TTTE FAINT PAUL \u25a0 DAILY GLOBE: THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 2, J893 r Circulation, Not pi* ices, Is What Mak^S Want Advertising Valuable I SITUATION OFFF,KF,I>. 11nl«-s, \u25a0 ' AGENTS WANTED to Solicit for the FidelityMutual Aid Association of San \u25a0Francisco. Cal. : the best offer eiven to agents by any company operating in the state; agents" required in eveiy town and state: call and see for yourselves. Office, Room 16. Germania Bank' iUiilding. corner Fifth and WatMfcb*. St Pan). Minn. _^ WANTED Salesmen on salary or commission to handle the New Patent Chemical Ink-Erasing: Pencil; the greatest helling novelty ever produced: erases ink thoroughly in two seconds; no abrasion of paper; 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent's Bales amounted to f(i2y insis days: another SS in two hours: we want one energetic gen- eral acent each state and territory. For terms and full particulars address The Mon- roe Eraser Mfg. Co.. La Crosse. Wis. X-4. BAKHKK- Wanted, a good barber at S6 East Seventh. BARKER— Wanted, a tirst rlass barber; single. H. W. Meyer. Hastings. Minn. BARBERS— First-class barters wanted at once. Guaranty Loan Barber shop, Minneapolis. Philip Ifoerner, proprietor. BARBER wanted at once; steady job. GSS East Tnird. i.\';irMaria. BAKER— Wfcn:c<t a t:r?t-clas{> baker. A.'. dress or apply to Gaum. W. Tiltou, Dickinson. N. P. , BAKER— jnied. a German baker, sec- ond han.w correspond wiLh John KosKe, Wlnona, Minn. BOOK SOLICITORS— anted, two first- class, experienced book solicitors: think I have a good thins for you this coming week; come and see me. 522 Manhattan Building. St. Paul. -. CANVASSERS— Wanted, a few Rood men to canvass for us; a good opening. Call 158 Wabasha st. CANYAsskrs— Warned, canvassers: sal- ary and commission. Wheeler £ Wilson Mfg. Co.. «S Wabasha. C CARPENTERS— or 33 first -class ear- J pentcrs wanted to work at State fair grounds on the new crand stand. Applj at Room 110. Davidsoi: Block. DAIRY HAND— Wanted, man tot dairy work. Call at ;->:>' Ueciitnr st. r\lN nkr WAITER wanted Farming- J-" ton Dairy Company. :t22 Robert st. DISHWASHER— Wanted, two young men, one tor dishwashiiifr, one for kitchen work; Germans preferred. 3S>Wa- basha st. . FINISHERS Wanted, six finishers in furniture factory: good, steady men can find steady work. Auply Pioneer Furniture Company, Eau Claire. Wis. OOD BOY wanted to work in bakery. IT 892 Rice st. _^ HOSTLER— Wanted, man to take care of horses and drive, in livery stable. 404 Selby ay. HOSTLER— Boy wanted at 640 Dayton aye. tj deliver n;id take care of horses; must come well recommended. MAX WANTED at the Lake Shore boat house, White Bear; Scandinavian > pre- erred. N. Peterson. MAN— Wanted, a steady man for the li. summer. Apply .893 East Seventh st. MAN withpush wanted in each city, town and hamlet to introduce the fastest- Gellin* household article on record over a million sold in Philadelphia: will pay com- petent person £4 per day. Address, with stamp. W. 11. WILLIAMSON, 44 North Fourth St.. Philadelphia, Pa. OFFICE WORK— Wanted, an experi- enced young man for position in mort- gage lean office; most be familiar with city, and come well recommended. Address 1111, ;ilobe. PANTsMAKER— First-Class pantsmakcr for livelycountry town: steady work. Inquire Friday. 10 a. 'm.. at 12 West Third st PHARMACIST— A registered pharmacist L' as clerk or partner, or will sell entire Hock. Box 47, Crary, N.D. PLUMBERS AND GASFITTERS of West Superior still on strike. SALESMEN— twoor three more first-class .*aie»men to handle the best . line of installment goeds in the Northwest Call or write W. A. JEdwarQs; 7 to 11 Sixth st. south. Minneapolis, Minn. ;S1 West Third st, St Paul, Minn. ... Bi.WlNii GlKL— Wanted, a competent > O- sewing cirl: no tittiHS-. 69 Summit av'. SHOEMAKER wanted immediately. 673 O Selby 4V. SOLICITOR: Men or energy and tact to solicit for Bankers' Life Association of st. l'aui. Salary or guarantee ss preferred. Addicts C. E. Secor. St PauL Minn. OTONECI'TTERs Wanted, two stone- O cutlers: steady work: wages, 53.50 per nay. Lister I!ro«., Maiden Rock. Wis. oTOXKCt'TTEKS wanted on lock work; O wages. 54 per day. Apply to Hughes Bros. A:"Bangs, Contractors, Saiilt Ste. Marie, 31ich. rpiNNER with two years' experience want-' X ed at once; steady job for rignt man. *«7 West Seventh st- WANTED— Young men and ladies to »V learn telegraphy, shorthand, book- keeping; can make board, tllobc Business College, Euuicott Building. WANTED Experienced salesman to »V repre-ent established brand Rye and Bourbon Whisky in bond to the saloon trade. Only those having established trade and references from last employer need a poly, enclosing stamp. W. Dis. Co.. Room Slti, Jioyal Insurance Building, Chicago, in. ANTED—For the United States Army VV. Able-bodied, unmarried men. between the "apes of twenty-one ana thirty years; good pay. rations, clothing and medical at- tendance; applicants must be prepared to furnish satisfactory evidence as to age. char- acter and habits. Apply aftoom 207. No 34 £nst Seventh st.. St. PauL Minn. WANTED Salesmen, salary or commis- sion, to handle greatest "novelty pat- ented: exclusive treritory: sells at sight: particulars free: sample 50 cents. Unity D. C. Co., Dept. T,Unity building,Chicago. WANTED— Active young men ro handle * V the best telling book in the market: tS week to goodnieu; coll or write: do not miss this opportunity. North Star Tublish- ing Company, 741 Lumber Exchange, Minne- apolis, Minn. VJT7E ALLOW AGENTS TODELIVER »V goods before paying for them: hun- dreds of them are making S^.o<» to 312.C0 a day: our Perfection Adjustable (recently •patented) ana Taylor Shoes expand with every motion of trie foot; they are appre- ciated and daily recommended by thousands; no competition: none bnt those meaning business need apply. Address, with 2c stamp, CONSOLIDATED ADJUSTABLE SHOE COMPANY. Lynn, Mass. \u25a0yARD MANat Hotel Sherman. . <9nn QIARRYJIKS wanted at West ' At\J\J Seventh st. and Jefferson ay., city; 51. 75 per day. - rEKSOrVAKS. ARE YOU IN TROUBLE? If so. con- ?ult Madame Ina Walker, life reader, •who gives resume of past, present and fut- 'tire: ladies. 50 cents: gentlemen, $1; cor- respondence promptly answered. Parlors, No. 640 Wabasha. MADAME TEITSWORTH Reliable Business Clairvoyant, Test Medium: 20 years' exDenence. 85 "East Eighth. No sign. MME. LA TERRE gives massage treat- ment, Turkish and alcohol baths at 622 Hennepiu ay.. Room 3, third floor, Minne- apolis. MRS. MICHAID, clairvoyant; business sif-"-»ss given to Mies. * 345 West Sev- enth^ I RS. KATE HOS KINS. PSYCHO- metric reader and trance medium, 225% West Seventh st. - MRS. _. A. TUSSEY. 223 East Eichlh st. Magnetic and massage treatment for nervous diseases, paralytic and rheumatism; also Turkish baths: hours, '.I a. m. to a p. m. OETRI'S CIRLINE, and 50c bottle. X - keeps the hair in curl three days- to three weeks. Ask your druggist, beware of imitations, or address Petri's Hair Parlors, \u25a0 Nicollet av^;Minne*poHß. -- ISBOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP—NO- XJ. rice is hereby given that the partnership .lately, subsisting between .A. Lyons and Charles SMlawley,. under the firm name of Lyons & Hawl.ey. a,s . druggists l and which - business has been ! carried: -on by them at 41 East Fonilh street, -hrttie city of St. Paul, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. and that the business Will for the future be carried. on by A.Lyons alone. *- A ll debts due and owing by said firm will be paid by the said A. Lyons, who is author- ized to collect and receipt for all moneys ow- j \u25a0 ins to said firm. - - .*- '•- . - Witness our hands this Ist day of June. 19Q2. ..--; : CHAS. S. HAWLEY, ADAMLYONS, . Witness: 3enxDa«s. SITUATIONS OFFERKI). . " C-. Female*. BANGS— Bangs cut and rutted. 15 cents. Bon,Ton Hair Parlors. 424 Wabasha, corner Seventh. OOOKKEKPKiI,clerk and cashier. Ad- I> dress with.stamp for reply, II 75, Globe, Minneapolis. CANVASSERS Wanted. two. good lady canvassers for city and three for travel- ing; only those with experience need apply. 774 Bast Seventh st., International. CHAMKKitM AID— Wanted, a competent \u25a0> girl to do chamber work and wait on at oiu'i", willpay first class wages. Ap- ply 31H) Broadway. ' CI.ERK— Girl wanted to attend store, and part housework . 885 Payne ay. COOK Wanted, two good girls, cook, and housemaid. Mrs. W. S. Timberlake, 21 Arundel st. . COOK— Wanted, a woman cook and two dining room girls, at Kasota Eating House: eoo»l wages paid. Apply to G. W. Turrittin. Proprietor. >__ Cook -A competent cook. Apply Mrs. ' Horace K. Thompson. :!S-i Woodward ay. DINING ROOM GIRL,— per month. 414 Broadway. . DINING ROOM GIRLS wanted at Wind- sor hotel; wages, 31? per montn." DRESSSi.\Ki;i; Wauted, dressmaker: must be first class: good wages; tail im- mediately. 556 St. Peter st. . PUKE SITUATIONS FOR GIRI.S—Lar- -- penteur's Reliable Employment Office, 51 West Exchange, near St. Joseph's Hospital. HOUSEWORK— Swedish girl forgeneral housework. i'lii Charles st. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girt for general housework. 415 .St. Anthony ay. HOUSEWORK— Competent girl for gen- eral housework; small family; good wages. 254 Pleasant ay. \u25a0 HOISEWOKK Wanted, experienced LI girlfor general housework :. small fam- il> : good wr.ces. Apply at No. KiTMartin st. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl tor gen- eral housework. 13 J West Fifth st. HOUSEWORK— <.i:l for general house- work. "vi") Laurel ay. HOUSEWORK— Good girl wanted; a nice second place. Call Si* Valley st. II OUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general O housework: family of three. Mis- si s>fip!>ist. - .. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a- good girl for general housework; good wages. Call at l»>r Nina ay. a OUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl for geu- O eral housework; willpay good wages. 4(^i Dayton ay. ' |_| OISEWORU Wanted, girlat 530 Kob- IJ crt st. ' : \u25a0 HOUSEWORK Wanted, good girlfor general housework at 174 Martin st ; German preferred. .. . \u25a0 HOUSEAVORU— Wanted, a girl for gen- eralTionsework in small family: good wages. Call mornings, before 10 clock, at 427 Dayton ay. . ! . HOIiSEWORK-Wanted, girl tor general housework. Apply 491 Ashland. OUSEWORK— Wanted, competent girl IJ for general housework. Applyat 793 Iglehart st '. ' KITCHEN GIUI-— Wanted, a kitchen girland young girl to help; no wash- ing: housecleaning finished. '\u25a0%& Nelson ay. \7 V RSE— Wanted; a German nurse girl, 1> Call at 210 East Fourteenth st. VTURSE GIRL, wauted at 394 East Tenth 1> st, VfURSE GlßL— Wanted, a competent 1* nurse girl. 440 Portland ay. . SECOND WORK—In a small family, a respectable German girl for second work; gooa wages. 611Dayton ay. SOLICITORS— Wanted, two lady solicit- ors. Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co., 438 Wabasha st. ' ' THREE DINING ROOM GIRLS; Bcze- man. Mont.; 525; tickets ready at Doug- lass' Intelligence.- Seventh. - \u25a0 WAITRESS— Wanted, competent wait- VV ress: references required. Applyeven- ings or Friday. 445 Summit ay. . : . . WANTED— Four voting ladies to sell W goods in St. Paul. Call 6 p. m. Lumber Exchange Building. FOB SALE. BAR FIXTURES—For sale, fine new set of bar fixtures, complete in every le- spect- Apply at 230 East Seventh st ENGLISH AND GERMAN illustrated magazines, suitable forweekly deliveries, to be sold at very low figures. For particu- lars, address International Publishing Com- pany. 526 Market st., Philadelphia. Pa. FOR SALE CHEAP— room outfit, consisting of counter, two ranges. boiler, dishes, silverware, sideboards, elevator, gas gridirons, etc. Applyat 378 Wabasha st. LAUNCH sale, new steam launch. $700: 7x28 feet, 5x5 eueine. steel boiler; a splendid boat; fast and safe. 11. K. S., Box 78D. Bastings. Minn. THICKETS to and from all points in Europe X cheap! cheap.' 11. Lohibauer. 173 East Thrd st. IIOKNFS AXI>CARRIAGES. FOR SALE— A number of good driving horses: also several matched carriage teams. Griggsßros. t>OR SALE—Sorrel mare, eight years old, very stylish ; lady can drive her: fine Portland cutter iv good order: horse and cutter worth 5125: willsell for 545, if taken at once. BKj Minnehaha st. East St. Paul. L?INE CARRIAGE TEAM for tale at r 254 East Ninth st. WANTED— To buy light buggy; must be iv good repair and cheap for cash. Address, statin;; price. A 4!). Glohe. LOST ASP FOLSD. pvl AMOND STII> LOST—Between Wa- U basha and Robert on Seventh st. Re- turn to 23 East Seventh for liberal reward. DIAMOND STUD LOST—Sunday. May 29. diamond stud. Finder please leave at Minneapolis &St. Louis Ticket Office and receive reward. DOG LOST— Lost, white bull pup: black spot around eye and ear. Return to 323 Wabusha st. and receive reward. \u25a0 r>OCKETBOOK LOST Near Monroe X school, a. poeketbook containing about $0: finder will please return to this office and receive ward. STOKES ASP FIXTURES. £ *S^'-~- =^J \u25a0 -Jj~j.. " L—y>r" ft Bit -"» \u25a0\u25a0'!\u25a0- 'j" 1 fic^i^ilS3 BILLIARD ANT) POOL TABLES AND BILLIARD SUPPLIES: Wnrercoms, 405 and 407; Office and Factory, 411 and 413 Fifth avenue south. Minneapolis. Minn. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COX NTY OP Ramsey— ss. Probate Court. In the matter of the estate of Sarah E. Proal, deceased. Letters of administration on 'he estate of Sarah E.Proal, deceased, late of the County of Ramsey and state of Minnesota, being I granted to Edward N. Saunder?, * Itis ordered. That six months be, and the rame is hereby allowed from and after the data of this order. In which all persons hav- ingclaims or demands against the said de- ceased are required to file the same in the Probate Court of said county for examina- | tion and allowance, or be forever barred. It is further ordered. That the first Mon- day in December, A. D. 1892, at 10 o'clock a. m..ata general term of said Probate Court, to be held at the Court House in tha City of St. Paul, in said county, be, and the same hereby is appointed as the time and place when "and where the said Probate Court will examine and adjust said claims and demands^ And it is further ordered. That notice of such hearing be grven to nilcreditors ana persons interested in said estate by forthwith .publishing this- order" once ineach week for three successive weeks in the SL Paul Daily Globe, a daily newspaper printed" and pub- lisfted in said county. \u25a0 Dated at St. Paut this Sth day of May, 1802. By the Court: JOHI? B. OLIVIBK. . ; [i_ s.j •\u25a0 .Judge- of. Probate. CD. O'Buien-, Attorney, •..' SI TUATIOKS r AJ*TT,I>. \u25a0 -;\u25a0'\u25a0;:.. \u25a0 \u25a0 Jlilic. \u25a0 . ' BARTENDER Young wan of good iJ liquorexperience want* position us bar- tender. Write to T 17, Globe, St. Paul. BLACKSMITH of twenty years' experi- ence would like n position In a waaoa shop. Address Box 804. Albert Lea. Minn. BOYS FOR P LACKS, places for boys; employment bureau for poor boys, tree. Newsboys'' Club Boob, 218 \Vnbas-ha st. ;open from 11 to V.' a. m.. ana from 7 to 0 p. m. ". DOOKKEEPEK Wanted, position as D bookkeeper or collector; experience, etc. Audrey X 13. Globe. __ pLKKK- Want situation as clerk, or writ- V' ing in an ollice. Address D 14. Globe. CLERK Young nitin wants a position as clerk iv a well paving business; ha* some references: speaks English and German. Address J. 8., 685 Armstrong ay.. city. |~iOACHMAN Wanted, a situation as *-\u25a0 coachman: understand care of horses thoroughly; references rf required. Address A I.', Globe. m COACHMAN Wanted, by a young mar- yj ried man, a situation as coachman or delivery man or jnniftir. or any other kind of work"; has good references and well ac- quainted incity. Address I). 