L. WammiJo - i. Lots for sale deap. Apply to Jao. Exurasraz. Preaching at Mklell to-ight 7:1U sad tomorrow at the usual hours by Rev. R. B. Downer. His last appointment. Go out and bear him. POETRY. December is here! How the seasons advance! Catch onto his nibs with the striped pant.! KNIGHTS OF HONO.--The Grand Omeers will pay an oacial visit to St. Tammany Lodge, No. 3476, next Monday night. All mem- bers are requested to be present. The new and growing town of Hammond, in Tangipahoa Parish, has a bank, which reminds us that there is a good opening in Coving- ton for such an instatution. Mr. F. Mattbies, of the German Settlement, presented us with some ane new syrup last Saturday. It is about the color and thickness of strained honey. and is finely Sfavor- ed. Thanksgiving Day was quietly observed in Covington. Appro- priate servees were held in the Methodist Church, by Rev. R. B. Downer and there was good attend- ance. t'hANC FonR BA%(GAI•S. - Mr C. M Kaufman, in the Pellaot building, has made a great re- duction in prices, and is selling out below cost. Now is your chance to buy goods cheap. See advertise- ment. Drun.-In Covington, La., Mon- day, Nov. 26, 1894, Henry Sidney Power, son of Phillip Power, of New Orleans. aged 34 years A member of Apollo Lodge, No. 127, K. of P. The remains were taken to the city for interment. Mr. John H. Thompson, a model farmer, who.e place is a few miles north of Covington, pre- sented us with some fine ribbon cane last Saturday. One stalk was eight feet long and had twenty joints. He reports that everybody in his neighborhood lost their plant cane by the late freese, of Mlonday, Nov. 12. POSTPONED. " ESMERALDA.-The charming little drama 'Esmeralda' which was to be presented to-night at the Towa. Hall, for the benefit of the talented young writer, .Miss Mary Uel~e Poole, has been postponed till next Saturday night, Dec 8 on account of the protracted illness of Miss Poole. The cast will be composed of the inest amateur talent of New Orleans and Covington. A rare tret is in store for all who attend, and there will doubtless be a crowded house. Admission 26 cents. MiaarID.--I New Orleans, La., Wednesday, Nov. .1, 1894, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev E. Forman, Mr. Charles C. Frederick, of Covington, La., and Mies meaner L. Cox, of New Or- leans. ''he bride is g dqqghter of Capt. Matthew Cox, a popular mariner in the New Orleans and Liverpool trade, and the groom is a well known and popular native of Covy- ington and one of our leading mer- chants. The happy couple return- ed on the evening train and re- oeived the congratulations of their numerous friends, and we join in is the* long li*e ai4 1iftsPer: eourth t rtery Conference for TaUlsheek Circuit was held at Fits geraId's, Nov. 26 and 27. D. C. l! "Is, pastor. -Th next Quarter- ly meeting will be held at Hickory Grvre Church. Mf )ou have not paid your assess- mt fo the services of your Pas- tor for I.44, do it quickly, or it wdill be too late. If you have no mon•y pay it in provisions made A1 trie farui. T1'iin of a .qinister in charge of seven chi.thes in lt. T'wasany Par•h whose member- ship in 1893 was 267, eumpellig their Paster to worry through 1694 on a paid salary of about $100. Methodists ought to do better than that. Wur Ms .Itl MTosT pamp i wc A pre Ciap Cream tof Tra l d 4 eAlS Te STAMiD A. RESOLUTIONS -OF RESPECT. IaN Mnoar or Ran. Gao. T. VcmuiIs. Whereas, In the Providence of God, the beloved Superiateadet of the Methodist .unday School of Covr.gton, La., entered into rest Nov. 12, 1884, lherefore be it Resolved, That as a School it Li our desire to pay a-slight tribute to his memory. In the death of Supt. VIcusus we feel bereaved of a true friend, a wise counselor sad a faith- ful Superintendent. Having been associated with the Sunday School at Covington for the past thirty years, he has known and watched over as from our first recollection. We have been so accustomed to his venerable appearance it seemed like he would never leave us. We little thought that Sunday, Nov. 11, he was delivering his farewell message. Resolved, That as a School, we pledge ourselves to treasure his words of wisdom gven unto us, and so live as to meet him again in Heaven. Resolved, That the "Buoy Bee Society" of this School be request- ed, as a labor of love, to see that his grave be neatly cared for, and that on Nov. 1st of each year it be dec orated with fowers. Resolved, That this testimonial of our loving sympathy be presented to the kind editor of the St. Tam- many FARMER, with request for its publication. MAar ABXET, NANMIE PHARIS, Committee. Adolph Alexander, the insane white man who was arrested some time ago, was taken to the State Insane Asylum, at Jackson, last Monday, by Sheriff Stroble. PERSONALS. Mrs. L. Batson, of Poplarrille, Miss., paid a pleasant visit to rela. tives and friends in Covington last week, and was the guest of lmrs. Adolph Frederick. She returned to her beautiful home on Tuesday, accompanied by her cousin Miss Sallie Cook. Mr. J. Doody and his charming bride, of Mobile. Ala., spent a fet days very pleasantly in Covingtor this week. They were guests of Mr. James Dowling. Rev. iH. W. Wallace was a wel. come visitor here last week. Mr. J. W. Davenport, who is employed in Pontchatoula, La., paid a pleasant visit to relatives and friends in Covington this week. Mrs. R B. Downer and sot ICharlie left last Saturday for Nu m Orleans on a visits to relative, and to attend the celebration of Rev. Dr. Walker's go!den wedding. 31r. Joseph A. Hincks, Secre- tarv of the Board of Admioistra tors, Tulane Educational Fund, who recently removed to the city, spent last Saturday and Sunday to Covington, and paid the FARMEs a short visit. TWO MERRY MAIDS. I Dr. Price's Cream Baklag Powder WeesFFir best Msd.Iaus Disss. NOTICE. I will be at the following named places on the dates given, for the purpose of ,ollecting parish and State taxes a SPearl River, Dec. 4. Florenville, Dec. 3, Bayou Lacombe, Dec. 7. J. J. SrToaLI. Collector. RUSSIAN LINIrMEN Ses .t Oltement fo(er REcen.l.l•3ts- La•se Dark, Swl0er Lilmbh. re. s. nr F au. bh aD rUr.,-.a. CHARTER. _ .',eud of Louisi-an-Parsh ~ f ,. Taaiwany. Know All Men by These Presents: p That we Henry Williams, Richard | Ovelto, Wlaim T. Washington, Mary d Williams, Ephraim Brown, Albert Wil- t son and Mark Kennedy, each a rest- - dent of 8t. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, e aviling ourselves of the laws of the J State relative to the formation of cor- 1' porations for Literary. Religious and | Charitable purposes, do, In the pres- d ence of the undersigned witnesses, hereby form ourselves, az well as those who may become ilembers hereof after frpiboirpdrgttoe, with the pow- r ,• toi•.s, sd 4.1; t* 'ipuAoses I I1owly, to-wit; c Article I. The name and title of this corpora- tion shall be, THE EASTERN BTAR b ASSOCIATION, OF MADISONVILLE. t Its objects shall be to teach and dis- seminate a love for the reading and study of the Holy Bible, to promote y general literary knowledge and culture c among the members, to encourage peo- t pie to attend church and diriqv war- a ship, to presry and canli6e order and a denorumo on the premises of this cor- p poration during its meetings for any a religions, literary, intellectual or char- e Itable purpose, to help and relieve the t sick by furnishing them with nurses i a4 attendance anu me4id i and m•i di- pal treqtqpent durin slckussa, and to blry the dead, Thls eorparatlos shallU exist for ilaety.nlue years, commenc- t hug lhr the date of the recordlnr of this charter In the Clerk's Ofice of this perish, but it may be dissolved sooner i by consent of the members, as Is here- after provided. Article I. This corporation shall have power to make and use a corporate seal, and