Exam Uiutnrimt/ !!= Is=sue=!l \'OL. LIV. BOURBONNAI:S ILLI NOI:S. 1\'EONESDA Y. JANUAJty 20, 1937. NUMBER 6. Delegates Are President Says DEAN Named to Attend College Club is General Chapter DismalFailure Irish De balers Social Functions EngageTwenty Need Approval Foes at JY_ormal Of College Club Delegates of Various Provinces will Elect a New Superior General And Vicar of Viatorian Community Rev. Dr. E. V. CurdmuJ Nume!!J t h e Re v. J. W. R. Maguire As New Personnel DiJ·ector The very Rev. E. V. Cardin al, Buttgen and Ward Rt-presc11t Viator In Tournament. 's Legislative A•semb)y Eight Bergin were among George Rogers, Club President, Names Social Co=itte e To Co.ordinate Activities At a meeting of the Provincial C. S. V., Ph. D., j_ r cs ident of th e Chapter of the Clerics of St. Via- Coll ege, in an address de liv ered on tor h eld at the Coll ege during the J an u ary 8, in the Seminar Room the representatives from 23 co ll eges W illi am J. Schumacher, '37, Miss at the fifth annual Invlt a tionaJ De- Claire J. Legris, '37, Ri c hard Pow- bate Mee ting in 1"-!ermal on Janu a ry ers, '39, and Willi am Cahill, '39, 8 and 9. Final st andi ngs of the were appoi nted by George Rogers, participating t eams were not pub- '3 7, pr esident of the College Club, lish ed wh en the Viatorlans left as members of the Social Com - Normal, but unofficia l announce- mittee of the College at the thlrd ment placed the l{J .:: al men n ea r the I mee ting of the CoJiege Club on Ch ri stmas holi- immediately after a meeting of the days th e Rev. Co ll ege Club, stressed th e fact that the Co ll ege Clu b is failing to com- ,Ta m es A. Low- pl ete ly fulfill its avowed purpos e. n .>y, C. S. V., The College Club, accordi ng to th e prof e ... here , preamble of its con -:titution, shoul d top. i January 8. Brother Casimir stimul ate interest 1n soc ial, int ell- J. Gedwell, C. S. ectua l and moral activiti es among V., assis t ant Pro- the students. far", declar ed vincial Procura - Dr. Ca rdinal, "the intellectual and t or, and the Rev . mora l purposes have been e ntirely from fiv e s tates entered I A ccording to George Rogers the de baters m th e m ee t to discuss lh e I new committee will ha ve complete proposition: "Resolved: That the ex - c harge of the College Social Cal- tension of consuter coopera tives I endar and all campus organizations would contribute t th e public wei - will have to secure approval from ReY. J. 0'1\'1:1- honey Joseph F. Mois- di sregard ed while the social e nd of ant. C. S. V., pastor of St. Jo seph's the Coll ege has been over-e mphaz- Church of Springfi eld, Ill., were ied.'' As a m eans of fulfilling its · fare". it before th ey may hold any meet - . I In division A of the tournam ent, ing or social function. P et itions for Itll;V. PAUl. G. HUTTON, C. S. V. which required tbe contestants to permiss ion to stage organization ac - e lected delegates to th e general Chapter which wi ll convene in Brus- sels, Belgium after Easter. The three elec ted del ega t es with the Very Rev. J. P. O'Mahoney, C. S. V., provincial , will represent Chicago Province. Alternates Named the Alternate delegat es named at the Provincial Chapter meeting were the R ev. Daniel A. O'Connor, C. S. V., principal at Cathedral High School of Springfield, Ill. , the Rev. William J. Cracknell, C. S. V., regis- trar of the College, and Brother Ed- ward J. Mc.ljjachen, C. S. V ., Fou r- nier Instit ut e of Lemont, Ill. The General Chapter in addition to the discussion of many legisla- tive questions, will also elect a Sup- erior Gen eral and Vicar of the Com- muni ty to s uc- ceed the present Superior Gene r- al, the Very Rev. F. M. Roberge, C. S. V., who has signifi ed his de- sire to retire be- caus e of ill health. Fat her Roberge former - ly was president Bro. C. Gedwell of Joli et te Seminary in Canada. Father Roberge, the present Sup- erior General, has met with marve l- ous exec utive ability many grave prob lems g rowing out of the condi- tion in Spain wher e many houses of th e Clerics of St. Viator are located. Under the oppressive bur- den of these world wide problems he fee ls the weight of his three score and