23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 8, 2019 St. Christopher Catholic Church 12001 SE Federal Hwy, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 772-546-5150, office 772-546-8820, fax www.stchrishs.com [email protected] Rev. Aidan Hynes, Pastor Jesus instructs the crowds about the cost of discipleship. Family Connection Provide your children with a list of things that they are responsible for interspersed with things that they like to do—for example, make their beds, take out the garbage, go to the park, do homework, watch television, have a snack, feed the cat. The list should reflect their responsibilities and favorite recreations. Tell them to pretend that company is coming and ask which of the things listed should be done first. Explain that this is called setting priorities. Paraphrase the Gospel story for the children. Ask them what Jesus says is the most important thing for them to do. Jesus tells us that the number- one priority is to follow him. But just as it is not always easy to do the things we are supposed to do before doing the fun things, it is not always easy to be a follower of Jesus. Yet when we put Jesus first, we will be truly happy.

St. C hristopher C athol ic Church...2019/09/08  · 23rd Sunday in O rdi nary T ime Sept em ber 8, 2019 St. C hristopher C athol ic Church 1200 1 SE F ede ral Hw y, Hob e Sound, FL

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Page 1: St. C hristopher C athol ic Church...2019/09/08  · 23rd Sunday in O rdi nary T ime Sept em ber 8, 2019 St. C hristopher C athol ic Church 1200 1 SE F ede ral Hw y, Hob e Sound, FL

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 8, 2019

St. Christopher Catholic Church

12001 SE Federal Hwy, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 772-546-5150, office 772-546-8820, fax

www.stchrishs.com [email protected] Rev. Aidan Hynes, Pastor

Jesus instructs the crowds about the cost of discipleship.

Family Connection

Provide your children with a list of things that they are

responsible for interspersed with things that they like to

do—for example, make their beds, take out the garbage, go

to the park, do homework, watch television, have a snack,

feed the cat. The list should reflect their responsibilities

and favorite recreations. Tell them to pretend that company

is coming and ask which of the things listed should be done

first. Explain that this is called setting priorities.

Paraphrase the Gospel story for the children. Ask them what Jesus says is the most

important thing for them to do. Jesus tells us that the number-one priority is to follow him.

But just as it is not always easy to do the things we are supposed to do before doing

the fun things, it is not always easy to be a follower of Jesus. Yet when we put Jesus first,

we will be truly happy.

Page 2: St. C hristopher C athol ic Church...2019/09/08  · 23rd Sunday in O rdi nary T ime Sept em ber 8, 2019 St. C hristopher C athol ic Church 1200 1 SE F ede ral Hw y, Hob e Sound, FL

Saturday, September 7, 2019 3:30 PM † Mary E. Dunn / † Tom Fordham / † Michael Shull / † Alfred Murphy

5:00 PM † Carol DeJulia / Intention of Sean Miller Family / † Elizabeth Lala / Special Intention

Sunday, September 8, 2019 7:30 AM † Ralph and Mary Scheidt / † Vicki Ricard / Intention of all Religious Education Volunteers /

Intention of People of St. Christopher

9:00 AM † The Charles and Sophie Lomangino Family / † Robilyn Hines / † Nicholas Rich

10:30 AM † Jimmy and Florence Cullen / † Beth MacDougall Wallock / † Denise DeVandry /

† Evelyn P. DeRosa

Monday, September 9, 2019 9:00 AM † Joseph A Sedlak / Brenda Leider / Intention of The Mariner Sands Prayer Group

Tuesday, September 10, 2019 9:00 AM † Patrick Rafferty / † Michele Zakrzewski / Intention of Judy Riddle / † Deacon Bill and Rita Wildes

Wednesday, September 11, 2019 9:00 AM † Raymond Miller / Intention of Elaine Pekar / Intention of St. Christopher Bingo Volunteers

Thursday, September 12, 2019 9:00 AM † Henry Riordan / † Members of the Michaud Family

Friday, September 13, 2019 9:00 AM † Hank and Wanda Kohler / † Gerald and Evelyn Royce /

Intention of The Kohler and Stevens Families / Intention of The Franz and Pearce Families

Saturday, September 14, 2019 3:30 PM † Maryellen Castellano / † Rose and Sandy Quattro / † Marjorie Fitzpatrick /

† The deceased members of the Dean Newbury Family

5:00 PM † Loretta and Frank J. Burgert / † The Frederick, Matkowski, and Wyshywaniuk Families /

† Rosalie Ciccotto / Intention of Bill & Ginny Hughes 65th Wedding Anniversary

Sunday, September 15, 2019 7:30 AM † Linda Masterpole / † Wynne Serra / † Charles and Thelma Finley /

Intention of People of St. Christopher

9:00 AM † Lois Morahan / † Tom Alfes / † John Fenton / † Martha Mabie

10:30 AM † Thomas Egan / † Michael and Josephine DeTardo / † Christina Feola / † Richard A. Wood

Altar Flowers and Sanctuary Candles For the Week of September 8 to September 14

Altar Flowers In Loving Memory of Ralph and Mary Scheidt

as requested by Evelyn McCloskey.

