
Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - [email protected] Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - [email protected] Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

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Page 1: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch


Page 2: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch


Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - [email protected]

Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - [email protected]

Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch - [email protected]

Education Director: Barbara Bernstein-

[email protected]

Facilities and Office Manager: Sue Prousa – [email protected]

Secretary: Dorothy Battle – [email protected]

Custodial support: Dave Sanders

Advertise in the CBS Newsletter

Monthly Ad rates Size Monthly Half Page $72 Quarter page $36 Eighth page $18

Contact Sue Prousa [email protected] or 630-961-1818 Please send payment made out to Congregation Beth Shalom to:

Congregation Beth Shalom (Attention Newsletter Editor) 772 W. 5th Avenue Naperville, IL 60563

Page 3: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

Inside this issue

From the editor .............................................................................................................. 4 From The Desk Of The Rabbi ..................................................................................... 5 Save the Date: JUF Brunch and Holocaust Remembrance Day ........................... 6 Tzedakah Opportunity .................................................................................................. 6 A note from our cantor ................................................................................................. 7 How much is six million? .............................................................................................. 8 Holocaust Remembrance Day Lobby Display .......................................................... 8 Religious School News ................................................................................................ 9 Mitzvah Project Help Needed................................................................................... 10 A Note From Ms Robin ............................................................................................... 11 Photo Session Opportunity and Fundraiser for the Early Learning Center! ....... 12 Letter from Jacobpils .................................................................................................. 12 Darshei Shalom (formerly DSP) Greeter Program Needs Volunteers ................ 13 Tzedakah opportunity ................................................................................................. 13 2nd Annual CBS Member Art Show ......................................................................... 16 CBS ArtSpace Schedule ............................................................................................ 16 In the Wink of an Eye ................................................................................................. 17 Notice to members from CBS Cemetery Committee ............................................. 17 Renewal of Spirit ......................................................................................................... 18 Library news ................................................................................................................ 18 Israeli Dance Group .................................................................................................... 19 Odyssey Hospice is seeking volunteers .................................................................. 20 Ongoing Programs and Activities ............................................................................. 22 CBS Communication Guidelines and Deadlines .................................................... 24 Calendar of Key Events in April ................................................................................ 25 Donations ..................................................................................................................... 27 Make a Donation ......................................................................................................... 28 In Memory .................................................................................................................... 29 Board of Directors and Committees ......................................................................... 30

Page 4: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2013 4

From the editor

With the early timing of the Hebrew calendar this year, April sort of gets lost. Luckily, the secular calendar fills in the gaps with the start of the baseball season. The White Sox open up their season against Kansas City on April 1 and the Cubs home opener is April 8 against Milwaukee. Opening day is an exciting time. The players have had a chance to get into shape and hone their skills during spring training and now there is a season of possibilities ahead. I suppose that for Jews “spring training” really comes in the fall during the month of Elul with Yom Kippur being our “Opening Day” for a new season. But, since we are sort of getting a break from the Hebrew calendar this month, we might as well take some lessons from the secular calendar. After all, “we are liv-ing in a sec-u-lar world and I am a sec-u-lar girl.”

So, this month we look to the lessons of Spring training and opening day. What can Judaism teach us about looking ahead to a season of opportunity? How can we make sure that as Jews, we play hard enough to make the playoffs and maybe even capture the pennant? Who knows, some of us may even make the All-star team this year. Every day is the start down a new path of opportunity. It’s time to step to the plate and swing for the fence.

Brad Kolar, Editor

Page 5: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2013 5

From The Desk Of The Rabbi

This year opening day of the baseball season more or less coincides with Passover, the opening holiday of the Jewish New Year. Passover, our Festival of Freedom, is also our spring festival, and, in the Torah, the month of Nisan, in

which Passover falls, is the first month of the year! (See Exodus 12:1). Baseball and Judaism have more similarities, however. In baseball, if you don't have a team that you follow, it is easy to lose interest. Same in Judaism -- if you are not a member of your local synagogue and actively participate, it is easy to drift away. If you don't practice baseball, you never get very good at it. This is true of Judaism as well. In order to appreciate Judaism, one has to practice it. Moreover, if you don't have much knowledge of baseball, watching a game can be pretty boring. It looks like nothing is happening. This is true of Judaism as well. If you don't have any knowledge of, say, the religious services, attending them can be pretty dull. But, with the proper knowledge, both baseball and Judaism can be very exciting and fulfilling.

According to one of our greatest rabbis, knowledge of baseball is also important to becoming a successful religious leader. Does that surprise you? Solomon Schechter, the great scholar who was brought from Europe in 1902 to head the flagship institution of the Conservative Movement, the Jewish Theological Seminary, once memorably stated to a group of colleagues, "Gentlemen, in order to be a success in the American rabbinate, you must be able to talk baseball!" In those days, the early years of the 20th century, one of the roles of the clergy was to help the immigrant community become more American, to feel more at home in the New World. If a rabbi understood baseball, the National Pastime, he could help the East European Jew understand the new American experience. These days, two things have changed. First, baseball is no longer the national

pastime. Second, the goal of the rabbi is to help Americans become more Jewish, not to help Jews to become more American.

One final thought. In baseball, stealing is an admired skill. In Judaism ………

Play Ball!

Page 6: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2013 6

Save the Date: JUF Brunch and Holocaust Remembrance Day

Sunday April 7, 2013

JUF Brunch, Holocaust Memorial Service and Lobby Display

Speaker: Leslie Maitland, author of Crossing the Borders of Time:A True Story of War, Exile, and Love Reclaimed

On a pier in Marseille in 1942, with desperate refugees pressing to board one of the last ships

to escape France before the Nazis choked off its ports, an eighteen-year-old German Jewish girl was pried from the arms of the Catholic Frenchman she loved and promised to marry. As the Lipari carried Janine and her family to Casablanca on the first leg of a perilous journey to safety in Cuba, she would read through her tears the farewell letter that Roland had slipped in her pocket: “Whatever the length of our separation, our love will survive it, because it depends on us alone. I give you my vow that whatever the time we must wait, you will be my wife. Never forget, never doubt.”

Five years later her fierce desire to reunite with Ronald obstructed by war and then by her family Janie started anew with a dynamic American husband. Yet she never ceased dreaming of her lost love, and her daughter, investigative reporter Leslie Maitland, eventually determined to find him.

To see Margaret Warner interview Leslie Maitland on PBS News Hour, click here. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june12/maitland_05-11.html.

