St. Brigid/Sta. Brígida Catholic Church Iglesia Católica 5214 South Western Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90062 (323)292-0781 Fax: (323)290-1254 Email: [email protected] Website: www.stbrigidchurch.com PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. Roger J. Caesar, S. S. J. Associate Pastor: Rev. Kenneth Keke, S.S.J. Dn. Hernado Rodriguez Dn. Jack Turner Sister Mariana Halsmer Parish Manager: Mrs. Cheryl Pyles Religious Education Dir.: Mrs. Floy Hawkins Liturgy Coordinator: Ms. LaVonne Anderson MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de Misa Saturday Vigil Sábado Vigilia: 4:00 PM Ingles Sunday/Domingo 7:00 AM Ingles Spanish 8:30 AM Español Gospel 10:30 AM Ingles Weekdays Semanal 8:15 AM (Bi-lingual) CONFESSION/SACRAMENT OF PENANCE CONFESION/SACRAMENTO DE PENITENCIA Saturday/Sábados 3:30-4:30 PM or by appointment/por cita RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (CCD) EDUCACION RELIGIOSA Saturdays/Sabados 9:30 - 11:30 AM Sept - May SACARAMENTS/SACRAMENTOS Baptism/Bautismos for Infants or Adults-(Rite of Christians Initiation of Adults RCIA): Please contact the priest to register. Infant Baptism Class for Parents & Godparents, 2nd Tuesday of the month with Baptism on the 4 th Saturday at 1:00 PM. Para bebes o Adultos (rituo de Iniciacion Cristiana de Adultos RCIA): Por favor contactar al Sacerdote antes del Registro de la Clase de Bautismo de Padres & Padrinos. La Clase Mensual es el 2ndo Martes & el Bautismo el 4to Sábado del mes a la 1:00 PM. First Communion and Confirmation Ordinarily require two years preparation through the Religious Education Program. Primera Comunión Y Confirmación, 2 años de preparación Marriage/Matrimonios Please Contact the Priest at least six months in advance. Do not book the reception hall until the wedding date in the church is confirmed. Por favor contactar al Sacerdote por lo menos 6 meses de anticipación. No contratar el local de la Iglesia sin haber confirmado la fecha de la boda. FUNERALS/FUNERALES-Please contact the priest before confirming any arrangements with your funeral home or mortuary. Por favor contactar al Sacerdote antes de hacer algún arreglo con la Funeraria o Murtuario. QUINCE ANOS- Confirmed pre-15 year olds should contact the parish office no less than one month prior to the anticipated celebration date. Please do not book a reception hall until church date is confirmed.15 Añeras ya confirmadas contactar a la parroquia un mes antes de la ceremonia. Por favor no contratar el local de la parroquia sin haber confirmado la fecha de la celebración.

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St. Brigid/Sta. Brígida

Catholic Church Iglesia Católica

5214 South Western Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90062

(323)292-0781 Fax: (323)290-1254 Email: [email protected] Website: www.stbrigidchurch.com


Pastor: Rev. Roger J. Caesar, S. S. J.

Associate Pastor: Rev. Kenneth Keke, S.S.J.

Dn. Hernado Rodriguez

Dn. Jack Turner

Sister Mariana Halsmer

Parish Manager: Mrs. Cheryl Pyles

Religious Education Dir.: Mrs. Floy Hawkins

Liturgy Coordinator: Ms. LaVonne Anderson

MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de Misa

Saturday Vigil Sábado Vigilia: 4:00 PM Ingles

Sunday/Domingo 7:00 AM Ingles

Spanish 8:30 AM Español Gospel 10:30 AM Ingles Weekdays Semanal 8:15 AM (Bi-lingual) CONFESSION/SACRAMENT OF PENANCE CONFESION/SACRAMENTO DE PENITENCIA Saturday/Sábados 3:30-4:30 PM or by appointment/por cita


