Beat THE VIA TORIAN Beat John Carroll Millikin Volume XLVI Thur sda y, November 15, 1928 HOMECOMING WILL .. _ .. _ ,_ .. .. _ .. _ ,= ,_ , _ __ ,_ ,_ ,_ _ ,_,_,_,_,_,_ '1' BERGIN DEBATING BE GREATEST EVER I HOMECOMING PROGRAMME I SOCIETY GATHERS STAGED AT VIATOR II I IN FIRST SESSION I o Thursday, November 22, 1928 j Nos- · No . '{..5 1 SODALITY MEETING STAGED AT LOYOLA UNIVERSITY NOV. 1 Plans for Celebratio n are plete Co m· ! I Hobo Parade - 6:30 P. M. i New Coach of Debate Introduced St. Viator Amon g- t he Schools i ! Represente d i Foot ba ll Pep Meet - ! Th e Bergin Debating Society m et Plan s for the Annual Homeco ming - in g- Booste rs' Clu b 9:00 P. M. for the first time thi s ye ar , Monday, Two hundred and forty -nin e dele- Celebration Friday , November 23rd, ! I November 5. Fat her Ma g uir e, the gates from thir ty-nine co ll eges and and the I nsta ll ation of the Very I Friday, November 23, 1928 · ret ir ing Moderator and Coach of high sc hools in Ch icago an d v icinit y Rever end J. W. R. Maguire, c. s. v., i i Debat e, intr oduced to the soc iety hi s met at Loyo la University for the o Reception to Delegates from fi F h J A. M. as the new president of St . 1 ! succe ssor, at er T. . Lyn ch. Fath- third Chicago Cat holic St udent Cou- Viator Co ll ege were made public by j Co ll eges and Unive rsiti es - 9 :30 A. l\I I. to 10 :30 A. M. ! er Maguire also explai ned t hat St . feren ce on Re li gious Activitie s, on Hom kecolmingt tComlh ni ttee I eat ly I j Academic Proce ss ional 10 :30 A. M. Viatobr Co llefget hha s beco lme a charted r Thurs day, Nove mber 1, and wer o in t ts wee . nvt a IO ns ave a r ea Y = 1 mem cr o e new Y orgamze session fro m ten o'clock in the morn- been sent to the co lleges of the mid - ! I nst all at ion of Very Rev. 1 Littl e Nineteen Debat e League and in g t ill four o'clock in the afternoon di e west and to the alumni. ! Presi dent 11 :00 A. M. i that it will be a conten der this year 1 all owing themse l ves one hour fo •: Academic Process ion i for the State. Cha mpionsh.ip. lun ch. John Keating, a. senior from A reception for the del egates fro m R Conference of Honorar y Degrees , Some routme busmess was. co ns•d- Loyola Univers ity presi ded t hr ough- the various co ll eges a nd univ ersities ! on the Rt. Rev. A. J. McGavick, er ect, then fo ll owed the appomtment out th e sessions in an unusually cap - will . be held in the pr es id ent' s suite, j D. D., '88; Rt. Rev. B. J. Sheil, i of the chan·men of the permane nt able mann er , judiciously dir ect ing the Mar sile Hall , from 9 :30 A. M. to ! D. D., '08; Rt. Rev. Mgsr . E. A. j comm ittees. W•th th e appro val of discu ss ion, select ing and emphasizin g 10:30 A. M. An acade mic processio n Pace, S. T. D., Ph. D. 1 the ot her officers of the society, t he hi g h spots a nd eluc id ati ng- po int .; will forma ll y begin the homecoming - Pre side nt Staffo rd ::tppo inted Mr. of va lue. ce lebration. The in augural ceremon- Alumni Banquet 1:00 P. M. ! Lloyd IV arne chaim,an of the Libr ary Th e program of the deliber ations ies will take place in the gymnas ium. Homeco ming Football Game 1 1 and Mr. G. of the s tud ents was built up ar ound In sta ll at ion of President Sp iag ue, the Enteltam- th e reso lution s of the Nat iona l Stud- James Millikin Univers it y versus i ment Co mlmttee. S mce Mr. Warne I ent Leadersh ip Co nvention t ha t was Th e Very Rev. John W. R. Magu ire , · t d c. s. v., A. M., wi ll be insta ll ed as St. Viator Co ll ege 2: 15 P. M. ! IS a vfery young m; held in St . Louis l ast Augu st anrl I IS m avor WI e powe rs a ru e that was att ended by about 1400 dele- pre sident of St. V1ator Co ll ege by 1 ReceptiOn to Alumni by the , the l!brary he wtll be very usefu l m Mr. A. L. Granger, M. A., '89, 1 f' 1 b t th gates from every part of the cou ntr y. St. Viator Coll ege Club at th e sec unng or o ur c e a ers e neces- 1 · niember of th e lay board of t ru s tee s. i sa1y li teratu re on the que st iOn s to T wo S1>ecial Res olut ions Father MagUir e will make hiS speech ' Homeco mmg Party 9 :00 P. M. I be d•scus sed this yea r With Mr. Among the num er ous met hods re- the need of 1 .! . __ ,_,_ ,_, __ ,_,_ .. _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_, _,_,_ ,. _,_,_,_ ,_,1, 1 t:: Con ference of Degr ees ! of the College w il1 always be accord- vita l factor in everyday lif e, two At the in sta ll at ion ceremonies Skeleton of Old F rt eshmen Victorious j l ed to vis iting debater s in the most were considered of s uffi cient import- ther Maguire will confe r the honor ary g ra cious rn a nn er po ss ible. ance to be ado pted unanimously as degree of LL. D. on the R ig ht Rev . Gym Being Razed In F rosh-Soph Tilt I Pi Kappa Delta Probab le special res olution s. Th e fir st is de- signed to meet the ev il of inte mp cr- Msgr. Edward A. Pace , S. T. D., Ph . . --- I ---. In the r eport ma Ce of the prog r ess a nce and consists in a whole-hearted D., Vice-rector of the Cat holi c Uni- t Durmg the p ast week a change has On Su nday, October 29, enthus ia sm ) of th e negotiat ions concer ning the I t 1 1 th Th t b h F app r ova l of t he St. Louis reso luti on versity of America , \Vashington, D. a (en pace on e ca mpus. e wa s ram pan etwee n t e r es hman ' e ntran ce of St. Viator Co ll ege in to in favo r f l abst inence fro m C.·, the Rig ht Rev. Ale xander J. wa lls of the old gymnas_ ium are being I and So phomo_re classe.s. Thi s was Pi Kappa Delta, it was disclo sed that 0 - tota d h h I f alcoho li c beve r ages and the second is Gavick, D. D., 'S8, Bi s h_ op of L acrosse, to.rn o-wn, t us .• eyesore t e cay o thet_ r a nnu al fo ot bal l a favorab le decision 011 our appli ca- Wisconsin; and the Rtght Rev. Bern- I ftom the othen\ tse attract ive cam - T he SophornOles wer e th e fa vo ntes tion is e xpected soon. in line wit h the Pope's ca mp aign to ard J. She il , D. D. , '08, Auxil iary pt::s . A!re3dy the fr ont and part of with the crowd as the record s Mr. J. A. Nolan, Manager of De- promote re s pect f or women by en- tl ·d 11 1 Th t h d h t F 1 d I courag in g modesty in dr ess. The Bishop of Chicago. The Right Rever- 1e Sl e wa s are c own. e s one s owe t a a res 1man team ha bate , made a report of the debat es · b · t k b k' b bl t lk fl:' h fi 11 Chicago a.nd St. Louis pra ct ical re- end Bishop of Lacr osse will mak e the I IS e mg a ·en away Y ';rec mg ' een a e o wa . o t e e .c sched uled thus fa r, and annou nced co mme ndation to the ir federat ed unit s speech of acceptance f or the reci- company to be use d fo r butldmg pur .. vtctcn ::>us . Coach McNary had hts the official question s fo r th e year . pien ts of th e degree. ' po ses . It is very int eresti ng to Fres hman team on edge while Coach Fath er Lynch spoke bri e fl y, point- conce rn ed is t hat be lonB anc,uei Fo ll ow s , wat c.· h t he va riou s method s u sed i_n · Hoog had t_h e Sophomo r es in the best 1 ing out especia ll y, the nece ssity of be- enoug h to cover the kn ees when sit- . . 11 1 h ld . teanng own t e wa s.. arge c am s ape posst e or t e ga me. n the gin ni ng work immediately on the two 1 d h ll A I h h bl f h I t in g and sta nding. " Th e alu r nm banqu et w1 )e e m f d bl . 1 d fi th S h th · Th e secr et ary of the co n ventio n wa s the co ll ege dining hall at 1: 00 P. M. . to a e pa ssec arou n n st quarter e op om or es reat- qt !es tions for debate. Fo ll ow in g this in st ructed to co mmuni ca te with Cat h- p O 'M· 1 I a p ortion of t.!-le wa ll a nd n1ad e fas t ened to pl:sh over a touchdown du e to 1 su gge stion it was agreed th at the The Very Rev. John . a 1oney, t t k h" 1 II th t 1 1 . r 1 . d . 1 t k I ' ol ic e di tors t hroughout the co untry c s v Tr eas ur er of th e St. Viato r. o a rue w IC 1 pu s c s me p un gmg an a: na a. tac ·I prelimino.ry s peeches and deba t es a nd to so li cit the ir s uppo rt e ditorially · · ., . Cl b . . . t d down. Although th e gy m was butlt 1 1he F r es hmen held aga mst thts as- would be we:l l und er way before Co ll ege ul , IS twc:-t ty-seven years ago, the wall s I s au lt, the ir li ne hol ding like a stone Tha nksg iv in g. and otherwi se in beha lf of these two to make a se m1-annua 1e po1 o ts l . I' d d . . h · . r j meas ur es in parti c ular. work to th e Alumni Assoc ia tion . An a re st dl so 1 an tt req mr es muc wa ll when ne.ar the goal lln e. f he Th e na mes of se veral new men who Ma ny Sub j ects Di scussed eleventh hour decision on the par t of labor :md effo.r t to remove the sto nes . s.econd and thtrd. quarter s. were r nu ..:- h have given indicatio ns of f ore nsic . . . t l Several por tions of the wa ll ar e so ltke the fir st, wrth hot h team s tale nt were submitt ed and a vote on the Homecommg Com mitt ee wa s no 1' 1 h t th h . . t d th . . b f tb I! I th t . . . ' . . . favorable to the us ual programme of so tc t a ey ave t es JS e e as- trg- oo a". n e as the qu est iOn of thetr adm1 ss wn mt o dd . due to the fact that the .of the wo rkm en. Tt may be quar ter , Tom Fox, the the Society w ill be taken at th e nex t a t esses . 11 d m terest tng to know that the gymna s- fullback galloped fr om the lme of meetin g Homecoming Cootball game 18 ca e ium was built in n.ineteen hundr ed and 1 nc rimmage, th r ough a broken ti c ld I Th e Pi Kappa Delta ques t io n for for 2: l 5 P. M. one and was de stroyed by fire in fo r abo ut forty- fi ve yar ds and cro 35<' d debate t hi s year is RESOLVED: That Footb all Came ninete en twenty- six. The base me nt the goa l line. Th e try for extra a subs titute for trial by jury should James Millikin Univer sity , Decat ur, served as th e r efectory and the seco nd point f.a il e d. Th e car11e 1 cc adopted. qu est ion th e Illinois Illi nois , a1·c th e scheduled oppone nts floor co ntained the gym nas ium. The bac k w1th a rus h but the tmw Debate League wi ll debate is RE- for the football classic. pccial foot- work of removing the ruin s ha s pr o- to be too s hort for th em to pm:h over SOLVF.D : Th at the Public should own hn l\ pro gTamm es ure in th e han ds of n ressed so rapidly that wit hi n a • a touchd own. Captain No lan of the and develop the prin cipal so urces of the printer. Th e Fres hman c lass w ill rnon th the wa ll s will be levelled to Sop horno1·e s was in j •1ted near th e e nd hydro-e lect ric power. ent ertain with gu sto during the the ground. of the game, compe lling the Sopi10- Th e schedule for the year is as 'rol- halves. A hngc attendance at thi s mor es t? play the r ema inder of t he ) !ows : ( Fi na l act ion has not ye t been unit of th e programme is expected . St. Via tor Ro oting game w1th but ten men. It was tho taken in regard to several of the de- Reception to Alumni first time in the hi story of the school bates). The r ecept ion of th St. Viat or Club IS O rga ruzed that a Fres hman team had beat en Feb. 20-Valpara iso, here. Co ll ege Club to the alumni, is set , the Sophomo res. "Tom Fox" and !lbr. 1- North Centra l (Napervill e), for 9:00 P. M. Dancing will be the Plans have been made and are go- "Herb" Shea were the lum inaries in here. ent ertainment of the evening, and ing forward rapidly for the orga ni za- the Freshman lineup , while Ca rr'>ll, Mar. 1-Normal Unive rsi ty, NormaL will be acco mpani ed by Jack Higgin s tion of a rooters' club to be known as Clifford and Captain Nolan st arred i lar. !- Detroit University, Dual De- nnd His Royal Purpl e Orchestra. Chi- ·'The Ho\vling Hundred. " for the Sophomores . bate. Oth er topics rep orted on a.nd di s- cussed were: re li gious s tudent orga n- ization s, the il' type s, method s and st n :c ture; devotion to J es us Christ in the Holy F.ucharist ; practical way s of scpport ing Cat hol ic li te ratur e e-s pecially periodicals ; developing ac- tive interests in the missions, hom e a nd fol'eig-n; sec uring r ecog nition fo r the prin ci pl es of Chri st in social, in- and politica l relations, es - pecia ll y in Lh e prevent ion of war and th e development of peace and co mity between race s and nat ions, all of which means Ca tholic Act ion. Co ll eges taking part in the co nf er- ence were SL Viator , Kankak ee, TIL; Ro l'-'ary, Ri ver Forest, 1.11.; St. Xavier, Chicago and Loyola. Among th e out- of-town institut ions were those local- · cd at Morris, LaGrange, Aurora, .Joliet, Wilmette:, Evanston. Pur e- ly a Busin ess Meet cago, 11\inois. "ln union there is strength," is the !\far. 6-Carro ll Co ll ege ( \Vaukesha , motto adopted by the students of \' -1-A-T-0-R will be used in a special \V!s.), here. The chairman made it clear, right Dayton, Dual from the start , that the co nference l'ONFEREN E \"iator in their new club. All stud- yell that has received the app r oval of !!-University of MEET. CHICAGO. DEC. ent" are asked to cooperate in the entire student body. Debate . to arouse the "dead" school sp iri t In the Char leston-\"iator game a Mar. 12-St. Xavier (Cincinnati), )i embeTs of the Little Nineteen Mhletic conference will hold tht:>ir nnnunl m('c-ting nt the Ht.>te l herman, on Fridny nfternoon. De-l·em- bt>-r I. nt t)'dock. that seems to pre\·ail about the cam- s ;>ect3tor remarked that the students Dual Debatf!. pus. '!embers of the club will sit in were not behind the team. Let's all :\lar. 15-St. Thomas (St . Paul), here. a body and wear caps of turn out at the next meeting and :\[ar. 20-Loyola, Dual Debate. purple and gold at all athletic con- show the spectators that we are real .\lar. 22-0pen for Illinois Jntercol- Large placards with the letters \·iator backers . legiate Debate League. would not indulge in rhetoric or ora- tory but would confine itself to a re· port on mcthcJdS that have been tried and found helpfuL 11 Wc want the eiO(JUence of facts," he sai rl , "an d nul the cloqucnt·c of wor ds." And th(' (Cont'd on page column

