,;'/Y lEIiuinriutt Volume XL VIII Saturday, October 4, 1930. No.1 VIATOR OPENS SIXTY-THIRD SCHOLASTIC Y EAR RECEPTION HELD PARENT'S DAY COLLEGE FACULTY GAINS NEW MEN HOMECOMING IS I SCHOOL Y EAR CLOSE AT HANOI FOR MALLY OPENS FOR THE FRESHMEN TO BE NOVEMBER 7 Author Makes Hit ThIS year St. VIator places a new Staff Greatly WIth Homecom1Og Ie'. than two date on her calendar Wlth the In- weeks away, the campus orgamza- In Evening's Festivities augUlatIon of a Parent's Day It IS Strengthened by tlOns charged WIth the vanou. dutIes By FRANCI S' LARKI N planned to hold Parent's Day thIS Recent Additions nece ssalY to make the day a success year on November 7th, the day that are begmmng to swmg mto action Our St ar Reporter the IrIsh w111 be entertammg the Many new and prornment A specIal meetmg of the College Charleston Teachers football team 10 names Cl ub has been called to considel plans On Saturday evemng, September a mght game here appear on the roster of th IS year's tor the dav, and to orgamze the 27, th ere was held 10 the Coll ege It IS planned to make Parent's Day College f aculty, and the promIse of comlmttees Club rooms a receptIOn for the c..oll'espond m some measure to the a succe::.sful sch olastic yeal already Freshmen and other new students Dad's Day of many larger Umvel- loom< before the student body Th e It ", purpose was to re h eve the self- sIbes, WIthout h mItmg the honOl and facuhv, heretofore qUIte excellent, conSClenc.eness so eVIdent In so many fun to dad alone The Vlsltmg par- has been so strengthened and altered of the newcomers mto the Instltut10n ents wl ll be shown about the campus, through the un tlr mg efforts of th IS year. Another more mformal qnd gIven opportumty to mspecc the Father MagUIre and the admmistra- and perIOdIC, but at the outset. dIS- grounds and bUIldmgs where the bve c.ouncll, that St. VIator College agreeable receptIOn awaIted all the young hopefuls hold forth m que<t of now can Justly procla.lm that she reS ident studen ts ear h er In the week, knowledge... A dmner for the stud- pcssesscs one of the most profil.lent but SInce that had noth mg to do ents' parents WIll be gIVen 10 the re- corpe; of teachers to be found many WIth thl< affaIr It must be consIgned frectOlY at five-thnty o'clock, and of the s mallel tolleges of the mlddle- Lo another depm tment of thl ,,) Issue the football garne wlll be held on west F'athel MagUI re mtl oduced the Bergm field at seven tOltV five, under Be SIde.;; the members letUlned from program WIth a conClc;e but warm- the hghts la.,t year''') faculty, the fo ll owmg men hearted addresc, m whI('h he wel comed If thl<=; yeal's Pment'!> Day IS a now ('ompnc;e thIS year's teachmg the Fleshman mto our mIdst and success, the Day will become a leg- staff urged more cooperatton and SPll'1t ular part of Lhe school calendal on a DI Gabne l Be")senev, a graduate of among everybody m genera l Fo llow- foolmg WIth Homeconlmg and othel the Umverslty of Bu dapest, rece ntly mg h l& addresc;, Mr MIddleton, holiday" c.on ne(ted With the New York TIme"). dent of the SophomOi e clasc;, was _____ now head of the Depm tmeni oj eall ed upon to "ay a few wordb ::'vIr PohtlCdl SCIence Middl eton fe lt It hI> duty to "ye," Staff of ' Torian DI Edward ElIas, gladuate of the Fr. Magune'< each pOInt, and ,"emed Selected; Sev eral UOlvel'lty ot Mlchlgdn, now head of tn (-xpe ll ence a ")avage dflhg-ht m the Modern Language sc hool burden In g h" Ilud lente Wllh the Posts Still Open III fuhn Tracey Ellh, gladllate of pHennJa l Joke about the "hcnpe('ked Vlatol College and the Natwnal hu-;band and hI'> go ldfi'ih" fIe was SCI CCtlOl1(. fOl the Vldlorl,m "Ltlff Catholl( Omvelslty, now depmtment in-.;p ll ed to .ldd thai the Fle"hmen helv e be-c.n llmo ... t completed Thl ,,) al he ad of fh.:,.lOlY hud nothIng to fed l hom the upper- yeal"" pu} It cdllOn will be und el the P1uf C'luwfOld, M A, gla-dllate of d a!-!c:. 1I1en, buL iho ... e eagle-eyed peI- dnctL lon of Ralph 1l0oveI a mcmbel Clal ke (ollegE', \VOl ce.;;Lel, Mas";, son" neal han O\h(>lved d or la...,t yeal"<:" ..,tafT, and o;t, JOl1 lnalI",tl( now In charge at the ... chool of Com w g- iNIIH 10 hi" eye..,. nolwlth"tdJHl!ng &tLl dc..nt The new Mdnagmg EdliOl me lcldl h a; na ive "'lien. I" Kl:!nneth Bu")hman, a nev.. co mer to Ploi Mile!> Dunnmgten, M A T he en tertamment began Wit h the the ranks who made hIe;; debut 1TI last graduate of the Umversltv of IllinOIS, slOgmg of the Loyalty Song by the yeal', Fleshman Issue BeIng of now connected WIth t he depal tment 'Monograrn men Ken Bushman held anCIent Scotch-IrIsh stock (he claIms of PolItIcal Economy «('ontlOlled on page foUl) German-irIsh, but we know better), Prot MUrlay HIckey Ley, gl'aduate Homecoming thlb year falls on October 17th On that date, St VIa- tOI IS scheduled to play the strong McKendree Co ll ege eleven The game WIll be plaved at mght under the lIgh ts of Bergin field, and IS scheduled to start at seven forty -five McKen- dree IS unusually strong thIS year, and can be counted on to gIve the IrIsh a tough battle St VIator has not forgotten the results of the la.t two Hom ecoming battl e<; and 1<:) out lookmg fOl revenge A dInner WIll be sel ved the old grad< In the Co ll ege retredory at five o'doc..k, and the Alumm ASSOCia- tIOn WIll hold ItS annual meetmg at that tllne It I' hoped that a large number of the alumm wdl attend 111 ordel that the busmcb"; may be hans- ac.ted more easlly The dmner and game al e beIng held at mght so that the glad, who w"h to attend WIll not find the get togethel mtelfenIng to too gl edl an extent WIth then bu";mec;" Homecoming 1') a gd l.l lllne fOI VIatOl ')tucicntc; dnd gla(h alike The dmnel gl\ e& the old tml el., d (' han(.