St. Barnabas Catholic Church May 22, 2016 — Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Sunday Mass 6:00pm Saturday Vigil 10:00am Sunday Daily Mass 8:30am Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri 7:00pm Wed (with novena) 8:30am First Saturday Eucharistic Adoration 7:00-8:00am Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri Confession (Reconciliation/Penance) 7:15-7:45am Tuesday 5:00-5:45pm Saturday and upon request Anointing of the Sick Speak to a priest to determine if now is the right time for this sacrament. The Anointing is usually preceded by Confession. For sacramental emergencies, call any time, day or night. Baptism Contact Fr. Jerabek – preferably during the pregnancy. Holy Matrimony Contact Fr. Jerabek no less than six months in advance to begin the preparation process. Parish Registration Speak to an usher or call the office. 7921 First Avenue North Birmingham, Alabama 35206 http://barnabascatholic.com [email protected] 205-833-0334 Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm Father Bryan W. Jerabek, J.C.L. Pastor Monsignor Eugene O’Connor, Pastor Emeritus Father José Luis Guevara, Priest in Residence Ms. Alice Carter, Parish Secretary Mr. David Renda, Pastoral Care Mr. Steve O’Donnell, Maintenance Ms. Sandra Hudecz, Housekeeper Mr. Tim Tipton & Mr. Frederick Pollman, Organists St. Barnabas Catholic School (K4-8) Mr. John Parker, Principal 205-836-5385 – http://stbcsbhm.org

St. Barnabas Catholic Church - WordPress.com · 2016. 5. 18. · promptly at 3:00pm on Saturday, May 28! – KofC Council 9862 The Fr. James E. Coyle Council of the Knights (of the

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Page 1: St. Barnabas Catholic Church - WordPress.com · 2016. 5. 18. · promptly at 3:00pm on Saturday, May 28! – KofC Council 9862 The Fr. James E. Coyle Council of the Knights (of the

St. Barnabas Catholic Church May 22, 2016 — Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Sunday Mass

6:00pm Saturday Vigil

10:00am Sunday

Daily Mass

8:30am Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri

7:00pm Wed (with novena)

8:30am First Saturday

Eucharistic Adoration

7:00-8:00am Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri

Confession (Reconciliation/Penance)

7:15-7:45am Tuesday

5:00-5:45pm Saturday

and upon request

Anointing of the Sick

Speak to a priest to determine if

now is the right time for this

sacrament. The Anointing is

usually preceded by Confession.

For sacramental emergencies, call

any time, day or night.


Contact Fr. Jerabek – preferably

during the pregnancy.

Holy Matrimony

Contact Fr. Jerabek no less than

six months in advance to begin

the preparation process.

Parish Registration

Speak to an usher or call the office.

7921 First Avenue North Birmingham, Alabama 35206


[email protected]


Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm

Father Bryan W. Jerabek, J.C.L.


Monsignor Eugene O’Connor, Pastor Emeritus Father José Luis Guevara, Priest in Residence

Ms. Alice Carter, Parish Secretary Mr. David Renda, Pastoral Care

Mr. Steve O’Donnell, Maintenance Ms. Sandra Hudecz, Housekeeper

Mr. Tim Tipton & Mr. Frederick Pollman, Organists

St. Barnabas Catholic School (K4-8) Mr. John Parker, Principal

205-836-5385 – http://stbcsbhm.org

Page 2: St. Barnabas Catholic Church - WordPress.com · 2016. 5. 18. · promptly at 3:00pm on Saturday, May 28! – KofC Council 9862 The Fr. James E. Coyle Council of the Knights (of the

The Most Holy Trinity – May 22, 2016 – Hope does not disappoint.

Parish Mass Intentions

Saturday 5/21 Deceased Salesian Cooperators Sunday 5/22 People of the Parishes Monday 5/23 Souls of Priests in Purgatory

Tuesday 5/24 Thom & Adrianne Price Wednesday 5/25 * Thursday 5/26 Augusta Madenspacher+ Friday 5/27 * Saturday 5/28 Franciscan’s Intention

Monsignor O’Connor’s Mass Intentions

Monsignor will be away through May 24.

