St.Ambrose and St.Mary Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 3, 2019 Cuarto domingo del tiempo ordinario 3 febrero, 2019 Pastor: Monsignor Robert L. Sell, III Parochial Vicar: Reverend Daniel P. Shine Business Manager: Harriett Russel Parish Secretary: Anita Myers Pastoral Associate: Janice Storey Religious Education Coordinator: Lawson Hunsicker Holy Cross School Principal: Tina Neal 2801 Lincoln St. Anderson, IN 46016 765-644-5956 www.stambrosestmary.org 1115 Pearl St. Anderson, IN 46016 765-644-8467 www.stambrosestmary.org Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord: At the beginning of January, Pope Francis began a catechesis on the Our Fatherat his weekly audiences in Rome. It merits sharing with you. Jesus prayseach step in Jesuslife is as if gen- tly propelled by the breath of the Holy Spirit Who guides Him in every action. Jesus prays in the baptism on the Jordan; He dialogues with the Father before taking the most important decisions; He often withdraws in solitude to pray; He intercedes for Peter who will soon deny HimThis is comforting: to know that Jesus prays for us, prays for me, for each one of us so that our faith will not failJesusprayer seems to allay the most violent emo- tions, the desire for vendetta and revenge; it reconciles man with his fierce enemy which is death. It is also in the Gospel of Luke that we find the request, expressed by one of the disciples, to be able to be taught to pray by Jesus Himself…”Lord, teach us to praygenerates a rather lengthy lesson, through which Jesus explains to His followers with which words and which sentiments they must address God. The first part of the lesson is precisely the Our Father.Pray thus: Father, Who are in Heaven.That word, Fatherwhich is so beautiful to say. We can al- ways remain in prayer with that word aloneto feel that we have a father, not a master nor a step-fatherA Chris- tian addresses God first of all by calling Him Father.“…To give us confidence Jesus explains several things. These focus on the attitudes of the believer who praysHe wants to teach us to pray and to persevere in prayerHe makes us understood that God always re- sponds, that no prayer will remain unheard, why? Be- cause He is Father and does not forget His suffering chil- drenPrayer always transforms reality. If things around us do not change, at least we change; our heart changes. Jesus promised the gift of the Holy Spirit to each man and to each woman who prays….Praying is victory over soli- tude and desperation, it is a journey and at the end of the road there is the Father Who awaits everything and every- one with arms wide open!May we all find confidence in the words of Pope Francis—confidence that we are never alone, that we are never forgotten. God Who is Love Itself, is ever-present among us and within us. God awaits us with a constant assurance that each and every time we turn to Him He will send forth His Spirit to renew us and the face of the earth! Peace be with you, Monsignor

St.Ambrose and St · 2/3/2019  · St. Vincent de Paul will be at the church doors next weekend, February 9th and 10th, to collect your donations. Please remember the needy in our

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St.Ambrose and St.Mary

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 3, 2019

Cuarto domingo del tiempo ordinario 3 febrero, 2019

Pastor: Monsignor Robert L. Sell, III

Parochial Vicar: Reverend Daniel P. Shine Business Manager: Harriett Russel

Parish Secretary: Anita Myers Pastoral Associate: Janice Storey

Religious Education Coordinator: Lawson Hunsicker Holy Cross School Principal: Tina Neal

2801 Lincoln St. Anderson, IN 46016 765-644-5956


1115 Pearl St. Anderson, IN 46016 765-644-8467


Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord: At the beginning of January, Pope Francis began a catechesis on the “Our Father” at his weekly audiences in Rome. It merits sharing with you. “Jesus prays…each step in Jesus’ life is as if gen-tly propelled by the breath of the Holy Spirit Who guides Him in every action. Jesus prays in the baptism on the Jordan; He dialogues with the Father before taking the most important decisions; He often withdraws in solitude to pray; He intercedes for Peter who will soon deny Him…This is comforting: to know that Jesus prays for us, prays for me, for each one of us so that our faith will not fail…Jesus’ prayer seems to allay the most violent emo-tions, the desire for vendetta and revenge; it reconciles man with his fierce enemy which is death. “It is also in the Gospel of Luke that we find the request, expressed by one of the disciples, to be able to be taught to pray by Jesus Himself…”Lord, teach us to pray” generates a rather lengthy lesson, through which Jesus explains to His followers with which words and which sentiments they must address God. “The first part of the lesson is precisely the ‘Our Father.’ Pray thus: ‘Father, Who are in Heaven.’ That word, ‘Father’ which is so beautiful to say. We can al-

ways remain in prayer with that word alone…to feel that we have a father, not a master nor a step-father…A Chris-tian addresses God first of all by calling Him ‘Father.’ “…To give us confidence Jesus explains several things. These focus on the attitudes of the believer who prays…He wants to teach us to pray and to persevere in prayer…He makes us understood that God always re-sponds, that no prayer will remain unheard, why? Be-cause He is Father and does not forget His suffering chil-dren…Prayer always transforms reality. If things around us do not change, at least we change; our heart changes. Jesus promised the gift of the Holy Spirit to each man and to each woman who prays….Praying is victory over soli-tude and desperation, it is a journey and at the end of the road there is the Father Who awaits everything and every-one with arms wide open!” May we all find confidence in the words of Pope

