When the monkeys and the deities Joined their hands together Constructed a massive edifice, Became symbol of Indian culture Wide bridge several kilometers long Was C onstructed using floating stones Still stands today mighty and strong Bewilders & surprises scientist of all zones A bove is the small poem I have composed for the engineering masterpiece Ram setu. For those who don’t know, Ram setu, also known as Adam Bridge, was a bridge made of f loating stones by Sons of lord vishwakarma (Nal and Neel) under the supervision of lord Rama. Was Ram setu built by lord Rama? A ccording to epic Ramayana, this bridge was built more than 1.75 million years ago to assist lord Rama in crossing the Indian O cean to reach sri lanka where he fought the war with King Ravana to free her wife ‘sita’ incarcerated by king Ravana. This bridge made of floating stones can still be seen between India and sri lanka from Rameshwaram, the place where Lord ram prayed to lord Shiva and started the construction of the bridge. Since this story is very old and unproven, many historians, scientists and archaeologists deny accepting this bridge to be built by lord Rama but at the same time they are unable to explain the concept of floating stones found in rameshwaram. There are no proof s of t his bridge being built by lord rama but there are many evidences f or the same which can be f ound in t he t wo art icle list ed below: Rama Sethu-Proof of India great ancient science This article is downloaded from www.mallstuffs.com

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When the monkeys and the deities Joined their hands together C ons truc ted a mass ive edifice, Became symbol of Indian culture Wide bridge several kilometers long Was C ons truc ted us ing floating s tones Still stands today mighty and strong Bewilders & surprises sc ientis t of all zones A bove is the small poem I have composed for the engineeringmasterpiece Ram setu. For those who don’t know, Ram setu,also known as Adam Bridge, was a bridge made of f loatingstones by Sons of lord vishwakarma (Nal and Neel) under thesupervision of lord Rama.

Was Ram setu built by lord Rama? A ccording to epic Ramayana, this bridge was built more than1.75 million years ago to ass is t lord Rama in c ross ing theIndian O cean to reach s ri lanka where he fought the war withKing Ravana to free her wife ‘s ita’ incarcerated by king Ravana. This bridge made of floating s tones can s till be seen betweenIndia and s ri lanka from Rameshwaram, the place where Lordram prayed to lord Shiva and s tarted the cons truc tion of thebridge. Since this s tory is very old and unproven, manyhis torians , sc ientis ts and archaeologis ts deny accepting thisbridge to be built by lord Rama but at the same time they areunable to explain the concept of floating s tones found inrameshwaram. There are no proofs of this bridge being built bylord rama but there are many evidences for the same which canbe found in the two article listed below:Rama Sethu-P roof of India great anc ient sc ience

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PRO V ING THE HISTO RIC ITY O F RA MStrange floating s tones of rameshwaram Strange fac t about these floating s tones is that they are foundonly on the coas tal regions of rameshwaram. These s tones ares imilar to any other s tone and possess the same features ,phys ical and chemical compos ition like the s tone you may findin your locality. Seeing these s tones from a far dis tance, youmay feel that this s tone is made of corals but on phys icalexamination, it is found that this is not a coral stone and it hassame 40 kind of chemical compositions, like you f ind in a normalstone

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In above video, you can see the floating s tones shot by a groupof youngs ters traveling through rameshwaram Sc ientis t has been c laiming far and wide that the s tones of ramsetu are ac tually coral formation. Nasa sc ientis ts even releasethe photo where they c laims the Ram setu underwater bridge tobe coral formation. Below is the image release by their spaceshuttle ‘endevaour’ in February 2000.

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In the above image, s ri lanka is shown as a giant tear dropfalling from the southern tip of Tamil nadu(South Indian s tate).They c laim India and s ri lanka to be separated by the 50km widePalk Strait, along the s ide of a series of s tone coral is lets knownas Ram setu that almost form a land bridge between the twocountries G Mohan Das , a his torian, pries t and caretaker of the s tones ,said the following words on this s tone.

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“We believe there is no dif ference in these stones. Both thestones do not have air in them. The composition is the same andit has 40 kinds of chemicals”.

Coral stones don’t float on water Even the sc ientis t c laim of floating coral s tones is not true s incecoral s tones don’t float on water. C orals are marine animals(c lass A nthozoa, phylum C nidaria) who typically lives incompact colonies called "polyps". C orals inc lude the reef builderwho sec retes calc ium carbonate to produce a hard Skelton whichdoesn’t float on water. There is nothing like f loating coral in thisworld because coral is calcium carbonate, and its chemicalcomposition is too dense to f loat on water. Geologis t c laimsthat after years of formation of layers on ocean bed, coral s tonesare formed within the layer, but when they were asked why theses tones were formed only in rameshwaram and nowhere else onother sea bed or ocean bed then they were speechless andcalled it as the ac t of nature. However, other geologist disagreeswith such views since coral stones doesn’t occur naturally in thesea, they occur only on land/hard surface.

