1 st Annual International Conference on Law, Business and Economic Research Dubai, UAE April 13-14, 2018 ISBN:978-969-670-881-1

st Annual International Conference on Law, Business and ... · Dr. Eiman Amin Mahmoud AbdAllah* In all of man’s history, there are legends of different unprecedented tyrants, and

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Page 1: st Annual International Conference on Law, Business and ... · Dr. Eiman Amin Mahmoud AbdAllah* In all of man’s history, there are legends of different unprecedented tyrants, and

1st Annual International Conference on Law,Business and Economic Research

Dubai, UAEApril 13-14, 2018ISBN:978-969-670-881-1

Page 2: st Annual International Conference on Law, Business and ... · Dr. Eiman Amin Mahmoud AbdAllah* In all of man’s history, there are legends of different unprecedented tyrants, and


First Annual International Conference on Law, Business and EconomicResearch

April 13-14, 2018Best Western Premier, Deira Hotel



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TABLE OF CONTENTSDisclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5HOST COMMITTEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Chair’s Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Program at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8List of Conference Attendees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10THEME: BUSINESS MANAGEMENT & SOCIAL SCIENCES . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Overview of the Statutory Prohibition of Market Manipulation in Zimbabwe . . 13George Orwell’s Idea of Power and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 14Salient Factors That Influence Mens Purchasing Intentions of Male Cosmetics:

An Empirical Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15International Conference on Advance Research Methods Techniques in Eco-

nomics, Business and Social Science (RTEBS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Income Redistribution from a Proposed UAE-South Korea Free Trade Agreement 17Measuring the Impact of Non-Farm Activities on Rural Household Welfare . . . 18Practices and Challenges in Managing Curriculum Implementation by Female

School Heads in South Africa and Zimbabwe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19DETAILS ABOUT OUR FUTURE EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20


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These abstracts are provided to all the honourable participants who have submit-ted their papers and are registered in our conference. Committee has made all thepossible efforts to ensure precise/accurate replication of abstracts however if anyinaccuracies found in the studies, event organisers will not be liable. Thank You.

Copyright c⃝ 2018 Vertex Research Society.

All rights are reserved. Permission is granted for personal and educational use only.Commercial copying, hiring and lending is prohibited. The whole or part of thispublication material cannot be reproduced, reprinted, translated, stored or trans-mitted, in any form or means, without the written permission of the publisher. Thepublisher and authors have taken care that the information and recommendationscontained herein are accurate and compatible with the generally accepted standardsat the time of publication. The individual essays remain the intellectual propertiesof the contributors.

Head Office Address:

Address: Flat 405. Al Razouki Exch. Building Mowaihat 2, Ajman, UAEEmail: [email protected]


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Vertex Research Society is a forum for dedicated to development of society throughresearch. A major goal and feature of the conference is to bring scholars, profes-sionals, and government agencies together to exchange and share their experiencesand research results about the challenges and proposal on the development of soci-ety. More importantly this conference will serve as a platform to disseminate researchfindings and a catalyst to promote innovation. VRS would be proved as a key factor inthe transformation of the e-learning field. Through our well established conferences,opportunities of quality learning, and strategies for individual and institutional suc-cess we have proven to be a part of this rapid growth.


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Dr. Balachandar S. Sayapathi (PHD)Conference ChairEmail: [email protected]

Mr. Muhammad Zahid Khan Muham-mad YounisConference ExecutiveEmail: [email protected]


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Chair’s Welcome

We are delighted to welcome you to the International Conference on ”Challenges & Opportunities inEconomics, Management and Multidisciplinary Social Sciences Perspective”, taking place in ”Dubai,UAE”, from ”16-17 March”.Education, in our contemporary world, is a right since we are born. Every experience has a for-mative effect on the constitution of the human being, in the way one thinks, feels and acts. Oneof the most important contributions resides in what and how we learn through the improvement ofeducational processes, both in formal and informal settings. Our International Conference seeksto provide some answers and explore the processes, actions, challenges and outcomes of learning,teaching and human development. Our goal is to offer a worldwide connection between teachers,students, researchers and lecturers, from a wide range of academic fields, interested in exploringand giving their contribution in the field of research. We take pride in having been able to connectand bring together academics, scholars, practitioners and others interested in a field that is fertilein new perspectives, ideas and knowledge. We counted on an extensive variety of contributors andpresenters, which can supplement our view of the human essence and behavior, showing the impactof their different personal, academic and cultural experiences. This is, certainly, one of the reasonswe have many nationalities and cultures represented, inspiring multi-disciplinary collaborative links,fomenting intellectual encounter and development.

