*-'*; WPpZ. ' Dlsea»c»ojrt}ip J i;i»»-oatciir<.-a»>y Imitating . -i ; Cold, jtleaic^tea Vapors. DR. ANDR"KW STONE, Phytician to the froy lung Institute; Inventor of > Pulmowter or bung Tetter., and Editor of * \'2'/«5^oo?id , «(Oracle," I S TREATIMG' wltt astonWnngaaoceas, Consum .1 daoed.v, -Hgp"|t floesnof;dye % hat.gJi|^^l^e^M!B.a.ii^i^ ty to the decaytog,falling and ^ead.'j^storing, ssttby magic, that which was fiippes'sca-to bo'lrrccoyersiiy lost. Heads nearly bald, andJ)t}i6rt nearly wjilte,f«» daily being changed to tbelr pristine-tjeanty, and faces covered with pimplelafc rendered a» Smooth asarx;ln- f aot'iandbIuihmg^aT9»,Qi.o|lby tho meori'roroiir or Wood's a»jr BiBJitorsUva. ** For aalo at 1U iiarket Street, and by all Braggiats.- ChieagOjTimzt, rton ^d^ili.diseasea.of. the Cheat and Lungs, _. ^ ^_ ittigmir d__ . age! For, aaiiil mBimetaucholy^march of'Consump *"" ' ny.iindred diseases that f ' ystem of Coliliedicate'd iths moBt Sapp; ""~ ' "-- iTnf _ . by his Jon. This is one of encouraging discoveries or this tion, and.tho many kindred diseases that bare been coiuitanfly ontlvo lnorease'in the United-States, oar- ryh^^juVJidridred thousand annually to an early grave; hua when, the whole combined science of the old allopathic school or Medicine have unanimously pronounceditincarabie. It cornea as a, brilliant light of hope to cheer the gloom aml.aespondency, and Tift pollfrpBjsbjpahy dropping hearts. "The disoov- ^ s n a d f r o n ftneActe^oag jriiioipleB, npt^pnly by catryingtho meflioaa agents to the seat .of the diseased partal by breathing the quieting and healing effects of medicines into the Langs, bnt Is so prepared in its composition. 08,to.,effectually;dlasolvo tpbercuLar mat- teranacansoftto be expectorated from the lungs. £to druKB:areiglveu.lnt6'th'o*tomach, but aheaWiy state of -• tueappetlte andstomachia preserved vfithserupulons fare, tor the patient to take animal food and pure the erits) 4pW by all Respectable Druggists. il'i •OM DIT.'—Tiap^a p. AtvOTan wfll be the candidate of the-Pernocwiic aide 6f4be new Assembly for Spealrer. Mr. A. is President of the Salt Springs Bank af Syracuse, and wns a meraoeral the Assembly fourteen years ago. That the new Senator from Iowa will be either QovanertQaiMM, whose term expires this December, or tibif. Fwz HENBT WARREN, First Assistant Postmaster General during General TxTLon'a Administration. Both are talented and popular men, and either would do honor to Iowa in their Senate. GERBIT SMITH U BIUI iii inWew York City with Typhus-Fever. He 1« under the care of Dr. EDWIBJJ BJhtAPb. Efis;, physician gives Mr. S.'a-iroends assureance that he will recover, though his restoration to health will be slow. Tire SEN»TE.—About onCrfortb bnly ol the Seoators eleel havej occupied seats in ihe Senate Chamber before:- Hon. J. B. SMITH, of Long IslantJJ' was a Senator from 1841 to 1847j br.BaANDRBTH..lna850 and 1851- Messrs. NdxoH," ! F*'fEBsoN^H*LBTEc,DAabiNoi? and WADSWOJH, .Were.m'eWbift^^astyea'r anj}^ are re-elected. Tlie seslhB're all new .men. MoTtLowAxhi* Piias—Person8-<of Pl-e- jJlprlC. ha!)K,^SbJe^|ioftI ! lc%'6rary,;JSSS'9fpon»sfc& ness frpoiMUdtlen determination of the blood to the brain, willjlnd great bo^Qt 'from a' coarse _of Hollo- wsy's^Muii EpUep9y^asmssconWl6Ws7h^yBtefloi, palpitation of IhS^ffe^rti anil alliirebJioiiB arising from adisorders4no.Uon v .of:hoyasc'alar.and-iiorvouB*yatein aroourodpy a. steM^ Ai^d psrs-e'verhnj. adheronco'-tp 4Jjto &jaift. f4hastj[friJtt regubjiea ^e'scBods oftbb great interuai orgaus, and thus equalizes tbeciicnla- "OtKV ' •'»,, -.: . . . " . A * - .. ~;\ * ,;. - -;-.^ • • - • --v-y. ttAH'owa^s 'Pflls/u'rid pintipenN—The axe is not mote necessary h> new aetaement than are "thWewtinderrul nieWoln'oKWlchrsiire "with wipldltV and certainty all those debilitating affections-of th» •*t<miaeii and the- bowels wbich^rag'iS t ;"indij»hry; In unhfiaithy xeglouii. Paislng -i^rpugn''.^tho, a'biorbent» lnto*thetat?rlci):-orgotu>,tbh; Ointment acts like a magic batfiim'bn the irritated and inflamed parts,wbile the Pius, by UidracUoruon the blood,.noutridl^ie -the elements of disease. Caution should be nsed-ta seetag ftjMjijft&edtolne Is genuine. ,To do th'ulffolci'arrow- ly at the jjater-mar^,.-whto^» jspnearsdn jeyery leaf of tho book of afteotidns.' THeyare not-gohuine arjlesi tbA words "Motldudg^tu TortialliLondoi^i^a <be seen In somi'transparent letters in the paper itself when Keld to the light. V**!- . - :••!>. in this B r The A:cademiea- io this Connty ae- lecled by the Regent* of the,Aniversary to instruct Commtm School teachers, under the law of 1855, are The Ogdensbargh-Academy, " St.L&'wrendo ' ** ^ »• Qonverneur.Wesleyan Seminary. :,, ,Fey«tB- Frvxu-likcevery otherfonn.of aiseaseto whlohthe human-system ls'llable. Is caused by impure humon. This being caused by tho more rapid action o f t h e blood straggling (with nature,! In endeavoring to ,01st out from the body tbe corrupt matter which Is deadly opposed to health. Hence tbe- good and bad humors are various; causing 'heaviness, languid,. jjUBouit J>reatriipg.eyea^li^d.^.a;Tryi\ariite.W, slghtog'shd yawning, alteriuW|ts'-«£ireai alnd cola. After wWoh mo patient ooTnpiai"ns;'bf^h>if]||l|ie head and baok, great tilo»t^nattMaMd;«lplmess;a.M soontthe stomach, and sometlmeivomlUng.bmjbUB matierl'*Dr. MoisS's Indian Boot Pins are acknowledged to be strongthoning, mud a deUghtfaltofcfflc&'e'ror a l l kinds of'fevers.' They not only 'cleanse.-the stomach^ and bowojs^from all blllqns. ; iriatter<}jat thoy open tbe excretory veBsols^-oausliig them to pour coplous:effa- slonitonxtoebWoti into the pWels, i«ei!,fr|ljvthe corrupted mau.U thrown ottt by tbe^atursl-.paSi'eoj oT^odyT^a||\i|^ffiM;# $r§r$l§Pof fever, wni be^ to" t'aks' taikS <lo?es. l a .order to ' bay^s tbem i ;bp'er*fe'f^6'^tfgW.b]^^ obw|l|^^i:rH»n "three" toaveinighfeandanbrtogvantttthw^iweptlrii lydlsspftesrs, ^t^^mfa^fi^^^at sveiilng,nn^,|rxHl, sn4|y6tt $11H« c£^ln«.«Jp<|ist tnis-ls th?»pat ir|y toclhwfc^«rvtieci&i'.thsw drive out all^arnin^Oonjsr^^Wrp^r^ •onnd health.. Arid-tho : h'idod and other auids iflll be so th«rou£hly.puriflod that disease In any.'fonn,wUl be utt'orly imposslbii ., •'...'•' '••'M^fetat. , i5& v &8M8^A%*i>i .cu.o.iv. wo.lwu ._ — nutrltion'tOBoppOrt tho strength and constitution of the patient while the pare is going on.in the Lungs by nhnliug.tho vapors. CohBataptlon:beBome8;as curable, under my handB, under this 8yatemjOf.'Jreatmoiit,asany other disease when adopt<id : irt'arjy prudentHeascin, hefore the ener- gies of the constitution ..m-e foolar expended, audits great aavantage'overouier treatmenfis, that patients cahijo 1 treated at theirhomes who cnimot find It con. venientto,go to thoilhlitttutton.*<r-ireatment,-on re- oeiving'afulllilstory dT'abcaS^stating - symptoms, tfidsex. , Packages of the Vapors with Inhalers for ltsuse, are jut upfor three mouths course of treat advice and privilege of letter, at all ment for 81& ample t ' ' a free c times. The Pulmometermade use of, to determine the true condition of each patlent'slangs, is one of the most useful and wonderfully accurate inventions of tbe age... It domonstratosao thapattent tbe rapid increase of his vital capacity by Inhaling, and affording the most encouraging results.' *•>•--»' manner. obtained ment. ,-$a>e "Invalid's SBbwledgeofthe' ,«^io,_ designed to promote, ws'df Health, expltttii the causes of Consumption, andpolnt out the-only true way of its cure, will be BQnt free to any one requestlm Dr. Stoop refers tb H. N^_Allen.of Potsdam. 2-ly ANDREW STOJIEi M. Di, - 96Pittb 8t.,Troy„N.Y. MAREIED, At the Cborcb of England, In Prescott, on the 9th lnsti by-theRewE. Blftkely,iricumbent. Mr. JOBS S. I.TNOB, meroriant of Prescott, to MISSEUZA KOONAM of Ogdensliurgh: SeW MvertaBemeatB. Hats and Oaps-rTbe Atchesons. Chronic Diarrhoea. FarmforBale-^T.D. Skhuier. Notice to Creditors. Kew Law^Irm." Dr, Bannister's. Preparation of Moqua, Summons—Magone & Partridge. Tonng Hen's Asaoolation, Apples d. bu. Apples g. bu. Apples, bbl... Beans, ..... '.'. Barley, ...... Butter.tb ,.. «4arrota„,,.., <!lhea|ei...... Cocn^b^t- .{^. Eggs.dox' .... F^pur, bbl .... HaoHj,.! ..... feencoi* to J mooer« v Shara ,6. : 4M§mipe<>ptet •rej'liketav, .j'stea.ine'-t. •<**tel :oe water jtri start them. VUtftCj*' RotJtiei I dttir l i^^Wc^iid.\t^?|1in&<t' .sand twO^hunilireAand sixty foar.. *; ". > Tilittihti wtnblfe',tiujiiMr afcvbtef ^veri ^mmmm^^x^^...... S -Tfcfe tlip^^^ti^t^:^.^- •fo£3o , &iat ^%.-|%fr;*4»:ieyiitf ifioa-, 3sa^*irrts*w»dr^-for^^gte.^ %!&* nurHirtdandfiftvonoi '-y •'<*•-. -;•" . tWrneJiwi^t., tMAeJf ree^va^^rp-'thott- iwp»^|n«iW«r4''inipwety ; v.'; -...Jwbn.HMTiwr^^ •."..'':.^ «ate4 thw WbM*£^mb*a&% w Vi % 8> *»l?^s^S«eiJaifWato r'-;' '-; .. Cfetaly €?{erfcindSieci«t»rr- ,; •'.'-Jcertify We r %buyef to ** '* tm copy 'fi«Bittl»fcNiiUitt'«y!#^-'i' . .'; * »«ta4ITo*^^*!^*^;; '":', ••; „.. --<^o h 4B»s£ B w*vlir. tkh- - eierkr fe -• TMt ? C^vltfC,/Clinttli : * y t f e •ireateli ,nnmber l, itif votes Jrii' ttafy elecWd-SchM ComeBiiS16tte*-'Ib -andfof ihe Secbna A»*5m- hlrOiftr}o]tr|njaaid: Oottbtyi-'ahi-.tttlit'Tfris a.ferH«^y^lb*trt«to«t.Uotebe|5oTi!rotea was daly aleci.ed^^c^hCommissionerr ia andfprjiie f bWMktMtPfrvti&t tnuii - Dated, thmmmtnvr.iw*,- . , . . . G., B v A*ft>RSWi iqnairman. Gk .BAtDwirf. "--T'Vf ' - - ' •".'.--•• ,C0Mty r CIerk^^aSecretary. ": thfr.Go^ifi:'m^i«?. 0oaheo, ,Qnjlfe; wtfhty'tia eritered on Wcdneadit n'Sht Mft fobbet1 ; oj"i^jrWmbJIJi inWMpW Gwhen,Ba>1t*jl|. vtii r, VMmmAZ , t,j9l6,BSim Bills, 'not, **Msf**4« J,'..J - »^*>*« v ;8> m '"-rC-V. ' J' I *r " ^- 'X ' ' ' --^.'.'".".i^.i'n ...W The moo^y wasdeposfted in thtsaU, wbtek was fistenad with ifcree locks, aad ia oiderto «n at iMbe roobers bwrrf a »ot« throtagk t*e door* of ta* salt bttwew Ihe lock*, by which means they were abieto ponriri aolfieieat powder to Wow the fasteniafs to p i e e t s . , N<« *ln* to Hie iHrtpew*i*w.*u»s3,bes* fooo4 j it H sapposed', however, that ther ware per»u«» well acqttainied, with, tb* loealKt*. The stock of the sank belong* mostly tu the rich ian«rtr*of ia« toamy, ataonf wko« the roftj bery cause* no Huki extlienKnt,- A reward oftUO^ hM beta nssiresi tor tia«.r*e«<v«sT «i* "flsaisiSsfisy*; ' -.•"... ' " * -' -is the hwtd.df the ruling admihistraiion, and Jt^ge^^nsdh. if not in power, Blr. Bojican- an basiijf >poJ.icy.j and ibe^pmicy of the party which he 1 represeifw to unfold- and cbnsam- \ a*tej ! Und : IU trtiit#itre mMutlrJifinHaidsas^n yWchsl^w^Ki^lished t| f Jriy odU year's ago^.The Qonatiimionalduove^ntion,, electfd ty4rk*nd—misrepresejitjog the popnl,ar y.ojce of ths territory,,and speaking lot the Slaveo- racy, has mafured jbme portion of the Gonsti- ttfftbfl it proposel-td'addpi, and We feopy frdrh' ime. i'rjllowing' 'frcyMoiis ^tjrf'Sfav^r/fto: wWfch we ipv5k^''atf^lt4 ( r/.ordU> rea'dbYs.