to alter it at pleasure: to make contracts; to obligate itself towsnlothers; to hold others obligated asd boun utq 1 t ; tolease, let, buy, sell, own an4 er Mables dun Immovablea,t feaf and Isdeal ph rty; 6t ieieve donatloas Inter vior and lortis cause; to saue and be seed; to make. pass sad enact all by-laws, ordinnaces and resolutioas required to presre an arce' gtudec a dect at etl on its prem- .p .q..exp r o . s pi M- less 'aiaj peroq, tem- bei es as weR as these who qe aret mem bhas, for viogatta gb tr-Ias, Qrdl. agaos, -esolt0s and reqlireament; of thts (nwporation; to preserve and p rotect ts property; to levy fInes upon tsembrs and others claiming any •or te prinllges and bmease or this cegporaUton, for falure, neglect or re- fmnl to obey, observe or comply with Itle y-laws, OQranes, rebolstiss ant . equirmets of this Corpereati,. I tu et seed two ars ar fre ach per- wse Aealsltag; to levy dues and as- Poplarvlle High School. OFFERS THE VERY BEST FACILITIE8 FOR SECURING A STLorouegl - Practclal - education With the least outlay of time and money. Ample buildings, well selected Sfurniture. A corse of study suited to the practical needs of the people, iand a facty compoesed of tachers of known abill.y and successful ex- perlence. Enrolment, 217. Boarders, 72. Expenses guaranteed to be 0 less than any similar school. Session opeas Monday, Sept. 8, 1894. Send for circulars. Address, W. I. THAMES, Principal. e Or T. IB WHITE, tiec'y Board, SPoplarville. MlIe. I E ml0 l sessments upon the members of this , Corporation, and upon others claiming s any of the benefts and privileges there- i. of, for the purpose of defraying the ex- I s penses and promoting and accomplish- I a Ing the objects and purposes of this Corporation, but no dues nor aesess- ments shall exceed fifty cents a month from each person; to expel, dismiss l and deprive members of their member- ship herein, sad others of their privi- e leges and benefits herein and hereof, for failure, refusal or neglect to obey, I observe and comply with the By-Laws, t , Ordinances, rules, resolutions and re- t n quirements of this Corporation: to t amend this Charter, and to appoint such I other oacers and agents when neces- sary, and whose election is not pro-" vided herein. C i Article III. The domicile of this Corporation t shall be in the town of Madisonville,I St. Tammany Parish, Louisana. All d judicial process shall be served upon a the President, and in his absence upon the Vice President, and in the absence of both of these, upon the Secretary or Treasurer. Article IV. The officers of this Corporation shall be a President, Vice President, Secre- tary and Financial Secretary and Treas- urer, Chaplain, Grand Marshal, and a e Board of Directors, and the Board of Directors shall be composed of five d members of this Corporation, and the e President and Vice President shall each be ex-offcio members thereof. Article V. -The President, and in his absence the Vice President, shall preside at the meetings of this Corporation, and of 4 the Board of Directors; in the absence I '+ of both the President and Vice Presi- . dent, a majority of the members pres- ent shall forthwith. elect a President I pro tempore, who shall preside at that t . meeting; should any other olicer be I absent, the President shall appoint one 1 pro tem. In this Charter the word I President shall be understood as mean- ing the acting President. * Article VI. The minutes, by-laws, ordinances, I - resolutions, rules and requirements of W this Corporation shall be written by the ,i Secretary in a book, and the same shall be signed by the President and Secre- If tary, and the Secretary shall be the custodian of the same. All warrants for money to be paid out by this Cor- I poration shall be by warrant upon the Treasurer, signed by the President, and countersigned by the Secretary. The Treasurer shall keep the moneys of this Corporation. He may be compelled to give such bond as this Corporation shall require. The Grand Marshal shall preserve order and decorum at meetings on the 4 premises of this Corporation, and exe- I w cute and enforce the By-Laws, Ordi- d nances, resolutions and requirements of d this Corporation, if the same be not in V. conlct with the laws of this 8tate nor of the United States, and order and de- corum among members and others Smarching therewith at funerals and i processions conducted by this Corpora- , The Chplin shall perform the Fune- ral Services of this Corporation for the dead, and shall visit the sick. n The Board of Directors shall hold and order all elections for ofia•ers, a count the votes and declare the result. No person can become a member of this corporation, or connected there- with,or be entitled to any of the bene- I flts and privileges, unless his name is proposed by, and hie character and fit- ness therefor is recommended by the hoard of Directors. The Board of DI- rectors shall visit the sick, purchase i for the sick necessary supplles and c medicine, and designate and appoint parties to wait upon sa• attend to the I sick, and go for the doctor whenever they deem it necessary, and all such charges and expeqses so authorized r and incurred shall be binding upon the i Corporation. Article VII. No person shall hold an office in nor vote for olicers in this Corporation, who is not a member and twenty-one years of age, except as above provided. All persoans, of both sexes, minors as well as those of age, may by recom- mendation become entitled to all the other benefits and privileges of this Corporation, upon paying the dues and assessments, or if the same shall be paid for them by another. Arqte vII The name of aph ~adLdate for an o oe oin this Corporation shall be pro- posed in the meeting, andthe Directors I d shall take the votes upon all the candl- I Sdates for the same oflce at the same - time, and the caandidate receiving the - greatest number of votessdiall be eject- ed for one year. The Prelsident shall e not vote in the election of olcers, uan- less there be a tie, in which event he I d shall immediately vote, and the candi- date in whose favor he shall vote shall be elected. r If an qace bjcQ cs saa~t by •esth, re- ovail or. rai n t 'eton Sshall be forthwith held to ll the 'a- canoy. 'Aticle X. No member of this Corpozation shall Sbe liable for the debts of the Corpora- I tion. tion. Article XI. Nine members of this Corporation, 21 years of age, Including olacers. shall constitute a quorum, ad 4 ahlty of the quorg• gI;tit hsv powwer to enact all B'La'ws, Ordinances, resolutions and requirements; elect omcers, ap- prove bills, authorize expenditures and disbursements, and do and perform everything which may be performed by this Corporation, except qas Icp d is Article eIZ cle XII. It shall be anoessary for a majorlty of all the members of this orporotica to vote in favor thereof, In order to de- prive any omeer of his oece herein, In order to amend or alter this charter, in order to sell or mortgage the Im- movable property of this corporation, in order to dissolve this Corporation. Article IIH. Henry Williams shall be the President of this Corporqtlg Ovelton, the lst Viee President; Wil- m sWashington th erat Sec- hra Ma Williams the Irsi iu l Secretary, ad Kphralm Brow the t Treasurer; Alfred l IonJ tes aad Erabetl lsheigtmu, with the Paelsdent adn vice p~resi? t, abell be te Iti 'atd of Immact9g ,ar tan h ahlat WA* aogaalr sh nll tlts otse uatil til plst Saturday in December. l494, a whichday an electieo shall be held toi eache of said oSers, and succeisom elected, who shall at once take theli eace and serve antil the last Natnrda in December, 185, at which timae, am amually thereafter, a election shal be held and oeaes elected to serve to oe year. Artise fy. This Corporllen shall ac be din sorrlvedortIU9 se hold so