Star Gate Rules May 10

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  • 8/8/2019 Star Gate Rules May 10


  • 8/8/2019 Star Gate Rules May 10


    Version 5.0 : May 2010 Page 2 of 48


    Contents ....................................................................2Version History ...........................................................3

    Changes from 4.1 to 5.0 ................................................. 3OOC Information.......................................................6

    The Spirit of the Game .................................................... 6Game structure ............................................................... 6Credits .............................................................................. 6Acknowledgement ........................................................ 6Safety ............................................................................... 6Head Hits ......................................................................... 7Game Calls ..................................................................... 7IC / OOC ......................................................................... 7Public locations .............................................................. 7Consistency..................................................................... 7

    Character Generation ..............................................8Summary ......................................................................... 8Backgrounds ................................................................... 8

    Military Characters ................................................................. 8Military Soldier ......................................................................... 8Military Specialist..................................................................... 8

    Intelligence Service Characters ........................................... 9Intelligence operative ........................................................... 9Intelligence Analyst ................................................................ 9

    Civilian Characters ................................................................. 9Aliens ............................................................................... 9

    Player Character Jaffa ........................................................... 9Death ............................................................................... 9

    Skills ..........................................................................10Academic Skills ............................................................ 10

    Skill Game System ................................................................ 10Biological Science ................................................................ 11Physical Sciences ................................................................. 11Engineering ............................................................................ 11Psychology ............................................................................ 12Maths and Computing ......................................................... 12Archaeo-Anthropology ........................................................ 13Linguistics ............................................................................... 14

    Language Families ............................................................... 14Vitality ............................................................................ 14Medicine ....................................................................... 15

    Medical specialities.............................................................. 15

    Combat Skills ................................................................ 16Specialist Background Skills ........................................ 17Veteran Skills ................................................................. 18

    Advancement Points .............................................. 24Advancement List ......................................................... 24

    Feats ......................................................................... 26Feats List ......................................................................... 27

    Damage and Health ............................................... 36Damage ........................................................................ 36

    Casualty Cards ...................................................................... 36Health............................................................................. 37

    Special Medical Abilities ..................................................... 38Medical Technologies .......................................................... 38Overdose ............................................................................... 40Addiction ............................................................................... 40

    Combat ................................................................... 41Armour ........................................................................... 41Weapons Jamming ...................................................... 41Weapons Damage ....................................................... 42

    Small Firearms ....................................................................... 42Medium Firearms .................................................................. 42Large Firearms ....................................................................... 42Sniper ...................................................................................... 42Melee ..................................................................................... 43Thrown / Ranged ................................................................... 43Support Firearms ................................................................... 43Grenades ............................................................................... 43Demolitions ............................................................................ 44Alien Technology .................................................................. 44

    Other combat calls ...................................................... 45Reloading ...................................................................... 46

    Downtime ................................................................ 47Post-Event ...................................................................... 47Downtime Returns ......................................................... 47

    Development ......................................................................... 47Background Skill Usage ....................................................... 47Research ................................................................................ 47

    Cheating .................................................................. 48Unsafe Play for Crew or Players ........................................... 48System referees ..................................................................... 48

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    Version 5.0 : May 2010 Page 3 of 48

    Version HistoryVersion HistoryVersion HistoryVersion History

    Changes fromChanges fromChanges fromChanges from 4 . 1 to 5 .04 . 1 to 5 .04 . 1 to 5 .04 . 1 to 5 .0

    Please note that the major changes from 4.1 to 5.0 are listed below changes to formatting or layout are not listed. If for

    any reason, a feat that a player has is no longer valid (i.e. has been removed) then the player will be allowed to pick a new

    feat to replace it.

    OOC Information

    Reformatted and slightly reworded to bring in line with current game.

    Character Generation

    Reformatted and added more explainations. Added Character Death Section

    Skills Renamed Programming/Hacking to be Computing so that it makes the other skills in saying actually what it does! Some skills have had their training time reduced (no skill has had it increased) if you are currently training a skill whose time has

    been decreased, your training time will decrease accordingly. This affects most skills where it was 13 months for the first skill in a

    section and then 7 months training for follow up skills(most of these have been reduced to 12 and 6 months respectively in order to

    remove a lot of the hanging time.

    Psychology has been reduced from 10 months training to 9 months Linguistics has been dropped from 7 months to 6 months training Paramedic has had its training time reduced from 7 month to 6 months training Doctor has been reduced from 25 months to 24 months training. Additional ability added to Ciphers and also given the ability to increase the Ciphers ability. Unarmed Combat has been renamed Expert Unarmed there is no change to the skill, but its training time is now 7 Months,

    down from 10 months but you require Basic Unarmed as a pre-requisite (so therefore not affecting the overall training time)

    Basic Unarmed has been added as a new skill, with a training time of 3 months which allows you to do only Strike finallyallowing an easy way for people to punch easy other.

    Medics now can treat and stabilise people (rather than the former treatment limit) but cannot read or treat wound cards Paramedics and now read and treat all green wound cards (rather than the former treatment limit) Added in the vitality cap limit of 20 and note about Advancement Points Basic Skills have been merged with Veteran skills under the banner of Veteran Skills Clarifications have been made on what cards are gained under basic skills Clarifications have been made on how Basic skills affect training. Armoursmith and Weaponsmith have been merged to become Armourer if you have either skill you automatically upgrade to

    having the Armourer skill. The time taken to learn the new skill is the same as it was to learn Armoursmith and Weaponsmith


    Expert Bodybuilder now grants +3 body rather than +2 body. Pilot Aircraft now allows you to pick extra aircraft for 2 months training Pilot Boat now allows you to pick extra boats/ships for 2 months training Taxidermy added as a new Veteran Skill Xeno-Cookery added as a new Veteran Skill Larceny added as a new Veteran Skill Stay With Me added as a new Veteran skill Added descriptions to the alien technology skills that are currently known. Formatted the alien tech skills into the standard veteran skills.

    Advancement Points

    A new section has been added on Advancement Points adding in extra i tems that can be bought for characters who havereached 20 vitality

    Vitality is now capped at 20 points if you currently have more than 20 vitality, you gain 1 AP (Advancement Point) per point youhave above 20 and drop to 20 points, and for every event you attend where you are on 20 vitality you gain 1 AP instead of gaining

    1 Vitality.

    All Advancement Points added

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    Version 5.0 : May 2010 Page 4 of 48


    Feats have been altered to either be one off skills, or (in most part) have three levels One Off / Once per Day / Once Per Mission this has meant that some feats have been rebalanced. Temporary Feats have not had their name changed Permanent Feats are

    now called Upgrade Feats, and the new third level is called Advanced Upgrade Feats

    Tracker has been added as the starting level feat for Blood Hound anyone with Blood Hound remains upgraded. But any newpurchases should be at the temporary level the same as all other feats

    Blood Hound is now once per day (was once per mission) Nash Big Game Hunter has now been added as an advanced upgrade forBloodHound), permanently active usable at will. Tricks of the Trade added as an advanced upgrade forMacGuyver (BotchJob) Defender added as an advanced upgrade for Bodyguard (BulletCatcher) Crash Course has been removed from the game if you have any Crash Course feats, you will be refunded those points if you

    used a crash course at the last event you still gain the training benefit in this downtime (for one last time!)

    What Would X Do? has been removed from the game if you have any What Would X Do? feats you will be refunded thosepoints. If you have any permanent versions of what would X do? (through specific roleplaying items/referee feats) then you keep

    those feats - i.e. Luckys Gestalt Personality, Modekis Inside Knights Head and Nashs Heroic Death of Masters feats.

    Expert Technician has been renamed Practiced Technician Intuitive Electrician has been renamed Practiced Electrician Natural Born Hacker has been renamed Practiced Hacker Natural Signaller has been renamed Practiced Signaller Steady Nerve has been renamed Practiced Disposer Expert (Technician, Electrician, Hacker, Signaller, Disposer) have been added as upgrades for the Practiced (Technician,

    Electrician, Hacker, Signaller, Disposer) feats

    Natural (Technician, Electrician, Hacker, Signaller, Disposer) have been added as an advanced upgrade for the Expert(Technician, Electrician, Hacker, Signaller, Disposer) feats. These Natural feats are permanently on feats, but you can have only

    one allowing you to specialise heavily in one area and differentiate yourself from other characters!

