Steidl, R.J. and L. Thomas. 2001. Power analysis …steidl/files/pdfs/Steidl and...Steidl, R.J. and L. Thomas. 2001. Power analysis and experimental design. Pp 14-36 In Scheiner, S.M

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Page 1: Steidl, R.J. and L. Thomas. 2001. Power analysis …steidl/files/pdfs/Steidl and...Steidl, R.J. and L. Thomas. 2001. Power analysis and experimental design. Pp 14-36 In Scheiner, S.M
Steidl, R.J. and L. Thomas. 2001. Power analysis and experimental design. Pp 14-36 In Scheiner, S.M. and J. Gurevitch (eds) Design and Analysis of Ecological Experiments. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press, New York.
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