Sanctuary Candles In memory of Margaret Wojewodzic

as requested by her loving daughter Mary Jane.

Page 1 September 8, 2019 Mass Intentions

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This Week’s Readings

First ReadingWisdom 9:13-18b

Knowledge alone has limits. We also need wisdom to

understand the ways of God.

Responsorial PsalmPsalm 90:3-4,5-6,12-13,14-17

God's power has no boundaries; it is not limited

by space and time.

Second ReadingPhilemon 9-10, 12-17

Paul encourages one of his converts to consider his former slave a brother in

Christ Jesus.

Gospel ReadingLuke 14:25-33

Jesus teaches about the demands of discipleship.

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 2

Background on the

Gospel Reading

In chapter 14 of Luke's Gospel, Jesus is speaking to people gathered

at the table about the difficulties of following him. This group of people

is suspicious about Jesus, looking to catch him doing something wrong.

Jesus speaks to them in parables, emphasizing that although there is a

right way to be a disciple and enter into the kingdom of his Father, it is a

difficult path to follow. Many, even some of the guests at the table, reject

the invitation. So Jesus turns to the crowds and speaks to them of

discipleship. Jesus explains that, when it comes to making a choice for

the Kingdom of God, nothing can get in the way. When Jesus describes

“hating” one's father and mother, he is not talking about feelings. Rather,

he is emphasizing very strongly that choosing to be a disciple means that

everything else—family, money, your own life—must come second. In

Matthew's version of this story (Matthew 10:37), Jesus refers not to

“hating” father or mother, but to loving them

more than Jesus. Jesus makes it very clear that

being a disciple is not easy. It means to bear

one's own cross. These difficult sayings of Jesus

are followed by two brief parables (a person

constructing a tower and a king marching into

battle) that make an obvious point—don't start

what you cannot finish. Discipleship is difficult

and is something we can commit to only if we

are prepared to put the Kingdom of God before

everything else.

This Week’s Liturgy

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Mass Schedule Monday thru Friday


Saturday Vigil 3:30pm and 5:00pm


7:30am, 9:00am and 10:30am

Confessions Friday, following the morning Mass or by


Office Hours Monday thru Friday

9:00am to 1:00pm


Registration We do our best to keep our parish roster updated and


• If you are new to the parish, please complete a

registration form.

• If you move, change your phone number, or have

changes to family members, please update

your registration.

• If you are moving from the parish, please inform us.


Welcome to

St. Christopher Parish

Thank you for attending Mass with us today, we are glad you came!

Fr. Aidan Hynes and the parish family of St. Christopher would like to welcome all of our visitors and new members.

Please call the parish office at 772-546-5150 for information

or to arrange any of the following:

Anointing of the Sick, Baptism, Homebound Visits,

Mass Intentions, Marriages, or Funeral / Memorial Masses

Please remember St. Christopher Parish in your will.

Page 3 September 8, 2019

Please make all

offertory collection checks payable to “St. Christopher”.

Dollars and Sense

“Give to the Most High as He has given to you, generously, according to your means.”

~ Sirach 35: 7 - 9

Last Week’s Collections

Combined Offertory and Major Maintenance,

August 31 & September 1

Due to weather issues, these totals will be reported in next week’s bulletin.

Upcoming Collections

This Week’s Second Collection, September 7 / 8

The Second Collection will be our Respect Life Collection.

Next Week’s Second Collection, September 14 / 15

The Second Collection will benefit our own St. Christopher Religious Education Program.

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23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 4

St. Christopher

Catholic Church

Opportunities to

Step Up and Join In

Ministries, Programs,

Groups, and Parish Services

to consider:


• Ushers

• Lectors

• Eucharistic Ministers

• Altar Servers

Children on Weekends and

Adults on Weekdays

• Homebound Ministers and

Nursing Home Ministry

• Religious Education

• Rosary Group

• Charismatic Prayer Group



• St. Vincent de Paul Thrift


• Bible Study

• Council of Catholic


• Knights of Columbus

• Legion of Mary

Parishioners and visitors often remark on the arrangements adorning our sanctuary. They are always fresh cut flowers,

replaced weekly.

You can help with the cost involved by using the floral arrangements to honor the living or memorialize the dead. An

acknowledgment of those being honored or memorialized and also the

name of those arranging it will be placed in the bulletin each week.

A similar arrangement can be made for the Sanctuary Candles. Please

contact the parish office at 772-546-5150 for details.


There is a great need for Ushers at all Masses. If you can serve in this role, please see the head usher before your Mass in the vestibule at

the back of the church. Please consider serving.


