e ey R a Bi eie 7 t. B rb r Sai S ee Bi eie 7 t. M r Sai ay’ ae ei YO CATHOL C COMM N TY O r 2 2 9

St. Barbara Holy Child St. Mary · 45 Prestley Road Bridgeville, PA 15017 St. Barbara Holy Child 212 Station Street Bridgeville, PA 15017 St. Mary 10 Saint Mary’s Lane Cecil, PA

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Page 1�

45 Prestley Road

Bridgeville, PA 15017

St. Barbara Holy Child

212 Station Street

Bridgeville, PA 15017

St. Mary

10 Saint Mary’s Lane

Cecil, PA 15321


October 27, 2019

Page 2�

Parish Office Phone

Numbers, Emails, and


Combined Parish Phones:

Phone: 412-221-5213

Phone: 412-221-1560

Fax: 412-257-2461

St. Barbara:

Email: [email protected]

Website: stbarbpittsburgh.org

St. Mary:

Hall: 412-221-9771

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.stmarycecil.org



Holy Child:


[email protected]




“Your Catholic Community”


Parish Directory

Advertiser of the Week�

We thank the following business for helping to underwrite the produc-

tion of our weekly Parish Bulletin:�

Fort Cherry Golf Club�

Please mention that you saw their ad in the Sunday Bulletin and thank

them for their support of our parish.�

Staff and Contacts


Rev. Dennis P. Yurochko [email protected] Ext. 413


Rev. David G. Rombold, Jr. [email protected] Ext. 411

Parochial Vicar

Rev. Michael S. Sedor [email protected]

In Residence

Deacon Lee F. Miles [email protected]

Deacon Brian M. Podobnik [email protected]

Deacon Leonard M. Thomas, Jr. [email protected]

Parish Staff

Joe Andrejcik, Maintenance 412-221-5152 Ext. 8

Anthony “Tony” Ferguson [email protected] Ext. 415

Director of Evangelization

John Paul Gaston [email protected] 412-221-5213 Ext. 444

RCIA/RCIC Coordinator

Katie Grella [email protected] Ext. 427

Director of Family Ministries

Linda Grimes, Office Manager [email protected] Ext. 410

Mary Elizabeth “Liz” Hand [email protected] Ext. 422

Director of Religious Education

Dianne Krivanek, Office Manager [email protected] Ext. 416

Mariangela Lorence, Office Manager [email protected] Ext. 424

Dr. Michael Mackey [email protected] Ext. 417

Director of Music Ministries

Karen Marx, Bookkeeper [email protected] Ext. 421

Cindy Parry [email protected] 412-221-0595

Director of Home School

Religious Education &

Safe Environment Coordinator

Bonnie Pierce [email protected] Ext. 428

Director of Small Group Bible Studies

Jordan Pierce [email protected] Ext. 426

Director of Youth Ministry

Lori Rathbone, Music Director [email protected]

Joanne Rocchino [email protected]

Associate Organist

Emily Wardle Spina [email protected] 412-221-5152 Ext. 7

Music Director

James Sullivan [email protected]

Director of Maintenance

Page 3�

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 27, 2019



Offered at the

following times

and locations

St. Mary—Saturdays

11:30 AM to

12:30 PM

St. Barbara—


12:30 to 1:30 PM

Holy Child—


7:00 to 8:00 PM


Instruction is required

for first-time parents

preferably prior to the

birth of the baby.

Please call the Parish

Office for



Arrangements must be

made at least six

months prior to the

wedding date. Please

call the Parish Office.

