St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 South Wolf Road ~ Western Springs ~ 708-246-4404 ~ www.stjohnofthecross.org Second Sunday of Advent December 6, 2015

St. John of the Cross Parish · There will be an informal reception after Mass in the Parish Center. More, if you are being tempted by suicidal thoughts, please reach out to me or

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Page 1: St. John of the Cross Parish · There will be an informal reception after Mass in the Parish Center. More, if you are being tempted by suicidal thoughts, please reach out to me or

St. John of the Cross Parish

5005 South Wolf Road ~ Western Springs ~ 708-246-4404 ~ www.stjohnofthecross.org

Second Sunday of Advent December 6, 2015

Page 2: St. John of the Cross Parish · There will be an informal reception after Mass in the Parish Center. More, if you are being tempted by suicidal thoughts, please reach out to me or

From the Desk of Fr. David

St. John of the Cross Parish www.stjohnofthecross.org December 6, 2015 Page 2

Dear Parishioners, Advent is in full swing and yet this is the last weekend to support Share Christmas. Your gifts will come to the Parish Center this week and will be delivered by the end of the week to the Sharing Parishes and other recipients of your generosity. Share Christmas is one of the more visible moments in the course of parish life that reveals how compassionate and thoughtful you are to those less fortunate. You can only give what you have, and it is clear to me that many of you have been given much in order for you to share as much as you do. Give God the praise! This Tuesday, December 8th, is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and the beginning of the Extraordinary Holy Year of Mercy. You will be hearing much more about this as the year unfolds here in the bulletin. You can also access prayers and other information from different resources like archdiocesan website. The Pope has asked the Church in this Jubilee Year to rediscover the richness encompassed by the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. “The experience of mercy, indeed, becomes visible in the witness of concrete signs as Jesus himself taught us,” Pope Francis said. Look up the spiritual and corporal works of mercy and see what you can do to live them more fully. Next Sunday, December 13

th, we have the privilege to welcome Fr. Charlie Rubey as the

celebrant for the 5:00pm Sunday evening Mass. Fr. Rubey has spent many years ministering as the founder of L.O.S.S., an acronym for Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide. He will preach on mental illness and suicide. Unrealistic expectations, anxiety, depression, interpersonal demands and overpowering fear can all be heightened during the Christmas season. This time of year and immediately following can be very difficult for many people, especially if suicidal thoughts are very real temptations. Please invite anyone whom you think might benefit from praying about this extremely painful experience for all concerned. L.O.S.S. offers hope and healing for those grieving the loss of a suicide. There will be an informal reception after Mass in the Parish Center. More, if you are being tempted by suicidal thoughts, please reach out to me or to someone else who will listen to you. I’m sure you see a color of black that is impossible for me to imagine. There are resources available to help you resolve your pain that do not include the betrayal of yourself and your loved ones that happens with a suicide. I’m sure you feel like you have already tried everything you could to come up with a resolution for your suffering and the only one left to you is suicide. That is the ultimate lie. Please, please do not believe that. There is help for you. Believe that. I hope you are using the Little Blue Books for six minutes of daily prayer for the season of Advent. If not that resource, I hope you have other ways to help you find some quiet, some calm, some peace in this very hectic season. Until we meet for the Breaking of the Bread, Fr. David

Lord God, hear the prayers of your people who anxiously await your coming.

Help us to straighten the crooked roads of our lives so that we might create a highway

for you to enter our homes and hearts with the peace of Christ Jesus, your Son, in whose name we offer you our prayers.


Page 3: St. John of the Cross Parish · There will be an informal reception after Mass in the Parish Center. More, if you are being tempted by suicidal thoughts, please reach out to me or

Year of Mercy Begins December 8

St. John of the Cross Parish www.stjohnofthecross.org December 6, 2015 Page 3

The Jubilee Year of Mercy reminds us that God is waiting for us with open arms, just like the father of the prodigal son. Pope Francis @Pontifex Nov 29

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Year of Mercy Begins December 8

St. John of the Cross Parish www.stjohnofthecross.org December 6, 2015 Page 4

Merciful like the Father, therefore, is the “motto” of this Holy Year. In mercy, we find proof of how God loves us. He gives his entire self, always, freely, asking nothing in return. He comes to our aid whenever we call upon him. What a beautiful thing that the Church begins her daily prayer with the words, “O God, come to my assistance. O Lord, make haste to help me” (Ps 70:2)!