(. to meet agam and enJoy the (Ol11pan- o{ then fOI mel da" <:.mate,,, The game I..., a VItal thmg io cven Vlaiollan, and the dance which IS annually held In the gym on Home coming mght after the game, IS al- ways an enJoyable affall legalflle<i." ot who rlllght have bC'en t he \ IctOl Mackey Gets First Injury of Season he has shown a remarkable ablhty to of the UnIVerSIty of Notle Dame, re- handle hald, cold, fi lthy lucre Pat- cent eUltol of the Notle Dame lick MlLhael ClealY wlll agam devulge 'Schola..,tl(.," and now aSc;lstant to Former Notre Da me the tampus gO<SIP, and, If we lemem- Father Lynch 10 EnglIsh bel our Pat of la<t year correctly, Star is New Coach Phil Mackey, Sophomol e fullback, is the fiI ,t tasualty of the local foot bnll &eason Mackev, who was In e.liglble last year, was substItuted for Furlong In the final quarter of the DeKnlb contest and made twenty- five yards m three plunges thlOUgh the line where Ylator had been un- hI S column shou ld be qUIte as warm New Officials at College as the s ummer Just passed GIll Middleton, Joseph Logan and Robel t Few thanges wel e made 10 the ad Tuckel, all veterans on the staff will r11lnl!3tratlVe offices of St VIator Col- do the feature wrltmg Carl Lampe, lege durmg the sum mel The Very another new man WIll do the edItorIal Revel end Father MagUIre WIll con- w11tmg tmue as PreSIdent of the InstItntIOn, .As e(htlOn goes to pr e")s, the the otflce he has held m the years Vlatollan has severa l posts open Just pas<:.ed The Rev Chnstopher able to gam HIS glory was to be hJled Intel In the year \n In- Marzano, former VIce of short lived, however, as he was <..at - qUlnng Reporter, an Alumm EdIt01, the College WIll suc..c..eed Father Dan- tied from the field With a a Vlatonan Wit, and a Ghmpse edltor leI O'Connor who hds been trans- rib at the completIOn of the t 11 1 are needed Th ese posts wtll be filled felled to the new HIgh School 10 play H I. loss \\ eakens the Ill sh I I R J '. latel b\ a PIOCtbS of caretul cctJon SprInbrfield, as TleasUler ev ameb hne attack conSIderably A Lowney WIll suc(,eed Father Mar- I Celebrate F ir st Masses I as Vlce-P,eSldent Critique to be Feature -- I The ReHrend Leo Fr,nLls Dee, an Father Har rison Moved The VlutoTlan again announ('es the old son ot VIator, \\ d., ordained to an aSSIstant to Sam McAll&tel, veteran Vlatol coach, the College secured the berVlLes of Roy "Bucky" Dahrnan, fOlmer Notre Dame fooL ball and ba sketball <tal Dahman played thl ee yc"n<:., ot football at Nobe Ddme. and wa.... '.1 member of her NcltJOna l ChampIOns He was tWlc.e honored by bemg an All We")teln Selec.tlOn, and gained nabonal fame when he wa") glVen mentIOn as a half back on the ROLhne Warner-Jone b All Amen can Bucky al<o played three yea" of varsIty ba;ketball, amI was an All- AmeI1Lan .:.eledIOn at guard After leavmg Dame, Dahman Loac.hed In " )hchIga.n and wa ... coa.c..h of St LouI'S Umver ... lty 01 St LoUl">, MI&..,oUrI Id")t yedr WhIle at Vla- tor, he Will tOdch the football batk field, gwe MtAIlI,tu d hand WIth ba..,ketball dnd enoc.avor to ... tal t a presentation of the CntIque The l the on ')-Iondav, Jun e; Fathel Thomab (, '13, Critrque thiS year, 8!:!. In fOlmer l thnbeth, by the RIght Reverend for many d well known mem- years, Will be to everJone and Joseph H S('hlalnldnn, BIC!.hop ofl bel' of the Ac.ademy fd(,ulty, IS now comphllnL It IS the mcdlUm PCOl 18 at the Cathedl al of Sdmt actIng a<) Chaplam at the Guar(han through which mHy make In I'eona lIe !>ang hlb Flrbt Angel Orphanage m Peon a, suggestIOns, ask que:"tlOnc; or YOKe Solemn Ma::..., on Sunda} July SIxth \"hlle ... tatlOned at St VIator, Father l',unplnmt Ib are al"8}:; In the Chlll('h of the HoI) Trmlt} m I showed a great deal of 10- had\. team The Hon Jam e, lynn I' iJatk St ude nts Att end In a B ody Mass The fOlmal opemng of the schol- yeal took pl ace on \Vednesday, Septem ber twenty-foUl th at eIght o'clock when all the ,tudents of the College attended the Solemn HIgh Md" of the Holy Ghost III the Col- lege Chapel Mass was cel ebldted by the Vel y Reverend J W R MagUIre, C S V, Pre'ldent of the College, WIth Rev FranCIS E Munsch, C S V, as deacon and the Rev. James A Lowney, C S V 1 as sub deacon The St Bernal d Hall chOIr sang, and Father MaguIre preac.hed the sermon In the ('OUlse of h IS Ol'atIon, Faihel Magune stressed the necessltv of co nstant abIhty m the ::.p n Itual hfe of the -:.t and the advls lbllIty of hald <tudy In the Ir sc hola stIc lIves The membels of the faculty and the ScmOl dae;.., appeal eLi In academIC I dn d cap and gown 10 the plO- ceS<:.,lOn preceE'dmg and tollowmg the Ma>' Who's Who at Viator SENIOR CLASS PI eSldent -Kenn eth Clotlnel VIle PlebH.lcnt-Rooel t Tutkel Secret.11 v- PaLl'Ic.k (ledl y ClUl<5t.man I UNIOR CLASS' P, e"dcnt-HerbCl t Shed Vice Pltwlent-Paul O'Malley Sec 1 etarv-Vacant Tl ea.., urel - Clarence Rommy SOPHOMOHE CL \ SS Pte'ldcnt- GIll MIddleton VKe-Pl c!31dent-Vdcant Secletaly-Ed"aHI Hunt Treac:;mer-Edwal'd GOl man DEI EL <\,1 ES TO AOVISOHY GOARD SCTIlol-Joc:;eph Logan JumOl - Dan Andelc;on Sophomore- Edward Cuc;ter COLLELE (LUll Plc"ldcnt- Franu<; Canoll Vlte Pr",ldent.-Kcnneth Clothle[ Seuelary- Robert Tuckel Tlf'abUrCl - Marlm ToohIli Reple&entdtive beiOle (ollege (oun- nl -Burke Monahan HOLY NAME SOCIETY Pre;ldcnt.- Jobeph Hoog S('CI et.::t,ry-Vtn(,ent Morrl'i"iey fl c.a<.,ur€'l - Edward Shed. Wdrden- Robtrt Tuckel "rUfJEXI MAN AC,ER OF ATH· LETI( (' Degnan BEH(, JN DEIlATING f,()UETY- ",0 ci<..(,tlOn, John \V c"lafford, fOI mfr 1"1 (''ildc.nt open, and any honestly \\-nt- Bloommgton I tere ... t m athletICS and the found- tt'n, \\ III be published It hoped The Re\ erend La", renee er dnd du ector of the Invaluable that the bod) wlll &val1 Roene ::.ang hJ5 Solemn lIass at Semol League ::.ystem of mtTa-mural "Ith u. agaIn thh yeal JIm 'pent \ 1\ ) OI1IA "-':,Ct ':,Idft of opportumt\ to CdthedTal 10 PeorIa, IUm- ...,port-a "blow off steam," and to 01"', on Jul) t" .. enticth He make -;ugg€'shons for the Impro\ I?- I" H brothel of Dr \\ m Roche, an ItH.\nt of tht' Colllt?ge. .llumnu ... of St 'Iatol Chrlc;tman what he u..,es the Jdth. O'Lantern m hIS room fOl the d,:> a Lite. Ctuald at d __ popular ..,wlmmmg pool rlynn dno I In( .. ..,tudLnt body hy the U/d of Furlong are th( Llt( &udrd ro luml1 \'c nd i d hfo:trty wf'komf' of the (,dmpu ... thl'J ;.,ell to thr hp I mfmh(r' of th(.. fdtulty