Wednesday 5/25 Tom & Fannie Crow+ Thursday 5/26 Dolores R. Chwalek+ Friday 5/27 Sebastian & Mirian Anderson

Saturday 5/28 Mary Petruzella+ Sunday 5/29 Michael Sahawneh+

Offertory Collection – May 14/15, 2016

Regular Offertory $ 2,508.00 Maintenance Fund $ 55.00 Benevolent Fund $ 75.00 St. John Vianney Residence $ 559.00 Pantry $ 0.00

Scripture Readings for Next Sunday – 5/29/16

1st Reading: Genesis 14:18-20 Responsorial: Psalm 110:1, 2, 3, 4 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Gospel: Luke 9:11b-17

Vocation Crucifix Apostolate

The vocation crucifix will pass from Mr. & Mrs. Frankie Lackey to Mr. & Mrs. Bob Ouellette on Saturday, and from Mr. & Mrs. Tom Smith to Janet Buchanan on Sunday.

Pray for the Sick

Please pray for: Sarah Maye, Mike Hayden, Jane Campbell, Myra Corbett, Maria Gomez, Frances Humphrey, Joe Zyne, Theresa Smith, Thomas (Joe) Faucett, Deborah Muffley, Virginia McGrew, Gertrude Sanders, Ann Loring, Mr. & Mrs. James E. Jacobson, Leslie Walters, Audrey Benson (Ireland), Cesarea Villanueva, and all those listed in our Long Term Care Book. You are welcome to add names to this book, which is located by the St. Joseph statue in the church. Please call the office to add names to this list.

Sanctuary Lamp

No intention was requested this week. If you would like to offer the lamp for one week to burn for your special intentions, contact Alice in the church office at 205-833-0334 and she will schedule your request. The suggested offering is $5.00, to cover the cost of the candle.

ALTAR/CHURCH Mary Jean Romano ALTAR LINENS Jean Rankin PANTRY Janice Tyler

THANK YOU Pantry Workers

Many thanks to our devoted Pantry Workers! Since September they have picked up, shopped, sorted, shelved, and distributed groceries, clothing, and toys to families in the East Lake community. Thanks also to our school families and all those who donated food and goods!

Save the Date

There will be a Farewell Gathering for Father Jerabek on Sunday, June 26 (after the 10:00am Mass). More details will be published later. To help, contact Theresa Petruzella, 205-901-0734.

Page 3: St. Barnabas Catholic Church - WordPress.com · 2016. 5. 18. · promptly at 3:00pm on Saturday, May 28! – KofC Council 9862 The Fr. James E. Coyle Council of the Knights (of the

NEW! Congratulations High School Graduates

Congratulations to Nerizza Angeles, Mychalla Basco, Bryan Marbuary, and Mariteresa Petruzella – John Carroll Catholic High School; and Vyk Kinnell – Holy Family Catholic Academy. Best wishes to the Class of 2016!

THANK YOU Holy Child Chapel Chairs

All 25 of the chairs for Holy Child Chapel have been pledged – many thanks! If there was anyone who had still been planning on taking the opportunity, please know that the new chairs for the choir loft (which are very similar) can be sponsored also. If you’d like to sponsor a choir loft chair, please let Father Jerabek know.

Retaining Wall, Paving – The end is in sight!

April and May Necrology

Of your charity, please pray for the repose of the souls of the following deceased priests:

Fr. Joseph Kula 04/11/2004 Fr. Michael White 04/14/2013 Fr. Timothy Hill 04/18/2009 Fr. Charles Cross 04/24/2010 Fr. James O’Reilly 05/05/1996

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

NEW! Josh’s Ordination – Trip Details

The bus reservation has been confirmed and Alice has called all those whose names were on the list. If you did not receive a call it means that you did not write your name down – call the office to see if there is still a spot available! The bus will leave the church parking lot promptly at 3:00pm on Saturday, May 28!

Memorial Day Smoked Meat Sale – KofC Council 9862

The Fr. James E. Coyle Council of the Knights (of the Cathedral and Holy Rosary Parishes) will be slow-smoking ribs, butts, and half chickens over hardwood in time for Memorial Day. Costs will be as follows: ribs $25.00 (4 lbs-plus before cooking), butts $30.00 (8 lbs-plus before cooking), and chicken $8.00 (two halves). The deadline for orders is Wednesday, May 25. Pickup times will be available May 27-29. To place an order, call Mike Geerts at 205-266-0365, Michael Soeherman at 205-253-3772, or Andrew Maenza at 205-527-0192 (you can also email [email protected]). Thank you for your support of KofC charitable activities!

