The Epistle St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde 29797 US Hwy 281 N, Bulverde, TX 78163 Phone (830) 980-2813 — Fax (830) 980-9756 [email protected] Sunday Schedule Worship Services 8:30AM & 10:45AM Holy Communion 1 st & 3 rd Sundays of each month Adult Christian Education 9:40AM Sunday School 9:40AM St Paul Lutheran Staff Ministers All People of St. Paul Senior Pastor Lee R. Harder Youth Minister Meredith Ehler Office Manager/Bookkeeper Christian Day School Director Sherry Schneider Music/Media Director Paul Angulo Facilities Manager Ron Norman 2015 Council Members President/Worship Liaison Randy Fischer Vice President and Shauna Weaver Staff and Special Tasks Liaison Treasurer Brian Meuth Secretary and Ministry Team Liaison Libye Nuernberg Fellowship Team Liaison Tibby Armke Education Liaison Sandy Chapman Cemetery and Memorial Liaison H.L. Saur Property & Grounds Liaison Don Bragg Evangelism Team Liaison Shawn Sande June Newsletter www.lcmc.net We need your help! Because pastor will be taking some R & R in June to see family up north, we are not having a New Disciple Class in June. However, we do have one planned for July 19th following our second worship celebration. Here’s where we need your help. If you love Jesus, if you think that the worship, ministries and fellowship of the St. Paul disciples is something special, then tell someone about it. There will always be a few who visit our church because of the web page or just church shopping. However, the best way is if you, a believer and disciple of St. Paul personally makes the effort and conscious decision to invite someone to come. Ask a friend, neighbor, co-worker, etc. to join you for worship on Sunday morning and then introduce them to your St. Paul family when they come. Our call from Christ is to go into the world and make disciples. Everyone needs to help make that happen. How can anyone who really loves Jesus and His salvation keep such a hopeful promise to themselves? Share the news. They’ll be glad if you do. Website www.redroofchurch.org

St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the

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Page 1: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the

The Epistle

S t . P a u l L u t h e r a n C h u r c h o f B u l v e r d e

29797 US Hwy 281 N, Bulverde, TX 78163

Phone (830) 980-2813 — Fax (830) 980-9756

[email protected]

Sunday Schedule

Worship Services 8:30AM & 10:45AM

Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month

Adult Christian Education 9:40AM

Sunday School 9:40AM

St Paul Lutheran Staff

Ministers All People of St. Paul

Senior Pastor Lee R. Harder

Youth Minister Meredith Ehler

Office Manager/Bookkeeper

Christian Day School Director Sherry Schneider

Music/Media Director Paul Angulo

Facilities Manager Ron Norman

2015 Council Members

President/Worship Liaison Randy Fischer

Vice President and Shauna Weaver

Staff and Special Tasks Liaison

Treasurer Brian Meuth

Secretary and Ministry Team Liaison Libye Nuernberg

Fellowship Team Liaison Tibby Armke

Education Liaison Sandy Chapman

Cemetery and Memorial Liaison H.L. Saur

Property & Grounds Liaison Don Bragg

Evangelism Team Liaison Shawn Sande

June Newsletter


We need your help!

Because pastor will be

taking some R & R in June

to see family up north, we

are not having a New Disciple Class in June.

However, we do have one planned for July 19th

following our second worship celebration.

Here’s where we need your help. If you love

Jesus, if you think that the worship, ministries

and fellowship of the St. Paul disciples is

something special, then tell someone about it.

There will always be a few who visit our church

because of the web page or just church

shopping. However, the best way is if you, a

believer and disciple of St. Paul personally

makes the effort and conscious decision to

invite someone to come. Ask a friend,

neighbor, co-worker, etc. to join you for

worship on Sunday morning and then

introduce them to your St. Paul family when

they come.

Our call from Christ is to go into the world and

make disciples. Everyone needs to help make

that happen. How can anyone who really loves

Jesus and His salvation keep such a hopeful

promise to themselves? Share the news.

They’ll be glad if you do.

Website www.redroofchurch.org

Page 2: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the

Grace and peace to you all as Karen and I eagerly look forward to seeing our

kids and grandkids. Believe it or not, I’m looking forward to a little R & R.

Maybe it has been all the work as of late involved with getting the positions of Youth Minister and Office

Manager filled, but I’ve been thinking a lot about knowing what my mission is to be serving God. It’s easy to

get side-tracked with the other needs and demands that constantly call for attention. I know my main mission

is to preach and teach, but there are those other things making themselves known. How can I stay the course?

I know Jesus faced the same challenges.

In Luke 4:16-21 we are told: He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he

went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read, 17 and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was

handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written: 18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, be-

cause he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the

prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s fa-

vor.” 20 Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the

synagogue were fastened on him. 21 He began by saying to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your


Jesus is in His hometown at the synagogue. He recently survived a 40 day fast and a battle of temptation with

the devil. He is just beginning His public ministry, but word about Him has already spread near and far. I

would suspect that the synagogue was a packed house that day. I wonder how many of them were trying to

figure out this once “carpenter’s son” turned preacher.