St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-10-04

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The Viatorian, Vol. XLVIII, No. 1

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Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-10-04


mh~ lEIiuinriutt Volume XLVIII Saturday, October 4, 1930. No.1



CLOSE AT HANOI FORMALLY OPENS FOR THE FRESHMEN TO BE NOVEMBER 7 Author Makes Hit ThIS year St. VIator places a new Staff Greatly WIth Homecom1Og Ie'. than two

date on her calendar Wlth the In- weeks away, the campus orgamza-In Evening's Festivities augUlatIon of a Parent's Day It IS Strengthened by tlOns charged WIth the vanou. dutIes

By F RANCIS' LARKI N planned to hold Parent's Day thIS Recent Additions necessalY to make the day a success year on November 7th, the day that are begmmng to swmg mto action

Our Star Reporter the I rIsh w111 be entertammg the Many new and prornment A specIal meetmg of the College Charleston Teachers football team 10 names Club has been called to considel plans

On Saturday evemng, September a mght game here appear on the roster of th IS year's tor t he dav, and to orgamze the 27, there was held 10 the College It IS planned to make Parent's Day College faculty, and t he promIse of comlmttees Club rooms a receptIOn for the c..oll'espond m some measure to the a succe::.sful scholastic yeal already Freshmen and other new students Dad's Day of many larger Umvel- loom< before the student body The It", purpose was to reh eve the self- sIbes, WIthout h mItmg the honOl and facuhv, heretofore qUIte excellent, conSClenc.eness so eVIdent In so many fun to dad alone The Vlsltmg par- has been so strengthened and altered of the newcomers mto t he Instltut10n ents wlll be shown about the campus, through the untlrm g efforts of thIS year. Another more mformal qnd gIven opportumty to mspecc the Father MagUIre and the admmistra­and perIOdIC, but at the outset. dIS- grounds and bUIldmgs where the bve c.ouncll, that St. VIator College agreeable receptIOn awaIted all the young hopefuls hold forth m que<t of now can Justly procla.lm that she reSident studen ts ear her In the week, knowledge... A dmner for the stud- pcssesscs one of the most profil.lent but SInce that had noth mg to do ents' parents WIll be gIVen 10 the re- corpe; of teachers to be foun d many WIth t hl< affaIr It must be consIgned frectOlY at five-thnty o'clock, and of the smallel tolleges of t he mlddle-Lo another depm tment of thl,,) Issue the football garne wlll be held on west

F'athel MagUI re mtl oduced the Bergm field at seven tOltV five, under BeSIde.;; the member s letUlned from program WIth a conClc;e but warm- the hghts la.,t year''') faculty, the fo ll owmg men hearted addresc, m whI('h he welcomed If t hl<=; yeal's Pment'!> Day IS a now ('ompnc;e thIS year's teachmg the Fleshman mto our mIdst and success, the Day will become a leg- staff urged more cooperatton and SPll'1t ular part of Lhe school calendal on a DI Gabnel Be")senev, a graduate of among everybody m general Follow- foolmg WIth Homeconlmg and othel the Umverslty of Budapest, recent ly mg h l& addresc;, Mr MIddleton, pre~ l- holiday" c.on ne(ted With the New York TIme"). dent of the SophomOi e clasc;, was _____ now head of the Depm tmeni oj ealled upon to "ay a few wordb ::'vIr PohtlCdl SCIence Middleton fe lt It hI> duty to "ye," Staff of 'Torian DI Edward ElIas, gladuate of the Fr. Magune'< each pOInt, and ,"emed Selected; Several UOlvel'lty ot Mlchlgdn, now head of tn (-xpe llence a ")avage dflhg-ht m the Modern Language sc hool burden In g h" Ilud lente Wllh the Posts Still Open III fuhn Tracey Ellh, gladllate of pHennJa l Joke about the "hcnpe('ked ~i Vlato l College and the Natwnal hu-;band and hI'> goldfi'ih" fIe was SCICCtlOl1(. fOl the Vldlorl,m "Ltlff Catholl( Omvelslty, now depmtment in-.;p ll ed to .ldd thai the Fle"hmen helve be-c.n llmo ... t completed Thl ,,) al head of fh.:,.lOlY hud nothIng to fed l hom the upper- yeal"" pu} ItcdllOn will be undel the P1uf C'luwfOld, M A, gla-dllate of d a!-!c:. 1I1en, buL iho ... e eagle-eyed peI- dnctLlon of Ralph 1l0oveI a mcmbel Clal ke (ollegE', \VOl ce.;;Lel, Mas";, son" neal han O\h(>lved d mahuou~ or la...,t y eal"<:" ..,tafT, and o;t, JOl1 lnalI",tl( now In charge at the ... chool of Com w

g-iN IIH 10 hi" eye..,. nolwlth"tdJHl!ng &tLl dc..nt The new Mdnagmg EdliOl me lcldl bCJ(~nce ha; na ive "'lien. I" Kl:!nneth Bu")hman, a nev.. comer to Ploi Mile!> Dunnmgten, M A

T he entertamment began With the the ranks who made hIe;; debut 1TI last graduate of the Umversltv of IllinOIS, slOgmg of the Loyalty Song by the yeal', Fleshman Issue BeIng of now connected WIth t he depal tment 'Monograrn men Ken Bushman held anCIent Scotch-IrIsh stock (he claIms of PolItIcal Economy

«('ontlOlled on page foUl) German-irIsh, but we know better), Prot MUrlay HIckey Ley, gl'aduate

Homecoming thlb year falls on October 17th On that date, St VIa­tOI IS scheduled to play the strong McKendree College eleven The game WIll be plaved at mght under the lIghts of Bergin field, and IS scheduled to start at seven forty-five McKen­dree IS unusually strong thIS year, and can be counted on to gIve the IrIsh a tough battle St VIator has not forgotten the results of the la.t two Hom ecoming battle<; and 1<:) out lookmg fOl revenge

A dInner WIll be sel ved the old grad< In the Co llege retredory at five o'doc..k, and the Alumm ASSOCia­tIOn WIll hold ItS annual meetmg at that tllne It I' hoped that a large number of the alumm wdl attend 111

ordel t hat the busmcb"; may be hans­ac.ted more easlly The dmner and game al e beIng held at mght so that the glad, who w"h to attend WIll not find the get togethel mtelfenIng to too gl edl an extent WIth then bu";mec;"

Homecoming 1') a gd l.l lllne fOI VIatOl ')tucicntc; dnd gla(h alike The dmnel gl\ e& the old tmlel., d ('han(.(. to meet agam and enJoy the (Ol11pan­JOn~hlp o{ then fOI mel da"<:.mate,,, The game I..., a VItal thmg io cven Vlaiollan, and the dance which IS annually held In the gym on Home coming mght after the game, IS al­ways an enJoyable affall legalflle<i." ot who rlllght have bC'en t he \ IctOl

Mackey Gets First Injury of Season

he has shown a remarkable ablhty to of the UnIVerSIty of Notle Dame, re­handle hald, cold, fi lthy lucre Pat- cent eUltol of the Notle Dame lick MlLhael ClealY wlll agam devulge 'Schola..,tl(.," and now aSc;lstant to Former Notre D ame the tampus gO<SIP, and, If we lemem- Father Lynch 10 EnglIsh bel our Pat of la<t year correctly, Star is New Coach

Phil Mackey, Sophomol e fullback, is the fiI ,t tasualty of the local foot bnll &eason Mackev, who was In

e.liglble last year, was substItuted for Furlong In the final quarter of the DeKnlb contest and made twenty­five yards m three plunges thlOUgh the line where Ylator had been un-

hIS column shou ld be qUIte as warm New Officials at College as the summer Just passed GIll Middleton, Joseph Logan and Robel t Few thanges wel e made 10 the ad Tuckel, all veterans on the staff will r11lnl!3tratlVe offices of St VIator Col­do the feature wrltmg Carl Lampe, lege durmg the sum mel The Very another new man WIll do the edItorIal Revel end Father MagUIre WIll con­w11tmg tmue as PreSIdent of the InstItntIOn,

.As thl~ e(htlOn goes to pre")s, the the otflce he has held m the years Vlatollan ~tl 11 has several posts open Just pas<:.ed The Rev Chnstopher

able to gam b~fore. HIS glory was to be hJled Intel In the year \n In- Marzano, former VIce Pre~ldent of short l ived, however, as he was <..at - qUlnng Reporter, an Alumm EdIt01, the College WIll suc..c..eed Father Dan-tied from the field With a trac,t~re~ a Vlatonan Wit, and a Ghmpse edltor leI O'Connor who hd s been trans­rib at the completIOn of the t 11 1 are needed These posts wtll be filled felled to the new HIgh School 10

play H I. loss \\ eakens the Illsh I I R J '. latel b\ a PIOCtbS of caretul ~e cctJon SprInbrfield, as TleasUler ev ameb hne attack conSIderably A Lowney WIll suc(,eed Father Mar-

