U $* r £ A i! :: - - * a New 1 9 * j : A j Yo i j [r=S] UE i 111 SIC «f m w »:| ' Sc j| shoes are i " Included i two-tone Ins B panel design " Tan and b: stran ^nnrts Sizes 3J t c j > : y i * j a Three-qua Sports New arrival g Roman strip* _ Cordovap, I Beach, Black * Special at < 55c at :L: * Tv . & STgmui Seventh and H l.Tonig] > « * * You are personally ii *tten/i the wawwwaa^a «.aav y Formal Op< ** ^ of the * \ V\ ' r A'Greater Sigmun From 7:30 to 10 < Music Sou' No goods will be sold dui ing, but there will be wondei Specials" on sale tomorrowCome Tonight and Celebrate ^resents for the Children.Wit Most ImDortar un^ Folks' L >85<af at to much unfavorable weath< lerably overstocked in oui hen this happens we absolute » a number of our high-grade low radically reduced.-som< tre gray and tan kid, Tw tep Strap Pumps with buck, on quarter. leath< rown calf, plain or ball styles Oxfords. tion u oil $2.85 Size Some o{ these styles lor large girls, sizes 2% to 7 oung Folks' Spc Junion women's fords-with tan ball Sports Pumps and iT\ Pumps and Sports < AKv usually "snappy" st VV\ 7, $6.75; 11>4 to 2, $ lallV New arrivals in Jlyr* strap Brogue Oxfor boy. Sizes to 6, Soecial values ir ' IT \ tans and blacks; mei $3.65; 1 to 2, $4.15. Boys' and Girls' fords in several spc and a complete lin pumps and high sho rter-length . c. i_: - in plain or effects, id 69c * c$ " ' * n d Streets ||fl|| ,| .' V '' at 1 | nvited to 1 ening | d Store i O'CIock | venirs ing the even- rful "Opening T .Saturday. £ ; Help Us I h Purchases Tomorrow I! it Sale of ow Shoes I tJ.sr here lately, we are conr children's departments. :ly disregard former prices, novelty "GRO-NUPS" low 5 to half their actual value. o-strap Pumps in white Nutan calf, brown kid and patent :r.and other good-looking ; for summer dress and vaca ear. Saturday at all our stores: s 11* to 2 .... $3.45 $4.bb < irts Shoes and misses' white nubuck Oxstrap and trimmings; Nubuck Sports Oxfords; Tan Sports Dxfords with ball strap. Unyles spe&ally priced. V/x to 4.50. "Junior" Men's tan calf ball ds. A. real shoe for. a real live special at $4.95. i oxfords for smaller boys in dium or wide toes. 11 to 13*4, Barefoot Sandals and play ox:cial grades at $1.35 to $2.95, e of "Keds" Tennis oxfords, es at $1.29 to $350. 7&&K 233PaAveJS£ W ashington-Baltimore * "* * . T~> 5 «'» « i.» VOTELESS DISTRICT THEME OF ADDRESS ' Dr. N. P. Barnes Explains -Conditions to Therapeutic Society Convention. .The voteless condition of Washing- I * - - . 1 kuumriiv capiainea oy ur» xnooic * Barnes to physicians from all parts of the country, who attended the opening session today of the twenty-second annual meeting of the American Therapgptlc Society at the Arlington Hotel. "This society, now twenty-one years old. is old enough to vote, but no member of It can vote if he Is a Washlngtonian." declared Dr. Barnes, who welcomed" the delegatus to the city. . "The Washlngtonian Is a peculiar individual, classed with'Asiatics and ihe criminally insane," continued Dr. Barnes. "We pay more tages here than the people do in many states; we furnish more soldiers In time of war, but we have no voice In the government." Dr. Barnes assured the other physicians who are attending the two-day session that if they lived here and had no national representation, even they. too. wojjld feel I'just like those eld fellows who threw the tea over into Boston harbor." Hp Qarnos <>n«l,A ***** lm iotinnll V ftf the future of the National Capita], declaring that in time "Washington probably will be the Athens of America." Remarkable Birth Records. The response, on behalf of the outof-town members, was made by Dr. Oliver T. Osborne of New Tiaven, Conn., who asked the other delegates if they could beat the record of his city, in which a mother recently gave birth to quadruplets. A delegate from California promptly answered that a mother in his state had given birth to triplets and twins within a year. "But four of a kind beat threes and twos." came back the answer, and the presiding officer upheld the "hand," amid a roar of laughter from the assembled doctors. New members admitted to the society today are: Dr. Arthur G. Morgan, Philadelphia; Dr. George Ft. Wycoff. McKeesville. Pa.: Dr. John Howard Prick, Philadelphia; Dr. Edward Waterbury Becker, Troy. N. Y.; Dr. Richard J. Behar. Pittsburgh: Dr. Abraham Arden Brill. New York city; Dr. Arthur E. Hertzler, Kansas City. Mo.; Dr. James F. Johnson, Pittsburgh: Dr. James J. King. New York city; Dr. Edward Randall. Galveston, Tex., and