St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-11-15

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The Viatorian, Vol. XLVI, No. 5

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Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-11-15

Beat THE VIA TORIAN Beat John Carroll Millikin

Volume XLVI Thursday, November 15, 1928


I o Thursday, November 22, 1928 j

Nos-· No.'{..5


Plans for Celebration are plete

Com· ! I Hobo Parade - 6:30 P. M. i New Coach of Debate Introduced St. Viator Amon g- t he Schools

i ! Represented i Football Pep Meet- ! The Bergin Debating Society met

Plans for the Annual Homecoming - ing-Boosters' Club 9:00 P. M. for the first time thi s year, Monday, Two hundred and forty-nine dele-Celebration Friday, November 23rd, ! I November 5. Father Maguire, the gates from thirty-nine coll eges and and the I nsta ll ation of the Very I Friday, November 23, 1928 · retir ing Moderator and Coach of high schools in Chicago an d vicinity Reverend J. W. R. Maguire, c. s. v., i i Debate, introduced to the soc iety hi s met at Loyola University for the

o Recept ion to Delegates from fi F h J A. M. as t he new president of St. 1 ! successor, at er T. . Lynch. Fath- third Chicago Catholic Student Cou-Viator Co llege were made public by j Colleges and Universities - 9 :30 A. l\II. to 10 :30 A. M. ! er Maguire also explained that St. feren ce on Reli gious Activities, on

thh~ Homkecolmingt tComlhni ttee I eatd·ly I j Academic Processional 10 :30 A. M. ~ Viatobr Collefgethhas becolme a chartedr Thursday, November 1, and wero in t ts wee . nv t a IO ns ave a rea Y = 1 mem cr o e new Y orgamze session fro m ten o'clock in the morn-been sent to t he colleges of the mid- ! Installation of Ver y Rev. 1 Little Ni neteen Debate League and ing t ill four o'clock in the afternoon di e west and to the a lumni. ! President 11 :00 A. M. i that it will be a contender t his year


a llowing themselves one hour fo •: Academic Procession i for the State. Debati~g Cha mpionsh.ip. lunch. J ohn Keating, a. senior from

A recept ion for t he delegates fro m R Conference of Honorary Degrees ,, Some routme busmess was. cons•d- Loyola University presided through-the various coll eges and universities ! on t he Rt. Rev. A . J. McGavick, erect, then fo ll owed the appomtment out the sessions in an unusually cap-will . be held in the presid ent's suite, j D. D., '88; Rt. Rev. B. J. Sheil, i of the cha n·men of t he permanent able manner, judiciously directing the Marsi le Hall , from 9 :30 A. M. to ! D. D., '08; Rt. Rev. Mgsr. E. A. j comm ittees. W•th the approval of di scussion, selecting and emphasizin g 10:30 A. M. An academic procession ~ Pace, S. T. D., Ph. D. 1 the other officers of the soc iety, t he hig h spots a nd elucidati ng- point .; will forma ll y begin the homecoming - Pres ident Stafford ::tppo inted Mr. of va lue. celebration . The inaugural ceremon- Alumni Banquet 1:00 P . M. ! Lloyd IV a rne chaim,an of t he Libr ary Th e program of the delibera t ions ies will take place in t he gymnasium. Homecoming Football Game

11 Col~tmittee, and Mr. G. Ray~1lond of the s tuden ts was built up aroun d

Insta ll ation of President Spiag ue, ch~nman ~f the Enteltam- the resolutions of the National Stud-J ames Millikin Un ivers ity versus i ment Comlmttee. S mce Mr. Warne I ent Lea dersh ip Convention t hat was

The Very Rev. John W. R. Magu ire , · t d c. s. v., A. M., wi ll be ins ta ll ed as St. Viator College 2: 15 P. M. ! IS a vfery enet~geth1c young •;~ant m; held in St. Louis last August anrl

I IS m avor WI e powers a ru e that was attended by about 1400 dele-president of St. V1ator College by 1 ReceptiOn to Alumni by t he , t he l!brary he wtll be ve ry usefu l m Mr. A. L . Granger , M. A., '89, a ~ -~- 1 f' 1 b t th gates f rom every part of t he country. St. Viator College Club at the secunng or our c e a ers e neces- 1 · niember of th e lay board of t rustees . ~ i sa1y li teratu re on the questiOn s to T wo S1>ec ia l Resolutions Father MagUire will make hi S speech ' Homecommg Party 9 :00 P. M. I be d•scussed t his year Wit h Mr. Among t he num erous methods re-

~~r~~~~:~a;~~~a~~~~1ssmg the need of 1

.!. __ ,_,_,_, __ ,_,_ .. _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,._,_,_,_,_,1,1 ~~~~1~::t a~0~:11~11:~::~ t:: ~~: p~t:;~~; ~~;~ed e~~ea~~~- ~~le~1~::se ~-: Iit;i~;,o': Conference of Deg rees ! of the College w il1 a lways be accord- vita l factor in everyday life, two

At the in sta llat ion ceremonies Fa- ~ Skeleton of Old F rt eshmen Victorious jl ed to visiting debaters in the most were considered of sufficient import-ther Maguire will confer t he honorary g racious rn a nner poss ible. a nce to be adopted unanimously a s degree of LL. D. on t he R ight Rev. Gym Being Razed In F rosh-Soph Tilt I Pi Kappa Del ta Probable special r esolutions. The first is de­

signed to meet the evil of intempcr-Msgr. Edward A. Pace, S . T. D., Ph. . --- I --- . In the report maCe of t he progress a nce and consists in a whol e- hearted D., Vice-rector of t he Catholic Uni- t Durmg t he past week a change has On Sunday, October 29, e nt hus iasm ) of the negotiations concerning the

