*»*U»T-4 •TATE OOLLKCK NKWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1047 Sp QootU 0* *IU» Qtdtt/I* The Religious Clubs will Join to sponsor a dance in the gym 8-12 P i t , Saturday, February 23. * Iittersorority Council will pre- sent its annual tea Sunday, Feb- IGC Schedules eakers, Panels, Service Program Council To Cooperate In Brotherhood Week f^_« .—u.—. u-*'-i- ..„,<«. tv,» TMBiy 23, from 3-5 P.M. The pur- i K , *"?*• £*? 5 ? pose of this tea is to afford the •Sh?H£r^^H^©?LJ» pledges of the various sororities an will be sponsored »W^tot«-G«up S pp 7rtuhity to become better ac- Council next week. The council is JfS.i ni .. A also cooperating with the National l i UB,nwia - , , , Conference of Christians and Jews M next meetln on rattav to observance of Brotherhood^Weefc ^SHitf* 26 at 3:30 PM m the The Community Service program is j ^ g e , Spanish Club wiU show two underway for second semester, ac- fUm .. Schools to the South." and cording to Alice Williams, '48. " Pe0 ples of Two Worlds." Speakers Panel Sunday evening, a speakers* pan- commerce Club will hold its ban- el, "Probing Our Prejudices", will be que t a t Howard Johnson's on Cen- presented at Trinity Methodist tral Avenue, Wednesday, February Church for the young adult group. 26, at 6 P.M. Members of the panel are Marie » • » Grieco, Gloria Enea, and Mary Ale- The date for the Annual State thia Cheatham, Sophomores. The p a ir has been set for March 15. second panel is scheduled for Tues- * • » day at 3:30 in Room 2, Richardson, DI\ Carl Folkers, a Director of with Lorna Kunz and Louis Rabin- Research at the Merck Company, eau, Seniors, and Elolse Worth, '48, w m spea k at the Health Labora- as panel members. The topic for dis- tory in Albany, Tuesday, February cussion is "Cultural Diversity vs. 25. His topic is "Streptomycin" and The Melting Pot". all State students have been Invited. Community Service Program The meeting is sponsored by the Alice Williams, '48, has announc- New York section of the American ed that the Community Service pro- Chemical Society. gram has been launched for the * new semester. A sheet will be plac- Emory Tooly, Secretary-Treasur- ed on the IGC buletin board so that er of the Grad Club, has announced those who wish to help may sign that the club now has a bulletin up Students who are interested in board opposite the men's locker volley ball, chorus, debating, voca- room In lower Draper where club tional guidance are particularly notices will be posted. Notices of a needed. card P artv >to De hel d m Pierce Hall, The National Conference of will be placed In the student mall Christians and Jews has announced boxes. that the week of February 16-23 has been set aside for the annual ob- servance of Brotherhood Week. This year the theme Is "Brotherhood- Pattern For Peace". In the words of President Truman, Its purpose is "to affairm anew the principles of brotherhood." D & A , Pi Gamma M u Elect New Members Clyde Cook, '47, President of Dra- matics and Art Council, has an- nounced the election of four new members to the council. Pi Gamma Mu, national honorary social sci- ence society, also held an election this week, selecting Marion Han- cock, '48, secretary, according to Eleanor Durbeck, '47, president. The students elected to Dramatics and Art Council include Arthur Russell, '48, and Catherine Grant, John Lubey, and Mary Jane Paris, Sophomores. 8mil $. ZAfagengast "Buy Where the Flowers Grow" FLORIST & GREENHOUSE DIAL 4-1125 OUR ONLY STORE SPECIAL ATTENTION to Sororities and Fraternities Seniors Obtain Teaching Jobs Clarify Changes In Big-8 Rules Myskania has announced the me- thod by which the Sophomore and freshman Big-8 presentations will be judged for rivalry points. This has been done in an effort to clar- ify the confusion which has arisen. There are three major considera- tions on which each production will be judged: originality, execution, and audience appeal. After these points have been determined, a mi- Miss Mary Alberts, Head of Stu- dent Employment Bureau, has an- nounced five January placements Three of those securing positions are nor consideration will be given to Graduates, and the remaining two class participation and enthusiasm, are Seniors Eight points will be given to the ri- Nelle Glod, Grad, will teach so- val class winning the Big-8. cial studies at Oxford. Henry Ger- rir s d ociar s ?srat a rr H-IV A, r ^o»,p r ^ vllle, and Joseph Levin, Grad, will (Continued from Page 1, Column 3) be an Instructor In science at Am- names expressed the view that the ltyville. Doris Qulnn, '47, has se- demonstration Indicated the teach- cured a position Instructing in ma- ers were getting "angrier and an- thematics and science at Rouses grler at any attempt to delay ac- Polnt, while Paul Skerritt, '47, will tion." They agreed that the reso- teach French and English at Roes- lutlon was allright, but Mrs. Healy sleville. should have allowed time for dis- .— cussion which was given to speak- ers from the legislature. Larry Murray, a reporter for the "Schenectady Gazette" stated that he felt the only thing accomplished by the meeting was a display of the New York ~, - , . ... . . State teachers, which will hinder, 23 new members have been initiated mther th£m _ fche eff(jrt8 for and two pledges added to the roll leglslative nctlon on salary b00sts . The informal initiation was held ° ' Saturday, and the formal Initia- tion Tuesday night in the Lounge. The climax of the informal ini- tiation was a reviewing of the tro- phies collected in the scavenger hunt in Washington Park. Jacob Schulle, '49, and Orson Dunham, '50, were pledged after the formal inltiaiton. Sigma Lambda Sigma Initiate Twenty-Three George Kunz '47, President of dlsumty among Lambda Sigma, has announced that statfi teachers, which CENTRAL Barber Shop 2 BARBERS—NO WAITING 210 Central Avenue Albany, N. V. nTrry - 1 1 ' 1 - 1 1 > IT'S 1 1 1 One block from the College Central Florist 117 Central Ave. Open Evenings Tel. 4-1332 ALWAYS A PLEASURE TO SERVE YOU NO MATTER HOW SMALL. ALL OVER AMERICA-CHESTERFIELD 1$ T O P S ! i— Copyilglu mil, LQUITT 4 MraiTowaxj Co. <0i State College News - ^ SENIOR CLASS BANQUET TOMORROW x Z.444 ALBANY, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1B47 VOL. XXXI NO. IB Religious Clubs Schedule Dance I omorrow Nisht Hillel Representatives To Attend Conference O n Zionism In Buffalo Radio Communications Class Seeks Radio-Any Condition Is your radio old and worn out? Is it suffering from excess static condition? . . . laryngitis? Well, nere's a chance to get rid of it. The Radio Communications class of the Physics Department is asking for any old radios, from crystal sets with earphones to the latest style radio-vie com- bination. If any one nas any of the aforementioned he would like to contribute, will he please put a note to that effect on Mr. Arthur P. Jones' desk in Room 156, Huested, and he will see to It that it or they are collected. It's a good cause and here's a chance to contribute toward the training of the future Edisons of State. Shiriey Williams and Rita Shap- iro, General Chairmen for the SCA- Hilltl uance to be held in the gym this Saturday night, have announced their theme and committees. Solo- mon Minsburg has also stated that Hiliei is sending two representatives to a Zionist Youth Conference in Buffalo this weekend. Charolette Goldstein, '48, will be in charge of the tickets for the dance and her committee will con- sist of Marian Frost and Samuel Scott, Seniors, Myra Rosenberg, Irma Rosen, Barbara Hyman, and Miriam Millman, Juniors; Marie Holz and Rose Rosen, Sophomores; Robert Freyer, Lorice Ann Shaine, Lois Basset, Ann Morgan, and La- Verne Cooley, freshmen. Catherine Grant, '49, will be chairman of the publicity, with Mol- ly Kramer, Marilyn Skolsky, and Shirley Levine, Seniors, Stanley Ab- rams, '48, Joy Simon, Alvin Feld- tneir sche dules for man, Sophomores, and Seymour Ule next few weeks Fersh, '50, serving on her committee Clubs Schedule Banquet, Movie Plan Sleighride, Roast In Troy For Commuters SA Schedules Business Session For Assembly A Student Association business meeting will be held In assembly this morning to discuss the MAA line transfer resolution which was Introduced last Friday and tabled for one week. Voting for two dele- gates to attend the Plattsburg Con- ference, March 6-8, will also take place. Last Friday, Dorothy Sturzenber- ger, '47, read a report in assembly from the committee which was ap- pointed by Student Council to in- vestigate the financial condition of varsity athletics. The committee found that: contracts for varsity games are made during the period from December to March previous to the school year in which the games are to be played. The bud- get is not submitted to Student Association until May which means that these contracts must be made without MAA having any assurance that the money for expenses incur- red under these contracts will be made available under the MAA bud- get approved in May. The resolu- Class Of '47 Will Stage Last Annual Banquet Dr. Rice Named Guest Speaker Commerce Club, Pan Amigos, and tlon as reC ommended by the com- Commuters Club have announced mittee is . " Res olved, that the line "" activities for for varsity Athletics under the A ,, „, , . ,„ MAA budget be submitted to Stu- Refreshments will be taken care , A , ^T^T 6 C J u T b , " "TL"? dent Association in December of ofT AnTelee 3 Levin? % " * f f i J ^ £ T ? K h " WiUifm ^ school year previous to the year man, Florence Simon Jean Heging- g g j ^ J. ^ a l c h a i r S n ^ J? ^ * j S * take effeCt er, and Mane Balfort Juniors, Ar- the affair AU commerce students To Elect Dcle <f ates lene and Hortense Zeilengold, Soph- are lnvit ed to attend and may sign Two delegates, a Senior, and a omores, and Abraham Trop, Geral- up on the t, u u et i n board on the Junior, will be chosen to represent CONCEPTA ZUMBO Selma Declares Policies On British Stand n Palestine Issue dine Cooperman, freshmen. Shirley Williams, '48 charge of decorations, assisted Seniors Will Celebrate Event Tomorrow Night At Ten Eyclc Hotel The Senior Banquet will be held tomorrow evening at 6:00 P. M. In the main dining room of the Ten Eyck Hotel, according to the co- chairmen, Conoepta Zumbo and Frank Woodworth. Dr. Harvey Rice, Professor of History, will be guest speaker with Harold Gould as Mas- ter of Ceremonies. Entertainment to Feature Skit Jean Elting, Chairman of the entertainment committee, has an- nounced that there will be a skit entitled, "Bessie Makes Her Choice," or "The Best Man Won." Janice Goodrich, Julie Collier, Margery Ann Pender, J. Michael Hippick, Clyde Cook and William Marsland will all compete for the leads. After the skit there will be an unannounced selection of songs by Muriel Rubin and Gloria Thomp- son, followed by group singing of class and school songs. Guests to Attend Faculty guests present at the banquet will be Miss Agnes Futter- Kadel, third floor of Draper . ^ name of state at the Plattsburg Conference M olly Kramer, '47, President of e T & S S t PiJSlcJT S h the euest sneaker has not vet been March 6-8. Those who have been Rranripis ni,,h m kh.. t~ ct«+„ n,* £v. assistant troiessor or angiisn, ..lenor Blnn, '47, Dolores Shlndel- t, oard Doris the guest speaker has not yet been announced, and students who plan b y to go should watch the bulletin Cellna Axelrod Betty Rose Hilt J. connection with the fact that the stodinK^ProfessoT oT'Economics for announcements concern- Michael Hippick, and Philip Lash- organization has planned no active anTsodolo^ Economics ing transportation and other de- 'nsky; Juniors, Mervyn McClintock program in collaboration with a™ 1 ™**- wm, be in : u ;n„= d :^nr- S t u d e n t r w h o plan' nominated to j attend are: Seniors, K ^ ^ S p o S s ' o f tlmb^n £ $ % ^ J f ^ £ S R Joseph Francello, '49, and Betty .m, Betty Brebeck and ^..* ing transportation and other de- ln W, Juniors, iwervyn MCUIUITOCK program in collaboration with ..wks '48, Gloria Malstelman and talls . Tickets for the dinner are and Alice Williams. Brotherhood Week sponsored by the ¥ .. v ,.„„„. ,„ ; ris Price, 49, and Rhoda Ftiber, $2 15 per pe rson. Nona Vimmer- Announce Appointments National Conference^of Christians J ' Vaughn, 48, both ex-Presidents ' lma Rosenberg, Barbara Rosen, stedt . 47i is in charge of entertain- At a Student Council meeting and Jews. of the P resent Senior class, will be :1,men ' , , ,..„ ,,, u , ment and John Brophy, '47, will Marian Mieras, '48, was appointed Miss Kramer states: "American am , on & i*} e non-faculty guests, as h mas Lisker, 49, will be In hancUe pUDlic i t y. to get a list from Dr. Ellen Stokes, students of seventy-five colleges we " ? s Mrs- Harvey Rice. . lge of the Clean-Up Committee. Pan Am i gos sponsors Movies Dean of Women, of possible dates and universities protested Britain's Tic * ets for ™* banquet will be .ta Shapiro, 48, has announced T wo movies, "Schools to the for a Studenjt-Faculty Tea this policy in Palestine this past Wed- on f? le a11 d a y toda ? r in e balcon y h.t the George Washington Day Soutri ," and, "People of Two semester, and the appointment nesday, cutting classes to partici- of the Commons - at W-M P«r per- ) nee will feature a four-piece band W orlds," are to be shown in the committee was asked to name a pate in rallies led by faculty mem- son " • misting of a tenor sax, piano, Lounge Tuesday under the spon- Senior student to take the place of bers and student leaders of the ' " drums, and a guitar. There will SO rship of Pan Amigos. Bertha Helen Honeycomb, who was head Intercollegiate Zionist Federation ;Uso be tables set up for those who W akin, '47, President of Pan Amigos, of the Student Appointment Bu- of America. would like to play cards during the has ^-ited everyone to attend as reau, but who graduated in Janu- "The Palestine issue flared up evening. these movies may prove of value to ary. anew as the British clamped mar- The representatives that will at- stU dents interested in South Amer- James Conley and Celina ^ 1 . tlal law on Palestine, terrorizing tend the conference in western New ica and its m0 des of life. rod , seniors, were appointee! to the county in search of members Commuters Plan Sleighride write a letter to the Knickerbocker of the underground, and forcibly Audrey Bopp, '47, President of News in protest to the recent article departing Jewish immigrants on (ContinuedonPageS, Columns) (Continued from Pages, Column2) l w ? fi ? ul !? pean ^ nips t0 Cy P rus ' a " British deportation camp York this weekend are Use Gluck- stadt, '49, and Adele Gerow, '50 Chemical Society To Meet Tuesday In Health Labs State Debators To Meet Drew Mary Ellen Diener, '47, President of Debate Council, has announced that the Council is sponsoring an Sfafe Students Answer Charges Of Local Newspaper On Cheating "Although Dov Gruner received a A meeting of the Eeastern New stay of execution, the evacuation of York Section of the American British civilians and the reinforce- Chemical Society will be held Tues- ment of the troops in Palestine, day, February 24, at 8:80 P. M. In created a new, tense situation, es- the New York State Department pecially in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, of Health Laboratories, New Scot- When the "Athlit" was sighted near land Avenue with Dr. Karl Folk- .„,, t , , ,, , ... .. Haifa, the entire city was nlaced ers, Director of Organic and Blo- 'There is not much cheat ing here In answer to the same question an- under ' f Uile troops boarded chemical Research as guest speak- intercollegiate debate between State at State as compared to other col- other reply was, "Yes, I cheat once th _ hi t ' ™. l "', r~ ",„" "f= «r r>r nwnr v T nnfnrri PmLw College and Drew University of leges." This is one response given in a while, but only on some stupid £ S o r ation iinirlm several of" Chemistry was l o S t o t e d tolSl Madison, New Jersey, Thursday, In answer to a query by NBWS re- exam." peonlf fn the ensulna ?av tewMtailTwipS February 27, at 7 P. M. in the porters who conducted a survey The NEWS survey revealed that ' * 1 ? „ ! S ?, h „ w unexpired term or w. i. pat Lounge. Debate Council has also among one hundred students. the distribution of opinion is as announced the appointment of sev- This poll was motivated by an follows; based on 100 students. csral new officers. article which appeared recently in ci ass The argument for the debate is, one of the local papers, stating that "Resolved: that labor be given a in regard to cheating at State, the direct share in the management of freshmen seldom cheat, the Sopho- lndustry." Stanley Abrams and mores and Juniors cheat a little, Donald Bergln, Juniors, will uphold some Seniors become skilled at it, the negative side for State. A pre- and the Grads are the worst of all. It is the general opinion of the Much Some Grads 0% '47 VA '48 l'i; '49 !'•/, '50 10% 59% 77% 83% 00% 50% We are a nation who believe in node, who was previously chairman every man's right of life and lib- of the Eastern Section. erty. We do not believe in using Dr. Folkners graduated from the None force when other means have not University of Illinois In 1928, and 41% been tried. Therefore, let us pro- received his Ph.D. degree from the 22%. test this tyranny of a defenseless University of Wisconsin In 1934. In 16%, minority by one nation. Let's write 1940 he was the co-recelplent of the 33% to our Senators Ives and Wagner, Mead Johnson and Company award 40% or to General Marshall and urge for research on Vitamin B Com- them to take action and prevent plex, and in 1941 received the A.C.8. more infringements on personal award in pure chemistry. Dr. Folk- rights by Great Britain in Pales- ners will discuss the "Chemistry of Name Two Instructors liminary debate will be held be- It is the general opinion of the By the above figures it Is clearly tween two freshmen and two Soph- students Interviewed that there is evident that most students think omores on a humorous topic. some cheating, but nothing to be- there is some cheating going on. H*51""'*pf ..T 1 !" ~oVp^HnnV Drew Plans to Interview Dewey come alarmed about. Two students The Grads responded highest among ____!____ The Drew University squad Is who were approached with the ques- those who stated that there is no coming to State after a debate at tlon gave out with, "I do not think cheating, and were the only ones Columbia, and they have scheduled cheating at State is extensive, who did not feel that much cheating further meets with Harvard and Everyone is Intelligent enough to is going on. The freshmen seemed T F 1 \/ Brown universities, While in Al- know that Is not worthwhile." to feel that there is quite a bit of | O rflCUlty VdCflnCICS bany, the Drew squad plans to in- An answer similar to the above it, but many, on being questioned terview Governor Dewey. was, "If you do cheat, It does not replied, "I really have not been Mr. James G. Jones has been ap- Announce New Officers get you far on the exams we have here long enough to know." pointed Instructor of Social Stu- Myskania announces that Audrey Two new members, Samuel Scott, here." SJill another reply that According to the abo'T survey, dies and Mr. Carl Lindbacher has Hartman, '50, has received a warn- '47, and Stanley Abrams, '48, have came out was, "Ii all depends on the students do not feel that State's been named Instructor of English ing for her second offense in vio- been elected to Debate Council, the teacher's attitude toward the to-be teachers are destined to be to r ill the vacancies left by th<? lation of State College tradition. A while the new officers appointed in- students and also the way in which professional cheaters. Students also rosiijnaiiona of Mr. Alfred G. Har- second offense, according to tradi- clude: Secretary, Marilyn Thomp- the course Is treated." expressed the opinion that there is rls and Mr. James Skelton, respec- tlon, results in a warning from son, '48; and publicity chairman, When asked if he cheated, one cheating among all college students, tlvely. Myskania that such a violation is Abrams. The new debate coach for student replied, "Well, if someone but the amount here at our own Mr. Jones came to State following not to be repeated and the publi- the Council is Mr. Carl Limbacher, puts a paper in front of you, you college is very small in comparison his graduation from West Virginia cation of the violator's name in Instructor of English. are not going to Ignore it, are you?" to that in the other colleges, (Continued on Page S, Columns) the STATE COLLEGE NEWS. Streptomycin" Tuesday night. Dr. Lanford has urged all stu- dents to attend the meeting Tues- day and it should be of particular interest to science majors. Myikanie Warns Freihmen \