We would like to express thanks to all the authors and participants, the members of the academicscientific committee, our media partners and, of course, to our organizing and administration teamfor making and putting this conference together.Hoping to continue the collaboration in the future.

Dr. Balachandar S. Sayapathi (PhD)Conference Chair Person


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Program at a Glance

DAY 1st Friday (April 13, 2018)

Welcome Reception & Registration

09:00 - 09:10 am

09:10 am - 09:20 am Opening Ceremony

09:20 am - 09: 40 am

Introduction of Participants

Dr. Balachandar S. Sayapathi

Welcome Remarks

09:40 am - 09:50 am Group Photo Session

Grand Networking & Tea Break (09:50 10:00 am)


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DAY 01 Friday (April 13, 2018) - Track 001: Business Management & Social Sciences

Session 1 (10:00 am - 11:30 am)

Venue: Best Western Premier, Deira Hotel

PBSH-APRIL-102 Salient Factors That Influence Mens Purchasing Intentionsof Male Cosmetics: An Empirical Study

Brian J. Quarles

DBS-348-102 George Orwell’s Idea of Power and the Universal Declara-tion of Human Rights

Dr. Eiman AminMahmoud AbdAl-lah

CLBER-101 Overview of the Statutory Prohibition of Market Manipula-tion in Zimbabwe

Assoc. Prof. Dr.Howard Chitimira

CLBER-104 Challenges of Trade Services by Banks: Bangladesh Per-spective

Shah Md AhsanHabib

CLBER-109 Practices and Challenges in Managing Curriculum Imple-mentation by Female School Heads in South Africa andZimbabwe

Alfred H. Makura

CLBER-126 Income Redistribution from a Proposed UAE-South KoreaFree Trade Agreement

Hugo Toledo

CLBER-120 Measuring the Impact of Non-Farm Activities on RuralHousehold Welfare

Kien T. Le

Lunch Break (11:30am - 12:00pm)


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List of Conference Attendees

The following scholars/ practitioners/educationists who dont have any paperpresentation, however they will attend the conference as delegates & observers.

No Official ID Name Affiliation Details

1 DBM-348-101 Mohamed Mmadoh Mo-hamed Elgack

IMC (International Medical Center) Jeddah,KSA


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DAY 02 Saturday (April 14, 2018)

Whether visiting from overseas or interstate, delegates and guests are free todiscover Dubai, UAE and its surrounds by their own (Optional).


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Annual International Conference on Law,Business and Economic Research



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Annual International Conference on Law,Business and Economic Research

Overview of the Statutory Prohibition of Market Manipulation in Zimbabwe

Assoc. Prof. Howard Chitimira*

The paper provides a synoptical evaluation of the statutory prohibition of market manipulation inZimbabwe under the Securities Act 17 of 2004 [Chapter 24:25] as amended (Securities Act) and otherrelevant legislation. This is primarily done to explore the adequacy of the anti-market manipula-tion provisions that are contained in Securities Act. Moreover, the available penalties, enforcementapproaches and the effectiveness of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe (SECZ)in the enforcement of the anti-market manipulation prohibition in Zimbabwe under the SecuritiesAct are discussed. Accordingly, the paper investigates whether the SECZ and other relevant enforce-ment authorities are effectively and consistently enforcing the anti-market manipulation prohibitionto combat illicit market manipulation activities in the Zimbabwean financial markets. Furthermoreand where applicable, possible anti-market abuse enforcement approaches and/or other relevantmeasures that enhance the curbing of market manipulation practices in the Zimbabwean financialmarkets are provided.

Keywords: Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe, Market Abuse, Market Manipula-tion, Regulation, Enforcement.

