ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH22 hours ago  · (Tang Soo Do, 4th dan). 14 THERE WILL BE TWO information gathering meetings for youth and their parents who are interested in attending

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Page 1: ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH22 hours ago  · (Tang Soo Do, 4th dan). 14 THERE WILL BE TWO information gathering meetings for youth and their parents who are interested in attending
Page 2: ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH22 hours ago  · (Tang Soo Do, 4th dan). 14 THERE WILL BE TWO information gathering meetings for youth and their parents who are interested in attending


ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH Church Office: 717-637-7101

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, August 8, 2021 @ 10:45 a.m.

WELCOME! ARE YOU NEW? We are a group of people gathered together to make a difference. We seek to make a difference in ourselves, in our neighborhoods, and in our world. We are thankful that you are here today. Check out our website at www.stmattlutheran.org, where you can find out more about us and get connected into our community.

Please tear off and put in the offering basket as you leave: Names of everyone attending Sunday, August 8, 2021, at 10:45 a.m.: ________________________________________________________________ Would you like to be added to our email list? Please list your name and email address: ________________________________________________________________

Would you like to be contacted by a pastor? Please list phone number: ____________________________________________

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1. Vaccinated people no longer need masks.

2. We ask those who are not vaccinated to wear masks. We remind everyone that children cannot be vaccinated and we want to make our gatherings safe for them.

3. We continue the current procedures for communion and offerings through the summer. A waste basket for the communion cups and napkins is placed at the exits.

4. We continue to distance people by separating chairs and marking pews to be used.

5. Offering plates will not be passed. There is a basket at the door.

+ Celebrating God’s Love - Serving in Jesus’ Name +

PRELUDE Day by Day Ahnfelt/Larson (Diane Hoffman-Neail, Violinist)



Assisting Minister: Blessed be the holy Trinity, one God, full of compassion and mercy, abounding in steadfast love. All: Amen. Assisting Minister: Trusting God’s promise of forgiveness, let us confess our sins against God and one another. Silence is kept for reflection.

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Assisting Minister: Eternal God our creator,

All: in you we live and move and have our being. Look upon us, your children, the work of your hands. Forgive us all our offenses, and cleanse us from proud thoughts and empty desires. By your grace draw us near to you, our refuge and our strength; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Assisting Minister: Since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit given to us. In the mercy of almighty God, Christ died for us while we still were sinners; and for his sake, God forgives you all your sins. All: Amen. OPENING HYMN ................................ O Living Bread from Heaven – Rist/Wesley

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Pastor: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. All: And also with you. HYMN OF PRAISE Holy God, We Praise Your Name

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Pastor: Gracious God, your blessed Son came down from heaven to be the true bread that gives life to the world. Give us this bread always, that he may live in us and we in him, and that, strengthened by this food, we may live as his body in the world, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

All: Amen. FIRST READING: 1 Kings 19:4-8 First Kings chapter 18 describes the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal. The contest proves that the LORD is God, and afterward Elijah orders the killing of the Baal prophets. Angered by the deaths of her prophets, Queen Jezebel threatens to kill Elijah. This reading finds Elijah fleeing, fatigued, and in utter despair. Pastor: The word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION

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Pastor: The Holy Gospel according to John, the 6th chapter. All: Glory to you, O Lord. HOLY GOSPEL: John 6:35, 41-51 After feeding more than five thousand people in the wilderness, Jesus teaches them regarding the true significance of this remarkable sign. Pastor: The Gospel of our Lord. All: Praise to you, O Christ. THE MESSAGE Pastor Christopher Suehr MUSICAL OFFERING Spirit of God Atkinson/Larson (Diane Hoffman-Neail, Violinist)


Assisting Minister: Let us confess our faith with the words of the Apostles’ Creed. All: I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church,

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the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. ASSISTING MINISTER: PRAYERS

Each petition concludes, “God, in your mercy,” and the congregation responds, “hear our prayer.”

PEACE Assisting Minister: The peace of the Lord be with you always. All: And also with you.

(The congregation is invited to greet one another with nods and waves)



Pastor: The Lord be with you. All: And also with you.

Pastor: Lift up your hearts. All: We lift them to the Lord.

