Star Being: Uprising of the Id - Introduction Chapter Sample

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  • 7/30/2019 Star Being: Uprising of the Id - Introduction Chapter Sample


  • 7/30/2019 Star Being: Uprising of the Id - Introduction Chapter Sample




    STAR BEINGUprising of the Id

    Anadriyas Second Diary and the Sequel to

    Day Zero: The Recovered Diary of a Human StarBeing



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    It is with great honor and appreciation that

    we, the twelve translators of the first diary

    provided by Anadriya: a human star being; present

    you once again with the privilege of this second

    diary. Our lives have dramatically transformed

    throughout these past two years after the debut of

    the first book. We have received constant contacts

    all over the world from organizations and agencies

    to have us speak at their conferences in relation to

    telling our story and how we each came together

    to begin this exciting once in a lifetime adventure.

    However, our most memorable conference

    that we were a part of caused the world to awaken

    to a whole new understanding of what exists

    beyond our world in one day. This life-changing day

    took place at the United Nations Headquarters in

    New York City on December 21st, 2013.

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    Before this immense event took place, we

    were each individually contacted by the secretaryof the UN Head of Office of Outer Space Affairs

    Ambassador. They requested that they would like

    Anadriya to personally attend a UN council

    assembly personally as the ambassador himself

    received a copy of our book and was intrigued.

    Two days afterwards, one of the membersof our group, Kyung Loeng, received a telepathic

    transmission from Anadriya herself agreeing to be

    present at this meeting. Her only requests involved

    firstly that the date of the conference would need

    to be changed from December 13th, 2013 to

    December 21st, 2013 as this will have a greater

    significance relating to her message that will be felt

    energetically around the world. Her second request

    involved reminding those that are responsible for

    creating this conference know that there is to be

    no secrecy or prevention of allowing every man,

    woman and child to experience this conference

    around the world. This event was to be made

    televised and syndicated to every national network

    across the globe and available to view freely

    through the Internet. After Kyung personally spoke

    to the secretary who forwarded these requests to

    the ambassador, he agreed and the conference

    date as well as media coverage was made official.

    We booked our flight on December 18th,

    2013 from our head office located in Negril,

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    Jamaica en route to New York. We were filled with

    so much anticipation that our own thoughts couldbe felt through each of us. Our group telepathy

    have remained highly intact and we could sense

    inspiring visions on how this conference would turn

    out. It was a thrill for each of us to have the

    opportunity to meet Anadriya once again in


    We had not received any other telepathic

    transmissions from Anadriya after her contact with

    Kyung relating to the UN conference. She ensured

    Kyung that she would be there as long as those

    responsible for creating this conference stayed true

    to their word.

    On the morning of December 21st, 2013,

    the entire auditorium within the UN headquarters

    was filled to its capacity as delegates,

    organizational representatives, business owners

    and politicians were eager to see how this would

    turn out. This was a conference that was centered

    completely around the Head of Office of Outer

    Space Affairs Ambassador for the first time in the

    history of the United Nations.

    Before the conference started, we

    remained seated at the panel table beside the

    podium looking at Ambassador Kent Daggett. Hisface showed the expression that this was all going

    to be a farce and that Anadriya was merely

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    fictional. A figment of our groups imagination and

    that we would have to give an explanation as towhy she did not bother to show up. His interest

    was not to benefit mankind with the existence of

    extraterrestrial life, it was to show that the very

    book that has had so much international attention

    focussed on it was nothing but a hoax, and he

    intended to stop us dead in our tracks before a

    worldwide audience.

    The conference began at 9am Eastern time

    with the UN Council introductory speaker, Leonard

    Coulton, introducing our voted spokesperson

    representing our group, Kyung Loeng, to the

    podium. Kyung had a very large smile on his face as

    he could feel Anadriyas presence within his mind.

    He turned to each of us and whispered: Anadriya

    is standing by. I can feel her here. We all became

    immensely relieved and the smiles showed on our

    faces as well. As Kyung made his way to the

    podium, what he had said was true. We could all

    now feel Anadriya as if she was giving us an

    embracing hug standing over us as we sat at the

    panel table. It was a marvelous sensation and

    within a moment, our collective tension had


    Kyung placed his speech on the podium and

    cleared his throat as he looked up at the audience,the lights and the cameras.