    Natural Immunity has been renamed Natural Resistance and while the overall effect hasnt changed (you still take no damagingeffects of a toxin or disease) it has been clarified that this confers resistance to the effect, not that you are immediately immune

    and thus you should roleplay the majority of the symptoms rather than just completely ignore the call.

    Well Balanced, the upgrade of Cat Like Reflexes has been removed from the game this feat now no longer has any trade ups. Ithas also been implicitly noted that it does not affect any unarmed abilities. If you have any Well Balanced feats, they will be

    removed (as they are trade ups, since they didnt require feats to be spent directly on them, there is no refund points)

    Choke, Grapple, Break Hold, Throw and Disarm all now deliberately state that it can be taken multiple times. And a limit of 10 havebeen imposed.

    Deaths Door now deliberately states that it can be taken multiple times. Die Hard now regains all of a persons body points (up from two points) but can only be used once per hour. Critical Hits upgrade now has two levels Crack Shot and Dead Shot anyone who had On The Nose, Blind Shot orCalled Shot

    combines their total of these three and gains the equivalent in Crack Shots but this can now only be used once per day (but you

    get the choice of what effect you want, rather than having to take all three skills).

    If you get hit by a Critical Hit you now always open an extra Green Wound Card in addition to any other Wound Cards you open. Disarm/Rearm (Melee version) is now called Firm Grip to differentiate it between the Unarmed and the Melee versions. Emergency Measures is now available for Paramedics and Doctors and clarifications on upgrades. Surgeon has clarifications on upgrades. More (Technical Tools, Programs, Signals, Electrical Tools, Disposals Gear) have been added as new feats Extra (Technical Tools, Programs, Signals, Electrical Tools, Disposals Gear) have been added as upgrades forMore (Technical Tools,

    Programs, Signals, Electrical Tools, Disposals Gear)

    Bottomless (Technical Tools, Programs, Signals, Electrical Tools, Disposals Gear) have been added as new feats for Extra (TechnicalTools, Programs, Signals, Electrical Tools, Disposals Gear). These Bottomless feats are permanently on feats, but you can have

    only one allowing you to specialise heavily in one area and differentiate yourself from other characters!

    Sniper Shot upgrades now have two levels Marksman and Kill Shot. Marksman can now be used only once per day (rather thanonce per mission previously), with the upgrade usable Once Per Mission.

    Houdini added as upgrade from Escapologist

    Museum Expert (with its upgrades Grave Robber and Tomb Raider) added [Please note that these are different from the specialfeats people currently have in their special sections).

    Stay With Me is no longer a feat its now become a Veteran Skill if you currently have any Stay With Me Feats they will beconverted to Skills.

    Going Burko now no-longer requires a friend/team mate to die, it now requires them just to be on -1 instead. Flesh Wounds has a clarification on the description i.e. that i t does not stop your descent to -5. Killing Blow/Killing Strike has clarification on its use. Tracker has been added as the starting level feat for Blood Hound anyone with Blood Hound remains upgraded. Self-Stabilise has been clarified, on what happens if a wound card makes you unconscious, thus unable to bandage yourself. Mass Negotiation has been added as the advanced upgrade of Negotiator Ambidexterous has been added as the advanced upgrade of Spontaneous Ambidexterity True Ambidexterity has been renamed as Practiced Ambixdeterity Spontaneous Ambidexterity has been re-written to slightly modify the effects it has.

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    Health / Healing / Medical

    Seperated out the Health/Healing/Medical items from Combat to differentiate them Moved the medical rules from the skills section to the health section


    Damage for most weapons has been rebalanced. Through Damage has mostly been removed. Guns now deliberately state what can and cant critical, and what can and cant be used ambixterity New Heavy Pistol added to Pistols New Auto Shotgun added to Large Firearms Added Anti-Material Rifle to Sniper Added Medum Machine Gun to Support Firearms Clarified description of This is not a heroic weapon to Flame Thrower Added Automatic Grenade Launcher to Support Weapons Simplified Grenade Descriptions Added Staff Cannon to Alien Technology Added Goauld Stun Grenade to Alien Technology To now become compliant with Stargate Cannon Zatnikatels no longer have a third shot disintegrates option. Just doesnt


    Added Intar to weapons list Added Taser to weapons list Added Thermite to demolitions Covering Fire / Spray Fire / Heavy Fire slightly re-written to clarify. Also what weapons can do Spray / Heavy / Covering Fire have

    now been changed to balance out the weapons.

    Assault Rifle Special is now Quad rather than Double Through Shotguns have been upgraded from Double/Double Knockdown to Triple/Triple Knockdown but now cannot critical Light Machine Guns have been changed from doing Double/Double Through to doing Quad Heavy Machine Guns now actually have stats LMGs now cannot Critical MMGs now cannot Critical HMGs now cannot Critical SMGs can be used ambidexterously, but have lost the ability of covering fire Assault Rifles cannot be used ambidexterously, but can cover-fire. Spray Fire has been corrected to double-through per call rather than triple-through Armour has been upgraded (IC this is due to the work by Duncan Waterhouse) Weapons Jamming has been added.


    Formatting changes (and alien technology skills moved to the Veteren Skill section) and just tidying up of wording.

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    OOC InformationOOC InformationOOC InformationOOC Information

    The Sp ir it of the GameThe Sp ir it of the GameThe Sp ir it of the GameThe Sp ir it of the Game

    The inspiration in creating Stargate LARP is and will

    remain, Stargate: The motion picture and Stargate:

    SG1 and its relations. The intention is to create, as

    closely as possible on a budget of hundreds and

    not millions, the opportunity to travel through the

    Stargate to other worlds. These are not journeys of

    conquest, but of exploration: sometimes

    dangerous, sometimes frightening, sometimes

    emotional but always challenging. They may not

    be in the universe quite as it has already been

    drawn in SG1, but there are enemies and friends to

    be found and made out there. Go as ambassadors

    and defenders, however remember that who

    becomes an enemy and who becomes a friend is

    literally down to your actions and conduct.

    This is a living document and the rules it contains

    are constantly evolving and developing. If you

    have any suggestions please let us know by visiting

    the website ( and contacting


    Game structureGame structureGame structureGame structure

    Stargate Live Role Playing (Stargate LRP) is

    designed as a 24 hour time in style system (time ishof a night depends on the event and which players

    and monsters are awake!.

    An out of character camping area will be

    provided, away from the In Character area. You

    can choose whether to have an IC tent or an OOC


    Out of character staff will be available and clearly

    distinguishable (usually wearing a Hi-Visibility vest),

    to deal with any issues which cannot be resolved

    by in character means, such as safety and first aid.

    The crew area is an out of character, and is off

    limits to players without the approval of a referee.

    Cred itsCred itsCred itsCred its

    Original Game Concept:, System Design And Rules:


    Rules - Samantha Griffin, Tony Boyd, Matt Challenor,

    John David, Mel Duffy, Tony Kehoe

    Design Samantha Griffin

    Current Rules : 2010

    Rules - Paul Brozyna, John David, Tony Kehoe with

    thanks to the Players for Suggestions

    Design John David


    Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of

    Stargate Productions, SCI FI Channel,

    Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret

    Productions, and Gekko Productions.


    Safety is of the utmost importance. It is important

    that referees and players check that Melee

    weapons are in a good state of repair and not

    unsafe. Since even a safe weapon may be used

    dangerously it is important that all blows should be

    pulled (i.e. the full strength of the blow should not

    be delivered) If a referee thinks a weapon is being

    used in a dangerous fashion. The referees have the

    power to ban a weapon or to stop combat to

    remove someone from play.

    Everyone taking part is responsible for their own

    safety and for ensuring that they act in a manner

    that does not endanger the safety of others.

    This is a live action role-playing game, and melee

    and unarmed combat can and will take place. If

    you are unsure of how LARP combat works speak to

    a referee who will show you how to fight in a safe

    and enjoyable manner.





    Anyone who breaks this rule will be

    asked to leave the event.

    The main weapon physrep for the game is the BB

    gun, or other non-LARP safe object. These come in

    many shapes, sizes and are made from different

    materials (Plastic or metal). It is important to

    understand that at no time should BBs be broughtonto site. It is also important that no non LARP safe

    weapon is used in melee combat. Before the game

    starts, all weapons must be inspected by a referee.

    Missile weapons are particularly dangerous if

    unsafe, therefore it is recommended that you do

    not use arrows and bolts unless you are sure that

    they were made safely. Arrows should be

    constructed from blunts in such a way that the tip

    will not come through the foam head during use.

