ST COLMAN WITH ST PAUL Parish Priest: Fr Innaiah Maddineni, Hannah Charloe Carpenter (Parish Secretary) The Presbytery, St. Colman`s Avenue, Portsmouth PO6 2JJ, Tel: 02392376151 ,E-mail: [email protected] www.stcolmanandstpaul.org.uk St. Paul's Primary School, Bourne Road, Portsmouth PO6 4JD, Tel: 023 9237 5488 | Email: [email protected] October 2019 In October 2019, Pope Francis calls us all to renew our missionary commitment through a special month of prayer and acon. The following prayers have been inspired by the EMM2019 aims: 1. To encourage Cath- olics into a deeper rela- onship with Jesus through prayer. 2. To look to, and learn from, the acons and sacrific- es of our saints, martyrs and living mission- aries. 3. To financially support overseas mission, through Missio. 4. To rediscover and renew our understanding of overseas mission (missio ad gentes). 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 29.09.19 Sat 28th Sep Mass at 9.15am at St. Colmans Mary & Dave Miller RIP Sat 28th Sep Mass at 6pm at St. Colman`s Peter Sellers R.I.P Sun 29th Mass St. Colman`s 9.15am Stan Wright R.I.P Mass St. Paul`s 11am Private Intenons Mass QA 4pm Private Intenons Mon 30th Mass at St. Colman`s 9.15am St Jerome, Priest, Doctor of the Church, Tue 1st Oct Word & Communion at St. Colman`s 9.15am Beginning of Extra Ordinary Month 1.10.19 St Teresa of the Child Jesus, Religious, Doctor of the Church, memorial Wed 2nd Word & Communion at St. Colman`s 9.15am The Holy Guardian Angels, memorial Thu 3rd Word & Communion at St. Col- man`s 9.15am Fri 4th Mass & Holy Hour 6.30pm Hymns Sunday 29th September 2019 Entrance: 476 Morning has broken Offertory: 644 Tell out my soul Comm: 182 Breathe on me, breath of God 628 Soul of my Saviour Rece: 448 Lord Jesus , think on me PARISH PILGRIMAGE TRIP: There will be a Parish trip to the Friars in Aylesford on Saturday 19th October. A coach has been arranged and will cost £15 per person and children are also welcome, payment will be ar- ranged nearer the me. It is a beauful Monastery to visit and a lovely opportunity for all to come together for a great day out. If you would like to come please sign up on the sheet in the Church porch, or for more details please speak to Tony or Paula. Further details can also be found on the following website at www.thefriars.org.uk/Informaon PARISH MEAL at ST. PAULS: The Parish lunch at St. Pauls is this Sunday, aſter the 11am Mass. We are going to combine our parish meal with a McMillan coffee ses- sion and lunch will be an early aſternoon tea. Even if you cant stay for lunch, please have a coffee/tea and a piece of cake and put a few pennies in the box. Any contribu- ons of cake (Home made or bought), sandwiches etc. would be very gratefully received. All goes to the work of McMillan. LITURGY MEETING will be for: St. Colmans and St. Pauls Liturgy meeng will be held at St. Colmans Hall on Wednesday 9th October 7.30pm. All are Welcome. PARISH QUIZ: There will be a Parish quiz at St. Colman s in the Hall on Saturday 5th October, 7pm. Tickets will be on sale at the back of the Church aſter Mass. £3 per per- son or £10 for a family of four. ALTER SERVERS PRACTICE: There will be an alter serv- ers pracce at St. Pauls on Saturday 5th October 10am. All alter servers are encouraged to aend and new serv- ers are welcome. HOLY HOUR: To enable you to parcipate in the ex- traordinary month of mission, we have organised Holy Mass with Holy hour every Friday throughout October, 6.30pm-8pm at St. Colmans. Please make every effort to join us. TASTE OF THE WORLD: Saturday 26th October. An opportunity to experience the food, music and customs of the different naonalies and cul- tures in our Parish. Everyone is asked to bring a small dish of your naonal food, for everyone to taste, some music from your country and wear your naonal costume. Give your name and tel number or email to Paula, Sue or Peter Galvin from the JAG group. We will let you know all the arrangements. Free for those who bring food. £3 for all others. SARA ENDERSBY: Please keep Sarah Endersby in your prayers . Sarah`s fu- neral is on Friday 27th Sep at 4pm at Oaks Crematorium. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK : Please pray for the sick in our Parish- Theresa Kelleher, Frances ODonnell, Judy and Peter Dibley, Angela Day, Rosemary Fitzgerald, May Tracey, Nora Bryant, Verena Wright, and Chris Overy, Helen Townsend, John De Basa and Chrisne Pero. Welcome: Are you New to the Area/St. Colman`s or St. Paul's? Please relax and feel at Home. Please meet Fr.Innaiah or Greeters and we will be more than hap- py to welcome you into our community. Please take a sign up sheet with you. Once completed please hand over per- sonally to Fr.Innaiah, Office ,Paula Medd ,Malcolm only. 19 th October 2019 – Day for Catechists and Childrens Liturgy Leaders – Portsmouth Cathedral, 10am to 4pm :The Dominican Sisters and the Formation for Mission team invite eve- ryone engaged in passing on the faith to children, young people and adults to Portsmouth Cathedral on Saturday 19 th October for a day of thanksgiving, celebration and formation where we will discover ways to share our faith in Je- sus Christ as his witnesses within our ministries. The day will be led by Fr Mark Hogan, and Mass will be cele- brated in thanksgiving for all diocesan catechists. Lunch will be provid- ed.Register online: http:// www.portsmouthdiocese.org.uk/ catechists or phone the Dominican Sis- ters to book a place: 01590 681874 EXTRA ORDINARY MONTH OF MISSION OCTOBER 2019 :As you have already heard from Our Bishop Philip, Holy Father Pope Francis declared October 2019 ,being the Extra Ordi- nary Month of Mission (EMM) to commemorate Pope Benedict XV`s apostolic letter Maximum il- lud issued on 30 November 1919 and this has the aim of fostering an increased awareness of the Missio ad Gentes and taking up again with renewed fervor the missionary transformation of the church`s life and pas- toral activity, and to help their communities grow in missionary and evangeliz- ing zeal.As an act of Solidarity with whole Church, on Mission Sunday, 20th October 2019, 2pm Bishop Philip invites you to join him to cele- brate Mission Sunday Mass at St. John`s Cathe- dral, Portsmouth. followed by Refreshments. Further Contact : Fr.Innaiah Maddineni , Diocesan Director, Mis- sio , Tel:023 9237 6151 , [email protected]