ten years. The str ain of ctirecting a religiou s com munity under s uch circumstances has under· mined his h ealth to such an extent that he c alls for a younger man to su cceed him. COLLEGE IS WELL REPRESENTED The Very Rev. E. V. Cardina l, C. S. V., Ph. D., the Rev. Joseph A. , Lowney, C. S. V., and th e Rev . \Villiam J. Bergin, C. S. V., r epre- sent ed the faculty at tht=: National Philosophical Convention he ld in Chi - cago on December 21. The student repr esentatives were Brother Pat- rick Toomey, C. S. V .. and Brother Norbert Ginsberg, C. S. V. intell ect ual fnnction Dr. Cardinal su ggested an additi on of books to the library and an encouraging of the pr esent work be ing performed by the Libr ary staff. He also point - ed out seve ral means whe re by mem- bers of the <...oUege Club and the Co ll ege Club itself could further the moral and spiritual welfare of the s tudent body. Dr. Cardi nal also stressed the n eed --------- I on both sides of th e question, tivitie s must be presented to William FR pAUL HUTTON I St. Vtator was repr esented by two Schumacher, chairman. and will be teams: Martin :M:cL aughlin , C. S. 1 acted upon immediately by the NAMED AS FR JOS ' V., '39, and Edward '37; i members of the Social Co mmittee. Donald Foley, C. S. V., 40 and 1 Each and every campus organiza- R '' C SO Daniel Ward, '40. I. AN'S sue ES R In division B, which required tht! I tion, acco rding to George Rogers, defense of only one side of the will be s ur e of adequate represen- Ill H eaJth Forces Popular Dean of question, were also two Viator Men To RA>slgn t eam s: Patrick Toomey, C. S. V., '37, and Maurice Robin son, C. R. tation on the n ew committ ee. He made tt a part of his appointment to indi cate which organizations each member of the co mmittee was to of a personnel officer ;n the College, Th e Rev. Paul G. Hutton. C. S. V., '40: James Zigerell, '40, and represent. Wildam Schumacher, whose duty it be .. to gfve V., f.t.ccordiltg an nOllncemEmt I·h:rold- -BUnte, a chairman, is to handJ e th e-:- affairs of vocational guidance and aid the stu - made lat e last week by th e Very Legislative Asse mhly the Monogram Club. the Interna- dent in securing a su itabl e occupa- Rev. Dr. E. V. ca rdinal , C. S. V., One of th e featu r es of this year's tional Re lations Club, the Bergin tion after graduation. president of the College, h as b ee n meeting was a legislative asse mbly, Debati ng Society, the Athletic As - The man appointed to office had appoint ed to su cceed th e Rev. in which Father Maguire ac ted as sociation and th e Viatorian; to n ecessari ly be a member of th e Joseph Ryan, C. S. V., as dean of parliame ntarian . Messrs. Buttgen Legri s will r epresent the Upsilon facuJty but not a me mber of the men. and Ward had seats in the assemb ly Sigma Upsilon Sorority and the Day College Administration. Th e man best R as legis lator s from St. Viator, with S Fath er yan r ecently resign ed be- all the usua l privileges of sp eech tud e nt Organization; Richard Pow qualified for th e position, accord ing cause of i1l health and is now re· and vote. ers cares for the Choral Club, the to Dr. Cardina l, is th e R e v. J . W. R. ce ivin g treatment at the Mayo Clin- At this m ee ting, 44 delegates dis- Holy Name Society, the St. John Magu ir e, C. S. V., head of the ic at Rochester, Minn. 1 cussed a bill to repeal the Illinoi s Ber cbman Society and the Cisca Commerce Depa rtment . Dr. Car- Father Hutton was a reside nt of . Cooperative act of 1915 . The final Club: wh il e William Cahill will dinal therefor e said that he felt. Kankak ee until he e nt ered reli g ious vot e defeated the passage of th e re present the Engineering Club, the it was his duty to appoint Father li fe. He graduated from St. Via- bill. Scienc e Club and the Economic Maguire as the Personne l Director tor Co ll ege in 1928; taught one Th e four Viator teams, each e n- Club. It is hoped that in this of St. Viator College . year at St. Viator Academy, and gaging in fiv e oebates, opposed r e- way a better organized schedule of Fath er Maguire, in view of th e then continu ed his studies at Ca th- of the following socia