The scroll of Isaiah is handed to Him and He reads verses 18-19. The He rolls up the scroll and hands it back

to the attendant and sits down. I’ll bet you every eye in the place was on Jesus in that moment. Then Jesus

goes one step further as He says, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”

In those words Jesus just said: “I am the Messiah and this is what I came to do . . . I am here to proclaim good

news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, and freedom to those who

are oppressed.” Jesus is incredibly clear about His mission and identity. Regardless of how people tried to

define or confine Him, He knew exactly who He was and what He was about. Boy, I wish I could have that

kind of resolve all the time, because our identity and mission should be intricately linked to His.

Jesus is repeatedly draws us back to those words from Isaiah 61 which are the theme for His ministry. The

Son of Man came to seek and save the lost. those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who

are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance. There will be more joy in heaven

over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance. Truly, I say to

you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me. But whoever would be great

among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son

of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Page 3: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the

If you scan the gospels, it’s not hard to see how Jesus prioritized His life and ministry.

* The sinful over the righteous.

* The sick over the well.

* The least over the greatest.

* The lost over the found.

Simply put: Seek the lost and serve the least among us.

Jesus kept His eyes fixed on His mission right up to and including the cross. God grant and bless us with the re-

solve to fulfill our missions as your disciples.


Pastor Lee

Council Corner

1. After considering more than 20 applicants, we are pleased to announce

Sherry Schneider was recently selected as the new St Paul Office

Manager. Thank you to Sherry for her years of dedicated service as the

Christian Day School Director, and congratulations on her new role as

Office Manager.

2. The Youth Minister Call Committee recently brought the most promising candidate to Bulverde for several

days. Mr. Andrew Cave met with our call committee, Pastor Harder, Meredith Ehler, members of the congregation,

and most importantly our youth. Hopefully you had an opportunity to see, and speak, with Andrew during his visit on

Sunday May 17th. We are pleased to announce Andrew has accepted our initial employment offer, and will be

joining us soon.

3. A Working Group has been established to consider options for moving the Church forward in construction

projects. Council provided this Group with a short list of priorities to consider. Larry Bodoczy is the lead for this

Group, that also includes Jamey Arnold, Phil Pascale, Russ Griffith, and Mike Scott. Please thank each of these

disciples for taking on this important task.



Page 4: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the

The past few months have been filled with much activity as we have received volumes of resumes for the

positions of Office Manager and Youth Minister. After the weeding process was completed came the interviews

which was followed by decisions to extend calls to the persons we felt could best serve our congregation.


While we received numerous resumes, it was decided to offer the position to our own Sherry Schneider, whose

resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After

the events of 2012, Sherry has been considering the possibility of other work, even though her love for the

children of the day school, its teachers and board of directors are dear to her. She was ready to try something


Sherry already has a working knowledge of what is required in the position and is eager to learn the rest of the

responsibilities needed to serve a congregation like St. Paul. It was felt that her knowledge and closeness to the

people of St. Paul would be a benefit. Yet, she will have the same period of probation (3 months) to demonstrate

efficiency before permanently affirming her position as Manager. Nor does she want it any other way.

Please make her comfortable in her new position, as we allow her time to grow into this new chapter in our lives



If you made it to worship on Sunday, May 17th, the weekend of the rain storms and flooded creeks, you got the

chance to see and/or meet our new youth minister — Andrew Cave. Another northerner from Michigan

seeking warmer climate, Andy has served as a part time youth minister. Now he will be taking on the

responsibility of heading up our middle school and high school ministries here at St. Paul. As a full time partner

on staff, Andy will work closely with Meredith and Pastor Lee to provide a rich, meaningful ministry to the

families of our St. Paul community. Meredith, who is expecting towards the end of the year, will soon go to a

part time position and focus her ministry on our children ages Pre-K through fifth grade. She feels called to

this ministry and she and pastor both agree that these children and their families are a vital element to

successfully reach out to our surrounding community in God’s service.

Page 5: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the


We know that to have our youth involved in the life of the congregation and be better equipped as disciples in the

world, it’s easier if that relationship starts when they are young children. So, Meredith isn’t going anywhere. We

are still blessed to have her talents and skills, compassion and dedication as an active part of St. Paul’s ministry.

The official date of Andy’s starting was not set as of this newsletter’s preparation. The same applies to the exact

time when Meredith will move into a part time position.

We want you to know that neat and exciting things are happening at St. Paul.

Tired and Retired News

The Tired and Retired Group has made arrangements for William Bischoll, a representative from Funeral Caring,

USA, to come speak at our regular meeting in June.

This is not a sales presentation. He will enlighten us on the laws, costs, and other pertinent information concerning

the purchasing and planning of funerals. He will tell us how to have a dignified funeral for a loved one without

going into debt to do so.

He spoke with us several years ago and what he had to say was very interesting.

