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state level drama competition (kluang district)

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Page 1: state level drama competition (kluang district)

Arif walks to his room in anger and slams the door. He went straight to his closet and

ultraviolet rays scanned him and allowed access for him to step into his secret laboratory.

Computer: scanning complete….identified Arif….welcome back boss.

Arif: yea… yea…whatever!!!!

Robot-I : what happened boss? Why are you furious? Can I help you with something?

Arif: stop bugging me!!! Just leave me alone!!!!

Arif went to his work station and sat there. He cried his lungs out. Robot-I watched him from

a distance being helpless. Robot-I wandered in the lab and staggered in front of a large mirror

the size of a baby elephant. Robot-I mumbles to itself:

Robot-I: Only mother board knows how arif brought this into the laboratory.

Robot-I moves the mirror to an empty space and inspects it. Robot-I pulls on few wires and

wipes the mirror and presses on a switch beside the mirror. The mirror starts to vibrate and a

very strong ray flashes out from it.

Arif who was sulking at his work station saw the ray and walked towards it.

Arif : what did you do now robot –I ?

Robot-I : I did not do anything wrong. I just fixed your time machine.

Arif: you dimwit!!! The time machine does not work!! There was nothing that I did made it

to work!!!!

Robot-I : I am sorry boss to waste your time like this.

Arif: you better get everything cleaned up and stop touching my things!!!

Robot-I : yes boss.

Arif turns to walk off but a sudden force from the mirror pulls everything in the laboratory

into it. Arif saw robot-I flying into the mirror.

Robot-I : aaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!! Help me bossss!!!!!!

Arif: robot-I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Arif was pulled together with robot-I into the mirror like a black hole pulling every object

into it. Arif saw swirling colours for a long time which hypnotised him to sleep. When arif

wakes up, he was lying down on plush green grass and the sky was clear and it was a sunny

day. Arif sits up and realises that he was in the middle of a park where many people were

taking lazy stroll and picnicking with family. Robot-I was encircling him. Arif holds his head

and asks:

Arif: where am I? Am I dreaming? Am I dead and in heaven? What happened to me???

Where am i!!!!?????

Robot-I : hello boss. You are awake? Shall I get you tea or coffee?

Arif: what happened? Where am I? [confused tone]

Robot-I : you are in the future boss. The time machine worked. [smiling proudly]

Arif furiously tries to hit robot-I with a stick he found nearby on the ground.

Arif: OMG!!! What have you done??!!! you metal headed trash can!!!!!

Arif and robot-I runs around the park for a bit and sits down on a bench panting for air. Arif

cries, head cradled on his hand, bending on his knees.

Arif: how am I going to go back now? Mama and papa will be looking for me. I miss them

already. Even if I go back, how will I explain to them why I was missing???

Robot-I comes near arif.

Robot-I : i am sorry for messing up boss.

Arif: I should have shut you down when I had the chance dimwit!!! Now you have ruined my


Robot-I : let me look for the mirror boss. We can go back to our own dimension then.

Arif: hey look around you, can you see any baby elephant sized mirror around??? How can

you be so dumb? I thought robots are supposed to be smarter than human but you are simply

a mental headed trash can!!!!

Robot-I : boss, robots are created by human. How can we be smarter than human if that is the


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Arif goes speechless ad stammers.

Arif: eeerrr… done talk logic here. Just tell me a way to go back home now.

Robot-I : I don’t know how boss but I got a better idea; we could walk around this place and

see what’s new for you to invent when you go back boss.

Arif: that’s a great idea. Let’s walk around. But wait a minute, how sure are you that this is

the future and not the past? Our world used to be like this many years ago and modernisation

ruined the beauty of Mother Nature.

Robot-I : I don’t know of any past boss but this is the future. Look!

Robot-I shows a billboard on earth hour dated 31 august 3025

Arif: ooops I didn’t notice the billboard there. [Smiles sheepishly]

Robot-I smacks its head and follows arif. Arif stop on his path when a flyer flew from

nowhere and pasted o his face. Arif pulls the flyer and reads it. The flyer read: ‘Prof. Dr.

Arif bin Abdullah is launching a new green product product!!! Don’t miss the opportunity to

watch a genius at work!’ arif was shocked, he shows it to robot-I.

Robot-I : this is simply great boss. We will get to watch a genius at work!! We should

definitely go there.

Arif: you stupid robot!! Look at the name written on it again.

Robot-I read the flyer again.

Robot-i: what’s with the name boss? It sounds perfectly normal for an Islam man.

Arif: it is MY NAME!!! Now I am sure robots ARE stupid.

Robot-I: oh yes boss. It is your name. It’s great we are going to watch you launch one of your


Arif: I want to see who is this man who has the same name with me. Let’s go robot-I.

Arif and robot-I walks off the stage.

A very elderly man was talking on the stage when arif and robot-I reaches city square.

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Old man: ….here I am launching the brand new airpure vacuum!!! The brand new addition to

green product product.

Everyone cheers and claps loudly. Arif shouts loudly to robot-I.

Arif: gosh! This man is freaking old. Is he 200 years old? And how can he be so energetic


Robot-I: his skin looks like crumpled tin foil.

Arif: yea… exactly!!!