One more false claim of comparing floating stoneswith pumice Some archeologis t compared this floating s tones with pumicewhich is a kind of volcanic rock which floats on water. Butaccording to me, this comparison is very foolish and juvenile.Pumice is a kind of rock made from water and lava (ofvolcanoes) and is very lightweight. Such kinds of rocks areusually found near volcanic regions like the recent one in NewZealand. (C heck the link below)

Mass of volcanic rocks floating off New Zealand

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<http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/aus traliaandthepac ific /newzealand/9467121/Mass-of-volcanic -rocks-floating-off-New-Zealand.html>

There is no volcano near rameshwaram nor is there anyevidence which c laims the exis tence of volcano in the areassurrounding rameshwaram over the las t few millions of years .Also, f loating stones of rameshwarm are not light weighted likepumice rocks and doesn’t have the chemical composition similarto pumice rocks. It might be possible that this is some specialkind of heavy pumice rocks found only at rameshwaram but ifthis would have been the case, then it would have beenconfirmed by indian archealogists. A ccording to vis itors , some ofthe s tones do look like pumice but are extremely heavy to becalled as pumice. A lso, color of the pumice rocks is white orc reamish in color but there are many black floating s tones inrameshwaram which you can see in the above videos(one shotfrom train and another one in patna).

Scientific explanation of Ram setu floating stones iswrong O n immers ing an objec t in a liquid, it displaces the liquid tooccupy a small volume of space, earlier occupied by the liquid.An object f loats on a liquid only when the weight of the liquiddisplaced by the object is equal or more than the Weight of theobject itself . This also means that the amount of objectimmersed on the water depends upon the relative densities ofthe object and displaced liquid. For ex: only 90% of the icefloats on water and remaining 10% can be seen floating outs idethe water. This is why only s tones which are very light weighted or arehollow or have air ins ide floats on water. Since there are aircavities inside stone, the weight of the water displaced by

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stone is more than the weight of the stones and hence, it allowsthe stone to f loat on top of water.A nice attempt but I find it extremely difficult to believe. In thebelow video you see a 15 kg s tone floating on water. A ny normals tone of that s ize without any air cavities also weighs 15kilograms. A lso if they believed that there is air cavities ins ideRam setu floating s tones then why didn’t they went there andbroke one of those s tones to see if there are any air cavitiesins ide. Moreover, I am not able to diges t the fac t that the weightof the water, displaced by a 15 kg s tone in a small tub, is greaterthan 15 kg.

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Same news can be read in the below artic le <http://artic les .timesofindia.indiatimes .com/2007-10-03/india/27952555_1_ram-setu-rock-patna-junc tion>

One more false claim of uniformity in density On carefully examining one of the stones, one of the emerging scientist (Student) madethe following claim about this stones. He said that on immersing the stone into the water, always the same part of the stonestays on the top while the opposite part remains on bottom. This suggest thatthe stone is not uniformly built and a part of the stone hashigher density compared to the opposite part and this is why,even when I throw the stone keeping the more denser part ontop, the stones realigns itself and changes it position to f loatwith the less denser part on the top. This s ituation fits the lawof phys ics which s tates that s tones would always float in apos ition where its potential energy is minimum. He conc luded bysaying that the s tones don’t have uniform dens ity and has aircavities located near the surface which makes it floats on thewater. O ne more futile attempt by a sc ientis t, but this was againrefuted by V ikasa Swami Maharaj, a devotee of iskcon. In the

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below image, Swami immerse a s tone weighing about 20-25pounds from both s ides at Rama Kund of Rameswaram temple.

Both sides of the stones floating on water can also be seen in below video.

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Ram setu was built by Lord Rama Ramasethu is an engineering masterpiece which was made offloating s tones . I f this s tones were coral then sage valmiki musthave mentioned it as corals s ince there is a prec ise word forcorals in Sanskrit. I f any sage says it is made of s tones then byde fac to, it is made of s tones . From scientif ic point of view, Ican say that the technology once existed to make stones f loaton water and the architect like nal and neel were two advancedin building a bridge from India to sri lanka within 5 days withthe help of dedicated work force of million Vanaras. Even invalmiki Ramayana, there is a concept of c ivil engineering inbuilding this bridge. This bridge was not cons truc ted jus t bythrowing s tone with lord name but there were many engineeringmethods used by nal and neel

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Below verse says about cutting of trees to construct bridge V almiki Ramayan, Yuddha kanda, chapter 22, verse 53 te nagaan naga samkaashaaH shaakhaa mR^iga gaNa R^iSabhaaHbabhanjur vaanaraas tatra pracakarSuH ca saagaram | T rans lation Those army-chiefs of monkeys, who resembled mountains, broke the rocks and treesthere and dragged them away towards the sea. Below verse talks about the mechanical device used to carrywood and stones V almiki Ramayan, Yuddha kanda, chapter 22, verse 58hastimaatraan mahaakaayaaH paaSaaNaamshca mahaabalaaH parvataamshca samutpaaTya yantraiH parivahanti ca | T rans lation The huge bodied monkeys with mighty s trength uprootedelephant-s ized rocks and mountains and transported them bymechanical contrivances .