Priesthood or

Religious Life

Please contact the

Vocation Office at

412-456-3123 or

[email protected]


PA Child Abuse

Protection Services


Diocesan Victim

Assistance Hotline


412-456-3093 office

Mass Intentions

Date Time Location Intention Offered By

7:00 AM St. Mary † Special Intention Kevin Ryan


October 26

4:00 PM St. Mary † Ann Neelan Smith Jerry & Mickey O’Neill

5:00 PM Holy Child † Nancy Murphy Husband

6:00 PM St. Barbara

† Living & Deceased of

the Knoerdel & Weber


Jeff & Betty


October 27

30th Sunday in

Ordinary Time

8:00 AM Holy Child † Elizabeth Martincic Carolyn

9:30 AM St. Barbara † William Moore Bonnie & Family

10:30 AM St. Mary For the People of our Parishes

11:00 AM Holy Child † Mark Ferguson Family

5:00 PM Holy Child † James M. Walsh

Jim, Joyce, Jimmy & Annie



October 28

Sts. Simon & Jude

7:00 AM St. Barbara † Marion Bozick Don & Diana Bozick

12:00 Noon Holy Child † Flora Nervo Family


October 29

7:00 AM St. Mary Joey Sisca Family

12:00 Noon Holy Child † Trinidad Levardo Cruz Family


October 30

7:00 AM St. Barbara

† Vivienne



10:00 AM Cty. Mdw. † Priest’s Intention

12:00 Noon Holy Child † Mary V. Lukens

Dennis J. & Kathleen M.



October 31

7:00 AM St. Mary † Quesilda Deliere Family

12:00 Noon Holy Child † Victor Africh Family

5:00 PM St Barbara † Lena Mazza Eileen Kaltenecker


November 1

All Saints’ Day

7:00 AM St. Barbara † Dan Karwowski Janet M. Johnson

12:00 Noon Holy Child † Giovanni Bruschi M/M P Battistone

7:00 PM St. Mary † Elizabeth Patsey Lena End

7:00 AM St. Mary † Mary Pocki Legion of Mary

2:00 PM St. Barbara


November 2

4:00 PM St. Mary † Robert Kondas Lorrie & Ken Lazor

All Souls Day

5:00 PM Holy Child † Catherine Derrosek Family

6:00 PM St. Barbara † Edward Kos Donor


November 3

31st Sunday in

Ordinary Time

8:00 AM Holy Child † Ines Roman R. Kraf & Family

9:30 AM St. Barbara † Ann Kramzer Jan & Jon Doeringer

10:30 AM St. Mary † Holy Souls in Purgatory

Dale & Sharon Kreuer

11:00 AM Holy Child † Dec. Members of the Holy Child K. of C. Council

5:00PM Holy Child † For the People of our Parishes

Wedding: Dan Fuhrman and Sara Boyd

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St. Barbara - Holy Child - St. Mary Parishes Bridgeville & Cecil, Pennsylvania

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St. Barbara - Holy Child - St. Mary Parishes Bridgeville & Cecil, Pennsylvania

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St. Barbara - Holy Child - St. Mary Parishes Bridgeville & Cecil, Pennsylvania

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St. Barbara - Holy Child - St. Mary Parishes Bridgeville & Cecil, Pennsylvania

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St. Barbara - Holy Child - St. Mary Parishes Bridgeville & Cecil, Pennsylvania

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St. Barbara - Holy Child - St. Mary Parishes Bridgeville & Cecil, Pennsylvania

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St. Barbara - Holy Child - St. Mary Parishes Bridgeville & Cecil, Pennsylvania