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    Members of the United Nations, ladies and

    gentlemen and children of all ages witnessing thisprofound event around the world, my name is

    Kyung Loeng, and I am the chosen speaker

    representing my group, the twelve translators for

    the diary known as Day Zero: the recovered diary

    of a human star being. I wont go into too much

    detail about my involvement with the project as

    this is something that many of you who have readthe book already are aware of. I am both honored

    and ecstatic to be here to introduce to each of you,

    a woman who is the most sensational human being

    whom I have ever met. On Earth, she was known as

    Cassidy Freedman, the daughter of a real estate

    agent within the Redding, California area who

    tragically passed away by. at the time, was a

    mysterious illness that has now been identified as

    Acute Leukemia. This young child was on the verge

    of an adventure that few of us can even imagine.

    Her father was a human being not born upon this

    world. With their first meeting, Cassidy ceased in

    living upon this earth. This has been confirmed by

    Cassidys only Aunt, Teri Freedman, that looked

    after her during her mothers sickness. I was able

    to speak with Teri and gave her a copy of our book.

    She could not believe what she had read as she had

    spent a great deal of her life looking for her niece

    after that night afraid that she had run away or had

    been kidnapped. Local authorities within Reddingsearched the entire surrounding area extending 50

    miles in radius with Cassidys last known

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    appearance as the center point and found no sign

    of her. As Teri read the book, it had literallybrought her to tears as she knew her niece so well,

    that there was no doubt that the little girl who had

    documented her life through these pages was none

    other than Cassidy Freedman herself. Now known

    to all of us as Anadriya.

    Kyung began to cry and briefly pulledhimself away from the podium as he could feel the

    pain that Teri had felt believing that she had failed

    her older sisters dying wish to look after Cassidy.

    Teri knew as Cassidy did that her sister would not

    live through that night.

    Teri Freedman is here with us today in

    New York at the United Nations headquarters

    eagerly awaiting the arrival of her niece. Many of

    you are here today as this is the very first official

    outer space affairs conference, and many of you

    are also here to see for yourselves if Cassidy

    Freedman, or Anadriya is real. I myself know

    Anadriya to be real as I have had multiple physical

    conversations with her. I see her like a daughter to

    me, and in my eyes, I could not imagine that any of

    us could be as magnificent, as loving and heartfelt

    as she is. It is my greatest wish that as you see her

    and sense her presence as she is here now, that

    you will embrace her as her intentions are thepurest that I have ever known...and those

    intentions are to unite humanity, here, today with

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    our family that exists beyond our world. Ladies and

    gentlemen, we are not alone in the universe andnever have been. Join me as we take these first

    steps into a life-changing day for humanity as we

    welcome to the stage, my dearest


    Kyung stepped to his right and extended his

    right arm to the door that led offstage. For one fullmoment, the entire room was so quiet that you

    could easily hear a pin drop from the last row in

    the auditorium. Everyones gaze was centered on

    the door. The door made a clicking sound as it

    opened up and through the door stepped Anadriya

    in her silver reflective uniform wearing her hair

    down looking upon the crowd smiling. Each and

    every single person in the room sprung to their feet

    and welcomed Anadriya with a thunderous

    applause. Even Ambassador Daggett rose to his

    feet with his jaw wide open in awe as he saw

    Anadriya make her way to the podium. She carried

    a present in her right hand gift-wrapped in silver

    wrapping paper. She approached Kyung and the

    two of them embraced in a long hug that lasted

    nearly a minute. The whole room could feel the

    unconditional love Anadriya emanated as she

    greeted us at the panel table with a warm

    embracing hug as well whispering to each of us I

    love you and thank you so much for being here.

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    Anadriya approached the podium with no

    papers, no pre-arranged speeches. She projectedsuch amazing confidence where everyone in the

    room was so eager to hear her words. Anadriya

    smiled toward the audience and then focused her

    eyes on one person in the crowd. That one person

    was her Aunt Teri. She calmly motioned for Teri to

    come to the stage. Teri, dressed in a beautiful

    white blouse and long black skirt with hershoulder-length blond hair tied back in a ponytail

    left her seat with her jaw also wide open in awe.