To order Leslie Maitland's book, click here http://www.amazon.com/dp/1590515706 or visit Anderson's Book Store where they have copies in stock.

Leslie Maitland is a former award-winning reporter and national correspondent for The New York Times who specialized in legal affairs and investigative reporting. After breaking stories on the FBI’s undercover “Abscam” inquiry into corruption in Congress, she moved to The New York Times Washington Bureau to cover the Justice Department. Among other projects since leaving The Times, she began extensive research for this nonfiction book,

including five reporting trips to Europe, one to Cuba, and another to Canada. A graduate of the University of Chicago and the Harvard Divinity School, she appears regularly on the Diane Rehm Show on NPR to discuss literature and with her husband in Bethesda, Maryland.

Tzedakah Opportunity

My name is Jessica Binke. I will be becoming a Bat Mitzvah on April

20th. For my Mitzvah project, I am collecting books for an

organization called Book Worm Angels. This organization provides

books for under-privileged schools.

I love reading and want all children to have the same opportunity to

enjoy books that I do. I have been collecting books and will be

donating them to the organization at the end of April. If anyone has

any slightly used or new books, appropriate for children or young

adults, and would like to donate them to this organization, I would be

very grateful! Beginning Thursday, March 28th, I will have a box

located in the lobby where the books can be left. I will make sure

they get to Book Angels. Thank you all for helping!

Page 7: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2013 7

A note from our cantor

Spring training has arrived. Our goal is to get from the minor leagues to the majors. How long will it take? What steps will ensure our progress? Who is our Coach? Can anyone join our team? Will we succeed?

The answer is yes. But progress from the minors to the majors takes time. It’s a good thing the weather’s fine.

Here’s our plan. We’re going to mark our progress by counting the Omer, Sephirat HaOmer, counting a measure of barley, on the second night of Pesakh. We continue counting for 49 days. How many chances do you need to succeed before Shavuot? Forty-nine days are just enough.

This is a unique kind of training. It’s a training of the heart and the spirit. It can be measured.

The Omer is a measure of barley. We are going to transition from bundles of barley to measures of spiritual development. This is playing in the big leagues.

Agriculture and religion are closely linked in the Jewish calendar. We no longer count barley, rather, we measure our souls. A new seder/order can support a spiritual life and emotional growth. One seder, filled with family, friends, and haggadot, transfers to a new seder/order of personal awareness. These 49 days present a time-limited opportunity to work on one’s middot or good characteristics through reflection and development.

The first step is to concentrate on good characteristics about myself and others. This is not easy. Negative habits and thoughts are difficult to change. Daily joyful awareness can direct my attention to allow each of the seven lower Kabbalistic Sefirot to refine my spiritual life during the seven weeks of Sefirat HaOmer: Forty-nine days equals seven weeks of spiritual training.


(1) Chesed/loving kindness

(2) Gevurah/ personal courage

(3) Tiferet /balancing beauty

(4) Netzakh /endurance

(5) Hod /structure

(6) Yesod/foundation

(7) Malchut /the kingdom within.

Each of us determines the meaning of these seven levels of personal growth. You can share the journey with a fellow team member. Decide on a coach. Is this a friend, the rabbi, or the cantor? Or is the Coach the G-d of your understanding? It helps to throw out ideas, like balls, whether on the pitching mound or in Starbucks. The listener is catching every nuance.

Success is measured by what we do each day. Exercise your heart muscle. Be compassionate with yourself and the aches that change might bring. Join the team. Let’s celebrate the big win at Sinai (just 49 days from Pesakh to Shavuot) with loving kindness compassion joy and peace . That’s a major league event!

Shalom uv’racha,

Cantor Hasha Musha Perman

Page 8: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2013 8

How much is six million?

April 7th is Holocaust Remembrance Day. Six million Jews and five million other people who were deemed unfit or threatening were murdered during this horrible period. These are hard numbers to comprehend. Here are some numbers that might put it in perspective:

Imagine if everyone in Los Angeles and Chicago were wiped off the map. That's six million people. Chicago and New York City combined have around eleven million people.

Six million Cub fans would fill Wrigley Field 145 times. Eleven million Sox fans would fill US Cellular 270 times.

It would take 1,455 years for all five of the public high schools that serve Naperville to graduate six million students. It would take 1,375 years for the University of Illinois to graduate eleven million students.

Imagine what the world would be like without all of those people in it.

Eleven million people holding hands would reach from Naperville to Jerusalem and back.

Finally, to get a driver's license in Illinois, a student must complete 50 hours of supervised driving. If that requirement were changed to six million hours, it would take 685 years for a student to receive a driver's license assuming that he or she drove 24 hours a day, every day.

On April 7 please take a moment to remember and more importantly to never forget. These numbers are almost too big to fathom as a whole. So instead of thinking of one group of six or eleven million, think about one person six or eleven million times.

For more information, please visit www.eachofushasaname.org.

Holocaust Remembrance Day Lobby Display

From April 7 through April 14, CBS will host the US Holocaust Museum’s Exhibit, “Never Again: Heeding the Warning Signs”. This poster display chronicles the slow stripping away of the Jews rights until it was too late.

This exhibit is brought to you by the United States Holocaust Museum, Each of Us has a Name, and Zak Kolar.

Page 9: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2013 9

Religious School News

I hope everyone had wonderful Pesach

seders and restful spring breaks and are

ready to put a burst of energy into

finishing up the school year. We have a

lot to pack into a short amount of time.

Our Tzedakah of the Month is crackers.

Loaves and Fishes in Naperville has indicated that their shelves are

getting low in the amount of boxes of crackers they have on hand. I

thought that might be an easy and fairly inexpensive item to add to

your weekly shopping list. Think of how many boxes of crackers we

could donate to Loaves and Fishes if each Religious School family

brought in just one box of crackers this month! That would be over

200 boxes of crackers that we would be donating to Loaves and

Fishes! How amazing would that be? Since we are going to learn

about Israel’s 65th birthday as a state on April 16th, our Jewish value

of the month is Ahavat Yisrael, love of Israel.

Speaking of Israel, Israel Solidarity Day, including the Walk with Israel

will take place on Sunday, April 28 at Ravinia in Highland Park from

12:00 noon-4:00 PM. There will be a bus leaving from CBS at 10:00

AM and leaving Ravinia at approximately 4:15 PM if you preregister

on the JUF website. Please take advantage of this opportunity to get

to the walk stress free. There are no classes scheduled on this day.