I Celebrate F irst Masses I ~dno as Vlce-P,eSldent

Critique to be Feature -- I The ReHrend Leo Fr,nLls Dee, an Father Harrison Moved

The VlutoTlan again announ('es the old son ot VIator, \\ d., ordained to

A~ an aSSIstant to Sam McAll&tel, veteran Vlatol coach, the College ha~ secured the berVlLes of Roy "Bucky" Dahrnan, fOlmer Notre Dame fooL ball and basketball <tal

Dahman played thl ee yc"n<:., ot \ar~lty football at Nobe Ddme. and wa.... '.1 member of her NcltJOnal ChampIOns He was tWlc.e honored by bemg an All We")teln Selec.tlOn, and gained nabonal fame when he wa") glVen mentIOn as a half back on the ROLhne Warner-Joneb All Amen can

Bucky al<o played three yea" of varsIty ba;ketball, amI was an All­AmeI1Lan .:.eledIOn at guard

After leavmg ~otre Dame, Dahman Loac.hed In ")hchIga.n and wa ... coa.c..h of St LouI'S Umver ... lty 01 St LoUl">, MI&..,oUrI Id")t yedr WhIle at Vla­tor, he Will tOdch the football batk field, gwe MtAIlI,tu d hand WIth ba..,ketball dnd enoc.avor to ... tal t a

presentation of the CntIque The l the pne~thood on ')-Iondav, June; Fathel Thomab (, HarrI~on, '13, Critrque thiS year, 8!:!. In fOlmer l thnbeth, by the RIght Reverend for many ~earb d well known mem­years, Will be op~n to everJone and Joseph H S('hlalnldnn, BIC!.hop ofl bel' of the Ac.ademy fd(,ulty, IS now tW~l'y comphllnL It IS the mcdlUm PCOl 18 at the Cathedl al of Sdmt actIng a<) Chaplam at the Guar(han through which student~ mHy make ?tl~\rv In I'eona lIe !>ang hlb Flrbt Angel Orphanage m Peon a, Illmol~ suggestIOns, ask que:"tlOnc; or YOKe Solemn Ma::..., on Sunda} July SIxth \"hlle ... tatlOned at St VIator, Father l',unplnmt Ib column~ are al"8}:; In the Chlll('h of the HoI) Trmlt} m I H.arll~on showed a great deal of 10- had\. team

The Hon Jame, ~ lynn I' iJatk

Students Attend In a Body


The fOlmal opemng of the schol­a~tlC yeal took place on \Vednesday, Septem ber twenty-foUl th at eIght o'clock when all the ,tudents of the College attended the Solemn HIgh Md" of the Holy Ghost III the Col­lege Chapel Mass was celebldted by the Vel y Reverend J W R MagUIre, C S V, Pre'ldent of the College, WIth Rev FranCIS E Munsch, C S V, as deacon and the Rev. James A Lowney, C S V 1 as sub deacon The St Bernal d Hall chOIr sang, and Father MaguIre preac.hed the sermon In the ('OUlse of hIS Ol'atIon, Faihel Magune stressed the necessltv of constant abIhty m the ::.pn Itual hfe of the -:.t ~ dentc:;, and the advls lbllIty of hald <tudy In theIr scholastIc lIves

The membels of the faculty and the ScmOl dae;.., appeal eLi In academIC I obe~ dnd cap and gown 10 the plO­ceS<:.,lOn preceE'dmg and tollowmg the Ma>'

Who's Who at Viator


PI eSldent-Kenn eth Clotlnel VIle PlebH.lcnt-Rooel t Tutkel Secret.11 v- PaLl'Ic.k (ledl y TtPa~Ulel-Peter ClUl<5t.man


P, e"dcnt-HerbCl t Shed Vice Pltwlent-Paul O'Malley Sec 1 etarv-Vacant Tl ea..,urel - Clarence Rommy


Pte'ldcnt- GIll MIddleton VKe-Pl c!31dent-Vdcant Secletaly-Ed"aHI Hunt Treac:;mer-Edwal'd GOl man


SCTIlol-Joc:;eph Logan JumOl - Dan Andelc;on Sophomore- Edward Cuc;ter

COLLELE (LUll Plc"ldcnt- Franu<; Canoll Vlte Pr",ldent.-Kcnneth Clothle[ Seuelary- Robert Tuckel Tlf'abUrCl - Marlm ToohIli Reple&entdtive beiOle (ollege (oun­nl-Burke Monahan

HOLY NAME SOCIETY Pre;ldcnt.-Jobeph Hoog S('CI et.::t,ry-Vtn(,ent Morrl'i"iey fl c.a<.,ur€'l - Edward Shed. Wdrden- Robtrt Tuckel

"rUfJEXI MAN AC,ER OF ATH· LETI( ,,~Jo'tph (' Degnan

BEH(, JN DEIlATING f,()UETY­",0 ci<..(,tlOn, John \V c"lafford, fOI mfr 1"1 (''ildc.nt open, and any l~tter. honestly \\-nt- Bloommgton I tere ... t m athletICS and wa~ the found­

tt'n, \\ III be published It I~ hoped The Re\ erend Kelth~n La", renee er dnd du ector of the Invaluable that the 3tud~nt bod) wlll &val1 Roene ::.ang hJ5 Flr~t Solemn lIass at Semol League ::.ystem of mtTa-mural "Ith u. agaIn thh yeal JIm 'pent \ 1\ ) OI1IA "-':,Ct ':,Idft t.ht!'msp.he~ of thl~ opportumt\ to St\lar)'~ CdthedTal 10 PeorIa, IUm- ...,port-a "blow off surplu~ steam," and to 01"', on ~undn.; Jul) t" .. enticth He make -;ugg€'shons for the Impro\ I?- I" H brothel of Dr \\ m Roche, an ItH.\nt of tht' Colllt?ge. .llumnu ... of St 'Iatol

.\~k. ~qUl:lt Chrlc;tman what he u..,es the Jdth. O'Lantern m hIS room fOl

the ~ummer d,:> a Lite. Ctuald at d __

popular ..,wlmmmg pool rlynn dno I In( .. ..,tudLnt body hy the U/d of Furlong are th( Llt( &udrd C.~P(lt., thl~ ro luml1 \'c nd i d hfo:trty wf'komf' of the (,dmpu ... thl'J ;.,ell to thr hp I mfmh(r' of th(.. fdtulty

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-10-04

Paf'1! 2

THE VIA TORIAN Publi l' h(ld hi wf'{'kly throughollL tnc' lI('h(,la~ tic year by the students of

St. Viator College.

Edi lor-in-Chief ;\1 anag ing Editor Full. lire Writ.,r l'cature Writer Feature Writer Ca mpuH Briefs E rl iiol'ia!H [\ th lclicH


Ralph lIoo >'er Kenneth Bushman

Gill Middleton Joseph LogJn

Robert Tucker Patrick M. Cleary

CJrl LJmpe Kenneth Clothier

Suh~<:riplion Hate: $2.0fJ per annum. Addl"l'!oIS all (,()J'"rcHp(m<ienre tcftrring- either to adverti~inl-( Ill' suh~c'l'iptinn to

The Violol inn, Dourhonnais, Ill.

1'; lJ l N t,d ns xc(ond ('IU~H maLter at thc' Post Of Ike of BO~Il"iJomH\b·;, J llinoi~~,

under the Act of March ~rd, 187D.