elegies on the day provide herein, but the officers of the preceding year shall rimaln in omce until the next election day, and shall continue and remain In ofce, until an election is held, sad officers electe 1. Article XV. Whenever this corporation is dis- nolved, one discreet and responsible member shall be elected as Liquidating Commissioner, and he shall collect the assets, dispose of the property, and turn the proceeds over to those entitled thereto, and shall do and perform all things necessary toward finally ren- dering up and liquidating its afairs. Thus done and signed on this the 10th day of September, 1894, in the presence of Thomas Taylor. Wesley Lee and Clay Elliott, competent witnesses, re- siding in this parish, and who also sign their names hereto, together with the said principals. His HENRY X WILLIAMS. Mark. RICHARI) OVELTON, WM. T. WASHINGTON., MARY WILLIAMS. EPH. BROWN, HIis ALBERT x WILSON. Mark. His MARK x KENNEDY, Mark. Witnesses: THOMAS TAYLOR. Ills WESLEY x LEE, Mark. CLAY ELLIOTT. The within and foregoing act of' in- corporation, having been handed to me for inspection and examination, as to its legality, and having examined the same, I hereby certify that in my opin- ion the objects and purposes of said Corporation are legal, and none of the provisions contained in said act are con- trary to law, and I therefore indorse and approve the same. BOLIVAR EI)WARDS, District Attorney, Sixteenth Judicial District of Louisilan. Covmngton, La., Sept. 12, 1894. State of Louisiana, Parish of St. Tammuany. I certify the wIthin and f..regolng to be truly recorded in Book of Mortgages F, folios 559, 560, 561, 562. Witness my hand and seal officially, I this 14th day of September. 1894. FRANK W. HOSMER. Deputy Clerk and Ex-Oflclio Recorder. TO SCHOOL TEAGHERS Notice is hereby given to all Teach. ers of the Public Schools. that I will be in Covington on the first Saturday of each month,. for the purpose of sign ing their warrants. J. A. S3MITH, President School Board. President School Board. I L. Ihnubion. .aieas Dowliug ROUBION & DOWLING, Livery Stable. Opposite the Railroad Depot V t!NEr hISUAl i.s, J.ETARIG., AL..T:ic O' 11AXD. Handsomze and 3tylial Tarnoeut. Sp~.al ipl•qcewomen to )tgs)lters. Unexo lied, servioe to patrons. Prices mojerate; conreyances furnishod for halls, parties, funerals. etc. We hav a fine HEARSE and give our personal attention to funerals. A select Mesortment of Ci skets and Coffins always on hand. THAYER'S lectic li d, 4 sae and infallible remedy for all aches and palns, of every description, externally and Internally, wherever lo- cated about the body. It Cures NEURALIIA, P&RA[LYSIS, ERYSIPELAS, , 4Tq. tA, Adu al dieegsa of trhe Nerves and Muscles. lar sale by BUMITH ANDERSON, Covingtou, La. The ART AMATEUR Bes. and Luraest Practical " " Art .1t'. tiee (The only 4jrt IodlkrJ.a awarded a Medl t the th orld's Fair.) Invaluable to all who wish to make their living by art or to make their homes beautiful. F[OR tOc. we will send to1IA a any one mentioning this publi. a cation a speclmeq copy, with r supe rt cqg for copying or Siing) and 8 pplementary pages of desigs (regular price 8c.) Or VOR *5c. we wmll snd alo "'Palat- ia MIar et Iamerr so90 pages.) MONTAGUE MARKS, S23 Union Square, N. Y. a :-~--- -------- Milkt Milk! Milk? From the gelebuated herd of Pure Wl ooded Jersey Cows, at Esther Plan- tation, delivered at Covington, C"al- Sborne and Abita Springs, for Twenty, i ave Cents per gallon. a The f.moa~s salj'a plSintgs water of 4;I p~ait Jiu will be delivered by our. lmilkiman, in gallun jugs. fresh from a the Springs, at Ten Cents per gallon, h Address orders tq W. W, 1 o'nPJO1E, Agent. aLther 'Iautation, formerly Sulphur r C. T. C80HMALZ. Lrliverv and Sale Stable, S AITA SPRINGS, LA. d Fiae Tahlyhos. Baitimotre+, Sarre)s, Hi nBl. e and Deoe H:eated Carr]as, SSddl Borsa. Ete. . BRUlA B'STATE AND INSUR- - ANCE AGENT. I H. HdatKms, ,Prbat sma M•usger. Wi. Qas•Super, u Smemt. F. RmCa,, i., •tMM, o. H. XoC'muua., s•c'y a Tree O. Cusaems, Lamber Maamqer. Central Ianufaeturing LuamberCo LmnoD. I- ANUFAtUMES OF - SASH, DOORS AND BLiNDS. All kinds of Store and Office Fittings. ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. Offmi'. n,,d Fnetcry, Corner Howard Avenue and D ry ad.v . htser.t. gW- :,ead of Now aa-in "_ NEW ORLEANS. Drawer 4. Mechzinick Dealers & Lnmbermefn', Exchan e. P_ O. Box 8168. elephone 122. Hardy H. Smith. %4.mlrrn!rur toe J. 1'. S*,itl. S Sor. JUVIN(ITON, LA. Ixsuau. IS General Merchandise. oasiating ot all the grIat stsple ,rtie:I., lACY fI OOI)$ AND (*t(LMIoldl:N. LIARIDWAteL ANIJ ',oIC1gKfIEK And indeed every article it: dernan! a. suited to this market ptrThe Uiglhest Prioe paid for Country Produe FREDERICK BROS. Just Received A FRtESH 9TOCK OF Fancy Dry Goods, CHOICE FAMILY GROGERIES. CANNED GOODS. ETC. FINE SHOES AND ILadies' Underwear . S. ' ECI.jLTY. TEN PER :l4l NT. $AVED) by purchasing trom us. Call and be con vinced. CHARLES HEINTZ. (Atm.) Merchant. ooeeivee coutuanal supplies of well selected Dry Goods and eLhoae Family Grooeries, whiob will be mold at low ig. ures. Xa•1'ountry proalst.e t.keo:l in ex- mhange for gsoo4K, at m:urket price I,•n connection With the et.er.al :.ercantile business o :his htou.e, the proprietor has establie•e .: a•at IAIl 1(O01M, where he sill steep t:ae *:fSet of Wines, Liguors, Lager Beer, Cigra'. etc. ,mnstantly on hbeas..an d .ot "r re : seait the aUcs. Set'Jttcgon, I .a. C. M. KAUFMAN, Cheap Cash Store - C)VINGTON, LA. - In tbo Pel!oat building. Dry Goods, Notions, Canned Goods, Shoes and Hats. ...- ' ~rooeries. Hardware, Crockery, Great Iteductieon Aim P-Wices. Selling Out 1el••ow Ot. Now is your chance to BUY GOODS CHEAP. W. ,NNEDY, Notary Pubio. .4VIN('ITON. L•A. Wan. Breed iteop. Duanan . Xemn p. KEMP & KEMP, A1l'O(iRNI'Y8 AT LAW, orace-- A-.1te City, La. Wi qttuetua tle .un;tu$t in St. Toam* amany, Wa1lshiajgtot. Livingston, Bt. Helena sae aisgipasboa prarbes. JOSEPH A. REID. ,.9VIN t )TON. LA. (;la Elliott, sTreag4y aT LAW. Dr. FP. JU•lts Heint~z, enasdeu bis aervitsee to the people ol ovington and the seurronuding coun- OMote and eseidene -t the Co-. ington Dr•u btore. 'aomaltator free. DR. J. F PIGOP'T, dJfXINGTiON.)T LA. (lees his prolea@ional qerviou to lbe iublic. Omoe and residence on Columbia treet, neDt to Frederiok's :)rag Store. )R. C. Z. WILLIAMS. P . An :'l:l(N PUHYSlCIAN. i Sesideace of. the torner east of the ro-on Hall. Day .ld Night ~clls promptly atten:- 4. CImunio Diseases : Specialty. DR. ERNEST 7OUNG. AnIra SrPseS, L•. Tender. hi protemsional servioes to he public throughout the country. OG. W. MASON. (Real Estate Agent. Prompt atter.tion sity, to senaing and :olleotiouns felt 6m IVYATT'S BUSINJESS COLLEGE .II 'I.OY i ENT A;ikNCY. '. 4eridlan. .HlIalselppl, Is pleased to announce to professio- ml and business men of every hamlet, 3 rillage, town and city la the South that It is at all times prepared to furnish them with competentaccoutaonts, sten- ograpber, ett. No student s gradu- ated who is not fully qualifed to do the highest class of work In his line, and noae but worthy, reliable young -me and women will ever be Indorsed for any position. Actual Business From the 8tart is the system used In W t's Business College, a.l oet the theoreticl tet- hook, copying method, as is the ase i most schoola Addresslmployment nc Wyatt's Business College, Merlui is. H. J. SMITH'S I)RY (IOuI•S. .; -I'* )r.%* A.4 t U(i..eeml Aw..ort.:sn.at for Oity .n-t Oo'ntry r.e, .rit he lowevt * SJ :.rie.m. Coviun ron. La. hlighest rices pd.*I for Wool 'lideo. Chleker . eto ke.. .to. Chrs , .- riet it 8 D Anderson Smith & Anderson. S-DALXE1 S IN- Staple and Fanoy Groceries DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES. ETC. .OVIN(1TO. IA. lighest prices p i . fot country pro. O. V. RICHARD, JUST RECEIVED A full line of FALLGOODS You can save money by calling on oe before making your purchases. 