l eve nts is to be had . tremendous task b efore him, that olic University, Washing ton , D. C. schools: Mc Laughlin a nd Buttgen: NenDean of personally e xaminin g each s tu- Fath er Hutton rece i ved his master Western State Teach ers of Michi- The R ev . P a ul G. Hutton , C. S. dent beginnin g with the seniors, has of arts deg r ee, with a major in gan, Illinoi s Normal State Univer- V., n ewly appoi nt ed Dean of Men, b een g iven permission by Dr. Car- economics, from Catholic University sity, Wheaton, Hanover, Manches - was formally prese nted in hi s new dinal to appoint several member s in 1933, aJld is a candidate at the t er. capacity to the members of the of the faculty as his assistants. same uni versity for th e doctor uf Foley and W ard: Wh ea ton. Loyo la, Coll ege Club. Fath er Hutton spoke MORRIS NAMED ADVISOR philosophy degr ee, having comp leted Olivet, Illinoi s W esleyan, D eKa lb. briefly of his appointment exp r ess- a ll but his year of residence. Toomey and Robinson: F ranklin. ing regr et over the Rev. Joseph Fath er Hutton will not be new Augustana, Illinois Normal State Ryan' S' inability to r et urn and also to the problems of di scipline h e w ill Univers ity, Charleston State T each- explained that . would be be call ed upon to handle as dean of ers. Bunte and Zigere ll: Loyola, rul es of dlSCiplme under his men. He h as serv ed as prefect of Illinois Wes leyan, Wh ea t on, two I regime. He as ked for th e full co - John F. Morris, , 37 ' of Dan- discipline for the past four years teams from Illi n ois Norma l State operation of the st ud e nt body and ville, has been named one of the under Father Ryan. Uni versit . I was assured of it by the membc :s four consu lter s for th e Holy Y of the Coll ege Club. Name Society by President Rich- ard Powers, 39. Mr. Morris' ap- pointment came as the resul t of the active part he has played this year in campus activiti es . As general chairman of last fall' s Homecoming, he displayed an ex- ecuti ve abi lity which cou ld not go unrecognized. The annonncement of the s im- ilar appointme nt of George Rog- ers. '37 , Edward Buttgen, '37, and Frank St!'aub, '38. in the last iss ue of the VIATORIAN did not list tne n ame of Mr. Morris because the Holy Name head had not informed this office of the Danvill e senior's assign - ment. BRADY, ADAIR FILL CHORAL CLUB POST Peter Brady, '39, and Walter Adair, '40, were ele cted vi ce-presi - dent and secretary r es p ec tively at a recent m eetin g of the Choral Club. Pe ter brady is th e first to ever hold the office of vice-president in the Chora l Club while Walter Adair succeeds H. Robe rt Lenahan , '39, resigning secretary. Mr. Lenahan, star football and basketball player, offered his r es ig- nation on the plea that ath le tics took so mu ch of hi s time th at he found it necessary to drop a ll other forms of ext ra- curricu lar activity in order that he might find time to study. ( Continued on page six ) WANTED REWARD OFFERED Seve ral addit ional mal e r anging from a deep bass to the shri !l est of sopranos, to fill in th e woefully we ak c horu s of th e Choral Club. These additional voi ces are needed particularly for th e operetta, "The Pirates of Pen- zans", which wi ll be presented in conjunction wi th St. Fran ces Col- lege of J oliet du ring Music W eek. The Rev. M. P. Loug hran, C. S. V., mu s ical e direc tor, would a1 so like to have info rm a tion from th e coeds of the Coll ege con ce rning their desires about the Coed Chorus of th e Choral Club. Sha ll it be conti nued ? The Rev. E. J. Hoffman , C. S. V., moderator of the College Club, gav e a short acco unt of the financial con - di tion of the c lub . Irish Boxers Receive Trophy From CYO The St. Viator boxing team was awarded a silver loving c up for winning the team ch ampionship jn Class B of the s uburban sec tion s of the r ece nt Catholic Youth Or- ganization tou rnament. The College was repr esented by Don Morgan, Captain; J. Emmett Bach, Lawrence Roem er and Louis Moore. A ll of their names ha\' since been insc ribed on the Coach Lou Zarza's name has al '301 been pJaced on the base of '-- -- -- -- --- -- ---' , trophy.