T he students of History were given from the University in 192-1 , and When We Consider the Contents of This Issue I an unusual treat Friday when the came ba~k to St. Viator to teac h. He

.\f tcr loo\"ing over t he art ides Th' t ff r t hO " b Rev. Edwa rd V. Cardi nal, C. S. V., taught history here from 1924-1929, e s a a , ' S papel 1S y no I A. M., once head of the H istory de- when he left for the University of

!{ ubmi ttcd 1'01' this issue, we fee l that Ileans closed. ~o\ c hop e to be able pal'tmen t of St. Viator, reappeared I Illinois to continue his work for P h . !-:OI11C of t he m need som e ex pl a nation ,0 c.:o mpi cte I t In th e next two 0 1" I I h II d r. . . . .1 In leI" ecture a s to ad ress the J. • ...', , st!.ldymg under Professor Law-and ot hers ghon ld be enlarged upo n. ~hlee I SSU~S . ~n d. th at p01:tlOn of ciesfcs. F ath er Cardina l lectured on lence M. Larson, Ph. D., an d Profes­For inst.:lnce, here is th is li tt le a r - ia~ I La mpe 5 ccilton a i welco ming yo u I wf hc legatine act ivities of .Cardina l SOl' F'rederick C. Dictz P h. D, He til- Ie by t.he new cheer leaele r, \Ve a re sn t a lot of Hoo~~, F reshm en! If Ca mpeggio, Card in a l Legate of the ! '1lso st'Jdied Internationa'] Law under ~tl t pl' isecl to fi nel that h e d idn 't have {OU have ::lI1V abIlity g ive us the I HI S . :l hi t of GHin 1.) r aise. I'e fit f 't ' '0 y ee to t he d ivorce court of ! Plofessol' Garnel', one of the g rea test

ne 0 I. Henl Y VII I in England, to the diet American a.uthorities on that subject. l of Nure mbu rg in Germany for the He succeeded in passing his pre lim­

\Vc hope tha t t his t hing will get he:u tng of evidence agamst Martl1l m:ny examination for the P h. D. on :n:t befo re t he \Ves leyan ga me, but Luther." The address was prepared Friday, September 26th of t h is year 't may not. In an y event, cons idel by F ather Cardinal in hi s customa ry before the facu lty of fu ll pr ofessors s the or ig ina l p l'og-nosti cator s o f an th oroug h a nd inte resting style a nd of the Department of Hi sto ry of the

hi sh victory. thoroughl y enjoyed by the listeners . University of Illinois,

Saturday. Octobt:'r -I. 1930.

Com pliments of



Unite.d Cigar Store Cor. Court ane! Schuyler

Comple te Linf' of

S mokers ' Articles

nrol' e rie~ ('on rcctionery

Amed~e J. Lamarre

nu" I'hon Illl is. III.

Cigars No tions



T he College Boys' Favorit e P lace to Ea t

Bourbonnais, Ill.




And then thel'e is Pat Cleary's Ca mpus BI i(>f welcoming t he new ('o·ccl~, ;.J icc vf him, wasn't it'? Tu rn :,Lout's fnil' play, here's the dir t , J.t irI R. His n:ll11e is Patrick Mi chael Clenl y, he is n Senior (more or less di gnifi ed) , he hai ls fr om Loga nsport, Indiana , he rooms in No. 204 and ca n be fou nd t.here d uri ng t he lc .;; t~:rc

period of a ny of h is clas5cs.

f\ nd, by t he way, Alumni-we like b have a good a lumni column. Tell us where you are a nd wha t you are loi ng . T he other fellows like to keep ::' ::,.ck of t heir class mates , too,

Telephone Marn 1987

Bourbonna is, Ill. The lecture was rather in the way Father Cardinal will ~ail fo !' Napl es I of a farewell for Father Cardinal, on \Vednesday, October 8th fr om . ________________ . who is sai ling fo r a broad next \Ved- New Yol"ic ,Vhile abroad, he expects

And .John H . Burns, of whom we expect. much later on , a lso ca lls ou r :lt ten tion to t he co-ed~. The things \Ve notice a,ny num ber of fe llows :'Icem to be infec ting the place. Our id ea of a tru ly orig in a l write r would be one who would ca ll our attent ion

cluste t ed about t he rad io t hese da ys listen ing to the ba ll ga1ues. The Cub-Sox se ri es is providing a health y riva lry to t he Ath letics-Cardina ls Wor ld Seli es. Although t he school is

nesday to con t inue hi s studies. The I to do work on doctrinal d issertation reverend-student received hi s A. B. in Rome in the Vatican L ibrary. at degree fro m St. Viator Co llege and Bologna, Nuremterg, Paris, a nd Lon­went .to t~e Cath?lic University Of ! LOn . .His ~\fork will take ~ im in to t he America III \Vash mgton, D. C., to l::es t hbranes on the contment an d in continue hi s work. While there he England in search of documents for st udied under Professor Peter Gui l- his subject.

awa y f ro l11 t hem. da y, P h. D., one of the most out- The best wishes of the facu lty a nd standing Catholic historia ns in the student body go with Father Cardinal Uni ted States. He received hi s A , M. in his work abroad.

Inquiring Reporter , Ve come face to face with that pl edomina tely White Sox, the Cubs

unusua l qua li ty in coll ege (or , for ! are not without their ba<:kers . The tha,t mat ter, any) jou rn alism-t ruth, I gTzater portion of the rooters of S t in Coot Larki n's story of the F l'csh- Viator are pt:l ling fo r a bunch of hi ts --- I m an reception. It is refreshing to for Dizz Clancy, '22, a f or mer Irish Questi'bn: \Vha t was your first im-mcet a IlU1n who wi ll occasionally be r sta r and now playing fi rst base fO T pression of St. Vi ator ? !

honest about such a n affair. \Ve think ! thc Sox. __ _ lhnt t h ~\t hook that Larkin read on .Jollrtullism which stressed t he neces- The entire Coll ege hears the news GA Y CHAPMAN, '34: "The first sity of aecuracy is partially to blame. of Father Cardin a l's intention to t ime I saw St. Viator was back in

! study in Europe with a sense of loss 1918, I remember best the large \Ve see that Cleary missed the Father Cardinal was one of t he best buildin gs of course. I think that the

story of t he Freshrnan who almost liked instr uctors ever on the Viator t 3chool has improved much to the comm itted suicide by bringing :l can campus, and while we a re glad (hat student's advantage since then." of corn into Roy Hall . he has this opportunity to continue __ _

his work, we realize that he will be JOE FI:\i\, ':3-1: ".My first impres-\Vc lIre beginning to like thi~ job. keenly missed . sian of St. Viator was not what I

The room mute just brought in an expected it to be , but my opinion nrlllioad of exchnngt's. It's the first We think that Father Maguire has soon changed. When I first arrived, mUll \\,e-'\,e hnd this year. Last ye~1r.ln idea in his inaugel'ntion of a I expected to see all of the Freshmen W l' were reduced to sending- our name Parent's Day. It's about time that tl eated as outcasts by the upper­tu mail ()l'd~l' houses, to k('cp up a dad and mother get ;.\ little credit, dassmen , but I soon found out that front. ·lnyho\\,.

")liddlcton has \\'ritten n nil'e articl~ Aft.er u-ying to puzzle out those on the new faculty. but tht1t ign ' t :\1l Fl eshmen answers to the Inquiring of the dirt we h:n-e on them. \Yait Reponer, we've finally come to the until the next issue. On s:tlt.' :1t :lH ;:ondusion that. if we ean di:ico\'er new:::iblnds. \\'hnt James Burke meant by that last

~enh:-nl' e in hi~ effort, we sh~lll be The \\'ho's \\'ho :It Yi:ltol' is pub- quittC' s:Hisfieu.

lished to stop th:"lt stream of ques­tiOllS we\'e met ('\'1:' 1' siHt."e (lUl' r€"­ttll'n, Cut it out anti p:lste it in yuu\' h!lt. Offenders please notic-e!

-Your hning Ed.


th is was not to be."

J AMES BURKE, '3-1: • '),,1 Y first impression was that St. Yiator was ,1 very imposing place, for the firs t thing I s~w wag the beautiful campus. .\Iy impression was then enlarged when I saw the rooms in Roy Hall ~tIld the l:lrge t..·lass rooms in ~larsile.