Pastor: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. All: It is right to give our thanks and praise. WORDS OF INSTITUTION LORD’S PRAYER

Pastor: Lord, remember us in your kingdom, and teach us to pray: All: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy

kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

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Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen. INVITATION TO COMMUNION

Pastor: Come, let us eat, for now the feast is spread. All: Amen. RECEIVING OF THE ELEMENTS OF BREAD AND WINE

Pastor: The body of Christ, given for you. All: Amen. (Eat wafer) (Pause) Pastor: The blood of Christ, shed for you. All: Amen. (Drink wine) POST-COMMUNION BLESSING

Pastor: The body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ strengthen you and keep you in his grace.


Pastor: Let us pray. Jesus Christ, host of this meal, you have given us not only this bread and cup, but your very self, that we may feast on your great love. Filled again by these signs of your grace, may we hunger for your reign of justice, may we thirst for your way of peace, for you are Lord forevermore. All: Amen.

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BLESSING Pastor: May God, whose power working in us can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine, grant you the gifts of faith and hope. Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, bless you now and forever. All: Amen.

CLOSING HYMN .................. Go, My Children, with My Blessing – Vajda/Williams

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Assisting Minister: Go in peace. The Spirit sends us forth to serve. All: Thanks be to God. POSTLUDE Trumpeting in Bb Melby * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Please note: Music for this service is covered under CCLI # 1000682 –

Also #A-708989 One License.net

St. Matthew Lutheran Church

Phone: 717-637-7101

General mailbox ext. 221

Email: [email protected] www.stmattlutheran.org

The Rev. Kathryn Vitalis Hoffman, Lead Pastor, ext. 231

The Rev. Faye C. Snyder, Visitation Pastor

Scott G. Fredericks, Minister of Music, ext. 235

Tim Peck, Youth Ministry, [email protected]

Our warm thanks to all those assisting in our worship service this morning: Musician ..................................................................... Diane Hoffman-Neail, Violinist

Assisting Minister ..................................................................................... Randy Kline

Courier .................................................................................................... Beth Koontz

Greeters ........................................................ Aidan Patterson, Jody & Deb Ruhlman

Information Desk ...................................................................... Diane Hoffman-Neail

Lector ......................................................................................................... Joel Ruths

Ushers ............ Team 4 – Steve & Penny Rutters, Dennis Koontz, Chris Raubenstine

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THE ALTAR FLOWERS have been given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Yvonne Bixler by her brother Tom and his wife Cathy; and in loving memory of Anna E. Baker who passed away on August 6, 2013, by her son Philip Zinn; and in loving memory of William and Geraldine Schuler by their daughter Connie and grandson Andy and his wife Jenn and their sons Jack and Liam; and in loving memory of Cletus and Ruth Houck by the family; and in loving memory of Henrietta Houck Cline by Martha Hempfing; and in loving memory of Lillian Bell who would have celebrated her birthday on August 12, by the Bell family. THE BULLETINS have been given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Yvonne Bixler by her nieces Leslie Woodruff and Jennifer Brady and families; and in loving memory of William and Geraldine Schuler by their daughter Connie and grandson Andy and his wife Jenn and their sons Jack and Liam; and in loving memory of Cletus and Ruth Houck by the family; and in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Luther R. Wentz and Harold and Kathryn Wentz. ATTENDANCE: (07/31) Saturday 5 p.m. service ................................... 38 (08/01) 9:00 a.m. Drive-in service .............................. 110 10:45 Worship service ..................................... 69 (07/26-08/01) Online views ........................................... 165 Total .............................................................. 382 RECOMMENDED SCRIPTURE READINGS for the week beginning Aug. 8: Sunday: John 6:35, 41-51 Thursday: Acts 6:8-15 Monday: Ephesians 5:1-14 Friday: Romans 16:17-20 Tuesday: 2 Peter 3:14-18 Saturday: John 4:7-26 Wednesday: John 6:35-40

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St. Matthew Calendar August 8 - 15, 2021

Sun. Drive-In Worship with Holy Communion....................................... 9:00 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion (Nave) ....................................... 10:45 a.m. Mini-Minister Puppet Camp (Fellowship Hall) ................. 12:00-12:45 p.m. Mon. Tues. All Committee Night (Fellowship Hall)........................................... 7:00 p.m. Wed. Thurs. Youth Group .......................................................................... 6:00-8:00 p.m. Fri. Sat. Mini Minister Puppet Camp (Fellowship Hall) .................. 10:00-10:45 a.m. Meet and Greet our Candidate............................................. 4:00-6:00 p.m. NO Worship with Holy Communion Sun. NO Drive-In Worship with Holy Communion Worship with Holy Communion (Nave) ....................................... 10:45 a.m. Congregation Meeting (Nave) ..................................................... 11:45 a.m. Youth Group Meeting (Youth Suite) ..................................... 6:30-8:30 p.m. 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering information meeting ............... 7:30-8:30 p.m.