-: .yhe.'preamote .arid sgclions on Slavery : thtis adopted io thVfoll0Wia?'wor6 , & '' ' TP*#ittM.^ThS]rt^ %l$ higher ihan aby QdMlttoJif/DaNanciiiiu] afttf the tight ofihe pwner ot 1 aslhve to^ittcft! slate tkttd itAiocrease is jthe-«*atoe.an«;as to- jrlbfaWe asihtitigfr toaoj^^r^Ay.^haley^ ec.T ---, ;r# t - u art-/ r v"•.;•* th if >' r --^ ^i**' - SxjmoK-t.- »Th«*««i " power to passlaJsBp.r emanclpaiii forth^iraln _ l«venopa*e'rTic?Vf^k«(l|Mmigr»s«-iothlS .State from tengingrwj%tbei^#|icljipersons: s^l^graMSu^of^rrltp^!^ tkis flUle; provided that auchperson or slave •W 'the tt»na MeJ Rrbr^y^fAaai emtgrantji and'p»irrtdeffaI»oribJtlaw*mayr«pa»^ TM&tBit ther intridoctloit' Into iW ^iswjii! altoKWhb.bare^coramlUed.highci'irfiesin ^||||^8lit^o^1brri!0lj^^•^ey.l^llJti|W' ^SSancina^ HfMSlvlnl the'1ri|htt oj c'reMors, and nrtveritimf *^c»4iK'"»«*- 'tomlpfkjittBliC 1 'charge; ,!Efiey slaUlvhaTe 4 ij*waf JWo-^tibtlge' 'owner* 'ofr'%lave#:^totrjsjtt them wittt hamsmiiy, W provide fqr them-ne"- cessSry Jtiod and.ciothi«g^»rjiUin|rOiii all , ipinries lo thetn, >a;teBdios;,to }ii>.or1iilb5, comply with; the dilution of such-|as» to -hjr^ft«»cri.sd».ve-»r slave* »«id-lpr^hebcneril ..of.ihei^»wJef«-o*ner«:««:^'pr-S\- .-• "•'•Zif'i tcrlmea, orJtijiBek:gtt|e*iba«Jetit4a^enij, |0l*f-w;.?*-:"-'..* ''••'. -V< y * T : &•-. ^ - ^ Aj>y>ertcm who t^alt saalterljailF ,4N¥^t^,»e-';«raiNffv«*:sl««p"«C.--i^ safcr—ca «misiiaaMt^«a.wo4Hrr^pfl^4|]Bs0nw ls>-eM»tBe l»l»««l^|a»i »^cojSMnit«d,| ' 00 a /ree^hifc gsfiaak, and oefhke prooti,«jc «egV»n 'caseof jfesurraciioft t>Tsi*hslMc^;i ' iBta^oUaatissa.jIwismi^sitwe^d^ atjpsrsnxwvnt i^paafao&e; Tbe-idVclsralssn y§. thav'fureranxents were in«litut*4*mo*g men' toproteetUieioaJiensW«;jigljisotlife, llk^'\vi'bttta^;ht^h»ppinosi?*-httt tb* •- No^«rit|i«an St. jLaxDTenee ocracj teceived boldejta.3 Tho <?d|tom' B(en|0 VjhOfices are still'publiBhed ir*X\t^&oUdatnj2Qttri£t4 JEto^T'? L BpIJICptHf'B MAOA^trlB,JqT Uo^erober,jiaaan articlston the commer- cial crisis, .strongly advocating « Bfieeie ba^ sis^'ln commferciai m,c-fiW*, Alciihofic flqoore t tbe 'cjufjtoqf tratle :' Briti^ Mb- .no.p[)Jie8 5 ^Ie.w ixranada; uieXS.oano txade; *tjd thbr- difgniseb./ipf Usury;—together syVitb'IteY usual journal of- Mercantile law; 'CiJnJrS^rcijii Vexiew ; Jotrrhal of Banking- •anil smtisticai tB.ble8>,,.-A«[ide < frona gprjuw .poiilical ileaijinj^J rVhioJi (wo' observe ingia Word6^er^eT.thete*Jjto^'«asjolD»*ffJhelr'p^ to fheleabitftantlte mSm^l 'bvu\$m&mmw$W iartfbular atf^lon ofSf rea4pSm6|fr>tcfoYffle- Dentist, thetjiewahaVauatoem^OT^fefsSnJD'en-' tlstry introducedbythepi^ ^ e r e ^ t j o braneb! 01 Sut, gcr^^Bfj^tieWjOfmochanfcSj^ mentshavb been maxlp, Jjthan Dentfitty. woespe- ciafly : ask^theat.t^iy:fpn''p.f,1ivosB=,r^ teeth,to.the uBWiMBiiiodSrU7iCTdttoBa|ByttBB«».^M mounting tho Teeth uppff"Wloa^e'o%^ . ber/'llpd'toe if "dijBMla|tt£i'W ^cmfim]",$>»> ' ^ p o s r ' ^ a t e iB"p>(mabiy. : iPU(glVKst p l & f ^ t t j t ^ b e ' "" worn in tbomouth^perfeotly free from tasto, anilnet- ^ ; ^^i'i^rJbt)tVfrPW-»iWt^^;is7bo-i» number' 1 «d5»iarfn|!;tho 61* claw lecturer*.» to jrapeOtte "citotia ntxt 'we'efc'. GKO.' Sw»t- mwe&$m$%'-':%?*'. . t .|Jeaf'rs.^^,Ee, VjwxnptvxigTi Pmujtn, WairWii.arid Rev. E,i.Hv€aAw«, *ml ^Mra'-w1Ii'l*c'}ij]re". •-;' " "'J;;' " ! ' ^^e^r^r^lise^e' wiU;b|p ; corojiletedf next -It^^ft'LsBj'^-iT-'-' • •-" • ' ' - •••'* i '• '•'TH* BltA?«ST &t*H AT WAflSRip^—*> be$ue1»t ajpularfo ^ 'tJBfip-'tfih <5»ce «ftIP England by a^»arle- r^raiJvvMleft]MW#atikio llw jjiven W the •lifcaye^-irisa it Wsaerioo.'' It was referred Va 'fllevSteitpT'*&•: : yfetlington'to decide tr> whom the "swor* shonld be given. ^SPtio 1)010 wonW^iojatity-ivho #a» 4b« bravest %iam.iiUiter*%<vi/ i bat laid• rjntthl :&x&mh*?me- 'ibo*»c^ieverely;tnotl m thaiffleraoraWelday wero those who defeh- ded.xbe {>oafl^n^«t.t!ie cbmteau Hongou- " -"'*"" *uf4- that^ipjfjtiiry should be:made or arrected,even by tlie most ppwerfdl acids. ., Tlle*6heop'astlc, ;;, ,or , 4 Cast Plote.' 5 !* -^ W |<JK<8M»o|i^lli witjuitana;.,«it;at! ids ofMnwowt *«on4-iUey arj> jb'nje.'gjbpt oheaper^iian the drdlnary ^*tood»Vakft^S«r**4'fepf;*«»« IWSt^SSrg&Wfter T <,rtito-^wceufi»^a t P^ictJ^can altadfagsj inturedi wooanliipurtsri^ferftbtjtib. , }1 ..„„„ Utttgh, aid we'V«i<w»*ai& Wport!dC|(> dp atrge sjnoimt.tfrwprjc. „Wj^ayi.sjK«: *""" Aerators ~ * v-vaj-s-i. . WMjylingtlMBe wlio^firoght at tbatpoint. : 'TWwatf d«p*j ajid the award .waa finally triadjB".*»* Kmiibaerieil^'-who, ft'i;t#, cattatsmeWiWliiea t i e French had uneipvfl •dly JorCeii open the iffa gS i he .r-hate'an «l*dej*B^rJe* | -i*^o^ and by J*e! eite"r^BjWgr*a¥|^fenai awea/ gth tmd Aeteraitnatioo rtcceedtd, alone in ^baUiDK llW|aH. jittiii Jato^f the French AMI* a«)d h^ii^ itliUlrucoolftd6i»carjie totMB^isniiesut * ' " *' Wia&A me at #W*18J »«m'sWsa! oleir and extra ) per bni, cash and* moa Beef is in iiml- Sales.ofp clear SSu^_ „ . , . .. . ^. . -ied request Sales of Wes ern mess and extra mess at iai4u.7 per bbl, taah and 4 men. Hams are dun, Sales Si ne^%Ttl»a?'4»*.sn4gPod I o:oaUty;pid.at 18a«£ per lb, cash and 4 mo's. Ihere.has been no change In But- ter. Thereceljitonava-jBeeh"moderate., but It isnow coming in.muro Jrcely . Hales of Vermont and New York State choice dairies at a0a21c; common to fair Id open* 'l«M or' three op- » cohjuntty A^LEQUO. employedtaid'omfofllce will I bkv«VlSblff»Wi^|i ; «rjlsffl»iM of aiuhdte painful and dsagerom dUeueito which the iemsj'6^ppn»awtlo%.is.|^eot. It mpdetstei sit «x- oeas, Mmqvea aU'obiiractlonsi'aild « speedy dute «**? A i monthly^jte^wlt&iiegalWiryy^ > >' Esjbtwmviirr^otisiofts^b^ -^p;ol<^tSrJt*^ emaTSWkj!9Mi}MjB^ V Pr*mac», •»««*» or* tMtobrtoi mJ*"*"^'' .«*. w l * r *l!iw^*»«> thiwmtafe,',/ ' '••'"' •'•-." -*T- S% **:<^"^ 'toillcjses^'f Ntrvoui'and Spinal AfftotWM, pain IS-TCICBMJCW ilmbi, ««ig.ueon Slight Kxertlon, psjplts^pfthe.aeart. Hyi.tcrlcA. and 'Wrates. ties* pilISjiHden'ecu core when all other mesruharn failed ja»d«lUioagh » powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful theconstl- ^IStSOB- "' ''" '"'- -•' ' '•- - .'-" '-' ' • ' • ''fe* "! Full dttsctlonsacco'nipanylng each package. ' Sole Agenufor ta^Dnitsd Butes and Cansds,, -.:.r>- - -• A •;•'.'-'-' 'a*tet' , eia«ddwtt*-ce.^ ;V.> !"-'";. ."-"• r ', •'."'.''•[ dttofiheateifSr, V. 3«.^ i ft^-s^'i.|\o«t»W.»tsmiar'c^^ S^oHsicdikgeiit,.wOl^Bsii|j! > *»ottlo ottae PiUaby return man, . -."•>;•• ' *'. - -'*< = ^-' , - "|*«siilb| all ^ra«lia toOfataibfttgh, :tmiy, : "* •*".•*. .^.^. n-'iiifwin- -i»a>ts«y» BKS,™;.*: s»aS*fc---' OGDEHSBUBGH JPBIGE8 CUKBEHT, 100 81 SJtf OBIEI) WEXKLT VOB THE OGDKSBBUBQB SKKTIHEI. November 17,1851. a 8 00 Lemons,box.. 7 00 a "'6u 7 a 75 Oats. " 25 a ? SO o 300 Oranges, box a lb a 100 P e a s . . ,. SO a 61 SO a 60 Pock. ......... 16 Ull a IS 00 15a 17 *orx,lb. 12K a 18 a .20 Potatoes 81 o8 da ' 1 Poultry,lb... 11} a U fSa 7».Eye. ., 12 a •'Ifcpsttt.bUl 660a 700 Shoulders.. 'Ua WTnilow Ua 16 Wool,lb .... Jme; twftterl Bbl ItyAeftUbu 70 a 176 a 10 a II 11 o 28a 40 100 a 108 . ;.„ BOSTON MARKET. r Fjqm^Hig-Traveler, Hov. 14. ASHBS^hB.-m.arketJtfflrni^rtWthdpscripUons.- 8BleBof.F«ts'atit»7«orrearls«Ka8«c per lb. cash. stock for this r season? o] small. Therrhas been a. have been light, and the .ibs>yc«t is 1 comparatively itrdemand; lint at the close ^noyls selling it »5 76aB;'Cktfa»6 2Ba7 M per lutheiii lH-'lfi «lr demand. -Sales or-^ .-'common a 8« 29a7 26 per bbl; 400 bbls Canaoatino, , bbl. Southern and fancy at 90 Mas, ,-.-—. -,- -„ •Haxall ^ t i s j i DOT. hbi^ Com Meal fg in moderate » a f m a t W 6 a * peFbbi: Byelftfi is sslllng at sMMaSMper-bbl. '' ,_,. . ~i}jiAlN—Thi3 receipts ofOom has qcenaight and tho market is arm. .Sales, of.y*Uow at Mot mixed SSa86o per bushel. Oats are firm and in good aemand. Bales 01 northern and Canadian at 5Sc per bushel Bye Is scarce nndhlgher. Sales at 90o per bushel. White Beans are in steady demand ai $lai SO tor ordinary to fair, and 8176a2 tor good- and extra. Canada Peas are stead POT m$M£®> mm * WS^P^k-li^lfilpnwrpilceji are- lower.— al8SijQWp_44«9c.j Bales of good at." erlbiritawsseJsjplenty «nd dull.- m<Sf 'Cpintoon to fair Sa76 per lb. BRIGHTON CATTIiE MAKH.E1'. - AT- MAKXIT—1400 Beef Cattle, 1000 Stores, 11 pairs Working Oxen, 95 Cows" and Calves, sooosiieei) and lambs, and 800 Swine. . BBkSHTxTitit-ExlraaSaS^; First quality 7 00; 2d tonality 66 76; Third quality »a; ordinary 6 60. 5t^BjS^fiflrlmiiSJ!Sal4s,tw.^year» old 18a20;, three 'JCACio^t-OtPperihi vgidWi^iPW «>t Pelts62Ma76B saehi Calf SBn I0aj2o p e t f e ^ V T O k l l o ^ ^ ^ ' a l e V a Y S ^ l l O . U5,180,-140. . ^Oows Asb CALVBS.^aJes;*t820, «. 31,35,40. •&BKB *to».l*»Bsi*BStJaSt ^,»»,»**Ki«t »100 IjbvS^tcrrtrJtb^tiinlJiSiSc. Fat Hogs 6a6Jtc r^SBM^XSf--Xbejaumber of Beef Cattle at market to- ^y,ti,,lftrgM#.WlMtyf%»S4PtlmM8ontbede- il SheeiandBafaftiaieWtter?. tewineabout^ho w v t -j-i •*." tst^iaugt. •' • • • * --''• , •.-,- .,.-- *••-;•' ;.W" , ' - ' ^ •• '"- •• BlITtteR ANB CHJ3JE8E- 1W» nifl«I'tMWweit market pri- ees wlUTie paffi> CASH, at The Drilg. Store or H. 8 Humphtty, MYERS, , r ^E0£iTB.OOK & EDICK ; il^tprneyf and Counsellors at Law, OJWWB, s loanMrtst) wmj».-v. cms. a. JcxaBs,- oaUk-> w«*rsxoox..Si»'ns, STOCK 1 . lt^BinJi -£-. -'- -- Supremo O^ort. STATfi O f NEW YOBK.l rpO John 8. ReUelUttigrO. i^P^Wi tlieOgdeni- i. hurgb Bank, J , onsttaofkmp»ft.3o»ph_a. law- Jamis GTworis^Jphrj Wnhm- WlillamGooderham Ham £. BwrUng, ana Cnarles «. Cone, l^erendints. Yon-sre hereby summoifea to answertb»«omplatot^or semi a eopy of yott* « »w^ M « »* ««fetotte SB risUitlff'i 'AtturtfeyiiOgdcnibargh, S . T . _:..•,,:„ I.--I"' '- .urV.i^.'lw-J' "'. •• •-'" mo John 8.K.eUy,tb«;0j*nsbsr«ha«nx, Jonathan i ^ ' * ^ : w 5 l l * m P . HowJma. JamcrO. WortaJobn WttsMTWinisiBtlOBfcrlM^rijrfoto^tOAlh^ asSaytoE, George Tayl»r. Wifflam B. Sterling, and CMKIS. eone"»«fendiiit». Xo» are luresy sum- Sm*dto answer the complaint of Andrew Cole.Plaht- S§ iTthe^pWraTo^orthe «ut* or Jfew York, SSKSffil,, flwaiatts offlee. ofthsCte* !onntj, at Canton, on the «hd«y toierte s oqpyot your answer '">e" • • - • M8«t,„., S n ^ ' a H a r 5»cFi5 th« Village orGgdeMborgh.-wKh ''eSilsh* of |be day Wysnloe. Andify**.fiW» snr irer said complaint at hereby requlrsd, tbe FUiri- U8 will apply to «id Uourt ftrflwireUeT delBSnosd to toe saw complaint, listsdOgd^o^ttn, Octobsr 14th, 1S5I. u ^ iiswovgww •^5 TOB4 , JajjaiiHrt, ruintbTs Attorasy*, 0a»wrb«r|>,y.T. <%|