We will meet in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, June 24 at 10 a.m. Lunch and drinks will be provided. If you

would like to attend, please email Jane Wanke at [email protected] or call her at 210 259 1946 so we can get an

accurate count for the food.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Thanks, Jane

St Paul’s Ministry is Bloomin’

The Lord has blessed us with much needed rain (too much in some areas, sadly), the birds are singing, flowers

blooming and it is great to enjoy His Creation. We are also blessed that we have been extending our generosity to

others at Provisions in Bulverde through our Second Sunday collections . In the last two months, our collections of

food stuff has resulted in over 70 pounds for the food pantry and it is greatly appreciated. They can use whatever

canned or non-perishable foods you can donate so remember, every second Sunday, BRING YOUR CAN TO


Page 6: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the


The Breakfast Bible Bunch will not meet during the month of June

while pastor’s on vacation.

Young Adult Ministry

The St. Paul Young Adult Ministry is open to all who are 18-30ish years old. We meet for fellowship, mission and Bible

Study. In June we will meet on 6/8 & 6/22 for dinner and Bible Study from 6:30pm-8pm at the Ehler’s House.

If you would like to join us or have questions contact Meredith Ehler at 830-980-2813 or [email protected].

Our Thursday Bible Study classes will continue their hiatus while Pastor Lee is on vacation. However, we do

begin a brand new study on Thursday, June 25th, at our regular times of 8:00 am, 10:00 am, and 6:30 pm.

The next study will get us reading the book of Acts, officially known as Acts of the Apostles. Written by the

evangelist Luke who wrote the gospel that precedes it, it has sometimes been thought of as the second gospel

of Luke. Acts gives us another view of the ascension of Jesus along with His assurance of the coming of the

Holy Spirit. Besides the Pentecost event, we also see the stoning of Stephen and the conversion of Saul into

Paul. Yet, the real bulk of the book takes us on the travels of Paul during his four missionary journeys. We

encounter some of the early struggles of the fledgling church and its trials, both from within and outside.

Please join us on June 25th as we begin our study of Acts. If you’ve never participated in a Bible study, Acts

would be a great place to begin the habit.

We’ll be looking for you!


In case of an emergency, please contact Randy Fischer at 830-438-7741, the church office

830-980-2813 or Pastor Don at 210-651-5940 while Pastor Lee is away on vacation.

Page 7: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the


The Adult Christian Education (ACE) Schedule for June 2015

Sunday ACE classes meet at 9:40 AM. Pastor Lee’s Bible Study is continuing on June 25th on the Book of Acts and meets Thursday’s at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 6:30 PM Our leaders are dedicated and well qualified disciples that spend much time preparing for the classes Please plan to attend at least one class of your choice Sunday Classes Class led by Jeff Smith meets in the ACE (Portable) building This class will meet during the summer and is studying the Epistle 1st John Class led by Dean & Kathy Krueger meets in the Luther Room This class will continue during the summer. The class begins a new June study, "Biblical Names Changed by God." Have you known someone whose name was changed? By himself or herself? By parents or relatives? By classmates or friends? How about by God? This study will center on Bible verses about Old AND New Testament people renamed by God as well as the reasons for His renaming. Come join us for this month-long study! And bring a friend! Class led by Mike Scott meets in the choir room This class will continue during the summer with a new topic on Faith Lessons by Ray Vander Laan.

The current five-session small group Bible study, In The Dust of The Rabbi, by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander

Laan, is volume 6 of the 12-part Faith Lessons series and the new topic(s) will be reported later. In this volume, Vander

Laan follows in the footsteps of Jesus and His selection of the disciples, the geography, and culture of that time

Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God's Word to life with astounding

relevance. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher

and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers.

Class led by Ingrid Lingle meets in the office area workroom This class will not meet during the summer and will begin again in late August or September.. More specific information on the start up date and topic will be available in the July newsletter. Tuesday Women’s class which meets in the Fellowship Hall is led by Connie Osborn Hello Sisters in Christ! The Promised Land by Ray Vander Laan, who illuminates the historical geographical and cultural context of the sacred Scriptures is a video study.. Our 2nd study following The Promised Land series is entitled Prophets and Kings is in progress and will continue during the summer. This lesson will transform you to be a true follower of Jesus.

Next class

Sunday, July 19th


12:00 Noon

Page 8: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the

Our focus for mission in the month of June is on Options for Life

Please get mission minded so that every third Sunday of the month you set aside a gift for our

designated monthly mission emphasis. This goes above and beyond our regular giving because the

need is great. Sometimes our monthly emphasis will be local, sometimes beyond. Whatever the

case, there is a genuine need we can help support.

Don’t forget that the second Sunday of every month you are asked to bring a non-perishable food

item or money as a much needed gift and contribution to Provisions, our local food shelf. Every

single can or box is greatly needed and appreciated. Thanks for caring.