    The arrow head should be larger than an eye


    If a player sustains a real injury, play should cease

    immediately so that appropriate measures may be

    taken. There is a first aider on site at all times andthey must be informed of the injury and it must be

    recorded in the incident book (kept in the crew


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    Head H itsHead H itsHead H itsHead H its

    For safety reasons, no one should ever aim to hit

    someone else on the head. If through ill fortune

    someone receives an in-character head hit they

    should role-play it, after it has been confirmed that

    the player is uninjured.

    Game CallsGame CallsGame CallsGame Calls

    Time Freeze

    Stop where you are, close your eyes and hum

    quietly until "Time In" is called. Don't chat out-of-

    character and pay no attention to anything you

    hear during this time. This call is used to enable

    referees and crew to set up effects, move objects

    brief individuals etc. As far as the characters are

    concerned, there is no gap in time.

    Time Out

    Stop any in-character actions, but remember

    where you were and what you were doing, so that

    you can pick the action up again later when "Time

    In" is called. This call will be made to stop play in the

    case of suspected genuine injury. Be aware that

    important instructions may be issued to players in

    this time.

    Time In

    Pick up the action from where you stopped when

    "Time Out" or "Time Freeze" was called.

    Man Down

    Someone is seriously injured. THIS MUST NOT BE USED



    Wounds received in-character should be

    acknowledged and reacted to: e.g. writhing in

    agony and/or crying out in pain. This helps the

    atmosphere and lends urgency to the healer's task.

    If a situation has developed which has a strong

    atmosphere (e.g. fear of a monster, tense

    anticipation or other focused role-playing) do not

    deliberately attempt to break the mood.

    Stay in-character between adventure encounters

    unless a "Time-out" has been called. These periods

    of time are excellent for developing in-character

    relationships and finding out more about your

    environment and companions.

    Remember that some woodland used for

    adventuring may have rules regarding smoking.

    Please be diligent and ensure any cigarettes are

    out to avoid fires.

    Please remember that the props used during an

    adventure are somebody's property. While some

    props may be made to be destructible, always

    check with a Referee before taking any action that

    may cause damage to a prop.

    Never drop litter during an adventure, this includes

    biodegradable items such as food.

    After an event, make sure you leave the location in

    the same, or better, condition than you found it. Do

    not leave crap around. It is not the job of the crew

    to clean up after you.

    Publ ic locat ionsPubl ic locat ionsPubl ic locat ionsPubl ic locat ions

    Although many of the sites we use are closed (i.e.

    not usually open to the public) if a member of the

    public is encountered during a mission, treat them

    with courtesy. If their path takes them through an

    encounter, stop the action with a "Time Out" to

    allow them to pass. You will not be penalised for

    dropping out of character to talk with the public.

    Be aware that the weaponry carried may cause

    alarm to the public, especially with the current

    terror alert. The local Police will have been informed

    of the type of game that is being run and may dropin. a Time Out will be called until they leave.

    Respect private boundaries. Never stray into an

    area where you are not permitted to go and never

    engage in any activity that is likely to damage the

    adventure site (e.g. climbing over stone walls or

    damaging trees).

    Cons istencyCons istencyCons istencyCons istency

    Players must obey all rules of the game and alsorespect the authority of the referees, obeying their

    instructions promptly and without argument. There

    may be more to the situation than you are aware


    Never argue with a referee or crew member about

    an aspect of the rules during the game, save any

    grievance until after the mission or take it up with

    the organiser away from the rest of the players as

    not to disrupt them.

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    Character GenerationCharacter GenerationCharacter GenerationCharacter Generation


    Select Character Background

    You should pick a background this can either be

    Military Characters (2 options), Civilian, or

    Intelligence Service (2 options)

    You are granted certain combat skills dependant on

    your background

    For Military characters this is Small Firearms and

    Medium Firearms

    For Civilian and Intelligence characters this is SmallFirearms

    Select your Free Background Skill

    Each of the five backgrounds gains a free skill from

    a pre-selected list you should select one skill from

    this list.

    Select a number of skills dependant on your


    You then gain a number of skills dependant on your

    background certain skills have pre-requisites

    which you will also have to purchase (i.e. for

    example Doctor which requires you buy Medic :Paramedic and then Doctor)

    You can choose not to spend one of your points,

    and instead purchase two secondary skills these

    are normally either lesser skills which give you a

    broader range (Basic skills) or veteran skills which

    give you knowledge in a specific area (Geology,

    Piloting etc)

    Body Starts at 6

    This is your health this can be raised by purchasing

    the Bodybuilder skill, or Expert Bodybuilder skill this

    indicates how much damage you can take before

    your are incapacitated or killed.

    Vitality Starts at 6

    This is your heroic ability to dodge damage, to

    avoid shrapnel and simply not be there when a

    blow lands depending on your background you

    may be able to purchase extra vitality at character

    generation. Vitality may also be required to power

    certain feats or devices during the game.

    Send Character Background and JPG Photograph to

    Plot Co-ordinator

    [email protected]

    A Random feat will be selected for you to start off the

    event with.


    Mil i taryM il i taryM il i taryM il i tary CharactersCharactersCharactersCharacters

    The military fulfil a number of roles in the SEF

    including protecting civilians performing

    peacekeeping duties, and protecting team

    members are they travel to other worlds. They are

    also military pilots, expert in flying ships, and

    eventually space ships,

    The military can be drawn from any of the services,

    from the army, the navy, the air force, or one of thespecial forces it would require special

    dispensation from the Plot Co-ordinator to come

    from any armed services other than the United

    Kingdom as the SE F is based in the United Kingdom

    Mil i tary Sold i er

    You are a soldier in the army, an NCO or expert in

    combat and work in the field your expertise is in

    the area of combat and protection.

    If youre an NCO youd normally start as a Corporal

    or Sergeant, as an officer youd normally start as aLieutenant or Captain

    Automatic Skills Granted : Small Firearms and

    Medium Firearms

    Select Free Skill From : +2 Vitality, Medic,

    Experimental Kit, or any one combat skill

    No of Skills to Select : 2

    Mil i tary Spec ial istYou are a specialist, or officer in the army, you have

    a particular area of expertise which is why you

    have been assigned to the project. If youre an

    NCO youd normally start as a Corporal or

    Sergeant, as an officer youd normally start as a

    Lieutenant or Captain

    Automatic Skills Granted : Small Firearms and

    Medium Firearms

    Select Free Skill From : +1 Vitality, Experimental Kit,

    Insider Information, Medic

    No of Skills to Select : 2

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    I ntell igence Serv iceIntell igence Serv iceIntell igence Serv iceIntell igence Serv ice


    The intelligence service also fulfils a number of roles

    in the SEF drawn normally from GCHQ, the Police,

    MI5 or MI6, they serve normally as information

    gatherers and brokers, spying on the enemy and

    passing the information back to the SEF and are avaluable resource in keeping the Earth and United

    Kingdom safe from extra terrestrial threats.

    I ntell igence operat ive

    You work for the security services in the field, doing

    the dirty work for the government, working for MI5

    or MI6.

    Automatic Skills Granted : Small Firearms

    Select Free Skill From : +2 Vitality, Experimental Kit or

    any one combat skill

    No of Skills to Select : 3

    I ntell igence Analyst

    You work for the security services in an office, you

    are an expert at encryption and decryption and

    languages youre less used to field work, but have

    a much larger network of information to draw from.

    Automatic Skills Granted : Small Firearms

    Select Free Skill From : Insider Information, Ciphers,

    Programming/Hacking, Communications or one

    Language skill

    No of Skills to Select : 3

    C iv i l ian CharactersC iv i l ian CharactersC iv i l ian CharactersC iv i l ian Characters

    You are a civilian, brought in due to the expert

    knowledge that you have in a particular field.

    University professors, civilian scientists for example.

    Automatic Skills Granted : Small Firearms

    Select Free Skill From : +1 Vitality, Dreaming Spires

    or any one non combat skill

    No of Skills to Select : 3

    AAAAl iensl iensl iensl iens

    All requests for playing Alien creatures must have

    prior approval from the Plot Co-ordinator. The

    Stargate Programme is primarily a human

    organisation and as such aliens are rare. The

    starting Statistics for aliens differ from the normal

    starting character statistics. People CANNOT selectan Alien creature as their first character to play in

    the Stargate Universe and MUST play a human first.