11.. Globe. LECTOR— Wanted, by a responsible -' man who can furnish best of reference, situation us collector or office work; one who is able to take charge of business during pro- prietor's absence. MS Aurora ay. . COOK— situation wanted by a first-class meat cook and a lady pastry cook. Ad- dress. KB. Globe. '' PLKVATOB BOY— Wanted, position as S-J elevator boy; four years' experience; can give best references in the city. F. C, lobe. v pMrLOYMENT—Lady with large family Hi wants work for boy. thirteen years old; good references and well acquainted with city. Address (j 15. Globe. EXPRESS IJKIVKK-Youngman would like place as driver or take care of horses: pood and careful driver: cun furnish good references. Address K. Smith. 364 Rosabel, corner Fifth. pROCERY CLERK—Situation wanted vT by an experienced grocery clerk, or de- livery: can furnish good references; speaks German. Address L18. Globe. \u25a0 TNSIDK WORK— wanted by a I young man to do any kind of inside work; writes a good hand ; references; speaks Ger- man and English. Address Til. Globe. OFFICE WOKK— Wanted, situation in office, or as cashier or assistant book- keeuer; best of city references; would be willing to commence ou small salary. Ad- dress, by mail or in person, 51 West Ex- change, city. . .__ DKiNTKR of long experience wants per- JL manent situation in country office. Ad- dress William Nonage. Kassou, .Minn. Salesman— tinted, by an experienced O- traveling salesman, a positiou; able to handle most any line; can give references. Address X 15. Globe. \u25a0 •' __ V^TENOGRAPHER— Competent stenos- is rapher and typewrittr: owns machine; 840 per month. G. C. A.. Globe. OTOCKKEEPER— Young German wants. 0 position as sioekfceeper in wholesale dry goods house, with a view of going on the road; has had ten years experience, and trav- eled several years for first-class Houses inGer- many. Address II 10, Globe. 1,7 ORK FOR BOARD—Situation wanted »V byman with good education; speaks' German some: willing to do outside work for board. Address F. S. Miller, £90 Jesse- mine st. ' '\u25a0 Femulei. \u25a0 pOMPOSiroR-Yoiiug lady would like a vV position as compositor; has had several years' experience. Address J 15, Globe. COOK— situation wanted by a first-class meat cook and lady pastry cook. Ad- dress II 12, Globe. > TJOUSECLEANING A woman wants XI housecieaninpr and office cleaning. Call or address Mrs. A. M. W.. 415 M acouta. city. HOUSEKEEPING OR NURSE— II agec woman wants a place for house- keeping or nurse in small family; German or English. Address 324 Smith ay. south. OOUSEKEEPER Wanted," by an ex- -11 pejienced housekeeper from the Ease, a position as housekeeper in a hotel; best of references. Miss Delia A. Leonard, 907 Fit-, teeutu ay. south, Minneapolis.- .'" .\- .: .'.: OLSKKKEPER— Wanted, by middle- O. aged lady, position as housekeeper in widowers family;salary reasonable, (.'all or address 51 West Exchange st. HOUSEKEEPER A competent lady would like a position as housekeeper, or as companion for invalid lady, or as matron and chaperoue for motherless daughters: good references in St. Paul and Minneapolis. Address A 14, Daily Globe. HOUSEWORK— A young girl wishes to do light house worK. Address 671) Charles St.- - . - LADY'S MAID- situation wanted by a JLi voting lady as lady's maid.or to care for an invalid. Address or apply 800 Agate St.. St. Paul, Minn. . -\u25a0 - \u25a0 f ARPENTEUR has dining room girls JLi and chambermaid for summer resort. Hotel pastry and meat cooks wanted. 51 West Exchange st. \u25a0„ \u25a0 MILLINERY APPRENTICE Young lady would like a position to learn mil-. linery. Address J 16, Globe. NURSE— Colored girl, wishing to go to 1 * Philadelphia, will travel as child's nurse or lady's maid for expenses; references giv- en. Address 09, Globe. SEWING wanted in private family; can cut and fit. Miss Uattie Koeske, 549 Wa- basha. : - SHORTHAND and typewriter wishes a O positiou in some oilice to gain speed. Ad.ire A 13. Globe. STENOGRAPHER— Ayoung lady stenos- es rapher would like a "couple of hours' work evenings: have mncnin;; will take . work home if wished. Address H 19. Globe. STENOGRAPHER —First-class stenog- O rapher, owning typewriter, would like work to do in spare time; abstract, specifica- tions, etc., neatly and promptly done. J 14, Globe. \u25a0 QTENOGKAPHEK Experienced sleu- th ographer and typewriter: can operate either Remington or Calisrraph; salary, &per week. Address N. A.. Globe! . QTEN OG KAPHER—Competent lady sieu- k-5 ographerand typewriter wants position; best references. Address J 11, Globe. \u25a0 WASHING— to go out washing; can do good work. Address 459 Col- orado St., West St. Paul. UJ ASHING wanted at 45."> East Sixth st. ; rough-dried clothes. 25c per dozen; called for and delivered. WASHING— Take washing home or go W to house washing ont; office cleaning. No. 135 Thirteenth St.: cull a. m. . j 11/ ASHING— A girl would like to go out VV washing or housecleaning by the day. Call or address 46 West Ninth. _. ASHING AND HOUSECLEANING wanted by the day. Apply at 13) Val- ley st. - WASHING AND IRONING wanted by a woman ; also house aud office clean- ing. Call or address Mrs. Mary Barrett, rear of 146 Thirteenth st. Call after 6p. m. fir ASHING— A German girl would like VV * to go out washing and cleaning. 523 Blair st. . WASHING— Good German washwoman would like in take family wash at home. Address 500 Robert. TO EXCHANGE. 117 ANTED TO EXCHANGE Nice VV house and lot in Dcs Moines. valued at $!,BjU, for drug store in lowa or Dakota. Address Lock Box 712, lowa Falls, 10. TO EXCHANGE Residence lots for good work horses. Address Ed Haber- man. P. O. Box 23*8. CONTRACT WORK— GRADING. FILLING \J AND IMPROVING LANGFORD PARK —Office of the Board of Public Works, City of St. Paul. Minn,, May 24, Sealed tida will be received by the Board of Public Works in and for the corporation of the City of St. Paul. Minnesota, at their oSice in said city, until12 m. on the t>th day of June. A.-D. I«>'*, for trading, filling and improv- ing- Lasiuford Park, in said city, accord- ing to plans and specifications on tile in the office of said i'oard. \u25a0 A bond with at least two (2) sureties, in a sum ofat least twenty (20) per cent, or a cer- tified check on a bank cf st. Paul in a sum of at least \ ten (IC) per cent of the gross amount bid. must accompanyeach bid. Said i check shall be made payable to the Clerk of said Board . The said Board reserves the right to reject rdv and all bids .... - - . .->-' ••"" - K. L, GORMAN, President. Official: J. T. Kerkek, V ' Clerk Board of Public Work* ->:-l-ir^ maj'2s-lOt .-\u25a0'\u25a0 FOR man*. \u25a0;\u25a0 ;:\u25a0 : ';]. iitiuM-s. '-.\u25a0_ \u25a0 _ 1,',; BKFOKK you rent houses, t-tore. Hats Or rooms, sco Schram's liciitingAgency, Maiihatian Building. \u25a0> . "\u25a0• '„,.' HOUSES— For reut, 88 Park place: Wri rooms: steam heat; also 00 Phi* plaofe; ; seven rooms. J. B. West, 58 West Third st. HOtJSK— house, No. 440 I>«8»- --ton ay. ; good condition: good' neiph^. borhood; near cable. J. W. Bishop, Kndicolt bulldiug. "\u25a0\u25a0 ... f-v*' OUSE— For renl.ftrst-clasa residence, 12?.- XT Nina ay., St. Anthony Hill: steam heat. mo'leru conveniences. Inquire^3l Laurel liv. MANNING'S intna A«JKNCV^ Davidson Block, cor. 4th andj»eksou' Sts.— Houses, store*. flats to rent: care of prop- erty for owners aud non-residents a specialty.. - rpHK TWIN CITYCARPKT-CLKAJ!T+ X. ing Works. 182 West Fourth, corner g*> change: telephone s^B-3. . .' ? \u25a0\u25a0" ' \u25a0 a _"' J I lon I.ii r J»:i ii ; !-o*j AT BALI) KAdI.K LAKK— Six room , cottages beautifully situated. . Edwin. A.. Warren. 400 Sibley at. - \u25a0 " -.' -;->-; FOR RKNT—Cottapte at Four Lakes, seven' rooms, oivly$12."> for season: also nine- room detached house, 1005 Burr St., $23 per ntii. James & BatehamKeuting Agency, 145 East Fourth st. ; '.' "- \u25a0*'.-' ''\u25a0 " '" Rooms.*'" : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0''''.' l'[ BOTH, IJICUNSWICK. for Kentle- men only; fifty modern steam-heated rooms by day, week or month. ' ,\u25a0 : ' piEDAR ST., KM— Handsomely furnished v--' rooms. \u25a0\u25a0'_•'• •'•-\u25a0: EIGHTH ST., 450—Large front room nice- ly furnished; desirable location: reason- able rent. - -..-\u25a0%: EXCHANGE ST., 3SO AND 388 NORTH —Furnished rooms, en suite or single; bath on same floor, \u25a0 : ' FIFTH ST.. 110. WKST— Park— furnlshed rooms, private family. t ' *\u25a0 - I^OKT ST., 378—Three or five rooms for . rent; city. water and cellar. V '."\u25a0•. if f ADRKI* TERRACE I'—Corner1'— Corner Laure Ld and Nina A vs.—For reilt,' furnished apartment, two rooms and bath: steam heat; suitable formarried couple without children... Inquire 201 Laurel ay. - '\u25a0'."•' MT. IDA ST., 445—For rent, five unfur- nished rooms suitable for housekeeping. ; MINNESOTA; ST.. 345—For rent, nicely- furnished front rooms. "'.',... ; : . [\/I INNESOTA ST., 540— Near Scho6l ill —For rent, two or three furnished rooms for'l'ght housekeeping. \u25a0-' : IXTH ST.. 317 EAST—Large room, two ' closets, nicely furnished, S3; gentlemen- only. \u25a0\u25a0..;\u25a0\u25a0;• .-..\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 .-- : •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0 '<"\u25a0;'' PLEASANT AY..141— Second Door From ' JL Sixth St.— Large front room and small room furnished.. .'.". ' ROO3IS— For rent" two large rooms,: with alcove and grate; house: every convenience and home comforts; suitable for nve'geptlemen.-' central to business, pri- vate home, d 33, Globe. '-•' ".•"\u25a0"\u25a0•• '\u25a0• :: - ROOMS— For rent, five or seven rooms, \u25a0 corner Western and. Selby; three rooms, 53.: 591 Carroll. , \u25a0 \u25a0 ... ROOM— Furnished room; gas, use of .-. bath.. Apply 37- Hotel Bartean. : ~ ! ROOM Large, furnished. second-fldoD fToirt room, eon them exposure, with gas and closet?, for. ten weeks, within four blocks ofMetropolitan opera house. Address C. A. T.. Globe. ; - ---• \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 DOOMS—Five rooms, complete for house- XV keeping, 277 Grove st. Apply 187 Grovest. ST PETER H-T., 704—Six rooms and bath; . $20 pi».r month.. ' Cieo. L. Hendrickson-i 51 East Fourth «L .."\u25a0,... " ST. PEXE.It 5T.,634.—F0r rent, furnished., ' rooms. ' ; . ' ' ,".*?.' \u25a0 ;:';?!> I WfTHK REARDON" Fifty modern . J. steam-heated rooms by day, week;; or month. 78 East Seventh. Office room 40, ., Ttrirdfloor. '\u25a0•'-" \u25a0\u25a0.i-:c.----' '- \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0 WABASHA SMB.—Corner Tenth st., Nex-t^ VV. Door to Drug Store— Furnished rooms i for rent. y. ••*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; >i--..; -iv;' . \u25a0>\u25a0:! \u25a0; FIJTA^KJIAI^ '\u25a0' :..:'. 'T^' RM: NEWPORT & SON, INVEST I ment Bankers, loan , money on =im \u25a0 ,t roved property in..St ,P«ttl,,.at<l Minneap^ i j oiis . at t> r er , cent "on pr before." \u25a0\u25a0 Office* ;;New. Pioueer Press Building, St. Paul, aud Reeve Building. Minneapolis. '. . ."..- -u-;cr. I A A —LOANS on furniture, piauos. . Jt\m horses, diamonds, watches and sealskin sacques;.' lowest rates. Minnesota Mortgage Loan. Company, Rooms 13. 14, First National Bank Building, corner Fourth and Jackson sts. '.; ..-.'':..'\u25a0''.'.,. ' ' ;. A— YOU; WAiNT TO BORROW :money at a lower rate than you can lorrow through; any, other agency? The' American Mortgage Loan Company, Room 7. " First National bank fcailnlug, corner Fourth find Jackson will-let you hnve anj rroount, $10, J2IV- S2S,"f4P, $75. $100 ot 1200— fact, any mm you onvour (.old watch, diamonds. Household furniture,' horse, buggy, piano, carriage, etc., at a lower rate than you can possibly get it elsewhere. (.ecus can remain •in . your possession, and you can pay a part any. time you want end flop interest. . Business private nndctifl- dential. You .ran have your own time in paring ur> princirsl. '.\u25a0 ' BANK STOCKS a specialty; bonds, com- 1* - mercial paper, mortgages,' securities bought and sold. Geo. W. Jenks, Investment Banker, Minn. Loan &Tiust Bldg., Mpis. - BEFORE you borrow money or renew loans see The State Savings Bank, Ger-- mania Life Insurance company's building, \u25a0 corner Fourth and Minnesota sts.; this bank loans at moderate rates and charges no com- mission. .-\u25a0\u25a0!! ." . - : BORROW MONEY nt Room 4, 873 Jack- son ' St., corner Third, on furniture, piauos. diamonds, watches, sealskin sacctues, or goods in storage; low rates and privacy; honorable treatment; private room for ladies. BOKKOWG pel cent on vacant or im- proved city real estate.- C. W. Young- man. H7East Fourth st. -. •\u25a0 WHKLI.KK & UOWKLL loan money at . .current rates, an Pioneer Press Bldg; IF \OV are wanting a loan 011 your norses, furniture, watches, diamonds, or anything of value, be sure and go to the old reliable,- r square-dealing loan office of J. L. Strand^ Room I<\ Globe Building. You can get no tetter terms.' lower rates or easier return pay- ments elsewhere. Private rooms. Remember Uie place. LAROi: AMOUNTS ofmoney to loanoa XJ improved property at 5 and (5 per cent. Smith. Parker _ Gilman, New YorK Life Bids. : " .';.- MONEY TO LOANat 6. 7 and & per cent ou vacant or improved city property. J. W. Fallihee. 314 Pioueer Press building. "\u25a0 MONEY LOANEDon life insurance pol- icies; or bought. L.P. Van Norman, (il Guaranty Loan BuildiiiL*, Minneapolis. -, ONKY TO LOAN without delay, from $10 upward, on furniture, horses, jew- elry, etc. : time checks, notes and seeoud real estate mortgages bought. Minnesota Loan Co., 117 East Fourth st. -- I:y>£ -P-JR-I-V-A-T-^ Money loaned on diamonds, watches, pianos, \u25a0 furniture or goods iv storage at lowest rates, and small monthly return payments; notes I and mortgages bought; most private loan , ! rooms in the city. Ohio Investment Com- party, V.v: Globe Building; take elevator: Sm*' \u25a0J-L ZZZ \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0 .'-. .^ OEVERAL MORTGAGES FOR SALE on St. Paul Improved and Unimproved Px6"i>;| ertv. Moral as well as Real Estate Secaritjij \u25a0 ifOl ANo. 1. >T One 0f.... ....... $7.(X» \u25a0 tS Oneof ...... 4.500 . Tis Oneof 3.500 j #81 ', \u25a0*.-. One of 1.250 OS Oneof «*> >. One of ......„• (>» .; - a 0ne0f........;... 400 y j'tli ! :,;u- I C<? E. M. &R. L. WARE, i 333 Pioneer Press Building. *j UK UKKMAMAIiAM) company - buys, sells mortgages, loans money at current rates. W. P.Westtall.tec.: E.J.Dar; ragh. trens. •.". and .'4 Globe Building. \u25a0"' THKSAVINtJH HANK uf ST. I'AISL,' corner Fifth r.ml Jackson sts., always has money to: loutt at tV 1and d per cent, ami \u25a0 charce* 11* commlssiot*: - .<.-\u25a0.