Steam Press Project Rview Report

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  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report





    1 ABSTRACT.................................................................................


    2 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................


    3 . PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION…………………………………….. 5



    5 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED .................................................................10



    7 CONCLUSION ............................................................................

    .........198 UTURE

    SCOPE...................................................................................2!9 REERENCES.............................................................................



      The objective of this project is to remove wrinkles from the clothes by using

    water vapours.

      The new design will contain some parts such as wooden box, alluminium pipes, boiler 

    for generating water vapours, etc and hence reducing the cost, assembly time and operation.

  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report


  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report


     T'0 r+$#+0 o -'+) ro0#- +) '0- -r$)0r #o$%0#-+o$.

      '0$ -0r %or) ro: +0) #o:0) o- $; )-r+

  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report


     'ethodology can properly refer to the theoretical analysis of the methods appropriate to a

    field of study or to the body of methods and principles particular to a branch of knowledge.

    In this chapter, it talks about the methods use to gather information in order to finish the

    research. It was involve the process flow of every step in archive the objective of this project.

    There are many methods use in this project such as internet references, interviewing lecturers

    and technicians and the most important is group discussion.

    In this project we will generally give the power supply to the shaft on which a bevel gear is

    mounted on it, and a second bevel gear at a right angle to it has been mounted on a drill shaft

    to which a drill bit is being attached. "t one end of the shaft is connected to power supply ,

    other end is being joined to a circular disc ,through this circular disc scotch yoke mechanism

    is being performed (rotator y motion is converted to reciprocating motion) . "lso in between

    these two ,a helical gear is mounted which transfer its motion to other helical gear which is

    mounted on a shaft consist of grinding wheel

  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report


  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report



    In our attempt to design a special purpose machine we have adopted a very a very careful

    approach, the total design work has been divided into two parts mainly*

    •  +ystem design

    •  'echanical design

    +ystem design mainly concerns with the various physical constraints and ergonomics ,

    space re#uirements, arrangement of various components on the main frame of machine no

    of controls position of these controls ease of maintenance scope of further improvement *

    weight of mc from ground etc.

    In 'echanical design the component in two categories.

    •  -esign parts

    •  arts to be purchased.

    or design parts detail design is done and dimensions thus obtained are compared to next

    highest dimension which are readily available in market this simplifies the assembly as

    well as post production servicing work.

    The various tolerance on work are specified in the manufacturing drawings the

     process charts are prepared / passed on to the manufacturing stage .The parts are to be

     purchased directly are specified /selected from standard catalogues.

    -.1 9ste( Desi:n

    In system design we mainly concentrate on the following parameter 

    -.1.1 9ste( se&ection #ase" on )h9sica& constraints

    &hile selecting any mc it must be checked whether it is going to be used in large

    scale or small scale industry in our care it is to be used in small scale industry so space is a

    major constrain .The system is to be very compact it can be adjusted to corner of a room.

  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report


    The mechanical design has direct norms with the system design hence the

    foremost job is to control the physical parameters so that the distinction obtained after 

    mechanical design can be well fitted into that.

    -.1.% Arran:e(ent of vario's co()onent

    0eeping into view the space restriction the components should be laid such that their 

    easy removal or servicing is possible moreover every component should be easily seen /

    none should be hidden every possible space is utili1ed in component arrangement.

    -.1.* Co()onents of s9ste(

    "s already stated system should be compact enough so that it can be

    accommodated at a corner of a room. "ll the moving parts should be well closed /

    compact " compact system gives a better look / structure.

    -.1., Man ;(

  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report


    -.1. ervicin: faci&it9

    The layout of components should be such that easy servicing is possible

    especially those components which re#uired fre#uent servicing can be easily disassembled.

    -.1. !ei:ht of (achine

    The total weight of mc depends upon the selection of material components as

    well as dimension of components. " higher weighted mc is difficult for transportation /

    in case of major break down it becomes difficult to repair.

    -.% Mechanica& Desi:n

    'echanical design phase is very important from the view of designer 

    .as whole success of the project depends on the correct deign analysis of the problem.

    'any preliminary alternatives are eliminated during this phase. -esigner 

    should have ade#uate knowledge above physical properties of material, loads stresses,

    deformation, and failure. Theories and wear analysis, %e should identify the external and

    internal forces acting on the machine parts

    -esigner should estimate these forces very accurately by using design e#uations .If 

    he does not have sufficient information to estimate them he should make certain practical

    assumptions based on similar conditions which will almost satisfy the functional needs.

    "ssumptions must always be on the safer side.

  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report


    +election of factors of safety to find working or design stress is another 

    important step in design of working dimensions of machine elements. The correction in

    the theoretical stress values are to be made according in the kind of loads, shape of 

     parts / service re#uirements.

    +election of material should be made according to the condition of loading shapes

    of products environment conditions / desirable properties of material.

    rovision should be made to minimi1e nearly adopting proper lubrications


    In mechanical design the components are listed down / stored on the basis of their procurement in two categories

    •  -esign parts

    •  arts to be purchased

    or design parts a detailed design is done / designation thus obtain are

    compared to the next highest dimension which is ready available in market.

    This simplification the assembly as well as post production service work.

    The various tolerance on the work are specified. The process charts are prepared /

     passed on to the work are specified.


  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report


    Conce)t'a& (achine "esi:n


  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report


    Constr'ction an" !or2in:

      "s shown in the design it is made up of wooden box. In that box there are three

    compartments. rom the very first compartment pipes are fitted in the manner as shown.

    Those pipes will have holes to transfer water vapours.

      +econd compartment will be for clothe in which clothe will be kept in stretched

    condition. "nd that clothe will be hold by the clamps.

      "nd the third compartment will again be of pipes through which water vapours will



  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report



      It is going to work on the principle of convective heat transfer. &hen valve is open

    water vapours will flow from pipes at some pressure. Those pipes are having holes

    through which water vapour will pass and they will strike on the clothe at some pressure.

    "nd then within 46 minutes the clothe will be wrinkled free.


  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report


    Pro=ect /or2 f&o/

    !omplete process flow of project is given below, here w will be using reverse

    engineering to make energy efficient and higher work output system for ironing cloths

    7. roject work procedure

    4. !onceptual system design

    6. 'anufacturing electrical steam generator (")

    8. 'anufacturing hot air generator ($)5. 9alues for adjusting " / $ inlet for ironing

    :. 'anufacturing of steam outlet no11le strip

    ;. "djustment of roll press in hinged position to apply the press on cloths


    ?. inali1e the complete experimental setup.7>. !alculation of electricity consumption per hour.

    77. =atio of dry / saturated steam to maintain for higher efficiency.

    74. +team pressure re#uired in gmin76. +election of capacity of water reservoir.

     Preca'tion to #e ta2en for )ro)er /or2in:


  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report


    recaution to be taken for proper working of steam @enerator Iron

    " stea( :enerator iron will make ironing clothes much easier. &hile nobody likes

    ironing and this iron wonAt make ironing any more fun, it will make the whole process

    much #uicker. Bobody likes to spend ages ironing and doing their laundry chores. This

    steam generator iron can make things much simpler.

    &hen using a steam generator iron there are some important things to bear in mind.

    These steam generator irons will get creases out faster and iron #uicker.

    1. Not Everything can Use Steam

    $e careful what you are ironing because not everything can use steam. +team could end

    up causing harm to delicate materials such as silk or certain other materials. ItAs important

    that you read the labels to find out what temperature you can iron your clothes at, itAs alsoimportant to decide whether or not you can use steam.

    The care label will help you to determine whether or not steam ironing is suitable. ItAs not

    always suitable for everything so you need to be very careful.

    2. Make Sure There's Plenty of Water 

    Cou must ensure that thereAs plenty of water in your steam generator iron. If thereAs not

    enough water in your iron then the steam function wonAt work even if itAs turned on. This

    could also end up in causing harm to your iron if youAre not careful. Cou will need toalways keep plenty of water in the iron.

    +team generator irons with an external reservoir can hold much more water than other types where the water bottle is fitted into the iron itself.

    . Use a !oo" #roning $oar" 

    "lso make sure that youAre ironing on a good #uality ironing board. If your ironing board

    is a poor #uality then this will cause the steam to escape out the bottom of the ironing

     board without doing anything to your clothes. This will also cause the water to condenseand drip out of the bottom of the ironing board.

    %. #ron &arefully

    +team irons produce steam which is extremely hot. Cou must be careful that you donAtonly get burned by the iron itself but also that you donAt get burned by the steam which

    comes out of the iron. $e very careful to avoid this happening.


  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report


    . #ron Slo(ly

    -onAt rush to iron clothes because if you do you will find that this will not produce the best results. Cou need to iron the clothes slowly and continually move the clothes so that

    they are free of creases.

    ). &leaning Steam #rons

    Dver time the inside of your steam iron will fur up like the inside of your kettle. This is a

    result of limescale and cannot be avoided. Cou should clean the steam iron periodically

    using vinegar to get rid of any limescale and improve the health of your steam iron. Thiswill make the steam iron function work much better and you will find that there wonAt be

    any blockages.


  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report


    A"vanta:es 8 Disa"vanta:es


    • It re#uires less time to remove wrinkles as compared to other ironing methods.

    • $y using this method, wrinkles from the clothe can be removed within 46


    • This operation can be performed on more than 5 clothes at a time.

    2asy for maintenance.

    • ollution free operation

    • !an be handled by everyone means easy to handle.

    • It re#ires less efforts as compared to electrical ironig..


    • =e#uire time to time inspection is .

    • It consume some time at the starting to generate steam.

    • It is larger in si1e.


  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report


    Pro=ect Action P&an

    +r.Bo "ctivity Euly "ug +ept Dct Bov -ec

    7 +tudy of 'ethods used for ironing cloths.   

    4 Take 9ideo Tutorial ideas from CouTube



    6roblem Identification

    8 'ethods for ironing, +team generation,cloth

    feeding etc.


    5 !onceptual design of 'c.

    :!ollection of parts specification re#uired for

    manufacturing work.


    ;!ollection of parts specification re#uired for steam



    < -ocumentation / 6- design modeling using


    ? 'anufacturing of designed project

    7> 2xperimental calculation

    77 =esults and reports.


  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report



    In this project we discover technology to remove wrinkles from the clothe

    very easily.This project will be very useful in bigger industries of clothes. In coming

    days, this will prove a great boon to the world, since it will save a lot of electricity. &e

    got to save the power gained from the natural sources for efficient use. +o this idea not

    only provides alternative but also adds to the economy of the country.


    • This can be used in industries of clothes.

    • This will be very useful in laundries.

    • This can be used to dry the clothes in laundries.



  • 8/19/2019 Steam Press Project Rview Report



    %eat "nd 'ass Transfer by +achdeva

    = Bave. G%eat TransferG. %yperhysics. =etrieved "pril :, 4>78

    &elty, Eames =.* &icks, !harles 2.* &ilson, =obert 2lliott (7?;:).  Fundamentals

    of momentum, heat, and mass transfer  (4 ed.). Bew CorkF &iley.