    Player Character JaffaPlayer Character JaffaPlayer Character JaffaPlayer Character Jaffa

    Vitality : 4

    Body : 7

    Automatic Skills Granted : Staff Weapon (Ranged)

    No of Skills to Select : 4

    Jaffa characters can only select the following as

    starting level skills : Psychology, Archaeo-

    Anthropology, Thrown/Ranged Weapons, Unarmed

    Combat, Melee Weapons, Vitality, Bodybuilder,

    Field First Aid, Ancient History, Any Basic Skill, Craft

    Improvised Weapons, Demolitions, Fish and Game,

    Geology, Navigation, Religious Studies, Occult,

    Philosophy, Astronaut, Staff Weapon (Melee), Alien

    Technology Use Zat'ni'katel, Alien Language


    Jaffa also have the following special abilities :

    Special: "Regeneration" : Your healingtimes are halved

    Special: Natural Bodybuilder : You havegained +1 body, as this is natural for your

    race, you do not have to upkeep this

    during downtime.

    Special: "Natural Immunity" : As a startingcharacter you start off with a free Natural

    Immunity Feat

    Special: "Alien Language Read/Write -Jaffa" : You start off being able to speak

    your native language. In order to speak

    English you HAVE to take the AlienLanguage Read/Write - English"


    If your character dies, for your new character you

    gain the full downtime from the event you played

    where the character died, and an amount of

    months downtime equal to the amount of events

    played by the character who died.

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    Some of the skills will include performing simple tests (with quick answers) in the field. Others may involve the character

    spending some time working on the problem. Some skills will need to be used in combination to perform certain tasks or

    meet certain challenges. For example, it would be necessary to have nuclear physics, disposal and engineering to defuse

    nuclear weapons.

    Academic Sk illsAcademic Sk illsAcademic Sk illsAcademic Sk ills

    The skills work by each player having a key concepts sheet, sometimes with codes to help identify items. You can also ask a

    ref to give you information based on your skill. During events many items will require a wide variety of skills to solve.

    Certain skills have a set of cards which can be used to solve problems. These can be downloaded separately and you

    should ensure that you have one set of each of the skills you have. These are :

    Communications Programming / Hacking Electrical Engineering Civil Engineering Disposal

    You may want to read round the subject, watch a bit of discovery channel maybe, so you can talk the talk and bamboozle

    your mates. However, you dont actually need to know the subject at all to pick it.

    Sk ill Game SystemSk ill Game SystemSk ill Game SystemSk ill Game System

    You are given a number of cards and a number (between 6 and 9, depending on how experienced you are) may be

    chosen and taken out with you on a mission. Even if you are on base you should have your chosen cards separate from

    your other card as if a problem is being worked on it is considered cheating to sort out your available cards if you are

    considering helping on a problem.

    These cards represent your knowledge and phys reps that you have taken out into the field, or that you have available to


    A referee will have selected a set of problem cards that represent the problems with a particular device. The referee will

    normally explain what the problem is (in role-playing terms) as he is playing each card and you should appropriately role-

    play the effects of any cards which you are playing.

    If you do not have a card that can overcome the problem then you cannot achieve what you are trying to achieve.

    Other people can assist to overcome certain problems, should you be unable to deal with a specific problem card. (Note

    that no more than two people can work on any one particular problem)

    Different cards take different amounts of time in order to achieve their effect.

    A copy of the player cards for you to print & laminate, etc. can be found on the website:

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    B iolog ical Sc i enceB iolog ical Sc i enceB iolog ical Sc i enceB iolog ical Sc i ence

    Name Description Training Time


    Genetics is the science of heredity and variation in living organisms. The

    study of DNA, inheritance and the genetic basis of disease. This is useful for

    a variety of tasks such as locating the nature of diseases and antidotes,

    alien toxins and parasites.

    12 Months for 1st

    Skill in the area

    6 Months if you

    already have

    skills in this area

    Human PhysiologyPhysiology is the study of the mechanical, physical, and biochemical

    functions of living organisms. The study of anatomy and the interaction of

    cells. This skill combines both human and animal physiology.


    Botany is the study of plant life, Botany covers a wide range of scientific

    disciplines that study plants, algae, and fungi including: structure, growth,

    reproduction, metabolism, development, diseases, and chemical

    properties and evolutionary relationships between the different groups.

    PathologyPathology is the study and diagnosis of disease, this is done through the

    examination of organs, tissues, bodily fluids and Autopsies. It also

    encompasses the related scientific study of disease processes.

    Phys ical Sc i encesPhys ical Sc i encesPhys ical Sc i encesPhys ical Sc i ences

    Name Description Training Time

    AstrophysicsThis incorporates astronomy, the calculation of stellar distances and the

    exploitation of other worlds. It also includes stellar navigation and stellar

    matter.12 Months for 1st

    Skill in the area

    6 Months if you

    already have

    skills in this area

    MaterialsThe study of materials, their properties and uses, includes Chemistry and

    Physics. This skill is a requirement for a lot of alien technology research.

    Nuclear PhysicsThe study of radioactivity, the fundamental principles of the universe, this

    includes Quantum Physics. This skill is a requirement for many alien power

    research skills.

    Eng ineer ingEng ineer ingEng ineer ingEng ineer ing

    Name Description Training Time

    MechanicalMechanical Engineering deals with the design, manufacture and

    maintenance of mechanical systems. Thermodynamics, Kinematics, Energy

    and Work. Design of vehicles, industrial equipment, robotics.13 Months for 1st

    Skill in the area

    7 Months if you

    already have

    skills in this area


    Electrical Engineering (more specifically Electrical and Electronic

    Engineering) deals with the study and applications of electricity,

    electromagnetic forces and electronics. Also deals with power, control

    systems, integrated circuits and circuit boards.


    Civil Engineering deals with the design, construction and maintenance of

    buildings, structures and the environment including bridges, roads, canals,

    damns, aqueducts. Also surveying and environmental engineering fall into

    this category.

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    Name Description Training Time


    You possess a professional qualification in psychology. You have spent time

    understanding and learning to treat the human mind, enabling you to offer

    counselling, understand and anticipate actions and analyse the


    Sample uses of Psychology are to prevent post traumatic stress, predict the

    actions of a friend or foe, or push people to the edge.

    After role-playing with someone for at least five minutes, 3 times per mission

    you can :

    See whether someones last statement was a lie See whether someone in the general conversation is

    concealing something

    Find out what someone is trying to achieve (in broadterms) through their words.

    Detect their current emotional state.

    After role-playing with someone for at least twenty minutes, once per

    mission you can :

    Detect someones psychological flaws.

    Once per mission you are able to falsify the response to a psychological

    challenge as per above .

    9 Months

    Maths and Comput ingMaths and Comput ingMaths and Comput ingMaths and Comput ing

    Name Description Training Time

    Pure Mathematics

    The study of numbers, algebra, geometry, statistics.

    Anyone with Pure Mathematics gains +1 Flash of Insight per day, that canbe used when trying to solve any mathematical problem.

    13 Months for 1st

    Skill in the area

    7 Months if you

    already have

    skills in this area


    The study of telecommunications, monitoring, satellite technology. The use

    and maintenance of such technology and the development of new

    signalling devices. This skill combines naturally with Electrical Engineering for

    development of new devices

    Ciphers Level x

    Ciphers is the study of codes, cryptography, hidden meanings. Normally

    used for code breaking.

    You start off with Ciphers Level 1 which allows you to solve ciphers

    problems, and to once per day ask for a full translation of a specifc word in

    a cipher.

    You can upgrade to higher levels of ciphers, which gives you more

    translations per day (and may allow you to solve much harder ciphers) byspending 3 months downtime per point. There is no limit to the amount of

    times it can be bought.

    ComputingThe study of computer systems. This skill allows you to hack into other

    operating systems and develop new systems yourself as well as

    countermeasures towards hackers.

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    Name Description Training Time



    You hold a qualification in Archaeology or Anthropology, your

    understanding of the past and the development of human societies is

    advanced and profound. You have the ability to recognise the artefacts,

    myths and cultures of our ancestors wherever they may appear. Classical

    uses of Archaeo-Anthropology are the recognition of alien languages,

    recognising the cultural roots and therefore ethos of an alien world,historical forensics.

    The Archaeo-Anthropology skill does not in and of itself grant the ability to

    read ancient languages, this is the preserve of linguistics, but does confer

    the ability to recognise the language and key elements.