State College News 1947-02-21 - University at Albany Librarieslibrary.albany.edu/speccoll/findaids/.../ua809/nam_ua809-4.8_5.pdf · ed on the IGC buletin board so that er of the Grad

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Sp QootU 0* *IU» Qtdtt/I*

The Religious Clubs will Join to sponsor a dance in the gym 8-12 P i t , Saturday, February 23.

• • * Iittersorority Council will pre­

sent its annual tea Sunday, Feb-

IGC Schedules eakers, Panels,

Service Program Council To Cooperate In Brotherhood Week

f^_« .—u.—. u-*'-i- ..„,<«. tv,» TMBiy 23, from 3-5 P.M. The pur-i K , * " ? * • £ * ? 5 ? pose of this tea is to afford the • S h ? H £ r ^ ^ H ^ © ? L J » pledges of the various sororities an will be sponsored »W^tot«-G«up Spp7rtuhity to become better ac-Council next week. The council is JfS.ini..A also cooperating with the National l i U B , n w i a - , , , Conference of Christians and Jews M j £ n e x t m e e t l n o n r a t t a v to observance of Brotherhood^Weefc ^SHitf* 2 6 a t 3 : 3 0 P M m t h e The Community Service program is j ^ g e , Spanish Club wiU show two underway for second semester, ac- f U m . . S c h o o l s to the South." and cording to Alice Williams, '48. "P e 0ples of Two Worlds." Speakers Panel • • •

Sunday evening, a speakers* pan- commerce Club will hold its ban-el, "Probing Our Prejudices", will be q u e t a t Howard Johnson's on Cen-presented at Trinity Methodist tral Avenue, Wednesday, February Church for the young adult group. 26, at 6 P.M. Members of the panel are Marie » • » Grieco, Gloria Enea, and Mary Ale- The date for the Annual State thia Cheatham, Sophomores. The p a i r has been set for March 15. second panel is scheduled for Tues- * • » day at 3:30 in Room 2, Richardson, DI \ Carl Folkers, a Director of with Lorna Kunz and Louis Rabin- Research at the Merck Company, eau, Seniors, and Elolse Worth, '48, w m s p e a k at the Health Labora-as panel members. The topic for dis- tory in Albany, Tuesday, February cussion is "Cultural Diversity vs. 25. His topic is "Streptomycin" and The Melting Pot". all State students have been Invited. Community Service Program The meeting is sponsored by the

Alice Williams, '48, has announc- New York section of the American ed that the Community Service pro- Chemical Society. gram has been launched for the • • * new semester. A sheet will be plac- Emory Tooly, Secretary-Treasur­ed on the IGC buletin board so that er of the Grad Club, has announced those who wish to help may sign that the club now has a bulletin up Students who are interested in board opposite the men's locker volley ball, chorus, debating, voca- room In lower Draper where club tional guidance are particularly notices will be posted. Notices of a needed. c a r d P a r t v>to De h e l d m Pierce Hall,

The National Conference of will be placed In the student mall Christians and Jews has announced boxes. that the week of February 16-23 has been set aside for the annual ob­servance of Brotherhood Week. This year the theme Is "Brotherhood-Pattern For Peace". In the words of President Truman, Its purpose is "to affairm anew the principles of brotherhood."

D&A, Pi Gamma Mu Elect New Members

Clyde Cook, '47, President of Dra­matics and Art Council, has an­nounced the election of four new members to the council. Pi Gamma Mu, national honorary social sci­ence society, also held an election this week, selecting Marion Han­cock, '48, secretary, according to Eleanor Durbeck, '47, president.

The students elected to Dramatics and Art Council include Arthur Russell, '48, and Catherine Grant, John Lubey, and Mary Jane Paris, Sophomores.

8mil $. ZAfagengast "Buy Where the Flowers Grow"


Seniors Obtain Teaching Jobs

Clarify Changes In Big-8 Rules

Myskania has announced the me­thod by which the Sophomore and freshman Big-8 presentations will be judged for rivalry points. This has been done in an effort to clar­ify the confusion which has arisen. There are three major considera­tions on which each production will be judged: originality, execution, and audience appeal. After these points have been determined, a mi-

Miss Mary Alberts, Head of Stu­dent Employment Bureau, has an­nounced five January placements Three of those securing positions are nor consideration will be given to Graduates, and the remaining two class participation and enthusiasm, are Seniors Eight points will be given to the ri-

Nelle Glod, Grad, will teach so- val class winning the Big-8. cial studies at Oxford. Henry Ger-

rirsdociars?sratarr H-IV A,r^o»,pr^

vllle, and Joseph Levin, Grad, will (Continued from Page 1, Column 3) be an Instructor In science at Am- names expressed the view that the ltyville. Doris Qulnn, '47, has se- demonstration Indicated the teach-cured a position Instructing in ma- ers were getting "angrier and an-thematics and science at Rouses grler at any attempt to delay ac-Polnt, while Paul Skerritt, '47, will tion." They agreed that the reso-teach French and English at Roes- lutlon was allright, but Mrs. Healy sleville. should have allowed time for dis-

.— — cussion which was given to speak­ers from the legislature.

Larry Murray, a reporter for the "Schenectady Gazette" stated that he felt the only thing accomplished by the meeting was a display of

the New York ~, - , . ... . . State teachers, which will hinder,

23 new members have been initiated m t h e r t h £ m _ fche e f f ( j r t 8 f o r and two pledges added to the roll l e g l s l a t i v e n c t l o n o n s a l a r y b 0 0 s t s . The informal initiation was held ° ' Saturday, and the formal Initia­tion Tuesday night in the Lounge.

The climax of the informal ini­tiation was a reviewing of the tro­phies collected in the scavenger hunt in Washington Park.

Jacob Schulle, '49, and Orson Dunham, '50, were pledged after the formal inltiaiton.

Sigma Lambda Sigma Initiate Twenty-Three

George Kunz '47, President of d l s u m t y a m o n g Lambda Sigma, has announced that s t a t f i teachers, w h i c h

CENTRAL Barber Shop

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State College News

- ^






Religious Clubs Schedule Dance I omorrow Nisht

Hillel Representatives To Attend Conference On Zionism In Buffalo

Radio Communications Class Seeks Radio-Any Condition

Is your radio old and worn out? Is it suffering from excess static condition? . . . laryngitis? Well, nere's a chance to get rid of it. The R a d i o Communications class of the Physics Department is asking for any old radios, from crystal sets with earphones to the latest style radio-vie com­bination.

If any one nas any of the aforementioned he would like to contribute, will he please put a note to that effect on Mr. Arthur P. Jones' desk in Room 156, Huested, and he will see to It that it or they are collected.

It's a good cause and here's a chance to contribute toward the training of the future Edisons of State.

Shiriey Williams and Rita Shap­iro, General Chairmen for the SCA-Hilltl uance to be held in the gym this Saturday night, have announced their theme and committees. Solo­mon Minsburg has also stated that Hiliei is sending two representatives to a Zionist Youth Conference in Buffalo this weekend.

Charolette Goldstein, '48, will be in charge of the tickets for the dance and her committee will con­sist of Marian Frost and Samuel Scott, Seniors, Myra Rosenberg, Irma Rosen, Barbara Hyman, and Miriam Millman, Juniors; Marie Holz and Rose Rosen, Sophomores; Robert Freyer, Lorice Ann Shaine, Lois Basset, Ann Morgan, and La-Verne Cooley, freshmen.

