STARTALK 2017 Applicant Guide for Student Program Proposals Student Proposal Review Questions 1 This guide is designed to help you develop the narrative section of your STARTALK program proposal. As you write the proposal, please keep the goals and principles of STARTALK in mind. STARTALK Goals To increase the quality and supply of teachers of critical languages throughout the nation To stimulate a significant increase in the number of students enrolled in the study of critical languages To improve the quality and effectiveness of critical language curriculum STARTALK-Endorsed Principles for Effective Teaching and Learning Implementing a standards-based and thematically organized curriculum Facilitating a learner-centered classroom Using target language and providing comprehensible input for instruction Integrating culture, content, and language in a world language classroom Adapting and using age-appropriate authentic materials Conducting performance-based assessment For more information on the STARTALK-Endorsed Principles, please visit this link: https://startalk.umd.edu/public/principles Backward Design The Backward Design approach to instructional planning is used by STARTALK programs to plan for learning. STARTALK programs identify learning goals, determine how students will demonstrate having met learning goals through performance assessments, and design teaching and learning episodes that support student success. Within your program’s proposal you are asked to: Identify desired results What will learners/participants be able to do with what they know by the end of the program? Determine acceptable evidence How will learners/participants demonstrate what they can do with what they know by the end of the program? Plan learning experiences and instruction What will prepare learners/participants to demonstrate what they can do with what they know? World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages The five “C” goal areas of the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages, (communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities) stress learning languages and the cultures they represent in ways that transfer to real life. STARTALK programs plan standards and proficiency-based learning experiences that prepare students to apply their

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STARTALK 2017 Applicant Guide for Student Program Proposals

Student Proposal Review Questions 1

This guide is designed to help you develop the narrative section of your STARTALK program proposal. As you write the proposal, please keep the goals and principles of STARTALK in mind. STARTALK Goals

To increase the quality and supply of teachers of critical languages throughout the nation

To stimulate a significant increase in the number of students enrolled in the study of critical languages

To improve the quality and effectiveness of critical language curriculum STARTALK-Endorsed Principles for Effective Teaching and Learning

Implementing a standards-based and thematically organized curriculum

Facilitating a learner-centered classroom

Using target language and providing comprehensible input for instruction

Integrating culture, content, and language in a world language classroom

Adapting and using age-appropriate authentic materials

Conducting performance-based assessment For more information on the STARTALK-Endorsed Principles, please visit this link: https://startalk.umd.edu/public/principles Backward Design The Backward Design approach to instructional planning is used by STARTALK programs to plan for learning. STARTALK programs identify learning goals, determine how students will demonstrate having met learning goals through performance assessments, and design teaching and learning episodes that support student success. Within your program’s proposal you are asked to:

Identify desired results

What will learners/participants be able to do with what they know by the end of the program?

Determine acceptable evidence

How will learners/participants demonstrate what they can do with what they know by the end of the program?

Plan learning experiences and instruction

What will prepare learners/participants to demonstrate what they can do with what they know?

World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages The five “C” goal areas of the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages, (communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities) stress learning languages and the cultures they represent in ways that transfer to real life. STARTALK programs plan standards and proficiency-based learning experiences that prepare students to apply their

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Student Proposal Review Questions 2

linguistic and cultural knowledge and skills outside of the classroom. STARTALK students develop global competence to carry into their community and into their future. Proposals should address how the program will incorporate the world-readiness standards by considering the following:

How learners will communicate in the interpersonal, interpretive and/or presentational modes of communication.

How learners will compare and contrast other languages and cultures with their own.

How learners will gather and share information from the points of view of both the home and target language cultures.

How culture, content, and language will be integrated throughout the curriculum.

How learners will connect to the target language community online or in person.

How the program will help students understand the value and opportunities related to language learning.

Consider how your program will plan and implement standards-based practice in your STARTALK classrooms. The world-readiness standards for learning languages can be found at: http://www.actfl.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/World-ReadinessStandardsforLearningLanguages.pdf NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements The NCSSFL-ACTFL global benchmarks are broad statements that define what learners should be able to do at each proficiency level and within each mode of communication. The NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements provide learning targets for curriculum and unit design and serve as self-assessment tools for language learners. The NCSSFL-ACTFL Global Benchmarks and Can Do Statements can be found at: http://www.actfl.org/global_statements

Proposal Review Questions The proposal review form is divided into sections that correspond to the various parts of the proposal. You may find it helpful to review the questions used by reviewers to rate your responses to proposal questions About the Rating Scale and Recommendations Reviewers will consider the criteria required for a successful program, and determine if the criteria are “clearly evident”, “evident”, “weakly evident” or “not evident” in the proposal.