PASTOR ON CALL through August 8 - Both Pastor Kathy and Pastor Faye are on vacation through Sunday, August 8. St. Matthew will have Pastor Christopher Suehr, pastor on call and supply preacher, for this weekend. Pastor Chris comes highly recommended by our Bishop. In case of an emergency, call the church office. He will be contacted by our office staff. When the office is closed, you will be able to get his number from the phone message.

Pastor Chris is a husband to Angela and father to Ramona and Maya. He lives in Gettysburg, recently defended his doctoral dissertation, and enjoys martial arts (Tang Soo Do, 4th dan).

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THERE WILL BE TWO information gathering meetings for youth and their parents who are interested in attending the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering. The first meeting is

Sunday, August 15, 7:30-8:30 p.m. in the Youth Suite. The second will be held on Sunday, August 22, 9:50-10:20 a.m. and will also be held in the Youth Suite. The Gathering will be held July 22-28, 2022, in Minneapolis, MN.

CARING CUPBOARD – Our Youth will pick up donations for the Caring Cupboard directly from your car on Sunday, August 22, at the drive-in service if you would like to donate! Donations of food can also be put directly in the cupboard or dropped off in the church office.

THE CAMP HEBRON – FALL RETREAT, Sponsored By the Lower Susquehanna Synodical Women’s Organization, will be held on Friday, Saturday & Sunday, October 29, 30, 31, 2021. The retreat theme will be “Our Lutheran Sisters in Jerusalem: The Life of a Woman in the Land of Jesus.” Our leader for the Camp Hebron Retreat this year is Pastor Angela Zimmann, former Interim President of United Lutheran Seminary.

Camp Hebron offers motel-type accommodations including linens, private bath and 5 delicious meals (no cooking for a whole weekend ladies!). There will be carpooling from the church lot for those interested.

Registration forms can be picked up at the Hospitality Desk or in the church office. Registrations must be postmarked by Monday, September 13. For additional information call Johnnetta Miller, 717-637-4259.

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A THOUSAND THANK YOUS could never cover for the generosity of this congregation regarding our mission trip to Guatemala! We have been totally floored each week when we come to church and the box is more full than the week before…it is so very, very heartwarming and has brought me to tears more than I would like to say. We have been told the orphanage is SO excited for our group and for all the donations – I believe we may be the first group since Covid…and so possibly the first donations? And what a pile you have all donated!!! They will have so much Pepto-Bismol, socks, underwear and bras, Tylenol, calamine lotion and sanitary napkins – they might not know where to put it! We will be taking four suitcases filled to the brim – 50+ lbs. each. AND we met our group leader half way to Philly this weekend to pass off what we could not carry.

Thank you also for the cash donations – so much more than we imagined! We have bought some more meds and also a small gift and card for the four children the church sponsors – Kevin & Trinidad (food sponsorships) and Zulema & Nahomi (educational scholarships)… (the cards have a photo of the church in them!) We will be using the rest of the money for what we see the orphanage and/or school needs. I hope to post on the church Facebook page every evening – so please look for that! Thank you for your prayers and well wishes – you are all truly wonderful!

God’s peace be with you, Andrea & Brad

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Our Music Ministry

is gearing up for a great year. You will want to be a part of it!

Scott G. Fredericks, Minister of Music Ruth Erb, Children’s Choir Assistant Deb Smith, Puppet Ministry Director

Children’s Choirs - All children age 3 to grade 8 – Letters have been sent to all children. If you did not receive one, they can be found on the Hospitality Desk or call the church office and we can send/email it. Forms are due in the church office by September 1. If your child has never been in the choir, please consider having them join us. It is a wonderful way for children to be involved in our worship services and become a part of our church family. Please contact Scott Fredericks if you have any questions, 717-637-7101, ext. 235. Choirs begin rehearsals on:

Pre-School Music Makers (ages 3, 4, 5 & Kindergarten) Thursday, September 23, 6:15-7:00 p.m. (Preschool children must be age 3 by September 1)

Primary Choir (Grades 1, 2 & 3 and K5 could be in this group) Wednesday, September 22, 4:20-5:00 p.m. Junior Choir and handbells (Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8) Wednesday, September 22, 4:45-5:30 p.m. (The Primary and Junior Choirs overlap for 15 minutes so we can have joint experiences and music opportunities.)