--,:. . ':: V. MOKITZ. U22 PIONEER PKI.S.H I Mortagage loans made . promptly ; ii, 7 and 8 per . cent; mortgages U night. . . - . .• . .-\u25a0\u25a0 . iIIUM--.' = i' . P_VSO TUNKlt— Address S. B. Crutehett : L Box 492. PustoSce, SL Paul ; prlce t I references, .. . \u25a0 .: _' ; .-.:. HKAI. ESTATE FOlt SAT.IL . .. J. W. Fnlllhcc, .' .. 314 Pioneer Press. . CI h\f\(\ BOVB three lots, (\u25a0ouilifaoing 'iPL^fJ\J\J on Lafond St., ivblock 0, Syn- dicate 5. .;. .• ".. ~. .' .. 'dill ( M\nTAKKH 100x150 on Foirmount 1 *u>\Ji\J\J \J nve., corner Victoria; Bouth- eflst-facliiß; thin is one ot the finest corners t on the hill. '<!•£* A()(^BI3VS lots 1 and -', blotk 1«, >£'\Ji,U\J\J Summit Park, corner Lincoln Hud Avon; l(X»xl.V) feet: this i*opertv is \u25a0 worth fully81. more than the price asked. SC'-i iWJTeI sixty feet south facing r.«JPO«UUv/ on Osceola aye.. in block 11, (iSummlt "Park, east of Avon; the Improve- nientsftoinp onin the neighDorhood are of '.\u25a0the best, and this property is "offered for less than value: see me monthly a. m., and get a ' contract. J.W. Falllhee, 314 Pioneer Press i building. \u25a0 r ''...::.' . Suburban. ,"s^':Hi UHOICKSTOCK OK UAIKY FAKM [;-ti- for sale or rent of120 acres. 90 of which ,are broken and ready for cultivation, for .sale; "located midway between the Twin Cities, near the slate fair grounds; has a half- mile track, a nice lake, cross-fenced and pad- docked, aud the entire farm is surrounded by aboard fence: tho farm tins nil necessary buildings in fine condition, including good eight-room . bouse, tarn for, forty head of ' horses, nice carriage and storehouse; also a windmill and ice house, as well as some choice stock, including flue-bred horses. Ap- _\u25a0 ply to W. L. McGrath. 14(1 East Third st. WHITK BEAK-Two lots 40x1.~>0 feet near Chateaugoy; best locations on the lake. LC 6, Globe. " ;':..~ . . Miscellaneous* : \u25a0 FOR RENT, exchange or for sale on easy 'terms, one-acre lot and. house of sir rooms, ou Thorn st. Inquire -0- Endicott Building. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 . - FOR SALK- 1 have a 'arge list ofhouses . and vacant lots tor sale on easy terms, \u25a0' nuii to trade for other property: I have farms for sale on easy terms, or for trade, ranging' in Drices from $:JJO to $3*000; a large list of stock farms, with stock and farm machinery. .in lowa. Wisconsin, Minnesota. .Tennessee, "Missouri and Indiana. 10, 15 and 20-acre' garden lots for sale or rent; houses, stores and offices to rent. 3r.'S Robert St., room 0, J. H. Muronpr. \u25a0 - -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .:' LIST YOUR PROPERTY with W. H. Baker for quick sales. 522 Manhattan ; ituiMinif. St. Paul, Minn. LOT on Front St., $725; on grade; next to -Li: house No. 334; nearly opposite Gorman school. . 420 Pioneer Press building. HKKK LOTS "an Burgess St., 81.000; J. south-facing; street graded; between Farrington and Western; near Gorman. .school. 420 Pioneer Press.. . "* WHEELER Sc HOWKLL.reaI estate -.list VV bargains with them; Pioneer Press Bide. ' '.".' f> YE WORKS. [ FJ. ROCIIKX. N. \v. Steam Dye Works \u25a0 office, 416 Robert st., Ryan block works, 35 and 57 Indiana ay. .-\u25a0\u25a0,.;. \u25a0.---\u25a0 \u25a0 .-- -' . : JAMISON & CO., Kew- York Steam Dye Works; ladies' and gents' clothing a specialty. 14 West Sixth st.-' ' - KAHLERT & MtNTKL, Minnesota : Steam Dye Works, 244 East Seventh. THE ST. PAtX TKIST CO" I»ATVY Offices, EndicotC Block, Fourth street— Acts as executor, ; admin- - istrator, euardlan, -" trustee, 5 as- \u25a0 signee, receiver, etc. ' \u25a0' ' -'\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF Ramsey— ss. Praoate Court. \u25a0\u25a0 Inthe matter of tne estate of William H. \u25a0' Dixou, deceased. ; ' : - '-'\u25a0'\u25a0' >'•'" « Letters testamentary on the estate of Will- iam H. Dixou. deceased; late of the county : of Ramsey and State' of Minnesota, being \u25a0granted to The St." Paul Trust Company, 1 Itis ordered, that six mouths be, and the ' same is hereby allowed ! from and after the : date of this order, in which all persons hay- \u25a0 ing claims or demands against the said. de- ceased are required to file the same in the : Probate Court of said' county, for examina- tion aud allowance, or be forever barred. 1 It is further'ordered. that the first Monday in December. A.D. 1892, at 10 o'clock- a. m., \u25a0 at a general term of said Probate Court, to be held at the Court -House in the City of St. ' Paul, in said county, be.and the same hereby : is appointed as the lime and place when and where the said Probate L Court : will 1 examine and said claims and demands.'"' : ' And it ; is- further ordered.' that notice of 'such hearing be given 'to- all' creditors and persons interested in said estate by forthwith publishing this 1 order | once iv each week for three successive weeks in the St.' Paut Daily Globe, a daily newspaper printed and pub- lished insaid county. ' . \u25a0 -' Dated at St. Parti, tbis24th day ofMay. 1892. ' By the Court: ;' JOHN B. OLIVIER,. : [l. s.] \u25a0'.''. '','': Judge ofProbate. . . : . SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE UN- -0 der Judgment ofForeclosure— State of Minnesota. County of Ramsey— ss. - District .Court. Second Judicial District. Peter Moe, Plaintiff, vs. Martin Mathison, J. L. Korepaueh, Mary A. Forepau?h, his wife, Otto Ross, Edward Gilsou. Mary E. \u25a0 Howson. Nazarie.Elier,: C. L. Westlund, 1 Olaves Mathison. Sevrin Olson, John Mark, .. John Nelson, John \u25a0McDonald, Otto Gey- . senheymer, Hugh Ryan. Union Lime Company, a corporation, Alex. Patient, J. F. Fries, Andrew Hanson, C. Hanson, Charles Nelson, Robert Bowler, James Mulverhill, Henry Peterson, Peter Jorgen- sen, F. C. Loomis, Abraham E. Nelson, , Peter Johnson, John Olson, Peter EkDerg, Peter Ekberg and Charles Christopher- son. John Heurikson; D. A. Omeyer and \u25a0 Martin P. Thori, copartners as Omeyer & Thori; Charles Lsuerand Henry Lauer, co- -5 partnersasLaner Brothers, St. Paul Bricrk IManufacturing Company, a corporation; Frederick M. Lloyd and Charles E. Keller, copartners as C E. Keller & Co.; A. F. Peterson. John Steiman. Frederick Nel- son, C. W. Younzraan, Katie M. Mayer, Patrick M. Boyle, Charles F. Arrol,'Antoine Patient, John Kelliher, assignee of the Washington Foundry Company, and O. J. Cook, Defendants: \u25a0 ,: t . Notice is hereby given. That, under and by virtue of a judgment and decree entered in the above-eutitled action on the eleventh' day of May. 1692. n certified transcript of : which has been delivered to me. I, the un- dersigned, Sheriff of said Ramsey County, will .;Fellat public auction, to the highest bidder," j-for cash, on.Friday, the eighth day of July,' 1592, at ten o'clock iv the forenoon, at the front door. of the court bouse, on East Fourth street, in the City of St. Paul, in said County, in one parcel, the premises and ; real estate described in said judgment and ! decree, to wit: Allthose tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the County of Ramsey, aud State of Minnesota, descriDed as follows, to wit: Lots numbered twelve (12( and thirteen (13), in block numbered one (I), of- Lockey's Addition to St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on rile and of record in the office of the Regis- ter of Deeds in and for said county, and all the appurteuauces thereof. EDS. BEAN, Sheriff of Said Ramsey County. '. Dated May 28. W92. > s•-\u25a0 :. Waiirbx H. Mead, Attorney for Dfendant Forepaugb. -r.; .--;. Notice of Application for Liquor \u25a01 License. City Clerk's Office. » St. Paul. Minn.. May 24, 1802. f ' To Whom it May Concern: ' Notice is hereby given that the following- named persons have applied fora license co sell intoxicating liquors for the year A.D. .1892. at the places and locations hereinafter named: Albrccht M..481 Mississippi street; Classen, Peter D.. Milton and Randolph streets: Clas- sen, Peter D.. 818 Lawson street; Classeu. Peter D., 724 Edmond street; Tlgisaer, Joe. 90 East Seventh street; IlampOgUliun, 751 Payne avenue; llanitn. Theo M vff, Margaret street; McEvoy. Daniel. 30S -^-?ert street; Marquard, I l '., 4!>2 South WaDasha street; Norman, Jid. 2*5 Sibley street; Swanberg. E., 890 Payne avenue ; Sleeper. J. H., 3.'8 Sibley street. Now. therefore, notice is further given that the said applications willbe heard and con- sidered by the undersigned at his office. In the new city hall, on the 10th day of Jane. A. D.1892, a'l 10 o'clock «. m., where all per- sons interested miy appear and will De heard. TIIOS- A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk. uiay2s-jui _ '. .- . MCilii: AXf) BAK FIXTURES NEW ANl>>KC?{>SlJ-HANI> SALOON fixtures, . ice l:cxcs. mirrors, pool and billiard .lailes, i-otuilera nnd shelving. -IS \V'Mluiigi«nay. north, Minneapolis. IS! SI \ KSS (II 4\* I •>. MM— . A CO KM; ll building,suitable fur a hotel, now 01; the place: a first-cluss paying .sa- loon established nearest corner to Harris Bros.' {{oiling mills. For particulars inquire ' D. Greeubaum's place. Irondffie. 51inn. \u25a0 EUWnU LIGHT outfit (Edison). 450 J-i incandescent or 45 arc; fifty horse-power automatic engine: complete: perfect order; cheap. Postoffice Box 182. Minneapolis. FOX SAIiK, on account of ill health, best S- saloon property in thriving city of Min- nesota; corner lot, 5fxloO; new tire-proof building;25x50, with plate elans front, elec- tric light, water worts, etc.. and two other buildings, rented to good tenants: cash re- quired, 82,000. balance on time. Address P 0, Globe. iw ik( :ki ,i.a » i:oi;ti. HA your carpets cleaned and laid at the tl Electric Carpet-Cleaning Worts, 150 West Third tit. ; NOTICK TO THE PUBLIC -- I have 1* moved my grocery store to 1110 East . Seventh St.; I wish all my customers and others to continue dealing with me. Kespect- fullyyours. William Defunth. \u25a0-. T3KOF. A. I*. MORSB, PHRKXOLO: X \u25a0 gist, willgive private examinations, in-, eluding advice on health, business and mar- riage. A thoroughly scientific phrenologi- cal examination is an important event; more value than gold; it make:: existence a pleas- ure and life a success; don't go to a trade blindly and after years find out you are no good at it. Proofs and uses of phrenology explained free at the Phrenological Parlor, 388 North Exchange st. - ' PKIVATK HOSPITAL. SCHOOL OF IT Midwifery— Mrs. H. SteuzeUOS Martin sf TO WHOM ITMAY CONCERN— This is to certify that the copartnership form erly existing between Doe and Westing- house has this day been dissolved by mutual censent, said business to be continued 3n the future by G. E. Westiughouse <S Co. All bills due Doe & Westinghouse can be paid to (J. E. Westinghouse at tne old stand. F. W. Doe, ii.E. Westinghonse. . IVAXTED TO BEST. ROOMS having rooms to rent ad- dress at once, B 17, Globe. » rTHOSE HAVISU ROOMS to spare or X" room and board for people coming to Minneapolis convention state price. Ad- drass S ii. Glotie. /CONTRACT WORK— SEWER ON REA- V_> NEY ANDOTHER STREETS-Office of the Board of Public Works. City of St. Paul, Minn., May 24, 1803.— Sealed bids will be re- ceived by the Board of Public Works in and. for the corporation of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, at their office in said city, until 12 m. on the 6ih day of June, A.D. IHU2. for ! constructing a sewer on Reaney street, from a point 150 feet west of Earl street to For- est street; on Cypress street, from Reaney street to East Seventh street, and on Fau- quier street, from Earl street to East Seventh street, in said city, said sewering to be done under one contract, according to plans and specifications on file in the oflice of said Board. . \u25a0 .'.•..,..': '• A-bond with at least two (2) sureties, ma sum of at least twenty (20) per cent, or a certified check on a bank of St. Paul in a sum of at least ten (10) per cent, of the gross amount bid, must accompany each bid. Said check shall be made payable to the Clerk of said Board. .v. - ••~ ;: . : \u25a0 . The said Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. -•.-:.-\u25a0• \u25a0 \u25a0;.>-« R.L. GORMAN, President. . Official: J. T. Kekkeb, Clerk Board ofPublic Works. , ;-:u may2s-10c ; > . Notice of Application for Liquor Licenses. . City Clerk's Office. ) St. Paul. Minn., June 1, 1892. f To Whom it May Concern: 1 Notice is hereby given that the following named person has applied for a license to sell intoxicating liquors for the year A. D i 1892. at tho places or locations hereinafter - named: :. : Emmert William, 2-27 West Third street. Now. therefore, notice is further given that the said application .will be heard and con- sidered by the -undersigned at his office in the new City Hall on the 18th day of June. A. D. 1892, at 10 o'clock a. m., where all Dersous interested may appear and willbe heard. TIIOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk. ; jun 2-10 ; ,' ; ' - ST. PAUL foundry Company, MANUFACTURERS Off - A rchitectnral Iron Wort Founders, Machinists, Blacksmiths and Pattern Makers. Send for cuts of col- umns. Workson fc>t. P., M. &M. R. R., near Como avenue. O {bee 212 and 213 Manhattan Building, St. Paul. C M. POWER, Secretary and Treasurer. Health Is Wealth. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treat ment, a guaranteed specific torllysterfc Diz ziuestt. Convulsions. Fits, Nervous Neuralgia Headache. Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakef ulness, Men- tal Depression, Softening of the Brain re- sulting ininsanity and leading to misery, de- cay and death. Premature Old Age, Barren- ness, Loss of Power in either sex. Involun- tary Losses and Spermatorrhoea, caused by overesertion of the brain, self-abuse or over- indulgence. Each, box contains one month's treatment. St a box, or six boxes for Jji, sent by - mail prepaid. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order for six boxes, accompanied with $\ we send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money itit does not effect a cure. Gnar- aatees issued only by W. K. Collier, successor to nippier &Collier, druggists. Seventh and Siblev sts.. St. Paul, Minn, LOST iVI HOOD Bgfore Takinc. rlPul-'Mn.hlb Atltr Tutting. SEXOXERVE, the (treat Turkish Remedy, cures Nervous Debility,Wakefillness. Vital Exhalation, Dizziness, Headache, Nervous Prostration, Losses, Lost Manhood, EvilDrcaioa, Quickness and all wasting diseases, canned by over-exertion of th« brain.self-abuse or orcr-indulsrence which nltimate- lylead, to consumption, insanity and snioide. Put up In- condensed form to carry in the pocket. Price fl per box. or a complete treatment of six boxes with Written Cuarantee for IS. Sent post- paid in plain package to any address. Circulars tree- In plain envelope. AddreM International Medical Association. SAO IV~>fea—; Street, Chicago, 111 FOR sale IN" st. P.ITTL. JfiXJT., bt r - " .Uisett*--. Cftr. WWMStai »\u25a0•( .'\u2666\u25a0- «•\u2666* sCls^zy^*. We send tab marvelous French A*l K?£s* lieraedy CALTHOS free and fyfn fCm W V a guarantee that Caithoß will Wf'J& r \u25a0mm 1 STOP DlMharsa mod bMw, f^Hz~ZZ£~ We»end tho marvelous French m _f# liomedy CALTHOS fres. and _ PI \ v gawMtee that Cai.thos will -«. 1 STOP DUrbars« and Eafcshuu, ,-^F f CITKKSMnutorrhn, Ywieoeele WMk land BEST Lost VI C or. V.