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Student Proposal Review Questions 3

Based on these ratings, reviewers will determine if they recommend, recommend with support or do not recommend your proposal:

Recommended refers to a program proposal that receives a mix of clearly evident and

evident ratings for most of the criteria. The program will likely create meaningful and

successful language learning experiences for intended student populations within the

specified timeframes and with reasonable cost.

Recommended with support refers to a program proposal that receives a mix of evident

and weakly evident ratings for most of the criteria. The program has the potential to

provide meaningful and successful language learning experiences for students but will

require support from STARTALK in planning curriculum, developing appropriate

assessments, identifying suitable instructional strategies, and/or other areas critical to

program success.

Not recommended refers to a program proposal that receives ratings of weakly evident

or not evident for most of the criteria. The program is not likely to provide meaningful

and successful language learning experiences for students.

Proposal Criteria The following section includes the hints/guiding questions targeting proposal criteria that the external reviewers use to rate each section of a proposal. When responding to each proposal question, try to be as specific as possible. One of the most common critiques reviewers make is that responses lack specific details or examples. Strong responses generally demonstrate not only a solid understanding of STARTALK principles, but also a concrete and realistic plan for the design and implementation of the program’s goals for learning.

Program Participants

Target Population

1. Describe the student participants you are hoping to enroll in your program, including

their background knowledge, needs, etc. Be sure to address students’ language backgrounds, grade level(s), and prior STARTALK program participation.


Is it clear who the students will be? Does the program specify the grade levels of the students? Does the program specify the language background/experience of the targeted

population? (Previous STARTALK programs only) Does the program address the needs of students

who may be returning from the previous year?

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2. Describe how you will publicize and market your program to recruit the targeted participants.


Is the program’s marketing plan for reaching the targeted population clearly outlined?

Is the program’s marketing plan designed well to reach and attract the target population?

3. Describe how your program will recruit diverse participants.

HINT Are the recruitment plans inclusive, and do they include efforts to recruit as diverse

a cohort of students as possible given the nature of the program (e.g., heritage vs. non-heritage, general population vs. underserved populations)?

Are specific strategies described for reaching out to students from different backgrounds?


4. Justify your proposed target enrollment numbers for this year.

HINT Are the target enrollment numbers realistic given the target population and the

stated marketing plan? Does the program’s rationale for the enrollment number sound

appropriate/conducive for the learning goals of the program?

5. Describe the opportunities you will organize for or recommend to participants for continued learning beyond this program.


Is a plan in place to allow students to continue to learn/use the language after the program ends?

Learning Goals

Program Overview and Theme

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6. Provide a brief overview of your program. What is the theme that will guide standards-

based instruction and learning throughout the program? What will learners experience during the program? What do you hope learners will be able to do at the end of the program? Combination programs: How will the students benefit by being connected to the teacher program?


Is it apparent that the curriculum will be backward designed and thematic? Is the

theme clearly identified? Does the proposal clearly address the five goals of the world-readiness standards:

communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities? Does the response make it clear that there is a conceptual understanding of the

standards? Are the standards addressed in terms of what students will be able to do in the

three modes of communication? Are culture, content and language integrated in meaningful ways? Will students have opportunities to compare their own language and culture with

the target language and culture? Does the program create opportunities for students to demonstrate what they have

learned in real-life situations? Will students have the opportunity to communicate face to face or online with an

authentic audience, including native speakers?

7. (Previous STARTALK programs only) Did you use the same theme in a previous program? How did you determine to either continue with the same theme or explore a new theme for this proposal?

HINT Does the response make it clear why the program has chosen to use the identified

theme? If the program is using the same theme, does the response address implications for

students who may be returning from the previous year?

Can-Do Statements

8. Consider how learners in your program will be grouped. Briefly describe each student group by indicating the proficiency target, age level and type of learner. Then, identify two representative program-based Can-Do Statements or NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements specific to your theme for each mode of communication. If you will not address a certain mode, please indicate with “does not apply”. You may find it helpful to consult the NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements. Please complete a chart for each unique group of learners. Age level alone does not require a separate chart.

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Target Proficiency Level (by end of program) – Check one ___Novice Range ___Intermediate Range ___Advanced Range

Grade Level of Learners: Check all that apply ___K-2 ___3-5 ___6-8 ___9-12 ___13-16

Type of Learner: ___Heritage ___Non-heritage







+ Add another Chart HINT

Are the Can-Do Statements realistic given the age, proficiency levels and language background of the students?

Does the proposal provide evidence that students will develop their competence in the three modes of communication? If the proposal does not address all three modes of communication, is it clear why the program has chosen not to do so?