The teachers seem :.iI-right so fa r."


Amedee T. Betourne

Pha rmacy

CUT RATE DRUGS 119 Cou rt St., Kankakee, Ill.


Buy Your Guaranteed Used Cars H ere


FORD Authorized


Lampe's Lunch Room :l(if; S. Dearborn Ave.

Mother's REAL HO:\IE-:\[ADE PIES


Sanitary Market

346 E. Court Street

Telephone 137



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kkl ·int oj

Fur t:i1

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:'1 :o.i f~~ r", t, ?ittr

II ~

Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-10-04

Saturday, October 4, 1930.

SAINTS OPEN cepted t he next puss on their t hirty yard line and kicked to mid-field.


From the Cheer Leader lange,: apprec iate the value of mu: icT,------.::-- -- - ---- -:.---­to re li eve the monotony of everyday

'WITH DEKALB ,\~other Irish pass, Murgutroyd to \\ 11 killS, was comp leted for twenty

I yurds, but the next onc was knocked

Viator is Defeated I down in the end zone. A fifteen yard

penalty put DeKalb on their own five

In Initial Contest I yal'd line. Viator partia.lly blocked

Twelve to nothing at t he half in life? Next to religion, it exerb" th e fuYor of a team with a good l'ep~tn- g l'eatest in(iuenc(' to uplift t he human tion, a gl'OUp of dispirited lads in 8 soul. Then, how can we afford to dressin g room. Another ha lf hour of overlook it? The answer must come hard knocks ahead of them with from the studen t body during the their 's the short en d of the score, ensuing months.


Everything in Sporting Goods

enough to make them ask themselves Dramatics are important in the de- I if it wa s all worth whi le. The r e r .. velopment a nd poi se and manner that QUALITY RADIO

the punt and recover ed t he ball on . --- the ten yard line. A plunge gained

Kankakee's Largest Stock

OutweIghed uad out-plunged but three yards but a pass wns inter­~l eyer out-gamed, SL Viat.or's fight- I cepted on the seven yurd line, DeKu·lb mg eleven W£'llt down in defeat be- lost foul' yards on the fir st play, but fore the onslaught s of DeKalb's punted to mid-field. A puss wa!; in­p~we.rful eleve n on Bel'~in field ~~ st. I complete, and ,"Vestl'uy made twenty Illght. DeKalb used thell' heavy line I yards on a wide end run as the game to good advantage, sweepi ng the ended.

cree's three minu te warning und back go to make a cultured gentleman. , _______________ J out on the field agHin. Cheer aHer They shou ld be a pl easure and not a cheer comes to them from their class- bOI'e. Yet they ca,n very easily be-


mate, in the stand s, a long Fight come that, as we have haJ ample' When in Kankakee You Are Team leight! There'. something t~ proof in the past. A Club should be Always \Velcome at the

weaker Gl'~en fOl'wa ,r~t s off the ir feet The lri ~ h, outweighed a,s they and sma. hm g them Into submission. I were, could not gain through t he Although the ,r;nal SeOI'e sLood 18-0 line, but looked exaeptionally good in III favor of the l eac hers, two of t.heir theil' ael·ial attack a nd on end nms. touchdowns came as l hfl res ult of Mackev. who g-a ined twenty·five lvugh b.l'eaks and only one \Va!' made yard!' in t.hree plunges, ~ l1 ~ taincrl H­

on str a'ght football. broken rib and wi ll be out for the DeKa lb kicked 011' to Viator to rema inder of t he ,ea,on.

work for. Those fell ows arc behind formed for those in terested in t he I them, they are ex pecting those few production of plays during the co ming I Merchants' Cafe men who a,re representing t hem on year. Short pla ys cou ld be ofte n the lleld to win fm' t hem, but win 01' produced for the enjoym ent of the Pullman Booths, Soda Foun-10 _<0. to put up a rea l fight. They s tudent body and the gratification of t ain, Majestic Radio s t",·t t he last half with the .ame all concerned. I While You Wait_ spi rit they starter! t he game when At least two principa.l plays should Phone 954 t.he ~cOl'e was even. Maybe they will be produccd during the year, Minor ~v in , maybe not, but they're fighti ng p lays in a lighter vein would surely I '---------------...!

J, Berelos, Mgr_

c Jl s t the sa me. Natura ll y they have meet with approva l. A dl'amati DeKALB a bettel' chance to win. club should form an irnpot'tant lin

Pace This has been the case tim e afte l' in the (' hain of st udent activities

start the game, t he ball being down- The lineups : ed on t he 30 yard line. An off-tackle VIATOR

k l Lambert Hardware smash netted e ight yards, but Viator V/oods ......... L, E., .. lost the ball on u fumble on t he next I Weber L. T .... play. Three plunges failed to Kain, ' H.unt ... . L. G. _

h George time in a ll athl etic contcsts, A Lea rn Clnd if it. wel'e entered into wit McNamal'a ('nn pl ay and win without. t.hc sup- spirit., it. wou ld soon be the mos t

\Vhit.e porL of t.he s tudent hody ir Lhcy arc popular of' acLivHies.

Kankakee, III.

ili and a pass was knocked down in the I Meany . ..."" .... C. end zone, Viator receiving the ball on Logan .. . R. G ... thcir own twenty-yanl line. A plunge Ratcliffe . .. . " ... .R. '1' .. .

Maxwell exceptional. And s t.range to filly, If ther e is a ny Lalent on th Kaiser when t hey need backing t he mos t campus, an operetta should be popu

Vanderbeck Lhey get the least, a nd vice versa. lar. Th ere al'e any number 01 inter



netted a yard and Furlong Jlunted out Gibbon,.. .. .. R. E .... .. of bounds on the thirty-yard line. I Hamilton . .. ... Q, B.".

Mustapha Let us reme mber that u winning esting possibiliti es for the member Dudley team is " credit to a school , a.nd that of the club to develop.

s Sporting Goods

Sutton a fighting team, w in or jose, is a s In conclus ion, I once morc make a Strombom good if not bettel'. The spirit of the plea. for an increased interest 11

DeKalb gained eighteen yards but re- Romary ... R. H ... .. . ceived a fifteen-yard penalty. On the Clothier ................ ..... L. H .. .

-, fourth play the ball passed over to Furlong ... .. .... F. B. the Irish on their own twenty-one Substitutions-yard line. Furlong punted out to DeKalb: Harts for Pace, Von Ohlen lI!ustapha., who received the ball on for Maxwell , Llewell en for Sutton his own forty -fi ve yard line and re- Graham for Dudley, Oldham fo~ turned it behind beautiful interfer- Mustapha, Minneagun for Dudley. cnce for a touchdown. The attempt St. Viator : Anderson for Logan, at goal failed. Hoog for Ratcliffe, Toohill for Woods,

The Teachers' second touchdown \Vestray for Hamilton, Murgatroyd came late in the second qua,rtel' as for Cloth ier, Mackey for Furlong, the result of a blocked punt. Fur- Laffey for Murgatroyd, Freeman for long was kicking out from behind his Raymond, Bel'eolos for Mackey, Old­Own goal line when the whole DeKalb ham for Meany, Schwar tz for Ander­line smashed through, blocked the son, Wilkins for ToohiJI, Burke for punt and fell on the ball for a touch- Romary. down.

Coach McAllister evidently had Illinois Wesleyan things to say ·during the half , for the Irish came out to play a diffeI'ent Meets Fighting Irish sort of game after the intermission, DeKalb kicked to Viator, and the ball was downed On the thirty-five yard line. A pass netted ten ya.rds, but the nexi three plays f ai led to gain. Viator punted to Mustapha, who received the ball on his own ten yard line and returned it forty -five yards to the Irish forty-five ya.rd line. Strom born made ten yards through center on the fir st play, but the next three plays failed to gain but a scant six yards a';d DeKalb punted to the Irish ten yard line. Viator punted to their own forty-five yard line and DeKalb opened up their famou s line smashing offensive. W,ith Strombom doing the heavy work, the Teachers carried the ball down the field to a touchdown on eight straight line plunges in eight plays. Again the try fOI' point fail ed.