™At ._2f - Use it and pay satisfied. X. \ WT Addna, YONMOHL. CO^ -~zLJ 8«i» *\u25a0\u25a0!—\u25a0 At—fc. fi»««»»_, a DRUNKENNESS Or tin-Liquor Habit. Positively Cared by administer! nar Dr. lluiiios' - . Ctoideit Speclflc It is nuanCactnred ass powder, which can be given in > class of beer, a cup of coffee or tea, or in food, without the knowledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will effect a perma- nent and speedy cm whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreak. It has been Riven in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never Fall*. 48-page Book free. To be had of \u25a0 : _ & W. A. MUSSETTEK. 3rd St Wabasha St. Trade supplied by leOTBS BROS. St CUTLER, and RYANDRUG CO.. ST. PAUL. . * ,-, GOljDEXSPKCllWrO.rropi.Cißcinaatl.Ok II \u25a0 WHirirlNaltb. B««.b«tr po».r u i jn*. Uont HHO I ,|.iin«kin.DruircisU, 50c,or London Supply Co. Ulln I SS B— .dwsy. New Vo»k. Ihlr Bonk KRIK. i_ii Health sold at Mussetter's, Wabasha stree . \u25a0 .V'BOAKI) OFFFBED. BOARDING Elegant rooms, excellent table, modern conveniences, prices mod- erate. TC>O Wubttslia. BOARD— Pleasant furnished room* with 'board; second door from cubic cars. 177 Pleasant ay. - .\u25a0 *~ : '.. BOARD rent, furnished room with X> board, at 210 East Ninth at. - BOARD— First-claw board by the day or week at 256 Dayton ay., near Selby cable. BOA RD—To rent, with board, nicely fur- nished rooms; one suite: furunce heat, bath: table lirst-clas<<. 21 East College ay. BOARD— Nice, large front room, furnished suitable for married couple or two gen- tlemen: also pleasant side room with first- cUbs board; private family; good location. \u25a011)1 Fourteen ht, BOARD— Nicely famished rooms, with . good board ; also table board. 48 Col- lege ay.. west. \u25a0 BOARD— Parties living near College and Sixth st. will find good day board at "The Miner," IG2College ay. \u25a0-.-\u25a0\u25a0 --> -' ST. DENNIS HOTEL; J. F. MaloDey, pro- prietor; 418 and 42o Minnesota St.; best dollar -a day house in the city. MINER"has removed to the four- -l story apartment house on the corner of college ay. and Sixth St.; the rooms arc newly decorated and furnished, and have all , modern conveniences; table board furnished. Ib 2 College ay. rpHK NORWOOD 189^ Eighth. Be- X tween Jackson and Sibley— Furnished rooms, with board. $4.50 and 55 per week; table board, transients. SI per day. MINNEAPOLIS REAL ESTATE. The following deeds were recorded yester- day: .::,-, Thomas J Morrow to Margaret Worth- ington. It 23. bit 3. East Lawn add.. ..SLOOO Thomas J Morrow to Margaret Worth- ington,It 5, etc. blk 77, Remington's Second add .. 3.G00 Thomas J Morrow to Margaret Worth- ' ington. It 5. blk 3, Chaunell's Second add,. 2,500 Thomas J Morrow to Margaret Worth- ington, It 25. blk 3.Swan's Second add 630 Orriii C Meeken to L H Everts, It a, Meeker's out lots to Ex 900 Maria Lacy to Andrew J Grinneil. part . of Us 9 "and 10. blk 14, Bottineau's Secondadd 3,500 J II Davis to Emma R Dunbar, It 10, blk 2. Excelsior add 1,500 Emma Ii Dunbar to J II Davis, It 14. blk 4. Boulevard add 4,000 Northwestern Cement &Concrete Pave- ,ar ment Co. to J C Wahlen, It H. blk 5, .** Minnehaha Falls Thirdadd..... 1,000 AnnaC Timperley to &B Johnson, lt 12, : blk 4, McMillan's add ;: 1,800 Katie A Smith to Twin City Lime & : •'Cement Co. part It 13; bile 7, Cole & Week's rearr 2,300 P C Deming to Permelia Hogle. It 7, Deming's Polk St rearr 2,800 P C Deming to Mary A Palmer, It 8, Deming's Polk St rearr ....... . 2,50!) O M Fisher to O W Bergholtz. It 7, blk . 1. Williams' add 750 Anna . r.kstrom to Charles J Tunberg, part It17. blk 4, Foster's add 3,500 Charles H House to Sidney J stebbins, ' part It 6,"blk 5, Crim's Second add 4,010 West Minneapolis Land company to HF Hass. It 31, blk 20,, West Minne- apolis Center \u25a0. 400 Total, seventeen deed 3 838,650 DR. FELLER, 180 East Seventh St., St. Paul, Minn. .38 Washington Ay. south, Minneapolis. Speedily cures all private, nervous, chronic end blood and skin diseases of both sexes, without the use of mercury or hindrance from business. NO CUBE, NO PAY. Pri- vate diseases, and all old. lingering cases, . where the blood has become poisoned, cans- ing ulcers, blotches, sore throat and mouth, pains in the head and bones, and all diseases of the kidneys aud bladder, are cared for life. . Men of all ages who are suffering from the result of youthful indiscretion or ex- \u25a0 cesses of mature years, producing nervous- 1 ness, indigestion, constipation, loss of mem- ory, etc., are thoroughly and permanently . cured. :• : .. . Dr. Feller, who has had many years of ex- perience in this specialty, is a graduate from one of the leading medical colleges of the country. He has never failed in j curing any cases that has undertaken. Cases smd correspondence sacredly confidential. Call or write for list of questions. Medicines sent by mailand express everywhere free from ' risk ana exposure. . ' DHL SAHDEN'S ELEGTRIGBELT LATEST PATENTS jllliillw™ ttWnfej BEST iSHg? HMK IMPROVEMENTS. SUSPENSORY. ..• Willcore without medicine allWeakness retnltlng from orortaxation of brain, nerve fore**, excesses or indiscre- tion \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0! sexual exhaustion, drains, tastes, nervous debil- ity, sleeplessness, languor, rheumatism, kidnej. liver «nd bladder complaints lame back, lumbago, sciatica, general ill-health,etc Tail electric belt contains Wonderful Im- nvoTenirnts over all others, and gives a current that is instantly feltby «be wearer or we forfeit $5,808.00, aad nil! cure allof the above diseases or no nay. Thousands - nave been cored by this marvelous invention after all . others have failed and we give hundreds of testimonials te os?£w^^S3Tl!«Cn,K! grSPESSORT kit. : greatest boon ever offered weak men; FBEE WITH ALL BELTS. H«lta and VUornu* Btremrtb SVAHAXTEEDIa- -60 to90 DAYS. Send for iarge illustrated pamphleta, sealed.free by mail. Address __ ' sj_w~»_Ji«r j~x.~f ictric c*^ Corner Thirdstreet and Secondavenue south or opposite Guaranty Loan, Minneapolis, Minn. BlkE_Pß___ii__^»: Bjyyv c^sO | j^^y !^ff2^^yi*ftyß^nii^E«TVv^^VrfcMr J T NEW ENGLAND SHOE CO. 133, 135 andl37 East Seventh §t \u25a0 Iff I \u25a0\u25a0 INSTANT BE Ifiinflil/ SUIonv 111 cure in If Utill If lUll turns. I will send (sealed) CD EC to my felloe sufferers a pro- criptionTnLL to enlarge small, weak or pans. A sure cure for Emissions, Lost Man- hood, Nervous Debility. Varicocele. etc. Ad dress, with stamp, L. S. Franklin, Music Dealer, Earshali, Mich. A., T. & S. F. R. R. Run through Pullman Palace and Tourist Cars daily from Chicago and Kansas Ciiy to California; also through Pullman Cars daily toDenver. Salt Lake City, Ogden, Fort Worth and Gaireston, Tex. For rate% and further information apply to P. W. Connor, General Agent, 515 Guaranty Building: Minneapolis, Miiun. , Clileazo, .if! I wank* 0 A: St. Pant « . Trail j inaveat. Paul Union Depot as Tallows: Voc. Winonu, L* Crowe, Milwaukee, Chicaco, B, 7:Jj w m.;A, 2:*sp.m. :A, «:55 p.m.; A, Bp. m. , Mason City, St. Louis. KanShg City. A, 8:15 a. m,; C, 7:15 pw m. Dubuqire * Rock Island, B, 7:35 a, m.:C, 7:13 p. m. Aberdeen, Mitchell, A, 6:15 p. m. Oalmar, Daven- port, B,»:15 a. m. Austin A Way. A. B:X5a. m.;.\, 4:25 p. m.; C. 7:15 o m. Aberdeen* Way, B.B:<W* m.;Bed Wing A KocUester. B, 7:35 a. m: 8,2:46 p. m. A means dally; B, ex. Sunday, C ex. Saturday lor. urthcria ormation see Company's time Ticket Office* ITS K«st Ttiint St ant Union Dap* . r^hicago, St. Paul & K.City Ry. trains leave vj uniondepot Trjsa. m. ex. Sunday, 7:3) p. m. caily ; air? Uis a. m..daily, 10:4Uu.m.exdua Alien miles. liavunngfi & Johnson, Auction- ... eers. FINK FURNiTUKK, CAKPKT.S. KtKiS, etc.. at Auction— We will sell at public * auction at the residence No. _6 East Tenth St., on Thursday.' June 2, at I 1) a. m.. .ill the fine furniture continued in the house, con- sisting of an elegant parlor suit, easy rock- ers, cane chair.!-;, sofas, chiffonier, center tables, three -tine bedroom suits, library table.ex. table and dining room chair.«,dishes and glassware! silver tableware, lace and chenille curtains, portieres. pillows. blankets, sheets, comfortables, etc.. all the body Brussels, ingrain carpets, rugs, etc.: this fur- niture almost as good as new; parties in search of bargains in household goods can- notult'nrd to miss 1 1bis sale. Kavanagb & Johnson, Auctioneers, 186, 188, I'M East Sixth we. . :-:. Galenic Medical institute \u25a0 67 E. Third St.;, St. Paul, Minn. Established iv - 18GI >£'s|§3='§«aßy fur (he cure of private. 83!7\^ m >k^W2k. nervous and chronic «K?^Sf__iJ& v_& diseases, including &&%*!/ =:=: reel Sperniato rr hoe a. or BnMHuS ' Seminal .Weakness, tt^gfi^^SSlSagaf Nervous Debility, Ini- '-^—fiSls^'W potency.Syphi'is". Gon- -2sf%^o^Ve£y oriboea. Gleet, Strict- \u25a0 _sw?S£s!S'«S_»> ure. Varicocele.llyUro- -4BmJsa&B&sEffl» rele. Diseases of \Vom- en, etc. CQ« itw&tfaEß « The physicians of w V the old aiid Reliable , - Institute specially treat all the above diseases— are regular grad nates— and guarantee a cure inererycase undertaken, and may be consulted person- ally or byletter. Sufferers from any of these ailments, be- fore consulting others, should understand their diseases and the J-uest improved treat- ment adopted at oar institute by reading our books. . , The Secret Monitor and Guide to Health, a private Medical Treatise on the above dis- eases, witn the Anatomy and Physiology of the Sexual System in lieaith and Disease,, containing nearly 300 pages, and numerous illustrations, sent to any address on receipt of reduced price, only Twenty Cents.or value in one or two-cent sumps. Pamphlet and chart of questions for stating case sent free . ' Ail business strictly confidential. Office hours, 8 a. in. to 5:30 p.m.- Sundays ex* cepted. ' Address letters thus: . GATJETVIC INSTITUTE, St. Paul, lliim HAMBURG - .AMERICAN PACKET CO., Express Service to Southampton (London) and Hamburg;"'' Magnificent new twin screw steamers of 13-16,000 h. p. This line holds the record for fastest time to. London and the Conti- nent. Spring sailings: .-.- .---. \u25a0Columbia, May 2G. 7 a. m.: F. Bismarck, June -, 11 v- ru.; A. Victoria, June 9, 1 a. m. Normannia, June 16, 10 a. in. : Columbia, June '23,' 4p. m. ; F. Bismarck, June 30. iv p. m. ; A.Victoria. July 7.6 a. m.: Norman- nia, July 14.9 a.m.: Columbia, July 21, 3 a. m- W. Bismarck, July 23. 9 a. m. H oibnrg-Amerlcau I*acl£et Co., 37 Broadway, j General Pass- 1125 LaSalleSt KEW YORK. 1 age Offices: <f CHICAGO. : ;\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 '- Germania -Bank, St. Paul. Bank of Minneapolis. ' J. N. POTTGEISER Ticket Agent for all Ocean Steamship Lines, 291 Jackson Street, St. Paul, Minn. :.-- ALWAYS ON TIME. Ticket Offices—ls3 East Third street, St. Pan! ; 13 Sicollet Honse Block, Minneapolis, and Union Depots in St. Paul. Minneapolis and Stiilwatef. (*Daily. tJSxeept Sundays JExcept Monday. sSunday only. dExcept Saturday.! * ,\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0 .;.- ; ; ;c.''••.-'! \u25a0"• \u25a0. Leave - .Arrive. Through Trains. - _ St. Paul. SL PanL. Chicago "Daylight" Ex.! *7£&a.m fO :55 p m Chicago Local Express. +s:ls pm *1:00 p m Chicago VestibuleLim'd! *8:05 pm t7 :2snm West Superior } /r9:3sam to:00pm andDuluth f *10:40pm •6:50 am Ashland, Hurley .... I ! +935 am *sK»pia Bayfleld&Washburn i 1*10:25 Dm *6^50 am &Kansas Cityi *7dsam t7:d">a m Omaha &Kansai City.. *7:55 pn *7:asam Sioux City Local *7aspm -r6:s2pm Pi pestone &Sioux Falls. +7 £3 am +B:s3pm Sbakopee &Mankato. .. t-i:CO pm tl'):lOa m Traey.Waftown&Pierre d7:;»5 r>m t7:T»am Great Northern Railway Line f»tr flffiree IB East Third St.. St. Paul; UIJ UlliWo 300 KicolletAv.,Minneapolis; and fnion depots in both cities. St. Paul Union Depot. . arrive V,-,-. fWillroar.Morris,Brown's) |, .„„ b3.-05a.rn. Valley and Brcckinridge/ j^ 39 P- m< 1)6:30a.m. For. Falls. Farso i G.ForEf, !>fi:lo p. m. b3.-30p.rn. Osseo.CleamrsterA StCloud. hll:">5a. in, I.S:3op.ra. Anoka. St. Cloud ii Willmar. \u25a0 b10:55 .-». m. l)3:3Gi>.m. Excelsior and Kutchinso:i... bll9Sa.nl. [WiUmnr, fSionx City. ] ' ! Sioux Fiills.dWatcrtoirn. I! 3. . : ". I dHuron.Wnhpeton, cAb- |I a6:3op.m. -! erdeon, cEllendale. JFar- )\u25a0 r a7:l3 a. Ny ! go, bCasselton, Grafton, | i ' ' I Winnipeg and Pacific! :.'• I. Coast. -'(:\u25a0) \u25a0;:' - ... ({Anoka, St. Clond, Saukt <\u25a0% ' i Center, Fergus Fall?, Farif i "-- a7:4Op.m. -( co, Crookston, G. Forks, M.1&55 a, m. Ui-eat Falls. Helena^ I j /:- --" ' ' L Batte and Pacific Coast. ~ I ; .r. , ' Eastern 51 inneeota. 1 1 .= '\u25a0 (Dulotli, W. Superior, Elk) I , blU)sp.m. -} River, Stilaca, Hinckley,Hb7:oO p. m. I (Princeton,' Anoka. *->. ) } ft. daily; b, except Sundays; c, Monday, Wednes- day and Friday; d, Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs- day. * Buffet parlor cars on trains to Dniuth and West Superior; fßnffct . sleepers, joining cars palace sleepers and free colonist sleeping cars. NORTHERN PACIFIC THE DINI\'&CAB LISB ToFarzo, Helena, Bult» andilia I'aclllc .V«rtUwo«t. ' .. —— _____ 1 St. PauL" Dining Cars on Winnipeg an _\u25a0 Pacific Coast Trains. _| Lv. Ar. Pacific Express, daily for Fargo. I « ~T~ Jamestown. Livingston, Buite, \u25a0 Helena, Missoula, Spokane, Se- attle, Tacoma, Olympia and 1 0:00 12:13 Portland a.m. pox Pacific Mail, daily, for Fargo, Bis- marck, Livingston. Bozeman. Helena, liutte, Missoula. Spo- kane, Tacoma, Seattle, Olympial 4-15 G:"K) and Portland. ; p.m. p.m. Brainerd Local, daily except Sun- days, for Anoka, St. Cloud, Lit- 5:35 10:31 * tie*Falls and Brainerd p.m. turn. Dakota and Manitoba Express, daily, for Fergus Falls, Wahpe- y too, Grand Forks, Gratton, Win- nipeg. Moorhead, Fargo and 5:00 7:IV Jamestown. p.m. inn. Dakota Expresi dees iiot run west o. Fur,'.) oa Sunday. Pullman Sleepers dally between 8t P.\nl ml Grand ton, Winnipeg,Fer(;u3FaUs,Wah- peton andFargo. Pullman rat- Cuss anil Tour- ist Sleepers »nd Free Colonist Sleepers aroruaii* through Pacific Coast Trains, - (i X, STOVE. «JUr Ticket Agent, 162 East Third Street. St. I'.v.il. (i. F, McSKILL, City Ticket Ageat.l9 Nicollet Hoa« Block. Minneapolis Minn. \u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0 'WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES. Through Fast Trains for Chicago, Milwaukee and Intermediate points leave Minneapolis 12:45 p. m.; 6:25 p.m. St. Paul, 1:30 p.m.; 7:15 p. m. Arrive St. PauL B:3u a. m. ; 3:45 p. m. Minneapolis, i>:ls a. m.. 4:15 p. m. Minneapolis, St. Paul &Sault Ste. Marießjf CITY »MplI«. Guaranty Bids, TICKET OFFICES \ ; St. Paul, 185 E 3d at >t^. M'tl-BoßtonEx'*StPaul(A)9:»l pm; M'tl-Bostois:xlvMpls(A) 9*Ktsl i :3i pm: Wisconsin Div. lvMpls [jWg >A ZM (B > 8a m; Minn. Div. lvMinna- \u25a0 JffffgHapolis (B) 8:40 am; (B) 5:2."> p. 0_ll«l_i Zn; St. Croix Fallsac. lv StPaul fßf&^^ A,daily from Union station :H except Sunday from Union sU- lon; C, except Sunday, from. Broadway star sen, St. PauL . ; Chicago, Burlington &Northern Railroii . Leaves for Chicago, St. Louis and '.down- river points, 7:50 a. m. ; arrives from sama points, 6:10 p. m. daily, except Sunday. leaves for. Chicago and St. Louis, 7:30 p. m. ; arrives from same points. 7:35 a. m. dail/