There will be classes on May 5. This is a change from our originally

published schedule. Monies raised this year will be used to purchase

school supplies for families who do not have the means to purchase

them on their own. Performers this year include the Maccabeats and

Matissyahu. I’m looking forward to seeing you at Ravinia.

Please join the congregation as we commemorate Yom HaShoah

V’hag’vurah, The Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust and Its

Heroes on Sunday, April 7 at 11:40 AM in the CBS sanctuary. During

the service, Leslie Maitland, author of “Crossing the Borders of Time,”

will share memories of her family’s escape from Nazi Europe and how

her family began life anew.

Other Religious School dates to note on your calendar: 4th grade

participation in Shabbat services on Friday, April 12 at 8:00 PM, 9th

grade Family program, Sunday, April 14 from 11:00-12:30 PM, 5th gr.

Pizza lunch, Sunday, April 14, 12:45-1:45 and 3rd grade Family

Program, Sunday, April 21, 8:30-10:25. The entire congregation is

invited to join the 9th grade class and their families learn about the

customs of death and dying from David Jacobson, owner of Chicago

Jewish Funerals. David has been coming to speak to our students and

families for many years and does an amazing job at making such a

sensitive and often uncomfortable topic understandable and much

more comfortable. Please come and learn with us.

Page 10: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2013 10

Mitzvah Project Help Needed

Please join me as I knit and crochet scarves to be given to participants in the 2013 Special Olympics Games for the State of Indiana. We can get together to knit and crochet or you can do this project on your own. Scarves will be given to the participants and to those who will be helping them. In previous years, Red Heart Yarn has sponsored this project. They have gone on to sponsor other projects. Individual states are still requesting help. Since some of us sent our scarves to Indiana last year, they contacted me asking for our help again this year. I can almost see the smiles of those wearing the scarves! If you have any questions or need more patterns, please call me at 630-961-1818.

Barb Bernstein

Page 11: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2013 11

A Note From Ms Robin

As I read the theme for this month’s newsletter I knew that this article would be the perfect answer to how a parent can hit a “home run” in their young child’s Jewish early childhood education. So,

though some of you may have read this before in our registration materials, I thought it was important to run it again.

The task of selecting the right preschool program can be daunting. You want to make the best choice for your child, but all of the buzz words and information regarding the various preschool approaches can make the process overwhelming. For Jewish parents, there is another level of complexity: Should I send my child to a Jewish preschool?

Research has shown that children’s spiritual developmental begins as early as the preschool years and most of their basic beliefs are in place by the age of six. At the Gan Yeladim Early Learning Center, we take advantage of this opportunity by seamlessly integrating Jewish connections into our daily curriculum.

Jewish Context for Everyday Activities

At the same time that we teach shapes, colors, numbers and letters, the children learn about these things in the context of a Jewish environment. When we talk about the shape of a star, we refer to the Star of David. When we make calls to their friends who are sick and unable to be in class that day, they learn about the mitzvah, Bikur Choleem.

Introduction to the Jewish Holidays

We learn about the Jewish holidays, sing Jewish songs in Hebrew and English, and we teach the children Jewish customs, and traditions. When the children learn that an earthworm helps to make the plants and flowers grow, we talk about Tu B’ Shevat and Tikkun Olam.

Developing Jewish Identities

Throughout the year members of our Jewish community come into the classroom. They sing songs, read stories, play blocks and puzzles on our big blue rug, blow the shofar, make kippot, donate toys and books, talk about their professions and play musical instruments. Not only do these treasured moments enrich our program; the children learn that they are part of a much bigger community. They become strong and secure in knowing that they are cared about by so many, and the children begin to understand that they are an integral part of the Jewish community.

These are just some of the many reasons why we encourage families to enroll their children ages two through five years in the Gan Yeladim Early Learning Center (ELC).

JUF Right Start Grant

Families who are sending the first child in their family to a Jewish preschool are eligible for the JUF Right Start grant. This grant is not based on need. It provides vouchers toward tuition in the following amounts:

$500 for a child who attends 2 days per week

$1,000 for a child who attends 3 days per week

$1,500 for a child who attends 4 days per week

Please go to the following link for more information on the generous program:


A very special community is born with every class that starts out together in our preschool. The children form bonds that are based in caring, kindness and sharing as they learn and grow together. Please come and visit one of our classrooms to see this wonderful program in action. I am happy to answer any questions you may have at

Page 12: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2013 12

[email protected]. The Gan Yeladim ELC is licensed by DCFS. We look forward to welcoming your child into the Gan Family!

Photo Session Opportunity and Fundraiser for the Early Learning Center!

One of our Honey Bear parents, Kate Appelman, is a professional photographer. She has made a generous offer to donate 10% of her fees to the Early Learning Center for any session she books to an ELC family, or a Kibbutz Katan or Congregation Beth Shalom member through June of 2013.

Kate specializes in people and relationships - couples (engagements or otherwise), individuals (headshots, portraits), babies, kids and families (lifestyle/photojournalistic and portrait)

She works on location in and around Naperville and the Chicago area, either outdoors or in a family's home.

Her work can be viewed at www.appelmanimages.com.

Sessions typically run from $75 for a promotional headshot to $200 for a standard session, depending on the time and the number of people involved.

If you are interested, please contact Kate directly. Her contact information is below.

Thanks all!


Letter from Jacobpils

We want to wish all our friends congratulations and a Hag Pesech


With the coming of Pesech--a holiday which celebrates the birth of

our freedom, turning Jews into one nation, the the ability to

overcome various deprivations in previous and present times.

For freedom and our own belief,

Paying an enormous price

We organized ourselves like a people

Not counting the historical price.

Our spirit they could not break

In spite of all hardship.

Let us go forward

May we always treasure

Pesech-- the Festival of Leaving Slavery.

We wish all a joyous, happy and kosher Pesech.

And may the rest of our years, not just at the Holiday Seder may we

feel our selves as free people to finally live without want and fear.

Raya and I wish our sponsors and friends and of course the Rabbi a

big Mazel tov on this occasion.

Respectfully in the name of our community

Raya and Frieda

Page 13: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2013 13

Darshei Shalom (formerly DSP) Greeter Program Needs Volunteers

The title DSP has been recently changed to reflect the warm and welcoming way we greet arrivals at CBS, an approach which also helps keep our building and the people within it as safe and secure as possible. Darshei Shalom translates as Greeters or Communicators, and more literally Seekers of Peace and Wholeness. Each participating individual is a Darshan (as versus the previous DSP designation). Since CBS is the House of Shalom, Darshei Shalom has a very specific tie to our congregation.

