Step by step BonitaLife Example Install BonitaBPM Studio. (version 6.0.1) o Download from website (http://www.bonitasoft.com ) the installer. P.ej.: BonitaBPMCommunity-6.0.1-x86_64.exe o Double clicking over the file will fire up the installer Create a process and build the file to install on the server. o Execute the BonitaBPM Studio. o Create a process example (Vacations Request): o Vacation Request two human tasks Travel Dates Expenses o Build the .bar archive for the server o Server Build select process and Target Path o Will create the archive: “Vacations Request—1.0.bar” The process should look like this:

Step by Step BonitaLife Example

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Step by Step Bonita Life Example.

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  • Step by step BonitaLife Example

    Install BonitaBPM Studio. (version 6.0.1)

    o Download from website (http://www.bonitasoft.com) the installer.

    P.ej.: BonitaBPMCommunity-6.0.1-x86_64.exe

    o Double clicking over the file will fire up the installer

    Create a process and build the file to install on the server.

    o Execute the BonitaBPM Studio.

    o Create a process example (Vacations Request):

    o Vacation Request two human tasks

    Travel Dates


    o Build the .bar archive for the server

    o Server Build select process and Target Path

    o Will create the archive: Vacations Request1.0.bar

    The process should look like this:

  • The travel dates form (Select Travel Dates Human task Application

    Pageflow Travel_Dates edit:

    The Expenses form (Select Expenses task Aplication Pageflow

    Expenses Edit):

    Now exit the program because we are going to install the BonitaBPM Server in

    the same machina and uses the same ports (8080).

  • Install the BonitaBPM Server (version 6.0.1):

    o Download from Bonita website (http://www.bonitasoft.com) the necesary


    o P.ej: BonitaBPMCommunity-6.0.1-Tomcat-6.0.35.zip

    o Unzip the file in the hard disk

    o Goto folder /bin & execute:

    o Startup.bat (or .sh depending on the operating system)

    o Wait for message: INFO: Server startup in xxxxx ms

    o The Server BonitaBPM is up and running on port 8080

    o From the navigagor goto the URL: http://localhost:8080/bonita

    o Insert user (install/install) needed for the first installation.

    o Create user: admin/bpm First Name: Administrador, Last Name: Bonita

    o In configuration User rights

    o Add to Users mapping of the Administrador the user admin

    o Administrator more Add a User

    o Add to the Users mapping of the User the user admin..

    o User more Add a User

    Install Liferay Portal (Liferay 6.1.1.CE GA2)

    o Download from Liferays website (http://www.liferay.com) the necesary bundle.

    o P.ej: liferay-portal-tomcat-6.1.1-ce-ga2-20120731132656558.zip

    o Unzip the file to the hard disk.

    o Change tomcats default ports (because we are already using them on the server)

    o Go to folder /tomcat-7.0.27/conf

    Modify file server.xml

    Where says 8005 change for 8006

    Where says 8080 change for 8081

    Where saiy 8443 change for 8444 (there are two places)

    Where says 8009 change for 8010

    o Delete folder contents of /data

    o Delete folder contents of tomcat-7.0.27/work

    o Delete folder contents of tomcat-7.0.27/temp

    o Delete folder tomcat-7.0.27/webapps/resources-importer-web

    o Delete folder tomcat-7.0.27/webapps/welcome-theme

    o Stara Liferay portal executing tomcat-7.0.27/bin/startup.bat (or

    .sh depending on the operating system)

    o Wait for the messaje: INFO: Server startup in xxxxx ms.

    o From the browser, go to URL: http://localhost:8081 and follow instructions.

  • o Log into Liferay portal and from the control panel, install BonitaLifes plugin.

    o Go to portal settings Autentication Bonita

    o Select Syncronice Bonita Users & Groups with Liferay..

    o Bonita Server Url: http://localhost:8080

    o Bonita User admin. Name: admin.

    o Bonita User Admin Password: bpm

    o Bonita User Creation Default Role: user

    o Press (should appear Session ok!!)

    o Logout from Liferay and Login again

    o This will create the mirror user in Bonita from Liferay user.

    o Create two new pages (Tasks / Processes & Cases)

    o Add to the first one the User Tasks Management plugin under Bonita

    Integration category

    o Will say it does not find any. Dont worry.

    o Add to the second one the Cases and Processes Management plugin under

    Bonita Integration category

    o Will say it does not find any. Dont worry.

    Install the designed process (Vacations Request1.0.bar) in the BonitaBPM engine.

    Get into Bonita portal again (http://localhost:8080/bonita) with the user


    Change profile to Administrator (upper right part)

    In Apps management Apps select Instal new apps

    Browse for our file (Vacations Request1.0.bar)

    Press install

    At the Entity mapping press Users(0) , and add user Test Test (or the one

    you have used in Liferay)

    Press button Enable.

    We already can use Cases and Processes Management portlet, press Refres

    and manage the process. The same with the User Tasks Management.