OPTIONS FOR LIFE / June Benevolent Donation Recipient

Some of you may have noticed that there were no baby bottles on Mother's Day. This was not an oversight. We will

have a guest speaker from Options for Life on the third Sunday in June which also happens to be Father's Day. That

is the day the baby bottles are always due back. This year, Options for Life will benefit from the third Sunday of

every month benevolent donation. On Father's Day, Sunday, June 21st, please help support life with a donation

placed in the orange bordered envelopes in the pew and mark it, OPTIONS FOR LIFE. Thank you for helping be a

voice for those who have no voice.

Page 9: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the

Guatemala Update

Recently, a verse was sent to our team from Philippians 1:4-5. Paul writes, “In all my prayers for all of

you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” The

thought behind this was Paul praying with joy because the Philippians were partners with him, not just

supporters. Through their financial help, prayers, and interest in his work, they truly shared in his

ministry. They were partners!

This is the way our team feels about our partners at St. Paul Lutheran. You have supported us from the

very beginning for our journeys to Guatemala and we could never do this mission without you as our

partners!! It is only with joy we go forth to share the Gospel knowing our partners are sharing in this

ministry with us.

As we continue to prepare for our trip, we look forward to finalizing some of our plans. Our tickets have

been purchased, so the first major step has been completed. We have a very tentative itinerary which

includes schools to visit in the surrounding mountains of Jalapa and spending more time with the Safe House children. We are busily making plans for

our crafts and stories related to the Gospel. We will be focusing on the story Jesus told about the Prodigal Son and lessons the children can learn from

this parable.

Our last fund raiser is our silent auction which will begin May 31st through June 14th so please plan to visit these items set up in the Fellowship Hall.

Again, we are so grateful for your partnership in our mission and even though you may not be physically going, we know you are with us through

your support.

In Christ’s mission

Guatemala Team

Beginning in the month of June, we are going to be offering the celebration of Holy Communion every Sunday

at both worship services. You might have noticed that last month’s Epistle had an article addressing the

importance of receiving the awesome benefits that God gives to us in this precious gift of grace. There have also

been a number of sermons leading up to this addition to our worship schedule.

I know that there are a variety of views about the frequency of celebrating Holy Communion. We understand

those differences and respect them. Yet, for so many who hunger for the tangible forgiveness that is so very real

in The Lord’s Supper, it seems right that we should offer God’s grace more often. Having a more frequent opportunity to come to the

Lord’s table cannot diminish its value. The only way that could happen would be if we think less of it, not by its regular participation.

Just as we seek God’s grace through regular prayer — beginning and ending each day, offering grace whenever or wherever we eat a

meal, or touching our Lord as we pray His prayer — and do not consider any of these as too often done, we should desire to see Holy

Communion in the same light.

The next six months will give us the chance to see how this every Sunday celebration of the Lord’s Supper works out in our St. Paul

family. In order to help, I’ve done as much as I can with the cooperation of others to tighten the worship order to keep it within the time

frame established. We want to be sensitive to all the many activities going on every Sunday morning here at St. Paul. I ask your

understanding in making this period a positive blessing for all the disciples of St. Paul.

The benefits of God’s grace poured out for all who believe are too important and vital for our spiritual growth. Besides the strengthening

of our spirit through sharing the means of grace with God and one another, we receive the forgiveness of our sins as we physically share in

both the sacrifice and the victory of our Lord Jesus on the cross.

Allow me to borrow a line from a recent sermon I delivered on Sunday, May 17th. “Where there is no appreciation or hunger for

forgiveness there is no salvation.”

Let us eagerly seek out God’s grace at the table of our Lord whenever we can. Starting this June 7th that will be every week for those

needing God’s reassuring mercy. And who among us does not need that?

Page 10: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the

Prayer Warriors

We love to know your praises and continued concerns. The prayer warriors are in continuous prayer for all! Please contact Lucy Walker, Stella Ross or the church office for your prayer requests:

[email protected], [email protected], or [email protected].

Prayer Warriors: Pastor Harder, Pastor Ofsdahl, Lucy Walker, Cindy ’Boo’ Peek, Lynn Rosenfeld, Sharon Knibbe,

Dagi Fischer, Stella Ross, Laura Sprowls, Gloria Krueger, Marjorie Rothchild, and Connie Osborn.

...are continually praying for you according to God’s will in all circumstances through Jesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians 5:17

Nicole Hlavka

Mark & Debra Harder

Helmut Kleve

Shirley Remmert

Ruth Lytle

Grace Kaeppel

Gloria Krueger

Jimmy Cox

Jean Miller

Debra Saur & Family

Viola Howard

Vance Rittiman

Lauren & Spencer


Blessing and Warning This ancient blessing have been preserved through time for us:

"Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to

heart what is written in it, because the time is near."

Revelation 1:3 (NIV84)

Do you really believe these are the very words of God? 2 Timothy 3:16 tells us all scripture comes from

the inspiration of God. God's Word is being breathed out to us each time we read and study. His Word

was, is and always will be alive and active.