    Anadriya smiled at her more widely as she

    approached the stage. Anadriya hugged Teri and

    she said Auntie Teri, thank you for being here.

    The two of them hugged and Teri began to cry

    excessively as for the first time in nearly 12 years,

    she had her beautiful niece before her once again.

    The room erupted again with applause as they

    could feel the love of family reuniting.

    After a few moments with a peaceful

    embracing hug, Teri began to smile and nodded her

    head to her niece. Kyung invited Teri to sit at the

    panel table. We could sense that Anadriya had

    given Teri a download that literally told her years

    of information within seconds. Her posture and

    joyful mood are a common result to receiving such

    incredible information in nearly an instant. It was

    what we had all felt during the times of workingtogether to retrieve Anadriyas diary from Plutos

    cave. After the embrace, she smiled at her niece

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    with such love as we all did eagerly awaiting

    Anadriya to address everyone present within theUnitied Nations.

    My dear human family, I come to you here

    today as a human being. Someone who has been

    gifted the opportunity to experience first-hand a

    galaxy and all life within it functioning in such a

    way that is truly beyond our wildest imaginations.Humanity has reached a new benchmark in its

    spiritual evolution that has accelerated

    tremendously since the passing of last years

    winter solstice. Years ago, no one would have ever

    thought it possible to have someone like me

    standing before you openly sharing her

    experiences with other beings from beyond our

    world. For so long, our people who have known the

    truth about the existence of extraterrestrial life

    have been silenced, sometimes brutally to the

    point where it cost them their beautiful lives, to

    prevent this secrecy from being made public that

    was enforced by a group of men upon this planet

    that thought themselves to be your kings. Those

    men have fallen from their thrones and will never

    again be permitted to embellish in such illusory

    power on this planet. Our world has been used as a

    resource for centuries, and the time for conflict has

    now passed. I am here not only as one of you, but

    as a representative of the Galactic Councilresponsible for the overseeing of developing

    civilizations guaranteeing you from this very

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    moment forward, none of you will ever need to be

    afraid of speaking your truth on this planet again.There is now a zero tolerance policy for corruption

    on this world. Those who attempt to hide

    information in all its forms that are of the benefit

    to further our civilization will be denied to commit

    actions leading to a loss of life. This is a galactic law

    that has now been bestowed upon Earth as it is

    your time to advance, not to be bullied,manipulated, coerced or threatened to remain


    The entire room once again applauded

    Anadriya with a strong ovation as so many within

    this room knew exactly what she was talking about.

    Anadriya breathed in deeply and continued:

    My dear human family, a great journey

    awaits us, but in order for us to be a part of a world

    that can bring us memories which imagination

    cannot yet fathom, we are required to become the

    responsible caretakers that this Earth has wanted

    us to be since the beginning. This involves taking

    responsibility for ourselves, our actions and

    working together as a united civilization. Only then

    will it be possible for many other civilizations that

    exist beyond our world to dialogue with every

    common man, woman and child on this planet. You

    will no longer be kept at bay as your corporationsattempt to impose their will upon you preventing

    action from being taken. Money will no longer buy

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    them silence, and no force will be met in assisting

    with the caretaking of the planet. It is up to eachand every one of us to use our own innovations to

    help heal the planet. It is up to us to clean the air,

    replenish the oceans free of toxins, end disease

    worldwide and nurture the land to grow more food

    to feed starving families from all over the world.

    The technology exists now that can literally

    transform your planet in a very short amount oftime. Where is this technology? Ask this question

    to your represented leaders. They are incapable of

    hiding the truth from you any longer.

    I have lived upon a world for a great deal of

    my life that thrives on community, cooperation and

    compassion. This world exists 381 light years away

    from Earth within the constellation of Taurus.