stilts - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85026901/1857-11-17/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Tile American hcraes Pryoress' and Baby Ion were badly beaten at the Cambridgeshire

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'MM vjS^Wi CS.J»>A-;

!'•*, Hr,


mm gunfltfttef of the I w York 8tat»0mfc , - • " ? » ; . . »i-r>-..

, In the proportion between the Sexes In this State in tbe fear 1855, there was an excesii oi' Femstea to tbe Counties of Albany, Ooldm*

JbiailJttlehess, Kings and New York. There '-was so excess of Males in—eighteen of lliff

counties; {we maliciously omit itojgfcwymg^ and in fifteen the proportion was nearly equal.

,,. [ W e a r e obliged not to name these, in order topreserve the secret ot the others]

% ' to change between different ages. Under 20. "1 to evet? <Nndred men,, there were one hun­

dred women, aW Btee-^othrof #%omaoi . to pot a fine point upon it, and not with a

*&-'?&>vu'Sar iraetion, 'but with a decimal, there


vg. were trio«.hundred an* ei|fity three than*/ ^ s a n a t h a p r a w e n f a n , pine ntfe hundred wo-

~ i g j j o f ^ a ^ -an<tthreep

-••test •


under 40, mere were one hundred and seven 'nundred,a«S sixti-fbree, one thaw * sanilths, tqeTejydnehnndred'meb. Between "40 and 60 was a trylngTiinje, and this soperi-ority of the proportion was lost in death. There were-tutiinety-twdfeomaaoahii about- < eight-tenths of a woman, to the hundred of men. Between 60 and under 89 the vitality

't'H'i) - •, B ff -. . . « • > * • > » > . - ,

RO m F R O M Jf

The steamer Arabia, from Liverpool, Oct. 31st, art iving this morning.

Delhi has beerr>ston»ea and. has capitulat-



among Che females came up ag^in, and went as high as siitynhree, fiohdretlra woman above >*the pat?, of proportion.. Between 80 and untie* lQfttheapllfip|;,bec,aMt?gthe toRgh, e r . ' "yhere were, one hundred*.,and nine wo­men and two hundred and sixteen" thousand/ fractional parts of a1' woman, to e'very hun­dred males in this 'grate In IS-55. It is a

. well established tact that more boys a»e burn into this world than1 girls*! In- Eord"pe the ratio ieSHntbenOO.- <-f *' •' '

The births iothis Census, were necessari­ly those ©lithe year, preceding the taking ol i t T h e returns o f these are . sjgnlesaedjy imper­fect, and wiH he t i l l there;!»,» system ot cora-polsory record. CM* malf-babies , 50,440 were born in 1854* and of iemales, 50,082—rever­sing the proportion of the sexes just stated above. The census of tbe Ttfinsin the" S'tkfe was accidental. Ot the pairs" >onder twenty years old, both maies r there were'2,388 in tbe year,1855. Ot pairs pj females noder.twenty, there were eight less—2,380. Of pairs, ibe one male and ibe other l e m a l e , . there were

t l , 5 4 8 . T h e enumeration of TribTetsf which w a s also accidental, mattes bat little show in the Census. There were but fotfr Bets ot them—all girts . | :

T h e wealth of population which coost i -totes a part of our title to the name o f the •Empire State, ' w a s verey small- compared with tbe standing and working room w e pos­sess. T i e T o t a l number ol inhabitants w a s 3,446,212 Oi these i^O^STa were males W o m e h hot being rauCh green'to Cal i fornia , sealarinfs, or Emigratjjpn' to' the!. Wes t , got the upper* h i n d of th'e''' 'lords of creat ion' in 1855—by enumeration. T h e r e were 1,714,-653 of them in this State.

Ot citizens ( i n spite of tbe infamous Dred Scott decis ion) of African descent, there were 45,286. Ot these, 9,200 • paid taxes and had the 'property qualification'—a remarkable large number. O f ' A l i e n s ' ' t h e r e were 932, -746. * • 3&

Ol Voters there were 652;322, ( w e would have been greatly obliged to t'hem if they had al l gone to the pol ls th is fall ,) divided, by the Census , into 'Nat ive ' and 'Naiuaraliseri. ' Ot the lojrmer there' • were - 516,745. Ot the latter there were. 136j&T7.

There'were 1,253,015 Married persons in the State—2,082,(518 Single ones—95,182 W i d o w i - a n d 35,397 Widowers,

Ot Families, there were 663,121—n fact fall of significance to the statesman and the moralistf

T h e nprnber o f the owne i s of Land w a s 361,013-4-another precious political tact.

Of those w h o could read, but not write, we are sorry to s a y that the number was 46,075. T h e number wbo could, neither read nor write, whs dis'creditablvkave, and alarming­ly l a r g e r T h e y were 96,489. T h i s army of ignorance w a s recruited mainly from Eu­rope. Tfbere were 75,694 ibrei?n-boFn in it. Of natives there were but 20,795 in its ranks. T h a t it shall long exis t in the midst ol the Educational influences which dis t inguish New Ydrk. can not be possible. For it is en­filaded within a perfect net-work of School Houses . Of these blessed and best speeimin of Republican Achitecture, there were II 137 in the State of New York, in the year '55. They ware ot five kinds, varying according to the wealth ot the districts and the relative abundance e,nd cheapness of materials . Of Briclt School H o u s e s , there iwere '601—of Stone, 738-^oi Framed, 9,238—of Logs , 313— ol P l a n k , ^ . The ir aggregate ( thanks to the Pubjic Instruction L a w s ! ) exceed that of the seminaries ot cr ime and pauperism — the Groceries. Ot these institutions, there were 10\436.—-Albany Eve Jour.

ce markets all stagnnted. Prices are much lower/ •Cotton 4»| lower. .Fidor9sa> 3s lower Wheat declined 4da6d. Cora dolt at 6d. -' J

The Arabia brings $1,000,000 in specie ThrMi^t^Wdarrrver i : TWBrltish.

aasauifed i ^ e p t B t ^ , 1 ^ 6 f p > t . , effec ted lodgments; and* alter sjK day** obstinate resistance, took oossessforpf the erttrre city-

JN orneroffi <jmntf&h^®0l^*maBg ! them the, King oL&fMnti&ixa -ten*. Briu ! ish loss—killed^iod wounded, up to the 16th, 600, including £& ofheers. Qen. Wilson or-derded jiofloarler, but wotriaa: and children we».snafea•,•,' " •-• -'• •••"• •« ••>'t-•<•'•-

Ontram reinlorced HavelWk at Cawnpore. Toe la«>'iF"8t»«edittf-|iUaka8w» Mwhich

f lace the garrtsott gallantly"lield 'oot;" Feats'of a new outbreak at Assam were

entertained. . "^ * >. , The^'BBoAay teslderitosaTrerfavBriiBle, al­

though, a few cases of disaffection had oc-COredi' • : ' " , « ' - " . A plot had.been discovered lo murder Eu> ropeans at Kurracbee, but it was thwarted.

Considerable jreinlorceujente werp received ai Calcutta . ;

T h e Borough B a n k at Liverpool i a d su» pended. Depos i ts estimated at a. mi l l ion and ft half sterling-tally secured. Liabilities one million Sterling:.

Several Liverpool firms had suspended: Other failures comprise Thornton, Huggins, Ward & Co., Manchester, liabilities 'one million.

Tile American hcraes Pryoress' and Baby Ion were badly beaten at the Cambridgeshire stakes.

SPAIN. The Spanish ministry has resigned. The Prince of Prussia had undertaken to

conduct public affairs. Tbe king's health Is b a d . '• . '

The Swiss elections largely favored the lib-' erals.


YiNSEB LABORERS AT FJPTV CENTS PER DAT —JT/t« Hartford Time* of Nov. D, prints the following:

•It ha|s been, found necessary by ihe officers ' at the railroad depot in Asylum street to re-dace the pay ot the workmen on the' wood trains 20 per cent, and tb.e laborers were of­fered yesterday 50 cents per day. A large force rf them—Irishmen','all—were ready to go to work at the old^rates, bnt they, c refused; to submit tcMhe 20 per-cent,,,ofJ, and the re­sult was that, the'wood..trains'jesietda.y were manned chiefiy.by Yankees, who'were will­ing to earn hali'a dollar, rather than, lie. idle and earn nothing. T6-day the wood train was made op entirely] of Americans, most o f them mechanics of Various trades, who have the good sense to take a job at half a dollar, rather! than do nothing;'



^ t » »


A BETUP I CORL AND A Kiss.—There has been much'excitemenl among the politicians during the canvass of the late State election, and many a strange bet made on its. result. A rather singular wager was paid Wednes­day last by a young and beadtifol lady of this city. The fair, one is the owner ot'af' be'ami-inl lot ot shining ringlets, and one of these and a kiss were bet with a young matt who resides in tnjs vicinity that Gardner would-be tbe neXfeGovernor'. Ol course she fost, • and the yoiihg genilfemanrgallantly refusing . to claim the wager^she, with' true woman's grit, took theahearsjcjipped t e cur|. irqm among Ha? mates, placed it in hts .hands, and,., throwing hir.artns'aica>nd his neck, galla'tn* ly paid the forieft.' We need ndt add (bat the young man will treasure that curl. We soould.-rZijron Reporter.

Five H n n d n d Soldien Masaapred b y Indituu.

CHICAGO, Tu||,caj!^Nov. l O ^ 5 7 -Mr. WilliamsoD, iheVcorrespondenf of the

St Batrf TSiiseV writing from P-ayotznc on the 26th a l t . , »ay» that a report ttsjd reached tber-' that Bw .St. S ; troops^ supposed to a deiatehmepi?ot ffle THah einedition, nad been atyicfed indUPflMft aTarge^party of T e e h S ' fndiitts.^af iW.*«ta*M(ri Rivr er. Mr. WfUianiaon believes the-report.

^ 4 , Capture ^'JpttQtL '' •• ,..trt-,JS«w. YPBK„JMOV. 13.

Theidates by the,Indian mail are Calcutta 25th September„and Bombay 3d October.

Tbe assault on JPelhi was commenced on th,e morning ot the 14th of September,. The siege train having, previously reduced the bastion and curtain against which its fire was direcied, the attactr was made on four col­umns, ot which one composed of the Gash-mere.conlingents, was repuffied— the others wertfluccessful.

An entrance was effected at the Cashmere gate to the-north ol the citv, and an advance was made along tbe ramparts to tbe Cabul gale, where an obstinate resistance was made by the mutineers.

Tne next day the British emmeoced firing on tbe oiagazioes, and stormed that position dn the 16th, capturing with it 125 pieces gl •camion:

The official despatches end at this point,' but intelligence on which toll reliance was placed bad been received to the effect that alter three more day's fighting, the British Ujoops look poss ssion ot the city. ' T h e lo'ss'ot the British in Killed and woun­

ded is stsVd at600 men, including50 officers'. The^slBugbter among the mutineers is be­

lieved to have been large, but no estimate is given.