To insure this blessing we must read and study in the right manner and for the right reason. We must keep

Jesus Christ as our central focus. With all the talk of end times and recent global events intensifying it

can be exciting and tempting to use scripture as a handy guide to explain away the evening news. Please

pray that you would avoid this great danger, a misguided approach to viewing through the lens of current

events rather than being Christ's discerning disciple, who has an open mind and heart to biblical truth. We

are commanded to and commended as we test all we hear and see. Let's be like the Bereans in Acts 17:11

who allowed the Holy Spirit to lead, teach and confirm everything they examined against the truth. Guard

against falling prey to predictions and speculation. Why? "No one knows about that day or hour, not even

the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Mark 13:32 Jesus and the heavenly angels are fore-

ver submissive to the Father's divine will. Therefore, if for them there is not an urgent need to know every

detail now, then Jesus' disciples surely can live fully trusting the Father. As His people work to study His

Word, we can be sure that His Spirit will help us abide and understand things as they are timely unveiled.

May God's grant His mercy and grace for us to desire and be empowered to heed His warning:

"I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God

will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of

prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described

in this book." Revelation 22:18-19 (NIV84)

Come, Lord Jesus!

St. Paul Hearts on Fire Prayer Warriors

Page 11: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the

6th-12th Grade Youth


Will meet on Sunday,

June 7 from 5:00pm-

7:30pm at the Ehler’s

House for a Gender

Reveal Party for Baby

Ehler, Dinner and Bible


RSVP if you plan to

attend by June 3.

We ask that all youth

who participate in

activities have a “2014-

2015 Basic Information

Form and Permission

Slip” on file.

St. Paul Children, Youth & Family Ministries “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress

them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk

along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” -Deuteronomy 6:6-7



If you are

interested in being

a part of our VBS

Team, join us on

Thursday, June 11

at 5:30pm.

Vacation Bible School Decorations

Work Day

Are you artistic? Do you like to paint? Are

you creative? Join us on Monday, June 22

for a VBS decoration work day. We will

meet in the CFC from 10am-2pm. Bring a

sack lunch! Contact Meredith Ehler at

[email protected] or 830-980-2813

if you plan to attend!!!

Vacation Bible School

July 19-23, 2015

Register to participate or volunteer for VBS at www.redroofchurch.org. Register by July 5, 2015.

VBS will be in the evenings from 5:30pm-8:30pm. All children 3 years old and older are invited

to attend!

Gaming with God: Summer Sunday School

All children 4 years-5th grade are invited to join us every Sunday from

June 7-August 23 from 9:40am-10:35am in the Middle School SS

Room. We will be learning how some of our favorite board games can

teach us Bible lessons! Join us for checkers, chess, operation, LIFE,

Connect 4 & more!!!

We ask that all children who participate in activities have a “2014-2015

Basic Information Form and Permission Slip” on file.

Prayers for Our Camp Eagle Trip

From June 27-July 2 we have 20 youth & 6 adults attending Camp Eagle Adventure

Camp. Please keep these youth and adults in your prayers as they spend time

participating in fun activities & growing in their relationships with one another and


Family Game Day & Lunch

Take a break from the heat and join us for an afternoon

of board games and lunch on Sunday, June 14 from noon-

2:00pm. It will be an opportunity to play the games the

our elementary Sunday School will be learning about!

MS & HS Sunday School

Our 6th-12th graders will meet on the

Sundays from 9:40am-10:35am in June

in the HS Room for lessons about our

Covenant God!

Page 12: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the

“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with you all.”

-2 Thessalonians 3:16

Sending God’s Blessings with

our Graduates!

Tristan Chapman Tristan will graduate from Smithson Valley

High School. He will be attending San Antonio

College in the fall and then moving on to UTSA

by fall of 2016. He currently is interested in an

Engineering degree.

Sarah Harrell Sarah Harrell will graduate from Smithson Valley

High School. She was a member of the National

Honor Society, earned a letter jacket for 4 years of

participation in band, and a service cord for all the

hours she has volunteered with church activities

such as VBS, Youth Mission trips, and River Camp.

She will be attending UTSA in the fall to study

Environmental Science.

Natalie Irving Natalie Kathleen Irving is set to be a 2015 Graduate of

Smithson Valley High School. She is a member of the

Smithson Valley National Honor Society, Family and

Community Service (FACS), Smithson Valley High School

FFA and is President of the Sherwood 4-H Club. Natalie

will be attending Texas Tech University in the Fall where

she will pursue a career in nursing. Natalie has been

awarded several local scholarships in recognition of her

hard work and discipline.


William Krause William Dee Krause is a 2015 Smithson Valley graduate.

He was a member and team captain for the SV Ranger

Football Team. He was the Student Advisor for FFA the

past three years. He was the Sherwood 4-H Vice Presi-

dent, and a member of National Honor Society. Will is

heading off to pursue a degree in Range Land Manage-

ment with a minor in Livestock Production at Chadron

State College, where he will also be a Red Shirt Freshman

for the Eagles Football team. Will has been very blessed

to have received several local scholarships along with his

football offer to Chadron State College in Nebraska.