Francis—confidence that we are never alone, that we are never forgotten. God Who is Love Itself, is ever-present among us and within us. God awaits us with a constant

assurance that each and every time we turn to Him He will send forth His Spirit to renew us and the face of the earth!

Peace be with you, Monsignor

Liturgical Ministers Schedule

Parish Information Monday

2/4/2019 Tuesday 2/5/2019

Wednesday 2/6/2019

Thursday 2/7/2019

Friday 2/8/2019

Saturday 2/9/2019

St. Mary


8:00 AM Poor Souls


8:10 AM

Clara Robinson




St. Ambrose

11:00 AM Loretta Hasty

8:00 AM

Poor Souls

8:00 AM

Sue McCallister


8:10 AM Summer Backous

8:00 AM

4:00 –5:00 Confessions

Other Locations

11:30 AM St. Vincent


Maxine Hupp

10:30 AM Keystone Woods

Andrew Sandala



9th & 10th

Sat. 4:00 PM

St. Mary

Sat. 5:30 PM St. Ambrose

Sun. 7:30 AM

St. Mary

Sun. 9:30 AM St. Ambrose

Sun. 11:30 AM

St. Mary



Cicila Balleza

Pro Populo

Janet Kay Byers

Roger Chezem

The Durar & St. Clair Families




Ron Bollman

Maurene Sparks

Angie Pitts

Evelyn Reyes

Eucharistic Ministers

Joan Sauter

Cheryl McKinney Mary Rhoten Joyce Stoner Elliott Zak H

Nancy Bollman H

Mark Looses Janice Martin

George Zink Kitty Zink

Amy Sczesny M. Kincaid

Tim Kincaid H

Rick Pitts H

Pat Backous H H. Brownell

Rebecca Degitz Chris Harrold Mary Lawelle

Juana Cervantes

Nancy Flores Jose Ibarra M. Pacheco Elliot Zak H


Brent Layton Cory Layton

Michael Smith

Alexa Carson

Nick Long

Irv Noll

Carolyn Pitts

Karina Gonzalez

Jonathan Gonzalez

Daniela Flores

S. Flores Celeste Limon



Visit our website - www.https://stambrosestmary.org On Line Giving— visit us at the following:

St. Ambrose—https:// www.osvonlinegiving.com/272 St. Mary—https://www.osvonlinegiving.com/13

English Now and Later (ENL) Classes will resume on February 5, 2019 at 9:30 AM in the Holy Cross North school annex. If there are any questions, please contact Mary Rhoten at 765-387-0138 or 765-617-1791.

Fruitful Harvest 2018

St. Ambrose has pledged $63,995.00 and our goal is $121,462.00

St. Mary has pledged $91,630.00 and our goal is $182,465.00

Please go to our website to pledge for the campaign.

“I will sing of Your salvation”

(Psalm 71:15)

Stewardship St. Ambrose $ 11,699 YTD $ 33,905 NTD $ 52,000 St. Mary $ 8,264 YTD $ 32,823 NTD $ 72,000 Renovation Fund $ 330 ($152,043 of $330 K)

Do you have a new address or are you moving? If the answer is yes, please make certain you notify the parish office at the same time you notify other businesses or other relatives. This will help us keep your parish information current. Thank You


Eucharistic Adoration St. Mary adoration is on Thursdays from 2:00 to 7:00 PM. Santa Maria la Adoracíon de Santa Maria es los jueves de 2:00 a 7:00 PM. Adult Confirmation Classes begin soon. If you are out of high school and have not yet been confirmed but have received the sacraments of Baptism and First Communion this class may be for you. Confirmation by the Bishop will take place at St. Ambrose on Wednesday, May 22, 2019. Please call Janice at 644-8467 to register for this class! Classes will be held on the following Wednesdays, February 6, February 27, March 20, April 24, and May 15. We will Meet in the rectory at St. Mary Church from 6-7:30 PM. RCIA—Faith journeys begin at all times of the year. If you have questions about becoming Catholic, this is the place for you! Sessions meet Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 in the school annex at Holy Cross North. You are welcome to learn more in a non-judgmental environment. TMIY-This Man Is You Attention all men 18 and older, of St. Mary and St. Ambrose Parishes! We meet in the K of C (Columbian Hall) behind the Toast restaurant, and across from the library. The video presentation begins at 6:15 AM on Saturdays. Of the men I’ve asked to come, our meeting time is the biggest objection, and I under-stand that one, BUT to those of us who will sacrifice that sleep time,even occasionally, the rewards are tremen-dous (ask one of us). Through video presentations from wonderful speakers, and discussion with men you see in church near-ly every week, we become better brothers, husbands, and fathers, in short better men. In addition, there are some of us that will prepare breakfast for you and the discussion will make you glad you came. Free will dona-tion breakfast by Greg Acra, begins at 6:00! Nothing worthwhile is easy. Our door is open and we don’t keep attendance records. For more information, call Mike Evans at (765) 602-0306; or, email [email protected] or go to TMiY!org. Give God your time to make a better YOU! February 9th Session 17: Initiators of Life