Page 11�

Women’s Emmaus Retreat Please join us for our

Women’s Emmaus Retreat sponsored by Holy Child Church

scheduled for November 22, 23, and 24, 2019. A Pi,sburgh

Women’s Emmaus Retreat Weekend is a gathering of regular

women just like you and ministered by the Bridgeville�Cecil

Women’s Emmaus Team. We come from all walks of life, and

all ages over 18. We all have ques2ons about life, ourselves,

and God. This is an ac2ve weekend and features planned ac-

2vi2es designed to help women grow spiritually regardless of

where you are on your journey. �

Each retreat takes place in a relaxed atmosphere. The retreat

is held at St. Paul of the Cross with good food and private

rooms. If you have any ques2ons, please email or call Barb

Miller at [email protected] or (412) 726�9343 or

Kim Willis at [email protected] or (412) 220�6086. �

Holy Child Knights of Columbus Comedy Night �

� � Saturday November 9, 2019 at 6:00 PM at �

� � the Bridgeville Fire Hall. Join our Knights of �

� � Columbus for a night of good food, good fun,

� � and laughs all around.� This is our biggest �

� � fund raiser of the year and we really appreci-

ate your support.� In addi2on to having two comedians, there

is a Chinese Auc2on, 50�50 drawing; 10�Times envelope draw-

ing, raffle for a wheel barrow of cheer, and many more fun

ac2vi2es.� Tickets are $30 each or $55 per couple.� You can get

your 2ckets by contac2ng Mark Zik at (412) 265�7533 or at

[email protected].� To become an event sponsor and for spon-

sorship details, contact Franklin Warcholik at (724) 743�0327 or

at [email protected]. ��

Opera2ng since 1852, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

� � serves local individuals on a person to person

� � level across six coun2es that make up the �

� � Pi,sburgh Council.� There are 97 conferences

� � in the Pi,sburgh District.� We have helped �

� � families with food and food cer2ficates, rent,

u2li2es and other needs that have arisen in emergency situa-

2ons.� Our primary source of income is from running four stores

(Monroeville, Castle Shannon, Coraopolis and Penn Hills) and a

recycling center,� We are in need of volunteers to assist with

basic inventory display.� And we are in need of dona2ons�even

taking items and shoes that are not wearable that we can sell

for rags to other countries.� Please would you consider volun-

teering for four hours per week at one of our loca2ons?� We are

very grateful for your considera2on.�

Please call our Volunteer Coordinator, Jean Kish at 412�343�

4455 or contact her via email at [email protected]

The Pro�life Group of Holy Child/ St. Barbara/St. Mary par-

ishes will be mee2ng on Monday, November 4 at 7 p.m. in the

Holy Child rectory conference room. We will be discussing our

plans for the March for Life, the upcoming elec2on, and 40 Days


Keep in Touch: Have your folks re2red to the sunbelt? Help

them stay in touch with home via a subscrip2on to the Pi,s-

burgh Catholic: $29 per year ($30 interna2onal). Contact 412�

471�1252 or info@pi,sburghcatholic.org.�

Page 12�

St. Barbara - Holy Child - St. Mary Parishes Bridgeville & Cecil, Pennsylvania

Offertory Collections

Holy Child

Weekly (10/13) ................ $ 11,878.00

Bishop’s Edu. Fund................. $ 20.00

St. Barbara

Weekly (10/13) ...................$ 6,163.00

Bishop’s Edu. Fund................. $ 50.00

St. Mary

Weekly (10/13) ...................$ 4,963.00

Thank you for your continued

generosity and support of our parish



Sunday, October 27, 2019 ~ 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

6:15 PM Emmaus Planning Group St. Barbara Hall

Regular Religious Education Classes ~

Monday, October 28, 2019~

Regular Religious Education Classes

10:00 AM Writing Group St. Barbara Hall

11:30 AM Rosary Holy Child Church

7:00 PM Bereavement Group St. Barbara Hall

7:00 PM RCIA H. C. Rectory Conference Room

7:00 PM Financial Planning St. Mary Hall

Tuesday, October 29, 2019~

11:30 AM Rosary Holy Child Church

7:00 PM Precious Blood Novena St. Mary Church

7:00 PM Rosary St. Barbara Church

7:00 PM Scripture & Spirituality Reading Group H.C. Resource Room

7:00 PM Soul Core Holy Child Gym

7:00PM Parish Night at the Movies Settlers Ridge Center Drive

Wednesday, October 30, 2019~

9:30 AM Barre Exercise Class Holy Child Gym

10:00 AM Legion of Mary Meeting H.C. Rectory Conference Room

11:30 AM Rosary Holy Child Church

7-8:00 PM Adoration, Rosary & Confessions Holy Child Church

8:00 PM Men’s Group Meeting Holy Child Resource Room

Thursday, October 31, 2019~

11:30 AM Rosary Holy Child Church

7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Officer Meeting St. Barbara Hall