Catherine Grant, '49, will be chairman of the publicity, with Mol­ly Kramer, Marilyn Skolsky, and Shirley Levine, Seniors, Stanley Ab-rams, '48, Joy Simon, Alvin Feld- t n e i r s c h edules for man, Sophomores, and Seymour U l e n e x t f e w w e e k s Fersh, '50, serving on her committee

Clubs Schedule Banquet, Movie

Plan Sleighride, Roast In Troy For Commuters

SA Schedules Business Session For Assembly

A Student Association business meeting will be held In assembly this morning to discuss the MAA line transfer resolution which was Introduced last Friday and tabled for one week. Voting for two dele­gates to attend the Plattsburg Con­ference, March 6-8, will also take place.

Last Friday, Dorothy Sturzenber-ger, '47, read a report in assembly from the committee which was ap­pointed by Student Council to in­vestigate the financial condition of varsity athletics. The committee found that: contracts for varsity games are made during the period from December to March previous to the school year in which the games are to be played. The bud­get is not submitted to Student Association until May which means that these contracts must be made without MAA having any assurance that the money for expenses incur­red under these contracts will be made available under the MAA bud­get approved in May. The resolu-

Class Of '47 Will Stage Last Annual Banquet

Dr. Rice Named Guest Speaker

Commerce Club, Pan Amigos, and t l o n a s reCommended by the com-Commuters Club have announced m i t t e e i s . "Resolved, that the line

"" activities for f o r varsity Athletics under the A ,, „, , . ,„ MAA budget be submitted to Stu-

Refreshments will be taken care , A, ^ T ^ T 6 CJuT

b , " " T L " ? dent Association in December of o f T AnTelee3 Levin? % " * f f i J ^ £ T ? K h " WiUifm ^ school year previous to the year man, Florence Simon Jean Heging- g g j ^ J . ^ a l c h a i r S n ^ J? ^ * j S * t a k e e f f e C t

er, and Mane Balfort Juniors, Ar- t h e a f f a i r A U c o m m e r c e students T o E l e c t Dcle<fates

lene and Hortense Zeilengold, Soph- a r e l n v i t e d to attend and may sign Two delegates, a Senior, and a omores, and Abraham Trop, Geral- u p o n t h e t , u u e t i n board on the Junior, will be chosen to represent



Declares Policies On British Stand n Palestine Issue

dine Cooperman, freshmen.

Shirley Williams, '48 charge of decorations, assisted

Seniors Will Celebrate Event Tomorrow Night At Ten Eyclc Hotel

The Senior Banquet will be held tomorrow evening at 6:00 P. M. In the main dining room of the Ten Eyck Hotel, according to the co-chairmen, Conoepta Zumbo and Frank Woodworth. Dr. Harvey Rice, Professor of History, will be guest speaker with Harold Gould as Mas­ter of Ceremonies.

Entertainment to Feature Skit Jean Elting, Chairman of the

entertainment committee, has an­nounced that there will be a skit entitled, "Bessie Makes Her Choice," or "The Best Man Won." Janice Goodrich, Julie Collier, Margery Ann Pender, J. Michael Hippick, Clyde Cook and William Marsland will all compete for the leads.

After the skit there will be an unannounced selection of songs by Muriel Rubin and Gloria Thomp­son, followed by group singing of class and school songs.

Guests to Attend Faculty guests present a t the

banquet will be Miss Agnes Futter-Kadel, t h i r d f l o o r o f D r a p e r . ^ n a m e o f s tate at the Plattsburg Conference Molly Kramer, '47, President of e T & S S t P i J S l c J T S h the euest sneaker has not vet been March 6-8. Those who have been Rranripis ni,,h m k h . . t~ ct«+„ n,* £v. assistant troiessor or angiisn,

..lenor Blnn, '47, Dolores Shlndel- t , o a r d


the guest speaker has not yet been announced, and students who plan

by to go should watch the bulletin Cellna Axelrod Betty Rose Hilt J. connection with the fact that the s todinK^ProfessoT oT'Economics for announcements concern- Michael Hippick, and Philip Lash- organization has planned no active a n T s o d o l o ^ Economics

ing transportation and other de- 'nsky; Juniors, Mervyn McClintock program in collaboration with a™1™**-

wm, be in : u ; n „ = d : ^ n r - S t u d e n t r w h o plan' nominated tojattend are: Seniors, K ^ ^ S p o S s ' o f t l m b ^ n £ $ % ^ J f ^ £ S R

Joseph Francello, '49, and Betty .m, Betty Brebeck and ^ . . * i n g transportation and other de- lnW, Juniors, iwervyn MCUIUITOCK program in collaboration with ..wks '48, Gloria Malstelman and t a l l s . Tickets for the dinner are and Alice Williams. Brotherhood Week sponsored by the ¥ .. v , . „ „ „ . „ ,„ •

; ris Price, 49, and Rhoda Ftiber, $ 2 1 5 p e r person. Nona Vimmer- Announce Appointments National Conference^of Christians J ' Vaughn, 48, both ex-Presidents ' lma Rosenberg, Barbara Rosen, s t e d t .47i i s i n c h a r g e o f entertain- At a Student Council meeting and Jews. o f t h e P r e s e n t Senior class, will be

: 1 , m e n ' , , ,..„ ,,, u , m e n t a n d J o h n Brophy, '47, will Marian Mieras, '48, was appointed Miss Kramer states: "American am,on& i*}e non-faculty guests, as h mas Lisker, 49, will be In h a n c U e p U D l i c i ty. to g e t a list from Dr. Ellen Stokes, students of seventy-five colleges w e " ? s Mrs- Harvey Rice.

. lge of the Clean-Up Committee. P a n A m i g o s sponsors Movies Dean of Women, of possible dates and universities protested Britain's T i c * e t s „ f o r ™* banquet will be .ta Shapiro, 48, has announced Two movies, "Schools to the for a Studenjt-Faculty Tea this policy in Palestine this past Wed- o n f ? l e a11 d a y t o d a ? r i n ™e b a l c o n y

h . t the George Washington Day S o u t r i , " and, "People of Two semester, and the appointment nesday, cutting classes to partici- o f t h e C o m m o n s - a t W-M P«r per-) nee will feature a four-piece band Worlds," are to be shown in the committee was asked to name a pate in rallies led by faculty mem- s o n" • misting of a tenor sax, piano, Lounge Tuesday under the spon- Senior student to take the place of bers and student leaders of the ' "

drums, and a guitar. There will SOrship of Pan Amigos. Bertha Helen Honeycomb, who was head Intercollegiate Zionist Federation ;Uso be tables set up for those who Wakin, '47, President of Pan Amigos, of the Student Appointment Bu- of America. would like to play cards during the h a s ^ - i t e d everyone to attend as reau, but who graduated in Janu- "The Palestine issue flared up evening. these movies may prove of value to ary. anew as the British clamped mar-

The representatives that will at- s t Udents interested in South Amer- J a m e s C o n l e y a n d C e l i n a ^ 1 . tlal law on Palestine, terrorizing tend the conference in western New i c a a n d i t s m 0des of life. r o d , seniors, were appointee! to the county in search of members

Commuters Plan Sleighride write a letter to the Knickerbocker o f the underground, and forcibly Audrey Bopp, '47, President of News in protest to the recent article departing Jewish immigrants on (ContinuedonPageS, Columns) (Continued from Pages, Column2) lw? f i ? u l ! ? p e a n ^ n i p s t 0 C y P r u s ' a

" British deportation camp

York this weekend are Use Gluck-stadt, '49, and Adele Gerow, '50

Chemical Society To Meet Tuesday In Health Labs

State Debators To Meet Drew

Mary Ellen Diener, '47, President of Debate Council, has announced that the Council is sponsoring an

Sfafe Students Answer Charges Of Local Newspaper On Cheating

"Although Dov Gruner received a A meeting of the Eeastern New stay of execution, the evacuation of York Section of the American British civilians and the reinforce- Chemical Society will be held Tues-ment of the troops in Palestine, day, February 24, at 8:80 P. M. In created a new, tense situation, es- the New York State Department pecially in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, of Health Laboratories, New Scot-When the "Athlit" was sighted near land Avenue with Dr. Karl Folk-

.„,, t , , ,, , . . . .. Haifa, the entire city was nlaced ers, Director of Organic and Blo-'There is not much cheat ing here In answer to the same question an- u n d e r ' f U i l e troops boarded chemical Research as guest speak-

intercollegiate debate between State at State as compared to other col- other reply was, "Yes, I cheat once t h_ h i t' ™. l "', r~ ",„" "f= «r r>r nwnr v T nnfnrri P m L w College and Drew University of leges." This is one response given in a while, but only on some stupid £ S o r ation i in i r lm several of" Chemistry was l o S t o t e d tolSl Madison, New Jersey, Thursday, In answer to a query by NBWS re- exam." peonl f fn the ensulna ?av tewMtailTwipS February 27, at 7 P. M. in the porters who conducted a survey The NEWS survey revealed that ' * 1 ? „ ! S ?,h„ w unexpired term or w. i. pat Lounge. Debate Council has also among one hundred students. the distribution of opinion is as announced the appointment of sev- This poll was motivated by an follows; based on 100 students. csral new officers. article which appeared recently in c i a s s The argument for the debate is, one of the local papers, stating that "Resolved: that labor be given a in regard to cheating at State, the direct share in the management of freshmen seldom cheat, the Sopho-lndustry." Stanley Abrams and mores and Juniors cheat a little, Donald Bergln, Juniors, will uphold some Seniors become skilled at it, the negative side for State. A pre- and the Grads are the worst of all.

It is the general opinion of the

Much Some Grads 0%

'47 VA '48 l'i; '49 !'•/, '50 10%

59% 77% 83% 00% 50%

We are a nation who believe in node, who was previously chairman every man's right of life and lib- of the Eastern Section. erty. We do not believe in using Dr. Folkners graduated from the

None force when other means have not University of Illinois In 1928, and 41% been tried. Therefore, let us pro- received his Ph.D. degree from the 22%. test this tyranny of a defenseless University of Wisconsin In 1934. In 16%, minority by one nation. Let's write 1940 he was the co-recelplent of the 33% to our Senators Ives and Wagner, Mead Johnson and Company award 40% or to General Marshall and urge for research on Vitamin B Com-

them to take action and prevent plex, and in 1941 received the A.C.8. more infringements on personal award in pure chemistry. Dr. Folk-rights by Great Britain in Pales- ners will discuss the "Chemistry of

Name Two Instructors

liminary debate will be held be- It is the general opinion of the By the above figures it Is clearly tween two freshmen and two Soph- students Interviewed that there is evident that most students think omores on a humorous topic. some cheating, but nothing to be- there is some cheating going on. H*51""'*pf . . T 1 ! " ~oVp^HnnV Drew Plans to Interview Dewey come alarmed about. Two students The Grads responded highest among _ _ _ _ ! _ _ _ _

The Drew University squad Is who were approached with the ques- those who stated that there is no coming to State after a debate at tlon gave out with, "I do not think cheating, and were the only ones Columbia, and they have scheduled cheating at State is extensive, who did not feel that much cheating further meets with Harvard and Everyone is Intelligent enough to is going on. The freshmen seemed T F 1 \ / Brown universities, While in Al- know that Is not worthwhile." to feel that there is quite a bit of | O r f l C U l t y V d C f l n C I C S bany, the Drew squad plans to in- An answer similar to the above it, but many, on being questioned terview Governor Dewey. was, "If you do cheat, It does not replied, "I really have not been Mr. James G. Jones has been ap-Announce New Officers get you far on the exams we have here long enough to know." pointed Instructor of Social Stu- Myskania announces that Audrey

Two new members, Samuel Scott, here." SJill another reply that According to the abo'T survey, dies and Mr. Carl Lindbacher has Hartman, '50, has received a warn-'47, and Stanley Abrams, '48, have came out was, "Ii all depends on the students do not feel that State's been named Instructor of English ing for her second offense in vio-been elected to Debate Council, the teacher's attitude toward the to-be teachers are destined to be to rill the vacancies left by th<? lation of State College tradition. A while the new officers appointed in- students and also the way in which professional cheaters. Students also rosiijnaiiona of Mr. Alfred G. Har- second offense, according to tradi-clude: Secretary, Marilyn Thomp- the course Is treated." expressed the opinion that there is rls and Mr. James Skelton, respec- tlon, results in a warning from son, '48; and publicity chairman, When asked if he cheated, one cheating among all college students, tlvely. Myskania that such a violation is Abrams. The new debate coach for student replied, "Well, if someone but the amount here at our own Mr. Jones came to State following not to be repeated and the publi-the Council is Mr. Carl Limbacher, puts a paper in front of you, you college is very small in comparison his graduation from West Virginia cation of the violator's name in Instructor of English. are not going to Ignore it, are you?" to that in the other colleges, (Continued on Page S, Columns) the STATE COLLEGE NEWS.

Streptomycin" Tuesday night. Dr. Lanford has urged all stu­

dents to attend the meeting Tues­day and it should be of particular interest to science majors.

Myikanie Warns Freihmen




To Prmcrvc Our Integrity . . . The integrity and honesty of college students

have been subjected to an abnormal amount of public probing in the last few months. The move, which started in Texas, finally reached Albany in the form of an investigation of exam techniques in use at this college.

As a result of this poll, the News conducted its own survey and obtained results that surprise no one and could have been predicted in advance. There is some cheating at State, as there is in every school, but it exists in such a small degree that it presents no acute or alarming problem.

Oib sheets and other devices for bringing notes into exams are practically unknown here, and no elaborate techniques have been developed for the purpose.