Dr. Hyman I. Goldstein, Camden, N. J. President Hemmrtrr'i Address. T»- T/xU n «e president of the society, delivered an address on "The Human Constitution and the Perspectives on Pathogenesis and Therapeutics ot Today." Dr. Hemmeter declared that the human constitution itself towers over all other factors in the treatment of disease, although medical science has in the past put perhaps greater stress on the action of micro-organisms and Our 9th St. Whs "Headq Wh IHANCES will be HAHN' But if . vastly superior pr For we have j kind of a big way pair bought right, We have plann< six weeks. And to to Cost than we'\ white shoe season. White Wa Tongue Pump Louis heels ., White Wa: fords, with wli Black, Tan buck Sports I fords, medium Leather-tri Cloth, or Whi All-white f White "Ma fords and Two heels White Can1 welt soles, me< ("whitTi Saturday, an Stockings. . Stri white.also Rus Other White Silk Stockings $1.10, $1.95, $2.25 $2.50, $2.75, $3.50 i '* « * -V "v \ 4 i i i chemical substances arising' bath', within and without the body. A symposium on alcohol. its effect on various organs of the body, occupied the remainder of the session. This afternoon various therapeutic procedures are under discussion. Tonight at 8:30 o'clock President Hemmeter will hold a reception at the hotel. Tomorrow morning "at 9 o'clock the: scientific meeting will be continued, with papers on a variety oftopics. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock the delegates will go-by boat to Mount Vernon. The annual dinner of the society is to be held at 7:30 o'clock tohiorrow night at the Arlington Hotel. MARINE COUPS ORDERS. Maj. S. Williams at Quantlco.*,Va., has been assigned to duty at the United States legation. Peking. China. T .Inn * 1 a o "'"II -a m -a- o- tv luittme, aiv me Naval War College. Newport, R. I., has been assigned to duty at marine headquarters, this city. » Maj. A. Racicot, from Camp BenC«a., to Quantico, Va. Col. G. C. Reid, returning from abroad, is assigned to the Naval War College, Newport, R. I. Lieut. Col. 12. B. Mainwaring, at Paris Island, S. C., has been assigned to the 2d Brigade, Dominican Republic. Lieu*. Col. J. S. Turrill, to marine headquarters, this city. Maj. J. R. Horton, to Qtiantico, VaATTACKS SLEEPING WOMAN. An unidentified white man entered the room in which Mrs. Ivy E. Ellis. 3118 M street northwest, was sleeping Wednesday night. He pulled her from her bed. threw her to ttye floor, and then escaped with J14, according to a statement she made to the police. She gave the police a description of the man. He has not been apprehended. Sweets c Figs, dates, honey and 1 sweets by ancient Arab ba confection skill In b C0RN1 ff B U N G A L II "S Room I A surpassingly rich a Italian chocolates more mitj. fie sanares. nineanD J y nooniti, mints and mailo " 875 for your pound-and-a f CORN jj 1415 h and Pa. Ave. Stores Open Sattir< ^ J* r not uumc uu c [uarters" for lite She are that nearly every worr out buying white shoes ton S do not expect to sell all the every woman knew what v eparedness.we'd come prei jrepared tor the wnite sea: Over $150,000 worth to made right and styled rig! sd to sell out these gigantic 1 do so we have priced each a: e ever before attempted at shable Kidskin Turn-sole Sti s, with high or "Baby" ^, shable Kidskin Sport Pumps lite Ivory soles and heels..., i and Patent Leather-trimm UtiMtnc onH ^nnrfc OY> a r Minpo '. mg i or lew heels mmed Sports Oxfords, of W1 te Reignskin.. $6. Jubuck Sports Oxfords.. $6 ircelle" Cloth Sports Oxfords »strap Pumps, with low or n vas Oxfords and Strap Pump dium or low heels...... Silk Stockings. C7 unusually good value in Sen ctly perfect and well made isia Calf, Cordovan and blacl » -tf ' * SEEKS EARLY HEARING ON BRIDGE MEASURE Board of Trade Committee to Fash Flans for Chain Bridge Substitute... * Efforts will > mad* to ' get ao parly hearing before the House District committee On the* Moure bill authorising the District Commissioners to. have" plans drawn for a new structure to replace the Chain bridge. (Jeorge \V. Offutt, chairman of the Board of Trade committee, said today. The bridge committee of the Board of Trade yesterday gave a strong Indorsement to'the measure. Mr. Offutt said that there is an Imperative need for a new structure across the Potomac river at the District line, as the present one is not strong enough to handle the presentday traffic. That section of the state of Virginia is rapidly growing, with the consequent increase in automobile traffic. Members of the