Saturdays/Sabados 9:30 - 11:30 AM – Sept - May

SACARAMENTS/SACRAMENTOS Baptism/Bautismos for Infants or Adults-(Rite of Christians Initiation of Adults RCIA): Please contact the priest to register. Infant Baptism Class for Parents & Godparents, 2nd Tuesday of the month with Baptism on the 4th Saturday at 1:00 PM. Para bebes o Adultos (rituo de Iniciacion Cristiana de Adultos RCIA): Por favor contactar al Sacerdote antes del Registro de la Clase de Bautismo de Padres & Padrinos. La Clase Mensual es el 2ndo Martes & el Bautismo el 4to Sábado del mes a la 1:00 PM. First Communion and Confirmation Ordinarily require two years preparation through the Religious Education Program. Primera Comunión Y Confirmación, 2 años de preparación Marriage/Matrimonios Please Contact the Priest at least six months in advance. Do not book the reception hall until the wedding date in the church is confirmed. Por favor contactar al Sacerdote por lo menos 6 meses de anticipación. No contratar el local de la Iglesia sin haber confirmado la fecha de la boda. FUNERALS/FUNERALES-Please contact the priest before confirming any arrangements with your funeral home or mortuary. Por favor contactar al Sacerdote antes de hacer algún arreglo con la Funeraria o Murtuario. QUINCE ANOS- Confirmed pre-15 year olds should contact the parish office no less than one month prior to the anticipated celebration date. Please do not book a reception hall until church date is confirmed.15 Añeras ya confirmadas contactar a la parroquia un mes antes de la ceremonia. Por favor no contratar el local de la parroquia sin haber confirmado la fecha de la celebración.

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2 St. Brigid Church Sunday 05-06-12 Question of the Week: In the coming week, what opportunities will you have to show forth the “fruits” that Jesus expects us to bear: kindness, goodness, and patience? Pregunta de la Semana: Durante la semana próxima, ¿qué oportunidades tendrás de demostrar los “frutos” que Jesús espera de nosotros: gentileza, bondad y paciencia?

Parish Mission Statement /Nuestra Mision Como Parroquia: We the Faith Community of St. Brigid Catholic Church declare our mission is to know and imitate Jesus. We proclaim

the reign of God in this community by preaching, teaching the Good News and celebrating our Roman Catholic worship. We witness the faith by demonstrating service and compassion for those in need. As Community, we welcome, honor and respect all people with the special emphasis on the culture and heritage of the African American and Hispanic Catholics.

Nosotros la Comunidad en Fe de la Iglesia Catolica de Sta. Brigida, declaramos nuestra mision es conocer e imitar a

Jesus. Proclamamos el Reino de Dios en esta comunidad, predicando y ensenado Las Buenas Nuevas y celebrando la Alabanza Catolica Romana. Somos testigos de nuestra fe al demostrar servicio y compacion a todo aquel en nececidad. Como comunidad, le damos la bienvenida, honor y respeto a toda la gente, con enfasis en especial, a las culturas y herencias de los Católicos Afro-americanos y Latinos.

St. Brigid is an active participant in Deanery 16 of the Our Lady of the Angels Region, Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

Sta. Brigida es una Iglesia participante activa en el Diaconato 16 de la Region de Nuestra Senora de los Angeles, Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles.

Established in 1920 and served by the Josephite Fathers & Brothers since 1979!

Establecida en 1920 y servida por los Padres y Hermanos Josesuitas desde 1979!

READINGS FOR THE WEEK May 5th Saturday Vigil ~ Easter Weekday May 6th Sunday Fifth Sunday of EASTER Acts 9: 26-31; Jn 3: 18-24; Jn 15: 1-8

May 7th Monday: Acts 14: 5-18; Jn 14:21-26

May 8th Tuesday: Acts 14: 19-28; Jn 14- 27-31a May 9th Wednesday: Acts 15: 1-6; Jn 15: 1-8 May 10th Thursday: Acts 15: 7-21; Jn 15:9-11 May 11th Friday: Acts 15: 22-31; Jn 15:12-17 May 12th Saturday: Acts 16: 1-10; Jn 15:18-21

MASS INTENTIONS 4:00 PM – Intentions for Family Unity 7:00 AM – Intentions for All Saints 8:30 AM – Intentions for Vocations 10:30 AM – In Memory of Eddie & Hester Creecy & James & Ester Robinson, R.I.P, fr. Mr. Creecy 8:15 AM – Intentions for the Celebrant 8:15 AM – Intentions for the Celebrant 8:15 AM – Intentions for Vocations 8:15 AM – Intentions for the Celebrant 8:15 AM – Intentions for all God’s Children 4:00 PM – Intentions for the Community