    You can also use this skill to assimilate into a native culture if its one of your

    specialities as if you were truly a native, and you are also an expert in the

    artefacts of these cultures.

    Characters with Archaeo-Anthropology must also select two specialist

    cultures. You may select another two cultures for an extra skill selection at

    character generation.

    Speciality ideas :

    Egyptian Meso American/ Mayan Celtic Greco/Roman Native American Indian Middle Eastern Far East Indo-Aryan Germanic/European

    You may also pick any other region you wish, the above are just examples.

    Once per mission, after a period of studying a native culture, you can gain

    an insight into the culture as if you had used a Flash of Insight feat

    12 Months for

    your first two

    specialist areas.

    6 Months if you

    want to take

    extra specialistareas.

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    L ingu ist icsL ingu ist icsL ingu ist icsL ingu ist ics

    The linguistics skill is the ability to speak a language other than your own. Each language family you choose gives you

    access to a range of languages.

    Name Description Training Time


    The linguistics skill is the ability to speak a language other than your own.

    Each language family you choose gives you access to a range of


    When you take this skill, you should select a language family from the next


    6 Months perlanguage family.

    Language Fam il i es

    Language Family Languages Gained Region

    Germanic German, Saxon, Swedish, Yiddish Europe

    Celtic Welsh, Gaelic, Manx, Ogham Europe

    Italic Latin, Italian, Spanish, French, English Europe

    Indo-Aryan Punjab, Hindi, Bagheli, Sanskrit Indian Subcontinent

    Slavic Russian, Serbian, Czech, Ukranian Europe

    Greek Attic, Pontic, Doric Europe

    Egyptian Coptic Egypt

    Semitic Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac, Aramaic Middle East

    Carib Yabarana, Coyaima, Bakairi Caribbean

    Trans - New Guinea

    & AustronesianJavenese, Malay Indonesia, Philippines

    Niger Congo Tegali, Dogon, Papel Central and Western Africa

    Japanese Japanese, Yoron, Kikai Japan

    Uto Aztecan Hopi, Mayo, Nahuatl Mezo-America

    Sino Tibetan Chinese (Mandarin), Tamang, Tibetan China

    Vital ityV ital ityV ital ityV ital ity

    Vitality is your heroic ability to dodge / not be there when being hit / power source for heroic abilities and forms a variety

    of uses it starts off at 6 Vitality for player characters.

    Vitality caps at a maximum of 20, when you surpass 20 vitality instead of gaining extra vitality you gain Advancement

    Points instead which allow you to purchase (see Advancement Points later) powerful new abilities for your character.

    Name Description Training Time

    +1 Vitality May be taken once at character generation, for the cost of one skill point n/a

    +1 VitalityMay be taken by Civilians and Military Specialists as their Free Skill at

    character generationn/a

    +2 VitalityMay be taken by Military Soldiers and Intelligence Operatives as their Free

    Skill at character generation n/a

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    Medic ineMed ic ineMed ic ineMed ic ine

    Each rank in medicine needs to be taken separately from each other so purchasing Doctor requires you to also purchase

    Medic and Paramedic, whether during Downtime, or at Character Gen

    Each level has a certain set of skills associated with it (which can be found later in the rules)

    Name Description Training Time


    The character is a trained medic:

    Stabilise Casualty Use Level 1 Drugs Can only treat people at -1 or above

    3 Months


    The character is a trained field paramedic:

    All Medic Skills Use Level 2 Drugs Resuscitation Use Hem-Con Can diagnose (read and understand) Green Wound


    Prep for Movement

    6 Months


    The character is a doctor : If you take the doctor skill, you automatically

    gain the Biology skill : Human Physiology

    All Medic Skills Use Level 3 Drugs Surgery Hem-Con Use Critical Care Can diagnose (read and understand) All Wound Cards

    24 Months

    Med ical spec ial i t i esMed ical spec ial i t i esMed ical spec ial i t i esMed ical spec ial i t i es

    The following skills improve the range of the Doctors skills, allowing them to go above and beyond on a variety of

    techniques. While these are all covered under the generic Doctor skill learning specialities will allow to you do more

    under a referees discretion when something in your speciality area occurs.

    Name Description Training Time

    Cardiothoracic The study of Heart/Lungs and their associated diseases and transplantations

    6 Months Each

    Haematology The study of blood, blood born infections and diseases

    Infectious DiseasesThe study of infectious diseases and their treatments. The study of microbial

    agents, viruses, bacteria, fungi, prions etc...

    Oncology The study of cancer and malign growths.

    Physiology (Alien)

    A specific alien race type must be selected and this skill requires a

    specimen (used up in the process) to learn this skill, or a teacher. Cannot

    be taken at character generation.

    This skill allows you to know about of the physiology of a non-human

    species. You can use this knowledgewhen trying to discover other

    information about the species, such as their breeding habits, or when they

    need medical care.

    Plastic Surgery The study of plastic and reconstructive surgery.

    Proctology The study of the colorectal region.

    NeurosurgeryThe study of the brain, as well as Brain Surgery, disorders of the brain,

    meninges, skull and bloody supply to the cranium and spinal nerves

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    Combat Sk illsCombat Sk illsCombat Sk illsCombat Sk ills

    Characters must have the appropriate phys rep in order to be issued with a particular weapon. Metal melee weapons, or

    decommissioned weapons are not acceptable.

    All ammunition clips/magazines must also be phys reps spare phys reps for magazines are normally issued to the IC

    organisation for deployment to characters in character.

    Name Description Training Time

    Small FirearmsThis skill is automatically granted to all human characters. You are capable

    of using a pistol.1 Month

    Medium Firearms

    Requires: Small Firearms

    This skill is automatically granted to all military characters. You are capable

    of using medium weapons examples of these are assault rifles, shotguns or


    You are also capable of using hand grenades and under-weapon grenade


    2 Months

    Large Firearms

    Requires: Medium Firearms

    You are capable of using Large Firearms examples of these are the M60Light Machine Gun, and automatic shotguns.

    4 Months


    Requires: Medium Firearms

    You are capable of using a Sniper Rifle such as the L96 or other such


    7 Months

    Support Weapons

    Requires: Large Firearms

    You are capable of using mounted weapons, rocket launchers etc... such

    as a Mini Gun, 50 Calibre etc... Support Weapons are normally not man


    4 Months

    Thrown / Ranged

    You are capable of using bows, crossbows, thrown daggers, shuriken, blow

    pipes and other thrown and ranged weapons. This does not allow the use

    of alien exotic thrown / ranged weapons.

    You are also capable of using hand grenades

    7 Months

    Melee WeaponsYou are capable of using melee weapons such as swords, daggers, pole

    arms, fixed bayonets. This does not allow the use of alien exotic melee


    5 Months

    Basic UnarmedYou are good to brawling. You gain the following abilities :

    Strike (unlimited) : You cause SINGLE damage. 3 Months

    Expert Unarmed

    Requires: Basic Unarmed

    You are an expert in fighting without weapons. You gain the following

    abilities :

    Trip (unlimited) : You cause no damage, but call Knockdown Strike (unlimited) : You cause SINGLE damage. Grapple (3 times per mission) : You can hold the target for 10


    Throw (3 times per mission) : You call SINGLE Knockdown, thetarget must role-play being thrown away from you and Knocked


    Break hold (3 times per mission) : You call Break Hold and youropponent must release you from a grapple, or you can resist a

    throw as youve broken their hold.

    7 Months

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    Spec ial ist Background Sk illsSpec ial ist Background Sk illsSpec ial ist Background Sk illsSpec ial ist Background Sk ills

    The following skills are normally only taken at character generation, although with Advancement Points

    Name Description Training Time

    Dreaming Spires

    Requires: Civilian

    You have access to the best research establishments in the world, and the

    library card to prove it.

    You are a very well known academic, during downtime you tend to learn

    pieces of information from the world of academia, this can be information

    around new technology discoveries or procedures, or can be academia

    rumours which may be helpful to your character.

    You can also decide to use this to help yourself or someone else gain an

    NPC teacher for a standard or basic skill. This needs to be placed in your

    downtime if you are doing so.


    Experimental Kit

    Requires: Military Soldier, Military Specialist or Intelligence Operative

    As a card holding member of the testing brigade you are expected to test

    a variety of technology that has already been invented.

    This leases a piece of equipment, drugs, vehicle, latest wild device to your

    character for a period of time. These technologies are being tested withpossibility of becoming "standard equipment" and are in a wide variety of

    stages of development.