St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1892-06-02 [p 7] · 2017. 12. 14. · •who gives resume of past, present and fut-'tire: ladies. 50 cents: gentlemen, $1; cor-respondence

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Page 1: St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1892-06-02 [p 7] · 2017. 12. 14. · •who gives resume of past, present and fut-'tire: ladies. 50 cents: gentlemen, $1; cor-respondence


Circulation, Not pi*ices, Is What Mak^S Want Advertising Valuable ISITUATION OFFF,KF,I>.

11nl«-s, \u25a0


AGENTS WANTED to Solicit for theFidelityMutual Aid Association of San

\u25a0Francisco. Cal. :the best offer eiven to agentsby any company operating in the state;agents" required in eveiy town and state:call and see foryourselves. Office, Room 16.Germania Bank' iUiilding.corner Fifth andWatMfcb*. St Pan). Minn.



Salesmen on salary orcommission to handle the New Patent

Chemical Ink-Erasing: Pencil; the greatesthelling novelty ever produced: erases inkthoroughly in two seconds; no abrasion ofpaper; 200 to 500 per cent profit;one agent'sBales amounted to f(i2y insis days: anotherSS in two hours: we want one energetic gen-eral acent each state and territory. Forterms and fullparticulars address The Mon-roe Eraser Mfg. Co.. La Crosse. Wis. X-4.

BAKHKK-Wanted, a good barber at S6East Seventh.

BARKER—Wanted, a tirstrlass barber;single. H.W. Meyer. Hastings. Minn.

BARBERS— First-class barters wanted atonce. Guaranty Loan Barber shop,

Minneapolis. PhilipIfoerner, proprietor.

BARBER wanted at once; steady job. GSSEast Tnird. i.\';irMaria.

BAKER—Wfcn:c<t a t:r?t-clas{> baker. A.'.dress or apply to Gaum. W. Tiltou,

Dickinson. N. P. ,

BAKER—• jnied. a German baker, sec-

ond han.w correspond wiLh John KosKe,Wlnona, Minn.

BOOK SOLICITORS— anted, two first-class, experienced book solicitors: think

Ihave a good thins for you this comingweek; come and see me. 522 ManhattanBuilding.St. Paul. -.CANVASSERS— Wanted, a few Rood men

to canvass for us; a good opening. Call158 Wabasha st.

CANYAsskrs— Warned, canvassers: sal-ary and commission. Wheeler £ Wilson

Mfg. Co.. «S Wabasha.

CCARPENTERS— or 33 first-class ear-J pentcrs wanted to work at State fair

grounds on the new crand stand. Appljat

Room 110. Davidsoi: Block.

DAIRY HAND—Wanted, man tot dairywork. Call at ;->:>' Ueciitnr st.

r\lNnkr WAITER wanted Farming-J-" ton Dairy Company. :t22 Robert st.

DISHWASHER—Wanted, two young

men, one tor dishwashiiifr, one forkitchen work; Germans preferred. 3S>Wa-basha st. .


Wanted, six finishers infurniture factory: good, steady men can

find steady work. Auply Pioneer FurnitureCompany, Eau Claire. Wis.

OOD BOY wanted to work in bakery.IT 892 Rice st.


HOSTLER— Wanted, man to take care ofhorses and drive, in livery stable. 404

Selby ay. •

HOSTLER— Boy wanted at 640 Daytonaye. tjdeliver n;id take care of horses;

must come well recommended.

MAXWANTED at the Lake Shore boathouse, WhiteBear; Scandinavian >pre-

erred. N.Peterson.

MAN—Wanted, a steady man for the •

li. summer. Apply.893 East Seventh st.

MAN withpush wanted in each city, townand hamlet to introduce the fastest-

Gellin* household article on record over amillion sold inPhiladelphia: will pay com-petent person £4 per day. Address, withstamp. W. 11. WILLIAMSON,44 North FourthSt.. Philadelphia, Pa.

OFFICE WORK— Wanted, an experi-enced young man for position in mort-

gage lean office; most be familiar with city,and come well recommended. Address 1111,;ilobe.

PANTsMAKER—First-Class pantsmakcrforlivelycountry town: steady work.

Inquire Friday. 10 a.'m.. at 12 West Third st

PHARMACIST— Aregistered pharmacistL' as clerk or partner, or will sell entireHock. Box47, Crary, N.D.

PLUMBERS AND GASFITTERS ofWest Superior still on strike.

SALESMEN— twoor three morefirst-class .*aie»men to handle the best

.line of installment goeds in the NorthwestCall or write W. A. JEdwarQs; 7 to11 Sixth st.south. Minneapolis, Minn.;S1 West Third st,St Paul, Minn. ...Bi.WlNiiGlKL—Wanted, a competent

> O- sewing cirl:no tittiHS-. 69 Summit av'.

SHOEMAKER wanted immediately. 673O Selby 4V.


Men or energy and tact tosolicit for Bankers' Life Association of

st. l'aui. Salary or guarantee ss preferred.Addicts C. E. Secor. St PauL Minn.


Wanted, two stone-O cutlers: steady work: wages, 53.50 pernay. Lister I!ro«., Maiden Rock. Wis.

oTOXKCt'TTEKS wanted on lock work;O wages. 54 per day. Apply to HughesBros. A:"Bangs, Contractors, Saiilt Ste. Marie,31ich.

rpiNNER with two years' experience want-'X ed at once; steady job for rignt man.*«7 West Seventh st-

WANTED—Young men and ladies to»V learn telegraphy, shorthand, book-

keeping; can make board, tllobc BusinessCollege, Euuicott Building.


Experienced salesman to»V repre-ent established brand Rye and

Bourbon Whisky inbond to the saloon trade.Only those having established trade andreferences from last employer need a poly,enclosing stamp. W. Dis. Co.. Room Slti,Jioyal Insurance Building,Chicago, in.

ANTED—For the UnitedStates ArmyVV. Able-bodied, unmarried men. between

the "apes of twenty-one ana thirty years;good pay. rations, clothing and medical at-tendance; applicants must be prepared tofurnish satisfactory evidence as to age. char-acter and habits. Applyaftoom 207. No 34£nst Seventh st.. St.PauL Minn.


Salesmen, salary or commis-sion, to handle greatest "novelty pat-

ented: exclusive treritory: sells at sight:particulars free: sample 50 cents. Unity D.C. Co., Dept. T,Unity building,Chicago.

WANTED—Active young men ro handle*V the best tellingbook in the market: tSweek to goodnieu; coll or write: do not

miss this opportunity. North Star Tublish-ing Company, 741 Lumber Exchange, Minne-apolis, Minn.

VJT7E ALLOW AGENTS TODELIVER»V goods before paying for them: hun-

dreds of them are making S^.o<» to 312.C0 aday: our Perfection Adjustable (recently•patented) ana Taylor Shoes expand withevery motion of trie foot; they are appre-ciated and dailyrecommended by thousands;no competition: none bnt those meaningbusiness need apply. Address, with 2cstamp, CONSOLIDATED ADJUSTABLESHOE COMPANY. Lynn,Mass.

\u25a0yARD MANat Hotel Sherman.

. <9nn QIARRYJIKS wanted at West'At\J\J Seventh st. and Jefferson ay., city;51.75 per day.


ARE YOU IN TROUBLE? Ifso. con-?ult Madame Ina Walker, life reader,

•who gives resume of past, present and fut-'tire: ladies. 50 cents: gentlemen, $1; cor-respondence promptly answered. Parlors,No. 640 Wabasha.


ReliableBusiness Clairvoyant, Test Medium: 20

years' exDenence. 85 "East Eighth. Nosign.

MME. LA TERRE gives massage treat-ment, Turkish and alcohol baths at 622

Hennepiu ay.. Room 3, third floor, Minne-apolis.

MRS. MICHAID,clairvoyant; businesssif-"-»ss given toMies.

*345 West Sev-


metric reader and trance medium, 225%West Seventh st.


MRS. _. A. TUSSEY. 223 East Eichlh st.Magnetic and massage treatment for

nervous diseases, paralyticand rheumatism;also Turkish baths: hours, '.I a. m. to a p. m.

OETRI'S CIRLINE, and 50c bottle.X

-keeps the hair in curl three days- to

three weeks. Ask your druggist, beware ofimitations, or address Petri's Hair Parlors,

\u25a0 Nicollet av^;Minne*poHß.- -

ISBOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP—NO-XJ. rice is hereby given that the partnership

.lately, subsisting between .A. Lyons andCharles SMlawley,.under the firm name ofLyons &Hawl.ey. a,s .druggists

land which-business has been !carried: -on by them at 41East Fonilh street, -hrttie city ofSt. Paul, hasbeen this day dissolved by mutual consent.and that the business Will for the future becarried. on by A.Lyons alone.*- Alldebts due and owing bysaid firm willbe paid by the said A. Lyons, who is author-ized to collect and receipt for all moneys ow- j

\u25a0 ins to said firm.- -

.*-'•- . -Witness our hands this Ist day ofJune. 19Q2...--; : CHAS. S. HAWLEY,

ADAMLYONS,. Witness: 3enxDa«s.


. "C-. Female*.

BANGS— Bangs cutand rutted. 15 cents.Bon,Ton Hair Parlors. 424 Wabasha,

corner Seventh.OOOKKEKPKiI,clerk and cashier. Ad-I> dress with.stamp for reply,II75,Globe,Minneapolis.


Wanted. two.good ladycanvassers for city and three for travel-

ing;only those with experience need apply.774 Bast Seventh st., International.

CHAMKKitMAID—Wanted, a competent\u25a0> girl to do chamber work and wait on

at oiu'i", willpay first class wages. Ap-ply31H) Broadway.

' •

CI.ERK—Girl wanted to attend store, andpart housework . 885 Payne ay.

COOK Wanted, two good girls, cook, andhousemaid. Mrs. W. S. Timberlake, 21

Arundel st. .

COOK— Wanted, a woman cook and twodining room girls, at Kasota Eating

House: eoo»l wages paid. Apply to G. W.Turrittin.Proprietor. >__

Cook -A competent cook. Apply Mrs.' Horace K.Thompson. :!S-iWoodward ay.

DINING ROOM GIRL,— per month.414 Broadway. • .

DINING ROOM GIRLS wanted at Wind-sor hotel; wages, 31? per montn."

DRESSSi.\Ki;i;— Wauted, dressmaker:

must be first class: good wages; tail im-mediately. 556 St. Peter st. .PUKESITUATIONSFOR GIRI.S—Lar-

--penteur's Reliable Employment Office, 51

West Exchange, near St. Joseph's Hospital.

HOUSEWORK— Swedish girl forgeneralhousework. i'liiCharles st.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girt for generalhousework. 415 .St. Anthony ay.

HOUSEWORK— Competent girl for gen-eral housework; small family; good

wages. 254 Pleasant ay. \u25a0

HOISEWOKK— Wanted, experienced

LI girlforgeneral housework :.small fam-il>:good wr.ces. Applyat No. KiTMartin st.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl tor gen-eral housework. 13J West Fifth st.

HOUSEWORK— <.i:l for general house-work. "vi")Laurel ay.

HOUSEWORK— Good girlwanted; anicesecond place. Call Si* Valley st.

IIOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for generalO housework: family of three. Mis-sis>fip!>ist.

-..HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a- good girl for

general housework; good wages. Callat l»>rNina ay.

a OUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl for geu-O eral housework; willpay good wages.4(^iDayton ay.


|_| OISEWORU—Wanted, girlat 530 Kob-

IJ crt st.'

: \u25a0

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, good girlfor

general housework at 174 Martin st ;German preferred. .. . \u25a0

HOUSEAVORU— Wanted, a girl for gen-eralTionsework in small family: good

wages. Call mornings, before 10 clock, at427 Dayton ay. . !.HOIiSEWORK-Wanted, girl tor general

housework. Apply491Ashland.OUSEWORK— Wanted, competent girl

IJ for general housework. Applyat 793Iglehart st '.


KITCHEN GIUI-—Wanted, a kitchengirland young girl tohelp; no wash-

ing:housecleaning finished. '\u25a0%& Nelson ay.

\7 VRSE— Wanted; a German nurse girl,1> Call at 210 East Fourteenth st.

VTURSE GIRL,wauted at 394 East Tenth1> st,

VfURSE GlßL— Wanted, a competent1* nurse girl. 440 Portland ay. .

SECOND WORK—In a small family, arespectable German girl forsecond work;

gooa wages. 611Dayton ay.•

SOLICITORS—Wanted, two lady solicit-

ors. Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co., 438Wabasha st.

' '

THREE DININGROOM GIRLS; Bcze-man. Mont.; 525; tickets ready at Doug-

lass' Intelligence.- Seventh.-


WAITRESS— Wanted, competent wait-VV ress: references required. Applyeven-

ings or Friday. 445 Summit ay. . :..WANTED—Four voting ladies to sellW goods in St. Paul. Call 6 p. m. Lumber

Exchange Building.


BAR FIXTURES—For sale, fine new setof bar fixtures, complete in every le-

spect- Applyat 230 East Seventh st

ENGLISH AND GERMAN illustratedmagazines, suitable forweeklydeliveries,

to be sold at very low figures. For particu-lars, address International Publishing Com-pany. 526 Market st., Philadelphia. Pa.

FOR SALE CHEAP— room outfit,consisting ofcounter, two ranges. boiler,

dishes, silverware, sideboards, elevator, gasgridirons, etc. Applyat 378 Wabasha st.

LAUNCH— sale, new steam launch.

$700: 7x28 feet, 5x5 eueine. steel boiler;a splendid boat; fast and safe. 11. K. S.,Box78D. Bastings. Minn.

THICKETS toand fromall points inEuropeX cheap! cheap.' 11. Lohibauer. 173 EastThrd st.


FOR SALE—A number of good drivinghorses: also several matched carriage

teams. Griggsßros.

t>OR SALE—Sorrel mare, eight years old,very stylish;lady can drive her: fine

Portland cutter iv good order: horse andcutter worth 5125: willsell for 545, if takenat once. BKjMinnehaha st. East St. Paul.

L?INE CARRIAGE TEAM for tale atr 254 East Ninth st.

WANTED—To buy light buggy; mustbe iv good repair and cheap for

cash. Address, statin;; price. A 4!). Glohe.

LOST ASP FOLSD.pvlAMONDSTII> LOST—Between Wa-U basha and Robert on Seventh st. Re-turn to 23 East Seventh for liberal reward.

DIAMOND STUD LOST—Sunday. May29. diamond stud. Finder please leave

at Minneapolis &St. Louis Ticket Office andreceive reward.

DOG LOST—Lost, white bull pup: blackspot around eye and ear. Return to 323

Wabusha st. and receive reward. \u25a0


Near MonroeX school, a.poeketbook containing about$0: finder willplease return to this office andreceive ward.


£ *S^'-~-=^J \u25a0-Jj~j.. "

L—y>r" ft

Bit-"» \u25a0\u25a0'!\u25a0- 'j"1 fic^i^ilS3

BILLIARD ANT) POOL TABLES ANDBILLIARDSUPPLIES: Wnrercoms, 405 and407; Office and Factory, 411 and 413 Fifthavenue south. Minneapolis. Minn.

STATE OF MINNESOTA, COXNTY OPRamsey— ss. Probate Court.

In the matter of the estate of Sarah E.Proal, deceased.Letters of administration on 'he estate of

Sarah E.Proal, deceased, late of the Countyof Ramsey and state of Minnesota, being Igranted toEdward N. Saunder?, *

Itis ordered. That six months be, and therame is hereby allowed from and after thedata of this order. In which all persons hav-ingclaims or demands against the said de-ceased are required to file the same in theProbate Court of said county for examina- |tion and allowance, or be forever barred.Itis further ordered. That the first Mon-

day in December, A. D. 1892, at 10 o'clocka. m..ata general term of said Probate Court,tobe held at the Court House in tha City ofSt. Paul, in said county, be, and the samehereby is appointed as the time and placewhen "and where the said Probate Court willexamine and adjust said claims and demands^

And it is further ordered. That noticeof such hearing be grven to nilcreditors anapersons interested in said estate by forthwith

.publishing this- order" once ineach week forthree successive weeks in the SL Paul DailyGlobe, a daily newspaper printed" and pub-lisfted insaid county. \u25a0

Dated at St. Paut this Sth day of May, 1802.By the Court: JOHI? B.OLIVIBK. .;[i_ s.j •\u25a0 .Judge- of.Probate.CD. O'Buien-, Attorney, •..'

SI TUATIOKS rAJ*TT,I>.\u25a0 -;\u25a0'\u25a0;:.. \u25a0

\u25a0 Jlilic. \u25a0 . '


Young wan of goodiJ liquorexperience want* position us bar-tender. Write to T17, Globe, St. Paul.

BLACKSMITH of twenty years' experi-ence would like n position In a waaoa

shop. Address Box804. Albert Lea. Minn.

BOYS FOR PLACKS, places for boys;employment bureau for poor boys, tree.

Newsboys'' Club Boob, 218 \Vnbas-ha st. ;openfrom 11 to V.'a. m.. ana from7 to 0 p. m. ".

DOOKKEEPEK— Wanted, position as

D bookkeeper or collector; experience,etc. Audrey X13. Globe. __pLKKK-Want situation as clerk, or writ-V' inginan ollice. Address D14. Globe.


Young nitin wants a position asclerk iva well paving business; ha*some

references: speaks English and German.

Address J. 8., 685 Armstrong ay.. city.


Wanted, a situation as*-\u25a0 coachman: understand care of horsesthoroughly; references rfrequired. AddressA I.', Globe. m

COACHMAN— Wanted, by a young mar-

yj ried man, a situation as coachman ordelivery man or jnniftir.or any other kind ofwork"; has good references and well ac-quainted incity. Address I). 11.. Globe.

