Standard 9: Product Development 9.7 Identify New Product Opportunities

Standard 9: Product Development 9.7 Identify New Product Opportunities

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Page 1: Standard 9: Product Development 9.7 Identify New Product Opportunities

Standard 9: Product Development

9.7 Identify New Product Opportunities

Page 2: Standard 9: Product Development 9.7 Identify New Product Opportunities

New Product Opportunities

Changes in life cycle

Changes in technology

Changes in market

Changes in society

Changes in economy

Page 3: Standard 9: Product Development 9.7 Identify New Product Opportunities

Finding the GAPS!

Find the opportunities when you find the gaps!

Gap=the difference between what is currently available and what is needed/desired

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Changes in Life Cycle

Product planning does not end when a product is new!

Must decide what to do with existing products as they change through the life cycle

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Product Life Cycle





Delete or Reinvent

• What do we do when a product declines?

• Have to decide to modify or delete


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Adjustments to items, lines and mixes are done for various reasonsRepositioning

Change imageExtensions

Adding more items to mix or line Contractions

Deleting products

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Product Modifications

Some times, it is necessary to modify only one individual productQuality modificationsFunctional ModificationsStyle Modifications

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Changes in Technology

SmartphonesVoice recognition technology


GPS Garmin, Tom Tom Google Maps

Social Media

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Changes in Market/Society

Health Conscience McDonalds Happy Meal

Apple Slices, Milk Salads, wraps Bottled water


Entertainment Games, music, movies, culture

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Changes in Economy

Economic downturnCreated opportunity for new

product and product expansionGeneric brands, discount

stores, low cost alternatives and substitutes

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Ways To Find the Gaps

Listen to the customer!

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Ways To Find the Gaps

Market research Surveys

Asking customers what they would like, what's lacking

Focus Groups Sales records

Where are sales decreasing/not improving?

Competitors What are our competitors offering that

we aren’t? What are they doing better than us?