January 23, 2013 Starring: Muhammad: Prophet of Allah Allah: Islamic term for God Abu Bakr: "companion of the cave," Muhammad's closest friend, (and father in law), the first Caliph Ali: Younger cousin (and son in law )of Muhammad. Called "The Lion of Allah," 4th Caliph Aisha: "favorite" wife of Muhammad, daughter of Abu Bakr

Starring - Norwell High School

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January 23, 2013


Muhammad: Prophet of Allah

Allah: Islamic term for God

Abu Bakr: "companion of the cave," Muhammad's closest friend, (and father in law), the first Caliph

Ali: Younger cousin (and son in law )of Muhammad. Called "The Lion of Allah," 4th Caliph

Aisha: "favorite" wife of Muhammad, daughter of Abu Bakr

January 23, 2013

TermsCaliph: Successor to the Prophet, leader of the religious/political/military community of Islam

Rashidun: "The rightly guided" Caliphs, a term used to describe the first four Caliphs

Caliphate: similar to an empire or kingdom, term used to describe the "reign" of a certain caliph. (The time when Abu Bakr was in charge would be known as the Caliphate of Abu Bakr)

January 23, 2013

After the HijraMuhammad was eventually able to unite the

Arabian tribes under the banner of Islam

When possible, Muhammad used diplomacy, when necessary, used warfare.

Attacked the trade caravans of the "idolaters" (people who had not converted to Islam).



January 23, 2013

After Muhammad

Muhammad died without a son, and without a clear plan of succession

He had trusted some of his followers with specific religious tasks near the end of his life.

Muhammad had leaned on other advisors for certain military or political commitments.


? ? ? ?


January 23, 2013

This indecision led to the development of a "schism," or split, in Islam that exists to this day.

It would be years until the rift turned into full on warfare, but the seeds of discord had been sown.

January 23, 2013

The Ridda WarsAfter the death of Muhammad, many tribes refused to pay the zakat or alms tax to Abu Bakr.

These tribes claimed that they had pledged their allegiance to the man, and since he had died, they owed no obligation to anyone else

Abu Bakr argued that they had joined the religious community of Islam

January 23, 2013

Dividing his forces into 11 divisions of varying size, Abu Bakr defeated the rebelling tribes one at a time.

After several decisive victories, other tribes began to come back to Islam, realizing that it would be easier/cheaper than fighting

January 23, 2013

Fast Forward---->

Abu Bakr is Caliph for two years (632-634) when he dies, Ali is again passed over


Finally in 656 Ali became Caliph, the last of the Rashidun, or "rightly guided Caliphs"

January 23, 2013

Aisha became vocal critic of Ali's caliphate

Joined with other ambitious muslims who wanted to remove Ali and take over the caliphate.

Met Ali's army near Basra, Iraq

January 23, 2013

The Battle of the Camel


This was the first time Muslim had gone to war against other Muslims.

Ali desperately tried to negotiate a peaceful solution, but was unsuccessful

January 23, 2013

Ali vs Aisha

20,000 men 30,000 Men

5,000 casualties 13,000 casualties

Won Lost

70 men "died at the bridle"

Battle of the Camel

January 23, 2013


After the battle Ali's forces became known as Shia't Ali: "Followers of Ali"

This term has been shortened to Shia, and is one of the two major branches in the division of Islam

The other major branch are known as Sunni, where does that term comes from?

January 23, 2013


In 3-6 sentences:

1.) Provide a brief description and explain the significance of the Battle of the Camel.

Pick one

2.) Describe the Ridda Wars, what was important about them?