Steve Bjork YIS Principal Blair Halder 6 th grade teacher @ YIS Crystal Dvorak 5 th grade teacher @ YIS Sarah Rud 4 th grade teacher @ YIS

Steve Bjork YIS Principal Blair Halder 6 th grade teacher @ YIS Crystal Dvorak5 th grade teacher @ YIS Sarah Rud4 th grade teacher @ YIS

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Steve Bjork YIS PrincipalBlair Halder 6th grade teacher @ YISCrystal Dvorak 5th grade teacher @ YISSarah Rud 4th grade teacher @ YIS

# 1…Give out prizes ! (Crazy hats and $ 5 t-shirts)

# 2… Pass out Food!

# 3…Present in a FUN way in a FUN atmosphere

# 4Play music

# 5Stay on time Give and keep limits

# 6…Themed activities

# 7…Give ownership to teachers

# 8…Show you careBe involvedRoll up your sleeves with staff

# 9Take work off of their plate whenever possible

(MAP example)

# 10Celebrate successCelebrate regularly

Most common response teachers have when asked to analyze data? A. “AWESOME! Another experience to use

data analysis. We didn’t get this in college.”

B. “Whatever “ C. “Another administrator whose been to

one too many conferences”

Student Achievement School Improvement Plans Accountability tool PLC’s

Alignment of Curriculum

Prizes FoodFUN MusicStay on Time Themed

activitiesOwnership Be InvolvedTake work off plate Celebrate


What is standard response of teachers to analyzing data? A. WTSRIM (“Wow, this stuff really

interests me”) B. W (“whatever”) C. HCBS (“ he can’t be serious) D. AOTA ( All of the above)

Prizes FoodFUN MusicStay on Time Themed

activitiesOwnership Be InvolvedTake work off plate Celebrate


What is the common facial expression teachers have when asked to analyze data?

A. Smile B. A quizzical “deer in the headlights”

look. C. Dejected / fearful D. A scary look Jack Nicholson would

be proud of.

We believe all of our students can achieve at a high level!

Goal # 1: YIS subgroup of IEP students will improve overall scores in meets and exceeds in reading by 10 % in 2009 AND meet Safe Harbor proficiency levels in reading.

Use of Reading Specialist to work with low level readers and provide large group instruction.

Effective use of RIM (Reading Intervention Managers) time with students needing extra reading intervention. Joyce, Lauren, Heather, Dan, Ann & Deb (10 minutes – PM) RtI class for 6th grade

Flex grouping of students based on local and state reading data scores (MAP, ISAT, AIMSWEb, etc)

Effective use of Study Island, MAP, AR & AIMSWeb as a progress monitoring tool for individual IEP students.

Effective use of parent volunteers in reading classes Mr. Cooper Type 75 project

Regular re-visiting of current YIS Smart goals of IEP student reading achievement and progress monitoring through the FISH visual.

Additional IEP scheduling of students into the READ 180 program. 3 sections and more specific scheduling.