I t 1 1 t h Th t b h F app rova l of t he St. Louis resolution

versity of America, \Vashington, D . a (en pace on e ca mpus . e was ram pan etween t e reshman ' entrance of St. Viator College in to in favo r f l abst inence fro m C. ·, the Ri ght Rev. Alexander J. Me- ~ walls of t he old gymnas_ ium are being I and Sophom o_re classe.s. This was Pi Kappa Delta, it was disclosed that

0- tota

d h h I f a lcoholi c beverages and t he second is Gavick , D. D., 'S8, Bis h_ op of Lacrosse, to.rn o-wn, t us .• ~· emovm~ a.t~ eyesore t e cay o thet_r a nnua l football ga ~·ne. l' a favorable decis ion 011 ou r appli ca-Wisco nsin; and t he Rtght Rev. Bern- I ftom the othen\ tse attract ive cam - The SophornOles were the fa vontes t ion is expected soon. in line with t he Pope's ca mpaign to ard J. Sheil , D. D. , '08, Auxil iary pt::s. A!re3dy t he fr ont and part of with the crowd a s the records Mr. J. A. No lan, Manager of De- promote respect for women by en-

tl ·d 11 1 Th t h d h t F 1 d I couraging modesty in dress. The Bishop of Chicago. The Rig ht R ever- 1e S l e wa s are c own. e s one s owe t a a res 1man team ha bate , made a report of t he debates · b · t k b k' b bl t lk fl:' h fi 11 Chicago a.nd St. Loui s practical r e-

end Bishop of Lacrosse will make the I IS emg a ·en away Y ~ ';rec mg p~ver . ' een a e o wa . o t e e .c scheduled thus fa r , a nd annou nced commendation to t heir federated units speech of acceptance for t he reci- company to be used fo r butldmg pur .. vtctc n ::>us. Coach McNary ha d hts the official questions fo r the year. pients of the degree. ' poses. It is very interesting to Freshman team on edge while Coach Father Lynch spoke briefl y, point- concerned is t hat ~~ skirts be long·

Banc,uei Foll ows , watc.· h t he va rious method s used i_n ·Hoog had t_he Sophomores in t he best 1 ing out especially, t he necessity of be- enoug h to cover t he knees when s it-. .

11 1 h ld . teanng own t e wa s.. arge c am s ape poss t e or t e ga me. n the ginni ng work immediately on the two


d h ll A I h h bl f h I t in g and st a nding. " The alu rnm banquet w 1 )e e m f d bl . 1 d fi th S h th · Th e secretary of t he co nvention was

the college dining hall at 1: 00 P. M. . r';Sten~ to a c~ e 1 ~ passec arou n n st quarter e op om ores reat- qt!estions for debate . Foll ow in g t his in str ucted to communi cate with Cat h-

p O'M·

1 I a portion of t.!-le wa ll and n1ade fas t ened to pl:sh over a touchdown due to 1 sugge stio n it was agreed that the

The Very Rev. John . a 1oney, t t k h" 1 II th t 1 1 . r 1 . d . 1 t k I ' olic edi to rs t hroughout t he co untry c s v Treas urer of the St. Viator . o a rue w IC 1 pu s c s o~e t~1en· me p ungmg a n a: na a. tac ·I prelimino.ry speeches and deba tes a nd to so licit t heir suppo r t editorially · · ., . Cl b . . . t d down. Although the gym was butlt

11he F reshmen held agams t thts a s- would be we:l l under way before

College Extens ~on ul , IS ~txpfech~ twc:-t ty-seven years ago , the wall s I sau lt, the ir li ne holding like a stone Tha nksg iv ing. and otherwi se in beha lf of t hese two to make a se m1-annua 1e po1 o ts l . I' d d . . h · . r j measures in particular. work to the Alumni Association . An are st dl so 1 an tt reqmres muc wa ll when ne.ar the goal llne. f he The na mes of se veral new men who Many Subjects Disc ussed eleventh hour decision on the part of labor :md effo.rt to remove t he sto nes . s.econd a nd thtrd. quarters. were rnu ..:- h have given indications of forens ic

. . . t l Several por tions of the wall are so ltk e t he first, wrth hoth team s play- ~ talent were subm itted a nd a vote on the Homecommg Com mittee wa s no 1' 1 h t th h . . t d th . . b f tb I! I t h I· t . . . ' . . . favorable to the usual programme of so tc t a ey ave t es JS e e as- trg- zu p:~ oo a". n e as t he questiOn of thetr adm1 ss wn mto

dd . due t o the fact that the ~:! ults .of t he workm en. Tt may be quarter, Tom Fox, the fre~hma n ! t he Society w ill be taken a t the nex t a t esses . 11 d m terest tng t o know t hat t he gymnas- fullback g alloped from the lme of meeting Homecoming Cootball game 18 ca e ium was bui lt in n.ineteen hundred and 1 ncrimmage, through a broken ti cld I The Pi Kappa Delta ques t ion for for 2: l 5 P. M. one and was destroyed by fire in for about forty- fi ve yards and cro35<'d debate t his year is RESOLVED: That

Football Came nineteen twenty-s ix. The basement the goal line. Th e try f or extra a subs titute fo r t ri a l by jury should James Millikin Univers ity , Decatur, served as th e refectory a nd t he second point f.a iled. The Sophon~ores car11e

1cc adopted. Th ~ quest ion the Illinois

Illi nois , a1·c the scheduled opponents floor contained the gym nas ium. The back w1th a rush but the tmw prov~d Debate League wi ll debate is RE­for the football classic. pcc ial foot- work of removing the ruins has pro- to be too short f or them to pm:h over SOLVF.D : That the Public should own hn l\ progTammes ure in the hands of nressed so rapidly that withi n a • a touchd own. Captain Nolan of the and develop the principal sources of the printe r. The Freshman class w ill rnonth the wall s wil l be levelled to Sophorno1·es was in j•1ted nea r the e nd hydro-electric power. entertain with gu s to during the t he g r ound. of the game, compelling t he Sopi10- The schedule for the year is a s 'ro l-hal ves. A hngc attendance at this mores t? play the rema inder of t he ) !ows : (Fi nal act ion has not ye t been unit of the programme is expected . St. V iator Rooting game w1th but ten men. It was tho taken in regard to several of the de-

Reception to Alumni • • first time in the hi story of the schoo l bates). The reception of t h St. Viator Club IS Orgaruzed that a Freshman t ea m had beaten Feb. 20-Valpara iso, here .

College Club to the alumni, is set , the Sophomores. "Tom Fox" and !lbr. 1- North Centra l (Napervill e), for 9:00 P . M. Dancing will be the Plans have been made and are go- " Herb" Shea were t he lum inaries in here. entertainment of t he evening, and ing forward rapidly for the organiza- the Freshman lineup , while Ca rr'>ll, Mar. 1-Normal Unive rsi ty, NormaL will be acco mpanied by Jack Higgins tion of a rooters' club to be known as Clifford and Captain Nolan s tarred i lar. !- Detroit University, Dual De-nnd His Royal Purple Orchestra. Chi- ·'The Ho\vling Hundred." for the Sophomores. bate.

Other topics reported on a.nd dis­cussed were : re lig ious s tudent organ­izations, the il' types , method s and stn :cture; devotion to J es us Chri s t in t he Holy F.ucharist ; practical ways of scpporting Cathol ic li te rature e-spec iall y periodi ca ls ; developin g ac­tive interests in the mission s , hom e a nd fol'eig-n; securing r ecognition fo r the pr inci ples of Chri st in soc ia l, in­d ·.~z t r ial and politica l r ela tions , es -pecia ll y in Lhe prevention of war and the deve lopment of peace and comity between races and nat ions, all of whic h mea ns Ca tho lic Act ion.

Coll eges taking part in t he confer­ence were SL Viator, Kankak ee, TIL; Rol'-'ary, Ri ver Forest, 1.11.; St. Xavier, Ch icago and Loyola. Among the out­of-town institut ions were those local-· cd at Morris, LaGrange, Aurora, .Joliet, Wilmette:, Evanston.

Pure- ly a Bus in ess Meet cago, 11\inois. "ln union there is strength," is the !\far. 6-Carroll Coll ege ( \Vaukesha , motto adopted by the students of \ ' -1-A-T-0-R will be used in a special \V!s.), here. The chairman made it clear, right

Dayton, Dual from the start , that the conference l'ONFEREN E ~IDIBER \"iator in their new club. All stud- yell that has received the approval of ~lar. !!-University of MEET. CHI CAGO . DEC. ent" are asked to cooperate in ord~r the entire student body. Debate .

to arouse the "dead" schoo l sp iri t In the Charleston-\"iator game a Mar. 12-St. Xavier (Cincinnati),

)iembeTs of the Little Nineteen Mhletic conference will hold tht:>ir nnnunl m('c-ting nt the Ht.>te l herman, t'hl•in~o, on Fridny nfternoon. De-l·em­bt>-r I. nt ~:ao t)'dock.

that seems to pre\·ail about the cam- s ;>ect3tor remarked that t he students Dual Debatf!. pus. '!embers of the club will sit in were not behind the team. Let's all :\lar. 15-St. Thomas (St. Paul), here. a body and wear rooter~· caps of turn out at the next meeting and :\[ar. 20-Loyola, Dual Debate. purple and gold at all athletic con- show the spectators that we are real .\lar. 22-0pen for Ill inois Jntercol-test~. Large placards with the letters \·iator backers. legiate Debate League.

would not indulge in rhetoric or ora­tory but would confine itself to a re· port on mcthcJdS that have been tried and found helpfuL 11 Wc want the eiO(JUence of facts," he sai rl , "and nul the cloqucnt·c of words." And th('

(Cont'd on page ~. column :~)

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-11-15

Page 2

THE VIA TORIAN Puhliehcd 1 i-wer·kl y throughout the scholastic year by th e otudcnts of

St. Viator College.




G. Raymond Sprague ,John W. Stafford Francis J . Brockman Rw mond E. Nolan Rober t Tucl<er Lloyd Warne John McMahon J oseph Logan J. Al len Nolan Cla rence Dempsey Meryl Casey Mariette Murphy


Irvin Mathews T ho mas Hayden _ Clvren c::_Dempsey Edward O'Neill

THE VIATORIAN Thursday, November 15, 1928

Alumni Notes Campus Briefs

The Rt. Rev. Bernard J. Sheil, D. College Club Notes

Larry O'She:1. =:nd Frn.ncis Ba rton D. , 'OG, was present at the celebra- :::t.rc m:::tk ing rapid progress in form-

1 t ion of the Si lver Jubilee of St. An · SPECIAL MEETING ing ~ new or ganiza tion known as the

I t hony's Church, Joliet, of which t he A special meet ing of the College "M ute" Club. In order to be a mem-Rev. L. Va lctto is Pas tor. Our Bis hop Club was held 111 the club room s ber of th1s cxclus Jve soc1ety one mus t ha s been unusu:lll~ bus·y· the last \Vcdncsda y evemng, in which sevcrai ; s::tt isfnctordy f ulfill a certain s tipu-


couple of weeks ; m add itiOn to the important m:1ttcrs pertammg to htcd requirement. The prospective c losing of o. rctrc:1t for the Helpers 1 Homecoming were di scussed.