At times we are called to gaze even more attentively on mercy so that we may become a more effective sign of the Father’s action in our lives. For this reason I have proclaimed an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy as a special time for the Church, a time when the witness of believers might grow stronger and more effective. ... The Holy Year will open on 8 December 2015, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. This liturgical feast day recalls God’s action from the very beginning of the history of mankind. After the sin of Adam and Eve, God did not wish to leave humanity alone in the throes of evil. And so he turned his gaze to Mary, holy and immaculate in love (cf. Eph 1:4), choosing her to be the Mother of man’s Redeemer. When faced with the gravity of sin, God responds with the fullness of mercy. Mercy will always be greater than any sin, and no one can place limits on the love of God who is ever ready to forgive. ... This Extraordinary Jubilee Year is dedicated to living out in our daily lives the mercy which the Father constantly extends to all of us. In this Jubilee Year, let us allow God to surprise us. He never tires of casting open the doors of his heart and of repeating that he loves us and wants to share his love with us. The Church feels the urgent need to proclaim God’s mercy. Her life is authentic and credible only when she becomes a convincing herald of mercy. She knows that her primary task, especially at a moment full of great hopes and signs of contradiction, is to introduce everyone to the great mystery of God’s mercy by contemplating the face of Christ. The Church is called above all to be a credible witness to mercy, professing it and living it as the core of the revelation of Jesus Christ. From the heart of the Trinity, from the depths of the mystery of God, the great river of mercy wells up and overflows unceasingly. It is a spring that will never run dry, no matter how many people draw from it. Every time someone is in need, he or she can approach it, because the mercy of God never ends. The profundity of the mystery surrounding it is as inexhaustible as the richness which springs up from it. In this Jubilee Year, may the Church echo the word of God that resounds strong and clear as a message and a sign of pardon, strength, aid, and love. May she never tire of extending mercy, and be ever patient in offering compassion and comfort. May the Church become the voice of every man and woman, and repeat confidently without end: “Be mindful of your mercy, O Lord, and your steadfast love, for they have been from of old” (Ps 25:6).Excerpt from Pope Francis Misericordiae Vultus. Full text at http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/


Page 5: St. John of the Cross Parish · There will be an informal reception after Mass in the Parish Center. More, if you are being tempted by suicidal thoughts, please reach out to me or

Special Collection for Religious Retirement Today

St. John of the Cross Parish www.stjohnofthecross.org December 6, 2015 Page 5

Senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests have spent their lives ministering to others, often for little, if any, pay. Their sacrifices now leave their religious communities without adequate savings for retirement and health care. Your gift to the collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious supports the day-to-day care of roughly 33,000 senior religious, providing necessities such as prescription medications and nursing care. Please give to those who have given a lifetime. Place your gift in the red second collection basket at Mass this weekend. Next weekend donations in envelopes marked Retired Religious can be put in the regular offertory. Gifts may also be made on our parish website by clicking the Giving tab and then Special Collections.

We pray for senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests, that they may enjoy the dignified care they so richly deserve as they continue to devote their lives to prayer and service.

Let us also pray for all the elderly in our nation, that they may be treated with respect and compassion

and that we as a society may more fully embrace their gifts of wisdom and grace.

Dear Father and Parish Staff, Pope Francis declared that the Year of Consecrated Life be celebrated throughout the world from November 29, 2014, through February 2, 2016. During this special year for religious, please join me in supporting the upcoming appeal for the Retirement Fund for Religious. We have all witnessed the selfless dedication of religious serving in our parishes, schools, hospitals, and numerous areas of ministry during our lifetime. In our often troubled world, they remain a visible sign of Christ’s love. As I ask your support of this appeal, I invite you to think of it not only in terms of a matter of justice to care for their needs, but as an act of solidarity with them, letting them know that our appreciation for their witness is so strong that it prompts a desire to join them in their unique contribution to the life of the Church and society. Please share this message with your parishioners in a way you consider most effective, either from the pulpit or in your parish bulletin. The collection is scheduled to be taken at all Masses on December 12 and 13, 2015. This letter gives me the opportunity to thank you for the many ways you as pastor and the parish staff witness to the Gospel by your service to the people under your pastoral care. Please express to your parish family my heartfelt best wishes. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Blase J. Cupich Archbishop of Chicago

The time has come for new messengers of Christ, ever more generous, more joyful and more holy. Pope Francis @Pontifex Nov 30

Page 6: St. John of the Cross Parish · There will be an informal reception after Mass in the Parish Center. More, if you are being tempted by suicidal thoughts, please reach out to me or

Lifelong Learning

Living the Gospel The salvation of God is progressively revealed in repentance (our work) and forgiveness (God’s work). The meandering paths and winding roads of our lives are straightened and the valleys filled and mountains brought low when our lives are characterized by attitudes of repentance. To repent means to change one’s mind, one’s life. Our work of repentance is a matter of turning ourselves toward the God who embraces us in mercy and forgiveness and welcomes us home. Our work of repentance is our response to the word-invitation to “see the salvation of God.” We are to hear the “word of God” and act on it. Do we? How well? Let’s be honest: it’s not just the busyness of Christmas preparations now in full December fury that distract us from our ongoing work of repentance and forgiveness. Every day of the year we tend to be distracted by mountains of work, paths of indecision, valleys of doubt and fear. Like John the Baptist, we are to hear “the word of God” that comes to us, that challenges us to embrace a more Godlike way of living, that not only promises salvation, but shows us the path to it. Changing our lives to live more faithfully Gospel values is not easy. Nor do we ever get to a point in our daily living when we have arrived at the mountaintop and no longer need to act on God’s word, change our minds about what is most important to us, open ourselves to God’s forgiveness of our wrongdoing, and learn how we in turn forgive others. This is the path to salvation. Not an easy one. But a rewarding one. © Living Liturgy

May we faithfully announce the salvation of God through

actions of forgiveness and mercy. May we take sufficient time

during this busy Advent season to be mindful of

our need for repentance.