    Through the cluster of stars known as the Pleiades

    orbiting the star known as Atlas. It is referred to in

    my diary as the planet Handarr. It is through this

    race of loving feline humanoid beings called the

    Handari that can be one of the first to greet you in

    person within the years to come. My human family,

    life is everywhere within the cosmos. Our own

    moon is occupied by 12 different races alone

    occupying most of the dark sides surface as well as

    underground. Some human in appearance, some

    non-human in appearance. Our own earth contains

    civilizations that most of you are not even awareof. Through the arrangement of observation, 17

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    different races that are not naturally born on Earth

    walk this planet at this very moment.

    There was a great deal of whispering and

    muttering within the audience as so many could

    not believe what they heard.

    Everything that I am telling you about

    today will be revealed within these times ahead.Literally within the next coming 5 years. Some of

    you are excited about this information, and some

    of you remain strongly skeptical. Both points of

    view are acceptable and it will be up to you to

    decide what is valid. This meeting today is being

    broadcast all over the world. With the secrecy zero

    tolerance policy now in effect, go out and seek the

    answers that you have been looking for. Question

    your mainstream science channels as much of their

    methods and theoretical philosophies are greatly

    distorted with only fractions of truth within them.

    Question the nature of Earths religions as they too

    are greatly distorted with only fractions of truth

    within them. It is no longer a time of ignorance, my

    family. It is a time of answers, resolution and


    My proof to present to you is what has

    been produced through my wonderful family that

    is seated beside me in their accurate translations ofmy material in my first diary. I have also come here

    today to reveal a surprise. That surprise is this.

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    Anadriya holds up her gift wrapped presentto the audience. She walked over to Kyung and

    handed it over to him. We were all intrigued as we

    gazed at the beautiful silver wrapping paper.

    Kyung, please go ahead and open the gift

    as it is for the 12 of you to see it. Anadriya said.

    Kyung opened the gift and it was another

    notebook that had universal holographic symbols

    embedded in its cover:

    Kyungs face as well as all of our faces lit up

    as we were immensely excited about seeing this in

    our possession. Kyung held the diary up to the

    crowd and the cameras filming the event captured

    the diary with a close up. It was later revealed

    through our studying of the symbols upon the

    cover of the notebook read in translation: Star

    Being: Teachings of the Isness.

    I am happy to introduce my second diary

    to the world. Much like the first diary, it will

    require the abilities of the 12 translators to decrypt

    the language spoken within the book. The answersto many of your questions presented here today

    will be found within this very book.

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    I will conclude this presentation by saying

    to each of you, our family encompasses this planettogether as well as beyond it. The universe is a

    realm that is teeming with life that can be found

    everywhere. I am in no way your messiah, nor your

    savior. I am just as you. Born on this planet with

    two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears. My blood is

    as yours. I feel just as you feel. I did not come here

    for you all to blindly believe what I have to say.Question all that you have heard, but expect truth

    to be the response as so much has been hidden

    from all of us for so very long. We have much to

    discover. A great deal of the information will shock

    many of you. It will make you angry, fearful, sad

    and bewildered. But it will eventually bring you to a

    point of acceptance. The truth is not always the

    prettiest answers, dear ones.

    Before I step down, I would like to open the

    floor to another special guest that has joined us

    today. I have felt his thoughts since the beginning

    of this discourse and I know he has something

    important to say to you all. I urge you to welcome

    your President of the United States: Mr. Paul Orr.

    The room turned to President Paul Orr as

    he nodded his head as he stood up. An audio

    technician passed him a microphone as our 77 year

    old president rose from his feet smiling as he heldthe microphone to his mouth:

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    I want to thank Miss Anadriya for speaking

    here today. Surely this has been one of the mostremarkable days of my entire life, and I have

    something to say that has been kept from so many

    of us for so long. I have always been one to speak

    from my heart on what is right and what can evolve

    not only us Americans, but the entire world. Miss

    Anadriya has spoken about the existence of

    extraterrestrial life and that we are not alone. I willgo on record at this very moment to tell you here

    and now...that she is correct.

    Large gasps were heard throughout the

    crowd of people within the room. The entire

    auditorium became so thick with emotion, it were

    as if we could all see colors around every person

    present as their emotions became that strong.

