StarCraft: Remastered Emulating a buffer overflow for fun and profit

StarCraft: Remastered - Shortjump! · • StarCraft Remastered collects game telemetry (including map information, etc.) • As of October 2017, we had around ~603,773 total unique

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• Anti-CheatEngineer,BlizzardEntertainment

• PreviouslyworkedatHex-RaysandMicrosoft

• Technicalwriter:• PracticalReverseEngineering,AntivirusHackers

Handbook• Batchography

• Passionateaboutreverseengineeringandlow-levelprogrammingonMS-Windows

• Interestedindebuggers,emulators,APIhooking,dynamicbinaryinstrumentationandvirtualizationtechnologies

• Contact• Email:ebachaalany atblizzard.com• Twitter:@0xeb


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Mycolleagues• GuillaumeBreuil,YiDeng,ChrisGenova,Mark


Tools• SCMDraft2mapeditor- HenrikArlinghaus• trgk (TriggerKing)- https://github.com/phu54321/• MPQtools– Ladislav Zezula• BWAPI- AdamHeinermann• IDAPro- Hex-Rays• Diaphora – Joxean Koret• EUDEnabler andtheEUDDB- Farty1Billion-


SouthKoreanmapmakersandtoolscommunity• Kongze1004– RandomTowerDefensemapauthor• Sksljh2091– MarioExodusmapauthor• Jacksell12,Deation,Sato

CommunitySites• TeamLiquid,StarEdit Network,Naver.com



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• StarCraftisasciencefictionRTS(real-timestrategy)

• ReleasedforPCandMaconMarch31,1998

• StarCraft:BroodWar- ExpansionpackreleasedonNovember30,1998

• Significantpatchestothistalk:• 1.16.1- 01/21/2009– Lastpatchfor8years• 1.18.0- 04/18/2017– Firstmodernpatch• 1.20.0– 08/14/2017– StarCraft:Remastered• 1.21.0– 12/07/2017– EUDreintroducedvia



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• StarCrafthadvariousbufferoverflowbugs,butonewasrelatedtoaparticulartriggerconditionandaction:• TheExtendedUnitDeathtriggerØ Orsimply:EUD

• BlizzarddidnotupdateStarCraftbetween2009andearly2017• Thecommunityre-enabledthebugwith


• Patch1.17wasslatedforreleasebutwasheldbackbecauseitwouldbreakmods,tools,andlaunchers:• wMode• wLauncher,ChaosLauncher• BWAPI– PlugintowriteAIbotsthatplay



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• StarCraftmapsbasedonEUDtriggersthrivedamongtheSouthKoreanmapmakerscommunity

• TheEUDtriggers:• Areencodedinthemapfile• Allowedarbitrarymemoryreadandwrite:

• ThemajorityofthepublicEUDmapsincirculationhavehardcodedaddressescompatiblewithStarCraft1.16.1 onWindows

Ø IamnotawareofanyEUDmapsfortheMacOS versionofthegame

• TheEUDexploitallowedmodders toauthormapsthatmodifythegameradically:• RandomTowerDefense• MarioExodusMap• Etc.


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RandomTowerDefense– EUDmap

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Page 12: StarCraft: Remastered - Shortjump! · • StarCraft Remastered collects game telemetry (including map information, etc.) • As of October 2017, we had around ~603,773 total unique

• TheMarioExodusmapauthorcreatedaleveleditor!

• Themapwasdevelopedusingtrgk’s epScriptlanguageandcompiler

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• TheyarejustMPQarchives• TheMPQformathasbeenextensivelyreverse


• Theycontainvariousfiles:• TheycontaincustomWAVaudiousedbythe

map• staredit/scenario.chkß Theactualmapchunk

file• Thisfilecontainsthetriggerschunk• Itcontainsstringstablechunk• Itcontainsachunkdescribingbuildings

andunits• Etc.