ST OLMAN WITH ST PAUL · Sun 29th Mass St. olman`s 9.15am Stan Wright R.I.P Mass St. Paul`s 11am Private Intentions Mass QA 4pm Private Intentions Mon 30th Mass at St. olman`s 9.15am

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Page 1: ST OLMAN WITH ST PAUL · Sun 29th Mass St. olman`s 9.15am Stan Wright R.I.P Mass St. Paul`s 11am Private Intentions Mass QA 4pm Private Intentions Mon 30th Mass at St. olman`s 9.15am

ST COLMAN WITH ST PAUL Parish Priest: Fr Innaiah Maddineni, Hannah Charlotte Carpenter (Parish Secretary) The Presbytery, St. Colman`s Avenue, Portsmouth PO6 2JJ, Tel: 02392376151 ,E-mail: [email protected] www.stcolmanandstpaul.org.uk St. Paul's Primary School, Bourne Road,

Portsmouth PO6 4JD, Tel: 023 9237 5488 | Email: [email protected] October 2019

In October 2019, Pope Francis calls us all to

renew our missionary commitment through a special month of prayer and action. The following prayers have been inspired by the EMM2019 aims: 1. To encourage Cath-olics into a deeper rela-tionship with Jesus through prayer. 2. To look to, and learn from, the actions and sacrific-es of our saints, martyrs and living mission-aries. 3. To financially support overseas mission, through Missio. 4. To rediscover and renew our understanding of overseas mission (missio ad gentes).

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 29.09.19 Sat 28th Sep Mass at 9.15am at St.

Colman’s Mary & Dave Miller RIP

Sat 28th Sep Mass at 6pm at St. Colman`s Peter Sellers R.I.P

Sun 29th Mass St. Colman`s 9.15am Stan Wright R.I.P

Mass St. Paul`s 11am Private Intentions Mass QA 4pm

Private Intentions Mon 30th Mass at St. Colman`s 9.15am St Jerome, Priest, Doctor of the Church, Tue 1st Oct Word & Communion at St.

Colman`s 9.15am Beginning of Extra Ordinary Month

1.10.19 St Teresa of the Child Jesus, Religious,

Doctor of the Church, memorial Wed 2nd Word & Communion at St.

