Startup in 7 Easy Steps 2016

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  • 8/20/2019 Startup in 7 Easy Steps 2016


    Dr. Alex KosikDr. Alex KosikDr. Alex KosikDr. Alex [email protected]@[email protected]

     WikipediaWikipediaWikipediaWikipedia:::: a company, a partnership or temporary organizationdesigned to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.

     BusinessBusinessBusinessBusiness DictionaryDictionaryDictionaryDictionary: Early stage in the life cycle of an enterprisewhere the entrepreneur moves from the idea stage to securingfinancing, laying down the basis structure of the business, andinitiating operations or trading.

     PaulPaulPaulPaul GrahamGrahamGrahamGraham: A startup is a company designed to grow fast.

    Newly founded, technology focused, venture funded or exitoriented does not in itself make a company a startup. The onlyessential thing is growth. Everything else follows from growth.

     UrbanUrbanUrbanUrban DictionaryDictionaryDictionaryDictionary:::: A recently formed company. In modernterminology, it has come to describe a company formed with abusiness model relying on the internet with a jobless founder.

    All rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr. Alex Kosik, CEO

  • 8/20/2019 Startup in 7 Easy Steps 2016


  • 8/20/2019 Startup in 7 Easy Steps 2016


  • 8/20/2019 Startup in 7 Easy Steps 2016


  • 8/20/2019 Startup in 7 Easy Steps 2016


     1111.... TeambuildingTeambuildingTeambuildingTeambuilding

     2222.... DesignDesignDesignDesign

     3333.... PrototypingPrototypingPrototypingPrototyping

     4444.... FinancingFinancingFinancingFinancing

     5555.... SourcingSourcingSourcingSourcing

     6666.... ManufacturingManufacturingManufacturingManufacturing

     7777.... Sales,Sales,Sales,Sales, marketingmarketingmarketingmarketing andandandand customercustomercustomercustomer supportsupportsupportsupport

    All rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr . Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr . Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEO

     DefineDefineDefineDefine thethethethe purposepurposepurposepurpose of of of of youryouryouryour teamteamteamteam

     TalkTalkTalkTalk totototo youryouryouryour closeclosecloseclose (but(but(but(but capable!)capable!)capable!)capable!) friendsfriendsfriendsfriends andandandand colleaguescolleaguescolleaguescolleagues

     FillFillFillFill withwithwithwith availableavailableavailableavailable peoplepeoplepeoplepeople first,first,first,first, identifyidentifyidentifyidentify whowhowhowho isisisis lacking,lacking,lacking,lacking, secondsecondsecondsecond

     SelectSelectSelectSelect rightrightrightright teamteamteamteam members,members,members,members, fosterfosterfosterfoster trust,trust,trust,trust, managemanagemanagemanage socializationsocializationsocializationsocialization

     ShareShareShareShare thethethethe overalloveralloveralloverall purposepurposepurposepurpose withwithwithwith potentialpotentialpotentialpotential membersmembersmembersmembers.... GetGetGetGet firmfirmfirmfirm Y/NY/NY/NY/N

     FillFillFillFill inininin teamteamteamteam missionmissionmissionmission andandandand short/longshort/longshort/longshort/long termtermtermterm objectivesobjectivesobjectivesobjectives

     EstablishEstablishEstablishEstablish teamteamteamteam norms,norms,norms,norms, proceduresproceduresproceduresprocedures andandandand reportingreportingreportingreporting

     DetermineDetermineDetermineDetermine corecorecorecore teamteamteamteam issuesissuesissuesissues asasasas soonsoonsoonsoon asasasas possiblepossiblepossiblepossible

    All rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr. Alex Kosik, CEO

  • 8/20/2019 Startup in 7 Easy Steps 2016


  • 8/20/2019 Startup in 7 Easy Steps 2016


  • 8/20/2019 Startup in 7 Easy Steps 2016


  • 8/20/2019 Startup in 7 Easy Steps 2016


    All rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr . Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr . Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEO   All rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr. Alex Kosik, CEO

    ExclusiveExclusiveExclusiveExclusive,,,, CustomCustomCustomCustom tailoredtailoredtailoredtailored

  • 8/20/2019 Startup in 7 Easy Steps 2016


    All rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr . Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr . Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEO

    CorporateCorporateCorporateCorporate market,market,market,market, mainstreammainstreammainstreammainstream

    $$$$300300300300 OEMOEMOEMOEM----kits,kits,kits,kits, automotiveautomotiveautomotiveautomotive marketmarketmarketmarket of of of of thethethethe futurefuturefuturefuture

    All rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr. Alex Kosik, CEO

  • 8/20/2019 Startup in 7 Easy Steps 2016


    $$$$2222,,,,000000000000 perperperper treatment,treatment,treatment,treatment, $$$$45454545kkkk forforforfor device,device,device,device, MMMM....DDDD.... market,market,market,market,

    All rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr . Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr . Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEO

     SetSetSetSet ClearClearClearClear ExpectationsExpectationsExpectationsExpectations- nevernevernevernever putputputput youryouryouryour teamteamteamteam totototo ‘dig‘dig‘dig‘dig fromfromfromfrom herehereherehere southboundsouthboundsouthboundsouthbound andandandand tilltilltilltill evening’evening’evening’evening’

     SetSetSetSet CommitmentsCommitmentsCommitmentsCommitments onononon PaperPaperPaperPaper- orororor riskriskriskrisk facingfacingfacingfacing thethethethe ‘‘‘‘SaverinSaverinSaverinSaverin VSVSVSVS FacebookFacebookFacebookFacebook’’’’ typetypetypetype lawsuitlawsuitlawsuitlawsuit if if if if youyouyouyou succeedsucceedsucceedsucceed

     NeverNeverNeverNever looselooselooseloose ControlControlControlControl- gotgotgotgot aaaa fiercefiercefiercefierce opportunistopportunistopportunistopportunist onononon youryouryouryour team?team?team?team? SetSetSetSet unrealisticunrealisticunrealisticunrealistic goalgoalgoalgoal andandandand kisskisskisskiss ByeByeByeBye

     ShareShareShareShare ConsequencesConsequencesConsequencesConsequences- fatfatfatfat contract?contract?contract?contract? SendSendSendSend anananan extraextraextraextra paypaypaypay checkcheckcheckcheck....

     InnovateInnovateInnovateInnovate  (I (I (I (I hate hate hate hate this this this this cliché,cliché,cliché,cliché, yet yet yet yet…………)  ))  ) - peoplepeoplepeoplepeople join join join join youyouyouyou totototo getgetgetget richrichrichrich.... EnsureEnsureEnsureEnsure theytheytheythey getgetgetget itititit

     BeBeBeBe proudproudproudproud of of of of youryouryouryour teamteamteamteam- IIII can’tcan’tcan’tcan’t stressstressstressstress itititit everevereverever enoughenoughenoughenough

    All rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr. Alex Kosik, CEO

  • 8/20/2019 Startup in 7 Easy Steps 2016


    Alex KosikAlex KosikAlex KosikAlex Kosik, [email protected]@[email protected]

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    4031 University Dr. Ste 200 Fairfax VA 22030

    All rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr . Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by Dr . Alex Kosik, CEOAll rights reserved, Copyright © by D r. Alex Kosik, CEO