The English cavalry moved foward to in­tercept the lugitives.

T h e S iamese Embassy bad arrived in England and were attracting much attention. ! SeVeral'shiprecks bad occurred on the east­ern coast of England.

T h e question o f suspension of tbe Bank o t France was ondertliscussion, but tbe govern­ment determined noi'to sanclion it.

T h d house ot Bala bee & C o . , M i l a n , bad (ailed wilb l iabilities £300,000.

H e a v y rains bad caused soriqpa. floods in various parts of Italy.

PORTUGAL. - T h e lever at Lisbon w a s de­c l in ing.

S W S D S N I — T h e K i n g ' s health is critical. . T b e cholera w a s decl ining, it is stated to

have carried 5,000 persons s ince its invas ion .

f Iiif'..«'iVs|r-i

I'M! SiA'' t£i|@*?i3«fl

Sotntr^frigW Tblnktipon. «., In Prof, tlitchuock-'s lalerworl^ on Geo logy , tlie hMtflbipter upon •TheT^fcgraph Sy*u tem of ^ f n i y e r s ^ t o which tefrmnm

. the remarkablet theory? «hitt*otft* words; dut-actions, eiren'our fhau'ghfs'made an indelible im|Ses«ion^ipOn-the-iintverse.''. TJtis propo-aitiQah*endsaxo*B to snstairiiiby an apjjeal (o weft wtaWishi* r)rfni?ipli!|s'.#4eiencess,/irXe s h o w » . b y . i h f i n ^ t r t n e . M w W h ^ M > t ^

l i a wot.dsfot^.mqvllfleiilssupoq ibe a%, the water, of%e«ipr|Tearin,' will produce I series o t ^ a n g e S r | * ^ f e of those'elemehrs whfeh wBl never'enailgsoya word has ever esea^i'lJonr^ntibrtaV llp^ewiegntehds-,fm"t it

* iafggistefed indelibly op&f •lHi|stmosphere V , w^reatfri. • Affd%oi^^m»nt:^on%|nd the 1 mathemalfci 6fsdpeiioisi^Ktti,^etp5f»if{.

cle of airihual^i,ir|»otl8n coilld tie xtmit. trrongh all its «! |M#ffef^lj?aj|Vmu.cli pre-t jKisionj»»Jhe astronbmeKcan point out* the pathToTtlie^e^eai^eiiltSri. to iike manner,"

fttfiepiiefttttli o l everyv c*eMW<Wrce propagate them«4»estithrou^hfeieacu"rjn«oi flight w ' the substances on whitihiii impinges. s j„ ?

Tie U-8. T^pa.wider Arms at tha ; Q* Monday,1 ^^$iM%'As»istasfe,Tren^

tsrer^p|vlt(e Sab^r^anrjt,. telegiaphedt* t&


-iJlatetWipt-in "rfe* •••'-1" " iplioller,

ieyi*»s|»ri».t;' 'ori;€etni«slrf''

VA:*. >";{%. . - -i n l T r S e c r e ^ ; .of;

J*Wifeaiarerti.' Ai-

iiohe^«p«|)fcjor .of

STATi inatT

,Sta#vit>risx#*1 .-.ScoWicfri,; • J d ^ ^ ^ o . ^ ConitofAppeals, and for Justice of tlie

%e^fen#^^f^ Cottnty of$&UJti^w$i>*h0siDfc pjet «t; tha oJHce•••ot-ihii Cltik <%• w i r ' Connty, on (true

Canvass -ambfjs^imnte?^ ^ vote*, , g ? ^ f in-the several ja^sctjtiO D ^ C t e ojn»Md.Wrinfcn>;

T;l|e Bo*rd- ol Gmm^G§^\ wqMRt* ~ E

C-ramyat- L«^i|r»e.VbavinssJmeT7r,| Office, of tlK> Cle i t oFssid C r i i t y oo -iffth. day *f|ro|%feb«'rfl857iM <?««• and esticuftl* the yoteafcven jnc*ber»e

' it!i^.esA'b|^^»ieL, ,

9» tb§tMr4myiof mvrfPi •oet-ja ' ba war Mfyt^ifciaetttlfydtfor* *i^s*BdHNt#r^'Xt?'foi!o*^'^ fybatA ft, appear^•.: <«». - pnch • estimite

rmKirs^A«8jpa#y3|^rj« ,0t«tn7

Districu J8Js«tifliJ|i(

ty«Wasi\^$btiifaoafiifir.(M ' hob<Ireil jpttut

From Eanaaa. Coneipondont of The 6t, Lonli Semoerit '

"""Oov1. W a l k e r left here some days ago, ooro" tnslly fortiawrence*,tuit, , a s 1 affirmed, en route lor W a s h i n g t o n , a la Geary . Y o n wil l recollect "that, When that gen i l eman left the Territory ht> 'represented to bis iriend* thatbe was also going to Lawrence, bnt when he reached that town.he put Out for Leaven­worth and thence to St. Louis, and finally .for the capilol.

Gov. Walker . i l fs* said by E^erslavery men who aid in the8ecreiof'the Qovernm^nt, has, by his honest - conduct in throwing ant the, Johnson,County votes, broughtdown the vengeancespt the .President and bis Cabinet1

upon his head. He is said-ta have recently received orders* to repair to Washington, there, to receive; punishment tor tbe only meritori­ous act lie has performed while acting as Gov­ernor of Kansas.

1 have reliable a'ufhority~'for'stating that Waikerfsdecision.upon the fraudulent vote of Oxford precinct has been denounced by the P.rejideHt,and-.M» .CaJHne!,,a«.i0«, diwfii.con-iradiction to i»js Instructions, and the express understanding with the South Walker has thus become a doomed man—a price is upon hjs head, and i doubt .whether he Is personal­ly.safe in Kansas. Ytiornay expect him in. S,t.Xouis in a 'day or two."

'There is a wheel within a wheel, and Geo.' Sanders, of diplomatic notoriety ,is now in the' Territory!'' What does it''mean 1 Is be to succeed Walker 1

T H S INDIANS OP ARIZONA.—The following is an extract from a letteweceiyed by Lieut. Mowry.lrom an officer ofttle army, stationed at Fori Yuma, Cal, .describing the late figh' between several allied tribes occupying a portion of Arizona;

• FOBT YOMA, SEPT 16,1857. 'The Yumas have beeti most dreadfully

bearen by the Maricopas , F i m o s , and others. T h e y have, lost no less than t w o hundred of the flower ol their chivalry. The opposing parties were; on one side, tbe Yumas. Mohaoes, Yamnais. and Tontd Apaches, and one or two Dieganojuon the other, tbe Maricopas. Pimos and Papages,

• T h e former parijr'comujenced the' attack by b o t n i s g some w i g w a m s , and ki l l ing wo­men and chi ldren be long ing to tbe Mar icopas ^Jif.grand bailie #a« fonghi near7 tjje Mali-cdfla miUaTAboiH 160 miles above ite rnottth of the Gila] . ThefS were prtbabir *w(A 1,500 engaged oh each side. TbeYinnas and allies were corhpteled routed. . - • ••'" ' •_

' W e have not beard lull accounts', and know nothing of the lassBs-„blany tribe except the Yumas* Scanje.oneof the^leit-towjj^ ;^i3P},in!fac,t,lier^ they kpew,Aothi,n||j«}f

the wbote'Ourobjef-^SWte^^iYen, fo^ SePt refary Qf*S»te» ww:, .eigb^ ibmsajD^,. and thirty foixe, of ^ M l t r i o j f t J& Gmp-fr.-eeived fiv^.thojfiHBia.; sftviert ,hajagr«P;-:an4 8evePt J*-,, it'.,:.,- - , w ; ; * y-•••••, ••'*•

Oideom* Tncfer^ received, ,tw^ thou­sand two |tB^dj;R|san4^6iE«!e. ,4i ,. -,-''• '

Jomes O^ ea%k*t4itectsiv*4otia bt^drpd: and jjevprir 'eR, r..'.;.''" •- , > : •»,;. *

temmMpQanSMli|>received«tveji» -, Thaft thn 5vfaple> emtOlPt^ "> W ^ e a wS

ComptroUerr,w.»>eighB thousand and twen­ty ais-rrof Wbicttt iiBlo.hert Dentaii^po re-ceivetl' five, thousand- s§yer* !,lnindr,*d vad;> four. ' * '• ' . i *': ';

SanfordTE. Ghnrch received Jtwo thou sand; t w o nnndrei and. on,e« . <

Nathaniel 's Jfjenwinvrjeceived o^e han-dredand.twel ve- . .••-••,' . I^ew's Tappen rece.it.ved sjven. ,; . <,JJol,N-S- Benton:received one. ,-,. | f „ S , Bedton received one. ;, , That the: whole nnmber of votes given

for State Treasurer was eight, thousand and tfWenJty seyen, ef which. John % jaoge-boom received fiy<}St!h«u»aftd seven nnri-dred and thjree—^ • .

Isaac V - VandexpdieJ. received BrTfl thoo. sand two hundred. ' .'

Lyman Odell- receilved one hundred and sis-. C. D.Bi. Mills received-aeiven,

Henry H. Rossjipceived eleven. That the-whole^iuimber of votes given

for Attorney fieaerai was eight thousand and twenty, five,, of which, William Curtis Noyea received five* thousand seven hun­dred, and stwo- ,.

LvmnnuTremaiu (received two ihoosund two hundred and twt). ~ •" *&~'

Henry H- Ross received one hundred and two.

George B;. Bashon received aev^tn. J. C. Sprague received one. Lyman Odell received eleven, Thar, tho whole number «f votes given

fur State Engineer and Surveypr was eight thousand anil twenty five, of which George Geddes rtjpeived five thousand seven hun­dred and two.

t?an Rensselaer JUymond received two thousand two hundred and three.

Rosnell Graves received one hundred and IWO-

E. Porter received seven. G. Denoiston received eleven. That the whole number of votes .given

foe Canal Commissiloner was, eight l i on -sand qtid twenty fojur, of which Anel, 8 . Tbursum received .five, thousand seven hundred nnd three- -

John AI. Jaycox received two thopsand. two hundred and four.

Goldsmith Denniaton received ninety-' • v. h

eight. J. C. Harrington received seveo. G. Denison received one- -

Russell Gr&ves'rcceived eleven*, That tbe whole number of votes given

for Inspector of State Prisons was eight. thousand and twenty rive, of which Thom­as Kirkpauick received; five thousand seven hundred and seven.

Wijliam 0 . Rhodes receivedtwo thou­sand one hundred aiqd ninety nine.

John M. Stevensi received one handred and twelve.

J. C. Delony received seven. That the whole- number of votes, given

for Senator was seven.thousand' nine hun­dred, and seventy, six of which' William A-Wheeler received flv^tbo«»»ntfaevefftirih dretli and one ! __^__^^ i . , -

"CotaH received" two thoar

stilts m

That ihe^hole onn>uar.rtit,vt>t«.-«''.g{t<>ii>'

AaeerriWy-JDi^rjfet/nt'^^rCq^pt^^ tbot&aWWiven 1fandre«i;:«%rity ,'JiuBvte, pf ,jvKiert.Wii«tniBriggs^ r*cej^etl 'one tj'o'dij

J orFrtBtfiti3uC~coi«|rWnsi«Uaolor» tha<i»idi-. ' twj. s3iJS^(rolE»»TslJ»tV«mJ«6,.*e..'' ' /'''',

oorlpUoBt:rorthl»i>»i>«r. . ; , • , ' ^ . - : _', ^ v ;

i t u « %r i t . th»t «*• 4


r1lJuM«r.. elUriiMttiMf.'

TMtr*ntmm. tb» .murtfActoir ?t H. D-


sand nin^ hundred iti*tyJiyel' !r<j' ' ','"', "• >^lli«rh;H'r WftlfBwr'e^ivetf Kv«i' femT"

.d>d'niHflfi!(en;f-; • - •? ; • - ? 'V / - / f ;•*.;•"; littthariCftryrcltrfvfjdWoi.BlinSo'^

^ >•% K A 1 « ) R E W S , Chairman. „"

, * CJoiirity CJerfeaittl Secreijiry.'•' Ic^rW*vtW;. above td.bea* tr,n«\ copy

ftopa the Hwf}pi in,WtVV§ffleeV ' ' * ''• 'Datetilt6Veniryer£l5rU85,f«"' .'" ''r

B.*,fi, BALBWlN.'Cry. Clerk:'' That |Be .virfiojie nu'raM/^f fdiea""; g^eil

for.fchool Cattitnissionerin, the jftlfsjs:'A»t semuly Bislribt of said Connty sveui't^o thonsdrril six nnodred eighty Fdurvtjf which Allen Wight!, received qno. tb'pnsand eight hnfljired and one. * " * * , ' ""

Praricis R. Btirt received,e}ght hundred eipbty t'iyo. ' E. A/darpenler, one,

That tEo wBole MmTftr l vrftfcargtv rV for School Commissioner ip the- Second Assembly D^tnct of amd Cbuiify w"as two fhnusantl"seven imnd'red and,thirW four, of wTi|cfi Calyin'C. Chn^ifeclW-ed one'tT)phs'nnd oight hundredf nine.feW '

Hiram'J. Cook received nine hiindre'd and thirteen. / , . * " / "

Blank,^two. - * . Thattbewbolo number of votes* oivpn

for Schtfol Coratnisialoner in tbe Tbml Assembly D'alrTct of aftid Codnty -wajj iwo thnasandf foaf hundred- eighty three, of which TtrtaH. Ferris received one thou-" $and nine tdndreil eighty 'seVen. <

WilHam fij. Baily received 'four lion-; dred and ninety six. ; . '"•

Bated the 11th .lay of November, t8»7.' G: B. A N D R E W 8 , Chairman.

B. G. BAXJ>WIB." '* County Clerk and Secretary.

I ceriify the above to be a trne etipy from tbe Redotds ip wy office.