committee Will confer this week with memoers of Congress in an effort to get an early hearing on the measure, at which time the imperative need of a new structure will be strongly brought to the attention of Congress. Members of the Board of Trade committee expect to be able to get a hearing next week on the measure. BOTOBY CLUB MEETING. Announcement is made by President Semmes of the Rotary Club that the next weekly, meeting of the club will be held Wednesday evening from 5 to 7 o'clock at/the home of Prank Saul Tempo farm. Montgomery county, Md. ^ >f Araby jjj nnts, acclaimed delectable M rds, nnite with the beat of j VELL'S 0 W BOX f1 1 Sweets" II asortznent of bitter-sweet I than twenty kinds.Brazil I le squares, Albert clusters, I. ws. CAVDKPHOVE Mala 1 quarter bos, $1.70. 7 WELL'S i [ Street & lay Nights. 'VySklP&iiy ' ict to I omen s tes! lan in Washington lorrow. Of course se new white shoes. ,*e know about our tty near it! son in the biggest select from.every it. white stocks within nd every pair closer the outset of the . rap Pumps and 75 to $12.50 l r l. /v ana span ux $875 ied White Nu«* 75 & $975 lite "Marcelle" .45 to $875 .45 & $7.45 Walking Ox'"iU7 $6.45 S ' With $4 .95 Special ii-fashioned Silk , ,-.:n $1.45 7ib.fiiK233RfcAve.SE , '* v-. sV . v. v - Congestion at Arlington. Ts tks Editor ®f The lur: I write to ask a* to the necessity of the regulation which on Memorial day (of all days in the year) closes all gates at Arlington save that at the main entrance. Going out the lower route, which is the pleasiShtest, I. on Monday, with my car bearing the O. A. Ft. entrance card, reached a gate fronting the'city, and near tomy lot, and. being told that only the one gate was open, had to make a long detour over heavy grades and enter the cemetery at a point most ! ! i ^#alai One-Strap S j at $' Shown in combinati< and tan and white. B The black and whit< B reignskin cloth, trimmer The white and tan . frimmprl witVl tQtl UUVIVf VI II1I1I1VU If VU11 The soles and heel leather. " Splendid qualitv she " At $7.85. 11219-1221 G St. N.W. | i A St "Nayvee" P I An extra fine quality that -would ordinarily sell for $6.50 or more. Made of excellent White Crash with embroidered emblem. Sizes 14 to 20 years. A very special value, and one that can come but seldom. Our sale price for Saturday $4.39 Windsor Ties .of nice heavy silk, in many colors. Special at. 98c For the Bat Suede Sport Terns.All colors and white. Special at ... $1.09 WRIGHT & Dl RACKETS, (Now tor Sum Women's White Fullfashioned Silk Hosiery.A. .very excellent value; every pair guaranteed. Specially r*...-... $2.00 Interwoven Hose for In Lisle, 40c; in silk. ; 75c and $1.25 " Eyelet E m b r oidery. . Collar and Cuff Sets. Saturday's d* | C price * J| ~ > * remote from Urn bow audttorlum end my lot." " The sole effect of the rerulatiesi is to cause a fearful congestion of «utoe end people. w With all the rates open such conycst ion would be avoided and a rflni of one at each rate could welL be spared from the crowd of soldiers used In stralrhtenlnr out the sQarl resultant from the one-way-only entrance. O. D. KIKSMA*. . : » Kative Workers In the Fiji Islajids are on strike for a six-hour day %nd a five-day week. M » s Royal ; > « » a tim * e port Pumps | 7 : W , . 3ns of black and white t are made with white i with black calf. , are made with white " calf. Is arc made of white >es, attractive!}' priced. m Palais Royal.Spread Floor. g » 36-in. Non- I Krush Linen | .in all popular ^ -d a colors. Special.. ^ ^ \f gj 46-inch Imported /\ Q Bp Organdy.all colors y rj C E and black. Yard.... ue 01 » yli^dy ^iits I M:* | Middy Ties 1 Large three-cornered shapes, H heavy qualities in l|j Black, Navy, Red Q S and Gold. Special S| hing Beach | All-Wool 1 i Bathing Suits H <111 V'ptriuiig ^pcv.l<ll B^= this fine suit is offered at a > remarkably low price. In f|i _ pansy with gold trimming ffi =: and black with white trim- B l_ ming. All sizes. Very H T speciallv priced. % $7 jo 1 > Bathing Cape.1 n many S J styles and colors. Specially Bj priced at. t29c to $1.25 | Bathing Shoes.In de- gj sirable colors. Specially ^ 1 a. MS pncea ai. , $1.49 to $1.98 I TSQN TENNIS I AND BALLS g iner Hosiery I .. .Children's Socks . in B _ White Cotton Lisle, with B fancy tops. A (- g Special'at B 3 pairs for'$L2S W, , Children's SHk Socks. P In many pretty colors. p| Specially f CA 1 priced atyf| Sweaters, in all the n,ew- E| egt models.with Lace Col- H . lars and Vests: all col- If .35..^'$2.45 I ewiMMsr. ; « » ft * «. i - i