Jason Evert is Back for the Last Time

To Initiate Life and Sustain What is Created

How the Culture Views Having Children

Father and Creator

God Reflected in Our Souls and Bodies

Entering into our Own Depth

An Object of Adultery

The Process of Re-Learning Weekly Scriptures: Sun. Jer 1:4-5, 17-19, 1 Cor 12:31-13:13, Lk 4:21-30; Mon. Heb 11:32-40, Mk 5:1-20; Tues. Heb 12:1-4, Mk 5:21-43; Wed. Heb 12:4-7, 11-15, Mk 6:1-6; Thurs. Heb 12:18-19, 21-24, Mk 6:7-13; Fri. Heb 13:1-8, Mk 6:14-29; Sat. Heb 13:15-17, 20-21, Mk 6:30-34 Please Pray For … Please remember in your prayers all those who are ill or injured, especially the sick and elderly in our parishes: The Military: Josh Fisher , son of Gary and Kathy; Pvt. Jalen Lewis US Army, son of Stephanie Akin; Special Mark Schulten, Sergeant Joseph Schulten, Matthew Schulten HM3, grandsons of Cathy Thompson; Michael Shane Carter Air Force, grandson of Marllon and Emily Carter; Corporal Brock Acra stationed in California, US Marine Corp. son of Greg and Sonia Acra. First Lt. Sean Scally, 82nd Airborne, grandson of Tom Chezem, deployed to United Arab Emirates in December 2018.

If you have a family member who is in the service and called to active duty and would like to add their name to a list for special prayers, please call the rectory and give us this information. Let us pray for PEACE World Wide. God Bless us all!


St. Vincent de Paul will be at the church doors next weekend, February 9th and 10th, to collect your donations. Please remember the needy in our community. The Catholic Community of Anderson Soup Kitchen Ministry is in need of men and women willing to serve lunch at Alternatives, The Women’s Shelter on the Second and last Wednesday of each month. Lunch consists of soup, cheese, crackers, and fruit. They are also in need of men and women willing to prepare soup for the Soup Kitchen Ministry. All supplies are furnished. You prepare the soup at home and return the soup to St. Mary’s School Annex. For more information call Ron Cole at 779-4302. Parishioners of St. Ambrose and St. Mary will pray for you and your special intentions. Call Betty Worden (642-0824). You do not have to give your name. Call Betty if you can help with the prayer line. ALL ARE INVITED COME JOIN MEMBERS OF ST. AMBROSE AND ST. MARY PARISHES TO REFLECT ON THE

COMING SUNDAY’S MASS READINGS each Tuesday from 9:30AM until 10:30AM at Holy Cross North

school annex.

Pre-planning Your Funeral Liturgy: Did you know that you can prepare for the Mass of Chr istian Burial ahead of time? You can select the readings and music, and help your family understand your wishes for your final liturgy. Often families don’t talk about this ahead of time, but the funeral liturgy offers the comfort of Mother Church to her grieving children, and declares the truth of our faith to all that ”...life is changed, not end-ed. “If you wonder about pre-planning or have any questions, call Lawson or Janice at St. Mary or Harriett at St. Ambrose. Planificación Antes de su Liturgia Funeral— ¿Sabía que puede prepararse para la Misa de Exequias Cristianas antes de tiempo? Puede seleccionar las lecturas y la música y ayudar a su familia a comprender sus deseos para tu liturgia final A menudo, las familias no hablan de esto con anticipación, pero la liturgia funeral ofrece la comodidad de la Madre Iglesia a sus hijos afligidos y declara la verdad de nuestra fe a todos que "... la vida ha cambiado, no ha terminado". Le gustaría discutir o tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en llamar a cualquiera de las Rectorías. Santa María -Janice o Lawson; a St. Ambrose - Harriett. Mass Requests Masses will ONLY BE SCHEDULED on a quarterly basis. We need to provide open dates for unex-pected events or deaths to allow everyone the freedom of requesting Masses. So, for example, starting in July requests will only be accepted for Masses from July thru September. The Mass stipend is $10.00 per Mas. If paying by check please make check payable to St. Ambrose Mass Stipends or St. Mary Mass Stipends ONLY. If you have any questions about this please speak to one of the priests. Las Misas ŚOLO SERÁN PROGRAMADAS trimestralmenta. Necesitamos proporcionar fechas abiertas para eventos inesperados o muertes para permitir a todos la libertad de solicitor Misas. Por lo tanto, por ejemplo, a partir de julio, las solicitudes solo se aceptarán para misas desde julio hasta septiembre. El estipendio de la misa es de $10.00 por Misa. Si paga con cheque, haga el cheque pagadero a St. Ambrose Mass Stipends o St. Mary Mass Stipends SOLAMENTE. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre esto, hable con uno de los sacerdotes.



