St. John’s Lutheran Church St. John’s Lutheran Paul Gruetter, Pastor 209 Broad St. PO Box 203 567-201-3455 Montpelier, Ohio 43543 419-485-3736 [email protected] stjohnsmontpelier.org May 2015

St. John’s Lutheran Paul Gruetter, Pastor ...stjohnsmontpelier.org/uploads/May_2015.pdfSt. John’s Lutheran Church St. John’s Lutheran Paul Gruetter, Pastor 209 Broad St. PO Box

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Page 1: St. John’s Lutheran Paul Gruetter, Pastor ...stjohnsmontpelier.org/uploads/May_2015.pdfSt. John’s Lutheran Church St. John’s Lutheran Paul Gruetter, Pastor 209 Broad St. PO Box

St. John’s Lutheran Church St. John’s Lutheran Paul Gruetter, Pastor 209 Broad St. PO Box 203 567-201-3455 Montpelier, Ohio 43543 419-485-3736

[email protected]


May 2015

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Shut In

Geri Gearhart

Alice Masters

Genesis Healthcare

1104 Wesley

Bryan, OH 432506

Mary DeMara

Northern Lakes Nursing

516 Williams St.

Angola, IN 46703

Gretta Wilcox

108 Bungalow Ct

Montpelier, OH, 43543

Sam Dixon

104 Evergreen Dr.

Montpelier, OH 43543

Serving in Worship during May

Sign-up sheet is passed around during worship!

Margaret Gordon

Hillside Country Living

09876 CO RD 16 #417

Bryan, OH 43506

Jumar Kissinger 1277 Snapdragon Dr.

Montpelier, OH


Nursery Schedule

1: Val Steinke

8: Kati Burt

15: Jodi Fiser

22. Dawn Smith

29: Alysha Saneholtz


3: Open

10: Open

17: Open

24. Open

31: Open


3: Open

10: Open

17: Open

24. Open

31: Open

Lay Reader

3: Open

10: Open

17: Open

24. Open

31: Open

Elevette Greeter

3: Open

10: Open

17: Open

24. Open

31: Open

George Rings

13101 Co RD J22C

Montpelier, OH 43543

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3-Nicholas Carlson 4-Ann Kidston 8-Donovan Chamberlain 8-Addison Elser 8-Eleanore Bent 10-Adam Scott 10-Erin Elser 11-Tim Bolen 12-Allye Scott 14-Melinda Shilling 14- Darian Oberlin 17-Quintyn Burt 18-Austin O’Neal 18-Anthony Kidston 18-Cody Bolen 18-Luella Rockey

19-Amy Eriksen 20-David Elser 21-Eric Davis 22-Brooke Schieber 24-James Engels 25-Dorothy Myers 25-Alexandria Hill 26-Jacqueline Engels 27-Becky Kunkel 27-Ellen Gearhart 28-Jean Scott 28-Rozetta Luke 29 – Kyler Sapp 30-Aaron Engels 31-Cody Ewers 31 – Marilyn Parrish 31-Emma Jean Wing

18- Dale and Rosanna Koch

20- Charles and Nancy Elser

25 - Jean and Roger Scott

May Birthdays

May Anniversaries

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Membership Information Forms There are forms for you to fill out to help us update our church records, as

we move to a new software system! They are located at both entrances to the

church. Thank you for your help!

Parish Ed Announcements

VBS work day and decoration making is May 16 at 9 am at the

Presbyterian Church.

Last day of Sunday School, May 17.

Recognition of Graduates, Sunday, May 17 at the 10 am service- all

high school and college graduates will be honored. Please give

names of graduates to the office or to Parish Ed members.

VBS- June 15-19, 9 am -11:30 am at the Presbyterian Church. Mark

your calendars! Volunteers are needed for registration, snack and

story teller. If interested in helping in any way please see Jodi

Grime, Katie Burt, Stacy Sapp or Chris Whitis.

The Parish Ed is presenting a Cradle Roll bulletin board. Starting

with January 2015, any parents or grandparents that would like to

announce a new birth in the congregation may present Parish Ed

with an announcement and/or picture that will be displayed on a bulletin board for 1 year. Please present your information to or if

you have any questions please see Jodi Grime, Katie Burt, Stacy

Sapp or Chris Whitis.

Parish Ed is looking for interested individuals who would like to

participate in a rotational Sunday school program for next fall. This

will be for ages 2 years old – 6th grade. The classes would be 2 year

olds- preschool, kindergarten – 2nd

grade, 3-6th grade. Curriculum

will be provided. There will be a weekly opening with songs, bells,

and a small video. The classes will follow with a mixture of Bible

verses, stories, crafts or snacks. This is a flexible commitment. Teach 3 times a year, once a month or every week. Interested

individuals please see Jodi Grime, Katie Burt, Stacy Sapp or Chris


Water Missions International Update

St. John’s congregation new total so far raised is $705.43. You still have time to turn in your bottles! Thank you for your generosity!!