Background on the Gospel This week and next, our Gospel readings invite us to consider John the Baptist and his relationship to Jesus. John the Baptist appears in the tradition of the great prophets, preaching repentance and reform to the people of Israel. To affirm this, Luke quotes at length from the prophet Isaiah. John baptizes for repentance and for forgiveness of sins, preparing the way for God's salvation. The three Synoptic Gospels—Mark, Matthew, and Luke—attest to the importance of the baptism of John in preparing for Jesus. Only the Gospel of Luke, however, extends the connection between these two men to their birth. The first two chapters of Luke's Gospel contain the Infancy Narrative, which tells about the births of John the Baptist and Jesus. These stories set the stage for the beginning of Jesus' public ministry in chapter 3. The evangelist Luke is the author of the Gospel that bears his name, and he also wrote the Acts of the Apostles as a continuation of the story of Jesus and the Church. In these two works, Luke's sense of time and history emerges. He identifies three epochs of salvation history: the time before Christ, the time of Christ, and the time of the Church and the Holy Spirit. In today's Gospel reading, as elsewhere, John the Baptist is presented as the figure who bridges the time before Christ and prepares the way for Christ's own ministry. In today's Gospel we also note Luke's attention to political and historical detail. Luke shows that salvation is for all people and situated in world events. Therefore, Luke lists the political and religious leaders at the time of John's appearance in the desert. Salvation is understood as God's breaking into this political and social history. John's preaching of the coming of the Lord is a key theme of the Advent season. As John's message prepared the way for Jesus, we too are called to prepare ourselves for Jesus' coming. We respond to John's message by repentance and reform of our lives. We are also called to be prophets of Christ, who announce by our lives the coming of the Lord, as John did. Loyola Press

St. John of the Cross Parish www.stjohnofthecross.org December 6, 2015 Page 6

Monday Isa 35:1-10 Ps 85:9ab and 10, 11-12, 13-14 Luke 5:17-26

Tuesday Immaculate Conception Gen 3:9-15, 20 Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 Eph 1:3-6, 11-12 Luke 1:26-38

Wednesday Isa 40:25-31 Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 8 and 10 Matt 11:28-30

Thursday Isa 41:13-20 Ps 145:1 and 9, 10-11, 12-13ab Matt 11:11-15

Friday Isa 48:17-19 Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 Matt 11:16-19

Saturday Our Lady of Guadalupe Zech 2:14-17 or Rev 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab Jdt 13:18bcde, 19 Luke 1:26-38 or Luke 1:39-47

3rd Sunday of Advent Zeph 3:14-18a Isa 12:2-3, 4, 5-6 Phil 4:4-7 Luke 3:10-18

Christians and Muslims are brothers and sisters, and we must act as such. Pope Francis @Pontifex Nov 30

Page 7: St. John of the Cross Parish · There will be an informal reception after Mass in the Parish Center. More, if you are being tempted by suicidal thoughts, please reach out to me or

The very essence of prayer is recognizing that God is with us. That is the meaning of one of the Lord’s names, one that we hear over and again in Advent, Emmanuel. The Lord is with Mary. The Lord is with us. What does it take for us to pause amidst the busyness of this season of preparation—between the shopping and decorating, the family gatherings

and holiday parties? Mary’s life is dramatically interrupted by the visitation of an angel and a miraculous conception. How do I hear the angelic messenger, that still, small voice of God (1 Kings 19:12) in my days? What does God wish to conceive in me? How does God want to use my flesh to incarnate the living Christ? As we journey through this Advent and Christmas season, we can seek Mary’s intercession, looking to her example of how to welcome the overshadowing Spirit of God. As Mary said yes to the Spirit, I can trust in her to lead me to my own yes. Here are some possible ways to pray with Mary this month.

Luke 1:26–56 chronicles Mary’s encounter with the angel, her visitation to her cousin Elizabeth, and her song, which we call the Magnificat. Read this passage slowly. It’s long, so you may want to read just a few verses each day or each week. As you read, notice whether there is a word or a phrase that speaks to you. Ponder it in your heart as you go about your day. Invite the Lord to speak to you through his Word.

If the Rosary is not already part of your life, consider incorporating it once a week, or maybe try praying a decade a day. As the Joyful Mysteries recall the events surrounding the birth of Jesus, they are perfect for praying through the seasons of Advent and Christmas. As you meditate on each mystery, invite the Spirit to use the experiences of Mary and Joseph and Jesus to shine light on how the Spirit is moving in your life here and now.