Ramayan - Vaanar Sena Build The Bridge

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C heck the above video for sc ientific cons truc tion of bridge asdepic ted in child animated movie ‘Ramayana’Below verse talks about constructing poles, measuring bridge,same like we use to construct buildings

V almiki Ramayan, Yuddha kanda, chapter 22, verse 62 and 63daNDananye pragR^ihNanti vicinvanti tathaapare || vaanaraiH shatashas tatra raamasyajJNaapuraHsaraiH | meghaabhaiH parvataabhashca tR^iNaiH kaaSThairbabandhare|| T rans lation Some monkeys were holding poles for measuring the bridge andsome others collec ted the material. Reeds and logs resemblingc louds and mountains , brought by hundreds of monkeys , lead bythe command of Rama, fas tened some parts of the bridge.

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Below verse says about using a string to make sure the rocksare kept on a straight line V almiki Ramayan, Yuddha kanda, chapter 22, verse 60samudram kshobhayaamaasurnipatantaH samantataH || suutraaNyanye pragR^ihNanti hyaayatam shatayojanam | T rans lationThe rocks befalling on all s ides perturbed the ocean. Someothers drew up s trings a hundred Yojanas long. More such verses can be found in the below link <http://www.valmikiramayan.net/yuddha/sarga22/yuddha_22_frame.htm

Thousands of devotees visit rameshwaram daily tosee floating stonesEvery day, devotees in large numbers from all ac ross thecountry vis it the anc ient Rama temple of rameshwaram toworship Lord Rama and to have a glance on the so-called"floating s tones". Four to five floating s tones , each weighing 10to 20 kilograms have been kept here s ince ages and can beseen at this temple even today. A djacent to this temple is thepanchmukha Hanuman Temple where you can find few morefloating s tones used by 'Nal - Neil ' to build the s tone bridge toSri Lanka Below is the video (with south Indian background mus ic ) whichshows a five kg s tone immersed on water

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A point to note about this c ity is that India greates t nuc learsc ientis t and Ex P res ident Dr A .P .J.A bdul Kalam hails fromDhanushkodi area of Rameshwaram. In spite of being an IndianMuslim and a scientist, APJ Abdul kalam regards bhagavad gitawith high respect and encourage young scientist to research

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Vedas. This may be because he has seen so much thatinternally, he also feels the presence the god.

Scientist and government play politics Nature is the bigges t magical engineer. O ur mind is very limitedin unders tanding the beauty and laws of nature (God). Manyscientists are of the idea that if all people start believing in godthen their theories and discoveries will not be held in highregard as the people will treat their discoveries as the act ofgod. Hence, many sc ientis ts try to make sc ientific c laims behindevery event because they believe whole foundation of sc iencewill be demolished if all people s tart believing in god. When the lord can c reate whole planets with oceans andmountain to float in space, then why can’t s tones float on water?Sc ientis t can only give you an explanation on how things happenbut not why things happen or why it was c reated that way. Even when sc ientis t are finding it very difficult to explain themystery behind floating s tones of Ram setu unfortunately,without any research, our Indian government in their initiative ofcons truc ting setu samundram bridge, said it very easily thatthere is no evidences of ram setu being built by lord rama.

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A bove image shows the evidences of lord ram. Firs t two are thefloating s tones of lord Ram Bridge, exac tly as mentioned inRamayana. Third image shows the portion of floating s tonebridge and the las t one show the satellite image of the bridgeconnec ting India and s ri lanka. Unfortunately, we believe in scientif ic theories like evolutioneven when there is no solid evidence to prove evolution and atthe same time, very easily, we discard our religious theories likereincarnation & karma by terming it as a mythology. C onc lus ion Being a secular country, our constitution doesn’t allow government school to teach

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ancient religious scriptures. Luckily, I read and learned about Mahabharata andRamayana at my house and I am very glad that I did so. Everything is the c reation of nature (God). There is animmediate cause and ultimate cause for each ac tion. Whetherthese stones f loat due to air cavities or varying density, it justreveals the greatness of God. Scientist can only makeassumptions but cannot perceive this vast creation throughtheir mundane mind because this materialistic creation isbeyond any logic and explanation. O nly those who meditate andconcentrate their mind & senses on the divine soul can realizethe supreme and absolute truth. In my next artic le, we will seethe conspiracy behind the des truc tion of Ram setu.

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