St. Viator College Newspaper, 1937-01-20

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The Viatorian - Vol. LIV, No. 6

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  • Exam mh~ Uiutnrimt/ !!= Is=sue=!l \'OL. LIV. BOURBONNAI:S ILLI NOI:S. 1\'EONESDA Y . JANUAJty 20, 1937. NUMBER 6.

    Delegates Are President Says ~EW DEAN Named to Attend College Club is General Chapter DismalFailure

    Irish De balers Social Functions EngageTwenty Need Approval Foes at JY_ormal Of College Club

    Delegates of Various Provinces will Elect a New Superior

    General And Vicar of Viatorian Community

    Rev. Dr. E. V. CurdmuJ Nume!!J t he Re v. J. W. R. Maguire As

    New Personnel DiJector

    The very Rev. E. V. Cardinal,

    Buttgen and Ward Rt-presc11t Viator In Tournament.'s Legislative


    Eight Bergin debAter~ were among

    George Rogers, Club President, Names Social Co=ittee

    To Co.ordinate Activities

    At a meeting of the Provincial C. S. V., Ph. D., j_ r csident of the Chapter of the Clerics of St. Via- College, in a n address de livered on tor h eld at the College during the J anuary 8, in the Seminar Room

    the representatives from 23 colleges W illiam J. Schumacher, '37, Miss at the fifth annual Invlta tionaJ D e- Claire J . Legris, '37, Richard Pow-bate Mee ting in 1"-!ermal on Janu a ry e rs, '39, and William Cahill, '39, 8 and 9. Final s tandi ngs of the were appointed by George Rogers, participating teams were not pub- '37, president of the College Club, lis hed when the Viatorlans left as members of the Social Com -Normal, but unofficial announce- mittee of the College at the thlrd ment placed the l{J .::al men n ea r the I meeting of the CoJiege Club on

    Christmas holi- immediately after a meeting of the days the Rev. College Club, stressed th e fact that

    the College Club is failing to com-,Tam es A. Low- pletely fulfill its avowed purpose. n .>y, C. S. V., The College Club, according to the profe ... ~or here, preamble of its con -:titution, should top. i January 8. Brother Casimir stimulate interest 1n social, intell-J. Gedwell, C. S. ectual and moral a ctiviti es among V., assis tant Pro- the students. "Thu~ far", declared vincial Procura- Dr. Cardinal, "the intellectual and tor, and the Rev. moral purposes have been entirely

    College~ from five s tates entered I According to George Rogers the debaters m the m eet to discuss lhe I new committee will have complete proposition: "Resolved: That the ex- charge of the College Social Cal-tension of consuter cooperatives I endar and all campus organizations would contribute t the public wei - will have to secure approval from

    ReY. J. 0'1\'1:1-honey Joseph F. Mois- disregarded while the social end of ant. C. S. V., pastor of St. Joseph's the College has been over-emphaz-Church of Springfi eld, Ill., were ied.'' As a m eans of fulfilling its

    fare". it before they may hold any meet-. I In division A of the tournam ent, ing or social function. P etitions for

    Itll;V. PAUl. G. HUTTON, C. S. V. which required tbe contestants to permission to stage organization ac-e lected delegates to the general Chapter which wi ll convene in Brus-sels, Belgium after Easter. The three elected delegat es with the Very Rev. J. P. O'Mahoney, C. S. V., provincial, will represent Chicago Province.

    Alternates Named


    Alternate delegates named at the Provincial Chapter meeting were the R ev. Daniel A. O'Connor, C. S. V., principal at Cathedral High School of Springfield, Ill. , the Rev. William J. Cracknell, C. S. V., regis-trar of the College, and Brother Ed-ward J. Mc.ljjachen, C. S. V ., Fou r-nier Instit ute of Lemont, Ill.

    The General Chapter in addition to the discussion of many legisla-tive questions, will a lso elect a Sup-erior General and Vicar of the Com-muni ty to suc-ceed the present Superior Gener-al, the Very Rev. F. M. Roberge, C. S . V., who has signified his de-sire to retire be-cause of ill health. Father Roberge former-ly was president Bro. C. Gedwell of Joliet t e Seminary in Canada.

    Father Roberge, the present Sup-erior General, has met with marvel-ous executive ability many grave problems g rowing out of the condi-tion in Spain where many hous es of the Clerics of St. Viator are located. Under the oppressive bur-den of these world wide problems he feels the weight of his three scor e and ten years. The str ain of ctirecting a religious com munity under s uch circumstances has under mined his health to such an extent that he calls for a younger man to succeed him.


    The Very Rev. E. V. Cardina l, C. S. V., Ph. D., the Rev. Joseph A. , Lowney, C. S. V., and the Rev. \Villiam J. Bergin, C. S. V., repre-sented the faculty at tht=: National Philosophical Convention he ld in Chi-cago on December 21. The student representatives were Brother Pat-rick Toomey, C. S. V .. and Brother Norbert Ginsberg, C. S. V.

    intellectual fnnction Dr. Cardinal suggested an addition of books to the library and an encouraging of the present work being performed by the Library staff. H e also point-ed out several means wher eby mem-bers of the

  • ~~~~~~====================~==========~================~=====-~=T=I[E===='=~==T=O=R==L===~~-:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\~\~~~D~~~- ~ ~-'~D~-~~~~~- -~J~-~u~X~~~-~~~~~- ~~~0~, ~~~~~1. ~AOE TWO AlumniFetelrisbJLast Rites Held 1Robt.Hickey,'40\ Briefs From Our Viator Grid Champs at l or Fr. Bourget ~uffers Lo~s Of 1 Club Cha ters Banquet In Chi. Hl'h~ll~ ;.ul ~~~oi~o!, )~b;";~t of Eye In Accident p Gold Footballs A nd L etters