1 have a full line of '0OOL DRESS GOODS, FLANNEL.'i, CANTON FLANNELS, EI)ER DOWNS, And all other geods found in a first class store. I also arry a fall line of SHOE., MaLLINELRI AND FANCY GOODs, AND General Merchandise. Will give my personal attention to appeial oarders. No trouble to show goods. O. V. Richard, (Columbia strect, COVINGt1ON. I,.\. DR. V. FREDERICK, DRUGGIST. COVIIN'Or , b... S -Dux.a Is - AMERICAN, tENtiL:i AND ENGLISH Druag, fMedicines and Chemaiclls. FAN cY AR TICLES B1tU8HB3s PERJIFUMERY, ETC. aU- l.c.ice Cigars and Tobaeoo, Ciiamretec and Pipes. r P'!,yvieian' preeariptions ase- enrntsly emnponndetd. A. PECIION, OLD BAKERY Covington, La. That "old -eleile"' BDakery has bhes in suocemfrci ope:rsou for a number of years. The p'o-iletor has r ered the ervain of l n-olr4 a p~rofssioao l IHAiER. and ise teay to furnisL Bread. (h tre., et. eq.tali u; .ood as can is tise :aywhere. and :t: price: that def: aosantieton. None but the ipnre* 'priSn Water uses! iu the iaskerv. Bread from this Bakery crea be found fresh every morning at the store at Mr. Jules Peohon. ie princ;pal depot. Bread Delivered Daily to allt Pt s ABITA SPRINGS. LA. iTmIs! I.t:i"c, .. , .5 [real. Stock ,t ohOC2Ul, CANNED 000DS. tf othing, Notions, Hosiery, Crockery. Hardware. And. everything us u ally kept in . firstr class store. The patronage of l he public is respectfully solicited. H. J. CONRAD, iro,'riutor. Smith Cottage. Covington, La. CUG}. KS lIrH, !'Prorietor. This tine cottage, having been thor- oughly repaired and enlarged, is now open for the reception of guests. Large and airy rooms, handsomely papered and newly furnished. Wide halls and galleries, ine shade trees, etc. Table supplled with the best the market afford.. Apply to or address, EUG. B SMITH, Ctovington, La. i T- - --- THE BIJOU CONFECTIitNERY SM:a:devitle. La. MISS 11. S. JOHNSON, IPropri. tr I E (:OLD iODt Pi'o', i ICE CIIA11, (.KEI':i, Ci ANIDY. vJU IIS, AND (liENk it. L COuFEN"rIONEJY. :s.ANDWtII}HE. HOXI-MADE CAKES A Sieoialty. uid Xadlt onSIh THE 'P ARR NEW CA]U.IA, 'wM. faxnmO -l, 'O•apim. il Laxwuorr, Clerk. Conmmeneing May 1, 18O. .-- Will leave ileberg. e thearldval ef emfe f -- - Potebiatrain Dept, I d of Elyivan PFilds street, DAILY, (e•eept Wednesday s ad 8un- days,) 4 r.. train. RETURNING I.avums MIDI O4)VILLt DAILY, at 5&o a. at. WVter and ,'Jaher jermittlig :X(:Ua RION8. Mandeville, Lewisburg, Madison- ville and Old Leanding. WUNDAX$ and WEDNESDAYS, 8 a. . train. FreigLt received daily at the laouis v ille and Nashville Railread depot, head of Giroel street. W. G. COYLE A CO., Agents, 47 (aronadelet street. eorer Union. i'eI -lldIaenvtte and r-ovt.:- TheO Schooner A__iJOSIE WEAVER WELVER.. ...... MASTEI . Will leave bead of New Bast,. New Orleans, every THURSDAY, at S .x. lIeturn t lng will leave Covingtonever) .MONDAY, at 4 P. m. RAT, 0. O• IR IGll'T: U:tton, ner bale........... 30 sent• -ID !arrlsa..............1. 16 en. rks ........................ .t oesn- Ot.er rates in proportiun. J. . CLARK, Agent, dead f 'ew fBasna. New O(iecn'. A eross tie Lak e. F. MI. PIPPO !Leave. Covingt.oh every) Tueminy hab, arrives at New Orleans or Wedneo.M 3 Lave New Orle..." vrl.; Saturdat at 10 A. r., and arrives at Covingtoo on Sunday RATES. OFP IIRIUHT. Cotton, per bale.............. 30 cent.. Dry barrels ................. 15 see,. Sacks...................... 10 r. " (tl.:r sJto. in reoortlen. ComumsercIal fourse (A&.joining the Railroad Deit.) Covington...... La. COMIORT ABLE ROOMS POR .•R~ANSIiN VTSITORS. Hfea.quarterr for Drurm.-.ra. Av onmmodatione for HIorses : aarrimges. I-.t \. L..a-, ... 12 !Au.... Aleal.i Served ats All Helaer Mulberry Grove HOTEL. Near Csvington. St. Tarana~ Pariah. La. tl.4Al•1.Y THIERY, PItOPRtI•Kro. This popular summer resort in the piney woods has, for the aec•smmoala- tion of families, single and double cot- aes. Miaeral springs equal to those of the Abita. Spleadid shade, ine athi Szst.elaes table and plea:-, or :iltk. 'FcrIr-; r Day. 31 50; per Week. ;10; per Month. $35. CRYSTAL SPRING Private Boarding House. COVINGTON, ST. "A:alA.• .\:N PAl'ISH, l.A. -dept by MRS. F. (UGNTmt;:st4. Tra h y'_, Uo: PM •heb llais of the parish to hlglnl -*lued and resommende! by physieiana The house has recently been completel renovated. For further partieulars, apply on the .remises, or at the oioe of the Nets (. SBe .'3 Chartre street. iaion'M IeHotel and' RESTAUIIANiT. 4blta springs, la. Board by the Day, Week or Month. A.' IIODERAT'' PIGJI. Coasest anoe to Soinras -Aad spbs. ____________________________ ----- 4 I MUGNIER BROS. Crescent Hotel Wandoville, La. t ... well-know,, select Hotel, fra.- nlg on Lake Pontchartrain, noted for its excellent table, beautiful garden, with two pure clear springs of mineal water, is now open for the season. Fine drives throngs the forest or play woods. Splendid i lagin. Sa.s4il crabs sad all kinds of fish always o hand. Daily eomsmalnieatio with ew Orl ~an via the t as Louisiana Railroad or steamer New Camelia. By rail, ea! one-hall hour fronm Abits tprings. Write for terms. MU(IMIELL BROS•, Msadeville. IA. Boarding Rouse and Bestauraant. The undersigned, having remere his Bearding House and Restaurant from the Briggs Houm to the mialingl opposite the Couathose, respeaetaily solieit, the oatronage of the putlie. Meals and Lunch Served at All Hours. rIERMS-One Dollas pv.r Day; hir Dollars per W-ek. L. POOLB. MORTEE & BOURGEOIS PAINTERS. STAINING. VAltNIFIIN*', HA lD OIL FINISHINOG, KAI.SOMININ( i , ,-c. S ('ona'trv .rleru' iven 'triet attentiot-. A.: Work unnrastIeed to [(iv:' rasisttiwtime. FOR SALE. A complete set of Sugar Machiry, in good order, Incadodug Boler and Ege, hr saUy paert of ame, at EstherL Plhoaetem, formerly 8ulpher Sprig. Apply to or address, W. U. O'BISRNR, Ageat, Coringtlo, La No,831 (old Now 15) PI As. .1Fw ToiL...W. NA.d Nam've lb. hew.... C& Now Tas... Nto~hemm LAume.n Oa, Iamd.m, (Is U. AL)...... LULU Jrnt.,.aaa Fl AmoebtkIsu of Nw O eans.. .. 93M14". Lomaca Osmatee a sd s eideat Oo.. liatued. of Lalsa . .. L.. ...... L5.91t 45 Total ete...... SISSSU m (bamrn) bavam ama Uronad Laaanzm. Al ela srir besireesas writ.. at the LOWLT CflNXNT RAMTIB eel plaed iK eese beat eal, AWsdgm aad Fovei. eespar Loe alj e sd pdad is Nw Or. lear, witbt ou eo oasL l For paatsle ad r, sale or carrespead with uHaltI8. T. SCHMATZ, Agest, Abtaolpriags, Ia. Do CRAB. GKNUMAlC, A ,m WM.rlL Ia. P l Welleli, 135 Canal Street -- New Orleams. BEST AND CHEAPEST IAHO, OIRGA AND Music House IN THE SOUTH. Write for Prices and Terms. ovell Iy .V.RYMODY O INDUSTRY a.. ART. WHY DON'T YOu BUY -n mdUe-.m d - - man & - us uS amsh ass a klaseme to rtg MOW TO UaS ad si. ammee ar s .e eot an.. - .Us. eaW s .. 4PWOR . -.- -einsb. amrm ",,s" ,est and Cklapo. r- All the oi"dba . High oade PIANOS and OMAf I. sold on the Monthly It4almnt pll I. Be sure to write to us befees I. Chaing. We save you Ionm anythlb n time Music line GrJUNEWAI1 t7., (L'd ) No. 1L187 Canal 8trer 5eW OLRLI&AMo , - O TO---1 JTTNM LARO L . The Old Veli•able Hr. Painter. ais...ise Baud Oi no % mininIg ad talming dse to I ie.-. All orde. ps otmpd iMlus Orders na be s& with OMLer .roi, iiJ adimh sad EmOie tse. Dorigton.Is. ABITA RIVER STHEA BRICE TAl Fi. U. ALEX.TUS PROPI=. .. Mnnaafatam and Daler. Paving. Building, Arch and Eugis)l Fire Brick. Ai ordesa lt l tA She yia n*' r. Leas Biaubionl, wll be p aP.'ad.d a.. -0 GOTO- MRS. 33rO103 MS. ODVINOTON. LA, Am! have yoar eyes useawe e! AIled to a pair of the eelubrated Goodwill Lenar In Gold, ilver, NIRktl r ~ am TUBING 00., IOLBE AGENTS FOR OF THE CRLKSBbATED F. Bammar 3i. Laoilm Guaranteed to he poae sad lasligg U mWUatUm3L W - R e -ALMEr AWW *4IA OB.. Sldell, I