STgmui d Congestion Arlington. - Library of Congress€¦ · session today of the twenty-second annual meeting of the American Therapgptlc Society at the Arlington Hotel. "This society,

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Page 1: STgmui d Congestion Arlington. - Library of Congress€¦ · session today of the twenty-second annual meeting of the American Therapgptlc Society at the Arlington Hotel. "This society,

U $*







aNew 1



j: A

j Yo

ij [r=S] UEi 111 SIC

«f m w»:|

' Scj| shoes are i

" Included i

two-tone InsB panel design" Tan and b:

stran ^nnrts

Sizes 3J tc

j >

: yi*

ja Three-qua

SportsNew arrival

g Roman strip*_ Cordovap, I

Beach, Black* Special at

< 55c at

:L:* Tv .


STgmuiSeventh and H


* *

You are personally ii*tten/i thewawwwaa^a «.aav


Formal Op<**

^ of the* \ V\

'r A'GreaterSigmun

From 7:30 to 10 <

Music Sou'

No goods will be sold duiing, but there will be wondeiSpecials" on sale tomorrowCome

Tonight andCelebrate

^resents for the Children.Wit

Most ImDortar

un^ Folks' L


to much unfavorable weath<lerably overstocked in oui

hen this happens we absolute» a number of our high-gradelow radically reduced.-som<tre gray and tan kid, Twtep Strap Pumps with buck,on quarter. leath<rown calf, plain or ball stylesOxfords. tion u

oil $2.85 SizeSome o{ these styles lorlarge girls, sizes 2% to 7

oung Folks' SpcJunion women's

fords-with tan ballSports Pumps and

iT\ Pumps and Sports <AKv usually "snappy" stVV\ 7, $6.75; 11>4 to 2, $lallV New arrivals inJlyr* strap Brogue Oxfor

boy. Sizes to 6,Soecial values ir

' IT \ tans and blacks; mei

$3.65; 1 to 2, $4.15.Boys' and Girls'

fords in several spcand a complete linpumps and high sho

rter-length .