    Famous Viator A lumnus --- I suping hai, Chin11,-"Greetings to I ham, celery, oUves, bread, cheese Classmates and Faculty E xtend 1 our !Mends in the United States! and coffee. I read them your lett r,

    A warded To Twenty-one Clergy and laity of the Arch- Sympathy and B est W ishes I The New Wear will bMng to us showed them the copies of tbe VIA-dlecese of Chicago joined last month The week preceeding the Christ- our hearts' desire in seeing ththee fFirasrt TORIAN which you so klndly for-

    St. Viator's LittJe 19 Co-Cham- in tribute to the late Rev. Edgar mas recess Robert H ickey, ' 4.0, resi- Viatorian house opened in warded, and asked them to send me pionship eleven was honored on Dec~ Bourget, a Viator a lumnus of the East. We expect to move into our the biographical sketches referrt..~ ember

    15 at a testimonial dinner in c lass of 1886 and for many yea rs dent student from Dekalb, Ill. , suf- residence in the conunu.rrity quarters to. Everyone seems to be cnthus-

    c lllc"

    0 an"

    1 twenty-one members of Archdiocesan Director of Music. fered the foss of an eye, the iris of the new school building some- iastlc in regard to our Chapter. The

    ._..g u Fathe r Bourget died on December being pierced by a piece of steel time during the month of Jan uary. next regular meeting is to be hdd Lhc ~;quad were awarded monograms 11 in Miami, F la., where he harl which f lew up as he was hammering You are a ll invited to attend tht= at the home of Paul liiTorll. M any a nd gold footballs. 'rhe dinner was I gone for a brief rest. on a lock. grand opening, spiritually since we of U1e m embe rs of our hapter arc Hpongored by the Misses Mary and The body of the aged priest lay Regardless ~f the ~e~t available I r ealize that you can not do so in at present talting additional c lass H elen McNulty of Ch icago and wru; l in slate in Our Lady of Grace medical attention admtmstered at person. work; I hope to be abl to gi\'e

    1 the Coll ege Infirmary and St. Mary's "We are now fifteen confreres of you full details on the matter la te r . held in the Del P r ado Hotel, 53rd I church , of which Father Bourget 1 ~0 Hospital in Kankal


    SORORITY 11-M Basketball Race Varsity Proves Close; Bears Golden Who's Who on the Campus

    ' And Hungry Five Tied To Be

    NOTES The results of the latter half of The St. Viator varsity boxers will I Among the Students the second round of the Intra-mural 1 compete in the annual Golden Glove !b====;:='=,=::=';;;:========:===:==:==7:=:===:=======d] basketball tournament s hows the I Tournament to be held in B looming- Senior Class only elects it's officers after the

    I President-Edward Buttgen, W ar- midyear examinations. This practice The holidays saw another campus romance cluminated, and now Mr . and Mrs. is the name! Our best wishes go to the former Miss .Fran-ces Mary Clancy, '32, and Joseph Hogue, '32. The happy couple will live in Fort Wayn~. Ind., where Mr.

    Day Dodgers defeating the Nomads, ton on February 21 3, and 4. This saw, Illinois. was inaugurated last year in order 21-13, and the Hungry Five beating J section of the Tribune Golden Glov- Vice-president _ Joseph Rondy, to give the Freshmen an opportunity the RarnbJers, 23-16. I es tournament will be sponsored by Kankakee, Illinois. to become acquainted before select-

    In the r ecent games of the third the Bloomington Daily Pantagraph. Treasurer-George Rogers, Chi - ing their officers. round, the Indians took the scalp The Co11ege will have six r epre cago, Illinois.

    Sigma U pilson Sigma. Sorority President- Claire J . Legris, '37,

    Bourbonnais, Illinois.

    of the Barons, 26-21. The second sentatives, bu t wi ll !:::;;; without the Secretary - Henry Wulffe, Che -Hogue has bought a new home and game of this round fou.nd the Bears wher e he is presently employed. Be- clawing their way to a 41-9 victory fore her marriage, Mrs. Hogue b ad over the Specials . H ickey, Bear been t eaching in Ashkum and Brad- star, gathered 18 points as he led ley. I his litter to a sweeping win.

    --- I The Nomads were again defeat ed Miss Rachael Roach another mem- in their game with the Ramblers.

    ber of the class of '32 is following The final scor e was 30-16. The a course at Gallagher's B1Jsiness College in Kankakee, after which she will take up a secretarial posi-tion awaiting her.