LECTOR— Wanted, by a responsible-' man who can furnish best of reference,

situation us collector or office work; one whois able to take charge of business during pro-prietor's absence. MS Aurora ay. .COOK—situation wanted by a first-class

meat cook and a lady pastry cook. Ad-dress. KB.Globe. ' '

PLKVATOB BOY—Wanted, position asS-J elevator boy; four years' experience;can give best references in the city. F.C,

lobe. v

pMrLOYMENT—Lady with large familyHi wants work for boy. thirteen years old;good references and well acquainted withcity. Address (j15. Globe.

EXPRESS IJKIVKK-Youngman wouldlike place as driver or take care of

horses: pood and careful driver: cun furnishgood references. Address K. Smith. 364Rosabel, corner Fifth.

pROCERY CLERK—Situation wantedvT by an experienced grocery clerk, or de-livery: can furnish good references; speaksGerman. Address L18. Globe. \u25a0

TNSIDK WORK— wanted by aIyoung man to do any kindof inside work;writes a good hand ;references; speaks Ger-man and English. Address Til.Globe.

OFFICE WOKK—Wanted, situation inoffice, or as cashier or assistant book-

keeuer; best of city references; would bewillingto commence ou small salary. Ad-dress, by mail or in person, 51 West Ex-change, city. . .__DKiNTKR of longexperience wants per-JL manent situation in country office. Ad-dress William Nonage. Kassou, .Minn.

Salesman— tinted, by an experiencedO- traveling salesman, a positiou; able tohandle most any line; can give references.Address X 15. Globe. \u25a0

•' __V^TENOGRAPHER— Competent stenos-is rapher and typewrittr: owns machine;840 per month. G. C. A.. Globe.

OTOCKKEEPER— Young German wants.0 position as sioekfceeper in wholesale drygoods house, with a view of going on theroad; has had ten years experience, and trav-eled several years for first-class Houses inGer-many. Address II10, Globe.1,7 ORK FOR BOARD—Situation wanted»V byman with good education; speaks'

German some: willingto do outside workforboard. Address F.S. Miller, £90 Jesse-mine st.

' '\u25a0 •

Femulei. \u25a0

pOMPOSiroR-Yoiiug lady would like avV position as compositor; has had severalyears' experience. Address J 15, Globe.

COOK—situation wanted by a first-classmeat cook and lady pastry cook. Ad-

dress II12,Globe. >


A woman wantsXI housecieaninpr and office cleaning. Callor address Mrs. A.M. W.. 415 Macouta. city.

HOUSEKEEPING OR NURSE—IIagec woman wants a place for house-keeping or nurse in small family; German orEnglish. Address 324 Smith ay. south.


Wanted," by an ex--11 pejienced housekeeper from the Ease,

a position as housekeeper in ahotel; best ofreferences. Miss Delia A. Leonard, 907 Fit-,teeutu ay. south, Minneapolis.- .'" .\- .:.'.:

OLSKKKEPER— Wanted, by middle-O. aged lady, position as housekeeper inwidowers family;salary reasonable, (.'all oraddress 51 West Exchange st.


A competent ladywould likea position as housekeeper,

or as companion for invalid lady, or asmatron and chaperoue for motherlessdaughters: good references in St. Paul andMinneapolis. Address A14, Daily Globe.

HOUSEWORK— A young girl wishes to

do light house worK. Address 671)Charles St.-

— -. -

LADY'S MAID-situation wanted by aJLivoting lady as lady's maid.or to care foraninvalid. Address or apply 800 Agate St.. St.Paul, Minn. . -\u25a0


f ARPENTEUR has dining room girlsJLi and chambermaid for summer resort.Hotel pastry and meat cooks wanted. 51West Exchange st. \u25a0„ \u25a0


Younglady would like a position to learn mil-.

linery. Address J 16, Globe.

NURSE— Colored girl,wishing to go to1* Philadelphia, willtravel as child's nurseor lady's maid for expenses; references giv-en. Address 09, Globe.

SEWING wanted in private family; cancut and fit. Miss Uattie Koeske, 549 Wa-

basha. : • -SHORTHAND and typewriter wishes aO positiou in some oilice to gain speed.Ad.ire A 13. Globe.

STENOGRAPHER— Ayoung ladystenos-es rapher would like a "couple of hours'work evenings: have mncnin;; will take .work home ifwished. Address H19. Globe.

STENOGRAPHER —First-class stenog-O rapher, owning typewriter, would likework to do in spare time; abstract, specifica-tions, etc., neatly and promptly done. J 14,Globe. \u25a0


Experienced sleu-th ographer and typewriter: can operateeither Remington or Calisrraph; salary, &perweek. Address N. A.. Globe! .QTENOG KAPHER—Competent ladysieu-k-5 ographerand typewriter wants position;best references. Address J 11, Globe. \u25a0

WASHING— to go out washing;can do good work. Address 459 Col-

orado St., West St. Paul.

UJASHING wanted at 45."> East Sixth st.;rough-dried clothes. 25c per dozen;

called for and delivered.

WASHING—Take washing home or goW to house washing ont;office cleaning.

No. 135 Thirteenth St.: cull a. m.. j

11/ ASHING—Agirlwould like to go outVV washing or housecleaning by the day.

Call or address 46 West Ninth. _.ASHING AND HOUSECLEANING

wanted by the day. Applyat 13) Val-leyst.


a woman;also house aud office clean-ing. Call or address Mrs. Mary Barrett, rearof146 Thirteenth st. Call after 6p. m.firASHING—AGerman girl would likeVV

*to go out washing and cleaning. 523

Blair st. .WASHING—Good German washwoman

would like in take family wash athome. Address 500 Robert.



VV house and lot in Dcs Moines. valuedat $!,BjU, for drugstore inlowa or Dakota.Address Lock Box 712, lowa Falls, 10.


Residence lots forgood work horses. Address Ed Haber-

man. P. O. Box 23*8.

CONTRACT WORK—GRADING. FILLING\J ANDIMPROVING LANGFORD PARK—Office of the Board of Public Works, Cityof St. Paul. Minn,,May 24, Sealed tidawill be received by the Board of PublicWorks in and for the corporation of theCity of St. Paul. Minnesota, at their oSice insaid city,until12 m. on the t>th day ofJune.A.-D. I«>'*, for trading, fillingand improv-ing- Lasiuford Park, in said city, accord-ing to plans and specifications on tile inthe office of said i'oard. \u25a0

A bond with at least two (2) sureties, in asum ofat least twenty (20) per cent, or a cer-tified check on a bank cf st. Paul ina sumof at least \ ten (IC) per cent of the grossamount bid.must accompanyeach bid. Said icheck shall be made payable to the Clerk ofsaid Board.

The said Board reserves the right to rejectrdv and all bids .... - - . .->-'••"" -

K. L,GORMAN, President.Official: J. T. Kerkek, • V

'• Clerk Board of Public Work*

->:-l-ir^ maj'2s-lOt

•.-\u25a0'\u25a0 FOR man*. \u25a0;\u25a0 ;:\u25a0 : ';].

iitiuM-s. '-.\u25a0_ \u25a0 _ • 1,',;

BKFOKK you rent houses, t-tore. Hats Orrooms, sco Schram's liciitingAgency,

Maiihatian Building. \u25a0> . • "\u25a0• '„,.'

HOUSES— For reut, 88 Park place: Wrirooms: steam heat; also 00 Phi* plaofe; ;

seven rooms. J. B. West, 58 West Third st.

HOtJSK— house, No. 440 I>«8»---ton ay. ;good condition: good' neiph^.

borhood; near cable. J. W. Bishop, Kndicoltbulldiug. "\u25a0\u25a0 ... f-v*'

OUSE— For renl.ftrst-clasa residence, 12?.-XT Nina ay., St. Anthony Hill:steam heat.mo'leru conveniences. Inquire^3l Laurel liv.

MANNING'S intna A«JKNCV^Davidson Block, cor. 4th andj»eksou'

Sts.— Houses, store*. flats to rent: care of prop-erty forowners aud non-residents a specialty..

-rpHK TWIN CITYCARPKT-CLKAJ!T+X. ing Works. 182 West Fourth, corner g*>

change: telephone s^B-3. . .' ? \u25a0\u25a0" ' \u25a0 a_"'JIlon I.iirJ»:i ii ;!-o*j

AT BALI) KAdI.K LAKK—Six room ,cottages beautifully situated. . Edwin. A..

Warren. 400 Sibley at. -\u25a0

"-.' -;->-;

FOR RKNT—Cottapte at Four Lakes, seven'rooms, oivly$12."> for season: also nine-

room detached house, 1005 Burr St., $23 perntii. James & BatehamKeuting Agency,

145 East Fourth st. ;'.' "-

\u25a0*'.-' ''\u25a0" '"

Rooms.*'" : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0''''.' l'[BOTH,IJICUNSWICK. for Kentle-• men only; fifty modern steam-heated

rooms by day, week or month.'

,\u25a0 :' •

piEDAR ST.,KM—Handsomely furnishedv--' rooms. \u25a0\u25a0'_•'• •'•-\u25a0:

EIGHTH ST., 450—Large front room nice-lyfurnished; desirable location: reason-

able rent.-


EXCHANGE ST., 3SO AND 388 NORTH—Furnished rooms, en suite or single;

bath on same floor, \u25a0:'

FIFTH ST.. 110. WKST— Park—furnlshed rooms, private family. t



I^OKTST., 378—Three or five rooms for. rent; city. water and cellar. V • '."\u25a0•. •

iff ADRKI*TERRACE I'—Corner1'—Corner LaureLd and Nina Avs.—For reilt,' furnished

apartment, two rooms and bath: steam heat;

suitable formarried couple without children...Inquire 201 Laurel ay. - '\u25a0'."•'

MT. IDA ST., 445—For rent, fiveunfur-nished rooms suitable forhousekeeping. ;

MINNESOTA; ST.. 345—For rent, nicely-furnished frontrooms. "'.',... ; : .

[\/IINNESOTA ST., 540— Near Scho6lill —For rent, two or three furnishedrooms for'l'ght housekeeping. \u25a0-' :

IXTHST.. 317 EAST—Large room, two'

closets, nicely furnished, S3; gentlemen-only. \u25a0\u25a0..;\u25a0\u25a0;• .-..\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 .-- : •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0 '<"\u25a0;''

PLEASANT AY..141— Second Door From'

JL Sixth St.—Large front room and smallroom furnished.. .'.".


ROO3IS— For rent" two large rooms,: withalcove and grate; house: every

convenience and home comforts; suitablefornve'geptlemen.-' central to business, pri-vate home, d 33, Globe. '-•' ".•"\u25a0"\u25a0•• '\u25a0• ::-

ROOMS— For rent, five or seven rooms, \u25a0

corner Western and.Selby; three rooms,53.: 591 Carroll. , \u25a0

\u25a0 ...

ROOM—Furnished room; gas, use of.-. bath.. Apply37- Hotel Bartean. : ~ !


Large, furnished. second-fldoDfToirt room, eon them exposure, with

gas and closet?, for.ten weeks, within fourblocks ofMetropolitan opera house. AddressC.A. T.. Globe. ;- ---•



DOOMS—Five rooms, complete for house-XV keeping, 277 Grove st. Apply187 Grovest.

ST PETER H-T., 704—Six rooms and bath;. $20 pi».r month..

'Cieo. L.Hendrickson-i

51 East Fourth «L .."\u25a0,..."

ST. PEXE.It 5T.,634.—F0r rent, furnished.,'rooms. ';. ' ' ,".*?.' \u25a0 ;:';?!> I


Fifty modern .J. steam-heated rooms by day, week;;or

month. 78 East Seventh. Office room 40, .,Ttrirdfloor. '\u25a0•'-" \u25a0\u25a0.i-:c.----' '- • \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0

WABASHA SMB.—Corner Tenth st., Nex-t^VV. Door to Drug Store— Furnished rooms i

for rent. y. ••*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; >i--..; -iv;' . \u25a0>\u25a0:! \u25a0;

FIJTA^KJIAI '̂\u25a0' :..:'. 'T^'RM: NEWPORT & SON, INVESTI• ment Bankers, loan ,money on=im \u25a0

,troved property in..St ,P«ttl,,.at<l Minneap^ ijoiis. at t> rer,cent "on pr before." \u25a0\u25a0 Office*;;New.Pioueer Press Building, St.Paul, audReeve Building.Minneapolis. '.. ."..- -u-;cr.I

A A —LOANS on furniture, piauos. .• Jt\m horses, diamonds, watches andsealskin sacques;.' lowest rates. MinnesotaMortgage Loan. Company, Rooms 13. 14, FirstNational Bank Building,corner Fourth andJackson sts. '.; ..-.'':..'\u25a0''.'.,.

' ' ;.

A— YOU; WAiNT TO BORROW:money at a lower rate than you can

lorrow through; any, other agency? The'American Mortgage Loan Company, Room 7.


First National bank fcailnlug, corner Fourthfind Jackson will-let you hnve anjrroount, $10, J2IV- S2S,"f4P, $75. $100 ot1200— fact, any mm you onvour(.old watch, diamonds. Household furniture,'horse, buggy, piano, carriage, etc., at a lowerrate than you can possibly get it elsewhere.(.ecus can remain •in.your possession, andyou can pay a part any. time you want endflop interest. .Business private nndctifl-dential. You .ran have your own time inparing ur> princirsl. '.\u25a0


BANK STOCKS a specialty; bonds, com-1* - mercial paper, mortgages,' securitiesbought and sold. Geo. W. Jenks, InvestmentBanker, Minn.Loan &Tiust Bldg., Mpis.


BEFORE you borrow money or renewloans see The State Savings Bank, Ger--

mania Life Insurance company's building, \u25a0

corner Fourth and Minnesota sts.; this bankloans at moderate rates and charges no com-mission. .-\u25a0\u25a0!! ." . -


BORROW MONEY nt Room 4, 873 Jack-son 'St., corner Third, on furniture,

piauos. diamonds, watches, sealskin sacctues,or goods in storage; low rates and privacy;honorable treatment; private room for ladies.

BOKKOWG pel cent on vacant or im-• proved city real estate.- C. W. Young-

man. H7East Fourth st. -. •\u25a0

WHKLI.KK& UOWKLL loan money at..current rates, an Pioneer Press Bldg;

IF\OV are wanting a loan 011 your norses,furniture, watches, diamonds, or anything

ofvalue, be sure and go to the old reliable,- rsquare-dealing loan office of J. L.Strand^Room I<\ Globe Building. You can get notetter terms.' lower rates or easier return pay-ments elsewhere. Private rooms. RememberUie place.

LAROi: AMOUNTS ofmoney to loanoaXJ improved property at 5and (5 per cent.Smith. Parker _ Gilman, New YorK LifeBids. : "


MONEY TO LOANat 6. 7and & per centou vacant or improved city property.

J. W.Fallihee. 314 Pioueer Press building. "\u25a0

MONEYLOANEDon life insurance pol-icies; or bought. L.P. Van Norman,

(ilGuaranty Loan BuildiiiL*,Minneapolis. -,ONKY TO LOAN without delay, from

$10 upward, on furniture, horses, jew-elry, etc.:time checks, notes and seeoudreal estate mortgages bought. MinnesotaLoan Co., 117 East Fourth st.

- -I:y>£

-P-JR-I-V-A-T-^Money loaned ondiamonds, watches, pianos,

\u25a0 furniture or goods ivstorage at lowest rates,and small monthly return payments; notes

Iand mortgages bought; most private loan ,!rooms in the city. Ohio Investment Com-party, V.v:Globe Building; take elevator: Sm*'

\u25a0J-L ZZZ \u25a0



on St. Paul Improved and Unimproved Px6"i>;|

ertv. Moral as well as Real Estate Secaritjij\u25a0 ifOl

ANo. 1. >TOne 0f........... $7.(X» \u25a0 tSOneof ...... 4.500 . TisOneof 3.500 j #81', \u25a0*.-. One of 1.250 OSOneof «*> >.One of ......„• (>» .;


0ne0f........;... 400 y j'tli! :,;u- I C<?

E.M. &R. L.WARE, i

333 Pioneer Press Building. *j

UK UKKMAMAIiAM)company-buys, sells mortgages, loans money at

current rates. W. P.Westtall.tec.: E.J.Dar;ragh. trens. •.". and .'4 Globe Building. \u25a0"'

THKSAVINtJH HANK uf ST. I'AISL,'corner Fifthr.ml Jackson sts.,always has

money to:loutt at tV1and d per cent, ami \u25a0

charce* 11* commlssiot*:-

.<.-\u25a0.--,:. . '::


Mortagage loans made .promptly ; ii, 7 and 8 per.cent; mortgagesU night. .. -. .• . .-\u25a0\u25a0.


. P_VSO TUNKlt—Address S. B. Crutehett:L Box 492. PustoSce, SL Paul ;prlcet

Ireferences, . . . \u25a0•

.: _' ;.-.:.


... J. W. Fnlllhcc,

.' . . 314 Pioneer Press. .CI h\f\(\ BOVB three lots, (\u25a0ouilifaoing'iPL^fJ\J\J on Lafond St., ivblock 0, Syn-dicate 5. .;. .• ".. ~. .' ..

'dill ( M\nTAKKH100x150 on Foirmount1*u>\Ji\J\J \J nve., corner Victoria; Bouth-eflst-facliiß; thin is one ot the finest corners

t on the hill.'<!•£* A()(^BI3VS lots 1 and -', blotk 1«,>£'\Ji,U\J\J Summit Park, corner LincolnHud Avon;l(X»xl.V) feet: this i*opertv is

\u25a0 worth fully81. more than the price asked.