The Angelus is a traditional prayer by which we can connect and reconnect with our ever-present God throughout the day. The Angelus is a brief reflection on the incarnation, recalling Mary’s yes to God’s invitation to bring Christ into the world. Prayed at 6:00am, noon (often accompanied by a prayer for peace), and 6:00pm, the Angelus is a pause in the rhythm of our days in which we can recall Emmanuel, God with us.

How has praying with Mary enhanced your experience of Advent and Christmas? Loyola Press

Feast of the Immaculate Conception Mary our Mother, today the People of God celebrate, they venerate you, the Immaculate,

ever preserved from the stain of sin.... Knowing that you, our Mother,

are totally free from sin is a consolation to us. Knowing that evil has no power over you

fills us with hope and strength in our daily struggle against the threat of the evil one.

But in this struggle we are not alone, we are not orphans, for Jesus, before dying on the Cross, gave you to us as our Mother.

Though we are sinners, we are still your children, the children of the Immaculate,

called to that holiness that has shown resplendent in you by the grace of God from the beginning.

Inspired by this hope, today we invoke your motherly protection for us,

our families and the world. Through your intercession, may the power of God’s love

that preserved you from original sin, free humanity from every form of spiritual

and material slavery and make God’s plan of salvation victorious in hearts and in history.

May grace prevail over pride in us, too, your children. May we become merciful as our heavenly Father is merciful.

In this time leading up to the celebration of Jesus’ birth, teach us to go against the current:

to strip ourselves, to be humble, and giving, to listen and be silent, to go out of ourselves,

granting space to the beauty of God, the source of true joy.

Pray for us, our Immaculate Mother! Pope Francis

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Page 8: St. John of the Cross Parish · There will be an informal reception after Mass in the Parish Center. More, if you are being tempted by suicidal thoughts, please reach out to me or

Praying Advent

St. John of the Cross Parish www.stjohnofthecross.org December 6, 2015 Page 8

Meditation Preparation Prepare for a period of meditation by sitting comfortably, closing your eyes, and breathing deeply for a moment or two. Allow any present concerns to move across your mind and wait off to the side for now. Are You Ready? Today, you’re taking a bus home from work. Because it’s rush hour when you board, the bus is crowded. You struggle to find a seat and wedge yourself between two other passengers. So far, the experience has put you in a bad mood. Then you notice that the person across from you is looking at you intently. This really makes you uncomfortable at first, but you intuit that this person is not imbalanced or harboring bad intentions. She smiles and puts you at ease. You nod a greeting—nice to find a friendly presence on the bus. She leans toward you then, when a space opens up between you, there in the aisle. She looks directly at you and says, “He’s coming to see you today. Are you ready?” “What?” Did you hear her correctly? “What did you say?” “He’s coming to see you.” “He?” “Of course. You know—Jesus!” You feel blood drain from your face. “No! How?” “Don’t worry how. The real question is, are you ready?” “Am I ready?” “Are you prepared?” You look at her, confused, and she continues. “You see, when Jesus comes, he brings with him truth and joy and happiness and wonderful things to do. Are you ready for all that?” “I don’t know.” “Well, you have the whole bus ride to prepare your heart.” She flashes a huge smile. “I’m so happy for you! Just wait!” At the next stop, she gets off the bus and gives you a little wave. What happens within you for the remaining half hour you’re riding that bus? What decisions must you make? What fears must you let go of? What desires might you recognize? Concluding Prayer Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Ignatian Spirituality

Begin by taking in a deep breath, taking in God’s love, the light of Christ, the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Exhale all your worries, your challenges, and your fears. During this time of Advent let us reflect on what we can do to prepare for the Lord. 1. Invite the Holy Spirit to help you see the day as the newborn baby Jesus sees it. What joy have you found today? Where have you felt God’s love? What have you done today to prepare the way for Jesus being born into this world for you? 2. Now think about your day as if looking at it through the eyes of a child; what do you see? Did something surprise you? Was it something someone said to you or something you are grateful for? What did you recognize as gifts (thinking about the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh brought to Jesus)? Thank God for the gifts he has given to you today. 3. Take a moment to reflect on the times today when God was especially present to you. Recognize your feelings in those moments. How did you prepare your heart for God’s presence in the coming of Jesus? Where did you feel God’s loving arms wrapped around you the way Jesus felt Mary’s arms? How did you prepare yourself to experience God’s love, forgiveness, and hope? 4. Now take a moment to think about the times when God seemed to be hidden. Where did you struggle to see the Messiah in your life—the way some failed to recognize the birth of the Messiah when Jesus was born? When may you have seen the need for love and didn’t respond (maybe like the innkeeper), or the opportunity for forgiveness and you walked away? How was your heart prepared? Ask God to forgive you for anything that moved your heart away from God’s love and recognizing the birth of Jesus in you. And ask God to help you to open your heart and become the person that God created you to be. 5. Finally, prepare for the hope of Jesus Christ in your life. Think about what you are hopeful for, what you are looking forward to during Advent and the Christmas season. Is your hope like that of a child on Christmas morning? What gifts will you share to be hope for someone else? Ask God to bless all in your life as you prepare the way of the Lord, and ask God to be with you today and every day. Ignatian Spirituality