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MapfileinMPQEditor• Ladik’s MPQeditorcanbeusedto



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• Madeofoneormorechunks: • Chunkheaderisfollowedbythechunkbody• ThegameparseseachchunkbasedonitsID:


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• Somechunksmighthavetheirownsub-headers

• Thestringschunkissuchanexample:


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• Thestringschunkcanbeusedtohidedatanotusedbythegamedirectly• WhenCK_HDR.ckSize >(sizeof(thecompleteTStrTbl header)+∑strlen(ofallstringsinthetable))

• Themodders hideadditionaltriggersinthecaveareaofthestringchunk


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• Thisscreenshotshowsthelaststringinthestringstable• That’snotthechunk’sendthough,itisjustthestringtable’send• TheremainingbytesareadditionaltriggersinsertedbytheEUDtriggercompiler


• https://github.com/phu54321/

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• Theyareasetofconditionsandactionsthatgetevaluatedduringthegameloop

• Therearetriggerconditionsthattellyouwhen:• Acertaintimeperiodhaselapsed(timers)• Playerresourcesreachedacertainamount• Amaplocationhasbeenreached• Etc.

• Whenallthetriggerconditionsarefulfilled,thenyoucandoactionssuchas:• PlayWAVfile• Displayamessage• Create,kill,moveaunit,etc.• Changeunitownerandhealthpoints• Giveplayerresources• Etc.


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• Triggersarestoredinsidethemapchunkfile

• Thetriggerschunkissimplyanarrayof_trigger structs

• EachtriggerhasanarrayoftheCONDITION andACTION structures

• ThedwPlayer andwType fieldsareusercontrolledØ Theyareusedtoread/write


• ThebOpCode fielddictatesthetriggerconditionandactiontype


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• ThebOpCode fieldisusedtoselectwhichconditionoractiontoexecute:


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• Eachtriggerconditionisevaluated,thentheactionsareperformedifallconditionssucceed:


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• Classic(visual)triggereditor(SCMDraft 2.0– byHenrikArlinghaus)

• Notethelargevalues:• UnitID• Deathtableindex• Etc.


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• Texttriggereditor

• AprivatebuildofSCMDraftshowstheEUDoverflowaddresses


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• Thebufferoverflowbuginquestionisfoundinthe“ExtendedUnitDeath”triggercode:• Thedeath_count()triggercondition

• à Readanywhereprimitive

• Theset/add/sub_death_count()triggeraction• àWriteanywhereprimitive

• Triggersarereadas-isfromthechunkfileandstoredinadoubly-linkedlist:


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• Adeathconditionwithout-of-boundsunittype(wType)orplayernumber(dwPlayer)causesthereadanywhereprimitive


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• Asetdeathactioncausesawriteanywhere andprovidethefollowingprimitives:• [mem]+=lQuantity• [mem]-=lQuantity• [mem]=lQuantity


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• AnexampleofEUDtriggersfoundinsideanEUDmap:


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• GivenaStarCraftmapthatcontainsmalformedinputthattriggersaread/writeanywhere:• Isthereisawaytoemulatethebufferoverflow

inanewergameversionwhere:• Thebufferoverflowbugisfixed• Someaddressesnolongerexistinthe

newgameversion• Someaddressesrefertonew/different


• Cantheemulatorworkondifferentarchitecturesandoperatingsystems?

EUDmapemulation– Problemstatement

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1. Identify• Identify/tracealltheaddressesusedbyan

EUDmap• Buildatableoftheaddressesandidentify


2. Intercept• Interceptallout-of-boundsaccess• Redirectaccessusingatranslationtable

• Oldaddressà Newaddress

3. Emulate1. Missingmemoryaddressesshouldbe

handledbycode2. Dangerousmemorychangesshouldbe



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1. Identify• Unfortunately,wedidnothaveprivateor


• HowcanItellwhataddressesthemapsareaccessing?

• Whatisthegoal/intentbehindamemoryaccess?

2. Intercept1. Noproblemshere.Luckily,wecanfunnelall


3. Emulate1. Handlebasicmemoryaccessemulation2. Emulateaddressesthatarenolongerpresent3. Emulateincompatiblestructuretypes


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1. Reverseengineeringeffortswereimpededbythelackofdebuggingsymbols:• Reverseengineeredthegameclientfrom

scratch• Usedtheclosestsourcecodesnapshotfor

1.16.1• Foundtherightcompiler(VS2003)andthe

approximateoptimizationswitchesØ NowIhavedebuggingsymbolsfora


2. IusedbinarydiffingpluginsforIDAPro1. PatchDiff2- TenableNetworkSecurity,Inc2. Diaphora - http://diaphora.re/

Identify– Reversingthegame/1

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• Binarydiffingwaslimited:• Mismatchedfunctionsbetweenthediffed

binaries• Globalvariableswerenotidentified• Optimizedcodeandinlined functionsmade