Summative Performance Assessment

9. Describe the major summative performance assessments you will use for each mode of communication. These assessments will provide evidence that learners have achieved the program learning goals. Be sure that the examples you share are specific to the theme of your program.

HINT Is it clear how students will demonstrate what they have learned? Are the assessments performance based and aligned with the theme of the

program? Are assessments identified for each mode of communication? Do the assessments match the proposal’s stated learning goals?

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Are assessment tasks meaningful and transferable to real life situations?

10. How will your program address the different backgrounds and experiences that your participants bring to the program? How you will you ensure that all participants will acquire new learning as a result of their participation in this program?

HINT Are there multiple measures for assessing student learning? Are students offered a choice in how they demonstrate what they have learned? Is it clear that the assessments are structured in ways that allow all students to

demonstrate that they have learned? Does the program indicate plans for accommodating students who may need special

education support? Program Implementation

Please consider the STARTALK-Endorsed Principles when answering the following questions.

STARTALK-Endorsed Principles for Effective Teaching and Learning

Implementing a standards-based and thematically organized curriculum Facilitating a learner-centered classroom Using target language and providing comprehensible input for instruction Integrating culture, content, and language in a world language classroom Adapting and using age-appropriate authentic materials Conducting performance-based assessment

11. Describe the learning experiences you will design that will allow participants to acquire new knowledge and skills using the interpretive mode of communication. Include examples that are specific to your program theme.

HINT Are specific learning experiences that address the interpretive mode explained? Is it clear that these experiences will enable students to develop literacy skills in the

target language? Do the learning experiences address the theme of the unit? Are activities designed in ways that enable students to develop proficiency in the

target language? Is it apparent that the response incorporates the best practices emphasized by

STARTALK: use of target language, facilitation of a student-centered classroom, meaningful interaction in the target language, integration of content, language, and culture, adaptation and use of authentic materials and differentiation of instruction based on student need?

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12. Describe the opportunities participants will have to apply new knowledge and skills through the interpersonal and/or presentational modes of communication. Include examples that are specific to your program theme.

HINT Are specific learning experiences that address the interpersonal and presentational

modes explained? Is it clear that these experiences will enable students to develop literacy skills in the

target language? Do the learning experiences address the theme of the unit? Are activities designed in ways that enable students to develop proficiency in the

target language? Is it apparent that the response incorporates the best practices emphasized by

STARTALK: use of target language, facilitation of a student-centered classroom, meaningful interaction in the target language, integration of content, language, and culture, adaptation and use of authentic materials and differentiation of instruction based on student need?

13. What tools and resources will be used, and how will they be used to help participants

meet the identified learning goals? HINT

Does the proposal indicate specific tools and resources that will be used? Is there a clear connection between the tools and resources and the learning goals? Are the tools and resources age-appropriate? Does the program plan to use authentic resources that can be adapted for the

proficiency levels of the students?

14. (Blended programs only) What learning targets will be addressed in the online portion of your program, and how will you measure/know if the targets have been met?

HINT Is it clear which learning targets will be addressed in the online portion of the

program? Does the proposal indicate how student learning will be assessed for these learning

targets? Does the proposal explain the connection between the learning targets for the

online portion of the program and the on-site component?

15. Describe the typical daily schedule for a participant. How will this schedule provide a blend of different types of activities and learning experiences throughout the day to help participants meet the identified learning goals?

HINT Is the length of day reasonable in terms of program goals and appropriate to

students’ ages?

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Do students spend a significant part of the day involved in a variety of activities that require use of the target language?

Is there evidence that students will be adequately supervised throughout the day?

Residential Program

16. (Residential programs only) Please explain your rationale for offering a residential program. Describe the types of activities that will occur during evenings and weekends.

HINT Is it clear why there is a need for a residential program? Is it clear that evening and weekend activities are designed to allow for expanded

language learning experiences?

17. (Residential programs only) Provide a specific plan for how the program will ensure the safety and security of students when they are not involved in structured activities. Comment on the housing arrangements and the plans for adult supervision throughout the program.

HINT Is it clear that there is a well-structured plan for supervision of students during the

day, in the evenings, and on weekends? Would a parent/guardian who read the response feel confident that his or her child

would be safe and secure? Are the extracurricular activities appropriate for the target age level?

Professional Development

18. Describe the professional development activities you plan to implement to prepare your

staff prior to and during the program. HINT

Will instructors who will be teaching in the program receive professional development before the program begins?

Will the curriculum template be used within any planned professional development prior to the start of the program?

Does the program include plans for mentoring, and is sufficient time incorporated for planning, implementation, and reflection?

