Star Trek - The Forgiven

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  • 8/14/2019 Star Trek - The Forgiven


    Star Trek The Forgiven

    The bright sun was beating down upon the near burnt chest of Jim Kirk as

    he watched another group of barely clothed women walk by him on the hot

    Hawaiian beach. One of the young girls gave him a beautiful smile from cheek

    to cheek that almost made the future Captain blush. He did manage to smile

    back which only irritated his beach mate, his best friend Gary Mitchell, all

    the more. Mitchell shook his head from side to side in reaction.

    Kirk, still smiling, turned to Mitchell to question him. What?

    Mitchell tried not to smile himself but found it was hard to do. It

    doesnt matter where we go. The women just love you, dont they?

    And that is a bad thing, how? asked Kirk.

    Mitchell leaned back in his beach chair to take in some more sun. Be

    nice if theyd smile my way once in a while

    Come on now Gary, Ill find you a woman. The next one that passes, I

    promise, she yours

    Mitchell was already beginning to doze off until he heard the faint

    whispers of several voices. He sat up in his seat and took a look around to

    see if someone was trying to speak with him. He could see no one and his

    attention returned to Kirk. How generous of you, Lieutenant.

    Kirk leaned back in his own seat. I know one thing, if I stay out here

    any longer Im going to look like a fried egg.

    Again Mitchell heard someone or some people and he was sure this time he

    heard his name. Still there was no one there and thought he might be going

    just a bit insane. Kirk was looking at him now wondering what was happening.

    What is it?

    Mitchell sat right up in his seat and turned to Kirk. Did you hear

    someone speaking?

    A smaller smile appeared on the Lieutenants face. No, I never heard

    anyone. You hearing little voices are you?

    Mitchell was not smiling. He again leaned back in the chair. Why dont

    you go to the bar and get us a couple more drinks

    Kirk arose from his chair to stand in the near blistering hot sand.

    Before he could ask Mitchell what he wanted the smiling girl had returned.

    Mitchell took notice of her bright blonde hair, tight frame and other notable

    attributes. We were wondering if the two of you wanted to play in a game of

    volleyball with us.

    Before either of them could respond the voices were back and this time

    they only grew louder. At first Mitchell could not make out what they were

    saying, but then they cleared. Someone or something was attempting to

    communicate with him. The words then provoked something else. It was a

    feeling and Mitchell suddenly felt an undeniable urge to finally leave this

    place. The message was calling him away from Delta Vega and back into space.

    With a wave of his hand, the fake Kirk, the fake sun, the fake water and the


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    Star Trek The Forgiven

    fake beach were all gone and he now stood amongst the rising dust winds of the

    barren planet where he had lived for the past eighty years.

    Doctor Julian Bashir quickened his pace along Deep Space Nines Promenade

    as he made his way towards Quark's Bar to meet Chief Miles Obrien for their

    weekly game of darts. He was late, and he knew that this would make Miles a

    bit cranky, but he hoped showing up late was better than not showing up at all.

    He was trying to squeeze by the numerous people from the recently arrived ships

    when a face caught his attention. At first the Doctor could not remember where

    he had seen the face, but then his biologically engineered mind put a name to


    It was an individual from a medical journal he had studied back at

    Starfleet Academy, but it was from a case that occurred over eighty years

    before. The man he was looking at was the former Lieutenant Gary Mitchell, a

    man who had been physically and mentally altered because of an encounter with

    the mysterious barrier near the edge of the galaxy. Mitchell had developed

    abilities unlike any human before him which included mental telepathy, vastly

    enhanced strength, an imperviousness to weapons fire and other powers of the

    mind and body that humankind had not yet evolved to accommodate. As he had

    described himself, Mitchell had essentially become a god.

    Bashir was speechless, but he knew better than to second-guess even his

    own memories. It was definitely Gary Mitchell, or at the very least someone

    impersonating him, and without another thought, Bashir turned around and headed

    in the direction of Ops. Thirty seconds later, a disgruntled looking Chief

    Obrien marched along the exact same route but for a much different reason.

    Doctor Bashir stood at the entranceway to Captain Sisko's office before

    being welcomed in and taking a seat at his commanding officers desk. Bashir

    glanced across the desk and noticed that Sisko was busy dealing with the

    growing war with the Dominion, but he knew something needed to be said.