Seminarian for the Summer

We will be blessed again this summer with the presence of a seminarian to assist at St. Barnabas and Holy Rosary. Seminarian Daniel Sessions will be with us for the month of June. Daniel is finishing his third year of college seminary studies at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Ohio, and he attending the Catholic University of America and Theological College in Washington, DC next year. Daniel is from Birmingham and is a John Carroll grad. He will join us around Memorial Day weekend.

THANK YOU to our Flower Guild!

Spring is a busy time for our parish Flower Guild with the need to make successive arrangements for Easter, May Crowning, First Holy Communion, and Pentecost! I am so pleased with the work that our guild members have done and so grateful for their sacrifice of time, talent, and treasure to make our sanctuary beautiful for the Lord! Having fresh flowers for the major feast days makes our worship more decorous and pleasing to God and edifies us all. Thanks so much to Christina, Sherry, Janet, Frances, Elizabeth, Susan, and all others who have helped out along the way!

Page 4: St. Barnabas Catholic Church - WordPress.com · 2016. 5. 18. · promptly at 3:00pm on Saturday, May 28! – KofC Council 9862 The Fr. James E. Coyle Council of the Knights (of the


NEW! Parishioner Joins U.S. Air Force

Our best wishes and congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Fay – their oldest son, Thomas, entered basic training for the Air Force this past week! We thank Thomas for his service to our nation and offer prayers for all who serve.

NEW! Work Completed in the Rectory

In preparation for Father George’s arrival new carpet has been laid in the guest room and upstairs hallway of the rectory. Later in June, new carpet will be laid in the pastor’s rooms also. This replaces carpet that is over 20 years old, stretched, stained, discolored, and worn out. In addition, with the painting of the guest room and hallway this past week, most of the rectory’s paintable walls (i.e., those that are not wallpapered) have now been refreshed. Much work remains to be done in the rectory, but we have at least made a dent in the list for now! Dominican Nuns Vocation Retreat

The cloistered Dominican nuns in Marbury, Alabama are holding a Vocation Retreat on the weekend of June 3-5 for young women aged 16 through 27. Retreatants will learn about the nuns’ contemplative life of praise and intercession at the heart of the Dominican Order for the salvation of souls, including the nuns’ special devotion to Eucharistic Adoration and Perpetual Rosary. To learn more go to http://www.stjudemonastery.org. HAVE YOU LOOKED AT THE BOOK AND CD KIOSK LATELY? SEVERAL NEW TITLES HAVE BEEN ADDED. IT’S IN THE ENTRANCE OF THE CHURCH. CHECK IT OUT!

REMINDER! Warm Weather Dress: Modesty

Please be mindful of modesty when dressing for church services. One’s attire should not distract from another’s prayer. Appropriate apparel should not be tight-fitting or revealing. Our attention should be focused towards the Lord. Thank you for your attention to this issue!

Dante’s Divine Comedy Study

In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has recommended that all Catholics read Dante’s Divine Comedy. We are happy to offer a DVD study on the trilogy this summer at Guadalupe Hall on the grounds of EWTN in Irondale. It is a Catholic Courses study taught by Prof. Anthony Esolen of Providence College. We will begin a four-part study of the first book, Inferno, on Thursday, May 19 at 7:00pm. For full details see http://EpiphanyStudies.blogspot.com or call Mark McCoy at 205-661-3693. You may also email him at [email protected].


This Week’s Term: AMBRY

An “ambry” is a locking cabinet or safe in which the holy oils are kept. The word “ambry” comes from Latin through French and means “cabinet”. Traditionally an ambry was made of a solid material such as metal. Today that requirement has technically been removed, so you see some made of glass. Since the ambry is meant to keep the oils safe and secure, obviously metal is the better option for that purpose. Ours at St. Barnabas is made of metal and is set into the wall on the right side of the sanctuary (near where the flower arrangement goes). After the Bishop blesses and consecrates the three holy oils that are used for the sacraments at the Chrism Mass each year, each parish’s oil containers are refilled. When they are brought back to the parish they are kept safe in the ambry.