    The "bird ot" ill omen" seems lo have some grudge against Mary Anthony who suffered a frac tured arm and bruises when taking a severe fall on the ice. However, when rus hed to the hospital she felt much at home as 1ts been less than two weeks since Mary ended her stay there. We trust this will he

    closest game of the third round was played by the Day Dodgers and the Hungry Five. This game was won by the Hungry Five, 25-23. O'Connor was high point-m an with 14 markers. Frank Ticulka, for-merly a member of the varsity squad, led his team wi th 8 points.

    At present Hickey's Bears and Murphy's Hungry Five are leading the league with three wins and no losses.

    ber first and last misfortune of Modeator of the Sorority. The the new year. money w ill be used to purchase li-

    bra r y t a bles. The social held just before the

    holiday season was well conducted The t entative date for the first under the a bled chairmanship of J mee ting of 1937 is Tuesday even-Miss Lucille H artman, '40. T he Sor- ing, January 19. Whether or not ority is indeed g rateful to all Fresh- I the members are present, they will men coeds who J11Rde it possible for I be appointed their date for the Sigma Upsilon Sigma to present the m eeting to be held in their homes sum of twenty-eight dollars to the and w ill be likewise notified.

    services of Larry Roemer, finalist ban se, Ill in ois. in the recent Catholic Youth Tour-nament. They range from the 160

    Junior Class Vice-pr esident- Agnes Stelter, '34,

    pound di vision to the 118 pound. Pres ident- Frank Straub, Bloom- Bradley, Illinois.

    Secretary- Ruth Arrington, The tea.m will b e headed by Don

    Morgan, capta in, who wi ll battle in the 160 pound division. Others representin g Viator will be J . Em-mett Bach, 147 pounder; Frank Tomasso, 135 pounder; Vellintini _;n the 126 pound class; Louie Moore, another 126 pounder and H erbie Fie lds at 118 pounds. Fields and

    ington, Il linois. Vice -president- Francis Sanhuber,

    Milwaukee, Wi sconsin. T reasurer-Eugene Larkin, Tow-

    anda, Illinois. Secretary- J ohn Stevens,

    field, Illinois.

    Sophomor e Class

    Spring -

    Morgan are in their second season President- Daniel Murphy, Far-

    Kankakee, Illinois. Treasurer - Yvonne Ri vard,

    Bourbonn ais, Illinois.



    St. John Berchman Soelety President- John Foxen, '39, Chi-

    cago, Illinois. I Vice-pres ident - Edward Dilger,

    '39, Chicago, Illinois. of inter-collegiate boxing while the mer City, Illinois. Secretary-'.~. r easurer - Richard others are novices. Vice-president- J ohn J. Hart, Chi- Power s , '39 , Chicago, IlJi.nois.

    Accordin g to Coach Lou Zarza, cago, Illinois. the var si t y boxing schedule will be secretary-Vincent Murphy, Can- Dennis Carroll released W ithin the next two week s. ton, Ilhn01s.

    Rev. C. Marzano Visits Seminary

    T reasu rer-Richard R.onan, cago, Illinois.

    Freshman Class

    Chi- Dies In Chicago Dennis M. Carrol, a graduate in

    the class of 1895 and an active mem-ber of the Viator Extension Club,

    The Rev. Chris topher Mar zano, C. Moderators-Patrick Bimmerle, '39 died at his home of pneumonia on S. V., procurator for t he Chicago Chicago, Illinois, and Raymond December 20, after an illness of Provin ce of the Clerics of St. Vi a-- O'Connor, '39, Gary , Indiana. four days. Mr. Canol was born tor, returned r ecently from a visit in Chicago, and since 1900 had con-to the Viatorian Seminary at 1326 Editor 's Note- The Freshman C~ass ducted the John Carrol Sons under-Quincy Street , Washington, D. C. is under the supervision of two mod- taking business. He was well remem-

    a tour of er ators appointed by the College bered and much loved by frie nds on t Club during the f irst semester and the Viator

    When smokers find out the good things that Chesterfields give them

    ,,,,,,,.,,_,,,"_.-.,.,,,, .. ,..... .... ~e6e ud/ .,

  • ': so1-.;c oth,,~ orgamzatwn had approp natccl that YeJ'Y eYenlllg lor 1tselL

    ::lt. V iator College is a growiog institution and th er e is no doubt that we have a la rger a nd 1nore acti ve student body than we had a few year s ago but it doesn ' t .follow t hat a scrimmage scheduled at the last minute hy t he bask etball team wil l not 1neck a Gl ee Ulub function, a Ber g iu Debatin g 8ociety 1neeting ur a gathe r ing o



    \ \"ED::O.'ESD.-\."1." , J.-\::0.\J.-\Rl." ~0. 191;!1 .