Serving as a Darshan means you represent CBS as our greeter...our communicator...and our preacher of peace and wholeness. What a mitzvah, how great an honor! Preparation involves viewing a twelve minute video at your convenience. Please consider volunteering to be a Darshan when you get the call!

Tzedakah opportunity

Our niece, and Sam/Elly/Jon's cousin, Sarah Bleadon, has been named as a member of Team USA for Karate to compete in the 2013 World Maccabiah Games in Israel in July. These games are similar to the Olympics - but each country builds a team of only Jewish athletes. Israeli athletes may compete regardless of their religion as well. It is a tremendous international sporting event held every four years in Israel.

Sarah has worked hard to get this far, but has a lot of hard work ahead of her. At this point she is training 6 days a week. Sometimes, twice a day. At 14 years old, she will be the youngest on the Karate team and one of the youngest in the USA delegation. Did I mention Sarah is also a straight-A student at Niles North in Skokie, and active in USY? Some of you may have met her when she chanted Torah at Sam's Bar Mitzvah.

Sarah is actively fundraising to cover the $8,000.00 for the trip and competition. If you are interested in helping, you may go to her Maccabi USA fundraising site at:


(Note: Maccabi USA is a 501c3 organization and all contributions are tax deductible)

Thank you,

Mimi, Darren, Sam, Elly, and Jonathan Qunell

Page 14: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

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Page 15: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

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Page 16: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2013 16

2nd Annual CBS Member Art Show

April 1 – May 24, 2013 Artists’ Reception: April 12th Call for Entries

Yes, we’re doing it again. And this show will be even bigger and better than last year. So if you create wall-hung art – paintings, drawings, photographs, collages, fiber art – start thinking about what you want to enter in the show.

You may submit up to 3 entries. Space permitting, we’ll hang at least 1 entry per artist, more if possible. We’ll have a guest judge (TBA), and ribbons will be awarded.

Artists must be at least 16 years old. Art must be wired for hanging. Jewish content desirable but not required.

Submission Process:

Submit up to 3 jpegs on a CD. Label your files with your name and the titles of the piece. Include a list giving the title of each piece, size, medium, and price, if for sale. Include a brief bio and/or artist statement. Drop off your entries at the temple, or mail them: CBS Member Show, Congregation Beth Shalom, 772 W. 5th Ave., Naperville, IL 60540

Deadline: March 1, 2013.

Questions? e-mail: [email protected].

CBS ArtSpace Schedule

We are privileged to have a full schedule of artists for the 2012-2013 season. Be sure to mark your calendars with the following dates for the Meet the Artist receptions. All receptions are on Friday evenings at the Oneg after Shabbat services.

Nov. 9 Loretta Hamilton, watercolor still life

Richard Sperry, acrylic abstracts

Exhibit runs from 10/24 to 12/20

Jan. 11 Barbara Lipkin, oil landscapes

Richard Marshall, oil pastel abstracts

Exhibit runs from 12/24 to 2/1

Feb. 8 Carrie Goodman, photographs

Chris Hughes, acrylic landscapes

Exhibit runs from 2/4 to 3/29

Apr. 12 CBS Members Art Show

Exhibit runs from 4/1 to 5/24

Page 17: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

Kehilat haKadosh, April, 2013 17

In the Wink of an Eye

If there’s one thing Jews do well, it’s stepping up to the plate – especially a dinner plate loaded with brisket and potatoes. I don’t see this as spring training, more like early childhood training. As soon as we can slurp solids our moms are pushing food down us as if we are facing seven years of famine.

I’ve never considered having to train to be a Jew, at least not since I left Hebrew school. Surely it’s something we do all the time? What happens during the winter months that means we’ve got to start all over again in spring? Hibernation? There are plenty of winter festivals to keep us going - Chanukah, Purim and Tu Bishvat. Not to mention all those Shabbat evenings when we trek through the snow to find some warmth and sanctuary in our, well sanctuary. However, with spring just around the corner, there are probably a few things we can all do to make sure we are in good shape for the coming season. Unfortunately, being totally unfit with no interest in sports, I have absolutely no idea what they are. What if you are a Jew who would like to be ready for opening day but have no idea what to do either? What if you can’t tell a shofar from a baseball bat or say Hebrew is all Greek to you? Ask CBS for help. There are adult classes, groups to join and services to try. We have a great coach and an equally great manager. I leave it to you to decide which is which. We have a congregation of cheerleaders and our own marching band, even if they prefer to sit down and only play at Simchat Torah. Like any training program, it’s probably best to start small and build up. For example, preparation for Yom Kippur could be a daily prayer and cutting out snacks between meals a week before. For Purim, start with an eye patch before moving onto an entire mask.

But the most important thing is not to work alone. Remember, whether sport or religion, it’s the teamwork that makes it fun.

Notice to members from CBS Cemetery Committee

With the approval of the CBS Board of Directors, we have purchased additional gravesites in the newer section of the Naperville Cemetery. In addition, we have a five-year purchase agreement for additional gravesites in the same section.

There are a limited number of gravesites available in the original CBS section. If you are interested in purchasing a site in either the original or new section, please contact Gene Parker (630 357 5047) or Mark Greenberg (630 579 8157).

Page 18: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

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Renewal of Spirit

Yonah is off this month but asked us to share the following news

Movie Night! Recognize Mental Health Awareness Month with the May 5 showing of Silver Linings Playbook, an award winning

comedy/drama about the impact of bi-polar disorder on family and friends. The movie will be at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday evening, May 5 at CBS. Of course there will be popcorn and other treats. The newly formed Mental Health Committee (which is still searching for a better name), will have a short conversation after the movie about how our CBS community can best support families and individuals dealing with mental and emotional illnesses. Call Yonah Klem, 630-369-8260. or email her at [email protected] for further information.

Library news

By Carol Medor

With Spring being the season of new beginnings, it is the perfect time to visit the Congregation Beth Shalom Library to explore the vast world of Judaism and to increase one’s knowledge of, or renew one’s familiarity with, everything Jewish.