    These pieces of equipment may have flaws which you have to work

    around, or may have side effects both positive and negative and you dont

    know until you test the item what it is that is going to be, although items

    tend to be more geared to each individual character especially the more

    experienced the character the more dangerous and more exciting the


    The advantage of the skill is that you are always at the cutting edge of

    technology and have the opportunity to play with some advanced, albeit

    dangerous, items.


    Insider Information

    Requires: Military Specialist or Intelligence Analyst

    You can choose to use your insider information in a general manner duringdowntime, which involves just general listening in to informants, gossip in the

    canteen or any other such ways of getting information - this will give you

    information about the current socio-political workings, rumours, intelligence

    and other snippets of information which may or may not be obvious and

    may or may not be relevant to the next event.

    You can also use this in a targeted way - you can choose rather than to use

    this in a general manner, choose a specific person or organisation to gather

    information on - you then gain much more specific information on the

    person or organisation, but the downside to this is that depending on how

    well connected the person is, you may find someone using this feat back at

    you to sew disinformation.

    This skill works differently for each character and depends on their

    background as to how they go about getting their information.


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    VeteranVeteranVeteranVeteran Sk illsSk illsSk illsSk ills

    Veteran skills are skills which are not as wide ranging as the main skill set, but have their uses and add flavour to characters,

    and you never know when these skills are going to come into play. There are also alien technology skills which you can pick

    up after youve had experience with alien technology in game.

    During Character Generation you can take two of these Veteran skills instead of one of the full skills but you can only

    select from the list which have a tick in the Char Gen column.

    Name Description Training TimeChar


    AEthernaut Flight


    Requires: Astronaut and Astrophysics

    You care capable of understanding the fl ight systems on board an

    AEthernaut vessel and how to keep the vessel flying.

    If you also have a Piloting skill, this grants you with Pilot AEthernaut


    4 Months

    AEthernaut Power


    Requires: Materials and Nuclear Physics

    You care capable of understanding the power systems of

    AEthernaut technology

    This grants the Electrical Engineering Card : AEthernaut Generatorand the Mechanical Engineering Card : AEthernaut Generator

    4 Months



    Requires: Weaponsmithing and AEthernaut Power Systems

    This skill allows you to repair, and use AEthernaut Weapons (as long

    as the AEthernaut weapons are of a size that you can use) you

    can also develop the technologies as required as long as you

    have the raw materials.

    2 Months

    Alien Culture

    Requires: Teacher or Time Spent with Culture

    You have spent time amongst people of an alien culture and have

    observed their ways and their customs you are therefore more

    proficient in dealings with people from this culture and may, at a

    referees discretion be given more information in dealings with these

    specific cultures and other benefits in negotiation and infiltation.

    Please note that this does not confer any linguistic ability.

    AEthernaut: 4 Months Ancient: 6 Months Asgard: 4 Months Elesia: 3 Months Coluu: 6 Months Free Jaffa: 4 Months (2 Months if you have Alien Culture


    GGC: 3 Months Hannan: 3 Months Jaffa: 3 Months (2 Months if you have Alien Culture Free


    Tauri (Jaffa Characters Only): 2 MonthsIf you have any archaeo-anthropology skill the time above is

    reduced by 1 month.


    Alien Language


    Requires: Teacher or Source Material

    You have the ability to speak and understand an alien language.

    You can chose from

    Ancient : 9 Months (6 Months if you have latin) Asgard : 6 Months Goauld / Jaffa : 6 Months

    Alien Language skills are increased in training time if you do not have

    a linguistics skill (by 3 months), but are reduced by 3 months if you

    have the equivalent spoken/written already.


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    Name Description Training TimeChar


    Alien Language


    Requires: Teacher or Source Material

    You have the ability to read and write an alien language or

    solve any alien puzzles which are in this language.

    You can chose from

    Ancient : 9 Months (6 Months if you have latin) Asgard : 6 Months Goauld / Jaffa : 6 Months

    Alien Language skills are increased in training time if you do not have

    a linguistics skill (by 3 months), but are reduced by 3 months if you

    have the equivalent spoken/written already.


    Ancient HistoryYou have read up on Ancient History, and have a basic knowledge of

    the main events that occurred during this time.3 Months


    You are capable of repairing damaged armour, and damaged

    weapons as long as you have a toolkit and supplies it takes 20

    minutes to repair one point of armour. You are also capable of

    researching new armour and weapons. You can craft special

    ammunition (with the relevant machinery) such as silver bullets, or

    specific calibre bullets and reworking ammunition. This also covers

    weapons such as bows and arrows as well as smithing melee


    6 Months

    AstronautYou are adept at piloting space craft and at Zero-g manoeuvring

    giving you a distinct advantage when in space, or other such


    6 Months

    Barrack Room


    You are an expert at military law and discipline, and often get called

    in by soldiers and other service personnel who need representing in

    order to promote their cases.

    3 Months

    Basic BiologyYou have learnt the basic techniques of biology if you attempt to

    learn Genetics, Pathology or Physiology skills you can reduce the time

    taken to learn one of these skills by 3 months.

    3 Months

    Basic Botany

    You have learnt the basic techniques of botany if you attempt to

    learn the full botany skill you can reduce the time taken to learn it by3 months.

    3 Months

    Basic ChemistryYou have learnt the basic techniques of chemistry if you attempt to

    learn the full Material Science skill you can reduce the time taken to

    learn it by 3 months.

    3 Months

    Basic Computers

    You have learnt the basic techniques of computer science if you

    attempt to learn Computing or Communications skills you can reduce

    the time taken to learn one of these skills by 3 months.

    You gain the ability to use one card from Computing and one card

    from Communications when preparing for a skill game.

    3 Months

    Basic Engineering

    You have learnt the basic techniques of engineering if you attempt

    to learn Mechnanical, Electrical or Civil Engineering skills you can

    reduce the time taken to learn one of these skills by 3 months.You gain the ability to use one card from Mechanical Engineering

    and one card from Electrical Engineering when preparing for a skill


    3 Months

    Basic LanguageYou have learnt to speak one specific language from a language

    family if you wish to learn that specific full language family, you can

    reduce the time to learn it by 3 months.

    3 Months

    Basic Mathematics

    You have learnt the basic techniques of mathematics if you attempt

    to learn the Pure Mathematics and Ciphers skills you can reduce the

    time taken to learn one of these skills by 3 months.

    You can attempt to solve a cipher using this skill, but the time taken

    will be significantly increased.

    3 Months

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    Name Description Training TimeChar




    Requires: Electrical Engineering and Communications and


    You are an expert at nanotechnology, more specifically the

    nanotechnology that the SEF has developed over the years as

    such you can reduce the time taken to use any Hacking,

    Communications and Electrical Engineering Card Tasks by 1/3rd.

    But as youre using nanites to perform this task, there may be times

    when this can be used against you

    3 Months

    Basic PhysicsYou have learnt the basic techniques of physics if you attempt to

    learn the Nuclear Physics or Material Science skill you can reduce the

    time taken to learn one of these skills by 3 months.

    3 Months

    Basic ZoologyYou have learnt the basic techniques of zoology if you attempt to

    learn the full Veterniary Science skill you can reduce the time taken to

    learn it by 3 months.

    3 Months


    Requires Doctor or a Biology Skill

    You are an expert at Bio-Engineering, a science which covers both

    Engineering and Biology including genetic engineering, modification

    of plants and tissue engineering.

    The time taken to learn this skill is reduced by 3 months if you have a

    physical science skill.

    9 Months


    You have spent a long time in the gymnasium and have honed your


    But this comes with a price, and you have to maintain your bulk

    You gain +1 to your Body Hits, as long as you spend 1 Month every

    downtime in the gym maintaining this skill.

    3 Months

    CateringYou are an expert at field catering, you can cook, for people, in the

    field, using ingrediants and things.3 Months

    Craft Improvised


    You are capable of making a weapon out of equipment you have to

    hand this is capable of making a temporary melee, thrown or

    ranged weapon.

    You must have access to a source of materials to make the weaponsand a referee will decide on the damage / durability of the weapon.

    The time taken to learn this skill is reduced by 2 months if you have

    Thrown or Melee

    3 Months


    You are an expert at making a variety of devices aimed at blowing

    things up. You are also capable of knowing where to place the

    device for maximum effect. This is sometimes used in conjunction with

    other skills to make elaborate devices.