    II CR ITIQ UE II j' Editor's Note. The VIA TORIAN 1 fifteen years at the very most. Af _ I prints t~e following l.et~er. but wish- te r that as far as making any money

    es to pomt out that tt 1s m no way goes, he is absolutely thl"'llgh . to be interpreted as the editor-ial Except in very few lnstan e.s h~ opinion of the paper. It is a stu- has no practical business exper ience

    No le pores en la r eputacion del dent's opinion and as such we give to stand in back of him, o r any que escribe, si es 0 00 un g ran lit- it space. The VIA TORIAN will at other occupation which will be use-erato: el amor a Ia verdad pura es anytime welcome wholesome s tudent fu l to society. So, if he Is the e l que debe excitorte a leer. comment. very rare type of person who h~

    No bus ques quien ha dicho tal Dear Bill: I saved his money and invested wisely cosa: mas reflexiona sobre lo que One of the things that should be - fine, but if he is like the g reat ha dicho. of interest to every college s tudent rank and file of the human race, be

    at the present time, is the fac t that has recourse only to a W . P . A . To the student who first brings College Athletics aren't worth while. job .

    up a translation of the above to the It just doesn't pay for a s tudent to On the other hand consider lbe Library and can name the book and I waste his time trying ~o be ~ s tar young man who hit the books author whence this quotation is athlete, when he can d1rcct hts en - while attending college. one who was taken, the Librarian will be pleased ergy into much more useful channels, never a brilliant athlete, or never to give a good book as a premium. ~uch as debating, writing, and s tudy- even got a menlion in the local

    mg. paper. After leaving college, he

    Ther e are some very good fore-ign language dic tionaries in the Li-brary. Why not learn a few words a

    After a ll , if b e spends a g r eat deal s pent those next fifteen years build-of time practicing, and it so hap ing up a solid business foundation, pens that he does learn to kick a 01 practicing a profession. That kind football farther than the next fel- of a man/ after fifteen years will

    day? You might become fonti!

    a Mezzo- low, or gets to be a good runner or passer, jus t exactly what good will it do him ? H e will probably get

    be at the height of his earning power, while the ath lete can write F I N I S to his career .

    Just s top lo consider the facts on the question in dispute. It is not

    Once again we take this occasion a lot of publicity in the local new~to thank the Sorority for its s plendid paper. P e rhaps for a time h e will gift of thirty dollars (30), the re- become a very popular young man, ra re to find that some dis tinguished ceipts of its lates t party. The

    1 especially with tbose people who gentleman has made a s tudy of cer-

    money was used to pay the balance 1 cater to and lionize anybody that lain groups of co l1 ege men and found owed on the beautiful, massive oal{ can crash the headlines. But when when they left college that the tables in the r eadir1g room. that young man leaves school, and athletes, as a group, were the least

    the newspapers drop him like the successful of all the groups h e had

    Twenty-seven bound volumes of the Atlantic :1\'Ionthly, coverin g the years 1900-1914, have been acqui red

    proverbial "hot potato", what is his s tudied. social standing then? I In the ranks of lhe professional

    I athletes it is hard to find men who Will those accidental talen ts, which have been able to retire with the for the reference shelves. our star athlete has taken such

    g reat pains to develope, be of any Father F. E. Munsch attended the u se to him once h e applies for a

    mid-year session of the Catholic Li- position out in the business world? brary Association. It was held at Surely he will not receive a salary Mundelein College, Chicago, Illinois, that is based on the amount of his on December z8. newspaper clippings. Nor will he be hired becaus be.. .is more adept in

    W e are grateful to Mr. and 1v1rs. the art of lugging a section of pig skin than h is fellow' student.

    William Neville for a f ine copy of Chesterton's autobiography. Both Many a s tar athle te after leaving donors are of the a lumni and alum - college is unable to find the kind

    of position he would like to have, nae of Viator .

    so he con tinues to pursue those en-

    wealth which they were seeking. But once s tart enumerating those thousands that s tarted out a s pro-fessional athletes, made quite a bit of money, and then were miserable failures and you have quite a job on your hands. In view of these facts, only one possible conclusion can be drawn, and so the sensible thing for any college student to do is to stay out of the lime lig ht and hit the books.

    the International R elations Club. tieing headlines as a professional

    So, B ill old sock, if you publish this letter, and it causes some peo-p le to pause a moment and think . I will feel that my efforts have not been in vain.