Browsing the Library shelves, one can find works, ranging from the serious to the humorous (“The Art of Public Prayer” by Lawrence A. Hoffman to “You Don’t Have to Be in Who’s Who” by Sam Levinson). There are items appropriate for all ages, from adult to the youngest children (“Exploring Judaism” by Rebecca T. Alpert and Jacob J. Staub to “Bible Stories for Jewish Children”). One can find specialty items that will connect one to diverse aspects of Jewish culture, ranging from biographies (“Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest” by Paul A. Levine) to cookbooks (“Kosher for the Clueless and Curious” by Shimon Apisdorf) to music books (“The Schlomo Carlebach Anthology”) by Velvel Pasternak) to novels (“The Promise” by Chaim Potok) to media items (“Disney’s Miracle at Midnight” [DVD] or “Leonard Bernstein: a Jewish Legacy” [CD]). Whatever one selects can be part of a “spring training” in living a more Jewish life and it may lead to the opening of many doors of opportunity to the vast, varied, and wonderful world of Judaism.

The Congregation Beth Shalom Library is open to members whenever the building is open and all items, except Reference works (marked with an “R” on the spine) may be checked out for home use. Step up to the plate and enter the CBS Library; one’s Jewish “spring training” can begin inside!

Page 19: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

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Israeli Dance Group


When: Monday evenings, 7:00 to 8:45, with a catch up session by request at 6:15.

Where: The CBS social hall (space permitting; sometimes we meet

in the lobby). Next few classes: January 28th, February 4, 11, 18 and 25th. We meet every Monday unless otherwise announced. Open to the public - For security reasons we ask that anyone new to the group call the synagogue office once, and give your name and telephone number to Dorothy at the synagogue office number below: Congregation Beth Shalom 772 West 5th Avenue Naperville, IL 60563 (630) 961-1818 Please note that the synagogue office is only open until 2:00 on Mondays so please be sure to call early in the day. Group leaders: Diane ([email protected]) and Brian ([email protected]). Partner Dance Consultant: Jeff Subeck


• All ages, genders, and religions are welcome to come our friendly, flexible, and easygoing group.

• You don't have to be Israeli or Jewish to love Israeli dance--you just have to move to--- and hopefully be moved by--- beautiful Israeli music.

• We are sympathetic to sports injuries and help people make accommodations to the dances as best we can, but please: be sure to wear comfortable clothing and sturdy shoes (sneakers).

• The fee is free for synagogue members; $1.00 donation appreciated.

• Non-members fee is $1.00


• We now have a 6:30 "catch-up" class for people who have never done Israeli dance and want to learn the basic steps before joining our group. This class is also an opportunity for our regular dancers to catch up on dances they missed. We require that people call or email us the Sunday before the class, if they want us to come at 6:30--so far, people have been using the time.

• Our class had a Chanukah party and a New Years party, and enjoyed the food, singing, prayers, shmoozing, and dancing!

• On January 1st, one of our newest members accompanied us to the Milwaukee Israeli dance group's New Years dance party, at their JCC in Milwaukee. We had a blast, and we were proud of our new student, who joined right in!

• We continue to focus on partner skills and safe dancing, thanks to our partner dance consultant Jeff Subeck. We are proud to be the only Israeli dance group in Illinois that rotates partners so that no one is without a partner.

Page 20: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

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Odyssey Hospice is seeking volunteers

Odyssey Hospice is seeking volunteers to provide companionship and support to a significant number of patients with life-limiting illnesses and their families in your Naperville/Glen Ellyn/Lisle/Warrenville community. Patient Care Volunteers provide conversation, leisure activities or a quiet, caring presence.

You may also use your education and/or area of expertise to aide our patients and program. Your additional talents might include art; horticultural therapy; gardening; massage therapy; music therapy; pet therapy; life review and reminiscence such as recording oral histories, scrapbooking, photography, and more.

Patient Visit Volunteers may occasionally provide the opportunity for respite to caregivers if a patient resides at home, allowing a caregiver to take time for him/herself.

Volunteers with Odyssey Hospice are an important part of a larger team who recognize that psychological, spiritual, and social services, as well as medical/clinical care, can contribute to an improved life quality for patients in the last stages of life. We offer an extensive orientation as well as ongoing volunteer support.

I would be happy to offer an informational presentation at your convenience, as well as local site orientation. Please contact me at [email protected], or 847-439-0348.

Thank you very much. Sincerely, Judy Guggenheim

Page 21: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

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ParnossahWorksChicago: A New Employment Website for Personalized Job Assistance

Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) announces the launch of ParnossahWorksChicago.org, a new free job search website accessible by Chicago area job seekers and employers. A unique job

posting board, ParnossahWorksChicago.org caters to local jobs at all professional levels, offering a wide range of resumes and open positions to ensure a productive and mutually beneficial search. Unlike any other job posting website, qualified candidates are screened by an experienced, highly trained JVS career counselor.

The website offers an alternative to large, overwhelming job boards, with JVS staff providing confidential services to both candidates and employers to attain a strong match. The job posting board gives individuals access to job opportunities and employment assistance, while offering a venue for employers to find pre-screened candidates to fill their open positions. The site, free to both employees and employers, is made possible by a grant from the Jewish Federation’s J-HELP Initiative. Additional features include: job search tools and strategies, relevant resources, a calendar listing topical workshops and special events and opportunities to sign up for job campaign services.

Originally developed by F E G S Health and Human Services System in New York to serve unemployed and underemployed Jews in their area, ParnossahWorks is operating successfully in Detroit, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Toronto, Minneapolis and Atlanta. “With everyone from senior executives, middle managers, to young professionals and recent college graduates being affected by the

current economic turmoil, this is an opportunity for members of the Jewish community to connect and help one another,” said Rose Dessau, Supervisor, JVS Employment Services.

In addition to ParnossahWorks, JVS provides job campaign assistance through the Jewish Employment Network (JEN) offering networking opportunities, career counseling and cutting-edge job search

strategies for people looking to be competitive in a tough market. JVS career counselors provide support and help keep clients motivated and on track throughout the job search process. Evening roundtables, ongoing groups and targeted workshops along with a client list-serve complement individual sessions with a counselor. The Jewish Employment Network is a partnership of Jewish Vocational Service, the Chicago Board of Rabbis, the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and affiliated congregations.

For more information on ParnossahWorksChicago.org call 312-673-3437 or e-mail [email protected].

Jewish Professionals –n- Learn

Discuss an array of Jewish topics over a delicious

Kosher while enjoying the opportunity to network

Second Tuesday of Every Month

11:30 – 12:3 For more information visit ww..com or call Rabbi

Mendy Goldstein at 630-778-977

Page 22: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

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Ongoing Programs and Activities

CBS Cemetery:

Congregation Beth Shalom owns a section in the Naperville Cemetery containing a number of gravesites.