MINI-MINISTER PUPPET invitations were mailed out to all 6th through 12th graders. The invitation contained the dates of the puppet camp which kicks off the year in August. For anyone who is interested in becoming a part of this fun, meaningful ministry, please contact the church office, [email protected].

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The Congregation Council is calling a Special Congregation Meeting immediately following our 10:45 service on August 15, 2021. The Call Committee has finished its work and has recommended Taylor Berdahl as a candidate to Congregation Council for the position of Associate Pastor at St. Matthew. The Council has interviewed and

is recommending her to the congregation. A special “Meet and Greet” session with the candidate will be held on Saturday, August 14, from 4:00-6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. The candidate will preside and preach at one combined service at 10:45 a.m. on August 15. The Saturday evening (5:00 p.m.) and Drive-In Sunday (9:00 a.m.) services will be cancelled for that weekend so that we may all gather at the 10:45 service.

After this service, a Special Congregation Meeting will be held to vote on extending a call to the candidate. We encourage all members to be here on this special day. Both the Call Committee and Council are excited about the future of our congregation as we prayerfully move forward.

If, because of the pandemic, you do not feel comfortable attending an indoor gathering, arrangements via radio transmission to your vehicle can be made. Please contact the church office at 717-637-7101 or [email protected] for more information.

Taylor’s biographical profile has been mailed to all members. If you have not received one in, please contact the church office, 717-637-7101, or [email protected] and one can be emailed, mailed or it can be picked up in the office.

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DISCOVERY PLACE PRESCHOOL is looking for some HELPING HANDS at St. Matthew. The preschool is sharing a display board with requests for specific donations to our preschool - items like glue sticks, colored copy paper, paper towels, and sanitizing wipes. There is also a large bin available to collect these supplies. To be a HELPING HAND to our preschool simply remove a hand from the display board, then shop the back-to-school sales for the

item listed and return it to St. Matthew. Thank you in advance for helping us prepare our preschool for this fall’s students. Please keep our teachers and preschool families in your prayers as we begin planning the 2021-2022 Preschool Year.

We are still registering children for this fall - ALL classes are still open. Please share our registration information with families with young children. Our information can be found on the website, www.stmattlutheran.org, and full registration packets are available in the church office and in the Gathering Place. Contact Director Martha Lobaugh with any questions: [email protected] or 717-637-1864.

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Donors needed for whole blood and “Power Red”

Monday, August 23, 2021 12:00 – 5:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall

Blood donations typically drop off during the summer months, but the need for blood does not. So, your donation is even more important right now. The Whole Blood donation process takes about 1 hour, while a Power Red donation takes about 1 ½ hours. If you have one of these blood types, O positive, O negative, A negative, or B negative, please consider making a Power Red Donation.

If you have questions about your eligibility to be a whole blood or Power Red donor, please visit www.redcrossblood.org for more information. You may also call the Red Cross at 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) with specific questions about your individual medications, health conditions, travel history and how these factors may impact your eligibility.

Please visit www.redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-733-2767 today to schedule your donation appointment.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

- Social Ministry Committee, - Barb Thomas, Blood Drive Coordinator, 717-586-7047

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The Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Lower Susquehanna, Synodical Women’s Organization will be having our annual tangible ingathering to benefit United Lutheran Seminary Gettysburg Food Pantry.

According to Amy Moorhus Baumgardner, food pantry coordinator, there has been an increase in the usage of the food pantry this academic year. She estimates that nearly 80% of the residential and commuter students now utilize the food pantry. There are families that find this opportunity invaluable as the cost of living increases. The gift cards (Giant, Weis Market, and Walmart) that we provide help many needy students to find specific items including gas and prescriptions. Also, international students appreciate the cards in order to be able to prepare foods from their cultures.

Seminary education is significant investment. Most individuals and families rely on scholarships, grants and loans to cover both educational and living expenses during their time at United Lutheran Seminar Gettysburg. For many, it is difficult to make ends meet. The food pantry ministry helps to ease this burden by providing essential items for individuals and families.

St. Matthew Women of the ELCA are collecting gift cards thru August 30. Please send or drop off gift cards at the church office. Please place them in an envelope marked “Women of the ELCA.” Thank you for helping the seminarians.

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