c. i_: -

in plain oreffects,

id 69c

* c$ " '


ndStreets ||fl|| ,|.' V ''

at 1 |nvited to 1

ening |d Store iO'CIock |venirs

ing the even-

rful "Opening T.Saturday. £ ;

Help Us I

h Purchases Tomorrow I!

it Sale ofow Shoes


tJ.srhere lately, we are conrchildren's departments.:ly disregard former prices,novelty "GRO-NUPS" low5 to half their actual value.

o-strap Pumps in white Nutancalf, brown kid and patent:r.and other good-looking; for summer dress and vaca

ear.Saturday at all our stores:

s 11* to 2 .... $3.45$4.bb <

irts Shoesand misses' white nubuck Oxstrapand trimmings; NubuckSports Oxfords; Tan SportsDxfords with ball strap. Unylesspe&ally priced. V/x to4.50.

"Junior" Men's tan calf ballds. A. real shoe for. a real livespecial at $4.95.i oxfords for smaller boys indium or wide toes. 11 to 13*4,

Barefoot Sandals and play ox:cialgrades at $1.35 to $2.95,e of "Keds" Tennis oxfords,es at $1.29 to $350.

7&&K 233PaAveJS£Washington-Baltimore*

"* *. T~> 5 «'» « i.»



Dr. N. P. Barnes Explains-Conditions to Therapeutic

Society Convention..The voteless condition of Washing- I

* - - . *» 1kuumriiv capiainea oy ur» xnooic *

Barnes to physicians from all parts ofthe country, who attended the openingsession today of the twenty-secondannual meeting of the AmericanTherapgptlc Society at the ArlingtonHotel."This society, now twenty-one years

old. is old enough to vote, but nomember of It can vote if he Is aWashlngtonian." declared Dr. Barnes,who welcomed" the delegatus to thecity. .

"The Washlngtonian Is a peculiarindividual, classed with'Asiatics andihe criminally insane," continued Dr.Barnes. "We pay more tages herethan the people do in many states;we furnish more soldiers In time ofwar, but we have no voice In the government."Dr. Barnes assured the other physicianswho are attending the two-day

session that if they lived here andhad no national representation, eventhey. too. wojjld feel I'just like thoseeld fellows who threw the tea overinto Boston harbor."Hp Qarnos <>n«l,A ***** lm iotinnll V ftf

the future of the National Capita],declaring that in time "Washingtonprobably will be the Athens ofAmerica."

Remarkable Birth Records.The response, on behalf of the outof-townmembers, was made by Dr.

Oliver T. Osborne of New Tiaven,Conn., who asked the other delegatesif they could beat the record of hiscity, in which a mother recently gavebirth to quadruplets. A delegate fromCalifornia promptly answered that amother in his state had given birthto triplets and twins within a year."But four of a kind beat threes and

twos." came back the answer, and thepresiding officer upheld the "hand,"amid a roar of laughter from the assembleddoctors.New members admitted to the societytoday are: Dr. Arthur G. Morgan,

Philadelphia; Dr. George Ft. Wycoff.McKeesville. Pa.: Dr. John HowardPrick, Philadelphia; Dr. Edward WaterburyBecker, Troy. N. Y.; Dr. RichardJ. Behar. Pittsburgh: Dr. Abraham ArdenBrill. New York city; Dr. ArthurE. Hertzler, Kansas City. Mo.; Dr.James F. Johnson, Pittsburgh: Dr.James J. King. New York city; Dr.Edward Randall. Galveston, Tex., andDr. Hyman I. Goldstein, Camden, N. J.

President Hemmrtrr'i Address.T»- T/xU n <« «e

president of the society, delivered anaddress on "The Human Constitutionand the Perspectives on Pathogenesisand Therapeutics ot Today." Dr.Hemmeter declared that the humanconstitution itself towers over allother factors in the treatment of disease,although medical science has inthe past put perhaps greater stresson the action of micro-organisms and

Our 9th St.



will beHAHN'But if .

vastly superior prFor we have j

kind of a big waypair bought right,We have plann<

six weeks. And toto Cost than we'\white shoe season.