Advent Examen

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St. John of the Cross Parish www.stjohnofthecross.org December 6, 2015 Page 9

Rite of Acceptance

Last Sunday at the 5:00pm Mass, four men and women who are processing in the journey of the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) celebrated the Rite of Acceptance. Rob Valdez, Randy White and Shler Yule were accepted into the Order of Catechumens – those who are preparing and discerning to be baptized. Marla Rafferty, Sarah Simmons and Amy Tyrrell were welcomed as Candidates; those previously baptized in another Christian faith tradition and are now preparing to be received into full communion of the Catholic Church. Marti Thullen who also part of the RCIA process is completing the sacraments of initiation. With great joy, the St. John of the Cross Parish Faith Community welcomes our catechumens and candidates into the next process of the RCIA, the Catechumenate. During this time they enter an extended period of time during which they are given pastoral formation and guidance aimed at training them in the Christian life and the faith of the Catholic Church so as to express a desire to be one with us at the table of the Lord by following a path of prayer, service and love. Let us pray for these sisters and brothers of ours and look forward to the day they will share fully with us at the Lord’s Table.

Rite of Dismissal Beginning this weekend at certain Masses and continuing through Lent, you will see our catechumens and candidates being dismissed from Mass with their catechist. Fr. Paul Turner, one of the leading theologians in the field of the RCIA writes, “Catechumens and candidates are dismissed not just because they are not yet eligible for Communion, but because they are not yet eligible to fulfill the tasks expected of all the faithful throughout the second part of Mass, “The Liturgy of the Eucharist.” The Liturgy of the Word is open to all, because through the proclamation of the word by lectors and the priest and or deacon (Gospel only) we are all instructed by God. Through our hearing of the word, we are all called to live it in our lives, thus catechumens and candidates belong with the gathered assembly for this first part of the Mass. Each week our catechumens and candidates will be called forward with their catechist after the homily. As they are sent forth they will spend more time talking and reflecting on the word of God we have just heard proclaimed in the scriptures and in the homily. During this dismissal the catechist will carry with them the Lectionary – the book that contains our scripture proclaimed at Mass.

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Parish News

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All parishioners, parishioner groups, and ministry groups are invited to carry the Advent candle at the beginning of each Sunday Mass throughout the Advent Season. Each week a parish volunteer or volunteers will carry the lit candle before the opening procession and place it on one of the hooks around the Advent wreath. If you are interested in participating in this ritual please sign up on the sheet outside of the sacristy. Contact Fr. Bill with any questions.

New Parish Directories Directories will be distributed in the Parish Center after Masses next weekend. Additional directories will be available in the Parish Center office during the week. Parish Sponsored Program at The Well On Monday, December 7 from 7-9pm Avis Clendenen will present an insightful program at The Well entitled: The Wizard at the Well: Oz in Advent and Advent in Oz which will focus on being at home with ourselves as we journey through Advent. Because this is a program sponsored by SJC, the $25 cost is waived. Simply call the Parish Center to register. The Well is located at 1515 W. Ogden Avenue in LaGrange Park next to Nazareth Academy.

CatholicVote Speaker at SJC All women and men of the parish are invited to hear speaker, Brian Burch, President and Co-Founder of CatholicVote.org (CV) on:

Thursday, December 10 at 7:30pm in the Parish Center. CV, a national faith based advocacy organization in Chicago, was founded to organize, inspire and mobilize the Catholic vote through education, legislative advocacy, and direct political action. Inspired by Saint John Paul II’s call for a New Evangelization, CV seeks to evangelize with a hope-filled message that is both faithful to the Gospel and the heritage of America's best political traditions. Mr. Burch has appeared on FOX News, CNN, and has been covered in the Washington Times, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Newsweek and other national publications. CV has received national attention for its online viral videos helping to grow the organization to 500,000 in less than 4 years. Sponsored by the Men’s Club.

Please help us welcome our new members to the

St. John of the Cross faith community:

Julie and Steve Lopez and Family Sara and Jonathan Niemiec and Family Helen and Brian Salvatori and Family

Stephanie King-Myers and Nicholas Myers and Family Maureen and William Rohe and Family Kristen and Daniel Koucky and Family

Joanne and Rosendo Raygoza and Family Angie and Dan Matysik and Family

Elizabeth and Andrew Carolan and Family Melissa and Anthony Spera and Family

Mollie and Alberto Angel and Family Jennifer and Eric Stoiber and Family

Colleen Whalen and Family Diane and Matthew Petrich and Family

Lisa Button and Tom Fitzgerald and Family Beth and Daniel White and Family

Kathy and Mitch Mazzone and Family Diane and Alex Wiggins and Family

If you would like to register to become a member, please contact Elizabeth Russell-Jones in the Welcome Center. For more information call the Parish Center.