1 rnember is g iven a word not fully ex-

' of t he H oly Soul s, in Chica go, and to • 1

pressed ; it is then the duty of the as-1 nss1s tmr. at another Jubil ee, B ishop President Wr~tson informed the pirant to g t:ess the other half of the

I S hct l ha s ndm mis tered the Sac1ament Club. th at at a s pecia l rn eetl~g of the word . The society will ad mit anyone of Con firm at10n to twenty classes m AdvJ sc ry Board, Monday mght, the capable of passing the entrance ex -

llh ~ last two weeks fo lldowing plans for Hom ecommg were ::1mma b on


! Th e Rev. James V. Rhcams, c. s . v. , l . ft was decided th~t in asmuch as · Another society attracting much

S ubscription Rate : $2.00 per annum . I

f ormer Pres ident of S t. Viator Col- there wou ld be cons iderabl e expense 1 attention about the campus is the leg e, was here lnst Montby w ith the 0 .n nccc·Jnt of the orches.trn, decora- Barbers' Club. Thi s Club is s pon­pl:tns f or the new combinati on Novit- , l IOns and s uch, that the ticke ts would sored by certain more or less prom­iatc, Jun iorate and Provincial Resi- cost $2.50 per coupl e . Mr. Laenhardt incnt members of the fres hm an cla!s.

I dence that will be erected on the pro- then !lsked_ for the c?operation of the : Requirements for admiss ion- un­

to perty recently acquired by the Ameri- 1 students m dccor~tmg the _ gym as l tmown. However, we believe tha t to can Prov ince of the Clerics of S t. the plan of decoratiOn called for much gain admittance into the ra nks of the

. . ·I' V iator . . It is ex pected that the work 1 labor. and time. I~ ha s been the cus - 11

clu b one mu st merely be a f reshman.

Addl'cs s a ll correspond ence referring either to advert is in g or subscr ipt ion The Viatorian, Bou rbonnai s, Ill.

E ntc1cd as second c lass matter at the Pos t-offi ce of Bourb ::>nnai s , Illtn oJs , w ill begm no later than January. tom 111 the past to let ~. f ew do the under t he Act of Ma rch 3rd, 1879. ___ work, and everyone enjoy the results. I

~========o:======~===-~. -=I Father Joseph M. Lon ergan, Chap- Let us this year a ll jo in in the work, i Sin ce "Doc" Goodwin has a new

H omecoming

! bin of the SGth Divis ion , 38th Infan- as it is a matter o-f pride that should record on hi s portable called ~~sonny

I try, 20th Engineers and DOth E n- concern all of us. Boy," w e are cont inually bothered by g·inccrs, in France during the Worl~ Tickets on Sale AI Furlong's attempt to im itate Mr.

: War, del ivered the patr iot ic address Jdson. Last ycn.r Al's f!lv orite song . at the banquet celebrating the nine- According to Mr. S mith, chairman was "An Old Guitar with an Old Re-

lely stated that nothing definite has ' frain." ' tecnth anni versary of the institution iJccn decided concernin g the f orm of : of Perez Council of the Knights of the prog ram, :- lthorgh several s tyles 1 Colum bus , in Chicago on Nove mber 8· were under co :-~ s idcration . Mr. Val-

' lcl y added that eve rything possible

It is rumored that Jack Dempsey is £om cwhat worried abo ut hl s prospec ts for a date for the homecorning dance. In the event t hat J ack fa ils in his at-

The Rev. Maur ice P. Sam mon, Pas- would be done to please a.Jl. The tor of St. Bern:nd's Church, P~or~a, 1 tickets have t een adopted and will be spoke to t~e membe.rs of the Optmu st ready for distribution, Saturday . tempts , we suggest that he hand his Club, Peon a, at the ir weekly luncheon Accoridng to Mr. Sm ith, chairman name to McNary who ;~ chaifman of November G, on the outstandin g ! of the committee on the Hobo Parade, the date committee. 1t is Mac's duty even ts of the life of Archbis hip John plans were being formed to make to secure dates for the boys who n.re

• Lancaster Spalding , forme r bi shop of th is event g reater than ever before. unable to bring their lady friends j Peoria M D M C t l 'd from hom e. We feel assured that.

In to t he life of every co llege man, resident or graduate, an- . J c t,te~s h~~ ~c~n a~·e~~ :a~t t'~u:~:~oe~~ Mr. McNa ry will be of service to Jack J!Ually comes that "day of days" that has come to mean so much I ' J ohn Boyle, '09, passi ng t hrough tra> with prospects of replies in t he in C>SC he should be disappointed in to those who retai n in t heir hear ts a fee ling of t ender r egard for han kakcc las t Fnday, c~lled at t he very near future. It has been re- his date fro m Streator, Ill. n 1 , . . . . College and had an enJOyable chat quested tha t everyon e hand in the

t 1e old school. The student anticipates Homecommg Day wtth with his old f ri end, Fa.ther F. E. names of their prospect ive guests to

bated breath and anx ious hea rt, eager to show the return ing alum- Munsch, c. s . v. 1 the chairma n of the Invitation Com- pr:::e~:"inC~~~e;,vin:~i~:~:t!lyg~::: nus t he progress made since t he latter's departu re, more eager to I ' mittee in order that th e nu mber yea.r in the Little Nineteen Swimming

obtain :1 glimpse of his f uture self personified by t he Homecoming : us Jo~~0~0~:!~":;e w0~01~isth\~~:st~f~~ mig~t be estim ated. Tournament "Buck" turned in t he

·'grad ." Won derful projects relating to the affair a re conceived : voice, paid a brief vi s it to the old Advisory Boa rd Meeting ~i;~: ;!rd n;:;~y-n;~: ~~~:~ds e~:n:~; and developed. Facul ty and students unite in their effort s to ochc·ol, Sunday, November 4. At a specia.J meeting of t he Col-· " Buck" did his little act in twenty-

. · . --- l iege Club Advisory Board, call ed by make the enterta mment for their guests of the clay a b1g success. J. Robert Langton, ,23 , was a lso Pres id ent Watson and held in Room seven fiat. With men like "Bucl :" at Clubs are form ed and committees appointee! . Those in charge here November 4, and informed us 330, Roy Ha ll, student pl ans for the helin Viator shou ld steer her labor ceaselessly for a favorab le outcome of the ir plans. The , that he is now working· "' a t raveling Homecoming were discussed and comse _ to a LJttl e Nmetecn sWJmmmg

salesman out of Peoria. drawn up. Every pha se of the coming : champiOnship . ~tudents fo rce t hemselves at top-most speed, always aiming at a event was thoroughly investigated , Old grads returning to the annual

better and bigger day fo r the Homecomers. Frederick J. a nd completely settl ed . The various Homecom ing will be startled to fmd Went he, c. s . v., '28, a ppol·nte<l and ap- , an c nc ient friend gone. During the

'What is there in it fo r t he parties concerned ? At·e there any was t he first to answer the appea l committe~~ w:~·: members of t he l lar.t two weeks a crew of workmen

decided advantages and who is benefitted by t hem ? Yes, there made in t he las t issue of the Viator- ~::~-~d An outlin e of t he duties of ha ve been tearing down t he walb of :A re and t he benefi ts are directed toward both young and old. For ian for news of our a lumni. He wr ites each committee was given to the the old gym that remainoJ standing

f rc.m f ar-away W!l shi ngton, D. C. , t he g raduate t he day is alive with returni ng memories, r enewed where he is s tudy ing Theolog-y at t he respecti ve chairmen. The names and ! after the fire of 1926.

friendships, and resurrected acq(Jaintances . The elderly gentle- Viatorian Sem inary, that Warren J. members of the committees selected

man retums to school prepared to dismiss, for the day, his long- McCII eland, a lso of b s t yea.r' s grad- I follow : NOTED HIS'TORIAN DIES uating class, is holding down a gov- 1 \Vatson, general chairman.

culti v:1 t ed and t ime-honored digni t ies. He throws himself into ernment posit ion in t he National ! Orchestra: McCarthy, chairman; The death of Ludwig Baron von t he CI'OWd of "whoopee" artists at the football game wi th utter Capitol. • 1 Dela.ney. Pas tor, Au str ian ambassador to the

ab:mdon . He loses h imself in "booing" t he r eferee and cheering 1 1 Hobo Parade : Smith, cha irman; Hol y See, who passed away recently

[or " his" team . For him , t he clay is a joyous recess from the tire- • . News has a lso r eached us concern - ~ McCar t hy. 1 at lnnsbruck at the age of 75, de-~.ome world of actuality mg the present employ ~1ent of two , Tickets, Programs, Invitat ion s : prives t he world of one of the most

. ·. . . . others of the graduatmg class of ! Doyle , chairman; Va llely; J. A. No lan. eminent Catholic scholars and his-Beneath a ll t hiS noise.makmg, :All t hese f r anttc preparatiOnS 1928 . Eugene Sammon has given up i Wood (for bonfire): Donohue, tor ians. Dea th came while Ba.ron von

:m el glor ious accomplishments, ru ns t he current of true collegiate • hJs work m t he nearby metropohs, i chairman; Hoft'man; Morg an; Flynn; ' Pastor was in the midst of the con-brotherhood and 1113 terna l ]oua!ty. Between the graduate and and has returned to a more fr.vorable ', Murphy. eluding labors on h1s monumental

J position in Peori a. s ixteen-volume work, the "Hi story of t he undergraduate exists a bond of love and f ri endship that is Checkroom: Todd , chairman; Gor- the P opes since the End of the Mid-

r,nly apparently hidden in t he gulf of age that separates them. And John 'Pete' Harrington ha> re- 1 man. ' die Ages" . It w ill s t ill be possible, ceived a promotion in his wot·k with Floor: Members ~f the C~llege however, to compl ete the work, as the General Electric; he has be~n Club S tanda.rd Serv ice Comrmttee ; a ll the material for the remaining

Together , on Homecomin g Day, t hey are loudly and visibly attest ­ing t heir loyally to each other and to their Alma Mater.

The Bulletin Board

transf erred f rom the Homewood plar:t Delaney, chan·man. f three vol umes has been compiled anrl to New Jersey . ------ ~ requires but a final examina.tion.

----- 1 Ri ta.: Why did you break off yom : Fr. French (in Psychology ): " Mr. i affair w ith J im'? I The Stars l Vallely , what's your idea about emo- Helen: He wrote s uch poor love .