*North West University, South Africa.Email: [email protected], [email protected]


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Annual International Conference on Law,Business and Economic Research

George Orwell’s Idea of Power and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Dr. Eiman Amin Mahmoud AbdAllah*

In all of man’s history, there are legends of different unprecedented tyrants, and merciless emperors,corrupted with the thirst for ultimate power. Rising to power is a part of any human being. Psy-chologically, it has been decided that man likes power; physical power, economical power, and alsospiritual power. He believes that power, leads to happiness which is the eternal goal of any humanbeing, and forgets that power is the seed of all sufferings in the world, because of its misapplication.Feeling powerful gives anyone a certain feeling of supremacy, which turns gradually to be a feeling oftyranny. The question here: Is tyranny an instinct? Is man (by nature) a cruel dictator to his fellowmen? According to a Latin proverb ”man to man is a wolf ”. It means that all of us are wolves andwe are all cruel tyrants, waiting for the chance. In all of the old civilizations, the captives becameslaves immediately, receiving the worst treatment. George Orwell (1903-1950), realized all those factsvery early, and I dare say that he is considered one of the pioneers and foresighted intellectuals, whocalled for human rights many years before the advent of the ”Universal Declaration of Human Rights”on the 10th, December, 1948. He introduced the right of equality and freedom through the idea of”power corruption” in his great novel ”Animal Farm”(1945). It is considered a prophecy for what hadhappened in Russia (1992), and what is happening in our world today.

Keywords: George Orwell, Human Rights Declaration, Animal Farm.

*English Language Department- Faculty of Arts Assiut University, Egypt.Email: [email protected]


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Annual International Conference on Law,Business and Economic Research

Salient Factors That Influence Mens Purchasing Intentions of MaleCosmetics: An Empirical Study

Brian J. Quarles1*, Han-Chiang Ho2, Somkiat Mansumitrchai3

While previous studies have primarily analyzed the impact of only one behavioral attitudinal construct(i.e., intention to buy) on mens purchasing behavior of male cosmetics, this study has critically ex-amined the impact of two additional behavioral attitudinal constructs: utilitarian value and hedonicvalue. This study tested if hedonic value and utilitarian vale positively influence mens intentions toperform a particular behavior (i.e., intention to purchase male cosmetics). This study mediated thethree behavioral constructs with the four independent variables of facial attractiveness, male identityreflection, health care, and product reliability. The findings confirm that a strong correlation existsbetween utilitarian and hedonic values and mens intentions to purchase male cosmetics. That is,mens motivation to buy male cosmetics is affected by their hedonic and utilitarian values directlyand the four independent variables indirectly.

Keywords: Male cosmetics, Hedonic value, Utilitarian value, Intention to buy.

1, 2, 3Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management, College of Business and Public Management, Wenzhou-Kean University, Daxue Rd, Wenzhou, China.Email: [email protected]


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Annual International Conference on Law,Business and Economic Research

International Conference on Advance Research Methods Techniques inEconomics, Business and Social Science (RTEBS)

Prof. Fernando Zanella*

The literature visibly recognizes a relationship between financial development and economic growth,but the nature and importance of this connection is far from clear. The research objective is to testthe relationship by splitting the countries in sub-groups that holds a particular common specificitysuch as Income level, legal system roots, competitiveness level, and new business entry rate. Theempirical test employed, granger causality test, indicates that financial development tends to causeeconomic growth for countries with higher levels of income and competitiveness. Reverse causality,i.e., from economic growth to financial development, bi-causality or no causality had shown mixedresults when countries were split by legal system and new business entry rate.

Keywords: Financial Development; Entry Rate; Legal Systems.