St. Tammany farmer (Covington, La.) 1894-12-01 [p ]Resolved, That this testimonial of our loving sympathy be presented to the kind editor of the St. Tam-many FARMER, with request for

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Page 1: St. Tammany farmer (Covington, La.) 1894-12-01 [p ]Resolved, That this testimonial of our loving sympathy be presented to the kind editor of the St. Tam-many FARMER, with request for

L. WammiJo - i.

Lots for sale deap. Apply toJao. Exurasraz.

Preaching at Mklell to-ight 7:1Usad tomorrow at the usual hoursby Rev. R. B. Downer. His lastappointment. Go out and bear him.


December is here! How the seasonsadvance!

Catch onto his nibs with thestriped pant.!

KNIGHTS OF HONO.--TheGrand Omeers will pay an oacialvisit to St. Tammany Lodge, No.3476, next Monday night. All mem-bers are requested to be present.

The new and growing town ofHammond, in Tangipahoa Parish,has a bank, which reminds us thatthere is a good opening in Coving-ton for such an instatution.

Mr. F. Mattbies, of the GermanSettlement, presented us with someane new syrup last Saturday. It

is about the color and thickness ofstrained honey. and is finely Sfavor-ed.

Thanksgiving Day was quietlyobserved in Covington. Appro-priate servees were held in theMethodist Church, by Rev. R. B.Downer and there was good attend-ance.

t'hANC FonR BA%(GAI•S. - Mr

C. M Kaufman, in the Pellaotbuilding, has made a great re-duction in prices, and is sellingout below cost. Now is your chanceto buy goods cheap. See advertise-ment.

Drun.-In Covington, La., Mon-day, Nov. 26, 1894, Henry Sidney

Power, son of Phillip Power,of New Orleans. aged 34 yearsA member of Apollo Lodge, No.127, K. of P. The remains weretaken to the city for interment.

Mr. John H. Thompson, amodel farmer, who.e place is afew miles north of Covington, pre-

sented us with some fine ribboncane last Saturday. One stalk waseight feet long and had twenty joints.He reports that everybody in hisneighborhood lost their plant caneby the late freese, of Mlonday, Nov.12.


" ESMERALDA.-The charminglittle drama 'Esmeralda' which wasto be presented to-night at the Towa.Hall, for the benefit of the talentedyoung writer, .Miss Mary Uel~ePoole, has been postponed till nextSaturday night, Dec 8 on accountof the protracted illness of MissPoole. The cast will be composedof the inest amateur talent of NewOrleans and Covington. A raretret is in store for all who attend,and there will doubtless be acrowded house. Admission 26cents.

MiaarID.--I New Orleans, La.,Wednesday, Nov. .1, 1894, at theresidence of the bride's parents, byRev E. Forman, Mr. Charles C.Frederick, of Covington, La., andMies meaner L. Cox, of New Or-leans.

''he bride is g dqqghter of Capt.Matthew Cox, a popular marinerin the New Orleans and Liverpooltrade, and the groom is a wellknown and popular native of Covy-ington and one of our leading mer-chants. The happy couple return-ed on the evening train and re-oeived the congratulations of theirnumerous friends, and we join in

is the* long li*e ai4 1iftsPer:

eourth t rtery Conference forTaUlsheek Circuit was held at Fits

geraId's, Nov. 26 and 27. D. C.

l! "Is, pastor. -Th next Quarter-ly meeting will be held at HickoryGrvre Church.

Mf )ou have not paid your assess-

mt fo the services of your Pas-

tor for I.44, do it quickly, or it

wdill be too late. If you have no

mon•y pay it in provisions made

A1 trie farui. T1'iin of a .qinister

in charge of seven chi.thes in lt.T'wasany Par•h whose member-ship in 1893 was 267, eumpelligtheir Paster to worry through 1694on a paid salary of about $100.Methodists ought to do better thanthat.

Wur Ms .Itl

MTosT pamp i wcA pre Ciap Cream tof Tra l d

4 eAlS Te STAMiD A.


IaN Mnoar or Ran. Gao. T. VcmuiIs.

Whereas, In the Providence ofGod, the beloved Superiateadetof the Methodist .unday Schoolof Covr.gton, La., entered intorest Nov. 12, 1884, lherefore be it

Resolved, That as a School it Liour desire to pay a-slight tribute tohis memory. In the death of Supt.VIcusus we feel bereaved of a truefriend, a wise counselor sad a faith-ful Superintendent. Having beenassociated with the Sunday Schoolat Covington for the past thirtyyears, he has known and watchedover as from our first recollection.We have been so accustomed to hisvenerable appearance it seemedlike he would never leave us. Welittle thought that Sunday, Nov. 11,he was delivering his farewellmessage.

Resolved, That as a School, wepledge ourselves to treasure hiswords of wisdom gven unto us,and so live as to meet him again inHeaven.

Resolved, That the "Buoy BeeSociety" of this School be request-ed, as a labor of love, to see that hisgrave be neatly cared for, and thaton Nov. 1st of each year it be decorated with fowers.

Resolved, That this testimonialof our loving sympathy be presentedto the kind editor of the St. Tam-many FARMER, with request forits publication.



Adolph Alexander, the insanewhite man who was arrestedsome time ago, was taken to theState Insane Asylum, at Jackson,last Monday, by Sheriff Stroble.

PERSONALS.Mrs. L. Batson, of Poplarrille,

Miss., paid a pleasant visit to rela.tives and friends in Covington lastweek, and was the guest of lmrs.Adolph Frederick. She returnedto her beautiful home on Tuesday,accompanied by her cousin MissSallie Cook.

Mr. J. Doody and his charmingbride, of Mobile. Ala., spent a fetdays very pleasantly in Covingtorthis week. They were guests ofMr. James Dowling.

Rev. iH. W. Wallace was a wel.come visitor here last week.

Mr. J. W. Davenport, who isemployed in Pontchatoula, La.,paid a pleasant visit to relatives andfriends in Covington this week.

Mrs. R B. Downer and sotICharlie left last Saturday for Nu mOrleans on a visits to relative, andto attend the celebration of Rev.Dr. Walker's go!den wedding.

31r. Joseph A. Hincks, Secre-tarv of the Board of Admioistrators, Tulane Educational Fund,who recently removed to the city,spent last Saturday and Sunday toCovington, and paid the FARMEs ashort visit.


I Dr. Price's Cream Baklag PowderWeesFFir best Msd.Iaus Disss.


I will be at the following namedplaces on the dates given, for thepurpose of ,ollecting parish andState taxes a

SPearl River, Dec. 4.Florenville, Dec. 3,Bayou Lacombe, Dec. 7.

J. J. SrToaLI.Collector.

RUSSIAN LINIrMENSes .t Oltement fo(er REcen.l.l•3ts-

La•se Dark, Swl0er Lilmbh. re.s. nr F au. bh aD rUr.,-.a.

CHARTER. _.',eud of Louisi-an-Parsh ~ f ,.


Know All Men by These Presents: pThat we Henry Williams, Richard |Ovelto, Wlaim T. Washington, Mary dWilliams, Ephraim Brown, Albert Wil- tson and Mark Kennedy, each a rest- -dent of 8t. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, eaviling ourselves of the laws of the JState relative to the formation of cor- 1'porations for Literary. Religious and |Charitable purposes, do, In the pres- dence of the undersigned witnesses,hereby form ourselves, az well as thosewho may become ilembers hereof after

frpiboirpdrgttoe, with the pow- r,• toi•.s, sd 4.1; t* 'ipuAoses I

I1owly, to-wit; cArticle I.