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3 St. Brigid Church Sunday 05-06-12


THIS WEEK AT SBC ------------------------------------------------------------- May 6th – Sunday 1:00 pm – Hospitality Mtg – Rm 1 1:00 pm – Jr. Ushers 2:00 pm – Gospel Choir May 7th – Monday 12:00 pm – Young @ Heart 6:30 pm – Drum Ministry – Rm 5 7:00 pm – Monday Night Prayer – Rm 7 7:00 pm – Emanuel Prayer Group – Hall/R 1 May 8th – Tuesday 7:00 pm – Spanish Youth Bible – R 1 7:00 pm – Emmanuel Bible – R 5 May 9th – Wednesday 12:00 pm – Hot Meal for homeless 12:00 pm – Soup, Salad, Scripture – R 7 6:30 pm – Traditional Choir Rehearsal – Church 7:00 pm – Soup, Salad, Scripture – R 7 7:00 pm – Spanish Youth Choir – Hall May 10th – Thursday 7:00 pm – Resurrection Choir 7:00 pm – Evangelization Ministry – Rm 7 May 11th – Friday 7:00 pm – OA Meeting – R 7 7:00 pm – Spanish Youth Ministry – Hall May 12th – Saturday 12:00 pm – NA – R 5 1:00 pm – KPC Court 259 – Rms 5 & 7 2:00 pm – AA – R 1 4:00 pm – Nat’l Postal Alliance – Rm 7 7:00 pm – Spanish Liturgy Committee - Rectory



Reception after Mass in Parish Hall for 1st Communicants and Family



Month of May: Monday thru Thursday, 6:30 pm – CHURCH


Fr. John G. Harfmann, SSJ, former Pastor of St. Brigid has been hospitalized at John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. Please pray for his full recovery.


Deacon Etido S. Jerome, S.S.J. will be ordained on Saturday, May 19th at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception by Bishop John H. Ricard, S.S.J., DD. Fr. Etido will say a Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, May 27th, at 10 am here at St. Brigid. A Celebration Reception will immediately follow Mass in the Parish Hall. A basket will be available for individual Ordination Gifts to Fr. Etido. During the short Reception Program, ministries and organizations are welcome to make Ordination Gift presentations to Fr. Etido.

The Memorial Celebration of the Life of Tina Bryant, daughter of

Joyce Vause, will be held on May 12, 2012 at 11:00 am, here at

St. Brigid. Repast in the Parish Hall immediately following the service.

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4 St. Brigid Church Sunday 05-06-12


The monthly pledge billings for Together in Mission have been mailed. It is very important that these pledges be paid so that our parish will reach and hopefully exceed our goal. Please keep in mind that St. Brigid has been a recipient of Together in Mission Funds, so please be generous with your donation.

2012 Goal $28,146.80 2012 Pledge Amounts $24,881.00


CHURCH DOOR PROJECT: The estimates for the church door project have begun to come in. We now have an idea how much this project will cost. What we are doing now is analyzing those estimates to make sure we will get the doors we need at the price we can

pay. We are also factoring in the cost of repairing the doors to the school hall. The heavy rain we had a couple of weeks ago, not only gave our flowers and plants a good soaking, it also revealed a leak we have in the church roof. The leak is located on the section of the church roof where the choir is. That is why the painting of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. is not where it usually is. We had to take it down because it was getting wet. We will replace it as soon as we can. But that section of the church roof has to be repaired; and we have already begun working on that. So, if anyone wants to make a donation to our repair project at St. Brigid, it is not too late.


St. Brigid Church is looking for volunteers to form a TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE. The committee will start work in the New Year. We are looking for parishioners who are skilled and experienced in the areas of website management, computers and telephones. Please call Father Caesar (323) 292-0781.

St. Brigid Council 259 KNIGHTS OF PETER CLAVER: Harrah’s Rincon Casino Trip; Saturday, May 19, 2012; Leaving St. Brigid Church at 8:30am & returning at 6:30pm; donation $25.00 (NO REFUNDS); Please contact: Charles Bridges (323) 702-6089 or James Gibson (323) 236-2311 . SACRISTANS NEEDED: FOR 4PM SATURDAY MASS & 10:30AM SUNDAY MASS. PLEASE CONTACT JAMES GIBSON (323) 236-2311 OR MAXINE MCNEAL (323) 868-4038. THE MINISTRY MEETS ON THE THIRD WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH @ 5:30PM IN THE RECTORY.