• ResortedtomanualreverseengineeringtobridgethelimitationsfromBinDiffing

• Usedscriptingtoautomatethereversingtask• LotsofIDAPython scriptingwasinvolved

Identify– Reversingthegame/2

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Page 38: StarCraft: Remastered - Shortjump! · • StarCraft Remastered collects game telemetry (including map information, etc.) • As of October 2017, we had around ~603,773 total unique

• StarCraftRemasteredcollectsgametelemetry(includingmapinformation,etc.)

• AsofOctober2017,wehadaround~603,773totaluniquemapsplayed• Ofwhich17,916wereEUDmaps(i.e.containedoutofbounds


• AfterImanagedtoreverseengineerenoughofthegame,Iwroteatooltoprocessallthemaps,identifyEUDmapsanddumptheout-of-boundsEUDaddresses

Identify– Staticallyidentifyalladdresses/1

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Identify– Staticallyidentifyalladdresses/2

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• AfteraggregatingtheuniqueEUDaddressesacrossallofthe17kEUDmaps,Iendedupwitharound~800variablesusedbypopularEUDmaps

• IwroteanIDAPython scripttoemitatableforalltheuniqueaddresses,theirnamesandsizes

Identify– Staticallyidentifyalladdresses/3

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• Staticaddressdiscoverywasnotenough:• SomeEUDmapsweredereferencing

pointersandreachingintotheheap• Somestructuresarecomplicatedand


• Needmoretools:• IrealizedtheneedforadynamicEUD

addresstracer• Ialsoneededawaytosinglestep/debug


• IdevelopedanEUDTracer,aDLLthathooksthegameandinstrumentsalltherelevanttriggerhandlingcode

Identify– Staticallyidentifyalladdresses/4

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• TheinstrumentedgamebinarycallsintothetracerDLLuponeachread/write

Identify– Dynamictracer/1

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• ThePythontablecontainingEUDaddressesispassedtoasourcecodegeneratortoemitCcodeandtables

• Thetracerusesthattabletoaccountformemoryaccess

Identify– Dynamictracer/2

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• WhenthegameloadsanEUDmap,thetracerDLLinterceptsallout-of-boundsaccess

• Anyunknownaddresstriggersabreakpointforfurtheranalysisandidentification

• AfterIidentifyanunknownaddress,IaddittothePythontablewhichisusedtoupdatethetracer’sEUDitemstable

Identify– Dynamictracer/3

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• Thetracer’smainroleistoguaranteethatalltheaddressesreferredtofromtheEUDmapareaccountedfor

Identify– Dynamictracer/4

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• HavingawaytorecordallaccessedEUDaddresseswasnotenoughtounderstandtheintentbehindtheaccess

• IhadnorealwaytodebuganEUDmap:• IneededawaytonicelyrepresentanEUD

address• Ineededtosinglestepaftereachtrigger• Ineededawaytoconvertaseriesof


Identify– Moredebuggingtools

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• IfIwantedtotracetriggers,Ineededtohaveawaytoconvertanaddresstoanicevariablerepresentation

• Sowhatisthesymbolicrepresentationof:• 0x5187E8+(0xC*3)+4?Ø gCards[3].pBtns

Identify– EUDaddresstosymbolicname/1

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• WiththehelpoftheHex-Raysdecompilerandothermetadata,Iwrotethefunction“R”toresolveanaddressintoanicesymbolicname

Identify– EUDaddresstosymbolicname/2

Ø Ifthearray’sindicesarebasedonenums,then“R”willproperlyshowtheenum nameinsteadofanumericindex

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• SCMDraft triggereditortextuallyrepresentsthetriggerscript:

Identify– Staticpseudocodegenerator/1

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• IwroteaconverterfromthetriggerstexttoCpseudo-code(converttriggerstoanASTandthenemitasCpseudo-code)

Identify– Staticpseudocodegenerator/2

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• TriggertextconvertedtoCpseudo-code(trig2cpp()):

Identify– Staticpseudocodegenerator/3

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• WithIDA’sconditionalbreakpointsandtheAppcall feature,Iwroteadynamicpseudocodegenerator:• Ithelpsdebugthemaptriggerlogicduringruntime• Ithelpsinthediscoveryandunderstandingof