    Every president in one way or another was

    debriefed all the way up to the early 1950s relating

    to the extraterrestrial presence. So much

    intervention has taken place since that time, that it

    has literally altered the course of our perceived

    future. Many of us thought that the world would

    not house humanity for this long. We all expected

    to be annihilated from the Earth before the start of

    the new millennium. Intervention on behalf of

    these cosmic forces have greatly assisted us as

    human beings and the welfare of our world. Sowhen Miss Anadriya speaks to you about all of

    these beings remaining silent walking our planet,

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    dont think that shes pulling your leg here. Were

    literally aware of all 17 groups that she speaks of.Weve had constant contact throughout the years

    with all of them.

    We turned to Anadriya as she continued

    smiling and nodded her head as she looked at

    President Orr with such unconditional love as his

    inner courage and inner being truly spoke for itself.

    I know theres more that I need to reveal,

    and believe me, I intend to before this next week

    ends. But Miss Anadriya, I want to thank you for

    your courage, dedication and commitment to all of

    us here today for making history on our planet, and

    I can guarantee you that for as long as I live, I will

    reveal everything that has been de-briefed to me

    over the years as my time as a Senator, and the

    short time that I have been President of the United

    States. Its time to stop the lies and start telling the

    truth to further ourselves and our children into a

    prosperous golden age that have been prophesied

    to us for eons! Thank you very much!

    The entire auditorium gave President Orr a

    standing ovation and Anadriya clapped her hands

    in appreciation for President Orrs strength and

    willingness to share his truth to the world.

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    Ambassador Daggett stood up with a

    microphone in his hand and interjected the warmfeeling of love that filled the room.

    Now just a minute here... Daggett

    interrupted, I have some questions for Miss

    Cassidy Freedman as the purpose for this

    conference is to allow a diplomatic exchange

    between human and extraterrestrial civilizations.And as the chosen Ambassador for the Head of

    Office of Outer Space Affairs, I would like to begin

    this inquiry to Miss Freedman.

    The room started to grow quiet and those

    who were standing sat back down to hear what the

    Ambassador had to say. Anadriya turned her head

    to face the Ambassador with a continued smile on

    her face.

    Miss Freedman, as you are no doubt a

    human being born upon this world, why then are

    there no assigned diplomats representing an

    extraterrestrial origin that are not accompanying

    you today for this conference?

    Many of them are here right now,

    Ambassador. You just havent adjusted yourself to

    be made aware of their true origins. Anadriya


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    The Ambassador looked around the room

    to see if he could spot any of them out. He merelychuckled to himself and held the microphone back

    to his mouth.

    Miss Freedman, I see no one else here but

    human beings. None of them stand out to me as

    extraterrestrials from another planet.

    Anadriya smirked and leaned her head


    Would it not surprise you to know that

    most civilizations that exist within this galaxy are

    humanoid in appearance, Ambassador? There is

    hardly any difference between how one from

    Alcyone, Rigel, Regulus, Sirius, or even Venus

    would appear to you. The human form is a galactic

    archetype genuine to this galaxy and even in

    several others. Were you expecting acid-bleeding,

    banana-headed creatures to leap out of your chest

    to form a diplomatic exchange with, Ambassador?

    The crowd erupted with laughter as the

    Ambassador chuckled off a great degree of


    Alright then. Lets just say that there are

    human extraterrestrials in this room right now.Why are they not coming forward and revealing

    themselves to us?

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    Ambassador, everything happens when

    the right moment permits it. When the timecomes, they will reveal themselves. This is not

    something that you or I or anyone can force. Free

    will is the natural right for every being on this

    world and beyond. It must be their choosing based

    on when they wish to come forward.

    The Ambassador straightened his glassesand we could all sense his frustration. This

    conference was not what he expected. Nor did he

    anticipate that it would move in this direction

    taking him far out of his comfort zone.

    "Miss Cassidy Freedman, are you saying

    that you will be the official liaison to establish

    contact between our civilization and civilizations

    beyond our world?" The Ambassador asked.

    "No, Ambassador. That duty will be left to

    another race that will reveal themselves to you

    very soon." Anadriya stated.