Page 13: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the

Register your children for these

Bulverde/Spring Branch Area

Bulverde Baptist Church


June 15-19 Completed Kinder-5th Grade


Contact: Laschel Fox


Register Online at


Community Bible Church


Cost: $12

June 29- July 2

Kinder-6th Grade


Contact: Kim Miglicco [email protected]

Register Online at


Hillside Fellowship



June 22-26

Kinder-5th Grade


Contact: Sandy Schroeder


Register Online at


Bulverde United

Methodist Church


July 14-17 4 years old-5th Grade


Contact: Hannah Hedgpeth

[email protected]

Register Online at


St. Paul Lutheran Church Cost: $10 (Dinner included)

July 19-23 3 years-8th Grade

5:30pm-6:15pm Dinner

6:15pm-8:30pm VBS

Contact: Meredith Ehler

[email protected]

Register Online at


Page 14: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the

"Let love and faithfulness

never leave my children, but

bind these twin virtues

around their necks and write

them on the

tablet of their hearts."

St. Paul Lutheran Christian Day

School is an

Outreach Ministry of

St. Paul Lutheran Church


Please remember to bring the following for your child each day:

a lunch with a drink

a bottle of water

A change of clothes

Label all items brought to school and sign your child in and out each day.

We look forward to a fun two weeks!


June 8-18~First Summer CDS session Monday—Thursday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Sunday, June 21~Father’s Day

Saturday, July 4~Independence Day

July 6-16~Second Summer CDS session Monday—Thursday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Sunday, July 19—Thursday July 23~St. Paul’s VBS, “Gotta Move” Keepin’ in Step with the Spirit from 5:30-8:30 p.m. You can sign up online at


Saturday, August 8~St. Paul’s Annual Garage Sale. All proceeds benefit the Youth Group.

Thursday, September 3~CDS Fall Open House. Information will be emailed in August regarding the Open House and our fall schedule.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015~First Day of School!

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We still have space for the fall 2015. We have space available in our Toddlers, Two’s and 3-4 yr. old classes. Please call the school office or email

at [email protected] for more information and to schedule a tour. Office hours will vary during the summer, so please contact by phone or email

for times. You may also visit our website at www.redroofschool.com for more information.

If you are looking for a church home, we would love for you to visit us here at St. Paul. Our services are every Sunday morning at 8:30 and 10:45

a.m. The 8:30 service is traditional and our 10:45 is contemporary. Our Sunday school classes for Pre-K through adult are at 9:40 and we do provide

childcare for all. For more information, please contact the church office at 830-980-2813 or visit our website at www.redroofchurch.org. You can also

like us on Facebook as well.

Have a great Summer!

God Bless...CDS Staff

Page 15: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the

.SPLC Annual Youth Garage Sale

Start your Spring cleaning and save your stuff for the Annual SPLC Youth Garage Sale to be held August 8th, 2015.

We would like all the stuff you are done with! Such as household items, games, toys, puzzle, decorations, etc. We will only be accepting

donations of CLEAN infant to youth size clothing and coats of any size in good condition. Please no undergarments, girls’ swimsuits, or

any shoes/flip flops!

There will be dates and times available in June and July for donating. Stayed tuned to the Epistle and weekly bulletins for dates, times, and


Thanks in advance for your support of the garage sale!

Please contact Lorie Winkler @ 830-832-4375 or Kelly Schumacher @ 210-875-2795 if you have any questions!

Update on LCMC Texas District

The LCMC Texas District Council and the Mission Team have extended a call to Reverend Bryce Formwalt from North Dakota to be the new Director of Mission Growth for the entire Texas District. He has accepted this call and hopes to be in Texas some time in July. He gave a sermon at Martin Luther Lutheran Church in Giddings recently. If you click on "Here's the Link" below, you can listen to an uplift-ing sermon on what the church needs to be doing.

Pastor Bryce was born and raised in northeastern Iowa where he graduated from Wartburg College in 1998. He then went on to the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, PA where he earned a M.Div. in 2002. He has served churches in Ohio, Illinois, and most recently in North Dakota. Pastor Bryce and his wife Lisa have been married 17 years and have two sons: Cole, age 12, and Simeon, age 10.

We would encourage you to earnestly pray for Pastor Bryce and his family as he begins this new ministry here in Texas. It is a BIG state as anyone knows who travels it, and there are about 51 LCMC churches in Texas now. Would it not be great to have exponentially more in the years to come? We also ask you to prayerfully consider giving to or increasing your giving to the Mission Team as this is the District entity that directly supports Pastor Formwalt as well as any other Mission undertakings of the Texas District.

Additionally, Pastor Bryce will be one of the Keynote Speakers at the LCMC Texas District Convention to be held at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in Victoria, TX, on July 31 and August 1, 2015. SAVE THE DATE!! Please come and enjoy the fellowship of your fellow Texas LCMC brothers and sisters, meet Pastor Bryce, and worship our Lord and Savior together. (Detailed information on the convention coming soon.)