SPIRITUALITY ACCW 8TH ANNUAL SPRING MASS: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral. Crowning of Blessed Mother at 9:50 a.m. Mass begins at 10:00 a.m. Celebrants are Rev. Msgr. James Gehl, Moderator and Rev. Msgr. Kevin Kostelnik, Pastor. All invited to attend.

Weekly Deposits (Envelopes,Loose,Building,Maintenance,Flowers,Candles,etc..)



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5 St. Brigid Church Sunday 05-06-12 SUNDAY CATHOLIC TV MASS: Heart of the Nation, in partnership with local parishes, has been serving homebound Catholics with the Sunday TV Mass since 1984. In the Los Angeles metro area, the Mass airs on KDOC-TV Channel 56 at 9:00am. Please help spread the word and tell the homebound.

SICK LIST Please keep all the sick and shut-ins of our parish in your prayers. Remember a phone call to say hello, or a card mailed will only take a few minutes of your time. Home Bound Parishioners -- Louie Arias, Maria Jesus Ayala, Kathleen Brooks, Lillian Brown, Beatrice Corral, Audrey Duplessis, Inuka Fikes, Audrey Heisser, Ianthe Hughes, Emmeline Johnson, George P. Jones, Maria Matias, Beverly Robinson, John Sanders, Leonora Sandoval, Doris Simon, John Spath, Deacon Jack & Joan Turner, Joyce Vause, Charles Walker, Ethel Young, Lidia Zelaya. Parishioners with Chronic Ailments or Ongoing Recovery -- Francis Hartsook-Brown, Robert Brown Jr., Marcia Bruce, Eleanor Eastman, Mary Edwards, Gladys Fortier, Timothy Galendez Sr., Esperanza Garcia, Dyllis Godoy, Aline Heisser-Ovid, Carolyn Hunter, Tyrone Jackson, Barbara Johnson, Delphine Jones, Susie Langford, Herbert LeGrange, Joseph Lanoix, Mary Leonard, Byron Luke, Charlene Marshall, Charles Mays, Ernestine McNealy, Mary Ann Miller, Sarah Mays, Dorothy Navarre, Warren Navarre, Donald Osborne, Harry Phelps, Cora Porter, Sheila Rankin, Pearl Rivero, Bernadette Ross, Grace Sampson, Alma Simpkins, Hyacinth Sinclair, Catherine Spiro, Lee Smith, Ellis Valentine Jr., Donna Ware, Muriel Lynn White, Larry & Edna Williams, Hank Williams, Marguerite Williams, Margaret Wilson, Beverly Zuniga. Family of Parishioners -- Suzette Alba (Daughter of Doris Simon), Maggie Alaniz (Aunt of Veronica Cavanaugh), Laura Alexander, (Sister of Leland Creecy), Lena Brule (Sister of Frances Brown), Linda Smith Arnold (Niece of George Smith), Ella Bertrand, (Mother of Cheryl Pyles), Barbara Brice (Mother of Darlene Harness & Lawrence Brice Jr. & Niece of Bernadette Ross), Maria Camino (Relative of Aurea Montes-Rodriguez), Jacey Bristow, Lloyd Grant (Grandson & Brother-in-law of Donna Bristow), Odesta Camus (Mother of Cassandra Touchard), Pamela Thornton Carr (Daughter of Ellis Valentine), Eulalia Smith Davis (Family of George Smith), Eva & Joseph Dean (Cousins of Ellis Valentine), Gail Flemings & Christopher Hughes (Friends of Jacquelyn Temple), Yvonne Godoy (Daughter of Dyllis Godoy), John Isaacs (Nephew of Donna Bristow), Adeline Jackson (Mother of Jammie Young), Hazel Jackson (Sister of Vernice Holden), James E. Jackson (Brother of Samuel Jackson), Betty Marshall Jacobs (Sister of Bob Marshall), Salomie Jolly (Sister of Aline Heisser-Ovid), Blanche Johnson (Friend of Donna Bristow ), Brandi Johnson (Granddaughter - Cecilia Johnson), Sharon Johnson (Former member), Helena Jones (Sister-In-Law of Annette Lockett), E. Jean (Mother of Denise Robinson), Brooke Lancaster (Cousin of Donna Bristow), Patrick Landry Sr. (Brother-In-Law of Dorine Sylvester), Caroline Langie (Daughter-In-Law of June Lynch), Carolyn Keeling (Cousin of Donna Bristow), Shirley Limar (Aunt of Cassandra Touchard), Yvette Smith-Lindow (Daughter of George Smith), Tim Markham (Friend of Ellis Valentine), Johan Martinez (Friend of Gilma Ramirez), Rose McDaniel (Sister of Fr. Kearns), Sheila Moore (Friend of Gayle Ugwu), Walter Morales (Friend of Elis Valentine), Wallace Petit (Friend of Jacquelyn Temple), Richard Pyles (Grandfather of Zaria Pyles), Edward Robinson (Brother of Jacquelyn Temple), Debra Robinson (Cousin of Cassandra Cousin), Marian Rodney (Cousin of Donna Ware), Gilver Sierra (Sister of Aura Sierra), Matthews Sims (Nephew of Denise Robinson), Millie Singleton (Grandmother of Jordan Singleton), Charles Smith (Husband of Gladys Smith), Reginald Solomon (Brother of Lisa Craig), Larry Touchard (Husband of Cassandra Touchard), Mary Thomas (Sister of Cheryl Pyles), Anyika Thompson (Grand-daughter of Jean De Berry), Marshall Troullier (Cousin of Donna Ware), Valerie Valentine (Niece of Ellis Valentine), Darlene Vaughn (Friend of Annette Lockett), Pamela Ward (Niece of Almeta Washington). Prayers for Military Personnel in Harms Way! Lord, keep them safe and healthy until they return.