    "What brings you here on your day off Doctor?" asked Sisko as he leaned

    back in his seat seeming to welcome the break from the bleak business of


    "Well sir, I don't know if this is really a problem, but I just saw

    something I find a bit odd..."

    Sisko straightened his position. "What is it?"

    "Well, I was headed to Quark's and along the Promenade I noticed an

    individual I remembered seeing from an old Academy textbook. This man is

    supposed to be dead, Captain. He was supposed to have died over eighty years

    ago, but I just saw him on the Promenade not looking older than thirty-five."

    Sisko rubbed his hands together. "Hmmm... I have to admit that does

    sound interesting... But why was he important enough to be in a medical

    textbook in the first place?"


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    "His name is Gary Mitchell, and he was an officer aboard the original

    U.S.S Enterprise under Captain Kirk. The Enterprise was on a mission to study

    the galactic barrier near the edge of the galaxy. When they entered the

    barrier Mitchell was radically transformed and soon developed enhanced ESP and

    psychokinetic powers. He later tried to kill Kirk and crew and was presumed

    killed by Kirk himself on planet Delta Vega."

    "Obviously only a presumption, if it really is him here now..." Sisko

    arose from his seat and moved to the other side of his desk. "If it is

    Mitchell, whatever happened to him, has kept him young all of these years..."

    Bashir was quick with a question. "Are you going to arrest him sir?"

    Sisko pondered the thought. "I'll tell Odo to bring him in... I want to

    talk to this man personally and find out why he's here..."

    Captain Sisko slowly approached Constable Odo outside the Security

    Chief's office. He glanced through the glass doors and could see Gary Mitchell

    sitting with his back towards him. Suddenly Mitchells head slowly turned

    around and he looked to the Captain with his glowing white eyes. For several

    seconds the two of them were locked, almost in a trance-like fashion until

    Odo's words finally broke it.

    "Captain? Captain, are you alright?

    Sisko blinked several times and finally turned away from the window.

    "Was there any trouble bringing him in?"

    "None... I never had the opportunity to leave my office... He came to


    A confused expression crossed the Captains face. "To you?"

    Odo folded his arms. "He said he knew you wanted to talk with him..."

    Sisko turned back to the window and took another look before entering.

    Odo moved to his seat behind his desk while the Captain remained standing above

    Mitchell. Mitchell smiled and then opened his mouth to speak. "Captain, you

    wished to see me?"

    Sisko placed his hands upon his hips. "Yes, Mr. Mitchell I did..."

    "Well then, perhaps I can answer your questions... Yes, I am Gary

    Mitchell... Im not a Changeling here like you Security Chief or someone

    trying to look like a man who should have died a long time ago. I am the real


    Sisko could feel Mitchell already sifting through the thoughts in his

    mind and it was something he did not enjoy or appreciate. "Stop it!" Sisko's

    raised voice startled Odo who was not exactly sure what had happened. The

    Constable remained seated and ignored the outburst.

    "Captain? Stop what?" asked Mitchell.

    Sisko quickly calmed himself down. "Stop reading my mind"


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    Mitchell looked a little embarrassed. "I'm sorry, it's been a long time

    since I've talked with anyone, anyone real at least... Ive been more or less

    living in my own mind these past eight decades."

    Sisko continued on. "Why are you here on Deep Space Nine?"

    "Im not really sure... The best way, the only way, I can really

    describe it is that something called me here..."

    Sisko was understandably confused. "Called you here?"

    Mitchell attempted to put his words together. "I don't know how else to

    explain it... I've been on Delta Vega for the past eighty years, living in a

    sort of mental prison I constructed for myself. I decided that after what had

    happened between Jim Kirk and I that I could never leave. Humanity was not

    ready for what I had become, I myself was not ready. Aside from that, I didn't

    deserve to leave because of the things I had done..."

    Mitchell turned away. Eighty years had passed and the situation that

    occurred between himself and Kirk still bothered him greatly. Even with all of

    his powers and abilities, Gary Mitchell could not hide his pain. He lifted his

    head to look at Sisko and continue. "Something from this place has

    telepathically communicated with me... I don't know who or what it is, but it

    has brought me here..."