There is also a great need for Adult Altar Servers at weekday Masses and we are always happy to welcome Children Altar Servers

at weekend Masses. Please consider serving.

Knights of Columbus

Our next dinner is celebrating


Mark your calendars for Saturday September 21st. Tickets will go on sale this weekend September 7th and 8th after all the Masses. Please coordinate with family,

friends, and neighbors then buy your tickets early, as we expect this one to be very popular!

“gute Zeit” (good time).

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Join our Rosary Group


thru Friday at 8:30am

Pray for all intentions

of the people of the parish.

Page 5 September 8, 2019




Bible Study with Eric Wolf: Gospel According to Matthew

Jesus the Christ suffered, died, and rose from the dead for our salvation: this is the good news that every Catholic believes. The Gospels proclaim this Good News and show us who Jesus is. Matthew is the evangelist who portrays Jesus as the Messianic Teacher. Together, we will discover the roots of our Catholic belief.

Mr. Wolf, a 14-year adjunct professor in Old and New Testament, leads the course with the benefit of his years of Master degree study in the Scriptures.

Join us to pray and study on Wednesdays from September 11 through Advent; we meet in the morning at 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. or evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the Education Building. Commentary cost is $11 for those who pre-enroll; call the Office or Eric Wolf (772-932-7969) ahead of time to enroll.

St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store

M-F 9am-12pm Saturday 9am-12pm

We welcome donations of clean, gently used: Clothing * Household Items * Furniture

and non-perishable items for our food pantry.

We are always in need of shoppers! Help us help others, consider volunteering.

For furniture pick up (1st floor only) please call 772-546-5070.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! It’s time to purchase your

St. Christopher Council of Catholic Women

30 Week Club ticket for 2019-20. Each ticket costs $30. Registration forms are available at

the doors of the church. There are 3 drawings a month for $30 and 1 monthly drawing for $60 starting in Sept. The final drawing in May is for $600 ! This is your chance to have some fun and help us support our local charities.

Thank You for your continued support !!


WELCOME BACK!! St. Christopher Council of Catholic Women are looking forward to a new and exciting council year. We hope you will join us as we share in our Christian mission to serve the Lord and each other. Our General Meetings are every second Tuesday of the month at 1:00P.M. in the Parish Hall. We hope to see you on Tuesday September 10, 2019 . Remember, all women of the parish are welcome! Please remember to bring your nonperishable goods for our wonderful St. Vincent de Paul. Thank you for your generosity .

Join our Legion of Mary Wednesday following the

9:00am Mass.

In the Hospitality Room.

Join our Charismatic Prayer


Tuesdays following the 9:00am Mass.

In the Hospitality Room.


Come and enjoy the fun of playing Bingo on Wednesday afternoons in St. Christopher’s Parish Hall.

Doors open at 11:00 AM. Game start at 12:30 PM.


Our Parish Hall is air conditioned and smoke free. Hot dogs and chips, coffee, soft drinks, and snacks

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23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 6

Diocese of Palm Beach’s Dedication to Prevention of Abuse through Training

and Education of Children

The Diocese of Palm Beach is committed to the safety and protection of minors and vulnerable adults in its care. The prevention of child abuse is challenging and requires more than adult

awareness, education, and training about the nature and scope of the problem. The “VIRTUS Teaching Safety – Empowering God’s Children” program enables the parents, teachers, cate-

chists, and youth ministers to give minors the tools they need to protect themselves from those who might harm them. All children in the Diocese of Palm Beach parishes and schools are in-

structed biannually with tools that empower them in personal safety. To learn more, visit www.diocesepb.org/education-and-training-of-adults-children-and-youth.

Visit the Diocese of Palm Beach on the web at


Prayer For The Protection From Storms

God our Father, Creator of the Universe and Lord over all creation, we humbly stand before you as your children in thanksgiving for your loving care and protection.

We ask that you keep us safe from all hurricanes which may threaten us in the coming seasons. Protect us from all fear and anxiety of storms and give us an ardent trust

and hope in Your love and mercy. You alone have the power to command the sea, the wind and the rain. You alone bring peace, calm, and safety. Father, we

thank you in advance, for you are our only Refuge.

We ask this through Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Mary, Queen of the Apostles, and Patroness of our Diocese, pray for us.