SC'-i iWJTeI sixty feet south facingr.«JPO«UUv/ on Osceola aye.. in block 11,(iSummlt "Park, east of Avon; the Improve-

nientsftoinp onin the neighDorhood are of'.\u25a0the best, and this property is "offered forless

than value: see me monthly a. m., and get a'contract. J.W. Falllhee, 314 Pioneer Press

ibuilding. \u25a0 r •

''...::.' . Suburban. ,"s^':HiUHOICKSTOCK OK UAIKYFAKM

[;-ti- forsale or rent of120 acres. 90 of which,are broken and ready for cultivation, for.sale; "located midway between the TwinCities, near the slate fair grounds; has ahalf-mile track, anice lake, cross-fenced and pad-docked, aud the entire farmis surrounded byaboard fence: tho farm tins nil• necessarybuildings in fine condition, including goodeight-room . bouse, tarn for, forty head of'horses, nice carriage and storehouse; also awindmill and ice house, as well as somechoice stock, including flue-bred horses. Ap-

_\u25a0 ply to W. L.McGrath. 14(1 East Third st.

WHITK BEAK-Two lots 40x1.~>0 feetnear Chateaugoy; best locations on

the lake. LC6, Globe."

;':..~ . .Miscellaneous* : \u25a0

FOR RENT, exchange or for sale oneasy'terms, one-acre lot and. house of sir

rooms, ou Thorn st. Inquire -0- EndicottBuilding. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0. -

FOR SALK-1 have a 'arge list ofhouses. and vacant lots tor sale on easy terms,\u25a0'nuii to trade forother property: Ihave farmsfor sale on easy terms, or for trade, ranging'in Drices from $:JJO to $3*000; a large list ofstock farms, withstock and farm machinery..in lowa. Wisconsin, Minnesota. .Tennessee,"Missouri and Indiana. 10, 15 and 20-acre'garden lots for sale or rent; houses, storesand offices to rent. 3r.'S Robert St., room 0,J. H. Muronpr. \u25a0


• .:'

LIST YOUR PROPERTY with W. H.Baker for quick sales. 522 Manhattan

;ituiMinif.St. Paul, Minn.

LOT on Front St., $725; on grade; next to-Li:house No. 334; nearly opposite Gormanschool. .420 Pioneer Press building.

HKKK LOTS "an Burgess St., 81.000;J. south-facing; street graded; between

Farrington and Western; near Gorman..school. 420 Pioneer Press.. . "*

WHEELER Sc HOWKLL.reaI estate -.listVVbargains with them; Pioneer Press Bide.


'.".' f>YE WORKS. [

FJ. ROCIIKX. N. \v. Steam Dye Works•\u25a0 office, 416 Robert st., Ryan block works,

35 and 57 Indiana ay..-\u25a0\u25a0,.;. \u25a0.---\u25a0 \u25a0 .-- -' . :

JAMISON & CO., Kew- York Steam DyeWorks; ladies' and gents' clothing a

specialty. 14 West Sixthst.-'' -

KAHLERT & MtNTKL, Minnesota: Steam Dye Works, 244 East Seventh.

THE ST. PAtX TKIST CO"I»ATVY—Offices, EndicotC Block, Fourth

street— Acts as •executor, ;admin--istrator, euardlan, -" trustee, 5as-

\u25a0 signee, receiver, etc.'


-'\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0

STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OFRamsey— ss. Praoate Court. \u25a0\u25a0

Inthe matter of tne estate of William H.\u25a0' Dixou, deceased. ;':- '-'\u25a0'\u25a0' >'•'"« Letters testamentary on the estate of Will-

iam H. Dixou. deceased; late of the county:of Ramsey and State' of Minnesota, being\u25a0granted to The St."Paul Trust Company,1 Itis ordered, that six mouths be, and the'same is hereby allowed !from and after the:date of this order, in which all persons hay-

\u25a0 ing claims or demands against the said. de-ceased are required to file the same in the:Probate Court of said' county, for examina-tion aud allowance, orbe forever barred.

1 Itis further'ordered. that the firstMondayin December. A.D. 1892, at 10 o'clock- a.m.,

\u25a0 at a general term of said Probate Court, to beheld at the Court -House in the City of St.'Paul, in said county, be.and the same hereby:is appointed as the lime and place when andwhere the said Probate L Court:will1examineand said claims and demands.'"' :'

And it;is- further ordered.' that notice of'such hearing be given 'to- all'creditors andpersons interested in said estate byforthwithpublishing this1 order |once iveach week forthree successive weeks in the St.' Paut DailyGlobe, a daily newspaper printed and pub-lished insaid county. ' . \u25a0 -'

Dated at St. Parti, tbis24th day ofMay. 1892.'By the Court: ;' • JOHN B.OLIVIER,.

: [l.s.] \u25a0'.''. '','': Judge ofProbate.. . : .

SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE UN--0 der Judgment ofForeclosure— State ofMinnesota. County of Ramsey— ss. -District

.Court. Second Judicial District.Peter Moe, Plaintiff, vs. Martin Mathison, J.

L. Korepaueh, Mary A. Forepau?h, hiswife, Otto Ross, Edward Gilsou. MaryE.

\u25a0 Howson. Nazarie.Elier,: C. L. Westlund,1 Olaves Mathison. Sevrin Olson, John Mark,.. John Nelson, John \u25a0McDonald, Otto Gey-. senheymer, Hugh Ryan. Union Lime

Company, a corporation, Alex. Patient, J.F. Fries, Andrew Hanson, C. Hanson,Charles Nelson, Robert Bowler, JamesMulverhill, Henry Peterson, Peter Jorgen-sen, F. C. Loomis, Abraham E. Nelson,

, Peter Johnson, John Olson, Peter EkDerg,• Peter •Ekberg and Charles Christopher-

son. John Heurikson; D. A. Omeyer and\u25a0 Martin P. Thori, copartners as Omeyer &

Thori;Charles Lsuerand Henry Lauer, co--5 partnersasLaner Brothers, St.Paul BricrkIManufacturing Company, a corporation;

Frederick M. Lloydand Charles E. Keller,copartners as C E. Keller & Co.; A. F.Peterson. John Steiman. Frederick Nel-son, C. W. Younzraan, Katie M. Mayer,

• Patrick M. Boyle, Charles F.Arrol,'AntoinePatient, John Kelliher, assignee of theWashington Foundry Company, and O. J.Cook, Defendants: \u25a0 ,:t. Notice is hereby given. That, under and by

virtue ofa judgment and decree entered inthe above-eutitled action on the eleventh'day of May. 1692. n certified transcript of:which has been delivered to me. I, the un-dersigned, Sheriff ofsaid Ramsey County, will

.;Fellat public auction, to the highest bidder,"j-forcash, on.Friday, the eighth day ofJuly,'1592, at ten o'clock ivthe forenoon, at thefront door. of the court bouse, on EastFourth street, in the City of St. Paul, in saidCounty, in one parcel, the premises and;real estate described in said judgment and!decree, to wit: Allthose tracts or parcels ofland lying and being in the County ofRamsey, aud State of Minnesota, descriDedas follows, to wit: Lots numbered twelve(12( and thirteen (13), in block numberedone (I), of- Lockey's Addition to St. Paul,according to the recorded plat thereof onrile and of record in the office of the Regis-ter of Deeds in and for said county, and allthe appurteuauces thereof.

EDS. BEAN,Sheriff ofSaid Ramsey County. '.

Dated May 28. W92. •>s•-\u25a0

:. Waiirbx H.Mead, Attorney for DfendantForepaugb. -r.;.--;.

Notice of Application for Liquor\u25a01 License.

City Clerk's Office. »St. Paul. Minn.. May 24, 1802. f'

To Whom itMay Concern:'Notice is hereby given that the following-

named persons have applied fora license cosell intoxicating liquors for the year A.D.

.1892. at the places and locations hereinafternamed:

Albrccht M..481 Mississippi street; Classen,Peter D.. Miltonand Randolph streets: Clas-sen, Peter D.. 818 Lawson street; Classeu.Peter D., 724 Edmond street; Tlgisaer, Joe.90 East Seventh street; IlampOgUliun, 751Payne avenue; llanitn. Theo M vff, Margaretstreet; McEvoy. Daniel. 30S -^-?ert street;Marquard, Il'., 4!>2 South WaDasha street;Norman, Jid. 2*5 Sibley street; Swanberg. E.,890 Payne avenue ;Sleeper. J. H., 3.'8 Sibleystreet.

Now. therefore, notice is further given thatthe said applications willbe heard and con-sidered by the undersigned at his office. Inthe new city hall,on the 10th day of Jane.A. D.1892, a'l 10 o'clock «. m., where all per-sons interested miy appear and will Deheard.

TIIOS-A. PRENDERGAST, CityClerk.uiay2s-jui

_'. .- .


NEW ANl>>KC?{>SlJ-HANI> SALOONfixtures, .ice l:cxcs. mirrors, pool and

billiard .lailes, i-otuilera nnd shelving. -IS\V'Mluiigi«nay. north, Minneapolis.

IS!SI \KSS (II4\*I•>.


—.A COKM;llbuilding,suitable fur ahotel,

now 01; the place: a first-cluss paying .sa-loon established nearest corner to HarrisBros.' {{oilingmills. For particulars inquire 'D.Greeubaum's place. Irondffie. 51inn. \u25a0

EUWnU LIGHT outfit (Edison). 450J-i incandescent or 45 arc; fifty horse-powerautomatic engine: complete: perfect order;cheap. Postoffice Box 182. Minneapolis.

FOX SAIiK,on account of illhealth, bestS- saloon property in thrivingcityof Min-nesota; corner lot, 5fxloO; new tire-proofbuilding;25x50, with plate elans front, elec-tric light, water worts, etc.. and two otherbuildings, rented to good tenants: cash re-quired, 82,000. balance on time. Address P0, Globe.


HA your carpets cleaned and laidat thetl Electric Carpet-Cleaning Worts, 150

West Thirdtit. ;


1* moved mygrocery store to 1110 East .Seventh St.; Iwish all my customers andothers to continue dealing withme. Kespect-fullyyours. William Defunth. \u25a0-.

T3KOF. A. I*. MORSB, PHRKXOLO:X \u25a0 gist, willgive private examinations, in-,eluding advice on health, business and mar-riage. A thoroughly scientific phrenologi-cal examination is an important event; morevalue than gold;itmake:: existence a pleas-ure and life a success; don't go to a tradeblindlyand after years find out you are nogood at it. Proofs and uses of phrenologyexplained free at the Phrenological Parlor,388 North Exchange st.

- '

PKIVATK HOSPITAL. SCHOOL OFIT Midwifery—Mrs. H. SteuzeUOS Martin sf

TO WHOM ITMAY CONCERN— Thisis tocertify that the copartnership form

erly existing between Doe and Westing-house has this day been dissolved by mutualcensent, said business to be continued 3nthe future by G.E. Westiughouse <S Co. Allbills due Doe & Westinghouse can be paid to(J. E. Westinghouse at tne old stand. F. W.Doe, ii.E. Westinghonse. .



having rooms to rent ad-dress at once, B 17, Globe. »

rTHOSE HAVISU ROOMS to spare orX"room and board for people coming toMinneapolis convention state price. Ad-drass S ii. Glotie.

/CONTRACT WORK— SEWER ON REA-V_> NEYANDOTHER STREETS-Office ofthe Board of Public Works. City of St. Paul,Minn., May 24, 1803.— Sealed bids willbe re-ceived by the Board of Public Works in and.for the corporation of the City of St. Paul,Minnesota, at their office in said city,until12 m. on the 6ih day of June, A.D. IHU2. for !constructing a sewer on Reaney street, froma point 150 feet west of Earl street to For-est street; on Cypress street, from Reaneystreet to East Seventh street, and on Fau-quier street, from Earl street to East Seventhstreet, in said city, said sewering tobe doneunder one contract, according to plans andspecifications on file in the oflice of saidBoard. . \u25a0 .'.•..,..': '•

A-bond with at least two (2) sureties, masum of at least twenty (20) per cent, or acertified check on abank of St. Paul ina sumof at least ten (10) per cent, of the grossamount bid, must accompany each bid. Saidcheck shall be made payable to the Clerk ofsaid Board. .v.

- • ••~ ;: . : \u25a0. The said Board reserves the right to rejectany and all bids. -•.-:.-\u25a0• \u25a0

\u25a0;.>-« R.L. GORMAN,President. .Official: J. T. Kekkeb,

Clerk Board ofPublic Works. ,• ;-:u may2s-10c ; > .

Notice of Application forLiquor Licenses.

. City Clerk's Office. )St. Paul. Minn., June 1, 1892. f

To Whom itMayConcern:1 Notice is hereby given that the following

named person has applied for a license tosell intoxicating liquors for the year A. D i1892. at tho places or locations hereinafter

-named: :. :

Emmert William, 2-27 West Third street.Now. therefore, notice is further given that

the said application .willbe heard and con-sidered by the -undersigned at his office inthe new City Hall on the 18th day ofJune. A.D. 1892, at 10 o'clock a. m., where all Dersousinterested may appear and willbe heard.

TIIOS. A.PRENDERGAST, City Clerk.;jun 2-10 ; ,' ;


ST. PAULfoundry Company,


A rchitectnral Iron WortFounders, Machinists, Blacksmiths andPattern Makers. Send for cuts of col-umns. Workson fc>t. P., M.&M.R. R.,near Como avenue. O {bee 212 and 213Manhattan Building, St. Paul. C M.POWER, Secretary and Treasurer.

Health Is Wealth.Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treat

ment, a guaranteed specific torllysterfc Dizziuestt. Convulsions. Fits, Nervous NeuralgiaHeadache. Nervous Prostration caused by theuse ofalcohol or tobacco, Wakef ulness, Men-tal Depression, Softening of the Brain re-sulting ininsanity and leading to misery, de-cay and death. Premature Old Age, Barren-ness, Loss of Power in either sex. Involun-tary Losses and Spermatorrhoea, caused byoveresertion of the brain, self-abuse orover-indulgence. Each, box contains one month'streatment. St a box, or six boxes for Jji,sent by

-mail prepaid. We guarantee six

boxes to cure any case. With each order forsix boxes, accompanied with $\ we send thepurchaser our written guarantee to refundthe money ititdoes not effect a cure. Gnar-aatees issued only by W. K.Collier,successorto nippier &Collier, druggists. Seventh andSiblev sts.. St. Paul, Minn,


Bgfore Takinc. rlPul-'Mn.hlb AtltrTutting.

SEXOXERVE, the (treat Turkish Remedy, curesNervous Debility,Wakefillness. VitalExhalation,Dizziness, Headache, Nervous Prostration, Losses,Lost Manhood, EvilDrcaioa, Quickness and allwasting diseases, canned by over-exertion of th«brain.self-abuse or orcr-indulsrence whichnltimate-lylead, to consumption, insanity and snioide. PutupIn-condensed form to carry inthepocket. Priceflper box. or a complete treatment of six boxeswith Written Cuarantee forIS. Sent post-paid in plain package to any address. Circularstree- In plain envelope. AddreM

International Medical Association.SAO IV~>fea—;Street, Chicago, 111

FOR sale IN"st. P.ITTL.JfiXJT.,btr-".Uisett*--. Cftr. WWMStai »\u25a0•( .'\u2666\u25a0- «•\u2666*

sCls^zy^*. We send tab marvelous FrenchA*lK?£s* lieraedy CALTHOS free andfyfnfCm W V a guarantee that Caithoß willWf'J&r \u25a0mm 1STOP DlMharsa mod bMw,f^Hz~ZZ£~

We»end tho marvelous Frenchm _f# liomedy CALTHOS fres. and_ PI \vgawMtee that Cai.thos will

-«. 1STOP DUrbars« and Eafcshuu,,-^F fCITKKSMnutorrhn, Ywieoeele

WMkland BEST Lost VICor.

V.™At ._2f - Use itandpay satisfied.X. \WT Addna, YONMOHL.CO^-~zLJ 8«i» *\u25a0\u25a0!—\u25a0 At—fc.fi»««»»_, a

DRUNKENNESSOr tin-Liquor Habit. Positively Cared

by administer! nar Dr. lluiiios' - .Ctoideit Speclflc

It isnuanCactnred ass powder, which can begiven in>class of beer, a cup of coffee or tea, orin food,withoutthe knowledge of the patient. Itisabsolutely harmless, and willeffect a perma-nent and speedy cm whether the patient is amoderate drinker or an alcoholic wreak. Ithasbeen Riven in thousands of cases, and in everyinstance a perfect cure has followed. ItneverFall*. 48-page Book free. To be had of \u25a0

:_& W. A. MUSSETTEK. 3rd St Wabasha St.

Trade supplied by leOTBS BROS. St CUTLER,and RYANDRUG CO.. ST. PAUL. .* ,-,GOljDEXSPKCllWrO.rropi.Cißcinaatl.Ok

II\u25a0 WHirirlNaltb. B««.b«tr po».r u


HHOI,|.iin«kin.DruircisU, 50c,or London Supply Co.UllnISS B—.dwsy. New Vo»k. IhlrBonk KRIK.i_iiHealth sold at Mussetter's, Wabasha stree

. \u25a0 .V'BOAKI) OFFFBED.


Elegant rooms, excellenttable, modern conveniences, prices mod-

erate. TC>O Wubttslia.