• Conditionalbreakpointsaresetatstrategicentrypoints(pre,inandposttriggerexecution)

Identify– Dynamicpseudocodegenerator/1

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• ConditionalbreakpointsdynamicallybuildtheASTonaccess

Identify– Dynamicpseudocodegenerator/2

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• Thedebugscripthasa‘Singlestep’switchtobreakaftereachtrigger• Pseudocodeisemittedonthefly

Demo– Dynamicpseudocodegenerator/1

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• The“Singlestep”switchcanbeconfiguredtoprintthepseudocodeontheflyasthemaptriggersexecuteswithoutsuspendingthegame

Demo– Dynamicpseudocodegenerator/2

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Inthefirststep(identify):1. Webuiltalltherequiredstaticanddynamictracers

2. WecreatedtheEUDtablewithallknownaddressesandtheirsymbolicnames

3. Wehaveenoughtoolstoidentifyanyaddressandtracewhereitcamefrom



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Readprimitivesinterception Writeprimitivesinterception


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• Fromtheemulator’sperspective,allEUDmaplogicboilsdowntotwoactions:

1. Readanywhereà value=read_vmem(eud_addr)2. Writeanywhereà write_vmem(eud_addr,value)


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Inbasicscenarios,theemulationisverysimple:1. Computethefullvirtualaddress(EUD

address)fromthedwPlayer andwTypeindices

2. FromtheEUDaddress,findtheequivalentnewaddress(backingdata)inthecurrentgameversion

3. Computetheoffsetandreadorwritefrom/tothenewaddress


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• Let’sextendthepreviousPythontableandattachthesourcefilenamewereeachvariableislocated

• Thetabledefines:virtualaddress,itemsize,sourcefilename,emulationflags,andbackingvariablename

Emulate– Variablesmapping/1

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Emulate– Variablesmapping/2

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Emulate– Variablesmapping/3

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Noneedtomakestaticvariablesglobal:• Thegeneratorhasanoptionthatletsyoupickanamefortheexportedvariable

Emulate– Variablesmapping/4

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• The“eud_table.cpp”isautogeneratedfromthePythontable.Itreferstoalltheexportedvariablesfromvarioussourcecodefiles

• Itisusedtopopulatetheemulator’svirtualmemorylayout

• ItemsalsohaveassociatedflagsthatinstructtheemulatorwhichEUDadapterhandleswhichaddress

• Note:the“g_nothing”variablesarealignmentbytesinSC1.16.1.Themapmakersusethatspaceforstoringvariables

• A“nullptr”backingdataalmostalwaysindicatesthatthevariableistobehandledpurelybyanadaptercode

Emulate– TheEUDtable/1

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• The“eud_extern.h”isautogeneratedfromthePythontable

• ItexposesalltheknownEUDvariables• Veryhandyforaccessingstaticvariablesfrom


Emulate– TheEUDtable/2

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Duetothenatureoftheoverflow,thefollowingrestrictionsapply:• AnEUDaddressisalways4bytesaligned• AnEUDvalueisa32bitsinteger





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Shadowtable• Itcontainstheneededmemorycontents


Virtualmemory• Itusestheaddress-to-handlerslookuptable• ItmapsanEUDaddressrangetoanEUD

tableentryà EUDhandler/adapter

• ThetableentryforanEUDitemdescribes:• Thebackingdata(thenewvariable

address,ifpresent)• Theflagswhichtelltheemulatorwhich



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AspecializedEUDadapterisneededwhen:• Handlingnon-standarddatatypes• WhendealingwithEUDaddressesthatnolongermap


Thefollowing5virtualmethodsareexposed• read_vmem() à Returna32bitsvalue• write_vmem() àWritea32bitsvalue• backup() à Itemspecificbackupcode• restore() à Itemspecificrestorecode• deferred_write() à Invokedafterallthetriggers



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ThebasicEUDadapter(eud_vmemitem_t class)handlesbasicdatatypes:1. TheemulatorcomputesthefullEUDaddress2. Findsthenewvariable’sbaseaddressandconvertstheEUDaddresstoanoffset3. Theappropriateadapteristhencalledwiththedesiredoffsettoread/writefrom/to