Dated November 13 .1857 . ft G. BALJDWIN. Co, Cletk.-

OXBTinOATB Of THE *r»OMOH 6rbOlJ»TT •orricusBS* 3 •

The Board oi County Canvasser* o f tbe County of St. Lawrence hiving CinviM-ed and estimated the- votes given in the several Election District in each of ther Assembly Districts of said County at a General Election held on tha third day of November, 1857, do certify determine and declare that Harvey. N , Redway by the greatest nnmher. of votes waa-' duly elected Connty Tieogurer in and forsaid Coonty.

ThotJSdward Grary by the greatest number of votes was duly elected Special Coontv.Jutlga-in and forsaid County.

^ h a t Ephraim- Whlt»w^by tto-rir«j»t*«r. nrimBerorvofes wa» duly elected ^Coroner

^, - i a . l t qmii ie told ihfto. il8%ftieiT'Sxro1nailf E,art|; Ail the* Yarnaa are rtMrnoorniogS. * *^' '"- ' '' '

'AnatMgeirtiStiern says•f'The Yomas and .Mohave* suffered severely. Ousotd friend, Soii-, Pra,Bclsoo, vwlto atted as our^ageni In serening Qli8eiA'Oiton6jiQro%ihe J^phaves

Syie8r«ince< was killed.. Got ol about one nndteisYatn^s wb> ,'wekto battle, onto,,

jsonieslx or seven returned. > . ^, -«*; rTOfiJtimos have iHVariably, beaten'their

enenJT^riyatUel'1 T#erare- ' t l l^a?5 otVtlve

WiHTanTTX sand two hundred and seventy three.

Harrey N - Redw«y received one. J. S . Russell received one. That tho whole number of yotes given

for Jodge of the Court of Appeals w«» seven thousand nine hundred atnd eighty nine, of which-. Timothy Jenkins received five thousand six hundred «nd sixty three-- Hiram P.enio received two thousand two hundred am) fifty eix.

Hiram Ketchnnn received swty three. Berah Green .receive^ seven.

. That the whol« ..numberof votes given for Justice of. the Supreme Court was sen-en thousand n ine Iknndred a n d s e v e n t y , o f which Piatt Pptter received five thousand six hundred and- atxty nine, j

' Alonza,,G||Paigie received two thousand and three hundred.

Srederi ck ,W- Hnhbard r<-i!eive4 one. Dared Np^pmNriHt&« 1957* *

G. B. AN(E,RfiiiWd,sChairinan,J B. G. BALPWIM,

Connlty Ciejrk and Secretary „ I certify tbe alboyei to be a true •copy

from the Records, in, my*qffice. Dated-November J.3, 1857.

B.G.BALDWIN. Cotmty Clerk. B T A T E H E K I H H B B L A T I O K T Q Q O T P f T X Ofll;

The Bpardt of Gjonty QanVw^Ira of the' County oYSt!. L,a*r«nce' having met at the office'of the Clerk o f saiol CoWTty 'fln» the ten A day'itff NoVethbdr1," 1(357, | o Canvass' and estimate' the" votes given in the several Election DistrKmoi eaidCoap-ty at^he General Election hsld^jn the, 3rd day of No\ember in tbe.yettr aforesfti'd do certify as foVbws, to w i t : "Bhat it appears on such eslirr?Hte_ and Canvass thaf the w h o l e number o f v o t e s g i v e n tor C o u n t y Treasurer Was seived thousand nine' hundred and seventy six>of which Harvey N. Red-way received five t&rjaeand six hundred arid sevelity" six,. / '" ' 3ohn Leslie Rusaell received two thou­

sand two' hdndred and* ninety 'six. '• .- Jas. %t- K-assffi'U received one; " *' * ' '


liMt i J ; m m received m "*; '* Isase Jgimjm f«ceiv?4'brli. . ; That tha whjfsle nurrib^r. ,of vdtea given

for" trorpnejr *?a» s iven J&httandnJne bdri-dred and, seventyfonr. o f "which Ephraim WhitneyVeceEvedt'avjstho'rairtid ^venh'dri^ ' ^ 8 d ^ « t f v > " •: ' '•*E«?»•--•,."^ •• !'"-" WiUiam f i o y d r-e^iM'iwci ikfytift |wi> brjodwd agd i i x t | fl^e; ':• * ' ',

Edwin B3E, Holhrook''fe&lM'ftdfc'*'"* foe Suponhten dent of t p Poor* was W f e n thodiahd niho ftaridiw'-ifiid^ati^'^/^ sand «evpa Mildred »6uT;t#Wty' n i n i

l,or« mzo Cha'tttberTain received five thod-:>r , , l ^ U n Kr,r.',t»o,t «Vi( t ' f i„V -^'f '' '

in and for said County.

•''*>,'OJtpi-tBB-- . - > . » • e i ' W - . i . j . ' . i v i . - ••-»». '.-•. .• • ; t,

A *aJcbt»*PMA°r onr fl»o«n<JoDO« pa Almlgbty Oofl 4kMmm*m**> • n j t i ^ * s > 4 « r l t ^ c f i u ? ptofr'

' #r At:thif Vio, toT*tara,o.ai;"|luu^tot&jri^GiTer' dftljf'ioM ftr scolber^iirof tiWpUooi birTWfU tua*

- t*Mndttslth. m* p'r9mUethitt stal'tisit-aj^lut^

: Bffi^i | ijn dw»lt arlthjjjour Jwrier*., Irjor th*ie p » -' c'to4»s^s»t^ti4V?tM orth«pow?r.«odr>o^i«or|^ tjfciilfylMprijwfoQt ttklt«tt>ii»»jiB4r'':tW-

-tint-ai'«r)jaii(i»ND 'Mrjnutwjj?' trtmttt «>i'«y$tf . i tta^mths^ jr*«3c t%snawj»i«uaaj t$$nqm&-r1£4 •-• ((vJiUrttjifWAjfJ «(;ii)sjtmBfaMsj»a^atrax.. ,To }b*t en^

by di^ratU «ad splint'^TJMbiTiUit'rWIKIT

•rtlara^jrjMiviKoi Ao i.ajrtiw.to indxntr.Goa cw.H»«r«oly F»th«rt *xa'InyitHUl to "dW'lliv tq r^t.«^rlibtju^'»e^0T'.l»<I|ra»nt(rfhl| jww«r and

. ioo^oMf, end of our own hefpIeHntw. , .' *' i •' In irtui^ •wli»r*or,Ih»WtiiH,ennto tigWunynAtne

-"' *'aa4s*x«tl»rtTjri|Nil«M^'B»t».*t * : i .8 '4 ttwoitr-Ot'aaiumi. tWi'«rr*t«atli d*y

•v< -. •ot Oatobw. t» tb« y.€«J Afr-Ottr pnipn* . thqtfuuvl *l»l"t}iuKli»4jaia firty-MTjuij, .

•••'-; * * * f i ^ - ' ^ ^ ' .

That LnkcBsldwin and Lorenzo Cbam< berlin by ther greatest number of votes were doly elected Snperintendenta of tbe Poor in and forsatd County^ • •»'"•

That Harlow Godard and Joseph Barnes by tbe, greateat number of yStea were duly elected Justices of Sessions in and for said County. . . • •

Dated the 11th day of November. 1857. G.> B. A N D R E W S , Chairman.

" B . G, BA'iDwin, -*.; CoonlpClerJi and Secretary.

1 certify thff (fbove" to b% a true copy from the Records in m y office.


Oir A88XIIIBLT. The .Board of County Canrawersof the

Coonty ofSL Lawrence having cannu-siV and estimated the vote* given In the several Election D'tftrfc'tt, fneaeb pltue Assefthly Dlstrtcui of *aid comity,sft&Grenertl 'ElMc-' itfon halfton the thlrdday orNttyem1>eri 1857. •nd dp ceriily, determine end declare, that Harlow Godird.by (he greatest onmber.ot vole* waa dulv elected member^Alw.mbly In and for the Pint As»e*mbiy tXT '^\ , |ald coonty, | . | r ,

That,William Briggs by the g l .^^rjlnra-bef of votes was dnly fleeted membeTof A»» sembly in and lor the' Second Assembly Dis­trict in said eonnty. •

That Oscar p. fcihepard t%-tbe. greatest number ol votes was" duly elected Member ol Assembly in and tor^the Third Assembly; District of said county.—Dated the 11th day of N o v e m b e r ; ^ ! fa , ' ,#. (U

rl B. ANDREW8, Chairman. ' B. G. B i p w i N . " ' O "

•t County Clerk andrSec'reiary. 1 certify the above 10 be a true copy frorjj

ibe Records In my Office.—Daied November 13th, 1857.

B^Cb BALD WIN, Co. Clerk. OE^IOA^E O F ^ ^ r ^ ^ * M f e f ^

•i'hf Board of County ,CanyaMe»T>pihe. County of 8t, £»'wrence| haying MovM^d and ertimatedlHe votes my& in the aeveral Electron Dl»(rlci«, in each ol t h e ' ^ m b W Districts dtiiaid Coueiy at a General Elerji Uon bpldion the thirdday'dtiWisivember, ttJ5», d^eriify, determine and declare that Ailed iVTIght by the. gtxfritttl. npmber' of rote* w»» fjUjrflfCte,4 School CommjMorifr l.k »h4

^'XJSHBM tM. -Slavery, The elections iharSrereTilJeiy tohave been

stTectedbythe po)icy of the pdmipistra^ion toward Kansas, ha/e passed,apd thai policy nc-w oeginsxob*more distinctly developed. If tbe-Sbaraoeracycan ntake Kansas a Slave State, it Is td^be'orie. Free Minnesota is to be balanced by Slave Kansas. This is what the South deniitods, and this is what Bucn-awn-l»*Tnrtrpared*to yield. In .hlsntettej to tbe Connecticut Clergymen, he dcclaied ll)a>

-Statery already existed in Kansas nnder the .'Constitotionof the United States, and l ie ex­pressed bis surprise (hat any body should ev­er have thought otherwise. He declared that wherever theitJnion' beca me posxeased of a Territory bylthe expeodiwre of ihecojnmon blood «nd ireasars; it became common..,prO' perry, and every c l t tonxif tne tTniled Stater h a s * Vjght to -take Kiit" property there, of vsUtiqtr kuutit DWjfbs.' J U d g ^ Bronsow did not think »o In 1848, wnen he'was resisting the Wilmot Proviso which ^lr. pochanan was auxtous Jo. extend to the Pacific. Since

then* change has come over the spirit oi Mr. Buchanan, who has renounced his doc­trines of 1848, and declares t ta mystery, that be etrerenierjiined theuVHo* JhVcbaoge was effected U, however, nojnystery to bis conn-try men, Sootbern rotes were necessary, both to his election to the Presidency, and to bis comfort after bis election. Sinking bis per­sonal Identity in the Cincinnati Platform, he was jhereafu>r, bnt a mere puppet in' the hand oi the Pro-Slavery parly, whoie betjeWs; h i ' ^ M bound toobfgf,;>t the'e/p(fnse yttiii O.^hcouiUicricy, «nd th« dictates, of hI*„bFtU tej jnd^gnjeot- Jndga Bronson. declared the trut doctrine at the before alluded to-~buthe w s i a s m o r h opposed'to MrC Buchanan's posi-tiorf then, »i'bfir'letler IsWBlr. Bdcbanan's doctrtnej now, Mr. Btipbanan was ready W exteito the Pr9yi.lv to the Pacific—Jucjge

that the %htot; profier|£ip,hefore and higher

aft o l t |^r^ lB^^is ipBni " nao> * o e ^ n t l^r. jaSiTe

^tr^-iptaMaguWol dge Brop^thbnpir v

'positive )4w |p opholfl•;&••'•'• JBot ffcf *aUea»t-.tfirne ^eay«;older, and:'iahfw':'|i|l»t.-,i ^]aa*^r4^t»'i^^^^pjs^|;roveJJi'nfcfuis, , iti.etanf; ,ifci*'%ir discovered, ntider ,ibe" i ew ligh| -ihfe|wrjtti<m» of Buchanan, thaj M0.-^tm^^,mWtfi,: ?a«r to uphold jt^,. ;and that the existeuce of aJa iy'l»to'.'boi.as«":: '^^^i^^^t^^^-j^tfosl'iiw-p: law at-ianinig the; ^l%\eackpipK^iR^aa^jao^ ;that wKwev^socn'ia'w^a fo 'nrjto ekfsi.iHsf' unconsiitotiona|, »n | i |^» Jf>M the Kansas" e m D ^ ^ l i ^ v i P ^ s ^ ^ ^ i i i t ^ e preamble, deelare^-4^riawbfy:Biv^«o S^airery^ftir^ravtR^-'is before and higher Uun any '•(MUi^iiti.toitikii: We con-less, we Ajietibt an|grised. at this. U is the logical cbnsegtienc^6jj^.^pejiiairaa's letter to the CJ^gy.meh'^htcMi»4oceyevery 81a ie in the ^PonJto.Lmel|p^d^ der;lare*lihat the Pp^'|i^.^i^;j|ajs. cannot, «tw» tu' adapting J*; &>>ulUtiihfy Hotm their domestic, ittsfUgyo^ln »hl?ir o^njvay ,r-and ' proves t h a M i e y ^ t e n e e that they, might'

•was deceptive and !al«e, and that jme doc-'

trine o f" . :p^i ; l ip |o jr^]^^ ',M >/^*>*(ied !" the Kansas bill and Cincinnati Platform was ^oid of vitelitxVantT^s^o|ly;\hd%or« ol the siren which pubs «n^'ce^pea'ce^ whSle, she riveted the, chsins of ila'vrry ppon the limbs «tf a deiudtrd peppteV*%LX we'^aiire'freqnently observed before, when ipealtThg oi the Dred Scot,t decision, and Buthanan'sietwrti) the Clerr^met^weJ^. not see any other legitim­ate conclusion—the people ttl Kansas cannot gei rid ofSlaveiy^ by a Qorn»titmionj--for the-State Conftltuilon'fSVuho^ipafe'-to the Pede ' ral Constitution,, and ftaTt\,Mjr. Buchanan says, gives existence to Slavery-ln' Kansas.