The name and title of this corpora-tion shall be, THE EASTERN BTAR bASSOCIATION, OF MADISONVILLE. tIts objects shall be to teach and dis-seminate a love for the reading andstudy of the Holy Bible, to promote ygeneral literary knowledge and culture camong the members, to encourage peo- tpie to attend church and diriqv war- aship, to presry and canli6e order and adenorumo on the premises of this cor- pporation during its meetings for any areligions, literary, intellectual or char- eItable purpose, to help and relieve the tsick by furnishing them with nurses ia4 attendance anu me4id i and m•i di-

pal treqtqpent durin slckussa, and toblry the dead, Thls eorparatlos shallUexist for ilaety.nlue years, commenc- thug lhr the date of the recordlnr ofthis charter In the Clerk's Ofice of thisperish, but it may be dissolved sooner iby consent of the members, as Is here-after provided.

Article I.This corporation shall have power to

make and use a corporate seal, and toalter it at pleasure: to make contracts;to obligate itself towsnlothers; to holdothers obligated asd boun utq 1 t ;tolease, let, buy, sell, own an4 er

Mables dun Immovablea,t feaf andIsdeal ph rty; 6t ieieve donatloasInter vior and lortis cause; to saueand be seed; to make. pass sad enactall by-laws, ordinnaces and resolutioasrequired to presre an arce' gtudeca dect at etl on its prem-.p .q..exp r o . s pi M-

less 'aiaj peroq, tem-bei es as weR as these who qe aret membhas, for viogatta gb tr-Ias, Qrdl.agaos, -esolt0s and reqlireament;of thts (nwporation; to preserve andp rotect ts property; to levy fInes upon

tsembrs and others claiming any•or te prinllges and bmease or thiscegporaUton, for falure, neglect or re-fmnl to obey, observe or comply withItle y-laws, OQranes, rebolstissant . equirmets of this Corpereati,.

I tu et seed two ars ar fre ach per-wse Aealsltag; to levy dues and as-


STLorouegl - Practclal - educationWith the least outlay of time and money. Ample buildings, well selected

Sfurniture. A corse of study suited to the practical needs of the people,

iand a facty compoesed of tachers of known abill.y and successful ex-

perlence. Enrolment, 217. Boarders, 72. Expenses guaranteed to be0 less than any similar school. Session opeas Monday, Sept. 8, 1894.

Send for circulars. Address, W. I. THAMES, Principal.e Or T. IB WHITE, tiec'y Board,

SPoplarville. MlIe.I E ml0 l

sessments upon the members of this ,Corporation, and upon others claiming sany of the benefts and privileges there-

i. of, for the purpose of defraying the ex- Is penses and promoting and accomplish- Ia Ing the objects and purposes of this

Corporation, but no dues nor aesess-ments shall exceed fifty cents a monthfrom each person; to expel, dismissl and deprive members of their member-ship herein, sad others of their privi-

e leges and benefits herein and hereof,for failure, refusal or neglect to obey, Iobserve and comply with the By-Laws, t, Ordinances, rules, resolutions and re- t

n quirements of this Corporation: to tamend this Charter, and to appoint such Iother oacers and agents when neces-sary, and whose election is not pro-"vided herein. C

i Article III.The domicile of this Corporation t

shall be in the town of Madisonville,ISt. Tammany Parish, Louisana. All

d judicial process shall be served upona the President, and in his absence uponthe Vice President, and in the absenceof both of these, upon the Secretary orTreasurer.

Article IV.The officers of this Corporation shall

be a President, Vice President, Secre-tary and Financial Secretary and Treas-urer, Chaplain, Grand Marshal, and a

e Board of Directors, and the Board ofDirectors shall be composed of five

d members of this Corporation, and thee President and Vice President shall each

be ex-offcio members thereof.

Article V.

-The President, and in his absencethe Vice President, shall preside at themeetings of this Corporation, and of 4the Board of Directors; in the absence I

'+ of both the President and Vice Presi-. dent, a majority of the members pres-ent shall forthwith. elect a President Ipro tempore, who shall preside at that t

. meeting; should any other olicer be Iabsent, the President shall appoint one 1pro tem. In this Charter the word IPresident shall be understood as mean-ing the acting President. *

Article VI.

The minutes, by-laws, ordinances, I- resolutions, rules and requirements ofW this Corporation shall be written by the,i Secretary in a book, and the same shall

be signed by the President and Secre-If tary, and the Secretary shall be the

custodian of the same. All warrantsfor money to be paid out by this Cor-

I poration shall be by warrant upon theTreasurer, signed by the President, andcountersigned by the Secretary. TheTreasurer shall keep the moneys of thisCorporation. He may be compelled togive such bond as this Corporationshall require.

The Grand Marshal shall preserveorder and decorum at meetings on the 4premises of this Corporation, and exe- I

w cute and enforce the By-Laws, Ordi-d nances, resolutions and requirements ofd this Corporation, if the same be not in

V. conlct with the laws of this 8tate norof the United States, and order and de-corum among members and others

Smarching therewith at funerals and iprocessions conducted by this Corpora-

, The Chplin shall perform the Fune-ral Services of this Corporation for thedead, and shall visit the sick.

n The Board of Directors shall holdand order all elections for ofia•ers,a count the votes and declare the result.No person can become a member ofthis corporation, or connected there-with,or be entitled to any of the bene-

I flts and privileges, unless his name isproposed by, and hie character and fit-ness therefor is recommended by thehoard of Directors. The Board of DI-rectors shall visit the sick, purchase

i for the sick necessary supplles andc medicine, and designate and appointparties to wait upon sa• attend to the

I sick, and go for the doctor wheneverthey deem it necessary, and all suchcharges and expeqses so authorized rand incurred shall be binding upon the iCorporation.

Article VII.

No person shall hold an office in norvote for olicers in this Corporation,who is not a member and twenty-oneyears of age, except as above provided.All persoans, of both sexes, minors aswell as those of age, may by recom-mendation become entitled to all theother benefits and privileges of thisCorporation, upon paying the dues andassessments, or if the same shall bepaid for them by another.

Arqte vIIThe name of aph ~adLdate for an

o oe oin this Corporation shall be pro-posed in the meeting, andthe Directors I

d shall take the votes upon all the candl- ISdates for the same oflce at the same

- time, and the caandidate receiving the- greatest number of votessdiall be eject-ed for one year. The Prelsident shall

e not vote in the election of olcers, uan-less there be a tie, in which event he I

d shall immediately vote, and the candi-date in whose favor he shall vote shallbe elected.

r If an qace bjcQ cs saa~t by •esth,re- ovail or. rai n t 'etonSshall be forthwith held to ll the 'a-canoy.

'Aticle X.No member of this Corpozation shall

Sbe liable for the debts of the Corpora- Ition.tion.

Article XI.Nine members of this Corporation, 21

years of age, Including olacers. shallconstitute a quorum, ad 4 ahlty ofthe quorg• gI;tit hsv powwer to enactall B'La'ws, Ordinances, resolutionsand requirements; elect omcers, ap-prove bills, authorize expendituresand disbursements, and do and performeverything which may be performed bythis Corporation, except qas Icp dis Article eIZ

cle XII.It shall be anoessary for a majorlty

of all the members of this orporoticato vote in favor thereof, In order to de-prive any omeer of his oece herein, Inorder to amend or alter this charter,in order to sell or mortgage the Im-movable property of this corporation,in order to dissolve this Corporation.

Article IIH.Henry Williams shall be the

President of this CorporqtlgOvelton, the lst Viee President; Wil-

m sWashington th erat Sec-hra Ma Williams the Irsi

iu l Secretary, ad KphralmBrow the t Treasurer; Alfred

l IonJ tes aad Erabetllsheigtmu, with the Paelsdent adn

vice p~resi? t, abell be te Iti 'atdof Immact9g ,ar tan h ahlat WA*aogaalr sh nll tlts otse uatil tilplst Saturday in December. l494, awhichday an electieo shall be held toieache of said oSers, and succeisomelected, who shall at once take thelieace and serve antil the last Natnrdain December, 185, at which timae, amamually thereafter, a election shalbe held and oeaes elected to serve tooe year.

Artise fy.This Corporllen shall ac be din

sorrlvedortIU9 se hold so elegies

on the day provide herein, but theofficers of the preceding year shallrimaln in omce until the next electionday, and shall continue and remain Inofce, until an election is held, sadofficers electe 1.

Article XV.Whenever this corporation is dis-

nolved, one discreet and responsiblemember shall be elected as LiquidatingCommissioner, and he shall collect theassets, dispose of the property, andturn the proceeds over to those entitledthereto, and shall do and perform allthings necessary toward finally ren-dering up and liquidating its afairs.