Friday, November 1, 2019~

11:30 AM Rosary Holy Child Church

Following Noon Mass—Divine Mercy Chaplet Holy Child Church

5:30 PM All Saints’ Day Party St. Mary Hall

Saturday, November 2, 2019 ~

8:30 AM Parish Visit to Mary’s Place Meet in Holy Child parking lot

Sunday, November 3, 2019 ~ 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

6:00 PM Emmaus Planning Group H.C. Rectory Conference Room

6:00 PM Steel City Youth Holy Child Youth Room

6:15 PM H. of C. K of C Business Meeting St. Barbara Hall

Regular Religious Education Classes

Weekly Events

Parish Share Update:� Thank you to

all who have responded to the last Par-

ish Share 2019 update from a few weeks

ago.� As of this prin2ng our Parish

Grouping total amount received is

$170,961.00. We have gone from 70%

to a li,le more than 77.55% of our goal

of $220,431.00. This give us a balance

due to the Diocese of $49,470.00. Our

grand total is due to the Diocese of Pi,s-

burgh, and any amount over that goal

collected is kept at the parish and those

amounts are not assessed for future

Parish Share.�

Please remember to use your Parish

Share envelopes in your monthly enve-

lope packets or simply mark your check's

memo line with PARISH SHARE 2019.

Your Parish Share contribu2ons are al-

ways included in your year�end contri-

bu2on statements.�

We have always exceeded our goals in

the past and with everyone's help we're

confident that we will exceed our goal

again this year.�

God Bless you and Our Parish �


Gumberg Library’s exhibi'on of The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edi'on:

The exhibit at Duquesne University will be open to the general public to visit and enjoy.

The exhibit will run from November 11 to December 20, 2019. Duquesne will also host

various public lectures featuring Tim Ternes, director of The Saint John’s Bible Hill Muse-

um and Manuscript Library. More informa2on can be found at www.duq.edu/tsjb.�

Page 13�

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 27, 2019



Lectors Altar Servers


Minister (Host)


Minister (Cup)