It is now to he seen,' whether ttds beautifpl «ode of ethica^M4conj»liiftiionaiilaw^.Will be submitted To the riople o l -Kansas . If Bu­chanan,' a.nd this.peramble be.right we do not see as it makes atiy difier.ep.ee,,-so tar as alayery i s c o n c e r h ^ w h M h e r it lsor-rot,—' DorThow t b e . . r ^ p ^ ' ^ ? r f j ^ t e ^ ° A * l ~ , o r

slavery being a fixe^ co'^Unij^n.al fact, be­yond the reach ofjOuB^litevJDonstitution, an the r e « ^ f | » e r e l ^ 1 r e ^ ^ i . ^ B b u C will they date-1«> go throQgb "th*" r ° r m °* taking 1 he tens? ol the people o f Kansas on the subject. We venture the. ^redfclipp," they wHirnot— but that it will be senf 4irectly toPongre^s, and that the nrjVrjiniBlrafibri party, With Mr.

*^KI--J_'» •v--B5. "9<y-"1Waf 8rts ceriaintv .epjriecred,a;l>e4e$i imVis cumrv secaml in

**?» | n , l e l : '? d ? -pgwrniewn In similar

* -



yeeelverliere concernlpg/ihe p*ogr*»V « f l Miat,sJJ&"w»iLJ.^__ »^_" L* LWfanttevtihec«mel «jgfl |aj|t - J ^ v e | f l p t 3 l l » | l « . ' h v - . i, , y r»pe ;

onMpr?lfiqn,tptl''' • confitm the hitt&ist " M, ^ ^ V ; F , > , - l l t e ; ; i ?,hW*nii

re lanaeaTaf th< MUM of 1**. s twhis l h 6 ^ r j i ^ ^ « 0 t A a ; f "••'•"**'*»':*mint succe»»ron«1,i. i,M,.l thr ^xptfrjeoce w w -been with [hem if^Bensts n't lnwden has be&i tk. auch that all sjfttteemeit iitifeif: management^8

•«*.---•• •* -•-.- Nqniremems of oarigre.al wesktf, p.a»hs a* well as those of r>3S i^A Aftictt- Jit pej-5ev«-,ir,a toobtain J^"Pn^^^-' f tXfl i^^*-4iWirin^»hW

ZSurtang Xdniment. nront btjpxlcoluus ioDg b eB. lukown

|XtoeU*.|r||aemu, sootrung, healing.

most tra.veied. ruujiga^^j.he. E a s | . By ""•"" "BMW ' "

«i? this

l ime pext yeaTjirj»Vr W ^ diii^ilesaJbf&imnnr.

*"" '"' *l|igj|ai North" Ame'ri; '.MimiaJ advantages «rM;s§P*e,a«y Davis

^ a t h a ^ u f e e ^ ^ g t t l e s s fliit: a ih ing- iv iJ^o^ArMtf^^ c ^ t ? ' 8 l t # ^ i ^ m | ^ « I P a c e . » . m . » r e a<linirer4^|i^;|'^||f^

by citizens crossing t1

ean desei 1. As yelttjS to result from thijg|ijj| are tiOt to c.a]cula|ed.-^

urative pt^BWUe»,*ii(l bat been eicluslvelj aged 0 ii!t|c» Wljhs^iiiittsm. SttlTnesB ol Umbo, WCBj»,»srM^«9und»,aoa all Undaof Palm

. : » i ^ $ i f # | i , o r B e » t . M..U«a«T,*W«Stbur3,V-_.Oener»l AgeoU

O. W.PH1I.BBOOK, . Agent, ygacnsbuish -9ci

...JUefe eeery tsnl&cer >t»y. Bliss" Dispeptie Semedy in tlwt stubborn ana Uraost taaarable dls. essBtphjtonIg,i>latih&ss. «S»n. | )r«;-^s ,»avo«lse-aent upon that disease.

H ^ v e ' y JSfijiiy shoufd have

IHflteS^**** & bqtt le

The imatten 0WI4 will

i*?9s?¥6i- ,a'1-* "t i fer fliJV, PHU^BQOK, comedo PorUiandlitbellaS'iroeta lit 4

Be,waref'of Quack Nostrums and Quack Jjootor^,—Jfse Hetabold'aJBlghly Concentrated Ex tr»6tBuchafqrandtBettae» of the Bladder, Kidney, and Sexual Or«ans. JieaS the Advertisement '•Holm-bold'setenutoe Proparstlon." 14-2-Iy.

^BE,<P^BHlo l*a^K^Everyhody taken Jhe MeVlte««| ^xan^Le'^epliaty' thrae troubled

,corDer,or J f>id &n< 21

&^=>r--H ! # - •

fllaf bifigtoh fqt adtfeorMlo tMilTe: GoVeht^ meatjioo|»,0tt Go¥erbWsX;tel8ha\ Atir| t8#-maj|ni*,p:te.Navy,Yajrt. ift; cas^. ^otant demonstration of the . working m e n — o n e of tl eir speakers ta^t weea* i s s e r t i o g that there <\ere 830,000,000 in s p e c i e in the banks aad T i e a s u r y , to which t h e y were entitled. In reply to tbis.early. this morning 52 of ihe Qbveroment tfodna, atjder lit* eomoiand of non-commissioned officers, and 53 .marine*,! under command of two officers, tnade tie it appearance,, marched a p to .the Costotii-House, and took their quarters on the gronttd floors. Tbfttf anna.. were then,, slacked, a$d•. sentinels posted to keep oat the crowd J ,One of the oBicers remarked ttott they did not find

^nache^lut genernliy ffiea'dlf *5'the Melf-CAbaa^d^raeriigani, Occapyttg*be"8ftft»| arid: fertile ppStod*. of the valley of the'fiita^ rtvej,jthjey livAijiflj|»gei, cultltatt Iar|ft* crop^ors#heat , irjorife cotton, milieu m # •qns a n * pspsRkJ»S-..arAey__grind tfielr corrfi l a t a ^ i l ? n y » y m & ' bread>raa«ufacture .ihftir

-C9i td.t»jUftnlrtfia;«t-f( %eabtirw.ijabH(C™ -it^hottajm3» .of eoiiglifnia''have, refieivaa Jbeif loBptiialttjf^vm* testored.:tb«Hr, --tjlfbfc---^ A f ? snimalffrrjm « # grtntliiiloVtha Pimrji.v-y '•••.'.?.'.\u-i--:.,.;•,.P'TA. ,-'-", /J»,

'The^verepnaishmehttheyhaWefnflicMd apOT-the uibes wbo. attacked them Will be regretted by no one who has traveled through Ariiona, or who.^ierstajida the Indian car-

'iBcttjr""' "" .*•"' " *-x ¥" ' '**. . *The letter* .jroM'IrhhihJt ht ve tty&£:?tid-above extracts anbnnce the disedvery of tUvefrtjeae thcaQiia «jt*v copperniin^iijnsv above Fort Yuma ; and alxb great deposits of rici copper mines: on the Colorado tortr miles itbov* vaa mouth of the Gila. There. r#no •ndtothemlnerai wealth of the new Terci-

Bronson dftelar«kitDn,r)ecesjar¥, anjds as a reason. . " . *-^ • 'Slavery cannot exist inhete- there is nqjtos&

•UvciaiaMXipAcild.U. JQzs,nol?ieceaxTytAat it sknUdbc-forbidim U^s.;f>toftghr that it is not eitttorpfjidj ,.*lfMe triwttrofmvts rmovt.tpitb 0r"tmdt ikap ilia my <^Wr#,' Siaie or Terri­tory, where ISlavery tfcaWpt zifyfby law, IM/ Kill fran thai manient becomefrjse «ien, and will nave a^goddja rfgbt HbcOmmandHhe" ma»trr as-he will have tocornrn'and lhem.;State laws have noextra autUor'tjr aocVa law ot Virgin': la which makes a man a slave there, cannot make a man a slave in New-York, nor be­yond wsJRoeJryJ^oantains. j . . t

IJOWAIMR: -BucharJif,^ 4t*ytih* .jmoet.oX Cpngfresato p g i s * pr$irl8bf: probibitioBtSlave-ryjrt tke territories, and says it exUut'urider

Buchanan at the. Mid *ii!l-enaeavrfur to se­cure the approval of ,'thaI,bpdy, rpgardlei-s of ihe deliberate jexpression^f tbe people at the elctflkmof delegate-?pd legislature. They will have the oppottanJjy4o,:pat ,|heir popu­lar Boverlgoty profesBionS^U) a practical test, but the\ will avoid tjie'fssnei and the suppor­ters ol ' the admin1&wk'ori' wilj.cry Ainen ; and shield themselves, behind the-, acls.of ihe boguB Convention; -• •'••'*.-•• •

B^^m^s&i^s^mi i#y»itve/to weU as t l » * f e j « W j M J ^ ^ gentlemen, r c n d e r ^ h » t e v M | ! a » p a » p p S l p r t , to {he iMtdegree reliable. a^iif.\.af lMm%^1etted personally, the hair prspsaWiji we, * ^ ' o w f | l & k l n i of, and testtrjr to lis amazlo'^efflcapT ln-ttio trioi^ ppb-Uo manner poHlblo. JTboi^ryticst^^sn tii »Son «t the .Proprietor's Depot, Sizflrjaavajrj^ew To^k,«nd onco seen and properly apprcclttt'^a, W h o r e no' he»i-Utior^in saying that they wtlllmpress "conTlotlon UP' ontbajmostitoptltalirupd/ Wo^dri-HjUfeEcitoriiirc is doubtlcwv.lliptei* article of Its iljld.OTer yet pro-

i lelmbohi'* . f t g W y fetmcentrnted Ex­tract xtf Baehni^^lbpare^itealEly iecpiding to the rules'bj^hannady'ana Chemutry, and 1« trie nest and m o s t act ive preparation which can be made for tbe ooro of iltsealies o f t h e b ladder , Juan^y'i, Gravel, Drops^j^WeaknesseB^&Ci B^ae-the advert isement in anotUereolau)ii,,rieaQoil.' ,Heiro6old;s Genuine Prep­aration.,. ; , ' . , ; . »'<)! i . \ . ' . 2-*y-

' O O N B U M P T I O N , '•*-'*; WPpZ. '

D l s e a » c » o j r t } i p J i ; i » » - o a t c i i r < . - a » > y I m i t a t i n g . -i ; C o l d , j t l e a i c ^ t e a V a p o r s .

DR. ANDR"KW S T O N E , Phytician to the froy lung Institute; Inventor of

> Pulmowter or bung Tetter., and Editor of * \'2'/«5^oo?id,«(Oracle,"

I S TREATIMG' wltt astonWnngaaoceas, Consum

.1 daoed.v, -Hgp"|t floesnof;dye%hat.gJi|^^l^e^M!B.a.ii^i^ ty to the decay tog, falling and ead.'j^storing, ssttby magic, that which was fiippes'sca-to bo'lrrccoyersiiy lost. Heads nearly bald, andJ)t}i6rt nearly wjilte,f«» daily being changed to tbelr pristine-tjeanty, and faces covered with pimplelafc rendered a» Smooth asarx;ln-faot'iandbIuihmg^aT9»,Qi.o|lby tho meori'roroiir or Wood's a»jr BiBJitorsUva. **

For aalo at 1U iiarket Street, and by all Braggiats.-ChieagOjTimzt,

rton ^d^ili.diseasea.of. the Cheat and Lungs, _. ^ _ ittigmir d__ .

age! For, aaiiil mBimetaucholy^march of'Consump *"" ' ny.iindred diseases that f '

ystem of Coliliedicate'd iths moBt Sapp; ""~ '

• "-- iTnf

_ . by his Jon. This is one of

encouraging discoveries or this tion, and.tho many kindred diseases that bare been coiuitanfly ontlvo lnorease'in the United-States, oar-ryh^^juVJidridred thousand annually to an early grave; hua when, the whole combined science of the old allopathic school or Medicine have unanimously pronounceditincarabie. It cornea as a, brilliant light of hope to cheer the gloom aml.aespondency, and Tift

pollfrpBjsbjpahy dropping hearts. "The disoov-^snadfron ftneActe^oag jriiioipleB, npt^pnly by

catryingtho meflioaa agents to the seat .of the diseased partal by breathing the quieting and healing effects of medicines into the Langs, bnt Is so prepared in its composition. 08,to.,effectually;dlasolvo tpbercuLar mat-teranacansoftto be expectorated from the lungs. £to druKB:areiglveu.lnt6'th'o*tomach, but aheaWiy state of

-• tueappetlte andstomachia preserved vfithserupulons fare, tor the patient to take animal food and pure

the erits)

4pW by all Respectable Druggists. il'i

•OM DIT.'—Tiap^a p . AtvOTan wfll be the candidate of the-Pernocwiic aide 6f4be new Assembly for Spealrer. Mr. A. is President of the Salt Springs Bank af Syracuse, and wns a meraoeral the Assembly fourteen years ago.

That the new Senator from Iowa will be either QovanertQaiMM, whose term expires this December , or tibif. F w z H E N B T WARREN, First Assistant Postmaster General during General TxTLon'a Administration. Both are talented and popular men, and either would do honor to Iowa in their Senate.

GERBIT SMITH U BIUI iii inWew York City with Typhus-Fever. He 1« under the care of Dr. E D W I B J J BJhtAPb. Efis;, physician g i v e s Mr. S . ' a - i roends assureance that he will recover, though his restoration to health wi l l be s low. •

T i r e S E N » T E . — A b o u t onCrfortb bnly ol the Seoators e l ee l havej occupied seats in ihe Senate Chamber before:- H o n . J. B. S M I T H , of Long IslantJJ' w a s a Senator from 1841 to 1847j br.BaANDRBTH..lna850 and 1851-Messrs. NdxoH,"!F*'fEBsoN^H*LBTEc,DAabiNoi? and WADSWOJH, .Were.m'eWbift^^astyea'r anj}^ are re-elected. Tlie seslhB're all new .men.