White WaTongue PumpLouis heels .,

White Wa:fords, with wli

Black, Tanbuck Sports Ifords, medium

Leather-triCloth, or Whi

All-white fWhite "Ma

fords and Twoheels

White Can1welt soles, me<

("whitTiSaturday, an

Stockings. .Stri

white.also Rus

Other WhiteSilk Stockings

$1.10, $1.95, $2.25$2.50, $2.75, $3.50


'* « * -V "v \4

i i i

chemical substances arising' bath',within and without the body.A symposium on alcohol. its effect

on various organs of the body, occupiedthe remainder of the session.This afternoon various therapeuticprocedures are under discussion. Tonightat 8:30 o'clock President Hemmeterwill hold a reception at thehotel.Tomorrow morning "at 9 o'clock the:

scientific meeting will be continued,with papers on a variety oftopics. Inthe afternoon at 2 o'clock the delegateswill go-by boat to Mount Vernon.The annual dinner of the societyis to be held at 7:30 o'clock tohiorrownight at the Arlington Hotel.

MARINE COUPS ORDERS.Maj. S. Williams at Quantlco.*,Va.,

has been assigned to duty at the UnitedStates legation. Peking. China.T .Inn * 1 a o "'"II -a

m -a- o- tv luittme, aiv meNaval War College. Newport, R. I.,has been assigned to duty at marineheadquarters, this city. »

Maj. A. Racicot, from Camp BenC«a.,to Quantico, Va.Col. G. C. Reid, returning from

abroad, is assigned to the Naval WarCollege, Newport, R. I.Lieut. Col. 12. B. Mainwaring, at

Paris Island, S. C., has been assignedto the 2d Brigade, Dominican Republic.Lieu*. Col. J. S. Turrill, to marine

headquarters, this city.Maj. J. R. Horton, to Qtiantico, VaATTACKS

SLEEPING WOMAN.An unidentified white man entered

the room in which Mrs. Ivy E. Ellis.3118 M street northwest, was sleepingWednesday night. He pulled her fromher bed. threw her to ttye floor, and thenescaped with J14, according to a

statement she made to the police.She gave the police a description ofthe man. He has not been apprehended.

Sweets cFigs, dates, honey and

1 sweets by ancient Arab baconfection skill In

b C0RN1ff B U N G A L

II "S RoomI A surpassingly rich a

Italian chocolates moremitj. fie sanares. nineanD

J y nooniti, mints and mailo" 875 for your pound-and-a

f CORNjj 1415 h

and Pa. Ave. Stores Open Sattir<

^ J*r not uumc uu c

[uarters" for

lite Sheare that nearly every worr

out buying white shoes tonS do not expect to sell all theevery woman knew what v

eparedness.we'd come preijrepared tor the wnite sea:

Over $150,000 worth tomade right and styled rig!sd to sell out these gigantic 1

do so we have priced each a:

e ever before attempted at

shable Kidskin Turn-sole Stis, with high or "Baby" ^,shable Kidskin Sport Pumpslite Ivory soles and heels...,

i and Patent Leather-trimmUtiMtnc onH ^nnrfc OY> ar Minpo '. mgi or lew heelsmmed Sports Oxfords, of W1te Reignskin.. $6.Jubuck Sports Oxfords.. $6ircelle" Cloth Sports Oxfords»strap Pumps, with low or n

vas Oxfords and Strap Pumpdium or low heels......

Silk Stockings.C7

unusually good value in Senctly perfect and well madeisia Calf, Cordovan and blacl


-tf ' *


Board of Trade Committee to FashFlans for Chain Bridge


Efforts will > mad* to ' get ao

parly hearing before the House Districtcommittee On the* Moure billauthorising the District Commissionersto. have" plans drawn for a newstructure to replace the Chain bridge.(Jeorge \V. Offutt, chairman of theBoard of Trade committee, said today.The bridge committee of theBoard of Trade yesterday gave a

strong Indorsement to'the measure.Mr. Offutt said that there is an

Imperative need for a new structureacross the Potomac river at the Districtline, as the present one is notstrong enough to handle the presentdaytraffic. That section of the stateof Virginia is rapidly growing, withthe consequent increase in automobiletraffic.Members of the committee Will

confer this week with memoers ofCongress in an effort to get an earlyhearing on the measure, at whichtime the imperative need of a newstructure will be strongly broughtto the attention of Congress. Membersof the Board of Trade committeeexpect to be able to get a hearingnext week on the measure.