In Christ's Service,

Barbara Geistfeld


LCMC Texas District Council

Page 16: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the

Deep in The Heart


July 31 - August 1

Registration begins at 5:30 PM on Friday. The event will conclude at 3:30 PM on Saturday.


Our Saviour's Lutheran Church 4102 North Ben Jordan Street Victoria, TX 77901

Registration; Adult: 18 and up $30, Children under 18 is free


As is our custom in LCMC, we will focus our energies on Christ, Fellowship and Mission. We will handle some business,

but it will be kept to a minimum. There will be a number of breakout sessions and ministry displays as resources.

Keynote Speakers

Pastor John Waak, Host Pastor

Pastor Enrique Estrada, Mexico Mission International

Pastor Bryce Formwalt, Texas District's new Director of Mission Growth

Have questions about LCMC Texas District 7th Annual Convention 2015?

Honoring Our Elders

June 2, 2015 long time St. Paul Elder Disciple

Renee Kleve

will celebrate her 84th birthday.

Franklin Park, Sonterra

18323 Sonterra Place

San Antonio TX 78257



Please join in the celebration of this elder’s birthday

by honoring her with a birthday card!

Sign your name and member of St. Paul Lutheran Church,

if you do not know them personally.

Our Christian Day School is offering

two summer sessions June and July for

children 2 months through 2nd

grade. The dates are June 8-18 and

July 6-16 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mon-

day through Thursday. The cost is $100

per week or $200 per session with a $20

supply fee per child per session. We

also have openings for the fall 2015 for

children 2 months through 5 years

old. We have two or four day spaces

available. For more information,

please contact Sherry Schneider at 830-

980-6771 or [email protected]. You

can also find more information about

the Day School at their website


Page 17: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the




For One Day More by Mitch Al-

bom is the book/movie that the book club will enjoy

this month. We will see the movie at Lucy Walker’s

house the evening of June 8th at 6 in the evening. The

movie is based upon the story of the theme, “what

would you do if you had one day more” with a loved

one. Mitch is an acclaimed author of Tuesdays with

Morrie which was also made into a movie.

Come and enjoy the evening even if you have not read

the book. Please contact Lucy Walker at 830-885-3939

or email at [email protected].

On the third Tuesday of the month, June 16th, the men

of St. Paul will gather at the Knibbe Ranch Hall at

6:30 pm for Men’s Life. The food’s great and so is the


Please be sure to contact the church office at

or call 830-980-2813 by Tuesday morning at 10:00 am.

DO NOT EMAIL Pastor Lee at the usual address since

he is on vacation.

Help Wanted

Our Christian Day School is currently looking to fill the position of Director. Some of the duties are to manage the day to day operations of the Day School and to ensure the school complies with the Minimum Standards set forth by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. The Director is responsible for all hiring of personnel and their management. Also, the Director will work closely with the church Office Manager with the financial aspects for the school. An applicant must meet the educational and experience requirements outlined in Minimum Stand-ards. Anyone interested in this position can submit their resume to [email protected].

Help Needed

Spring has really sprung here in Texas and it

looks like the drought is behind us. Our

lawns and fields are recovering nicely and

are green again. That includes the lawns on

the church property, and we are in need of

help keeping the place looking nice. The youth group did a fantastic job on

the flower beds and a few of our disciples are keeping the lawns mowed but

we could use more help.

I would like to put together the lawn maintenance crews again to keep up with

mother nature. This entails mowing the lawns a couple times a month,

knocking down the weeds and general outdoor maintenance. If you have a

couple of hours a month that you can help out, great. We can use any and all

to manage these chores. If interested, please give me a call at home



Don Bragg

Bulverde/Spring Branch Networking

Our group meets weekly to build business relationships and

help each other grow revenues by connecting one another to

prospective clients. We are positive. We show gratitude. And

we look to help others before receiving. By doing so, we are a

valuable contributor to this group and to the growth of the

business community of Bulverde/Spring Branch.

I was blown away on Friday, May 29th. While my “birthday” was a

fund-raiser for our Guatemala Mission Team, so many of you great folks

wishing me a “happy birthday” was a little overwhelming.

I cannot thank God enough for sending me to St. Paul. I cannot thank

you enough for your cards, well wishes, and kind words and thoughts.

God bless all of you.

Pastor Lee

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Discipleship Commitments

Love God! Love Others! Serve All!

June 7 June 14 June 21 June 28

Ushers 8:30

Ushers 10:30

Woody Miller

Scott Miller

Woody Miller

Scott Miller

Woody Miller

Scott Miller

Woody Miller

Scott Miller

Communion Assistants



Assistants 10:45

Lynn/Denny Rosenfeld

Lynn/Denny Rosenfeld Lynn/Denny Rosenfeld

Lynn/Denny Rosenfeld


Worship Assistant

8:30 Evelyn Gurganus Larry Bodozcy Connie White Patti Johnson

Altar Guild 8:30

Kathie Bowie

Barbara Robertson

Kathie Bowie

Barbara Robertson Kathie Bowie

Barbara Robertson

Kathie Bowie

Barbara Robertson

Altar Guild 10:45

Cindy/Chuck Reeh Cindy/Chuck Reeh Cindy/ Chuck Reeh Cindy/Chuck Reeh

Altar Flowers Lynn/Denny Rosenfeld

For Ander’s Birthday

Page 19: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the

June Calendar

Monday June 1

Tuesday June 2

9:00am Women’s Bible Study(Choir Rm.)