4:00 PM

St. Mary

Dorothy Briselli

Vallie Boyce



Deacon Attending

June Chase

Ed Povirk


8:00 AM

Holy Child

Michael Kohler

Abbey Eckels


Patti Hiles

Amy Kohler

Marian Krek

Marcy Schott




9:30 AM

St. Barbara

Andrew Summerscales

Emma Wesolek

Sara Wesolek


Diane Egan

Ralph Kelly

John Plumeret

10:30 AM

St. Mary

Phil Ponikvar

Jackson Kitzmiller

Sophia Kitzmiller

Ben Veres

Bill Krivanek

Dana Goimarac


11:00 AM

Holy Child

Rita Pitassi

Luciano Marra


Deacon Attending

Kelly Hartnett

Nancy Martincic

Kevin Lorence

Mariangela Lorence

Ellen Pandolfo


5:00 PM

Holy Child

Leigh Buzzatto

Nicholas Pruchitzky

Aden Schaffer

Deacon Attending

Bob Reese


Barb Brooks

Connie Robinson

Cathy Zik

Mark Zik

6:00 PM

St. Barbara

Steve Condio




Denise Sarnowski

Adele Marinacci

Shelley Phoennik

5:00 PM

Holy Child

Sam Matthews

Emily Geib

Nicholas Geib

Audrey Guskey

Joanne Hart

Patricia Stetzer


Weekend Ministry Schedule

Readings for the week of October 27, 2019�

Sunday: Sir 35:12�14, 16�18/Ps 34:2�3, 17�18, 19, 23 �

� [7a]/2 Tm 4:6�8, 16�18/Lk 18:9�14�

Monday: Eph 2:19�22/Ps 19:2�3, 4�5 [5a]/Lk 6:12�16�

Tuesday: Rom 8:18�25/Ps 126:1b�2ab, 2cd�3, 4�5, 6 [3a]/�

� Lk 13:18�21�

Wednesday: Rom 8:26�30/Ps 13:4�5, 6 [6a]/Lk 13:22�30�

Thursday: Rom 8:31b�39/Ps 109:21�22, 26�27, 30�31 �

� [26b]/Lk 13:31�35�

Friday:� Rv 7:2�4, 9�14/Ps 24:1bc�2, 3�4ab, 5�6 [cf. 6]/�

� 1 Jn 3:1�3/Mt 5:1�12a �

Saturday: Wis 3:1�9/Ps 23:1�3a, 3b�4, 5, 6 [1]/Rom 5:5�11

� or Rom 6:3�9/Jn 6:37�40�

Next Sunday: Wis 11:22�12:2/Ps 145:1�2, 8�9, 10�11, �

� 13, 14 [cf. 1]/2 Thes 1:11�2:2/Lk 19:1�10�

A reminder that Friday, November 1st, All Saints’ Day is

a Holy Day of Obliga5on. �

The Mass Schedule is as follows: �

5:00 PM� October 31st� � St. Barbara�

7:00 AM� November 1st� � St. Barbara�

12:00 PM � November 1st� � Holy Child�

7:00 PM� November 1st� � St. Mary�

Page 14�

St. Barbara - Holy Child - St. Mary Parishes Bridgeville & Cecil, Pennsylvania

Sanctuary Candle

This week’s candle at St. Mary burns

In Loving memory of

Helen Abruzzi

Offered by: Maryann & Tom


This week’s candle at St. Barbara burns

In loving memory of

Angelo Beccari

Offered by: Teodora

This week’s candle at Holy Child burns

In Loving memory of

Eugene & Diane Ney

Offered by: Gene Ney

The Sanctuary Candle burns as a reminder of

Jesus’ presence in the Tabernacle.

Please remember

to call the Parish

Office to add or

remove names

from the prayer


Tracy Adams

Frank Barnes

Charles Barnett

Nancy Battista

Teodora Beccari

Jessica Bookser

Roberta Brodie

Alexis Brown

David G. Brown

James Campbell

Judith Capurso

Bethany Carder

Freddy Carothers

Lisa Cecere

Patricia Chiurazzi

Becky Colson

Mary Conn

Theresa Connelly

Mia Corbin

Paul Crile

Johnny Crossey

Joan Crum

Kathy D’Amico

Daniel Danilo

Virginia Davis

Elaine Debattista

Laurie Denison

Mary Doane

Bentley Dodge

Paul Donati

Mary Donnelly

Diane Dourlain

Marlene Dragovich

Barbara Drexler

Diana Jordan Dublin

Barbara Dunn

Mary Lou Enrietto

Ryan Estatico

Robert Faulkner

Susan Fischer

Carey Fittipaldo

Pat Flannery

Gloria Fortunato

Zachary Fowler

Alice Fox

Robert Fritz

Sean Gallagher

Jeri Gardner

Glynis Gilliand

Karen Godwin

Betty Grillo

Dolly Grimes

Lucy Guskey

Evelyn Haenig

Terry Hagerty

Sydney Hawk

Peggy Helstern

Matthew Holland

Karen Hughes

Bennett Huibregste

Wayne Isenberg

Patti Kaley

Greg Katanick

David Kearns

Jennifer Kennedy

Karen Knepp

Joan Knock

Edna Koczaja

Jeff Kollar

Elma Koszarsky

Debbie Kovach

Stephen Kretchun

Ted Krzywiecki

Chris Larson

Tammy Lechliter

Gary Lee

Jean Lemesh

Pamela Lenart

Mikey Lento

Norman Leonard

Andrea Littlejohn

Mary Lloyd

Michael H. Locke

Ted Long

Olivia Longo-


Millie Lueckert

David Lynch

Jerry Majcher

Janet Maker

Melanie Maksin

David Martin

Sandy Mason

Peg Massimino

Elaine Matthews

Mann Mary


Brian McFeeley

Stephanie McKeel



Matthew Milanak

Mary Miklaucic

Patricia Milito

Eve Minutello

Lois Misitis

Mariam Mollick

Mark Montagna

David Murphy

Kathy Murphy

John P. Nardei

Ben Nelson

Pastor Bruce


Meghan O’Brien

Emma O’Malley

Kevin O’Toole

Heather Orient

Destiny Otricelli

Dorothy Paganini

Steven Page

Tom Paholsky

Madison Palivoda

Leo Pancari, Jr.

