Stanford hci group / cs147 u 27 November 2007 Ubiquitous Computing & “Natural” Interaction Scott Klemmer tas: Marcello Bastea-Forte,

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Reality of Ubicomp : many computers per person! Source: Weiser, Mark. Nomadic Issues in Ubiquitous Computing, Xerox PARC, 1998

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stanford hci group / cs147u 27 November 2007 Ubiquitous Computing & Natural Interaction Scott Klemmer tas: Marcello Bastea-Forte, Joel Brandt, Neil Patel, Leslie Wu, Mike Cammarano Myth of the Paperless Office Source: Sellen, Abigail and Harper, Richard. The Myth of the Paperless Office. MIT Press, 2003. Reality of Ubicomp : many computers per person! Source: Weiser, Mark. Nomadic Issues in Ubiquitous Computing, Xerox PARC, 1998 Computers at many levels of scale PARCTAB (inch) PARCPAD / mPAD (foot) Liveboa rd (yard) Source: Want, Roy, Ten Lessons Learned about Ubiquitous Computing, Intel, 2000. What makes ubicomp design different (harder)? Key differences Multiple form factors (inch/foot/yard) Network connectivity Context awareness Interface modalities Nave computerization does not work! Styles of design within ubicomp Mobile Ambient Augmented Tangible Multi-device / Device Ensembles Pen Computing Speech Interfaces How to approach Ubicomp design User centered design especially important The design of everyday things approach The coming age of calm technology Embodied virtuality Source: Norman, Don. The Design of Everyday Things. Weiser, Mark and Brown, John. The Coming Age of Calm Technology, Xerox PARC, Weiser, Mark. The Computer for the 21 st Century. Scientific American, 1994. More on Embodied Virtuality Source: Weiser, Mark.Virtual RealityEmbodied Virtuality (ubiquitous computing) Examples dealing with Ubicomp design issues : calm computing Source: Ambient Devices, Examples dealing with Ubicomp design issues : pen Source: Mark W. Newman, James Lin, Jason I. Hong, and James A. Landay, "DENIM: An Informal Web Site Design Tool Inspired by Observations of Practice." In Human-Computer Interaction, (3): pp DENIM Examples dealing with Ubicomp design issues : wall Source: Scott R. Klemmer, Mark W. Newman, Ryan Farrell, Mark Bilezikjian, James A. Landay, The Designers Outpost: A Tangible Interface for Collaborative Web Site Design. CHI Letters, The 14th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology: UIST (2) p Designers Outpost Design considerations vary depending on scale Inch Every pixel counts Detail + Overview Context Aware Foot Action at point of input Error handling and disambiguation Reduce requirement for recognition Yard Fluid interaction Freeform input Reduce requirement for recognition Additional Ubicomp design considerations Context (e.g., location in the real world) Spatial or temporal multiplexed input Capture and access Privacy Eye to the Future: Millimeter (