Few of th" st udents seem to realize t hat such a t hing as a • tion ?" letters that I was ashamed to show 1

Vall ely: "I'm aga inst it.' ' them to anyone. Every evening, one by one bulletin board exists in the corridors of Viator. Sti ll a smaller i Little stars succeed the sun,

number gi ve it any credit fo r its existence. Yet it is one object a round them. Alas ! Recent estimates reveal the fact that only . Scinti llating points of light ,

t ha t we can all claim as our own . And a common possession one,fiftieth of those who pass t he boards bother to turn their : Beaming, twinkl ing, through the

should be the pride and t he t l'Ust of those who possess it. heads and glance at the various notices posted. Divide these I E 1

nighft.d b f th d • · ac 1 one a es, e ore e awn,

According to t he latest and most r eliable figures obtainable figu res by the t hree and t he result is startling. Only five fellows 1 ·One by one, 'ti ll all are gone.

th ree-h undred and fifty Viator students pass by t he three bulletin and two nin ths of anothe r know anything at all about t he inci- 1 And t he t hought has come to me

boards in t he halls of Marsile and Roy on an average of twen ty- dents which should most concern them. Whether or not these / R ow unlike the star!~ al re we. . We too, could send a ttt e ray,

lwo t imes each clay, maki ng a total of seven thousand, seven hun- figures are exact , let each one of us resolve to pay closer attentiOn i To make life's night seem more

drecl chances for the students of Viator to !mow what goes on in the future to the bulletins posted for our benefit. i like day.

Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-11-15


Beggars for Life Will Hold Meeting at St. Viator in Near Future

At The Majestic :SoCiality· Meeting PROJECTED COLUMBUS MONU- I Edwin Pratt Sons Co. . I Staged at Loyola I MENT IN SANTO DOMI NGO I " Inc."

Nov. 18. "Do Your D;.tty' 1 with . 1 ---

Ch>S. Murray and c. Deloney, 85'/c . l (Ccntmued from first p~ge) I William E . Pt111man, Receiver Gen- Mannf-'lcl ureQS of eve rything Another First National program pic- 1

1 stinwJating, cha llenging 11eloquence cr.:d of Domi nion Customs, who in in \Vire and Iron \Vork . Fire Es­

capes, \Virc and Iron FeQ.ces , At a recent meeting of the "Side- ' tPre with plenty of sna.p , punch and of facts" poured for th from the hearts ! Hl1 1! la.unched the idea of build ing a 1 Store Fronts . Star Rai lin gs, Steel

Door" Pull_man Co . ~. Inc. (informal, who?~e.e ! . Also the usual thr~e acts and. ~ninds _of t.hese cr usa_ ders. for Jig.·h.thouse an_d monum e:1. t _in mem.ory of course) It was decided to place Mr. r f t h_! Ke ith-Orpheum vaudeville. Chr l:::.t througho.lt the four hours of of Columbus m Santo Dommgo, sa tled Stai rway s Vc:-tt Gua rds, Structu ra l Don McCarthy and Mr. ·John Smith in -1 l~ov . 19, 20. " Take Me Home!" their meeting. High Schoa l students last. week fro m. New York for that ' S~ee l \York. core of the annual Hobo Pa.rade that , Beb~ Daniels and Neil Hamilton, 90 '7, . vied w ith r epresentatives from t he republic after a s ix-woeks vacation. I L_ __ __:I:.::{A:..:::...:N.:::KA=K.:::E:::E=------' takes place yearly a t St. Viator's Mot ; on picture fan s will find a new colelges to show how they had seri- He sa id that splendid progress was ' ,------ ----------; Homeco ming. From t he worth of and even more f ascinating and cap- ously tr ied to establish t he Kingdom be ing made in the memorial project, these men in a ca se of this kind , ' t ivating Be be Daniels t han they have of God in their own hearts and in the which it is estimated will cost $4 ,000,- 1 there is little doubt that the event ever known before in this role. Neil hearts of others, even such neglected 000, rai sed by government and popu- l will be a complete success. H ?. rnilton is her opposite in t his . persons as inhabit our jail s . Jar subscriptions in all Arnerica.n l

To introduce some initiative into Added attraction , Lone ·Eagle, the R : !: ~·o:.;, s Adivity St ressed countries . the parade thi s year it has been de- 1 wo :--der dog in person. \·Vith the In s·.: mmarizing the discussion on Albert Kelsey, architect of the Pan-




"Its Quality Satisfies"

G . A r seneau Bakery

Bo ur bon na is, Illinois

cided that two prizes will be given po!ice dog travels Scotty, the Airdale. th ~ re lat ion between the parish a.nd A.>neri can building- in Washington, D. i for the best costumes. These prizes No'.-. 2l , 22• 23 , 24 · "\Vings.~~ Rich- the s~~o~ !, the chairman rernarl<ed, C., who is acting as technical adviser will be two tickets fo r the Homeconi - ard Arlen, Gary Coop er, Ch as. Rogers '"'\;Ve become members of the army of in the selection of preliminary plans 1

ing dance, one for firs t place and one and Chra Bo\:, 9_5'/v . What a ~arade Chri st not by attending the college or fo r the monurnent, started for Spain i for second . These rewards are very 1 of sta rs ! Ma m mterests of thts film high school, but by belonging to a on \Vedn esday to mak e arrangements !.._--------~---,--'-----' well worth the effort it would take are t he wonderful a.nd thr illin &' air parish. Our fir s t al legiance, then, for an exhibition of the prelirninary 1 ,--------------- ---; to make an interesting and novel scen·es. Th ere is a love t-heme. It must be to our parish and no religious plans. He estimated that 2,000 archi- l dress and we wan t to see some diver- Con(;erns two boys in the aviat ion c. ::: tivity of the school mu s t be a.I- tects wou ld submit plans, twelve of sity among the participants. 1 sc hool '~h o fal.l in l~ ve wit~ t he lowed to interfere with any obliga- wh ich would be chosen at the exhibi-

Just a word for those who have not ' sa r.1e g n· l. Thts plot 15 earned by ti011s that we have to the particular l'.ion in Spain before the final choice been here in prev ious years . The I Chas. RJ gers and Richard Ar len and J ivis ion of Chris t's army in which -,as ma<..l e. Hobo Parade was inaugura.t ed some Chra Bow. Don' t rniss this treat! Divine Providence has placed us. The years ago as an aid to increa se en- school must t r a in us to become thus iasm among the student s, but At The Luna staunch -a10d a ctive members of our CATHOLIC STUDENTS' has s ince become one of th e essenti2i" , pari shes or it fails in-- one of its clut- PUBLICATION WINS


BARBER SHOP Only s hop in town that uses

s oft water

JOE LAMBERT, Prop. of the cerebrat ion. The students ies. It is in recogniti on of these gather a t the street car, which pro- NO\·. l S. " Philli s of t he Movies," p t inciples that here a.t Loyola, stud- JOURNALISM HO:--IOR 'L--------------'

vides t he transportation to Kankakee. Ali ce Day, 85r/r · A Universal r elea se. cn t ::> are urged t o become a ctive mem­They get off at the Big Fo ur tracks ! Catchy lit t le story behi~? the sta.g~; bers of the H oly Name Society in Peoria- Brother Fred, principa l of and form ing a line, proceed up P lulhs ha s h er regular stage door their parishes, to attend the meetings Spalding In stitute here has rece ived Schuyler Ave., to Court St ., thence tO Jo hnnies until the only one st eps in. r egu larly and to receive Holy Com- word that "The Spalding," an nual E~st Ave down t o t he I C station Nov. 19, 20, 21. '·The \Voman from muni on on Holy Name Sunday." publication of the Ins titute, was I back Mer~han t St . to H3~Ti~s n, th e1~ Mosc ow,'

1 Pola Negri and Norman TJ- ree Meetings a Year awarded flr st honors in an All-Amer- 1

up to Cou rt, and back to Schuyler, Ke rr y, gor;, · Pol a as a countess, According t o the constitution t hat i::.-~ n contest sponso1·ed by the Un iver-wherc t hey form :::t ci rcle, and proceed 1 wii' ch character she portrays well. was adopted the conference will meet s ity of Minnesota. The contest wa s to make \Vhoopee. Of course, ch ey Th e actress who li ves her parts, three tirncs a yea.r, on or about All open to all high schools in the United I arc not s ilent during the parade--of R1,s::. ia and all its pre-w3-r splendor. Saints , Lincoln 's, or ·washington's States. Spalding Institute is being the streets, but fa.r from such, they N orman Kerry support s her in th is Birthday and Ascension Thursday. congratulated on a ll sides upon its

Trade At

Philip T . Lambert's GOOD SERVICE HARDWARE . . ~

Reach, W ri ght & Dit son S porting Goods

129 E. Cour t St., Kankakee '

make enor,gh noise to be heard in a ll wonder story· ,1

• Most likely future meetings will be signal honor. parts of Kankakee a nd vicinity. This No-: . 22, 23, 24 · Land of the SII- held at different institutions . So far i ~--------------~ is to le t everyone knqw that t hen: is ver Fox" with Rin-Tin-Tin, the w ond- , they have been held at Loyola where "G. G. G." Enro I ;. ' a f ootball gam e the next day, and er German. Shephe•:d dog. ; Pl enty _of I they had their origin in 1927. The 1 Clothes Shirts I THE CITY BAN, ... ~' ;'~~~~ that it is Hom ecoming. After al l· the ' sn cw m t his plctul e. A \Varnel t e- Chicago conferences were so success- • "' cheers for the team, and the dire ' lease, 90•/, . I ful a~d a SOt\ f Ce of such great helD I Jl1-p;:;< f' E & snN ~ KANKAKEE, ·ItL Ul~i!!~ threats for t he opponent s ha.ve b~~n 1•1 i V 0 le t out, they com e back to t he school where a monster pep m eeting t::lkes place. Old Viator stars of former years wi ll te ll the tea m how to fight, and after a few more cheers, e\·er y ­one will retire to gain the neerJ ed

Note-The wonder of the age will t o the sf:h uol s 1 epres:nte~ i_n them I - - ,1; ·,;o l it~N "

Le inst all ed in the Majes tic t heatre - - MENS --:_- _ Welcome Y!l~~ '»-!ih k/~gi ,'~ that they became the m spll'a.ttOn, the : ~~T!_~T~E_!lS ____ _ ~·.::::::,_

rest for the next day.



The VVorld's Fair cornmi ttee has announced the appo intm ent of the Pauli st Chori s te rs of Chicago a s officia l Chori s ters at the Fair, to prese nt programs of var ied types that may be called for by t he com­mi ttee on music. Rehearsa ls h ave begun for thi s a£s ignment .