Answers to the survey indicate that there is neither time nor desire to cheat if the exam is fair and conducted in an intelligent manner. The only time the students feel there is justification for extra-curricular work during tests, according to the survey, is when the exam covers material not treated in the course or is much too long and too hard to be completed in the allotted time.

In addition, Dean Nelson expressed the opin­ion that most exams here are of such a nature that the student couldn't do any better if he was turned loose in the library. This is especially true of more advanced courses taken by Seniors and Grads. And yet these two classes were the ones, according to an outside poll, which were the most skilled in cribbing and indulged in the practice most often. Consideration of the long, subjective tests that most Seniors and Grads have to take indicates that cribbing would involve more work and worry than actually studying for the course.

Cheating has never been a serious problem here, and we do not feel that there has been any radical change in the situation calling for investigation or action.

Athletics Go To Assembly . . . Athletics move into the Assembly spotlight to­

day with a discussion of the proposal to vote on the Varsity Athletics line of MAA budget in De­cember instead of in May.

The proposal was made by the Student Associa­tion committee appointed to investigate our Var­sity program and is designed to facilitate forma­tion of next season's schedule.

The Varsity program has been operating under staggering combination of difficulties since its re­vival last year and is in need of increased support from the school. If voting on the Varsity Athletics line five months early will aid the program in any way, there should be no reason for not approving the motion when it comes up for a vote.

"IJ I tell you the truth, dear, you'll only think I'm bragging"

Reprinted from the March, 1947 issue of ESQUIRE Copyright 1847 by Eequlri, Inc.


STATE COLLEGE NEWS Established May 1916

By the Class o f l 918

Vol. X X X I February 21, 1947 No. 14

Member Dltttrtbutor Associated CnlN'Kliili! 1'roHH Collutflute DlgOHt Tin! iindoraraeluiito uowBraiiiur of tlio Now York Stuto Col-lose for Teachers; published every Krldny of the collogo your b.v the NBWS Hoard for the Student Association, Phonos: Tosslor, :s-U.">:iH; Luiiock, 8-lSll; Ponder, Ounluy, 2-012(1, Kunz, 8-0287; Skolsky, 1-1(11)7. Members of the news Muff limy ho readied Tues.. and Wed. from 7 to 11:30 P.M. at :i!H07.

The News Board






This isn't a Jun ior Ed 10 Class, but an article appear ing in the Syr­acuse DAILY ORANGE on objec­tive exams just couldn' t be passed by any red-blooded Junior . The evaluation service of Syracuse, un ­der the direction of Dr. Maurice Troyer, h a s been making a study of tests and examinat ions on a scien­tific basis. This group h a s classi­fied objective type tests as "neces­sary and advantageous under the conditions of mass-product ion edu­cation, bu t plagued by difficulties in measuring abilit ies r a t h e r t h a n memorization of facts. Dr. Troyer still feels t h a t the essay type of exams are the "best type to deter­mine how well s tudents can or­ganize their th ink ing with respect to a problem." He lists two major difficulties of this type of exam, however: 1—difficulties in marking and grading large numbers of this type of exam; 2—a s tudent know­ing his mater ial well but weak in a couple of areas may suffer out of proportion to his actual know-edge of the subject ma t t e r as a whole.

I t has been shown tha t five times as much mater ia l can be covered in an objective examinat ion. As ob­jective tests are conducted now it Is the s tudent with a photographic mind or a good memory who rises to the top. Dr. Troyer feels t ha t the development of objective questions calling for s tudent interpreta t ion and appraisal would make these tests more effective, but they are difficult to devise and very few in number a t the present. "Use of the interpretat ive objective questions Is still more or less In the develop­ment s tage" Dr. Troyer stated.

It is t rue tha t some subjects lend themselves more easily to the ob­jective type of exams. However, heavy enrollments In nearly all of the depar tments are driving them to the use of objective questions. It is Interesting to note tha i true-false exams were considered Inferior to almost all other types.

One other point which Dr. Troyer stressed was the Importance of re­viewing exams immediately after­wards. It seems " the best learning takes place during the next period after an exam.

Jus t In passing I might men t ion the fact tha t rumor has it t h a t there are still some members of the fa ­culty who trust us in spite of a cer ­tain little article appear ing in t he Knickerbocker News earlier this week. Thanks .

Winter Carnival Massachuset ts S ta te College a t

Fort Devens has s tar ted the second semester of its first year of exist­ence along with many other s imi­lar Institutions. The first big social event of the semester was a winter carnival held last weekend wi th Gov. Bradford planning to crown the queen.

The question of a Sta te University is being discussed in Massachu­setts as well as New York S ta te . A petition of the American Legion t h a t a commission be set up to s tudy the pro's and con's of the ques­tion will be hoard at the S t a t e House in Massachusetts on March 10th. The recommendation a t p res ­ent calls for n site in or near Bos­ton.

Trees Russell Sage is making plans for

beautifying their campus this spring. The main innovation will be p lan t ­ing trees to replace those which have had to be removed. Each class is being urged to plant a tree this Arbor bay , and a fund h a s been s tar ted to raise money for three additional trees to replace the last three which have been lost.

Troubles By the way, have you heard of the

picket line formed by marr ied s tu ­dents and their wives at a San Francisco College in order to p ro ­test against the twin beds wi th which the college had furnished their apar tments?

From the Stratford Traveller of Stratford College In Danville, Vir­ginia we Have gleaned the follow­ing little Item:

"Latest underground reports Indi­cate that although the groundhog would have liked iii conic out of its hole this ground-hog day, he would­n't because entirely too many peo­ple were looking for apa r tmen t s . "

"But then you've all heard of the two little maggots that were ctiughl necking In Dead Earnest."

Tha t ' s all folks!

Freshman Class Plans Big-Eight

All communications should bo addressed to tlio editor and must be siKued. Names will be withheld upon request. Tho STATE) COMJXHf NIOWH assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed In Its columns or communications •s such •zprossions do not necessarily reflect Hi view,

The Freshman Big-8, under the direction of Earle Jones, will be presented Saturday night, March 1, at 8 P.M. In Page Hall. Audrey Koch, Joan French, and Donald Hoyt are chairmen of the produc­tion.

The freshmen have chosen an old-fashioned parody us their theme, a musical comedy with original mu­sic. Asher Borton will play the male

lead, while Yolandti Oloekner and Murle DeCarlo will take the female leads.

Music for the Blg-ll was writ ten b.v Audrey Koch and Jeanne Gebo, and Donald Hoyt and Joan French wrote the script. Committee heads include Diniui Webber, l ights; R h o -da Blber, publicity: Ruth Smith , props and stage crew; Joan Keyfon, make-up ; Doris Price, costumes; and Lois Bassett, sets,

Gammon-State* The Common-Stater is given the widest latitude as

author of this column, although his viewpoints do not necessarily reflect those of the State College News.

Our basketball t eam showed evidences of having h a d a shot in the a rm Tuesday night , losing to a favored Siena team 62-41. Although this game adds to Sta te ' s long string of losses, t he spiri t speaks for a better future. Chuck Houghtal ing, Pres ident of the Siena S tuden t Senate said, "S ta t e showed fine spirit. If Siena h a d the same drive, we would be unde­feated."

How's t h a t Again? Sign found on bulletin board in lower Draper:

"Any F r e s h m a n Girls Interested in Sining in Chorus for Big 8 . . . . Rehearsal Tonigh t in Room 28." Luck­ily there were no signatures a t tached , which speaks well for S ta te women. This brings to mind a state­m e n t made by Dean Milton G. Nelson in Tuesday's Knickerbocker News. "We have a pret ty innocent bunch here anyway."

T h e chea t ing theme is now making na t iona l mags a n d city newspapers. For reference check 17 February Life and Tuesday's Knickerbocker News. Life picked the University of Texas as a proving ground and the Knick took up the cry and sent a reporter to State. I t is alleged t h a t Life has a lawsuit on its hands now as a result. The NEWS is running the results of its own survey on page 1.

We took a little survey of our own about the col­lege and our results are there. Yes, some cribbing does take place on examinat ions . In many cases, it was in courses in which "cooperation" was almost invited. Girls are more guilty of cheat ing than men.

B u t well over 50 per cent of all people asked had never seen nor ever indulged In any cheat ing.

T h e article in tho Knick picked "future teachers" to survey. The number of people interviewed was not given. Likewise, statistics were strangely lack­ing.

And despite the fact t h a t all means of journalistic cleverness were employed, the cold hard facts are t h a t there is relatively little cribbing a t State.

Some s tudents acquainted with other colleges in the vicinity suggested tha t cribbing was much more prevalent in these other colleges.

Various methods mentioned were writing on knees, keeping a crib sheet in a jacket pocket, whispering', writing on the desk before the exam paper is handed out, and peeking at a book.

It should be remembered, however, tha t any final examinat ion is a combination of what a student learned during the course and how effective the instructor was.

Congrats to Faculty The faculty is leading off in the campaign here

to raise tearhers ' salaries. They have nothing to gain themselves in doing this, but a questionnaire is being sent around, asking whether or not efch mem­ber of the faculty favors going on record in sup­port of the Young-Milmoe Teachers ' Salary Bill and the Young-Milmoe Sta te Aid Bill. This will 'not affect a single member of the faculty.

Surely If they ran do something like this, we, the ones affected by the pending legislation, can do even more. 2,500 letters to our Assemblymen and Senators would mean a lot. If vott don' t know their names the library has them. WRITE TODAY TNFORMTNO YOUR LEGISLATORS I F YOU WANT THEM TO S U P P O R T THE YOUNG-MILMOE TEACHERS SALARY BILL. And have your parents do the same.

College Calendar ---Friday, February 21—

12-2 P.M. Freshmen try-outs for NEWK. Sign up in P. O.

3:30 P.M. In ter -Group Council, o p e n meeting. Mayor Corning, guest speaker, Lounge,

8:30 P.M. Varsity game, Slate vs, St. Michael's Saturday. February 22—

(i P.M. Kenan- banquet, Ten Kyek Hotel, Dr Harvey Rice, guest speaker,

II P.M. Religious Clubs Dance, gym Sunday, February 23—

:t P.M. Intersorority Tea, Lounge. 3 P.M. Commuters Club sleighrlde, Frear Park.

Troy. Tuesday, February 25—

3:30 P.M. Two movies sponsored by Pan Amlgos, "Schools to the South," "People of Two Worlds," Lounge. All invited.

H:li() P.M Advanced Dramat ics plays, directed b,\ Mury Harvey, Muriel Rubin, Seniors.

Wednesday, February 2(i— (I P.M. Commerce Club banquet, Howard Johnson's

Thursday, February 27— 3:30 P.M. In ter -Group Council movie, Lounge All

Invited, 7 P.M. Debale, .State vs. Drew University, "Re­

solved: that labor be given a illrecl share in the management of industry," Lounge.

Friday, February 28— 8:30 P.M Varsity game, s t a l e vs. Albany Business

College, away. Saturday, March I—

» P.M. Varsity game, Sta le vs Ooblesklll, away. 8:30 P.M. Freshman Big-8.

Tuesday, .March II — 7:30 P.M. Pan Amlgos meeting. Mr. Jeans Btlnard,

former head of Spanish Depar tment , guest speak er, Lounge.

11:30 P.M. Final Advanced Dramat ics plays, direct­ed by Mary Tollnn, '47, Grace Jones, '48.

STATI QbUsEOst NEWS, ' ' F R I D I A Y , F K B A W A R T a i , 1»<«7 *P**

Faculty Delegates Report Progress Of-Conference •

Six members of t h e S ta te College faculty have r e tu rned from a cur­r iculum revision meet ing held At the Hotel Onandaga . in Syracuse last week. Representat ives of 11 s ta te teachers colleges from the sub­ject ma t t e r depar tmen t s at tended, the Education depar tments having had their conference in September.

Dr. Harvey Rice, Professor of His­tory, Dr. Ra lph A. Beaver, Profes­sor of Mathematics , Dr. Ralph G. Clausen, Professor of Biology, Dr. Harry W. Hastings, Professor of English, Dr. Char les F . Stokes, P ro ­fessor of Music, and Dr. J ames W. Childers, Assistant Professor of Spanish were t h e representatives from Sta te College.

Common Elements of Teacher Ed.

A n opening address was given by Hermann Cooper, Commissioner of Teacher Training-. The delegates were divided into three groups, So­cial Studies, Science and Mathe­matics, and English, Music and Art. Special a t ten t ion was given to the questions of what the com­mon elements in the general educa­tion of a teacher should be, and the means by whicn the s tudent 's com­petence in his general education can be tested. Each group drew up a s ta tement at the end of the week of the most fundamenta l divisions of the respective subjects and a summary of the basic skills requir­ed for a thorough unders tanding of them.

Math and Science Depar tments The Science and Mathemat ics

section stated t h a t the ability to compute with integers and frac­tions is necessary for all educated citizens, but the teacher must, in addition, have a clear comprehen­sion of the number systems. An unders tanding of the way t h a t m a ­thematics has affected the develop­ment of the a r t s and sciences, mod­ern business and industry, and crit­ical thinking is also necessary. Evaluation of s tudent competence in the field should be conducted so its to evaluate knowledge of the sub­ject and to accomplish the purposes of testing the s tudents ' ability to apply this knowledge to now situa­tions; to evaluate the at t i tudes pos­sibly developed in those classes and to test the growth in abilities dur ­ing the academic career of the s tu­dent.