MoTtLowAxhi* Piias—Person8-<of Pl-e-jJlprlC. ha!)K,^SbJe^|io ftI!lc%'6rary,;JSSS'9f pon»sfc& ness frpoiMUdtlen determination of the blood to the brain, willjlnd great bo^Qt 'from a' coarse _of Hollo-wsy's^Muii EpUep9y^asmssconWl6Ws7h^yBtefloi, palpitation of IhS ffe^rti anil alliirebJioiiB arising from adisorders4no.Uonv.of:hoyasc'alar.and-iiorvouB*yatein aroourodpy a. steM^ Ai d psrs-e'verhnj. adheronco'-tp 4Jjto &jaift. f4hastj[friJtt regubjiea ^e'scBods oftbb great interuai orgaus, and thus equalizes tbeciicnla-"OtKV ' •'»,, -.: . . . " . A * - .. ~;\ * ,;.

- — -;-.^ • • - • - - v - y .

ttAH'owa^s 'Pflls/u'rid p i n t i p e n N — T h e axe is not mote necessary h> new aetaement than are "thWewtinderrul nieWoln'oKWlchrsiire "with wipldltV and certainty all those debilitating affections-of th» •*t<miaeii and the- bowels wbich^rag'iSt;"indij»hry; In unhfiaithy xeglouii. Paislng -i rpugn''. tho, a'biorbent» lnto*the tat?rlci):-orgotu>, tbh; Ointment acts like a magic batfiim'bn the irritated and inflamed parts,wbile the Pius, by UidracUoruon the blood,.noutridl^ie -the elements of disease. Caution should be nsed-ta seetag ftjMjijft&edtolne Is genuine. ,To do th'ulffolci'arrow-ly at the jjater-mar ,.-whto^» jspnearsdn jeyery leaf of tho book of afteotidns.' THeyare not-gohuine arjlesi tbA words "Motldudg^tu TortialliLondoi^i^a <be seen In somi'transparent letters in the paper itself w h e n Keld to the light.

V**!- . - :••!>.

in this B r T h e A:cademiea- io this Connty ae-lecled by the Regent* of the,Aniversary to instruct Commtm School teachers, under the law of 1855, are

T h e Ogdensbargh-Academy, " St.L&'wrendo ' ** ^ »• Qonverneur.Wesleyan Seminary.

:,, ,Fey«tB-Frvxu-likcevery otherfonn.of aiseaseto whlohthe

human-system ls'llable. Is caused by impure h u m o n . This being caused by tho more rapid action o f t h e blood straggling (with nature,! In endeavoring to ,01st out from the body tbe corrupt matter which Is deadly opposed to health. Hence tbe- good and bad humors are various; causing 'heaviness, languid,. jjUBouit J>reatriipg.eyea^li^d.^.a;Tryi\ariite.W, slghtog'shd yawning, alteriuW|ts'-«£ireai alnd cola. After wWoh mo patient ooTnpiai"ns;'bf^h>if]||l|ie head and baok, great tilo»t^nattMaMd;«lplmess;a.M soontthe stomach, and sometlmeivomlUng.bmjbUB matierl'*Dr. MoisS's Indian Boot Pins are acknowledged to be strongthoning, mud a deUghtfaltofcfflc&'e'ror all kinds of'fevers.' They not only 'cleanse.-the stomach^ and bowojs^from all blllqns. ;iriatter<}jat thoy open tbe excretory veBsols^-oausliig them to pour coplous:effa-slonitonxtoebWoti into the pWels, i«ei!,fr|ljvthe corrupted mau.U thrown ottt by tbe^atursl-.paSi'eoj o T ^ o d y T ^ a | | \ i | ^ f f i M ; # $ r § r $ l § P o f fever, wni be to" t'aks' taikS <lo?es. l a .order to ' bay s tbemi;bp'er*fe'f^6'^tfgW.b]^^ obw| l |^^ i :rH»n "three" toaveinighfeandanbrtogvantttthw^iweptlrii lydlsspftesrs, ^t^^mfa^fi^^^at sveiilng,nn^,|rxHl, sn4|y6tt $11H« c£^ln«.«Jp<|ist tnis-ls th?»pat ir|y toclhwfc^«rvtieci&i'.thsw drive out all^arnin^Oonjsr^^Wrp^r^ •onnd health.. Arid-tho :h'idod and other auids iflll be so th«rou£hly.puriflod that disease In any.'fonn,wUl be utt'orly imposslbii • ., •'...'•' '••'M fetat. ,


. c u . o . i v . w o . l w u ._ — nutrltion'tOBoppOrt tho strength and constitution of the patient while the pare is going on.in the Lungs by nhnliug.tho vapors. CohBataptlon:beBome8;as curable, under my handB,

under this 8yatemjOf.'Jreatmoiit,asany other disease when adopt<id:irt'arjy prudentHeascin, hefore the ener­gies of the constitution ..m-e foolar expended, audits great aavantage'overouier treatmenfis, that patients cahijo1 treated at theirhomes who cnimot find It con. venientto,go to thoilhlitttutton.*<r-ireatment,-on re-oeiving'afulllilstory dT'abcaS^stating -symptoms,

tfidsex. , Packages of the Vapors with Inhalers for ltsuse, are jut upfor three mouths course of treat advice and

privilege of letter, at all

ment for 81& ample t ' ' a free c t imes.

The Pu lmometermade use of, t o determine t h e t rue condition of each pat l en t ' s langs , is one of the most useful and wonderfully accurate inventions of t b e age. . . I t domonstratosao thapattent tbe rapid increase of his vital capacity b y Inhaling, and affording t h e most encouraging results.' *•>•--»'

manner. obtained ment. ,-$a>e "Invalid's SBbwledgeofthe'

,«^io,_ designed to promote, ws'df Health, expltttii the causes

of Consumption, andpolnt out the-only true way of its cure, will be BQnt free to any one requestlm

Dr. Stoop refers tb H. N^_Allen.of Potsdam.

2-ly A N D R E W STOJIEi M. Di,

- 96Pit tb 8 t . , T r o y „ N . Y .

M A R E I E D , At the Cborcb of England, In Prescott, on the 9th

lnsti by-theRewE. Blftkely,iricumbent. Mr. JOBS S. I.TNOB, meroriant of Prescott, to MISSEUZA KOONAM of Ogdensliurgh:

SeW MvertaBemeatB. H a t s and Oaps-rTbe Atchesons . Chronic Diarrhoea. Farm forBale-^T. D. Skhuier. Notice to Creditors. Kew Law^Irm." Dr, Bannister's. Preparation of Moqua, Summons—Magone & Partridge. Tonng Hen's Asaoolation,

Apples d. bu. Apples g. bu. Apples , bbl . . . Beans , . . . . . ' . ' . B a r l e y , . . . . . .

Butter.tb ,.. «4arrota„,,.., <!lhea|ei...... Cocn^b^t- .{^. Eggs .dox ' . . . . F^pur, b b l . . . . H a o H j , . ! . . . . .

feencoi* toJmooer«vShara

, 6 .

:4M§mipe<>ptet •rej'liketav, .j'stea.ine'-t. •<**—tel:oe water jtri start them.


RotJtiei Idttir li^^Wc^iid.\t^?|1in&<t' .sand twO^hunilireAand sixty foar.. *; ". > Tilittihti wtnblfe',tiujiiMr afcvbtef ^veri

^mmmm^^x^^...... „

S -Tfcfe t l i p ^ ^ ^ t i ^ t ^ : ^ . ^ -•fo£3o,&iat ^%.-|%fr;*4»:ieyiitf ifioa-, 3sa^*irrts*w»dr^-for^^gte .^ %!&*

nurHirtdandfiftvonoi '-y •'<*•-. -;•" . tWrneJiwi^t., tMAeJf ree^va^^rp-'thott-iwp»^|n«iW«r4''inipwety ; v.';

- . . .Jwbn.HMTiwr^^ •."..'':. • «ate4 thw WbM*£^mb*a&% w Vi % 8 > *»l?^s^S«eiJai fWato

r'-;' '-; .. • Cfetaly €?{erfcindSieci«t»rr- ,; •'.'-Jcertify Wer%buyef to ** '* tm copy 'fi«Bittl»fcNiiUitt'«y!#^-'i' . .'; * » « t a 4 I T o * ^ ^ * ! ^ * ^ ; ; '":', ••; „.. --<^oh4B»s£Bw*vlir. tkh--eierkrfe

-• T M t ?C^vltfC,/Clinttli: * y t f e •ireateli ,nnmberl,itif votes Jrii' ttafy elecWd-SchM ComeBiiS16tte*-'Ib -andfof ihe Secbna A»*5m-hlrOiftr}o]tr|njaaid: Oottbtyi-'ahi-.tttlit'Tfris a.ferH«^y^lb*trt«to«t.Uotebe|5oTi!rotea was daly aleci.ed^^c^hCommissionerr ia andfprjiie fbWMktMtPfrvti&t tnuii

- Dated,thmmmtnvr.iw*,-. , . . . G., B v A * f t > R S W i iqnairman. Gk .BAtDwirf. "--T'Vf ' -

- ' •".'.--•• ,C0MtyrCIerk^^aSecretary. ":

thfr.Go^ifi:'m^i«?. 0oaheo, ,Qnjlfe; wtfhty'tia eritered on Wcdneadit n'Sht Mft fobbet1;oj"i^jrWmbJIJi inWMpW


vtii r, VMmmAZ,t,j9l6,BSim

Bills, 'not, **Msf **4« J,'..J - »^*>*« v ;8> m '"-rC-V. ' J' I *r " ^ - 'X ' ' ' --^.'.'".".i^.i'n . . . W

The moo^y wasdeposfted in thtsaU, wbtek was fistenad with ifcree locks, aad ia oiderto « n at iMbe roobers bwrrf a »ot« throtagk t*e door* of ta* sal t bttwew Ihe lock*, by which means they were abieto ponriri aolfieieat powder to Wow the fasteniafs to pieets . , N<« * l n * to Hie iHrtpew*i*w.*u»s3,bes* fooo4 j it H sapposed', however, that ther ware per»u«» well acqttainied, with, tb* loealKt*. T h e stock of the sank belong* mostly tu the rich ian«rtr*of ia« toamy, ataonf wko« the roftj bery cause* no Huki extlienKnt,- A reward oftUO^ hM beta nssiresi tor tia«.r*e«<v«sT «i* "flsaisiSsfisy*; ' - . • " . . . ' " * -'

-is the hwtd.df the ruling admihistraiion, and J t^ge^^nsdh . if not in power, Blr. Bojican-an basiijf >poJ.icy.j and ibe^pmicy of the party which he1 represeifw to unfold- and cbnsam- \ a*tej!Und:IU trtiit#itre mMutlrJifinHaidsas^n y W c h s l ^ w ^ K i ^ l i s h e d t|fJriy odU year's ago^.The Qonatiimionalduove^ntion,, electfd ty4rk*nd— misrepresejitjog the popnl,ar y.ojce of ths territory ,,and speaking lot the Slaveo-racy, has mafured jbme portion of the Gonsti-ttfftbfl it proposel-td'addpi, and We feopy frdrh' ime. i'rjllowing' 'frcyMoiis ^tjrf'Sfav^r/fto: wWfch we ipv5k^''atf^lt4(r/.ordU> rea'dbYs.-:

.yhe.'preamote .arid sgclions on Slavery:

thtis adopted io thVfoll0Wia?'wor6,& '' ' • T P * # i t t M . ^ T h S ] r t ^ %l$ higher ihan aby QdMlttoJif/DaNanciiiiu] afttf the tight ofihe pwner ot1 aslhve to ittcft! slate tkttd itAiocrease is jthe-«*atoe.an«;as to-jrlbfaWe asihtitigfr toaoj^^r^Ay.^haley^ e c . T ---, ;r# t-uart-/ rv"•.;•* th if >'r--^ ^i**' - SxjmoK-t . - » T h « * « « i "

power to passlaJsBp.r

emanclpaiii f o r t h ^ i r a l n _ l«venopa*e'rTic?Vf^k«(l|Mmigr»s«-iothlS

.State from tengingrwj%tbei^#|icljipersons: s ^ l ^ g r a M S u ^ o f ^ r r l t p ^ ! ^ tkis flUle; provided that auchperson or slave •W 'the tt»na MeJ Rrbr^y^fAaai emtgrantji a n d ' p » i r r t d e f f a I » o r i b J t l a w * m a y r « p a » ^

TM&tBit ther intridoctloit' Into iW ^iswjii! altoKWhb.bare^coramlUed.highci'irfiesin

^|| | |^8lit^o^1brri!0lj^^•^ey.l^llJti |W' ^ S S a n c i n a ^ HfMSlvlnl the'1ri|htt oj c'reMors, and nrtveritimf *^c»4iK'"»«*-

'tomlpfkjittBliC1 'charge; ,!Efiey slaUlvhaTe4

ij*waf JWo- tibtlge' 'owner* 'ofr'%lave#: to trjsjtt them wittt hamsmiiy, W provide fqr them-ne"-cessSry Jtiod and.ciothi«g^»rjiUin|rOiii all

, ipinries l o thetn, >a;teBdios;,to }ii>.or1iilb5, comply with; the dilution of such- |as» to -hjr^ft«»cri.sd».ve-»r slave* • »«id-lpr^hebcneril

..of.ihei^»wJef«-o*ner«:««:^'pr-S\- .-• "•'•Zif'i tcrlmea, orJtijiBek:gtt|e*iba«Jetit4a^enij,

| 0 l * f - w ; . ? * - : " - ' . . * ''••'. - V < y * • T : &•-.