    The time taken to learn this skill is reduced by 3 months if you have


    6 Months

    Dial Home Device

    Requires: Communications, Electrical Engineering or Hacking

    As long as you have the correct equipment, you are capable of

    fixing, hacking, repairing Dial Home Devices, This may take avariable period of time depending on how experienced you are

    with this skill.

    4 Months


    You are an expert at taking devices aimed at blowing things up apart

    without them blowing up.

    The time taken to learn this skill is reduced by 3 months if you have


    4 Months

    Expert Bodybuilder

    Requires : Bodybuilder

    You have spent a long time in the gymnasium to the exclusion of

    everything else and have honed your body to the peak of


    But perfection comes with a price, and you have to be totally

    committed to maintain your bulkYou gain +3 to your Body Hits, as long as you spend 2 Months every

    downtime in the gym maintaining this skill. (Learning this also counts as

    upkeep on Bodybuilder during learning)

    3 Months

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    Name Description Training TimeChar


    Fish and Game

    You are an expert hunter, if this skill is learnt as a Veteran Skill the time

    represents the time spent in the wilderness catching up on your


    You are capable of finding food, water, shelter while youre in the

    wilderness; youre also good at capturing small animals and fishing.

    3 Months


    As a skill on its own, you have watched enough Quincy and CSI to be

    able to understand the basics.

    As a full skill Forensics enables you to interpret the evidence according

    to your particular specialisms, i.e. physics, genetics, medicine,


    3 Months

    GeologyYou have a good understanding of rocks, minerals and landscapes.

    This Skill helps learning Materials or Archaeo/ Anthropology.3 Months



    Requires: Communications and Read Goauld and Electrical


    You are capable of using Goauld communications devices,

    hacking into their transmissions and spoofing their signals.

    This grants the Communications Card : Goauld Communications


    3 Months

    Goauld Crystals

    Requires: Communications or Electrical Engineering

    You are capable of fixing, repairing, growing and understanding

    Goauld Crystal technology

    This grants the Electrical Engineering Card : Spare Crystal and


    3 Months

    Goauld Flight


    Requires: Read Goauld and Mechanical Engineering

    You can understand the flight systems of Goauld vessels, and can

    turn this to your advantage when necessary

    If you have Pilot Aircraft - Also Grants Pilot Goauld Ship (Non


    4 Months

    Goauld Shields

    Requires: Naquadah and Goauld Crystals and Nuclear Physics

    You understand how Goauld shields work, and a variety oftechniques to bypass them given enough resources you should

    be able to develop your own version but currently the problem is

    that it requires Naquadah Protein in the blood stream to work.

    6 Months


    You are knowledgeable in the area of Interrogation - as a subset of

    psychology your knowledge is based in that one specific area.

    You can once per scene when actively interrogating someone (and

    you are in a position of power over them) force them to answer one

    question truthfully.

    3 Months

    LarcenyYou have the ability to pick locks, bypass simple security measures,

    hotwire cars, open locked doors etc This does not confer the

    ability to bypass high tech alien security.

    3 Months

    Modern History You have read up on Modern (1800-Present Day) History, and have abasic knowledge of the main events that occurred during this time.

    3 Months


    Requires: Mechanical Engineering and one of (Nuclear Physics or

    Material Science)

    You understand Naquadah how it works, and how to tame it.

    The drawback to this, is that the more you play with it the more

    seeps into your body this therefore means that Naquadah

    detection methods may give you a false positive.

    This grants the Mechanical Engineering Card : Naquadah


    4 Months

    NavigationYou are a skilled navigator, on land, on sea or in the air. Given a

    compass, a map, or just the night sky (or a GPS reader) you can find

    your way from point A to point B

    3 Months

    Occult StudiesYou are knowledgeable in a variety of occult practices, their beliefs

    and their historical significance.3 Months

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    Name Description Training TimeChar


    PhilosophyYou have studied the art of thought, from the Greek philosophers to

    modern ethicists.3 Months

    Pilot AircraftYou are an accomplished pilot. You may choose one type of aircraft

    You can spend 2 months gaining extra types of aircraft.6 Months

    Pilot Alien Ship

    Requires Pilot Aircraft

    You can pilot an alien ship you should select one of the onesfrom below

    Aethernaut Vessel: 1 Month Goauld Fighter : 4 Months Goauld Non Fighter : 3 Months (this can be bought

    without having Pilot, but requires Mechanical Engineering

    and the training time is 6 Months)

    If you want to pilot another vessel of a similar race to one youve

    already learnt the time is reduced by 2 months.


    Pilot Boat

    You are an accomplished naval expert. You may choose one type of


    You can spend 2 months gaining extra types of boats

    6 Months

    PoliticsYou understand the basics of the political system, and the back office

    politics that occur behind the scenes.3 Months

    Religious StudiesYou are knowledgeable in the major religions, their beliefs and their

    practices.3 Months

    Spaceship Systems

    Requires: Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering and

    Nuclear Physics

    You are capable of designing, fixing, developing technologies

    onboard Earth Designed Spaceships

    3 Months

    Staff Weapon

    Requires: Mechanical Engineering

    You can repair and fix and develop staff weapon technology, you

    know how to remove and add components from the device and

    how to properly and safely recharge them (if you have the rightmaterials)

    2 Months

    Stay With Me Level


    You can take one other character under your wing and while

    you are actively leading them or protecting them, and you are

    within 50 feet (and line of sight) of them, they gain +4 to their

    MAXIMUM vitality. This vitality increase cannot take their maximum

    vitality above your vitality

    You can spend 2 months gaining extra levels of Stay With Me (there is

    no maximum to the amount of times you can purchase this skill)

    3 Months



    Requires: Computing and Communications

    You are capable of designing, fixing, developing and using

    subspace communications devices as long as they are of a

    technology you are conversant with.

    4 Months

    Taxidermy You can stuff animals, and people. 3 Months

    Use Staff CannonRequires: Large Firearms and Use Staff Weapon (Ranged)

    You can use a staff cannon.1 Month

    Use Staff Weapon


    Requires: Melee

    You can use a staff weapon as a melee weapon1 Month

    Use Staff Weapon


    Requires: Medium Firearms

    You can use a staff weapon as a ranged weapon1 Month

    Use Zatnikatel You can use a Zatnikatel 1 Month

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    Name Description Training TimeChar


    Veterinary Science

    You know how to treat animals. This skill aids in animal based

    treatment and care, you are capable of helping and healing injured

    creatures, and a little knowledge about natural animal behaviour.

    The time taken to learn this skill is reduced by 3 months if you have

    Paramedic, and 6 months if you have Doctor.

    9 Months


    Requires Fish & Game

    You are capable of cooking an exotic meal from alien flora andfauna, the meal will generally be edible although as always some

    people may not find it exactly to their tastes

    3 Months


    Requires Fish & Game or Veterinary Science

    You know the basics of what makes alien flora and fauna tick, this skill

    allows you to make educated guesses about the motives and habits

    of non sentient alien creatures.

    If you have Basic Zoology this is reduced by 3 months training, and if

    you have Veternary Science it is reduced by 6 months training.

    9 Months


    Requires: Mechanical Engineering

    You can repair and fix and develop zatnikatel technology, you

    know how to remove and add components from the device and

    how to properly and safely recharge them (if you have the rightmaterials)

    2 Months

    The following skills and items have been researched by members of the SEF but no-one has completed learning the skills so

    the actual descriptions of what they do have not been released

    Name Pre-Requisites Training TimeChar


    Advanced NanotechnologyBasic Nanotechnology and Material Science and

    Nuclear Physics4 Months

    AEthernaut Cloning Physiology and Mechanical Engineering 6 Months

    AEthernaut Control SystemsComputing and Electrical Engineering and

    Mechanical Engineering4 Months

    AEthernaut Medical Systems Doctor and Materials 6 Months

    AEthernaut Spacial SystemsAEthernaut Power Systems and AEthernaut Control

    Systems and Astrophysics and Materials6 Months

    Goauld Hand DeviceBio Engineering and Mechanical Engineering and

    Electrical Engineering3 Months

    Goauld Medical Systems Doctor and Goauld Crystals and Naquadah 9 Months

    Goauld Ship Weapon SystemsWeaponsmithing and Goauld Crystals 2 Months

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    Advancement PointsAdvancement PointsAdvancement PointsAdvancement Points

    Vitality is now capped at a maximum of 20. Every event you attend (as a player, or crew) after your character reaches 20

    then you gain 1 Advancement Point instead of 1 Vitality.