South Campus North Campus Pre-3 thru Grade 1 Grades 2 thru 8 2825 Lincoln St. 325 E. 11th St. 765-642-8428 www.holycrossschool-anderson.com 765-642-1848

United in faith and rooted in Catholic identity, Holy Cross School encourages students to achieve their personal best in academics and model Christ in service and faith.

Holy Cross School had a fabulous Catholic Schools Week! We celebrated our students, Staff, families, community and our faith. Thank you, parishioners, for supporting Catholic education.

Young Church High School Youth are invited to gather in the Assembly Hall at St Ambrose Church on Sunday, February

10th from 2-3:30 PM. Looking forward to seeing you there! Bring a friend, all are welcome! Is that a drone I see??

Sunday Religious Education First Communion Class Sunday February 3 from 10:35-11:25 @ Holy Cross North annex

Confirmation Class Sunday February 3 from 2-3:30 PM in the Assembly Hall at St. Ambrose

Clases de Catecismo Dominical Primera Communion clase el 3 de febrero– 10:35-11:25 @ Holy Cross North Clase de Confirmatión el 3 de febrero-2-3:30 @ St. Ambrose Assembly Hall



Queridas Hermanas y Hermanos en el Señor:

A principios de enero, el Papa Francisco comenzó una catequesis sobre el "Padre Nuestro" en su audiencia semanal en Roma. Merece compartir con ustedes.

“Jesús ora ... cada paso en la vida de Jesús es como si fuera gentilmente impulsado por el aliento del Es-

píritu Santo que lo guía en cada acción. Jesús ora en el bautismo en el Jordán; Él dialoga con el Padre antes de tomar las decisiones más importantes; A menudo se retira en soledad para orar; Él intercede por Pedro que pronto lo negará ... Esto es reconfortante: saber que Jesús ora por nosotros, ora por mí, por cada uno de nosotros para que nuestra fe no falle ... La oración de Jesús parece aliviar las emociones más violentas. el deseo de venganza y venganza; reconcilia al hombre con su enemigo feroz que es la muerte.

"También en el Evangelio de Lucas encontramos que la petición, expresada por uno de los discípulos, de

que Jesús mismo nos enseñe a orar ..." Señor, enséñanos a orar "genera una lección bastante larga, a través de la cual Jesús explica a sus seguidores con qué palabras y qué sentimientos deben dirigirse a Dios.

"La primera parte de la lección es precisamente el" Padre Nuestro ". Ora así:" Padre, que estás en el cielo

". Esa palabra," Padre ", que es tan hermoso de decir. Siempre podemos permanecer en oración solo con esa pala-bra ... para sentir que tenemos un padre, no un maestro ni un padrastro ... Un cristiano se dirige a Dios en primer lugar al llamarlo "Padre".

“… Para darnos confianza, Jesús explica varias cosas. Estos se enfocan en las actitudes del creyente que

ora ... Él quiere enseñarnos a orar y perseverar en la oración ... Él hace que se entienda que Dios siempre re-sponde, que ninguna oración permanecerá sin ser escuchada, ¿por qué? Porque Él es Padre y no olvida a Sus hijos sufrientes ... La oración siempre transforma la realidad. Si las cosas que nos rodean no cambian, al menos no-sotros cambiamos; nuestro corazón cambia Jesús prometió el don del Espíritu Santo a cada hombre y a cada mujer que ora ... Orar es la victoria sobre la soledad y la desesperación, es un viaje y al final del camino está el Padre que espera todo y todos con los brazos abiertos. ¡abierto!"

Que todos encontremos confianza en las palabras del Papa Francisco, confianza de que nunca estamos so-

los, que nunca somos olvidados. Dios, que es el Amor mismo, está siempre presente entre nosotros y dentro de nosotros. Dios nos espera con una seguridad constante de que cada vez que acudimos a Él, Él enviará Su Espíritu para renovarnos y la faz de la tierra.

La paz sea contigo Monseñor