Divorce and Beyond Support at St. John of the Cross Parish Friday Jan 29-March 18, 2016 (7:00 – 8:30 p.m.) Divorce and Beyond is a faith-based process for divorced Catholics designed to offer support, fellowship, and healing to those recently divorced or going through a divorce. Topics included: Dealing with stress, anger, loneliness, forgiveness, and healing. We ask that participants commit to all sessions to maximize benefit and provide continuity for the group. Please contact the Pastoral Ministry Office for more information (708) 246-4404 ext.137.

Page 11: St. John of the Cross Parish · There will be an informal reception after Mass in the Parish Center. More, if you are being tempted by suicidal thoughts, please reach out to me or

Morning of

Meditation In the Presence of Love

Reflection by Joan Binder on

our relationship with Jesus.

The morning also includes small group sharing,

periods of meditation, and Lectio Divina.

Saturday, December 19

Hospitality: 8:30am

Program: 9:00 -11:30am

Parish Center

St. John of the Cross Parish www.stjohnofthecross.org December 6, 2015 Page 11

Sacrament of Reconciliation Tuesday, December 15, 7:00pm Advent Reconciliation Service A Communal Service of Reconciliation with individual confession and absolution will take place in the church. Saturday, December 19 Individual Reconciliation - 8:30am Extended individual confessions will be offered on Saturday, December 19, with the opportunity for private or face-to-face confession. St. John of the Cross Parish offers the Sacrament of Reconciliation every Saturday throughout the year at 8:30am. For a complete schedule of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses go to our parish website. SFX Masses at Motherhouse Chapel This year due to overcrowding and fire codes, St. Francis Xavier has been asked to issue tickets for the 3pm and 5pm Masses held at the Sisters of St. Joseph Chapel. They will issue 800 tickets for each Mass to parishioners. Please tell your friends and others who may be considering going to the Motherhouse for Christmas Eve Mass that tickets will now be required.

Parish News


Those who meditate,

and those who want to learn

to meditate.

Free will offering accepted.

Registration requested, but

not required

[email protected]

or 708-246-5108

The Morning of Meditation is sponsored by the Christian Meditation groups at St. John of the Cross Parish. Information on Christian Meditation is available at wccm-usa.org and wccm.org.

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Job Search Help: Using LinkedIn and Twitter The next Interfaith Career Network program, Tuesday, December 8 from 7-9 pm at St. Cletus, will provide information on how to improve your profile, attract recruiters and find jobs using social media - especially LinkedIn and Twitter. Speaker, Abraham Sabbagh, will cover settings to maximize your visibility, 12 key elements of how recruiters find candidates, essential components of a good profile, how to brand yourself by using the right words to be found by recruiters, how to find jobs and save job searches, how to apply for a job and more. He will also recommend some useful tools to make interacting with LinkedIn easier.

Merry Moms Bring Holiday Cheer! A group of moms in our parish would like to help you get your home ready for the holidays. If you or someone you know is elderly or sick or alone, this spirit-filled group of moms will put up your inside Christmas decorations and then come back after the holidays to pack them back up. The Merry Moms welcome anyone who would like to join their efforts too! Call JoAnn McGarry today to schedule the Merry Moms to visit your home or to help the Moms. 847-562-6095.

Sign up for Share Christmas will continue after all Masses this weekend in the church narthex. There are 67 families left! To sponsor a family you can purchase:

A food gift card from Jewel or Wal-Mart for a Christmas meal Gift cards for family members from Sears, Wal-Mart, Kohl’s, Target or JC Penny

For your convenience our parish Scrip reps will be available in the church community room for you to purchase food and gift certificates. Cash, checks or credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover) will be accepted. A 3% convenience fee will be applied to credit card purchases. Donations can also be made on the home page of our parish website. Gifts will be delivered to Blessed Sacrament Church, Little Brothers/Friends of the Elderly, St. Thomas of Canterbury, Santa Maria Addolorata, St. Thaddeus, St. Mark, St. Agatha, St. Gall as well as families in our parish community. Drop off Days are December 7,8,and 9 between 9:00am and 7:00 pm at the Parish Center. The gifts will then be delivered to the parishes on Saturday, December 13th. If you have a van or small truck or if you are free to help load and deliver, please call us. Questions can be directed to Lolly Maloney at 630-261-5675 or [email protected]

or the Parish Center.

Give the gift that keeps giving! Each year parishioners help our brothers and sisters at Holy Cross, in Jinja, Uganda through the Livestock for Life Program. Your donation supplies a hen, goat or pig (and training) to a specially selected family. The animal provides income for the family and the church. You may purchase on-line with your credit card or drop off a check with the form below to the Parish Center. Each gift is $40.

Livestock for Life Gift

Your Name:_________________________________


Phone: ____________________________________

Email: _____________________________________

Number of Cards: ____________

Amount Enclosed: ___________

Drop off at Parish Center. You will receive your gift card in mail.