Philosophy Croup

The Philosophy group felt t ha t flie teacher who sincerely accepts the principles of democracy demon­st ra tes liis acceptance by recogniz­ing and valuing personalities of o thers and extending it, beyond the classroom. The teacher works with living materials wherever possible. The student, should gain an under­standing- tha t correctness is relative ra ther than absolute and varies with the occasion, according to the English section. The Art, English, and Music groups have gone on rec­ord as favoring In those colleges Interested, exploration of a course to be called, "Expression in the Arts."

In formulating the fields of In­quiry in the Social Studies depar t ­ment, the group decided tha t em­phasis should be put. proport ionate­ly less on the tradit ional Western European cultural phase and stress the contributions of all cultures, particularly the areas neglected up to this point.

Sororities Plan Group Tea Molly Kramer , '47, President of

Intersorority Council, has an­nounced that the council will hold Us first lea Sunday from 3 to 5 P.M. in the Lounge. The purpose of tho tea, which is being held lor all pledges and active members, is to afford the pledges an oppor­tunity lo meet the members and pledges of the other sororities.

Dr. Ellen O. Stokes, Dean ol Women, Dr, Mutle Green, Assis­tan t Professor of Hygiene, and Dr. Caroline Lester, Instructor of Mathematics , have been asked to ehaporone.

Freshmen NEWS Tryouts Asked To Sign Up Today

Mary Tessier, '47, ,Edftor-in-f chief of the STATE COLLEGE N E ^ g , • ; K a ' s ' r e v e s t e d all f resh- j ! men whb""a'fe inEerested in t ry- ' ing out for the N E W S td sign up today in the Publ ica t ions office from 12 to 2 P.M. Those who have been at tending cub classes are asked to sign a s well as those who have had no previous exper­ience. Special ins t ruc t ion will be given to the f reshmen who have hot been a t t end ing cub classes this semester.

The NEWS staff mee t s every Tuesday and Wednesday n igh t In the P.O.; the f reshmen work from 7:30 to 11, wri t ing headl ines , At the end of each year, Sophomore reporters are appoin ted from the freshmen tryouts, a n d in Novem­ber, six Sophomore Desk Editors are appointed. T h r e e Jun io r As­sociate Editors a re chosen in May, and the Edi tor - in-chief is selected from these three , t he fol­lowing year.

son; Rockland, Mr. Robert Walm-sley, Nyack; S a i n t Lawrence, Mr, Allan P. Sill, 191 Alien Street, Mas-sena; Saratoga, Mr. J o h n L. Ostran-der, Schuylerville; Schenectady, Mr

Current Issues Furnish Topics For Student Polls

A committee of s tudents in the Sociology 4 classes has been formed for the purpoose of conduct ing a series of "gallop polls" among the s tudents of S ta te College on vari­ous controversial issues. Dr. Theo­dore Standing, Professor of Soci­ology, will direct t h e surveys.

The questions will be sent to one or two hundred people, with equal percentages from each class. According to Philip Lashinsky, '47, cha i rman of the commit tee , geo­graphic distr ibution will be con­sidered in the polls. One- th i rd of the students approached will be from the North of Albany, one-third from South, and one- thi rd from the West. T h e questions will also be given according to male and female percentages.

Questions will be sent, through the student mail and should be returned to Lashinsky, immediate­ly. No name is needed on the question sheet.

Members of the commit tee con-dueling the polls include Robert Hardt, Renee Harr is , freshmen, Helen Sims, '49. The first ques­tion to be considered will be cheat­ing on examinat ions.

Art Classes Exhibit Work Of Semester

The display of work b.v the vari­ous art. classes, exhibited on the second floor of Draper, will be open all next week. Among the works featured are samples from two books written and i l lustrated b.v Eleanor Blnn and Marilyn Skolsky. Seniors.

The Art 4 class is featuring a display of design exercises in char­coal which are I he basis for fin­ished designs such as decorative landscapes, greeting cards, illustra­tions for stories and poems. All the designs lor directory covers, which was ano ther project of the Art 4 class, are also on display.

The Art li class is presenting a series of Illustrations which may be used either In selection, prepara­tion, and presentat ion of leaching aids or lit affnictlve room ar range­ments.

Miss Blnn, has wri t ten and illus­trated "Mashn and the Kasha In the Land ol Pasha ," while "The Volocheks of Mlnsky-Pinsk" Is the work ol Mrs. Skolsky, '47.

Mystania Asks Skit Themes

iContinual ham Pago I, Column .V

un cheating al S l a t e College which appeared In their paper .

MysUania has asked that I he rival classes I urn in the themes of their Moving-Up Day skits b.v Thursday, April 111, In order to avoid conflict and confusion between the two classes.

Teachers Association Releases List. Qf.. N . , y . .State Legislators • The New York S ta t e Teachers As- Cornwall-on-Hudson; Mr. Wilson C. sociation has released the following V a n D u z e r , 40 Highland Avenue, list of the names and addresses of „ , . . , . „ „ , /-i.i«««» »»« t i- c S t a t e Assemblymen and Senators in Middletown; Orleans, Mr. John S. order t h a t all persons who a re in- Thompson, 216 Park Avenue, Me-terested may write and express their d ina; Oswego, Mr. Henry D. Coville, personal opinions on the present c e n t r a l Square; Otsego, Mr Paul L teTtlnItatUSenna'tors, according to T a l b o t ' Burlington Place; Pu tnam, districts, a r e : District 1, Mr. S. M r - D - Mallory Stephens, 15 Garden Wentwor th Horton, Greenpor t ; Dis- Street , Brewster; Rensselaer, Mr. tr ict 2, Mr, J o h n D. Bennet t , 28 J o h n s , P i n c h | cas t l e ton-on-Hud-North Park Avenue, Rockville Cen­tre; District 3, Mr. William S. Hults, Jr., 85 Por t Washington Boulevard, Port Washington; District 29, Mr. William P. Condon, 25 Hollis Ter­race North, Yonkers 3; District 30, Mr. J. Raymond McGovern, 249 Oswald D". Heck, '2146 Union Street, Huguenot Street, New Rochelle; Schenectady 8; Schoharie, Mr. Ar-District 31, Mr. Pleny W. William- t h u r L. Parsons, Central Bridge; son, 115 Broadway, New York City 6; Schuyler, Mr. Je r ry W. Black, Bur-District 32, Mr. Thomas C. Des- de t t ; seneca, Mr. Lawrence W. Van mond, 94 Broadway, Newburgh; Dis- Cie ef, Seneca Palls; Steuben, Mr. trict 33, Mr. Frederic H. Bontecou, William M. Stuar t , 19 East Main 3 Cannon Street , Poughkeepsie; s t r ee t , Canisteo; Suffolk, Mr. Ed-District 34, Mr. Arthur H. Wicks, m u n c i R , Lopton, Cutchogue; Mr. Kingston; District 36, Mr. Gilbert E i i s n T . Barrett , 161 West Con-T. Seeyle, Burn t Hills; District 38, C 0 Urse , Brightwaters; Sullivan, Mr. Mr. Benjamin F. Feinberg, 85 Mar- J a m e s G Lyons, Monticello; Tioga, garet Street , P la t t sburg; District M r . Myron D. Albro, Lounsberry; 39, Mrs. Rhoda Fox Graves, Gouver- Tompkins, Mr. Stanley C. Shaw, 315 neur; District 40, Mr. Fred A. N . Geneva Street, I thaca ; Ulster, Young, Lowville; District 41, Mr. M r J o l l n p W a d l i n , Vineyard Ave-Robert C. Graben, Firs t National n U 6 | Highland; Warren, Mr. Harry Bank Building, Utica 2; District 43, A . Reous, 181 Main Street , Warrens-Mr. oJhn H. Hughes, 821 Onondaga b u r g ; Washington, Mr. Henry Ned-Company, Savings Bank Building, do_ Whitehall; Wayne, Mrs. Mildred Syracuse 2; District 44, Mr. Walter P , Taylor, 35 Phelps Street , Lyons; W. Stokes, Cooperstown; District Westchester, Mr. Malcolm Wilson, 45, Mr. Floyd E. Anderson, 300 Press 7 7 Rockland Avenue, Yonkers 5; Building, Binghamton; District 46, M r P r e c l A Graber, 146 Grove Mr. Chauncey B. Hammond, R.D. 2, s t ree t , Tarrytown; Mr. P. Raymond Elmira; District 47, Mr. Henry W. s i r ignano, 72 Douglas Place, Mt. Griffith, 353 Canandaigua Street , Vernon; Mr. Frank S. McCullough, Palmyra; District 48, Mr. Fred S. 1 5 wappanocca Avenue, Rye; Mr. Hollowell, 319 Main Street, Perm Christopher H. Lawrence, 26 Valley

Road, Bronxville 8; Mr. Theodore

Ballots To Seek FacultyOpiniohs On Legislation

Dr. Minnie B. Scotland, cha i r ­man of the faculty council, has a n ­nounced t h a t ballots have been sent to the faculty asking whether or not they favor supporting the New York Teachers Association in Its campaign for higher salaries for teachers. The Council unanimously agreed t h a t the association should be supported in its drive.

The specific legislation proposals which the faculty is asked to back a re : 1—the Young-Milmoe Teachers Salary Bill which provides for a minimum salary of $2400 a n d regu­lar increments up to $3600; 2—The Young-Milmoe S ta te Aid Bill which provides the necessary s ta te aid t o put the above salary schedule in to operation.

If the faculty decides to support the Teachers Association in its c a m ­paign, the Faculty Council will n o ­tify the Association of the willing­ness of the faculty to help and sup­port the campaign.

Yan; District 49, Mr. Austin W. Er-vin, 104 Main Street, Geneseo; Dis­trict 50, Mr. George T. Manning, 213 Powers Building, Rochester 4; and District 51, Mr. Allen J. Oliver, 500 Union Trust Building, Rochester 4.

The Assemblymen, listed accord­ing to counties are : Albany, Mr. D. Cady Herrlck, 119 McCormick Road, Slingerlands; Mr. George W. Poy, 76 Lenox Avenue, Albany 3; Mr. John McBain, 2332 Broadway, Wat-ervliet; Allegany, Mr. William H. MacKen/.ie, 33 Willets Avenue, Bel­mont; Broome, Mr. Richard H. Knauf, 19 Howard Avenue, Bing­hamton; Mr. Orlo M. Brees, 508 Mountain View Drive, Endlcott; Cayuga, Mr. Charles A. Cuslck, Weedsport; Chemung, Mr. Harry J. Tifft, 205 John SI., Horscheads; Chenango, Mrs. J ane t Hill Gordon, Box 283, Norwich; Clinton, Mr. James A. Fitzpatrlek, 41 Hamilton St., Plat tsburg; Columbia, Mr. Wll-lard C. Drumm, Nivcrville: Cort­land, Mr. Harold L. Creel, Homer; Delaware. Mr. Elmer J. Kellam, Hancock: Dutchess, Mr. Ernest I. Hatfield. Hyde Park; Essex, Mr. L. Juclson Morhouse, Ticonrleroga; Franklin, Mr. William L. Doige, Chafeaugay; Ful ton-Hamil ton, Mr. Joseph R. Yoitnglove, 14 Hoosac Street, Johnstown; Genesee, Mi-. John E. Johnson, Perry Road, Le Hoy; Greene, Mr. William E. Brady. !)7 Mansion St., Coxsackie; Herkim­er, Mr. Leo A. Lawrence, 20!) North Prospect Street, Herkimer son, Mr. Orin S. Wilcox, Main Street, Theresa; Lewis. Mr. Benja­min H. Demo, Croghau; Livingston, Mr. Joseph W. Ward, Caledonia; Madison, Mr. Wheeler Mllmoe, 3111 South Peterboro Street, Canastola ; Monroe, Mr. Joseph W. Bentley, Penfleld; Mr. Abraham Schulman, 445 Harvard .Street, Rochester 7; Mr. Raymond H. Combs, 50 W. Buf­falo Street, Churehvllle; Mr. Thom­as P. Riley, 24 Lnpham Street, Rochester 13; Montgomery, Mi'. John F. Bennlson, 211 Canal Street , Fort Plain; Nassau, Mr. Frank J. Becker. 42 Winter Street, L.vnbrook; Mr. Joseph F. Carllne, 310 River­side Blvd., Long Beach; Mrs. Oen-esta M. Strong, 7(1 Brookslde Drive, Plandome; Mr. David S. Hill, Jr., North Place, Glenwood Landing; Oneida, Mr. Harlow E. Bacon, 31(1 Wi'si Embargo Hi reel, Rome; Mr. Richard R. Griffith, 2807 Genesee Street, Utica 3; Onondaga, Mr. Setirles G. Schullz, 10 Lellch Ave­nue, Skanealeles; Mr. Clellan S. Forsythe. (100 Roberts Avenue, Syra­cuse 4; Mr. Lawrence M. Rullson, ISA Hastings PL, Syracuse 0; On­tario, Mr. Harry R. Marble, Hoi-comb; Orange, Mr. Lee B. Malller,

Hill, Jr., Jefferson Valley; Wyoming, Mr. Harold C. Ostertag, 170 Main Street , Attica; Yates, Mr. Vernon W. Blodgett, Rushville.

Bentley, Worth Named Delegates

Ruth Bentley, '47, and Eloise Worth, '48, have been elected to a t tend the conference of the Eas­tern States Association of Profes­sional Schools mid Teachers In New York next, month. The two were named us n result of voting in last week's assembly.

IGC To Interview Mayor Corning

In te r -Group Council has sched­uled several activities this week in ­cluding a meeting with Mayor Corn­ing today a t 3:30 P. M. and an open meeting in the Lounge, T h u r s ­day at 3:30 P.M., according to Lois Hutchinson, '47, Chai rman. The Council also announced the election of Ru th Seelbach, '48, representa­tive of I.G.C. a t the Conference of Eastern S ta te Teacher 's Colleges to be held at Atlantic City March 29.