    "And who might this race be?"

    Anadriya paused for a brief moment.

    You would know them by the name of the


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    Ambassador Daggatt ran his fingers through

    his sweaty hair. The tension in his body languagewas so obvious. He poked his glasses closer to his

    eyes and let out a sigh of frustration.

    Miss Freedman

    Anadriya rose her hand and stopped the

    Ambassador before he could get his thoughts out.

    Kent, I already know the very questions

    that you have circling within your mind.

    Unfortunately, this conference is not available for

    three and a half weeks as that would be the exact

    time it would take for you to get all of these

    curiosities out. Your concerned because all that I

    have stated goes against your beliefs and

    education. I am sorry to inform you of this,

    Ambassador, but much in regards to your studies

    relating to astrophysics is greatly distorted. There is

    much you still need to learn about how the

    universe truly operates. In time, you will have the

    opportunity to receive the true answers.

    Are you saying you can read my thoughts,

    Miss Freedman?

    Thoughts are never read, Ambassador,

    only observed based on what one reveals toanother openly. Your thoughts are unprotected

    and vulnerable to be noticed: the care required for

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    your mother, Shirley, sick with a heart condition

    laying in the fifth floor of the south east wing in ahospital bed located in Essex who greatly misses

    her son. You havent visited her since the Friday

    before last and she worries about your health. Your

    misguided faith in your prescribed beta blocker

    medication called Metoprolol. This is greatly

    responsible for your shortness of breath, slowness

    in heart rate and dizziness spells. You believe theseonly to be effects relating to work-related issues.

    You are mistaken. Your newborn son, Tenzin, only

    74 days old. He is the true love and light within

    your life. His smile brings you back to the

    innocence of your childhood during your toddler

    years which you remember vividly.

    Daggetts mouth remained wide open again

    awestruck by Anadriyas words.

    Howhow could you know this about

    me? He asked puzzled.

    I only know what you share with me, dear

    one. Anadriya replied.

    Anadriya sent such an incredible amount of

    love to Ambassador Daggett. She walked off stage,

    approached him in the front row and embraced

    him with a hug. At first resistant, he releasedhimself and returned those feeling as he wrapped

    his arms around Anadriyas back. Anadriya

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    whispered something to him in his ear that wasnt

    audible. The Ambassador sat down slowly andremained silent and still for the remainder of the


    We were amazed by what we had just

    witnessed. There was no expression that we could

    personally convey based on what we had felt on

    this day. We were not alone. Everyone presentwithin the auditorium felt as we did. A broad range

    of emotions filled our souls as we attempted to get

    a grasp on what had been shared not only by

    Anadriya, but by our own United States President

    admitting to the world of the existence of

    extraterrestrial life. We knew that in the days

    ahead, there was going to be so much revealed to

    the public over every national media network in

    the world. This was the time where the truth would

    be exposed and the lies would be diminished.

    Anadriya returned to the podium to

    conclude her thoughts.

    My family, you have a lot of healing and a

    lot of truth to be shared with each other. Please do

    not respond in hatred or spread violence to those

    that have kept the truth from you for so long. This

    will only continue to create separation among

    yourselves. So much is going to happen in yourdays and weeks ahead. But as painful as the truth

    may be to so many of you, it will be the antidote to

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    clarity as you adopt what has been revealed to

    further you into a mature, advancing civilization.The diary that is now in the possession of my

    friends will explain further what the outline of your

    energetic momentum will lead you to. It is

    important for you to know what lies ahead as this

    can help to shape your future faster than originally

    anticipated. This diary of mine will be a

    walkthrough to help each of you individually and allof you collectively to make Earth what it was

    meant to be: a library of life for star beings to

    access and evolve themselves to the next levels

    unifying them to the universal mind and working

    alongside one another in harmony. I leave you

    now, my family, in the love and the light that

    speaks naturally through all of your hearts and

    souls. Your lives are the extension to your love


    Anadriya smiled, crossed both her arms

    upon her chest and bowed in respect to the

    audience. The audience once again rose up from

    their chairs and another ovation filled the room

    with each person showing their absolute respect to


    Anadriya walked off the stage and several

    media camera crews followed her from behind. As

    she walked out of the door she entered in, thecamera operators pursued her. As they opened the

    door behind her, Anadriya had mysteriously

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    vanished from sight within an instant. Passed the

    door, there was only a long hallway that led toanother exiting door that brought you to the

    outside of the auditorium. With a large scale search

    of media crews sweeping the entire headquarters

    and the outside area, Anadriya was nowhere to be

    found. One reporter quoted live to his newscast:

    The woman known as Anadriyamysteriously vanished after concluding her speech

    to the United Nations assembly today. When

    exiting the conference, she had literally

    disappeared into thin air.

    After the conference had concluded, we

    were bombarded by media personnel, delegates

    and politicians who expressed their eagerness on

    when they could expect the next diary to be

    translated. None of us could provide them with an

    answer as we did not even have a chance to look

    through it throughout the entirety of the assembly.

    Therefore, our official response to all who inquired

    was no comment.

    Three days had passed and we had

    returned to our workplace in Negril, Jamaica. It was

    a time of great relief as we had felt an

    overwhelming amount of tension based on the

    demands of so many waiting in anticipation for thenext book.

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    The three days after the conference were

    the most intense days we had ever encountered asour own planet was being turned upside down. On

    every channel, regular programming was being

    replaced with syndicated news media speaking on

    what had been shared at the United Nations

    conference. Interviews from military personnel,

    government officials and the United States

    President flooded the airwaves revealing decadesof classified information. There were no longer any

    resistance forces in place preventing an individual

    or an organization to speak their truths.

    We had heard from several of our own

    sources by telephone and email that there had

    been several assassination attempts on those that

    were looking to release critical classified

    information, including the US President himself,

    but the firearms used to commit the dreadful act

    were rendered inoperable. They simply would not

    fire no matter what they tried. The same with plans

    to plant explosives or stage car accidents. Every

    attempt to silence those that were committed in

    sharing a vital hidden truth resulted in complete

    failure. Anadriya was correct: the zero tolerance

    policy was in effect on a planetary level and no one

    ever again would risk having their lives in jeopardy

    by revealing truth that would help to advance our


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    In between those three days, it would be

    appropriate to say that the Earth was goingthrough an accelerated cleansing. Those that had

    been provably labeled as corrupt were

    unsuccessful in attempting to cover their tracks

    and were apprehended by federal agencies and

    even local law enforcement. There were those who

    had taken their own lives rather than to be

    arrested by authorities. This was happening inevery country on the planet within a 48 hour span.

    Mass arrests and mass suicides

    representing corrupt officials were covered on a

    variety of different television and Internet media

    channels. The once ruling oligarchy: the elderly rich

    men on top of the pyramid of lies and corruption;

    were exposed nationally, apprehended by different

    branches of authority and were scheduled to face

    trials within the respective countries where they

    had resided in hiding. It was an immediate death to

    the core of corruption on this planet. These

    criminals that had ruled through the ritual of

    bloodline families for generation had now been

    removed from their thrones and would be brought

    to justice on behalf of the people: the true

    caretakers and decision makers on this planet.

    It was the day after Christmas when we all

    got together and began working on translatingAnadriyas next diary. We felt more closer to one

    other than ever before as our interstellar sister

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    helped us in providing the world with such

    surprising, impactful and inspiring informationrelating to our past, present and future. We were

    all tingling with such love as we opened Anadriyas

    second diary and found her beautiful holographic

    symbols embedded upon each page of the

    notebook. Our energies were ripe and our abilities

    once again brought themselves to the surface forus to translate the following material collectively.

    We are now pleased to present to you the

    official translation of the second diary of Anadriya

    which she has personally titled: Star Being.

    With love, blessings and appreciation,

    Terrence Hartman

    Mellissa Alvarez

    Jesse Cartwright

    Beverly Eleanor McGregor

    Sade Akenzua

    Monica Ashley Jones

    Simon Edward McPherson

    Kyung Loeng

    Vladimir Govrolov

    Hayden Morrison

    Seth OLeary

    Priscilla Rasmussen

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