After an unimpressive defeat of Elrnhurst, Illinoi s Wesleyan has been drilling hard for the contest with t he Green Wave of Viator. Elmhurst, never picked t<> give the Methodists any trouble, turned out to be far different from the practice team t hat Wesleyan had expected . Showing a power and drive seldom before seen in an Elmhurst eleven, t hey swept the invaders off t heir feet, and only lost the game after a long series of tough breaks. Various alibies have been advanced for the narrow escape. Over-confidence wou ld seem to be the logical cause, but Ned Whites all blamed it onto the lights. Wesleyan, who has played all of her games in the afternoon, was having her bap­tism under the arc lamps, and ap­parently did not enjoy the. experience.

St. Viator went up against much tougher opposit ion, and , a lt hough the Irish were defeated, they learned much from the game. For one thing, they discovered that they had a de­finite, usable, v'a lu able aer ia l att.ack. For another they d iscovered that a.ll that had been previously said and written about the line were, unfor­tunately, all too tl'ue. The line is fast. but the line is light, and no good little Illan eve r whipped a good big man, Viator will enter this game again the undel'do~-but not so much the und el'dog as 5> he was a I

week ago.. . I

team and the spirit of the spectator mus ic and drama. The situation as studen ts reflect the sp irit of the it now s tand s is in need of improve­school in general. Good sportsmen rnent. It is chiefly up to the studerlts and good sp irit on the field, good to decide whether they will have the sportsmen and loya.lty in the stands many pleasures and benefits to be is a combination that has won many del'ived from such a society or not, if doubtful games. Lets have t hat they will give the ir talents and Fighting Spirit and sportsmanship at abi lities to make these activities

Luna, Barber Shop

Gives the Best I of Service I I

St. Viator's. The team has shown it really successful. I 234 S, Schuyler Ave.

but the student body as a whole I thank you, haven't given t hem the backing the; J. Kenneth Bushm an ,

need and deserve. As long as we can't all play the game, we can at least show Mr. McAllister that we are all behind him, fighting for him, and heart and sou l with the fellows (In t he fie ld. Keep your seats in the stands, co-operate with the cheer leader, and yell like-Oh, a.nything .

J. W. Mehren


Deal' Ed itor:

Einbeck's Studio Our photographs are in expen­sive, yet treasured for their worth as living portrai ts .

153 North Schuyler Ave.

Phone 407 Kankakee, III.


Barber Shop Agent for Down-Town Clean­

ing, Pressing and Repairing Establishment

Bourbonnais, III.

Reliable Cleaners Kankakee, III.

Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. Prompt and Efficient Service

through our agent-

MR. SENNINGER Room 219 Roy Hall


W elcome Your Banking Business

Cor. Court St. and Schuyler Avenue

I have seen with personal regret the increasing lack of interest in things musical a nd drama.t ic in this College. I must say that such a situation hardly reflects credit on the cultural standard of the College. The fact that St. Viator does not have a school band might be said to be due to a lack of ability. However, I am inclined to differ with this opinion. The valiant efforts made by some to I---------------~--------------­develop a school band fina.Jly ended in a dismal failure as far as the primary effort was concerned, but it served to show that it was not a lack of Providence-given talent but the lack of backing that was needed to make a band. With a brilliant bandmaster a nd co-operation, surpris ­ing results can be obtained. We had t he former, but not the latter in the

NOTRE DAME CONVENT Accredited to 11lin'Ois Un i,'e rSity

. . A Select Boarding School for Girls and Young Ladies. T~ls lIlStItutl?n 15 conducted by the Sisters of Notre Dame and offers

edel Y t?pPOr~~ltY to young; ladies for a thorough Christian ~nd secular e ucn, IOn. !'lces reasonable, For Cata logue, address

S ISTER SUPERIOR, Notre Dame Convent

BOURBONN AIS. ILLINOIS efforts to make a band last year. Of '-_____________________________ -.J course, if onlookers expected to see a band that woul d rival Sousa's in quality suddenly break forth on our campus, they must be disappointed . What can be the matter? Is it that the cultural standard of the student body has fa llen so low that it can no

Fashion Believes in G. G_ G. Weaves


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FOI:ty-sevcn. yean. cxpel'ience in sup­plrl11~ Quality Food Products for in­~~ tltutlOn al Hn{~ ·t'estaurant requi't'e­ments ha ~. perf e::: ted our service and O:.lr valucs beyond compal'ison.

Our Edelweis Trade Mal'k has become the symbol of fine quality foods eco­nornH.:al1y packed. All of our products l' j'e packed in the containers most ('o nv('ni ent and eco nomical for you.

The Irish opened up a desperate passing attack, after t he kick-off, and got their fir st break when they recovered a fumbled punt on the DeKalb twenty-five yard line. Two plunges ga.ined three yards but De­Kalb intercepted a pass on their own five yard line a nd immediately kicked out of danger. Another Irish pass was intercepted, but the Teachers re· ceived a fifteen yard penalty and kicked to the Viatorian forty yard line. A pass, Laffey to Rornllry gain­ed ten yards. Mackey came in for Furlong a nd made ten yards on the first pla y. Mackey made fifteen more in the next two pll1Ys but was in­jured and was replaced by Bel'eolos , A puss over the goa l line was incom­plete llnd DeKalb took the ball on their own twenty yard line. Three plunges netted eight yards , and Lhe Teachers punted to the !I'ish forty­five yard line. A pass was gootl for twenty-fi ve yard s, bUl iJel\.ulb inter-

The firs t meeLIO g of the Misagyn- I ist'::; was held Sunday evening, 8ep­tember 28, in Brother Logan's room. Jl-IP~E <: SONS Those present were Brothe rs ' Vebel' - I I ~ Haag, Tucker , Christma n, Cleary: I ________ ~-- -HENS - - ---- -

JOHN SEXTON & COMPANY Todd, Romary and t he Shea brothers. , ~~TFlT~E:!!S __ ':'-,::::""

Officers wi ll be elected aL the next Hotel Bldg, Kankakee, IlL I meeting. CHICAGO ~--------------------~



Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-10-04

Page 4 - -


St. Malachy's Parilih of Ra nluul «(~I(:btatccl the Silver .J ubilee of it!-S ]laolor, Reverend .John L. McMullen, on 'Tuesday, July eighth. T he cere­rtIon ie!-S opened with a So lem n Hi gh Ma~s ul ten o'c lock in t he morning ~nd closed with the Public Reception in the even ing.


The 'ThoJastic year of 1930-31 look::s like a pi osperous one fOT old liiato,.. Although the scholastic at­mo; phere is a bit hazy to most of us as yet, it will probably clear up Romew hat before many more sunsets.

The F I'e!;hmen seem to be t he big­gC:::$t attraction on the (·a mpus . So many bri g ht and nob le-look ing




Played to a standstill foe all but one bri ef moment, Tllinoi s lrVesleyan

Sat urday . October 4, 1£)30.


Pri nti ng, E ngra "ing, Offi ce Su pplies . Loose Leaf Form~ , Binders , E tc .