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April 9, 2015 WOTC Board Meeting

Present: Ann P, Jill, Jean, Ann K, Bev, and Lexy.

Devotions were given by Ann P.

Minutes of the March meeting were read. The minutes were approved as


The Treasurer’s Balances as 4/9/15:

Kitchen Supply Fund $

General Expenses $ Checking Acct Balance $1,837.05

Savings $ 616.04

Funeral Dinner Fund $ 876.73

Secretary of Action – The fleece blanket work day was held on 3/14/15 and

7 blankets were made. Jill said some soap had been donated; however, it is fine to continue to bring soap in.

Secretary of Community – As of 4/9/15, a total of $630.00 has been received

as Blanket donations. The envelopes have been removed from the pews.

Secretary of Growth – Ann K. said she will purchase 50 boxes for the Thank

Offering Service. Also, she will contact the Filling Home to set up the Filling Home Sunday at St. John’s.

Vice-President – No Report

Old Business –

Approximately 50 people attended the Lenten Service the WOTC was in charge of and $120.00 collected.

New Business –

A meeting will be set up for 6/4 at 7:00 pm to discuss future Funeral Dinner


A Thank You was received from Pastor Riak for the donations given to his


Next meeting will be May 7, 2015 at 6:00 PM.

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St. John Lutheran Council Meeting Minutes

Date: 4/12/15


Ed Kidston

Merlin Wright

Pastor Paul

Chase Henry

Holly Miller

Dave Deetz

Wanda Henry

Jason Luke

Kati Burt

Jeanne Willson

Susie Mick

Joan Becker

Nathan Baker

Chris Whitis

Ric Clark

Matthew Luke

Jodi Grime

Tom Mick

Stacy Sapp

Ryan Luke

Various Issues and Objectives

Ed Kidston called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m.

Wanda Henry read devotion followed with prayer. Deacons will read devotions next meeting.

Deacon’s report: Dave Deetz and Jason Luke o Updated Sunday’s service attendance.

Early Month 97

o Average 19 Late

Month 500 o Average 100

Lent 199

o Average 50 o Maundy Thursday 55 o Good Friday 47

o Set up tables and made coffee for meeting.On 4/7 Torrance Sound came to the church to talk with Dave Deetz and inspect the sound system. They took two hours to look at the visual and audio systems.

The visual system is old but works fine and did not

recommend updating the system.

The audio has good acoustic sound but the speakers are

old. There are dead zones in the church; when the

volume is high that could be the problem with the sound.

Suggested six to eight speaker setups using a multi-

directional system.

Current location of projection screen is the best for our

church because of low ceilings; it is not viable to use dual


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Not correctly recording, can schedule to help train. Will

quote on some equipment.

Elders Report: Jeanne Willson, Joan Becker, Susie Mick, Matthew Luke, and

Pastor Paul.

o Communion schedule was set up for May.

o Discussed a transfer out for a family.

o Jeannie Willson is working on a supply pastor for June 14th while

Pastor is on vacation.

Parish Ed: Chris Whitis, Merlin Wright, Stacy Sapp, Jodi Grime, Katie Burt

and Pastor Paul

o Old Business

Correspondence- 2014 VBS Thank you for donation

o Cradle Roll

Chris is purchasing cards. Jodi contacted Barb Curry for

grandchild announcement. Looking at adding Jason and

Sara Luke’s baby to it already.

o Child Directory

Waiting on directory updates through the office

o Sunday school openings looking to fill by the fall

Presently have Kim and Jenna Bumb, Riki, Stacy Sapp,

Chris and Merlin. Would like 6 people for Preschool and

6 for K-6 grade. We would like to fill a calendar and have

a phone list to help keep it organized.

o Preschool age Sunday School

Will organize for fall. We would like 6 people on a

rotational basis. We will set up a calendar and phone list.

o Sunday School Organizer April 19 Chris April 26 Jodi May 3 Stacy May 10 Katie May 17 Jodi

o Parrish Ed Accounting Stacy has ledger. We need to get with Chase to update

amounts. Currently $2800. $295 for bells and $811.44 for Bibles. There were 2 deposits one was $101. The other one we are not sure of. Currently we believe the budget to be at $1794.56

o First Communion

No Dates yet. Still making contact.

o High School Bibles

Will present in church on April 26. Confirmands will get

theirs on April 19 during the confirmation ceremonies.