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6 St. Brigid Church Sunday 05-06-12

CHILDREN (4-12) & YOUTH (13-17) Altar Servers Needed for 10:30 am Mass: If you are 7+ and have made your communion, please contact Father Kenneth Keke, S.S.J. or Claudia Edwards-Valdovinos at the church office (323) 292-0781 for more information. Altar Servers meet the third Saturday of the month at 11:30 am in the church.

Drum Ministry Members Needed: If you are Ages 4 & up (Adults are needed also) and interested in learning to drum, please come and join the practices. The drum ministry meets every 1st & 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 pm. Bring your drums and shakers. No experience necessary; some instruments provided. For information, contact John Beatty @ (213)361-8057.

Jr. Ushers Needed: If you are 4+ and interested, please call Andrea @ 310-279-8145. Our membership is always open. Sister Thea Bowman Music Academy: (Seeking to reach African American youth between the ages of 13 to 19 years old for a youth choir and liturgical dance group) meets the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month from 9:00 am to 12 pm at St. Bernadette School site – 3825 Don Felipe Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90008. The primary objective of the academy is to utilize music a tool to teach through discipline practices and prayerful performances with Christian values and Catholic Social Ministries. To join please call AACCFE at 323-777-2106.


Child Protection Certification Course: Please note that all ministry members must complete the Child Protection Certification Course (certification good for 4 years). Visit: http://www.virtusonline.com/virtus/ . For more information contact Claudia Edwards-Valdovinos at the rectory; (323) 292-0781.

Our Lady of the Angels Region Fingerprint Schedule: For fingerprinting: All facilities operate 12:00 pm – 3:40 pm & 5:20 pm-7:20 pm. Please call to schedule an appointment. For more dates on fingerprinting visit: http://www.la-archdiocese.org/org/hr/Pages/fingerprinting.aspx Click on Fingerprint Schedule.

Did you know? How many people suffer elder abuse?

It is difficult to say how many older Americans are abused, neglected, or exploited, in large part because surveillance is limited and the problem remains greatly hidden. But recent studies suggest that more than 500,000 Americans aged 60 and over are victims of domestic abuse. Studies have also found that only 16 percent of the abusive situations are referred for help -- 84 percent remain hidden. The U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging estimates that there may be as many as 5 million victims every year. For more information, visit the National Center on Elder Abuse website: http://www.ncea.aoa.gov.