The executive board will in ter­view Mayor Corning this afternoon In order to discuss inter-group ac ­tivities in Albany and to learn how IGC can help to further these activi­ties. Miss Hutchinson said tha t the Council is particularly interested in discussing inter-group relations in the schools and among teachers,

A movie on Inter-group activities will be shown at the open meeting Thursday.

Numerical results 442 x 100

Quota —

1947 Bentley Hutchinson Randal l Smifli Blanks


18900 1190(1 0700 3500


are as

+• 1

20800 12700 10500




27000 17000


QuoLn 1948 Baldwin

Jelfer- Gllberl Mieras Worth Blanks



44200 44200

7200 5400

11100 20200



11800 23000


44200 4420(1

State New Publishing Policy Forum, the discussion group of

Suite College, has initiated a new policy til publishing "Soap­box" weekly, instead of bi-weekly, as was the policy in the past. The paper will be larger and will be distributed In Hie lower hulls of Draper Wednesday morning.

The articles in "Soapbox" will be of interest to the s tudent body in general, but will oneern mai­lers ul particular Interest to So­cial Studies majors.

I una Rosen, '48, Speaker of Forum, hits requested all students fa contribute articles of timely Interest which may be placed In the Forum mailbox. Names will ue withheld upon request,

Name Two Instructors To Faculty Vacancies I Continued from Page /, Column J/)

University in Morgontown, W. Va., where he obtained his Master's de ­gree. Mr. Jones replaces Mr. Harris who resigned during Christmas va­cation due to ill health.

Mr. Lindbucher, having received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from State, returns to fill the posi­tion left vacant b.v Mr. Skelton. Mr. Skelfon hits accepted a position with Temple University In Phi la ­delphia. Pennsylvania.

Clubs Schedules Banquet, Mov/e iCantinnr-d from Page I, Column %)

Commuters Club, has announced tha t a sleighrlde and hot dog roast will be held Sunday a t 1:30 P. M. at Frear Park in Troy. Harold Tun-kel, '&(), is in charge of a r range­ments. Cars will provide the t rans­portation and those who own sleds and tobaggans are urged to bring their own equipment,




iimiin niitrmwwunwwi

«V^f ^mt« oouwaae N»m • •• pfltotft; :*MW«»*:*C1i*fc' - •' ••••• ' i r < " ; 1 1 ' ^ , ' • " ' . r i [ inidlfaLJHUh

EEP Tops SLS, Siena Trips State 62-41 KDP Downs KB $ t a t e R a | | y pa | |s Short /n /nframura/s

George Is High Scorer, Torencello, Kemp Tied

SEASON'S HIGH SCORER The second round of the Men's

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ „ y . Intramural tourney began this week \Afe\rlf ' ^ l I w l t l 1 three games having been " » W I K • H M V ' -1 | pince(i. Potter Club still holds first Checking a second half State

place in the frat league by winning surge, the Siena Indians dumped "Z—vipniviA m v its fifth game and the Grads are the Purple and Gold Tuesday night

By viHUWiA UAX leading the departmental league. to the tune of a 62-41 score. Start-Grtm Tale ' Thursday, February 13, the Grads ing fast, Siena jumped off to a

Once upon a time there lived in a a n ( j p0 t ter triumphed over the commanding lead in the first quart-large building on Western Avenue P r o s n a n c i Q L S respectively. The er and, substituting freely, held a very large family—over a thous- G r a d s r o n e d u p a 12 point lead by their lead throughout, and in fact. Now there were a lot t n e e n d o f t n e f i r s t h a l f b u t D u f f o s w i n n l n g t n e o p e n i n g t a P ) 6 f t . 7 of other families just like this one c a m e through in the second period in. George Weber tossed in the first in ail parts of the state, country w i t h 6 p o l n t S i h e l p i n g t o bring the goal and added two more before and world; and just like all othei f l n a l s c o r e t o 1 8 p o l n t s f o r the Frosh Ken George converted a free throw, families of this particular sort it t o 13 points for the Grads. Sullivan, Torencello scored on a pass from was a set rule that the family repu- a g r a d | t a l U e d a n e a t 1 0 points, 7 Binettl, Boland layed up a two-tation was upheld by a very few— o f w h i c h w e r e m a d e m the second pointer and Torencello again found five members, in fact, who used to n a l f t h e r a n g e b e f o r e W e b e r c o n n e c t e d go out onto what is known as a B p p _ g L 8 f o r h l s f o u r t h g o a l o f t h e period, court and throw b g balls at hoops ^ s e c Q n d g & m e Qf ^ e y e n i n g R e d E v a n g , f o u l s h o ( . e n d e d fche flrs(. that nang on tne wan. between SLS and Potter was a high- period scoring: Siena 16, State 2.


Face St. Michaels' Here Tonight

Pierce, Gam Kap Remain On Top In Basket League

With the playoffs of Wednesday night, the championship of the sor­ority league was won by Gamma Kap and the championship of the group house league was copped by the Pierce Rares. The Washington Avenue squad met Psi Gamma In a 19-14 win and the Rares-Sayles game resulted in a score of 12-6. Playoffs Draw Near

In approaching the playoffs, Phi Delt triumphed over Psi Gamma last Saturday, 18-13, in a contest that was brilliantly played by both teams. Tilden, '48, starred for Phi Delt, scoring 18 of the final 18 points for her squad, while Daly, '48, was high scorer for Psi Gam with a total tally of six points.

In the second game, Farrell House toppled Sayles Hall, 24-18, making a three way tie for first place in that league. Boynton, '48, set the pace for Farrell with a top score of !), while Pless, '49, sparkplugged the Partridge Street six scoring 10 points.

The final game of the morning was won by Gamma Kap as that undefeated sextette subdued Beta Zeta, 18-11, copping first place in

sorority league. Quinn, Gamma Junior, cleared the hoops for

„nai nang uu «••= «"••• Deiween ouo uuu jri^^-i ™«- ~ 1? : Once It Was Different s c o r l n g m a t c h , ending 53-38, Pot- L e a d s A U a c k

At first all the members of the f The SLS five put up an " * . . family went to watch the Big Five ^ fl h t flgainst a t e a m c o m - Je«g»°f ° £ u £ % ^ s h fnSn™ e every single time they were going d m o s t l y o f former varsity men. Ken G e o i g ^ a lea a V™" to throw the big balls at the hoops p , h i s u s u a l {orm> w a s high foul ne.Binecti s e c - g ^ £ y on the wall, but gradually they lost " »'f E E p w i t h 1 6 points fol- one up with Walt ^nicK aoaint mte?eStWand thlrein dear reader « « b

f o lC o m b s and Bortnlck with a one-hander £ » t»» « n « , Afte

l l e S S?e l a B , ^ f l e v lust werln' 12 P°,lnt« e a 0 £ : "to** no in te but W Ma"land dropped in a goal K a c e s t . lv l lCnae,s m-rc x . n W n . — , Big Five though they Just weren , e a u by only 5 p o i n t b u t « ° o n & l a m e ^ ft, t h e s, getting the rah! rah I from tMir pulled ahead f « t to the third quai ana * f o u l t l .y s a n d w i t n

bw i n s l n t h e l r r e matnlng five Kap

brothers and sisters they shouia oe t e l . t o w l n b y 15 points £ , Brunda's tricky g a m e s , the Purple and Gold go into thirteen points and the high scor-getting, and this made them veu ^ , n , 5 points. Hlpplck and n i c k e d m ag ^ ^ ^ ^ games, e p ^ ^ g ( ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ b y M a _

Cupel starred for SLS with 16 points noc ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M l c h n e l s . quintet which beat the glneas, '48. Outscorlng Siena 16-13 in the varsity earlier in the season 51-36. Championships Decided

third period, State led off with Jack T o m O'Brien will lead off with a The two deciding games which KDR swamped KB ln a fast-mov- K l r b s c o r l n g n foui shot. Torencello starting five made up of "Red" were played Wednesday night were

t set before George cutting across Evans, "Bolo" Marsland, Walt close, fast games with each team ,r ppnnomicauv > — ^ -— , front court took a pass from Tom S c h i 0 k and Ken George. display!..g outstanding basketball

ana-athietioally, it w » S always second ^ « * % * & X $ £ ° ' B l " c n C O m b l n i n g t 0 ^ ^ easy to keep up with the Jones s i " w a s A ] g t o n ( fact, in this particular yeai t ci 0 n l n

f r ' d i r ^ B i ^ F i v e 6 £ ' ab A 0Ut first half and 8 more in the second " - u g h

sad, then very mad. capei siarreu iui OJJ>J «»"• The real fault did not howevei, md u i n t s rcspectively.

lie with the Big Five. Like all „ K B families, this particular famUy a - ™ R s w a m p e d KB in a fast-mov- ^ b y ^ l n ' g ^ a T o u i T h o t Torencello sVaTttag"! ways wanted to keep 1p with tne g a m 6 | M o n d n y ^ , T h , * y « c M p o 8 g ^ ,

Jones's. sl°«;eh »"' ' ™ n o m i c a l l v victory ties KDR and Finks for t t k s s f r o m T o m g , , k a n

ways been rathei pow_eoonomioai«r s c e Q n d o l a c e f l g u r e d o n t h e n u m . ™ ^ r , n m b i n i n ( r t o k e e p W e b e r SIENA-62 FG

Northrup 1 D.. _._ __ Torencello 5

the side. Binettl again set and Bo- Blnetti 2

iond place, ngurea on une num- _,_ . . . . . „ r , r of wins. The outstanding play- ? ? r i e n combining to keep Weber

of the evening was Al Stone, b o U l e c l «P. ^ a t e began to find the DR, who tallied 17 points in the ' W ; Ma/sland set and O'Brien, -1 .,.,if „„H H m n w l n Hin second th011^" off-balance, connected from

this? They didn't like it any bet­ter than the other members of the family, but they kept right on throwing the big balls at the hoops hung on the wall just as if they al­ways put more points into the hoops than the Jones's. The Little Five

Our story wouldn't be complete without mentioning the Little Five. Four of the Little Five are girls, and one Is a boy. At first the dis­interested members of the family made fun of the clothes the Little Five wore, and laughed louder each game because the Little Five stuck by the Big Five. The Little Five felt worse and worse, They were tired of the jeers and comments of the family so they bought new clothes thinking this would surely make everybody happy. It didn't. And Then There Were None

One particular Friday night the Big Five was throwing Its usual party In the largest room of this large house, and when they got out on the court and looked around It was plain to see the Little Five was there, the Jones's were there, but

.. land tapped a rebound when Fersh Fabozzl -In the departmental league tne ^ M a r s ] a n d c o u n te red with goals. Boland 3

two games, Sophs vs. Sr.-Jr. and bo- K e m p a n d Torencello scored lay-ups Weber 4 cial Studies vs Grads, have been o n ] y t£) l m y e G e o r g e toss in two Kemp 5 postponed. m o r e 0f his effective hook shots. Gallagher 3

• Score: Siena 45 State 30. - . . -

Gam Kap, Sayles AEPhi Win In Bowling League

In the WAA Bowling league Sayles and Gumma .. lead each having won their three games

Indians Pull Away Starting off the fourth period,

which was featured by fast play and fancy shots, Schick pushed from the foul line. Fabbozzi followed with a set and Marsland dropped ln a foul. Kemp hooked a dandy and Weber tallied. Taking an Evans-Karplnk-Powell pass, George cut

Bruda O'Brien

FP 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 4 2

Totals 26 11

STATE- -41

Fersh Schick George

» T K o ^ X m \ r ° p T l e " u p T p l a y e ^ o F b o t h Marzello ^ r their'' h e « * - <-> tucked away his favorite gBHen

shot, an over-head hook, from the „"". " u m

left corner. Northrup set from mid-Evans

FG 3 3 (i 0 1 2 1 0 1 0

FP 2 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 0

Solving State's tight defense early In the second half, Brooklyn Poly

for the losers. scored on a pass from Marsland and Gamma Kap beat Kappa Delta Luciano closed out scoring actlvl-

In the first match 575-457. Young ties with a charity throw, of KD has to bowl the s"cond game, p 0 i y R3i staj,e 41 but she has to top 173 to bring KD's

fonos's were mere. mu. 514 up to Gamma Kaps 687, so it where were the other 99A members seems that Gam Kap has won Its &wnod"tho'Purple and Gold 63-42. of the family? £ l rd m ch P. , .no er man for T h ( ) B n g l n B e r 8 d U p l B e d a d a s s y

This was just too much I It was Gam Kap bowled 133 and 174. tag | l U | K ,k ( h a ( b e ( J £ m ( o (.U(,k the Big Five who had to stand out AEPhi was hard pressed to take s o o n a f t e r intermission and rolled on the court and try to beat the its mulch from Phi Delt and was u „ Ul(, biK 8 C o r o Dy frequently sub-Jones's not the other 999 members forced to bowl throe games. Fisher stltutlng fresh players, of the family. If they could taka was high scorer for the Washing- 0 o n t l n u l n t t t o „.u.., t n o vursllv as

' - lotwxve. gnmp while Maloney was h 0O K i n e ^ i T a i n . Oy Sersh

high scorer lor Phi Delt. d r o p p o d [ n e [ g h t (Ma g 0 ( l l / a n d s l x According to the bowling rules charity markers to lead the high

any team which has lost four scoring session with twenty-two straight games Is to be eliminated. p(1|nus. Gould was high lor the

{Continued an Payo J/, Column B) Engineers with seventeen.

skills. The first game of the eve-TP nlng between Psi Gam and Gamma

2 Kap found both teams determined 11 to come out on top. Although Psi 4 Gam played excellent ball with Sul-3 ich, '49, holding top scoring hon-6 ors with 9 tallys, the green and gold

10 of Gamma Kap came through with 11 a win of 19-14. Quinn, '48, lead the 6 victors with a total of 9 points. 5 The top place of the opposing 4 league fell to the Pierce Rares as

_ they ecked out a 12-6 victory over G2 Sayles Hall. Davidson, '47, stellar

player for Pierce, maintained her scoring reputation with a tally of

TP 7 points. Sayles Hall, keyed on by H Pless, '47, highscorer with 5 points, (i played a superb defensive game but

13 failed to overcome the Pierce 0 champs. 2 _ (• (Continued from Page h Column 2) 3 BZ and KD will play next Tuos. and Q since both these groups have lost 3 thre games one of these will be Q eliminated leaving eleven teams in

_ the league. Newman has also lost 41 three straight and vvil also be elim­

inated If they lose their next match.

it and keep coming buck for more with the same degree of enthusiasm, why couldn't their brothers and sisters? Well, why? War of Peace?

The story has not yet ended. The test will be this Friday night. Are we as an Intergi'uted family unit goln? to let our Big Five down? Shall we continue to try to kuop up with the Jones's this year, and learn from experience of this season? Why not do it the easiest and the best way; buck the Bin Five, bock tile Little Five, preserve the unity of our family unit.

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S3 BARBERS- NO WAITING !J10 Central Avenue Albany, N. Y,

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"'"'.••• y;rv'yf •:•:•;.':^

STATE cauxtat wtWs, • ' - • ' • • ' • • • ' - • ' - • "

.HMOAYv "mmmtBrtwwt fMHifir-


Advanced Dramatics opened the second half of its season ln a man­ner somewhat short of triumphant. Both productions succeeded very well in capturing the fancy of the audience, a fact which was reflect­ed in the highly acceptable transi­tion from the farce of the opening presentation to the tenseness of the last.

Mr. Baldwin could not have chos­en a play richer in comedy both of character and situation. His set was good, although his cast found itself in occasional dilemma due to

Capitol Offers Birdseye View Of Lawmaking

Ed. Note: Two reporters from the STATU COLUBOK NEWS visited a ses­sion 01 the State Legislature last. Wednesday to observe the work­ings of state government The fol­lowing article is a record of their observations. Students are permit­ted to observe sessions of the. Leg­islature at any time.

People walking in and out, talk­ing, and smoking . . . Scene: the State Assembly in session.

The Assembly chamber, lighted by four chandeliers, was filled with cigar smoke and the hum of voices as representatives gathered in numerous groups to carry on dis­cussions. The Speaker's voice was heard above the noise of people entering and leaving the chamber to bring documents to the repre­sentatives.

The Chamber Itself is a high-ceillnged room with arched stained glass windows. The long desk of the Speaker is located on a high platform below the ".allery in the front of the room, wl tic the Assem­blymen's desks are .rouped around the Speaker ln a semi-circle.

During Wednesday morning's ses­sion, the Speaker was reading amendments to various bills, stop­ping only to call for a vote. This seemed to be nothing more than a formality, as no response to the question was heard, and each amendment was curried. During the order of business, the Speaker called for order and read Governor Dewey's resolution to proclaim the fourth Sunday In September, Inter-Faith Day, for the furtherance of Intor-raclai relations.

After the adjournment, of the As­sembly at 11:45. our guide conducted us through the marble halls of the Capitol, to the chamber of the Sen­ate. In contrast to the Informality of the Assembly session, we found the Senate quietly carrying on the day's business of law-making. The thlok-carpotod floors muffled the noises of the messengers walk­ing in and out, and only the voice of the Senate President could be heard.

the miscalculated placement of fur­niture arid the "stage-old" automa­tic opening of closet doors.

The house was with Granny, in the person of Archie Riber, all the way. The use of a few well-placed gestures would have added greatly to an otherwise completely laugh­able character. The other members of the cast, we feel, missed a great deal of the comedy in their char­acter. Mr. Llsker seemed to have mistaken stiffness for awkwardness and missed that part of the humor in his characterization that addi­tional action would have provided.

Miss Schoonmaker is to be con­gratulated on the sensitive handling of a very difficult play. The use of background music, something which we see all too infrequently on the Page stage, helped a great deal in establishing the mood and in get­ting the audience ready for what was to come. More subdued light­ing throughout would have been more in keeping with the play's funeral theme and would have made the make-up less noticeable.

The Oscar of the week goes to Edith Dell for her superb character­ization of the old mother, which was consistent and convincing at all times. It is gratifying to see that Miss Dell is as competent in trag­edy as she is in comedy.

Miss Hilt and Miss Rubin were unconvincing in their big scene, though the rest of their perform­ance was adequate. Mr. Lubey and the Keeners are to be congratulated on their intelligent Interpretation of small but important roles.

Select Delegates To Student Meet

Student Council has appointed Catherine Donnelly and Stanley Abrams, Sophomores, to represent State College at a conference of all up-state New York colleges to be held at Vassar College in Pough-keepsie, tomorrow afternoon at 1 P. M. The topic of discussion will be the National Student Organiza­tion.

Tills meeting is a follow-up of the recent Chicago Student Conference at Chicago University, at which three hundred universities and col­leges were represented. Plans were made at that time to continue work at Poughkoopsio on the National Student Organization, whose pur­pose Is two-fold: to promote the de­velopment of cooperation of stu­dents on a national and on an inter­national basis.

Student problems, such as currl-cular, student government, and dis­crimination will be discussed under a national basis to fulfill such needs as Increased educational fac­ilities, housing, and scholarship, and under an International basis through affiliation with the International Union of Students, to create the friendship and understanding to achieve peace.

Library Displays Exchange Papers

Students May Examine Collegiate Publications

The STATK COLLEOK NKWS, ln co­operation with the library, has ar­ranged to display newspapers from other colleges in the periodical sec­tion. The NKWK exchanges issues with approximately 40 student pub­lications in New York State and other parts of the country.

Under the present plan, which will go into operation today, five to ten papers will be placed on the shelf at one time and will be replaced twice a week.

Papers which will be on display during the semester are: The An­chor, Rhode Island College of Edu­cation; The Bee, University of Buf­falo; The Blue Banner, Vincentian Institute; The Campus, University of Rochester; Champlain College News, Champlain Collage; Concor-diensis, Union College; Fordham Ram, Fordham University.

The Griffin, Canisius College; Hamilton Life, Hamilton College; Hiil Whispers, Cobleskill School of Agri. and Home Ec; Hilltop Press, Cortland State College; Hilltops of Hartwlck, Hartwick College; Hof-stra Chronicle, Hofstra College; In­diana Penn, Indiana S:ate Teachers College, Pa.; Lamron. Geneseo State College; Leader, Frcdonia State College; Monlclarion. Montclair State College, N. J.; Orange Echo, Orange County School, Chapel Hill, N, C; Oswegonian, Oswego State College; The Owl. Alb my Business College; Pen-Dragon, Oneonla State College.

Polytechnic Reporter, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute; Prattler, Pratt Institute; Press Bulletin, Uni­versity of Wisconsin; Racquette News, State Teachers College, Pots­dam; The Record, Buffalo State College; The Reflector, State Teach­ers College, Newark, N. J.; Rensse­laer Polytechnic, RPI; Rider News, Rider College, N, J.

Russell Sage Quill, Troy; St. Bon-aventure, St. Bona venture College; Siena News; Skidmorc News; State Beacon, State Teachers College. Paterson, N. J.; State Signal, State Teachers College, Trenton, N. J.; Student Publication, Mass. State College, Fort Devens; The Stylus, Brockport State College.

Tempo, Chicago Teachers Col­lege; Univ. of Washington Daily; The Vandal, New Pal'.z State Col­lege; Syracuse Daily Orange.

Physics Laboratories

Get Radio Equipment

crheterodyne; a radio mounted on a large upright board, has been add­ed to the lab equipment. The ad­dition of a new generator provides

As a part of the general program t h e laboratory with audio and radio for modernizing the Science De- „,„„„,„ „ , „„„ *„„,.,..,„„ „„,. „ partment, the floors in the Physics 3 i & n a l s o f a n y ftwWMmy and a laboratories have been refinlshed, cathode ray oscilloscope has been and gas and compressed air piped obtained which Is used In the study into all the tables. The Physics 0f sound waves. shop has been remodeled for the ftuuents In radio work, and three Mr. Arthur Jones, Instructor in new pieces of apparatus have been Physics, has stated that all students secured who are interested In radio, may

According to Dr. c. Luther An- ure the new equipment ln the Phy-diews. Professor of Physics, a sup- sics shop to build their own sets.



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Luncheon Served Daily



ftAftt « «TATI pou*p* « « ^ * » I P A ? , ywftuA*y y . l)t#T

General Electric Prindle Releases Offers Grants Sfcrfe Fair Date In Science, Math And Committee

F J U U M U I ' M * t#» F n r » k * r A l l c e Prtndte- '*8- Chairman of rCI IOWSnipS l O r u n n e r s tate Pair, has announced that the

Studv of Develooments date has flnallv been ^ at March

oniay or LscTviupmcnu J 6 f n ) m 7 ; 3 ( ) ^ 1 1 ; 3 0 p M T h f t e n_ Union College, Schenectady, N.Y., tertainment will consist of a show

has announced the third annual in the auditorium and booths in award of 60 fellowships known as the college halls. i ^ h . ^ ^ T P ^ r ^ - 8 0 ^ Ftt Miss Prindle will be assisted by a g | ' ° r

n T f ^ j r * ^ These ̂ fel- committee which includes £ W S * M ? S? t h i i n ^ P In%h2 Eloise Worth, Gloria Gilbert, Jun-« » i t t L » m l L v onri ^hv«l« iors, Jean Pu lver, '49, and Geraldine

^ - l ^ r o v u ^ n , S hv thP Cooperman, '50. Members of com-h ^ ^ m M y m M ^ t h / f r f mWtees. which will include prize, £ K n I i $ * P ^ ^ t i o n e f S r concession, finale, publicity, and lowshlp grants cover tuition fees, . ,,„ * ... . • . « « r a m » j v™, maintenance at the college during $°"™f' W , U ** a n n o u n c e d •» the six weeks, and traveling ex- M a r c n *• penses. Applications will be con- A U g r o u p houses, both men and sldered only from experienced high women's, sororities and fraternities, school teachers with a bachelors w l J i h a v e concessions, and should degree representing undergraduate n o t i f y t h e c o m m i t t e e by March 1 of courses in chemistry, physics, or t h e t y p e ot concession it is planning


4oe*a OH *fU* 4t4n*»

Advanced Dramatics will present two one-act plays Tuesday, March 4, at 8:30 P. M. in Page Hall. Mary Harvey, '47, will direct a tragedy from the life of Joan of Arc, and Muriel Rubin, '47, a farce love tri­angle concerning the woman, her husband and the other man.

T ^AlMTny High School is featuring

the music of Chopin, Gounod, Oould, Kern, Mendelssohn, Schu­bert, and Tschalkowsky In a Sym­phony Concert in the high school auditorium at 8:15 P. M. March 6. Admission 30c, tax -Included.

The Statesmen will conduct a Smoker In the Lounge March 8. Harold Weber, '47, Is chairman of the event.

Mr. Jesse Stlnard, former head of the Spanish Department, will give a talk on Mexico, illustrated with

slides, in the Lounge at 7:30 P. M. Tuesday, March 11. The . talk is sponsored by Pan Amigos.

February 28 the State College basketball team will play Albany Business College, away.

There will be a basketball game between State College and Coble-skill at Cobleskill March 1.

Advanced Dramatics will present its final two one-act plays to be directed by Grace Jones, '48, and Mary Telian, '47, March 11.


State Students Eligible Dr. Oscar E. Lanford, Professor

of Chemistry, wishes to call this a n

so that ample time will be available for space planning.

The entertainment will include a taleno show, food and game con

nouncement to the attention of all cessions, and cafes. At the end of upperclassmen majoring in Science, the evening the finale will be held because after a year of teaching in the Commons, and prizes for best

concessions will be awarded by three faculty members, who will act as judges.

they will be eligible for these fel­lowships.

Aims of Courses The course of study is designed

to enlarge each student's grasp of new developments in physical sci­ences. It is believed by the educa­tion committee of the G.E. that the experience on the campus and at the G.E. plants will inspire the in-

S n £ ? a ThCB

h!£Lc°f I I S S S M S S Miss Mary Elizabeth Cobb, Libra-principles. The course includes trips requested the aid of stu-r ? ^ r Z T n ^ Sfhfnp^dv „nd dente in preventing further removal

S,f; ,F?mpan„yH a tJ?£SEStaL ofo f magazines from the colle8e it-? ™ e f , d i r l „ t ™ t riPvfinn brary. "Magazines have been dis-apparatus on most recent develop- . „ ' _ . _ _ JJ a n in c r easine rate r

monfc <„ tho wnTinoww onri R*». appearing at an increasing rate,

Library Requests Aid Or Students

ments in the Engineering and Re search Laboratories,

Childers Visits LanguageCenter

she said, "and are practically Im­possible to replace."

The librarian explained that cur­rent periodicals are left on the shelves for six months or a year, when they are removed to the stacks and eventually bound. The library has only one copy of each Issue, and because of limited edi­tions during the current paper

Twenty-three students took the shortage It is often impossible to oral credit examination in Spanish secure a second copy. Friday afternoon, February 14, j h e thoughtlessness of those re-from 1:15 to 4 P.M. and those who moving periodicals eliminates the were successful will take an oral possibility of anyone else using the examination, later. Dr. James Chll- magazine in school, Miss Cobb add-ders, Professor of Spanish, left to- e d , S h e u r g e d all students to sign day to Inspect the new phoenetics o u t I o r magazines and return them laboratory at Harvard University, w r i e n due In order to facilitate cir-as well as the new Language cen- cuia,tlon and insure a complete file ter there. f0r future use.