Prices as of June 1, 2011 are:

Members: $1,150.00 per gravesite

Nonmembers: $1,650.00 per gravesite

Copies of the Congregation Cemetery Regulations are available from the Congregation office or Mark Greenberg/Gene Parker, Chairs of the Cemetery Committee.

For information on site selection and purchase, please contact Gene Parker (630 357 5047) or Mark Greenberg (630 579 8157).

Calling all torah chanters: “The Bible should be read in public, and made understood to its hearers in musical and sweet tones­––and those who read the Torah without tune, show disregard for it, and its vital values and laws.” (The Talmud, 1st Century C.E.). Calling all post-Bar or Bat Mitzvah Teens who would like to inspire the younger Bnai Mitzvah students and keep their Torah Trope skills sharp! Calling all Adults who once chanted Torah and have run out of “lein” excuses! Did you know that we chant Torah at every Shabbat morning service? The Torah was meant to be sung, and we sing it! Join our growing “Legion of Leiners.” We will help you brush up your skills, give you plenty of time to prepare, and provide you with a portion to learn and chant that is manageable for you. Remember: You don’t have to be a Maven to do a Mitzvah! Your honor awaits! Contact Bernie Newman at (630) 357-4544 or [email protected]

CBS Collegiate Connection

We would like to stay connected with your student at college, and remind them that we at CBS are still thinking of them. In the past we have sent a few encouraging notes a year, as well as a small gift. Please pass on your student's address at college to Melanie Greenberg at [email protected]. ELC Cubbies: Please Note: The cubbies in front of the Early Learning Center (ELC) preschool classroom are for ELC use ONLY! Please do not place anything in these cubbies. All materials that you wish to distribute such as flyers for upcoming events, etc., must be pre-approved by ELC Director Robin Frisch. Robin Frisch can be contacted at 630.961.1818 x22 or at [email protected]. Any materials found in the cubbies that have not been approved will be removed and immediately discarded. Thank you for your cooperation.

Junior Congregation: If you are looking for an easy and fun way to celebrate Shabbat and learn Shabbat morning prayers, then come and check out Junior Congregation.

This student- led service (with adult supervision) allows children the opportunity to be the gabbi, lead prayers in English or Hebrew, and take a part in “Sedra Scenes” performances - great practice in public speaking and preparation for Bnei Mitzvot. This service is targeted for children who can read English and are beginning to learn Hebrew. Students in first grade and above may attend without an adult, though adults are welcome, space permitting.

Junior Congregation begins at 10:30 a.m. in the youth lounge and lasts approximately one hour, followed by Kiddish. Please pick up your child no later than 12:00 p.m. as the synagogue closes after services. Please let us know if you’d be interested in hosting a Kiddish for this service.

Please contact Eileen Gelblat (630-355-7916 or [email protected]) or Nadene Eisner ([email protected] ) for more information.

Page 23: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

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Library: The library is open when the synagogue is open.

Monday and Friday: 9-2, Tuesday, Wednesday. & Thursday 9-5, Sundays When Religious School is in Session

For more information about our library, volunteering your time your time or writing book reviews, please call Gerry Mendelssohn at 630-416-2195

Lunchtime study group: Join us for our lively and popular weekly lunchtime adult study group, on Thursdays from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm in the youth lounge of the Congregation, led by our Rabbi, Marc Rudolph. The subjects of study are traditional Jewish texts (in English). Our current topic of study is

The Hebrew Prophets: Selections Annotated & Explained, by Rami Shapiro.

We also are referring to the original prophetic texts in the Tanakh as we study the interpretive translations and commentaries in the Rami Shapiro book. Whether you can come regularly or only drop-in occasionally, join us for the energizing discussions and the joy of learning. You don't need to have been present from the beginning of this topic to join-in whenever you can.

Bernie Newman 630-357-4544 or [email protected].

Monthly Meditation: The Sages used to meditate an hour before services to prepare themselves for prayer. On the fourth Friday of the month you can do the same at 7:15 pm in the Library, with Jewish Meditation Teacher Yonah Klem. Yonah will give a brief teaching and then we will meditate about 20 minutes. Beginning and experienced meditators are welcome.

Page 24: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

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CBS Communication Guidelines and Deadlines

Communication is a funny thing. Some people tell us they get too much, while others tell us they don’t get enough. Some people say they “tune out” because the same information is repeated everywhere while others say that they waste their time searching for what they need. To improve our effectiveness, we are focusing each major form of communication from CBS. However, we need your help. It is important that you at least skim the various communications from CBS. That will ensure that you are kept up-to-date on what is happening in and around our community. For your reference, we have included a table summarizing our communication tools and submission deadlines.

Frequency Purpose Submission Deadline Submit to

Web-site Ongoing General information about CBS, Oneg sign up, donation and building information, emergency announcements, ELC/Religious school closings, and most up-to-date calendar.

On-going [email protected]

Digest/ Announcements

Weekly Thursday/ Friday

Events coming in the next two weeks, “Save the date” notifications for major events.

Wednesday of the week that announcement is to be read

[email protected]

Special digests Once or twice per month

Time-sensitive or urgent matters such as Shiva information, special meetings, and other notifications

As needed – note: the digest is the primary weekly vehicle. Special Digests will be saved for exceptional events (at the discretion of the office manager or VP Member Services) so that we do not bombard members with too many emails.

[email protected]

Newsletter Monthly Human interest stories about Congregation Beth Shalom members. General information about upcoming (more than one month away) programs. Monthly calendar.

The 25th

of the preceding month (e.g., March 25

th for submissions for April).

This is a firm cut-off date.

[email protected]

For stories in the digest and newsletter, please just send unformatted text. If you would like to include a picture, send a jpg, png, or bitmap. Advertisements should also be jpg, png, or bitmap. On-going CBS events are no longer called out in advertisements but rather appear on the “On-going programs and services” page. We hope that these guidelines will better help you get the information you need without too much redundancy or confusion.

Page 25: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

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Calendar of Key Events in April

For the most up-to-date information, see www.napershalom.org. If you would like to add an event to the calendar, please check with Sue Prousa to ensure that the building/room is available.