    A step toward Lhe r emedying of thi8 situation h a:; been takeu DID YOU KNOW THAT: player. Certainly that kind of man in t he .formation of a :;tudent soc ial committee. '.Chis committee is In~unabula are books produ?e~ in I is to be pitied. His earning power expected to fuucti on a:; a ' 1 clearing house' ' t hrough which ALL the mfancy of the art of prmtmg, in that game will extend over a campus organi zations will obtain app roval for the dates of meet. specifically, those printed b~fore period of approximately ten years,

    Sincerely yours, Lawrence Roemer.

    ings. Thus th e College Club, which theoreticall y has the power 1500 A. D.-e. g. the Marzarm Bible. of ell-awing up the socia l calendar for the College, final ly has The word means swaddling clothes. taken definite action to fulfill one of its major duties. hence cradle. Bro. Geo. Nelson Named as Prefect


    The VIA'l'ORIAN cou gratulates the College Clnh on its action bu t it does not beli eve t he situation has been so lved. In t he past ee rtaiu organl za t)ons on t he campus have refused to t:O nsnlt th e College Club concern ing possib le m eetin gs and social affairs, an d tlle te is no reason t o belie1e they will clo so in the f uture.

    The VI.ATOH.JAN therefore advocates that tl1 e uew committee, composed of stutleu ts, be strengthened by the addition of faculty members. F urth er , we ad1oeate that this comm ittee be g iven full power over all things pertaining to t he social ca lendar of the campus and that the meutb crs of t l1e committ ee s hou ld CO Ordinate 1 ill' 'ocial life of the College.

    lt is our belle that no committee composed merely of stud ents can adequately handle and supervise this tyve of work Conse-quentl y we ask t ha t t he College Administration appoint faenlty r e-ptcscn tativcs to the newly c reated social committee .

    -W. J. S.


    Among the more not able tit les re- I' cently added to the Library are:

    Brother George Nelson , C. S. v., Evidence that the school s pirit of Junior from Springfield, Ill. , has St. Viator students is a t a high ,pitch

    Modern Thomistic Philosophy by a Phill ips (two volumes). J been named to succeed Brothe r Dan- was r evea led just prior to the St.

    French Profiles by Edmund Goss. ie l Kelly, C. S. V., as prefect on Viator-Carbondale basketbal l game Queen Victoria, by Lytton Stra- the Freshman corridor or Roy Hall. when four students, Walter Ciesiel-

    chey. Brother Nelson, who is also director ski, ' 40, Bill Leeson, '40, Raymond :Mary, Queen of Scotland, by Ste ~ of intra-mural sports, has been pop- Weaver, ' 40, and E mmett Dooley,

    p han Ziweig. ular with . the first-year men and '40, all hitched-hiked to Carbondale.

    Mind and Body, by Hans Driesch. The Expanding Universe, by Sir

    Arthur Eddington.

    his appointment was met with high approval. Brother Kelly is now pre- The four freshmen arrived in plenty fee t in the Athletic Dormitory. of time to see the game and return-

    ed via the I. C. with the team. Ap,proved Laboratory Technic,

    J. A. Kolmer. by Paul Mills, '32, Those students of the Athletic

    Hall who would lla ve like to make the trip but we r e prevented be-History of Greece, by E. Curfius,

    5 volumes.

    Takes A Bride 'l'hc day of reckoning is at hand. Once more each student will Renaissance in I taly,

    be r equired to render up his holdings in t he knowledge to which Symonds. Paul Mills, '32, was joined in rna- cause of classes gave evidence of

    by J. A. trimony to Miss C. O'Neil of Philo, their s chool spirit in the following IlL, recently it was learn ed here on letter : he has been exposed. The offerings will then be put in t he test

    tube, somewhat careful ly measured. and each and all of us will Racia l History of Man rece ive an approximately accurate nlting. 1 Dixon.

    by Ronald the campus today. To the Basketball Squad: Paul Mills attended the College

    during t he years 1928-1932 and used 'rh c g reat tnajority of us la bor uw..l er t he delnsion that t hese Chicago Daily N ews Almanac ~xami nations a nd the ratings which fo ll ow are the be a ll and the Yearbook for 1937. end all of scholastic endeavor. Because a certain minimum average must be mmntamed a nd be~:ause grades are the sole concr ete re-cogni tion of high scholarship t hi s is a natural error. But it is an erro r fo r . in the last analYsis. examinations and crrades are t rcm t: ndousl~ impor tan t. o

    It is t he funetion uf education to develop t he mind and if it has done that fo r yon it has nccom plishccl its pmpose. If von feel that ~ou II

  • WEDNESDAY, JANUt\llY 20, 1937. 'rHE Vl i\ 'l 'OJUAN PAGE FlVE


    Normal; Carbondale Whip Irish I Sideline Slants / Centenary Bid Irish Nip St. Green Wave To NORMAL VICTORS, For Win Short; Louis Five In Invade De l(alb 23 -20; SOUTHERN

    It looks as thoug h we might be v B l 6 I L T"l WINS BY 39 TO 36 batting in the wrong league, w riting Saints Ictors aft e, 40-3 n eague I t about All-S tar football selections

    Hopes of a Viator basketball crown in the Little 19 Conference were bla