The Rev . Eugene F. O'Malley, C. S. P ., the new chori ster , has under­taken to ent irely tra nsf orrn t he choir, hy recon st ructi ng t he boys' voices , Lhereby developi ng that ethereal quality, peculia r to t he boy's voice alone. VVithin four weeks , pl acernent of tone has been a ccomplished, and the work of beautif y ing th at tone is rapidl y progressing.

The vnst pr('I~TtHn which ha s been begun includes orator ios , the ' works of Pal estrina , de L:1ssus, Vil toria and the mus ic of the Modern Russian School. The chor ister s exemplify pnrticulnrly the l Gth century music and the !H"t of choral s ingin g.

To My Friend

My heart was wrapped up in a cloud That hid the hopes of brighter hour~; I w('aried of the pattering rain, Forgl•tting that it nourished flowers.

But thE.>n n sunbenm piHeed t he gloom Anll sombre '!'kies once more grew

blue; You w~re- th(' ~unbeam; that i~ why l tlE.'di t'fth" tht?~e I \nt-s to you.

[.A. ),L

and wil l be in operation by Decernber 1 1, The Vitaphone. Look for com ing

a t tractions.

Groceries Confectionery

II Amedee]. Lamarre I

Bourbonnais, Ill.

Cigars Noticns


Nicest and Most Up to Date Cafe in Kankakee

R es e r vation for Special Parties

141 N. Schuy ler Ave.

Phone 4954 J . Bereolos, Mgr .




J. LA MB, Prop.

It Pays To L ook W e ll

We So licit the College M e n 's


E ver ybody Likes

CANDY We Supply St. Viator College

F. 0. Savoie Compa n y


for erunner and the model for the I national conventi on of s tudent lead- I Hotel Kankakee Buildin g I Bitsfnes~ . : ... ,: .. ,.1,_ 1

er ship held in St. Louis t his summer. The Roll-it Hole proof J. 'I• !!J') ...

Cor. Court St. and Sc!w !'J.e;; _,Ax~-Cap Hos iery __ ., .·1 ., ; ,(

N. L. MARCOTTE I ' ·~· '"'( VHl



_, q: t

Agent for dow n-town cleaning, Sidney Herbst, Pres ., and General Manage r press ing and re pairin g establis h-ment. DINING ROOM MAGNIFICENT BALL ROOM

Bourbonnais, Ill. A h earty welcome awaits the s tude nt and

friends of St. Viator College





Your Banking Home RENT-A-CAR 105 Court Street


Students Are Especially Welcome Call 76




No charge for extras.

Yellow Cab Co. We have elothes for yo un g- m e n , mature m e n , U ni vers ity

m en-in s hort we're now s howin g


~ The Purple Peak 322 Eas t Co urt St reel

K AN KAKEE , I LLI NO IS Plant·Kerqer Co. Good Sandwi ches

Horne-Made Pie T h e H ous e of J<uppenh e imer Good C lo thes


Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-11-15


The women of Illinois are now try ing to proh 'b iL c igarettes .





t. Mary's, Kans~• .-Kenton Kil" mer, eldest son oi the late J oyce Kil• m~r, has been app:Jinted ed itor-in .. c!dd of The Dis! the qoartcrly stud­ent magazine published at St. Mary's Coli ge here.

Thursday, ove m ber 15 . 19~

Bourbonnais Song

Bourbonnais: Petit Paris



Young Kilmer, during his years at L

St. Mary's has distinguished hims~lf BO P.BONNA IS N'EST PAS GRAN D'CHOS E, no a wnte~, showtng part1~u lar abihty 1 MA IS D'AMERIQ UE lL EST LE BEAU PARIS '" the fi e. d o[ r.oetry. SJme of hts ET SU R LUI MON COEU H SE POS E ~-,o,k hos been r ep:od.,ced and praised PA RCE QU' IL HE FERME MON NID CHERI. tn mag3z mes :!nd newspapers of na­tional prominence. II.

I n a few year~ we mi g ht well say w ith o ld Olaf: "Ain't a m an got no ri g h Ls ·1 I golly \Jane go ing to leave Lhi s Un ited States a nd go hack to the old co unLry , Rockford." SES HABITANT NE SONT PAS NO~I BRE X.


A !ton, II I.--With len per cent of

T h e nex t t h ing w ill be a law m 1k in g eve r y man , woman a n c1 1 th e student body en rolled as cand i­c h i lei raL at 1 asL one app' c a clay or drink at leas t one g lass of da leo on th e debate squad at Shurt­Ep~on R. Oh, w h at a race it w ill be . ' leff coll ege , Professor All en, forens ic

co~ch, is lookin g forward to a w in- III.

And do n 't forget , m a ma, the m an s a id we co ul d have ch ;cken every day . And don' t I t p a pa forget his s ilk s ox wh en he goes to wo rk in Lh e mo r ning.

~ in g yea r . . The squad of twenty-five I SU R LA PLACE DE L'HOTEL DE VILLE cebater£-:-fourteen men and eleven IL y A U MONU MENT women- Is the largest s ince Shurt- CE 'EST PAS LA CO LON E DE LA BASTILLE lcfl' has had intercoll egiate debates . MA IS CE LA N'EST PAS lii'IPORT A T.

-Shurtleff. IV.

I Galesburg, !1 1.,- Freshmen at Knox VI GILANT ET FI DELE PATRE

co ll ege a re no lon ge r to be eligible ANIME PAR UN E PETITE SAVOYARDE


by Nick la s Howithurtz

( Copy rig hte d in U. S. e t c . ) I for pledging to soror ities o: fratern- S'E LEV E LE CLOCHE R DE MONTMARTRE

ltt tes, accordmg to th e unanunous de- 1 AU DESSUS DE NOS' MANSARDES. c1s ion of the Knox board of trustees .

Syn : In t he la s t c h a p ter we left our h ero in t h e a ir. Will h e I This ruling, which is new in the coi- ' V. f II cl b k h" eck? M s t J"ke ly lcgc· wor ld, goes mto effect m Sept•m- NOUt AVL..~., AUSS I "NOTRE DAME" a a n rea IS n · 0 · 1 · ber, 1929, at the opening of the next.



U p, up , up wen t To m w it h n ever a down w ard g la n ce a t the . . . . ET TO UT PRES DU CHATEAU LEGRIS. mul t it ude assembled below. Sweepmg astde what opposttJOn

"Oh, oh, " sobbed Percy, 11 he must be holding his breath, what Marquette Univers ity could offer, the goes up should come down," with these words he hung his head in harriers gained a 35 to 20 victory,

l:.\ s t Saturday, their s ixteenth in a Ao n·ow · row. The victory wa.s a great one,

" L ook , look ," s h outed Di r t y a n d Cobr a , a g a in in chorus . I a£ the harriers had to travel over a



VII. At these cruel wo r ds P er cy look e d up. A b alloon was s woop- I course which they had never seen

ing clo wn on T o m . Two a rms g rip ped him jus t as h e starte d to 1

and a course that s tretched a mile f a ll. N e ll h a d saved t h e clay and Tom's n eck ! Hurra h fo r our I further than the Bradley thorough- NOUS AVONS NOTRE SEINE da rli ng ! Hurra h fo r T o m ! Hurra h for ever ybo dy! H urra h fo r the fa re.-Bradley Tech. AVEC DES PONTS MA IS PAS D'EA U a utho r fo r sen d ing t h e balloo n ! What a r e un ion t hat was ! Nell · CANE NOUS DONNE PAS1 DE PEINE s w oome cl, t h e balloo n s woop ed a nd T om , Nell a nd t h e balloon f ell Charleston II I.-Two hundred m•d CA R QUA D ELLE GO NF LE C' EST UN !'LEA U. in one h eap in t h e middle of a p astu re. P er cy, Dirty a n d Cobra

1 t hirty-seven freshmen out of a fi rst -

ran t o t h eir a ss istan ce. But a las a nd a low, they wer e t oo late . yea r class of 393 stated that they Our h e r o a nd h e roin e wer e dead . When P er cy saw t hi s touching came to Eastern Illinois State Teach­scene h e s uddenl y d ropped d ead of a b r ok en h \;a r t. D irty , n o t to crs' co llege "because former stude nt> i.Je o utdo ne, d ied of s un-str ok e. Cobr a gave yell a n d ru s h ed for

1 had given them a good impressw" of

his h o rse to be t h e first to b n ng t h e n ews to m oth e r. In h 1s ea ger- the school", in an swer to a questi on­n ess h e stu m b led and p itch ed headlo n g over t h e afo r esaid cliff. H e naire on why they came there to di ed of f righ t. Now t hat .all b u t the h or ses are d ead, t h e stor y is I school. Two hundred and thir ty­e nded. Inciden t ly, t h ey h ved h appily ever after . eight wrote down that " it was th e

: nearest coll ege."- Charleston.


Cincinnati, 0. ,- The Rev. Francis





X. I was so s ure t h at I wou ld w in, That I bet my ever y fm;

On t he-

J. Finn, S. J., disti ngu ished Catholic NOT RE BOIS DE BOU LOGN E N'E SIT PAS TROP LOIN, educator and the author of many Nl NE LE SONT LES CHAMPS ELYSEES widely-read books for boys died at 1 LA BAS IL Y A BIEN DES COINS ma n w ho-

was d efeated.

I'm so t ire d of writ ing ch eck s, T h at I s wear , by heck, I n ever again wi ll bet;

On the-man who-

was defeated.

It's s u r e not f un ny, To pay out the mo n ey. Whe n yo u know your righ t And you lose in the fight;

· On the--man who-

was defeated. Oh, well , better da y are coming soon.

W e have so many r equ ests for a form letter asking for money fro m home, that we ·ha d our office girl clas h this off : Dear Dad, (Father. I ater, Old l\'Ian):

The class (frat. gang, bunch) a r e having a big dance (shin­dig, h og wrestle . h op , brawl) next week . . 1 ow Dad (old man, fat her clear) I am sadly 111 n eed of cash (com m. the r ealm, bucks, berries) and a li ttle h elp would be gladly r ece1ved. Thanks old top (old can, old thing ).

The D ean of Studies told m e (meant to tell m e, had it in mind to tell me, didn't tell me, n eglect ed to tell me) t ha t I am domg verv w e ll in m \· studies and should win a few honors for t he old fan;ily name. ·

Sincerely, (lovingly , truthfull y) your Son.

the Good . Samaritan Hospital here, PO UR SE RA I' RAICHIR ET SE GRISER.