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June 15-19 at Pres. Church- they are the organizers. 9

am- 11:30 am. April 26 during the service an

introduction for VBS at 10 am service. We are in charge

of snack. Stacy Sapp will get a donation list started. The

final program will be held on June 19th at 7 pm. Need jr

high and high school helpers. Story tellers are Merlin

Wright and Alysha Saneholtz. They will have to tell the

story 4 times each day. Work day is Sat, May 16 at 9 am

at the Pres. Church. We will help with registration. Jodi

and Katie will help. There will be a helper list for snack

and items. We will need 2-3 workers per day.

o Confirmation

The confirmands will meet with Parish Ed on Wed April

15 at 6 pm. Rehearsal will be at 6:30-7:30 pm. Gifts are


o Youth hand bells

Played first song today and was beautiful!

o Graduate names needed

Both high school and college. Will recognize on May 17.

o Easter Sunday School craft went well

o Summer Sunday School

There is no need due to no adult Sunday school classes

meeting at the same time.

New Business

o Teacher Recognition

Sunday May 17, 2015- This will include Jim and Joni

Engle, Merlin, Chris, Jodi, Dale, Dave, Karen Taylor, Joy,

Stacy, and Pastor.

o Graduation Gifts

Holly will order flowers for each person- need numbers

for it.

o Camp Meeting

Katie will head this up. Sunday, May 3 at 9 am- between


o Impact meeting

May 17 following 10 am service- Jodi will head this up.

Impact is June 24-28 in Oak Brook Illinois, Chicago area.

o Dates for Newsletter and Bulletin:

Confirmation April 19 10 am service

High School Bible presentation- April 26 10 am service

Camp meeting- May 3 @ 9 am

VBS work day – Saturday, May 16 @ 9am at the

Presbyterian Church

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Graduation Recognition Sunday- May 17

Teacher Recognition Sunday- May 17

Impact Meeting- May 17 following 10 am service

VBS- June 15-19, 9-11:30 am @ the Presbyterian Church

Impact Youth Gathering – June 24-28

Trustee report: Pastor Paul, Ed Kidston, Ric Clark, Tom Mick, Wanda

Henry, and Chase Henry

o Benevolence was discussed and voted to keep budget items

current as other expenditures are.

o Paid and unpaid bills reviewed and approved Motion by Tom

Mick, seconded by Ric Clark; motion passed.

o Boiler was inspected and okayed by state dept.

o Sound system is progressing and Dave Deetz will update council.

o Lawn mowing will be handled by Joel Boothman, at some cost as

last year.

o Flooring in storage room was ok to replace at a cost of $1498.00

by Cornerstone Flooring.

o Internet connections have been installed and are up and running.

Pastor report

o Services:

Ten Sunday services

Ten sermons

Four seasonal services

One Funeral

o Visitations:

Seventeen homes, nursing home, and hospital

Four office or elsewhere

o Meetings:


o other events attended:


o Classes taught:


o Other:

Other media: telephone, emails, Facebook

o Merlin Wright offered to go to the NALC Convocation on May 9th

at Trinity Lutheran in Ashland Ohio. One pastor and one lay

delegate are needed. Motion by Dave Deetz seconded by Tom

Mick, motion passed.

o Pastor Paul discussed “discrimination”. It has not yet been legalize

gay marriage, but the church discriminates on issues.

Hiring on faith belief

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Weddings for a man and women, this is our religious

belief. We have always had the ability to turn down

weddings. We do not as a church discriminate for

funerals or communion.

Chase Henry went over the financial report.

Old business: none

New business

o Pastor Paul asked the council to vote on the transfer out of Aaron

and Mary Engels to First United Lutheran Church, Kennesaw, GA.

Motion by Jeanne Willson seconded by Nathan Baker, motion


o Building use for next year’s kindergarten screening was suggested

to approve at tonight’s council meeting. Motion by Chris Whitis

seconded by Stacy Sapp, motion passed.

o Next month’s council meeting has been rescheduled to May 17th

due to Mother’s Day on May 10th. Motion by Nathan Baker

seconded by Dave Deetz, motion passed.

o Ed kidston wanted to remind worship committee that we are

coming into seasons celebrating our country with the national

holiday recognized in U.S.A.

o Deacons purchased a new wireless microphone, it has cleared up

some issues.

Next council meeting May 17, 2015.

Jeanne Willson moved to adjourn and second by Ryan Burt, ended with

Lord Prayer.


Lois Flowers would like to thank the Funeral Committee for the

funeral dinner for Norma Dixon; your generosity was greatly


Thanks to all who helped with Holy Week and Easter events. So

many people gave of their time and gifts to make the worship

services a blessing for congregation and community: acolytes,

crucifers, bread-bakers, communion assistants, greeters, flower arrangers and decorators, meal preparers, greeters, bulletin folders

and assemblers, musicians, and more. Many thanks!

Thanks to everyone who helped with the Chicken Barbecue yesterday. This was a fund-raiser for our Mission Trip. Remember,

you can still sign up for this year’s trip, which is July 26 – August 1.

See Dave Jaessing for all the details.