Thus done and signed on this the 10thday of September, 1894, in the presenceof Thomas Taylor. Wesley Lee andClay Elliott, competent witnesses, re-siding in this parish, and who also signtheir names hereto, together with thesaid principals.









The within and foregoing act of' in-corporation, having been handed to mefor inspection and examination, as toits legality, and having examined thesame, I hereby certify that in my opin-ion the objects and purposes of saidCorporation are legal, and none of theprovisions contained in said act are con-trary to law, and I therefore indorseand approve the same.

BOLIVAR EI)WARDS,District Attorney,

Sixteenth Judicial District of Louisilan.Covmngton, La., Sept. 12, 1894.

State of Louisiana, Parish of St.Tammuany.

I certify the wIthin and f..regolng tobe truly recorded in Book of MortgagesF, folios 559, 560, 561, 562.

Witness my hand and seal officially,I this 14th day of September. 1894.

FRANK W. HOSMER.Deputy Clerk and Ex-Oflclio Recorder.

TO SCHOOL TEAGHERSNotice is hereby given to all Teach.

ers of the Public Schools. that I will

be in Covington on the first Saturdayof each month,. for the purpose of signing their warrants.

J. A. S3MITH,President School Board.President School Board.

I L. Ihnubion. .aieas Dowliug

ROUBION & DOWLING,Livery Stable.

Opposite the Railroad Depot

V t!NEr hISUAl i.s, J.ETARIG.,

AL..T:ic O' 11AXD.

Handsomze and 3tylial Tarnoeut.Sp~.al ipl•qcewomen to )tgs)lters.

Unexo lied, servioe to patrons. Pricesmojerate; conreyances furnishod forhalls, parties, funerals. etc.

We hav a fine HEARSE and giveour personal attention to funerals.

A select Mesortment of Ci skets andCoffins always on hand.


lectic li d,4 sae and infallible remedy for all

aches and palns, of every description,externally and Internally, wherever lo-

cated about the body.



Adu al dieegsa of trhe Nerves andMuscles. lar sale by


The ART AMATEURBes. and Luraest Practical

" " Art .1t'. tiee(The only 4jrt IodlkrJ.a awarded a

Medl t the th orld's Fair.)Invaluable to all who wish to make

their living by art or to make theirhomes beautiful.F[OR tOc. we will send to1IAa any one mentioning this publi.

a cation a speclmeq copy, withr supe rt cqg for copying or

Siing) and 8 pplementary pages

of desigs (regular price 8c.) OrVOR *5c. we wmll snd alo "'Palat-ia MIar et Iamerr so90 pages.)

MONTAGUE MARKS,S23 Union Square, N. Y.

a :-~--- --------

Milkt Milk! Milk?From the gelebuated herd of Pure

Wl ooded Jersey Cows, at Esther Plan-tation, delivered at Covington, C"al-

Sborne and Abita Springs, for Twenty,i ave Cents per gallon.

a The f.moa~s salj'a plSintgs water of

4;I p~ait Jiu will be delivered by our.

lmilkiman, in gallun jugs. fresh froma the Springs, at Ten Cents per gallon,h Address orders tq

W. W, 1 o'nPJO1E, Agent.aLther 'Iautation, formerly Sulphur

r C. T. C80HMALZ.Lrliverv and Sale Stable,

S AITA SPRINGS, LA.d Fiae Tahlyhos. Baitimotre+, Sarre)s,

Hi nBl. e and Deoe H:eated Carr]as,SSddl Borsa. Ete.



I H. HdatKms, ,Prbat sma M•usger. Wi. Qas•Super, u Smemt.F. RmCa,, i., •tMM, o. H. XoC'muua., s•c'y a Tree

O. Cusaems, Lamber Maamqer.

Central Ianufaeturing LuamberCoLmnoD.


SASH, DOORS AND BLiNDS.All kinds of Store and Office Fittings.

ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER.Offmi'. n,,d Fnetcry, Corner Howard Avenue and D ry ad.v . htser.t.

gW- :,ead of Now aa-in "_ NEW ORLEANS.Drawer 4. Mechzinick Dealers & Lnmbermefn', Exchan e.

P_ O. Box 8168. elephone 122.

Hardy H. Smith.%4.mlrrn!rur toe J. 1'. S*,itl. S Sor.


Ixsuau. IS

General Merchandise.oasiating ot all the grIat stsple ,rtie:I.,


And indeed every article it: dernan! a.suited to this market

ptrThe Uiglhest Prioe paid for

Country Produe



Fancy Dry Goods,



ILadies' Underwear. S. ' ECI.jLTY.

TEN PER :l4l NT. $AVED) bypurchasing trom us. Call and be convinced.


Merchant.ooeeivee coutuanal supplies of well

selected Dry Goods and eLhoae FamilyGrooeries, whiob will be mold at low ig.ures.

Xa•1'ountry proalst.e t.keo:l in ex-mhange for gsoo4K, at m:urket price

I,•n connection With the et.er.al:.ercantile business o :his htou.e, theproprietor has establie•e .: a•at IAIl1(O01M, where he sill steep t:ae *:fSet ofWines, Liguors, Lager Beer, Cigra'. etc.

,mnstantly on hbeas..an d .ot "r re : seaitthe aUcs.

Set'Jttcgon, I .a.


Cheap Cash Store- C)VINGTON, LA. -

In tbo Pel!oat building.

Dry Goods, Notions,Canned Goods,

Shoes and Hats....-' ~rooeries.

Hardware, Crockery,Great Iteductieon Aim


Selling Out1el••ow Ot.

Now is your chance to


W. ,NNEDY,Notary Pubio..4VIN('ITON. L•A.

Wan. Breed iteop. Duanan .Xemn p.


orace-- A-.1te City, La.Wi qttuetua tle .un;tu$t in St. Toam*amany, Wa1lshiajgtot. Livingston, Bt.

Helena sae aisgipasboa prarbes.


(;la Elliott,sTreag4y aT LAW.

Dr. FP. JU•lts Heint~z,enasdeu bis aervitsee to the people olovington and the seurronuding coun-

OMote and eseidene -t the Co-.ington Dr•u btore. 'aomaltator free.


(lees his prolea@ional qerviou to lbeiublic.Omoe and residence on Columbiatreet, neDt to Frederiok's :)rag Store.


P .An :'l:l(N PUHYSlCIAN. iSesideace of. the torner east of the

ro-on Hall.Day .ld Night ~clls promptly atten:-4. CImunio Diseases : Specialty.


Tender. hi protemsional servioes tohe public throughout the country.

OG. W. MASON.(Real Estate Agent.

Prompt atter.tion sity, to senaing and:olleotiouns felt 6m


.II 'I.OY i ENT A;ikNCY. '.4eridlan. .HlIalselppl,

Is pleased to announce to professio-ml and business men of every hamlet, 3rillage, town and city la the South thatIt is at all times prepared to furnishthem with competentaccoutaonts, sten-ograpber, ett. No student s gradu-

ated who is not fully qualifed to do thehighest class of work In his line, andnoae but worthy, reliable young -meand women will ever be Indorsed forany position.

Actual Business From the 8tart isthe system used In W t's BusinessCollege, a.l oet the theoreticl tet-

hook, copying method, as is the ase imost schoolaAddresslmployment nc Wyatt's

Business College, Merlui is.



.; -I'* )r.%*

A.4 t U(i..eeml Aw..ort.:sn.at for Oity .n-tOo'ntry r.e, .rit he lowevt

* SJ :.rie.m.

Coviun ron. La.hlighest rices pd.*I for Wool 'lideo.Chleker . eto ke.. .to.

Chrs , .- riet it 8 D Anderson

Smith & Anderson.S-DALXE1 S IN-

Staple and Fanoy GroceriesDRY GOODS, BOOTS


lighest prices pi . fot country pro.


A full line of

FALLGOODSYou can save money by calling on

oe before making your purchases. 1have a full line of



And all other geods found in a firstclass store. I also arry a fall line of


General Merchandise.Will give my personal attention to

appeial oarders.No trouble to show goods.

O. V. Richard,(Columbia strect,




Druag, fMedicinesand Chemaiclls.


aU- l.c.ice Cigars and Tobaeoo,Ciiamretec and Pipes.

r P'!,yvieian' preeariptions ase-enrntsly emnponndetd.