^ - ^ Aj>y>ertcm who t^alt saalterljailF ,4N¥^t^,»e-';«raiNffv«*:sl««p"«C.--i^ safcr—ca «misiiaaMt^«a.wo4Hrr^pfl^4|]Bs0nw ls>-eM»tBe l » l » « « l ^ | a » i »^cojSMnit«d,| ' 00 a /ree^hifc gsfiaak, and oefhke prooti,«jc «egV»n 'caseof jfesurraciioft t>Tsi*hslMc^;i ' iBta^oUaatissa.jIwismi^sitwe^d^ atjpsrsnxwvnt i^paafao&e; Tbe-idVclsralssn

y§. thav'fureranxents were in«litut*4*mo*g men' toproteetUieioaJiensW«;jigljisotlife,

llk^'\vi'bttta^;ht^h»ppinosi?*-httt tb*

•- No^«rit|i«an St. jLaxDTenee ocracj teceived boldejta.3 T h o <?d|tom' B(en|0 VjhOfices are still'publiBhed ir*X\t^&oUdatnj2Qttri£t4

JEto^T'? L BpIJICptHf'B MAOA^trlB,JqT Uo^erober,jiaaan articlston the commer­cial crisis, .strongly advocating « Bfieeie ba^ s i s ^ ' l n commferciai m,c-fiW*, Alciihofic flqoore t tbe 'cjufjtoqf tratle :' B r i t i ^ Mb-.no.p[)Jie8 5 ^Ie.w ixranada; uieXS.oano txade; *tjd thbr- difgniseb./ipf Usury;—together syVitb'IteY usual journal of- Mercantile l a w ; 'CiJnJrS^rcijii Vexiew ; Jotrrhal of Banking-•anil smtisticai tB.ble8>,,.-A«[ide<frona gprjuw .poiilical ileaijinj^J rVhioJi (wo' observe ingia

Word6^er^eT.thete*Jjto '«asjolD»*ffJhelr'p^ to fheleabitftantlte mSm^l 'bvu\$m&mmw$W iartfbular a t f ^ l o n o f S f rea4pSm6|fr>tcfoYffle-Dentist, thetjiewahaVauatoem^OT^fefsSnJD'en-' tlstry introducedbythepi^ ^ e r e ^ t j o braneb! 01 Sut, gcr^^Bfj^tieWjOfmochanfcSj^ mentshavb been maxlp, Jj than Dentfitty. woespe-ciafly:ask^theat.t^iy:fpn''p.f,1ivosB=,r^ teeth, to. the uBWiMBiiiodSrU7iCTdttoBa|ByttBB«». M mounting tho Teeth uppf f"Wloa^e 'o%^

. ber/'llpd'toeif"dijBMla|tt£i'W ^cmfim]",$>»> ' ^ p o s r ' ^ a t e iB"p>(mabiy.:iPU(glVKst p l & f ^ t t j t ^ b e ' "" worn in tbomouth^perfeotly free from tasto, anilnet-


;^^i'i^rJbt)tVfrPW-»iWt^^;is7bo-i» number'1

«d5»iarfn|!;tho 6 1 * claw lecturer*.» to jrapeOtte "citotia ntxt 'we'efc'. GKO.' Sw»t-

mwe&$m$%'-':%?*'. . t.|Jeaf'rs.^^,Ee, VjwxnptvxigTi Pmujtn, WairWii.arid Rev. E,i.Hv€aAw«, *ml ^Mra'-w1Ii'l*c'}ij]re". •-;' " "'J;;' "! ' ^^e^r^r^lise^e' wiU;b|p;corojiletedf next -It^^ft'LsBj'^-iT-'-' • •-" • ' ' - •••'* i '• ' • ' T H * B l tA?«ST &t*H AT W A f l S R i p ^ — * >

be$ue1»t ajpularfo ^ 'tJBfip-'tfih <5»ce «ftIP England by a^»arle-r^raiJvvMleft]MW#atikio llw jjivenW the •lifcaye^-irisa i t Wsaerioo.'' It was referred Va 'fllevSteitpT '*&•: :yfetlington'to decide tr> whom the "swor* shonld be given. ^SPtio 1)010 wonW^iojatity-ivho #a» 4b« bravest %iam.iiUiter*%<vi/ i bat laid• rjntthl :&x&mh*?me- 'ibo*»c^ieverely;tnotlm thaiffleraoraWelday wero those who defeh-ded.xbe {>oafl^n^«t.t!ie cbmteau Hongou-" -"'*"" *uf4- that^ipjfjtiiry should be:made

or arrected,even b y tlie most ppwerfdl acids. . , Tlle*6heop'astlc, ; ; , ,or ,4Cast P lo te . ' 5 !* - ^

W|<JK<8M»o|i^lli witjuitana;.,«it;at! ids ofMnwowt *«on4-iUey arj> jb'nje.'gjbpt oheaper^iian the drdlnary ^*tood»Vakft^S«r**4'fepf;*«»« I WSt^SSrg&Wfter T<,rtito-^wceufi»^atP^ictJ^can altadfagsj inturedi

wooanliipurtsri ferftbtjtib. ,}1 ..„„„ Utttgh, aid we'V«i<w»*ai& Wport!dC|(> dp T« atrge sjnoimt.tfrwprjc. „Wj^ayi.sjK«: *""" Aerators ~ * v - v a j - s - i .

. WMjylingtlMBe wlio^firoght at tbatpoint. : 'TWwatf d«p*j ajid the award .waa finally

triadjB".*»* Kmiibaerieil^'-who, ft'i;t#, cattatsmeWiWliiea t ie French had uneipvfl •dly JorCeii open the iffa gS i he .r-hate'an

«l*dej*B^rJe* |- i*^o^ and by J*e! eite"r^BjWgr*a¥|^fenai awea/ gth tmd Aeteraitnatioo rtcceedtd, alone in ^baUiDK llW|aH. jittiii Jato^f the French A M I * a«)d h ^ i i ^ itliUlrucoolftd6i»carjie totMB^isniiesut * ' " *'

Wia&A me at #W*18J »«m'sWsa! oleir and extra ) per bni, cash and* moa Beef is in iiml-

Sales.ofp clear SSu^_ „ . ,. . . . — . . -ied request Sales of Wes ern mess and extra mess at iai4u.7 per bbl, taah and 4 men. Hams are dun, Sales Si ne^%Ttl»a?'4»*.sn4gPodIo:oaUty;pid.at 18a«£ per lb, cash and 4 mo's. Ihere.has been no change In But­ter. Thereceljitonava-jBeeh"moderate., but It isnow coming in.muro Jrcely . Hales of Vermont and New York State choice dairies at a0a21c; common to fair Id

open* ' l « M

or' three op-» cohjuntty

A^LEQUO. employedtaid'omfof l lce w i l l


bkv«VlSblff»Wi^| i ;«rjlsff l»iM of aiuhdte painful and dsagerom dUeueito which the iemsj'6^ppn»awtlo%.is.|^eot. It mpdetstei sit «x-oeas, Mmqvea aU'obiiractlonsi'aild « speedy dute «**?

A i monthly^jte^wlt&iiegalWiryy^ > >' Esjbtwmviirr^otisiofts^b^

- ^ p ; o l < ^ t S r J t * ^

emaTSWkj!9Mi}MjB^ V Pr*mac», •»««*» or*

tMtobrtoi mJ*"*"^'' .«*. w l * r *l!iw^*»«> thiwmtafe,',/ ' '••'"' •'•-." -*T-S%**:<^"^ ' to illcjses^'f Ntrvoui'and Spinal AfftotWM, pain

IS-TCICBMJCW ilmbi, ««ig.ueon Slight Kxertlon, psjplts^pfthe.aeart. Hyi.tcrlcA. and 'Wrates. ties* pilISjiHden'ecu core when all other m e s r u h a r n failed ja»d«lUioagh » powerful remedy, d o not contain iron, ca lomel , antimony, or any thing hurtful t » t h e c o n s t l -

IStSOB- "' ''" '"'- -•' ' '•- - .'-" '-' ' • ' • ' ' f e * "! Full dttsctlonsacco'nipanylng each package. •

' Sole Agenufor ta^Dnitsd Butes and Cansds,, -.:.r>- - -• A • •;•'.'-'-' 'a*tet',eia«ddwtt*-ce.^ ; V . > !"-'";. ."-"• r ', •'."'.''•[ dttofiheateifSr, V. 3 « . ^ • ift^-s^'i . | \o«t»W.»tsmiar'c^^ S^oHsicdikgeiit,.wOl^Bsii|j!>*»ottlo ottae PiUaby return man, • . -."•>;•• ' *'. - -'*< = ^-' ,-"|*«siilb| all ^ra«lia toOfataibfttgh, :tmiy,: " *

• * " . • * .

. ^ . ^ . n-'iiifwin- -i»a>ts«y» BKS,™;.*: s»aS*fc---'


100 81


November 17,1851. a 8 00 Lemons,box.. 7 00 a

"'6u7a 75 Oats. " 25 a ? SO o 300 Oranges, box a

lb a 100 Peas . . , . SO a 61 SO a 60 Pock. .........16 Ull a IS 00

15a 17 *orx,lb. 12K a 18 a .20 Potatoes 81 o8 7» da ' 1 Poultry,lb... 11} a U

f S a 7».Eye. ., 12 a •'Ifcpsttt.bUl

660a 700 Shoulders.. 'Ua WTnilow

U a 16 Wool,lb... . Jme; twftterl Bbl ItyAeftUbu

70 a — 176 a — 10 a II 11 o — 2 8 a 40

100 a 108

. ;.„ BOSTON MARKET. • r Fjqm^Hig-Traveler, Hov. 14.

ASHBS^hB.-m.arketJtfflrni^rtWthdpscripUons.-8BleBof.F«ts'atit»7«orrearls«Ka8«c per lb. cash.

stock for thisr season? o] small. Therrhas been a.

have been light, and the .ibs>yc«t is1 comparatively

itrdemand; lint at the close

^noyls selling i t »5 76aB;'Cktfa»6 2Ba7 M per lutheiii lH-'lfi « l r demand. -Sales or-^ .-'common

a 8« 29a7 26 per bbl; 400 bbls

Canaoatino, , bbl. Southern and fancy at 90 Mas, , - . - — . -,- -„ •Haxall ^t i s j i DOT. hbi^ Com Meal fg in moderate » a f m a t W 6 a * peFbbi: Bye l f t f i is sslllng at sMMaSMper-bbl. ' ' ,_,. . ~i}jiAlN—Thi3 receipts ofOom has qcenaight and tho market is arm. .Sales, of .y*Uow at Mot mixed SSa86o per bushel. Oats are firm and in good aemand. Bales 01 northern and Canadian at 5Sc per bushel Bye Is scarce nndhlgher. Sales at 90o per bushel. White Beans are in steady demand ai $lai SO tor ordinary to fair, and 8176a2 tor good- and extra. Canada Peas are stead

P O T • m$M£®>mm* WS^P^k-li^lfilpnwrpilceji are- lower.—

al8SijQWp_44«9c.j Bales of good at."

erlbiritawsseJsjplenty «nd dull.-m<Sf 'Cpintoon to fair Sa76 per lb.

BRIGHTON CATTI iE MAKH.E1'. - AT- MAKXIT—1400 Beef Cattle, 1000 Stores, 11 pairs Working Oxen, 95 Cows" and Calves, sooosiieei) and lambs, and 800 Swine. . BBkSHTxTitit-ExlraaSaS^; First quality 7 00; 2d

tonality 66 76; Third quality »a; ordinary 6 60. 5t^BjS^fiflrlmiiSJ!Sal4s,tw.^year» old 18a20;, three

'JCACio^t-OtPperihi vgidWi^iPW «>t Pelts62Ma76B saehi Calf SBn I0aj2o p e t f e

^ V T O k l l o ^ ^ ^ ' a l e V a Y S ^ l l O . U5,180,-140. . ^ O o w s A s b C A L V B S . ^ a J e s ; * t 8 2 0 , « . 31,35,40.

•&BKB *to». l*»Bsi*BStJaSt ^ , » » , » * * K i « t » 1 0 0

I j b v S ^ t c r r t r J t b ^ t i i n l J i S i S c . F a t Hogs 6a6Jtc r^SBM^XSf--Xbejaumber o f B e e f Cattle a t market t o -^ y , t i , , l f t r g M # . W l M t y f % » S 4 P t l m M 8 o n t b e d e -

il SheeiandBafaftiaieWtter?. tewineabout^ho w v t -j-i •*." tst^iaugt. •' • • • *

--''• , •.-,- .,.-- *••-;•' ; . W " , ' - ' ^ •• '"- ••

BlITtteR ANB CHJ3JE8E-1W» nifl«I'tMWweit market pri-ees wlUTie paffi> CASH, at The Drilg. Store or H. 8 Humphtty,

M Y E R S , ,r^E0£iTB.OOK & EDICK ; il^tprneyf and Counsellors at Law,


s loanMrtst) wmj».-v. cms . a . JcxaBs,- oaUk-> w«*rsxoox..Si»'ns, STOCK

1 . lt^BinJi -£-.

-'- -- S u p r e m o O^ort. STATfi O f NEW YOBK.l rpO John 8. ReUelUttigrO. i^P^Wi tlieOgdeni-i . hurgb Bank, J,onsttaofkmp»ft.3o»ph_a. law-Jamis GTworis^Jphrj Wnhm- WlillamGooderham Ham £ . BwrUng, a n a Cnarles « . C o n e , l^erendints. Yon-sre hereby summoifea t o answertb»«omplatot^or

semi a eopy of yott* « » w ^ M « » * ««fe to tte

SB risUitlff ' i 'AtturtfeyiiOgdcnibargh, S . T . _ : . . • , , : „ I . - - I " ' '- . u r V . i ^ . ' l w - J ' "'. •• • •-'"

mo John 8.K.eUy,tb«;0j*nsbsr«ha«nx, Jonathan i ^ ' * ^ : w 5 l l * m P . HowJma. JamcrO. WortaJobn WttsMTWinis iBt lOBfcrlM^rijrfoto^tOAlh^ asSaytoE, George Tayl»r. Wifflam B. Sterling, and C M K I S . eone"»«fendiiit». Xo» are luresy sum-Sm*dto answer the complaint of Andrew Cole.Plaht-S§ iTthe^pWraTo^orthe «ut* or Jfew York, S S K S f f i l , , flwaiatts offlee. ofthsCte*

!onntj, at Canton, on the «hd«y toierte s oqpyot your answer

' " > e " • • - • —

M8«t,„., S n ^ ' a H a r 5»cFi5 th« Village orGgdeMborgh.-wKh

' ' e S i l s h * of | b e day Wysnloe. Andify**. fiW » snr irer said complaint at hereby requlrsd, tbe FUiri-U8 will apply to « i d Uourt ftrflwireUeT delBSnosd to toe saw complaint, listsdOgd^o^ttn, Octobsr 14th, 1S5I. u ^ iiswovgww • ^ 5 T O B 4 , JajjaiiHrt,

ruintbTs Attorasy*, 0a»wrb«r|>,y.T.

< % |