10:00am Staff Meeting

10:00am Crafty Creations

Wednesday June 3

12:00pm Bunco

6:00pm OGC Meeting

Thursday June 4 7:30pm Praise Team

Friday June 5

Saturday June 6

Sunday June 7

8:30am Traditional Worship

9:40am Sunday School/ACE

Silent Auction Mission Team continues

10:45am Contemporary Worship CFC

5:00pm Gender Reveal Party-Ehlers house

Monday June 8

9:00am Summer CDS starts

6:00pm Young Adult Group-Ehlers

6:00pm Red Roof Readers-Lucy Walkers house

Tuesday June 9

9:00am CDS

5:30pm Council

Wednesday June 10

9:00am CDS

Thursday June 11 9:00am CDS

5:30pm VBS Meeting

Friday June 12

Saturday June 13

Sunday June 14

8:30am Traditional Worship

9:40am Sunday School/ACE

10:45am Contemporary Worship CFC

12:00pm Game Day

12:00pm Silent Auction ends

Monday June 15

9:00am CDS

Tuesday June 16

9:00am CDS

6:30pm Men’s Life

Wednesday June 17

9:00am CDS

6:00pm Evangelism Meeting

Thursday June 18

9:00am CDS

7:30pm Praise Team

Friday June 19

Saturday June 20

Sunday June 21

8:30am Traditional Worship

9:40am Sunday School/ACE

10:45am Contemporary Worship CFC

Monday June 22

10:00am-2:00pm VBS Work Day

6:30pm Young Adult Group-Ehlers

Tuesday June 23

10:00 Staff Meeting

Wednesday June 24

Page 20: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the

June Calendar

Thursday June 25 8:00am Bible Study-(Fellowship Hall)

10:00am Bible Study-(Fellowship Hall)

6:30pm Bible Study-(Fellowship Hall)

7:30pm Praise Team

Friday June 26

Saturday June 27

8:00am Camp Eagle

Sunday June 28

8:30am Traditional Worship

9:40am Sunday School/ACE

10:45am Contemporary Worship-(CFC)

Monday June 29

Tuesday June 30

9:00am Women’s Bible Study-(Choir Room)

10:00am Staff

10:00am Crafty Creations-(Luther Room)

Page 21: St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde The EpistleJun 05, 2015  · resume was equally as qualified as any of the others. Sherry has served the CDS as director for 17 years. After the

Ron & Teri James 6/2

Shane & Jessica Corn 6/4

Lynn & Chris McCord 6/4

Tim & Ruth Allen 6/10

Brent & Lorie Winkler 6/14

Doug & Lisa Neubauer 6/16

Ballie French 6/1

Nida Fisher 6/2

Renee Kleve 6/2

Ty Schaeferkoeter 6/2

Kaylee Spowls 6/5

Chelsa Chavez 6/7

Ben Ehler 6/8

Lee Harder 6/9

Marjorie Cochran 6/10

Derek DuBois 6/10

Minni Labo 6/10

Ron Reyes 6/10

Tibby Armke 6/11

Brandon Ramos 6/11

Dale Sims Jr. 6/11

Bradley Triesch 6/12

Kelly VanAusdall 6/12

Matthew Vandersteen 6/12

Ingrid Lingle 6/14

Rylee Reyes 6/14

Hannah Cheves 6/15

Robin Armks 6/16

James Hull 6/16

Anna Kaiser 6/16

Chrissy Heise 6/17

Ralph Krueger 6/17

Bobbie Vantine 6/17

Joe Wolfe Jr. 6/17

Barbara McClellan 6/18

Chad Schaeferkoeter 6/18

Debbie Mai 6/19

Thomas VonBuettner 6/20

Stephanie Soileau 6/21

Lorey Houlihan 6/22

Lynn Rosenfeld 6/22

Terry Rawe 6/23

Thomas Wright Jr. 6/23

Sharon Marshall 6/24

Ron Martens 6/25

Lauren Williams 6/25

Ruth Lansing 6/29

Eric Miller 6/29

Snookie Moore Jr. 6/29

April Rider 6/29

Gary Saboe 6/30

Paul & Kimberly Bryant 6/17 Lance & Carol Robalin 6/17 Bill & Helen Schoolcraft 6/17 David & Kay Herrera 6/19 James & Marian Hull 6/19 Buddy & Libye Nuernberg Jr. 6/19 Ron & Barbara Martens 6/27 Lawrence & Louise Krause 6/30