19. Describe the process you will use to complete the required curriculum template and

learning plans and comment on how you will involve your instructional staff in this process.

HINT Are instructors provided time to design learning plans prior to the start of the

program? Does the proposal clarify who will be involved in the process? Will instructors be

involved in the development of the curriculum and the learning plans?

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Is it clear that there is a plan for how the work will be done? Will those who are teaching in the program be involved in the design of the

curriculum? Do those who are developing the curriculum have expertise in working with student

groups at the targeted age level? Program Personnel

Provide information on the personnel who will be charged with implementing your proposal. Describe their major responsibilities in your program and explain previous qualifications, experience, or training that qualifies them for their positions. Be certain that the connection between responsibilities and qualifications is clear. Please add one responsibility per row.

20. Program Director (required)

Name: Current position:

Major responsibilities

corresponding qualifications,

experience, and/or training:


Is the program director named? Are the major responsibilities of the program director stated, and is it clear that the

program director has the prior experience and/or training to meet those responsibilities?

21. Instructional Lead (required)

Name: Current position:

Major responsibilities corresponding qualifications, experience, and/or training:

HINT Is the instructional lead named?

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Are the major responsibilities of the instructional lead stated, and is it clear that the instructional lead has the prior experience and/or training to meet those responsibilities?

Between the program director and instructional lead, are the following qualifications evident:

Proficiency in the target language(s) and target culture(s)

Experience implementing world language pedagogy

Experience working with the targeted student populations

Knowledge of US educational systems

22. Additional personnel including consultants, guest speakers, and presenters (if

applicable). Enter To Be Determined for positions that you have not yet identified by


Name: Current position:

Major responsibilities corresponding qualifications, experience, and/or training:


Are additional positions identified in terms of what individuals will do to support/enhance the program?

Is it clear how their qualifications prepare them for this role in the program? If other staff members are named, do they have experience in teaching the target

audience, e.g., teachers of K–2, 2–5, etc.? Program Legacy

23. Describe the steps your program will take to ensure that STARTALK language programs will continue to be offered in your community in the absence of STARTALK funding.

HINT Does the proposal make it clear how the program has taken or will take steps to

become a self-sustaining program?

24. Describe the connections you will establish in your community as a result of this program.

HINT Does the program specify steps it will take to build lasting partnerships, programs,

and/or relationships that will lead to continued programming? Are the planned activities feasible?

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25. (Previous STARTALK programs only) Explain how you will address the challenges and recommendations provided in your most recent site visit report. These recommendations will be pre-populated in the table below and refer to narrative questions 5 and 6 in the site visit report. If you cannot address a recommendation, provide a reason.

Recommendation/Challenge How will you address each recommendation?

Site Visit recommendation for program management or logistics:

Recommendation to be transferred from report.

We will address this recommendation by…

Site Visit recommendation for instructional planning and practice:

Recommendation to be transferred from report.

We will address this recommendation by…


Are the recommendations identified in the most recent site visit report addressed throughout the proposal and summarized here? Is it clear how the program intends to address the recommendations?

If a recommendation is not addressed here or in the proposal, is there a valid reason for it to not be addressed?

Program Summary

Executive Summary

26. Please write an executive summary that provides an overview of the program and shows that the program is well designed with strong potential to be successfully implemented.


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Does the summary serve as a stand-alone document that shows that the program is well designed with a strong potential to be successfully implemented?

For Combination programs: If the program is a combination program, is it clear how the student program benefits from the connection to the teacher program?

Program Summary 27. Please write a program summary no longer than five sentences total, being sure to

detail the program outcomes, the number of participants and their proficiency levels, the number of instructional hours, and the duration of the program. This summary will be shared with the government.


Does the summary include up to five sentences that describe the outcome, the number of participants and their proficiency levels, intended grade levels, number of instructional hours, and the duration of the program?

Budget External reviewers will review the budget and the personnel section of the proposal to ensure that the budget aligns with the proposal in support of program goals. Please make sure that all payroll staff positions that appear in the budget are explained in the personnel section. List and explain all additional budgeted expenses in this section. STARTALK Central will also conduct an internal review of all proposed budgets. In this review we will examine all budget items to ensure that they are transparent, reasonable, nonduplicative, and cost effective. Please familiarize yourself with STARTALK’s budget resources to ensure that your budget meets STARTALK’s guidelines. These resources include a budget guide, budget samples, and a budget glossary.

28. When preparing your budget, please consider the following questions: Does the budget align with the proposal? Are all positions accounted for in the budget? Are specific materials and services described in the proposal accounted for in the

budget? Are there budget items that you believe could lead to STARTALK Central requesting

extra explanation or information?