    During downtime you can then trade in your accumulated advancement points for an extra perk for your character. These

    perks are Always On unless stated otherwise.

    Advancement L istAdvancement L istAdvancement L istAdvancement L ist

    Name Description AP Cost

    Analyse This Can detect psychological flaws twice per mission 1

    Babel You can pick another Linguistic Specialist Area 2

    Big Brains You can gain another academic skill in an area you already have a skill in ( can gain Pure Mathematics if you have Ciphers for example)


    Biggles You can pilot another type of aircraft 1

    BlaneYou are more efficient at using ammo you use half the ammo than it states in

    the rules when using a Heavy Machine Gun. This effect stacks with Pack Rat.4

    Cards 1 PracticeYou can now have 10 cards in a particular skill (you must pick the skill when

    taking this perk)1

    Cards 2 Expertise

    Requires: Cards 1

    You can now have 11 cards in a particular skill (you must pick the skill when

    taking this perk, and it must be a skill you have Cards 1 in)


    Cards 3 PerfectionRequires: Cards 2You can now have 12 cards in a particular skill (you must pick the skill when

    taking this perk, and it must be a skill you have Cards 2 in)


    Commando Your assault rifle now does Spray Fire as well as all current effects 2

    Conan The character gains the ability to do +1 damage with a 2H sword or staff 2

    Dont Lie To MeAll five minute psychology abilities can now be used 5 times per mission, and you

    can falsify responses 3 times per mission3

    Double BarelledThe character gains the ability to do +1 damage (and +1 special damage) with

    a shotgun2

    Ellen McArthur You can pilot another type of boat 1

    First Prime The character gains the ability to do 3 Knockdown with a staff weapon 3

    GrenadierFor the cost of 1 Vitality Point, you can ignore the effects of your own grenades

    as long as you are further away than 3 feet from the point of impact2

    Halls of the Learned You gain the Dreaming Spires Background Skill 3

    HeroOnce per day you can re-use a feat that you have already used. Note this does

    not go towards any upgrades4

    Heroic You gain 3 feats of your choice (cannot be used to take Jammy Bastard) 1

    House You can pick another Doctor Specialist Area 2

    Jackie Chan Your break hold ability can now be taken +5 more times than stated in the rules 2

    Juggernaut One of your A Personal Sense of Purpose feats is now once/mission 5

    KirkYou gain the seduction feat once per day you can seduce a person of the

    type you are attracted to by pouring on the charm.2

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    Name Description AP Cost

    Lara Croft You can pick another Anthro-Archaeology Specialist Area 2

    Martial Artist Your throw ability can now be taken +5 more times than stated in the rules 2

    Nothing But The


    For the cost of 1 Vitality Point, you can ignore the effects of your own rocket

    damage as long as you are further away than 2 feet from the point of impact4

    One Shot One Kill Sniper Rifle damage is now 3 Through rather than 3. 3

    Pack Rat Youre just that damn good at finding, storing and keeping ammo you areconsidered to have twice the amount of ammo that youre carrying.


    People Person You gain the Insider Information Background Skill 3

    Pistoleer The character gains the ability to do +1 damage with a pistol 1

    Point ManThe character gains the ability to do +1 damage (and +1 special damage) with

    an SMG2

    Rambo Your machine gun now does Heavy Fire as well as all current effects 3

    RipleyFlame Throwers are considered heroic weapons for you. Therefore you are not

    limited by what feats you can use when carrying one.4

    Robin Hood The character gains the ability to do +1 damage with ranged weapons 2

    Rogue The character gains the ability to do +1 damage with a knife or dagger 2

    Ronin The character gains the ability to do +1 damage with a sword or machete 2

    Rousing SpeechYou gain the Rousing Speech feat can only be used if youre actively in

    command of a team or group of people Once / Day the people under your

    command gain 6 Vitality if they are not injured and Full Vitality if they are injured.


    Sign Me Up You gain the Experimental Kit Background Skill 3

    Staff Mastery The character gains the ability to do +1 damage with a staff weapon 2

    Stay With Me You gain an extra person for your Stay With Me ability 1

    Toughness 1

    Tough You gain +1 Body, which stacks with Bodybuilder and Expert Bodybuilder 1

    Toughness 2 Kill


    Requires: Toughness 1

    You gain +1 Body, which stacks with Bodybuilder and Expert Bodybuilder, and

    Toughness 1


    Toughness 3


    Requires: Toughness 2

    You gain +1 Body, which stacks with Bodybuilder and Expert Bodybuilder, and

    Toughness 2


    WWE Your grapple ability can now be taken +5 more times than stated in the rules 2

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    Version 5.0 : May 2010


    Feats represent additional abilities your character can do, its the sort of thing only experience can give. 3 normal feats are gained during

    split into three types: Standard (Temporary), Upgrades and Advanced Upgrades.


    Standard Feats Standard Temporary feats are gone when used, however the number used is noted as the cumulative use will allow for a


    Upgrade Feats These feats remain with the character, although they may have some usage restrictions (normally once per day). To obta

    you will have had to have used 5 temporary feats plus your current level in the upgraded feat . These (and any other upgrades) occur be


    To obtain your 1st upgrade feat of Crack Shot you will have to have used 5 Critical Hits (5 + current level [0] = 5).

    To obtain a 2nd Crack Shot you will have to have used a further 6 Critical Hits (5 + current level [1] = 6).

    To obtain a 3rd Crack Shot you will have to have used a further 7 Critical Hits (5 + current level [2] = 7), etc.

    Advanced Upgrade Feats These feats are advanced versions of your permanent feats, they continue to have usage restrictions, but the

    feats become permanently active on your character, meaning that you can use them at any time. To obtain the Advanced Upgrade ver

    feat. These (and any other upgrades) occur between events during downtime. Note some of the feats have restrictions that you can on

    the case then you do not have to upgrade if you do not wish to you should say whether you want to do this on your downtime.


    To obtain your advanced upgrade feat of Dead Shot you will have to have gained 3 Crack Shots (i.e. have used a total of

    as they are upgraded to Dead Shot

    To obtain a second Dead Shot you will have to get a 4th / 5th / 6th Crack Shot (i.e. have used a total of another 27 Critical H

    A third Dead Shot will require you to gain the equivalent of a 7th / 8th / 9th Crack Shot (so another 36 Critical Hits)

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    Version 5.0 : May 2010

    Flesh Wounds

    A character on 2 or higher, may regain 6 points of vita

    hits. Their wounds remain unaffected, although the first

    gone the character takes wounds again from the poin

    decent towards -5 from bleeding etc..

    Going Burko

    If a team mate or close friend of the character goes to

    combat skills. They must attack the source of their ang

    brought down. Once this happens the character loses


    Im A Coward Mostly Harmless

    Requires: Civilian

    Provided the character is running away, and is carrying

    the character counts as having half cover, even if runn

    When Upgraded, this also that your lack of kickass sho

    rate you as a low threat. However, if you start poking y

    will believe you.

    Jammy Bastard Lucky Bastard

    This enables the character to dodge out of harms way

    four points of damage from any one damage call (on

    damage call)

    Special Note If used to dodge out of the way of a S

    rather than -4 body

    Killing Blow / Killing


    An unconscious, restrained or unresisting creature mayor by a single shot to the back of the head. This is a clo

    physically place the weapon (or use unarmed) on the

    must have a visible weak spot for this to work.

    Last Desperate Act

    This will be the last feat that you ever use

    Ignore all damage and all restraining calls for 5 minute

    comes first).

    After using last desperate act the character immediat

    Once the action is completed or 5 minutes the charac

    companions gather around to do the cinematic last sp

    No matter what medical methods are used or even a

    they are gone.

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    Surgeon Expert Surgeon

    Requires: Doctor

    You are capable of providing surgery in a medical cen

    requisite equipment), and because of this you increas

    half. Your surgery counts as Advanced Medical Care.

    Once you have gained a Surgeon or Expert Surgeon fe

    or Battlefield Surgeon feats as you are trained in clea


    Note the upgrade is always active and does not co


    Torture Resistance Get Out Of My Head Bond James Bond

    This feat allows you to either:

    Ignore the effects of torture for one scene Ignore the effect from the feat Negotiator (

    Torture Resistances to be used)

    It allows the character to hal