EUDadapters– Basic/1

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Thebasic(pass-thru)adapterisgoodformostcases:• Byte,Word,Dword• Theemulatorcancrossboundariesbetweentwoitems• Basictypesarraysarealsosupported


Readingavaluefromtheendinvolvesreadingfromtwodifferent adapters(handlers)

EUDadapters– Basic/2

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• Wecoveredtwoprimitives:

1. *memasg_op =const• asg_opà +=,=,-=

2. if(*memcmp_op const){actions…}• cmp_opà ==,>=,<=

• Howdowegetthefollowingprimitive?• *mem1asg_op *mem2



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• Triggercondition:1. Probesthevalueofsrc_var

• Triggeraction:1. Incrementsthevalueofdst_var2. Decrementthevalueofsrc_var3. src_var’s valueeventuallyreaches

zero4. Backupchangesintovar_copy

Thesameprimitiveisrepeatedtocopyvar_copy backtodst_var



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• Pointersare32bitsinSC1.16.1

• Obviously,wecannotjustusethepass-thrubasicemulation• Pointershavetobetranslatedfrom


• Theprimitive“*ptr1=*ptr2”invokedfromtheEUDtriggerswillspoilthepointervalueuntilthebinarysearchisover• Whattodowithincompletepointer


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• Changestoaphysicalpointervalueshouldnottakeeffectunlessthevirtualpointervaluepassesa“pointervaliditycheckfunction”à Doesthevirtualpointerhaveaproperrealpointerequivalent?

• Relyontheshadowpointervaluewhenworkingwithincompletevirtualpointervaluesforfuturereads/writes:

Realmemory EUDvirtualmemory




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• Theeud_cobject_ptr_adapter_t isconstructedwithbackingdatapointingtoareferencetoarealpointerthatwewanttoexposetotheEUDemulator

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• WhataboutEUDlogicthatdoesfunctionpointerarithmetic?

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• PointerarithmeticmakesenseonlyintheEUDvirtualmemoryaddressingspace

• Fortherealpointeraddressingwehavetotranslatetoproperpointersandaccountforfunctionprototypecompatibility

• Basicimplementationidea:1. vaddr +=voffs2. paddr =find_real_fptr(vaddr,function_prototype_id)3. if(paddr !=nullptr)à struct.pFn =paddr;

• Intheemulator,suchcasesarehandledwiththeeud_struct_with_ptr_adapter_t


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• VariousdatastructureshavechangedbetweenSC1.16.1andSC:R

• Pass-thruadaptersarenothelpfulinthiscase

• Aspecializedadapterisneededtoconvertbetweenbothstructures:• Readoperation: translatesfromphysicalstructuretovirtual

structure• Writeoperation: translatesfromvirtualstructuretophysical


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• InSC1.16.1• TriggerswerestoredinaStorm linked

listdatastructure• Storm isalibrarythatprovides


• InSC:R• Triggersarestoredasblz::list<_trigger>• ‘blz’istheequivalentofSTL’sstd


• OtherstructuresintheoldgamealsouseStorm listswhilethenewgameusesdifferentcontainers

EUDadapters– Linkedlists

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1. YouwriteproperlogicinaJavaScript/PythonlikelanguagecalledepScript

2. TheepScript getscompiledintoabunchoftriggersandistheninjectedintotheappropriatemapchunks

3. MapcontainingtriggerscompiledwithepScript canbeidentifiedusingthebootstrapcodethatlinksregulartriggersintothedynamictriggers(insidethestringstable)

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• epScript isaverypowerfullanguage:• TheMarioExodusEUDmapwaswritten


• Itscompilerhidesadditionaltriggersinthecaveareaofthestringschunk:

Ø Makingithardtoreverse-engineercompiledtriggers

Ø Oneneedstowriteatriggersdecompilertorecoverthelogic

• Compiledtriggersareself-modifyingandveryoptimized:

Ø Loops,functioncallsandothercontrolflowrelatedfunctionalityareimplementusingself-modifyingtriggersthatchangethetriggernodelinks(nextandprev links)

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• EUDmapslocatethepointertothestringtable(gpMapStr)andaddsaconstantoffsetpointingtotheadditionaldynamictriggersinsidethestringtable(seeslide17)