XI. i Novembe't 2, of heart disease. The

priest-author who was 69 years old, I had been in fai li ng health for three NOUS AVO NS UN ORGAN ISTE years, but it was not unt il recently QUI J OU E L'ORGUE DE LA CATHEDR ALE that his condition was regarded as ET QU ELQUE FOIS IL FAIT LE SOLISTE

AVEC UNE VOIX FORT " BARYTONALE." seri ous. Father Finn was born at St. Louis ,

October ~ . 1859, and attended private school s and St. Louis University there . Upon the completion of his collegiate work he entered the Society of Jesus in 1879, and in June, 1891, was ordained to the priesthood . As a member of the Society of Jesus , Fath­er Finn was stationed at St. Mary's College, St. Mary's , Kansas; Mar­quette University, Milwaukee, \Vis., and at St. Xavier College, this city . Since 1907, Father Finn had been director of the St. Xavier parochial school , one of the largest institu­tions of its kind in this section, and editor of the St. Xavier Calendar. He was also a trustee of St. Xa vier College.

'·Now, remember, my dears," said Mother Raccoon to her children, "you must always watch your step, be­cause you have the skin the college boys love to touch!"










Page 5: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-11-15

~ Thursday, November 15, 1928 THE V IA TORIAN

Review of Last 1 VARSITY ROMPS Week's " Little 19"

Football Contests . OVER VALPO U. I

Page 5

Viator Falls :ST. VIATOR MATCHED Before Charleston


PLOT ENTERS INTO FOOTBALL DRAMA MILLIKI N WIN S ' Chang e in ~:~o~v;iteup Works Weakened Varsity U n able

Decatur, Ill.,-Millikin today kept. I Stop Parad e

I to Tou g h Battle Sch edu led for

Iris h A Story of the Little Black Tie its record perfect by defeating Illin ois I .

College, 25 to 0. This wao the fifth I The St. V1~tor te~m proved to be Some few weeks ago Johnny Her- s tra ight year these teams have play- the mast~r of r the S I ~tmhon . m ~he

bert, the st~lwart captain of t he ed their game in t he mud . , game, With \ alparmso U n: vers1ty G cen Wave returned to the campus ' Corbett plunged fo r two toucl;- lo st ~aturday at the la.tter s fi eld.

r d f kt ' I, down s after successive runs v· I The \i alparmso team, pruned by the the prou _possehssotr o f ath nefc Ie. • bro ke 14 yards for a t hird .. Bl· ~ ~k~ i spirit of their hom ecome rs, fought in Little knowmg w a gne e uner- 1 < . an 1 • • f C h

ld · .· t th h f eluded a broken fie ld goi ng t t, 1 vam agamst the onslaughts o oac 1l cravat wou onng 0 e opes 0 1

< wen J McAllis ter!s fighting Irish. ·he Viator team Capt. Johnny loaned yards fo r t he fou r t h. . I . h : tJ· e with never a thought of In t he ?pemng- quarter the n s ~ he 1 ~ . c ored then· first touchd own when 7 riEf. Ca me the Bradley game and VIK I NGS' WIN , 20-0 1 H t bl k d f G th t

0 !>' L' Meis Mr. Herbert's room R ! ar. oc ·c one o . o ers pun s. n )ne mus ' . . ock Island, Ili.,-Augustana closed the Va lpara.iso thirteen yard lme. nate, wore t he above descnbe~ era- Its home season here by defeating F r om t hat position, Laenhardt, play­;at. The game progres~ed untJI the North Central, 20 to 0. Th e Vikings ing hi s fir st game for Viator this ast canto when Mr. Mets got m t he have not been defeated on t heir home season, ran through the Valpo t eam vay of some goal-ward bou nd Brad- grid s ince the middle of t he 1927 for the first counter. The try for cyites. Extt Mr. Mms. ca mpaign. point fa iled. Viator did not score

Came Monday and little Herby, ' Goranson made a 40 yard run in again until t he third quarter when >rave youth, dared the might of the

1 t he first quarter to score a touch- Ev:wcl received a beautiful thirty­

inx and wore t he fatal tie. During down . The other two counters came yard pass frorn Romary on the Valpo crimmage that same day our daunt- in the t hird per iod on a pass combin- fi ve yard line from which position he ess ca.ptain got his feet mixed up at ion. Sand strom to Goranson, with scored Viator 's second touchdown . .nd before long Honest J ohn was Knan ishu going over . Clothier scored the remaini ng points imping down to the saw-bones. Lost - -- f ·:n- Viator with :1 line plunge from or the zeason was that person's ver- KNOX TRIMS CORNELL i t he Valp c- one yard lin e in the last :tct and again the dismal cravat had Mount Vernon, Ia.,- Knox overcame q·~ a_rtet. . . ·xtracted its to ll from the brave but v 1 d the lone touch the jinx which has been tagging it a paratso ~core . n· . h ~ oolish. against Corneh in the last few years, down on a senes .of hne sma.s es an

Sat urday, November the third and won, 14 to 7. 1 forward p::t sses m the final quarter.

awned as usual and the occupants of After Cornell opened the game with i Do :n-:1 , the Valpo captain proved much 02 arose and after performing their a touchdown two touchdowns were 1 the :1ggressor in t hi s last event and 'l Orning libations Mr. Hanahan of d b K' . th d d va;,l a t tempt to overcomt the lead score y nox m e secon an , . ·

1. t

~roadwell, Illinois remarked to his t hird quarter s. In a. sea of rnud, ! the Irish stored up in the ear ter par pal'l'ing pa.r t ner, Mr. Laenhardt of neit her team was able to gain ground 1 vf the gmne. ;hicago that he was going to break consistently, but fought fo r each -----he jinx. Mr. Laenhardt , the very break of the contest. The Cornell , Pcoric., Ill., Nov. 15-(Special). oul of superst ition, begged his roomie touchdown came after Crabtree in- 1 Bradley Tech meets McKendree Col­at to dare the gods of chance but tercepted a Knox pass on the Knox : lege of L2 banon, Ill. , here November 1ith no avail. Five minutes of play 15 yard line, and t he first Knox touch- 24 , in the final conference game of 1 the Charleston game saw the above down came when the muddy ball ac- 1 the season for the Indians. It is the 1cntioned Mr. Ha.nahan lim ping from ciedn tally hit Allen, Cornell half back 1 fi rst appcar~nce ~f McKendree on. a he gridiron the proud possessor of in t he back as he was blocking an loc::tl chart. A wm for Bradley w1ll n injured knee. Another redskin end on a Knox punt . Hitchcock did . s t rengthen her claim for the s tate ad bit the dust. a great job of line plunging for Knox, title fo r t he fourth consecutive year.

Mr. Laenhardt, returning fro m while Allen made most of Cornell's McKendree hz.s been defeating some :hicago on Sunday evening, sn1elled yardage . strong tearn s to date, and is expected

smell that he had never s rnelled be- ---1

to fo rce the l ;~ dinns tv the limit. ore. Entering his room he saw the LAKE FOHEST BEATEN '

ictims of the necktie gathered about Monmouth college easily· turned j Man ¥le.nted-Experienced in hand-minute conflagration. The necktie l::ack Lake Forest, 13 to 0, in a muddy ling g irl s ; must do heavy lifting.

ras being burned. But lo and be- game at the losers/ .g r idir on Satur- ' -Cincinnati Times-Star old! The evil emblem would not day. Monmouth gamed 424 yards !----------------1 U\)n! The unhappy triumvirate from the line of scrimmage, aga inst i nally had to compromise on burying 81 for the home eleven. ne ev il omen a nd at las t Viato r took he fi eld ~~p i nst ~n op ponent and merged from the fray minus in­Jries.

United Cigar Store Peoria, Ill., Nov. 15-(Special). I Cnr . Co urt and Sc hu yler J

D t t S t d Y Coml)lete Ll' n e of S m ok ers' Coach A. J. Robertson takes his g rid ·




Cha.rleston Normal's hig h-powered i The hottest ti lt on the Collegiate grid machine da shed roughshod over ' schedu le between Ca tholic Coll eges a crippled Viator team on November : will undoubtedly take place when 3rd. Th e much abused Irish were I John Ca.rroll and t he Fighting Irish forced to succumb to the attack of tangle at Cleveland on November the downstaters.

1 17th. Carroll has defeated Davis-

After the opening kickoff the Via- : E lkms, a tea m t hat beat the Navy. tor team marched down t he gridiron l Last season Viator went to Cleve­to the Normal ten yard line but the · land as the under dog and emerged march went for nil when a pass went { fm m the game with a 0-0 t ie. Car­as tray and the Normal line smothered , roll was very lucky that the Bour­Evard for a fifteen yard loss. The ; bonna is crew did not swamp them. determ ined :J.ttack on the Charleston ! However , th e backers of the Viator goal seemed to warm the T eachers up , Green Wa ve are sure that this season so they at once harnmered down the ~~ the home team will not face a n over­lot to score on a twenty yard jaunt con fident Cleveland outfi t a nd t hat off tackle by Parr. The ha lf ended . the game belongs to tho team which s ix to nothing in favor of Cha.r les ton. l goes out to Luna Park Stadium to

The second half was a ll to the bene­ fig ht and fi ght and fi ght some more

fit of the Charleston team. Time a:QLi I Via tor will again enter the game t ime again the Irish lin e, weakened· as the under dog but with the injured by injuri es, wa rded off the attack of I veterans ngain ready for service and the Tea chers but the downstaters the traditional fight fairly oo?. ing wo.u ld not be denied and they crossed I from them it is sa.fe t o venture that t he line three times in the second ! t he team that wins this game will canto. Parr a.ga in scored on a short deserve t he laurels of victory. play and then Fenoglio counted on a ,--------------­pass from Creamer. I t il he was hurt in the fourth quarter

Coach McAllister was forced to I after dashing off tackle for fifty start a team weakened by injuries yards. Red O'Malley, playing despite and as the game progressed it be-

1 an injured shou lder, gave his usual

came more evident that the Irish i bri lliant performance. Joe Logan could not cope with the pennant j and Don McCarthy a lso played very frenzied dash of the Normal men. I good ball but these four men could

Mike Delaney was the particular i not s ingle handed stave off the a.t­bright and shining s tar for Viator un- ; tacks of the p~nnant bound Teachers.




Jaciefg !Brano Clothes

NOTRE DAME CONVENT Accred ited to Illinois University

A Select Boarding S~hool fo r Girls and Young Ladies This ins titution is conducted by the Sisters of Notre Dam e,

offers eve ry oppo r t uni ty to young ladi es for a t horough Christian secular e-ducat ion. Pri cE'S reasonabl e. For cata logue address


a nd and

Some days later ~ bra.ve youth ven ­.1rcd into the sanctum of the injured nd offered a ti c for sa le. Eager respective buyers sprang to accept 1e offer but upon the production of 1e article of neck ·wea r groans of nger and rage rent t he atmosphere. 'he t ic w:tJ-l.:. l:l ~ k . The 1·e main s ·ere sent to Lincoln , Illinois for in­~rment.

w arrior 3 t o eca ·ur nex a ur a



fot c.:1 important confe rence game Articles with James Mil1 ikin Univers ity. 1'------------------------------__J Ne it her team ha s been defeated to

1 Fountain & Luncheon Ser vice I

John O'Malley was shifted to tackle 1 this game. ln so doing McAlli ster trengthened th e Viat or line. Mc­:arthy and . Logan fto nk ing Paul J'Mnll ey in the center of Viator's

dn te. The g am e is expected to d e - ~ cide t he sta te champion for 1928. ,L----------------' ~----------------------, , -----------------------. ~

E, A. Aaron & Bros. Establi shed 188 5

T e le phon es­Roosevelt 3220-1-2-3-4

46-48 So uth Water Mark et, C hicago, Ill.