Colman`s 9.15am The Holy Guardian Angels, memorial

Thu 3rd Word & Communion at St. Col-man`s 9.15am

Fri 4th Mass & Holy Hour 6.30pm

Hymns Sunday 29th September 2019

Entrance: 476 Morning has broken

Offertory: 644 Tell out my soul

Comm: 182 Breathe on me, breath of God

628 Soul of my Saviour

Rece: 448 Lord Jesus , think on me

PARISH PILGRIMAGE TRIP: There will be a Parish trip to the Friars in Aylesford on Saturday 19th October. A coach has been arranged and will cost £15 per person and children are also welcome, payment will be ar-ranged nearer the time. It is a beautiful Monastery to visit and a lovely opportunity for all to come together for a great day out. If you would like to come please sign up on the sheet in the Church porch, or for more details please speak to Tony or Paula. Further details can also be found on the following website at www.thefriars.org.uk/Information

PARISH MEAL at ST. PAUL’S: The Parish lunch at St. Paul’s is this Sunday, after the 11am Mass. We are going to combine our parish meal with a McMillan coffee ses-sion and lunch will be an early afternoon tea. Even if you can’t stay for lunch, please have a coffee/tea and a piece of cake and put a few pennies in the box. Any contribu-tions of cake (Home made or bought), sandwiches etc. would be very gratefully received. All goes to the work of McMillan.

LITURGY MEETING will be for: St. Colman’s and St. Paul’s Liturgy meeting will be held at St. Colman’s Hall on Wednesday 9th October 7.30pm. All are Welcome.

PARISH QUIZ: There will be a Parish quiz at St. Colman’s in the Hall on Saturday 5th October, 7pm. Tickets will be on sale at the back of the Church after Mass. £3 per per-son or £10 for a family of four.

ALTER SERVERS PRACTICE: There will be an alter serv-ers practice at St. Paul’s on Saturday 5th October 10am. All alter servers are encouraged to attend and new serv-ers are welcome.

HOLY HOUR: To enable you to participate in the ex-

traordinary month of mission, we have organised Holy

Mass with Holy hour every Friday throughout October,

6.30pm-8pm at St. Colman’s. Please make every effort to

join us.

TASTE OF THE WORLD: Saturday 26th October. An opportunity to experience the food, music and customs of the different nationalities and cul-tures in our Parish. Everyone is asked to bring a small dish of your national food, for everyone to taste, some music from your country and wear your national costume. Give your name and tel number or email to Paula, Sue or Peter Galvin from the JAG group. We will let you know all the arrangements. Free for those who bring food. £3 for all others.

SARA ENDERSBY: Please keep Sarah Endersby in your prayers . Sarah`s fu-neral is on Friday 27th Sep at 4pm at Oaks Crematorium.

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK : Please pray for the sick in our Parish- Theresa Kelleher, Frances O’Donnell, Judy and Peter Dibley, Angela Day, Rosemary Fitzgerald, May Tracey, Nora Bryant, Verena Wright, and Chris Overy, Helen Townsend, John De Battisa and Christine Peroti.

Welcome: Are you New to the Area/St. Colman`s or St. Paul's? Please relax and feel at Home. Please meet Fr.Innaiah or Greeters and we will be more than hap-py to welcome you into our community. Please take a sign up sheet with you. Once completed please hand over per-sonally to Fr.Innaiah, Office ,Paula Medd ,Malcolm only.

19th October 2019 – Day for Catechists

and Children’s Liturgy Leaders – Portsmouth Cathedral, 10am to 4pm :The Dominican Sisters and the Formation for Mission team invite eve-ryone engaged in passing on the faith to children, young people and adults to Portsmouth Cathedral on Saturday

19th October for a day of thanksgiving, celebration and formation where we will discover ways to share our faith in Je-sus Christ as his witnesses within our ministries. The day will be led by Fr Mark Hogan, and Mass will be cele-brated in thanksgiving for all diocesan catechists. Lunch will be provid-ed.Register online: http://www.portsmouthdiocese.org.uk/catechists or phone the Dominican Sis-ters to book a place: 01590 681874

EXTRA ORDINARY MONTH OF MISSION OCTOBER 2019 :As you have already heard from Our Bishop Philip, Holy Father Pope Francis declared October 2019 ,being the Extra Ordi-nary Month of Mission (EMM) to commemorate Pope Benedict XV`s apostolic letter Maximum il-lud issued on 30 November 1919 and this has “ the aim of fostering an increased awareness of the Missio ad Gentes and taking up again with renewed fervor the missionary transformation of the church`s life and pas-toral activity, and to help their communities grow in missionary and evangeliz-ing zeal.” As an act of Solidarity with whole Church, on Mission Sunday, 20th October 2019, 2pm Bishop Philip invites you to join him to cele-brate Mission Sunday Mass at St. John`s Cathe-dral, Portsmouth. followed by Refreshments. Further Contact : Fr.Innaiah Maddineni , Diocesan Director, Mis-

sio , Tel:023 9237 6151 , [email protected]