• EUDmapsthenpatchthem_prevlink andm_next linksasneededtointroduceasmanytriggersasneeded• Insertingnewtriggersdynamicallywasnever


• Compiled/dynamictriggersarethebasisofcomplexandelaborateEUDmaps• Therefore,supportingdynamictriggerswasthefirst


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• Fromtheemulator’sperspective,therearetwokindsoftriggers:• Initialtriggersoriginatingfromthetriggerschunk• Dynamictriggerslinkedtothetriggerslistbypatchingtheirnodelinks

• WhenStarCraftneedstoexecutetriggersaftereachgameloop:• TheemulatorknowshowtoservebothstatictriggersanddynamicEUDtriggers• Theemulatordoesnotreplicatethebackingdata(thetriggernodedata)whenever


EUDadapters– Triggers/4

SC:Rà blz::list<_trigger>: _trigger0 _trigger1 … _triggerN

SC1.16:stormlist<_trigger>: _trigger0 _trigger1 … _triggerN

shadow:prev|next shadow:prev|next




Actualstringtable(TStrTbl) Extrachunkdata:dynamictriggers


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• TheStormlistadapterimplementsanSTLcompatibleiterator

• Fromtheiterator’sperspective,anynodepointersoutsidethelisthastheirnodelinksanddatainthevirtualmemory

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• Partialbuffersadaptersareusedwheneverthevirtualitemsizeisgreaterthanthephysicalitemsize:




smallerdata unmapped

• Theadapterservesthemappeddatawhentheaccessoffsetiswithinthemappedrange

• Itwillservezerosw/ofailingwhentheunmappedareaisaccessed

EUDadapters– Partialbuffers

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1. Certainadaptersresorttousingdeferredwritesasmeanstospeed-uptheemulation

2. TheEUDmapwritesinchunksof4bytesatatimeØ Wedon’twanttore-constructrealgamedata


3. Instead,awritehandlersimplypasses-thruthewritestoatemporarybufferandmarkstheadapterasdirty• (Readsfromdirtyoffsetsareservedfromthe


4. Afteralltriggersareexecutedinthatgameloop,theemulatorinvokesallthedirtyadapters’deferredwritecallbacks

5. Insidethedeferredwritecallback,thetemporarybufferisthenusedtoreconstructtherealstructuresusedbythegame.Theadapterdirtyflagisthencleared.

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1. ThestatustextadapterletstheEUDmapswritetoatemporarybuffer

2. Afterwards,theadapterre-constructstheproperstatustextstructuresthatarecompatiblewiththenewgame(SC:R)code

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• Variousgamedatavariablesareintegerarrays

• Sometimes,theelementsinthearraymusthaveboundedvalues• Naturally,thepass-thru(basic)adapterisnot


• Theboundedarrayadapteralsoleverageashadowarraytableforalltheelementsthathaveincomplete/invalidvalues

• Onlyafterthewrittenvaluesarevalid(withinthespecifiedbounds)thenchangesarereflectedintothebackingdata

EUDadapters– Boundedarrayelements/1

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• TheUnitFlingy array’svalueshaveanupperboundof209EUDadapters– Boundedarrayelements/2

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• eud_adapter_cards• Supportstotalcustomizationofunits


• eud_adapter_csprites andeud_adapter_cunit• Allowscontrolledmodificationsintothe

CSprite andCUnit structures

• eud_adapter_group• Allowsbitmapshufflinginsidecertaingame


• eud_adapter_keytable• AllowsEUDmapstointerceptkeypresses(‘a’,


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• eud_adapter_mpq• Allowssupportforprotectedmaps.• RefertoMPQfrozenmaps:


• eud_adapter_msgtbl• Readaccessintothein-gamechatmessages


• eud_adapter_partial_buffer• Variousnon-emulatedornolongerexistent


• eud_adapter_playerdata• LetsEUDmapsreadplayerinformation


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• eud_adapter_pointers• Allpointerrelatedadaptioncode• Supportspartialpointers(backedbyshadow


• eud_adapter_stattxt• Unitstatustextandhotkeysmanipulation

• eud_adapter_stormlist• Allowshigh-levelemulationofStormlists

• eud_adapter_structwithptr• Usedtoemulatestructuresthatcontainamixof


• eud_adapter_triggers• Supportsdynamictriggersemulation

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