Dr. Childers, in referring to the exam, expressed the view that It was quite fair, with emphasis equally divided between Spanish and Spanish-American topics. He stated, however, that training in conversational Spanish would have helped. Those who are successful In the oral exam which will be given later, will be awarded a cer­tificate of permanent acceptance.

Until this Is given, temporary cer­tificates will be Issued.

Dr. Childers, who is in Cam­bridge, Massachusetts, was invited to inspect the phoenetics labora­tory and Language center by mem­bers of the Harvard faculty. The language center has a number of new buildings, with reading rooms and separate libraries.




8mil y. oWagengast "Buy Where the Flowers Grow"



SPECIAL ATTENTION to Sororities and Fraternities

i»fr, immtnttmirmm ejr

State College News Z-444 ALBANY, NEW YORK. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1047


VOL. XXXI NO.• I t %$\

Freshmen Colonial Harvey, Rubin To Stage Plays Tuesday Night

Life Of Jeanne d'Arc to Use Stylized Lights, Setting As Experiment

The Advanced Dramatics Class will present two of its bi-weekly •plays Tuesday evening at 8:30 P. M. Muriel Rubin, '47, will direct a com­edy, while Mary Harvey, 47, will present a drama based on the Me of Joan of Arc.

The cast for Miss Rubin's play in­cludes Gifford Wingate, Elizabeth Lofthouse, and Harold Wingate, Sophomores. The committees from the A.D. class are: Sets, Harold Gould, '47; props, William Baldwin, '48; lights, Dolores Lawson, '47; cos­tumes, Betty Rose Hilt, '47. The stage crew will be under the direc­tion of Frances Child, '48.

To Experiment with Stylization According to Miss Harvey, her

play is of an experimental nature, and the setting and lighting will be stylized to make them blend with the actor's movements.

The cast of characters In order of appearance Includes: Jeanne d'Arc, Barbara Dunker, '48; John Duois, Warren Reich, '50; Archbishop, Ar­thur Collins, '48; Charles VII, Ar­thur Soderllnd, '47; Robert de Bau-drlcourt; Stewart Campbell, '48; Bertrand de Polengey, George Christy, '50. Also In the cast are: Harold Weber, '47; Robert Lynch, '48; Robertson Baker, '49; John Moore and Joseph Carosella, fresh­men. Committees for Drama

The committees for Miss Harvey's play include: Sets, Dorothy Dlflln and Prances Child, Juniors; lights, Catherine Donnely, '49; costumes, Alice Knapp Randall, '47, Barbara Jean Schoonmaker, '48; props, Bet­ty Rose Hilt, '47; make-up Arthur Collins. '48; publicity, Mary Telian, '47; house, Grace Jones, '48; promp­ter, Patricia Russell, '47.

To Staqe Times

a The Powdered Wig;

Furnish Background Carnival Capers To Crown Fair As College Converts To Bazaar

Jones To Direct Rivalry Big-8 In Page Hall Tomorrow Night

With shouts of "Peanuts, Popcorn, Cigarettes" reaching every ear, the annual State Fair will open Its doors on March 15, with all the spir­it of a carnival prevailing.

Hungry? . . . Just look around for a few minutes and you'll be full without that traditional trip to the Boul. How could this be, you ask! Here is the secret . . . booths, food booths all over the place. Across from the P. O., the Wren Hall girls will gladly sell you all the Ice cream you can hold, and down the hall a few steps you'll get cheerful service and plenty of candy and apples from the Kappa Delta cuties.

Better still, if you're worn out after a tough week In school or just plain lazy, all you have to do is stand around and wait for the Gamma Kappa girls to come around with their trays full of wares. Mys-kania members will also be glad to serve you with peanuts from their stock.

Perhaps you would like a little something to wash down your meal.

Religious Clubs Slate Visitations

Hillel and Canterbury Club have released the schedule of events for this weekend, according to their presidents, Solomon Minsburg and Jean Henry, Seniors. Hillel will play host to Student Christian Associa­tion tonight at a church visitation to Congregation Ohav Sholom, 441 Washington Avenue. Canterbury Club will hold a supper meeting Sunday night at St. Andrew's •Church.

At the Hlllel-SCA church visita­tion, the Hillel choir under the di­rection of Jean Hoffman, '49, will sing. After the service a period will be devoted to explanation and ques­tions concerning the Jewish Service.

Pearl Ples-s, '49, Is In charge of arrangements lor Hillel and Olive Mang, '47, for SCA.

The Reverend Lloyd Hackwell is scheduled to speak on the topic, "Lent" at the Canterbury meeting at 5:15 Sunday night. Supper will be served at 0:30 P. M.

The Jewish holiday known as Purlm or the "Feast of the Lots" will occur Wednesday, March 5. All of the synogogues of Albany have Invited State College students to hoar the public reading of the Mcgllliah which Is a narration of the exploits of Mordecal, Esther, and King Ahashveraysh.

Baker Resigns As President Of Sophomores

Robertson Baker, '49, announced yesterday at a class meeting of the Sophomores, that he is resigning as President of the class. In announc­ing his resignation, Baker released the following statement for the class of 1949:

"This letter is a formal announce­ment of my resignation as President of the class of 1949. I have, for the last three semesters, used as an ex­cuse for my poor grades, the alibi that holding this class office takes too much of my time. The only way I can prove to myself tha t I'm capable of college work Is to give up my excuse, and that means resign­ing the office.

"The success of the class of '49 in rivalry lies in its student coun­cil, and I feel that this council will continue to lead the class as it has in the past. I want to thank you for the privilege of working with you."

Baker has been President of the class of '49 since its organization in October of '45, having been re-elect­ed In May for this year. It was Baker, who as President of the class, led '49 in rivalry. He was a member of the banner committee both years, and as representative of the class of '49 received the Campus Day Cup. Last year, he participated in the freshman Big-Eight. Baker has also been a member of Student Council for two years.

Robert Klttredge, Vice-President of the Sophomore class, will assume the duties of the President until another election is held.

Faculty To Compile Column

In the future the STATU CDUUSUK NKWK will run a faculty column twice a mouth. Members of the fac­ulty may contribute personal and professional notes.

Members of the faculty who will receive the news include: Dr. Fran­ces Cummlngs, Professor of Social Studies, Room 1, Richardson; Miss Mabel Jackman, Instructor In Ll-brarlanshlp, Library, Milne; Miss Nura Turner, Instructor in Mathe­matics, Room 103, Draper.

In that case, the Psi Gamma, Ch! Sigma Theta, or Sayles Annex Cafes will satisfy your need. Each prom­ises not only to quench your thirst but also to entertain you in a uni­que way while you are on theh premises.

If you're in search of entertain­ment, you have an even wider selec tion to choose from. Alpha Epsilon Phi House, and Newman, Pierce anc5

Sayles all have surprise shows plan­ned for the event. Kappa Delte Rho will be the hangout for those Interested in Bingo, while the sharp-shooters will spend most of their time at Beta Zeta's shooting gallery. Of course, Stokes Hall's kissing booth will also be In great demand and open for the use of many.

No matter how good a time you've had, your evening won't be complete until you've seen the grand finale m the Commons at 11:00. Great heads have planned this. The great heads, incidentally are those of William Baldwin, Helen Kislel and Dorothy Diffln, all from the class of '48. '

Do you wonder who dreamed up all this heavenly entertainment Just for your pleasure? Wonder no more . . . you have Alice Prindle, '48, the chairman, and her committee of four. The committee consists of Eloise Worth and Scoop Gil­bert, Juniors, Jean Pulver, '49, and Jerry Cooperman, '50,


Schedule Movie For Assembly

To Feature Tolerance In IGC Presentation

Campus Queen Now Reigns As "Miss Fancy Pants/"47

Campus Queens have a pretty soft life, after all the fun Is over with. It has even come to the point where their clothes are supplied for them. Last week, a package arrived for Sally Johnson, this year's Campus Queen, containing a pair of "fancy pants," made by a well known firm. This latest example of what the well dressed Campus Queen wears, are a lovely shade c(f pale chaitruese, measuring about three yards around the waist line. The bottom Is fring­ed like a curtain, and a draw­string is the only belt. They are /recommended for beach Wear and as a substitute for slacks, though some say they make an excellent teaching costume. This latest innovation in women's ap-paral can also be worn by the op­posite sex for lounging and as an accessory to smoking jackets.

Yes, the bloomer girl has re­turned . . . returned in chart-rucse "fancy pants." My, how grandma would blush.

Rules Still Effective Says Grand Marshal

Marlon Vitullo, '47, acting Grand Marshall of Campus Commission, has reiterated the rules made earli­er in the year by Campus Commis­sion. She asks that the student body cooperate in enforcing those rules which pertain to order throughout the college.

These rules Include: no smoking in the lower hall of Draper; leav­ing assembly by rank of class, Sen­iors first; and placing all refuse in containers h> the hall. Miss Vi­tullo also announced that If smok­ing does not stop in the lower hall of Draper, Dean Nelson will stop it altogether In the college

The freshman class, under the direction of Earle Jones, will pre­sent their first Blg-8, "The Pow­dered Wig," tomorrow night at 8:30, In Page Hall Auditorium. The fresh­man production is a musical com­edy, with original words and music, set In the mode of colonial times.

Original music and words, with arrangements for choral singing was written by Audrey Koch, and Jean­ne Gebo. Choral voices and piano will furnish background music for the production. The script for "The Powdered Wig" was written by Joan French and Donald Hoyt. To Portray Colonal Comedy

Life among the elite in the eigh­teenth century, will furnish the theme for the class of '50's first ma­jor production. Abner, a "poor lit­tle common boy," as portrayed by Ashur Burton, gains entrance to a birthday party for Charmalne, the belle of society, through the help of his friend, Moe. Under the mistaken Impression that Helen is Char-malne, Abner succumbs to her charms. During the course of the evening, he also runs into his fath­er and two brothers, who have leg­al Invitations to the party. When Charmalne finally does appear, Ab­ner flees, and she Is left with only his wig in her hand. Prom'there the story progresses along the Cin­derella lines, as complications set in.

Marie DeCarlo takes the part of Charmalne, and Yolanda Glockner plays the part of Helen, Abner's friend Moe, Is played by William Lyons, while Alfred McEnro Is his

A movie will be shown in assem- father. The brothers, Sebastian and bly this morning under the spon- Launcelot are portrayed by Irwin sorship of inter-Group Council Taxman and Anthony Prochllo. which has as its objective to furn- committee Chairmen lsh material to the student body commltee chairmen for the Blg-8 concerning inter-racial relations. include sets, Lois Bassett; props, Student Council Meeting Ruth Smith; costumes, Doris Price;

At a Student Council meeting lights, Llndly DeGarmo; make-up, Wednesday night plans were made Joan Keyton; arrangements, Diane for a Student-Faculty Tea to be Webber; and publicity, Rhoda Riber. held in the Lounge, Thursday, April six points for rivalry Is awarded 24. This tea will be the second one to the class who wins the Blg-8. The that has been held this year to fur- Sophomores will compete with the ther student-faculty relations. freshman, when they present their

Gloria Gilbert, '48, who was ap- P^" , 0 *} 0 1 1 . ™*™h 29- , . . , pointed last fall to investigate the ^Tickets will be on sale today In Kslb i l l t es for the purchase of a the lower hall of Draper, and rep-new mimeograph machine, reported resentatives of the freshman class that she had three leads from Al- will have tickets available In the bany companies. Student Council group houses arid among the com-a S i n t e d Miss Gilbert and Beverly muters. The price Is .50c. Slttig, '49, to follow up the leads and authorized the committee to go before Student Board of Finance to ask for the money after they have made their investigations. Report on Vassar Conference

Catherine Donnelly, '49, gave a detailed report on the Vassar Con- Faculty Council !n backing the cam-ference which she and Stanley Ab- paign of the New York State Teach-rams, '48, attended last Saturday, ers Association was supported by a and at which the National Student large majority of the faculty as Organisation was discussed. Miss shown by the return of the question-Donnelly traced the history of the naires sent last week to each faculty new NSO, briefly pointed out Its member. Dr. Minnie B. Scotland, chief aims and its plans for the Assistant Professor of Biology and future. She also explained the im- Chairman of the Council, has notl-portance of the new movement and fled Dr. Arvie Eldred of the New stated that it would be very profit- York atate Teachers Association able for State to be represented at that the Faculty Council is in com-the future meetings. plete sympathy with the program

The rivalry committee announced ™ ? J f * l l l i l 1 8 t 0 n i d l n s e c u r i n g l t s

that the f^^man-Sophomore de- ^ ^ l e g l s l a t i o n p r o p o a a U bate will be hekl h! assembly Fii- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i fi clay March 7. ^ i o challenge to the t h Y o u l l g . M 1 i m o e

frosh will be read in assembly today. T o a o h e r s S a l B r y B111 n n c l t h e y o u n g . Mllmoe State Aid Bill which pro-vide respectively for a minimum

Requests Organization Budgets salary of $2400 with regular Incre­ments up to $3000 and the state aid

Dr. George M. York, Professor of necessary to put the salary schedule Commerce, has announced that the Into effect. proposed budgets of all organlza- Enclosed ln the letter to the As-tlons for the 1947-'48 school year soclatlon from the Faculty Council must be handed ln to the Student were contributions ln checks and Board of Finance on or before cash amounting to $118 as a begln-Morch 21. , nlng ln tho support of the campaign.

Faculty Supports Teacher's Drive

The unanimous action of the