Month Mind Mass Sep. 14, 10-11 a.m. Our Lady Queen of Peace Cemetery, 10941 Southern Boulevard, Royal Palm Beach Held in the outdoor chapel, this memorial Mass is held the second Saturday of each month and is of-fered for those laid to rest in the previous month. All are welcome to attend. 561-793-0711 or [email protected] Back to School Mass for John Carroll High School Students Sep. 12, 10:45 a.m. John Carroll High School, 3402 Delaware Avenue, Fort Pierce Bishop Barbarito will be the celebrant at this Back to School Mass to be celebrated at John Carroll High School, one of diocesan high schools. If you wish to attend the Mass and are a parent/guardian or a family member, please contact the school to check on seating availability and if the Mass is open for others to join the school community for this celebratory Mass. 561-683-6266

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Religious Education

September 8 Registration Starts at 9:00 am September 8 First day of Class September 15 Class

Due to the storms predicted for last weekend, we were unable to be available to accept


Registration will take place this weekend. We ask that you be patient during the registration

process. There have been only a few registrations received to date, so we are

expecting a crowd.

Classes begin at 10:00 am

and dismiss at 11:30 am.

Please bring your child

to the building and come back to pick them up at the end of class.

The parking lot is too busy for children to be

running through it.

Thank you to all the amazing volunteers who stepped forward to join our team. They have

worked all Summer to prepare for our program.

This Week's

5 Questions

1. How old was Jesus when he stayed behind at the Temple?

2. Name the wife of Zecharias, the priest.

3. Which prophet healed the polluted water at Jericho?

4. Name the city where Paul was born.

5. What was the secret Esther kept from her husband?

Last Week’s

5 Questions

1. Where was Jesus standing when Satan asked him to jump? On the top of the temple (Matthew 4:5-6)

2. Which prophet went to heaven in a Chariot of fire?

Elijah (2 Kings 2:11)

3. Before leaving, what did Rachel steal from her father?

The household idols (Genesis 31:19)

4. Who was the father of Jonathan?

Saul (1 Samuel 14:1)

5. Who was it who said, "Am I my brother's keeper?"

Cain (Genesis 4:9)

Page 7 September 8, 2019

Susan Kirch Religious Education Coordinator

772-546-5150, ext. 2010

[email protected]

Classes start September 8th, 2019

and run from 10am to 11:30am.

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Home Bound Ministry Kathy Wildes, Director, 772-546-5150

Kathy’s Hours: Tuesday and Friday each week

Knights of Columbus Eric Wolf, Grand Knight, (772) 932-7969

Meetings 1st Tuesday each month, 7:30 PM in the Parish Hall.

Jonathan C. Knaus, Field Agent (561) 603-8303

Ed Jost, Membership Director (407) 430-5209

Legion of Mary Sandra Johnson, (561) 729-3104

Wednesday 9:30 AM in the Hospitality Room

Nursing Home Ministry The Terrace of Hobe Sound

(Formerly The Manors of Hobe Sound)

2nd Saturday of the Month, at 10am for service and every other week on Thursday morning.

Please call, 772-546-5150

Rosary Group Monday thru Friday at 8:30 AM in the Church

St. Christopher Men’s Ministry Frank Weiland, (772) 545-3876

Meets Saturday morning at 8:00am in the Hospitality Room.

St. Christopher Parish Singles Group Lois at (772) 341-4654

Meets first Monday each month, October thru May at 1:00pm in the Hospitality Room.

St. Vincent de Paul Office (772) 546-2492

Hours Monday - Friday from 9am to 12pm Thrift Shop (772) 546-5070

Monday - Saturday, 9am - 12pm

St. Christopher Choir Bernadette Lindell, Music Director, (561) 308-3724

Religious Education Sue Kirch, Coordinator of Religious Education

[email protected] (772) 546-5150

All Saints Catholic School 1759 Indian Creek Pkwy, Jupiter, FL 33458

(561) 748-8994

Bible Study As scheduled seasonally, watch the bulletin.

Eric Wolf, (772) 932-7969 Ken and Connie Ziesman, (772) 463-0858

Bingo Every Wednesday, doors open at 11:00 AM and play starts at

12:30 PM in the Parish Hall

Charismatic Prayer Group Ken & Connie Ziesman, (772) 463-0858

Tuesday 9:30 AM in the Hospitality Room

Christ Child Society Leslie Berch (772) 220-1194

Meets the second Monday each month, October - March at 9:30 AM in the Hospitality Room

Council of Catholic Women Linda Duggan, President,

Sept thru May, Meetings the 2nd Tuesday each month,

1 PM in the Parish Hall

Diocese of Palm Beach 9995 N Military Trl, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

(561) 775-9500

Diocesan Cemetery Our Lady Queen of Peace, (561) 793-0711

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 8

St. Christopher Church

12001 SE Federal Hwy, Hobe Sound, FL 33455

(772) 546-5150, Office (772) 546-8820, Fax

[email protected]


St. Christopher Staff

Rev. Aidan Hynes, Pastor Mary Stevens, Office Manager

Diane Busch, Bookkeeper Kathy Wildes, Secretary

Bernadette Lindell, Music Director Susan Kirch, Coordinator of Religious Education

Some minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed up and permanently set. View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com

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Non-medical in-home servicesfor Seniors by Seniors.

For help or to be a caregiver, please call


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