Mon Apr 1 10:00am – 12:15pm:Pesach and Yizkor Service 7:00pm – 8:45pm:Israeli Dance at CBS (click here for important registration information) - For security reasons, new members must call the synagogue and register prior to 2:00 on the day of the event (630-961-1818)

Tue Apr 2 4:30pm – 6:15pm:Religious School - Grade 3 - 6 7:00pm – 10:00pm:CBS Board Mtg

Wed Apr 3 9:00am – 10:30am:Kibbutz Katan Playgroup

Thu Apr 4 11:30am – 12:30pm:Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Fri Apr 5 6:45pm – 7:15pm:Family Service 8:00pm – 9:00pm:Shabbat Service

Sat Apr 6 9:00am – 10:00am:Torah Study - CBS Library 10:00am – 12:00pm:Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary 10:30am – 11:30am:Junior Congregation 7:15pm – 8:15pm:Mincha/Havdalah Service

Sun Apr 7 8:30am – 10:25am:Religious School - PreK-4 10:45am – 12:45pm:Yom HaShoah U'Gevurah Congregational Service 10:45am – 12:45pm:Religious School - Grades 5-10 (10:45-12:45PM). 11:00am – 1:00pm:JUF Brunch

Mon Apr 8 7:00pm – 8:45pm:Israeli Dance at CBS (click here for important registration information) - For security reasons, new members must call the synagogue and register prior to 2:00 on the day of the event (630-961-1818)

Tue Apr 9 4:30pm – 6:15pm:Religious School - Grade 3 - 6

Thu Apr 11 11:30am – 12:30pm:Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Fri Apr 12 8:00pm – 9:00pm:Shabbat Service 8:00pm – 9:00pm:4th Grade Participation 8:00pm – 9:00pm:Birthday/Anniversary Celebration

Sat Apr 13 9:00am – 10:00am:Torah Study - CBS Library 10:00am – 12:00pm:Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary 7:15pm – 8:15pm:Mincha/Havdalah Service

Sun Apr 14 8:30am – 10:25am:Religious School - PreK-4 10:45am – 12:45pm:Religious School - Grades 5-10 (10:45-12:45PM). 10:45am – 12:45pm:9th Grade Family Program 11:00am – 12:30pm:Dine & Discuss 12:45pm – 1:45pm:5th Grade Pizza Party 2:00pm – 3:30pm:Interfaith Dialogue

Mon Apr 15 7:00pm – 8:45pm:Israeli Dance at CBS (click here for important registration information) - For security reasons, new members must call the synagogue and register prior to 2:00 on the day of the event (630-961-1818)

Tue Apr 16 4:30pm – 6:15pm:Religious School - Grade 3 - 6 7:00pm – 9:00pm:Avodah Committee Meeting

Thu Apr 18 11:30am – 12:30pm:Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Fri Apr 19 6:30pm – 7:30pm:Rosh Hodesh Dinner 8:00pm – 9:00pm:Shabbat Service

Sat Apr 20 9:00am – 10:00am:Torah Study - CBS Library 10:00am – 12:00pm:Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary 10:00am – 12:15pm:B'MV Jessica Binke 7:30pm – 8:30pm:Mincha/Havdalah Service

Sun Apr 21 8:30am – 10:25am:Religious School - PreK-4 8:30am – 10:25am:3rd Grade Family Program 10:45am – 12:45pm:Religious School - Grades 5-10 (10:45-12:45PM). 10:45am – 12:45pm:10th Grade Kiddushin LaTorah, Mandatory Practice 11:00am – 12:30pm:Dine & Discuss 4:00pm – 5:00pm:CBS Annual Meeting

Mon Apr 22 7:00pm – 8:45pm:Israeli Dance at CBS (click here for important registration information) - For security reasons, new members must call the synagogue and register prior to 2:00 on the day of the event (630-961-1818)

Page 26: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

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Tue Apr 23 4:30pm – 6:15pm:Religious School - Grade 3 - 6

Thu Apr 25 11:30am – 12:30pm:Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Fri Apr 26 7:15pm – 7:45pm:Monthly Meditation - Congregation Beth Shalom Library 8:00pm – 9:00pm:Shabbat Service

Sat Apr 27 9:00am – 10:00am:Torah Study - CBS Library 10:00am – 12:00pm:Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary 10:00am – 12:15pm:B'MV Tom Bresingham 10:30am – 11:30am:Junior Congregation 6:00pm – 9:00pm:Interfaith Dinner with Minkha/Havdalah

Sun Apr 28 All day:Walk with Israel

Mon Apr 29 7:00pm – 8:30pm:Engaging Israel Meeting - Library 7:00pm – 8:45pm:Israeli Dance at CBS (click here for important registration information) - For security reasons, new members must call the synagogue and register prior to 2:00 on the day of the event (630-961-1818)

Tue Apr 30 4:30pm – 6:15pm:Religious School - Grade 3 - 6

Thu May 2 11:30am – 12:30pm:Thursday Study Group - CBS Library

Fri May 3 6:45pm – 7:15pm:Family Service 8:00pm – 9:00pm:Shabbat Service

Sat May 4 9:00am – 10:00am:Torah Study - CBS Library 10:00am – 11:00am:B'MV Jacob Baron 10:00am – 12:00pm:Shabbat Worship - Sanctuary 7:45pm – 8:45pm:Mincha/Havdalah Service

Sun May 5 8:30am – 10:25am:Religious School - PreK-4 10:45am – 12:45pm:Religious School - Grades 5-10 (10:45-12:45PM). 10:45am – 12:45pm:10th Grade Kiddushin LaTorah, Mandatory Practice 11:00am – 12:30pm:Dine & Discuss 12:45pm – 1:45pm:Kiddushin Luncheon

Mon May 6 7:00pm – 8:30pm:Engaging Israel Meeting - Library 7:00pm – 8:45pm:Israeli Dance at CBS (click here for important registration information) - For security reasons, new members must call the synagogue and register prior to 2:00 on the day of the event (630-961-1818)

Tue May 7 4:30pm – 6:15pm:Religious School - Grade 3 - 6

Page 27: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

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RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Mali Sharon in memory of Mordechai Morkovitch Richard and Kathleen Bokor in memory of Frederick Bokor Adrienne & Herb Golinkin in memory of Aaron "Arky" Sperling Fred and Sandy Goldenson in memory of Aaron "Arky" Sperling

LIBRARY FUND Michael and Ann Rabin in memory of Hermine Rozett

RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Joseph and Betty Davis in memory of Evelyn Davis David and Kathy Binke in memory of Larry Binke

JEKABPILS FUND Kay & Lloyd Hyman in memory of Robert Hyman

BUILDING FUND Paulette Goodman in memory of Miranda Howard Chuck and Barb Lipkin in memory of Aaron "Arky" Sperling

EARLY CHILDHOOD ED FUND Jan & Don Strauss & Lynda & David Stern & Family in memory of Muriel Drell Strauss