264 East Merchant Street Telephone 406 I(ankakee, III.

1\11'. und Mrs. Pasqu a le Marzano YOl.ngster~ have never graced our eked out a scant 7-0 victory over the ,---------------------------------; fi ghting Iri sh under the lights of Bergin Field last night. Wesleyan steadil y pounded the Irish line for long ga ins, onl y to encounter a s tub­born r es ist a nce wh en in the shadow of the goal posts. The light Viator fo rward v,rall , f or ced time after tim e to gi ve ground before the attack of the Methodi st heavyweights, summon- I ed up a n almost supe rhuman resis t·

a nno unce th e ma rri a ge of t heir C'1m pus for yea l's . RIEL Y & RIEL Y da ug hter , 1)1" Vitan toni a to Dr. __ _

.Jose ph Antho ny Benedetto, which A lthol'gh t he fr ish los t th eir n rst occurred on Salurday, .J uly Mth, at game, it was but an eye-opener to Ou" Lady of Sor rows Chu rch in the fact that Viator has plenty of



Chicago. ___ good mate rial. Wi th plenty of baek-

F a the r 8dmund O'Connol', I' ccen t ly ing f ro m the student body, we ghould attac hed to the New man Fou nda t ion rai se ou r footba ll per centage.

Electri cians for St. Viator College

at th e Uni ver sity of Ulin ois, has been tnm !-S fe rrcd to Moline, Jllin oi:-:; , as nn 3Ks i8ta nt.

F a th cr B I'een, C. S, V" flJ rm erly enga ged in pari s h work a t E:n te r­prise, 01 egon, hus been tra nsf erred to the Vi a torilln house of ~ tudil? s in Washington , D. C.

Telephone 995 362 East Court Street

Th e Upper-Cla ssmen's recepti on a nce a nd turned the enemy back in I for t he Freshm en last SHturriay the crucial moments. ,-------------------------------, eveni ng was a huge s'Jccess . Through- La te in the third period vVesleyan out the course of the evening much gained the ball on the Viatorian I :ocll i t a :cnt was uneatthed, and which thirty yard line, and with Pres tly and I III vved to be quite entertaining. Sweasy a lternating, carried the ball

Ref reshm ents were served, and we over f or a touchdown in s traight Hne wi s h to thank the S hea brothers and p la ys. Prestly made the counter and I Hack Tucker fo r their part in ser v- Sweasy kicked the extra point.

D. J. O'LOUGHLIN, M. D. Practice Limited to


Bell Telephol1~ 253 .James Cannon, '27, is doing gra d- ing t hose present.

Realizing that the Wesleyan line

II was impenetrable, the Irish ins tituted

. a desperate passing attack that sel'i-602 City National Bank Bldg. KANKAKEE, ILL_

uate work nt No rlhweste l' l1 Univer- ---!=d t y thi s yea r.

Miss Mari ette Murphy, '20, is now eng'a ged in leaching at S t. Patri ck's High Schoo l in Kank akee.

Eugene Hoffmal1 , '3~ , and J ohll O' Brien, Academy, '30, ha ve en tered t.he Viatorian novitiate at. Lemont, lIJinoi s.

Father Joseph Jansen, Acad emy, '23, who was orduined this spring and who celebra ted one of hi !=; first low m3 s!=;es at th e Coll eg-e, ha s bee n np­pointed <.1 s!; istan t in Little Chute, \Vi scons in,

Tom I;'ox , :l s tudent in th e Colleg'c of Libera l A rt!; f or the pas t twO Year s, took the ha bit of P ra emon­d l atentiolls ~It UcPc l'e, Wi scons in en .July twenty-ninth, and is now wOl'k­in g' in lhe nov it iate a t Madi son, \" is .

Byron EV~Hd, '8 0, one of the gTeat­est athletes who ha s ever worn the col or ::; of Viator! has accepted a pos i­tion with the General Electri c: Cor­poration in F ort \Vay ne. Indiana.

S teve Long-, '29, W ~1 S an inte l'l? ::o t ed spectator at t he Vi a tor-De Ka lb game la st week.

Reception Held F or the Freshmen

(Cont in ued frorn first pa ge )

l' P his mus ic and wa s perm it ted to execute HDanny Boy,'! or "Tommy Lnd," nobody knew which. It wa s !'oted th!l. t Fr, Ma guire r etreated t o th e r ea r of the ha,1t during the exe­cution, \Verner S lag wa s scheduled t o do his duty by the keyboa r d! but wa s not in evidence, Som e dire mis ­fo r tune must ha ve befall en him to keep him f rom t he r eception. To keep the par ty fr om going on the pl'over l-inl r ocks, the au thor was playfu ll y asked to fill in , a nd t hey laughed as he sat down to pla y. From t he fi rst he held t he aud ience spell ­bound , but afterward thought it fenny t hat nobody nsked him where he had lea rned. Madden kl!)t up the 'lood work, accompanied by Ed, H unt and Shoflitowski at t he tonsi ls. :\l iss La F ontaine then played the popul a r college rn~lrches and those old fuvorites of a decade ago ,vhich still wan H the hearts of all good ('ollegians.

Introductions of everyone to every­tody ('lse, including those professors who were present was enacted. Mr.

The atmosphere of the campus ,s I th t d th T't' I , ______________________________ --.J m igh tened by the group of fa ir young ' ~us y r ea e~e d l~k 1 an s goa. ;-_____________________________ --:

'.::o- eds that g'l'ace our grounds a.nd < ver~ m~n p ayef

~ e : ~na~ p:s~ I lectu l'e halls. They add n dash of s~sse ;.: a: ,~as :t an 1 ~r, u KANKAKEE PURE MILK CO. to lar an d vivacity t o the campus. c ean. la or oug game y 0 over­

come the visitors' advantage, while Wes leyan was forced to call on every

Puff Romary announces t ha t his last ounce of reserve energy to turn days as an apprenti ce on an ice back the Irish attack. ,vag oll arc over . H e is noW a full- The periorma,nce of the Iri sh in this fledged ice man- with all du t ies a nd f ra y marks them a s a foe to be reck­privilegeR "? oned with in all future Little Nineteen

contest s . It was a far different team

co-erls before, after, and during the than took the field against DeKalb ::;cl'vin g of th e r efreshrn ents which , jus t one week ago. The team worked

Milk and Cream .. .. Bulgarious Butter Milk 396 SOUTH SCHUYLER AVE.

A!ways Drink Pas teuri zed Milk. Our Wagons Pa ss lour Door E very Morning Before You Have Breakfast.

Both Phones 45 DRINK MILK

McBroom's Cafe .. .. First Class Restaurant to tell the truth, IHompted mos t of together more smoothly and s urely, the uppercla ssm en to attend. Bu t and everyone was filled with a lot of when the party b, oke up at 11 :00 the old-time Viator fight. It looks I P. M., everyone was beaming with bad for Normal and McKendree ! E stablisher] 1908

good fellowship and a better und el'- Let's go! Meals, Short Orders, Specials and Con.fections st anding of each other.

We need 1lI0re of these get-to- San Diego claims L1> he lhe noi sies t Private Dining' RooJ.ll for Banquets and Parties g'cthc rs to promote t ha t s piri t and man in t hree counti es. In fn ct , he'::; pep whi ch is lackin g in most every so sUI'e of it himse lf that he has KANKAKEG, ILLINOIS , ex -curri cular ac tiv ity ot her than OUT I sen t Squ a t Chr istman a written chal- , _____________________________ -',_t.;." :..:.~:...j_ dunce'S, Complim ents are in order to Jcnge to meet him in a hog -callin g Ft'ank Canoll for hi s work a s mas ter I champions hip match , October t he ,---------------------------------;

of cer emonies, and t o all of the up-I fifth at seven p, m. on the second pel"cia ss presid ents who or ganized I corridor. Reserved seat s on sale in the recept ion, Room 204.

HOTEL KANKAKEE Sidney Herbs t, Pres . and General Manager



Insurance, LOClLDs and Bonds

605-606 Volkman Bldg.

A hearty welcome awaits 'the students ,,---------------------------, and friends of St. Viato!' College I





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Million Dollar Endowment

by outright gift, insurance, bequest or annuity. You can get 6 '7r on your money a nd leave the

capital for the Endowment.

,Vri te for particulars to

St. Viator College Extension Club Incorporated

1939 St raus Bldg., 310 S. Michigan A ve.

T elephone Wabash 2727

J. P . O'Mahoney, Treasurer

Chicago, III.

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