Reliable Cleaners Kankakee, IlL

Clea nin g. P ressing, Repai ring. Promp t and Efficient Service t hroug h our agent-l\1r. Senninger.

Room 319 Roy Hall ne showed great abi li ty in stopping I

~~d;!:~:geso~\~~e f~~:p\~~~;;~d ~~~ .----------------~~-=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-~~-=-~ : \Vholesal ers of Poultry, Dutter ,

Eggs, Cheese, Fruits and Vege ­ta bles.

' io.tor backs considerabl y from mak- j

1g rnnny long runs. However, Evard 10naged to avoid the Va!po tacklet·s ) r n twenty- fi ve yard run in t he :1cond qunrter. Romm·y and Laen­nrdt gained consistent ly t h1·ough the ne.


A. C. C.

IDEAL SWEETS CO. Manufacturers of

I-D-E-A-L "That Good Ice Cream"

W h olesa le Confection ery and

Fo untai n Supplies

WILLJAM P. CANNON, M.D. Attend in g S urgeon to S tud ents and Facul ty of

Office Hours: S t. Via tor College 2 to 'I p. m. Phone 7 to 8 JL m.

Phone Office, Mai n 337

Home, Ma in 307 3 302-303 Cobb Bldg.


Leading Purveyors To The Institutional Table

Forty;-two y ears' exper ience in s upply ing Q u a li ty

Products for institutional a nd r esta u rant require­

ments has perfected our ser v ice and o ur

va lu e s b eyond ordinary comparis on .


Our Ede lw e iss trade mark has become t h e symbol of fin e

qu a li ty foods economica lly p a ck ed. W h ere v e r, c lo s e and

intell ige n t buying prevai ls our Cata log is of interes t.

John Sexton & Company Man ufacturing W h o les a le G rocers


Page 6: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-11-15


An Interested Bishop Sheil' How many times have three dollars a month. Can look out Alumnus Writes I enhtertaincd him in the humble room over the mountai n ranges here a nd

in t c old build\ng. Father Rivard · ha.ve got so that if I ca n't see twenty T 0 The College and Monsignor Legris remembered mile.s in a s traight line I don't fee l __ 1 me when I was back to vis it twelve comforta ble. Son Bernadino, Calif. yoaro ago . I on ly hope and pray Had a n earthquake last Saturday.

October 10, 1928. that the day will come when I can I Good one. I was on t he t hird fl oor I Dea r Edit or: get bock and spend a day or so in the fi le room of the storehouse here, when

Well, I am s it ting here in my shirt old town . it commenced to shake. Sa y boys ! I s leeves t rying to keep cool while I Now here is something f or the I did it in nothing flat down to the indi te a litt le epist le to t he heathens b~nch there. I have a n ice home of fi r st fl oor. F elt like a monkey on a Lack a t t he old coll ege. I don't see about seven rooms here in town. stick.

Phone 4222

Thursday, November 15, 192


One, Two or T hree Passengers

Evening Rate : 50c Day Rate: 75c P hone a ppointm ents as ea rl y as possible.


Ph one 4222

a ny more references to ou r dear old Since com ing here I have never seen Have been out on t he desert , over Pres ident a nd friend of the old days, or heard of a Viator ia n. Address is Mojave way, a nd it was so cold at ----------------------------- 1 Fa ther M. J. Ma rs ile. I sure am 1965 Bell e Street, Sa n Bernad ino, night tha t we had t o stay in t he hotel. II

sorry not to see you get busy a nd for Californi a . All coll egia ns are in vited Brought back a lot of cactus fo r t he t he sa ke of us old t imers to publish a to s top an d make themselves knOwn w ife to plant in t he yard. Th ink t hat com plete s tory of t hat g ra nd old when pass ing throug h or stop ping she is stack ing up on me, and some gent lema n, fo r believe me, it would here, a nd anyone in t he vicinity who day will try and pu sh me in to it. Had ma ke the paper a thi ng of beauty for ever attended St. Viator's had bet ter soni e f resh fi gs t his m orning for ::11 1 of us. make t hemselves known, or I w ill break fast off my own fi g tree. Ha ve

J ha ve just ret urned to Cal iforni a fee l hurt . paper shell a lmond s a nd walnuts a fter t hree months of the Il li.noi s eli - Ca li_fornia is a g reat state. We gTC·wing in the yard a nd peaches , ma te but I fee l t hat I have not lost have about t en mont hs of sunshine apricots and strawberries, a lso grapes anyth ing in get tin g back for it is every year. The days are warm a nd a nd a n orange tree. over t he top with a temperature of pleasant with cool ni g hts . It is a fact For a nimals , t hirty ch ickens , two n inety-five t his noon and there is a that we ha ve the same weig ht bed- cat s and a lot of horned toa ds , a fin e breeze blowin g in t he window. ding on our beds t he year t hl·ough, gopher snak e and a possum . Have a Had a dandy dinner las t evening . and us 2 it every nig ht, even wh'en boy that is alm ost ready fo r St. Via­F r ie nd wife ha d the table set out on th :..· thermometer goes to one hundred tor 's but we li ve so f a r away t ha t t he buck lawn under t he shade of a :.md twenty during the da y, which is t he wi fe sa ys she can' t bear to le t ~ig fi g t r ee ~nd we .ha d the rad io ~~ud I : ct unusual in the summ er. There hi rn g o. May try a nd enter h im in spea ker set t m g on t he g rass bes1de IS r.o 11co ld" weat her here for if t he th e next year or two, but quien sabe. t he table. Ta lk of mus ic w ith your therm ometer should go down to P lease change the address on the n~ ea l s , \~ell I should_ sa~ . And great l1 twenty-s ix and sh y l or ten hours it Via tor ian to my home, 1~65 Belle St., b1g lusc1ous s traw oernes-No foo l- would m ean a los:; of over fifty mil- a nd I will .get it sooner . Best l'e­ing ! But to be serious f or a little. lio:1 doll ars fo r t hi s vall ey a lone. 1 gards and come on out. Give my re­(Oon't. know how long r .can la st at it j don't own an overcoat, a nd havC not gard s t o ever yone whet her I know but wtll try) . I have JUSt got ba~k ! had one f or over twenty years. \Vent them or no t, and my best to the ones

ho 1~ e after a three months leave m ) back to Chicago two years ·ago to see I do know. Ch1cago. Sorry t hat I could not ac- ~ a blizzard. Saw one a nd st a.yed in Yours as an old t imer, ce pt Fat her Gi ra.rd's invitation t o the the house hugging th e s team radiator (Signed) Chet G. Wood, '04.

chicke.n d!~ner, but I "wa s not i n~ited, 1 until I left for home. Use one li t tle a sk h un how corn e. But I dtd go , ga s heater for the home a ll wi nter Freshma n (walking hurriedly up over a nd ha ve a nice talk with F ath - ! long , and m y heat cost s me a bout hi ll ) : "Woudln't it be wonderful if er Mars ile. It is a pleasure a nd a t h is h il1 was on t he level ? ' '

great one to f eel h im a f riend. He People's

Credit Clothing Co. We Clothe the whole family

Generous Credit to all

25 9 E. Cour t St.

F - A- BRIER, Prop_

was just t he fine Am erican g ent le- , m an t ha t he a.\ ways wa s , welcoming i hi s old boys as in the old days. If t here were a few more like him t his country would never ha ve to worry about the fu t ure. OUR COLLEGE is t urning out ma ny like him. Never a pa per comes to me that does not comment on the visit of some notable who is the product of its ha ll s .

-----------------------------. '.---------------------------See the Newest Fall Suits and O vercoa ts

Amedee T. Betourne PHARMACY

Agent for Eas t ma n Kodaks Prompt D eveloping a nd P rinting


For good things to eat Stop and Shop at


Kankakee's Busiest

364 E. Cour t St.



LeBoeuf & Granger P HARMACY

217 Court Street

Kankakee, IlL

.------------------------Bobbitt's Cafeteria

360 E. Cour t St.

" Always Glad to See You"

Einbeck' s Studio

Our phot ograp hs a re inexpensive yet treas ured fo r t heir wor t h as li ving port ra its .

143 No r t h Sch uyler Ave.



264 Eas t Merchant St ree t

Te le phone 406 KA N KAKEE, ILL.

CHAS. C. RIEL Y DONALD M. RIELY l Telephone !!95


Electricians for St. Via tor College


P r int in g, E ng ravi ng, OJfice S upp1i es , Loose Lea f Forms, Binders' etc.

D. J. O'LOUGHLIN, M. D. P ractice Li mited to


Bell Telephone 253

,602 City Nat' / Bank Bld g. KAN KAKEE, I LLIN OIS


Insurance, Loans and Bonds 311 City National Bank B uildin g

Always drink pasteurized milk. Our wagons pass your door every morning before you have breakfas t


Both P hones 4o


Bulga rious Butter Milk

306 Sout h Schuy ler Avenue

Drink Milk I' I

M~~f l { ~--------------------~ l ~---------or_t_•c_·•_an ________ ~l , ___ a_n_k_a_k_ee_,_I_II_. ____ P_h_o_n_e __ 40_7~I ,------------------------------------------~----~

119 Court St., Ka~ ka kee , III.

Leave Your Laundry & Dry Cleaning With

NOLAN BROS. AGENCY Domest ic Laundry Co.

Dry Cleaners Rug Cleaners

Kankakee I

Luna Barber Shop UN IO N

Firs t Class S hop T wo Clea n Towels on Every

Cus tomer




Meals, Shor t Orders, Specials, Confections P ri va te Di nin g Room fo r Banq uets and Part ies


·--------------~ ~~K~N~' O~~X'~H~A-1-'S------------------------------------~ ~ ~======================~ -----------------------------------------------~· ROLLINS HOSE I

Who knows'! We know what you ng men. want in Clo thing and Furnishings

Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothing VIC BOUDRE AU

Arcad e Bld g. Arrow & Eag le Shirts Mun s ingwea r

W.G. CHILD Sanitary Market

346 E. Court St .

Telephone 137

Oberlin Furniture Co. 129 N. Schuyle~ A ve.