Page 13: St. John of the Cross Parish · There will be an informal reception after Mass in the Parish Center. More, if you are being tempted by suicidal thoughts, please reach out to me or

Crossroads Parish School

St. John of the Cross Parish www.stjohnofthecross.org December 6, 2015 Page 13

YC Schedule Classes K-6 10:15-11:30am Sun, Nov Dec 6,13 6:15-7:30pm Mon, Dec 7,14 FFC Noon-12:30 pm Sun, December 6 Jr Hi Sm Groups Dec 6 - 7th grade in home setting Dec 6 - 8th grade in Parish Center 6:30-8:30pm Dec 13 - 7th and 8th grade in home setting

This week, our students began the week with a beautiful Advent Prayer Service led by our first graders. Our students read readings, wrote intentions, and discussed ways they could be more prayerful during the Advent season. After our prayer service, one of our school and parish family moms, Mrs. Colleen deKeratry, spoke to our children about how she is sharing the light during this season. Mrs. deKeratry will be traveling to the Philippines in February to bring solar-powered light to children. She told our students that with one solar-powered light children will be able to study at night increasing their education by two years. Currently their families burn deadly kerosene. This will also allow families to save their money to fix their homes, buy livestock, and make goods for market to ensure food is on the table each day. Mrs. deKeratry asked our students to spend some time praying for her and her travel group as well as the people of the Philippines that she will be helping.

This Week at SJC Monday, December 7 Advent Prayer Service Gym 9:15am Tuesday, December 8 All School Mass 9:15am Wednesday, December 9 Band and Choir Concert Gym 7:00pm

Looking for a unique Christmas gift idea for your high school age son, daughter or grandchild? A Summer Work Tour or Conference experience makes a great gift. More details on the trips listed below will be available soon. June 19-25 Habitat for Humanity in

Newburgh, NY June 27-July 1 Notre Dame Vision July 23-30 Our Lady of Perpetual Help in KY Freshmen Home Group Leaders Needed We need one more couple to lead a Freshmen Home Group. Contact Terry or Mary Stadler at 708-246-3838 to get involved. National Catholic Youth Conference Isabella, Lauren, Katie, and Norah served with Catholic Relief Services Helping Hands program to pack food being sent to people in need. The teens will share their NCYC experience with the Crossroads Freshmen tonight.

Calendar of Events 12/6 Home Group Meetings Freshmen Experience 6pm 12/13 Frosh/Soph Retreat Team Mtg. 10:45am 12/18 Kairos Christmas Party 6pm 12/20 5pm Mass

Give the Gift of a Work Tour Experience

Page 14: St. John of the Cross Parish · There will be an informal reception after Mass in the Parish Center. More, if you are being tempted by suicidal thoughts, please reach out to me or

Women’s Club Saintly Senior Club

St. John of the Cross Parish www.stjohnofthecross.org December 6, 2015 Page 14

Join us as we kick off the holiday season with

a festive luncheon held at the William Tell

Terrace Room, 6201 Joliet Rd. in Countryside.

Convenient parking is available in the west

corner of the lot. Please rsvp by Monday, Dec.

7. No refunds after this date. Tickets are $25

per person for lunch, a glass of wine and an

entertaining program. Entrée Choice: Pot

Roast, Chicken Marsala or Tilapia. Please

indicate entrée choice and name of guest


Saintly Senior Club Christmas Luncheon

Friday December 11th 11:30am


Circle Entrée Choice Pot Roast Chicken Tilapia


Circle Entrée Choice Pot Roast Chicken Tilapia


Circle Entrée Choice Pot Roast Chicken Tilapia


Circle Entrée Choice Pot Roast Chicken Tilapia


Total Enclosed $______________

The Women’s Club invites you to join us:

“Grace Reflected… Make Space for Joy”

Come experience an evening of spiritual enrichment, community & cheer during this Advent Season!

Special Guest:

Laura Field Spiritual Director from Old St. Pat’s

Thursday, December 10th 7:00– 9:00pm

Western Springs Village Club 4221 Lawn Avenue

Please RSVP by 12/6 to [email protected]

Questions: Call Marie Gerken (630) 235-7035 This event welcomes women of all beliefs

so bring a friend! Refreshments and light snacks will be served

(suggested $10 donation)

Each Luminaria Kit includes 5 white bags, 5 long burning

candles and enough sand to assemble your luminaries.

Free home delivery seniors! Order by December 7. Pick up

at the Parish Center on Sunday, December 13 from 10am-

2pm. Drop off your order at the Parish Center (forms are in

the office) or order online on the parish website. If you are a

senior, be sure to include your address for delivery. Call

Heather McCarthy 312-543-2682.

Light the way for family & friends this Christmas…

Begin a holiday tradition your children will love!