Covington, La.That "old -eleile"' BDakery has bhes

in suocemfrci ope:rsou for a number ofyears. The p'o-iletor has r ered theervain of l n-olr4 a p~rofssioao l

IHAiER. and ise teay to furnisL Bread.(h tre., et. eq.tali u; .ood as can istise :aywhere. and :t: price: that def:aosantieton. None but the ipnre*'priSn Water uses! iu the iaskerv.

Bread from this Bakery crea be foundfresh every morning at the store at Mr.Jules Peohon. ie princ;pal depot.Bread Delivered Daily to allt Pt s

ABITA SPRINGS. LA.iTmIs! I.t:i"c, .. , .5 [real. Stock ,t

ohOC2Ul, CANNED 000DS.

tf othing, Notions, Hosiery,Crockery. Hardware.

And. everything usu ally kept in . firstrclass store. The patronage of l he publicis respectfully solicited.

H. J. CONRAD,iro,'riutor.

Smith Cottage.Covington, La.

CUG}. KS lIrH, !'Prorietor.

This tine cottage, having been thor-oughly repaired and enlarged, is nowopen for the reception of guests.Large and airy rooms, handsomelypapered and newly furnished. Widehalls and galleries, ine shade trees,etc. Table supplled with the best themarket afford..

Apply to or address,EUG. B SMITH,

Ctovington, La.

i T- - ---THE


MISS 11. S. JOHNSON, IPropri. tr

I E (:OLD iODt Pi'o',

i ICE CIIA11, (.KEI':i,




uid Xadlt onSIhTHE 'P ARR

NEW CA]U.IA,'wM. faxnmO -l, 'O•apim.

il Laxwuorr, Clerk.Conmmeneing May 1, 18O.

.-- Will leave ileberg. ethearldval ef emfe f

-- - Potebiatrain Dept, Id of Elyivan PFilds street,

DAILY, (e•eept Wednesday s ad 8un-days,) 4 r.. train.

RETURNING I.avums MIDI O4)VILLtDAILY, at 5&o a. at.

WVter and ,'Jaher jermittlig

:X(:Ua RION8.Mandeville, Lewisburg, Madison-

ville and Old Leanding.WUNDAX$ and WEDNESDAYS, 8 a. .

train.FreigLt received daily at the laouis

v ille and Nashville Railread depot, headof Giroel street.

W. G. COYLE A CO., Agents,47 (aronadelet street. eorer Union.

i'eI -lldIaenvtte and r-ovt.:-

TheO Schooner


Will leave bead of New Bast,. NewOrleans, every THURSDAY, at S .x.

lIeturntlng will leave Covingtonever).MONDAY, at 4 P. m.

RAT, 0. O• IR IGll'T:U:tton, ner bale........... 30 sent•-ID !arrlsa..............1. 16 en.rks ........................ .t oesn-Ot.er rates in proportiun.

J. . CLARK, Agent,dead f 'ew fBasna. New O(iecn'.

A eross tie Lak e.

F. MI. PIPPO!Leave. Covingt.oh every) Tueminy hab,

arrives at New Orleans or Wedneo.M 3Lave New Orle..." vrl.; Saturdatat 10 A. r., and arrives at Covingtooon Sunday

RATES. OFP IIRIUHT.Cotton, per bale.............. 30 cent..Dry barrels ................. 15 see,.Sacks...................... 10 r. "

(tl.:r sJto. in reoortlen.

ComumsercIal fourse(A&.joining the Railroad Deit.)


.•R~ANSIiN VTSITORS.Hfea.quarterr for Drurm.-.ra.

Av onmmodatione for HIorses :aarrimges.

I-.t \. L..a-, ... 12 !Au....Aleal.i Served ats All Helaer

Mulberry GroveHOTEL.

Near Csvington. St. Tarana~Pariah. La.

tl.4Al•1.Y THIERY, PItOPRtI•Kro.

This popular summer resort in thepiney woods has, for the aec•smmoala-tion of families, single and double cot-aes. Miaeral springs equal to thoseof the Abita. Spleadid shade, ine

athi Szst.elaes table and plea:-, or:iltk.'FcrIr-; r Day. 31 50; per Week.;10; per Month. $35.

CRYSTAL SPRINGPrivate Boarding House.COVINGTON, ST. "A:alA.• .\:N

PAl'ISH, l.A.-dept by MRS. F. (UGNTmt;:st4.

Tra h y'_, Uo: PM

•heb llais of the parish to hlglnl-*lued and resommende! by physieianaThe house has recently been completelrenovated.

For further partieulars, apply on the.remises, or at the oioe of the Nets (.

SBe .'3 Chartre street.

iaion'M IeHotel and'


4blta springs, la.

Board by the Day, Week orMonth.


Coasest anoe to Soinras -Aad spbs.____________________________ ----- 4 I

MUGNIER BROS.Crescent Hotel

Wandoville, La.

t ... well-know,, select Hotel, fra.-nlg on Lake Pontchartrain, noted for itsexcellent table, beautiful garden, withtwo pure clear springs of mineal water,is now open for the season.

Fine drives throngs the forest or playwoods. Splendid i lagin. Sa.s4ilcrabs sad all kinds of fish always ohand. Daily eomsmalnieatio with ewOrl ~an via the t as Louisiana Railroador steamer New Camelia. By rail, ea!

one-hall hour fronm Abits tprings.Write for terms.

MU(IMIELL BROS•,Msadeville. IA.

Boarding Rouseand Bestauraant.

The undersigned, having remere

his Bearding House and Restaurant

from the Briggs Houm to the mialingl

opposite the Couathose, respeaetaily

solieit, the oatronage of the putlie.

Meals and Lunch Served atAll Hours.

rIERMS-One Dollas pv.r Day; hirDollars per W-ek.




S ('ona'trv .rleru' iven 'trietattentiot-. A.: Work unnrastIeed to

[(iv:' rasisttiwtime.

FOR SALE.A complete set of Sugar Machiry,

in good order, Incadodug Boler andEge, hr saUy paert of ame, at EstherLPlhoaetem, formerly 8ulpher Sprig.

Apply to or address,W. U. O'BISRNR, Ageat,

Coringtlo, La

No,831 (old Now 15)

PI As. .1Fw ToiL...W. NA.d

Nam've lb. hew.... C&Now Tas...

Nto~hemm LAume.n Oa,Iamd.m, (Is U. AL)...... LULU

Jrnt.,.aaa Fl AmoebtkIsuof Nw O eans.. .. 93M14".

Lomaca Osmatee a sd seideat Oo.. liatued. ofLalsa . .. L.. ...... L5.91t 45

Total ete...... SISSSU

m (bamrn) bavam amaUronad Laaanzm.

Al ela srir besireesas writ.. at theLOWLT CflNXNT RAMTIB eelplaed iK eese beat eal, AWsdgmaad Fovei. eespar

Loe alj e sd pdad is Nw Or.lear, witbt ou eo oasLl For paatsle ad r, sale

or carrespead withuHaltI8. T. SCHMATZ, Agest,

Abtaolpriags, Ia.Do CRAB. GKNUMAlC, A ,m

WM.rlL Ia.

P l Welleli,135 Canal Street --

New Orleams.



Music HouseIN THE SOUTH.

Write for Prices and Terms.ovell Iy



-n mdUe-.m d - - man & -us uS amsh ass a klaseme to rtgMOW TO UaS

ad si. ammee ar s .e eot an.. -

.Us. eaW s ..4PWOR . -.--einsb. amrm ",,s"

,est and Cklapo.r- All the oi"dba .High oade PIANOS and OMAf I.

sold on the Monthly It4almnt pll I.Be sure to write to us befees I.Chaing. We save you Ionm

anythlb n time Music line

GrJUNEWAI1t7., (L'd )

No. 1L187 Canal 8trer5eW OLRLI&AMo ,

- O TO---1JTTNM LARO L .The Old Veli•able Hr.

Painter.ais...ise Baud Oi no %

mininIg ad talming dse to Iie.-. All orde. ps otmpd iMlusOrders na be s& with OMLer

.roi, iiJ adimh sad EmOie tse.Dorigton.Is.


Mnnaafatam and Daler.

Paving. Building,Arch and Eugis)l

Fire Brick.Ai ordesa lt l tA She yia n*'r. Leas Biaubionl, wll be p

aP.'ad.d a..

-0 GOTO-


Am! have yoar eyes useawe e!AIled to a pair of the eelubrated

Goodwill LenarIn Gold, ilver, NIRktl r ~ am



F. Bammar 3i. Laoilm

Guaranteed to he poae sad lasligg

U mWUatUm3L W- R e


OB.. Sldell, I