John A. Pelusi

Jean Pelusi-Terpack

Robert Perella

Mary Ann Peters

MaryLou Petronsky

Glena Phillips

Jim Podobnik

James Porter

Janice Preselac

Chad Pruchnitzky

Sydney Pugliese



Trish Reese

Brandi Richter

Diane Roach

Karen Roemer

Jean Romano

Mary Rosato

Julie Ross

Josephine Rossi

Karen Scurich

Kathy Sicilia

Melissa Sill

Joey Sisca

Mary Lou Skalniak

Jean Souza

Kathryn Story

Conrad Sutanto

Bob Sweeney

Georgette Swisher

Robert J. Terpack

Deacon Len


Brayden Tilley

Rachel Tome

Dino Trimble

Joseph Trombetta

Sr. Lorilee Ufolla

Mike VanBibber

Theresa Vock

James Vokoun

Nancy Walker

Nancy Wanko

Ursula Wauthier

Greg Wensell

Robert Wingo

Jacob Winlow

Anne Wisbar

Barbara Wood

Amanda Wyandt

Isabella Yakos

Margaret Zelinsky

John Zollars

Please remember in your prayers the sick, suffering, and

housebound of our parish community

We extend our condolences to the

family of Nicole (Krek) Kelly who

was buried from St. Barbara Parish.

May she rest in peace in the kingdom

of God. May her family and friends

know the faithfulness of Christ’s love.

Our Parish welcomes Gianna Rae

Chaybin, daughter of James and

Kayla (Nuccetelli) Chaybin to our faith

community through the Sacrament of

Baptism. May she continue to grow in

God’s love as she shares the gift of

life God has given to her with family

and friends.

Prayer Warriors

Phone 412-221-3233Broniak and KrafFlower Shop And Greenhouses“Flowers For All Occasions”

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Donald McFarland, D.O.Nicolette E. Chiesa, M.D., F.A.C.P.

PPCP Chartiers Valley Medical Center1168 Washington Pike • Bridgeville, PA

412.257.2050 • f: 412.257.1157

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David V. Glorioso, M.D. Lisa A. Oliva, D.O. David L. Limauro, M.D. Xuong Lu, M.D. Mark A. Cedar, D.O. Robert Pagano, M.D. Nicholas A. Bellicini, D.O. Theresa Schuerle, D.O. www.pghgastro.com • Colon Cancer Screenings Available

Wills, Estate Administration, Corporate FormationContact: Wayne M. Chiurazzi

[email protected]


Coleman - TaylorFuneral Services

Cecil, PA 15321 724-745-9510John W. Taylor, Funeral Director

1269 Washington PikeBridgeville, PA

(412) 221-7010www.gallinaandsons.com

PJ’sDeli ~ Bakery ~ Catering700 Bower Hill Road, Bridgeville, PA 15017

Phone 412-257-4944www.pjbakery.com

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Mary Kay Petrini, ParishionerPh: 412-220-9509C: 412-999-0035

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David A. WarcholOwner - Supervisor


Bob LongoAdmin. Asst.


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Dr. John K. GregoryOptometrist


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3-P-4-2 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.4lpi.com 14-0673

Michael Kirby, Owner & Parishioner724-749-4523 • [email protected]

Fred Demsherowner

[email protected] DRIVE -

THRU SERVICE5237 Thoms Run Road

Presto PA 15142

ZEMENCIK FAMILY DENTAL JAMES F. ZEMENCIK, D.M.D. (412) 221-7616 MICHELLE HAJA ZEMENCIK, D.M.D. (412) 221-7662 528 Washington Ave., Bridgeville PA 15017 New Patients Welcome Evening Appointments Available Let Our Family Provide Your Family’s Dental Care

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