Page 15: St. John of the Cross Parish · There will be an informal reception after Mass in the Parish Center. More, if you are being tempted by suicidal thoughts, please reach out to me or

Mass Intentions Italics: Living Intention Monday, December 7 St. Ambrose 7:45am Muriel Albertson; Muriel & George Mackel Tuesday, December 8 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

6:30am Bridget Dowdle; William Kuzel 7:45am Carole Turlek; Herb Nilles 9:15am All School Mass 6:30pm Mike Reidy; Herb Nilles Wednesday, December 9 St. Juan Diego

7:45am John Treacy; Theresa Lang Thursday, December 10 Advent Weekday

7:45am Our Beloved Dead; Martha Osuch Friday, December 11 St. Damasus, I

7:45am Joseph Piszczor; Bridget & Katie Dowdle

Saturday, December 12 Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

8:00am Bridget Dowdle; Jeff Lawrence 5:00pm Carole Turlek; Raymond Fatter Sunday, December 13 Third Sunday of Advent

7:30am Margaret Kirtley; James McNaughton 9:00am Thomas McGuinty; Harry Smith 10:45am Mike Reidy; Herb Nilles 12:15pm Geraldine Sullivan; Sylvester Ptak 5:00pm Thomas Durkin; Patrick Collins

Wedding Banns Meghan Callaghan & Patrick Gillespie

Pray for our Sick Jean Allen Guido Arquilla Therese Bonneau Gloria Deizman Mildred Fitzgerald John Gazdacka Karen Hult Lynn Jeffery Don King JoAnn Klein George Kojima Carol Martin

John Martin Alice Myers Roberta Ohlquist Maria Olson Marian Pascale Steve Pechous Maurice Redmand Keri Rohr Maureen Soules Michael Sullivan Theresa Vana Robert VanWhye Don Vollmer

Our Beloved Dead Charles Macke, husband of Irene, father of Charles, Kenneth, Alicia, Laurance, grandfather of Liza and Terry Chuck Freehill, brother of Anne Zick Eileen Quinn, mother of John, grandmother of Charlotte, Maria and Catherine Marguerite Kohut, mother of Judith Mara, Michael, Gregory and Timothy, grandmother of ten Phyllis Rosati, mother of Celine Skertich, grandmother of Joe, Nick and Luke

For staff emails go to our parish website www.stjohnofthecross.org/leadership/parish-staff/

Mass for those Impacted by Suicide and Mental Illness On Sunday, December 13

at 5 pm join us for a special Mass for those

impacted by Suicide and Mental Illness. The Mass will be said by Fr. Charles Rubey, Founder and Director of the LOSS Program (Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide). Over 37 years ago, this unique ministry was created to bring together individuals impacted by suicide. The LOSS program provides group and individual support to individuals grieving a devastating loss by suicide. LOSS is a non-denominational program that offers a safe, non-judgmental environment where survivors of suicide can openly talk about feelings and experiences. For more information about the LOSS Program go to www.catholiccharities.net/loss. There will be a gathering after Mass in the Parish Center.

December 6, 2015 Page 15

Monday, December 7 9am-7pm Share Christmas Drop Off 9:30am Spiritual Journaling 10:30am Step 11 Christian Meditation 2:30pm Adoration 6:15pm YC 7:00pm Boy Scouts Tuesday, December 8 ~ Immaculate Conception Masses are at 6:30am, 7:45am, 9:15am and 6:30pm 9am-7pm Share Christmas Drop Off 7:00pm RCIA 7:30pm Christian Meditation Wednesday, December 9 9am-7pm Share Christmas Drop Off 9:30am Gospel of John Bible Study 1:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry 2:30pm Christian Meditation 3:30pm John of the Cross Study Group 3:45pm Cherub Choir Practice 7:00pm School Band & Choir Concert 7:00pm Chicago Catholic Scripture School 7:30pm Traditional Choir Practice Thursday, December 10 3:45pm Youth Choir Practice 7:00pm Faith Sharing Group 7:30pm CatholicVote Speaker, Brian Burch 7:30pm Contemporary Choir Practice 7:30 SAM Meeting Friday, December 11 9:15am Mom's Club Saturday, December 12, 2015 7:00am Christian Meditation Parish Directory Pick Up After All Masses in Parish Center Sunday, December 13, 2015 Parish Directory Pick Up After All Masses in Parish Center 10am-2pm Luminaria Pick Up in Parish Center 7:00am SAM Meeting 9:00am YC Jr. High Small Groups 10:15am YC 10:30am Crossroads Fresh/Soph Retreat Meeting 1:30pm Baptisms 3:30pm Boy Scouts 4:00pm YC BEDS

Page 16: St. John of the Cross Parish · There will be an informal reception after Mass in the Parish Center. More, if you are being tempted by suicidal thoughts, please reach out to me or

Spirito! Singers Ragazze Ensemble will join us at our

9:00 am Mass next Sunday, December 13th

Spirito! Singers is an exceptional local choral organization featuring 225 talented singers. Spirito! ensembles include: Bravura, young women 9

th -12

th grade,

Ragazze girls, 5th – 8

th grade, and the Men of Spirito!, men 18 years old and up.

Sponsored by the SJC Youth Catechesis Council

Page 17: St. John of the Cross Parish · There will be an informal reception after Mass in the Parish Center. More, if you are being tempted by suicidal thoughts, please reach out to me or


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Page 18: St. John of the Cross Parish · There will be an informal reception after Mass in the Parish Center. More, if you are being tempted by suicidal thoughts, please reach out to me or


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