Star Trek: The Hero's Journey Liana Zalutsky

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Star Trek: The Hero's Journey

Liana Zalutsky

Page 2: Star trek

The Charachter Archetypes

• The Hero- Spock

• Mentor- Spock Prime

• Shapeshifter- Kirk

• Shadow - Nero

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Natural World

• In the natural world, there is a young Spock, on Vulcan, being teased about being half Vulcan.

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Call to Adeventure

• Spock is accepted to the Vulcan Academy of Science, but refuses, as he finds the Elder’s belief of his disadvantage offensive. This disaadvantage is his human mother.

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Refusal of the Call

• Spock is uncertain about whether to go to The Vulcan Academy of Science, or enlist in Starfleet. He discusses it with his mother.

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The Hero meets his Mentor

• While Spock does not meet his Mentor, Spock Prime until much later, he starts to be affected by him when Starfleet gets the distress call from Vulcan- it was by extension Spock Prime’s fault that they eard about it.

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Threshhold into Supernatural World

• Starfleet recives a distress call from Vulcan, prompting a rescue mission, which becomes Spock’s first real mission where he is a crew member, as opposed to a student.

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Tests Allies and Enemies

• The Enterprise stops the black hole on Vulcan, Spock loses his mother, Spock meets Kirk, they meet Scotty, and Kirk is hiding things from Spock.

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Inmost Cave

• Captain Pike is captured by Nero, and Spock and Kirk fight over how to deal with it. Kirk is exiled by Spock, and he meets Spock Prime. Spock has to decide what to do about Nero, as he is now captain.

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• Spock and Kirk go into the Romulan (Nero’s) ship. Kirk is to attempt to rescue Pike, while Spock must get rid of the Red Matter, which is used to make black holes.

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• Spock and Kirk go into the Romulan (Nero’s) ship. Kirk is to attempt to rescue Pike, while Spock must get rid of the Red Matter, which is used to make black holes.

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The Reward

• Spock finally meets Spock Prime in person, who teaches him about embracing his humanity.

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The Road Back

• Spock must choose between his life, and the Earth. He chooses the Earth, and takes Spock Prime’s ship, with the red matter on it, and crashes the ship, into Nero’s ship.

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• When Spock Prime’s ship is crashing into Nero’s, the Enterprise beams Spock out just in time.

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Natural World

• Spock sees Kirk get to be captain, Spock is now first officer. Spock decides to embrace his human side after meeting Spock Prime.