BOARD—Pleasant furnished room* with'board; second door from cubic cars.

177 Pleasant ay. -.\u25a0

*~ : '..


rent, furnished room withX> board, at 210 East Ninth at.


BOARD—First-claw board by the day orweek at 256 Dayton ay., near Selby cable.

BOARD—To rent, with board, nicely fur-nished rooms; one suite: furunce heat,

bath: table lirst-clas<<. 21 East College ay.

BOARD—Nice, large front room, furnishedsuitable for married couple or two gen-

tlemen: also pleasant side room with first-cUbs board; private family; good location.

\u25a0 11)1 Fourteen ht,

BOARD—Nicely famished rooms, with.good board ;also table board. 48 Col-

lege ay.. west. \u25a0

BOARD—Parties livingnear College andSixth st. will find good day board at

"The Miner," IG2College ay. \u25a0-.-\u25a0\u25a0 --> -'

ST. DENNIS HOTEL;J. F.MaloDey, pro-prietor; 418 and 42o Minnesota St.; best

dollar -a day house in the city.

MINER"has removed to the four--l story apartment house on the corner

of college ay. and Sixth St.; the rooms arcnewly decorated and furnished, and have all,modern conveniences; table board furnished.Ib2College ay.


189^ Eighth. Be-X tween Jackson and Sibley— Furnishedrooms, with board. $4.50 and 55 per week;table board, transients. SIper day.


The followingdeeds were recorded yester-day: .::,-,

Thomas J Morrow to Margaret Worth-ington. It23. bit 3. East Lawn add....SLOOO

Thomas J Morrow to Margaret Worth-ington,It 5, etc. blk 77, Remington'sSecond add .. „ 3.G00

Thomas J Morrow to Margaret Worth-' ington. It5. blk 3, Chaunell's Secondadd,. 2,500

Thomas J Morrow to Margaret Worth-ington, It25. blk 3.Swan's Second add 630

Orriii C Meeken to L H Everts, It a,Meeker's out lots to Ex 900

Maria Lacy to Andrew J Grinneil. part .ofUs 9 "and 10. blk 14, Bottineau'sSecondadd 3,500

J IIDavis to Emma R Dunbar, It10, blk2. Excelsior add 1,500

Emma IiDunbar toJ IIDavis, It14. blk4. Boulevard add 4,000

Northwestern Cement &Concrete Pave- ,arment Co. to J C Wahlen, It H.blk 5, .**Minnehaha Falls Thirdadd..... 1,000

AnnaC Timperley to &B Johnson, lt12, :blk 4, McMillan's add ;: 1,800

Katie A Smith to Twin City Lime & :•'Cement Co. part It13; bile 7, Cole &

Week's rearr 2,300P C Deming to Permelia Hogle. It 7,

Deming's Polk St rearr 2,800P C Deming to Mary A Palmer, It 8,

Deming's Polk St rearr ....... . 2,50!)O MFisher to O W Bergholtz. It7, blk. 1. Williams' add 750Anna .r.kstrom to Charles J Tunberg,

part It17. blk 4, Foster's add 3,500Charles H House to Sidney J stebbins,'

part It6,"blk 5, Crim's Second add 4,010West Minneapolis Land company to

HF Hass. It31,blk 20,, West Minne-apolis Center \u25a0. 400

Total, seventeen deed 3838,650

DR. FELLER,180 East Seventh St., St. Paul, Minn.

.38 Washington Ay. south, Minneapolis.

Speedily cures all private, nervous, chronicend blood and skin diseases of both sexes,without the use of mercury or hindrancefrom business. NO CUBE, NO PAY. Pri-vate diseases, and all old. lingering cases, .where the blood has become poisoned, cans-ingulcers, blotches, sore throat and mouth,pains in the head and bones, and alldiseasesof the kidneys aud bladder, are cared forlife.. Men ofall ages who are suffering fromthe result of youthful indiscretion or ex- \u25a0

cesses of mature years, producing nervous- 1ness, indigestion, constipation, loss of mem-ory, etc., are thoroughly and •permanently .cured. :•: .. .

Dr.Feller, who has had many years of ex-perience in this specialty, is a graduate fromone of the leading medical colleges of thecountry. He has never failed in jcuring anycases that has undertaken. Cases smdcorrespondence sacredly confidential. Callor write for list ofquestions. Medicines sentby mailand express everywhere free from'risk ana exposure. . '



LATEST PATENTS jllliillw™ttWnfejBEST iSHg? HMK™


Willcore withoutmedicine allWeakness retnltlng fromorortaxation of brain,nerve fore**, excesses or indiscre-tion \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0! sexual exhaustion, drains, tastes, nervousdebil-ity,sleeplessness, languor, rheumatism, kidnej. liver «ndbladder complaints lame back, lumbago, sciatica, generalill-health,etc Tail electric belt contains Wonderful Im-nvoTenirnts over all others, and gives a current that isinstantly feltby «be wearer or we forfeit $5,808.00, aadnil!cure allof the above diseases or no nay. Thousands

-nave been cored by this marvelous invention after all.others have failed and we give hundreds of testimonials •teos?£w^^S3Tl!«Cn,K! grSPESSORT kit.:greatest boon ever offered weak men; FBEE WITH ALLBELTS. H«lta and VUornu* Btremrtb SVAHAXTEEDIa--60 to90 DAYS. Send for iarge illustrated pamphleta,sealed.free by mail. Address


sj_w~»_Ji«r j~x.~fictricc*^Corner Thirdstreet and Secondavenue south or

opposite Guaranty Loan, Minneapolis, Minn.



NEW ENGLAND SHOE CO.133, 135 andl37 East Seventh §t

\u25a0 Iff I \u25a0\u25a0 INSTANT BEIfiinflil/SUIonv 111 cure in

IfUtillIflUllturns. Iwillsend(sealed) CDEC to my felloe sufferers a pro-criptionTnLL to enlarge small, weak orpans. A sure cure for Emissions, Lost Man-hood, Nervous Debility. Varicocele. etc. Address, with stamp, L.S.Franklin, MusicDealer, Earshali, Mich.

A., T. &S. F. R.R.Run through Pullman Palace and TouristCars daily from Chicago and Kansas Ciiy toCalifornia; also through Pullman Cars dailytoDenver. Salt Lake City, Ogden, FortWorthand Gaireston, Tex.

For rate% and further information apply toP. W. Connor, General Agent, 515 GuarantyBuilding:Minneapolis, Miiun. ,

Clileazo, .if!Iwank* 0 A:St. Pant «. Trailjinaveat. Paul Union Depot as Tallows: Voc.Winonu, L*Crowe, Milwaukee, Chicaco, B, 7:Jjwm.;A,2:*sp.m. :A,«:55 p.m.; A,Bp.m.,Mason City,St. Louis. KanShg City. A,8:15 a. m,; C, 7:15 pw m.Dubuqire *Rock Island, B, 7:35a, m.:C,7:13 p. m.Aberdeen, Mitchell, A,6:15 p. m. Oalmar, Daven-port, B,»:15 a. m. Austin A Way. A. B:X5a. m.;.\,4:25 p.m.; C. 7:15 o m. Aberdeen* Way, B.B:<W*m.;Bed Wing A KocUester. B, 7:35 a.m: 8,2:46p.m.

Ameans dally; B,ex.Sunday, C ex.Saturdaylor.urthcria ormation see Company's timeTicket Office* ITS K«st TtiintSt ant UnionDap*.

r^hicago, St. Paul &K.City Ry. trains leavevjuniondepot Trjsa. m.ex. Sunday, 7:3) p.m. caily;air? Uis a. m..daily,10:4Uu.m.exdua

Alien miles.liavunngfi &Johnson, Auction-... eers.

FINKFURNiTUKK,CAKPKT.S. KtKiS,etc.. at Auction— We willsell at public

*auction at the residence No._6 East TenthSt., on Thursday.' June 2, at I1) a. m.. .ill thefine furniture continued in the house, con-sisting of an elegant parlor suit, easy rock-ers, cane chair.!-;, sofas, chiffonier, centertables, three -tine bedroom suits, librarytable.ex. table and dining room chair.«,dishesand glassware! silver tableware, lace andchenille curtains, portieres. pillows.blankets,sheets, comfortables, etc.. all the bodyBrussels, ingrain carpets, rugs, etc.: this fur-niture almost as good as new; parties insearch of bargains in household goods can-notult'nrd to miss 11bis sale. Kavanagb &Johnson, Auctioneers, 186, 188, I'M EastSixth we. . :-:.

Galenic Medical institute\u25a0 67 E. Third St.;, St. Paul, Minn.

• Established iv-

18GI>£'s|§3='§«aßy fur (he cure of private.

83!7\ m̂>k^W2k. nervous and chronic«K?^Sf__iJ& v_& diseases, including&&%*!/=:=: reel Sperniato rrhoe a. orBnMHuS ' Seminal .Weakness,tt^gfi^^SSlSagaf Nervous Debility, Ini-'-^—fiSls^'W potency.Syphi'is". Gon-

-2sf%^o^Ve£y oriboea. Gleet, Strict-\u25a0 _sw?S£s!S'«S_»> ure. Varicocele.llyUro-

-4BmJsa&B&sEffl» rele. Diseases of \Vom-en, etc.CQ« itw&tfaEß« The physicians of

w V the old aiid Reliable, -

Institute speciallytreat all the above diseases— are regular gradnates— and guarantee a cure inererycaseundertaken, and may be consulted person-allyor byletter.

Sufferers from any of these ailments, be-fore consulting others, should understandtheir diseases and the J-uest improved treat-ment adopted at oar institute byreading ourbooks. . ,

The Secret Monitor and Guide to Health,a private Medical Treatise on the above dis-eases, witn the Anatomy and Physiology ofthe Sexual System in lieaith and Disease,,containing nearly 300 pages, and numerousillustrations, sent to any address on receiptof reduced price, only Twenty Cents.or valueinoneor two-cent sumps.

Pamphlet and chart of questions for statingcase sent free . '

Ail business strictly confidential. Officehours, 8 a. in. to 5:30 p.m.- Sundays ex*cepted.'

Address letters thus:. GATJETVIC INSTITUTE,

St. Paul, lliim

HAMBURG -.AMERICAN PACKET CO.,Express Service to Southampton

(London) and Hamburg;"''Magnificent new twin screw steamers of

13-16,000 h. p. This line holds the recordfor fastest time to. London and the Conti-nent. Spring sailings: .-.- .---. •\u25a0Columbia, May 2G. 7 a. m.: F. Bismarck,June -,11 v- ru.; A.Victoria, June 9, 1a. m.Normannia, June 16, 10 a. in.:Columbia,June '23,' 4p. m.;F.Bismarck, June 30. ivp.m.;A.Victoria. July 7.6 a. m.:Norman-nia, July 14.9 a.m.: Columbia, July 21, 3a. m- W. Bismarck, July 23. 9a. m.H oibnrg-Amerlcau I*acl£etCo.,

37 Broadway, jGeneral Pass- 1125 LaSalleStKEW YORK.1 age Offices: <f CHICAGO.: ;\u25a0\u25a0

\u25a0'- Germania -Bank, St. Paul.• Bank of Minneapolis.


J. N.POTTGEISERTicket Agent for allOcean Steamship Lines,

291 Jackson Street, St. Paul, Minn. :.--

ALWAYS ON TIME.Ticket Offices—ls3 East Third street, St.

Pan! ;13 Sicollet Honse Block,Minneapolis,and Union Depots in St. Paul. Minneapolisand Stiilwatef. (*Daily. tJSxeept SundaysJExcept Monday. sSunday only. dExceptSaturday.!

*,\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0

.;.- ;;;c.''••.-'! \u25a0"• \u25a0. Leave-

.Arrive.Through Trains.

- _St.Paul. SLPanL.

Chicago "Daylight"Ex.! *7£&a.m fO :55 p mChicago Local Express. +s:lspm *1:00 p mChicago VestibuleLim'd! *8:05 pm t7 :2snmWest Superior } /r9:3sam to:00pm

andDuluth f *10:40pm •6:50 amAshland, Hurley .... I! +935am *sK»pia

Bayfleld&Washburn i1*10:25 Dm *6^50 am&Kansas Cityi *7dsam t7:d">a m

Omaha &Kansai City.. *7:55 pn *7:asamSioux City Local *7aspm -r6:s2pmPipestone &Sioux Falls. +7 £3 am +B:s3pmSbakopee &Mankato. .. t-i:CO pm tl'):lOa mTraey.Waftown&Pierre d7:;»5 r>m t7:T»am

Great Northern Railway Linef»tr flffiree IB East Third St.. St.Paul;UIJ UlliWo 300 KicolletAv.,Minneapolis;and fnion depots in both cities.

St. Paul Union Depot. . arrive

V,-,-. fWillroar.Morris,Brown's) |,.„„b3.-05a.rn. Valley and Brcckinridge/ j 3̂9 P- m<1)6:30a.m. For. Falls.Farso iG.ForEf, !>fi:lo p. m.b3.-30p.rn. Osseo.CleamrsterA StCloud. hll:">5a. in,

I.S:3op.ra. Anoka. St. Cloud iiWillmar. \u25a0 b10:55 .-». m.l)3:3Gi>.m. Excelsior and Kutchinso:i... bll9Sa.nl.

[WiUmnr, fSionx • City. ]'!Sioux Fiills.dWatcrtoirn. I!

3.. :". IdHuron.Wnhpeton, cAb- | Ia6:3op.m. -! erdeon, cEllendale. JFar- )\u25a0 ra7:l3 a. Ny

!go, bCasselton, Grafton, | i ''IWinnipeg and Pacific! :.'•I.Coast. -'(:\u25a0) \u25a0;:'

-...({Anoka, St. Clond, Saukt <\u25a0%


iCenter, Fergus Fall?,Farif i"-- •a7:4Op.m. -( co, Crookston, G. Forks, M.1&55 a, m.

Ui-eat Falls. Helena^ I j /:---" '' LBatte and Pacific Coast.~ I ;.r.,' Eastern 51inneeota. 1



(Dulotli, W. Superior, Elk)I,blU)sp.m. -}River, Stilaca, Hinckley,Hb7:oO p. m.

I(Princeton,' Anoka. *->.)}ft. daily;b, except Sundays; c, Monday, Wednes-

day and Friday; d,Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs-day.

*Buffet parlor cars on trains to Dniuth and

West Superior; fßnffct.sleepers, joining carspalace sleepers and free colonist sleeping cars.


ToFarzo, Helena, Bult»andilia I'aclllc .V«rtUwo«t.

' ..—— _____1 St. PauL"Dining Cars on Winnipeg an _\u25a0

Pacific Coast Trains. _| Lv. Ar.Pacific Express, daily for Fargo. I « ~T~

Jamestown. Livingston, Buite, \u25a0 •Helena, Missoula, Spokane, Se-attle, Tacoma, Olympia and 1 0:00 12:13Portland a.m. pox

Pacific Mail, daily, for Fargo, Bis-marck, Livingston. Bozeman. •Helena, liutte, Missoula. Spo-kane, Tacoma, Seattle, Olympial 4-15 G:"K)and Portland.; p.m. p.m.

Brainerd Local, daily except Sun-days, for Anoka, St. Cloud, Lit- 5:35 10:31* tie*Falls and Brainerd p.m. turn.

Dakota and Manitoba Express,daily, for Fergus Falls, Wahpe- ytoo, Grand Forks, Gratton, Win-nipeg. Moorhead, Fargo and 5:00 7:IVJamestown. p.m. inn.Dakota Expresi dees iiot run west o. Fur,'.) oa

Sunday.Pullman Sleepers dally between 8t P.\nl ml

Grand ton, Winnipeg,Fer(;u3FaUs,Wah-peton andFargo. Pullman rat-Cuss anil Tour-istSleepers »nd Free Colonist Sleepers aroruaii*through Pacific Coast Trains,

-(iX,STOVE. «JUr

Ticket Agent, 162 East ThirdStreet. St. I'.v.il. (i.F, McSKILL,City Ticket Ageat.l9 Nicollet Hoa«Block. Minneapolis Minn. \u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0

'WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES.Through Fast Trains for Chicago, Milwaukeeand Intermediate points leave Minneapolis12:45 p.m.;6:25 p.m. St. Paul, 1:30 p.m.;7:15 p. m. Arrive St. PauL B:3u a. m.;3:45p. m. Minneapolis, i>:ls a. m.. 4:15 p. m.

Minneapolis, St.Paul &Sault Ste. Marießjf„ CITY »MplI«. Guaranty Bids,TICKET OFFICES \;St. Paul, 185 E 3dat

>t^. M'tl-BoßtonEx'*StPaul(A)9:»lpm; M'tl-Bostois:xlvMpls(A)

9*Ktsli:3ipm: Wisconsin Div.lvMpls[jWg>AZM(B> 8a m;Minn. Div. lvMinna-\u25a0 JffffgHapolis (B) 8:40 am; (B) 5:2."> p.0_ll«l_iZn;St. Croix Fallsac. lvStPaul

fßf&^^A,daily fromUnion station :Hexcept Sunday from Union sU-

lon;C, except Sunday, from. Broadway starsen, St. PauL . ;

Chicago, Burlington &Northern Railroii .Leaves for Chicago, St. Louis and '.down-

river points, 7:50 a. m.;arrives from samapoints, 6:10 p. m. daily,except Sunday. •

leaves for. Chicago and St. Louis, 7:30 p.m.;arrives fromsame points. 7:35 a. m. dail/