BOTOBY CLUB MEETING.Announcement is made by President

Semmes of the Rotary Club that thenext weekly, meeting of the club willbe held Wednesday evening from 5 to7 o'clock at/the home of Prank SaulTempo farm. Montgomery county,Md. ^

>fAraby jjjnnts, acclaimed delectable M

rds, nnite with the beat of j


1 Sweets" IIasortznent of bitter-sweet Ithan twenty kinds.Brazil Ile squares, Albert clusters, I.ws. CAVDKPHOVE Mala 1quarter bos, $1.70. 7

WELL'S i[ Street &

lay Nights.

'VySklP&iiy '

ict toIomen s

tes!lan in Washingtonlorrow. Of coursese new white shoes.,*e know about our

tty near it!son in the biggestselect from.everyit.

white stocks withinnd every pair closerthe outset of the .

rap Pumps and

75 to $12.50l r l. /v

ana span ux

$875ied White Nu«*

75 & $975lite "Marcelle".45 to $875.45 & $7.45WalkingOx'"iU7$6.45

S' With $4.95

Specialii-fashioned Silk ,

,-.:n $1.45

7ib.fiiK233RfcAve.SE ,

'* v-. sV . v.v -

Congestion at Arlington.Ts tks Editor ®f The lur:I write to ask a* to the necessity of

the regulation which on Memorialday (of all days in the year) closesall gates at Arlington save that atthe main entrance. Going out thelower route, which is the pleasiShtest,I. on Monday, with my car bearingthe O. A. Ft. entrance card, reached agate fronting the'city, and near tomylot, and. being told that only theone gate was open, had to make along detour over heavy grades andenter the cemetery at a point most

! !

i ^#alai

One-Strap S

j at $'Shown in combinati<

and tan and white.B The black and whit<B reignskin cloth, trimmer

The white and tan.frimmprl witVl tQtl


The soles and heelleather.

" Splendid qualitv she" At $7.85.

11219-1221 G St. N.W. |i

A St

"Nayvee" PI An extra fine quality

that -would ordinarily sellfor $6.50 or more. Madeof excellent White Crashwith embroidered emblem.Sizes 14 to 20 years. Avery special value, and onethat can come but seldom.Our sale price for Saturday

$4.39Windsor Ties

.of nice heavy silk, inmany colors. Special at.

98cFor the Bat

Suede Sport Terns.Allcolors andwhite. Specialat ... $1.09


(Now torSumWomen's WhiteFullfashionedSilk Hosiery.A.

.very excellent value; everypair guaranteed. Specially r*...-...$2.00Interwoven Hose for

In Lisle, 40c; in silk.; 75c and $1.25


Eyelet E m b r oidery. .

Collar and Cuff Sets.Saturday's d* | Cprice

* J|~


remote from Urn bow audttorlum endmy lot." "The sole effect of the rerulatiesi is

to cause a fearful congestion of «utoeend people. wWith all the rates open such conycstion would be avoided and a rflni

of one at each rate could welL bespared from the crowd of soldiersused In stralrhtenlnr out the sQarlresultant from the one-way-only entrance.O. D. KIKSMA*.

. : »Kative Workers In the Fiji Islajids

are on strike for a six-hour day %nda five-day week. M


sRoyal ;> «



tim *


port Pumps |7 :W ,


3ns of black and white

t are made with whitei with black calf. ,

are made with white "

calf.Is arc made of white

>es, attractive!}' priced. m

Palais Royal.Spread Floor. g


36-in. Non- IKrush Linen |

.in all popular ^ -d a

colors. Special.. ^ ^ \f gj46-inch Imported /\ Q Bp

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3 pairs for'$L2S W,, Children's SHk Socks. PIn many pretty colors. p|Specially f CA 1priced atyf|

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