Dept. of Economics and Finance, CBE United Arab Emirates UniversityEmail: [email protected]


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Annual International Conference on Law,Business and Economic Research

Income Redistribution from a Proposed UAE-South Korea Free TradeAgreement

Hugo Toledo*

Background and Problem Statement The growing commercial relationship between the UAE andSouth Korea is evident. Non-oil trade between the UAE and South Korea has grown significantlyover the last decade reaching USD 22 billion in 2011, up by almost 16% relative to USD 19 billionin 2010. UAE exports to South Korea toped USD 14.8 billion in 2011 representing a 21.3 percentincreased relative to the previous year. The problem, however, is that while free trade benefits societybroadly, losses are concentrated. The link between international trade, output prices and incomeredistribution has been based on the well-known Hecksher-Ohlin (H-O) model of trade. The relation-ship between trade and wages is embodied in the Stolper-Samuelson (1941) Theorem and its gener-alizations that trade-induced output price changes have a magnification effect of factor prices andwages. Abundant factors gain while scarce factors lose from more free trade. Research Objectives andMethodology,The objective of this paper is to estimate the potential impact of a proposed UAE-SouthKorea FTA on income redistribution across labor groups in the UAE using the Specific Factors modelof production and trade. The factor payment matrix from which factor shares and industry sharesare derived is built using 2012-2014 data. Preliminary Results and Conclusion Preliminary findingssuggest that an FTA between the UAE and South Korea could have a significant negative impact onwages in the UAE labor market as a result of limited labor mobility. An inflexible labor immigrationsystem known as the khafala limits labor mobility and commits foreign workers to work only for theirresidence visa sponsor (usually a business). To change jobs, the current visa sponsor must agree to arequest from the worker to release him/her from the sponsorship, a request which if it is not denied,it is often a lengthy process. In addition, a new employer must agree on becoming the new residentvisa sponsor. In extreme cases, workers must leave the UAE for a minimum of 6 months before theyare allowed to return. This kind of policy imposes high transaction costs on foreign workers and as aresult limits their mobility in the UAE labor market. This preliminary finding has important implica-tions for domestic labor policy given than 90% of workers in the private sector are non- UAE nationals.

Keywords: UAE, South Korea, Free Trade, Income Redistribution

*American University of Sharjah, UAEEmail:[email protected]


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Annual International Conference on Law,Business and Economic Research

Measuring the Impact of Non-Farm Activities on Rural Household Welfare

Kien T. Le*

The rural non-farm sector has grown rapidly and became an important source of income for ruralhouseholds in developing countries. Various studies have attempted to measure the impact of thissector on household welfare (e.g., household income, poverty and inequality). Unlike previous studieswhich estimate the household income function to measure the impact, we start by estimating theprojection function for farm income and then use this function in a simulation to measure the im-pact. When applied to a sample of Vietnamese farmers, we find that households anywhere along theincome distribution benefit from non-farm activities but lower income households benefit more thanupper income households, suggesting a pro-poor and pro-equality feature of non-farm activities inVietnam.

Keywords: Agricultural Households, Non-farm Income, Farmers, Rural Vietnam

*SESRI, Qatar University, QatarEmail:[email protected]


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Annual International Conference on Law,Business and Economic Research

Practices and Challenges in Managing Curriculum Implementation by FemaleSchool Heads in South Africa and Zimbabwe

Prof Alfred H. Makur*

This comparative study investigated curriculum management and implementation practices and thechallenges being faced by some female primary school heads in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Thestudy attempted to establish the extent to which subordinate teachers and the female heads them-selves perceived issues and challenges in managing curriculum implementation in school heads questto improve learning. The research adopted a quantitative research design, where descriptive surveywas employed. A randomly selected sample of ten female school heads and forty teachers from bothcountries was used. Two self constructed questionnaires were used to collect data. The research re-sults showed that, though female primary school heads perceive themselves as effective and confidentin managing curriculum implementation, teachers perceive them as weak in managing curriculumimplementation. Good management practices were as perceived as impacting positively on learning.Their major challenges women school leaders face are cross-national and emanate from lack of re-sources, cooperation, support from teachers and the community. Despite these challenges, femaleleaders were found to be resourceful in improving learning and their schools. Very few workshops inservice programmes have not be initiated to enrich female heads on the areas they are perceived to beweak, especially curriculum evaluation. The paper calls for more interactive meetings between andamong teachers, the department of education and female school leaders to improve decision makingand curriculum management and implementation in respective schools.

Keywords: Female School Heads, Curriculum, Challenges, Management, South Africa, Zimbabwe

*Central University of Technology, South AfricaEmail: [email protected]


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