    Sisko rubbed the beard on his chin. "Perhaps this is something we should

    investigate. For the sake of safety, maybe you should remain here..."

    Mitchell smiled. "Unless you plan on charging me with the crimes I

    committed Captain, I need to do this alone... I mean no disrespect, but I

    really dont know what kind of help you could offer

    Sisko paused and looked to Odo who in his silence would not offer any

    suggestions. With this being an internal Starfleet situation Sisko knew the

    decision of what to do with Mitchell was ultimately his. He was running what

    he knew of the situation through his mind and came to the realization that this

    was something that occurred so many years ago and most, maybe all, who were

    involved were dead, including Kirk himself. What could he really do?

    "There will be no charges Mr. Mitchell... It was a long time ago and I

    think you've lived with your pain long enough... What I am concerned about

    however, are your powers Before

    Mitchell interrupted him. "You need not worry, Captain. I've lived with

    these powers for what seems to me to be an eternity. I have mastered them and

    I will cause no harm. Please believe me..."

    Sisko took a deep breath to ponder the thought. "All right, but I want

    you gone in one week..."

    Mitchell arose from his seat. "Thank you..."

    The Captain could tell that Odo was bothered by his decision, but he

    never gave the Constable the time to argue with him. He immediately turned and

    left the room, and although Sisko was already second-guessing himself, another


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    voice was telling him to let Mitchell go, and to do as he wished. At first

    Sisko thought it might be Mitchell himself trying to manipulate his mind, but

    he soon realized it was not and whether it was his conscience or something

    else, he was going to let it be.

    Mitchell walked along the upper level on the Promenade staring out a

    window at the bright stars on the other side. He stopped to watch the

    spectacular view before him. Mitchell could not hear the voices now, not since

    leaving the surface of Delta Vega, and he was beginning to question his sanity.

    Had the powers that he once considered a disease finally pushed his mind too

    far? He could however hear the many voices of the station inhabitants and its

    visitors that surrounded him. He tried to ignore them, but it was talking much

    of his power to block them out. A few continued to slip through.

    Mitchell looked back to the darkness and the wormhole suddenly opened

    releasing its dark blue gases that stretched out towards the station.

    Mitchells captivated eyes opened wide by the amazing sight and he suddenly

    realized that it was not something or someone from the station calling him, but

    something from inside the wormhole. Suddenly the voices were back, now

    sounding as clear as they could be and speaking just one word to which Mitchell

    repeated. Come

    Captain Sisko turned around in his seat to notice Gary Mitchell standing

    outside his office doors. He opened the doors, and Mitchell slowly entered to

    stand before him. Mitchells face was completely calm and emotionless. Sisko

    knew, since he learned Mitchell was on Deep Space Nine, that his visitor had

    some kind of goal to fulfill but was not sure what it was. Without any special

    powers of his own, the Captain also knew that Mitchell was here for one reason,

    he needed him.

    "What can I do for you Mr. Mitchell?

    "Please Captain, I would prefer you call me Gary..."

    The Captain slightly nodded his head. "Very well..."

    Mitchell had no intention of wasting anymore of either his or Siskos

    time. "Earlier you offered me some assistance, and well, I need your help..."

    Sisko almost did not want to know. "Help for what exactly?"

    Mitchell decided to just jump in. "I need one of your runabouts..."

    "A runabout? For what purpose?"

    "I was wrong when I told you that something from Deep Space Nine was

    calling me... It's the wormhole... Whatever creatures exist within it, they

    are the ones calling me..."

    "You're certain it's the wormhole." Sisko rose from his seat and moved

    to the window at the rear of his office.

    Mitchell was quick to respond. "Completely..."


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    "Do you know for what purpose?" asked the Captain.

    "All I know for sure Captain, is that is has something to do with not

    only my destiny, but yours as well..."

    "My destiny?" Sisko's head quickly swung around and a confused

    expression crossed his face.

    "I can't explain it, but back on Delta Vega, the one sentence the voices

    repeated to me over and over again was that the Emissary must be preserved. I

    didn't want to alarm you when we spoke earlier until I realized what exactly

    was going on, but yes, you are somehow involved in all of this. Im not sure

    how or even why, but I do know our answers lie in the wormhole..."

    Sisko said nothing and turned back to the stars outside. He still was

    not sure he could trust Mitchell, but he was intrigued as to what kind of role

    Mitchell could play in his own future. The one thing he knew for sure however,

    was that to not listen to the Prophets was to invite danger and possible

    disaster. After a quiet minute the Captain turned to Mitchell, but his visitor

    already knew what he was going to say.

    The runabout Danube had just entered the wormhole and was shaking

    violently. Mitchell looked over the controls attempting to stabilize its

    movement. Although he had a great amount on his mind, Mitchell could not help

    but think how much Federation technology had changed in the last eighty years.

    He barely had to lift a finger to fly the craft. Voice commands alone were

    nearly sufficient. As the small vessel bounced about he hoped it would not

    tear itself apart.

    Perhaps if the ship was destroyed, it might not be that bad, he told

    himself. Maybe the pain would finally be over, but after he thought about it

    for a moment he found it hard to believe the Prophets would call to him half

    way across the quadrant to just let him die so meaninglessly. Mitchell had no

    more time to contemplate the thought. Seconds later he was gone from the

    Danube and he found himself in a place that he could only describe as pure

    nothingness. It was a bright white fog-like substance, and he was all alone

    with nothing around him. For a moment there was complete silence until finally

    Mitchell detected a voice. It was Jim Kirk.

    Suddenly the nothingness was gone and Mitchell found himself on the

    bridge of the first Federation starship Enterprise and standing before him were

    what he could only imagine being representations of Kirk, Spock and Dr.

    Elizabeth Dehner.

    The creature in the form of Kirk spoke. "The Mitchell has come... The

    events need to be set in motion..."

    "Are you the Prophets?" Mitchell was asking a question he already knew

    the answer to.


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    The Prophet in the form of Spock stepped forward. "He has lived a long

    time with his pain... He needs to be free of it..."

    Dr. Dehner then added in. "The physical changes to his body have

    affected his mental stability... This was not originally conceived..."

    Kirk again spoke. "He can still complete the task... His pain will be

    gone and the Sisko will still have existed..." As Mitchell watched the Prophet

    who had taken Jim Kirk's form he could see the alien almost having his former

    friends facial expressions. "The changes to the Mitchell's body were

    necessary. Without the changes his existence would have ceased."

    "What are you talking about? What do you know about the changes I

    experienced?" Mitchell was confused and desperately wanted to know what was

    going on.

    Spock shook his head. "The Mitchell does not understand... He is

    completely unaware..."

    Dehner added some clarification. "The barrier was us... It is us...

    The changes you experienced because of it were because of us..."

    Mitchell could not believe what he was hearing. "But why? Why would you

    do this to me? Do you realize what I have become? Do you know what I have

    done? Mitchell grew angrier by the moment now and was becoming very upset.

    His voice was rising as a result. "I tried to kill my friend... My best


    The unemotional figures around him waited several seconds before speaking

    once again. Although this reaction of Mitchells puzzled them, as did all

    human emotions, they allowed him time to regain his composure. Again the Kirk

    Prophet spoke. "It was necessary... The changes were needed for your mission

    to come and they were also required because your life would have expired long

    before the Emissary's discovery of us...

    Dehner continued the explanation. The discovery was required before we

    could communicate with you and that is why we made you wait in your linear

    existence until now. We have our enemies and we needed to remain hidden until

    the Emissary found us. Now that we can safely communicate we called you here

    to fulfill your destiny and that of the Emissary himself..."

    "But, but how? Why?" asked Mitchell.

    "The Kirk must live so the Sisko can live... You must maintain the

    Kirk's existence."

    Mitchell was still confused. "Jim has been dead for several years now...

    I don't understand..." Suddenly on the viewer before him was the massive

    planet killing vessel that would later be termed the Doomsday Machine that

    had once been rampaging through the galaxy's solar systems. Captain Kirk had

    destroyed the craft but for some strange reason the Prophets were showing it to

    him. "Why are you showing me this?" he asked.


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    Spock stepped forward. "Save the Kirk so that the Sisko may fulfill his


    "But Jim lived through this. He destroyed that machine.

    "Without the Kirk, there will be no Federation... With no Federation

    there will be no Sisko..."

    Mitchell again looked to the view screen and this time he saw a different

    vessel. It was a huge alien ship and it approached a planet he quickly

    realized as Earth. The Vger will destroy the Emissarys homeworld without

    the help of the Kirk. The Kirk must live so that he may stop the Vger

    Complete your mission and save the Kirk

    Suddenly Gary Mitchell was back on the runabout which was still within

    the wormhole. The slow moving craft then emerged back into normal space but

    Deep Space Nine was nowhere to be seen. Mitchell brought the Danube to a stop

    to check his instruments. "Computer, locate Deep Space Nine..."

    The computer took a fraction of a second to examine the area. "Deep

    Space Nine is not within scanner range..."

    Mitchell rubbed his chin. "Not within scanner range... Computer, scan

    planet Bajor..."

    Mitchell looked down at the emerging information upon the screen and was

    quickly beginning to realize what was going on. "They've sent me into the

    past..." He sat back within his seat to ponder the thought. He calculated

    that it was approximately eighty years earlier from the date he came from.

    What purpose would the Prophets have in doing this?

    He then remembered what they showed them. In his altered mind he could

    see the Enterprise and the massive Doomsday machine battling one another and

    Mitchell understood the Prophets must have had a reason for showing him this.

    He then looked at the date, the exact date, and realized that it was on this

    day that Kirk destroyed the planet eater. He knew right then there was some

    kind of connection.

    "Computer, set a course for solar system L-374 and engage at best

    possible speed..."

    The Danube jumped to warp speed and headed in the direction of the

    classic battle. Mitchell tried to calm his mind to use his enhanced mental

    abilities. Perhaps he could sense what was going on, or somehow retrieve a

    feeling or a message from the Prophets who could tell him what he had to do.

    All he could hear however was complete and utter silence. Suddenly through the

    darkness behind his closed eyes he could see Jim Kirk.

    Kirk was aboard the U.S.S Constellation and was preparing to maneuver the

    massive starship down the center of the Doomsday machine. He could also see

    the Enterprise's Chief Engineer frantically trying to repair his ship's damaged

    transporter to beam his Captain back to safety. The Constellation had already


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    begun its fatal journey, but Kirk was still aboard. Finally, even with Chief

    Engineer Scott's frantic but skilled efforts, nothing could be done. The alien

    device was destroyed, but Captain James T. Kirk was dead.

    Mitchell opened his eyes, and whether it was by his own power or that of

    the Prophets, he had witnessed what was to come. It was an outcome that

    contradicted what he remembered, what he knew to be fact. Mitchell finally

    realized that if his friend was to die with the Constellation, then he would

    have to interfere, and perhaps all along this was how it was supposed to be.

    He understood now that his destiny was to save James Kirk from death so that he

    may one day preserve the Federation, so that Benjamin Sisko may be born and

    become a leader in a great war and an Emissary of an entire race of people.

    There was one thing that still bothered him. It was the torment and

    despair he suffered for eighty years only to be sent back into the past when he

    could have saved Kirk when the event originally occurred. The Prophets briefly

    spoke about an enemy of theirs and communicating with him at that time may have

    for some reason created a conflict or revealed their location. Still, it

    angered Mitchell greatly. He was slowly beginning to accept the reasons the

    Prophets altered his body, but to make him wait eight years without reason and

    purpose was almost unacceptable regardless of their own problems. It would be

    something Mitchell would have to learn to live with. It was a problem he would

    have to think about later. There were other matters to attend to now.

    Scotty desperately tried to repair the damaged transporter and even

    though he was known as the "Miracle Worker" by the rest of the crew he did not

    know how he was going to pull this one off. Spock, who had taken command of

    the Enterprise, was calling for him, but Scotty had no time to report on the

    situation. He had overloaded relays and burned out fuses to attend to or

    Captain Kirk would die within the gullet of the massive and deadly planet

    killer, which was preparing to swallow the U.S.S Constellation.

    Scotty's hands were pulling and twisting as he tried to somehow rig the

    system to work, even if only momentarily, but he knew that there was just no

    way he could do it. Every time he tried to bypass one routine, another would

    fail. There was just no way to get the transporters operational. Unbeknownst

    to the Chief Engineer other things were occurring deep within the Enterprise's

    transporter system.

    Scotty continued to make adjustments that he himself was beginning to

    believe were in vain, until noticing that a relay suddenly became active and

    could support the transporter if only for several seconds. He did not know how

    exactly this came to be, but he had little time to figure out how it occurred.

    He jumped down from the Jefferies tube and to the Enterprise deck floor. He

    told the transporter chief to try once again to beam the Captain off the

    Constellation. If this did not work, Scotty knew that Kirk was dead. He could


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    hear Sulu counting down as the Constellation entered the planet killer's

    domain, but he then heard something great. Kirk was alive. The transporter

    had worked.

    It was hours later, and after a brief celebration following the planet

    killer's destruction, Scotty returned to the Jefferies tube. He drank a bit

    too much Scotch, but he needed to know how that transporter worked. How that

    relay was repaired. He managed to climb backup into the tube to examine the

    relays, wires and switches he had tried to repair earlier. Scotty looked

    closely at the relay and to his surprise, it was inactive again and damaged

    beyond repair. He had to ask himself if he really was that drunk, but finally

    came to the conclusion that although something strange had indeed occurred,

    Captain Kirk was alive, and he would gladly leave it at that.

    It was now late at night aboard the Enterprise. All essential personnel

    had turned themselves in for the night, and this included Captain Kirk. It had

    been such a long day, and although it saddened him greatly that his good friend

    Matt Decker had died, the planet killer had been stopped, and literally

    trillions of lives had been saved. Kirk smiled as he rested his head upon the

    pillow realizing that in the end it was just another day at the office. An

    office in the world of James T. Kirk.

    His attention then went to his friend who had sacrificed his life to

    prove a theory, which ultimately led to the machine's destruction. It was not

    very long before he fell fast asleep. He was completely exhausted from the

    days events, and he had barely managed to stay at the celebration long enough

    to watch Scotty show off his ability to consume great amounts of alcohol and

    still be able to only talk of the Enterprise's engines and how he would improve

    them. Kirk dreamt of Decker, his friend, and their time at the Academy, the

    fun they had, and the sight of Matt when he learned his wife had just given

    birth to a baby boy that they named Wil. Then another image appeared.

    It was Gary Mitchell, another lost friend. Mitchell was standing there

    atop a high grassy hill, and behind him was a bright blue sky filled with puffy

    white clouds. As Kirk slowly walked towards him he noticed Mitchell wearing

    the same Lieutenant uniform he had been in the last time they had seen each

    other, and something else, Mitchells eyes were normal. The bright, crystal

    like glow they emitted when he was transformed was gone. It was the Gary he

    always wanted to remember.


    A smile appeared across Gary Mitchell's face. "Hello Jim... It's been a

    long time..."

    "Your eyes?"

    "I know Jim... That's why I'm here... I came here to ask for your

    forgiveness... I've lived with the pain of hurting you for a long time, and


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    I've come here to say that I'm sorry... I'm sorry for everything..." Gary's

    smile vanished, and now only an expression of shame crossed his face.

    "I forgave you a long time ago Gary... I know it wasn't your fault...

    It wasn't any of our faults..."

    "I know Jim, but I tried to hurt you... Dammit, I tried to kill you...

    Even though the person I became was different, it was still me... It was still

    my soul... Only after years of living with this power have I finally been able

    to control it. I can now suppress it, and not let it consume me... I now

    realize that it was a gift... A gift I am going to use... I just needed to

    tell you that I was sorry... You've done more for me than anyone I ever knew,

    and I owe you my life more times than I can count. Maybe now, I repaid you

    just a bit... Goodbye Jim..."

    A confused expression appeared across Kirk's face. "You? You saved me

    from the planet killer?"

    Mitchell said nothing and turned and walked away. As he continue to move

    his body began to slowly vanish until he was no more. Kirk awoke in his bed as

    if he had just experienced a nightmare and quickly sat up. He asked himself if

    it really was just all a dream or if perhaps somehow, someway, Gary really was

    talking to him. Either way, Kirk knew it was no nightmare, and he felt better

    than before he went to sleep. Maybe he really had reconciled with his old


    Gary Mitchell's runabout approached the wormhole, and he slowed his speed

    to gaze at the swirling blue gases as they spread out into space near its

    entrance. "It is time..." said a voice in his head. Mitchell entered the

    coordinates into the Danube's helm and it moved forward into the wormhole. The

    craft vanished and the wormhole closed behind him. His destiny had yet to be


    The End