Someone who was cheering loudly just now shushed them. It is a middle aged lady dressed in

worn clothes.

Woman: shuuuuu!!!! It’s not nice to talk like that about an elderly person. Didn’t you learn

that in school?

Arif and robot-I move from that scary lady and continue watching the old man on stage.

Old man: …will improve the quality of air in your home and office. You just have to fill the

compartment with clean water and mineral solution. It is very easy to use and best of all, you

can carry it everywhere. For many years our company has been trying hard to produce many

products to ensure the cleanliness of environment and visible results were attained every

time. We really hope that our new product in green product line will be a hit…..

Arif whispers to robot-I .

Arif: wow this is interesting!!! Modern inventions can lessen pollution instead of causing it. I

am starting to like this old frog.

Robot-I : he is a human boss not a frog.

Arif: that’s a figure of speech metal head.

Robot- I : human have weird way of expressing their thoughts and feelings.

Arif: yes they do. Come on then let’s get something to eat. I am feeling hungry.

Robot-I: sure boss, I need to be recharged as well.

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Arif and robot-I leaves city square and goes to a nearby coffee shop. Arif forgets his wallet

on the counter after making the payment. They walk towards the corner of the café and sit

while robot-I plugs itself on a nearby plug point. After sometime the wallet was found by the

old man.

The old man opens the wallet and gets shocked. He saw his younger version picture in the

identity card. The man looks around for a boy who represents the picture. He sees arif and

robot-I sitting in the corner in the coffee shop. The old man walks towards arif.

Old man: hello. Are you arif bin Abdullah?

Arif looks up and sees the old man who has the same name as him.

Arif: hello. Yes I am. Do you know me?

Old man: yes I do. In fact I know your family.

Arif: how do you know my family? I am from the past.

Old man: your mother’s name is aminah and you have a sister named aina am I correct? And

you are also an adopted child?

Arif gets shocked. He stammers when he talk.

Arif: y-y-yesss. How did you know everything about me? Who are you? Are you a magician?

Or a fortune teller?

Old man: [laughs] no. I am you and you are me.

Arif: I don’t get you.

Old man: may I take a seat? I will explain to you everything.

Arif: yesss please do.

The old man sits on the empty chair beside arif.

Old man: here we go. My name is arif bin Abdullah. We share the same name because you

will be me when you get older. This is how you will look when you turn 98 years old.

Arif: woooaaahhh!!!! I never want to have skin like crumpled tin foil when I am old.

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Old man: [laughs] you can’t help it arif. This is how you will look when you get old.

Arif: I don’t believe you. You are lying to me.

Old man: ok then please follow me. I will prove to you that we are the same person.

Arif: okay. You better have something to prove it alright.

Old man smiles and tugs arif and robot-I along with him. They all went to old man’s

laboratory. On the way there the old man spoke:

Old man: when you got to know that you were adopted, you ran into your secret lab and cried

very hard. After sometime you decided to dedicate yourself to save Mother Nature which is

the only permanent thing you ever had in your life. At that moment you felt as if nothing you

love is yours except for Mother Nature. You invented air sprinkler, which is the most

successful product our company sells even after 82 years. The air sprinkler actually sprinkles

water to the air and keeps it damp hence keeping haze under control. This way please.

Old man brings arif and robot-I to a room labelled as ‘authorised personnel only’ which lead

to another room labelled ‘no admittance’. They went through the latter door.

Arif: hurm…so how did I become this rich and successful? Just by inventing air sprinkler?

Old man: you used in your house for some time and one day your father’s boss came to your

house and saw your sprinkler. He offered to market your product and you was paid

handsomely by him. That’s when you career as an inventor started. You pursued your studies

in mechanical engineering and got your second degree in chemical engineering. You were

offered to do your master degree in Harvard University in mechanical field.

Arif: wow!! I studied all that? When did I get married then? Did I marry a hot chick?

Old man: [laughs] no. you never got married as you were dedicated to saving the world from


Arif: owh man!!! That’s not nice.

Old man smiles ad leads him to the back of the room. Arif sees his time machine there. It was


Robot-i: boss, that’s your time machine. Now we can go back home.

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Arif: yes it is my time machine. How did you get it?

Old man: I told you I am you and you are me. I kept this as it was my first invention that


While talking, the old man was walking and suddenly he got tripped over a wire and falls.

His head hits on the foot of the mirror and it started to bleed.

Old man: aaaahhhh!!!!

Arif: OMG!!!!

Arif runs towards the old man and shakes his body.

Arif: are you ok? Pls say something. Robot-I check his pulse fast.

Robot-I check old man’s vital status.

Robot-I : he’s dead boss. Lets clear the place now.

Arif: nooooo!!!!! I must not be dead!!!

Arif cries loudly. Robot-I activates the time machine and pulls arif into it.

Arif: ooo we cannot leave him like this. We must see his funeral.

Robot-i: no boss we got a world to save from pollution. We cannot be put into jail here in


Arif: but we did not kill him.

Robot-I: just follow me boss.

Arif and robot-I appears in present. Arif wipes his tears and braves himself.

Arif: i am going to save this world no matter in what cost. Mother Nature is going to be my

mother hereafter.

-The end-