TORAH FUND Nita & Al Barshefsky in memory of Miriam Barshefsky

CHESED FUND Mildred Keiser in memory of Lena Keiser Mildred Keiser in memory of Cantor Sidney Keiser

GENERAL FUND Eva Basner Katz & Rob Katz in memory of Albert & Mary Patricia Basner Loretta Farra with get well wishes for Charles Farra Susan Ganden in honor of Steve and Gail Karlovsky

CULTURAL ARTS FUND Cantor Hasha Musha Perman in honor of Al Barshefsky, Teaching Assistant


Page 28: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

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Make a Donation

772 W. Fifth Avenue, Naperville, IL 60563

In memory of In honor of (occasion and name) Name of donor Address (Street, City, State Zip)

Please send acknowledgement to

Name of donor Address (Street, City, State Zip)

I (we) enclose my (our) contribution of $___ to the following fund(s)

Page 29: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

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In Memory

April 5 & 6 Joel Setzen Leah Mehl 6-Apr-13 Nisan 26 Benjamin B Elster* Art Elster 9-Apr-13 Nisan 29 Muriel Kadison Drell* Janet Strauss 10-Apr-13 Nisan 30 John S Jankowski* Robert Jankowski 10-Apr-13 Nisan 30 Jacob T Trushin David Trushin 11-Apr-13 Iyar 1

April 12 & 13 Judith W Davids* Cary Davids 13-Apr-13 Iyar 3 Benjamin Eisner Nadene Eisner 13-Apr-13 Iyar 3 Evelyn Winet* Adrienne Golinkin 13-Apr-13 Iyar 3 Evelyn Winet* Norman Golinkin 13-Apr-13 Iyar 3 Evelyn Winet* Selena Rochlis 13-Apr-13 Iyar 3 Judith Yedwab Gregg Yedwab 13-Apr-13 Iyar 3 Lois Muriel Abrams Cliff Kapson 14-Apr-13 Iyar 4 Joseph Glasberg Francine Navakas 14-Apr-13 Iyar 4 Miriam Barshefsky* Al Barshefsky 15-Apr-13 Iyar 5 Rose Schermer Balsam Engleman Erica Roberts 16-Apr-13 Iyar 6 Mirand Howard Paulette Goodman 16-Apr-13 Iyar 6 Merlin Richardson Joel Richardson 16-Apr-13 Iyar 6 Wilbur Val Steele Carol Keeth 16-Apr-13 Iyar 6 Muriel Klein Rabstein Rich Klein 17-Apr-13 Iyar 7 Paul R. Fields Don Fields 18-Apr-13 Iyar 8 Ida C Fink* Charles Aranoff 18-Apr-13 Iyar 8 Samuel Keiser Mildred Keiser 18-Apr-13 Iyar 8 Irwin H Goldman Richard Goldman 19-Apr-13 Iyar 9 Maria Leizerovici Ariana Vigder 19-Apr-13 Iyar 9 Mark G. Stallman Toni Miller 19-Apr-13 Iyar 9 Kaplan Bernard*

April 19 & 20 Lenore Newman* Bernie Newman 20-Apr-13 Iyar 10 Louis H. Remson* Michael Remson 20-Apr-13 Iyar 10 Sam Rubenstein Barbara Nicker Bernstein 20-Apr-13 Iyar 10 Audrey Stern Michael Stern 20-Apr-13 Iyar 10 Bertha Brown Rikki Amesquita 21-Apr-13 Iyar 11 Frederick Bokor Richard Bokor 22-Apr-13 Iyar 12 Josef Goltz* Eliot Landau 24-Apr-13 Iyar 14 Pearl Baikerman* Betsy Wunder 25-Apr-13 Iyar 15 Esther Waisbrot Sima Petri 26-Apr-13 Iyar 16

April 26 & 27 Evelyn Davis Joseph Davis 27-Apr-13 Iyar 17 Evelyn Davis Eileen Heffernan 27-Apr-13 Iyar 17 Evelyn Davis Ann Davis 27-Apr-13 Iyar 17 Betty Strauss Gruenstein* Don Strauss 27-Apr-13 Iyar 17 Larry Binke David Binke 28-Apr-13 Iyar 18 Bill DeLue Diane Vojcek 28-Apr-13 Iyar 18 Frances Pies Diane Toby 28-Apr-13 Iyar 18 Hermine Rozett Ann Rabin 2-May-13 Iyar 22 Robert Winkelman Gary Winkelman 2-May-13 Iyar 22 Meyer Evanson* Carol Medor 3-May-13 Iyar 23 Herbert Saywitz* Allan Saywitz 3-May-13 Iyar 23 Greenspan Harold*

May their memories be for a blessing

Page 30: Staff - Congregation Beth Shalom...Staff Rabbi: Marc Rudolph - rabbirudolph@napershalom.org Cantor: Hasha Musha Perman - hashamusha@gmail.com Early Learning Director: Robin Frisch

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Board of Directors and Committees

Position Name Contact

President Chris Igo [email protected]

VP Administration Stephan Chriqui [email protected]

VP Member Services

Liz Levitt

Lisa Ohlhausen [email protected]

VP Membership

Leslie Noel

Elizabeth Sigale [email protected]

VP Education

Renee Major

Geoff Adler [email protected]

VP Finance Bob Fisher [email protected]

VP Development

Gregg Yedwab

Sam Kroll [email protected]

VP Religious Practices Joel Marks [email protected]

Secretary Susan Karoll [email protected]

Treasurer Betsy Wunder [email protected]

Director at Large Bob Kalinsky [email protected]

Director at Large Cynthia Summers [email protected]

Past President Jeff Rest [email protected]

Position Name Contact

Adult Education Jill Lexier [email protected]

B'nai Mitzvah Invitations Trudy Lythberg tel:355-5337

Building/Catering Stephan Chriqui [email protected]

Cemetery Mark Greenbergy

Gene Parker [email protected]

Chesed Bob Fisher

Terrie Stainman



Cultural Arts Linda Gaines [email protected]

Facilities Stephan Chriqui [email protected]

Gift Shop Lauren Gaither

Jill Greenwood [email protected]

Landscaping Stephan Chriqui [email protected]

Library Gerry Mendelssohn [email protected]

Newsletter Brad Kolar [email protected]

Oneg Committee Paula Fraser [email protected]

Religious School Renee Major [email protected]

Tikkun Olam Mimi Qunell [email protected]


Committee Russ Klem [email protected]