For particular help, you may call Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650

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7 St. Brigid Church Sunday 05-06-12

EDUCATION St. Francis Career College: All are invited to an Open House on Tuesday, May 15, 2012, at 11:00 am, 3680 E. Imperial Highway, 5th Floor, Lynwood, CA 90262. Available classes include: Vocational Nursing (VN) Program, Vocational Nurse Assistant, NCLEX-PN Review and Home Health Aide. For more information, please call (310) 900-8050 or visit: www.stfranciscareercollege.edu. Verbum Dei High School: Consider the educational alternative for boys that combines a college prepatory education with work experience and reduced tuition. Verbum Dei High School is the only private Catholic high school for boys in the Los Angeles area which offers a Corporate Work Study Program. This program not only exposes students to the real world corporate experience but also helps pay for a large portion of the costs for tuition. It is not too late to apply for the 2012-2013 school year. For more information and/or application forms contact the Admissions Office at (323) 564-5551 ext. 1000.

Earn your Nonprofit Sector Management Graduate Certificate at California State University, Northridge. Classes start August 2012. This 18-unit graduate certificate is designed for professionals who need to develop expertise in managing organizational change, developing budgets and financial management skills, developing and managing boards of directors, assessing community needs and strategic planning. Information sessions May 8, 29 and June 26, 2012 from 6 – 7 p.m. at the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center (JACCC), 244 S. San Pedro St., LA, CA 90012. To learn more contact Pat Lyon at: [email protected] or (818) 677-4607.

COMMUNITY NEWS A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Shakespeare’s magical comedy set in the time of King Arthur where knights and fair maidens meet fairies and wizards, and the common folk put on a show. General admission is $20, students and seniors-$18, also group discounts available. May 19 – June 24, 2012 Saturday’s at 8:00 pm and Sunday’s at 3:00 pm at The Knightsbridge Theatre, 1944 Riverside Drive, LA, CA 90039. For information call (323) 667-0955. Angel’s Flight of Catholic Charities is offering Family Counseling Services. There is no charge for the services. Please call (213) 413-2311 ext. 28 for more information. CARNIVAL: Transfiguration Parish; May 25th – 27th, from Noon – 10:00 pm; FREE ADMISSION; rides, games, food, raffle, casino, bingo, video game truck & more; Security will be on-site; Pre-sale ride tickets available; Please call Church Office (323) 291-1136 or School Office (323) 292-3011 for additional info.

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8 St. Brigid Church Sunday 05-06-12

"Stewardship as a way of life"

This week, we’re exploring the second pillar of Stewardship, Prayer.

With Jesus Christ as the foundation, a stewardship parish strives to nourish the soul through prayer. "Prayer is as necessary to our souls as food is to our bodies." (Characteristics of a Christian Steward) Prayer and the sacraments open us to God's abundant graces, which are necessary for us to grow in holiness. It is through prayer that we nurture our personal relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

There is a deep connection between the Eucharistic celebration and stewardship. The Third Eucharistic Prayer states, "All life, all holiness

comes from You through Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, by the working of the Holy Spirit ... And so, Father, we bring you these gifts. We ask You to make them Holy by the power of Your Spirit, that they become the Body and Blood of Your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, at whose command we celebrate this Eucharist." In essence, we bring our personal and communal gifts to the table of our Lord and He sanctifies them. All that we are and all that we seek to become is strengthened through the Eucharist. We recognize our total dependence upon God for everything and realize that all that is good is a gift from Him.

In both our personal and communal prayer, we turn toward God to properly discern our talents and gifts. In our response as stewards, we place those talents and gifts at the service of God and one another. "Thy Will be done" is at the heart of our prayers.

Our journey towards holiness is a lifetime of daily conversion and constant gratitude. Prayer helps us to see ourselves as God sees us and to see who God is calling us to become. At the end of Mass, we are sent "To love and serve the Lord" which leads us to the understanding that there is a strong connection between our call to discipleship as stewards and our celebration of liturgy. At St. Brigid our motto is "We come to pray, we leave to serve" and our challenge is to carry out this mission each and every day.


After all Masses in the Parish Hall

POETRY NIGHT Saturday, May 19th ~ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm