Statewide Transit Strategic Plan CalACT 2011 Spring Conference

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Statewide Transit Strategic Plan CalACT 2011 Spring Conference. Presented by: Jila Priebe California Department of Transportation Division of Mass Transportation Office of Statewide Planning, Policy, Research, &Capital , Statewide Transit Planning Branch. Division of Mass Transportation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • Statewide Transit Strategic Plan

    CalACT2011Spring Conference

    Presented by:

    Jila PriebeCalifornia Department of TransportationDivision of Mass TransportationOffice of Statewide Planning, Policy, Research, &Capital, Statewide Transit Planning Branch

  • Primary Functions:

    Administering State and Federal Grant Programs

    Providing technical assistance to agencies responsible for public transit

    Supporting development of multi-modal transportation systems that increase mobility and access choices

  • Objectives

    Encourage the development of mass transportation concepts to mitigate congestion

    Promote the transit component of integrated multi-modal transportation systems through training, partnership, outreach, and studies

    Lead and support transit research to improve the productivity of transit to enhance options

  • Enhancing the scope of the next update the California Transportation Plan (CTP) 2040

    Launching the first statewide effort to integrate proposed rail, goods movement, interregional road, and other strategic transportation projects into a single document

    Improving decision making for better project delivery

    Integrating statewide modal plans

    Building upon existing Regional Transportation Plans and Regional Blueprint Plans

  • The California Department of Transportation, in collaboration with the CTA and CalACT, will embark on an effort to develop the Statewide Transit Strategic Plan

    In the process of contracting with the Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), to assist with developing the plan

    The STSP will be developed over an 18-month period from May 2010 to March 2012

  • Goals & Objectives:

    Increase Cooperation with the Transit Community

    Create a collective vision for Californias future transportation system through collaboration and coordination with the transit community Identify and integrate transit elements into Caltrans transportation planning and technical documents (e.g., Blueprint)

    Identify barriers that prevent the public from using transit services (funding, service connectivity, coordination, etc.)

    Develop implementable recommendations that support the transit community as a whole, and assist Caltrans with improving mobility

    Organizational support and collaboration

  • This plan will be developed over three phases:

    (1) Baseline conditions, the compilation of background data and information on existing transit plans, identification of data sources for evaluating existing and future transit services (2) Stakeholder engagement, forging a vision, and key inputs to a strategic issues and actions report, formation of a steering and advisory committee, interviews and workshops

    (3) Plan Preparation, including an issues and actions report. The report and Executive Summary of strategic issues for consideration, possible areas for consensus and recommendations for developing strategies and actions to better support transit and integrate transit with other modal planning.

  • Started the project in May 2010

    Held two Steering Committee meetings (June & October)

    First draft of the Baseline Condition Report For Committee review, provided comments Working on updating and incorporating comments

    Contract Status: Changed contract Principle Investigator From UC Berkley to UCLA

    Scope of Workremains the same except: One-on-one interviews with stakeholders Workshops will be integrated with the California Interregional Blueprint New taskprepare a research-based report on cost effectiveness of transit improvements

    Project Progress & Status

  • Baseline conditions, the compilation of background data and information on existing transit plans, identification of data sources for evaluating existing and future transit servicesShort Range Transit Plans

    Data, Policies Demographic Trendperformances measures Transit sources of fundingRegional Connectivity specialized transit Bike & pedestrian

    California State Controllers: Transit Operators and Non-Transit Claimants Annual Report

    National Transit Database

  • California Population Projection 2050Source: The California Department of Finance

  • California Population Projection 2050

  • California Population Projection 2050Source: The California Department of Finance

  • Common Performance Measures found In SRTPs(% of agencies studied that report using each measure)

    System PerformanceSafetyFinancial SustainabilityCustomer FocusOtherOn-time arrival(58%)Number of incidents in X miles (25%)Farebox recovery ratio(55%)Number of complaints in X miles (25%)Proximity of riders to service (22%)Distance between breakdowns(35%)Number of injuries in X miles (10%)Passengers per revenue mile or revenue hour (50%)Seating capacity(20%)Distance between stops (10%)Percent of trips missed (30%)Operating cost per revenue hour (25%)Accessibility (18%)Minimum service by density (10%)Headway (20%)Operating cost per revenue mile or passenger mile (20%)Cleanliness (18%)Average weekday/ weekend boarding (13%)Subsidy per passenger trip (13%)Number of passenger trips (8%)

  • Next Steps

    UCLA will conduct one-on-one interviews and synthesize dataUCLA will produce the Strategic Issues DocumentHighlighting common transit issues across California Cost Effectiveness of Transit Improvement

    Meet with the STSP Advisory Committee to discuss findings

    Findings will be presented at the California Interregional Blueprint Workshops

  • E: [email protected]

    P: (916) 651-8243


  • April 2011

  • Program Overview New Program RequirementsProgram UpdateFunding IssuesQ & A

  • Created by Proposition 1B, the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006.

    $3.6 billion dollars was allocated to PTMISEA available to transit operators over a ten-year period.

  • Use of Funds: -Safety or modernization improvements, -Capital service enhancements or expansions, -New capital projects, -BRT-Rolling stock procurement, rehabilitation or replacement.

  • Expenditure PlansRevised guidelines include a few changes Primarily, we will not allocate any funding to agencies that are behind in their reporting. Certifications and Assurances document

  • Expenditure PlansAgencies submit their plan for the life of the bondFirst required in the FY 09/10 yearIndicates project description, when scheduled and cost.Enables Legislature to appropriate according to needAmended Expenditure Plans are due June 30 each year. Allocation requests must be consistent with the Expenditure Plan on file.

  • No new allocations until all past due reports have been turned in. Semi-Annual Progress Reports are due February 15th and August 15th each yearA Copy of the TDA audit showing the receipt and expenditure of PTMISEA funds are due December 31st each yearA Final Project report is required 6 months after the completion of the project.

  • Certifications and AssurancesContains general program conditions Each Project Sponsor must sign a copy and return it by June 1st.

  • $600 million appropriated in FY 07/08All but $424,000 has been allocated$350 million appropriated in FY 08/09 All but $10 million has been allocated $350 million appropriated in FY 09/10$1.5 billion appropriated in FY 10/11, intended to cover three years

  • AllocatedIn FY 7/8 $530 million was allocatedIn FY 8/9 $235 million was allocatedIn FY 9/10 $84 million was allocatedIn FY 10/11 $78 million was allocatedCompleted?161 projects completed worth $534 M

  • Next bond sale will likely be November 2011PTMISEA competes with other bond programs WHEN bonds are sold.We must sell the value of our bonds to receive a larger share of each sale.Public visibility of PTMISEA projects.

  • How to increase priority of PTMISEA projectsBegin your projects on time, within 6 months of allocation! Expend your funds!What have you spent from your previous allocations?Complete projects!

  • Appropriations are at one level fund distribution is at anotherSmaller bond sales require prioritizing fundsHow do we use the reduced funds?Priority by project?

  • Wendy KingTransit Bond Program Manager1120 N Street Sacramento, CA 95814(916) [email protected]://


    *******Welcome! *In this afternoons session well take a look at . . . ****


